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FIRST YEAR CHAPTER-07 d) None 10. The endospore formation in Nostoc occur during a) Favorable season b) Unfavorable season c) Both a&b d) None QUESTION NO. ANSWER KEY 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B 1. Water mold (Oomycotes) is a pathogenic organism and causes (a) Late blight of potato (b) Fire bight of potato (c) Slime mold (d) None 2. Protozoa are generally single cellular and they are grouped according to (a) Mode of nutrition (b) Mode of locomotion (c) Morphology (d) Mode of reproduction 3. The time takes by a parasite before it appears in the blood is called (a) Sporulation (b) Gentangium (c) Incubation (d) All 4. During malaria, body temperature may rise up to 1060F (a) True (b) False QUESTION NO. ANSWER KEY

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER-07 1. 2. 3. 4.

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes FUNGI: A kingdom of mostly multicellular organisms which were previously classified in plants due to presence of cell wall, absence of centrioles and sessile nature. The fungi were later on separated from plants because they don’t have chlorophyll and their cell wall has chitin instead of pectin. MYCELIUM: The body of fungi is called hyphae. There are three branches in it which are Rhizoid (root like), Stolon (Stem like) and Sporangiospore (flower like). ABSORPTIE HETEROTROPH: Fungi are called absorptive heterotrophs because they can not ingest food but can absorb it. PARASITIC FUNGI: A group of fungi which obtain food from host and harm it. SYMBIOTIC FUNGI: A group of fungi which get their food from living host and gives him benefit. SAPROPHYTIC FUNGI: A group of fungi which depend on dead organisms. They are also called decomposers. LICHEN: A symbiotic association between fungi, blue green algae and green algae. The fungi get food and algae get protection form sunlight and desiccation. PREDATOR FUNGI: Group of fungi which live as predator on nematodes (round worms). E.g. Oyster mushroom MYCORRHIZAE: Association between fungi and roots of vascular plants. The fungi get food and plants get nutrients from soil with the help of fungi. SPORANGIOSPORE: A method of asexual reproduction in which fungi produces spores inside sporangium.

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes CONIDIA FORMATOIN: A kind of asexual reproduction in which the conidiophores hypha is made. Here the spores are made out side of sporangium. SPORANGIA: A capsule like structure made on the stalk of sporangiospore hyphae. Here spores are formed. FRAGMENTAITON: A very simple type of asexual reproduction in which broken pieces of fungal hypha can grow into full fungi. BUDDING: A kind of asexual reproduction, in which organism form an out growth. On maturation, buds separate and mother organism makes new buds and does not dies as result of budding. PLASMOGAMY: Fusion of cytoplasm of 2 fungi is called plasmogamy KARYOGAMY: Fusion of nuclei of 2 fungi. It occurs after plasmogamy DIKARYOTIC FUNGI: A fungal hypha which carries nuclei of 2 separate fungi. Here nuclei do not fuse for log time. This condition is also called Heterrokaryotic ZYGOMYCOTA: A smallest group of 600 species of fungi, which lack septa. They reproduce asexually by sporangiospore process and make zygospores during sexual reproduction. E.g. Rhizopus ASCOMYCOTA: A group of 30,000.00 species of fungi which reproduce asexually by Conidia formation and make ascus during sexual formation. E.g. ASCUS: A reproductive structure made by ascomycota fungi. Here zygote is formed during sexual reproduction

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes YEAST: Single cellular fungi of Ascomycota group. They do not reproduce sexually and perform budding during asexual reproduction. They are used in making backing power and fermentation of fruit sugar to produce wine etc. BASIDIOMYCOTA: Group of 16,000.00 fungi which produce basidium as reproductive structure, where 40 million spores may be produced only in one doom. E.g. Mush room. AGRACUS COMPESTRIS: Species of food fungi, which is grown in 70 different countries of the world as crop. DSUTEROMYCOTA: A group of fungi commonly called imperfect fungi. They have lost ability of sexual reproduction. And can do genetic recombinati0on only. PARA-SEXUALITY: A reproductive method in which imperfect fungi recombine their DNAs ASPERGILUS FUNGI: A highly important fungi which causes Aspergilosis. It is a disease in which fungal spores settle down in lungs and ears. MONILIASIS: A highly pathogenic fungi, which causes infection in gums (particularly in those who eat sweets and do not wash teeth). AFLATIXIN: A poison produced by Aspergilus fungi. It may cause cancer ERGOTISM: A disorder of digestive system caused by fungal infected bread. TRUE FUNGI Fungi with cell wall (Eumycophyta) FALSE FUNGI Fungi without cell wall (myxomycophyta)

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes HYPHAE One of the three branches in fungal body MYCELIUM Whole body of Rhizopus fungi RHIZOID It refers to hypha, which absorbs organic matter. This is equal of roots in plants STOLON It refers to a hypha, which remains over ground and support fungi. This is equal of stem in plants SPORANGIOSPORE A reproductive hypha, which grows erect. This is equal of flower in plants SPORANGIUM The swollen part of reproductive hypha in which spores are produced SEPTATE FUNGI A fungus having segments on hyphae UNSEPTATE FUNGI Fungi without segments COLMULLA The lower part of sporangium. It is made of fat and plays role in reproduction GAMETANGIUM Union between two different hyphae

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes PROMYCELIUM First hyphae, which develop from zygospore YEAST The one and only single cellular fungi. It is commonly used as baking powder in baking cakes CHLOROMYCETIN NEOMYCIN TERRAMYCIN All are antibiotics made from fungi

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes PRACTICE SHEET TEST-01 The fungi were classified with plants because (a) They have cell wall (b) They are sessile © They are autotroph (d) Both a&b 2. Fungi are heterotrophic by ingestion. A) True B) False 3. Fungal cells have _____. A. DNA in a nucleus B. chloroplasts C. cellulose in their cell walls D. all of the above 4. Fungi are multicellular _____. A. prokaryotes B. eukaryotes 5. Some fungi and bacteria act as _____ and keep chemicals cycling through the ecosystems. A. producers B. consumers C. decomposers D. pollinators 6. Which of the following involves members of the kingdom Fungi?

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes A. athlete's foot B. LSD C. beer D. all of the above 7. All fungi are multicellular. a) True b) False 8. Human fungal diseases include _____. A. ringworm B. toxoplasmosis C. yeast infection D. both A and C 9. Fungi _____. A. are nonmotile B. lack basal bodies C. never have flagella D. all of the above 11. Fungal cells have a cell wall containing _____. A. cellulose B. chitin C. peptidoglycan D. glycogen 13. Fungi reproduce _____. A. sexually B. asexually C. both A and B 14. A fungal hypha that contains paired haploid nuclei is _____. A. dimorphic B. a dicotyledon

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes C. a dinoflagellate D. dikaryotic 15. Asexual reproduction of fungi _____. A. can occur by fragmentation B. usually involves the production of spores by a single mycelium C. can occur by budding in yeast D. all of the above 16. during sexual reproduction hyphae from two different mating types fuse. True False 18. Non-septate fungi _____. A. are multinucleated B. have cross walls in their hyphae C. both A and B 19. The energy reserve of fungi is _____. A. starch B. cellulose C. glycogen D. chitin 23. Fungi that live on the tissues of living plants and animals are _____. A. parasites B. saprotrophic decomposers 24. Fungi that infect plants are of huge economic impact. True False 26. The body of most fungi is a multicellular structure known as a _____. A. mycelium B. lichen

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes C. mycorrhizae D. hypha 27. There are no fungi that _____. A. are parasites B. decompose dead tissue C. do photosynthesis D. reproduce sexually 31. Originally fungi were classified as plants. True False 38. In Rhizopus the hyphae are specialized for various purposes. True False 42. Rhizopus rhizoids _____. A. carry out digestion B. grow into the bread C. anchor the mycelium D. all of the above 43. The haploid capsule that produces spores in Rhizopus is called a _____. A. conidiospore B. sporangium C. zygospore D. basidium 44. The Rhizopus hyphae of opposite mating types are termed male and female. True False 45. In Rhizopus _____ are horizontal hyphae that exist on the surface of your bread.

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes A. stolons B. rhizoids C. sporangia D. zygospores 46. Which of the following is most likely to prevent you from enjoying a sandwich? A. Penicillium B. powdery mildew C. Rhizopus D. truffles 51. Yeast is unicellular fungi. True False 56. Yeasts reproduce _____. A. sexually B. asexually by budding C. asexually by mitosis D. all of the above 59. Yeasts are used by humans _____. A. to make bread B. for genetic engineering experiments C. to make beer and wine D. all of the above 66. Cereal crops like corn, wheat, oats and rye are parasitized by club fungi called _____. A. smuts B. rusts C. both A and B 73. Poisonous fungi are all classified as basdiomycota. True False

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes 74. A(n) _____ fungus is the source of the antibiotic penicillin. A. club B. sac C. imperfect D. none of the above 75. Imperfect fungi reproduce _____. A. asexually B. sexually C. both A and B 76. Which of these human diseases is caused by an imperfect fungus? A. athlete's foot. B. thrush C. ringworm D. all of the above 78. Lichens are a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a _____. A. green algae B. cyanobacteria C. both A and B 79. Photosynthesis is done by the _____ component of lichen. A. plant B. fungus C. cyanobacterium D. both A and C 80. A mutualistic relationship between soil fungi and plants' roots is called a _____. A. mycorrhizae B. conidiophores C. lichen D. fruiting body

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes CHAPTER 8 TEST – 1 QUESTION NO. ANSWER KEY 26) 1) 2) 27) 3) 4) 28) 5) 6) 29) 7) 8) 30) 9) 10) 31) 11) 12) 32) 13) 14) 33) 15) 16) 34) 17) 18) 35) 19) 20) 36) 21) 22) 37) 23) 24) 38) 25) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51)

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes 52) 67) 53) 68) 54) 69) 55) 70) 56) 71) 57) 72) 58) 73) 59) 74) 60) 75) 61) 76) 62) 77) 63) 78) 64) 79) 65) 80) 66)

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes TEST-02 FUNGI 1. Previously fungi were regarded as plants because of having lacking centrioles, being non-motile and having (a) Cell wall (b) Chlorophyll (c) Multinucleated cell (d) None 2. A single mycelium may produce up to a kilometer hyphae in only (a) 1 day (b) 2 days (c) 3 days (d) All 3. When a fungi directly absorbs organic food material from others, it is called (a) Rhizoid (b) Absorptive heterotroph (c) Saprophyte (d) None 4. A saprophytic fungi decomposes (a) Living organic matter (b) Dead organic matter (c) Both (d) None 5. Parasitic fungi absorb the nutrients directly from the living host by (a) Haustoria (b) Rhizoid (c) Both (d) None

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes 6. When a fungi grows only on their living host and can not grown on available culture, they are called (a) Parasitic (b) Obligate parasite (c) Saprophytic (d) Facultative parasite 7. When a fungi grows on their living host as well as can grown on available culture, they are called (a) Parasitic (b) Obligate parasite (c) Saprophytic (d) Facultative parasite 8. Mutalistic association between certain fungi and green alga is termed as (a) Lichens (b) Mycorrhizae (c) Both (d) None 9. In Lichen type of association, the fungus protects its partner from strong sunlight, and (a) Desiccation (b) Pathogens (c) Both (d) None 10. Association between certain fungi and roots of vascular plants is termed as (a) Lichens (b) Mycorrhizae (c) Both (d) None 11. Candia is one form of yeast fungi which causes common vaginal infection (a) True (b) False

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes 12. A mushroom with a cap of 7.5 centimeters can produce ------million spores per hour (a) 20 million (b) 30 million (c) 40 million (d) Variable 13. One of the following is a toxin produced by aspergillus’s which causes cancer (a) Aflatoxin (b) Mycotoxin (c) Both (d) None 14. Ergotism is caused by eating bread made from a floor which is contaminated with purole ergot fungi (a) True (b) False 15. The world loss of fruits due to fugal attack is ---------per year (a) 15-50 % (b) 15- 60% (c) 14-40 % (d) Variable

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes NUMBER CORRECT OPTION 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 D 8 A 9 A 10 B 11 A 12 C 13 A 14 A 15 A

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes POSSIBLE MCQs 1. The fungi mostly reproduce by a) Spores b) Seeds c) Zoospores d) Isogametes 2. One of the following refers to true fungi a) Myxomycophyta b) Eumycophyta c) Myxophycae d) Mycophycae 3. The whole body of fungus is called a) Mycelium b) Promycelium c) Hypha d) Hyphae 4. The cell wall of fungus is made up of a) Cellulose b) Chitin c) Both a&b d) None 5. The suitable place where fungi prefer to grow is a) Dark moist places b) Dark places c) Moist places d) None 6. One of the following is not fungal disease a). Ringworm b). Athletes foot c). Blight of potato

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes d). Ascariasis 7. Fungi can reproduce in different ways a). Fission b). Spore formation c). Budding d). All of above 8. The aquatic fungi have flagella to become motile, the terrestial spores are dispersed by a). Wind b). Animals c). Both a&b d). None 9. Rhizopus is a common a). Saprophytic fungi b). Parasitic fungi c). Symbiotic fungi d). None 10. The rhizopus fungi reserve their food in the form of a). Starch b). Cellulose c) Glycogen particles d). All 11. The hypha that absorbs the organic matter is called a). Stolon b). Rhizoid c). Sporangium d). None 12. One of the following refers to reproductive branch of rhizopus a). Sporangiospore b). Sporangium c). Stolon

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes d). All 13. The inner dome shaped structure that bursts the wall of sporangium is called a). Mycelum b). Promycelium c). Columella d). All 14. The sexual way of reproduction in fungi is a). Spore formation b). Conjugation c). Budding d). All 15. The mushrooms that are poisonous are called a). Toadstool b). Death stool c). Yeast d). Both a&b 16. One of following is antibiotic taken from fungi a). Penicillin b). Chloromycetin c). Neomycin d). All of above KEYS 1A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. D

FIRST YEAR CHAPTER 08 First year Biology complete notes 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. D 15 D 16 D

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY First year Biology complete notes PLANTS PHANEROGAMS Flowering plants e.g. rose CRYPTOGAMS Non-flowering plants e.g. grasses ANGIOSPERMS Plants having seeds inside fruit e.g. lemon GYMNOSPERM Plants having open seed (no fruit) e.g. maize cone DICOT PLANTS Plants having two portions in seed e.g. gram seed MONOCOT PLANTS e.g. rice seed Plants having one part of seed CYCADE Group of gymnosperm plants which are very small in size with un-branched steam and compound leaf CONIFERS Group of gymnosperms, which are very large with branched stem and simple leaf MONOSTEALIC XYLEM Un-branched xylem PICNOXYLIC XYLEM A highly branched xylem

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY PTEREDOPHYTES Low level plants in which root, stem and leaf is clear BRYOPHYTA Low level plants in which whole plant look like leaf e.g. Ulva THALLOPHYTA Low level plant in which root, stem and leaf is not clear e.g. bacteria, virus etc STIGEOCLONIUM Simple algae found in fresh water ponds and lakes HETEROTRICHOUS Double branching system in Stigeoclonium NUTRITION Autotrophic ASEXUAL REP RODUCTION Through quadric-flagellated Zoospores SEXUAL REP RODUCTION Through bi-flagellated isogametes ULVA COMMON NAME Sea lettuce HABITAT Clifton and Manora in Karachi LIFE CYCLE First gametophyte than sporophyte ALTERNATION OF GENERATION When a plant breeds one generation asexually and other generation sexually HAPLOID CHROMOSOMES 13 DAPLOID CHROMOSOMES 26

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY MARCHANTIA HABITAT Moist places RHIZOIDS Hairy structures which absorb water AIR SACS Tiny pores through which gases exchange ASEXUAL REP RODUCTION Through gemma cups GEMMA CUPS Vegetative structures which grow on the mid rib of leaf. From them gemma are shed which grow into a new plant SEXUAL- REP Through anthridium and archgonium ALT GENERATIO VASCULAR PLANTS ALTERNATION OF GENERATION Present ANTARIDIUM Male reproductive part ARCHIGONIUM Female reproductive part. MAIN PLANT Sporophyte VASCULAR PLANTS Plants having phloem and xylem TRACHIOPHYTES Same as above

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY XYLEM A conducting vessel through which water is taken to leaves PHLOEM A vessel through which transportation of food occurs in plants TRACHEIDS Dead end of cells through which water passes easily SIEVE TUBES Important part of phloem, which receives food from, leaves and supply to other parts CATEGORY RHYNIA Oldest vascular plant SELAGNELLA GROUP Pteredophyta STATUS Fossil ALT GENERATION Present MAIN PLANT Sporophyte CATEGORY 700 species noted GROUP Bryophyte STATUS Available ALT GENERATION Present

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY MAIN PLANT Gametophyte ROOTS TAPE ROOTS Roots, which grow from radical of seed ADVENTETIOS ROOTS Root, which may grow from any parts PRIMARY ROOT Root that directly develop from radical of seed SECONDARY ROOTS Root that develop on primary root TERTIARY ROOTS Roots that develop on secondary roots ROOT CAP A cap that is present at the extreme end of primary root. Its main function is to protect root from microorganisms ROOT HAIRS Small delicate hairs found on the roots. They help in absorption of water from soil POSITIVELY GEOTROPIC Roots are positively geotropic because they grow towards earth NEGATIVELY PHOTOTROPIC Roots are negatively phototropic because they do not grow towards light STEM STEM An aerial part of plant that develop from plumule of germinating seed. Seeds are positively phototropic and negatively geotropic except for modified stem INTERNODE Space between two nodes on a stem MODIFIED STEM RHIZOME A type of underground modified stem which grows horizontal in earth e.g. Ginger

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY TUBER A type of underground modified stem which grows vertically in earth e.g. Potato BULB A type of underground modified stem that in which the stem gets bulb shape and gives long leaves towards air e.g. Onion TERMINAL BUD A bud, which grows in center AXILARRY BUD A bud that grows at the axil of leaf TUNICATED BULB A type of bulb in which arrangement of scales in concentric manner SCALY BULB each other at margin A type of onion in which leaves overlap CORM A type of under ground modified stem that grow vertically e.g. Colocasia STEM THORN A type of aerial modified stem in which the stem is converted into thorn e.g. Duranta LEAFY STEM An aerial modification of stem in which the stem is converted into leafy structure PHYLOCLADE A type of aerial modification of stem in which the stem is converted into spine. This modification helps in reduction of the rate of transpiration e.g. Opuntia CALDODE Modification of stem into scales or spines E.g. Asparagus BULBIL Modification of buds e.g. Wild onion LEAF LEAF AXIL The base of leaf where from it arise on branch STIPULE

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY A small bud, which develops in between, leaf axil and branch. Its main function is to store food material. In some plants stipule is absent in leaf, such leaves are called ex-stipulated leaves PETIOLE It is the stalk of leaf. It helps in the attachment of leaf to any branch or stem. When petiole is present, the leaf is called petiolated, while in some plants the leaf lacks petiole, than it is called non-petiolated leaf or sessile leaf SIMPLE LEAF venation is reticulated (un If there is single lamina on mid rib, the leaf is said simple. In simple leaf the type of arranged) COMPOUND LEAF If the lamina is divided on mid rib and one leaf is divided into small leaflets, the leaf is said to be compound. In compound leaf, the venation is parallel VENATION Arrangement of veins and veinlets in leaf is called venation MODIFIED LEAF LEAF SPINE It is modification of leaf into spines E.g. Opuntia PHYLLODE It is modification of petiole into leaf E.g. Australian Acacia SCALY LEAVES It is modification of leaves into scales. E.g. Onion FLOWER PEDICLE The tip of stalk on which flower grows THALAMUS The top of pedicle is swollen on which floral parts of plant grow PEDICILATE FLOWERS Flowers, which grow on pedicle SESSILE FLOWERS Flowers, which do not have pedicle SEPALS The green leaves in which the flower is closed before it opens

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY POLYSEPALOUS When sepals are free GAMOSEPALOUS When sepals are attached PETALS Colorful leaves of flower, which produces scent and attract insects for help in pollination POLYPETALOUS When petals are free GAMOPETALOUS When petals are attached PARIANTH A flower in which sepals and petals do not differ and form a single part of flower ANDROCIUM Male reproductive part in plants ANTHER The top swollen part of androcium. It contains pollen chambers, which contain pollen grains FILAMENT Stalk on which the anther is present POLYANDEROUS When stamen is free from each other GYNOCIUM Female reproductive part in plants MONOCARPILLARY FLOWER When only one carpe is present BICARPILARRY FLOWER When two carpel are present TRICARPILLARY FLOWER When three carpel are present APOCARPUS If there are more than one carpel and they are free SYNCARPUS When carpel is united

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY UNILOCULAR OVARY Ovary with one chamber MULTICOLULAR OVARY Ovary with many chambers PLACENTA The attachment of ovules with the wall of ovary PRACTICE SHEET TEST-O1 1. All plants are different than green algae in that they are (a) Modern (b) Terrestrial (c) Autotroph (d) None 2. One of the following protects plants from environmental damages (a) Sporopollenin (b) Lignin (c) Chitin (d) None 3. While classifying plants, phylum is replaced with (a) Group (b) Sect (c) Division (d) All 4. The main character of bryophytes is that they are (a) Vascular (b) Non-vascular (c) Aquatic (d) Terrestrial 5. Group of plants that first moved from water to land are (a) Tracheophytes (b) Bryophytes (c) Green algae (d) Blue green algae 6. Male parts in which bryophytes save their gametes is called (a) Anthridium (b) Archigonium (c) Anthridiospore (d) None 7. In lower plants (Bryophytes), the egg is fertilized in (a) Archigonium (b) Archegonia

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY (c) Both a&b (d) All 8. All bryophytes show (a) Isogamy (b) Anisogamy (c) Heteromorphic alternation of generation (d) Isomorphic alternation of generation 9. In bryophytes, the ------------------generation is dominant (a) Gametophyte (b) Sporophyte (c) Either (d) None 10. Since bryophytes produce antheridia and archegonia separately, hence they are called (a) Dioecious (b) Monecious (c) Both (d) None 11. In bryophytes, antridia mature early, and release anthrizoids which swim towards female. This mechanism is called (a) Polyandry (b) Protoandry (c) Both (d) None 12. Bryophytes are the first plants that moved to land, but they are still dependent on water due to (a) Nutrition (b) Reproduction (c) Photosynthesis (d) All 13. In order to conserve water, plants made cuticle around body surface. The cuticle is made of (a) Chitin (b) Lignin (c) Pollen (d) Cutin 14. One of the following structures are hair like and protect the sex organs from drying out (a) Paraphyses (b) Lactophyses (c) Morophyses (d) All 15. Tracheophytes are (a) Vascular (b) Nonvascular (c) May be both (d) None 16. Psilopsida lived --------–years ago and are found in fossil form (a) 395 years (b) 430 years © 400 years (d) None 17. Rhynia belongs to (a) Moses

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY (b) Ferns © Psilopsida (d) None 18. Rhynia plant was discovered as fossil. The most prominent structure in it is (a) Mid rib (b) Stomata © Both (d) None 19. Marchantia (Liverwort) is an example of ------------- (a) Hepaticae (b) Musci © Anthocerata (d) None 20. Hornwort (Anthocerata) is advance than all other bryophytes because they have (a) Chloroplast (b) Stomata © Meristem which keep on adding cells (d) Both a& d 20. Group of tracheophytes which only contains extinct species is called (a) Psilopsida (b) Lycopsida © Spermopsida (d) None 21. Sipolsida lack leaves. Therefore they perform their photosynthesis by another green part of body which is (a) Stem (b) Branches © Both a & b (d) None 22. ------------is one of the most primitive vascular plants which belong to group Pteridophyta (a) Psitolum (b) Rhynia (c) Mosses (d) Ferns 23. Rhynia was named after a village which is in (a) England (b) Wales © Ireland (d) Scotland 24. Most modern fern plants are Homosporous. This mean, they produce (a) alike spores (d) different spores © Both a&b (d) None 25. One of the following stages of fern plant is more or less heart shape (a) Sprorophyte (b) Gametophyte © Homosporus (d) Heterosporus 26. One of the following stages of fern plant can only survive in moisture (a) Gametophyte

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY (b) Sporophyte © Both a & b (d) None 27. The fern plant produce spores in structures called Sori. These sori are present at the lower side of leaves which are called (a) Sporophyll (b) gametophyll © Sporangia (d) Gamentangia 28. In fern plants, spores germinate to produce bisexual gametophyte plant called (a) Microthallus (b) Macrothallus © Prothallus (d) None

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY 29. The seed plants are the most dominant plants on earth. They are traditionally divided into 2 groups. One is Angiosperm and other is (a) Sporosperm (b) Gymnosperm © Megasperm (d) None 30. One of the following have nacked seed because ovule is not covered with ovary (a) Sporosperm (b) Gymnosperm © Megasperm (d) None 31. The first Gymnosperms appeared -----years ago (a) 350 (b) 450 © 250 (d) None 32. Body of many gymnosperms resembles with ferns, therefore for many years their fossils were considered as fossils of ferns (a) True (b) False 33. The best known group of gymnosperms is -------------. Their leaves are ever green and needle like (a) Conifers (b) Cycade (c) Cascade (d) None 34. Lycopodium belongs to lycopsida group of plants. It is homosporous because it produces same kind of spores. (a) True (b) False 35. Selaginella also belongs to Lycopsida group but it has ability to produce different types of spores in micro and mega sporangium (a) True (b) False 36. If a plant produce 2 different types of spores, such as Silaginella, the condition is called (a) Heterospory (b) Homospory (c) Homogamy (d) Heterogamy

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY CORRECT OPTION QUESTION NO. ANSWER KEY 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36)

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY FAMILY BRASSICACEAE QUIZ 1. Plants belonging to this family contain watery sap and produce pungent smell due to presence of a). Phosphorus b). Carotene c). Sulphur d). None 2. The flowers of this family show Radially symmetry so they are a). Actinomorphic b). Zygomorphic c). Both a&b d). None 3. This family has 6 stamen in flower, but four are visible and 2 are hidden behind so this these are called a). Tridinamus b). Tetradynamus c). Both a&b d). None 4. Ovary in this family is basically unilocular, but may look bilocular due to presence of false septum called a). Replum b). Septum c). Both a&b d). None 5. One of following does not belong to this family a). Potato b). Turnip c). Mustard d). Radish 6. Following part of this family are used as medicine a). Leaves b). Seeds c). Stem d). Flower 7. Cauliflower is made from a). Inflorescence

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY b). Root c). Stem d). Leaves 8. Following seed is very popular and used for massage and cooking a). Mustard seed oil b). Candytuft seed oil c). Both a&b d). None 9. One of the following in this family is not an ornamental flower a). Wall flower b). Candytuft c). Cabbage d). None 10. Stem in this family is mostly herbaceous, erect or some times reduced. The example of reduced stem is found in a). Radish b). Turnip c). Both a&b d). None

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY FAMILY SOLANACEAE QUIZ 1. In family SOLANACEAE, example of stem tuber is a. Tomato b. Bringal c. Potato d. None 2. In family SOLANACEAE, the number of sepals is 5 and all are gamosepalous which means a. Free b. Fuse c. Both d. None 3. Corolla in family SOLANACEAE is flask shaped, which means a. Epipetalous b. Infundibuliform c. Companulate d. All 4. If the stamen are attached with petals, they are called a. Epipetalous b. Polypetalous c. Both d. None 5. Stem is family SOLANACEAE is herbaceous, prickly and hairy a. True b. False 6. Atropa belladonna is famous for medicine a. Morphine b. Nicotine c. Atropine d. None 7. Nerve tonic is extracted from a. Cherry plant b. White cherry c. Both d. None 8. Nicotine is a potent poison and is available in a. Tobacco b. Bringal c. Tomato d. Potato 9. One of following is not included in family SOLANACEAE a. Potato b. Tomato c. Bringal

CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY d. Lemon 10. Type of fruit in family SOLANACEAE is a. Berry b. Drupe c. Pepo d. Pome Dr. A.G. Arijo Photocopying of this material is strictly not allowed

ANEES HUSSAIN Excellence in Education – Hyderabad CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY FAMILY FABACEAE QUIZ 1. Common name of FABACEAE is a. Mustard family b. Pea family c. Potato family d. All 2. Nitrifying bacteria are found in a. Roots b. Stem c. Leaf d. None 3. Number of stamen in androecium in FABACEAE is 10. 9 are united and 1 is free this is called a. Diadelphous b. Nenodelphous c. Both d. None 4. When ovary in flower is superior, the condition is called a. Perigynamous b. Hypogynamous c. Both d. None 5. The flowers in FABACEAE are bilaterally symmetrical, hence they are called a. Zygomorphic b. Actinomorphic c. Both d. None 6. Leaves is family FABACEAE are a. Pinately compound b. Palmately compound c. Both a&b d. None 7. Peanut oil may be converted into vegetable ghee when hydrogenated a. True b. False 8. Indian redwood plant is famous for providing bet timber a. True b. False 9. One of the following is not in family FABACEAE a. Red wood b. Peanut c. Sesbania d. Corm 10. Pulses are rich source of a. Carbohydrates Dr. A.G. Arijo Photocopying of this material is strictly not allowed

ANEES HUSSAIN Excellence in Education – Hyderabad CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY b. Lipids c. Proteins d. None Dr. A.G. Arijo Photocopying of this material is strictly not allowed

ANEES HUSSAIN Excellence in Education – Hyderabad CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY FAMILY POACEAE QUIZ 1. The stem in family POACEAE is rarely woody. It is mainly fistular which means a. Solid b. Hollow c. Both d. None 2. The inflorescence in family POACEAE is a. Capitulum b. Spike c. Typical raceme d. None 3. Plant families provide a. Food b. Fodder c. Both d. None 4. The simplest unit of classification is a. Genus b. Species c. Phylum d. None 5. One of the following is called father of classification a. Linneous b. Robert Whitaker c. Wiseman d. None 6. When sepals of any flower are fused, they are called a. Polysepalous b. Gamaosepalous c. Both d. None 7. When Branch of biology that deals with classification of plants and animals is called a. Phylotaxy b. Taxonomy c. Both d. None 8. Every individual plant belong to species and every species to a. Class b. Genus c. Family d. Phylum 9. The symbolic representation of various floral characters is called a. Floral Formula b. Floral Diagram Dr. A.G. Arijo Photocopying of this material is strictly not allowed

ANEES HUSSAIN Excellence in Education – Hyderabad CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY c. Both d. None 10. While classifying animals, division is replaced with a. Phylum b. Subphylum c. Genus d. Species Dr. A.G. Arijo Photocopying of this material is strictly not allowed

ANEES HUSSAIN Excellence in Education – Hyderabad CHAPTER-09 KINGDOM PLANTAE BIOLOGY Dr. A.G. Arijo Photocopying of this material is strictly not allowed

First year Biology complete notes CHAPTER 10 ANIMAL KINGDOM PORIFERA Multicellular animals having pores OSTIA The pores in the body are called ostia SPICULES The skeleton of sponges is made up of spicules CHANOCYES Special cells which make the body of porifera GEMMULE FORMATION Internal budding in sponges CNIDERIA Multicellular animals having coelom DIPLOBLASTIC Having two germ layers i.e Ectoderm and Encdoderm TENTACLES Finger like structures surrounding mouth. They help in capturing food. CENIDOBLAST Special cells which make the body of animals. The phylum is named after these cells. MESOGOELA Since the animals are diploblastic, so they do not have mesoderm. The mesoderm is converted into mesogloea. POLYP The sessile (attached) form of animal MEDUSA The motile (free swimming) form of animal

GASTROZOIDS Body parts which take food material GONOZOIDS Body parts which take part in reproduction DACTYLOZOIDS They are sensory parts POLYMORPHISM Animal which represents itself in more than one morphological form i.e sessile and motile CYNEA The largest jelly fish having 4 meter body diameter and 30 meters long tentacles PLANULA LARVAE The larvae of jelly fish PLATYHELMITHS Multicellular animals with fat body TRIPLOBLASTIC Animals having three germinal layers. i.e. ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm CESTODES Animals having segmented body.e.g. Tapeworm COELOMATES Animals having true body cavity e.g. Hydra A-COELOMATE Animals having no coelom.e.g. Tapeworm PSEUDOCOELOMATES Animals having false coelom.e.g. Ascaris FLAME CELLS Special cells which help in excretion PROTONEPHRIDIA Refers to flame cells NEPHRIDIOPORES Pores on body surface where from waste products are removed OSMOREGULATION The removal of extra amount of water from body. This mechanism is must for water animals. TURBELLARIA A class of free living platyhelminths.e.g. Planaria TREMATODA A class of parasitic flukes.e.g. Liver fluke FASCIOLA HEPATICA Biological name of liver fluke, which cause Fascioliasis disease in sheep and goat. ROGLOTTIDS The segments of tape worm etc.

NEMATODES Multicellular rounded animals SPECIES 10,000 Species are identified PSEUDOCOELOM Having false cavity ASCARIS A popular parasite of children intestine ANNELIDA A phylum of segmented worms SEPTA Internal division of body SOMITES Segments of body METAMERES Same as above HOMONOMOUS METAMERISM Similar shape of segments as in Earthworm HETERONOMOUS METAMERISM Different shape of segments as in arthropods SETAE Small holes at the base of body with which the earth worm grips with earth. They help in locomotion HYDROSTATIC SKELETON A type of skeleton made of fluids CLOSED CIRCULATORY SYST A system in which blood in vessels NEPHRIDIA A tube which helps in excretion TROCHOPHORE LARVAE Larvae of annelids NERIES The only annelid with legs called parapodia LEECH The medicinal animal in this phylum. It is used to suck the diseased blood MOLLUSCA Animals which are mostly covered with shell GIANT SQUIDS

The largest invertebrate animals SCAPHOPODA A typical type of shell which is called tooth shell PEARL Formation of pearl due to calcium carbonate material from epithelial layer SIPHON Part of foot used for locomotion ARTHROPODA Phylum of animals with jointed body and legs EXOSKELETON formed by chitin protein The skeleton found on body surface. It is mainly HAEMOCOEL The colorless blood in arthropods SPIRACLES Openings on body where from gases exchange takes place. Spiracles help in respiration TRACHIA The wide tubes which act as lungs in insects BOOK LUNGS Same as above TRACHIOLES The branches of trachea which distribute oxygen to whole body MELPIGHIAN TUBULES The structures present at the junction of mid gut and hindgut. They help in excretion TELSON The tail end of Scorpion is called Telson ARACHNIDA A group of animals having 8 legs. e.g. spider HEXAPODA Animals having six legs are called hexapoda e.g. Insects PTERIDOGOTA Insects with wings. e.g.Mosquito APTERIDOGOTA Wingless insects. e.g Lice EHINODERMATA Multicellular marine animals

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