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Published by haseebshafiq28, 2019-02-14 03:10:12



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TUBE FEET Locomotary organ in star fish WATER VASCULAR SYSTEM A system in which water moves the animals PICES Multicellular fishes AGNATHA Jaw less fishes. e.g. Lampreys CHONDRIHYTES Cartilaginous fishes. e.g. Sharks OSTICHYTES Bony fishes. e.g. Salmon CYCLOSTOMES The most primitive fishes. e.g. Lampreys AIR BLADDER A chamber in fishes which help in respiration.e.g. Dolphin etc. AMPHIBIA Animals living in water and on land The creeping animals ANURA Having no tail. e.g. Frog URODELA Having tail. e.g. Salamander APODA Limbless (having no legs) HYBERNATOIN Winter rest in mud or any where else AESTIVATION Summer rest REPTILES TURTLE A reptile, which lives in water TORTOISE A similar animal, which lives on land COROCCODILE A water living reptile ALLIGATORS Same as above

FANGS The long teeth in snakes, which are inserted during, snake biting LIMBLESS LIZZARDS Snakes are called limb less lizzards VENOME The poison (particularly) of snake AVES Flying or flightless birds ARCHAEOPTERYX Ancient fossil of bird HOMIOTHERMIS Animals which can not change their body temperature. e.g. Man WARM BLOODED Same as above POIKILOTHERMIS Animals which can change their body temperature. e.g. fishes COLD BLOODED Same as above GIZZERD A structure in digestive system where food is grinded, because teeth are absent in birds MAMMALS Animals which feed milk to young born PROTOTHERIAN Mammals without placenta. e.g. Platypus EGG LAYING MAMMALS Same as above. METATHERIAN MAMMALS Mammals with weak placenta. e.g. Kangaroo EUTHERIAN MAMMALS Mammals with well developed placenta. e.g. Women

PRACTICE SHEETS PORIFERA QUIZ 1. Sponges were considered plants till a. 1765 b. 1770 c. 1780 d. 1865 2. The sponges like other metazoan evolved from a. Flagellates b. Ciliates c. Both a&b d. None 3. Most sponges are marine, one of the following is freshwater sponge a. Bath sponge b. Ascon c. Sycon d. All 4. Asexual ways of reproduction in sponges are a. Fragmentation b. Gemmule formation c. Both a&b d. None 5. One of the following is not found in the skeleton of sponges a. Proteins b. Calcium carbonate c. Silica d. Lipid 6. The cells in the body of sponges are a. Loosely attached b. Tightly attached c. Both a&b d. None 7. One of the following cells are specially found in the body wall of sponges a. Choanocytes b. Coenocytes c. Both a&b d. None 8. The nervous system is a. Present in sponges b. Absent in sponges c. Show low degree of nervous system d. All. 9. Sponges are a. Invertebrates b. Vertebrates c. Plants d. None 10. In sponges body contains

a. Pores CORRECT b. Wholes A c. Both a&b A d. None A NUMBER C 1 D 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 A 7 8 9 10

CNIDERIA QUIZ 1. Cnidarians are called Protostomes because a) They are Radially symmetrical b) They gave Coelom c) They have one body opening d) None 2. The old name of CNIDERIA was a) Coelenterate b) Colenteron c) Both a and b d) None 3. The name cnideria is based on the basis of cells in the tentacles called a) Nematocysts b) Nematocytes c) Both d) None 4. Between ectoderm and endoderm, ---------------is found a) Mesoglea b) Mesoderm c) Both d) None 5. The cnidarians are a) Radially symmetrical b) Bilateral symmetrical c) Both None 6. The largest jelly fish in world is called a) Cynae b) Cynophysae c) Myxophysae d) Cynade 7. One of following does not belong to cnideria a) Sea anemone b) Sea urchin c) Hydra d) Jelly fish 8. One of the following is the free-living form a) Polyp b) Medusa c) Radia d) Coral 9. Nematocysts are used for a) Defense b) Paralyze of prey

c) Both a and b d) None 10. One of the following is the larval stage of jelly fish a) Planula b) Redulla c) Morulla d) None NUMBER CORRECT 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 A 7 B 8 B 9 C 10 A

Platyhelminthes QUIZ 1. Majority of Platyhelminthes are parasites of man and animals, only example of free living is a. Liver fluke b. Planaria c. Tapeworm d. None 2. Platyhelminthes have 3 germinal layers in the body, hence they are a. Doloblastic b. Diploblastic c. Both a&b d. Triploblastic 3. In Platyhelminthes, Coelom is a. Present b. Absent c. Not applied d. All 4. Platyhelminthes use flame cells for excretion, and these cells are called a. Protonephridia b. Metanephridia c. Nephridia d. All 5. Fasciola hepatica belong is a common parasite of sheep and goats, and belongs to class a. Trematoda b. Cestoda c. Turbellaria d. None 6. The head of tape worm is called a. Scolex b. Sucker c. Both a&b d. None 7. Platy helminthes are a. Bilaterally symmetrical b. Radially symmetrical c. Vertical d. None 8. Respiration in Platy helminthes takes place by means of a. Diffusion b. Osmosis c. Osmoregulation d. None NUMBER OPTION 1 B 2 D 3 B 4 A

5A 6A 7A 8A

ASCHHELMINTH QUIZ 1. Aschelminthes are generally called a. Cestodes b. Nematodes c. Trematodes d. All 2. Roundworms are included in a. Ascelminthes b. Platyhelminthes c. Both d. None 3. Nematodes are common parasites of plants and animals a. True b. False 4. Nearly -------species of nematodes are common parasites of humans a. 50 b. 100 c. 200 d. 300 5. Nematodes posses a. Pseudocoelom b. Coelom c. Acoelome d. All 6. Pseudocoelom lies between endoderm and mesoderm a. True b. False 7. Most popular example of nematodes is a. Ascaris worm b. Pinworm c. Hookworm d. None 8. Nematodes are a. Unisexual b. Bisexual c. Hermaphrodite d. All

ANNELIDA QUIZ 1. Annelida is a phylum of a. segmented worms b. Un-segmented worms c. Both a&b d. None 2. Annelida are different than nematode in having a. segments b. Rounded body c. Both a&b d. None 3. The segmentation in annelids is a. True b. False c. Both a&b d. None 4. The arrangement of segments in annelids is similar so they have a. Heteronomous metamerism b. Homonomous metamerism c. Both a&b d. All 5. Excretion in earthworm is by means of a. Protonephridia b. Nephridia c. Metanephridia d. All 6. Annelids are generally limbless, only example that posses lateral legs is a. Neries b. Leech c. Earth worm 7. The lateral legs in Neries are called a. Pseudopodia b. Parapodia c. Felopodia d. None 8. One example of annelida which have unsegmented body and belongs to Archiannelida and is only found in marine water is a. Nerilla b. Dephnia c. Both a&b d. None 9. ---------------has two suckers and are considered medicinal animals a. Earthworm b. Dinophilus c. Leech d. All 10. Annelids are thought to be evolved from a. Platyhelminthes b. Aschelminths c. Both a&b

d. None e. MOLLUSK QUIZ 1. Mollusks are considered as a. Largest phylum b. Second largest phylum c. They are not phylum d. None 2. The largest invertebrate animal is in phylum Mollusca, and it is a. Snail b. Octopus c. Giant squid d. All 3. Mollusca are allied with annelids due to have a. segmentation in body b. Because it comes after annelida c. Both d. None 4. -------------is the example of mollusk which posses segmented body a. Nerima b. Neoplania c. Both d. None 5. The soft portion of body which is enclosed in calcareous shell is called a. Mantle b. Foot c. Both a&b d. None 6. One of the following posses segments and is linked with Annelida a. Neoplania b. Neries c. Nererlla d. All 7. Siphon is some mollusks is used for a. Respiration b. Excretion c. Both d. None 8. In scaphopoda (tooth shell) heart and gills are a. Present b. Absent 9. Snails belong to class Gastropoda. They live in a shell which is a. Twisted b. Bivalve c. Internal shell

d. Nil 10. One of the following in Mollusk is called the largest invertebrates a. Octopus b. Giant Squid c. Loligo d. None

ARTHROPODA QUIZ 1. The name arthropoda indicate that animals have a. Jointed leg b. Segmented body c. Both d. None 2. Nearly ------------species of arthropods are identified so far a. 1000000 b. 900,000 c. 2000000 d. 1900000 3. Insects have circulatory system a. Open b. Close c. Partially closed d. None 4. One of the following is an arthropod which has not changed since its creation a. King crab b. Horse shoe c. Both d. None 5. Arthropods respire through lungs, gills and trachea a. True b. False 6. The largest class in phylum arthropoda is a. Merostomata b. Arachnida c. Insecta c. Diplopoda 7. Arthropoda is called largest phylum because it has greatest number of a. Species b. Individual c. Both d. None 8. When an insect life cycle passes through egg, larva, pupa and adult, it is referred as a. Complete metamorphosis b. Incomplete metamorphosis c. Does not apply d. Irrelevant 9. All insects can not fly. Those having no wings are termed as a. Aterigota b. Terigota c. Aflata d. None 10. Insects are arthropods that have three parts in body. Part between Head and abdomen is a. Thorax b. Cephalothorax c. Neck d. None

ECHINODERMATA QUIZ 1. Echinoderms are a. Radial symmetrical b. Bilaterally symmetrical c. Asymmetrical d. None 2. Echinoderms posses calcareous shell a. True b. False 3. All echinoderms are marine animals and some are parasites as well a. True b. False 4. Since echinoderms posses a mouth and anus, hence they are called a. Deuterostomes b. Protostomes c. Both d. None 5. Starfishes use tube feet for locomotion. System of locomotion is called a. Water vascular system b. Hydraulic system c. Both d. None 6. Regeneration in echinoderms is a. Best than other vertebrates b. Less than other vertebrates c. Equal as others d. None e. 6. All echinoderms are bottom dwellers of sea water a. True b. False 7. Mostly starfish has 4 or 5 arms. Some posses as many as a. 40 b. 400 c. 300 d. All 8. One of the following is not example of echinoderms a. Sea cucumber b. Brittle star c. Jelly fish d. Starfish 9. Echinoderms are a peculiar side branch of animal evolution and have given rise to no more advanced type of animals a. True b. False 10. All echinoderms live in lowest possible level of marine water, hence they are called Bottom dwellers. a. True b. False

FISHES QUIZ 1. Group of fishes that evolved before all other vertebrates were a. Ostichytes b. Bony fishes c. Agnatha d. None 2. -----------is called ancestors of all land and water vertebrates a. Lamprays b. Lungfish c. Both d. None 3. Agnatha fishes are jawless, hence they suck blood and are called vertebrate parasites a. True b. False 4. Generally fishes have scales and fins. Agnatha are scale less and fin less fishes a. True b. False 5. Fishes can change their body temperature, hence they are called a. Poekilotherms b. Cold blooded animals c. Both a&b d. None 6. Among cartilage fishes, like sharks do not have eye lids a. True b. False 7. Some fishes in Chondrichytes are ovo-viviparous a. True b. False 8. Fishes have 2 chambered hearts a. True b. False 8. Which fish is called ancestors of all land vertebrates a. Cyclostomes b. Lamprays c. Lungfish d. None 9. Bony fishes are the dominant vertebrates in water a. True b. False 10. Fertilization in fishes is a. Internal b. External c. May be both d. None

AMPHIBIANS QUIZ 1. Amphibians are cold blooded animals a. True b. False 2. Period during which amphibians go in winter sleeping is called a. Hibernation b. Aestivation c. Both d. None 3. Amphibians can respire through a. only lungs b. through skin c. Both a&b d. None 4. In amphibians, respiration is called Pulmo-cutaneous a. True b. False 5. Amphibians have four chambered heart a. True b. False 6. Some amphibians have lost their legs and are placed in order a. Urodela b. Anura c. Apoda d. None 7. Frog and toad don’t have tail in adult stage. Therefore they are a. Anura b. Apoda c. Urodella d. None 8. Salamander is examples of a. Urodela amphibians b. Anura c. Apoda d. None 9. Fertilization in amphibians is generally external, but some may enjoy internal fertilization a. True b. False 10. Larva of frog is called a. Trocophore b. Tadpole c. Both d. Anaplura

REPTILE QUIZ 1. Reptiles are the evolution of a. Amphibians b. Fishes c. New branch d. None 2. Generally reptiles are cold blooded animals, but some may maintain body temperature a. True b. False. 3. Dinosaurs were the ruling reptiles of past and have become extinct a. True b. False 4. Reptiles are called first terrestrial animals a. True b. False 5. Snakes produce poison through a. salivary gland b. Mammary glands c. Poisonous gland d. None 6. All snakes can produce poison a. True b. False 7. Some reptiles have modified their habitat and have adapted water life. Turtle is example of reptiles that lives in water and tortoise lives on land a. True b. False 8. The snakes bite and inject blood through a. Teeth b. Fangs c. Both d. None 9. Reptiles have both external and internal fertilization a. True b. False 10. One of the following is water reptile a. Turtle b. Crocodile c. Both d. None

AVES QUIZ 1. All birds have internally hollow bones and can fly a. True b. False 2. The birds are living on earth since 150 million years, and were also present in period of dinosaurs a. True b. False 3. Birds do not keep any example of fossil record a. True b. False 4. Modern birds don’t posses teeth hence they have gizzard for mechanical digestion a. True b. False 5. Fossil birds Archaeopteryx show teeth in mouth and a bony tail. These characters are believed to be reptilian characters a. True b. False 6. Birds have closed circulatory system and have three chambered heart like amphibians a. True b. False 7. Birds are purely a. Homothermis b. Poikilotherms c. Both d. None 8. Birds are called AVES, because they belong to class AVES a. True b. False

MAMMALS QUIZ 1. Mammals are named so because they posses mammary glands a. True b. False 2. Mammals are believed to have evolved from group of reptiles called Therapsids a. True b. False 3. All mammals are viviparous and give birth to young a. True b. False 4. Early mammals like duck bill platypus, had no placenta, hence instead of birth, she lays eggs a. True b. False 5. Kangaroo is a metatherian mammal and has weak placenta. They are also called marsupials (pouched mammals) a. True b. False 6. Eutheria are most advanced mammals but have weak placenta a. True b. False 7. The hair found on the body of mammals act as insulator a. True b. False 8. One of the following is character of mammals a. External ears b. Body hairs c. Sweat glands d. All 9. Some mammals have changed their habitat; hence they can be called cold blooded. a. True b. False 10. Platypus are not live today and their fossils are seen only a. True b. False

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes 1. Which of the following occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast? A. Light dependent reaction B. electron transport chain C. calvin cycle D. photolysis 2. The oxygen produced in photosynthesis comes from what molecule? A. glucose B. water C. P680 D. ATP 3. The photosynthetic process used by some plants to survive in a hot dry climate, like the desert? A. C4 Photosynthesis B. C3 Photosynthesis C. Noncyclic photophosphorylation D. Photorespiration 4. Which of the following is NOT a produce of the light dependent reaction? A. Oxygen B. ATP C. NADPH D. Sugar 5. Which of the following is the source of the carbon in sugar produced during photosynthesis? A. Carbon dioxide 1

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes B. water C. rubisco D. ATP 6. Which of the following is the main difference between cyclic and noncyclic . photophosphorylation? A. They use different electron acceptors B. only photosystem I is used during the cyclic process C. noncyclic photophosphorylation occurs in the stroma D. noncyclic photophosphorylation does not produce ATP 7. Carbon fixation is catalyzed by what enzyme? A. P700 B. NADPH C. phosphoglycerate D. rubisco 8. The calvin cycle requires each of the following inputs EXCEPT: A. ATP B. NADPH C. O2 D. CO2 9. In the light dependent reactions, when light strikes the pigments (P700 or P680) what is the immediate result? A. Excited electrons are passed to electron acceptors B. electrons are fused to form ATP 2

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes C. glucose is produced D. carbon fixation occurs 12. Which of the following occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast? A. light dependent reaction B. electron transport chain C. calvin cycle D. photolysis 13. The oxygen produced in photosynthesis comes from what molecule? A. glucose B. water C. P680 D. ATP 14. The photosynthetic process used by some plants to survive in a hot dry climate, like the desert? A. C4 Photosynthesis B. C3 Photosynthesis C. Noncyclic photophosphorylation D. Carbon fixation 15. Which of the following is NOT a produce of the light dependent reaction? A. Oxygen B. ATP C. NADPH D. Sugar 3

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes 16. Which of the following i the source of the carbon in sugar produced during photosynthesis? A. carbon dioxide B. water C. rubisco D. ATP 18. Carbon fixation is catalyzed by what enzyme? A. P700 B. NADPH C. phosphoglycerate D. rubisco 19. The calvin cycle requires each of the following inputs EXCEPT: A. ATP B. NADPH C. O2 D. CO2 20. In the light dependent reactions, when light strikes the pigments (P700 or P680) what is the immediate result? A. excited electrons are passed to electron acceptors B. electrons are fused to form ATP C. glucose is produced D. carbon fixation occurs 21. In the calvin cycle, more ATP than NADPH is used, how is this difference made up? the cyclic pathway creates more ATP 4

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes the calvin cycle occurs half as often as the light dependent reaction additional ATP is created from glucose excess NADPH is reused in the light reaction Which of the following occurs in both photosynthesis and respiration? chemiosmosis glycolysis calvin cycle krebs cycle 2. Which of the following statements is FALSE? glycolysis can occur with or without oxygen glycolysis occurs in the mitochondria glycolysis is the first step in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration glycolysis produces 2 ATP, 2 NADH, and 2 pyruvate 3. This process uses NADH and FADH2 to produce ATP oxidative phosphorylation fermentation glycolysis krebs cycle 5

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes 4. This process begins with the production of Acetyl-CoA: chemiosmosis glycolysis fermentation krebs cycle 5.. Cramps during exercise are caused by: alcohol fermentation glycolysis inhibition lactic acid fermentation chemiosmosis 8. Which of the following processes produces the most ATP? glycolysis oxidative phosphorylation fermentation Krebs cycle 9. Which of the following is necessary for oxidative phosporylation to occur? ATP oxygen carbon dioxide lactic acid 10. Which of the following are the products of the Krebs cycle? ATP NADH 6

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes FADH all of these PHOTOSYNTHESIS QUIZ-2 1. What are the products of photosynthesis? a) water and carbon dioxide c) water and oxygen b) oxygen and carbohydrate d) carbohydrate and water 2. What organisms are capable of photosynthesis? a) plants only c) plants and algae only b) plants and some bacteria only d) plants, algae, and some bacteria 3. Sunlight arrives at a plant in units of light energy called a) protons b) photons c) electrons d) wavelengths 4. The Greek root that means \"light\" is a) synthesis b) logos c) kytos d) phos e) elektr A 6. Which of these is Not a major photosynthetic pigment in plants? a) chlorophyll \"a\" b) chlorophyll \"b\" c) chlorophyll \"c\" d) carotenoid pigments 7. Why are plants green? a) They absorb only green wavelengths of light. b) They absorb only yellow and blue wavelengths of light. c) They reflect nearly all wavelengths of light. d) They reflect green wavelengths of light. e) They reflect yellow and blue wavelengths of light. 8. The term \"chloroplast\" is derived in part from the Greek root that means a) plant b) light c) green d) photosynthetic e) oxygen 7

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes 9. To what does the term stroma refer? a) the double membrane of the chloroplasts b) a flattened disk or sac in the chloroplast c) a central fluid filled space in the chloroplast d) the cytochrome system in the membranes of the thylakoids e) a stack of thylakoid membrane structures 10. To what does the term grana refer? a) the cytochrome system in the membranes of the thylakoids b) a central fluid filled space in the chloroplast c) a flattened disk or sac in the chloroplast d) the double membrane of the chloroplasts e) a stack of thylakoid membrane structures 11. Which of these is most closely associated with the process of electron transport? a) a stack of thylakoid membrane structures b) a flattened disk or sac in the chloroplast c) the double membrane of the chloroplasts d) the cytochrome system in the membranes of the thylakoids e) a central fluid filled space in the chloroplast 12. Which statement is Not true about photosystems? a) Photosystem I passes electron on to photosystem II. b) Each photosystem contains numerous pigment molecules that act as antennas to capture light. c) Photosystem I contains a reaction center molecule that absorbs light best around 700 nm, so it is called P700. d) Electrons in the reaction center molecule are excited by absorbing photons of light and are passed along to an acceptor molecule. 16. Which is Not true about photosynthesis? a) In the noncyclic photophosphorylation, water is split and oxygen is released. b) Photosystem II makes noncyclic photophosphorylation more efficient than does cyclic photophosphorylation. 8

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes c) The cyclic system is used when there is insufficient NADP+ present to absorb electrons in plants cells. d) More carbohydrate is produced during cyclic photophosphorylation than during noncyclic photophosphorylation. 17. Which is most closely associated with the Calvin cycle? a) ATP production b) oxygen production c) carbon dioxide fixation d) carbon dioxide production e) removal of electrons from water for passage through an electron transport system 18. The end product of the Calvin cycle is a) ATP b) ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) c) phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL) d) PEP carboxylase (PEPcase) e) carbon dioxide 19. When the stomates in a leaf close, then a) carbon dioxide in the air spaces in the leaf decreases. b) oxygen in the air spaces in the leaf increases. c) C3 plants carry on photorespiration. using oxygen and producing PGA and carbon dioxide. d) all photosystems as well as photorespiration come to a halt. e) A, B, and C are correct. 20. The major enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of carbon dioxide is called a) ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) b) phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL) c) PEP carboxylase (PEPcase) 22. Most food plants, such as wheat, oats, and rice, are in the group of a) CAM plants b) C3 plants c) C4 plants d) I don't know? 9

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes 27. A photosystem contains a) pigments, a reaction center, and an electron acceptor b) ADP, phosphate, and hydrogen ions (H+). c) protons, photons, and pigments. d) cytochromes only. e) Both B and C are correct. 28. Which of these should be associated with the electron transport system? a) chloroplasts b) cytochromes c) movement of H+ into the thylakoid space d) formation of ATP e) absorption of solar energy 29. The NADPH and ATP from the light-dependent reactions are used to a) split water b) cause RuBP carboxylase to fix carbon dioxide c) re-form the photosystems d) cause electrons to move along their pathways e) convert PGA to PGAL 35. This process has as its products NADP+ and ADP, and sugar. a) glycolysis b) chemiosmosis c) fermentation d) Calvin cycle e) photolysis 37. Which of the following photosynthetic reactions is known to occur in the thylakoid membrane? a) carbon fixation b) light reactions c) dark reactions d) Calvin cycle e) transpiration 40. The process in which O2 (oxygen) is released as a by product of oxidation-reduction reactions. a) glycolysis b) Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) c) Calvin cycle (light-independent reactions of photosynthesis) d) light dependent reactions of photosynthesis 10

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes 41. Process in which carbon from CO2 is incorporated into organic molecules. a) glycolysis b) Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) c) Calvin cycle (light-independent reactions of photosynthesis) d) light dependent reactions of photosynthesis 42. Process found in both photosynthesis and cellular respiration. a) glycolysis b) Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) c) Calvin cycle (light-independent reactions of photosynthesis) d) light dependent reactions of photosynthesis 43. The products of the light reactions in photosynthesis are a) oxygen and NADP+ b) water and NADPH c) oxygen and NADPH d) water and oxygen e) oxygen and NAD+ 44. Which of the following statements is True about RuBP (ribulose bisphosphate) a) It is a 3 carbon product of the Calvin cycle. b) It is the final oxidizing agent in the light reaction. c) It is the CO2 acceptor in the Calvin cycle. d) It is the rarest substrate in the Calvin cycle and therefore a limiting reagent. e) None of the above. 47. The basic photosynthetic unit in a chloroplasts is the a) stroma b) stoma c) thylakoid d) granum e) chlorophyll 48. All of the following are end products of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis Except. a) NADPH b) ATP c) O2 (oxygen) d) H+ (protons) e) C6H12O6 (glucose) 11

XII-BIOLOGY CHAPTER-11 First year Biology complete notes 51. The products of the light reactions, in photosynthesis are a) oxygen and water. b) oxygen and ATP. c) oxygen, ATP, and NADPH. d) water, ATP, and NADPH. e) water, ATP, and NADP+ + H+. 53. Which of the following is a specialized feature of plants that live in hot dry regions? a) Stomata that open and close b) Transpiration c) Photophosphorylation d) C4 photosynthesis e) Carbon fixation 54. The light -dependent reactions of photosynthesis occur in the a) nucleus b) cytoplasm c) mitochondria d) thylakoid membrane e) stroma 12

First year Biology complete notes CHAP 12 AUTOTROPHIC NUTRITION: Type of nutrition (mostly in plants) in which plants make organic molecule of glucose with the help of in-organic material such as carbon di oxide and water. PARASITIC PLANT: A plant which is unable to make its food and obtains nutrition from other organism. PARTIAL PARASITE PLANT: A plant which obtains some part of nutrition from other organisms is called partial parasite plant. TOTAL PARASITE PLANT: A plant which gets nutrients as well as water from host plant and kills it, is called total parasite plant. HUSTORIA: Special branches developed by a parasite plant. These hustoria are inserted into host plant to get its nutrients and water PHOTOSYNTHETIC BACTERIA: A group of autotrophic bacteria, which make their food by photosynthesis. The bacterial photosynthesis is slightly different from plants, because plants obtain their Hydrogen from water and release Oxygen, while bacteria get their Hydrogen from Hydrogen sulphide and release sulpher. CHLOROSIS: A disorder of plants due to deficiency of nitrogen. During this disorder, the chlorophyll gradually disappears, and leaf become yellow and finally fell down. PROLONG DORMANYC: A condition (mainly due to deficiency of nitrogen) in which seed does not germinate on time and the process is delayed for long time. EARLY SENSATION: A condition, in which, the plant becomes old earlier than natural age. It is mainly due to mineral deficiency. REDUCED TILLERING: A condition, in which, the new parts of plants do not grow, due to deficiency of minerals. INHIBITION OF CELL DIVISION: A condition in which the cell do not divide. It is also due to deficiency of minerals.

IRREGULA CHLOROSIS: A kind of Chlorosis, in which the chlorophyll disappears form some parts of leaf. TOTAL PARASITIC PLANT: A plant which is completely dependent on its host PARTIAL PARASTE PLANT: A plant which gets some nutrients from plant n(not complete) SAPROPHYTES: Plants, bacteria, or fungi, which get their nutrition from dead organisms CARNIVOROUS PLANTS: Plants which are unable to get their nutrients in autotrophic way, depend on insects to obtains proteins and minerals from them PITCHER PLANT: A carnivorous plant, which has modified its leaf apex into pitcher shape to catch the flies. SUNDEW: A carnivorous plants VENUS FLY: A carnivorous plant about which Charles Darwin said that it is the most wonderful plants of world. NECTOR: Sweet juices, which carnivorous plants secrete to attract the insects. WATER FLY TRAP: A root-less carnivorous plant BLADDER WORT: A root-less carnivorous plant HOLOZOIC NUTRITION: Heterotrophic animals which exclusively feed up on animal stuff SAPROTROPHIC NUTRITON: Heterotrophic animals which exclusively feed up on dead plant stuff DETRITIVORES: A kind of nutrition in which animals which feed up on fragments (pieces) of food. E.g. Earthworm CARNIVORES: Animals which feed on flesh of animals. E.g. Lion OMNIVORES: Animals which can eat any thing. E.g. Man, Crow & Cockroach FILTER FEEDERS: Animals which get food from filtered water. E.g. Sponge FLUID FEEDERS: Animals which depend on liquid food. E.g. Mosquito MICROPHAGOUS: Animals that feed up on food material smaller than their body size MACROPHAGOUS: Animals that feed up on food material larger than their body size DIVERTICULA: Net work of intestinal branches in cockroach (also in other arthropods). These help in

pushing the digested food material into tissues. GIZZARD: A part of digestive system in arthropods (E.g. Cockroach). It has hard ridges inside which help in grinding of food. DIGESTION INGESTION Intake of food material into body DIGESTION Conversion of un-soluble food material into soluble form MECHANICAL DIGESTION Breakdown of larger food pieces with the mechanical action of teeth and stomach contraction and relaxation CHEMICAL DIGESTION Carbohydrase Digestion of food with the addition of chemicals internally produced by body. e.g. converts carbohydrates into glucose ASSIMILATION Entrance of digested food material into body cells CELLULAR RESPIRATION Burning of glucose inside the cells for the release of energy EGESTION Removal of un-digested food particles from body EXTRA-CELLULAR DIGESTION Digestion of food material out side the cells. E.g. Digestion of food in the coelomic cavity of Hydra ENTRACELLULAR DIGESTION Digestion of food material inside the cells. E.g. digestion of food inside the cell of Amoeba or inside the body wall of Hydra DIGESTION IN AMOEBA It is only intra-cellular DIGESTION IN PARAMECIUM It is also intra-cellular

CYTOPHYGE A temporary opening in paramecium from which the waste material is removed from body DIGESTION IN HYDRA It is both intra and extra-cellular GASTROCOEL The lining of body wall of hydra where from the digestive enzymes are released NEMATOCYSTS A structure in the body wall of Hydra. It helps to kill the prey DIGESTION IN PLANARIA Digestion is both extra and intra-cellular DIVERTICULA The small branches of intestine DIGESTION IN EARTHWORM The digestion is both extra and intra-cellular GIZZARD A muscular structure present in earthworm, which helps in mechanical digestion of food TYPHLOSOLES It is the inner surface of intestine where from the digested food material is absorbed in earthworm DIGESTION IN MAN It is mainly mechanical and chemical DIGESTION IN MOUTH In mouth the mechanical digestion of entire food takes place. The protein and lipids remain undigested, where as the carbohydrates are partially digested here with the help of salivary amylase enzyme produced in saliva. This enzyme converts the food starch which is polysaccharide into maltose which is disaccharide PLAQUE: A disease of teeth which results due to accumulation of bacterial material and saliva. The material penetrates into gums and causes swelling. Plaque for long duration may harm the teeth which finally fall down. CALCULUS: Deposition of various chemicals over plaque material is called calculus. During, this yellow tan appear on teeth enamel and may not be removed by any brush. DENTAL CARIE: If a person takes sweets and does not wash mouth, the sugar of sweet may be fermented and converted into acid. The acid may damage the teeth after long time. Other than sweets, deficiency of fluoride and improper mouth wash are also reasons behind dental caries. PAROTID GLAND: One of the three salivary glands of tongue

SUBLINGUAL GLAND: One of the three salivary glands of tongue SUBMANDIBULAR GLAND: One of the three salivary glands of tongue. All these glands secrete saliva. SALIVA: Secretion of salivary gland. It is made up of 95 % water and remaining is mucous, lysozyme and salivary amylase. BOLUS: Rounded mass of food which is swallowed. It move through esophagus by peristalsis moment GASTRIN: Hormone secreted by fundus part of stomach. It stimulates the gastric gland to secrete Hcl, Pepsinogen and mucous. SECRETIN: A hormone secreted by duodenum. It stimulates the pancreas to secret pancreatic juices, such as protease, carbohydrase and lipase. BILIRUBIN: A red color excretory product formed b the breakdown of hemoglobin of RBCs in liver. BILIVERDIN: A green color excretory product formed b the breakdown of hemoglobin of RBCs in liver TRYPSIN: An inactive pre-cursor which is activated by enterokinas enzyme produced by duodenum. It acts up on proteins and digests them CHEMOTRYPSIN: An enzyme which converts milk protein (Casien) AMYLASE: An enzyme which converts starch and glycogen into maltose. DUODENUM: One of the first part of small intestine. It is 30 cm long. JUJENUM: One of the middle parts of small intestine. It is 2.4 meters long ILUM: One of the last parts of small intestine, which is 3.6 meters long. Here absorption of food occur by villi BOLUS In the mouth the chewed food is converted into a ball like structure called bolus. This is sent into stomach through esophagus STOMACH Following things happen here (1) Mechanical breakdown of food takes place (2) The gastric gland in stomach produces, Mucus, HCL and Pepsinogen. (3) The mucus prevents the stomach wall from the acidic effect of HCL. (4) HCL converts Pepsinogen into pepsin. (5) The HCL macerates food properly (6) the pepsin makes partial digestion of protein by breaking the peptide bond. CHYME The conversions of food into a paste like material in stomach SMALL INTESTINE

Following things happens here (1) The duodenum receives digestive enzymes from pancreas and bile salt from liver CARBOHYDRASE An enzyme which completely digests the carbohydrates into glucose anus - the opening at the end of the digestive system from which feces (waste) exits the body. appendix - a small sac located on the cecum. ascending colon - the part of the large intestine that run upwards; it is located after the cecum. bile - a digestive chemical that is produced in the liver, stored in the gall bladder, and secreted into the small intestine. cecum - the first part of the large intestine; the appendix is connected to the cecum. chyme - food in the stomach that is partly digested and mixed with stomach acids. Chyme goes on to the small intestine for further digestion. descending colon - the part of the large intestine that run downwards after the transverse colon and before the sigmoid colon. duodenum - the first part of the small intestine; it is C-shaped and runs from the stomach to the jejunum. epiglottis - the flap at the back of the tongue that keeps chewed food from going down the windpipe to the lungs. When you swallow, the epiglottis automatically closes. When you breathe, the epiglottis opens so that air can go in and out of the windpipe. esophagus - the long tube between the mouth and the stomach. It uses rhythmic muscle movements (called peristalsis) to force food from the throat into the stomach. gall bladder - a small, sac-like organ located by the duodenum. It stores and releases bile (a digestive chemical which is produced in the liver) into the small intestine. ileum - the last part of the small intestine before the large intestine begins. jejunum - the long, coiled mid-section of the small intestine; it is between the duodenum and the ileum. liver - a large organ located above and in front of the stomach. It filters toxins from the blood, and makes bile (which breaks down fats) and some blood proteins. mouth - the first part of the digestive system, where food enters the body. Chewing and salivary enzymes in the mouth are the beginning of the digestive process (breaking down the food). pancreas - an enzyme-producing gland located below the stomach and above the intestines. Enzymes from the pancreas help in the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the small intestine. peristalsis - rhythmic muscle movements that force food in the esophagus from the throat into the stomach. Peristalsis is involuntary - you cannot control it. It is also what allows you to eat and drink while upside-down.

rectum - the lower part of the large intestine, where feces are stored before they are excreted. salivary glands - glands located in the mouth that produce saliva. Saliva contains enzymes that break down carbohydrates (starch) into smaller molecules. sigmoid colon - the part of the large intestine between the descending colon and the rectum. stomach - a sack-like, muscular organ that is attached to the esophagus. Both chemical and mechanical digestion takes place in the stomach. When food enters the stomach, it is churned in a bath of acids and enzymes. transverse colon - the part of the large intestine that runs horizontally across the abdomen. PROTEASE An enzyme which completely digests proteins into amino acids LIPASE Their function is to digest lipids, but since lipids are heavy, so they are first broken down by bile salts and later on digested by lipase into fatty acids and glycerol VILLI In duodenum and ileum is completely digested, so its absorption is due. The absorption of nutrients takes place by Villi. These are the out growth of intestinal wall. Blood capillaries and lacteals supply villi. From blood capillaries, the glucose, and amino acids are absorbed and from lacteals fatty acids and glycerol is absorbed. LARGE INTESTINE The partial digestion of cellulose takes place with the help of symbiotic bacteria, which donate cellulase enzyme to the appendix, which is a vestigial part of large intestine. In the colon part of large intestine water is absorbed and returned to body ORGAN SPECIAL FUNCTIONS MOUTH FEATURES Teeth, Tongue Chewing of food, Digestion of OESOPHAGU Saliva starch S Movement of bolus STOMACH Gastric glands Storage of food, production of SMALL Villi mucus, HCL and Pepsinogen, INTESTINE Villi Partial digestion of proteins into LARGE peptide INTESTINE Digestion of all food, Absorption of nutrients Partial digestion of cellulose, absorption of water, and

ANUS vitamins, and storage of non-digested food in rectum Defecation ROLE OF LIVER Liver performs following functions 1. After every meal, it stores extra amount of glucose in the form of glycogen which may be used as source of energy at the time of need when there is no glucose in body. 2. Liver removes extra amount of nitrogen from amino acids 3. Liver stores the fatty acids in the form of ketone bodies which are later on released as energy into muscles 4. Liver breaks down the poisonous material and makes them harmless 5. Liver stores vitamins 6. Produces substances which in blood clotting 7. It keeps blood composition constant 8. It excretes out bilirubin and biliverdin DIARRHOEA: Passing of watery feces ENTRITIS: A form of diarrhea caused by virus or bacteria. CHOLERA: A form of diarrhea in which extreme quantity of bicarbonate ions is secreted by intestine. The cause of cholera is Vibro cholera PSYCHOGENIC DIARRHOEA: A form of diarrhea caused by nervous tension DYSENTRY: It is defined as an acute inflammation of large intestine in which diarrhea with blood and mucous is passed. It is caused by Bacillus bacteria or Entamoeba histolytica CONSTIPATION: A disorder in which slow movement of dry and hard feces occur through the large intestine from anus. The main cause of constipation are (1) irregular bowl and inhibition of signals from brain to rectum. DYSPEPSIA: A disorder which is caused due to movement of Hcl from stomach to esophagus. It is also called epi-gastric discomfort. PEPTIC ULCER: A dis-order of duodenum. It is caused when gastric juice moves from stomach to duodenum. The main cause is excessive secretion of Hcl and pepsin. FOOD POISONING: A condition which results into vomiting and diarrhea. It is mainly due to virus, bacteria and protozoa (such as E. histolytica and Balantidium coli). MALNUTRITION: It refers to over eating or under eating. OBESITY: A disorder during which excessive fat is deposited on body. It is caused if a person takes

lavish food and does not exercise. ANOREXIA NERVOSA: A disorder of young girls in which they loose appetite for food and refuse to eat. BULIMIA NERVOSA: A disorder of middle age women in which they develop liking for rich food and eat a lot. These women do not have any control on eating and keep eating all the times. PRACTICE SHEET 1. Living organism require nutrition (a) to maintain functions of life (b) Built the matter (TUSSUES) (c) Maintain their structures (d) All of above 2. The main nutrients for living organisms are (a) Water (b) Carbon Di oxide (c) Both a& b (d) None 3. In autotrophic nutrition, the organic food material is made from (a) Inorganic raw material (b) Organic substances (c) Both a&b (d) None 4. The autotrophic organisms (a) Need to digest their food (b) Do not need to digest their food (c) Depends on condition (d) None 5. Although some autotrophic organism can do chemo-synthesis, but most are photosynthetic (a) True (b) False 6. Most fungi, Bacteria and animals have heterotrophic nutrition (a) True (b) False 7. Which one of the following is not serving as main source of energy (a) Carbohydrates (b) Lipids (c) Proteins (d) In-organic salts

8. One point that makes Bacteria different from plants is that (a) Bacteria can not do photosynthesis with chlorophyll a (b) Bacteria can not do photosynthesis with chlorophyll B (c) Both a&b (d) None 9. For photosynthesis, Bacteria obtains Hydrogen from (a) Water (b) Hydrogen sulphide from atmosphere (c) They don’t require hydrogen (d) They make their own hydrogen by cell membrane 10. In chemosynthetic nutrition, Bacteria oxidize ammonia, nitrates, nitrite, ferrous ions, hydrogen sulphide and number of metallic and non-metallic particles (a) True (b) False 11. In nature, the amount of nitrogen is recycled by (a) Bacteria (b) Fungi (c) Algae (d) All 12. The commercial fertilizers are made on NPK percentage (a) True (b) False 13. Nitrogen is an essential element for all except (a) Protein (b) Nucleotides of DNA (c) Chlorophyll (d) Starch 14. Chlorosis is a mineral deficiency disease in which leaves turn pale and fall. It is primarily due to deficiency of (a) Potassium (b) Nitrogen (c) Mg (d) None 15. Due to Nitrogen deficiency, in tomato and apple leaves, the veins of leaves turn purple red due to development of (a) Anthocyanin (b) Carotene (c) Both

(d) None 16. Prolonged dormancy, early sensation, and leaf fall are the symptoms of deficiency of (a) K (b) N (c) Mg (d) P 17. One of the following is found abundant in growing and storage organs of fruits and seeds (a) N (b) P (c) Mg (d) K 18. Phosphorous is really good for plants, because it helps in (a) Ripening of fruit (b) Helping translocation of carbohydrate (c) Formation of cell membrane (d) All 19. Pre-mature leaf fall, development of purple red spots on leaves, reduced Tillering of crops are mainly due to deficiency of (a) N (b) P (c) K (d) Mg 20. Potassium help plants in (a) Opening & closing of stomata (b) Activation of enzymes (c) Synthesis of peptide bonds (d) All of above 21. Irregular chlorosis, necrotic areas on tip & margin of leaves, reduced crop production are mainly due to deficiency of (a) K (b) P (c) Mg (d) N 22. Magnesium, in case of deficiency is taken from older to young tissue to fulfill the requirement (a) True (b) False 20. Potassium help plants in

(a) Opening & closing of stomata (b) Activation of enzymes (c) Synthesis of peptide bonds (d) All of above .23(B) For obtaining their food requirements, parasitic plants penetrate -------- in host (a) Haustoria (b) Rhizoids (c) Roots (d) All of above 23. ©Who said that carnivorous plants make digestive enzymes same as human stomach e.g. Pepsin (a) J.D. Hooker (b) Robert Hook (c) Both a&b (d) None 24. carnivorous plants do photosynthesis, but they can not make nitrogenous compounds, that is why they have become carnivorous (a) True (b) False 25. Carnivorous plants attract insect through (a) Odour (b) Nectar (sweet juices) (c) Both a&b (d) None 26. Which plant Charles Darwin called the ‘Wonderful plant of the World’ (a) Pitcher plant (b) Sundew (c) Venus fly (d) None 27. Which one in not a carnivorous plant (a) Pitcher plant (b) Sundew (c) Venus fly (d) All are carnivorous plants 28. Which of the following are root-less carnivorous plant (a) Water fly (b) Bladder Wort (c) Venus fly (d) Both a&b

29. Which one of the following types of nutrition in not found in animals (a) Holozoic (b) Saprozoic (c) Holophytic (d) All 30. Animals which feed on fragments of decomposed food are called (a) Carnivorous (b) Filter feeders (c) Fluid feeders (d) Detrivores 31. Earth worm is an example of which type of feeding (a) Carnivorous (b) Filter feeders (c) Fluid feeders (d) Detrivores 32. Human beings, Crow and Cockroach have similarity because they are (e) Carnivorous (f) Herbivorous (g) Omnivorous (h) All 33. The most popular example of filter feeders is (i) Sponge (j) Hydra (k) Planaria (l) None 34. Which one of the following is mis-match (m) Lion-------Predator (n) Mosquito----Fluid feeder (o) Earthworm------Detritiovorous (p) Cow--------------carnivorous 35. Animals need to digest the food to convert the food (q) From soluble to insoluble form (r) Insoluble to soluble form (s) Some food does not need to be digested (t) None 36. In organisms like Amoeba, and Paramecium, food material is digested inside cells and termed as (u) Intracellular digestion (v) Intercellular digestion (w) Extra cellular digestion (x) All

37. If an organism has single opening for ingestion and egestion, such type of digestive system is termed as (y) Tube like (z) Sac like (aa)Protostomes (bb)Both a&c 38. Planaria and hydra have sac-like digestive system, therefore they are called (cc) Protostomes (dd)Duterostomes (ee)Both a&b (ff) None 39. Which one from following may never have tube like digestive system (gg)Man (hh)hydra (ii) fish (jj) Cockroach 40. Absorption is (kk) Pre-digestion process (ll) Post digestion process (mm) Both a&b (nn)None 41. In protozoans, digested food is diffused into cytoplasm and circulated through (oo)Cyclosis (pp)Osmosis (qq)Diffusion (rr) None 42. Amoeba has intra cellular digestion. It uses lysosomes, and enzymes such as all except one (ss) Proteases (tt) Amylases (uu)Lipases (vv) Pepsin 43. Hydra has intra and extra-cellular digestion and is termed as simplest heterotroph (ww) True (xx) False 44. In tentacles of hydra, cells which paralyze the prey are (yy) Conidocils (zz) Nematocysts (aaa) Nedaoblast (bbb) All 45. Hydra can digest all except one (ccc) Proteins (ddd) Fats (eee) Carbohydrates (fff) Starch 46. It takes a hydra to complete its extra-cellular digestion in

(ggg) 1 hour (hhh) 2 hours (iii) 3 hours (jjj) 4 hours 47. The digestion in Hydra is (kkk) Extra cellular (lll) Intra cellular (mmm) Both extra and intracellular (nnn) None 48. The Planaria has both extra and intra cellular digestions. The complete digestion of food occur in Diverticula (ooo) True (ppp) False 49. Sensory organs which Cockroach uses to find its food are called (qqq) Tentacles (rrr) Antennae (sss) Eyes (ttt) All 50. Which condition causes serious tanning of teeth that can not be cleaned by brush (uuu) Calculus (vvv) Dental caries (www) Periodontal disease (xxx) All 51. Saliva is a watery secretion that contains (yyy) 95% water (zzz) Some mucous (aaaa) Amylase and lysozyme (bbbb) All 52. The production of gastric juices is stimulated after secretion of stomach hormone called (cccc) Rennin (dddd) Gastrin (eeee) Secrin (ffff)None 53. Before digestion, fats need emulsification by bile salts (gggg) True (hhhh) False 54. Pancreas can not secrete juices until stimulated by duodenum hormone (iiii) Secretin (jjjj) Gastrin (kkkk) Rennin (llll) None 55. Before absorption, fatty acids and glycerol are not converted into triglycerol (mmmm) True (nnnn) False

56. The absorption of digested food occur by (oooo) Osmosis (pppp) Active transport (qqqq) Facilitated diffusion (rrrr) All 57. The bile salts are stored in gall bladder, but made in (ssss) Pancreas (tttt)Small intestine (uuuu) Stomach (vvvv) Liver 58. One reason, pepsin is secreted in inactive form is (wwww) It would digest its own cells (xxxx) Should become active when food arrives (yyyy) Both a&b (zzzz) None 59. Vomiting is caused due to (aaaaa) Peristalasis (bbbbb) Anti peristalasis (ccccc) Facilitated diffusion (ddddd) When you look at Mama Lalu 60. Psychogenic is called so, because it is caused by (a) Nervous tension (b) Griping pain © Contaminated water (d) Salads 61. Acute inflammation of large intestine, in which diarrhea with blood and mucus in stool appear is (a) Enteritis (b) Cholera © Dysentery (d) All 62. All except one is not cause of Constipation (a) Irregular bowl (b) Inhibition of defecation reflexes from brain © Intake of saltish food (d) None 63. The most common cause of Piles (hemorrhoid) is (a) Dysentery (b) Constipation © Both a&b (d) Smoking

64. A condition that develops immediately after meal, and may be due to peptic ulcer is called (a) Dyspepsia (b) Constipation © Anorexia Nervosa (d) None 65. Excessive secretion of acid and pepsin by gastric gland causes (a) Peptic ulcer (b) Dyspepsia © Both a&b (d) None 66. The common cause of food poisoning is (a) Salmonella species of bacteria (b) Irregular bowl © Contaminated food (d) All 67. Obesity is associated with increased mortality. It can occur in any age and is a genetic trait, but it generally starts from (a) Middle age (b) Juvenile age © Old age (d) None 68. Loss of appetite, refusal to food, induced vomiting are symptoms of (a) Anorexia nervosa (b) Bulimia nervosa ©Malnutrition (d) Indigestion 69. Lack of self control over eating, desire for rich diets twice a week are the symptoms related with (a) Bulimia nervosa (b) Malnutrition © Obesity (d) All 70. Where is mis-match (a) Athletes disease----------Fungi (b) Amoebiasis --------------Protozoa © Plague---------------------Bacteria (d) Leprosy------------------Virus GOOD LUCK

NUMBER CORRECT OPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 TEST-02

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