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Home Explore English 4 part 1

English 4 part 1

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-10-21 22:10:31

Description: English 4p1


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The next part of the module is about constructing questions which can be answered by eitheryes or no. Stay tuned.Language Focus This portion starts with a short narrative. Read the story and answer the questions followingit. Be Yourself A group of animals started a school. Each was going to study something he knew nothing about. So the duck, an excellent swimmer, took up running. Well, try as it might, it remained a poor runner…. And in the meantime became second-class in swimming too. The dog was a good runner, but it broke its leg trying to fly. The cockatoo was a natural at flying, but almost drowned trying to swim. At the end of all these special courses, none of the animals was very good at anything. The moral of the story is: Be what you are. Don’t try being what you are not; for if you aren’t what you are, what are you? - Quote It is a simple story but the message is profound, don’t you think so? Now answer the following questions. 1. Who are the characters in the narrative? 2. How do they behave? 3. What is the lesson taught by the narrative? 4. What literary type is the selection? Why? Let’s check your answers. If you answered duck, dog, and cockatoo in number 1, you’reright. For number 2, the answer is : The duck studied running; the dog, flying; and the cockatoo,swimming. The story teaches us not to try being what we are not. The selection is, of course, a fable, astory about animals that teaches a moral lesson. 17

Questions to elicit structure Read each question orally. Use the rising intonation. 1. Is the duck a good runner? 2. Can the dog fly? 3. Has the cockatoo learned to swim? 4. Did the animals become good at anything? 5. We shouldn’t be what we are not, should we?Here are some generalizations we can draw from the question and answer exercise. Some questions can be answered by yes or no. They are called yes/no questions. Insentences using the verb be we form questions by reversing the position of the subject and theverb. Look at the examples below. Statement Question Response Is the duck an excellent swimmer Yes, it is.The duck is an excellent swimmer. Is the duck a good runner? No, it isn't.The duck is not a good runner. If the verb is not a form of be but has a helping verb, we start the simple question withthe helping verb. The following are examples of this.Statement Question ResponseThe dog cannot fly. Can the dog fly? No, it can’t.Missey will come. Will Missey come? Yes, she will. No, she won’t. If the verb is not the form of be and if it has no helping verb, we supply a form of do(do, does, did) and change the main verb to simple or base form. 18

Statement Question ResponseThe story teaches a lesson. Does the story teach a lesson? Yes, it does./No, it doesn’t.They listen well. Do they listen well? Yes, they do./No, they don’t.The cockatoo almost drowned. Did the cockatoo almost drown? Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.Practice asking yes-no questions by doing the following activities.Activity 1. Yes/No Question with Verbs to beThe following statements center on the topic light.Change each statement to a yes/no question. Number 1 is done for you. Light1. Light is a form of energy. Is light a form of energy?2. It is closely related to heat and nuclear energy. ______________________________________________3. Wherever there is light, there is usually heat. ______________________________________________4. We are dependent on light for the plants we grow and the food we eat. ____________________________________________________________5. The sun is our chief source of light. ____________________________________________________________6. It is a luminous body. ___________________________________________________________7. Fire, too is a luminous body. ____________________________________________________________8. A bonfire and a candle flame are luminous objects. ____________________________________________________________9. Luminous bodies are objects shining by its own light. _____________________________________________________________10. Light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. ______________________________________________________________11. Radio waves, x-rays and gamma rays are also part of this spectrum. ______________________________________________________________ 19

Self-check Now, compare your answers with those that follow. 2. Is it closely related to heat and nuclear energy? 3. Is there usually heat wherever there is light? 4. Are we dependent on light for the plants we grow and the food we eat? 5. Is the sun our chief source of light? 6. Is it a luminous body? 7. Is fire a luminous body too? 8. Are a bonfire and a candle flame luminous objects? 9. Are luminous bodies objects shining by its own light? 10. Is light a part of the electromagnetic spectrum? 11. Are radio waves, x-rays and gamma rays also part of this spectrum? Score each item 2 points. Perfect score is 20. Perfect! Terrific! You’re a fast learner. Hats off to you! If you scored between 16 and 18 you did fine. Keep it up. If you scored between 12 and 14 that’s okay, but study harder, please. If you scored 10 or lower you really should devote more time in studying. Try the next exercise.Activity 2. Yes/no Questions with Has / Have Complete each sentence with has or have. 1. _____________________ you conducted an investigatory project? 2. _____________________ the class been given an assignment on one? 3. _____________________ the boys set up the apparatuses? 20

4. _____________________ Nina copied the procedure from the teacher’s manual?5. _____________________ the teacher assigned the group leaders?6. _____________________ anyone ever experienced doing an investigatory project before?7. _____________________ Liza and Meg agreed on who is going to write the report?8. _____________________ the class fully discussed the procedure?9. _____________________ the group members jotted down the important data?10. _____________________ we agreed on the date of submission?Self-checkDo you want to find out how you performed? Check your answers against those below.1. Have 4. Has 7. Have 10. Have2. Has 5. Has 8. Have3. Have 6. Has 9. Have Perfect score is 10. Did you score 10? Wow, you’re terrific! If you scored between 7 and 9 you did well, but you can do better. If you scored 6 or lower concentrate on your studies. You can do better than your present score. Good luck!Activity 3. Yes/No Questions with do, does or didThe topic of this grammar exercise is the Theory of Evolution.Change each statement to a yes/no question. Decide whether to use do, does or did.Number 1 is done for you. The Theory of Evolution1. Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution. Did Charles Darwin develop the theory of evolution?2. The theory of evolution introduced the idea that species change over a long period of time. ________________________________________________________________________3. This theory explains extinct forms, or fossils as ancestors of present day organisms. ________________________________________________________________________ 21

4. Fossils give evidence for evolution. ______________________________________________________________________5. Fossils preserved in successive vertical layers indicate the sequence in which plants and animals evolved. ______________________________________________________________________6. The theory of evolution helps to explain the variety of life. ______________________________________________________________________7. It also gives biologists a more logical way of classifying organisms. ______________________________________________________________________8. The theory raises questions as to the manner and means of its occurrence. ______________________________________________________________________9. The theory operates in natural selection. ______________________________________________________________________10. The theory of evolution occupies a unique place in biology. _____________________________________________________________________11. It formed a part of the foundations of biology. _____________________________________________________________________Self-check Compare your answers with those below to know how well you fared.2. `Did the theory of evolution introduce the idea that species change over a long period of time?3. Does this theory explain extinct forms, or fossils as ancestors of present day organisms?4. Do fossils give evidence for evolution?5. Do fossils preserved in successive vertical layers indicate the sequence in which plants and animals evolved?6. Does the theory of evolution help to explain the variety of life?7. Does it also give biologists a more logical way of classifying organisms?8. Does the theory raise questions as to the manner and means of its occurrence?9. Does the theory operate in natural selection?10. Does the theory of evolution occupy a unique place in biology?11. Did it form a part of the foundation of biology? 22

Score every correct answer as 2. Perfect score is 20. Did you get 20? Wonderful! Congratulations! You mastered your yes/no questions. Did you score 16 or 18? Good work. Keep it up! Did you score 12 or 14? You’re okay but please study harder. Did you score 10 or lower? Please spend more time in your studies and do better next time. The next exercise will give you practice in making tag questions, or short yes-no questionsadded to statements to seek confirmation.Activity 4. Using Tag Questions Add a tag question to each statement then give a short affirmative or negative response. Thefirst one is done for you.Solar Energy 1. The sun gives off solar energy, doesn’t it? Yes, it does. 2. Solar energy can be in the form of heat or light, ___________? _________________. 3. The earth is always receiving solar energy, ________________? ________________. 4. Solar energy is partly absorbed and partly reflected, ___________? ______________. 5. Light-colored objects cannot absorb solar energy well, __________? _____________. 6. The earth has a blanket of air around it, ___________________? _________________. 7. The atmosphere keeps the earth’s surface from getting much hotter or much colder, __ ________________? ___________________. 8. Without the atmosphere, the plants and animals that live on earth could not exist, ____ ________________? __________________. 9. The angle of sunlight affects the temperature of a sunlit surface, _______________? ________________. 10.Some parts of the earth are not as warm as others at the same time of the year, ______ ______________? ________________. 11. Some parts of the earth have the same temperature year round, __________________? _______________________________.Self- checkLet’s find out how you performed. Check your answers against those below. Score 1 pt. forthe tag question and another point for the response.2. can’t it? Yes, it can. 7. doesn’t it? Yes, it does.3. isn’t it? Yes it is. 8. could it? No, it couldn’t.4. isn’t it? Yes, it is. 9. doesn’t it? Yes it does.5. can it? No, it can’t. 10. are they? No, they aren’t.6. doesn’t it? Yes, it does. 11. don’t they? Yes, they do. 23

Perfect score is 20. Perfect? Superb! If your score is between 16-19, you’re doing a good job! Keep it up. If your score is between 12-15, you’re doing just fine but you can still do better. Study harder. If your score is 11 or below please spend more time for your studies. Good luck! Write Thing Read the story below and form five simple or yes/no questions and five tag questions based on it. Be What You Are A.R. Walls Once there was a snake who was not happy because he seemed to upset everyone. He never did anything wrong, and yet, everybody ran away from him, or else they threw sticks and stones at him. He figured out that it must be because of his personal appearance and so he made up his mind to change that. He placed his tail in his mouth and formed himself into a perfect circle. He then stiffened himself and seemed perfectly wooden. Soon some children found him, pounced on him eagerly and screamed, “Oh, what a pretty green hoop.” And taking a stick, they began to roll it along the ground, every now and then giving it a smart smack to keep it rolling along. The poor snake stood the punishment as long as he could. At the first opportunity, he rolled off into the bushes and slipped back into his former shape and slithered away safely. “I have learned my lesson,” he said to himself, “that no matter how unfortunate my lot, I don’t gain anything by pretending to be someone else.”Everyday Expressions You may not be aware but you use idioms in conversation and in writing. Because idioms areusually short but forceful, writers frequently use them. An idiom is an expression that has developed naturally in a language. An idiomaticexpression, generally, cannot be changed nor can the arrangement of the words be altered. Therefore,you must carefully note the exact words that make up the expression and remember the exactarrangement of words. Remember that fluency in English include a mastery of its idioms. 24

I. Study the following two-word verbs or idioms. fall back on – go back to for help fall behind – lag behind fall for – have a crush on; be attracted to fall in – take one’s proper place in line; collapse. fall off – decrease fall out – happen; withdraw fall through – failII. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the idiomatic expression chosen from the list. 1. Imee ___________________ tall, fair and good-looking guys. 2. Lucy is highly dependable; we can always _______________ her if anything goes wrong. 3. The students __________________ line and trooped to their classroom quietly after they were reprimanded by the teachers. 4. Canteen sales tend to ___________________ from August to October. 5. Addicted to computer games, Roberto _______________his studies. 6. Mayet had to ______________ of the skills competition because of illness. 7. The PTA is having a raffle on Saturday afternoon unless it _______________________ because of bad weather. 8. Vic and Boyet always ______________________ a pretty face. 9. Class attendance is ________________ thus the teacher decided to do home visitation. 10. The old building __________________ during the earthquake. 25

Self-checkWant to know how you fared? Check your answers against those below.1. falls for 6. fall out2. fall back on 7. falls through3. fell in 8. fall for4. fall off 9. falling off5. fell behind 10. fell in Now try to use the two-word verbs in your own sentences. Write them in your notebook. Giveyourself a pat on the shoulder because you have finished the module. Do you want to assess howmuch you have learned from it? If so, take the posttest.PosttestA. Recognizing SynonymsLook at the rows of words below. In each row there are two words with similar meanings.Write the letters of those two words on your answer sheet.1. a. fire b. employ c. upper d. hire2. a. needed b. pleasing c. proud d. required3. a. loyal b. light c. faithful d. high4. a. strive b. bloom c. flower d. thrive5. a. last b. final c. first d. momentB. Inferring Character Traits, Feelings and Motives.Write the letter of the answer to the question after the passage.6. “You old leech, you’ve killed others this way, but you’ll see. You’ll see, you thieving woman.” The feeling expressed is a. jealousy c. disappointment b. vindictiveness d. defiance7. For yesterday is but a dream And tomorrow is only a vision But today, well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness And every tomorrow a vision of hope The speaker is a/an 26

a. dreamer c. realistb. optimist d. idealist8. “ I had a dream and I went to Madam Auring to ask her what it could possibly mean.” Thespeaker isa. romantic c. propheticb. inquisitive d. superstitious9. Laugh and be merry, remember, better the world with a song. The speaker isa. carefree c. wiseb. cheerful d. foolish10. Patricia Ann paused breathlessly in the doorway to the living room and her heart failedher. It was a dark den. Patricia Ann feelsa. contempt c. fearb. joy d. sorrowC. Forming Yes / No QuestionChoose the letter of the correct yes/no question equivalent of the following statements. 11. Matter is the substance of the physical world. a. Is the substance of matter the physical world? b. Is matter the substance of the physical world? c. Can matter be the substance of the physical world? 12. Atoms are the basic components of matter. a. Do atoms compose matter? b. Are the basic components of matter atoms? c. Are atoms the basic components of matter? 13. Low temperature can change liquid matter to solid. a. Can low temperature change liquid matter to solid? b. Does low temperature change liquid matter to solid? c. Is liquid matter changed to solid by low temperature? 14. Water expands when it is frozen. a. When frozen, does water expand? b. Does water expand when it is frozen? c. Did water expand when frozen? 15. Physics deals with the study of the three states of matter. a. Does physics deal with the study of the three states of matter? b. Do physics deal with the study of the three states of matter? c. Is physics deal with the study of the three states of matter? 27

D. Using Tag QuestionsChoose the letter of the correct tag question to complete each statement.16. Plastics and synthetic fibers are not natural fibers, __________________? a. are they b. aren’t they c. is it d. isn’t it17. Today, we must conserve fuel and energy, ______________________? a. don’t we b. aren’t we c. mustn’t we d. shouldn’t we18. The book describes Philippine Architecture, ____________________? a. is it b. don’t it c. does it d. doesn’t it19. The merry makers celebrated noisily, _________________________? a. did they b. didn’t they c. don’t they d. do they20. The atom was thought to be the smallest particle of matter, _______________? a. was it b. isn’t it c. is it d. wasn’t itSelf-checkNow check your answers against the key that follows.A. Recognizing Synonyms 1. b and d 4. b and c 2. a and d 5. a and b 3. a and cB. Identifying character traits, feelings and motives 6. b 8. d 10. c 7. c 9. aC. Forming yes/no question 11. b 13. a 15. a 12. c 14. bD. Using tag questions 16. a 18. d 20. d 17. c 19. b Got a perfect score? Fantastic! You’ve really made good use of the module. Congratulations! You deserve a trophy. Did you score between 17 and 19? Very good! Keep up the good work. Did you score between 14 and 16? Good, but you could have done better. Did you score 13 or lower? Perhaps it is best that you study this module again specially where you are weakest. Good luck. 28

Before you put aside this module, spend some time reflecting on what you have learned fromit. Use this format in your reflective journal. Reflective Journal Name : _____________________________________ School :______________________________________  What did I think or feel about the module? Why?  What did I learn from this module?  What was particularly significant for me? Why?  How will I apply what I have learned to my life? 29

Module 2 Being a Nationalistic LearnerOverview What is nationalism? Is it loving and being proud of one’s country and her ideals, of herpeople and her dreams and aspirations, and of all that she stands for? Yes, it is and something more. Nationalism has many faces. You see it in the patience and fortitude of farmers and fishermenas they go to their fields or put out to sea before sunrise to feed a nation. You hear it in thedetermined voices of teachers in the classrooms as they fashion the minds of the youth and in theencouraging voices of doctors and nurses in clinics and hospitals as they attend to the sick and thedying. You feel it in the atmosphere of factories and piers as workers sweat it out to turn the wheelsof industry. You hear it in the tramping feet of soldiers as they advance to protect the rights and livesof civilians. Finally you see and feel it in the earnest and ceaseless efforts of volunteer workers asthey courageously and willingly risk their lives to save the victims of calamities. This module focuses on helping you develop the value of true nationalism. After goingthrough this module, you will hopefully be able to determine for yourself which of the many facespresented is the true face of nationalism. 1

ObjectivesAfter working on the exercises in this module you will be able to 1. arrive at the meaning of unfamiliar words through context clues 2. pick out the clues in the sentence that help point to the meaning of a word 3. note details and make inferences 4. get the main idea and the theme of a selection 5. identify referents and sensory images 6. distinguish literal language from figurative language 7. identify and interpret figurative language 8. make inquiries 9. respond clearly to questions 10. write a personal reflection on a given topicInstructions1. Do not write anything on this module as several students will be using it. Do all your work in your notebook. Be sure to label your work by the module number and title. Keep a separate notebook for your Reflective Journal.2. Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first.3. Each module begins with an Overview or brief introduction followed by a list of Objectives that you are expected to learn.4. Before working on the activities answer the Pretest first. Find out how well you did by checking you answers against the answers given under the Self-check of the pretest.5. As you work on the activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What skill or strategy does the activity develop?6. After each activity, go over the Self-check that follows to find out how will you fared in that activity. Pay attention to the items you missed. Learn from your mistakes.7. After working on all activities, take the Posttest. 2

PretestI. Vocabulary: Using Context CluesWrite the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the italicized word.1. He is an agile basketball player. He moves easily and quickly on the hard court. a. strong b. fast c. experienced d. powerful2. I had made this request before but I should like to reiterate it now. a. explain b. ask c. prove d. repeat3. The meticulous student reviewed his test paper so carefully that there was not a single error tobe found. a. intelligent b. punctual c. careful d. observant4. Government is trying hard to ameliorate the housing condition of the urban poor by buildinglow cost houses. a. improve b. lessen c. end d. raise5. The firemen heard the occupants of the burning building shouting and coughing. The smokewas suffocating them. a. choking b. helping c. burning d. heatingII. Identifying ReferentsWrite the word to which the underlined pronoun refers. 1. It was perhaps the education which I received from my tenderest infancy which has molded my habits. 2. The sky would seem to look clear and blue when we heard mother’s voice although it was not always bright. 3. Molecules of a substance in liquid form are closer together and move more slowly than those in a gaseous state. 4. One of the most famous stories in the world is that of the wooden horse. 5. Because the moon has no atmosphere, scientists are looking forward to setting up an observatory there. 3

III. Identifying Sensory Images Write the letter of the dominant sensory image suggested by the following lines. Choose fromthe box below. a. touch c. sight e. smell b. motion d. sound f. taste1. Pebbles cold and sharp under my feet2. Green mangoes with bagoong3. Perfume, roses and baking bread4. Continuous as the stars that shine5. The grating of cartwheels on the pebblesIV. Making InferencesRead the passages carefully then write the letter of the best answer to each question that follows.1. The battle continued furiously. It was like a hurricane. I could not see what was going onbecause it was so fast and feathers were flying and rising all around like smoke. What isdescribed?a. a badminton match c. a cockfightb. a whirlwind d. wild duck hunting2. The night had come quickly and stars were twinkling overhead. We could hear the mightythrob of the engine far below down the deck. Where were the people?a. on a train c. on a planeb. in a trailer d. on a ship3. “We can only set out nets a few times a day. Setting the nets and hauling them in takes a lot oftime and work.” Who is the speaker?a. a stevedore c. an acrobatb. a fisherman d. a hunter4. Tense, silent moments of pain followed when the old body was shaken with the agony of knifemeeting flesh. And calm, sure hands ripped open the boil on the quivering lid; knife cut anerve, nerve trembled with infinite pain. What is going on?a. a surgical operation c. a stabbing affrayb. a vehicular accident d. slaughter5. “ I circle several times while I lose altitude trying to penetrate the darkness from differentvantage point, getting the lay of the land as well as I can in the darkness. Who is the speaker?a. a skydiver c. a cameramanb. a pilot d. a photographer 4

V. Understanding Figurative Language Each number consists of an initial statement that uses a figure of speech and threeinterpretations. In your notebook write the letter of the figure of speech used on the first number andthe letter of the interpretation that best expresses the meaning of the statement on the second number.Choose the figure of speech from the box below.a. simile d. hyperboleb. metaphor e. apostrophec. personification1-2. The stalks were taking on gold in the late afternoon sun. a. The palay were turning to gold. b. The palay were ripening. c. The palay were drying up.3-4. From the cradle to the grave is but a day. a. The baby died one day after it was born. b. The cradle is a day’s walk to the grave. c. Life is short.5-6. My uncle is as talkative as a parrot. a. My uncle talks a lot. b. My uncle is a politician. c. My uncle doesn’t talk much.7-8. Freedom: Let your bells ring. a. The speaker longs for freedom. b. The speaker wants to hear the bells. c. The speaker rings the bells of freedom.9-10. The man is a diamond in the rough. a. He is wealthy. b. He wears precious stones c. He is good despite his appearance. 5

F. Using Information QuestionsComplete the dialogs with the correct question words as suggested by the responses. 1. Q: ______________ were you absent last Friday? A: Because I had a sore throat. 2. Q: ______________ is that aromatic odor coming from? A: The kitchen, I suppose. 3. Q: ______________ is that boy approaching us? A: Paolo. 4. Q: ______________ birthday are we celebrating on December 25? A: Jesus Christ’s. 5. Q: ______________ will you bring with you tomorrow? A: Some sandwiches, juices and fun snacks.Self-checkI. Vocabulary. Using Context Clues 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. a 5. moonII. Identifying Referents 5. d 1. education 3. molecules 5. b 2. sky 4. stories 9. b 10. cIII. Identifying Sensory Images 1. a 2. f 3. e 4. cIV. Making Inferences 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. aV. Understanding Figurative Language 1. b 3. d 5. a 7. e 2. b 4. c 6. a 8. a 6

VI. Using Information Questions 3. Who 4. Whose 5. What 1. Why 2. WherePerfect? Hats off to you! You’re great!Is your score between 30-39? Very good! Keep up the good work.If your score is between 20-29 you did fine. This module can help you do better.But if you got 19 or lower you really should study this module very closely. Good luck!Words Unlocked Quite often when you come across an unfamiliar word in a text, there are words in thesentence that give you an idea of its meaning. These are context clues. These clues may be foundbefore or after the unfamiliar word. They will not give you the full meaning of the word but enoughof it so you can make sense of the word and understand the sentence where it is found. The italicized words below are used in the selection you are going to read. See if you canguess its meaning through the context clues provided. Pick out the clue/s to the meaning of each italicized word in the sentence then choose thecorrect meaning from the options given.1. Patricia Ann was enjoying the sight of her image on the clear surface of the pond when a breezeblew and her image became a blur on the rippled surface. A rippled surface hasa. little wavelets b. dark spots c. small plants2. The ship is like a plough furrowing the sea.a. wrinkling b. planting c. plowing3. A few decades ago, our mountains were covered with trees and other vegetation making themverdant. Something verdant isa. abundant b. green c. fruit-laden4. The vanquished rebels laid down their arms to prevent more bloodshed.a. surrounded b. victorious c. defeated5. The wrestlers grapple with each other in the arena. a. seize and hold firmly b. catch and tie loosely c. box and kick viciously 7

6. The sprawling vines covered most of the porch. Something sprawling isa. well arranged b. similarly grouped c. spread irregularly7. Our love for freedom is a heritage from our ancestors.a. inheritance b. commitment c. privilege8. We must protect our freedom from tyranny. a. absolute power by a groups of men b. oppressive power exerted by a single ruler c. democratic power exercised by governmentSelf-check 1. image become blur; a 2. plough; c 3. covered with trees and other vegetation; b 4. laid down their arms; c 5. wrestlers; a 6. covered most of the porch; c 7. from our ancestors; a 8. protect our freedom; b Perfect? You’re terrific! Congratulations! If you scored 10 or higher very good! Keep it up. However, if you scored 9 or lower please do better in the succeeding activities.Reading AdventurePre-reading The Filipino has a rich heritage and the Philippines is endowed with great resources – humanand natural. Our ancestors came to this islands in search of freedom for themselves and their children.Though our country had been colonized again and again by foreign powers our forefathers hadsteadfastly kept the fire of freedom burning in their hearts and had passed on that torch making usproud of our race, our country and our people. Are you proud of being a Filipino? What things make you proud of being one? List themdown in your notebook. 8

Look at the title. What do you think are the author’s reasons for saying so?While Reading While reading the poem, compare the list you made with the author’s. Are you both proud forthe same reasons? Find out. I Am Proud To Be A Filipino Toribia Maño I am a Filipino. I came from islands rippled with sun Where days are green fires and nights are warm With moon and stars. Girdling my loins is blood rich as milk For I was born of sultans, rajahs, kings, Soldiers, heroes who fought to sing The poetry of freedom. My house is my land Virgin, brown, wombed out of loam, volcanic rock and shells, Carpeted with rice, corn, coconut, cane, trees That rise as temples to grapple winds 9

Rains, mighty rivers furrowing the earth.Where I walk, my shadow is a marriage of flagsMalay, Chinese, Spanish, American, JapaneseWhile in my bones sleep quietly as a brideVanquished desires of conquerors who dreamt of empires,Gold, trade and spice. Though a paly breedI stand with the ancients for my love and loyaltyAre as fish to the sea. I am proud of my brownness,My duty and destiny are thirty-million brown menPlanting rice, husking coconut, throwing nets far into the PacificHacking mountains of iron, coal, chrome, manganese and timberTo live. We are one and the same. A moving, restless caravanOf dark brown skins building a holy heritage of democracyPiece by piece with our dreams, sweat and deathAs a bird builds patiently twig by twigThe warm, brown circle of its nest.I am a Filipino. I believe in the goodness and the bounty of God,I believe in the grandeur of charity and peace as a cure for the ills of manFor I am a Christian who looks upon all menAs brothers whose task it is to love.I believe in my country and in the deathlessness of my flagFor its every color is a history of courage, sacrifice, deathAgainst injustice, tyranny, oppression and hate.I believe in my people as noble keepers of the faith:That all men are equal; that all men are free.I believe with verdant and sprawling mountains, hills, valleys, plains,Lakes, waterfalls, rivers, sunsets, beachesAnd a generous sea. Alive, sovereign, wondrously happy in work and abundant with hope for my people.I am proud to be a Filipino. 10

Post ReadingUnderstanding the Poem Let’s see how well you understood the poem. Do the following activities.A. Choose the letter of the phrase that completes the sentence. 1. The poem is mainly about a. pride in being a Filipino. b. equality of all Filipinos. c. characteristics of a Filipino. 2. The writer says that the Filipino is a. a victim of injustice. b. of noble origin. c. basically generous. 3. The Filipino is by nature a. poor but brave and religious. b. peace-loving but proud and ambitious. c. charitable, hardworking and freedom-loving. 4. The value the poem aims to develop in the reader is a. industry b. obedience c. nationalismB. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. 1. We should be proud of being Filipinos because of our ancestral beginnings. 2. The Philippines is rich in natural and human resources. 3. Today, our goal as a people is to achieve democracy. 4. As a people, we have a rich national and cultural heritage. 5. There were thirty-million Filipinos during the Spanish times. 6. The Philippines had been under colonial rule for centuries; thus, the Filipino is submissive. 11

7. As a people we believe in God though we know and call Him by different names.8. The Filipino is a lover of peace and of his fellowmen.Self-check 3. c 5. F 7. T 4. c 6. T 8. TUnderstanding the Poem 3. F A. 1. a 4. T 2. b B. 1. T 2. TC. Identifying Referents of Words Read each passage carefully. Then identify the word to which the underlined word refers.Number 1 is done for you. 1. “As a bird builds patiently twig by twig The warm, brown circle of its nest.” Answer: its refers to bird 2. “I believe in my country and in the deathlessness of my flag For its color is a history of courage, sacrifice and death.” 3. “I came from islands rippled with sun Where days are green fires....” 4. “..... A moving, restless caravan Of dark brown skins building a holy heritage of democracy Piece by piece with our dreams, sweat and death.” 12

Self-check 3. islands 4. caravan of dark brown skins 1. bird 2. flagHere’s another exercise on identifying the referents of words.D. Match the underlined word in A with its referent in B AB1. men planting rice a. miners2. the ancients b. laborers3. men husking coconuts c. our Spanish colonizers4. men throwing nets into the Pacific d. our forefathers5. men hacking timber e. farmers6. conquerors who dreamt of empires, f. the Filipinos gold, trade and spice g. lumberjacks7. a moving restless caravan of h. fishermen dark brown skins8. men hacking mountains of iron, coal and chromeSelf-checkD. 1. e 3. b 5. g 7. f 2. d 4. h 6. c 8. aE. Identifying Sensory Images Words are not just letters printed on paper. They tell of things that you see, hear, smell, tasteand feel. There are six sensory images in literature namely: 1.) sight, which appeals to the sense ofseeing; 2) sound, which appeals to the sense of hearing; 3) touch, which appeals to the sense offeeling; 4) taste, which appeals to the sense of taste; 5) smell, which appeals to the sense ofsmelling; 6) motion, which appeals to the sense of seeing with another dimension, that is,movement. Let’s practice what you have learned. Do these activities. 13

Activity 1Write the sensory image found in each of the following passages. Choose from the bubbles below. motion sight smellsmell touch taste 1. “the hurrying ebb tide” 2. “a bang of drums and a shrill of piper” 3. “putrid like old cheese” 4. “glistened like beaten cotton” 5. “thick pink imperial slices melting frigidly on sun-parched tongue” 6. “a grain of sand in the eye” 7. “wet grass between my toes” 8. “broiled chicken, roasts a roasting” 9. “little rills purled underneath greening fern” 10. “scampered and scurried to and fro”Here’s another exercise on identifying sensory images. 14

Activity 2Write the letter of the phrase that does NOT appeal to the same sense as that of the phrase in bold print.1. the grating of cartwheels on the pebbles a. the murmuring haunt of flies b. the crackling of the fire c. vast ridges of forest2. gentle swaying of the reeds a. the eternal note of sadness b. tiny human figures laboring in the distant fields c. curls of smoke rising lazily from farm house chimney3. wet grass between my toes a. dressed in crude and gaudy attire b. completely wet and icy cold c. a grain of sand in the eye4. chocolate, ice cream and apple pie a. tang of salt spray b. many sweet thoughts c ice cold mango juice5. scent of cologne, jasmine and body spray a. pungent like old wine b. acrid fumes of burning wax c. guttural twang of the bull frogSelf-checkNow, check your answers against the key below.Activity11. motion 5. taste 9. sight2. sound 6. touch 10. motion3. smell 7. touch4. sight 8. smell 15

Activity 21. c 3. a 5. c2. a 4. bRead the following.Understanding Figurative Language Writers use words in many different ways. Sometimes they tell what happened very simply.Sometimes to make their meaning clearer, they compare one thing to something else. When they dothis, they are using figurative language. Figurative language gives clearness, force, beauty andmemorableness to ideas and adds effectiveness to one’s speech and writing. Figurative language usesfigures of speech. A figure of speech is any use of words in a sense different from their literaldefinition for clearness, force, beauty and memorableness of expression.The most common figures of speech are:1. Simile. It is a comparison between unlike things that have one quality in common on which the comparison is based. The comparison is indicated by the expression like or as. The ship is like a plough plowing the sea. My love is as red as a red, red rose.2. Metaphor. It is an implied comparison between things essentially different but having one quality in common on which the comparison is built. It is an indirect comparison hence the words like and as are NOT used. Contentment is a pearl of great price.3. Personification. It is a figure of speech that ascribes intelligence or feeling to abstract ideas or inanimate objects. Did you hear the bells laugh and sing?4. Apostrophe. It is a figure of speech in which an absent or dead person is addressed as if he/she were present or alive, or an inanimate object or abstract idea as if it had life. Oh Liberty! How many crimes are committed in thy name.5. Hyperbole. It is an exaggeration made to achieve an effect Rhoda is a mountain of flesh. 16

Activity 1. Recognizing Figurative Language Read each of the five sets of sentences that follow. For each sentence in the set write O if thesentence uses ordinary language and F if it uses figurative language. A. 1. The wind howled like a wounded animal. 2. The wind blew hard and made noises. 3. The wind was a wounded animal, howling in the night. B. 1. When night ends and daylight begins, people become active again. 2. The dawn of day is like the beginning of a play; 3. The curtain of night lifted and we, the actors come on stage once more. C. 1. The grass formed a velvet cushion for her head. 2. The grass felt like velvet when she put her head down. 3. She put her head on the grass. D. 1. He seeks money like a squirrel seeks nuts. 2. He is selfish and greedy. 3. He is a hungry squirrel storing loot for the future. E. 1. When I held the ice, I felt shivers down my spine. 2. The ice cube froze my spine. 3. Holding the ice cube was like lying on a frozen pond.Self-checkCheck your answers against the key that follows.A. 1. F B. 1. O C. 1. F D. 1. F E. 1. O2. O 2. F 2. F 2. O 2. F3. F 3. F 3. O 3. F 3. FPerfect? Congratulations!If you got 10 or higher very good! Keep up the good work.But if your score is 9 or lower please try your best to do better in the exercises to follow.Activity 2 17

See if you can identify the figure of speech used in each of the following lines. Choose youranswers from the box. simile apostrophe metaphor personification hyperbole1. “Rise up from your grave, Rizal!”2. “ The days are green fires...”3. “Girdling my loins is blood rich as milk...”4. “The trees rise to grapple winds”5. “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”Are you ready for a more challenging activity? Try this.Write the letters of the figure of speech used and the correct interpretation of each passage.1. “Though a paly breedI stand with the ancients for my love and loyalty are as fish to the sea.”a. simile b. metaphor c. hyperboleThe passage means a. I am as loyal and loving as other people. b. I am as loving and loyal to my ancestors as a fish is to the sea. c. The fish is as loyal to the sea as I am to my friends.2. “Where I walk, my shadow is a marriage of flags.”The figure of speech used isa. simile b. apostrophe c. metaphorThe passage means a. My shadow is covered with flags. b. The path I walk is covered with flags. c. I am a product of different cultures. 18

Self-check 3. simile 5. hyperbole 4. personificationActivity 2 1. apostrophe 2. metaphorActivity 3 1. a; c 2. b; c Did you get a perfect score? Kudos to you! You did great! If you got 5 or lower, please try your best to improve in the succeeding activities.Try your hand at writing this time.Write ThingIn your reflective journal write a personal reflection on the topic: What Being a Filipino Means to MeIn the next part of this module, you will learn how to form good questions.Language FocusRead the following passage. I am a Filipino-inheritor of a glorious past, hostage to the uncertain future.… I must proveequal to a twofold task – the task of meeting my responsibility to the past and the task of performingmy obligations to the future. 19

I am sprung from a hardy race – child of many generations removed of ancient Malayanpioneers …. of brown skinned men putting out to sea in ships that were as frail as their hearts werestout…. Over the sea I see them come borne upon the billowing waves and the whistling wind,carried upon the mighty swell of hope – hope in the free abundance of the new land that was to betheir home and their children’s forever. - excerpt from I Am a Filipino Carlos P. RomuloNow study and answer the following questions. 1. Who is the speaker? 2. What is his twofold task? 3. Where did his ancestors come from? 4. How did they come here? 5. Why did they come here? The foregoing italicized words are question words and the five sentences are informationquestions. Questions asked to secure information are called information questions. They may begin withquestion words such as who, what, whose, when, which, where, why and how or with question phrasessuch as which one, how many, how often or what kind. Because they are asked to get information care should be taken to answer exactly the questionasked. Questions introduced by who, whom or whose are usually answered by the name of persons orby other words referring to persons. Questions introduced by which or what are usually answered bythe names of objects; the question where, by the name of a place; the question when, by wordsindicating time; the question why, by words stating reason; and the question how, by words showingmanner. 20

Study the word order in the following examples. Notice that the question word is substitutedfor the word about which the question is asked. Statement Question Who are you?I am a Filipino. Where did your ancestors come from?My ancestors came from How did they come here? across the sea. What have you inherited?They came here in frail ships.I have inherited a glorious past.Activity 1. Using Question Words Fill in the blank with the correct question word chosen from the bubbles below. You may usea question word more than once. why whichwhat wherewhose how when who1. ________________ did the early Filipinos call their god?2. ________________ did they worship?3. ________________ did our ancestors come from?4. ________________ did the bodies of their anitos look?5. ________________ did they recite incantations?6. ________________ did the Muslims believe in?7. ________________ did the Spaniards come to the Philippines?8. ________________ do you prefer, singing or dancing?9. ________________ ancestors were the Malays who came in 1300 A.D.?10. ________________ did the ancestors of the Muslims come? 21

Self-checkNow, let’s find out how you fared. Check your answers against the key below.1. How or what 6. Who2. What 7. When3. Where 8. Which4. How 9. Whose5. Why 10. WhenPerfect score! Hats off to you!If you got 7 or higher, very good. Keep up the good work!But if you got 6 or lower please try your best to do better in the next activity.Activity 2. Forming Wh-questionsChange the following statements to information questions. Number 1 is done for you. Early Filipinos1. The first inhabitants of the Philippines were the Aetas? Who were the first inhabitants of the Philippines?2. They were supposed to come from Central Asia. Where _______________________________________________3. This happened about 25,000 years ago. When ________________________________________________4. At that time land bridges existed between the Philippines and Asia. What ________________________________________________5. The Aetas lived in dense forests. Where _______________________________________________6. The next people to come to the Philippines were the Indonesians. Who ________________________________________________7. About 2,000 years ago, the second group of Indonesians came. When __________________________________________________________ 22

8. They had dark complexion, thick lips, wide nose and bulky physique. How ___________________________________________________________9. These Indonesians were the ancestors of the Ifugaos. Whose __________________________________________________________10. Three waves of Malay migration took place. How many _______________________________________________________Self-checkNow check your answers against those below. 2. Where were they supposed to come from? 3. When did this happen? 4. What existed between the Philippines and Asia them? 5. Where did the Aetas live? 6. Who were the next people to come to the Philippines? 7. When did the second group of Indonesians come? 8. How did these people look? 9. Whose ancestors were they? 10. How many waves of Malay migration took place?Everyday Expressions Following are idiomatic expressions with keep. Literally, Keep means to retain possession ofhowever, it takes on several meanings when used as an idiom. Study this list.keep at - to continue or persist keep off/out - avoidkeep away from - to not go near or avoid keep on - to continue doingkeep back - to restrain/conceal keep up - continue without stoppingkeep down - to remain at a low levelkeep from - to prevent or stopkeep in mind - rememberSubstitute an idiomatic expression for the underlined word or group or words. 1. Paolo’s mother reminded him to avoid trouble. 2. You did well; continue the good work. 3. Try to control your anger. It was nobody’s fault. 23

4. She persisted doing the work until it was finished.5. Times are difficult, so please see to it that you keep your expenses low.6. Please don’t stand on the grass, it is newly planted.7. Hearing of the funny incident, mother could hardly restrain her laughter.Self-checkWould you like to find out how you fared? Check your answer against those below. 1. keep out of 2. keep up 3. keep back 4. kept on 5. keep down 6. keep off 7. keep back Perfect? Congratulations! If you got a score of 5 or higher keep up the good work! But if you got 4 or lower please try harder in the next exercises.Exercise. Can you now use the idioms with Keep in sentences ? I’m sure you can. So, write yourown sentences in your notebook. Now, you are almost done with this module. To determine how much you have learned fromit, take the posttest.PosttestI. Vocabulary: Using Context CluesWrite the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the italicized word.1. Our house is cramped. At night, there is not enough room for all of us to stretch out.a. warm b. poor c. cold d. crowded2. The stone wall was like a snake which writhed across the entire land.a. twisted b. crawled c. continued d. flowed3. His footfalls echoed through the corridor or passage way.a. room b. hallway c. wall d. stair 24

4. Raffy is a gregarious character, always reaching out to others and enjoying their company.a. nature b. ignorant c. sociable d. happy5. The patient succumbed after putting up a heroic, week-long battle against Death.a. fainted b. slept c. cried d. diedII. Identifying ReferentsWrite the word to which the underlined pronoun refers.1. They walked for several minutes along the edge of a deep ravine until they came upon a trail that led down to its bottom.2. The old woman looked at the girl in her muddy dress then turned her heels and went up the path.3. The search for oil is an exciting adventure. It is a gamble to the many man who risk their lives and fortunes in the hunt for “black gold.”4-5. To some people, trees are a source of livelihood, to others, they are a source of inspiration.III. Identifying Sensory ImagesWrite the dominant sensory image suggested by each of the following lines. Choose from the bubbles below.motion sight smell touch taste sound1. sparkling icicles and flaming torches of leaves.2. silky and velvety as a baby’s skin3. the flight of the bumble bee4. that boisterous laughter5. the tang of salt spray from the sea 25

IV. Making InferencesRead the passages carefully then write the letter of the best answer to each question that follows.1. Some are shaped like dragons, some like birds or butterflies or fish or even animals. They havepitched battles in the sky, and the fun consists in making them fight, entangling them and cutting oneanother’s strings by sudden jerks. What objects are described?a. lanterns b. masks c. gliders d. kites2. And sits all day plugs out and sticking plugs in, flashes and flashes voices and voices calling forears to pour words in. Who is referred to?a. an airline pilot c. a radio operatorb. a telephone operator d. a telegraph operator3. “Thy lips breathe the scent of milk.” Who is spoken to?a. a lady b. a mother c. a baby d. a teenager4. In the path of onrushing military and rebel troops, the remote barangay trembled. What did theremote barangay suffer?a. fear b. hunger c. cold d. shock5. As we rounded the curve, I could see the full moon burning the steel rails into silver ribbons.Where is the speaker?a. on a ship b. on a train c. in a fire truck d. in a wagonIV. Understanding Figurative LanguageEach number consists of an initial statement that uses a figure of speech and three interpretations. Onyour answer sheet, write the letter of the figure of speech used on the first number and the letter of thebest interpretation on the second number. Choose the figure of speech from the box below. a. simile d. hyperbole b. metaphor e. apostrophe c. personification 26

1-2. The silence is deafening. a. Silence can cause deafness. b. The silence is so deep that nothing can be heard. c. The deaf can’t hear anything.3-4. My love is as deep as the ocean. a. My love is forever. b. My love is true. c. My love is sweet.5-6. “O Wind, if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” a. The wind brings winter and spring soon after. b. There is no doubt that spring will come at the end of winter. c. The wind signals the coming of winter.7-8. “ The inside world of an Oriental is a deep well, dark and mysterious. In its depths one can find priceless gems or poisonous snakes.” a. An Oriental’s world has many dark and deep wells with worthless stones and harmful reptiles. b. An Oriental’s mind is like a dark and mysterious well, and one cannot tell whether his thoughts are good or evil. c. The Oriental’s world is like a deep, dark well that contains precious stones and deadly cobras.9-10. “Love’s not Time’s fool.” a. The passage of time does not make love sweeter. b. The passage of time does not make love seem foolish. c. The passage of time does not make love fade.IV. Using Information QuestionsComplete the dialog with a correct question word as suggested by the response.1. Q: ___________ were the rice terraces built? A: Two thousand years ago.2. Q: ___________ kinds of musical instruments do our ancestors have? A: Two.3. Q: ___________ do you like, the kudyapi or the kulintangan? A: The kudyapi. 27

4. Q: ___________ was our ancestors good of? A: Music.5. Q: __________ decided the important affairs of the barangay? A: The datu or rajah.6. Q: __________ did the early Filipinos express their feelings? A: Through songs.7. Q: __________ did the Borneans settle? A: Along the shore.8. Q: ___________ did the Bornean datus leave Borneo? A: They were in search of a new land.9. Q: ___________ wife received the pearl necklace? A: Marikudo’s.10. Q: ____________ were the early Filipinos good at? A: Tatooing and carving.Self-check Now let’s find out how you fared. Check your answers with those below. It is expected, ofcourse, that you’ll score higher here than you did in your pretest.I. Vocabulary. Using Context Clues1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. dII. Identifying Referents1. ravine 3. search for oil 5. trees2. woman 4. peopleIII. Identifying Sensory Images6. sight 8. motion 10. taste7. touch 9. soundIV. Making Inferences 28

1. d 3. c 5. b2. b 4. aV. Understanding Figurative Language1. d 5. e 9. c2. b 6. b 10. c3. a 7. b4. a 8. bVI. Using Information Questions1. When 5. Who 9. Whose2. How many 6. How 10. What3. Which 7. Where4. What 8. Why Perfect? That’s really great! Congratulations, it’s a pleasure working with you. Did you score between 30-39? Very good! Keep up the good work. You have truly used this module to the optimum. Did you score between 20-29? Well, you did fine, although you could have done better. Try harder in the succeeding modules. Did you score 19 or lower? Well, it’s not a lost cause really, but you should have made full use of this module. It would be to your advantage if you study this module again and get maximum benefit from it. Try again, would you, please? You have just finished your first module for the second quarter. It is hoped that it has helpedyou become a nationalistic learner. 29

Before you put aside this module, spend some time reflecting on what you have learned fromit. Use this format in your reflective journal. Reflective Journal Name : _____________________________________ School :______________________________________  What did I think or feel about the module? Why?  What did I learn from this module?  What was particularly significant for me? Why?  How will I apply what I have learned to my life? 30

Module 3 Being a Discerning Asian and Global CitizenOverview There are more than 160 countries in the world, varying in population count from a fewhundred to hundreds of millions of people. Each country is unique with its own customs andtraditions. The language spoken by its people may differ from that of its neighboring countries. It isoften the case that in a large country such as China, several language or dialects are spoken byvarious ethnic groups living in that country. The activities found in this module will help you understand the individual characteristics thatcombine to give a country its own unique identity. These characteristics make a country differentfrom all other countries. Included in that uniqueness are the following: the type of government, thelanguages spoken by the people, the religion and belief system followed by the majority, theirancestral background, the type of currency and the customs, traditions, music, dance and specialcelebrations cherished by those who live there. It is the sum total of all these characteristics thatmake a country what it is. Learning about each other will help us to better understand and appreciatethe differences that do exist.Objectives After working on the activities in this module, you will be able to: 1. Use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. 2. Discover through literature the links between one’s life and the lives of the people throughout the world. 3. Accept and appreciate the differences between people of different cultures. 4. Show cultural empathy and respect for human diversity and universal human rights. 5. Guess the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting keywords in sentences. 6. Describe people, place and things using adjectives. 7. Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to create a unified impression of people, places, things, or events. 1

Instructions 1. Do not write anything on this module as several students will be using it. Do all your work in your notebook. Be sure to label your work by the module number and title. Keep a separate notebook for your Reflective Journal. 2. Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first. 3. Each module begins with a brief introduction or Overview followed by a list of Objectives you are expected to learn. 4. Before working on the activities, answer the Pretest first. Find out how well you did by checking your answer against the answers given under the Self-Check of the pretest. 5. As you work on the activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What skill or strategy does the activity develop? 6. After each activity go over the Self-Check that follows to find out how well you fared in that activity. Pay attention to the items you missed. Learn from your mistakes. 7. After working on all the activities take the Posttest.Now take the pretest. Please do your best.PretestI. Vocabulary. Recognizing Compound wordsMatch a word in column 1 with a word in column 2 to form a compound noun. Column 1 Column 2 1. land man 2. back makers 3. grand fill 4. merry bone 5. herds fatherII. Adjectives Complete each sentence by adding a suffix to the word in parenthesis. Choose from the listbelow in the box. -ic, -ly, -y, -ful, -ious, -ed, -d6. Don Bosco, the __________ friend of young boys had such a great influence on them. (hero)7-8 . One cold __________ night, I watched an ________woman get off the bus. (rain, elder)9. There was a __________ young man on the bus and nobody offered him a seat. (cripple)10. I consider my mother as the most __________ woman in the world. (beauty)11. She wants to own a __________ home. (luxury) 2

III. Idioms Fill in the blank with the correct preposition. out up for over 12. Mario tried to make __________ for lost time by doing extra work . 13. Lucy went to David’s Salon for a make __________. 14. Can you read this word? I can’t make __________ his handwriting. 15. Lany played the role of Ophelia. She was made __________ the part.IV. Reading Comprehension Read the passage carefully and answer the question that follows. Carmen has just finished supper. The rest of the evening is all planned. She simply has to study for a very important test, her worst subject. Passing or failing for the year depends on doing well on tomorrow’s test. Then it hits her: Tonight’s the night for the final round of Star in a Million that’s been advertised all week. She really wants to watch it. As Carla is struggling to decide what to do, the phone rings. It’s Mely, her best friend. Mely wants to know if Carla can come over and study with her. Mely also has a new CD they can listen to. Carla knows if she goes to Mely’s house she’d never be able to study very well. But she doesn’t want to let Mely down. So Carla stalls, telling Mely she’ll call right back after she tells her parents. Carla hangs up and sits there, trying to decide what to do. Just then her favorite aunt, Maria, stops by, Aunt Maria explains that she won’t be able to make it next week to Carla’s birthday party. She wants to take Carla to the Midnight sale so they can pick out Carla’s gift and then go out for ice cream. Suddenly, Carla’s life is very complicated. She has too many choices.16 – 18 In the first column, write down each choice Carla has, in the second column write what the results of each might be. Carla’s Choices Possible Results16.17.18.19 – 20 What is the morally right choice for Carla to make? Why? 3

Self-checkI. Vocabulary 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. aII. Adjectives 8. elderly 10. beautiful 6. heroic 9. crippled 11. luxurious 7. rainyIII. Idioms 13. over 14. out 15. for 12. upIV. Reading ComprehensionCarla’s Choice Possible Results16. study alone she will pass the test17. study with Mely she might fail the exam18. Go out with her Aunt she might fail the test19 – 20 She would study at home. Her chances of getting a good grade is better.Your Score: 20 Perfect. Congratulations! 16 – 19 Very Good 6 – 10 Fair 11 --1 5 Good job 1 – 5 Try HarderDeveloping Your Vocabulary Pair or group of words may cause confusion because they sound exactly alike or almost alike,but are spelled and used differently. Study the following easily confused words and then choose the word that fits each sentence. 1. accept : receive except : all but We will never achieve peace unless we learn to __________ differences. 2. to : a preposition too: in addition two: the number An Arabian dromedary has one hump while a Bactrian camel has __________ humps. 4

3. desert : a dry, arid land dessert : the final course of a meal. The caravan was crossing the __________ in the direction of the oasis at Ben Lor.4. wonder : to be curious wander : to roam, to travel The children looked up with __________ at the stars in the sky.5. consul : foreign representative counsel : give advice council : elected officials The two boys listened to the __________ of Safal.Self-check 2. two 3. desert 4. wonder 5. counsel 1. acceptReading AdventurePre-reading Write down the name of each group listed below. After the name of each group, write downthe first word or phrase you think of that describes that group. African Visayans Whites African Americans Elderly Chinese Teen-agers Punks Ilocanos Rock StarsPut your notebook aside. We’ll come back to it later. Think about how you might react to someone who is very different from you – one whodresses differently, talks differently and seems to have completely different interests from yours.How do you respond at first and then later on?While Reading As you read, predict how the characters in the selection will behave as the story unfolds. 5



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