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Home Explore English 4 part 1

English 4 part 1

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-10-21 22:10:31

Description: English 4p1


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Before moving on to the next activity, spend some time reflecting on what you havelearned from the selection. Use this format to respond to the selection. Reader Response Name:___________________________________ School:__________________________________ Choose one of the following questions to discuss in your journal.  Why is it important to learn about the customs and behaviors of others cultures? Why isn’t it enough to simply learn other people’s languages?  What are some ways of learning about cultural differences? Which of these ways is most interesting for you? 9

Post Reading As you read the selection, you predicted how the characters might behave. Which charactersacted as you expected they would? Which of their problems were predictable? Take a moment to write your thoughts to the following in your notebook. • What have I learned from this selection about how characters respond to conflict.Comprehension CheckI. True or False Write T if the statement is True, F if the statement is false. 1. Safal is a wise man who lives in the desert. 2. The camels differed from each other at the beginning of the story. 3. Safal’s visitors belonged to different races. 4. Men could learn from nature. 5. Some cultures are more superior than other cultures. 6. Differences are not defects. 7. In an argument one is right and the other is wrong. 8. Lack of knowledge about other cultures is the root of misunderstanding. 9. Variety is the spice of life. 10. We should not mingle with people from other cultures.II. Overcoming Prejudice Now is a good time to take out the list you wrote at the beginning of this lesson. Sometimes,the first thought or idea that comes to mind when thinking of a particular group of people reflects akind of prejudice toward that group. 1. Review the words and phrases you listed after each group. Circle any that might reflect a possible prejudice – an opinion or attitude you have that you can’t back up with facts or that you can’t apply to everyone in that group. These can be positive or negative prejudices. 2. Where did you learn the opinion reflected in the words and phrases you circled? 3. What are some ways today can help create a harmonious and peaceful world? 10

Self-checkTrue or False 1. T 3. T 5. F 7. F 9. T 2. T 4. T 6. T 8. T 10. FLanguage Focus Quick! What’s the first thing that comes to our mind when you see or hear these words: big,brown, handsome, pretty, wonderful, lucky/ You bet, they’re ADJECTIVES. This section of the module will help you describe persons,places, objects and events vividly. Liza and Vicky are friends. Liza has new pictures of her family. Read the conversationbetween Liza and Vicky. Wonderful Brothers, Lucky Sisters-in-lawLiza : Come, look at my new pictures.Vicky : Not more pictures!Liza : These are new pictures.Vicky : Okay, Liza. Show me your pictures.Liza : These are my brothers. Gary is big and strong. He’s an architect. He works in Zambia. He’s handsome. His eyes are big and brown. His hair is dark and wavy. George is next to him. George’s a lawyer. He’s very intelligent.Vicky : Who’s this?Liza : He is my new boyfriend, Gino, He’s Chinese. Oh, he’s so smart.Vicky : Who are the women seated in front of your brothers?Liza : They’re my sisters-in-law. My brothers are handsome!Vicky : They’re pretty.Liza : Pretty? My brothers aren’t pretty. They’re handsome.Vicky : Your sisters-in-law are pretty.Liza : My sisters-in-law are lucky! They’re married to my wonderful brothers.Vicky : They’re not so lucky. You’re their sister-in-law!Activity 1 Comprehension Check 1. What does Liza think of her brothers? 2. What does Vicky think of Liza’s sisters-in-law? 3. Why does Vicky think Liza’s sisters-in-law aren’t so lucky? 11

To help you recall the uses, forms, and position of adjectives in sentences study the followinggrammar notes on adjectives. Grammar Notes 11. Adjectives describe nouns. Adjectives can come after the verb beShe is pretty.They can come before a noun, too.He is a brilliant lawyer.2. Adjectives do not change formSingular Pluralnew neighbor new neighborpretty woman pretty womenhonest man honest men3. When a noun follows an adjective, use an before an adjective. If the adjective begins with a vowel sound.She’s an enchanting singer.Use a before the adjective if the adjective begins with a consonant.He’s a powerful runner.Do not use a or an when the adjective is not followed by a noun.It is interesting.He is artistic.Activity 2 Describing Persons Now here’s a chance for you to become a “Person Teller.” He or she is somewhat like afortune teller. Here’s how. First you get a brief description of a person or persons. Then you have to“tell” a lot of things about these persons. Finally, you will be able to write a story about the person orpersons. This is sometimes called a personality sketch. Write your answers in your notebook. 12

Person Telling subject #1 Sam and AlSam is polite, trite and a mite light.His twin Al is happy, sneezy and jumpy.They like gum, flan, rice and jam.But despise honey, money and anything spicy.1. What does trite mean?a. a type of mite c. a fishb. ordinary d. a three-wheeled vehicle for children2. What conclusions can you draw about Sam and A1?a. Al is nervous.b. Sam would let an old man go up the bus ahead of himself.c. Sam and Al dislike hot chilly sauce.d. Al never looks on the bright side.e. Sam needs to gain a little weight.f. Sam and Al like honey on their pancakes.g. Sam and Al have been to Hawaii.3. Add a line to the description of Sam and Al.4. Write a short story in your notebook involving Sam and Al. Use the information in the sketchand any conclusions you have drawn from it. Begin your story on a new page. Give it anintriguing title.Person Telling Subject #2 Mary HyacinthMary Hyacinth is a somber drummer.She looks for old cans, old vans, and old plans.She dreams of boys, concerts and Barbie’s Cradle.She tries to wonder, ponder, and wander.Often though she snoozes, croons, and misses.5. List three things you think are somber__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Think of one thing Mary Hyacinth might do with each of the following:an old canan old vanan old plan7. From what you know so far, circle the words that describe Mary Hyacinth. Use a dictionaryor thesaurus if you’re unsure of your answers.a. optimistic e. pessimisticb. enthusiastic f. carelessc. melancholy g. musically-inclinedd. thorough h. serious 13

Write a paragraph about Mary Hyacinth. Have Mary Hyacinth meet someone who completely changes her altitudes. Describe the “new” Mary Hyacinth. Begin your paragraph on a new page. Give it a catchy title.Activity 3. Hidden Adjectives Find and circle the adjectives ending in –able, -al, -ible, -ous, -ic, -ful. The words go from topto bottom or from bottom – up and from left to right or from right to left. Then write each word inthe box that contains its suffix.Clues: OP T IMI S T I CLENS NE TNE RVOUS E L F E 1. not able to be destroyed AS LA I RS LOVABL E 2. full of ambition I S AF RE E BAS T I ON 3. full of joy V I C E I S GNUOUTGO 4. charming AM I DW I G O N E J C I L 5. jumpy, tense L I S T O S I AMO D U C K 6. eager U S YOU T RAY E S RAM 7. hopeful F TH L I I MF L E E T LO 8. sad, gloomy R I P BO BU S T I MS A T 9. not able to be resisted ECMR E L I A B L E END 10. appealing to logic WA L LME A L L O R DMY 11. trustworthy, dependable O N H UMO R O U S O N O R 12. influential P ENTHUS I AS T I C E 13. of the body 14. full of humor-ous -ic -ful-al -able -ible 14

When we describe, we sometimes use a lot of adjectives before a noun. In English, there is arequired order for these adjectives. Below is a chart illustrating adjective word order. This is meantto help you but you do not have to memorize it. The more you use adjectives in a series, the morefamiliar you will become with its order and it will become natural to you. Grammar Notes – 2 Adjective Word Order General Adjectives Description of nationa-Articles Numbers: Adjectives lity & reli-and Ordinal and Adjectives size shape age color gion. Also Noun NounPosses- and ending in big long old Adjectives Adjunct beetle little round new- Spitzsives Cardinal -ed, -ly, -ful, born ending in -io, gown bowl -ing, ious, etc. -al, -y, -ed winnerthe two green air- volks conditioned wagon her three lovely white JapaneseZsa Zsa's famous antique blue lacey an blue & white Englishthe first Philippine amateur golfActivity 4 Adjective Word Order Fill in the adjectives in the order required. Refer to the chart if you have difficulty. 1. Do you think that the logging industry has a right to destroy the ______________________ forests? (tropical, rain, world’s) 2. Many who would say no have already in effect said yes by buying furniture made from __________________________________ wood sold by illegal loggers. (hard, popular, Philippine) 3. As the ______________________________ trees fall, they damage or destroy (hundred years old, huge, marketable) neighboring trees. 4. The _________________________________ environment is fragile and (tropical, humid, forest) extremely complex. 5. How reasonable is it to hope that the world’s loggers and politicians will turn to protecting _________________________________ heritage? (irreplaceable, mankind’s, precious) 15

Activity 5. Describing a Place There are many things in your life right now that will make excellent subjects for adescription. Look around and try to describe things in your home to one who hasn’t been there yet.The first one is done for you. 1. new curtains 2. dark _______________ 3. interesting _______________ 4. antique _______________ 5. shiny _______________ 6. priceless _______________ 7. wooden _______________ 8. comfortable _______________ 9. brand new _______________ 10. worn-out _______________Activity 6. Using Your Senses One night when the sky is clear, sit outside. What is your world like at night? Write down allthe words you can think of to describe the following. 1. What you see 2. What you hear 3. What you smell 4. What you taste 5. What you feelActivity 7. Describing Your Night World How would you describe your night world to people who live in another part of the world?Would you tell them about the night sounds? How the air feels? Write a paragraph describing yournight world. 16

Self-checkActivity 1 Comprehension Check1. Liza thinks the world of her brothers.2. They’re pretty.3. Because Liza is their sister-in-law.Activity 2. Describing Persons1. b2. a, b, c, e.3. answers will vary4. answers will vary5. a church or chapel, a court learning, a monastery.6. Hyacinth can turn an old can into a drum; an old van into a mobile home, and an old plan to a wall paper or a gift wrapper or book cover.7. a, b, g, hActivity 3. Hidden Adjectives OP T IMI S T I CLENS NE TNE RVOUS E L F E AS LA I RS LOVABL E I S AF RE E BAS T I ON V I C E I S GNUOUTGO AM I DW I G O N E J C I L L I S T O S I AMO D U C K U S YOU T RAY E S RAM F TH L I I MF L E E T LO R I P BO BU S T I MS A T ECMR E L I A B L E END WA L LME A L L O R DMY O N H UMO R O U S O N O R P ENTHUS I AS T I C E -ous -ic -fulhumorous optimistic joyful nervous enthusiastic powerfulambitious pessimistic 17

-al -able -iblephysical lovable irresistiblelogical reliable indestructibleActivity 4. Adjective Word Order1. world’s, tropical, rain 4. humid, tropical, forest2. popular, Philippine, hard 5. mankind’s, precious, irreplaceable3. huge, hundred years old, marketableActivity 5. Describing a PlacePossible answers:2. dark storage room 6. priceless paintings3. interesting photographs 7. wooden tables4. antique vases 8. comfortable sofa5. shiny floors 9. brand new telivision set 10. worn-out chairsActivity 6. Answers will varyCommunicative ActivitiesActivity 8. Describing People Put the lines in the correct order._________ 1. What does she look like?_________ 2. Please give this to Mrs. Rodriquez in the Administrative office._________ 3. She’s tall with straight black hair._________ 4. I’m sorry but I’m new here. 18

Activity 9. Matching linesMatch the questions with the answers1. Is Pete tall? a. No. Her hair is straight.2. Is your hair black? b. Yes. He’s very tall.3. What does your mother look like? c. No. She’s tall.4. Is her hair curly? d. She’s average height with blonde hair.5. Is your sister short/ e. No. He’s very thin.6. Is Mr. San Diego heavy? f. No. My hair is gray.Activity 10. ShoppingCheck the correct response. The response should trigger the next question.1. Can I help you? a. Yes, I’d like a sweater.2. What size? b. Yes, I need a birthday present.3. Any particular color? a. For men.4. Here’s a nice blue one. b. I wear medium.5. It’s P500.00 a. Blue, if you have it. b. I hate green. a. What? P1,500.00! That’s too much! b. How much is it? a. That’s better. I’ll take it. b. Fine. I’ll take itSelf-checkActivity 8. Describing People 2,43, 1, 3Activity 9. Matching lines 1. b 2. f 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. eActivity 10. Shopping 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. bEnriching Your Vocabulary By now you must be familiar with the meaning of a number of two-word verbs and can usethem in sentences quite naturally. 19

Activity 1. Match the phrasal verb with their meaning. Write the sentences and their meanings in yournotebook.1. If hair and makeup specialists change your a. invented style and image, they make you over. b. decide c. change2. Can you understand her handwriting? d. meant, intended I can’t make out this word. e. understand3. She was perfect in the play, she was made for the part.4. She made up the story because she was afraid to tell the truth.5. Joe is indecisive and can never make up his mind.Activity 2.Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition. up for out over1. Jack made _________ the story because none would have believed the truth.2. It took him ages and a lot of soul searching before he finally made _________ his mind.3. Liza and Joe had a lot in common. They were made _________ each other.4. Nancy left a note on my table. Can you make _________ this word?5. Gertie decided to visit David’s Salon for a make _________.Activity 3. Fun With Words Make a circle out of these shapes when the correct circle has been formed an adjective can beread clockwise. What is the word? L EE AL R IB 20

Self-checkActivity 1 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b 1. c 3. forActivity 2 2. up 4. out 5. over 1. upActivity 3 RELIABLEWrite ThingActivity 1 Pre Writing Now you are ready to apply the language skills you’ve learned in the preceding section. Youwill write a description of a person in which you appeal to the reader’s emotions as well as his/hersenses. You should know your subject well enough to be able to describe him/her in detail. Include only the important details, decide how you will arrange them, and find the bestphysical point of view from which to describe your subject. Decide also how you want the reader tofeel about the subject. Here’s a writing idea you can use for your composition. Liza and Vicky were impressed by the young people from India who live in theirneighborhood. They have come to the Philippines to study. Liza is fascinated by their stories of lifein their country. Vicky especially admires the colorful saris the girls wear. Have you ever metanyone whose appearance, dress, speech or actions are much different from yours? Perhaps you canwrite a good description of that person.Activity 2. Drafting Now you’re ready to write your first draft. In at least 300 words, write a description in whichthe reader not only will see your subject but will also feel the way you do about him/her. Usecomparisons and words with suggestive power to make the reader admire, dislike, feel sorry for or beamused at you subject. Putting the person in some situation may help you describe his actions,gestures and expressions and show what kind of person she/he is. Show the reader that the personyou are describing is happy, sad, funny, serious, kind or aloof. 21

Activity 3. Revising Reread and revise your writing using the revising checklist as your guide. Revising Checklist 1. Have I chosen a subject I could describe in detail? 2. Have I selected the appropriate details and arranged them in some order? 3. Did I describe my subject from the best physical point of view? 4. Did I use specific words to describe the person’s appearance, expressions, gestures, and actions, particularly those that reveal his/her personality? 5. Did I use words with suggestive power to influence the reader’s feelings? 6. Should I leave out anything to bring my subject into sharper focus?Activity 4. Proofreading Proofread your description and make the necessary corrections. Check for errors in grammar,punctuation, spelling and capitalization. You may not have time for many proof-readings, but take time for at least two: one sentenceproofreading and one word proof-reading. First, read the sentences aloud. By reading the sentencesorally, your ears may catch many errors your eyes alone would miss. By sing two senses instead ofone, you double your chances of finding errors. This will help you detect many errors in grammarand punctuation. Your second proofreading is for words – for their spelling and capitalization. Wordproofreading has one chief characteristic: slowness. Reading at a normal pace is too fast to reveal allmisspellings and errors in capitalization. For instance, did your reading of the sentence just beforethis one reveal to you the two misspelled words there? They are to for too and misspellings formisspellings. Probably you did not notice both errors. You probably do not notice all of your ownmisspellings when you read at a normal pace.Activity 4. Publishing and Sharing Rewrite your completed word picture in ink. Give it a good title. Now you’re ready to submityour composition to your teacher. 22

PosttestA. Vocabulary. Recognizing Compound WordsMatch a word in Column 1 with a word in Column II to form a compound noun. I II 1. land a. mother 2. bed b. ball 3. grand c. keeper 4. base d. slide 5. book e. roomB. Complete each sentence by adding a suffix to the word in parenthesis. Choose from the list below: -ic, -ly, -y, -ful, -ious, -ed6. The Philippines is a __________ meeting place. (wonder)7. I stepped into M. Apacible Street, the main avenue that leads to the heart of the __________ municipality of Taal (history)8. Taal’s once __________ streets are now replete with sounds of modern transportation (sleep)9. February is the perfect time to be in Boracay, the country’s No. 1 destination, its powdery white coastline not too __________ (crowd)10. Tourists marvel at the __________ sunset (glory)C. IdiomsFill in the blank with the correct preposition. out up over to11. Liza needed to work overtime to make __________ for lost time.12. Patrick’s handwriting is terrible. Can you make __________ this word?13. Glo and Alvin have a very happy marriage. They were made __________ each other.14. Vicky visited Ricky Reyes for a make __________.D. Reading ComprehensionRead the short passage then answer the questions that follow. The sun burst froth in glorious yellow-orange hues. The woman in her usualtapis and saya, went about her task of salting the fish in the earthen jars. Suddenly, 23

she froze. From where she stood, she saw a dark brown snake coiled near the base ofan earthen jar. The snake seemed to be in repose.15 – 17 In the first column, write down each choice the woman has, in the second column write what the results of each might be. Woman’s Choice Possible Results 15. 16. 17.What is the best thing to do in the above situation?Self-checkA. Vocabulary1. d 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. cB. Affixation6. wonderful 8. sleepy 10. glorious7. historic 9. crowdedC. Idioms11. up 12. out 13. for 14. overD. Comprehension (Give yourself 2 points for each number) Woman’s Choice Possible Results15. back off quietly the snake will remain coiled16. hit the snake with a heavy object she might miss the head of the snake and it might strike back at her.17. call for help the snake might not be there when she returns.Your Score: 20 Perfect! Congratulations 6-10 Fair 16-19 Very Good 1-5 Try harder 11-15 Good Job All right! You are through with Module 3 of Unit II. It is expected that it has helped youbecome a discerning global citizen. 24

Before you put aside this module, spend some time reflecting on what you have learned fromit. Use this format in your reflective journal. Check the column that best describes your feeling aboutthe activities you did. For the last column, give your reason. What I think of the activities in this module How I liked themThings I Did (Just fine) (Not so much (Very much) because)What I liked best 25


Module 4 Being a Team PlayerOverview The Challenge in Working Together“Each man’s joy, is joy to me, Each man’s grief is my own.” You must be familiar with the song, “No Man Is An Island.” The lyrics of that song tells usthat we can not live on our own. We need the help of other people to survive, to get to where wewant to be, to lift a heavy load that we carry. Getting in conflict with someone is natural. Since it is true that no two people are alike,differences are most likely to occur. Even leaves coming from the same branch do not look the same,but they stick together. So do people. We may vary in looks, in ways of life, in beliefs or principles, nevertheless, we have the sameneeds. No one wants to be rejected, everyone wants to be loved. We all have certain needs thatcould only be met if we learn to work with others. Working together is healthy. While working, we learn a lot of things. We make mistakesalong the way but we become better workers on the process. We develop better relationships sincewe try to find solutions to conflicts that arise. Together we share in the failures and successes in life. God commanded, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If you love your neighbor as yourself,you will not do anything that will hurt the person for you wouldn’t want to hurt yourself either. 1

Objectives Welcome to another module which will allow you to develop the skills you will need to facethis particular challenge of working together. The following will be our goals: - To establish harmonious relationship with others - To aspire to become a productive citizen of the country - To practice scanning in gathering information from a reading material - To determine the meaning of words through context - To note down details - To infer character traits and feelings - To arrange the events of a story in chronological order - To construct descriptive sentences using appropriate words or phrases - To use two-word verbs for everyday expressions - To write interesting advertisements using descriptive words or phrases Let us review how you are going to accomplish this module. Read the instructions very well.Remember, if you follow instructions carefully, you are assured of better results.Instructions1. Do not write anything on this module as several students will be using it. Do all your work in your notebook. Be sure to label your work by the module number and title. Keep a separate notebook for your Reflective Journal.2. Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first.3. Each module begins with an Overview or brief introduction followed by a list of Objectives that you are expected to learn.4. Before working on the activities answer the Pretest first. Find out how well you did by checking you answers against the answers given under the Self-check of the pretest.5. As you work on the Activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What skill or strategy does the activity develop?6. After each activity, go over the Self-check that follows to find out how well you fared in that activity. Pay attention to the items you missed. Learn from your mistakes.7. After working on all activities, take the Posttest. 2

Pretest We are ready to begin with a reading selection.I. Read the following selection very carefully, then answer the questions that follow. (1) Man’s gregarious nature cannot be denied. No matter how masterfully he handles himself, he cannot live alone; he needs to associate with others. But living in a society entails problems, and problems call for solutions – a situation which is actually a challenge in itself. (2) What is the key to harmonious social interaction? Is it cooperation, which is the backbone of progress? If so, where does competition come in? Should the majority always win? What rights does an individual have in a society where the will of the majority is the law? (3) As living in a social group becomes more and more complex, more questions and problems arise. When individuals and groups in society assert themselves, social living becomes a struggle – a struggle for recognition, for power. (4) Who will take charge? Should it be every man for himself or should there be one who will impose his will upon the others? How can the members of a society resolve their differences? By force, by decree, or by choice? (5) Many societies have risen or fallen. In the main, their fate depended on their choice of means for attaining the goals they set for themselves. As an emerging society, we look to the societies that have come and gone before us.A. Vocabulary The following words are found in the selection. The paragraph number where it is located isgiven before the word. On the opposite column are the possible synonyms. Copy the letter thatgives the synonym of each word in the list.1. (1) gregarious A. developing2. (1) entails B. demand3. (2) interaction C. destiny4. (3) assert D. include5. (4) impose E. sharing6. (5) fate F. sociable7. (5) emerging G. declare 3

B. Comprehension Check 1. Paragraph 1 tells us that: A. Man denies his need for others. B. Man is basically a social being. C. Man lives in a society that is full of problems. D. Man needs to live with others although problems go along with it. 2. What happens when man insists on what he wants? A. Living with others becomes more difficult. B. It gives rise to competition. C. Man becomes powerful. D. The majority will protest against him. 3. Paragraph 5 could be restated as: A. The future of a society depends on the choices its people make. B. The success of a society cannot be achieved without help from other nations. C. The failure of a society is caused by wrong choices. 4. The best title for the selection is A. Cooperation Among People B. The Challenge of Society C. Harmonious Social Interaction D. The Rise and Fall of SocietyII. Grammar Choose the correct words for these sentences: 1. One of the (more, most) important elements in writing a good description is maintaining a single point of view. 2. An author decides that one impression is probably (more, most) important than another. 3. This is a (fine, finest) characteristic of Dickens’ writing. 4. The Marquis is represented as the (more, most) contemptible of noblemen. 5. The impression is (complete, most complete). 6. Probably no one has done (better, best) in this technique than Washington Irving. 7. His readers (quickly, most quickly) get the feeling of life as it was in the days of Rip Van Winkle and Ichabod Crane. 8. Which do you think is the (greater, greatest) character? 9. Could Irving have done (better, best) in his descriptions of them? 10. They embody a singleness of impression that makes them (more charming, most charming) than realistic. 4

Self-check Let’s get our initial findings ready. Check your work and let us see how you fare.I. Reading A. Vocabulary 1. F 2. D 3. E 4. G 5. B 6. C 7. A B. Comprehension Check 1. D 2. A 3. A 4. BII. Grammar 1. most 2. more 3. fine 4. most 5. complete 6. better 7. quickly 8. greater 9. better 10. more charmingYour Score If you got 20, that’s fantastic! Although it doesn’t mean, you may not finish this moduleanymore. You still have to continue since you will be helped to understand better. 16 - 19 Very Good! 13 - 15 Good! 10 - 12 Fair! 9 and below means, you really have to study hard. 5

Reading AdventureWords UnlockedFirst, get familiar with some of the words you will come across as you read the story.A. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word as used in the sentences.1. Julio prodded the carabao with a stick as it hesitated to cross the stream.a. pricked b. stirred c. beat2. Jose was a puny load on the carabao’s back.a. small b. heavy c. unimportant3. It was so hot that we splashed our faces with water from the rivulet until it almost ran dry.a. spring b. brook c. river4. Julio had come to Mindoro from Tablas because he was interested in applying for a homestead. a. an ancestral home b. a business permit c. a tract of landB. Match the underlined word in Column A with its appropriate meaning in Column B.AB1. The wild animal quenched its thirst in a A. to emit freely nearby stream. B. to exude a bodily fluid2. During fiestas there seems to be a stream of food coming from the kitchen. C. a ray of light3. A stream of sunlight filtered through the D. to trail out at full length half-open window. E. a body of running water4. The scientist watched the stream of flowing on the earth heavenly bodies through the telescope. F. a prevailing attitude5. She was so angry that she uttered a stream G. to display by waving of invectives against the boy.6 I saw a meteor streaming through the sky.7. When I saw May in the kitchen, tears were streaming down her cheeks because of the onions. 6

9. At the funeral of the mentally-retarded I. a steady succession girl, the nurse’s eyes streamed with tears. J. to leave a bright trail10. The marchers streamed their banners of various colors as they marched down K. a constantly renewed EDSA. supply11. You must be getting famous as mail is L. to pour in large numbers streaming everyday.12. In this age of computers and rap music the stream worldwide seems to be “Live and let Live.”Pre-reading Before reading the entire story try to fish for information from the selection by scanningthrough the given paragraphs. Answer the questions that follow.Paragraph 1 Paragraph 17When and where did the story happen? Why did Julio not accompany his son to town?Where did Julio’s family come from? a. He was ashamed to face his compadre.What was Julio’s occupation? b. He had to finish planting the fields. c. He did not want to leave his wife and a. a farmer who owns the land he tills baby girl alone. b. a tenant farmer c. a landlordParagraph 13 Paragraph 23How old was Julio’s son? How did the son feel as he read and understoodHow was he going to town? his father’s letter to his compadre? a. on foot a. excited and happy b. on a bicycle b. sad and homesick c. on a carabao’s back c. proud and gratefulReading Proper The story you are going to read was divided into three parts. Each part is followed by a seriesof questions. Be sure that you have answered them before you proceed to the next part. Theparagraphs are numbered for easy reference. 7

The Happiest Boy in the World N.V.M. Gonzales(1) Julio, who had come from Tablas to and talked with the officials concerned. Now,settle in Barok, was writing a letter to, of all with a pencil instead of pen to write with, Juliopeople, Ka Ponso, his landlord, one warm June was sure that he could make his letter legiblenight. It was about his son Jose, who wanted enough for Ka go to school in Mansalay that year. Jose was (3) “It’s about my boy, Jose,” he wrote the Fifth Grade when Julio and his family “I want him to study this June in Mansalay.had left Tablas the year before and migrated to He’s in the Sixth Grade now, and since he’sMindoro; because the father had some quite a poor hand at looking after yourdifficulty in getting some land of his own to carabao, I thought it would be best that he gofarm, the boy had to stop schooling for a year. to school in the town.”As it was, Julio thought himself lucky enough (4) He sat back and leaned against theto have Ka Ponso, who happened to be visiting wall. He had been writing on a low woodenhis property then, offered to become its form, the sole piece of furniture in the one-godfather. After that they began to call each room house. There he sat in one corner. Aother compadre. little way across, stood the stove; to his right,(2) “Dear Compadre,” Julio started to Fidela and the baby girl Felipa lay under thewrite in Tagalog, bending earnestly over a hempen mosquito net. Jose, who had been outpiece of paper which he had torn out of Jose’s all afternoon looking for one of Ka Ponso’sschool notebook. It was many months ago carabaos that had strayed away to the newly-when, just as now, he had sat down with a planted rice clearing along the other side of thewriting implement in this hand. That was Barok river, was here too, sprawling beside awhen he had gone to the municipio in sack of palay by the doorway. He snoredMansalay to file a homestead application, and lightly, like a tired youth; but he was onlyhe had used a pen, and to his great surprise, twelve.filled in the blank forms neatly. Nothing cameof the application, although Ka Ponso hadassured him he had looked into the applicationHere are the questions for paragraphs 1-4. 1. Who is the character referred to by the underlined word? When my wife gave birth to a baby, the landlord, who appeared to be visiting his property then, offered to become its godfather. Read paragraph 3, then answer the following questions. 2. Who is the letter writer? a. a master who wants to get rid of a lazy servant b. a parent who values the education of his son c. a farmer who wants his helper to get an education 8

(5) The kerosene lamp’s yellow flame “We shall repay you for whatever you can doflickered ceaselessly. The dank smell of food, for us, compadre. It’s true we already oweof fish broth particularly, that had been spilled you for many things, but your comadre and Ifrom many a bowl and had dried on the form, will do all we can indeed to repay you.”now seemed to rise from the very texture ofthe wood itself. The stark truth about their (9) Reading the last sentence and realizingpoverty, if Julio’s nature had been sensitive to that he had made mentioned of his wife, Julioit, might have struck him with a hard and recalled that during the very first month aftersudden blow then; but as it was, he just looked their arrival from Tablas they had receivedabout the room, even as the smell assailed his five cavans of rice from Ka Ponso and thatnostrils, and stared now at the mosquito net, later he had been told that at harvest time henow at Jose as he lay there by the door. Then should pay back twice the number of cavans.he continued with his letter. This was usurious but was strictly after the custom in those parts, and Julio was not the(6) “This boy Jose, compadre,” he went sort who would have thought of Ka Ponso ason, “is quite an industrious lad. If you can anything else than his compadre spiritual, asonly let him stay in your big house, compadre, they called it, a true can make him do anything you wish - anywork. He can cook rice, and I’m sure he’ll do (10) Suddenly he began wondering howwell washing dishes.” Jose would move about in Ka Ponso’s household, being unaccustomed to so many(7) Julio recalled his visit to Ka Ponso’s things there. The boy might even stumblehouse about three months ago, during the over a chair and break some dishes. He fearedfiesta. He had seen that it was a big house of for the boy.many servants; the floors were so polished youcould almost see your own image under your (11) “And I wish you would treat Jose asfeet as you walked; and always there was a you would your own son, compadre. You mayservant who followed you about with a piece beat him if he should commit some wrong, andof rag to wipe away the smudges of dirt which indeed I want him to look up to you as ayour feet had left on the floor. second father.”(8) “I hope you will not think of this as a (12) Julio felt he had nothing more togreat bother, “Julio continued, trying his best say, and that he had written the longest letterto phrase his thoughts. He had a vague fear in his life. For a moment the fingers of histhat Ka Ponso might not favorably regard his hand felt numb, and this was a funny thing,letter. But he wrote on, slowly and steadily, he thought, because he had scarcely filled thestopping only to read what he had put down. page. He sat back again and smiled to himself. 9

Again, you are directed to answer the questions first before moving on to the final stage of thestory. Here are the questions for paragraphs 5-12.4. In paragraph 5, what kind of family lives in this place?a. poor b. ignorant c. primitive5. What Filipino value is shown in paragraph 8?a. pakikisama b. utang na loob c. ningas kugon6. In paragraph 11, what kind of father is described?a. trustful b. submissive c. caring7. As you read paragraph 12, you can conclude that the person described.a. is not used to writing letters.b. does not know how to write letters.c. has never written letters.8. What kind of person is Ka Ponso as described in paragraph 9?a. indifferent b. usurious c. sympathetic Now, continue on reading the last part of the story. Pay close attention to themessage it wants to convey.(13) About six o’clock the following (17) “And take good care of the carabao,”morning, a boy of twelve was riding a carabao Julio added. I’ll come to town myself in a dayalong the river-bed road to town. He was a or two to get that carabao back. I just wantedvery puny load on the carabao’s broad back. to get through first with the planting.(14) Walking close behind the carabao, the (18) Then Julio started to walk back to hisfather accompanied him up to the bed of the house, thinking of the work that awaited himriver. When the beast hesitated in crossing the in his clearing that day. But he thought ofsmall rivulet that cut the road as it passed a something more to tell his son, and so heclump of bamboo, the man picked up a stick stopped and called out to him again.and prodded the animal. Then he handed thestick to the boy as one might give a precious (19) “And that letter,” he shouted, “Give itgift. to Ka Ponso as soon as you reach town. Then be good, and do everything he asks you to do.(15) The father did not cross the stream but Remember, everything.”only stood there by the bank. “Mind to lookafter the letter,” he called out from where he (20) From atop the carabao, Jose yelled,was. “Do you have it there, in your shirt “Yes Tatay, yes,” and rode away. A stand ofpocket?” abaca plants, their green leaves glimmering in the morning sun, soon concealed him from(16) The boy fumbled for it. When he had view.found it, he said, “No, Tatay, I won’t lose it.” 10

(21) Fastened to his saddle was his bundle (23) A bird sang in a bush nearby. Joseof clothes and a little package of rice, food for could hear it even as he read the letter,his first week in town. It was customary for jumping from word to word, for to him theschool boys from the barrio or farm to provide dialect was quite difficult. But as the meaningthemselves in this simple manner; in Jose’s of each sentence became clear to him, hecase, although he was going to live at Ka experienced a curious exultation. It was asPonso’, it could not be said that his father had though he were the happiest boy in the worldforgotten about this little matter concerning and that the bird was singing for him. Hefood. heard the rumbling of the stream far away. There he and his father had parted. The world(22) Thinking of his father, Jose grew seemed full of bird song and music from thesuddenly curious about the letter he carried in stream.his shirt pocket. He stopped his carabaounder a shady tree by the roadside.The final set of questions follow. Answer them as best as you can.Who are the characters referred to by the underlined words?9. “And take good care of the carabao. I’ll go to town myself in a day or two, to get the carabao back. I just want to be through first with the planting.10. As the meaning of each sentence become clear to him, he experienced a curious exultation. It was as through he were the happiest boy in the world and that the bird was singing for him.11. What must the father be feeling, as you read through paragraph 18-19? a. worried about his son b. disappointed with his son c. afraid of the boy12. What did the father want the boy to be?a. obedient b. kind c. humble13. In the following line, how does the person feel?“As the meaning of each sentence become clear to him, he experienced a curious exultation.The world seemed full of bird songs and music from the stream.”a. surprised b. inspired c. victorious14. Why did Jose feel happy after reading the letter? a. because he was going to study again b. because he would stay in town with Ka Ponso c. because he realized how much his father loved him. 11

15. Which of the following best describes Jose?a. patient b. humble c. obedient16. What is the focus of the story? a. love for education b. usurious practice in the country c. condition of tenant-farmers in the PhilippinesPost Reading Arrange the following events as they appeared in the story. Use letters A to D._________ 17. He felt very, very happy when he understood what the letter meant._________ 18. On his way to town, Jose read the letter of his father to Ka Ponso._________ 19. Julio wanted his son, Jose, to receive his elementary education, so he wrote a letter to Ka Ponso._________ 20. The father accompanied his son up to the riverbend.Self-check Go over your answers to questions 1-20. Let us see how well you understood the selectionyou have just read. Pre reading Paragraph 1 (2 pts.) The story happened in June, sometime ago. It was in Barok. Julio’s family had come from Tablas. He is a tenant farmer. (b) 12

Paragraph 13 Jose is twelve years old. He went to town on a carabao’s back ( c )Paragraph 17 He had to finish planting the fields. ( b )Paragraph 23 He felt ( a ) excited and happy.Reading Proper 5. b 9. Julio 13. b 6. b 10. Jose 14. a 1. Ka Ponso 7. a 11. a 15. c 2. b 8. b 12. a 16. a 3. a 4. aPost-reading 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. BYour Score 25 points is Excellent!20-24 is Very Good!15-19 is Good!10-14 is Fair! 9 and below suggests that you go back and read the selection again, then follow the same process. 13

Language Focus Often the use of appropriate modifiers can do much to make a listener or a reader know howsomething looks, feels, sounds or smells. This lesson will help you decide on the best word modifiers to make your sentence clearer andmore interesting.Activity 1 Change the following words to adjectives by using the correct suffixes.1. sleep _______________ 8. create_______________ 15. force_____________2. benefit ______________ 9. origin_______________3. glory _______________ 10. help ________________4. bounty ______________ 11. odor ________________5. response ____________ 12. patriot _______________6. temper ______________ 13. quarrel _______________7. rely _________________ 14. profit ________________Activity 2 Fill in the blank with an adjective formed from the word before each sentence.sulfur 1. The picnic resort boasts of its _____________ waters.force 2. Make your voice more ________________________ .profit 3. Baking can be a ________________ hobby.scandal 4. What a _____________ outfit she is 5. The Philippine National Police vows to weed out _____________ elements ofbounty society.advantage 6. We are expecting a ______________harvest.power 7. Being a college graduate is __________________.create 8. Hitler was a ________________ leader.identity 9. Don’t imitate; be 10. They are _________ twins. They look very much alike.observe 11. The child in the picture looks so ______________.cure 12. Small children are very _____________________.insist 13. Many forms of cancer are ___________________.symbol 14. I didn’t accept his invitation but he was _________. 15. The three stars in our flag are _______________________. 14

We make use of adjectives to modify a noun or a pronoun. They are sometimesformed from nouns and verbs by adding suffixes such as the following:____ able comfortable ____ ic heroic____ ible responsible ____ ish childish____ al natural ____ ous adventuruous____ ary imaginary ____ y cloudy____ an Asian ____ ar nuclear____ ory compulsory ____ ant defiant____ ful beautiful ____ ive impressive____ some troublesomeSelf-check 9. original 10. helpful Activity 1 11. odorous 12. patriotic 1. sleepy 13. quarrelsome 2. beneficial 14. profitable 3. glorious 15. forceful 4. bountiful 5. responsive 9. creative 6. temperamental 10. identical 7. reliant 11. helpful 8. creative 12. observant 13. curable Activity 2 14. insistent 15. symbolic 1. sulfuric 2. forceful 3. profitable 4. scandalous 5. lawful 6. bountiful 7. advantageous 8. powerful 15

Activity 3On your notebook, write the correct adjectives for the sentences that have choices. Many books have 1. (less, fewer) characters than “Ivanhoe” does. Often we see in2. ( those, them ) books a 3. (kind of a, kind of) dearth of characters. But Scott was4. (more generous, more generouser ) that the authors of 5. ( those, them ) books. There aremore characters in “Ivanhoe” than in 6. ( any, any other) book I know. In his descriptions, itseems to me, Scott is 7. (more careful, more carefuller ) than 8. ( any, any other ) novelist tomake his readers see the 9. (sort of a, sort of ) person each character is. Apparently he had10. ( a, an ) unusual awareness for small details which help to make 11. ( a, am)character real. If a character looks 12. ( beautiful, beautifully ) at the tournament, or if she feels13. ( sad, sadly ) at the sight of 14. ( a, an ) injury, each detail is given. We find in Scott aclever and 15. ( a, an, no article ) accurate author.Activity 4 Rewrite the following sentences, placing the phrase and clause modifiers in theparenthesis in correct position. Example : The man is a lawyer. (with an attaché case) The man with an attaché case is a lawyer.1. The lady is a professor. (with the beautiful hairdo)2. The lecture was cancelled. (on Philippine music)3. Did Tony get tickets? (for the basketball game)4. Where are the paper napkins? (that I bought)5. The girl looks worried. (in green)6. The people enjoyed the concert. (who came)7. The knives are sharp. (that are in the drawer)8. We met interesting people. (who work in television)9. He puts the letters in this folder. (that he has answered)10. This is about the best book in the library. (that I have read)11. The news is depressing. (about the Hacienda Luisita strike)12. The method of heat transfer is different. (in solids and fluids)13. The electric fan needs repair. (which is on the stand)14. The house is theirs. (which is at the corner)15. The woman is my teacher. (who is holding an umbrella) 16

Degrees of Comparison Adjectives have different forms to show degrees of comparison: positive - when notused to compare, comparative – used to compare two things, and superlative – used tocompare three or more things. POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVEslow slower slowestdisagreeable more disagreeable most disagreeablegood better best Modifiers of one and two syllables are formed using -er or more to form thecomparative degree, and –est or most to form the superlative degree. However, for three or more syllables, use more or most to from the comparative andsuperlative degrees, respectively.For phrases and clauses, the adjectival phrase always follows the noun being modified.Example: the money in the box the man beside the door - the adjectival phrase in the box follows the noun money - beside the door modifies the manSelf-checkGo over your answers to Activities 3 & 4 and check it against the following key:Activity 3 9. sort of (proper expression)1. fewer (comparative) 10. an (followed by vowel)2. those (demonstrative) 11. a (followed by consonant)3. kind of (correct sequence) 12. beautiful (positive)4. more generous (comparative) 13. sad (positive)5. those (demonstrative) 17

6. any other (other choice) 14. an (followed by vowel)7. more careful (comparative) 15. an (followed by vowel)8. any (not particular)Activity 41. The lady with a beautiful hairdo is a professor.noun phrase modifier2. The lecture on Philippine music was cancelled.noun phrase modifier3. Did Tony get tickets for the basketball game? noun phrase modifier4. Where are the paper napkins that I bought ? noun clause modifier5. The girl in green looks worried.noun phrase modifier6. The people who came enjoyed the concert.noun clause modifier7. The knives that are in the drawer are sharp.noun clause modifier8. We met interesting people who work in television. noun clause modifier9. He puts the letters that he has answered in this folder. noun clause modifier10. This is about the best book that I have read in the library. noun clause modifier11. The news about the Hacienda Luisita strike is depressing.noun phrase modifier12. The method of heat transfer in solids and fluids is different. noun phrase modifier13. The electric fan which is on the stand needs repair.noun clause modifier14. The house which is at the corner is theirs.noun clause modifier15. The woman who is holding an umbrella is my teacher.noun clause modifier Let’s see your score. Count the number of correct answers you have on Language Focus,Activities 1-4. If you got 60 pts. - that’s EXCELLENT 50 - 59 - Very Good 40 - 49 - Good 30 – 39 - Fair 29 and below suggests you have to study harder, go back and review the activities. 18

Write Thing Write a short but catchy advertisement or commercial for the following products.Example: Wash-ever My secret detergent Lotion So soft, so gentle to your skin.Best Fries Fries en ch er DMaynsdecrureftf oil Q u en ch er LOotuiotn cooking oil shampooEveryday Expressions:Choose the correct idiom from the pool to complete the thought of the sentences that follow.give in - surrendergive away - give for freegive up - stop tryinggive–and–take – an exchange, equal termsgive out – used up1. He decided to ___________ after his second attempt to pass the bar.2. It has to be a ____________ relationship between a husband and wife, for marriage to succeed.3. The organizers are willing to _______ the materials because the participants paid for them.4. It was easy to _____________ to her whims because she’s too lovely to be rejected.5. The figurines on the table are for _____________ after the wedding. 19

Self-check 1. give up 2. give-and-take 3. give out 4. give in 5. give awaysYour Score A perfect 5 – is Excellent, 4- is Very Good, 3 – is Good, 2 - is fair and 1 means studyharder.PosttestI. Reading Read the selection very carefully. Answer the questions that follow. If you have a hard timeanswering questions, try to go back to the selection and you’ll definitely find the answer. There are approximately 20, 000 species of bees. They can be divided into two main groups –social bees and solitary bees. Social bees live in colonies, while solitary bees live alone. Most kindsof bees are solitary. 20

Social bees live in colonies that have as few as 10 or as many as 80, 000 members. Manybees seem to have more highly developed societies than other species. At the heart of the hive is thequeen. The queen may lay as many as 2,000 eggs a day – about one every 43 seconds. No wonder,laying eggs is the queen’s only job. But each of the 80,000 has its duty to fulfill. The forager bees encounter the perils of the outside world to collect food. The guard beesprotect the hive entrance form intruders. The undertakers remove dead bodies from the hive. Thewater collectors moisten the hive to regulate humidity. The plasterers take charge of repairs inside.Then, the fanners send scent signals to lost or disoriented bees of any danger outside. On the other hand, solitary bees sometimes gather in a small area and build their nests closetogether. There are no workers and each female is like a queen that does her own work. She buildsher own nest and stores pollen and nectar in it. There are different kinds of solitary bees. The carpenter bees build their nests in branches with the female digging a tunnel where sheputs pollen and nectar at the bottom and lays egg. The leaf cutting bees cut out pieces of leaves andpack them into small nests in tunnels. The mining bees dig tunnels in the ground, then each femaledigs a short tunnel in the side walls, providing it with pollen and nectar, and lays an egg on the food.The mason bees, however, build their nests in decaying wood or in small shells, with one kindstrengthening the shell using saliva and small bits of stone, and the female lays an egg that she coverswith dried grass, twigs or pine needles. Finally, the cuckoo bees do not build their own nests. Theyalso cannot provide food for the young because they do not have pollen baskets on their hind legs.1. What word in the first paragraph could be replaced by the expression, “more or less?”A. divided B. colonies C. solitary D. approximately2. In paragraph 3, what word is synonymous to dangers?A. perils B. encounter C. intruders D. disoriented3. What about the word which could refer to those entering without permission?A. intruders B. collectors C. guard D. encounter4. What are the two main groups of bees? C. social and solitary A. social and alone D. carpenter and leaf cutting B. forager and undertakers5. Who is responsible for laying eggs?A. guard B. forager C. queen D. mason6. Who leads a disoriented bee back to its hive?A. plasterers B. fanners C. undertakers D. guards7. What human value could very well describe the behavior of bees?A. teamwork B. industry C. polite D. organized 21

8. Choose the best title for the selection. A. Bee Sting B. Types of Bees C. Bees and their Roles D. Being Like BeesII. Languagea. Choose the letter of the correct arrangement of the single word modifiers of the underlined nouns.1. apples: 1. crunchy 2. California 3. red 4. two dozen 5. large A. 45132 B. 41532 C. 42513 D. 432512. road : 1. the 2. narrow 3. country 4. open 5. dusty A. 15324 B. 14523 C. 13452 D. 124533. girl: 1. tiny 2. very 3. cute 4. baby 5. a A. 54132 B. 52143 C. 52314 D. 513244. trees: 1. acacia 2. very 3. spreading 4. tall 5. several A. 52341 B. 54312 C. 53421 D. 524315. car: 1. blue 2. a 3. German 4. fast 5. very A. 24531 B. 25413 C. 21543 D. 23451b. Choose the letter of the best sentence arrangement. 1. A. The boy lent his generous classmate his red new ballpen. B. The generous boy lent his classmate his new and red ballpen. C. Generous, the boy lent his new classmate his red ballpen. 2. A. The angry young man changed his faded shirt for a new one. B. The young angry man changed his shirt for a new faded one. C. The angry faded man changed for a new one his young shirt. 3. A. In the literacy contest won a junior student the first prize. B. A junior student in the literacy contest won the first prize. C. A junior student won the first prize in the literacy contest. 22

4. A. On the blackboard, the difficult question could not answer the exhausted student. B. Exhausted, the student on the blackboard could not answer the difficult question. C. The exhausted student could not answer the difficult question on the blackboard.5. A. The pretty girl looking out of the window had a new book in her hand. B. Looking out of the window, the pretty girl in her hand had a new book. C. The new girl looking out of the window had a pretty book in her hand.6. A. Down the dusty long road walked the old tired man. B. The tired old man walked down the long dusty road. C. The old man tired walked long down the dusty road.7. A. That novelty pin is an expensive object of great value. B. Of great value that novelty pin is an expensive object. C. The expensive pin is a novelty pin of great value.8. A. Many exciting incidents has a science fiction novel. B. Exciting incidents has many a science fiction novel. C. A science-fiction novel has many exciting incidents.9. A. The angry owner of the car complained to the police officer at the station. B. At the police station the owner of the car complained to the angry officer. C. To the police officer the angry owner complained at the station of the car.10. A. The water in the winding long river shone in the moonlight. B. In the moonlight, the long water in the winding river shone. C. In the moonlight, the water in the long winding river shone.c. Write the letter of the appropriate form of adjective inside the parentheses.1. My handwriting is ( A. best B. better C. good ) than yours.2. That was the ( A. difficult B. more difficult C. most difficult ) test we had for years.3. Benedict is the ( A. intelligent B. more intelligent C. most intelligent ) child Iknow.4. That decision was the ( A. ridiculous B. more ridiculous C. most ridiculous )decision he ever made.5. Failing in high school could be the ( A. bad B. worse C. worst ) nightmare inhis life.6. The road was ( A. narrow B. narrower C. narrowest ) than we expected.7. Sarah feels ( A. sleepier B. sleepy C. most sleepy ) in the morningthan at night. Before we do the Self-check, stop and reflect for awhile. Write down your answers on yournotebook. 23

Let us now go over your posttest and see whether or not you have learned substantially in thismodule.Self-check refer to sentence 1 refer to sentence 1I. Reading refer to sentence 2 refer to paragraph 1, sentence 2 1. D - refer to paragraph 2, sentence 4 2. A - refer to the last sentence of paragraph 3 3. A - as suggested by the bees having specific jobs to do 4. C - as suggested by paragraph 1 5. C - 6. B - logical to follow is the size (large) 7. A - logical to follow is the size (narrow) 8. B - logical to follow after very is cute, not tiny logical to follow after very is tall, not spreadingII. Language logical to follow is very a. 1. A - the other sentences have dangling 2. D - modifiers 3. C - 4. D - 2 things compared; my and your handwriting 5. B - comparison of all tests taken for years comparison of all children known to the speaker b. 1. B comparison of all decisions made 2. A comparison of all nightmares one ever had 3. C comparison of the first expectation with the actual 4. C comparison made; night or night sleepiness 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. A c. 1. B - 2. C - 3. C - 4. C - 5. C - 6. B - 7. A - 24

If you got a total of 30 correct responses, that is a PERFECT SCORE. Excellent ! Congratulations ! 25 - 29 is Very good! 20 - 24 is Good 16 - 19 is Fair 15 and below means, you are not quite ready to proceed to the next module. You have to go back and find out how you can improve your score. Yes, we need one another for no man is an island. You may want to be alone sometimes, butit is always best to have a friend or people to share your worries and your dreams with. The next module will teach you more on being concerned with people. 25

Before you put aside this module, spend some time reflecting on what you have learned fromit. Use this format in your reflective journal. Reflective Journal Name : _____________________________________ School :______________________________________  What did I think or feel about working together? Why?  What different learning experience did I have in this module?  What was particularly significant for me while reading the text? Why?  How will I apply what I have learned to actual life situations? 26

Module 5 Being Concerned About PeopleOverview When people speak of being concernedabout others, what comes foremost to your mind?Remember how happy and lighthearted you feelevery time someone says, “I know you care becauseyou’re concerned and that really matters.” Showing concern to others sounds great!But when and how do you do it? Can you think ofsome ways to put it into action? Think about howyou act to show concern as you come in contactwith others. Do you think, feel and say, “Let’s talkabout it and do something”? This is one of thebiggest challenges you have to face so what’s thekey? It’s so simple! You’ll find that this moduleoffers grand ideas, which can help you to be on toprate in showing concern about others. You’ll alsobe able to answer some if not all of the questionsmentioned above.Objectives After studying and working on all the activities in this module, you will be able to: 1. agree/disagree to assertions made 2. clarify meaning of words through clues 3. interpret meanings, traits, feelings, motives based on actions, words and values presented 4. use two-word verbs with cut 5. use special expressions that signal agreement or disagreement 6. use gerunds in giving advice, suggestions 7. state intentions, wishes, plans and feelings by using gerunds 8. write a reaction to an advertisement 1

Instructions 1. Do not write anything on this module as several students will be using it. Do all your work in your notebook. Be sure to label your work by the module number and title. Keep a separate notebook for your Reflective Journal. 2. Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first. 3. Each module begins with a brief introduction or Overview followed by a list of Objectives you are expected to learn. 4. Before working on the activities, answer the Pretest first. Find out how well you did by checking your answers against the answers given under the Self-check of the pretest. 5. As you work on the activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What skill or strategy does the activity develop? 6. After each activity go over the Self-check that follows to find out how well you fared in that activity. Pay attention to the items you missed. Learn from your mistakes. 7. After working on all the activities take the Posttest. Good luck!!! You are now ready for the next part. Let’s try this one!PretestI. Hunt for eight words which suggest being concerned about people. Trace the letters horizontally, vertically, diagonally, backwards or any other way to form eight words. Write your answers in your notebook.1. _______________ S ROGN I RACS PXD2. _______________ HXRXRXSXRS TRH3. _______________ AP P REC I AT I NGE4. _______________ RXGECGA I NGEXL5. _______________ I RR S NR SML R P X P6. _______________ NGN I T R O FMO C D I7. _______________ GRXON PMLKG FXN8. _______________ SOS ROSOOTH I NG L XGN I E B CDNMRX GN I DNAT S REDNU 2

II. Read the following expressions in speech balloons. Find out which expresses concern about people and which does not. Write C if the sentence shows concern to people and write N if it does not. She makes me That’s none of feel important. your business!_____ 1. _____ 3. Tell me about it. Count me out! It will surely I don’t care. help you._____ 2. _____ 4. We feel it is our duty to feed hungry people. _____ 5. III. Read the following article. Then choose the letter of the expression that best completes each sentence after the article. 1.) What is more wonderful from the feeling that we become stronger every time we move closer to others as we try understanding, helping, caring, comforting, supporting and living harmoniously with them? 2.) Understanding people means living harmoniously with them. 3.) It’s absolutely right that young persons have much need for being concerned not only with themselves and members of their families but also with the rest of society. 4.) Well, it follows that not only the youth but all of us must cut out from the idea of serving only ourselves. 5.) The point is showing concern to these “other” people, next to observing them on the streets, in church, on buses, in offices, in the fields, on the farms, awake or asleep, working or resting, being good or being bad, needing help or giving services – is one good way of making us feel that we need each other’s support and care.1. The main point of the article is ______________. A. young people are much concerned only about themselves. B. we need each other’s help. C. being concerned about other people gives a wonderful feeling. D. understanding others is one best way of showing concern for people.2. The sentence that best supports the main idea is number _____________. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 3

3. “Living harmoniously” as used in Sentence 2 suggests that we live to ______________.A. accept others as they are C. associate only with the adultsB. coordinate and unite with others D. serve only ourselves4. As used in the article, one expression that shows agreement is ______________.A. absolutely right C. the point isB. more wonderful D. well5. Cut-out as used in Sentence 3 means to ______________.A. depart B. display C. limit D. reduce6. The word “understanding” in Sentence 1 is an example of a/an ______________.A. gerund B. infinitive C. participle D. verb7. The writer’s attitude on being concerned about people is one of ______________.A. appreciation B. gratitude C. selflessness D. support8. The main purpose of the writer is to ______________.A. describe a situation C. inspire peopleB. make a stand about an issue D. tell a storySelf-checkCheck your answers against these answers.I. Here are the expressions which illustrate showing concern to people (in any order) 1. appreciating 5. loving 2. caring 6. sharing 3. comforting 7. soothing 4. helping 8. understandingII. 1. C  The feeling of importance makes the speaker comfortable. 2. C  The speaker is ready to listen and this shows concern for others. 3. N  The speaker is excluding herself from any obligation. 4. N  The speaker doesn’t want to be involved. 5. C  The feeling of concern and care are clearly expressed by the speaker.III. 1. C  The whole article focuses on being concerned about “other” people. 2. D  Sentence 5 enumerates some possible ways of showing concern about other3. B people.4. A  “coordinate” and “unite” are two words which bring out harmony.5. A  expression “absolutely right” signals agreement.6. A  “cut out” as used in Sentence 3 means “to depart.”  “understanding” is a verbal noun (V + ing) and is specifically used as a subject of the sentence.7. A  The whole article clearly shows how the writer appreciates the idea of being concerned about other people.8. C  The writer shares an inspirational message. 4

Your Score:You surely feel great now, don’t you? If you got a perfect score, you’re simply fantastic. If your score is 18-20, that’s great. If it is 10-17, you need to study more. If it is below 10, all the more, you need to improve.As you continue working on this module, you may go back, read and re-check your answers over afew times.You will do some activities now.Reading AdventurePre-reading You believe in the importance of being concerned about people, right? Let’s read what otherssay about this. The passage you’ll read is entitled “An Open Attitude of Goodness.” Based on the title, whatquestions do you think will likely be answered in the passage? Choose the questions from the listbelow and write them in your notebook. 1. What are the keys in showing concern for others? 2. What is an open attitude of goodness? 3. When is the right time to exercise open attitude of goodness? 4. What does open attitude of goodness require from us? 5. Who will be benefited if we practice this? 6. How can we show our concern for others? 7. Why do we need to have an open attitude of goodness? 8. Where can we find a man with an open attitude of goodness?While Reading Read the passage and find out if the questions you chose are answered in the text. Put an X onthose which are not answered or touched in the passage. 5

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