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ថ្នាក់ទី៩៖ English Grade 9

Published by Chan Soksieng, 2022-03-23 06:45:41

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Keywords: Learn English,English textbook,Khmer English textbook,English grade 9,Cambodia English textbook


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Unit 15 - Preparing for an exam 15a Preparing for an exam – A list of things to do 1 Vuthy and Piseth are talking in the library. « They are discussing things they need to do before the exam. « Tell your partner three things you do when you prepare for an exam. 2 T.5.15.1 Listen to Vuthy and Piseth. « How many lessons has Vuthy already reviewed? « Has Vuthy completed the practice questions yet? 3 T.5.15.1 Listen again and match the questions to the answers and write them in your notebook. 1. Have you started to prepare for next a. Yes, I’ve just started to take notes. week’s maths test? 2. How many lessons have you reviewed? b. Yes, I’ve already started. 3. Have you taken any notes yet? c. No, I still haven’t made a list of things to do. 4. Have you made a list of things to do? d. I have already reviewed 3 lessons. T.5.15.2 Listen, check and repeat. 98 Preparing for an exam

Chapter 5, Unit 15, Lesson A 4 We can use the Present Perfect to talk about something in the past at an unspeciied time before now. (Unspeciied time means we don’t know time.) Present Perfect. For unspeciied time before now. Future Now Past Have you already started to prepare? I’ve just started to prepare. I haven’t made any notes yet. I still haven’t looked at my notes. « Unscramble the words and answer the questions. « Write the answers in your notebook. a. Have you reviewed any lessons yet? just to started, Yes, review my I’ve lessons. maths b. Have you made a list of things you made I haven’t a No, list of yet. need to do? things I to need do c. Have you looked at the practice I looked No, haven’t still at them. questions yet? d. Have you completed the practice Yes, already inished. I’ve them questions? T.5.15.3 Listen, check and repeat. 5 Time expressions. Just a short time ago. Have you been here long? No, I’ve just arrived. Already sooner than expected. You need to review your lessons. I’ve already reviewed them. Yet until now. Use yet only in questions and negative sentences. I haven’t reviewed my lessons yet. Still an action is continuing. It hasn’t changed or stopped. I still haven’t made any notes. « Use ‘already, just, yet or still ’ to complete the sentences. a. Piseth arrived at the library one minute ago. = Piseth has ______ arrived at the library. b. Piseth hasn’t looked at his notes. = Piseth _____ hasn’t looked at his notes. c. Vuthy has made his notes. = Vuthy has _______ made his notes. d. Piseth hasn’t started making notes. = Piseth hasn’t made any notes _____. 6 Find someone who … Turn to page 253. Preparing for an exam 99

Chapter 5, Unit 15, Lesson B 15b Preparing for an exam – Are you ready yet? 1 Who is in the picture? What are they doing? « The three friends are preparing for their exams. « Why is it important to try and pass your exams? Tell your partner. Have you practised your English speaking yet? 2 T.5.15.4 Listen and read. « Are the students ready for their exam, What subjects do they talk about? Heang: This study group was a great idea! Hey have you seen your exam timetable yet? We can check what everyone has already What time is the chemistry test? done to prepare for the exams, and what we still need to do. I’ve just made a list of things I Heang: Oh No! I forgot all about that. I still need to do before the exam. Have you made haven’t seen my exam timetable. Hey, Vuthy, a list of things you need to do, Vuthy? have you seen your exam timetable? Vuthy: No, I haven’t made a list of things I Vuthy: No, I haven’t seen my timetable yet. need to do yet. I will make one as soon as I I’ll look at it when I go to school tomorrow. I get home. But, I have already made a lot of still haven’t looked over my chemistry lessons. notes to help me revise. Hey! Piseth, have So I still need to do that. Have you looked you made any notes yet? over your chemistry lessons, Heang? Piseth: I have just started making my study Heang: I’ve just started to look over them. I still notes, but I haven’t inished them yet. I have have so much to do! I still haven’t practised already completed my maths revision. Have my English speaking! Have you practised you inished your maths revision, Heang? your English speaking, Piseth? Heang: Yes, I have completed all my maths Piseth: No! I haven’t practised my English revision. And I have already studied for the speaking yet. I think it would be a good idea English grammar test. Have you studied for if we meet everyday so we can practise the English grammar test, Vuthy? together. Vuthy: Yes, I have already studied for my Vuthy: Yes, that’s a good idea, because I English grammar test. It wasn’t easy! There still need to practise my English speaking are a lot of new things to learn. Piseth, have too. Sorry, but I need to go now, but I’ll see you reviewed your grammar test yet? you both tomorrow at 12.30. Piseth: Yes! I have already reviewed my Heang & Piseth: OK, Bye! English grammar test. I’m happy about that! 100 Preparing for an exam

Chapter 5, Unit 15, Lesson B 3 Read the conversation again. « Read the questions and tick () ‘Yes ’ or ‘No ’. Yes No a. Has Vuthy made a list of things he needs to do? b. Has Vuthy already made a lot of notes? c. Has Vuthy already studied for his English grammar test? d. Has Heang seen her exam timetable? e. Has Vuthy looked over his chemistry lessons? f. Has Piseth practised his English speaking yet? 4 Read the conversation again. « Unscramble the words and write the questions and the answers in your notebook. 1. maths you inished revision, Yes, I have done all my maths revision. Have your Heang? Yes, I have already reviewed my English grammar test. 2. you reviewed Piseth, have test No, I haven’t seen my exam timetable yet. yet? your English grammar Yes, I’ve just started to look over them. 3. exam timetable yet? seen your Have you No! I haven’t practised my English speaking yet. 4. chemistry lessons looked over Have you your Heang? 5. practised Have your speaking, Piseth? you English T.5.15.5 Listen, check and repeat. c. Vuthy hasn’t seen his exam timetable 5 Look at Vuthy’s list of things _____. he has to do before the exam. d. Vuthy _______ hasn’t looked over his chemistry lessons. Things to do before the exam! e. Vuthy hasn’t practised his English speaking _____. a. Make lots of study notes  6 What have you done today? b. Study for English grammar test  c. See exam timetable û « Use the ideas in the box to write about d. Look over chemistry lessons û things you have already done today e. Practise English speaking û and things you haven’t done yet. « Use ‘already, still or yet ’ to write Example: I have already … a sentence about each one. A: I haven’t drunk water I haven’t … « Write the answers in your notebooks. I have just … today. I still haven’t … a. Vuthy has already made a lot of B: Why not? study notes.  A: Because I was in a hurry to get to school. b. Vuthy has __________ studied for his English grammar test. « When you have inished, read the sentences to your partner. « He/she should use ‘Wh’ questions to ind out more information. Preparing for an exam 101

Chapter 5, Unit 15, Lesson C 15c Preparing for an exam – A friend at University 1 Look at Heang’s Facebook page. « Why do people use internet sites like Facebook? Information ! Hi Nary. How’s life at university? Have you made any new friends yet? Tell me everything. Relationship Status: Single Hi Heang. So good to hear from you. Yes, I’ve already made Current Country: Cambodia some new friends. I really love it here! Birthday: 12 February Oh, that’s good to hear. Have you met your new chemistry professor yet? What’s he like? Friends ! I have already met my new professor. He gave a lecture today. He is a great teacher. He explains everything very clearly. We’ve just taken our exams. Have you taken any exams yet? I’ve only been here for a few months, so I haven’t taken any exams yet. But, I have already started to make study notes whenever I attend a lecture. Yes, making notes is a good idea. Vuthy, Piseth and I also started a study group. We found it very useful. Have you started a study group? A study group is a great idea. I have already spoken to my friends about it. But we still haven’t decided where and when to meet. We took all our notes and textbooks to the library. Isn’t there a library on the university campus you could use? Yes, there is a library on the campus. I’ve just been there! I will speak to my friends about it. We are all studying for the same degree in chemistry, so we will be able to help each other to study for the exams. And don’t forget to check your exam timetable. Have you seen your exam timetable yet? No, I still haven’t seen my exam timetable. The exams aren’t for another four months, so I don’t need to worry about that yet. Well, it has been fantastic speaking to you. I still have lots of things to do before I go to bed. Good luck with your studies! Yes, it has been great speaking to you too. Goodnight Heang. Speak to you again soon. 102 Preparing for an exam

Chapter 5, Unit 15, Lesson C 2 Is Nary enjoying her time at university? C 3 Match the words and their deinitions to the correct pictures. A 1.__b__ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____ 1. I have to attend a lecture everyday. A lecture is a talk given by a professor. 2. Is the campus an exciting place? A campus is all the buildings at a school. B 3. I have already bought all my textbooks. D E A textbook is a book used by students to study. 4. We are studying for the same degree in chemistry. A degree is an award given to successful university students. 5. Have you met your new professor yet? A professor is a university teacher. 4 Read the conversation again. Mark the statements true T or false F. Nary has already made some new friends. __T__ a. Heang hasn’t taken her exams. _____ b. Nary hasn’t taken her exams. _____ c. Nary has spoken to her friends about a study group. _____ d. Nary still hasn’t been to the library. _____ e. Nary has just seen her exam timetable. _____ 5 Match the questions to the answers and write them in your notebook. 1. Has Nary met her professor? a. Yes, she has just been there. 2. Has Nary taken any exams yet? b. Yes, she has already started to make notes. 3. Has Nary started to make study notes? c. Yes, she has already met her professor. 4. Has Nary been to the library? d. No, she hasn’t taken any exams yet. 5. Has she seen her exam timetable? e. No, she still hasn’t seen her exam timetable. T.5.15.6 Listen, check and repeat. Have you ever been to Phnom Penh? 6 The same as me! No, I still haven’t been Hey, that’s the same to Phnom Penh. « Copy the grid into your notebook. as me! « Use the words in the box to write My name Already Still Just Yet four things that are true for you. Name_______ Name_______ Name_______ « Find another student who has is: Name_______ I still haven’t... I have just... I written the same as you. I have haven’t____ « When you ind someone who has already... yet. written the same, write their name Congratulations! in the grid. You inished Unit 15! Tick () the been to a wedding been to Phnom Penh things you can do. swum in the sea spoken to a foreigner I can talk about how to prepare been to Angkor Wat failed an exam before an exam. I can talk about things I have seen a comedy show passed an exam already done and things I haven’t done yet. been to a concert seen someone famous I can use ‘just’ to talk about things that have happened recently. completed my homework decided what job I want to do Preparing for an exam 103

Chapter 6Folk tales and fairy tales Unit 16 - Hansel and Gretel 16a Hansel and Gretel – Into the forest they went 1 Crossword Puzzle. Complete the puzzle with the words from the box. Write them in your notebook. biscuit chop cookie fairy tale W forest lost housework stepmother trail nasty woodcutter b Across Down 1. a person who cuts wood 3. a small, lat cake that is dry and usually sweet 2. a story in which unlikely events 6. to cut into pieces 9. jobs in the home, such as cooking and cleaning lead to a happy ending 10. a woman married to one’s father after the 4. a large area covered with trees 5. mean and unpleasant divorce of one’s parents or the death of 7. a sweet biscuit one’s mother 8. not able to be found 11. a mark or a series of signs or objects left behind when someone walks. 2 T6.16.1 Listen and answer the 3 T6.16.1 Which word do you hear? question. « Listen again and choose the correct « You will listen to a story about a word that completes the sentence. boy called Hansel and his sister Gretel. Write them in your notebook. They were very poor. They lived with their father and their bad, nasty a. In a faraway land, a poor woodcutter stepmother. One day their lived / was living with his family. father took them into the forest. Now listen. What b. The two children stay / stayed at was Hansel’s plan? home with their stepmother. 104 Hansel and Gretel c. They were doing / did all the housework.

Chapter 6, Unit 16, Lesson A d. The children listened / were listening to their nasty stepmother’s plan when Gretel began to cry. e. They were following / followed their father into the forest. f. “I’m frightened,” said / says Gretel. “Father isn’t coming back. It’s cold and dark. And we are lost.” g. There was / were large cookies on the roof. h. Hansel had pulled / pulled a biscuit off the wall and gave it to Gretel. i. While they were eating / ate the bits of the house, the chocolate door suddenly opened, and an ugly old woman was coming / came out and said, “Hello. Who’s eating my house?” 4 Past simple rules. • Draw the blank table in your notebook. To tell stories, we use different forms of the past tense, called narrative tenses Past Simple: used to explain the main events in the story. I inished my homework, rode my bicycle to the park and played football. Past Continuous: used to describe longer actions interrupted by a shorter action. When I arrived at the park, my friends were playing. « Look at tapescript 6.16.1 on page 231. Find 3 examples of the each tense in the story. Write them in your notebook. « Label the verbs PS (past simple) or PC (past continuous) 5 Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the story. This morning, I 1__g_o_t _u_p_ (get up) around six o’clock, and 2_____ (have) a shower. Then I 3______ (make) myself a cup of juice and some rice. After that, I 4______ (put on) my uniform for school. It 5______ (not take) long, as I had laid it out last night. Finally, I 6______ (get ready) to leave the house. I 7________ (pick up) my school bag containing the things I’d packed the night before. As I 8________ (open) the front door the phone 9_______ (ring). It 10_______ (be) Heang. We had arranged to meet that morning to discuss our homework but she 11_______ (call) to say she 12________ (cannot meet) me because her bicycle 13_______ (have) a lat tyre. T.6.16.2 Listen and check. 6 My morning. « What did you do this morning? Write a short dialogue about your morning. A : What did you do this morning? B : This morning, I __________ and then _________. I ________ when I __________. Finally I _______________. What about you? A : This morning, I … « Discuss with your partner. Hansel and Gretel 105

Chapter 6, Unit 16, Lesson B 16b Hansel and Gretel – Trapped 1 Match the words in the box to the correct pictures. Write them in your notebook. witch cage thin pies chicken bone oven ABCDE F 2 Read for the big idea and answer the question. « What type of children did the old woman like? « How many days was Hansel in the cage? Hansel and Gretel 1 were / are very hungry. They went inside with the old woman. There was a lot of nice food on the table. There were cakes, biscuits, apples, and oranges. “Eat all you can,” said the old woman. Then, she added, “I like big strong children.” The two children ate and ate. While the children 2 are eating / were eating, the ugly old woman sat and 3 was watching / watched them. This ugly old woman was a witch. And this witch ate little boys for dinner. When the children had eaten their ill, the witch put Hansel into a cage. a. ____, she 4 locked / was locked the door of the cage. Then, she locked the door of the house. She didn’t want Gretel to leave the house. b. ____, she looked at Hansel and said, “You’re very thin, little boy. I’m going to feed you lots of delicious food. Then, you’re going to be fat. And I’m going to eat you for dinner.” c. ____, the witch 5 looked / was looking at Gretel. “You’re going to do all my housework,” she said. Every day, the witch said to Gretel, “Give Hansel some more food.” Every day for seven days, Gretel had given Hansel a chicken and chips, cakes, and pies. On the seventh day, the witch said, “Give me your arm, Hansel.” Hansel knew that the witch 6 couldn’t / can’t see very well. He didn’t give his arm. He gave her a chicken bone he had saved. The witch felt the bone. She was very surprised. “You’re very thin. Eat some more.” d. ____, on the tenth day, the witch 7 is / was very angry. Hansel was still thin. And she was very hungry. “I’m going to eat your brother today,” she said to Gretel. “Go and prepare the oven.” Gretel went and 8 prepared / was preparing the oven. She made it very hot. e. ____, she went to the witch and asked, “Can you come and check the oven?” 106 Hansel and Gretel

Chapter 6, Unit 16, Lesson B 3 Read again and choose the best word to complete the story. Write the words in your notebook. T.6.16.3 Listen and check. 4 Connecting words. We use ‘then’, ‘after that’, ‘irst’, ‘next’ and ‘inally’ to connect some events in a story. They tell the order things happen in. You don’t have to use them in every sentence, just when the order needs to be clear. I had a fantastic weekend. First, I slept until 8am. Then, I ate breakfast at my favorite café. Next, I went to the video store and bought a DVD that my friend had told me about yesterday. After that, I met my friends at the school to play a game of football. Finally, I went home and watched the movie with my family. « Read the story in activity 2 again. « Put a connecting word in each blank (a, b, c, d ...). T.6.16.4 Listen and check. 5 T.6.16.5 Listen and put the pictures into the correct order. ABC DE 6 Connect the events in your « Start your story: story. Once upon a time, a grandmother « Now tell the story to your friend using wanted to make her grandchildren the words below to help make the a cookie. order of events clear. (You don’t have to use them all). a. She / make / a cookie / like / man b. She / put / cookie / in oven * irst c. After 15 minutes, / open oven door / * next * then cookie man / run * after that d. Grandmother and grandfather / chase * inally / cookie man 7 Write the story of the Cookie Man. e. cookie man / run / river / meet / fox f. ride / across river / back / fox « Use the sentence starters to write the story in your notebook. Will the fox eat the cookie man? or will the cookie man ran away? Hansel and Gretel 107

Chapter 6, Unit 16, Lesson C 16c Hansel and Gretel – Could you help me with the oven? 1 Unscramble the letters to make the correct words and match them with the pictures. arereuts amp evon guh ABC D 2 T6.16.6 Read and listen. « What did Hansel and Gretel ind in the Witch’s bedroom? “You stupid girl! You can’t do anything right!” said the witch. The witch went to check the oven and Gretel was standing behind her. When she had opened the oven door, Gretel pushed her in. Quickly, Gretel shut the oven door. Then, she went and unlocked the cage. “Well done, Gretel “said Hansel. “Quick, let’s go home.” “No,” said Gretel. “The witch has some treasure. She also has a map. Follow me! I’ll show you. Gretel took Hansel to the witch’s bedroom. They found the treasure and the map. “Now, we can go home,” said Gretel. Hansel and Gretel took a large box of treasure with them. They looked at the map and followed the trail home. The woodcutter was very happy to see his children. He hugged them both. “I looked everywhere for you. ɒut I couldn’t ind you,” he said. “Where’s our stepmother?” asked Gretel. “She was very unkind to you. I told her to leave,” said the woodcutter. “Hurray!” said Hansel and Gretel. And they danced around the room. They were very happy. Hansel and Gretel told their father about the biscuit house with the chocolate door. And they told him about the ugly old witch. Then, they showed him the treasure. The woodcutter and his two children were never hungry again. And they lived together very happily. 108 Hansel and Gretel

Chapter 6, Unit 16, Lesson C 3 Put the sentences in the correct order. a. They were walking through the forest and very hungry, when suddenly they found a strange house made of sweet things. b. While the witch was checking the ire, Gretel pushed her into the big oven. c. The children found a map and some treasure, then returned home. d. Hansel, Gretel and their father lived happily ever after. e. Once upon a time there were two children called Hansel and Gretel, who lived in the forest with their father and their stepmother. f. An old, ugly woman lived in the house. She was a witch. She put Hansel in a cage because she wanted to eat him. g. One day, Hansel and Gretel’s father took them to the forest and left them there. h. Hansel was dropping pieces of bread to make a trail to ind the way home. But the birds ate all the bread, so the children were lost. 4 Retell the story. « Use the sentences in activity 3 to help you retell the story to your partner. « Add connecting words to help make the sequence of events clear in your story. 5 Pair work. The Fire. Student A: Turn to page 253. Student B: Turn to page 265. « Use the sentence starters to tell your part of the story. Take turns telling the full story. Example: A : At 6:30 in the morning, the sun was … B : I was passing a building near my house and I noticed … A :I… B : I heard … Congratulations! You inished Unit 16! Tick () the things you can do. I can use the narrative tense to tell a story in the past.  I can connect events in a story using connecting words.  I can use correct vocabulary to tell a story.  Hansel and Gretel 109

Unit 17 - Little Red Riding Hood 17a Little Red Riding Hood – Stay on the path 1 Crossword Puzzle. W hood m velvet path manners awhile wicked bouquet weak promise Across Down 3. polite ways of treating other people and 1. morally wrong and bad for you, but behaving in public in an attractive way 5. part of a piece of clothing which can be pulled 2. a group of lowers arranged to be up to cover the top and back of the head given as a gift 7. when you say that you will certainly do 4. for a short period of time something 6. not strong 8. a cloth usually woven from silk or cotton 7. a route or trail between one place with a thick soft surface and another 2 T6.17.1 Listen to the story. « Why does Little Red Riding Hood’s mother want her to stay on the path? 3 T6.17.1 Which word do you hear? « Listen again and choose the correct word or phrase that completes the sentence. Write them in your notebook. a. The little girl loved the hood so much that she had worn / was wearing nothing else since receiving it. b. One day having heard that her grandmother had taken ill, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother called / was calling to her. c. Little Red Riding Hood promised she would obey what her mother was telling / had told her and set off on her journey. d. While Little Red Riding Hood was walking / walked in the forest, she met a wolf. e. He asked her what she carried / was carrying in her basket. f. He had walked / walked awhile by Little Red Riding Hood’s side. g. Little Red Riding Hood opened / was opening her eyes and could see the sunlight was coming / came through the trees and how the ground was covered with beautiful lowers. T.6.17.2 Listen and check. 110 Little Red Riding Hood

Chapter 6, Unit 17, Lesson A 4 Past Perfect Practice. Rules: When telling stories, in addition to using the Past Simple to explain the main events of a story and the Past Continuous to express longer actions interrupted by a shorter action. We also use the Past Perfect. The Past Perfect is formed with had + past participle, i.e. When I arrived at the party, all of my friends had gone home. We use it to talk about an event that happened before another event in the past. When she arrived at school this morning, she discovered she had forgotten her homework at home. Now Look at the timeline: forgot arrived at homework school « Look at tapescript 6.17.1 on page 233. Find 1 example of each tense in the story. Write them in your notebook. « Label the verbs PS (past simple), PC (past continuous) or PP (past perfect) 5 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the past perfect of the verb in brackets. The End A. When I arrived at B. When she turned on C. The driver _____ D. The farmer ___ the internet cafe, _______ all the they had ______ the TV, the program ______ at the red eggs before the already. (close) sun came up. ____ ____. (end) light when he (collect) answered his phone. (stop) 6 The last time I felt … « Think about times you have felt some of the ways below. What had happened to make you feel that way? When was felt / were ?embarrassed / very relaxed What had happened? the last time sad / really happy / tired What had you done? angry / excited / frightened you « Tell your partner. ‘The last time I felt really happy was on my birthday. I’d gotten to sleep in and my mum had made breakfast for me. Then in the afternoon my parents had taken me to my favourite restaurant to eat.’ Little Red Riding Hood 111

Chapter 6, Unit 17, Lesson A 17b Little Red Riding Hood – The better to see you with, my dear 1 Unscramble the words. Write them in your notebook. 1. ahtcl 2. itsncuar 3. eprss 4. apc 5. ategrh 6. rdaia 7. alprro 2 T6.17.3 Read and listen to see if you were right about what happened next. « Did you predict correctly? “It’s Little Red Riding Hood. I’m bringing you some cake and butter. Please open the door for me”, said the wolf. “Just press the latch,” grandmother replied. “I’m too weak to get out of bed.” The wolf pressed the latch and the door opened. He walked inside and immediately ate her up, for it’d been more than three days since he had eaten. He then shut the door and put on grandmother’s clothes, pulling her cap down over his face. After that he got into her bed, closed the curtains and waited for Little Red Riding Hood to arrive. While the wolf was eating grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood was running after lowers. When she had gathered so many that she wasn’t able to carry any more, she continued on her journey to grandmother’s house. When she arrived, she knocked on the door. In his best grandmother voice, the wolf called weakly, “Who’s there?” “It is your grandchild Little Red Riding Hood. I have brought you some cake and butter from mother,” she said. To this the wolf had weakly responded, “Just press the latch; I am too weak to get out of bed.” As she was walking through the parlor, Little Red Riding Hood felt afraid and thought to herself, “Oh my gosh! How strange I feel today, however at other times I am so happy to be with my grandmother. Then she had gone over to her grandmother’s bed and opened the curtains. Grandmother was lying there with her cap covering her face and looking very strange. “Oh, grandmother, what big ears you have!” she said. “All the better to hear you with,” replied the wolf. “Oh, grandmother, what big eyes you have!” she said next. “All the better to see you with, my dear,” answered the wolf. “Oh, grandmother, what big hands and arms you have!” Little Red Riding Hood said next. “All the better to hug you with, my precious child,” lied the wolf. 112 Little Red Riding Hood

Chapter 6, Unit 17, Lesson A 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. 1. The wolf ______ (press) the latch and the door ______ (open). 2. He walked inside and immediately ate her up, for it’d been more than three days since he ______ (eat). 3. While the wolf ______ (eat) grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood ______ (run) after lowers. 4. When she ______ (gather) so many that she wasn’t able to carry any more, she continued on her journey to grandmother’s house. 5. Then she ______ (go) over to her grandmother’s bed and ______ (open) the curtains. 6. Grandmother ________ (lay) there with her cap covering her face and looking very strange. « Look at sentences 2, 4 and 5. Decide which order the events in these sentences happened and number them. Example: When the children had eaten their ill, the witch put Hansel into a cage. 4 Find and correct the mistakes. a. ɑs soon as the ilm started I realized I seen it before. b. When we arrived at the party, everybody is leaving. c. I couldn’t lock up my bicycle because I left my keys at home. d. I was leaving my house when I had heard the telephone ringing. e. We had waited for nearly an hour before the bus left. f. I looked through some old photographs when I found this one of you. g. I never been to Paris before, so I was really excited to see the Eiffel Tower. 5 Complete with your own ideas. 3 a. I passed the exam easily because … b. The teacher was angry with me because … c. I was very tired because … d. I didn’t want to go to the restaurant because … e. I couldn’t take any photographs because … 12 45 Little Red Riding Hood 113

Chapter 6, Unit 17, Lesson C 17c Little Red Riding Hood – Saved 1 Match the words in the box to the correct pictures. Write them in your notebook. hunter slice pelt belly snore 12345 2 T6.17.4 What’s your prediction? « Read / listen to the last portion of the story to see if your group’s prediction was correct. Finally, Little Red Riding Hood had said to her grand- mother, “Oh, grandmother, what a large mouth you have!” “All the better to eat you with!” Next he jumped out of the bed, on top of Little Red Riding Hood and ate her up. ɑs soon as he had inished this tasty bite, he climbed back into bed, fell asleep and in minutes was snoring very loudly. A hunter was passing by. He thought it was strange that an old woman was snoring so loudly, so he took a look. He stepped inside the grandmother’s house and in the bed there laid the wolf that he had been hunting for such a long time. “He has eaten the grandmother, but maybe she can still be saved. I won’t shoot him,” thought the hunter. Instead, he took a knife and cut the wolf’s belly open. He had cut only a few slices when he saw the red hood shining through. He cut a little more, and the girl jumped out and cried, “Oh, I was so frightened! It was so dark inside the wolf’s body!” And then the grandmother came out alive also. Then Little Red Riding Hood grabbed some large heavy stones. They illed the wolf’s body with them. When he woke up and tried to run away, the stones were so heavy that he fell down and died. After that the three of them were happy. The hunter took the wolf’s pelt. The grandmother ate the cake that Little Red Riding Hood had brought, with butter spread on the top. And Little Red Riding Hood thought to herself, “As long as I live, I will never leave the path and run off into the forest by myself if my mother tells me not to.” 114 Little Red Riding Hood

Chapter 6, Unit 17, Lesson C 3 ‘T=True’ or ‘F=False’? TF 1. The girl was called Little Red Riding Hood because she always wore a red hood. 2. She was taking her grandmother some cake and butter because it was her birthday. 3. Little Red Riding Hood was afraid of the wolf and ran away from him. 4. The wolf wanted to eat Little Red Riding Hood. 5. The wolf ate grandmother and then hid while waiting for Little Red Riding Hood. 6. Little Red Riding Hood thought her grandmother had large ears, eyes and hands. 7. The wolf ate Little Red Riding Hood and fell asleep. 8. The hunter shot the wolf. 9. The hunter took the wolf’s fur. 10. Little Red Riding Hood wanted to run off into the forest and gather lowers again. « With a partner, correct all the FALSE sentences in your notebook. 4 Tell your partner about … « Choose a situation and answer the questions about it. the worst thing you did as a child the bravest thing you ever did the most embarrassing moment of your life the best vacation you ever had an unusual experience you had your own idea __________________ a. What happened? My most embarrassing moment happened when I was __________________ in Grade 6 and fell onto my best friend’s birthday cake. I got cake all over my pretty yellow dress. The party b. Where did it happen? was outside under a tent, but it was raining. When her __________________ mother was walking outside with the cake, I wanted a spot next to her and ran to get close so I could take a c. When did it happen? photo. While I was running, I tripped over a chair and __________________ fell right into the cake. I felt horrible, my new dress was covered in cake and I had ruined the moment. After d. What were you doing? that, everyone with a mobile phone took a photo of me __________________ covered in the cake and crying. e. What happened next? __________________ f. How did you feel? __________________ « Tell your story to your group Congratulations! You inished Unit 17! Tick () the things you can do.  I can use the narrative tenses to tell stories. I am able to use the past perfect to talk about events that  occurred before another past event. Little Red Riding Hood 115

Unit 18 - Creative writing 18a Creative writing – The ingredients of a good story 1 Crossword Puzzle. Complete the puzzle with the words from the box. Write them in your notebook. B M bow character humour moral pity polish solution wages plot problem quarters setting Across Down 3. the message which you understand 1. to bend your head or body forward, from a story about how you should or especially as a way of showing should not behave someone respect 6. to rub something using a piece of cloth 2. a ixed amount of money that is paid, or brush to clean it and make it shine usually every week, to an employee 7. a person represented in a ilm, play or 4. a room or house that has been story provided, especially for servants or soldiers and their families, to live in 9. the main events of a play, story or ilm 5. the answer to a problem 10. a situation, person or thing that needs attention and needs to be dealt with or 8. the state of your feelings solved 10. to feel sorry for someone 11. the time and/or the place in which the action of a book, ilm or play happens 2 T.6.18.1 Listen to the story and answer the question. « Does the boy think he is rich or poor? 3 T.6.18.1 Listen again and answer the questions in your notebook. a. Who are the characters in the story? b. What is the setting? c. What do you think the problem is in this story? d. How is the problem solved? e. According to the moral, how do you think you should behave towards other people? 116 Creative writing

Chapter 6, Unit 18, Lesson A 4 The ingredients of a good story. Character : we know them by what they look like, what they say and what they do. Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl. Everyone who saw her liked her, but most of all her grandmother, who did not know what to give the child next. Once she made her a hood of red velvet. The little girl loved the hood so much that she had worn nothing else since receiving it. Since that time, people had called her “Little Red Riding Hood”. Setting : the place and time where the story happens. In a faraway land, a poor woodcutter lived with his family. Once upon a time… Plot : the sequence of events that tells the story. • Characters Introduced: Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl…people had called her “Little Red Riding Hood.” • Problem occurs: The wolf thought to himself, “This nice young girl is a delicious mouthful. She will taste better than the old woman. • Problem is solved: Then Little Red Riding Hood grabbed some large heavy stones. They illed the wolf’s body with them. When he woke up and tried to run away, the stones were so heavy that he fell down and died. 5 T.6.18.2 Listen and put the pictures in the correct order. ABCD E Creative writing 117 6 Use the prompts to tell the story to your partner. Ÿ call / ask want to go / shopping mall Ÿ shop / for clothes / department store Ÿ wait to pay / man steal my purse Ÿ security guard / watch on security camera / see everything Ÿ arrest / leave the store Start your story: Last Saturday I was sitting at home when …

Chapter 6, Unit 18, Lesson B 18b Creative writing – A man and his horse 1 Unscramble the letters to make the correct words. Write them in your notebook. ABCDE tsrllo emrolbp rdenow shbu edih 2 Read the story and answer the question. « Why was the elephant worried? How the Hare Saved the Elephant’s Skin One day, clever Brother Hare was strolling in the big jungle where he met the Elephant. “Brother Elephant”, he asked, “you look worried. Is it true?” “Woe is me, brown Brother Hare,” the Elephant answered, “I’m worried, all right. Yesterday I ran into the Tiger and he said he wants to eat me. That’s why I’m worried. I’m so scared I don’t know what to do.” “If that’s all that’s wrong, don’t be upset. I’ll help you out!” said the Hare. The Elephant was extremely relieved to hear this and said, “I’ll do whatever you tell me.” “Well then,” said the Hare, “meet me here tomorrow. Don’t worry about a thing.” After that, he went on his way.” The next morning the Elephant returned to meet the Hare. The jungle was hot, quiet and frishtening. The Hare climbed onto the Elephant’s back holding a long piece of bamboo in one hand. “Now when I hit you on your left side”, he told the Elephant, “you throw your head to the left. When I hit you on the right, turn your head to the right. Ok?” The Elephant agreed. Before long the Hare saw the stronge Tiger hiding in a bush. Acting like he hadn’t seen him, he began hitting the Elephant, irst on his left side, then on his right. The Elephant kept turning his head from side to side, just as the Hare had told him to do. Seeing this, the Tiger didn’t know what to make of it. He lay still and watched. “What type of creature is this?” he wondered. “So tiny yet able to capture such a huge elephant!” He became afraid. The longer he thought about it the more his fears grew. Soon, he slipped off into the dark jungle. So thanks to the Hare’s wisdom the Elephant got out of his problem. -Traditional Khmer story 118 Creative writing

Chapter 6, Unit 18, Lesson B 3 Copy the table into your notebook. Complete the table with information from the story. Characters Setting • Who? What do we know Where and When? What does it look about them? (looks, like? (sights, smells, • Hare clothes or actions) tastes, sounds or • Elephant feelings) • Tiger tiny, wise, _______ • _______ _____ , _____ • _______ _____ , _____ Problem Solution Who has the What is the How is the problem What happened as problem? problem? solved? a result? • _______ • _______ • _______ • _______ 4 Making inferences. To make an inference, you form an opinion or idea from facts or clues in the story Detail from Hansel and Gretel Inference Gretel found the treasure before. “The witch has some treasure. She also has a map. Follow me! I’ll show you.” « Now make more inferences about tiger and Hare. Why did he want to eat Elephant? « Who was the cleverest animal? 5 A man and his horse. There once was a man who lived with his horse. « Listen to your teacher and help to tell the story about the man and his horse. 6 What happened? « With a partner complete the story in your notebook. Creative writing 119

Chapter 6, Unit 18, Lesson C 18c Creative writing – The old man and the monkeys 1 A picture is worth a thousand words. « Complete the table below by looking at the pictures. Use your imagination. Be creative! Characters Setting Situation Vocabulary ABC DEF 2 The old man and the monkeys. « What was the problem in the pictures above? « How was it solved? Problem: Solution: 3 Read your story. « Work with a partner and read your story to them. 120 Creative writing

Chapter 6, Unit 18, Lesson C 4 Edit and Rewrite. « Read your story again. « Add some details that describe the characters and setting better. « Write your story in your notebook. Congratulations! You inished Unit 18! Tick () the things you can do. I can identify the ingredients of a good story.  I am able to use the information in a story to make an inference. I can write my own stories using the correct ingredients.  Creative writing 121

Chapter 7Running errands Unit 19 - A wedding 19a A wedding - Preparing for the big day 1 Mr Phearith and Miss Mom are getting married. « Tell your partner about the best wedding that you’ve been to. 2 T.7.19.1 Listen to Vuthy’s mother telling Vuthy what she needs. « Does Vuthy have to go to the supermarket? 3 Complete the descriptions with a word from the box. « Write the answers in your notebook. Write the complete sentences. jar kilo box bunch packet can a. A packet of toothpicks. d. A __________ of beef. b. A __________ of soda. e. A __________ of tissues. c. ɑ __________ of lowers. f. A __________ of pickles. 4 T.7.19.1 Listen again and complete the sentences. a. He has a son ____________ goes to your school. b. Don’t go to the woman ____________ owns the stall with the purple umbrella. c. Speak to the woman ____________ works in the lower shop. d. The woman ____________ drives the big motorbike. e. The woman ____________ married a foreigner. Rule: Deining relative clauses (People) We can use Deining relative clauses to give information we need to identify the person we are talking about. « We use who or that to talk about people. Example : The woman that wears the red coat. Or, The woman who wears the red coat. Deining relative clause Deining relative clause 122 What’s the time?

Chapter 7, Unit 19, Lesson A 5 Match the descriptions to the pictures. Write the answers and the descriptions of the rest pictures in your notebook. 1. __B____ Buy the beef from the butcher who wears a black hat. 2. ______ The old lady who wears sunglasses. 3. ______ The woman that owns the stall with the yellow umbrella. 4. ______ Buy the pickles from the man that has one leg. ABCD E FGH 6 Use ‘who’ and ‘that’ to join the two sentences. « You do not need the the words in bold. « Write the complete sentences in your notebook. Example: The woman in the shop. She wears a blue coat. The woman in the shop who wears a blue coat. The woman in the shop that wears a blue coat. a. Speak to the lady. She wears sunglasses. b. He has a wife. She won the lottery. c. He has a sister. She has green hair. d. Talk to the woman. She works there. e. Buy the beef from the woman. She has a new market stall. f. That’s the other old lady. She doesn’t wear sunglasses. 7 Describing people. « Take it in turns to use ‘who ’ and ‘that ’ to deine these people to your partner. « Your partner will try to guess who you are deining. « You will get one point for each word you guess correctly. doctor girl father mother best friend wife teacher dentist cook boy cleaner coffee seller businessman farmer student isherman nurse singer Example : a policeman. This is someone who wears a uniform. A policeman This is someone that catches criminals. This is someone who carries a gun. Yes! One point to you! What’s the time? 123

Chapter 7, Unit 19, Lesson B 19b A wedding - Mrs Mom 1 Look at the picture. What is happening? 2 T.7.19.2 Listen and read. « Did Mr Phearith and Mrs Mom receive a lot of money? Vuthy : That was the best wedding I’ve ever been to! Heang : Me too. Mrs Mom looked beautiful and Mr Phearith was so handsome! Piseth : They received so many envelopes with money inside. What do you think they will buy? Vuthy : I know Mrs Mom wants to buy a new rice-cooker. She’s using the rice-cooker that my mother gave her when she irst arrived at our school. I wonder where she can buy a good rice-cooker. Heang : She can buy a new rice-cooker from the store which is opposite the park! I remember she also said she wanted some new towels that are the same colour as her bathroom. She can buy them from the shop which is next to the gas station. Piseth : Maybe they will buy a new motorbike. Mr Phearith drives a motorbike which is 20 years old. There it is! It’s the motorbike which is under the tree. The motorbike that Mrs Mom drives is over there. It’s the motorbike that has a red seat. It’s also very old. Where would be the best place for them to buy a motorbike? Vuthy : A new motorbike would be a good idea. They can buy a motorbike from the garage that gives a 10% discount! I think they should also buy a new television. We bought the television which my uncle recom- mended. It’s great. They could buy the same one. Piseth : Hey! Maybe they will buy the dog that my neighbour is selling. It’s the dog which is always barking. They can take it for walks in the morning! Heang : I don’t think they’ll buy that dog. It’s so loud! Well, whatever they buy, I’m sure they’ll be very happy! 124 What’s the time?

Chapter 7, Unit 19, Lesson B 3 Read the conversation again and match the two halves of each sentence. « Write the complete sentences in your notebook. 1. She can buy a new rice cooker from the store a. that has a red seat. 2. She wanted some new towels b. that my neighbour is selling. 3. It’s the motorbike c. that are the same colour as her bathroom. 4. We bought the television d. which is opposite the park! 5. Maybe they will buy the dog e. which my uncle recommended. 6. It’s the dog f. which is always barking. T.7.19.3 Listen and check. Rule: Deining relative clauses (Things and animals) We can use which or that with deining relative clauses to give essential information about things and animals. Example : It’s the motorbike that has a red seat. or which has a red seat Deining relative clause Deining relative clause 4 Unscramble the words to answer the questions. 1. Where can Mrs Mom buy her new towels? that is next to the gas station. From the shop. 2. Which is Mr Phearith’s motorbike? the motorbike which is It’s under the tree. 3. Where can Mrs Mom buy a new motorbike? that From the garage gives 10% discount. 4. Which television did Vuthy buy? his uncle The television that recommended. 5. Which dog is Piseth’s neighbour selling? is always The dog which barking. 5 Whose car? « Look at the picture, read the short story and answer the questions. « Write your answers in your notebook. You should write complete sentences. Lots of people drove to Mr Phearith’s and Miss Mom’s wedding in their cars. Mr Phearith’s brother has a car. It is next to the tree. Vuthy’s father’s car is behind Mr Phearith’s brother’s car. Heang’s uncle’s car has a lat tyre. Miss Mom’s brother’s car is yellow with blue doors. 1. Which is Mr Phearith’s brother’s car? a. It is the car which is next to the tree. 2. Which car is Vuthy’s father’s car? b. It is the car that ... 3. Which car is Heang’s uncle’s car? c. It is the car which ... 4. Which is Miss Mom’s brother’s car? d. It is the car that ... 6 Give me a clue! « Take it in turns to use relative clauses to describe something to your partner. « He / she will try and guess what you are describing. Example : This is something that you A pencil can write with. Yes! What’s the time? 125

Chapter 7, Unit 19, Lesson C 19c A wedding - The day after! 1 Vuthy, Piseth and Heang need to buy things to help them clean up after the wedding. What do you think they will need? 2 T.7.19.4 Listen and read. « Vuthy, Heang and Piseth are talking, what are they planning? Piseth : Who is the man that is standing next to the yellow motorbike? Heang : He is the man who hired the tent to Mr Phearith. He will start taking it down soon, so we should begin by cleaning the inside of the restaurant irst and then clean outside after he has gone. Agreed? Piseth : Yes. Agreed! What do we need? Heang : Well, we need a mop and bucket to clean the loor. You can buy them from the new store in town. Piseth : Which new store? Heang : The new store that has a huge blue and yellow sign. The man who used to sharpen knives works there. We also need two brooms which you can buy from the same place. Vuthy : Yes, I know that store. Anything else? Heang : ɒuy 5 litres of loor cleaner. ɒuy the loor cleaner that smells like lemons. Please don’t buy the purple loor cleaner which smells like lowers. I don’t like it! Vuthy : We also need lots of plastic bags and glass cleaner. Piseth : Yes, we do! But, don’t buy them from the same store. You can buy the glass cleaner from the woman who is a cook at our school. She has a market stall which is in the small market near the bus station. She has a sister who also works there. Vuthy : Yes, I know her. Who is going to clean the toilets? Heang : I’ll do that. I will need a pair of rubber gloves to protect my hands. Buy the rubber gloves that are in the yellow and blue packet. They are very strong. And I need a sponge to clean around the hand-basin. Vuthy : Anything else? Heang : We can use the dustpan which is in the cupboard to sweep up outside. So, you don’t need to buy one.And don’t forget to bargain with the sellers in the market. Buy from the person who gives you the best price. Piseth : OK, I’ll go straight away! Where’s my bicycle? It’s the bicycle that I ride to school everyday. Vuthy : There it is! It’s next to my bike. Piseth : Oh yes. OK, see you later. Bye. Vuthy/Heang : Bye. 126 What’s the time?

Chapter 7, Unit 19, Lesson C 3 Match the words in the box with the pictures. « Write the answers in your notebook. a pair of rubber gloves a broom a mop and bucket a plastic bag a dustpan a sponge a._a_d_u_s_t_p_a_n_ b._________ c.__________ d._________ e._________ f.__________ 4 Match the questions to their answers. « Write the answers in your notebook. You should write complete sentences. Question Answer 1 Who is the man standing next to the yellow a The one that he rides to school everyday. motorbike? 2 Who works in the new store with the blue b From the person who gives him the best and yellow sign? price. 3 Which loor cleaner did Heang ask Piseth c He is the man who hired the tent to Mr NOT to buy? Phearith. 4 Who should Piseth buy from at the market? d The purple loor cleaner which smells like lowers. 5 Which bicycle belongs to Piseth? e The man who used to sharpen knives works there. Rule: Deining relative clauses. Remember! We can use who and that for people. (You cannot use who for things!) We can use which or that for things and animals. (You cannot use which for people!) 5 Important to me. « Complete the grid, but don’t let your partner see. « Your partner will ask you questions and try to guess what you have written. a person who I like a lot. something that is important to me. something that I carry with me everyday. something which I would like to buy. Example : This is something that I carry with me everyday. Yes! Is it something that you bought from a shop? Yes! Is it something which you use in class? Yes! Is it something that you write with? Hey! Yes, it is! Is it a pen? Congratulations! You inished Unit 19! Tick () the things you can do. I can use deining relative clauses to give essential  information about people and things.  I can talk and write about things used for cleaning. I can talk about running errands. What’s the time? 127

Unit 20 - Foreigners for dinner 20a Foreigners for dinner – At the market 1 Heang and her mother are at the market. « How many different types of fruit can you see? 2 T.7.20.1 Listen to Heang and her mother. « Does Heang’s mother buy ish? « What other food and drink do they talk about? 3 T.7.20.1 Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. We don’t have __a_n_y_ oranges at home. 2. How ________ milk do we have? 3. We don’t have ________ potatoes at home. 4. I’m not sure how ________ onions we have. 5. There isn’t ________ meat in the fridge. 6. I don’t need ________ chicken until the weekend. Countable and uncountable nouns. We can put a number in front of countable nouns, but we can’t put a number in front of uncountable nouns. For example we can say two apples, three potatoes, 20 friends. But we can’t say two waters, four meats, 200 money. We cannot count them. They are uncountable. 4 ‘Much’ and ‘Many’. « Look at the list of nouns. « Are they countable or uncountable? « Put the words into two groups and write the lists and the rule in your notebook. water, coffee apples oranges juice milk potatoes tomatoes meat beef pork chicken rice sugar bananas Countable: How many …? Uncountable: apples water How much …? 128 Foreigners for dinner

Chapter 7, Unit 20, Lesson A 5 Complete the ‘Much / Many’ rule and write it in your notebook. Rule : We use ‘Many ’ with __________ nouns. How many apples are there? We use ‘Much ’ with __________ nouns. How much meat is there? 6 ‘Some’ and ‘Any’. « Underline the correct word in each sentence. « Write complete sentences in your notebook. a. Do we have some / any fruit? b. OK. Buy some / any milk. c. No mum, there isn’t some / any coffee in the jar. d. We don’t have some / any tomatoes. e. Do we have some / any onions? f. I think there is some / any pork. g. But there isn’t some / any beef. 7 Complete the ‘Some’ and ‘Any’ rule and write it in your notebook. Rule : We use ‘some ’ and ‘any ’ with countable and uncountable nouns. We normally use _______ in positive sentences. We have some tomatoes. We normally use _______ in negative sentences and questions. We don’t have any tomatoes. Do we have any tomatoes? 8 When Heang and her mother went shopping, they forgot to take the shopping list. « Look at the picture and write down what they have bought. « Compare your list to Heang’s shopping list. What did they forget to buy? « Write ive sentences saying what they bought, and what they forgot to buy. Example : They bought some apples, OPBCTMroAaSeaotpnianahflfkpagteoolneeepeasssps inOgSECCGruCgalhagirganisaucasrgtplkrri.eoleetosnjsuwiceer but they forgot to buy any carrots. 9 Yesterday I ate … « Make a list of everything you ate and drank yesterday. « Now work in pairs. « Ask and say what you ate and drank. « Don’t forget to use the quantiiers from the lesson ‘much, many, some or any ’. I ate some rice and Yes, I ate some Did you drink any I drank some water. beef. soda? No, I didn’t drink any soda. Did you eat any beef? Foreigners for dinner 129

Chapter 7, Unit 20, Lesson B 20b Foreigners for dinner – The recipe 1 Heang and her mother check what’s in their kitchen cupboard. « Why are Heang and her mother looking Recipe in the cupboard? Japanese Chicken & Cashew nuts 2 T.7.20.2 Listen and read. 3 large pieces of chicken ɑ little lour A few spring onions 1 onion 1 red pepper Ingredients A few chillies A few cashew nuts A little soy sauce A little sugar « What kinds of food do they talk about? HM=Heang’s mother « Do they have lots of sugar? HM : Miss Akina, the Japanese Health Worker, is coming to dinner tonight and I want to cook something special for her. I’m going to cook Japanese Chicken with cashew nuts. I have the recipe here. I will read out the ingredients and you can check to see if we have them. Heang : OK mum. HM : First, we need some chicken. Do we have any chicken in the fridge? Heang : No mum, there isn’t any. HM : Oɜ, we need to buy a chicken. We also need some lour. Do we have any lour? Heang : There’s some in the jar, but not much. HM : I only need a little. ɒut, I think we should buy some lour. ɑnd, we need a few spring onions. Heang : That’s OK, because we have some in the fridge. HM : Oh!They aren’t very good. Buy a few fresh spring onions. I only want to use fresh ingredients. We also need some chillies. Do we have any chillies? Heang : No mum, we haven’t got any chillies. How many chillies do you need? HM : Just a few. Three or four. I also need some cashew nuts! How much do cashew nuts cost? Heang : Oh! They are expensive. How many do you need mum? HM : I don’t need a lot, just a few. We should buy a small packet of cashew nuts. And we need some soy sauce. Heang : Oh! We only have a little soy sauce in the cupboard. We should buy a bottle. Anything else? HM : We need a little sugar. Heang : Mmmmm. No problem mum. We have lots of sugar! Look, there’s a kilo packet here in the cupboard. HM : Oh, that’s good. ɑnd inally, we need a red pepper. You should buy a few because they aren’t expensive. Oh, and don’t forget to write down the cost of each item. Heang : OK mum. I’ll get my shopping basket and meet you outside. HM : Good girl. 130 Foreigners for dinner

Chapter 7, Unit 20, Lesson B 3 Unscramble the letters to make the correct words. « Unscramble the letters and write the name of the food. A BC DE lourf gripsn nionso hcilisel wshcea tuns edr ppprese T.7.20.3 Listen, check and repeat. 4 ‘T=True’ or ‘F=False’? True False « Read the conversation again. F « Mark the statements ‘T=True or F=False’. « Write the answers in your notebook. a. There is a little chicken in the fridge. b. They should buy a few spring onions. c. There are a few chillies in the cupboard. d. They need a lot of cashew nuts. e. There is a little soy sauce in the cupboard. f. There is a little sugar in the cupboard. g. They should buy a few red peppers. ‘A little’ and ‘A few’ : We use ‘A little’ with uncountable nouns. We use ‘A few’ with countable nouns: Example : We need a little sugar. (sugar is uncountable). We need a few red peppers (peppers are countable) 5 Use ‘a little’ and ‘a few’ to complete the sentences. « Write the answers in your notebook. You should write complete sentences. a. If you are going to the market, please buy a few potatoes. b. I have ________ eggs. Would you like an omelette? c. I’m very thirsty because I only drank ________ water today. d. I didn’t like the coffee, so I only drank ________. e. I wasn’t very hungry, so I only ate ______rice for my lunch today. f. I had _________ money, so I bought _________ oranges for my friends. 6 Cambodian chicken curry. Ask and answer questions about the ingredients for Cambodian chicken curry. Student A: Turn to page 253. Student B: Turn to page 266. Instructions: A: How much fresh ginger do we need? Look at the ingredients for Cambodian chicken curry. B: We need a little fresh ginger. You have all the ingredients, but some of the A: How many fresh red chillies do quantities are missing. Use ‘how many ’ and ‘how much ’ to ask your we need? partner for the quantities. B: We need … Foreigners for dinner 131

Chapter 7, Unit 20, Lesson C 20c Foreigners for dinner – The meal 1 If a foreigner came to your home for dinner, what would you cook? 2 T.7.20.4 Listen to the conversation. 1 « Did Akina enjoy the meal? What is in the fridge? 3 T.7.20.4 Listen again. « Number the sentences in the order in which you hear them. a How much chicken would you like, Heang? b I only added a few chillies. c Is there any chicken left, mum? d Did you put any salt in it? e You don’t need to add many onions. f We have some ice-cream in the fridge. 4 Complete the sentences with ‘much, many, some or any’. 1. You don’t need to add ___m__a_n_y___ onions. One is enough! 2. Is there ____________ chicken left, mom? 3. How ____________ chicken would you like? 4. How ____________ cashew nuts did you use? 5. There is ____________ fresh fruit here. 6. There are also ____________ strawberries in the fridge. 132 Foreigners for dinner

Chapter 7, Unit 20, Lesson C 5 ‘T=True’ or ‘F=False’? « Look at the picture and mark the statements ‘T=True or F=False’. « Write the answers in your notebook. a. There are a few cashew nuts. _T__ f. There is some orange juice. ___ b. There is a little soda. ___ c. There isn’t any ish. ___ g. There is some ish. ___ d. There is some ice-cream. ___ e. There are a few onions. ___ h. There are some empty glasses. ___ i. There aren’t any apples. ___ j. There are some apples. ___ 6 On my table. « Draw a table in your notebook like the one above. « Draw 6 different types of food and drink on the table. « Your partner will try and guess what you have drawn. A : Have you got any ish? B : No, I don’t have any ish. A : Have you got any tomatoes? B : Yes, I have a few tomatoes! Congratulations! You inished Unit 20! Tick () the things you can do. I can use some, any, much and many to talk about quantities. I can use a little and a few to write and speak about small quantities.  I can talk and write about recipes and ingredients.  Foreigners for dinner 133

Unit 21 - Outgrown clothes 21a Outgrown clothes – What size are you? 1 Look at the picture. « Where are they going? « What are they doing? 2 T.7.21.1 Listen to Heang and Vuthy. « Who needs to buy the most clothes? 3 Match the pictures to the words in the box. « Write the answers in your notebook. Example : a. shirt skirt shirt socks t-shirt jeans jacket pyjamas shorts trainers trousers a. shirt b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. T.7.21.2 Listen, check and repeat. 4 T.7.21.1 Listen and complete the sentences. Write the answers in your notebook. a. I’ve outgrown ___________ of my clothes. b. I have ___________ of skirts and jackets. c. I have outgrown my ___________ pair of black trousers. d. I have ___________ white socks and a ___________ pairs of blue socks. e. I also need a ___________ of pairs of shorts. T.7.21.3 Listen, check and repeat. 134 Outgrown clothes

Chapter 7, Unit 21, Lesson A 5 T.7.21.1 Listen again. Number the sentences as you hear them. a. You’re going to need plenty of money, Heang. ______ b. I need to buy a couple of jackets and a few skirts. ______ c. I’ve also outgrown my trainers. ______ d. I have some t-shirts but they’re all extra-large. ______ e. I need to buy a lot of stuff. ___1___ f. I have some white socks. ______ 6 Look at the picture above. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Write them in your notebook. a. I have ____a_lo__t _o_f ___ t-shirts. a lot of b. I have ____________ one extra-large blue t-shirt. a lot c. I have ____________ of large pink t-shirts. a few d. I have ____________ medium yellow t-shirts. only e. I have ____________ of small red t-shirts. f. I have ____________ extra-small green t-shirts. a couple plenty of 7 Use the words to talk about your clothes with your partner. a lot of How many pairs of I have a few pairs a few socks do you have? of socks. only a couple of plenty of Outgrown clothes 135

Chapter 7, Unit 21, Lesson B 21b Outgrown clothes – At the shop 1 Look at the picture. « Where is it? « What do you do there? 2 Look at the pictures and read the story. Who spends the most money? Heang and Vuthy are in the She buys a lot of medium sized She buys a couple of pairs of clothes shop. Heang has plenty shirts, and Vuthy buys only one jeans, and a few skirts. of money, and she needs to buy pair of trainers. a lot of clothes. She still has plenty of money, so She buys a lot of socks, and She only has a few thousand she buys a couple of jackets. a few t-shirts. Vuthy buys only Riels left, so she can buy only one pair of pyjamas. He now one pair of trousers and only has no money left. one pair of shorts. 3 Read again. Put a tick () if the sentence is correct and a cross (x) if it’s incorrect. Write the answers in your notebooks. a. Heang has plenty of money. Correct Incorrect b. Vuthy buys a few pairs of trainers. ______ ______ c. She buys a couple of pairs of jeans. ______ ______ d. She buys a few jackets. ______ ______ e. Vuthy buys only one pair of pyjamas. ______ ______ f. She can buy only one pair of trousers. ______ ______ ______ ______ 136 Outgrown clothes

Chapter 7, Unit 21, Lesson B 4 Read again. Match the sentences to the pictures in activity 1. Write the answers in your notebook. a. Heang and Vuthy are in the clothes shop. 1 b. She buys a lot of socks, and a few t-shirts. c. She buys a few skirts. d. She buys a lot of medium sized shirts. e. She only has a few thousand Riels left. f. She still has plenty of money. 5 Look at Vuthy’s ish tank. Use the picture and the words in the box to complete the story. Vuthy breeds ish for ighting, and he sells them for money. He a lot (2) has 1 a lot of different coloured ish. He has 2 _________yellow a few ish and he sells them for around 5,000 riels. The red ish are his only (2) best ighters, but he has 3 __________one. They sell very quickly, a couple (2) and cost 15,000 Riels. If you look closely you will see that he has plenty 4 __________of green ish. They are very small and they are not for sale yet. He makes sure that he has 5 __________of black ish because they are very popular. They cost 8,000 Riels and they are very good ighters. He also has 6 __________of big purple ish. These are his favourite ighting ish and he ights them after school, and at weekends. He has 7 __________one orange ish which he will never sell. It was a gift from his grandfather and he loves it 8 __________. T.7.21.4 Listen and check. Outgrown clothes 137

Chapter 7, Unit 21, Lesson C 21c Outgrown clothes – At the health centre 1 Look at the picture. « What are Naoko and Akina doing? « Why are they doing this? 2 Draw the t-shirts in your notebook. Match the words in the box with the t-shirts. Write your answers in your notebook. small extra-large medium extra-small large XS S M L XL a._e_x_tr_a_-s_m__a_ll_ b._______ c._______ d._______ e._______ 3 Look at the pictures and read the story. « Match the paragraphs to the pictures. 1 2Akina is helping Naoko searches 3 Akina looks 4 In the last bag Naoko with clothes through her bag and through the next bag Naoko inds a couple for the health centre. inds a lot of extra- and inds a couple of of extra-large hats, a She inds a lot of small dresses, a few extra-small hats, a few pairs of medium extra-large dresses, large belts, a couple few pairs of extra- sized shoes, a lot of a few small belts, a of pairs of extra-large large shoes, a lot of extra-small jeans, couple of pairs of sized boots, and only large jeans, and only and only one pair of medium sized boots, one large skirt. one pair of large small gloves. and only one extra- gloves. small skirt. AB CD 138 Outgrown clothes

Chapter 7, Unit 21, Lesson C 4 Match the words in the box to the pictures. Write your answers in your notebook. shirt boots hat 123456 socks gloves __d_r_e_s_s__ b_______ j_______ s_______ b_______ s_______ skirt jacket shoes 7 8 9 10 11 12 jeans s_______ h_______ s_______ g_______ s_______ j_______ shorts dress T.7.21.5 Listen, check and repeat. belt 5 Read the story again. Are the sentences ‘True’ or ‘False’? Write the answers in your notebook. True () False (X)  1. ɑkina inds a lot of extra-large dresses. 2. ɑkina inds only one large skirt. 3. Naoko inds a few small belts. 4. ɑkina inds a few pairs of extra-large shoes. 5. Naoko inds a lot of extra-large hats. 6. Naoko inds a few pairs of small gloves. 6 Read the story again. Unscramble the words in brackets to commplete the blanks and write the sentences in your notebook. 1. ɑkina inds a few small belts. (wfe / lmals) 2. ɑkina inds a _____ of pairs of _____ sized boots. (epocul / dmueim) 3. Naoko inds a _____ of extra-_____ dresses. (tlo / lmsal) 4. Naoko inds a _____ of pairs of _____-_____ sized boots. (pceluo / texar-rlaeg) 5. ɑkina inds a _____ of _____ jeans. (olt / ealrg) 6. Naoko inds a _____ pairs of _____ sized shoes. (ewf / imdmue) T.7.21.6 Listen and check. 7 Use the words in the boxes. Tell your a lot extra-small a few small partner what you found in your clothes box. only medium Student A: Turn to page 253. Example : a couple large Student B: Turn to page 266. I found a lot of small shirts. extra large Congratulations! I found a few large skirts. You inished Unit 21! Tick () the things you can do.  I can use expressions of quantity to talk about clothes.  I can use expressions of quantity to write about clothes.  I can talk about the sizes of clothes. I can write about the sizes of clothes. Outgrown clothes 139

Chapter 8Festivals Unit 22 - Pchum Ben 22a Pchum Ben – Did you use to celebrate Pchum Ben? 1 Unscramble the letters to make the correct words. Write them in your notebook. ABCDE ainecgtr aicpnlmo nseussbi bsos caotrens 2 T.8.22.1 Listen and answer the question. « Why doesn’t Vuthy’s family attend the Pchum Ben ceremony? 3 T.8.22.1 Choose the correct form that you hear. a. When I was younger we used to go / went for a whole week. Now we worked / work at the restaurant the entire holiday. b. I looked forward / used to look forward to going and seeing my cousins. Now we only went / go for one day to attend the Pchum Ben ceremony. c. I used to help / helped my grandmother make Num Ansorm and Num Korm, it was great fun. d. Before my parents owned the Chinese restaurant, they used to do / did catering for parties and we had time to go to two or three Pagodas. e. She says when she was young, families didn’t work / didn’t use to work during the holiday because businesses would close. 4 Rules. « When I was ive, I used to be afraid of the dark. Form: « He used to have a lot of friends, but now he doesn’t + used to + verb have very many. - didn’t use to + verb « They didn’t use to speak so rudely when they were younger. ? Did … use to + verb « Did you use to play in the mud when you were a kid? Complete the rule: Used to + verb expresses a habit or situation that happened in the ________, but doesn’t happen ______. 140 Pchum Ben

Chapter 8, Unit 22, Lesson A 5 Then and now. Look at how Mr Sovann is retiring at the end of this school year, lately he has been looking through old photos and has found one from his irst year as a school director. Write ive sentences in your notebook about how he was then. 1995 Now Example: Mr Sovann used to wear a tie. 1. ____________________ fat. 2. ____________________ lowers on his desk. 3. ____________________ a smaller ofice. 4. ____________________ glasses. 5. ____________________ to the radio in his ofice. 6 Match sentences a-e with sentences 1-5. Write the answers in your notebook. a. Phirum used to watch lots of movies. 1. He doesn’t anymore, he lost a lot of b. We used to go to Siem Reap for weight. holiday. 2. I sold it a year ago and bought a c. Theary and I used to play volleyball. saxophone. d. Akara used to weigh a lot. e. I used to play the guitar. 3. She reads novels now. 4. He still plays sometimes, but I don’t play anymore. 5. We don’t go there anymore. We prefer Kep now. T.8.22.2 Listen and check. 7 How have you changed? « Ask your partner questions about the topics you brainstormed, about how you’ve changed. Example: A: Did your mum use to choose your clothes for you when you were younger? B: Oh, yes. Sometimes she still wants to do that! -or- A: What did you use to do after school when you were a kid? B: I used to play video games. Did you use to play video games after school? Pchum Ben 141

Chapter 8, Unit 22, Lesson B 22b Pchum Ben – I didn’t use to celebrate Pchum Ben 1 Crossword Puzzle. Complete the puzzle with the words from the box. Write them in your notebook. community compound deceased festival C merit offering participate receive sticky spirit tradition D Across Down 2. a group of people in an area based on 1. to get or be given something common interest or circumstances 3. a person who has died 5. a belief or way of acting that people 4. a special day or period, usually in memory of a religious event, with social have followed for a long time activities, food or ceremonies 8. having something on it that makes 6. to take part in or become involved in an it stay in one piece activity 10. inluence given for good works 7. the nonphysical part of a person regarded as a person’s true self that survives death 9. an area surrounded by fences or walls which contains a group of buildings 11. something given as an act of religious worship 2 Read and answer the question. « What new Tradition does Samnang’s local Pagoda follow? Pchum Ben is a holiday in Cambodia which is celebrated to remember our deceased ancestors. The Pchum Ben festival is on the 15th day of the 10th month in the Khmer calendar. When I was a younger man, I 1 ___________(celebrate) it as much as I do now. When I was a child, I 2 ___________(be) lazy and liked sleeping late. During Pchum Ben my family would go to the early morning ceremony at the pagoda to throw sticky rice ball offering for the evil spirits and I 3 ___________(stay) in bed to sleep. 142 Pchum Ben

Chapter 8, Unit 22, Lesson B After high school, I moved to Pursat Province. My wife and I 4 ___________(travel) back to my home village in Svay Rieng for Pchum Ben every year. Now I don’t like to travel such a long way for such a short time. My family and I now stay home during the holiday. We 5 ___________(visit) the local pagodas because we would travel to Svay Rieng instead. Then for many years we didn’t make any offerings to our ancestors because they were so far away. A few years ago my wife took me to a Kan Ben at a local pagoda and I enjoyed myself. I really liked the head monk. As a young man I 6 __________(take) the ceremony seriously, I 7 __________(pretend) I was interested. Now I am interested, because I really like a new tradition he has started among his local community. He said that people 8 ___________(throw) rice balls and it made the pagoda compound dirty. He also said that younger people 9 ___________(play around), not being serious about the ceremony. He decided to only have the rice thrown into baskets, which was then blessed by monks. Then, a small bit of the rice is thrown on the ground as an offering to be received by the spirits. They offer the rest of the rice to the poor families in the community. By offering the rice to the poor, people are earning more merit by helping those who are not as well off. I 10 ___________(participate) in my community much. Now I sponsor a Kan Ben each year and feel very happy when I do it. 3 Read the story again and ill in the blanks using ‘used to ’ or ‘didn’t used to ’ and the correct form of the verb in brackets. Write your answers in your notebook. T.8.22.3 Listen and check. 4 T.8.22.4 Listen and repeat. « Notice that use to and used to are pronounced in the same way /ˈjuːst tuː/. a. Did you use to be afraid of the dark? b. I used to be afraid of the dark. c. I didn’t use to be afraid of the dark. 5 Changes in my life. « Compare your Grade 9 self with your Grade 6 self. Choose 5 of the ideas and write true sentences about how you’ve changed in your notebook. « Use the ideas in the box or your own. clothes music books appearance colors TV shows ilms sport food personality friends free time activities Then Colors: I used to like blue. Now I like green. and Now TV: I didn’t use to watch football on TV. Now I watch it every night. Appearance: I used to have long wavy hair. I cut it, now it is short and straight. Pchum Ben 143

Chapter 8, Unit 22, Lesson C 22c Pchum Ben – Did you use to like it? 1 Memories. « Write a question for each answer. Example: a. I used to have to do it every day. Did you use to have to look after your siblings every day? b. I used to like it. Did you use to like J-pop? 1. I used to watch it every week. 2. I used to hate doing it. Did you use to watch _______ every week? Did you use to hate doing _____? 3. I always used to play it after school. 4. I used to have one. Did you _____________ after school? Did ______________________? 5. I used to want one when I was younger. 6. I didn’t use to eat it. __________________________? _________________________? « Think about how you would use the sentences above to say something about yourself that is true. Write your answer for each in your notebook. « With a partner take turns asking your questions and trying to guess what they used to do/have. Example: A: I used to have to do it every day. B: Did you use to have to look after your siblings every day? A: No. I don’t have any younger siblings. B: Did you use to have to work in your parents’ shop? A: Yes. I used to have to work there after school every day while my mother fed my little sister. 2 Rewrite the sentences in your notebook with the correct form of ‘used to ’. Example: They lived in a big house, but they had to move. They used to live in a big house, but they had to move. 1. I loved exercising in the evening, but now I’m too tired. 2. I sat in my grandmother’s kitchen and watched her cook. 3. I was quite fat. Then, I went on a diet and lost ten kilos. 4. Makara was one of the rowdiest boys in the class, but he’s much better now. 5. We didn’t have a dog when I was younger. 6. Did you spend your holidays in Kompong Som? T.8.22.5 Listen and check. 144 Pchum Ben

3 People used to … Chapter 8, Unit 22, Lesson C Student A: Turn to page 254. Before the invention of the light bulb, Student B: Turn to page 266. people used to ________________. people didn’t use to ____________. 4 Did you use to? ● Flip the bottle cap and move your game piece. ● If you land on a square with a question, ask the person on your left. ● If you land on a square with a statement, answer it. Start I / play Did / have Did / share with ___. / pet? bedroom? I / collect ______. What / My / Where / Did / lie / I / didn’t biggest mother / spend / your have / fear / be ____. holidays? many child? partner? _____. I / play _____. What / sports / play? I / didn’t / What / I / listen to / My cursh / Finish _____? favourite ______. ______. cartoon? Congratulations! You inished Unit 22! Tick () the things you can do. I can talk about past habits that I used to have.  I am able to ask questions about habits others used to have. I can write sentences about things I used to or didn’t use to do. Pchum Ben 145

Unit 23 - Independence Day 23a Independence Day – How our independence was earned 1 Crossword Puzzle. Complete the puzzle with the words from the box. Write them in your notebook. p celebrate commemorate decorate f ireworks independence freedom parade protectorate pigeon symbolize Across Down 2. Small container illed with explosive 1. A country which is generally controlled and chemicals which produce bright defended by a more powerful country. coloured patterns or loud noises when they explode in the sky. 2. The condition of being allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want, 7. Freedom from being governed or without being controlled or limited. ruled by another country. 3. To represent something. 8. To take part in special enjoyable 4. To remember oficially and give activities in order to show that a particular occasion is important. respect to a great person or event. 5. A large number of people walking or in 9. To add something to an object or place, especially in order to make it vehicles, as part of a public celebration more attractive. of something. 6. A large grey or white bird, which is often seen in towns sitting on buildings in large groups, and is sometimes eaten as food. 2 T.8.23.1 Listen and answer the question. « What do the white pigeons and balloons symbolize? 146 Independence Day

Chapter 8, Unit 23, Lesson A 3 T.8.23.1 Listen again and choose the correct form that you hear. a. The history of Cambodia’s independence from France is learned / was learned by all students in primary school. b. The country was ruled / ruled by France for 90 years. c. Every year in Phnom Penh a ceremony performed / is performed at Independence Monument to commemorate our freedom. d. I remember the streets and buildings decorated / were decorated with the national lag. e. White pigeons and balloons released / are released to symbolize our freedom. f. I was frightened / frightened when the loud booms and bright lights started lashing. 4 Rules. Turn to page 254. « Look at tapescript 8.23.1 on page 239. Find 1 example of each tense in the story. Write them in your notebook. 5 Complete the sentences with the ‘present simple passive ’ or ‘past simple passive ’. a. The classroom _____ __________ every day. (clean) b. Angkor Wat _____ __________ in Siem Reap. (locate) c. It _____ _________ of red stones more than 800 years ago. (make) d. _____ your breakfast always ___________ by your mother? (cook) e. Rome _____ ___________ in a day. (not build) f. My motorcycle _____ ___________ last week. (steal) 6 Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. a. In 1863 King Norodom signed an agreement with France to create a protectorate over the kingdom. An agreement _____ ___________ by King Norodom in 1863 with France to create a protectorate over the kingdom. b. In 1887 the French Government included Cambodia in the Indochinese Union. Cambodia _______________________________________________________ c. The French gave Cambodia self-rule in 1946. Cambodia _______________________________________________________ d. France chose Prince Norodom Sihanouk as king on 9 November 1953. Prince Norodom Sihanouk __________________________________________ e. From 1953 to 1970 people called Cambodia the “Kingdom of Cambodia”. ________________________________________________________________ f. People think of King Father Norodom Sihanouk as the ‘Father of Cambodian Independence’. ________________________________________________________________ T.8.23.2 Listen and check. Independence Day 147

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