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Home Explore A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room

Published by j.sandhya.pillai, 2020-04-22 05:14:06

Description: Nanyang Technological University Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Communication Final Year Project


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A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room I have to constantly manage the excessiveness of my body. I have to restrict my body’s natural behaviour. I become the elephant in the room wherever I am. I must do all I can to curb, control and restrain myself. Code of Permissable Conduct

10 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTION OF Restriction MOVEMENT Appropriate Restriction of Movement

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 11 When surrounded by However, sometimes Note: While this people, I must not based on specific may seem like an move the same way as circumstances, insignificant occurrence, everybody else. Due movement is I must not take this to the excess flesh on unavoidable. In situation lightly. ‘The my body, it does not situations such as wobble’ is a serious react to movement these, there are strict indication of my in the same way as rules that I must excessive volume and is others. Therefore, follow. When it comes incredibly embarrassing. even when I see other to moving my body I must take all people taking part in in front of other precautions as explained certain activities, I people, a sense of in the following must not join them profound discomfort segments. no matter how much may be evoked due I want to. Refer to the unnecessary to the last section and unsightly jelly- titled Appropriate like movement of Social Restriction for my flesh, henceforth proper instructions to be referred to on how to excuse as “the wobble”. In myself from physical order to prevent said movement while in the discomfort, I must take company of others. the following steps:

12 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTION OF Restriction MOVEMENT Appropriate Restriction “The Wobble” of Movement The Wobble

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 13 There are 3 specific I partake in. There are parts of my body three ways to measure that wobble the most the degree of wobble when I am moving: as explained in the next my stomach, page. Do take care my arms to ensure that these and my thighs. are in fact performed The excessive in the specified movement of these order to ensure areas is the biggest maximum efficacy. indicator of an uncontrolled and undefined flabby body. I must always aim to minimise this jelly-like reaction of my flesh. This entire chapter revolves around Note: There are in fact curbing “the wobble” other parts of my body that wobble, however, these three parts are the most obvious. Any wobble in these areas which occurs in the would provoke utmost previously mentioned disgust and discomfort within people who have to bear witness to it. problematic areas of my body, regardless of the physical activity

14 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTION OF Restriction MOVEMENT Appropriate Restriction “The Wobble” of Movement The Wobble

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 15 1. Firstly, body, are highly I must pay close dependant on the attention to strangers actual activity at hand. who pass me. If Therefore, during their eyes linger on such activity, specific any of the above- care is to be taken. mentioned body parts for longer than 3 Refer to the seconds, my flesh is following segments moving too much. to determine how best to minimise 2. Next, use the ‘wobble-rate’ of your palm to subtly my body specifically and lightly graze during certain against the areas in physical activities. question to check the extent of wobble Note: I must take in order to decide the steps written on whether to reduce or this page with care. cease movement. These acts must be done subtly and in a 3. Lastly, nonchalant manner to the amount of avoid further unwanted excess wobble in the attention to these previously-mentioned areas of my body. This critical areas of my is especially so when following step 2. I must do so by perhaps pretending to adjust an item of clothing or scratch an itch in that area such that it appears to be a natural habitual action.

16 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTION OF Restriction MOVEMENT Appropriate Restriction Walking of Movement The Wobble Walking

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 17 Walking seems like a Note: Walking is also harmless and habitual the main physical form of motion, activity I partake in on however, even while a daily basis. Therefore, walking, parts of extra care is to be my body move in an taken to practice the unacceptable manner. methods detailed in the I have to constantly following segments until be aware of the it becomes habitual. I position and motion must make sure that of each body part to I appear to be walking properly ensure that naturally and with an the least amount of air of nonchalance. This ‘wobble’ takes place. is imperative to show that such low-level physical activity does not in fact cause me any distress.

18 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTION OF Restriction MOVEMENT Appropriate Restriction Walking of Movement Thighs The Wobble Walking Thighs

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 19 The ‘wobble-rate’ of my thighs greatly depends on both the manner in which my feet land on the ground as I walk, as well as the force with which it hits the ground. Adhere to the following guidelines as illustrated in the diagram titled 01. Decreasing Thigh Wobble to minimise thigh wobble, which will also in turn help to minimise wobbling across the entire body.

Fig. 1 01: Decreasing Thigh Wobble Showing the incorrect Fig. 2 position to take while walking. If my knees are fully straightened while I walk they not only increase thigh wobble as mentioned previously, they also provide a snap walking pattern which portrays the idea of laziness and ease which I am not allowed to possess. (Fig. 1) Fig. 2 Showing the correct position to take while walking. With my knees I am able to carefully control the pressure I place on my feet.This also gives me more freedom and allows me to change speed easily.

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 21 1. I must not about a slightly daintier lock my knees when look and also allows me walking.(Fig.1)The snap to place less pressure movements of walking with each step.This with locked knees decreases the heaviness will cause a ricochet with which I walk effect up the entire thus decreasing any leg and trigger a lot of resulting thigh wobble. unnecessary wobble. Note: Do take note 2. Rather than that while walking in landing on my heels, this manner allows for (Fig.1) I should in fact the reduction of thigh land starting from the wobble, it unfortunately centre and pushing up increases calf-wobble with the balls of my due to the unflexed feet.(Fig.2)This allows the nature of the calf actual step to seem when performing this softer and prevent action. This can be excessive wobble in minimised by paying the thigh area. close attention to the pressure of each step. 3. Lastly, I must try my best to take smaller steps as far as possible. This brings

22 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTION OF Restriction MOVEMENT Appropriate Restriction Walking of Movement Stomach The Wobble Walking Thighs Stomach

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 23 The stomach wobble is the most undesired and visible form of involuntary flesh movement. This is also the easiest to cover up depending on the type of clothing I am wearing at the time. For more information on the appropriate concealment methods, please refer to the chapter titled Exposure Management under Concealment. The following are the steps I am to take to effectively minimise my stomach wobble.

02: Posture for Abdominal tightening Fig. 3 Showing the bulge of my stomach while slouching. I must never let my body assume this position. This position allows for the loose hanging of my flesh and thus increases stomach wobble. Fig. 4 Showing the correct posture and position to assume at all times. Having my back straight and shoulders back allows for my stomach flesh to stretch and thus appear smaller. This results in a decrease in stomach wobble and bodily wobble overall. (Fig. 3) (Fig. 4)

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 25 1. I must always Note: I must not tighten my abdominal forget to breathe muscles while walking in concurrently to minimise the overall while tightening my looseness of my flesh abdominal muscles. and the resulting This could lead to me stomach wobble. feeling out of breath and again portray an 2. To further image of exhaustion decrease my stomach or over-exertion during wobble, I must also such a pathetically walk with my shoulders simple physical task. and back stretched upright to then also stretch my stomach as much as I can.(Fig.4) 3. Take these steps together with the previously mentioned measures pertaining to thigh wobble to increase efficacy.

26 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTION OF Restriction MOVEMENT Appropriate Restriction Walking of Movement Arms The Wobble Walking Thighs Stomach Arms

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 27 The arms are Note: The arm unfortunately also very wobble occurs more visible. When walking, prominently in the my arms usually sway back portion of my to and fro, causing arm, specifically where the flesh above my the bulge of flesh elbow to wobble as it collects above my hits against the side elbow. Therefore it is of my abdomen. It important to take extra can be a huge source precaution whenever of embarrassment there is someone unless the right steps walking behind me as are taken. I must walk they will have full view and present myself in of the arm wobble. a certain manner such that I appear to be in control of my body and its movements.

03: Decreasing Arm Wobble Fig. 5 Showing the maximum distance my arms can sway while walking, as characterised by the dotted line. This figure also shows the unsightly bulge of flesh that collects above my elbow when my arm is straightened. Fig. 6 Showing how the bulge of flesh above my elbow is stretched taut whenever my elbow is bent. As illustrated, the most effective way to do so would be to always carry objects in my hands. (Fig. 5) (Fig. 6)

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 29 1. When 3. The best way walking, I must make to curb undesired arm sure that my arms do wobble would be to not sway too vigorously. carry objects, such as Regardless of the speed bags, books or jackets, at which I am walking, I with my arm bent at must always make sure the elbow such that that my hands do not the flesh above said swing too far(Fig.5) while elbow is stretched (Fig.6) walking to minimise and thus less prone to movement in general. unnecessary wobble. 2. I must try my best to keep my arms as close to my body as possible while walking to minimise the movement of my excess arm flesh. However, Note: For this set of pressing the skin with instructions pertaining too much pressure to arm wobble, practice could cause an increase is necessary to gauge in friction while swaying the pressure with which I can clamp my arms to my side while walking, without increasing arm wobble. When all else fails, carrying objects would be the easiest method to follow. which could then increase arm wobble.

30 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTION OF Restriction MOVEMENT Appropriate Restriction Climbing Stairs of Movement The Wobble Walking Thighs Stomach Arms Climbing Stairs

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 31 When climbing stairs, all the previously mentioned rules regarding ‘the wobble’ that occurs throughout my entire body still apply. However, when climbing stairs, there are some bodily discrepancies especially due to the fact that my leg would be bent at a ninety-degree angle allowing the flesh of my thigh to hang loose. Therefore, extra precautions, such as is detailed in the following segment, ought to be taken.

Fig. 7 04: Wobble when Climbing the Stairs Showing the incorrect (Fig. 8) method to claimbing up the stairs. Doing so with heavy, flat steps allows the lumpy flesh of my thigh to hang as I walk up the steps. Fig. 8 Showing the correct manner in which to climb the stairs. This produces a slightly stretched thigh as well as a taut calf muscle. All in all, overall wobble is thoroughly reduced when done correctly. (Fig. 7)

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 33 1. I must place each foot on each step incredibly lightly. It is best to do so using only the balls of my feet.(Fig.8)This allows for the flesh hanging off my thigh to appear slightly more taut. 2. I must never run up the steps as this added momentum will cause more bodily wobble overall. 3. In order to also minimise more potential arm wobble, I must keep my arms bent at the elbow when swaying them back and forth.

34 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTION OF Restriction MOVEMENT Appropriate Restriction Running of Movement The Wobble Walking Thighs Stomach Arms Climbing Stairs Running

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 35 Running is an activity Note: Again it must that unfortunately be acknowledged causes the largest that running must amount of undesired be avoided unless involuntary flesh absolutely necessary, movement. As especially in front mentioned previously, it of acquaintances or is imperative that this strangers. This not activity be avoided at only produces an all costs. The following unacceptable amount steps are only to be of bodily wobble, it taken when running is also produces extreme a mandatory activity. exhaustion and over- This is because running, exertion, both of which in particular, affects the is more unbearable for entire body in terms someone of my size. of wobble-rate and as such there is very little room for controlled movement. Therefore, proper measures must be taken as detailed in the following diagram.

Fig. 9 05: Wobble when Running Showing the maximum (Fig. 10) distance I am allowed to lift off the ground when running. This ensures lighter footfalls and less boidly wobble overall. This figure also demonstrates how to land and push off the ground using the balls of my feet rather than my heels. While pushing off on my heels might produce tighter calves, it increases the rigour with I move and thus increases bodily wobble. Fig. 10 Showing the correct way to not only use my fists as shields but to also clamp them against my chest such that their excessive movement is curbed. (Fig. 9)

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 37 1. Similar to elbow, as shields for the walking guidelines, the immensely unsightly I must make sure to wobbling that is likely take smaller steps and to take place in my land on the balls of chest and abdominal my feet(Fig.9)to give the area. I must keep my impression that I am arms as close to my lighter on my feet than chest as possible(Fig.10) I actually am. This also and sway them back limits the amount of and forth only ever so bodily wobble overall. slightly, or as necessary 2. Regardless depending on the speed of the speed at which at which I am running. I am running at any given time, I must take care to ensure that I minimise(Fig.9)the distance between my feet and the ground. 3. The most important rule would be that I must use my arms, bent at a ninety- degree angle at the

30 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTION OF Restriction MOVEMENT Appropriate Restriction Running of Movement The Wobble Walking Thighs Stomach Arms Climbing Stairs Running

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 31 Running is an activity Note: Again it must that unfortunately be acknowledged causes the largest that running must amount of undesired be avoided unless involuntary flesh absolutely necessary, movement. As especially in front mentioned previously, it of acquaintances or is imperative that this strangers. This not activity be avoided at only produces an all costs. The following unacceptable amount steps are only to be of bodily wobble, it taken when running is also produces extreme a mandatory activity. exhaustion and over- This is because running, exertion, both of which in particular, affects the is more unbearable for entire body in terms someone of my size. of wobble-rate and as such there is very little room for controlled movement. Therefore, proper measures must be taken as detailed in the following diagram.

Fig. 9 05: Wobble when Running Showing the maximum (Fig. 10) distance I am allowed to lift off the ground when running. This ensures lighter footfalls and less boidly wobble overall. This figure also demonstrates how to land and push off the ground using the balls of my feet rather than my heels. While pushing off on my heels might produce tighter calves, it increases the rigour with I move and thus increases bodily wobble. Fig. 10 Showing the correct way to not only use my fists as shields but to also clamp them against my chest such that their excessive movement is curbed. (Fig. 9)

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 33 1. Similar to elbow, as shields for the walking guidelines, the immensely unsightly I must make sure to wobbling that is likely take smaller steps and to take place in my land on the balls of chest and abdominal my feet(Fig.9)to give the area. I must keep my impression that I am arms as close to my lighter on my feet than chest as possible(Fig.10) I actually am. This also and sway them back limits the amount of and forth only ever so bodily wobble overall. slightly, or as necessary 2. Regardless depending on the speed of the speed at which at which I am running. I am running at any given time, I must take care to ensure that I minimise(Fig.9)the distance between my feet and the ground. 3. The most important rule would be that I must use my arms, bent at a ninety- degree angle at the

34 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTIVE Restriction BEHAVIOUR Appropriate Restriction Consumption of Food of Movement The Wobble Walking Thighs Stomach Arms Climbing Stairs Running Appropriate Restrictive Behaviour

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 35 Eating is a need and consumption. The Note: Any situation provides my body following guidelines where I feel like I am with nutrients and the illustrate tell-tale being judged based sustenance I need to signs of judgemental on my eating habits function. However, behaviour of my will henceforth be when I eat, some food consumption. considered an ‘unsafe’ people around me situation. Do take note perceive it as greed that this term appears and overindulgence. throughout the manual. Therefore, I must identify when it is Note: These signs may ‘unsafe’ for me to eat not always be indicative as wholeheartedly as I of judgement. However, would when surrounded in such situations it by family and extremely is always better to close friends. After be safe and over- determining the type estimate reactions and of personalities around take precautions than me, I must eat in to face a potentially a manner deemed embarrassing and public appropriate by those confrontation. who feel uncomfortable to have to bear witness to my food

36 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTIVE Restriction BEHAVIOUR Appropriate Restriction Consumption of Food of Movement Analysing Behavioural Cues The Wobble Walking Thighs Stomach Arms Climbing Stairs Running Appropriate Restrictive Behaviour

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 37 If I find myself eating with people I have never had a meal with before and thus am unsure of the extent of judgment I may be subjected to, I must perform the following steps to determine whether or not I am in an ‘unsafe’ situation as was previously explained.

06: Muscles showing disgust Fig. 10 Showing the muscles next to one’s nose. If I detect even a little twitch in that area, I will know that I am being viewed with disgust.Once I notice this, I must not panic and simply proceed to following the steps detailed on this page. (Fig. 11)

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 39 1. Pay close 3. Particularly attention to their eyes. in situations where If their eyes linger on food is being shared the food going into amongst a large group your mouth for longer of people, I must take than 3 seconds, I may note if anyone seems to be under more scrutiny be subtly shifting food than expected. away from me. This is 2. Next, observe a clear sign that I am their micro-expressions. eating more than they If there seems to be a deem appropriate. flicker of disgust or any other negative emotion written across their face while their eyes are on me, I am most likely being judged. This is easily identifiable Note: These signs by closely observing are quite accurate in terms of determining judgemental behaviour. I must not fail to notice these signs or the muscles(Fig.11)next the results could be to one’s nostrils. If disastrous. they seem to scrunch up even slightly, it is a sign of disgust.

40 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTIVE Restriction BEHAVIOUR Appropriate Restriction Consumption of Food of Movement Analysing Behavioural Cues The Wobble Walking Thighs Stomach Arms Climbing Stairs Running Appropriate Restrictive Behaviour Consumption of Food Analysing Behavioural Cues

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 41 Unfortunately, some Note: In these people, rather than situations, I must conveying their try my best to react judgement through calmly. I must not show behavioural cues, too much emotion and choose to do so try my best to passively verbally in a rather curt agree to whatever that and direct manner. person is saying. If I choose to ignore the above-mentioned behavioural cues, I may land myself in embarrassing situations. Therefore, once these signs have been identified, I must adopt the ‘Performative Consumption Method’ clearly explained in the following pages.

42 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTIVE Restriction BEHAVIOUR Appropriate Restriction Consumption of Food of Movement The Wobble Performative Consumption Method Walking Thighs Stomach Arms Climbing Stairs Running Appropriate Restrictive Behaviour Consumption of Food Analysing Behavioural Cues Performative Consumption Method

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 43 The Performative which I sonsume said Consumption Method food and the amount is the method I must of food that enters my adopt once I have mouth per mouthful. established that These aforementioned my current eating aspects of consumption environment is not must always be kept safe enough for me at a certain level. to eat as I naturally do. It is an eating strategy to be adopted only when surrounded by people who are seemingly judgemental as previously mentioned in the section titled Analysing Behavioural Cues. When using Note: It is not the Performative necessary to adopt this method when surrounded by friends and family. However, care is to be taken as Consumption Method, even amongst familiar I must ensure that I am company, judgement constantly restricting may be lurking around the corner. I must always look out for judgemental behaviours and switch the types of food I eat, to the Performative regulating the rate at Consumption method when necessary.

44 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTIVE Restriction BEHAVIOUR Appropriate Restriction CPoenrfsouMrmmepatthtiioovdne of Movement Prohibited Food The Wobble Walking Thighs Stomach Arms Climbing Stairs Running Appropriate Restrictive Behaviour Consumption of Food Analysing Behavioural Cues Performative Consumption Method Prohibited Food

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 45 According to others, guidelines to always as someone of my take into account size, I must constantly when adopting be aiming to lose the Performative weight and thus I must Consumption Method. constantly be thinking of how best to restrict Note: I must behave as the calories entering if I am constantly on my system. Therefore, a some sort of dietary the food I eat will restrictive programme indicate to others in order to gain the that I am adopting respect of the people what they deem as around me while in an the correct eating ‘unsafe’ situation. habits. Any foods that are exceptionally high in sugar and fat are strictly prohibited. As every meal is different and highly dependent on factors such as circumstance, timing and occasion, the following are general

Fig. 12 07: Prohibited Types of Food Showing an example (Fig. 13) of the type of sweet drink I must avoid when surrounded by people who judge my eating habits. I must never walk around with this in my hand. (Fig. 12) Fig. 13 Showing an example of the type of snack food I must also avoid purchasing while in an usafe situation.

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 47 1. Whenever attitude towards food possible, always ask for which separates it from less sugar, especially its nutritional purpose. when ordering drinks. This is a self-indulgent The(Fig.12) lower the attitude that I am not better. This will allowed to have or at make me seem health least display. Food conscious, as I very well cannot provide me with must be, and provide pleasure. It is merely a pleasant surprise to a form of sustenance the people scrutinizing me. I may also receive a nod of approval from them which is a sign that I have succeeded in putting on a good performance. 2. I must avoid Note: This behaviour is only compulsory when consuming food or surrounded by people who scrutinize my eating habits. drinks, especially those of the snack variety, while walking.(Fig.12) This(Fig.13) insinuates an incredibly carefree

48 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTIVE Restriction BEHAVIOUR Appropriate Restriction CPoenrfsouMrmmepatthtiioovdne of Movement Prohibited Food The Wobble Walking Thighs Stomach Arms Climbing Stairs Running Appropriate Restrictive Behaviour Consumption of Food Analysing Behavioural Cues Performative Consumption Method Prohibited Food

A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room Volume 1 / 2020 Code of Permissable Conduct 49 and I must be sure to Note: Even if I am sustain this facade. still hungry after the meal, I must not over- 3. When at a indulge in front of buffet, I must never ‘unsafe’ company. I pile food onto my must wait until I am no plate. At any given longer around them to point of time, there can purchase another item only be three different of food to satisfy my types of food on my insatiable hunger. plate and each of which should amount to only three mouthfuls. Failing to do so portrays an insatiable appetite which I am not allowed to possess. Refer to the section titled Morsel Portion Control for further details.

50 Code of Permissable Conduct Volume 1 / 2020 A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room A Guide To Being The APPROPRIATE Elephant In The Room RESTRICTIVE Restriction BEHAVIOUR Appropriate Restriction CPoenrfsouMrmmepatthtiioovdne of Movement The Wobble Rate of Consumption Walking Thighs Stomach Arms Climbing Stairs Running Appropriate Restrictive Behaviour Consumption of Food Analysing Behavioural Cues Performative Consumption Method Prohibited Food Rate of Consumption

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