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Home Explore ISA portfolio of evidence

ISA portfolio of evidence

Published by Ms Youssefi, 2018-06-05 22:33:51

Description: ISA portfolio of evidence


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Section I: Table of contentsSection 1 Sections page Contents page 2-3Section 2 4-5Activity 1 International Policy 6Activity 2 7Activity 3 International Coordinator Job Description 8-44Activity 4 45-49Activity 5 School InformationActivity 6 50Activity 7 Original Action Plan that has been approved by the British Council 51-61Activity 8 62-63Activity 9 Completed Activities - Summary Sheet 64 Activity details 65-72 73 Fruits around the worlds 74 Activity details 75-91 Evidence 92-94 Evaluation forms Health: How to protect yourself during cold weather 95 Activity details 96-106 Evidence 107 Evaluation forms An eye on my culture 108 Activity details 109-114 Evidence 115-116 Evaluation forms Wedding ceremonies in Morocco 117 Activity details 118-123 Evidence 124 Evaluation forms My language: my identity 125 Activity details 126-130 Evidence 131-132 Evaluation forms Art and design 133 Activity details 134-140 Evidence 141 Evaluation forms Poetry 142 Activity details 143-147 Evidence Evaluation forms Math Activity details Evidence Evaluation forms Handicraft Activity details Evidence 2

Activity 10 Evaluation forms 148 RecyclingSection 3 Activity details 149Activity 1 Evidence 150-160 Evaluation forms 161Activity 2 Supplementary Activities 162Activity 3 163-164Activity 4 The importance of reading 165Activity 5 Activity details 166 EvidenceSection 4 Pollution 167Section 5 Activity details 168 Evidence Postcard 169 Activity details 170-172 Evidence Sport 173 Activity details 174 Evidence 175 Girls’ education 176-182 Activity details Evidence Future plans Appendix 3

International School Award (ISA) - International PolicyIn order to demonstrate commitment and the support of the school management, aninternational policy is required which should be signed by the head teacher and chair ofgovernors. This completed document should be retained at school in case of a visit andreviewed annually.Rationale:By including an international program in Mohamed El Fassi Junior high school, we are ableto hone students’ thinking and creative skills and engage them in their own learning and atthe same time, make them global citizens who are aware of their national and internationalidentity and ready to contribute to the welfare of the global community. All this is reflected onthe students’ positive learning outcomes on themselves, on the school staff and on their owncommunity and also on the international community by sharing and learning from eachother’s rich and fruitful experiences.ObjectivesThe objectives of integrating international activities through ISA in our national curriculumare:1-To introduce students to the international values and ethics2-To make them aware of the global community and how to be global citizens3-To involve them in active learning4-To develop their communication skills5-To make them critical thinkers, creative and problem solvers6-To give them an opportunity to share their culture with different cultures in the world and beable to learn from similarities and differences7-To make them tolerant8-To provide a variety of activities that not only students can benefit from but also the wholeschool community.9-To develop students’ leadership10-To connect students to other students from different countries11-To make them know that learning is a life process12-To develop their digital literacy and encourage them to use ICT in their own learning13-To provide them with rich cross-curriculum activities to make learning easy and enjoyable14-To help them make effective decisions15-To develop their innovation and curiosity16-To make them recognize the importance of honesty and empathy towards others17-To enable them to work in international teams18-To prepare them for life and to help them work in a globalized economyCurriculum:All our projects with our international and national school partners are based on thecurriculum themes and embracing international ethos. More than this, our projects involve allstudents at the school from all levels and are done by teachers teaching different school 4

subjects: English, civic education, Art, Maths, Family education, computer studies andPhysical education. Through those projects we are connected to students and teachers in:Morocco, USA, Iraq, Palestine, Bangladesh, Romania, Sri Lanka, Egypt and India. And weare doing yearlong activities preparing students for life in general and how to solve their dailyproblems in particular.The outcome of the activities is shared via emails, ISA coordinators group, Skype sessionsand Facebook schools’ pages.The school staff, parents and teachers from other schools are all encouraged to join ouractivities and provide their feedbackEvaluation:International Education and learning about cultures and connecting with different schoolsaround the world is a crucial part of this school year development plan, which is evaluatedregularly and reported to the school’s head teacher and Governors.Data Protection NoticeThe International School Award scheme is owned and run by the British Council. The British Council will usethe information you have provided to assess your school for the International School Award (ISA). We willdisclose this information to the ISA panel and to our network of Local Education/Board contacts. You have theright to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you for which we will charge a fee. [email protected] or send your request in writing to the Data Protection Officer, British Council,10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN. 5

International Coordinator Job DescriptionWe also expect there to be a person, or a committee, that takes on responsibility forapplying for the ISA, and for ensuring that all the planned work takes place, and that theportfolio is completed and submitted on time.The international co-ordinator is the teacher or other staff member who isresponsible for applying for the International School Award scheme. Depending onthe nature of your school, your international co-ordinator job description will vary.Nezha Youssefi: Mohamed El Fassi Junior High school ISA coordinator:International coordinator job description The International school Award Co-ordinator will promote International Awareness throughout the school mainly by : -Having overall responsibility for applying for the ISA and working on the ISA portfolio -Preparing international activities within the school -Working with teachers within the school and teachers from school partners -Facilitating the projects for all the teachers within the school -Reporting to the school staff and governors -Documenting students’ activities and sharing them with our school partners -Inviting visitors from other countries to school -Involving all students and the school staff in international activities -Presenting global themes and international ethos to students and school staff -Evaluating the impact of the international activities 6

School InformationSchool name School information Mohamed El Fassi Middle Schoolschool’s 24000S09governmentreference number ☐ Nursery (ages 0-5) ☐ Primary (ages 5-11)Type of school √ Secondary (ages 11-18) ☐ Vocational/Technical College (age 16+)Head Teacher Mr Filali AbdelatifAddress Ziat.RcifTown/ City FezCountry MoroccoWebsite numberof pupils 220Contact person Ms Nezha YoussefinameContact role ISA coordinatorContact Email [email protected] 7

Original Action Plan that has been approved by the British CouncilISA Action Plan – Template for theFull Award 2017-2020 8

Name of school Mohamed El Fassi Junior high school 24000S09Your school’sgovernmentreference numberContact details Ms Nezha YoussefiYour name ISA coordinatorYour role Rcif, old medina, Fez. MoroccoSchool addressEmail address [email protected] number +212664304284In-country partner schoolsIf you don't have one already, visit British Council Schools Online to find a partner, andthen complete this section. ( many new school partnerships in your own country have you 00formed via Schools online?Name of school (1) Oud Eddahab high SchoolContact nameRole Mr Layat Abderazaq ISA coordinator 9

School address Avenue Errazi 15000 Tiflet, MoroccoEmail address [email protected] number +212675044730Summarise the types of We have been interacting via emails, messenger and whatsapp,interactions you have had phone callswith this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Name of school (2) Zoubair Bno L’aouamContact nameRole Loubna BoulaidSchool address ISA coordinator Zoubair Bno L’aouam,93000,Tetuan,MoroccoEmail address [email protected] number +212664304284Summarise the types of We have been interacting through phone calls, text messages, emails,interactions you have had Facebook and Whatsapp.with this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Name of school (3) Assaki Middle SchoolContact name Moulay Larbi ArbaouiRole ISA coordinator 10

School address Taliouine, MoroccoEmail address My.larbaoui@gmailcomPhone number +212670346971 We have been interacting via Messenger and WhatsappSummarise the types ofinteractions you have hadwith this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Name of school (4) Al Majd High SchoolContact nameRole Ahmed Ait BellaSchool address ISA coordinator Hay Mohamadir, AgadirEmail address [email protected] +212670802174Phone number We have been interacting through WhatsappSummarise the types ofinteractions you have hadwith this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Name of school (5) Anas Bnou Malek junior high schoolContact name Salah AffroukhRole ISA coordinator 11

School address Ben Ahmed 26050 Settat, MoroccoEmail address [email protected] +212668518598Phone number We have been interacting via Messenger and WhatsappSummarise the types ofinteractions you have hadwith this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Your current activities with in-country partner schoolsFor each partner school describe your current activities. (Max 200 words)Name of school Activities1-Oud Eddahab high Cultural heritage: Wedding celebrationsSchool2- Anas Bnou Malek Subjects: Citizenship ,History, English and geographyjunior high school3- Zoubair Bno L’aouam In this project, children will discover the origin of some weddingmiddle school celebration customs related to four different parts of Morocco (Fez, Tifelt, Tetouan and Settat). They will find out the similarities and4- Assaki Middle School differences between wedding celebration in an urban area and in a rural one. They will also talk about the different traditional clothes that the bride and the groom wear during the wedding celebration. The outcome of this project will be a PPP by children presenting the wedding celebration in the four regions of Morocco, posters, a video recording of the children research results and a Facebook group where children in the four schools will share ideas and information about their research. The power of poetry in our mother language Subjects: Citizenship, literacy and languages This project will help children learn about the power of words and discover some poets and authors both in the English and Arabic literature. They will also be able to produce some rhythmic lines and share them with children from our school partners. The outcome of this activity will be the making of “poetic” cards that children can send to each other. 12

5-Al Majd High school Play it fair Subjects: Citizenship and physical education Children (all children at school will join this project) will play football at the school yard (stadium) under the motto of “play it fair” to show the importance of tolerance and to fight racism in sport. By doing this project, children will advocate fair games and avoid misjudgement of others by the colour of their skin or by the ethnicity they belong to. The outcome of this project will be a video recording the event and a live video connecting with our national partnerInternational partner schoolsHow many new international school partnerships have you formed via 00Schools online?Name of school (1) Crescent Heights Language Arts Social/Justice Magnet SchoolContact name Mrs Paulette DonaldRole Classroom teacherSchool address 1661 South Crescent Heights BLVD. Los Angeles, California. USAEmail address [email protected] We have been interacting through Messenger and emailsPhone numberSummarise the types ofinteractions you have hadwith this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Name of school (2) Apeejay School 13

Contact name Anita BhattacharjeeRole ISA coordinatorSchool address Kolkata, IndiaEmail address [email protected] number +919433068562Summarise the types of We have been interacting via Messenger, ISA coordinators group ininteractions you have had Facebook and emailswith this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Name of school (3) Khan Younis Elem Boys school \"C\"Contact nameRole Islam Al HajSchool address ISA coordinator Khan younis- Gaza - PalestineEmail address [email protected] 00970599783861Phone number We have been interacting via emails and Messenger.Summarise the types ofinteractions you have hadwith this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.) 14

Name of school (4) Progati High school Mghazi girls junior high school (substitution)Contact nameRole Jubair AhmedSchool address Eva Raghib Athmane Tawil ISA coordinator Bodikuna.P.O sylhet-3100 P.S.South surma Dist :Sylhet Bangladesh Almaghazi, Dawar Assalihat. Ghaza. PalestineEmail address [email protected] & [email protected] number +8801916610620Summarise the types of 00970599169168interactions you have hadwith this partner We have been interacting via Facebook, Messenger and emails(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Name of school (5) The International School of Elite Education - British School : This activity was cancelled since our schoolContact name partner stopped communicating even after we did ourRole activitiesSchool address Rasha Samir ISA coordinator 5th Settlement - off Road 90 , behind El Masrawia Compound Cairo, EgyptEmail address [email protected] number 01143337933 15

Summarise the types of We have been interacting through Emailsinteractions you have hadwith this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Name of school (6) Mamounia Prep girls \"B\"Contact name Reema Abu Zayed (ICT teacher)RoleSchool address ISA coordinator El Remal, Gaza, PalestineEmail address [email protected] 00970592264872Phone number We have been interacting through EmailsSummarise the types ofinteractions you have hadwith this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Name of school (7) Waleed Abomwais basic school (substitution) Charfession T Barret Model Secondary School.Contact name Feryal Abomwais Taslima BegumRoleSchool address ISA coordinator Janin, Palestine Bhola, BangladeshEmail address [email protected] [email protected] 16

Phone number 0599390979 +8801747040517Summarise the types ofinteractions you have had We have been interacting through Emails and Facebookwith this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Name of school (8) Gymnasium School Nr. 117Contact nameRole Mrs Cires AdrianaSchool address ISA coordinator, project coordinator and programs, main editor of international school magazines Str. Fabricii. No. 22, Sect. 6. Bucharest, RomaniaEmail address [email protected] number We have been interacting through Messenger and emailsSummarise the types ofinteractions you have hadwith this partner(E.g. Email, post, videoconferencing, reciprocal visitby staff and / or youngpeople.)Your planned activities with International partner schools. See guidance notesbelow.Activity no.1 December the 1st,2017 One of these needsStart date May the 10th,2018 to relate to the use ofEnd date √√√ Art & design language.Subjects covered √√√ Citizenship 17

Languages to be used √√√ English Which schools willPartner schools(s) √√√ Geography join you in this activity? History ICT Maths Languages Music Physical Education Religious education Science Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here) English and Arabic Crescent Heights Language Arts Social/Justice Magnet SchoolAges of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 20 13-14 40 15-16 30 17-18 30 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words) 18

Drawing (Migration)Subjects: Citizenship, Art and design, EnglishThis project will focus on children’s artistic skills. It will develop their creative thinking andimprove their awareness of migration and instead of discussing it with children from anotherinternational school; they will draw it and describe how they feel about it through art. Thisproject will connect children in two international schools so children will have a rich experiencecomparing and contrasting what they will produce with each other.What impact will this activity have?This project will develop students’ core skills especially “creativity and imagination” and also“communication and collaboration”. It will also help them become good “global citizens” whoseaim is to connect with the world and overcome differences. The outcome of this project arecreating an art magazine about the drawing based on the theme of “migration” and exchange itwith our international partner and also recording a video about this project to share in youtubechannel. This project will have a positive impact on children in the 2 international schools sincethey can learn a lot from this new experience which will develop their personality and hone theirleadership skills and since all children at the school (from the 3 different levels) will participatein this project, the impact will be rewarding on the school as a whole.Activity no.2 December the 1st,2017 One of these needsStart date to relate to the use ofEnd date May the 10th,2018 language.Subjects covered √√√ Art & design √√√ Citizenship English Geography History ICT Maths Languages Music 19

Physical Education Religious education Science Environment Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here)Languages to be used Arabic, EnglishPartner schools(s) Progati High school Which schools will join you in this Almaghazi, Dawar Assalihat. Ghaza. Palestine activity? (substitution) Crescent Heights Language Arts Social/Justice Magnet SchoolAges of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 20 13-14 40 15-16 30 17-18 30 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words) 20

RecyclingSubjects: Citizenship, Art and design, and environmentThis project will display the artistic skills of children and their ability to reuse waste instead ofthrowing it away. This project will connect children in three international schools so childrenwill have a rich experience comparing and contrasting what they will create with each other.What impact will this activity have?This project will develop students’ core skills especially “creativity and imagination” Thisproject will also help the children to become globally aware citizens who can address humanand environmental sustainability and help reduce pollution by reusing waste. The outcome ofthis project are recycling products ‘exhibition. The project will have a positive impact onchildren in the 3 international schools since they can learn a lot from this new experience whichwill develop their self-confidence and hone their artistic skills and since all children at theschool (from the 3 different levels) will participate in this project, the impact will be rewardingon all the school as a whole.Activity no. 3 December the 1st,2017 One of these needsStart date to relate to the use ofEnd date December the 30th,2017 language.Subjects covered Art & design √√√ Citizenship √√√ English √√√ Geography History ICT Maths Languages Music 21

Languages to be used Physical Education Which schools willPartner schools(s) Religious education join you in this Science activity? Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here) English Apeejay SchoolAges of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 30 13-14 30 15-16 17-18 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words)1-Fruits around the worldSubjects: Citizenship, English, GeographyIn this project, children will discover fruits all over the world and focus on favourite fruits inboth Morocco and India. They will also discuss the healthy dishes we can make of fruits andtalk about fruit festivals in both countries. They will compare and contrast fruits eaten byMoroccans and Indians. The outcome of this project are PPP presenting both fruits in the twocountries, a role play (the Chef) in which children perform how different or similar people are inMorocco and India in eating fruits and a video recording of what children learn from theexperience. 22

What impact will this activity have?This project will develop the children’s global citizenship skills, make them aware of the worldbeyond their own country, help them connect to the world and know how to use ICT tocommunicate with children from international schools and it will also encourage children towork in a “global” community and develop their communication and collaboration along withtheir critical thinking skills. The impact will be positive for sure and the outcome of this projectwill be fruitful and richActivity no. 4 January the2nd,2018Start dateEnd date January the 10th,2018Subjects covered Art & design One of these needsLanguages to be used √√√ Citizenship to relate to the use of √√√ English language. Geography History ICT Maths √√√ Languages Music Physical Education Religious education Science Other (please provide details of any Literacy subjects not covered here) English, Arabic and ,Indian 23

Partner schools(s) Apeejay School Which schools will join you in this activity? Assaki Middle SchoolAges of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 50 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words)2-Authors around the worldSubjects: Citizenship, languages and literacyChildren will discover authors and poets around the world and fill in a survey to analyse theirinterest and ideas in literature. They will later on compare and contrast their results withchildren from our international school partners.What impact will this activity have? 24

This project will develop the children’s global citizenship skills, make them aware of the worldbeyond their own country, help them connect to the world and know how to use ICT tocommunicate with children from international schools and it will also encourage children towork in a “global” community and develop their communication and collaboration along withtheir critical thinking skills. More than this, it will hone the children’s creative thinking and makethem produce a piece of literacy like a short story or some rhythmic lines. The impact will bepositive for sure and the outcome of this project will be constructive.Activity no. 5 January the 20th,2018Start dateEnd date February the 1st,2018Subjects covered Art & design One of these needsLanguages to be used √√√ Citizenship to relate to the use ofPartner schools(s) language. English Geography √√√ History ICT Maths √√√ Languages Music Physical Education Religious education Science Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here) English/Arabic /Indian Apeejay School Which schools will join you in this activity? Assaki Middle School 25

Ages of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 30 13-14 30 15-16 17-18 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words)3-My language, my identitySubjects: Citizenship, History and languagesIn this project, children will discuss how their mother language reflects their identity and sharethat with their international counterpart. More than this, children in both schools will introduceuseful expressions to each other so they can use each other’s mother tongue during theirSkype chatWhat impact will this activity have?This project will help children to better understand their own country’s value, make them feelproud of their belonging and identity and also become aware of other’s values and thus respectthem and learn from them. More than this, it will boost children’s creative and critical thinkingand thus help them produce innovative ideas to solve problems. 26

Activity no. 6 December the 20th,2017Start dateEnd date January the 30th,2018Subjects covered Art & design One of these needsLanguages to be used √√√ Citizenship to relate to the use ofPartner schools(s) language. English √√√ Geography History ICT Maths Languages Music Physical Education Religious education √√√ Science Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here) Arabic Khan Younis Elem Boys school \"C\" Which schools will join you in this activity?Ages of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 40 13-14 40 27

15-16 17-18 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words)Health: How to protect oneself from cold?Subjects: Citizenship, Science, GeographyIn this project, children will discover how they can protect themselves from cold. They will dosome research about the natural medicine people use in both Morocco and Palestine to curecold then share what they will find through recording a video comparing and contrastingremedies in both countries. Then they will discuss the scientific advances in curing bad casesof cold. The lesson plan comes with curriculum links and handouts.What impact will this activity have? This activity will make children aware of the cold and of how to cure it. It will also enhance their knowledge about the cures used in another country so they can be able to compare and contrast two different communities. More than this, this project will develop children’s core skills especially critical thinking and problem solving. The impact will be positive and constructiveActivity no. 7 January the 1st,2018 One of these needsStart date April the 15th,2018 to relate to the use ofEnd date language.Subjects covered Art & design √√√ Citizenship √√√ English 28

Languages to be used √√√ Geography Which schools willPartner schools(s) √√√ History join you in this activity? ICT Maths 1-Mamounia √√√ Languages Music Prep girls \"B\" Physical Education (Palestine) Religious education Science Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here) English/Arabic/Romanian Gymnasium School Nr. 117Ages of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 60 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words) 29

An eye on my cultureSubjects: Citizenship ,languages, history and geographyIn this project, students will collect data about different cultural aspects (music, special dishes,popular dances, and traditional clothes) in their own country and also in Romania andPalestine. They will share the result of their research through a PPP to explain the similaritiesand the differences between the three countries.What impact will this activity have?The impact of this activity will be instructive and enlightening since students will develop anappreciation and understanding of global cultures and will become aware of the culturaldiversity all over the world. This project will introduce the students to the concept of the “globalcitizen” and make them work on the welfare of the global community.Activity no. 8 February 05th, 2018 One of these needsStart date February 18th, 2018 to relate to the use ofEnd date language.Subjects covered Art & design √√√ Citizenship √√√ English √√√ Geography √√√ History ICT Maths Languages Music 30

Languages to be used Physical Education Which schools willPartner schools(s) Religious education join you in this Science activity? Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here) 1-Zoubair Bno L’aouam secondary English school 2- Anas Bnou Malek Oued Eddahab High School secondary schoolAges of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 60 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words)Cultural heritage: Wedding celebrationsSubjects: Citizenship ,History, English and geographyIn this project, children will discover the origin of some wedding celebration customs related tofour different parts of Morocco (Fez, Tifelt, Tetouan and Settat). They will find out thesimilarities and differences between wedding celebration in an urban area and in a rural one.They will also talk about the different traditional clothes that the bride and the groom wearduring the wedding celebration. The outcome of this project will be a PPP by childrenpresenting the wedding celebration in both regions of Morocco, posters, a video recording ofthe children research results and a Facebook group where children in the four schools willshare ideas and information about their research. 31

What impact will this activity have?This project will enrich the students’ knowledge about their own culture and make them awareof the customs of wedding celebrations in four different parts of Morocco. It will also makethem conscious of their belonging and thus know how to preserve customs in their own regionin particular and in their country in general. What is more, is that this project will booststudents’ self-confidence since they will present their project in front of their peers and share itwith students from our partner schools, develop their public speaking skills and enhance theirlearning through digital literacy. Because of all these, the impact will be rich, fruitful and soinstructive.Activity no. 9 April the 2nd,2018Start dateEnd date April the 7th,2018Subjects covered Art & design One of these needsLanguages to be used √√√ Citizenship to relate to the use of √√√ English language. Geography History ICT Maths Languages Music √√√ Physical Education Religious education Science Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here) English /Arabic 32

Partner schools(s) Al Majd high school Which schools will join you in this activity?Ages of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 40 13-14 40 15-16 80 17-18 60 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words)Play it fairSubjects: Citizenship and physical educationChildren (all children at school will join this project) play football at the school yard (stadium)under the motto of “play it fair” to show the importance of tolerance and to fight racism insport. By this project, children will advocate fair games and avoid misjudgement of others bythe colour of their skin or by the ethnicity they belong to. The outcome of this project will be avideo recording the event and a live video connecting live with our national partnerWhat impact will this activity have? 33

This project will help students know how to be tolerant and how to be a global citizen. It willalso make them aware of two important global themes which are “fairness and equality”. Theimpact will be very positive because all the students of the school will be engaged in thisactivity.Activity no. 10 March the 19th,2018Start dateEnd date March the 31st,2018 One of these needsSubjects covered Art & design to relate to the use of Citizenship language.Languages to be used English Geography History ICT √√√ Maths Languages Music Physical Education Religious education Science Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here) Arabic 34

Partner schools(s) Mamounia Prep girls \"B\" Which schools will join you in this activity?Ages of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 30 13-14 30 15-16 30 17-18 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words)In this activity, both students in Morocco and Palestine will compete in making posters aboutmathematics rules and both will compete in solving puzzles. They will also play games by usingnumbers. The outcome of this activity will be a skype live competition between students in thetwo countries and posters of mathematics’ rules.What impact will this activity have? 35

This activity will improve students’ intelligence, encourage them to compete with otherstudents and also help them become problem-solvers.Activity no. 11 December the 10th,2017Start dateEnd date May the 1st,2018 One of these needsSubjects covered √√√ Art & design to relate to the use of √√√ Citizenship language.Languages to be used English Geography History ICT Maths √√√ Languages Music Physical Education Religious education Science Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here) Arabic/Romanian/English 36

Partner schools(s) Which schools will join you in this Charfession T Barret Model Secondary activity? School. Gymnasium School Nr. 117Ages of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 20 13-14 40 15-16 40 17-18 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words)HandicraftsSubjects: Art and design, citizenship and languagesIn this project, children will display their artistic skills and know how to use things by creatingtheir own design. The outcome of this activity is a handicraft exhibition in which students willshare their creative work with our school partners. We will also share a skype chat in whichstudents will show their products to each other.What impact will this activity have? 37

This activity will develop students’ creative thinking, enhance their creativity and imaginationand also develop their collaboration and communication. The impact of this activity will be seenon the school as a whole since we will use the handicrafts in decorating the classrooms and theschool’s yard.Activity no. 12 April the 20th,2018Start dateEnd date April the 27th,2018 One of these needsSubjects covered to relate to the use of Art & design language.Languages to be used √√√ Citizenship √√√ English Geography √√√ History ICT Maths Languages Music Physical Education Religious education Science Other (please provide details of any subjects not covered here) English 38

Partner schools(s) The International School of Elite Which schools will Education - British School join you in this activity?Ages of pupils or young <5 Give numbers ofpeople 5-6 pupils for each age 7-8 range. 9-10 11-12 30 13-14 30 15-16 17-18 19-20 >20Describe the activity in more detail Max (200 words)Girls’ educationSubjects: citizenship, History and EnglishIn this project, children will explore and examine the importance of girls’ education in globalsocieties and talk about the status of women in all history. They will share what they will findout through a PPP and live skype chat with children from our school partner to discuss theproblems that girls face in both Morocco and Egypt and how we can solve them. The lessonplan comes with curriculum links and handoutsWhat impact will this activity have? 39

This activity will help students’ recognize the importance of other’s needs and rights. It will also make them responsible citizens who help improve their own society and global communities. More than this, it will develop students’ communication and collaboration skills.Other programmesIs your school involved with any other programmes that support internationalism? (E.g. fundedprojects/ school linking, other awards or CPD.)Yes it is involved with MATE and RELO and both partners support internationalism.Ambassadorial rolePlease list your plans for supporting other schools involved in the international dimension. Seethe guidance notes below. 40

1-Share my knowledge and international experience with other schools both nationally andinternationally through conferences, social media, my e-portfolio or in my school’s website.2-Support a new school to sign for ISA3-Give advice on how to manage a school partnership4-Encourage schools in my city to get involved in” international education”.5-Show the positive impact of the ISA on both educators and students to others.6-Encourage teachers to enrol in online educational programmes to develop their teaching’sskill and to implement “core skills” in their classrooms.For British Council use only: Assessed by Name Email Telephone numberName of International co-ordinatorAssessor’s commentsFinal assessmentApprovedNot approvedData Protection NoticeThe International School Award scheme is administered by the British Council on behalf of theDepartment for Education. The British Council will use the information you have provided to assess yourschool for the International School Award (ISA). We will disclose this information to the ISA panel and toour network of Local Education Authority/Board contacts. You have the right to ask for a copy of theinformation we hold about you for which we will charge a fee. E-mail [email protected] orsend your request in writing to the Data Protection Officer, British Council, 10 Spring Gardens, LondonSW1A 2BN 41

Guidance notes in briefPlease refer to the full guidance to make sure that your application for Reaccreditation is valid.(See Award – who is it for?Schools that are eligible for the Full Award are experienced in working with internationalpartners on various projects, and are sustaining this activity throughout the year. Activities areembedded across the whole school and the curriculum.The ISA journeyThe ISA journey – FULL AWARD – activities should reflect each of these areas.Embedding international workGlobal citizenship Young people and educators take action to tackle global themes. • Schools run collaborative curriculum projects that facilitate young people taking positive social action on a global theme • Young people collaborate on global themes with international partners Educators are able to embed global citizenship themes in teachingEnriching education Educators take action to improve their teaching and curriculum. • Educators implement useful changes to their teaching and curriculum based on collaborative learningInternational school ethos Schools embed their international work. • Schools review international activity and assess the development of young people and educators • Schools commit more resources to their international co- ordinator and international policy • Schools carry out more activities with partner schools internationally. •To apply for the Full Award your school will have:• conducted an audit of international activity already taking place in school and appointed an international co-ordinator• written an international policy• worked with partner schools internationally• completed at least seven activities. At least three of the seven activities should be completed with schools or organisations that support school education in other countries. These three activities can be completed with the same school, or with different schools from around the world• completed a set of evaluation forms for parents, pupils, teachers and school visitors for all activities providing individual refection on the collaborative activities undertaken.Complete the relevant documents offline and keep them for your records. Your application,which you must submit online, will refer to these documents.Full Award requirementsThe application is made up of two stages. 42

Stage 1 - Complete an Action PlanThe Action Plan document describes the activities the school intends to undertake as part of itsapplication for the Full Award. This plan will need to be approved by British Council ISA team.It must contain a minimum of seven curriculum-based international activities that will take placein the next curriculum year. One of these activities should be based around languages.Activities in the Action Plan should cover all of the points listed below (1-7).Stage 2 – Complete the Impact Evaluation formThis is where the school provides evidence that the activities set out in the Action Plan havebeen completed. The evidence must illustrate the impact that the activities will have on theschool, educators, young people and the local or international community, including anyrelevant learning outcomes.Activity requirements1. Curriculum-based activitiesInternational projects must be part of genuine classroom activity that relates to a National orlocal curriculum and should take place during normal lesson time. Projects and clubs carried outat lunchtime and/ or after school are not usually eligible for consideration, unless they clearlyrelate to curriculum-based work.2. Collaborative work with partner schoolsAt least three activities should be based on collaboration between pupils and teachers withschools or organisations that support school education in other countries. These three activitiescan be completed with the same school, or with different schools from around the world.Every activity should have an international focus, its content must be embedded within theNational or local curriculum and it should contribute to improving educational outcomes.Please see the full guidance notes to find out what is acceptable in terms of collaborativework. There are restrictions that exist around activities such as visits and trips, fundraising andsponsoring, exchanges and work experience as well as school to school projects.3. Global citizenshipYour activities must encourage young people to show awareness of global themes and explorethe differences between their local community and that of their partner school. Examples ofglobal themes include the following: conflict and peace, sustainable living, rights andresponsibilities, fairness and equality and identity and belonging.For more guidance on global citizenship visit Schools Online: Connecting Classrooms.4. Continuous professional developmentAs well as building relationships with partner schools, and reflecting critically on these,educators should also outline a school-to-school activity that illustrates changes to their practiceas a result of collaborative partnership work or adaptations they have made to their ownpedagogy or classroom management.5. Majority of curricular subjects involvedA broad range of subjects should be included in international activities during the year. Theteaching of a foreign language is not an international activity when it focuses solely on learninglanguage skills. It becomes a valid activity when young people learn about the country, itscustoms, geography or culture and can compare and contrast it with their own country. Thisshould be clearly demonstrated in the evidence in the portfolio. At least one of the activitiesneeds to be based around the use of language within this context.6. Majority of pupils involved 43

The first three activities must include involvement by the majority of young people in the school(above about 75 per cent) across these three activities. Small groups of pupils on visits can onlybe considered in addition to the first three activities. Whole school activities should illustrate theschool’s leadership in embedding global citizenship and awareness at the heart of the school.7. Year round activityInternational activities must take place throughout the year, with some activities running eachterm. It is not acceptable for all activities to take place during one week or in a concentratedperiod.For internal use onlyYour ISA referencenumber(If applicable)Date application submitted 27/11/2017 44

Completed Activities - Summary SheetCompleted Activities – Summary SheetPlease complete the table below for all the completed international activities that have taken place during thecurrent school year. This area is intended to map your international work. As a minimum, the activities listedshould feature the seven activities outlined in your Action Plan. (In the event that one of your planned activitiesdid not take place, include a replacement.)1Activity title (minimum seven) Fruits around the worldPartner school/s (if any) and Apeejay School (India)countryAge of year groups involved Subjects involved 4–5 English 5–6 Maths 6–7 Science 7–8 Art and Design 8–9 Citizenship 9–10 D and T 10–11 Geography 11–12 History 12–13 ICT 13–14 Language 14–15 Music 15–16 PE 16–17 RE 17–18 Drama OtherTime and duration December the 1st, 2017Completed (Y/N) February the 10th, 20182Activity title (minimum seven) Health: How to protect oneself from cold?Partner school/s (if any) and Khan Younis Elem Boys school \"C\" (Palestine)countryAge of year groups involved Subjects involved 4–5 English 5–6 Maths 6–7 Science 7–8 Art and Design 8–9 Citizenship 9–10 D and T 10–11 Geography 11–12 History 12–13 ICT 13–14 Language 14–15 Music 15–16 PE 16–17 RE 17–18 Drama OtherTime and duration December the 20th, 2017 45

Completed (Y/N) January the 30th, 20183 An eye on my cultureActivity title (minimum seven) 1-Gymnasium School Nr. 117 (Romania)Partner school/s (if any) and 2-Mamounia Prep girls \"B\" (Palestine)countryAge of year groups involved Subjects involved 4–5 English 5–6 Maths 6–7 Science 7–8 Art and Design 8–9 Citizenship 9–10 D and T 10–11 Geography 11–12 History 12–13 ICT 13–14 Language 14–15 Music 15–16 PE 16–17 RE 17–18 Drama OtherTime and duration January the 1st, 2018Completed (Y/N) April the 15th, 20184Activity title (minimum seven) Cultural heritage: Wedding celebrationsPartner school/s (if any) and Oued Eddahab High School Tifelt (Morocco)country Zoubair Bno L’aouam Junior high school Tetouan (Morocco) Anas Bnou Malek junior high school Settat (Morocco)Age of year groups involved Subjects involved 4–5 English 5–6 Maths 6–7 Science 7–8 Art and Design 8–9 Citizenship 9–10 D and T 10–11 Geography 11–12 History 12–13 ICT 13–14 Language 14–15 Music 15–16 PE 16–17 RE 17–18 Drama OtherTime and duration February 05th, 2018Completed (Y/N) March 20th, 2018 46

5Activity title (minimum seven) My language : my identityPartner school/s (if any) and Apeejay school (India)countryAge of year groups involved Subjects involved 4–5 English 5–6 Maths 6–7 Science 7–8 Art and Design 8–9 Citizenship 9–10 D and T 10–11 Geography 11–12 History 12–13 ICT 13–14 Language 14–15 Music 15–16 PE 16–17 RE 17–18 Drama OtherTime and duration February the 10th,2018Completed (Y/N) April the 29th, 20186Activity title (minimum seven) The Art project: Drawing: MigrationPartner school/s (if any) and Crescent Heights Language Arts Social/Justice Magnet School (USA)countryAge of year groups involved Subjects involved 4–5 English 5–6 Maths 6–7 Science 7–8 Art and Design 8–9 Citizenship 9–10 D and T 10–11 Geography 11–12 History 12–13 ICT 13–14 Language 14–15 Music 15–16 PE 16–17 RE 17–18 Drama OtherTime and duration December the 1st ,2017Completed (Y/N) May the 30th ,20187 the power of poetic language in communication between generationsActivity title (minimum seven) and civilizations\" 47

Partner school/s (if any) and Assaki Junior High School (Morocco)countryAge of year groups involved Subjects involved 4–5 English 5–6 Maths 6–7 Science 7–8 Art and Design 8–9 Citizenship 9–10 D and T 10–11 Geography 11–12 History 12–13 ICT 13–14 Language 14–15 Music 15–16 PE 16–17 RE 17–18 Drama OtherTime and duration March the 25th,2018Completed (Y/N) April the 30th,20188Activity title (minimum seven) MathPartner school/s (if any) and Mamounia B girls PalestinecountryAge of year groups involved Subjects involved 4–5 English 5–6 Maths 6–7 Science 7–8 Art and Design 8–9 Citizenship 9–10 D and T 10–11 Geography 11–12 History 12–13 ICT 13–14 Language 14–15 Music 15–16 PE 16–17 RE 17–18 Drama OtherTime and duration December the 5th,2017Completed (Y/N) April the 10th,20189 HandicraftsActivity title (minimum seven) Charfession T Barret Model Secondary School. (Bangladesh)Partner school/s (if any) and Subjects involvedcountry English MathsAge of year groups involved 4–5 48 5–6

6–7 Science 7–8 Art and Design 8–9 Citizenship 9–10 D and T 10–11 Geography 11–12 History 12–13 ICT 13–14 Language 14–15 Music 15–16 PE 16–17 RE 17–18 Drama OtherTime and duration December the 20th, 2017Completed (Y/N) May the 31st, 201810Activity title (minimum seven) RecyclingPartner school/s (if any) and Almaghazi, Dawar Assalihat. Ghaza. Palestine (substitution)countryAge of year groups involved Subjects involved 4–5 English 5–6 Maths 6–7 Science 7–8 Art and Design 8–9 Citizenship 9–10 D and T 10–11 Geography 11–12 History 12–13 ICT 13–14 Language 14–15 Music 15–16 PE 16–17 RE 17–18 Drama Other EnvironmentTime and duration December the 30th, 2017Completed (Y/N) May the 31st, 2018 49

Section II: Individual activity detail sheetOne of these tables should be completed for each international activity.One should be based on a language activity.No. of activity 1Title of activity Fruits around the worldTeacher responsible Ms Nezha YoussefiOther staff involved ----------Principal subjects involved EnglishOther subjects involved Citizenship, geographyBrief details of the aim, content In this project, children will discover fruits all over the worldand outcomes of the activity and focus on favourite fruits in both Morocco and India. They will also discuss the healthy dishes we can make of fruits and talk about fruit festivals in both countries. They will compare and contrast fruits eaten by Moroccans and Indians. The outcome of this project are PPP presenting both fruits in the two countries, a role play (the Chef) in which children perform how different or similar people are in Morocco and India in eating fruits and a video recording of what children learn from the experienceImpact of activity undertaken (i.e. This project will develop the children’s global citizenship skills,on pupils, learning, engagement, make them aware of the world beyond their own country, helpschool, local community, global them connect to the world and know how to use ICT tocitizenship, your school communicate with children from international schools and it willpartnerships and professional also encourage children to work in a “global” community anddevelopment) develop their communication and collaboration along with their critical thinking skills. The impact will be positive for sure and thePartner school name/s outcome of this project will be fruitful and rich Apeejay SchoolPartner school country/s India December the 1st,2017/ February the 10th,2017Dates of activity 60Number of pupils in the school 220involved in this activity 13-14 /14-115Total number of pupils in theschool e.g. photos of students’ work, emails from partner school,Age of pupils involved in this Pupil Teacher Parent Visitoractivity 1 1 0 0Is there evidence available forinspection of this activity andwhat does this consist of?Number and type of evaluationforms available (available 50

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