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Home Explore Final Review Sheet 1-2017 (1)

Final Review Sheet 1-2017 (1)

Published by piyanansrb, 2017-12-07 01:49:45

Description: Final Review Sheet 1-2017 (1)


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2.Peace: Fruit of justice and love by Nadine Bushell, Member of the Catholic Commission for Social Justice• Many persons may view peace as simply the absence of war or turmoil or the absence of conflict. However this is a very narrow way of viewing peace. “Peace is a value and a universal duty founded on a rational and moral order of society that has its roots in God himself, ‘the first source of being, the essential truth and the supreme good’.

2.Peace: Fruit of justice and love by Nadine Bushell, Member of the Catholic Commission for Social Justice• Peace is not merely the absence of war, nor can it be reduced solely to the maintenance of a balance of power between enemies.• Rather it is founded on a correct understanding of the human person and requires the establishment of an order based on justice and charity.”

2.Peace: Fruit of justice and love by Nadine Bushell, Member of the Catholic Commission for Social Justice• What this means is that the promotion ofa dutypeace must be understood as thatmakes a demand on everyone. Peace will nothappen on its own; each of us has aresponsibility to do our bit in creatingand preserving it.

2.Peace: Fruit of justice and love by Nadine Bushell, Member of the Catholic Commission for Social Justice• We are therefore called to understand the order that God created and ensure that it is maintained based on justice.• We must understand that we must preserve human dignity and promote human rights for example. As individuals we must be concerned about the effects of all our actions on others. Do our actions harm others? Do they infringe on other persons’ rights? Do we make others uncomfortable? Are we insensitive?

2.Peace: Fruit of justice and love by Nadine Bushell, Member of the Catholic Commission for Social Justice• “Peace is the fruit of justice, (cf Is 32:17) understood in the broad sense as the respect for the equilibrium of every dimension of the human person. Peace is threatened when man is not given all that is due him as a human person, when his dignity is not respected and when civil life is not directed to the common good. The defence and promotion of human rights is essential for the building up of a peaceful society and the integral development of individuals, peoples and nations.”

2.Violence is never a proper response The contemporary world too needs the witness of unarmed prophets, who are often the objects of ridicule. “Those who renounce violence and bloodshed and, in order to safeguard human rights, make use of those means of defence available to the weakest, bear witness to evangelical charity, provided they do so without harming the rights and obligations of other men and societies. They bear legitimate witness to the gravity of the physical and moral risk of recourse to violence, with all its destruction and death”.

3. The Importance of Dialogue in Peacebuilding• It is a paradox that historically religions have often been implicated inviolence and conflict, either as a direct cause or as an associated factor, but have also contributed to building peace, although this contribution is not always easy to evaluate or quantify.• In a speech delivered at the conclusion of the Interreligious Assembly hosted by the Vatican in October 1999 to several hundred invited guests from twenty religions, Pope John Paul II stated,

3. The Importance of Dialogue in Peacebuilding by Felicita Carr• “Any use of religion to support violence is an abuse of religion. ... Religion and peace go together: to wage war in the name of religion is a blatant contradiction. Religious leaders must show that they are pledged to peace precisely because of their religious belief. The task before us therefore is to promote a culture of dialogue. Individually and together, we must show how religious belief inspires peace, encourages solidarity, promotes justice and upholds liberty.”

3. The Importance of Dialogue in Peacebuilding• In these comments Pope John Paul II shows that religious belief can form an inspirational basis for peace and highlights the need for dialogue to build peace.

3. Continued• Dialogue can be understood in various ways. The Vatican document Dialogue and Proclamation describes three meanings. On the one hand, dialogue can refer at the purely human level to “reciprocal communication, leading to a common goal or ... to interpersonal communion.” On the other hand, it can mean “an attitude of respect and friendship” ideally permeating all activities which are part of the evangelizing mission of the Church with “the spirit of dialogue”.

3. Continued• Finally, in contexts of religious plurality, it denotes “all positive and constructive interreligious relations with individuals and communities of other faiths which are directed at mutual understanding and enrichment, in obedience to truth and respect for freedom.” This final definition points to a number of characteristics of dialogue, namely, that it is positive and constructive, includes “relations” in general rather than being restricted to conversation, has the aim of mutual understanding and enrichment, and involves truth and respect.

3. Continued• Teasdale further characterizes such dialogue as• 1. honest,• 2. open,• 3. active communication,• 4 . presupposing mutual acceptance• 5 . and generosity of heart,• 6. and encompassing the possibility of being changed (“converted”) by the truth of the other.

3. Continued ( Teaching on Catholic Church)• The Church teaches that true peace is made possible only through forgiveness and reconciliationการให้ อภยั การทาให้ปรองดองกนั .• It is not easy to forgive when faced with the consequences of war and conflict because violence, especially when it leads \"to the very depths of inhumanity and suffering\", leaves behind a heavy burden of pain. This pain can only be eased by a deep, faithful and courageous reflection on the part of all parties, a reflection capable of facing present difficulties with an attitude that has been purified by repentance. The weight of the past, which cannot be forgotten, can be accepted only when mutual forgiveness is offered and received; this is a long and difficult process, but one that is not impossible.

3. Continued (Teaching on Catholic Church)• Mutual forgiveness must not eliminate the need for justice and still less does it block the path that leads to truth.• On the contrary, justice and truth represent the concrete requisites for reconciliation. Initiatives aimed at establishing international judicial bodies are therefore appropriate. In virtue of the principle of universal jurisdiction and guided by suitable procedural norms that respect the rights of the accused and of the victims, such bodies are able to ascertain the truth about crimes perpetrated during armed conflicts. However, in order to re-establish relationships of mutual acceptance between divided peoples in the name of reconciliation, it is necessary to go beyond the determination of criminal behavior, both of commission and omission, and the procedures for seeking reparation. It is necessary, moreover, to promote respect for the right to peace. This right \"encourages the building of a society in which structures of power give way to structures of cooperation, with a view to the common good\"

3. Continued Teaching on Catholic Church)• It is through prayer that the Church engages in the battle for peace. Prayer opens the heart not only to a deep relationship with God but also to an encounter with others marked by respect, understanding, esteem and love. Prayer instills courage and lends support to all \"true friends of peace\", those who love peace and strive to promote it in the various circumstances in which they live.

Summary• Mutual respect• Love and Forgiveness• Justice• Prayer• Honest,• Open,• Active communication,• Mutual acceptance• Generosity of heart• etc

Summary: By peace……• Human rights need to be protected.• Man’s Dignity / Integrity is honored and respected. Racism and Discrimination must be avoided/zero/minimized.Civil life is well taken cared of and directed to common good.• Conflict management and Conflict de-escalation

Chapter 14 The Gaza Strip

Focus on• Qasim Rashid’s perspective regarding 9 facts about the Israel-Palestine Conflict on which we can all agree

The Israel-Palestine ConflictIsrael Palestine

Summary• The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is rooted in a dispute over land claimed by Jews as their biblical birthright and by the Palestinians, who seek self-determination.• Despite repeated attempts to end the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, there is no peace settlement in sight.

The Israel-Palestine Conflict Zionist Hamas• A person belonging to • Is Palestinian Islamic Zionism. fundamentalist movement engaged in grass-roots• Zionism is a worldwide organizing and armed Jewish movement that resistance and terrorism resulted in the against Israel. establishment and development of the state of Israel

Resolve Conflict by Qasim Rashid The negotiation table accepting 9 facts about the Israel-Palestine Conflict.• 1. Hamas rockets must stop.• 2. The conflict is older than Hamas- a lot older• 3.If Muslims want peace in Palestine, then they must unite in peace worldwide.• 4. Peace cannot exit without justice.

Resolve Conflict by Qasim Rashid The negotiation table accepting 9 facts about the Israel-Palestine Conflict• 5. Palestine was a haven for Jewish refugees before the creation of Israel.• 6. Since Israel was created by the United Nations, It must live by the United Nations.• 7. Arab blood and Jewish blood are human blood--- all blood is equal.

Resolve Conflict by Qasim Rashid The negotiation table accepting 9 facts about the Israel-Palestine Conflict• 8. Both sides have committed potential war crimes and must be held accountable accordingly.• 9. America must play fair, and so must world wide Muslim leadership.

7. Arab blood and Jewish blood are human blood--- all blood is equal.• The idea that Arab blood is more valuable than Jewish blood, or that Jewish blood is more valuable than Arab blood, is modern day racism in all its ugliness.• A Palestinian child has just as much right as an Israeli child, and vice versa.

7. Arab blood and Jewish blood are human blood--- all blood is equal.• . Let us rid ourselves of the cancer of justifying collateral damage and recognize all human life is equal

8. Both sides have committed potential war crimes and must be held accountable accordingly. Hamas: A War Crime Israel: A War Crime• Firing rocket • The use of white phosphorous indiscriminately • The use of human shields• Hoarding illegal weapons in • A collective punishment of all UN schools, especially near refugees of Gaza • Target killing of children on a beach playing soccer • Booming a hospital

9. America must play fair, and so must world wide Muslim leadership.• Since Israel's creation nearly seven decades ago, the world has witnessed the same violence again and again.• Several peace treaties and efforts have gone by yet we stand no closer to peace. ( are not bearing fruit of peace)

9. America must play fair, and so must world wide Muslim leadership• Over the decades, America's reputation to the rest of the world -- and especially the Muslim world -- is that of a dishonest thug who enforces its will and blindly sides with Israel

9. America must play fair, and so must world wide Muslim leadership. America World Wide Muslim Leadership:• America is perceived by • The perception of Muslim Muslim World as a world towards Israel is fixed and rigid. Israel has never dishonest thug who been being recognized by them. ( That perception of a enforces it will and blindly Monolith) sides with Israel• America should play fair • Muslim world should recognize the right of Israel to exist

The Prime focus must be peace• Peace is only possible by ensuring the sanctity and dignity of human right– whether Jewish, Muslim or the minority and often ignored Christian Palestinian suffering thorough these atrocities• Ignoring of human values only ensures this vicious cycle continues.

Chapter 15 & 16 CORRUPTION & Drug Trafficking

Chapter 15-Corruption: Topic Outlines• Thailand improves in corruption index• Asia-Pacific needs work• Corruption is 'part of Thai mindset'

Asia-Pacific needs work• \"The persistent low scores ask a critical question to the leadership of Asian countries, which have full control of the conduct of its public services.“• For China and India, two countries where new leadership are pursuing anti-corruption drives, \"the index is a harsh reality check\".• China shows a downward trend in the index (with a score of 36) in comparison to last year (40).

Asia-Pacific needs work• \"The persistent low scores ask a critical question to the leadership of Asian countries, which have full control of the conduct of its public services.“• For China and India, two countries where new leadership are pursuing anti-corruption drives, \"the index is a harsh reality check\".• China shows a downward trend in the index (with a score of 36) in comparison to last year (40).

2017 watch list• China and India• remain at the poor score of 40 out of 100.

Corruption is 'part of Thai mindset‘• Corruption has become a part of people's mindset here in Thailand, where \"cheating\" is tolerated, Chalermchai Boonyaleepun, president of Srinakharinwirot University, told a seminar on Wednesday.

Corruption is 'part of Thai mindset‘• In the discussion on combating corruption, National Anti- Corruption Commission (NACC) member Vicha Mahakun and Sompol Kiatphaibool, chairman of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and vice chairman of the Anti-Corruption Organisation of Thailand, placed their• hopes on the media. They were speaking at the 59th anniversary celebration of the Thai Journalists Association (TJA).

Corruption is 'part of Thai mindset‘• Chalermchai said that according to a survey he conducted on more than 640,000 students, 47.9 per cent said they had copied assignments and only 43 per cent found this \"slightly wrong\".• Upon seeing another student cheating, only 7.2 per cent said they would inform the teacher, while 30.7 per cent would pretend it never happened.

Corruption is 'part of Thai mindset‘ survey also found that 3 per cent didnot find anything wrong withnot paying back their studentloans, as \"they need the money and there's nothing wrong with giving money to those who need it\".

Corruption is 'part of Thai mindset‘ attitude was also found in working adults as29.5well, with per cent of public servants saying theyspend some of their time atwork doing personal jobs.teacherChalermchai calculated that if one wasted 20 per centof their working hours over the course of their career, it would costthe public Bt1.7 million.Judging from the number of teachers in the state system, theycould cost Bt2 trillion for the hours wasted, he said.

Corruption is 'part of Thai mindset‘ Chalermchai blamed this mindset on external influences such as family, friends and news sources, adding that parentsshould make their children understand that cheating will not be tolerated.

Corruption is 'part of Thai mindset‘ ******Vicha said graft (gain money through fraud or deceit) was so rife (widespread) in Thailand that it would take the NACC more th an a lifetime to handle all the cases.*****He added that corruption was so deeply ingrained (firmly established), that those who do not work within the system will be \"kicked out\".

Corruption is 'part of Thai mindset‘*****Vicha said investigativejournalism was important in the fightagainst corruption as he cited the case of youngBrazilian journalists relying on social media to effectively report ongraft.notone*****He went on to say that should relyon politicians to fight graft, but put theirhopes on civil society.

Corruption is 'part of Thai mindset‘ the fact that some countries have managed to curb corruption in a relatively short period of time, ****** Sompol suggested that ******transparency, ******a strong investigation systems ******and strict punishments were necessary.

Prem Decriesการประนาฌ Corrupters as State Thieves• Privy Council president Gen Prem Tinsulanonda has proposed• ******a renewed effort to fight corruption, which he decried as Thailand's number one enemy.• Corruption is the most severe ill which plagues the country, and a shameful matter for Thailand, Gen Prem said Thursday following a seminar organised by the Collective Action Against Corruption, a network of companies tackling graft problems.

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