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Home Explore Final Review Sheet 1-2017 (1)

Final Review Sheet 1-2017 (1)

Published by piyanansrb, 2017-12-07 01:49:45

Description: Final Review Sheet 1-2017 (1)


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Does God exist? From The Story of a customer and a barber• It implies that God, Does exist!• If we have faith and believe in God. We obey Him. We personally hear the inner voice of God speaking to our hearts. For those who listen, God becomes a personal reality in their lives.• If we go to Him and look to Him for help. Pain and Suffering can be healed.

B.2 Pope John Paul II’s Answer to the Problem of Pain problem-of-pain• B.2.1 An Inescapable Feature• ***Suffering is part of human existence from birth until death.• **** And every human person suffers in a variety of ways: physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually.

B.2 Pope John Paul II’s Answer to the Problem of Pain problem-of-pain• B.2.1 An Inescapable Feature• ***The Bible provides many examples: – one’s own death, – the danger of death, – the death of children or friends, – sterility, homesickness ,persecution , mockery, scorn, loneliness, abandonment, remorse, – watching the wicked prosper while the just suffer, – the unfaithfulness of spouse and friends,• and the misfortunes of one’s homeland (SD 6).

B.2 Pope John Paul II’s Answer to the Problem of Pain problem-of-pain• B.2.1 An Inescapable Feature• ****Suffering in one form or another accompanies each of us every day.• *** It is an inescapable feature of human existence.

B.2 Pope John Paul II’s Answer to the Problem of Pain problem-of-pain• B.2.1 An Inescapable Feature• Suffering naturally leads to questioning. – Why do I suffer? – Why do others suffer? – How can suffering be overcome? -- Is there any meaning to suffering?• To find an answer, John Paul turned to revelation(Bible)

B.2 Pope John Paul II’s Answer to the Problem of Pain problem-of-pain• B.2.2 Charity-• ***Sometimes suffering makes an important good possible. If God eliminated that suffering, the corresponding good also would be eliminated. ***(And allow us to see love in our heart) We could say that suffering . . . is present in order to unleash love in the human person, that unselfish gift of one’s \"I\" on behalf of other people, especially those who suffer. The world of human suffering unceasingly calls for, so to speak, another world: the world of human love; and in a certain sense man owes to suffering that unselfish love that stirs in his heart and actions. (SD 29)

Summary:• 1. Suffering is part of human existence from birth until death.• 2.It is an inescapable feature of human existence.• 3. We suffer because we are sinners by nature.• BUT• 4.Pain and suffering can be a blessing.

Summary:• Because• 5.Suffering makes an important good possible.• 6.Suffering allows us to see unselfish love in our hearts and actions.• 7.Suffering can bring us closer to what is good and can draw us away from obstacles to achieving happiness.

Summary:• 8.Pain can prompt rehabilitation, a turning from evil to embrace stronger relationships with others and with God.( This implies that pain/suffering allows us seek God and Stay Close to HIM)9.Suffering allow us to accept the reality that we are. We are NOT God. We are fragile beings)

Summary:10. Suffering Gives Opportunity To Trust God. He will give us the comfort, peace, patience and strength we need.11. Suffering is permitted by God as a way of waking someone from a dream of self-sufficiency or illusory happiness. (To transform oneself successfully, To become a new person eg, sinners to saints )

B.2 Pope John Paul II’s Answer to the Problem of Pain problem-of-pain• B.2.5 Punishment• ***Often our sinful actions lead directly to painful repercussions— – the drinking binge leads to the hangover, – unreasonable anger to injured relationships, – laziness to lack of achievement. *** 12. Suffering can serve as punishment for wrongdoing, a just retribution for personal sins. • (Retribution=Punishment administered in return for a wrong committed.)

Summary:• 13. Suffering allows us to reflect on our own endurance for a reason to live.The author Victor Frankel in his book Man’s SearchNazi concentration camps. He notes that although allthe prisoners were in the same materialcircumstances—the most horrible imaginable—theydid not all react in the same way. Some prisonerskilled themselves by walking into electrified fences;others clung to life and even found joy despite the 5atrocities occurring around them daily.

Chapter 22: Self-knowledge Johari Window Model

About the Model• The Johari Window is a communication model that is used to improve understanding between individuals.• The word \"Johari\" is taken from the names of Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, who developed the model in 1955.

About the Model• A Johari window is a psychological tool created byJoseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955. It’s a simple anduseful tool for understanding and training:• self-awareness• personal development Myself• improving communications• interpersonal relationships• group dynamics Others• team development; and• inter group relationships

The Johari Window is shown as a four-quadrant grid, which you can see in the diagram below.

Example 1

Example 2• The Private Self• There are often parts of our selves that are too private to share with others. We hide these away and refuse to discuss them with other people or even expose them in any way.• Private elements may be embarrassing or shameful in some way. They may also be fearful or seek to avoid being discussed for reasons of vulnerability.• Between the public and private selves, there are partly private, partly public aspects of our selves that we are prepared to share only with trusted others.

Example 3• The Blind Self• We often assume that the public and private selves are all that we are. However, the views that others have of us may be different from those we have of ourselves. For example a person who considers themself as intelligent may be viewed as an arrogant and socially ignorant by others.• Our blind selves may remain blind because others will not discuss this part of us for a range of reasons. Perhaps they realize that we would be unable to accept what they see. Perhaps they have tried to discuss this and we have been so blind that we assume their views are invalid. They may also withhold this information as it gives them power over us.

Example 4• The Undiscovered Self• Finally, the fourth self is one which neither us or nor other people see. This undiscovered self may include both good and bad things that may remain forever undiscovered or may one day be discovered, entering the private, blind or maybe even public selves.• Between the Blind and Undiscovered selves are partly hidden selves that only some people see. Psychologists and those who are more empathic, for example, may well see more than the average person.

Four personas• The Open Persona= The Public Self• The Naive Persona= The Blind Self• The Secret Persona= The Hidden Self• The Mysterious Persona= The Unknown Self

The Benefits of Self-knowledge• 1. The ability to act consciously instead of reacting to people and events.• 2. The ability to (genially) /genuinely love yourself.• 3. The ability to genuinely understand and accept others.• 4. Greater depth of experience and enjoyment of life.• 5. The ability to redirect your negative thoughts and emphasize positive ones.• 6. Behaving positively instead of creating additional obstacles.

The Benefits of Self-knowledge• 7. Enjoying positive interpersonal relationships.• 8. Being the real you.• 9. Living courageously and overcome your fears.• 10. The ability to accept your weaknesses and improve them.• 11. The ability to achieve your goals through your strengths.• 12. The ability of leadership.• 13. The ability to be flexible.• 14. Being a good decision-maker.• 15. Being authentically successful and happy

Chapter 24Marriage and Family VS Marriage Equality

Marriage (Meaning)• ***Marriage is NOT only a private institution.• ****Marriage is not simply romantic love and sexual attraction.• *****The well-being of the family and its place in society is not simply a matter for the husband and wife but for society as a whole.• It is given special recognition by society because it is the place where children learn what it means to be members of their family and of society. Marriage is both a private and social institution

The Meaning Of Marriage Marriage is a unique relationship different from all others• *****1. Married love is a unique form of love between a man and woman which has a special benefit for the whole of society.• 2. Marriage is a total communion of life and of love with God of the married couple in their family life.

The Meaning Of Marriage .Marriage is a unique relationship different from all others• ******3. An essential characteristic of marriage is the biological fact that a man and a woman can join together as male and female in a union that is orientated to the generation of new life• 4. Children have a natural right to a mother and a father, and this is the best environment for them where possible. It is therefore deserving of special recognition and promotion by the State.

Marriage• In marriage, a woman and man promise love and fidelity (faithfulness) to each other, for the rest of their lives .• This committed, married love provides a stable and nurturing environment for children

Summary for Challenges to building and sustaining a strong marriage• ***Lord said that If you are the same sex marriage; two man, and two woman , you can’t get married.• ***Some people think that it is wrong for gay people to get married, that it is not natural and go against for the family is.

Challenges to building and sustaining a strong marriage• A major challenge arises from any proposal which seeks to redefine the meaning• and purpose of marriage on which the family is founded, changing the definition of marriage by

What is essential to a stable marriage?• Male-Female complementarity. • Sexual union in a faithful • Committed relationship as the basis for the generation of new life ( as it provides a stable and nurturing environment for children) • Lived in openness to life • Bears witness to how precious is the gift of a child • Bears witness to the unique roles of a mother and father

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