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Home Explore Health and Physical Education with Creative Art_Book 6_2079 Revised Edition

Health and Physical Education with Creative Art_Book 6_2079 Revised Edition

Published by Sameer Shakya, 2020-10-01 03:27:57

Description: Health and Physical Education with Creative Art_Book 6_2079 Revised Edition


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1. Extend the legs apart and touch the shoulders with the fingers of respective hands. 2. Raise the hands straight upward and the heels to stretch the body. 3. Bring the hands down to put on the shoulders and down the heels on the ground. 4. Come back to attention position. Repeat the actions and stop at count 16. P. T. No. 9: Physical Training for Chest The participants should stand at attention position and perform the following actions in counts: 1. & 2. Extend the left leg leftward and bend the trunk to touch the left toe with fingers. 3. & 4. Raise the trunk upward and bend gradually backward. Stretch the hands backward down and keep the chest stretched. 5. & 6. Raise the trunk upward and bend frontward to touch the right toe with fingers. 7. & 8. Raise the trunk upward and bend gradually backward. Stretch the hands backward down and keep the chest stretched. Repeat the actions and stop at count 16. P. T. No. 10: Physical Training for Rotating Body The participants should stand extending their legs about 20 cm apart and stretching 101

both hands rightward straight from the shoulder. They should perform the following actions in counts: 1., 2., 3., & 4. Lower the hands and body frontward and rotate the upper part of body from right to left, raise up the trunk with the hands leftward straight from the shoulder. 5., 6., 7. & 8. Lower the hands and body frontward and rotate the upper part of body from left to right, raise up the trunk with the hands rightward straight from the shoulder. Repeat the actions and stop at count 16. P. T. No. 11: Physical Training for Jumping with both Legs The participants should stand at attention position at first and perform the following actions in counts: 1, 2, 3 & 4. Keep both the hands straight down on either side of thigh and jump four times lightly. 5, 6, 7 & 8. Extend both the hands and legs and join them simultaneously. Repeat the actions and stop at count 16. P. T. No. 12: Physical Training for Cool down (A) The participants should stand straight with crossed hands in the front of the waist and perform the following actions in counts: 102

1. Bend the knees and gradually extend the hands sideways, raise the heel upward and stand straight on toes. 2. Bring the hands to initial position and stand straight. Repeat the actions and stop at count 16. P. T. No. 13: Physical Training for Cool down (B) The participants should stand at attention position and perform the following actions in counts: 1 & 2. Take long breath and raise both hands upward from the front. 3 & 4. Lower the hands from sideways with breathing out and come to initial position. Word Meaning Initial : existing or occurring at the beginning. Tilt : move or cause to move into a sloping position Trunk : body apart from the limbs and head 103

RECAP M Physical training is the exercise of all parts of body. M Physical training is necessary for physical fitness and healthy life. M Physical trainings and their benefits: P.T. No: 1 For stretching body P.T. No: 2 For exercise of hands and knees P.T. No: 3 For exercise of arms P.T. No: 4 For exercise of chest P.T. No: 5 For exercise of waist P.T. No: 6 For exercise of back P.T. No: 7 For exercise of chest and waist P.T. No: 8 For exercise of shoulder and neck P.T. No: 9 For exercise of chest P.T. No: 10 For exercise of rotating body P.T. No: 11 For exercise of jumping with both legs P.T. No: 12 For exercise of Cool down “A” P.T. No: 13 For exercise of Cool down “B” EXERCISE Answer the following questions. 1. What is physical training (PT)? 2. Why is physical training necessary? 3. Which part of our body is exercised by the following PT? Show them in a table. a. PT No. 1 b. PT No. 2 c. PT No. 3 d. PT No. 4 e. PT No. 5 f. PT No. 6 g. PT No. 7 h. PT No. 8 i. PT No. 9 j. PT No. 10 k. PT No. 11 104

Unit Yoga 4 Introduction Yoga is a set of breathing exercise and postures. The general meaning of Yoga is ‘to add’. Yoga adds the body and spirit. All the activities in Yoga are performed with enough concentration which help in the physical and mental development. It is better to have little warm up before the Yoga. The exercise for stretching the joints and moving hands and legs is called warm up exercise. Warm up exercise prepares the body for various physical activities. In this lesson, we will practice five Asanas of Yoga. 1. Padmasana 2. Vajrasana 3. Dhanushasana/Dhanurasana 4. Mandukasana 5. Shavasana 1. Padmasana Padmasana is also called Kamalasan or posture of lotus. It is appropriate for meditation and devotion. Procedure a. Sit on a mat crossing the legs and making the body straight. b. Place the right foot on the left thigh and left foot on the right thigh. c. Place the palms facing upward on the knees. Benefits a. Develops a habit of concentration. b. Makes the body energetic and kills the tiredness. c. Makes the skin soft and smooth. d. Activates the blood circulation. e. Makes the female reproductive organs healthy and strong. f. Maintains the digestive system. g. Helps to develop peaceful mind and positive attitude. h. Makes us free from loss of appetite, constipation, skin disease and heart disease. 105

2. Vajrashana Vajrashana is also an exercise like Padmasana. The word ‘Vajrashana’ is composed of two Sanskrit words ‘Vajra’ and ‘Asana’. ‘Vajra’ means thunderbolt and ‘Asana’ means posture. Procedure a. Fold the legs and place the toes on the ground. b. Sit on the joined heels. c. Place the knees together and straighten the backbone. d. Place the palms on knees. Benefits a. Benefits in healing rheumatism and digestion. b. Makes the sitting civilized and balanced. c. Helps to get relief from the problems related to reproductive organs of females. d. Develops the concentration power. e. Preserves the liquid substances in the body for its growth and development. f. Makes the internal part of stomach strong and solves the problems related to stomach. 3. Dhanurasana Dhanurasana is also called Dhanushasana. Its posture looks like a ‘Dhanusha’ or bow. Procedure a. Lie down on the mat facing downward. b. Raise the legs from backward and catch the legs with hands. c. Raise the head and chest gradually. Benefits a. Helps to get relief from back pain. b. Beneficial for the exercise of stomach, waist, backbone, thigh and arms. 4. Mandukasan It is also called a ‘Bhyaguto Asana’. Its posture looks like a frog. Procedure a. Fold the legs and place the toes on the ground. 106

b. Sit on the joined heels. c. Place both palms one over another on the navel. d. Bend the upper part of the body forward from the waist. e. Try to touch the thigh with chest. Benefits a. Useful for joint pains. b. Makes the body active. c. Helps to clear the defecation. But, it is not recommended to the patients of high blood pressure, back pain, neck pain or heart disease or they should do this Yogasana only after the consultation with a doctor. 5. Shavasana This is the simplest posture of Yoga. It is performed with the body lying on supine position as a dead body. Actually, it is performed to kill the physical and mental tiredness. Procedure a. Lie down on the back with face upward. b. Place both palms closer to hip and facing upward. c. Keep the legs at a distance. d. Shut the eyes and take rest on the same posture for some time. Benefits a. Makes the body active by killing physical and mental tiredness. b. Helps to maintain sound sleep. c. Helps to get well from heart and mental disease. Word Meaning Defecation : the discharge of faeces from the body Devotion : religious worship or observance Posture : the position of body when standing or sitting Supine : lying face upwards 107

RECAP M Yoga is a breathing exercise and posture that adds the body and spirit. M Yoga is important in the religious and health point of view. M Padmasana is appropriate for meditation and devotion. M Shavasana is performed with the body lying on supine position as a dead body. M Mandukasana helps the human body to clear the defecation and get relief from joint pain. M Vajrasana is beneficial for digestion and developing concentration power. M Dhanurasana is done by lying down on the mat facing downward and catching the legs with hands so that the posture looks like a bow. EXERCISE Answer the following questions. 1. Give a short introduction to Yoga. 2. Write the importance of Padmasana. 3. Mention the procedure of Shavasama. 4. How does Mandukasana help the human body? 5. What are the benefits of Vajrasana. 6. How is Dhanurasana done? Demonstrate the following postures of Yoga. a. Padmasana b. Vajrasana c. Dhanushasana/Dhanurasana d. Mandukasana e. Shavasana 108

Unit Games 5 Introduction Games are the events consisting of many different sporting activities. Some games are played for fun and some for making our body active and healthy. We should learn the skill of games and play in a disciplined manner by following the rules. To make the games better, there should be a good cooperation and coordination among the players. We should not be arrogant if we win the game. If we lose the game, we should accept the loss and have the commitment to improve the game next time. We can win the games, if we play it following the rules and have more practice. 1. Volleyball Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams comprising of six players in each play on a rectangular court. A net is fixed at a certain height supported by two poles placed on both sides of the court. Players hit a large ball over a high net using their hands in the game. The objective of the game is to send the ball over the net in order to ground it on the opponent’s court, and to prevent the same effort by the opponent. A team has three hits for returning the ball (in addition to the block contact). The teams in Volleyball game aim at scoring points to win a game. A game ends with 25 points. The team to score first 25 points wins the set. It is played in the best of 5 sets. The players should learn some basic skills in volleyball game such as Digging, Volleying, Servicing, Setting, Spiking and Blocking. Here, we will learn to practice some skills like Digging and Volleying. 109

Digging This is a skill of receiving ball when it comes under the waist. It is used to control the ball and pass it to the setter at the net. It is usually the first contact by the team and an effective shot to use in defense, such as when receiving a spike. a. Stand in step position facing towards the pathway of ball. b. Bend the knees and stretch both the hand in the front. c. Place one palm over the other and two thumbs together. d. Gradually stand erect and hit the ball with the wrists without bending the hands. Practice for Digging Practice: 1 A player stands at the centre and others in a circle. The player standing at the centre throws the ball to one player at a time. The players standing in the circle return the ball using digging. For keeping the body warm and active, the players may run one full circle and come back to their original place instead of waiting for their turn to hit the ball. Practice: 2 The players stand in a line. Then the line is divided into two equal halves. Both the halves are made to face each other. The first player of the first line throws the ball to the first player of the second line and goes to join the back end of the line. The 110

player who returns the ball by digging goes to stand at the back of the line. This ball is received by the second player of the first line. In this way, the ball is received turn by turn by the players of both the lines using digging. Volleying This is the skill of receiving ball when it comes over the waist. The ball is received and lifted up in the air above or at the forehead level by all the fingers of both hands. a. Keep the feet a little wider apart and stand in step position with slightly bent knees. b. Spread all the fingers a little above the forehead and receive the ball by the tips of spread fingers. c. Straighten the knees while pushing the ball up. Volleying may be practiced in the same way as digging is practiced. 2. Football Football is a game in which 2 teams of 11 players score points by kicking the ball through the opponents’ goal posts. The players should learn some basic skills to play a football game such as Kicking, Trapping, Dribbling, Heading, Goal Keeping, Tackling and Throw In. Here, we will learn to practice some skills like Kicking and Trapping. Kicking Kicking is the most important skill in football game. The football can be kicked in many ways. Kicking skill is used to pass the ball to the friends and to score a goal. Here, we will learn to practice Instep Kicking and Inside Kicking. 111

A. Instep Kicking In instep kicking, the ball is kicked with the upper front part of the boot or toe. a. One of the legs should be kept near the ball b. The leg that kicks the ball should be bent a little and the toes should hit the ball little below the centre. c. After kicking the ball, the player has to run a few steps in order to balance his/her body. B. Inside Kicking The inner part of the foot between the toe and the ankle is used while executing inside kicking. It is usually done to pass the ball at a short distance. a. One foot is placed near the ball and another is bent a little. b. The ball is hit by the flat area between the ankle and the toe. c. A little running is required to hit the ball in a force. Trapping Trapping is a skill of controlling the ball. It is a method of receiving the ball through various means and controlling it. There are various techniques of trapping the ball. Here, we will learn the technique of trapping the rolling ball. a. Turn the sole towards the coming ball and raise a little. b. Trap the ball between the ground and the sole of the foot. Practice It is better to practice both the skills of kicking and trapping at the same time. It may be practiced by making a circle and passing the ball to each other by the centre’s player. More circles and lines can be made and practiced if more balls are available. By doing practice in this way, all the players can observe the techniques of kicking and trapping from each other. 112

Five-a-side Football After learning the skills of kicking and trapping of football game, we can play a football game using such skills in a small group. It does not need a goalkeeper and a small ground is also enough. There should be two teams with 5 players in each. The area should be marked. Two goalposts of about 60 cm on the both ends of the field can be made using pole, bricks, or any other things. The players from the both teams try to score the goal. The team, that scores more goals within a certain period of time, wins the game. There are certain rules to be followed while playing such games. a. Holding opponents is not allowed. b. Dashing or pushing the opponent is not allowed. c. Touching the ball with hand is not allowed. 3. Basketball Basketball is a ball game played by two teams of five players. The players of both the team try to score more points by throwing a ball through a basket fixed at the opponent’s end of a rectangular court. The team that scores more points at the end of the game wins the game. There are various skills to be learnt by the basketball players such as Dribbling, Passing, Shooting and Pivoting. Here, we will learn to practice some skills like Chest pass and Dribbling. Chest Pass It is the most common, shortest and the fastest pass in basketball game. It is used when the player has a clear path to his/her team-mate. It can be used in motion and in any direction. 113

a. Hold the ball by all the fingers of both the hands in front of the chest. b. Grip the ball with fingers and the thumbs only. c. Bend the elbows when the ball is held close to the chest. d. While passing, thrust the hands forward in the direction to which the ball is directed. e. Throw the ball with a slight jerk of the wrist. Dribbling It is an act of moving forward avoiding and dodging opponents. a. Take the ball across by bouncing it on the surface. b. Use open hand and full extended fingers for dribbling. c. Dribble with any hand or alternate hands but not with both hands together. Before playing the basketball game, it is better to play some of its supporting games so that we can practice the skills of basketball game. Here, we will learn to play End ball and Dodge ball games. A. End ball This game can be played by two teams consisting of 7 to 9 players in each. The main objective of this game is to develop the skills of dribbling and passing. It is played in the following ways: a. Mark a goal area about 2 m inside of the endline of both the courts. b. Select 1/1 player from both teams to play in the court and the other players should remain in goal area of opponents court. c. Start the game with jump ball. The players will try to move ahead dribbling the ball and pass to the teammates. 114

d. If the players could pass the ball to teammates, the team scores 1 point. If the ball goes out of the court, the opponent team gets 1 point and chance to resume the game. e. It can be played by all the players tun by turn for 3/3 minutes. f. Whichever the team scores more wins the game. B. Dodge ball Dodge ball is a team game played in a court between two teams with equal number of players. A team may consist of any number of players from 6 to 9. The main objective of the team is to pass the ball to teammates or try to gain a point by hitting the opponent. Both the teams should remain inside their court. Some of the rules to play this game are as follows: a. This game begins with toss. And the winner should get the ball to start the game. b. At a signal of the start of the game, the team with the ball passes the ball to teammates or tries to gain a point by hitting an opponent. c. At the time of passing the ball or catching or hitting an opponent, the specified line in the front is not allowed to cross. d. The ball possession goes to the opponent’s team if the ball goes out of their playing area while passing or hitting the ball. Now, the team with the ball tries to pass to teammates or hit the opponents. e. If any team is able to hit an opponent then it scores a point. The person hit by the ball goes out of the court. f. The game is played for 10 minutes and whichever team scores more point that team wins the game. The players should practice various skills to make the game more effective. Here, we will practice the skills ‘Throw & Catch’. Throw & Catch In the Dodge ball game, the players of both the teams use ‘Throw & Catch’ skills to pass the ball to teammates or to hit their opponents. While doing practice these skills, short pass is practiced first and afterward long pass. Over- head throw with one hand is more effective and powerful and two hand catch is more effective and controlled. Practice It can be practiced making two groups of players. Both the groups 115

should stand in a line facing each other. At first, the first person of the first group throws the ball to the first person of second group and goes to back of the line. Similarly, the first person of second group throws the ball to the second person of first group and goes to back of the line. The process goes on continuously. 4. Kabaddi Kabaddi is a chasing game played between teams. It is played in a court by two teams having 7 players in each. In this game, one of the teams is called the Raider and the other is called the Anti-Raider. When the game begins, a player from the Raider side goes to the opponent’s court chanting ‘Kabaddi, Kabaddi’ from the centre line. He/she tries to touch the opponents. The Raider must continue to chant ‘Kabaddi, Kabaddi’ without taking breath even while returning to his/her court. If anyone is touched by the raider, the touched player will be out and he/she will have to leave the court and go to sit in the sitting block. In turn, the raider group scores a point. On the other hand, if any raider is caught by the anti-raider, or if the raider discontinues chanting ‘Kabaddi, Kabaddi’, he/she is declared out and a point is scored by the anti-raider group. The game is played in two halves of 15 minutes. There is an interval of 5 minutes in the middle of the play. After the interval, the raiders become the anti-raiders and anti-raiders become the raiders. The team which scores the highest number of points at the end of the game is declared the winner. To play a nice Kabaddi game. We have to practice various skills to play a nice Kabaddi game. Here, we will learn to practice the skills like Raiding and Trapping. Raiding The raider must call out ‘Kabaddi, Kabaddi’ even before crossing the centre line. To be a good raider, one should keep in mind the following things: a. The raider has to cross the Balk line or touch the opponents before returning to his/her court. 116

b. The raiders or anti-raiders should not step on the side area called Lobby. It is considered their fault. They can go there only at the time of struggle. c. The raider must be aware of the opponents. Otherwise, while trying to touch the opponents on one side, he/she can be caught from the other side. d. The raider has to call out ‘Kabaddi, Kabaddi’ while returning too. e. Only one raider has to go at a time. Trapping Trapping means to catch the raider by anti-raider. It is easier to catch the raider by making a chain of 2 or 3 anti-raiders when a raider makes an attempt to touch one of them. If the raider tries in one corner, the chain traps him/her from the other corner. On the other hand, the anti-raiders who are in the chain should also be careful enough to save themselves. This game also needs a lot of practice. It is better to make a court and practice regularly. 5. Kho-Kho Kho-Kho is a game of chasing played between two teams. It can be played in many ways. Here, we will learn to practice only the Kho-Kho played in a circle. In this game, the two teams consisting 9 players each play as ‘Chasers’ and ‘Runners’. Eight players of the chaser team sit on the circle facing inside and outside alternately. One of them stands on a side of the circle. The players of runner team also wait outside of the circle in the groups of 3 each. The game starts after the first group of three runners enters the circle. As the signal is given, the active chaser tries to touch the runners. But, as the active chaser is not allowed to cross the circle, he/she has to touch one of the sitting chasers facing opposite direction and shout ‘Kho’. Now, this person becomes the active chaser and former active chaser takes the place of new active chaser. It means, only those chasers who are facing inside are allowed to chase inside whereas those chaser who are facing outside are allowed to chase outside only. But, the runners are free to go in and 117

come out. If the chaser is successful in touching the runner, the runner is out and the chaser scores one point. The runners are free to go anywhere within the outer circle. If they step outside the outer circle, they will be out and the chasers get one point. The runners, who are out in the game, go to sit at the back of their team. Once all the three players are out in the game, another set of three runners enters the circle immediately and continue the game. The game is played in two halves of 5-5 minutes with 2 minutes interval between the first half and second half. After the completion of first half, the runners and the chasers replace their positions each other and continue the game for the second half. Finally, the team who scores more points wins the game. We have to practice the skills of transferring Kho and chasing to play the game effectively. Transferring Kho The active chaser is the one who transfers ‘Kho’ to another chaser. When the active chaser wants to transfer the Kho to another chaser, he/she has to touch the person at the back and say the word ‘Kho’ simultaneously. Sometimes, the active chaser can confuse the runners by pretending like giving ‘Kho’ but not giving and not giving ‘Kho’ but giving it quickly to another chaser. It is usually done to confuse the runner so that they can be touched and a point is scored. It also needs enough practice. Chasing The act of giving ‘Kho’ and chasing are related to each other. If the active chaser touches or passes the ‘Kho’ to any of the passive chasers, he/she has to quickly start chasing the runner being an active chaser. The new active chaser has to touch one runner at a time. But he/she should not miss the chance if any runner comes nearby. While practicing the ‘Chasing’ skill, the active chaser should remember the following things: 118

a. The chaser is not allowed to cross the circle. b. As it is a team game, the active chaser should decide the right person to whom ‘Kho’ should be given so that the runner can be touched. c. The active chaser has to pass ‘Kho’ as quickly as possible to another chaser close by if the active chaser cannot touch the runner. d. A chaser is not allowed to stand before getting ‘Kho’ by the active runner. Word Meaning Arrogant : showing an offensive attitude of superiority Dashing : striking forcefully against something Fault : mistakes Pretend : not really what it is represented as being RECAP M Games are the sporting and other activities in which players compete against each other by following a fixed set of rules. M There are 6 players in a volleyball team. M The basic skills of volleyball game are: Digging, Volleying, Servicing, Setting, Spiking and Blocking. M In volleyball game, digging is a skill of receiving ball when it comes under the waist where as volleying is skill of receiving ball when it comes over the waist. M There are 11 players in a football team. The duration of football game is 90 minutes. M The basic skills of football game are: Kicking, Trapping, Dribbling, Heading, Goal Keeping, Tackling and Throw In. M In football game, instep kicking is the kicking with the upper front part of the boot or toe whereas inside kicking is the kicking with the inner part of the foot between toe and ankle. M Trapping is a skill of controlling the ball in football game. M There are 5 players in a basketball team. M The basic skills of basketball game are: Dribbling, Passing, Shooting and Pivoting. 119

M In basketball game, chest pass is the shortest and fastest pass whereas dribbling is an act of moving forward avoiding and dodging opponents. M There are 7 players in a Kabaddi Team. M Dodge ball is a team game played in court between two teams with equal number of players. A team may consist of any number of players from 6 to 9. M The basic skills of Kho Kho game are: Chasing, Running and Transferring Kho. EXERCISE Answer the following questions. 1. What do you mean by games? 2. How many players are there in a volley ball team? 3. Write the basic skills of volley ball game. 4. Differentiate between the digging and volleying in volleyball game. 5. How many players are there in a football team? What is the duration of this game? 6. Write the basic skills of football game. 7. Differentiate between Instep Kicking and Inside Kicking. 8. What is meant by trapping in football game? 9. How many players are there in a basketball team? 10. Write the basic skills of basketball game. 11. Write a difference between chest pass and dribbling in basketball game. 12. How many players are there in a Kabaddi team? 13. What is dodge ball game? How many players are there in a team of dodge ball? 14. Write the skills of Kho Kho game. 120

Unit Athletics 6 Introduction The activities such as sports and exercises that require physical skill and strength are called athletics. In the other word, the activities of walking, running, jumping and throwing are called athletics. Somebody with athletic ability is called an athlete. Here, we will learn to practice Short Distance Running, Long Jump and Ball Throw. 1. Short Distance Running In running sport, the runner tries to cover a fixed distance fastest of all. The running less than 400m distance is called Short Distance Running. Short Distance Running requires some skills to be practiced such as techniques to begin the running, techniques of running and techniques of ending the running. Here, we will learn to practice these techniques. There are various techniques of starting the running. Crouch start is mostly practiced in the running competitions. Crouch means to stay down close to the ground with legs bent, waiting to spring or run forward. The crouch start involves three steps. They are: 1. On Your Mark, 2. Get Set and 3. Go or gun shot from a starting gun. A whistle can also be used in place of starting gun. If enough practice is done applying these three commands, one can run the short distance running effectively. A player has to start it from ‘Set’ position without standing immediately after lifting the hand from the ground, by pushing the ground with front leg and shifting the rear leg front. 121

The following things should be remembered while running: a. should swing arms forcefully. b. Should run fast but with short steps and knees lifting. c. Should look forward without lifting chin up. d. Should run some more steps even if the running is finished. Should not stop it suddenly. Practice of Short Distance Running a. Make groups of 3 or 4 persons and stand in lines. b. Make a commander from your friends. c. When the commander commands for ‘On Your Mark’, ‘Get Set’ and ‘Go’, practice running according to the command. d. When the first set of runners returns, and goes to the back of the line, and the second set of runner starts running. e. The commander goes on commanding and all the participants run turn by turn. 2. Long Jump Long jump is a track and field event in which the contestants jump as far as possible. After running a certain distance, the contestant jumps from a fixed place or a board and land into a sand pit. The distance covered by a contestant is measured and the ability of the person is decided. There are four steps in long jump. They are: Approach, Take off, Flight and Landing. The players are not allowed to cross the line while taking off. Practice for Long jump a. Keep two ropes at a distance of 1.5 or 2m. b. Make marking at the place of ‘Take off’ using white powder. c. Make a pit and fill it with sand for landing. d. Try to cover that distance by running and jumping from the take off point. e. If you could cover the distance, you may increase the distance by shifting the ropes. 122

f. After the completion of the practice, measure the distance covered by you and compare with others. g. In the beginning, it is better to practice in a slight slope surface from higher to lower. 3. Ball Throw Any ball can be used for Ball throw. The contestants try to cover more and more distance by throwing a ball in this game. Practice of Ball throw a. Make a circle of about 2m diameter. b. Make some arcs or lines where the ball is to be thrown so that one can easily know the distance covered. c. Try to cover a distance by throwing a ball as long as possible and aim to improve in every attempt. Simple Relay Relay is a team game played by passing of something to somebody. There should be the equal number of players in all the teams. Relay game can be played in different ways. Here, we will learn to practice some ways of playing relay game. 1. One-Leg Hup Relay The participants are divided into different groups having same number of participants. Each group is made to stand in queue behind the starting line. A turning point is made with some objects about 15 to 20 meters in front of the starting line. A baton is provided to each participant standing at the first. At the signal of starting the race, the first participant of each group goes forward jumping with one leg. He/she goes around the turning point, returns to the starting point, and passes the baton to the next player and then goes to stand at the back of his/her line. All the participants continue the same pattern. The team finishing first wins the race. 2. Backward Running Relay The participants file up behind the starting line in different groups. In this race, the participants have to run backward up to the turning point and then forward up to 123

the starting point. A baton is provided to each participant standing at the first. At the signal of starting the race, the first participant of each group goes forward by backward running. He/she goes around the turning point, returns to the starting point, and passes the baton to the next player and then goes to stand at the back of his/her line. All the participants continue the same pattern. The team finishing first wins the race. 3. Dribble Relay Dribble relay is also played in the same pattern as other relays but here, the race is made by dribbling a ball. Dribble relay can be played in different ways like, straight dribble relay, zigzag dribble relay or dribbling relay with alternate hands. The participants are divided into different groups of equal number. They are made to stand in a file behind the starting line. The first participant is provided with a ball. At the signal of starting of race, the ball holder goes round the turning point by dribbling the ball and returns back to hand over the ball to the second player of his/her file. Then, he/ she goes to stand at the back of his/her line. Other participants also continue their race in the same pattern. At last, the team finishing the race first wins the race. Exercise for Athletics The activities such as sports and exercises that require physical skill and strength are known as athletics. Different events of athletics need different exercises. The exercise helps to develop ability of sportsperson. Some of the exercises for athletics are discussed below: 1. Close Open and Jump This exercise is done in pair. One member of the pair should lie down on the back with knees stretched and has to open and close the stretched legs. The other one should jump and step in between the opened legs and step aside on either side of the closed legs of his/her lying partner. After 15 to 20 times, they can exchange their position and do this exercise turn by turn. 124

Practice: 1 a. Get ready for exercise making pairs of friends. b. Conduct a contest of Close Open and Jump exercise for 20 times by both the members of a pair. c. Declare a winner pair of the exercise which finishes the contest at first. Practice: 2 a. Get ready for exercise making pairs of friends. b. The pair which does the exercise more times within a fixed time of 20 seconds by both the members of a pair wins the contest. 2. Dodge Running It is a sudden quick movement to one side to avoid being caught or hit by somebody or something. Dodge running is a game played in pair. It develops agility in our body. In this running, one becomes runner and another becomes chaser. The runner dodges his/her body into left and right while running to avoid being touched by chaser. It can also be practiced in pair by doing face to face each other like in mirror running but in this running, one has to run forward and another backward. Both of them can practice turn by turn by changing their position. Starting of Running from Various Positions Practice for various stages of running makes our running more effective. For an effective starting of running, we should practice to start our running from various positions. The starting of running from various positions makes our body fit and energetic. For this, the participants may start their running from different positions such as lying down on the back, lying down on the front, sitting down, or standing up behind the starting line. In this way, the participants can practice and know their ability for running from different positions. Squat Thrust Squat Thrust is beneficial for developing agility and swiftness in our body. Especially it helps in the development of stamina and agility in the parts below of our waist. It 125

becomes more entertaining if it is done by counting numbers. It completes in every four counts. It is started from standing at attention position at first and doing the following activities according to the counts. Count 1: Bend your knees and place your hands in the front of your feet on the floor. Count 2: Balance the body weight on your hands and jump to the back to straighten your body from feet to shoulders. Count 3: Bend your knees and come back to the squatting position. Count 4: Come back to the attention position again. 1 2 3 4 Word Meaning Baton : a short stick or tube passed from runner to runner in a relay race Contestant : a person who takes part in a contest or competition Spring : move or jump suddenly or rapidly upwards or forwards Squat thrust : an exercise in which the legs are thrust backwards to their full extent from a squatting position with the hands on the floor 126

RECAP M The activities such as sports and exercises that require physical skill and strength are called athletics. M Somebody with athletic ability is called athlete. M The running less than 400m distance is called short distance running. M The steps of crouch start are: On Your Mark, Get Set and Go. M Long jump is a track and field event in which the contestants jump as far as possible. The steps of long jump are: Approach, Take off, Flight and Landing. M Relay is a team game played by passing of something to somebody. M The four games of athletics are: Walking, Running, Jumping and Throwing. M In athletics, walking and running events are performed in track where as jumping and throwing events are performed in field. Thus, athletics is called as “Track and Field” events. EXERCISE Answer the following questions. 1. What do you mean by athletics? 2. Who is called an athlete? 3. What is short distance running? 4. Write the steps of crouch start. 5. Write down the steps of performing long jump. 6. What is relay? 7. Why athletics is called as ‘Track and Field’ event? Write. 8. Write down the four games of athletics. 127

A Set of Model Question Health and Physical Education Grade: VI Full Marks : 30 Time: 55 minutes Attempt all the questions: (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) Group - “A” (Health Education) 1. What is a cell? Mention any one function of it. 2. What is hygiene? Mention any one way to care for your face. 3. Mention the types of vitamins. 4. Write the difference between communicable and non-communicable disease. 5. What is Rabies? How can you prevent yourself from this disease? 6. What kinds of emotional changes can be observed during the adolescence period? 7. What are the consequences of drug abuse? 8. What is latrine? Mention any one way of proper use of latrine. 9. Mention the safety measures that can be applied on the road. 10. Write briefly about community health. Group - “B” (Physical Education) 11. How can we do the exercise for our arms? (1) OR Which game requires the exercise of waist? 12. What is the objective of drill? (1) OR When is drill demonstrated? 13. Which part of body is exercised by PT No. 4? (1) OR Which part of body is exercised by PT No. 5? 14. Write the importance of Padmasana. (1) OR How does Mandukasana help the human body? 15. Write the basic skills of football game. (2) 16. Write the basic skills of basketball game. (2) 17. Write down the steps of performing long jump. (2) OR Write down the four games of athletics. 128

10.6 Introduction to Colours and their Uses You can see different objects around you. For example: plants, animals, flowers, rainbow colours and pictures of different colours in books. We can see these colours only in the presence of light. It means that colour is visible in light only. Hence, colour is the vision that can be seen through light. Our eyes see the colors that are reflected from the objects. Colors can be broken down into three basic types such as primary, secondary and tertiary colors. There are three primary colours like red, blue, and yellow. Similarly, there are three secondary colours such as green, orange, and violet. They can be created by mixing two primary colours together. A. Primary Colours Red, yellow and blue are the primary colors. They are the most basic colors. These colours can be mixed to create all other colours. Activity: 10.6 Draw the picture of an apple, banana and pencil then colour the apple with red colour, banana with yellow colour and pencil with blue colour. B. Secondary Colours You can create a secondary color by mixing two primary colors together. Orange, green and purple are the secondary colors. For instance, when you mix equal parts of red and yellow together, you get orange colour. Similarly, blending yellow and blue produces purple colour. Activity: 10.7 Prepare secondary colours like orange, green and purple by mixing primary colours. Then demonstrate them in the class. C. Tertiary Colours When the primary colour is mixed with secondary colour, an tertiary colour is obtained. There are six tertiary colours: Approved by CDC Nepal Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 129

Yellow + Orange = Yellow orange Yellow + Green = Yellow green Blue + Green = Blue green Blue + Purple = Blue purple Red + Purple = Red purple Red + Orange = Red orange D. Colour Mixing People express their feelings and emotions through drawings and colours. It is easy to show our experiences, feelings, past moments and memories in our life by means of drawings, painting or colouring. By adding colours to our drawings we can express our feelings. We can use the primary colours (red, blue, and yellow) to get all of the remaining colours. We get a so-called secondary color by combining two primary colors with each other. E. Colour Mixing Methods i. Orange Colour Making Method Articles needed: Drawing paper, colour palette, posture colour, acrylic paints, painting brushes, water in a bowl Procedure: Step - 1 : Pour a little amount of red colour in a colour palette. Step - 2 : Add same amount of yellow colour in that palette. Step - 3 : Pour about 2/3 tablespoon of water in the palette and use a brush to mix these colours together. Step - 4 : Now, it turns into orange colour. Note: [When you paint a piece of paper or fabric, you can get orange colour] 130 Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 Approved by CDC Nepal

+= Red Yellow Orange ii. Green Colour Making Method Articles needed: Drawing paper, colour palette, posture colour, acrylic paints, painting brushes, water in a bowl Procedure: Step - 1 : Pour a little amount of yellow colour in a colour palette. Step - 2 : Add same amount of blue colour in that palette. Step - 3 : Pour about 2/3 tablespoon of water in the palette and use a brush to mix these colours together. Step - 4 : Now, it turns into green colour. Note: [When you paint a piece of paper or fabric, you can get green colour] += Yellow Blue Green iii. Purple Colour Making Procedure Articles needed: Drawing paper, colour palette, posture colour, acrylic paints, painting brushes, water in a bowl Procedure: Step - 1 : Pour a little amount of blue colour in a colour palette. Step - 2 : Add same amount of red colour in that palette. Approved by CDC Nepal Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 131

Step - 3 : Pour about 2/3 tablespoon of water in the palette and use a brush to mix these colours together. Step - 4 : Now, purple colour is formed. Note: [When you paint a piece of paper or fabric, you can get purple colour] += Blue Red Purple iv. Light Orange Colour Making Procedure Articles needed: Drawing paper, colour palette, posture colour, acrylic paints, painting brushes, water in a bowl Procedure: Step - 1 : Pour a little amount of orange colour in a colour palette. Step - 2 : Add lesser amount of yellow colour over the orange colour. Step - 3 : Pour about 2/3 tablespoon of water in the palette and use a brush to mix these colours together. Step - 4 : Now, you can have light orange colour. Note: [When you paint a piece of paper or fabric, you can get light orange colour] += Orange Yellow Light Orange 132 Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 Approved by CDC Nepal

v. Dark Purple Colour Making Procedure Articles needed: Drawing paper, colour palette, posture colour, acrylic paints, painting brushes, water in a bowl Procedure: Step - 1 : Pour a little amount of purple colour in a colour palette. Step - 2 : Add blue colour in lesser amount over the purple colour. Step - 3 : Pour about 2/3 tablespoon of water in the palette and use a brush to mix these colours together. Step - 4 : Now, you can obtain dark purple colour. Note: [When you paint a piece of paper or fabric, you can get dark purple colour] += Purple Blue Dark Purple Word Meaning Blending : combining or mixing Imply : indicate Inanimate : lifeless Masculine : relating to male Opaque : not allowing light to pass through. Sketch : a simply executed drawing Approved by CDC Nepal Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 133

RECAP v Some people express their feelings through words and some express their imagination through beautiful pictures. v Art is the expression of inherent imagination and creative skill, so people can express their imagination through paintings, music, dancing, colouring and sculpturing. v The creative art like drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, film making and printmaking are considered as the area of visual arts. v Dimension is the measure of the size or distance of an object in one direction and its purpose is to provide a clear description of an object. v A flat area of enclosed space surrounded by edges is called shape. v Two dimensional shape has width and height whereas three dimensional shape has depth as well as width and height. v Form means the artwork that has height, width and depth which represents a three-dimensional object with volume of height, width and depth. v Form and shape together imply space. Form and shape cannot exist without space. Space can be positive or negative. Positive space is an area occupied by an object or form. v Our drawing objects can be made three dimensional by using light and shading. v Lines drawn in the same direction parallel with each other in shading area is called hatching. v In cross hatching, we can allow the lines to cross over each other. v Block shading is a technique of shading shapes without blending the colours. v Flat shading is also a shading technique in computer graphics in which only one colour tone is used for the entire object. v A drawing of inanimate or still objects is called still life. You can arrange a single source of light to make the drawing meaningful and eye catching in still life. v Colour is the vision that can be seen through light. it can be broken down into three basic types such as primary, secondary and tertiary color. v There are three primary colours like red, blue, and yell as well as three secondary colours such as green, orange, and violet. v We can use primary colours (red, blue, and yellow) to get all of the remaining colours. 134 Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 Approved by CDC Nepal

EXERCISE A. Write True or False to the following statements: 1. We can exchange our feelings through artworks. 2. Drawing, painting, sculpture and printmaking are scope of visual arts. 3. Form and space together create shape. 4. Cross hatching helps to make our drawing objects three dimensional. 5. We can make purple colour by mixing blue and yellow colour in equal quantity. B. Answer the following questions: 1. What is an art? 2. What is colour? 3. Write briefly about shapes? 4. Give an introduction to dimension. 5. Express your view on interrelation between form and space. 6. Justify the essence of shading in 3D drawing? 7. Explain the procedure of making green colour. 8. Write in brief about the importance of light and shadow in still life. 9. Write the differences between hatching and cross hatching. 10. How can you draw a masculine human figure? Elaborate its steps. PROJECT WORK Draw a colour wheel in a chart paper under the supervision of your Health and Physical Education teacher showing primary, secondary and tertiary colours and cling on the display board in the class room. Approved by CDC Nepal Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 135

11Unit Printmaking, Clay Works, Collage and Construction Learning Achievement Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to: Give introduction to handicrafts. Tell about printmaking and identify the articles used in printmaking process. Do printing on fabric or paper through relief printing and stencil printing techniques. Give introduction to clay works and tell the characteristics of good clay. Make different types of clay items. Prepare designs from different objects like fruits, clay, etc. through carving method. Make collage with the help of heavy and light objects. Handicraft is a type of craft where people make things by their skillful hands. Something you make with your own hands especially an ornament or decoration is a handicraft. Handicraft is very important because it represents our culture and tradition. It promotes the heritage of a country through indigenous knowledge and talents. Items made by artisans like pottery; hand woven blankets, handmade jewellary, etc are some examples of handicrafts. 11.1 Printmaking A. Introduction to Printmaking You might have seen the seal or stamp of school on the letter of your school. Similarly, you have seen invitation cards of wedding ceremony and other programmes. You can see printed images and letters over those cards and papers. Nowadays, it is a popular technology to print 136 Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 Approved by CDC Nepal

paper notes, books, cards, magazines, etc. Traditionally, printmaking is the process of printing images on a surface of the paper or fabric by rubbing or pressing with a simple tool such as brayer or roller. Simply speaking, printmaking is the process of creating artworks by printing on paper. It transfers images from a block onto paper or fabric. The design is created on the matrix. A matrix can be made from plate, coins, woodblock, potato, pumpkin, carrot, silkscreen or metal plate. The matrix is then inked in order to transfer it onto the desired surface. Printmaking is a popular technology to print paper notes, books, magazines, etc. B. Relief Printing In relief printing, back of the paper can be rubbed or pressed by hand with a simple tool such as a brayer or roller. An image is made from the raised area of the print surface leaving an impression on the print material. Woodcut, metalcut, wood engraving, rubber stamp or potato printing are some examples of relief printing. Approved by CDC Nepal Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 137

Activity: 11.1 Take a potato and cut up it smoothly. Scrap away the unnecessary part to make a design on it. Then deep it in paint or colour and press onto the surface like paper, poster or a t-shirt. C. Stencil Printing Stencil is a thin sheet of paper, plastic, wood or metal with a design cut from it. Stencil Printing is a method of transferring a pattern by putting ink or paint through the open area of a stencil cut. It is an easy way for you to print images repeatedly on a surface like a paper, poster or a t-shirt. In stencil printing, the design parts not intended to take colour are covered while the dye is passed over the surface. Activity 11.2 Create an artful printing by using homemade articles like scissors, watercolor paper, foam roller, cardstock, poster paints, brayers, plastic plates or paint trays. Step 1 : Cut desired shapes out of pieces of construction paper. It can be used as stencil. Step 2 : Arrange or overlap the stencil shapes on a larger piece of paper. Step 3 : Prepare each of the paints in a separate paint tray. Start with one or two spoonfuls of paint along the top of the tray. Spread out some newspaper underneath the paint trays. Step 4 : Roll the foam roller back and forth in one tray to coat it evenly with paint. Then, roll the roller slowly over the stencils. Cover the whole surface of the paper. Step 5 : Peel away the stencils to reveal the print that you have created. Step 6 : Make sure you use a separate foam roller for each color to avoid unintentional mixing. Step 7 : Design a pattern by repeating the same stencils across the paper. 138 Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 Approved by CDC Nepal

11.2 Clay Works A. Introduction to Clay Works We can see the different clay items used in our home. We use clay to make different items like pots, cups, plates, jars, flower vases, etc. Similarly, we can make toys and other different models from the clay. There should be provision of base to keep mud. Ply board or polythene sheet is suitable for this purpose. We can knead clay properly on a kneading table. After that we can wedge the clay ball with hands to make clay items. The clay items need to be dried up. We should dry them in shadow but not directly in the Sun. We should cover the products with straw in shaded area for few days to maintain moisture. The correct process of drying helps for perfect drying of these items. B. Characteristics of Fine Clay Properly kneaded malleable fine clay is necessary to make the clay items. If the clay is not suitable, the clay pots might crack or get broken while drying. We can mix up paper fibers, paddy husk and finely crushed straw with clay so that these items will not crack. This kind of clay is also becomes moist and sticky. The clay that does not contain silt, sand and gravel is suitable for clay work. Approved by CDC Nepal Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 139

Activity: 11.3 Prepare a model object such as a flower vase from fine clay under the guidance of your teacher and demonstrate in your class. C. Construction of Different Model Items from Clay In the beginning, we need practice of making geometrical shapes from the clay to make different clay items. Circular, conical, pyramid, cubical, oval, and cylindrical shapes are known as geometrical shapes. Skill of making geometrical shape help us to make toy fruits like orange, apple, strawberry, banana, carrots, etc. For this work, we need to knead clay properly. Then, we can bring the clay into desired shape by giving pressure by hands on the surface of the clay lump or block. Construction of different Model Items from Clay i. Circular Shape This shape is used to make the clay items like orange, apple, pomegranate, guava, peach, etc. ii. Oval Shape This shape is used to make the clay items like egg, pineapple, etc. iii. Cylindrical Shape This shape is used to construct the radish, carrot, ice-cream cone, etc. iv. Pyramid Shape This shape is used to construct the roof of the temple. v. Cubical Shape This shape is used to construct box, cake, book, etc. vi. Conical Shape This shape is used to make the clay items like carrot, ice cream, glass, temple, church, etc. Circular Shape Approved by CDC Nepal 140 Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6

Oval Shape Cylindrical Shape Pyramid Shape Cubical Shape Conical Shape Activity: 11.5 Prepare an item of geometric shape from clay and show it in the class. Construction of Fruits, Vegetables, Animals and Household Items from Clay Work After getting experience of making different geometrical shapes from the clay ball, we are able to make other clay items easily. With the help of the basic knowledge and skill of making geometric shapes, we can make the shapes of different kinds of fruits, vegetables and animals from the clay work. A. Making Fruits and Vegetable Items Different items of fruits and vegetables of some of the basic geometrical shapes making guidelines are mentioned below: Approved by CDC Nepal Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 141

i. Round shape It is easy to construct circular shape from the clay. For the construction of this shape, the properly kneaded clay has to be put on the palms. Then, the clay ball needs to be rolled into a marble like shape. This shape is used to make the clay items like orange, apple, pomegranate, pumpkin, peach, etc. ii. Oval Shape For the construction of this shape the properly kneaded clay ball needs to be rolled into a round shape. Then, oval shape can be obtained by giving little pressure on the surface of the clay ball. This shape is used to make the clay items like egg, gourd, pineapple, potato, etc. iii. Conical Shape For the construction of this shape, the properly kneaded clay ball needs to be rolled into a cylindrical shape. Then, cone shape can be obtained by rolling one end of the cylindrical shape. As a result, one end of this item takes pointed shape and the other side of the same item takes cylindrical shape (conical shape). This shape is used to make the clay items like carrot, strawberry, chili, etc. Round shape Oval Shape Conical Shape 142 Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 Approved by CDC Nepal

B. Making Animal Items We can make different kinds of animal with the knowledge and skill of basic geometrical shapes making. Both types of shapes like solid and hollow shape of the animals can be made from the clay. These animal shapes can also be used for baby doll, souvenir and educational materials. Process of Making Shapes of Animal i. Firstly, knead the mud properly. ii. Make the shape of different parts of the body of the animal from the kneaded clay (During this process, the tail and head should be made after the construction of the limbs). iii. Join the different parts of the body with the clay carefully (This process need to be completed before the clay gets dry). iv. After completing the work of giving shape to the animal, keep the items in the shadow (It will be a good decision if the items are covered with plastic). v. Then put firing on the items with the straw flame. Making fish shape from clay Approved by CDC Nepal Making bird shape from clay Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 143

Activity 11.4 Making a Flower Vase from Coiled Method M Once the clay is properly kneaded, take a lump and roll it into a long coil. M Fold the one end of the coil and then circle the coil round and round until the bottom is formed. M As the bottom is formed, build up wall by laying the coil on top of the base and wrap it around. M Place the coil one above the other. M Dry it in the shadow. M If needed, add any kind of decoration or painting. 11.3 Collage Collage is an artwork of cutting and pasting of photographs, decorative paper, magazine cutouts, twigs, leaves and fabric pieces in orderly manner onto a paper, cardboard or canvas. It involves a rearrangement of newspaper clippings, gift wraps, old book pages, stamps, postcards, etc. Similarly, various other small items also can be glued to make collage. Collage can be made by using the materials available at home and our surrounding. There is no wrong or right way to make a collage. Collage helps children to develop their reasoning, creative and problem solving skills. To create a paper collage you will need the following articles: 144 Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 Approved by CDC Nepal

1. A board or canvas 2. Paint and coloring pencils 3. Pencils, markers and pens 4. Glue 5. Paintbrush 6. Magazine paper 7. Ruler 8. Scissors Activity: 11.5 Gather small twigs, leaves, flowers, colored paper, sandpaper, coins, gift wrap, wallpaper, greeting cards, tissue paper, aluminum foil, magazines, and newspaper, glue, paints, colours, etc. Collage them on a cardboard, canvas or surface of paper orderly and demonstrate in your class. Word Meaning Artisan : a person skilled in an applied art; a craftsperson Engraving : any method of cutting into metal or wood to make a surface to receive ink for printmaking Impression : the process of printmaking from plates, matrix, etc. Knead : to squeeze, press or roll with hands Matrix : a metal plate used for printmaking Scraping : to remove an outer layer from a surface by forceful strokes of edged objects Approved by CDC Nepal Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 145

RECAP v Handicraft is a type of craft where people make things by their skillful hands. v Handicraft business promotes the heritage of a country through indigenous knowledge and talents. v In relief printing, back of the paper can be rubbed or pressed by hand with a simple tool such as a brayer. v In relief printing, an image is made from the raised area of the print surface leaving an impression on the print material. v Stencil Printing is a method of transferring a pattern by putting ink or paint through the open area of a stencil cut. v In stencil printing, the design part not intended to take colour are covered while the dye is passed over the surface. v We use clay to make different items like pots, cups, plates, jars, flower vases, etc. v We should cover the products with straw in shaded area for few days to maintain moisture. v We can mix up paper fibres, paddy husk and finely crushed straw with clay so that these items will not crack. v The clay that does not contain silt, sand and gravel is suitable for clay work. v We can bring the clay into desired shape by giving pressure by hands on the surface of the clay lump or block. v Collage is an artwork of cutting and pasting of photographs, decorative paper, magazine cutouts, twigs, leaves and fabric pieces in orderly manner onto a paper, cardboard or canvas. v Collage can be made by using the materials available at home and our surrounding. v There is no wrong or right way to make a collage. v Collage helps children to develop their reasoning, creative and problem solving skills. 146 Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 Approved by CDC Nepal

EXERCISE A. Fill in the blanks with correct words. 1. Handicrafts..............................the cultural heritage of a country through ..............................knowledge and talents. 2. ...........................transfers images from...........................onto paper or fabric. 3. Collage is an..............................of cutting and pasting of.............. ................. 4. Skill of us to make toy fruits like.......................... 5. In..............................the..............................not intended to take colour is covered up. B. Answer the following questions: 1. What is handicraft? 2. What is collage? 3. Explain briefly about printmaking. 4. What is relief printing? 5. Compare relief printing with stencil printing. 6. Describe the procedure of stencil printing. 7. Describe the clay item making by coiled method. 8. Mention the qualities of fine clay. 9. How do you make collage? Mention its process. 10. Mention the articles necessary in making collage. PROJECT WORK Divide your class into five groups and make different varieties of toy fruits with clay under the supervision of your Health and Physical Education teacher. Dry and colour those clay items with appropriate colours and demonstrate them in the class Approved by CDC Nepal Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 147

12Unit Singing and Playing Musical Instruments Learning Achievement Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to: Give introduction to music, melody and rhythm. Sing class song in tune. Sing any two local songs in appropriate tune and rhythm, and practice it. Sing any one folk song prevailing in Nepal. Play harmonium/keyboard or any one melodic musical instrument and sing a song one has learnt. Practice Jhyaure and Khyali rhythm. Practice to play any one local rhythm musical instrument prevailing in Nepal. Introduce the rhythm used in the song one has sung and practice it. 12.1 Music Approved by CDC Nepal Introduction to Music Music is an art of sound organized by using rhythm, melody or harmony. It has been defined by the concise Oxford Dictionary as \"the art of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion\". Generally, it includes singing, dancing and playing musical instruments. Music has a great importance for entertainment and expressing creativity. Everyone loves music. Music is the form of art which can be learnt by practice. It can even be learnt by seeing, observing, hearing and imitating. 148 Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6

Note and Octave in Music In music, there are a total of 7 natural notes per octave: Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni. From these seven notes, all the songs and tunes are composed. The tones higher or lower than the natural notes are called semitones. One half step higher than the natural note is called a sharp note. The note that is one half step lower than the natural note is called flat note. Among the seven notes, there are five semitones of natural notes: Re, Ga, Ma, Dha and Ni. The semitones of Re, Ga, Dha and Ni are flat notes and the semitone of Ma is sharp note. In this way, there are altogether 12 notes including natural, sharp and flat notes. A total of 12 notes of same pitch class kept serially is called octave. Pitch is the high and low sound in musical note. In a harmonium, there are 3 octaves: low octave, middle octave and high octave. The octave with low pitch is low octave, moderate pitch is middle octave and high pitch is high octave. In western music, the natural notes are written as C, D, E, F, G, A, B. Similarly, the semitones are written as C#/Db, D#/Eb, F#/Gb, G#/Ab, A#/ Bb. If the semitone is flat it is marked with b and if semitone is sharp, it is marked with #. These notes are arranged with rhythm and used in song or tunes. Let’s observe the following picture: Notes layout on Harmonium Keys Db Eb Gb Ab Bb Db Eb Gb Ab Bb ** *** C# D# F# G# A# ** *** Db Eb Gb Ab Bb C# D# F# G# A# ** *** ** *** C# D# F# G# A# C D E F G A B C D E F G A B * * * * * ** ** * **** C D E F G A B re ga ma dha ni re ga ma dha ni ** *** ** *** re ga ma dha ni Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni * * * * * ** ** * **** Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Mandra Saptak Madhya Saptak Taar Saptak Lower Octave Middle Octave Higher Octave Approved by CDC Nepal Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 149

/] u d' w lg /] u d' w lg ** * ** ** * ** /] u d' w lg ;f /] u d k w lg ;f /] u d k w lg * * * * * * * ;f / ] u d k w lg ******* dGb| ;Kts dWo ;Kts tf/ ;Kts Octave 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sa re Re ga Ga Ma ma Pa dha Dha ni Ni ;f / ] /] u u d d' k w w lg lg C C#/Db D D#/Eb E F F#/Gb G G#/Ab A A#/Bb B Scale in Music A scale is a set of musical notes ordered by pitch. A scale ordered by increasing pitch is an ascending scale, and a scale ordered by decreasing pitch is a descending scale. The notes of a song are there in the same set of musical notes on which scale the song belongs to. If a song belongs to Sa (C) scale, all the notes of that song belong to the set of Sa (C) scale notes. Sa (C Major) Scale Pa (G Major) Scale 150 Health and Physical Education with Creative Art - Book 6 Approved by CDC Nepal