Approved by Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) , Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal SCmoarmt puter Science Book-7 Author Prabhu Ram Khadka M. Sc. IT (SMU), B. Ed. (TU) MeMorica Pvt. Ltd. Publishers & Distributors Maitidevi, Katmandu
Book : Smart Computer Science Book-7 : Prabhu Ram Khadka Author : Sharan Ratna Sthapit Language Shivahari Sapkota Editors Publisher : MeMorica Pvt. Ltd. Edition Maitidevi, Kathmandu Copyright Ph: 01-4438703 ISBN : 1st 2076 B.S. (2019 AD) Price : All rights reserved with the author : 978-9937-9382-1-1 : NRs. 360.00/- For suggestion and advice please contact at [email protected] Cell : 9841816625, 9813303490 (Viber/Messenger) URL:
About this Book Creative Computer Science is a graded series of Eight textbooks prepared for class 1 to 8. This series of book is comprehensively designed on the basis of guide lines and syllabi designed by Government of Nepal, Ministry of educa- tion, Curriculum development centre. Beginning with the very basic concept of computer, the series gradually in- troduces more advanced aspects of computing concept, skill and software to students as they go to higher classes. It attempts to include latest software required for the daily working. I hope, this series shall be helpful in the overall development of the learners. Salient features • Step by step simple technique and tools. • Simple vocabulary and language. • Practical approach based • Worksheet based. • Logical analysis and case study base for enhancing creativeness. • Activity based. • Project work based. Although I’ve tried my best no to do any mistake as far as possible, some errors may have crept in without noticing. If so that I’d like to request the re- spected teachers to correct the mistakes for the students. Comments and constructive suggestions from students, teachers and well wishers are always welcome. Constructive advice will be incorporated in the next edition. I duly thank duo of Mr. Sharan Ratna Sthapit and Mr. Shivahari Sapkota for their contribution on editing of language through out the series of books. My hearty thanks go to Mr. Bidhan Khadka for his effort of bringing my work ac- complished. Prabhu Ram Khadka The Author
TABLE OF CONTENTS Ch. No. Title Pg. no. 1. Evolution of ComputEr 1-13 2. morE on ComputEr SoftwarE 14-20 3. numbEr SyStEm 21-27 4. toolS of iCt & uSagES 28-47 5. ComputEr viruS & rEmEdy 48-55 6. morE on opErating SyStEm 56-74 7. morE on word proCESSing 75-106 8. morE on ExCEl SprEadShEEt 107-134 9. powErpoint prESEntation 135-55 10. imagE Editing with photoShop 156-187 11. pagE layout with indESign 188-215 12. ConCEpt of program dESign 216-224 13. morE on QbaSiC 225-248
Evolution of Computer CHAPTER Minu : How interesting is com- 1 puting? How did it devel- ope ? This chapter includes: Anu : Yes, It has taken a long • Introduction of Com- period. Computing con- puter cept is being used from • Principle of Comput- ing • Early Counting device ancient period of the • Generation of Com- puter world civilization. Minu : Whose contribution brought this computer ? Anu : A lot of scientists have contributed for the development of the computers in dif- ferent time periods. INTRODUCTION 1 We have already learned computer is an electronic data processing device in pre- vious classes. It works to input data, pro- cess them, produce meaningful result and store data and information for future use. The computers which we use today are very different when we compare to the Smart Computer Science Book-7
early counting devices. People have been using different calculating device for a long time. Due to progress in science and technology, they needed such a machine that would perform complex calculation accurately. The history of computers shows us that there were hundreds of people who have been involved in the invention of new calculating and computing tech- nique. To understand how the computer become this marvellous multitasking machine, we shall have to move back into history when man was creating devices to count. Abacus Abacus was the first calculating device. It was invented in 3000 BC. in china. Simple calcula- tions, like addition or subtraction could be performed using the Abacus. The three most popular abacuses were Chinese, Japanese, and Russian ones. Napier’s Bone Napier’s bone was invented by John Napier in 1617. It could perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This device was made up of a set of rect- angular rods. Pascaline Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician. He invented the first calculator in 1642 called ‘Pascaline’. It consisted of a rectangular box with eight movable wheels. The Pascaline could only add and subtract. Jacqard's Loom In 1801, a French textile weaver named Jacquard invent- ed a mechanical weaving machine, known as Jacquard's Loom. This machine revolutionized the weaving industry through out the world. 2 Evolution of Computer
Difference Engine Charles Babbage was a mathematician at Cambridge University. In the 19th century, he invented the first me- chanical computer called the ‘Difference Engine’. This machine could calculate mathematical table mechani- cally. Analytical Engine Charlse Babage also invented the first general purpose computer called ‘Analytical Engine’. The Analytical Engine had the same basic principles as the modern computer as INPUT- OUTPUT – MEMORY. So, Charles Babbage is known as ‘Father of Computer’. Mark-I Mark-I is known as the first electromechanical comput- er. It was developed by Howard Aiken. The Mark-I was a general purpose computer which ran on electricity. GENERATION OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY Computers are classified into six phases of technology, called generation of computer, based on their historical advancement of technology and elec- tronic components used. Zeroth Generation Computers (1642-1946) The zeroth generation of computers were marked by the invention of mainly mechanical computer. Example of zeroth generation computers are Pascline, Analytical Engine etc. First Generation Computer (1940-1955) The first generation of computers were marked by the use of vacuum tubes or valves as basic electronic component. • Size was very large. • Long electric wires were used. • Vacuum tubes were used a lot. Smart Computer Science Book-7 3
• Those computers used to generate too much heat. • Machine level programming language was used. Mark I & ENIAC were examples of first generation computers. Second Generation Computers(1956-1963) The second generation of computers was marked by the use of transistors in place of vacuum tubes. • Those computers were smaller in size • Produced less heat and performance was good. • Assembly language was used for programming. • High-level programming languages were also being de- veloped at this time, such as early versions of COBOL and FORTRAN. MARK-III, PDP-1,IBM 1401, IBM 650 are examples of second generation computer. Third Generation Computer (1964-1971) The third generation of computers was marked by the use of integrated Circuits (ICs) in place of transistors. • They were smaller in size and cheaper than second gen- eration computer. • They were able to reduce computational time and main- tenance cost. • New input and output devices like scanner, magnetic ink character reader etc. came into the market during this time. • High level languages were used for programming task. • Operating system was used in this generation. • Capacity of main memories were greatly enlarged. PDP-8, IBM 360 and IBM 370 are examples of third generation of computer. Fourth Generation Computers (1971 - 1990) The fourth generation of computers was marked by the use of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits in place of ICs. • These computers had microprocessor-based system. • They were cheapest among all the computer generation. 4 Evolution of Computer
• They had large memory and high functional speed. • Many high level languages were developed such as PASCAL and C language. Some of the fourth generation computers are IBM 4341, DEC 10, IBM PC, and APPLE- III. Fifth Generation Computer The fifth generation of computers are still under re- search. These computers will use Ultra Large Scale Integrated (ULSI) circuits in place of VLSI circuit. They will have artificial intelligence. For example, Ro- bots have few features of fifth generation computers. TYPES OF COMPUTER There are different types of computers having different features. According to the working technical principle, computers are classified into three types: 1. Analog computing device The devices which represent and store data in continuously varying physical quantities such as current, voltage or frequency called Analog com- puting device. These devices are programmed for measuring physical quantities like pressure, temperature, speed, etc. and to perform compu- tations on these measurements. Analog com- puting devices are mainly used for scientific and engineering fields. Ther- mometer and speedometer are good example of Analog computing device. 2. Digital Computer The computers which represent and store data in discrete quantities or numbers are called digital computer. The processing task is done in terms of numeric represen- tation (Binary Digits 0 and 1) of data and information. Data are entered by user in decimal and character form, it is converted into binary digits (0's and 1's). Digital computers are used for commercial, ed- Smart Computer Science Book-7 5
ucational, Scientific, engineering and many other types of application fields. Desktop, Laptop are example of popular digital computers. 3. Hybrid Computing Device The devices having the combination features of both analog and digital com- puting are known as the hybrid computing de- vice. These devices store and process analog signal which have been converted into discrete numbers using analog to digital converters. Hybrid computing devices are mainly used in medical diagnostics, artificial intelligence (ro- botics) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM). CT SCan machine, Video x-ray ma- chine are good examples of hybrid computing devices. Points to Know • Computer works as input data, process them, produce meaningful result and store data and information for future use. • Charles Babbage is known as ‘Father of Computer’. • Mark-I is known as the first electromechanical computer developed by Howard Ai- ken. • Mechanical devices were used as a major devices in the zeroth generation of com- puter. • Vacuum tubes or valves, transistors, IC, LSI & VLSI, AI & ULSI ware used in as a major devices in first generation to 5th generation of computers respectively. • Computers are classified into six phases of technology, called generation of com- puter. • The computers which represent and store data in continuously varying physical quantities such as current, voltage or frequency called Analog Computer or device • The computers which represent and store data in discrete quantities or numbers are called digital computer. • The computers having the combination features of both analog and digital computer are known as the hybrid computers. 6 Evolution of Computer
Terms to Know Electronic : Operating with components such as microchips and transistors that control and direct electric currents. Analog : System that represents changing values as continuously. Digital : Electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of 0 and 1. Transistors : A device that regulates current or voltage flow and acts as a switch or gate for electronic signals. VLSI : On a single silicon semiconductor microchip embedding hun- dreds of thousands of transistors. IC : Microchip embedding thousands or millions of tiny resistors, ca- pacitors, and transistors. Chip : Small pice of silicon material contain millions of electronic com- ponents. AI : The simulation of human intelligence processes by computer system. Vacumtubes : An electron glass tube evacuated to a high degree of vacuum. ULSI : Integrating or embedding millions of transistors on a single sili- con semiconductor microchip. Magnetic ink : Magnetic material used for printing characters. Eletomechanical : A device that uses mechanical parts to do electrical works or vice versa. Mechanical : Device working, often using power from an engine or from elec- tricity Hybrid : Combination features from more than one other devices. Microprocessor : a computer processor that incorporates the functions of a central processing unit on a single integrated circuit (IC). Data : Collection of raw information . Process : Analyze and calculate raw data. Information : Result obtained after processing raw data Generation : Time period for progressive version of computer technology. Smart Computer Science Book-7 7
Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. ...................................... was the first calculating device. b. ........................ ............................ was a mathematician at Cambridge Univer- sities. c. ......................... ................ is known as the first electromechanical computer. d. .............................. ......................... was french mathematician. e. Mark I was developed by ..................................... .......................................... f. Difference Engine was the first ........................................... computer. g. Analog computing devices are programmed for measuring physical quantities. h. Digital Computers represent and store data in ......................... quantities. 2. State whether following statements are true or false: a. Napier's Bone was invented by John Napier.. b. Charles Babbage is known as the father of computer science . c. The Pascaline could only multiply and divide. d. The zeroth generation of computers were marked by the invention of elec- tronic computers. e. Laptop is an example of analog computing device. f. Hybrid computing device can be also used in medical diagnosis. g. Machine level programming language was used in the third generation computers. 8 Evolution of Computer
h. Assembly language was used in the second generation computers. i. FORTAIN and COBOL were developed in first generation computers. j. Mark I & ENIAC were examples of first generation computers. k. PASCAL and C language are assembly language. 3. Match the following: a. Abacus 19th century b. Napier's bone 1801 c. Pascaline 3000 BC d. Jacquard's Loom 1642 e. Difference Engine 1617 4. Write the full forms of : IC : .......................................................................................................................... VLSI : ..................................................................................................................... ULSI : ..................................................................................................................... CAM : ..................................................................................................................... AI : .......................................................................................................................... 5. Select the correct answer : ii) Second generation computer a. Operating system software start to use from. iv) Fourth generation computer i) First generation computer iii) Third generation computer b. Majro device of third generation . i) IC ii) VLSI iii) ULSI iv) AI Smart Computer Science Book-7 9
c. Digital Computer process the task in the i) Decimal degits ii) Both of them iii) Binary Digits iv) None of them d. Major devices of first generation computers . i) Valves ii) Vacuum tubes iii) Transistors iv) Both i) & ii) e. Language used in second generation computer . i) Assembly Language ii) Machine Level Language iii) High Level Language iv) None of them f. Difference Engine was developed by . ii) Howard Aiken i) Charles Babbage iv) Jacquard iii) Blaise Pascal g. Video X-ray is an example of : ii) Hybrid computing device i) Digital computing device iv) Non of them iii) Analog digital computing device h. Thermometer and speedometer are example of : ii) Hybrid computing device i) Digital computing device iv) Non of them iii) Analog digital computing device i. High level programming language developed in second generation i) COBOL ii) FORTAIN iii) C language iv) Both i) and ii) 10 Evolution of Computer
Descriptive Questions iii. 1. Answer the following questions: a. Why is Charles Babbage called father of computer? b. What do you mean by generation of computer? c. What do you mean by analog computing device? d. What do you mean by digital computer? e. What do you mean by hybrid computing device ? Analytical Application Based Questions 1. Fulandee Limbu talked about the following machines: i. ii. a. Write the name of these machines. b. Who invented these machines ? c. What could they perform ? d. Which generation do these machines belong? 2. Let's see the following pictures: i. ii. iii. a. Write the name of these devices . 11 b. Which generation do these devices belong? c. Write the feature of each device ? Smart Computer Science Book-7
3. Let's see the following images: i. ii. ii. a. Write the name of these de- i. ii. iii. vices . i. b. What types of devices are i. ii. they ? c. Write the feature of these de- vices. 4. Let's see the following images: a. Write the name of these de- vices. b. What types of devices are they ? c. Write the working principles of these devices. 5. Let's see the given images: a. Write the name of these de- vices . b. What types of devices are they ? c. Write the working principles of these devices. 6. Let's see the given images: a. Write the name of these de- vices. b. Which generation do these machines belong? c. Write the computing feature of each device. 12 Evolution of Computer
Activities 1. Organise the class presenta- tion in the following topic. a. Ancient commuting device. b. Generation of computer. c. Types of computing device Your presentation should be slide presentation nor chart paper pre- sentation. The presentation in- cludes the following: a. Text b. Picture c. Diagram Project Work 1. Prepare the complete group projected report that you make the presentation in the activi- ties class. The report includes: a. Text b. Image c. Illustration figure Smart Computer Science Book-7 13
2More on Computer Software CHAPTER Minu : It's amazing ! How does the computer work as we like ? This chapter includes: Anu : Computer works with • Introduction of Soft- the help of software. ware. Software is the program which includes set of in- • Types of Software: • Operating System • Language Translator • Utility Software. • Application Software structions to instruct to the computer for work- ing. Minu : Wow! Is there different software for different work ? Anu : Yes, In the basis of nature of work we have to design soft- ware. Some of the common types of software are : system software, programming language, and application soft- ware. Let's explain them in details in this chapter. INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE Software is commonly known as a set of programs. It includes all the elec- tronic instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. The soft- ware is made by computer programmer in such a form that will be accepted by computer. Software always controls all the activities of computer; without software, computer does not work. So, Software is also called life of the com- puter. Basically, there are two types of computer software: 14 More on Computer Software
i) System Software ii) Application Software SYSTEM SOFTWARE System software is a feature of programs. It is always responsible to control, integrate, and mange the hardware components and other software to per- form a task. It is generally prepared by computer manufacture using low level language. So, It can interact with hardware from very basic level. Some ex- amples of system software are Operating System, Programming Language & Language Translators and Utility Software: Operating System Operating System is a system software which is the first program loaded into the computer. It gives life to the computer because without operating system, we can not start up the computer. Operating System software cre- ates operating platform as the interface be- tween hardware, other software and user. Beside of this, it performs boot the computer, manage the peripheral devices, mange the memory and CPU, organize files and folders, etc. MS-DOS, Micro soft Windows, UNIX, Linux, Ubuntu, Mac OS, Aneroid are popular operating system software. Programming Language A programming language is a primary in- terface of a programmer with a computer. It is used to write computer program to develop a software. A programming lan- guage consists of a set of characters, symbols and rules that allows user to write programs to communicate with computer. QBASIC, C, C++, .NET are examples of programming languages. There are three types of programming languages : i)Machine Language ii) Assembly Language iii) High Level Language. Smart Computer Science Book-7 15
Language Translators Computer can understand only machine level language which is consisted by 0 and 1 (binary number system). If we write instructions using assembly language and high level language, computer doesn't understand. Language trans- lators are the system software, which translate the written instruction in assembly language and high level language to machine level language and vice-versa. There are three types of language translators: i) Assembler ii) Compiler iii) Interpreter. Utility Software Utility software are the small programs which main- tain your computer hardware and software. It per- forms day to day tasks, related to the maintenance of the computer system such as support, improve, expand and secure existing programs and data in the computer system. Some of the tasks commonly per- formed by utility software include formatting of hard disks, pen drive, taking backup of files, data recov- ery, virus protection, etc. Certain utility software come along with the operating system. Some utility software are available for free as per requirement, some of the utilities should be purchased from market. APPLICATION SOFTWARE Application software is such a software which is designed to do a specific job for the common user or specific user; such as word process- ing, database managing, photo editing, web designing, producing electricity bills, payroll slips or producing bills at the supermarket,etc. The application software is classified into two 16 More on Computer Software
types: i) Packaged software ii) Customized or tailored software. MS-Word, Spreadsheet, MS-Paint, Photoshop, result processing, billing, accounting software are example of application software. Points to Know • Software includes electronic instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. • Software is always responsible to control, integrate, and mange the hardware com- ponents and other software to perform a task. • Operating System is a system software which is the first program loaded into the computer. • Operating System software creates operating platform as the interface between hardware, other software and user. • A programming language is a primary interface of a programmer with a computer which is used to write programs and develop software. • Language translators translate the written instruction in assembly language and high level language to machine level language and vice-vers. • Utility software performs day to day tasks, related to the maintenance of the com- puter system. Terms to Know Software : Set of programs accepted by computer to perform task. Boot : Start up the computer Hardware : Physical components of Computer. Interface : Common point to communicate with computer. Program : Set of instructions to tell the computer to do work. Programmer : Persons who writes computer program. Programming : Work of writing computer program. Smart Computer Science Book-7 17
Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. Software includes all the electronic..................................................... b. System Software can interact with .................................................... c. Operating system software creates .........................................platform. d. Programming language is a primary interface of ..................................... e. ............................ Software performs maintenance task of Computer System. f. Application Software is designed to do a ............................. job. 2. State whether following statements are true or false: a. Software is a life of the computer. b. Software is developed by computer operator. c. Ms-office Word is a system software. d. We can not start up the computer without Operating System. e. Photoshop is a Programming Language. f. Antivirus is a Language Translator. g. Certain Utility Software comes with the Operating System Software. h. .NET is an application software. i. Utility software performs day to day tasks, related to the maintenance. 18 More on Computer Software
3. Match the following: a. MS-DOS 1 and 0 b. Assembler Application Software c. Machine Level Language Operating System d. MS-Paint Language Translator Descriptive Questions 1. Answer the following questions: a. What is software ? What does software includes? b. What is the function of System Software? c. What does Operating System do? d. What do you mean by Language Translator? e. What do you mean by Programming Language? f. What is the function of Utility Software? g. What do you mean by Application Software? Analytical Case Study Questions : 1. When Birbal Chaudhay started a computer, he saw the given image: a. What is represented by this image ? b. What is the role of this program associated with this im- age? 2. Bhurka Chaudhary is a class VII student, he has to write the computer program given by his computer teacher: a. Which type of software is used by Bhurka cheatery to write his computer program ? b. Can computer understand directly his written program ? If no, for this task, which software he has to use? 3. Nirmala Ghale is feeling slow performance of her computer : a. Which type of software would Nirmala use to solve this problem ? b. What types of task she can perform with this software for this case? Smart Computer Science Book-7 19
4. Ritesh, Ritika and Raman have different tasks to perform in the computer : a. Ritesh has to format his pen drive and take backup of some important files stored on the disk. b. Ritika has to prepare the computer science project work in the computer and edit some images for the project work. c. Raman has to prepare a computer program to calculate sum of any two numbers. Now, find the software types used by each person. Activities 1. Visit your computer Lab and list out types of soft- ware used in the computers . Make report note and submit to the computer teacher. 2. Mange your class in three groups and orga- nize the chart paper presentation on the fol- lowing topics: a. Programming Language b. Utility Software c. Application Software. Project Work 1. Prepare the complete group projected report that you make the presentation in the activi- ties class. The report includes: a. Text b. Image c. Illustration figure d. Videos clip 20 More on Computer Software
Number System CHAPTER 3 Minu : I read computer is a digi- tal machine, how is it ? Anu : Computer works in This chapter includes: • Introduction of Number the basis of 0 and 1. It System and Types doesn't understand oth- • Convert Decimal to Bi- ers than 0 and 1. So, it is nary and vice vers called digital machine. • Binary addition Subtrac- tion and Multiplication Minu : What a surprise ! But we can type alphabet, sym- bols, we can draw, make image, we can type num- bers. How is it ? Anu : Interesting, there is a system of conversion, what ever you type that will be translated into 0 and 1, then computer works. But we can not feel and see. Let's discuss in more detail in this chapter. INTRODUCTION The number system is a method of counting, calculating, comparing in quan- tities. It is seen, this job is started with the beginning of human civilization. In the ancient period, people used different tools such as fingers, finger knots, Smart Computer Science Book-7 21
stone pieces, sticks, etc for counting and keeping records of their property. In course of time, people felt necessity of effective and fast calculating process. It is said that the necessity is the invention of mother. So, people invented the different types of counting of number system. The counting number system are basically of four types: 1. Decimal Number System 2. Binary Number System 3. Octal Number System 4. Hexa-Decimal Number System Decimal Number System: The decimal Number system is a popular counting number system. It is con- sisted by ten unique notation that is 0 to 9. So, its base value is 10. It is de- veloped by the Hindu philosophers in the 15th century. Binary Number System The Binary number system is very popular in the computer. Computer always works in the basis of binary number system. The binary number system is consisted by two unique notation that is 1 and 0. So, its base is 2. 1 repre- sents 'ON' state and 0 represents 'OFF' state. Each digit of binary number is called bit. Octal Number System The octal number system is consisted by Eight unique notation that is 0 to 7. So, its base is 8. It is also used to calculate in data processing of the com- puter. Hexadecimal Number System The Hexadecimal Number System is also used in Computer data processing task. It is consisted by 16 different unique notations that is 0 to 9 and A to F. So, It's base is 16. Specially it is used to represent long binary digits in a single notation, eg. 1010=A. 22 Number System
EQUIVALENT CONVERSION TABLE Decimal Num- Binary Number Octal Number Hexadecimal ber System system System Number System 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 10 2 2 3 11 3 3 4 100 4 4 5 101 5 5 6 110 6 6 7 111 7 7 8 1000 10 8 9 1001 11 9 10 1010 12 A 11 1011 13 B 12 1100 14 C 13 1101 15 D 14 1110 16 E 15 1111 17 F Conversion of Decimal to Binary Follow the following points to convert decimal to binary number. • Divide the given decimal number by base of binary number 2. • Note down the remainder in the right hand side as shown in example. • Keep continue this process until the quotient is obtained zero (0). • Collect all the remainder from bottom to top. Obtained value is the final result. Example -1 28 Example - 2 2 10 (8)10 = (?)2 24 (10)10 = (?)2 25 0 Remainder 0 22 0 Remainder221 21 21 0 0 0 0 1 1 = 1000 = 1010 So, (8)10 = (1000)2 So, (10)10 = (1010)2 Smart Computer Science Book-7 23
Conversion of Binary to Decimal Follow the following points to convert Binary to Decimal number. • Multiply each digit of the given binary number by 2 with raising to the power of positional weight. • The Positional notation must be started from right to left. • Make sum of all the multiples. Example - 1 Example - 2 (1010)2 = (?)10 (1000)2 = (?)10 = 1 × 23 + 0 × 22+ 1 × 21+0 × 20 = 1 × 23 + 0 × 22+ 0 × 21+0 × 20 =8+0+2+0 =8+0+0+0 = 10 So, (1010)2 = (10)10 =8 So, (1000)2 = (8)10 Binary Addition Follow the following rules for the Binary Addition: A B A+B 0 11 1 01 0 00 1 1 0 with carry over 1 Example - 1 10110 Example - 3 +11011 11110 110001 +11101 111011 Binary Multiplication Follow the following rules for the Binary Addition: A B A×B 010 100 000 111 24 Number System
Example - 1 Example - 2 10110 10111 × 10 × 11 00000 10111 +10110 +10111 101100 1000101 Points to Know • Software includes electronic instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task. • The numbers system which is consisted by ten unique notation (0-9) is called decimal number system. • The number system which is consisted by two unique notation ( 1 and 0) is called binary number system. • The number system which is consisted by Eight unique notation (0-7) is called octal number system. • The number system which is consisted by sixteen unique notation (0-9 and A-F) is called Hexadecimal number system. Terms to Know Base : Used maximum number of unique digits in any number system Number System : Any notation for the representation of numerals or numbers. Bit : A bit (short form of binary digit) is the smallest unit of data in a computer. Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. There are basically ............................. types of counting number system. Smart Computer Science Book-7 25
b. The base of Octal number system is .................................... c. The binary number system is consisted by ................... and ....................... d. Hexadecimal number is consisted by ............ to ........... and ........... to ........... e. 1 represents ...................... state. f. 0 represents ........................state. 2. State the whether following statements are true or false: a. Decimal number system is developed by Hindu Philosopher. b. The decimal number system is formed by nine unique notation. c. Hexadecimal number system is formed by sixteen unique notation that is 1 to 16. d. To convert decimal to binary divide the given decimal number by 10. e. Remainders must be collected top to bottom in the conversion process of decimal to binary. f. We must keep continue division program until the quotient obtained zero in the conversion of decimal to binary. g. The positional notation must be started from left to right. h. Multiply each digit of the given binary number by 2 with raised to the power of positional weight in conversion binary to decimal. Descriptive Questions 1. Answer the following questions: a. What do you mean by number system? b. What do you mean by decimal number system? c. What do you mean by octal number system? d. What do you mean by hexadecimal number system? e. What do you mean by decimal number system? 26 Number System
Mathematical Questions 1. Perform the following binary addition: a. 1 0 1 0 0 b. 1 1 1 0 1 c. 1 1 1 1 1 d. 1 1 1 1 1 +1 1 0 1 1 +1 1 1 0 1 +1 1 0 1 0 +1 1 0 1 1 2. Perform the following binary multiplication a. 1 1 1 1 1 b. 1 0 1 0 1 c. 1 0 1 1 1 d. 1 1 1 0 1 ×1 0 ×1 0 ×1 1 ×1 1 3. Convert the following binary number to decimal number. a. (1011)2 = (?)10 b. (1010)2 = (?)10 c. (1101)2 = (?)10 d. (1001)2 = (?)10 e. (1001)2 = (?)10 f. (1111)2 = (?)10 4. Convert the following decimal number to binary number a. (14)10 = (?)2 b. (1610 = (?)2 c. (14210 = (?)2 d. (540)10 = (?)2 h. (88)10 = (?)2 e. (302)10 = (?)2 f. (270)10 = (?)2 g. (100)10 = (?)2 Smart Computer Science Book-7 27
Tools of ICT & Usages CHAPTER Merry : Wow ! My birthday is com- 4 ing soon. I have to send the invitation to my relatives This chapter includes: and friends. In a few days, • Introduction of ICT how is it possible ? with their Tools Tanu : Don't worry ! This is the age • Computer Network of ICT . In a few minutes, we can send it with the help of • Internet Browsing. • Cyber Law and Com- puter Ethics internet. Merry : How is it ? Please, share idea. Tanu : You have to create an e- mail account and make an invitation card, then send to every one. Instead of this you can make message, video chat instantly. Merry : I don't have any sample invitation card. How to design ? Tanu : No problem ! With the help of search engine in internet, you can find it in a minute. Lets discuss in detail ....... INTRODUCTION ICT (Information and Communications Technology) is an umbrella term of communication system that includes any communication devices such as ra- dio, television, cellular phones, computer hardware and software, computer network, satellite system, telecommunication, internet, etc. ICT is also asso- ciated with the various services and applications such as video conferencing and distance learning, e-mail, WWW(World Wide Web), search engine, etc. 28 Tools of ICT & Usages
Now days, ICT is growing rapidly and it is becoming our primary necessity. One significant advantage of ICT its ability to con- nect to people all over the world. This capability has brought a revolution in the field of communication. Today we send text, sound, picture or video clips to any part of the world within second and chat with people from all over the world. We can access information on any topic instantly. All this was beyond imagination even two decade ago. But due to development of ICT it has been becoming common now. ICT is being used in every field but common fields are ICTs in education, health care, business, security, communication, etc. Common tools associated with the ICT i) Computer Network ii) Internet & Tele-Communication iii) Cyber Law iv) Ethical issues in ICT COMPUTER NETWORK The computer network is a system in which multiple computers are intercon- nected to each other to share information and resources. It is most essential tool for ICT. The interconnection of network is established using wire or wire- less signals. Characteristics of a computer network • Using network, we can communicate efficiently and easily through e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms, telephone, video telephone calls, video conference, etc. • Share resources from one computer to another such as hardware and software. • Create files and store them in one computer, access those files from the other computer(s) connected over the network. • Connect a printer, scanner, or a fax machine to one computer within the network Smart Computer Science Book-7 29
and let other computers of the network use the machines available over network. Hardware required to setup the computer network. i) Network Cables ii) Distributors iii) Routers iii) Network Card Network Cables Network cables are used to connect computers. The most commonly used cable is Category 5 (Cat 5) cable with RJ 45 (Registered Jack 45). Distributors A computer can be connected to another one via a serial port but if we need to connect many computers to produce a network, this serial connection will not work. The solu- tion is to use of distributor which plays the role of central body of other devices such as computers, printers, scanners etc. It connects to each other and manage, dis- tribute network traffic and produce the smooth data communication. Such type of central body is called switch, hub or router. Network Card Network card is a necessary component of a computer without it; a computer cannot be connected over a network. It is also known as network adapter or Network Interface Card (NIC). Most branded computers have network card pre-installed. Network cards are of two types : Internal and External Net- work Cards. Internal Network Cards: Motherboard has a slot for internal network card where it is to be inserted. Internal network cards are of two types in which first type uses Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) connection while the sec- ond type uses Industry Standard Architecture (ISA). Network cables are required 30 Tools of ICT & Usages
to provide network access. External Network Cards: External network cards come in two flavours : Wire- less and USB (Universal Serial Bus) based. Wireless network card need to be inserted into the motherboard but no network cable is required to connect to network TYPES OF COMPUTER NETWORK Computer Network can be classified into into three types in the basis of area covered by network, such as: Local Area Network(LAN) Local Area Network is the smallest network. It covers very small and close area to connect the comput- ers, such as a room, a building or school, etc. Network of your com- puter lab in a school is an example of Local Area Network. Most of the LAN is based on Ethernet Technology. Coaxial Cables are usually used to connect Computers in LAN. Fiber optic cables also allow for very fast and effective communication but they are expensive. Metropolitan Area Network(MAN) It is a medium size of network. It covers long range of area than LAN. It connects two or more Local Area Networks within a city, town or metropolitan area. Network of ATM(Automatic Teller Machine) of Bank, Network of different branches of an organi- zation within a city are example of MAN. It uses wire or wireless connection Wide Area Network(WAN) It is the largest network on which computers across a country or beyond are connected. Internet is a biggest Wide Area Network. It Smart Computer Science Book-7 31
includes satellite, telephone line, wire and wireless technology for connectiv- ity of network. Internet The Internet is an another important tool of Informa- tion Communication Technology (ICT). It is the larg- est Wide Area Network also called Global Network or World Wide Network. It is the network of net- works because it has been formed by connecting of many smaller networks to form one large network. The Internet uses special cables, telephone lines, satellites, microwaves and other devices to connect millions of computers to each other. The Internet has some powerful computers called Servers which process the commands given by the millions of connected computers called nodes. Requirements to Access the Internet A Commuter with Modem: A com- puter or Laptop having modem is re- quired. Modem (Modulator/Demodula- tor) is such device which allows us to connect our computer to a phone line or an Internet cable to gain connectiv- ity to the Internet. A Browser Software : Browser soft- ware is needed like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, etc. These software allow us to access the Inter- net after getting connection of Internet. An Internet Service : We need an Internet connection service from an In- ternet Service provider (ISP). Nepal Telecome, Mercantile, World Link are popular Internet Service Provider of Nepal. 32 Tools of ICT & Usages
Communication with the Internet Internet is a major part of Information Communication Technology. Using the internet, we can make communication with the connected people in the fol- lowing ways: i) Sending E-mail ii) Chatting Online iii) Online and Offline Messaging Iv) Video Conferencing v) Internet Phone vi) Uploading and Downloading the information vii Social Networking viii) Blogging ix) Online Discussion being part of News group in different topic E-MAIL Short form of e-mail or e-mail is electronic mail. It is an internet application which is very popular and large section of people are using in world wide. This application is designed to send electronic mails from one computer to another. It may contain text, files, images, or other attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or group of individuals. The first e-mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. By 1996, more electronic mails were sent than postal mail. Key benefits and features of using e-mail • It is very quick; recipient receives our e-mail as soon as they go online and collect their mails. • It is very much easy and more economic to send • It is more reliable and secure. • Photos, video, text document, and other files can be attached to an e-mail, so that more information can be shared. • One e-mail can be sent to more than one recipient at a time. E-mail Address A name that identifies an electronic post office box on a network where e- mail can be sent is called an e-mail address. E-mail address uses a standard Smart Computer Science Book-7 33
formula. It is always separated into two parts by the @ symbol. The name which is mentioned before the @ sign is called user name and after the @ sign is called host name. The user name of e-mail address usually identifies you in some way. You might use your real name, or you could use a nickname that your friends and family will recognise you. The host name of an e-mail address usually comes from your webmail provider or the internet service provider you use. Example of some e-mail address are: [email protected], sulaya- dav@gmailcom, [email protected], etc. E-mailing To send and receive e-mails, we need e-mail address called e-mail account. For e-mailing, first we have to create e- mail account. There are a lot of e-mail service provider applications in the in- ternet. Some of the popular e-mail ser- vice provider application are Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. Here, we discuss about to create e-mail account using Google application. Creating New Gmail Account Normally, an e-mail account is created using Google application is called Gmail account. Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Use Computer with internet access. Step-2 : Open up your inter- net browser and go to the Google home Page tying the ad- dress of URL www. Step-3 : Click on Gmail at the top right corner of 34 Tools of ICT & Usages
the page. Step-4 : You’ll now be in the ‘Sign in’ section. As you don’t have a Googl account yet, you need to create one. Click Create an account. Step-5 : Now, you get a form, fill the form as given below and click on Next Step. Smart Computer Science Book-7 35
Step-6 : Now, you will be asked phone number for verification code. Supply your phone number and click the Next Button. Step-7 : Now, supply the verification code will be messaged in your mobile . Step-8 : Now, you get the Welcome Screen, click the Next button. You get your gmail window: 36 Tools of ICT & Usages
Inbox It is an e-mail box. Its store holds all the e-mails sent by others. So, When we click here, it shows all the e-mails received by us along with sender's name, subject, date time, etc. To read an e-mail: Step-1 : We have to click on 'Inbox'. Step-2 : If there is any attached file, you have to down load by clicking on 'Down- load' option. How to send E-mail To send the mail, we have to fol- low the following steps: Steps to follow Step-1 : Click on the 'Compose mail' to write an e-mail Step-2 : Type the address of per- son we are sending e-mail recipients text box. Step-3 : Type the subject of the e- mail. Step-4 : Type the content of the mail. Smart Computer Science Book-7 37
Step-5 : Upload the file by clicking 'Attach Files' icon. Step-6 : Click 'Send' button. How to delete E-mail After reading, some e-mails are not necessary to keep them in inbox. So, you have to delete the. To delete e- mails, follow the following steps: Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Open the inbox. Step-2 : Select the e-mail by clicking check box. Step-3 : Click the 'Delete' button to delete the e-mail. Sign out After signing into e-mail, it is necessary to sign out. To sign out from the e-mail, follow the following steps: Step-1 : Find the your e-mail name and click on drop down button. Step-2 : Click 'Sign Out' button. Now, You come back out of your e-mail account. Sign In using Existing E-mail Account Step-1 : Enter the user name and pass word from 'Sign in' dialog box of gmail. Step-2 : Click on 'Next' from Login dialog box. Source of Information with Search Engine Searching information is a service of internet. A web search engine is an web base application software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. We should enter keyword of information in which topic we want to search. We can search information in any subject such as science, technology, engineering, heath and medicine, religions, entertainment,etc. A search engine is specially useful when we do not know the URLs of the sites we are searching. The popular search 38 Tools of ICT & Usages
engine websites are: ii) i) iv) www.altavitacom. iii) Lets search the information about wild animal using the search engine Steps to Follow: Step-1 : Browse your Internet Step-2 : Type the URL com Step-3 : you get the google home page and type the keyword as given and click 'Google Search' button. ETHICAL ISSUES ON ICT OR CYBER SPACE Now days ICT is becoming a power- ful phenomena of human life. Almost all the people are using the services of ICT. Due to the ICT, it would be possible to make our daily activities easy and fast. But it has also both as- pects; advantages and disadvantag- es. It may bring the negative as well as positive effect for us. So, when we are using the services and applications of ICT, we must know that is using for positive aspect or not and it is being harmful to others or not. While using the ICT, we should follow some rules acceptable for everyone. These rules ensure safe use of ICT tools and applications. Such rules are called cyber ethics or ICT ethics. Some ICT or cyber ethical issues are : • Be helpful to people who are learning to use ICT. • Always use polite language in messages, article, discussion forums. • Give an appropriate subject line while writing e-mails. • Give an appropriate topic while publishing the news and other articles or videos. Smart Computer Science Book-7 39
• Respect all the culture from around the world. • Visit only the web site appropriate for your age. • Always get helps of seniors such as teachers and parents to use ICT tools and application. • Don't make friend and give detail information to unknown person through social network,e-mail, chatting, etc. • Never respond to junk or spam e-mails. • Never harm to other using ICT tools and application. • Never spread false or harmful messages through e-mail,internet, web site, etc. • Never waste time unnecessary on the Internet and neglect useful work. If we maintain and follow such ICT ethical rules then we are always benefited by ICT and would move ahead in our progressive way. But, if we couldn't un- derstand them, and try to misuse ICT services and application that leads us in wrong ways even causes punishment such as fine, prison and can lead to addict of bad habits even death. So, we must be careful. ICT LAW OR CYBER LAW We already know that we must be care- ful in the use of ICT tools and application because it has both aspects of advantag- es and disadvantages. But knowingly or unknowingly, due to wrong relationship with wrong people, bad habits and ad- diction; people perform the illegal activi- ties or criminal activities which harm to other and may lead to the cyber crimes. Day to day we are getting the such news through the news media. So, to control such activities, certain laws are for- mulated and enacted related to ICT or cyber space is called ICT law or Cy- ber Law. Such law helps to use ICT in positive aspect ; and makes people conscious while using the tools and application of ICT. And there it defines about the punishment and fine to the people who have misused the ICT and committed illegal activities. In Nepal also, day to day illegal activities, criminal activities are growing. So, 40 Tools of ICT & Usages
ing. So, keeping in mind, Nepal Government also has enacted the Cyber Law in Nepal in 2061 Bhadra which is commonly known as the Cyber Law of Nepal. Points to Know • ICT is an umbrella term of communication system that includes any communication devices such as: radio, television, cellular phones, computer hardware and soft- ware, computer network, satellite systems,telecommunication and services, etc. • A computer network is a system in which multiple computers are interconnected to each other to share information and resources. • The distributor use to as a central body of other computers, printers, scanners etc. It connects to each other and manage, distribute network traffic and produce the smooth data communication. • Network card is a necessary component of a computer without it; a computer cannot be connected over a network. • Local Area Network is the smallest Network. It covers very small and closed area to connect the computers, such as a room, a building or campus, etc. • Metropolitan Area Network covers long range of area than LAN. It connects two or more Local Area Networks within a city, town or metropolitan area. • It is a largest network on which computers across a country or beyond are con- nected. Internet is a biggest Wide Area Not work. • The Internet is a network of network. It is popular tool of the ICT. • E-mail is an internet application which is designed to send electronic mail from one computer to another. • A name that identifies an electronic post office box on a network where e-mail can be sent is called e-mail address. • A web search engine is web base application software system that is de- signed to search for information on the World Wide Web. • While using the ICT, we should follow some rules which ensure safe use of ICT tools and applications. Such rules are called cyber ethics or ICT ethics. • The law which controls the illegal activities in the use ICT is called Cyber or ICT Law. Smart Computer Science Book-7 41
Terms to Know Telecommunication : The transmission of information usually over great distances. Chat : To participate with one or more people, through the Internet, in a real-time conversation with short messaging. Network : Interconnection of two or more computers to share data. Serial Port : A socket that can be used for connecting devices that send data one bit at a time Network traffic : Jig jag of data transmission in network. Switch : A device used on a computer network to connect devices togeth- er physically. Router : A device that forwards data packets along networks. Hub : A common connection point for devices in a network. Ethernet : A type of network cabling in Computer network. Satellite : An artificial object sent to space for the purpose of telecommuni- cations. Microwave : A form of electromagnetic radiation. Mail : The transmission of messages over communications networks. Web mail : web-based e-mail accounts operated from a website. Upload : The transmission of a file from personal computer system to an- other remote computer system. Download : Transfer a file from remote computer to personal computer. WWW : Information system of interlinked hypertext documents that are accessed via the Internet. Blogging : A discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web. Online : Online is the condition of being connected to internet or a net work of computers. Offline : Offline is the condition of being capable of but currently not con- nected to internet or a network of computers. Hypertext : Text which contains links to other texts. 42 Tools of ICT & Usages
Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. ICT is an umbrella term of ..................................... system. b. A Computer ............................... is an interconnection of multiple computers. c. The network connection is establish using ........................ or ................... sig- nals. d. The ........................plays the role of central body of other devices. e. .............................. is the smallest network. f. ................................. is a medium size of network. g. ................................ is the largest Wide Area Network. h. The e-mail address is separated into ..................... name and .................... name. i. ............................ form of electromagnetic radiation. j. ................................ means transformation of a file from remote computer to personal computer. k. Internet has some powerful computers called ...................................... 2. State whether following statements are true or false: a. Telecommunication is a tool of ICT. b. Network allows to share resources from one computer to another. c. Network is connected by serial connection. d. Network Card is an optional device in the computer network. e. Network of a bank is an example of MAN. f. Satellite connection is used in Local Area Network. Smart Computer Science Book-7 43
g. Internet is an important tool of ICT. h. Nepal Telecom is a popular ISP of Nepal i. E-maling is a service of the Internet. j. The host name of an e-mail address comes from web mail provider or in- ternet service provider. k. It is not necessary to be helpful to the people who are using ICT. l. Cyber ethics ensure safe use of ICT. m. Cyber Law controls the illegal activities in ICT. n. .NET is an application software. 3. Write the full form a. ICT .......................................... b. WWW......................................................... c. RJ 45 ...................................... d. PCI............................................................. e. ISA .......................................... f. USB............................................................ g. LAN ........................................ h. MAN........................................................... i. WAN ...................................... j. MODEM...................................................... k. ISP ......................................... l. E-Mail.......................................................... m. Gmail...................................... 4. Match the following: a. Switch WAN b. ATM Distributor c. Internet Law of ICT d. Browser MAN e. G-mail Chrome f. Inbox Webmail provider. g. Cyber Law Container of e-mail. 44 Tools of ICT & Usages
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