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Home Explore 365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts

365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts

Published by daveeverettmarketing, 2019-01-27 13:18:22

Description: 365 Self-Discovery Journaling Prompts


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365 Self Discovery Prompts Contained within this book you will find 365 soul-searching self discovery prompts, placed two to a page with space underneath each one for your answer. You need to answer each question truthfully so that you can learn from yourself. This book is for your eyes only, so don’t be afraid to search your innermost feelings before you write your answer. There is no set or recommended order to the questions. You could start at number one and work your way steadily through the book, or you could open it at random and answer the first question you come across. The choice is yours. Whichever way you go you have enough questions contained in the book to last you a full year, answering one question each day. Enjoy! Practical Journals

1. You are on a team of people creating an iconic building. Which job do you want to help with: managing the project, designing the building, ensuring its safety, or final decorations. Why did you pick that job? 2. You walk into a white room filled with white furniture. Does it feel clean or sterile? What does this tell you about the rest of your home. Imagine the room with colorful walls and colorful furniture. How does this change your feelings?

3. You’ve just met a stranger at a place you frequent. He/she tells you a bit about his/her life. Are you listening intently? Or are you waiting for an opening to talk about yourself? Neither answer is incorrect. Describe how this meeting made you feel. 4. You are walking on a road, and you encounter three forks. One path leads up a mountain. The other leads into a forest. The third path leads to the ocean. Which path do you take? What do you think this means about you?

5. You are feeling down. What do you do to cheer yourself up? 6. You’re in a room with a group of people who all share the same opinion on a certain topic. Do you go with the flow or argue the counterpoint?

7. Write a letter to your future self. 8. Write about a time when you were unhappy with the way you responded to a particular situation. Then, explain what you would do now if you encountered a similar situation.

9. Write about the goals you had as a high schooler, young adult and now. How are they different? How are they similar? 10. Write about your top 5 goals. How will you feel when you achieve them? What will your life look like?

11. Write about how you feel about a topical world issue, something that gets your blood boiling, frustrates you or makes you excited for the future! 12. Write about a missed opportunity you wish you had taken. What could you do differently next time?

13. When you are working on improving yourself, it’s especially important to recognize your achievements. Write a congratulatory letter to yourself about one thing you’ve been doing really well lately. 14. What’s the last book you read related to your career? What are three things you learned from it? Are you applying them to your career?

15. When’s the last time you used the word “busy” or “stressed out” about yourself? Is there a way that you could make things easier on yourself? 16. What’s one way you can give yourself a personal reminder to show yourself the same kindness and patience you show to your friends?

17. Where is your favourite place in the world? This could be a country, town, place, room in your house or something else! 18. Write about a time when work felt real to you, necessary and satisfying. Paid or unpaid, professional or domestic, physical or mental.

19. Write about a moment experienced through your body. Making love, making breakfast, going to a party, having a fight, an experience you’ve had or you imagine for your character. Leave out thought and emotion, and let all information be conveyed through the body and senses. 20. Choose a quote that inspires you and explore what it means to you.

21. Discuss how the people in your life make you feel. How do you perceive yourself after spending time with them? How will that affect how you spend time with them in the future? 22. How much time have you been spending away from the screen? What are some things you can do instead that would feel more rewarding for you?

23. It’s important to take care of yourself when you are focusing heavily on self-improvement. Write about one thing you can do to help yourself relax and have fun after working hard. 24. Name a compassionate way you’ve supported a friend recently. Then write down how you can do the same for yourself.

25. What book are you currently reading? What do you want to read next? 26. What are you grateful for? Can you think of 10 people or things that you have gratitude for today?

27. What is one thing you can do to improve yourself in the next month? Create a plan for what you will do each week for the next month, taking care to think about the steps you will need to meet to reach your goal. 28. What is one thing you can do to improve yourself today? Write about what you will do, and then write a second reflection tomorrow about your experience.

29. What is one area of your life that you think you already excel in? Write about why you are so good at that one particular thing, and how you can continue to succeed in that area of your life. 30. What song lyrics have served as a guiding light for you? (If there aren’t any, what about a specific quote, poem or story? If you like, find one of these this week.)

31. What’s something that has been on your list of personal goals? How can you take the first step to accomplish it? 32. Where would you like to spend the week? This place may or may not exist yet. And it may or may not be on this planet.

33. Imagine that you are talking to your younger self. What accomplishment would your younger self be most proud to see that you’ve achieved? 34. If you were guaranteed unlimited time and money, with the only condition being that you pursue your dream career, what would you do?

35. “Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.” How do you interpret this quote? 36. How can you tell when a person has grown? Write about the qualities that people who demonstrate great personal growth show on a regular basis.

37. How have you been doing as your own boss? Are you keeping yourself happy, motivated, and fulfilled? 38. How do you want to be remembered and what do you need to do in order to be remembered this way?

39. Head out to a cafe or somewhere public, sit, and people watch. Write about what or who you see. Let your imagination run free. Write about the history of the people you see, what is happening, what they are thinking, what their future will be. 40. How was your day? How could it have been improved?

41. If your favorite magazine asked you to write a feature article about yourself a year from now, what would you want the story to be? 42. If you could have dinner with anyone currently alive, who would it be? And why?

43. Make a list of the people in your life who genuinely support you, and who you can genuinely trust. (Then make time to hang out with them.) 44. Someone gives you a complex task you’re not sure how to accomplish. Do you make a plan? Ask someone for help? Research how others have done similar projects in the past? Read a book on the topic? What does this tell you about your learning style?

45. Think about a time where you didn’t like the way you reacted in a given situation. In hindsight, how would you have reacted differently? (Note: learn from it, write it down, and let it go.) 46. Two teams are playing in a big game. One of them is heavily favored to win. Which team do you support, and why?

47. What do you remember about your 21st birthday? Write about what happened along with your feelings. 48. What gives you more energy: being around people or spending time alone?

49. What do you need to let go of (grudges, past frustrations, long-ago mistakes) in order to freely move forward in your work, leadership, and life? 50. What is one thing you can do to improve yourself in the next year? Think about what you would like to have accomplished in one year from now, and then consider the one action that would truly make the biggest difference.

51. What have you been watching or listening to lately? Has it been putting you in a good mood? 52. What role does kindness play in your work, leadership, and life? How could you invite more in and express more?

53. What is your favorite physical characteristic (face or body)? Describe a time you felt proud of that feature. 54. Who would you want giving toasts about your life at your 95th birthday party? What would you want them to say?

55. \"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”(Oscar Wilde). What thoughts does this quote conjure up for you? 56. Describe a time a friend went out of their way to help you. How do you serve the people in your life?

57. How do you think the three people closest to you would describe you if asked? 58. Make a list of everything that inspires you — from books to websites to quotes to people to paintings to stores to the stars.

59. Pretend you are a tourist in your own town. Head out for a road trip with your camera, take some pics, and write about it. 60. Today is your first day at your dream job. You’re so excited you can barely contain yourself. When you arrive at work, you take a minute to look around and appreciate the moment. You can’t believe you actually got this job. Where are you? Why do you value this job so much?

61. What always brings a tear to your eye? 62. What can you do for when you’re having a bad day? Write a list of things that tend to help you get out of a bad mood and refer back to it when you’re having a rough day.

63. What area of your life is getting the most time and attention right now? (Work, family, social life, money, fun, school, health, fitness, etc) 64. What have you accomplished in the past year? Did you give yourself enough credit for this accomplishment?

65. What is your best habit? Why? 66. What was the last scary decision you made? What did it feel like? Do you think you made the right choice?

67. What’s working in your life? 68. Write about 5 things you are grateful for this week. You could even make this a monthly, quarterly or early blog post!

69. Who is living a courageous life? Why do they come to mind? What can you learn from their experience? 70. Write about three things you’d wake up for at 5 o’clock in the morning. It could be an activity, a certain food, an adventure. Include as much detail as possible.

71. Write a list of questions to which you urgently need answers. 72. Choose 3 photos of yourself across your lifetime and write a post about how you feel looking at them, where you were, what you were doing, what you were like, etc.

73. As a way of growing personally, many people like to focus on growing and developing the relationships in their life. Choose a friend or family member and write about how you could improve your connection with him or her. 74. How do you define personal growth? After defining the word, write about why it is important for people to strive to improve themselves.

75. Finish this sentence: “I can’t stand it when other people…” Examine those character flaws. Do you also possess them? Be honest. 76. If you had a theme song, what would it be? Why did you choose that song?

77. Name one book, movie or TV show that had a profound impact on you and describe why. 78. Is it possible to help someone else with his or her own personal growth, or can people only grow on their own? Why or why not?

79. What always brings tears to your eyes? (As Paulo Coelho has said, “Tears are words that need to be written.”) 80. What did you enjoy about today? Can you think of particular experience or examples that made you happy during the day?

81. What do your emotions sound, look and feel like? 82. What is one thing you’ve always wanted to try that you haven’t yet? When will you try it?

83. What is your biggest fear? 84. What scares you about the future?

85. When you think of your whole life — mind, body, spirit, career, relationships, etc. — what do you need more of? Less of? 86. Write about a missed opportunity you wish you had taken. What could you do differently next time?

87. Are you addicted to social media? Assess yourself honestly. How does it impact your life? What changes can you make? 88. I love my relationship with (name a person) because…

89. If you had all of the money in the world, would you still be doing what you do now? If not, what do you see yourself doing? 90. The two moments I’ll never forget in my life are… Describe them in great detail, and what makes them so unforgettable.

91. What are three activities that light you up and leave you feeling most energised? 92. What did you enjoy doing this week?

93. What hurts right now? How can you heal it? 94. What is your favorite smell? Write about it.

95. What would you do with your life if money were no object? 96. When you look in the mirror, what do you see?

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