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Home Explore St Dominic’s Yearbook 2021

St Dominic’s Yearbook 2021

Published by Brand and Beyond Media, 2021-12-14 09:54:31

Description: St Dominics Catholic School for Girls Boksburg
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2021 Yearbook One School, One Family, One Spirit Pre-School Primary School Senior School

2021 Yearbook St Dominic’s Catholic School for Girls, Boksburg

MATRIC RESULTS Class of 2020 \"\"We are exceptionally proud of these achievements and are confident that this remarkable group of young women is well prepared for life after school. The matric results speak for themselves and are a testimony to the quality of education and superb staff at St Dominic's.\" Mrs Sharon Fitzgerald - Principal

CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD It is that time of the year again and it is hard to We are a small, but integral part of a broader believe that another year has gone by and we are journey where we hope to lay a foundation for now at the end of 2021. Where has the time young adults to become responsible gone? So much has happened and so much has members of the global community. changed. I feel like it was only yesterday that I was drafting the end of year note to parents for On behalf of the Board that I serve I thank our 2020. parents for trusting us and supporting their daughters through this journey. Just like 2020, 2021 was not an easy year and we are still living in extraordinary times, this is If 2020 was about survival, 2021 was about survival compounded by the fact that many of us have and preparation for a world which we are uncertain lost loved ones within our families. Our thoughts of but despite this uncertainty we will be prepared. and prayers go out to those families. We shall continue to develop and improve the The Board is aware and remains very sensitive to facilities of the school and prepare our school to the financial pressure facing our families and the welcome our parents back to our beautiful campus. broader community and I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Board that I serve to As the sun prepares to set on 2021 it is my hope and thank YOU, our parents for the continuous wish that as a school, as a family and within our sacrifice you make to pay the school fees. We communities we pause to reflect and give thanks know that this is not easy. for the year despite the numerous challenges, obstacles and hurdles that we have faced. Our commitment to providing a world class educational experience within the Dominican I would like to thank my fellow Board Members for ethos remains steadfast as does ensuring the their counsel, their support and the sacrifice of their financial sustainability of our school. time, your efforts are not lost on me and this is reflected in what we have achieved. So, what does this “world class education” mean? For some it is the number of distinctions their Lastly, but most important of all and on behalf of daughter attains, or their ability to make the the Board of St Dominic's I would like to wish our provincial or national sports sides. Others would parents and broader community a Merry Christmas interpret success as reaching the apex of the and prosperous 2022. We wish journey mercies on cultural and spiritual framework provided by the those who may be travelling. school, as such it is important to know that educations means different things to different people. At St Dominics we aspire to ensure that the education we provide is a rigorous test of academia, sporting ability, cultural understanding and spiritual awareness within the framework of the Dominican ethos. God Bless. Mr Clement Chamboko CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD

FROM THE HEADMASTER'S DESK As I reflect on the past year, my hope is that you When our parents walk through our gates, we want and your family are doing well during the them to be able to notice and feel the significant move challenging times we continue to experience. forward that the school has taken over the pandemic period. In 2020 we as a school, as well as our families, had to buffer the impact of the disruption that I would like to thank Mr. C. Chamboko (Chairman of occurred as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. the Board); Mr. M. Matthysen (Head of Finance); Sr. Stephany Thiel (Region Prioress) as well as all the As we entered 2021, we gained a lot of Board of Governors who have worked tirelessly this experience from the year before. We were year to support the vision of being “ready” for the prepared for the continued impact that Covid-19 future. would have on our daily lives. As a school we took on the following philosophy: 2020 was a This year alone we have spent over R4 million rand on year of survival and we survived 2020! 2021 projects to get ready for when our parents enter the would be a year where we would not only gates of our school again. These projects include: embrace the new world, but we would become Robotics and coding, marimbas, new chairs for the experts at navigating life through the constant hall, swimming starting system, music storeroom, pool change of lockdown levels and protocols. Our blankets and the upgrade of the carpark. purpose was to ensure a quality, holistic, catholic education even during pandemic times. We set ourselves an even bigger objective, to ensure that the school is not only ready to welcome our parents back on the property, but to also place the school ahead of other schools by using this time to develop the school, its facilities as well as its dream to be the leading school in futuristic education. Tributes Jan Kriel Allan Donaldson Sadly, our much-loved swimming pool Allan has received confirmation that he has been accepted into supervisor, Mr Jan Kriel passed away from America. After careful deliberation he has decided to take COVID earlier in the year. retirement and join his family who have been staying in America for some time. We congratulate Allan on his retirement and When the swimming pool was closed, he thank him for his 45 years of service. Allan will be missed by all assisted with morning duties and his of us at St Dominic’s. We are very happy that he will be joining his smiling face will be forever missed. family, but sad that we will be losing a friend, coach and teacher. Our deepest sympathy to Sandy Kriel, \"This decision to announce my family and friends. May cherished retirement is filled with many memories bring you moments of comfort. emotions, not least of which is how sad I feel at no longer being involved with what I regard as the greatest sports team in the world. However, my overriding emotion is one of tremendous pride in what we together have all achieved over the past 45 years!\" - Allan Donaldson

FROM THE HEADMASTER'S DESK It would be remiss of me not to Through the journey we have received immense acknowledge the significant sacrifices made by our staff, management team and the loyalty, support and commitment from our whole three principals, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Bradbury and Mrs. Meyer, who have worked family. Every member of our community has tirelessly to ensure the school is well run, well managed and has met all the daily rolled up their sleeves, got involved and have obligations to protocols without compromising the quality of education that been a huge part of our success. we love and cherish at St Dominic’s. A very big thank you to: I thank all our staff for their loyalty and commitment. It is our hard working quality our parents and learners who have continually staff that has been the main contributing supported us through such challenging times, factor to the success of St Dominic’s during the Management and Executive Management Team, these tough and challenging times. the Chairman and members of the Board of Governors, the Finance Committee, I am acutely aware of the toll the pandemic the Transformation and Diversity Committee, has taken on our staff and our families over the Ethos and Heritage Committee, the last two years. I encourage you to take the Technology Team, time out over the December period to rest, the Principals and Deputy Principals, re-charge and to enjoy special family the Sisters, moments. One thing we have learnt over the the Chairperson and members of the Majorette last two years is to be grateful for all the Committee, special moments we have in our lives. the Chairperson and members of the PTP, Particularly over the Christmas period where the Magazine Committee, we remind ourselves how important family the Junior and Senior School Head Girls and Deputies, is to us all. the Junior and Senior School Executives and Committees, “Family is like music, the St Dominic’s Parish, some high notes, some low notes, all members of Staff, Sports Coaches, Substitute Teachers and all who have assisted us this year. but always a beautiful song” You are all angels to the school and our girls. “One School, One Family, One Spirit” Have a blessed Christmas and a very special New Year. God Bless. EXECUTIVE HEADMASTER

REGION PRIORESS Sister Stephany God, a Supreme Being or belief in the spirituality of In the initial aftermath of the arrival of C-19, church- humankind may have been easily believed in when goers could not attend services of worship. The we credited our world with reasonable stability, and home became a micro place of worship. Family our lives with reasonable comfort and security, but members became the ministers of spirituality and that was before we were suddenly faced with a faith to each other drawing into deeper relationship universal crisis with the arrival of COVID-19, that has not only with God, but with each other. There are a caused paradigm shifts globally in our thinking, number of people of this era, ordinary people who ways of living and behaving. It has shaken the belief are calling us to attend to ways in which we can systems of many.The word ‘pandemic’ has been make the world a better place. My short list is the applied to a field of social ills such as gender based following – you will doubtless name many others: violence and rampant greed. Our era could be Greta Thunberg, the teenage Swedish called “The era of disillusionment” – disillusionment environmental activist, Malala Yousafzai, the with institutions and organizations, with Church and teenage Palestinian activist, the “Gift of the Givers“ State that has been festering over some decades, and Pope Francis. The challenges presented by a but intensified with the arrival of C-19. Our global malaise have motivated many and propelled certainties and securities have been seriously them into what could be called “an era of challenged. Our comfort zones have been turned entrepreneurship and creativity”. There have been upside down. The people in whom we automatically examples of personal and national altruism, placed trust in former eras, were discovered to have organisational and national responses in generosity succumbed to greed, selfishness, loss of moral to the crises, requiring extraordinary magnanimity. compass, people with clay feet, who flagrantly The challenges have led to individuals, breached custodianship of trust, blatantly organizations, and institutions strengthening and perpetrated wrongdoing boldly believing in their making significant choices that take issue with the impunity and people who fight to escape adversities and refuse to be weakened or responsibility. Having identified their failures, a overpowered by them. St Dominic’s School is one tendency has been to project humankind’s failure such example of a courageous institution. onto God: the irrational illogic of moving in thinking from “God has not saved us from the pandemic and Thank you for your support of the school. We the present state of affairs”, to “God is to blame”, to celebrate the human spirit that calls for and backs “God is irrelevant” and arriving at the conclusion transformation in the face of adversity. “God does not exist”. That is one pessimistic view. The experience of many has been the reverse of the above view. Traditional ways of doing things had to change radically. Christmas is approaching. A wish I give to you is that you may celebrate the season in safety and with joy, peace and love and celebrate the gift of family and friends. May God bless you. Sister Stephany REGION PRIORESS

ETHOS & RELIGION Report by Erica Rindfleisch As we move towards the 2023 centenary In 2019, we highlighted the black and celebrations, the Ethos Team has been white dog with a fiery torch in his highlighting the various symbols mouth as our Dominican symbol for associated with St Dominic de Guzman. the year. This dog is often seen in artwork of St Dominic. The dog and In 2018, we used a faceless the torch represents the eagerness St Dominic as a symbol and energy that is associated with St for the year. Dominic’s fervour in spreading the Gospel to the people of his time. Julia The faceless Williams, the Senior School Art St Dominic Teacher at the time painted a picture challenges us to for us. become the face of St Dominic in In 2020 we highlighted the star our current times. symbol that is associated with St Dominic, which is most often Symbol in 2018: seen on or near his forehead in The Faceless St depictions of St Dominic. The Dominic, drawn compass-star symbol by former Senior symbolises the direction School Art Teacher, that needs to be taken to follow Mrs Maria Kaye. our path to God. Once again our Senior School Art Teacher, Julia Williams, created a painting of a compass star for us.

DOMINICAN SISTERS of St Catherine of Siena The Newcastle Dominican congregation began with a group of Sisters who ran a school in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal. They went on to build 23 schools in South Africa, including St Dominic's in 1923. Their strong tradition of involvement in education continues to this day, and we value the presence of the Dominican Sisters in our school. In a very moving ceremony in February, we celebrated the reception of Sister Andiswa Ngcobo into the Novitiate, and the Final Profession of Sister Nontobeko Mabaso (our Robotics and Coding Teacher). “Having dreams about their future in life is something most people have, especially young people whose whole future lies before them. It's perfect when we can not only plan goals but reach them. Many people like to do things differently very often into the unknown. Two such people who set out on a special life's 'journey' celebrated milestones yesterday. Nontobeko Mabaso and Andiswa Ngcobo are committing their lives to God. After six years in formation and three concurrent years on the way to a teacher's degree, Sister Nontobeko took a leap of faith and made vows for life. Sr Andiswa entered the second of three stages of training to become a Dominican Sister. We Sisters congratulate them and wish for them to continue developing their God-given potential and talents.” Sister Stephany Thiel Region Prioress Video link:

ETHOS & RELIGION In 2021, we chose the symbol of Lilies as our Dominican symbol. Lilies associated with Saints represent chastity (purity, modesty, clarity, virtuosity, morality, goodness, righteousness, freedom from contamination, wholesomeness, naturalness). In artistic depictions, St. Dominic is seen holding a lily. The lily is an appropriate symbol for St Dominic. It describes his character perfectly. It is said that when Dominic spoke, he was either speaking about God or to God (in prayer). He was completely focused on God. His mission to guide Christians back to the true Gospel values was single-minded. He did not allow anyone or anything to hinder his determination to guide Christians back to the true faith (Veritas). Our challenge today is to become the face of St Dominic by living Gospel values in order to become caring, loving and compassionate people who are concerned about other peoples’ human dignity. Our school’s Value Statement states “We are More recently lay teachers have also become committed to the Gospel Values of Truth, responsible for teaching the Gospel values. Compassion, Respect, Sharing and Caring. We provide an environment for personal growth and It is not only the Religious Education teachers who fulfilment. We respond to the challenges facing an teach Gospel values, but every single member of ever changing society in the hope that we will make a staff. Here at St Dominic’s, we are blessed to have difference.” members of staff across the board who exemplify our Dominican ethos. “In the spirit of love and dedication: ·We encourage the pursuit of knowledge and One such person is Mrs Jenny Kerr, a past pupil, wisdom. who after 33 years of teaching in the Junior ·We instil the values of integrity and loyalty. School is retiring. Her contribution to preparing ·We build self-esteem through the recognition of the Grade 3 and 4 students for their First Confession uniqueness of each individual. and First Holy Communion is greatly appreciated. ·We engender enthusiasm through positive and She was always available to assist in any way she uplifting interaction. could. We are going to miss her enormously. ·We endeavour to live these values by word and Another past pupil who returned to teach at St example.” Dominic’s is Mrs Cheri-Lee Barbosa. She enthusiastically agreed to teach RE in the High During 2021 we celebrated the school’s 98th birthday. School. Cheri-Lee is always full of ideas which she 2023 is not far away and we look forward to is willing to share. Besides teaching RE she also celebrating our centenary. helped to facilitate High School Retreat days. Mrs Vanessa Abraham in the Pre-grades is also Since 1923 there have been probably hundreds of leaving St Dominic’s. Vanessa is a past pupil and people who have taught Gospel values to the has skilfully brought the Bible stories and the all students of St Dominic’s. Initially this was primarily important Gospel values to life for the little girls in done by the numerous Dominican Sisters who ran their classes. We wish all of them well in their new and taught at the school. adventures.

ETHOS & RELIGION I am indebted to Mrs Pauline Penny and Mrs Tricia We are grateful for the support that we receive from Flinn, who with me make up the St Dominic’s School the Dominican Sisters who are always welcoming Ethos Team. At our frequent meetings in person, towards us. Sr Stephany knows what we are doing online and via WhatsApp, we come up with ideas and and when we see her in person, she is always plans for our various events at school. At times we complimentary of our efforts. have so many ideas that we have to store them for another year, by which time we have new ideas, and Sr Lynda remains one of our most valued supporters. our choices are numerous. We are supported by the We therefore would like to thank the Dominican teachers in our sections of the school and for this we Sisters for their interest and support for what we do. are grateful. We thank the members of the school’s Board of We are thankful to our school’s management team Governors and especially Mr Clement Chamboko, the who support us as we plan and execute our Chairperson, for reading our regular Ethos Reports numerous events such as Masses, Prayer Services, and sending messages of praise and support to us. Retreats, and other events. In these Covid-19 times we need to ask so many questions about where, Ms Erica Rindfleisch when and how to set up and who can attend. Covid- 19 protocols need to be adhered to and an Head of Ethos awareness of the current Alert Level prescribed by the Department of Basic Education needs to be kept in mind. The management team guides us through all of this. Thank you. On the 2nd of November we celebrated the Feast of All Souls with a Prayer Service attended by the whole school outdoors on the hockey fields. We prayed for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially the friends and family of our school community. In this way, the care and love that we have for our departed family and friends can continue even after death. We know that those who have died share in the resurrection of Christ and live in communion with us. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

ETHOS & RELIGION ST DOMINIC and the symbols associated ith him Angel Mass October 2021 Angel Mass is the last Mass that our Matric girls celebrate with the whole school. Traditionally, the Grade Ones would accompany the matrics into Mass. This practice serves to remind the matrics of how far their journey has gone. Some of them began their schooling here in our Pre-Grade, while others joined in our Primary School or in Grade 8. This year our Matrics attended the Mass and it was streamed live from our indoor Jubilee centre, and the whole school watched online through the smart boards in all of the classrooms. Our Dominican motto “Veritas” remains central to all our teaching and informs our approach to education to enable the School to be permeated by the Christian Spirit. Christ is our teaching centre and model for all we do.

TRANSFORMATION & DIVERSITY Committee Chairperson's Report It has been a very exciting year for the Our first Sports and Culture Awards ceremony using Transformation and Diversity (T&D) at St Dominic’s. the new system this year proved to be transparent With this being such a delicate and yet extremely and practical. important platform for every institution, it needs to be approached in a sensitive manner. Our school, We thank the Board of Governors who bought a has managed to establish a good platform that storage unit for marimbas and ten new marimbas. allows for T&D to grow efficiently. We have, so far, The Board has also upgraded the Support Staff covered much ground in implementing change at facilities. The kitchen, shower and toilet at their living St Dominic’s; the most important change being the quarters have been tiled. The changing rooms have reporting mechanism of this committee. As the also been painted, the floors tiled, and the chairperson of this committee, I now report breakaway-area for the staff has also been tiled, directly to The Board of Governors. painted and furnished. Their living facilities have been equipped with computers and an internet As per the mandate of the Board of Governors, connection, and the Gound Staff have completed T&D has been divided into three pillars. The first computer training. pillar is the Policies and Procedures sub- committee, headed up by Mrs Bradbury and On behalf of the Transformation and Diversity Mrs Gwaza. This sub-committee’s role is to review Committee, I would like to thank: the school policies and make recommendations for change. Once the policies have been The Board of Governors for their support, reviewed, they are submitted to the T&D guidance and financial commitment to ensure committee for ratification and comment. the success of the T&D mandate, Mr Loring, Mrs Fitzgerald, Mrs Bradbury and Mrs The second pillar – Safe Spaces is headed up by Meyer, thank you for your continued assistance, Mrs Matloha who looks specifically at the children wisdom, and support, and safe spaces - where they can talk and express Mr Clute Swanepoel, Mrs Ermine Bussack, Mrs themselves in a safe way. Genine Jacobs, Mrs Karen Dolman, Mrs Tafara Matsaudza and Mrs Mpho Maseko who serve on Mrs Meyer heads up the third pillar, which is to the Parent Transformation and Diversity facilitate Staff Training in terms of Transformation, Committee. Your guidance and support are Diversity and Inclusion. The school's management immensely appreciated. team enjoyed an exciting and informative course Mrs Matloha, for working so wonderfully with the on Diversity and Inclusion in September. learners in the Safe Spaces sub-committee Mrs Gwaza for working tirelessly in Mrs Matloha has initiated a network with other the review of the school policies, schools in the area of Transformation, Diversity your commitment is highly and Inclusion. A link between St Dominic’s and appreciated. St Mary’s has been established and our girls are Our student T&D committee who excited about liaising with other schools and work directly with the rest of the sharing their ideas and experiences. learners to ensure the success of the T&D mandate, The Sports and Culture Awards Policies have been our sincere thanks. updated. The Cultural rubric has been redesigned to suit the specific needs of the cultural field, rather than being mirrored from the sports rubric. NNeevviillllee SSmmiitthh CHAIRPERSON T&D Committee

Projects Carpark Upgrade & Extension New Marimbas Flooring Upgrades New Hall Seating

New Swimming Pool Covers Carpark Extension & Upgrade Marimbas and Storage Unit Storage Facility behind Tennis Kiosk Tennis Kiosk upgrade PTP | PARENT TEACHER PARTNERSHIP Chairperson's Report As the PTP we were able to meet again this year in focus on the emotional wellbeing of the family as a person to stratergise and get some projects off the whole. Clinical Psychologist Jill Back addressed a ground. number of important issues relating to stress levels and offered advice on coping mechanisms. In these One of these projects was the upgrade of the tennis webinars, Jill shared practical tips for parents and club house area, and the addition of a new storage children to cope with the effects of Covid. These area. webinars were very well received and we look forward to hosting more of them next year. A new electronic signboard will be installed in the parking lot at the end of the year to keep parents My grateful thanks to the members of the 2021 PTP for informed on events and important notices. their hard work and commitment. A very special thank you to our St Dominic's community for your ongoing With a focus on Wellbeing, we hosted a very support. successful Fun Day which was enjoyed by all. Thanks to our parents, we raised R150 000 which Wishing you a blessed Christmas. will be used for further improvements at school. I look foward to sharing our plans with you in the new year! In March, we hosted our first Online Social and AGM with some dancing and music that was really Garreth Stein enjoyable for all. PTP Chairperson The PTP hosted a series of virtual discussions with a If you would like to know more about the PTP please contact us by Email: [email protected]

PRE-SCHOOL Grade 0000 (2-year olds) to Grade 0

Happy 30th Birthday to US!! Grade 0000 St Dominic’s Pre-school is 30 years old, this year. 30 years of growing, playing and Doodlebugs learning. It is truly satisfying looking back and seeing how many things have Debbie Meyer metamorphosized over the years. How we’ve embraced technology without sacrificing the basic development milestones of our young learners. This year we have seen an exponential growth in Coding and Robotics, and its seamless blending into our Ex.S.T.R.E.A.M programme. Tricia Portia Activities like gardening have been at the forefront of our minds, in an effort to instil Flinn Mhlongo in our children a love for the natural environment. Alongside this has been a keen awareness of recycling. Grade 000 Throughout the obstacles that COVID has thrown at us, we have managed to Doris Mogane Snails complete a full year of teaching and learning, with only a couple of weeks online. I would like to thank our parents for embracing this journey with us to ensure the best outcome for our children. By teachers and parents working together, we have been able to share the learning and growth of our Pre-school. Sr Tam Michelle I feel it fitting to thank our Board of Governors under the leadership of Mr Clement Rosie Mlangeni Sennwitz Chamboko, for the steadfast positivity with which they have stewarded the school through 2021. Alongside Mr Chamboko, stood Mr Matthysen our Finance chair and Grade 00 our Head of school Mr Loring. This team in partnership with our Region Prioress, Ladybirds Caterpillars Sr Stephany Thiel, have ensured that not only has the school survived but developed in the field of Coding and Robotics, upgrading facilities and purchasing new equipment, including a set of brand-new marimbas. We also saw the transformation of the St Dominic’s Road carpark. As we reflect on the 30th Birthday milestone, I would like to mention that this Esther Phetla celebration is signified by a “Pearl”. A beautiful object that is formed in an oyster. A grain of sand becomes trapped in an oyster and the oyster protects itself from this Tracey Vanessa irritation by coating the grain of sand in a secretion. Layer upon layer is placed Strydom Abraham around the grain, forming a strong, beautiful, resilient Pearl. Quite fitting for the past year don’t you think? Despite the irritation of COVID, we Grade 0 have come through stronger and more resilient, and our girls are growing Butterflies Bees beautifully. Walter Nonyane As I end, I would like to offer my condolences to all our families who have lost loved ones or suffered other loses through this year. May God continue to keep you close and embrace you with his mercy, love and grace. Jenny Krige Michelle Teixeira Charmaine Van Schalkwyk Ursula Hird

Thank you to the many exceptional people who pull together to keep St Dominic’s the beautiful Pearl in our community. Mrs Kruger and the Admin department, Mrs Lotter and our support staff, Mr Kindon and our ground staff, Mr Phiri and Mrs Tsekelele our Technology team, Hayley Polley and Stephanie Parker our therapists, Active Education, Aunty Bonny and Aunty Ruth from Rhythmania, Mr Stein and the PTP and the Pre-school Committee are all integral members of our St Dominic’s school team and ensure the successful running of the Pre-school. We are very grateful to them all. The ladies from Aftercare under the leadership of Mrs Calaca have been utterly amazing this year. Thanks to Mrs Candice Richter, Mrs Nicola Kalil-Zacky and Mrs Bridget Jewkes for being on standby and assisting with substitution. Lastly, I need to thank my Pre-school team. Michelle, Tricia, Michelle, Vanessa, Tracey, Charmaine, Jenny, Ursula, Rosie, Doris, Esther, Portia and Walter. What an incredible group of individuals they all are. Thank you for each and every moment that you have spent going the extra mile. VOTED EKURHULENI’S BEST PRE-SCHOOL AND PRIVATE PRIMARY SCHOOL

Sister Tam We are very sad to be saying goodbye to you. We wil miss your cheerful disposition, seeing you get your hands dirty with paint, soil or any other number of sensory messes that were on the menu. Sr has also been spotted playing soccer with the girls while playing outside. Sister, we have been blessed to have had you with us this past year and wish you health, happiness and God’s blessings in England. We will miss you terribly. Simona Corliano Simona was with me in Grade o – the Busy Bee class in 2007. She then went on to complete her Matric here in 2019. Simona has spent the past year working with us and has been a valuable part of the team for that time. Simona will be studying full time from next year and so will no longer be available to come in and assist with the many and various tasks that she has been so involved in. Good luck with your future Simona, we will miss you and hope you will pop in to visit if and when you can. Vanessa Abraham This amazing lady started at St Dominic’s when she started Gr 3 in 1974. She completed her matric here in 1981. Vanessa was one of the High School executives and was a sub leader in the 1st Drummies team that went to America in 1981 and won the World Champs. Vanessa studied teaching and returned to St Dominic’s as a Grade 3 teacher in 1991. She stayed until 1999, teaching Gr3 and then Gr 0. Vanessa then left to assist her husband in his business. She soon went back to teaching and luckily returned to St Dominic’s in 2013 to teach Gr 00. Since then she has been our Caterpillar teacher. Vanessa can be characterized as someone who gives 200% to all she does, especially the children in her class. It is with a sad and heavy heart that we say farewell to Van, as she is affectionately known to her colleagues. Vanessa will be focusing on her family as she has elderly parents. We say so long, but know that you will always be part of the Pre-school and St Dominic’s family.

… held on International Jellybean Day

Feast of the Archangels

Happy Nurses Day

Outdoor Movement

Gardening in the Pre-School


Click on the photographs to Watch the Videos! Azania Enelo Nkwane Mangwane Zivah Links Liam van den Nineveh Shamiso Berg Skinner Chauruka

Matimu Mikayla Mangwane Du Plessis Thandazo Charlotte Hailey Mthimunye Beytell Jones Noah Ariël Logan Pirie Perumal Owens Click on the photographs to Watch the Videos!

Click on the photographs to Watch the Videos!

Snail Class 2021 Click on the photographs to Watch our Videos!

CATERP20IL21LARS Lorena Teixeira Tanyaradzwa Chauruka Brielle Khumo Pillay Mokone Cataleah Barbosa Giuliana Click on the Dinaledi Gouveia photographs to Machabaphala Watch our Videos!

Click on the photographs to Watch our Videos! Maleeha Owamy Dadoo Nkwane Katekile Nkwashu Cayla Meng-Yan Fohren Chen Tatiana Emerson Fernandes Botha


Click on the photographs to Watch the Videos!

Shakti Raegan Kgatoentle Govender Hall Buchoane Amy Ulibo Khumo Meredith Maluleka Ranape Click on the photographs to Khabonina Okuhle Kendall Watch the Videos! Nkosi Magagula De Jager

Moraswi Shanti Olivia Sekele Govender Schult Boitumelo Orefile Khanyisile Mahlangu Mabaso Mekgwe Click on the photographs to Thandolwethu Yandisaokuhle Mrs Van Watch the Videos! Teto Hlatshwayo Schalkwyk

Nthabeleng Malatsi Thapelo Legadimana Lusanda Masina Butterflies 2021 Eva Beling Mrs J Krige Ndalenhle Mbatha Lwandle Masuku Thandeka Barnabas Njeri Githiri Click on the photographs to Watch the Videos!

Azania Skosana Tshiamo Mogedi Sophia Sham Tatiana Dos Ramos Khloe Mercer Aleah Lavos Butterflies 2021 Ntandokababa Hlophe Click on the Madison McCarthy Abigail Santana photographs to Watch the Videos!

Dragonflies 2021 Bontle Skhosana Railyn Supersath Karlie Marais Athandwa Mthiyane Eden Adolph Xiao Xiao Shan Zoe Kekana Botlhale Molapo Click on the photographs to Mackayla Padayachee Watch the Videos!

Michelle Amoni Abigail Summerfield Palesa Ramano Rorisang Lempe Anna van Rooyen Alyssa McIntyre Zanokuhle Nhlapo Zinhle Shongwe Mrs. Hird Click on the photographs to Watch the Videos!

PRIMARY SCHOOL Grade 1 to Grade 7

PRIMARY SCHOOL Principal's Report The year has flown by once again and we have As we continue to navigate our way through these taken another year, with Covid, in our stride. The experiences, we are aware that a big chunk of our community has been remarkable, supporting in all family is missing. The parents have not been able to areas. The girls have become more independent really be part of all that happens at the school and I as time has passed by, getting great satisfaction in am mindful of that. Finding ways to keep you all being able to walk themselves to and from class, engaged has been at the forefront of every decision organise their day and do it well. As we have we have made. We are finally able to welcome watched levels slowly rise and fall, vaccinations spectators on the property for sporting events, have given us some reprieve from the intense which opens us up again to sharing some of our experiences of last year, giving us some room to experiences with you in a real sense. We long for breathe. Although, we still have a long way to go the days when the gates are open to all again as we there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. miss you all. The experience of the last two years has made As family we need to remember to remain present, me really focus on our motto, One School, One take little notice of the negative influences around Family, One Spirit. Covid has taken a lot from us all us and really focus on the moments at hand. No and the need for us to pull together now has matter how small, pay attention to every little become even more evident. Never have I felt the nuance, discussion and expression. Make a valiant need for family more than I do right now. We effort to cast devices aside and stop living through have been forced into various forms of isolation the lens. If Covid teaches us anything, it’s that we since March 2020, making it easier and more cannot take each other for granted, that we need to comfortable to pull away, seem aloof or simply appreciate everything about each other and that we not engage. It is at times like these that family is need to embrace the moment. important. They give you the courage to face any challenge. I would like to thank the teachers for the hours they have put into another tumultuous year, for Brad Henry’s quote encompasses what it means continuing to forge ahead with 21st Century to be part of the St. Dominic’s Family. “Families are learning, embracing technology and moving St. the compass that guides us. They are the Dominic’s Primary into future-focused education. inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort The continued Hybrid approach has developed the when we occasionally falter”. girls’ computer literacy allowing them to navigate work online and offline. What makes us a St Dominic’s Family? It’s about Thank you to each one of the belonging, about feeling that you have teachers for realising the somewhere safe and beautiful to become who need to teach the skills God put you on this Earth to be. To have the ability the girls require for to express yourself, to be able to love, argue, cry, their future. laugh and feel anything - without judgement. There are times when there is discord, as there is in any family, but it’s what we do afterwards that matters. We learn to forgive each other, to allow ourselves to make mistakes and learn from them, to know that after discussion we grow and become better versions of ourselves all the while learning to trust in the process. Mrs Tammy Bradbury

PRIMARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL'S REPORT Our focus this year was on Hope for the Future. Thanks Looking after our girls and making sure that, with all protocols in place, we could give them the best I thank Mr Chamboko and the board for their wisdom, learning experiences possible. We continued to forging forward with a future-driven vision for the embark on EXSTREAM projects throughout the school. year, watching our girls collaborate, debate and invent. Coding and Robotics has become part of I would like to thank Mrs Meyer and Mrs Fitzgerald, our focused curriculum and the girls have relished as well as Mr Loring for their mentorship and advice in learning and discovering as much as they over the last year. possibly can. We were able to slowly move back into the Science Labs, allowing the girls to Thank you to Mrs da Costa, for always being there for physically complete experiments again in Grade 7. every one of our girls, teachers and parents. Mrs da The pressures of social media and exposure to Costa, you are the glue that keeps our family online apps have highlighted the need for the together, thank you. teachers to spend more time on the hidden Thank you to Mrs O’Connor for all your hard work. As curriculum, this being the most important. The the Grade 4-7 HOD, there are many nights you sit time taken by the teachers to council, discuss and checking the academic progress of each of the girls grow the emotional intelligence of the girls has sitting here today. Caring for each one of them as if been invaluable. These soft skills are what the girls they were your own. Thank you for everything you do really need to engage socially. The ability to for them and the teachers in your section. embrace their sisterhood in this St. Dominic’s Family, celebrating each other’s successes when I thank my Deputy Principals Mrs Kerr and Mrs Adair the world out there teaches them the exact for all their hard work, support and guidance opposite. throughout the year. Mrs Kerr, thank you for being a real source of wisdom, calm and reason. You are We thank each one of you for continuing to build always there for everyone without any need for our St Dominic’s Spirit, keeping our Family strong. recognition. You are the epitome of a St. Dominic’s A quote by Desmond Tutu encapsulates my Teacher. Mrs Adair’s passion toward coding and sentiment, “You don’t choose your family, they are robotics and all things techno, have catapulted the God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” Let’s Primary School into orbit. Thank you for your passion continue to do God’s work and against all odds and drive Mrs Adair, for the hours put into helping the encourage our girls to embrace the values we girls online, parents with password issues and of instil and discard those displayed on the internet. course the hours put into the reports and magazine. I appreciate everything you both do. To All the teaching Staff, active Ed, aftercare and coaching staff for their tireless efforts throughout the year. You are all true champions. Thank you for making St. Dominic’s a truly wonderful place to live and learn. To Mr Kindon and the support staff for completing all the projects around the school, making the Primary school a beautiful place to spend our days. Mr Phiri and Mrs Tsekelele for their work on IT.

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