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Home Explore Constitution 2008

Constitution 2008

Published by accmelibrary, 2022-02-21 04:59:13

Description: Constitution 2008


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93 (iv) (aa) person who has served as a Judge of the Region or State High Court for at least five years; or (bb) person who has served as a judicial officer or law officer for at least 10 years not lower than that of the Region or State Level; or (cc) person who has practised as an advocate for at least 15 years; (dd) person who is, in the opinion of the President, as an eminent jurist; (v) person who is loyal to the Union and its citizens. (b) The DeputyAttorney-General shall be responsible to theAttorney-General of the Union and to the President through the Attorney-General of the Union. (c) If the DeputyAttorney-General of the Union is a representative of a Hluttaw or a Civil Services personnel or a member of a political party, the provisions of Sub-Sections (f), (g) and (h) of Section 237 shall be applied. Term of office, resignation, termination of office, filling the vacancy of theAttorney- General of the Union and the Deputy Attorney-General 240. (a) The term of theAttorney-General of the Union and the DeputyAttorney- General is normally the same as that of the President. (b) TheAttorney-General of the Union or the DeputyAttorney-General may resign from office on his own volition due to a certain reason before expiry of the term of office, after submitting his written resignation to the President. (c) The President may direct to resign theAttorney-General of the Union or

93 (4) (uu) wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fw&m;vTwfawmf w&m;olBuD;tjzpf tenf;qkH; ig;ESpfaqmif&GufcJhol orYdk [wk f ( c c ) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,f tqixhf urf erd ahf om w&m;a&;t&m&Sd okdYr[kwf Oya't&m&Sd &mxl;wGif ten;f q;Hk 10 EpS f wm0exf r;f aqmicf ohJ l orYdk [wk f ( * * ) w&m;vwT af wmaf &US aetjzpf ten;f q;Hk 15 EpS f trI vudk yf gaqmi&f uG cf ohJ l orYdk [wk f (CC) xifay:ausmfMum;onfh *kPfowif;&Sdaom Oya' ynm&iS tf jzpf Eidk if aH wmof rw® u ,ql o/l (5) Eidk if aH wmEf iS hf Eidk if oH m;rsm;tay: opmö &odS /l ( c ) 'kwd,a&SUaecsKyfonf jynfaxmifpka&SUaecsKyftm; vnf;aumif;? jynfaxmifpka&SUaecsKyfrSwpfqifh EkdifiHawmfor®wtm;vnf;aumif; wm0ecf &H rn?f ( * ) 'kwd,a&SUaecsKyftjzpf cefYtyfwm0efay;jcif;cH&olonf vTwfawmf wpf&yf&yf\\ udk,fpm;vS,faomfvnf;aumif;? EdkifiHh0efxrf; aomf vn;f aumi;f ? Eikd if aH &;ygwwD pcf ck \\k tzUJG0iaf omvf n;f aumi;f jzpyf gu yk'fr 237 yk'frcGJ ( p ) ?(q)ESifh ( Z ) yg jy|mef;csufrsm;ESifhvnf; ouqf ikd af p&rn/f jynaf xmipf ak &US aecsKyEf iS hf 'wk ,d a&US aecsKywf \\Ykd &mx;l ouwf r;f ? &mx;l rES wk xf uG f jcif;? wm0efrS&yfpJjcif;ESifY vpfvyf&mxl;ae&mwGif jznfhpGufcefYxm;jcif; 240/ (u) jynaf xmipf ak &US aecsKyEf iS hf 'wk ,d a&US aecsKywf \\Ykd &mx;l ouwf r;f onf omretf m;jzihf Eidk if aH wmof rw® \\ &mx;l ouwf r;f twidk ;f jzpof n?f ( c ) jynfaxmifpka&SUaecsKyf odkYr[kwf 'kwd,a&SUaecsKyfonf &mxl; ouwf r;f ruek qf ;Hk rD taMumi;f wpcf ck ak Mumihf rrd od abmqEt´ avsmuf &mx;l rES wk xf uG vf vdk Qif xodk EYdk wk xf uG vf adk Mumi;f Eidk if aH wmof rw® xH pmjziwfh ijfyNy;D &mx;l rES wk xf uG Ef idk of n?f ( * ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf ay;tyof nwhf m0euf dk ausyeG pf mG rxr;f aqmiEf idk f aom jynaf xmipf ak &US aecsKyf orYkd [wk f 'wk ,d a&US aecsKytf m; &mx;l rS

94 the DeputyAttorney-General who cannot discharge his duties efficiently. If either of them fails to comply, he shall be terminated from his duties. (d) If the office of theAttorney-General of the Union or the DeputyAttorney- General becomes vacant due to resignation, removal from office, death or any other reason, the President shall have the right to appoint and assign duties to a new Attorney-General of the Union or the Deputy Attorney- General in accord with the provisions of the Constitution relating to the appointment of theAttorney-General of the Union or the DeputyAttorney- General. The term of the newly appointedAttorney-General of the Union or the Deputy Attorney-General shall be the same as the remaining term of office of the President. (e) (i) When the President before the expiry of his term in office, has appointed the Attorney-General of the Union and the Deputy Attorney-General, and the President’s office is vacant due to resignation or death or any other reason, theAttorney-General of the Union or the Deputy Attorney-General may be continued to be assigned or shall continue to perform their duties until the new elected President has appointed and assigned duties to the new Attorney-General of the Union or the Deputy Attorney-General in accord with the provisions of the Constitution . (ii) The term of the new appointed Attorney-General of the Union and the DeputyAttorney-General shall be up to the expiry of the remaining term of the new President. (f) Duties, powers and rights of the Attorney-General of the Union and the DeputyAttorney-General shall be prescribed by law.

94 Ewk xf uG &f ef ñeT Mfum;Eidk of n/f ñeT Mfum;onthf widk ;f vudk ef mjci;f rjyKvQif wm0erf &S ypf &J rn?f (C) &mx;l rES wk xf uG jfci;f aMumijhfzpaf p? wm0erf &S ypf cJ &H jci;f aMumijfhzpaf p? uG,fvGefjcif;aMumihfjzpfap? tjcm;taMumif;wpfckckaMumifhjzpfap jynaf xmipf ak &US aecsKyf orYkd [wk f 'wk ,d a&US aecsKy&f mx;l ae&m vpvf yvf Qif Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf zUJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jynaf xmipf ak &US aecsKyf orYkd [wk f 'wk ,d a&US aecsKyf cexYf m;jci;f EiS phf yvf sO;f onhf jy|me;f csuf rsm;EiS thf nD jynaf xmipf ak &US aecsKytf opf orYkd [wk f 'wk ,d a&US aecsKyf toptf m; cetYf ywf m0eaf y;Eidk of n/f xodk Ydk cetYf ywf m0ef ay;jci;f c&H onhf jynaf xmipf ak &USaecsKyf orYkd [wk f 'wk ,d a&USaecsKy\\f &mx;l ouwf r;f onf Eidk if aH wmof rw® \\ use&f odS n&hf mx;l ouwf r;f twuG of m jzpaf p&rn?f ( i ) (1) jynfaxmifpka&SUaecsKyfESifh 'kwd,a&SUaecsKyfwdkYtm; cefYtyf wm0eaf y;onhf Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf &mx;l ouwf r;f ruek qf ;Hk rD EkwfxGufaomaMumifhjzpfap? uG,fvGefaomaMumihfjzpfap? wpfpkHwpfckaom taMumif;aMumihfjzpfap EkdifiHawmfor®w &mxl;vpfvyfvQif tpm;xkd;a&G;cs,fwifajr§mufvkdufonfh Eidk if aH wmof rw® topof nf ,i;f wtYdk m;quvf uwf m0eaf y;Eidk f onf orYdk [wk f zUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD jynaf xmipf ak &USaecsKytf opEf iS hf 'wk ,d a&US aecsKytf oprf sm;ukd cetYf ywf m0eaf y;Eikd of n/f ,i;f oYkd cetYf ywf m0eaf y;rnf qydk gu jynaf xmipf ak &USaecsKytf opEf iS hf 'wk ,d a&US aecsKytf oprf sm;ukd cetYf ywf m0eaf y;Ny;D onthf csed tf xd jynaf xmipf ak &US aecsKyEf iS Yf 'kwd,a&SUaecsKyfwdkYtm; ,if;wdkY\\ vkyfief;wm0efrsm;ukd quvf uxf r;f aqmiaf pEidk of n?f (2) tpm;x;dk cetYf ywf m0eaf y;jci;f c&H onhf jynaf xmipf ak &US aecsKyf topEf iS hf 'wk ,d a&US aecsKytf opwf \\Ykd &mx;l ouwf r;f onf Eidk if aH wmof rw® top\\f use&f odS n&hf mx;l ouwf r;f uek qf ;Hk ontf xod m jzp&f rn/f ( p ) jynaf xmipf ak &US aecsKyEf iS hf 'wk ,d a&US aecsKywf \\Ykd wm0erf sm;? vyk yf idk cf iG fh rsm;EiS hf &yidk cf iG rhf sm;udk Oya'jy|me;f owrf wS &f rn/f

95 Auditor-General of the Union and the Deputy Auditor-General 241. TheAuditor-General of the Union shall be called theAuditor-General of the Union. Appointment of the Auditor-General of the Union 242. (a) The President, with the approval of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, shall appoint a person from among Hluttaw representatives or from among those who are not Hluttaw representatives, who has the following qualifications, as theAuditor-General of the Union so as to audit Union Budget and report thereon to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw : (i) person who has attained the age of 45 years; (ii) person who has qualifications, with the exception of the age limit, entitled to be elected as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives prescribed in Section 120; (iii) persons whose qualification does not breach the provisions in Section 121 which disqualify a person from standing for election as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives; (iv) (aa) person who has served as an auditor for at least 10 years not lower than that of the Region or State Level; or (bb) person who has served as a Registered Accountant or a Certified Public Accountant for at least 20 years; or (cc) person who is, in the opinion of the President, as an eminent accountant, statistician or economist. (v) person who is loyal to the Union and its citizens. (b) The person nominated by the President to be appointed as the Auditor- General of the Union shall not be refused by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw unless

95 jynfaxmifpkpm&if;ppfcsKyfESifh 'kwd,pm&if;ppfcsKyf 241/ jynaf xmipf \\k pm&i;f ppcf sKyuf kd jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKy[f k ac:a0:&rn/f jynfaxmifpkpm&if;ppfcsKyf cefYtyfwm0efay;jcif; 242/ (u) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf Eidk if aH wm\\f t&to;Hk pm&i;f rsm;udk ppaf q;í jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmfokdY wifjyEkdif&ef vTwfawmfukd,fpm;vS,frsm; xJujzpfap? vTwfawmfukd,fpm;vS,fr[kwfolrsm;xJu jzpfap atmufazmfjyyg t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf jynphf oHk nyhf *k Kd¾vwf pOf ;D O;D tm; jynaf xmipf vk wT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD sujfzihf jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyf tjzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&rnf – (1) touf 45 EpS f jynNhfy;D o?l (2) touuf eoYf wcf surf tS y y'k rf 120 wiG f azmjfyxm;aom jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf sm;twuG f owrf wS xf m;onhf t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS fh jynphf oHk ?l (3) y'k rf 121 wiG f azmjfyxm;onhf jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S f rsm;tjzpf a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf yH ikd cf iG rhf &adS paom jy|me;f csuf rsm;EiS vhf n;f Nipd eG ;f jci;f r&odS ?l (4) (uu) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf qixhf urf erd ahf om pm&i;f pptf &m&dS &mx;l wiG f ten;f q;Hk 10 EpS f aqmif &uG cf ohJ l orYdk [wk f ( c c ) rSwfykHwifpm&if;ukdif okdYr[kwf vufrSwf&jynfolY pm&i;f uidk tf jzpf ten;f q;Hk 20 EpS f aqmi&f uG cf ohJ l orYdk [wk f ( * * ) xifay:ausmfMum;onfh *kPfowif;&Sdaom pm&if; ynm&Sif okdYr[kwf pm&if;tif;ynm&Sif odkYr[kwf p;D ymG ;a&;ynm&iS tf jzpf Eidk if aH wmof rw® u ,ql o/l (5) Eikd if aH wmEf iS fh Eikd if oH m;rsm;tay: opmö &odS /l ( c ) jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKytf wuG f owrf wS xf m;aom t&ntf csi;f rsm; EiS hf rjynphf aHk Mumi;f txitf &mS ;rjyoEidk yf gu jynaf xmipf vk wT af wmf

96 it can clearly be proved that the person concerned does not meet the qualification to be theAuditor-General of the Union. (c) ThePresidenthastherighttosubmitagainthelistwithanewnamereplacing the one who has not been approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw for the appointment of theAuditor-General of the Union. (d) TheAuditor-General of the Union shall be responsible to the President. (e) If theAuditor-General of the Union is a Hluttaw representative, it shall be deemed that he has resigned from the day he is appointed as theAuditor- General of the Union. (f) If theAuditor-General of the Union is a Civil Services personnel, it shall be deemed that he has retired according to the existing civil service rules and regulations from the day he is appointed as theAuditor-General of the Union. (g) If theAuditor-General of the Union is a member of any political party, he shall not take part in its party activities during the term of office from the day he is appointed asAuditor-General of the Union. Impeachment of the Auditor-General of the Union 243. If there is a need to impeach theAuditor-General of the Union, the same procedure for the impeachment of the Union Minister under Section 233 shall be applied. Appointment of the DeputyAuditor-General 244. (a) The President shall appoint, in his own volition, the persons from among the Hluttaw representatives or from those who are not Hluttaw representatives, who have the following qualifications, as the Deputy Auditor-General to assist theAuditor-General of the Union :

96 onf EkdifiHawmfor®wu trnfpm&if;wifoGif;onfh yk*d¾Kvftm; jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&ef jii;f y,cf iG fh r&adS p&? ( * ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&ef jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmf\\ oabmwlnDcsufr&&Sdonfh yk*d¾Kvftpm; trnpf m&i;f opuf dk jynaf xmipf vk wT af wmof Ydk xyrf wH iof iG ;f ciG &fh odS n?f (C) jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyof nf Eidk if aH wmof rw® tm; wm0ecf &H rn?f ( i ) jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyof nf vwT af wmwf p&f y&f y\\f u,dk pf m;v,S f jzpvf Qif jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;jci;f c&H onhf aerY pS í vwT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S tf jzprf S Ewk xf uG Nfy;D jzpof n[f k rwS ,f l &rn?f ( p ) jynfaxmifpkpm&if;ppfcsKyfonf EkdifiHh0efxrf;jzpfvQif jynfaxmifpk pm&i;f ppcf sKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;jci;f c&H onahf erY pS í wnqf J 0exf r;f pnf;rsOf;pnf;urf;rsm;ESifhtnD EkdifiHh0efxrf;tjzpfrS tNidrf;pm;,lNyD; jzpof n[f k rwS ,f &l rn?f (q) jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyof nf Eidk if aH &;ygwwD pcf ck \\k tzUJG 0ijfzpvf Qif jynfaxmifpkpm&if;ppfcsKyf odkYr[kwf 'kwd,pm&if;ppfcsKyftjzpf cefYtyfwm0efay;jcif;cH&onfhaeYrSpí rdrd&mxl;oufwrf;twGif; ,i;f ygwtD zUGJ tpn;f \\ ygwvD yk if e;f rsm;wiG f yg0iaf qmi&f uG jfci;f rjyK&/ jynfaxmifpkpm&if;ppfcsKyftm; pGyfpGJjypfwifjcif; 243/ jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKytf m; pyG pf jJGypwf ivf ykd gu jynaf xmipf 0k eBfu;D wpOf ;D O;D tm; pyG pf jJGypwf ijfci;f qikd &f m y'k rf 233 yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD aqmi&f uG &f rn/f 'kwd,pm&if;ppfcsKyf cefYtyfwm0efay;jcif; 244/ (u) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKytf m; taxmutf ujlyK&ef vwT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf sm;xuJ jzpaf p? vwT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S f r[wk f olrsm;xJujzpfap atmufazmfjyyg t&nftcsif;rsm;ESifhjynfhpkHonfh y*k K¾dvwf pOf ;D O;D tm; rrd od abmqEt´ avsmuf 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&rnf –

97 (i) person who has attained the age of 40 years; (ii) person who has qualifications, with the exception of age limit, entitled to be elected as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives prescribed in Section 120; (iii) persons whose qualification does not breach the provisions under Section 121 which disqualify a person from standing for election as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives; (iv) (aa) person who has served as an auditor for at least 10 years not lower than that of the Region or State Level; or (bb) person who has served as a Registered Accountant or a Certified Public Accountant for at least 15 years; or (cc) person who is, in the opinion of the President, as an eminent accountant, statistician or economist. (v) person who is loyal to the Union and its citizens. (b) The DeputyAuditor-General shall be responsible to theAuditor-General of the Union and the President through theAuditor-General of the Union. (c) If the DeputyAuditor-General of the Union is a representative of a Hluttaw or civil service personnel or member of a political party, the provisions of Sub-Sections (e), (f) and (g) of Section 242 shall be applied. Term of office, resignation, termination of office, filling the vacancy of theAuditor- General of the Union and the Deputy Auditor-General 245. (a) The term of the Auditor-General of the Union and the Deputy Auditor- General is normally the same as that of the President.

97 (1) touf 40 EpS f jynNhfy;D o?l (2) toufuefYowfcsufrSty yk'fr 120 wGifazmfjyxm;aom jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf sm;twuG f owrf wS xf m;onhf t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS fh jynphf oHk ?l (3) y'k rf 121 wiG af zmjfyxm;onhf jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S f rsm;tjzpf a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf yH ikd cf iG rhf &adS paom jy|me;f csuf rsm;EiS vhf n;f Nipd eG ;f jci;f r&odS ?l (4) (uu) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf qixhf uf rerd ahf om pm&if;ppft&m&Sd &mxl;wGif tenf;qkH; 10 ESpf aqmi&f uG cf ohJ l orYdk [wk f ( c c ) rSwfykHwifpm&if;ukdif okdYr[kwf vufrSwf&jynfolY pm&i;f uidk tf jzpf ten;f q;Hk 15 EpS f aqmi&f uG cf ohJ l orYdk [wk f ( * * ) xifay:ausmfMum;onfh *kPfowif;&Sdaom pm&if; ynm&Sif okdYr[kwf pm&if;tif;ynm&Sif odkYr[kwf p;D ymG ;a&;ynm&iS tf jzpf Eidk if aH wmof rw® u ,ql o/l (5) Eidk if aH wmEf iS hf Eidk if oH m;rsm;tay: opmö &odS /l ( c ) 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKyof nf jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKytf m;vn;f aumi;f ? jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyrf wS pqf ihf Eidk if aH wmof rw® tm;vn;f aumi;f wm0ecf &H rn?f ( * ) 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;jci;f c&H ool nf vwT af wmf wpf&yf&yf\\ udk,fpm;vS,faomfvnf;aumif;? EdkifihH0efxrf;aomf vn;f aumi;f ? Eikd if aH &;ygwwD pcf ck \\k tzUJG0iaf omvf n;f aumi;f jzpyf gu y'k rf 242 y'k rf cJG ( i ) ? ( p ) EiS hf (q) yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS vhf n;f ouqf ikd af p&rn/f jynfaxmifpkpm&if;ppfcsKyfESihf 'kwd,pm&if;ppfcsKyfwkdY\\ &mxl;oufwrf;? &mxl;rS EkwfxGufjcif;? wm0efrS&yfpJjcif;ESifhvpfvyf&mxl;ae&mwGif jznfhpGufcefYxm;jcif; 245/ (u) jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyEf iS fh 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKywf \\Ydk &mx;l ouwf r;f onf omretf m;jzihf Eidk if aH wmof rw® \\ &mx;l ouwf r;f twidk ;f jzpof n?f

98 (b) The Auditor-General of the Union or the Deputy Auditor-General may resign from office on his own volition due to a certain reason before expiry of the term of office, after submitting his written resignation to the President. (c) The President may direct to resign the Auditor-General of the Union or the DeputyAuditor-General who cannot discharge his duties efficiently. If either of them fails to comply, he shall be terminated from his duties. (d) If the office of the Auditor-General of the Union or the Deputy Auditor- General becomes vacant due to resignation, removal from office, death or any other reason, the President shall have the right to appoint and assign duties to a new Auditor-General of the Union or the Deputy Auditor- General in accord with the provisions of the Constitution relating to the appointment of theAuditor-General of the Union or the DeputyAuditor- General. The term of the newly appointedAuditor-General of the Union or the DeputyAuditor-General shall be the same as the remaining term of the President. (e) (i) When the President before the expiry of his term in office, has appointed the Auditor-General of the Union and the Deputy Auditor-General, and the President’s office is vacant due to resignation or death or any other reason, the Auditor-General of the Union or the DeputyAuditor-General may be continued to be assigned or shall continue to perform their duties until the new elected President has appointed and assigned duties to the new

98 ( c ) jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyf orYkd [wk f 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKyof nf &mx;l ouwf r;f ruek qf ;Hk rD taMumi;f wpcf ck ak Mumihf rrd od abmqEt´ avsmuf &mx;l rES wk xf uG vf vdk Qif xodk EYdk wk xf uG vf adk Mumi;f Eidk if aH wmof rw® xH pmjziwfh ijfyNy;D &mx;l rES wk xf uG Ef idk of n?f ( * ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf ay;tyof nwhf m0euf dk ausyeG pf mG rxr;f aqmif Eidk af om jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyf orYkd [wk f 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKytf m; &mxl;rSEkwfxGuf&ef ñTefMum;Ekdifonf/ ñTefMum;onfhtwkdif; vudk ef mjci;f rjyKvQif wm0erf &S ypf &J rn?f (C) &mx;l rS Ewk xf uG jfci;f aMumijhfzpaf p? wm0erf S &ypf cJ &H jci;f aMumijfhzpaf p? uG,fvGefjcif;aMumihfjzpfap? tjcm;taMumif;wpfckckaMumifh jzpfap jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyf orYkd [wk f 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKyf &mx;l ae&m vpvf yvf Qif Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf zUJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jynaf xmipf k pm&i;f ppcf sKyf orYkd [wk f 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKycf exYf m;jci;f EiS hf pyvf sO;f onhf jy|mef;csufrsm;ESifhtnD jynfaxmifpkpm&if;ppfcsKyftopf odkYr[kwf 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKytf optf m; cetYf ywf m0eaf y;Eidk of n/f xodk Ydk cetYf yf wm0eaf y;jci;f c&H onhf jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyf orYkd [wk f 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKy\\f &mx;l ouwf r;f onf Eidk if aH wmof rw® \\ use&f odS nhf &mx;l ouwf r;f twuG of m jzpaf p&rn?f ( i ) (1) jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyEf iS fh 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKywf tYkd m; cetYf yf wm0efay;onfh EkdifiHawmfor®wonf &mxl;oufwrf; rukefqkH;rD EkwfxGufoGm;aomaMumifhjzpfap? uG,fvGefaom aMumihfjzpfap? wpfpkHwpfckaom taMumif;aMumihfjzpfap Eidk if aH wmof rw® &mx;l vpvf yyf gu tpm;x;dk a&;G cs,wf iaf jrm§ uf vudk of nhf Eidk if aH wmof rw® topof nf ,i;f wtYdk m; quvf uf wm0eaf y;Eidk of nf orYdk [wk f zUJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csuf rsm;ESifhtnD jynfaxmifpk pm&if;ppfcsKyftopfESihf 'kwd, pm&i;f ppcf sKytf oprf sm;ukd cetYf ywf m0eaf y;Eikd of n/f ,i;f oYkd cetYf ywf m0eaf y;rnqf ykd gu jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKytf opEf iS fh 'kwd,pm&if;ppfcsKyftopfrsm;udk cefYtyfwm0efay;NyD;onfh tcsed tf xd jynaf xmipf pk m&i;f ppcf sKyEf iS hf 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKyf

99 Auditor-General of the Union or the DeputyAuditor-General in accord with the provisions of the Constitution. (ii) The term of the new appointedAuditor-General of the Union or the Deputy Auditor-General shall be up to the expiry of the remaining term of the new President. (f) Duties, powers and rights of the Auditor-General of the Union and the DeputyAuditor-General shall be prescribed by law. Formation of the Union Civil Services Board 246. (a) The President shall form the Union Civil Services Board to enable to perform the duties of selecting, training the Civil services personnel and prescribing of Civil Service regulations. (b) ThePresidentshallappointthepersonswhohavethefollowingqualifications as the Chairperson and Members of the Union Civil Services Board : (i) person who has attained the age of 50 years; (ii) person who has qualifications, with the exception of the age limit, entitled to be elected as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives prescribed in Section 120; (iii) persons whose qualification does not breach the provisions under Section 121 which disqualify a person from standing for election as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives; (iv) experienced intelligentsia and intellectuals; (v) person who is loyal to the Union and its citizens; (vi) person who is not a member of a political party; (vii) person who is not a Hluttaw representative. (c) If the Chairperson and members of the Union Civil Services Board are Civil Services personnel, it shall be deemed that they have retired according to the existing Civil Services rules and regulations from the day they are appointed as Chairperson and Members of the Union Civil Services Board of the Union.

99 wdkYtm; ,if;wdkY\\vkyfief;wm0efrsm;ukd qufvufxrf;aqmif apEidk of n?f (2) tpm;xkd;cefYtyf wm0efay;jcif;cH&onfh jynfaxmifpk pm&i;f ppcf sKytf opEf iS fh 'wk ,d pm&i;f ppcf sKytf opwf \\Ydk &mx;l oufwrf;onf EkdifiHawmfor®wtopf\\ usef&Sdonfh&mxl; ouwf r;f uek qf ;Hk ontf xod m jzp&f rn/f ( p ) jynfaxmifpkpm&if;ppfcsKyfESifh 'kwd,pm&if;ppfcsKyfwkdY\\ wm0efrsm;? vyk yf idk cf iG rfh sm;EiS Yf &yidk cf iG rhf sm;udk Oya'jy|me;f owrf wS &f rn/f jynfaxmifpk&mxl;0eftzGJU zGJUpnf;jcif; 246/ (u) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf Eidk if 0hH exf r;f a&;G cs,af &;? avuh siahf &;wm0eEf iS hf Eidk if 0hH exf r;f pn;f rsO;f pn;f ur;f owrf wS af &; wm0erf sm;xr;f aqmiEf idk &f ef jynaf xmipf &k mx;l 0etf zUJG zUJGpn;f &rn?f ( c ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf atmuaf zmjfyygt&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf jynphf oHk rl sm; tm; jynaf xmipf &k mx;l 0etf zUJGOu|ú EiS hf tzUJG0irf sm;tjzpf cetYf ywf m0ef ay;&rnf – (1) touf 50 EpS f jynNhfy;D o?l (2) touuf eoYf wcf surf tS y y'k rf 120 wiG f azmjfyxm;aom jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf sm;twuG f owrf wS xf m;onhf t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS fh jynphf oHk ?l (3) y'k rf 121 wiG f azmjfyxm;onhf jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S f rsm;tjzpf a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf yH ikd cf iG rhf &adS paom jy|me;f csuf rsm;EiS vhf n;f Nipd eG ;f jci;f r&odS ?l (4) tawUG tBuK&H iuhf suaf om toyd nm&iS ?f twwyf nm&iS jfzpof ?l (5) Eidk if aH wmEf iS hf Eidk if oH m;rsm;tay: opmö &odS ?l (6) Eidk if aH &;ygw0D if r[wk of ?l (7) vwT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S f r[wk of /l ( * ) jynaf xmipf &k mx;l 0etf zUJG Ou|ú EiS hf tzUJG0irf sm;onf Eikd if 0hH exf r;f jzpvf Qif jynaf xmipf &k mx;l 0etf zUJG Ou|ú EiS hf tzUJG0irf sm;tjzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;jci;f c&H onahf erY pS í wnqf 0J exf r;f pn;f rsO;f pn;f ur;f rsm;EiS thf nD Eikd if hH 0exf r;f tjzprf S tNird ;f pm;,Nly;D jzpof n[f k rwS ,f &l rn?f

100 (d) The Chairperson of the Union Civil Services Board shall be responsible to the President, and members of the Union Civil Services Board shall be responsible to the President through the Chairperson of Union Civil Services Board. (e) The term of the Chairperson and members of the Union Civil Services Board is normally the same as that of the President. (f) Formation of the Union Civil Services Board, duties, powers and rights of the Chairperson and Members, resignation and termination of duties shall be prescribed by law. 247. (a) The Region Government or the State Government (b) The Head of the Region or State shall be called the Chief Minister of the Region or State. The Member of the Region or State Government shall be called the Minister of the Region or State. Formation of the Region Government or State Government 248. (a) The Region Government is formed in the Region and State Government is formed in the State respectively. (b) The Region or State Government is formed with the following persons : (i) the Chief Minister of the Region or State; (ii) the Ministers of the Region or State; (iii) the Adovocate General of the Region or State. (c) The President, with the approval of the Region or State Hluttaw concerned, may : (i) specify the Region or State Ministries as may be necessary. Moreover, he may make changes and additions to the specified Ministries; (ii) specify the number of the Ministers of the Region or State as may be necessary. Moreover, the specified number may be increased or decreased.

100 (C) jynaf xmipf &k mx;l 0etf zUJGOu|ú onf Eidk if aH wmof rw® tm;vn;f aumi;f ? tzGJU0ifrsm;onf jynfaxmifpk&mxl;0eftzGJUOuú|ESihf ,if;rSwpfqifh Eidk if aH wmof rw® tm;vn;f aumi;f wm0ecf &H rn?f ( i ) jynfaxmifpk&mxl;0eftzGJUOuú|ESifh tzJGU0ifrsm;\\ oufwrf;onf omretf m;jzihf Eidk if aH wmof rw® \\ &mx;l ouwf r;f twidk ;f jzpof n?f ( p) jynaf xmipf &k mx;l 0etf zUJG zUJG pn;f jci;f ? Ou|ú EiS fh tzUJG 0iwf \\Ydk wm0erf sm;? vyk yf idk cf iG rfh sm;? &yidk cf iG rfh sm;? &mx;l rES wk xf uG jfci;f EiS hf wm0erf &S ypf jJci;f wuYdk dk Oya'jy|me;f owrf wS &f rn/f wkdif;a'oBuD; tpdk;&tzGJU okdYr[kwf jynfe,ftpkd;&tzGJU 247/ (u) wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f\\ tkyfcsKyfa&;tBuD;trSL;ukd (c) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKy[f k ac:a0:&rn?f wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f\\tpkd;&tzGJU0ifukd wkdif;a'oBuD; orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D [k ac:a0:&rn/f wdkif;a'oBuD;tpdk;&tzGJU odkYr[kwf jynfe,ftpkd;&tzGJU zGJUpnf;jcif; 248/ (u) wkdif;a'oBuD;wGif wkdif;a'oBuD;tpkd;&tzGJU? jynfe,fwGif jynfe,f tp;dk &tzUJG zUJG pn;f xm;&odS n?f ( c ) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf p;dk &tzUJG udk atmuaf zmjfyyg y*k K¾dvf rsm;jzihf zUJG pn;f onf - (1) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKy?f (2) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D rsm;? (3) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,Of ya'csKy/f ( * ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,f vwT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD sujfzihf – (1) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D Xmersm;udk vtdk yof vdk owfrSwfEkdifonf/ xdkYjyif owfrSwf0efBuD;Xmersm;udk jyiqf ijfci;f ? jznpfh uG jfci;f jyKEikd of n?f (2) wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;OD;a&ukd vkdtyfovkd owrf wS Ef idk of n/f xjYdkyif owrf wS Of ;D a&udk w;dk jci;f ? avQmjhci;f jyKEidk of n/f

101 Executive powers of the Region or State Government 249. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution, the executive power of the Region or State Government extends to the administrative matters which the Region or State Hlutttaw has power to make laws. Moreover, it also extends to the matters which the Region or State Government is permitted to perform in accord with any Union Law. 250. The Region or State Government shall have the responsibility to assist the Union Government in the preservation of the stability of the Union, community peace and tranquillity and prevalence of law and order. 251. The Region or State Government shall, subject to the policies adopted by the Union Government and Union Laws, implement projects that are to be undertaken in the Region or State with the approval of the Region or State Hluttaw concerned. 252. The Region or State Government shall, in accord with the provisions of the Constitution, submit the Region or State Budget Bill based on the annual Union Budget to the Region or State Hluttaw concerned. 253. The Region or State Government shall, if the Region or State Budget Bill is unable to promulgate before the end of the Budget year, expend within the framework of the general expenditure included in the last-enacted Budget Law of the Region or State Hluttaw.

101 wkdif;a'oBuD;tpkd;& odkYr[kwf jynfe,ftpkd;&\\ tkyfcsKyfrItcGihftmPm 249/ zUJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS rhf qeuYf sivf Qif wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,tf p;kd &\\ tyk cf sKyrf tI mPmonf wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmuf Oya'jyKEkdifaomudpö&yfrsm;okdY oufa&mufysHUESHUonf/ xkdYjyif jynfaxmifpk Oya' wpf&yf&yft& wkdif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,ftpkd;&tm; aqmif&GufcGifhjyKonfh upd &ö yrf sm;ovYdk n;f ouaf &muyf sUH EUHS on/f 250/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,tf p;dk &onf jynaf xmipf tk p;dk &u Eidk if aH wmf wnfNidrfa&;? &yf&Gmat;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh w&m;Oya'pkd;rkd;a&;wkdYukd xdef;odrf; apmiahf &mS u&f mwiG f unl &D ewf m0e&f odS n/f 251/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf p;dk &onf jynaf xmipf tk p;dk &u csrwS xf m; onfh rl0g'rsm;ESifhaomfvnf;aumif;? jynfaxmifpkOya'rsm;ESifhaomfvnf;aumif; rqeuYf siaf pbJ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,tf wiG ;f taumitf xnaf zmf aqmi&f uG f rnvhf yk if e;f rsm;EiS phf yvf sO;f onhf prD uH ed ;f rsm;udk ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD sujfzihf taumitf xnaf zmf aqmi&f uG &f rn/f 252/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf p;dk &onf zUGJ pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD jynaf xmipf \\k EpS pf Otf &to;Hk cerYf eS ;f ajcaipG m&i;f tay: tajcjyKvsuf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,\\f b@maiG t&to;Hk qidk &f m Oya'Mur;f udk jy|me;f ay;Eidk af &;twuG f ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmof Ydk wiof iG ;f &rn/f 253/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf p;dk &onf rrd wd iof iG ;f onhf widk ;f a'oBu;D okdYr[kwf jynfe,f\\b@maiG t&tokH;qkdif&mOya'Murf;ukd b@ma&;ESpf rukefqkH;rD oufqkdif&mwkdif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmfu jy|mef;jcif; rjyKEidk vf Qif widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmuf aemuqf ;Hk jy|me;f xm;onhf wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f\\b@maiG t&tokH;qkdif&mOya'yg omref to;Hk p&wd f ciG jhfyKcsuaf bmitf wiG ;f o;Hk pcGJ iG &hf odS n/f

102 Charges and Taxes to be Collected by the Region or State Government 254. (a) The Region or State shall collect the taxes and revenues listed in Schedule Five in accord with law and deposit them in the Region or State fund. (b) The Region or State has the right to expend the Region or State fund in accord with the law. 255. The Region or State Government, in accord with the provisions of the Constitution, may submit the necessary Bill relating to matters listed in Schedule Two of the Region or State Legislative List to the Region or State Hluttaw. 256. The Region or State Government : (a) shall, in carrying out the functions of the Region or State Ministries, their subordinate governmental departments and organizations, manage, guide, supervise and inspect in accord with the provisions of the Constitution and the existing laws; (b) may,relatingtotheperformanceofthecivilserviceorganizationsdischarging duties in their Region or State concerned, supervise, inspect and co- ordinate in accord with the law. 257. The Region or State Government may, for enabling the performance of the functions to be carried out in accord with the Union Law for Civil Services and in co-ordination with the Union Government in advance : (a) form Civil Services organizations relating to the Region or State as necessary; (b) appoint the required number of Civil Services personnel.

102 wikd ;f a'oBu;D tp;kd & orYkd [wk f jynef ,tf p;kd &rsm;u aumucf &H rnhf tceG tf crsm; 254/ (u) wdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,frsm;u Z,m; 5 yg tcGeftcrsm;udk Oya'ESifhtnDaumufcHí wdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,fb@m &eyf akH ioG Ykd ay;oiG ;f &rn?f ( c ) wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,rf sm;onf wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,bf @m&eyf akH irG sm;ukd Oya'EiS thf nD o;kH pcJG iG &hf odS n/f 255/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf p;dk &onf zUGJ pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csurf sm;ESifhtnD Z,m; 2 &Sd wkid f;a'oBuD; orYdk [kwf jynfe,f Oya'jyKpm&i;f yg upd &ö yrf sm;EiS phf yvf sO;f í vtdk yof nOhf ya'Mur;f udk widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,f vwT af wmof Ydk wiof iG ;f Eidk of n/f 256/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf p;dk &onf - (u) wkdif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;Xmersm;ESifh ,if;wkdY\\ vuaf tmutf p;dk &Xmersm;? tzUGJ tpn;f rsm;\\vyk if e;f aqmi&f uG rf rI sm;udk zUGJ pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD jzpaf p&evf n;f aumi;f ? wnqf OJ ya'ygjy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD jzpaf p&evf n;f aumi;f prD cH ecYf jGJci;f ? vr;f ñeT jfci;f ? Bu;D Muyjfci;f ? ppaf q;jci;f jyK&rn?f ( c ) rdrdwdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,ftwGif; wm0efxrf;aqmifvsuf &adS om e,bf u0f exf r;f tzUJG tpn;f rsm;\\ vyk if e;f aqmi&f uG rf rI sm;ukd vn;f Oya'EiS thf nD Bu;D Muyjfci;f ? ppaf q;jci;f ? aygi;f pynf Ed§ idI ;f ay;jci;f jyKEidk of n/f 257/ wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,tf p;kd &onf Eikd if 0hH exf r;f qikd &f m jynaf xmipf k Oya'EiS thf nvD n;f aumi;f ? jynaf xmipf tk p;kd &EiS hf BuKdwinf Ed§ iId ;f ívn;f aumi;f rrd d wm0e,f l taumitf xnaf zm&f onvhf yk if e;f rsm;ukd aqmi&f uG Ef idk &f ef - (u) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,qf ikd &f m e,bf u0f exf r;f tzUJG tpn;f rsm;ukd vtkd yof vkd zUJG pn;f Eidk of n?f ( c ) vtkd yaf om e,bf u0f exf r;f rsm;ukd cetYf yEf idk of n/f

103 258. The Region or State Government shall : (a) implement the administrative resolutions passed occasionally by the Region or State concerned and report back the actions which has taken to the Region or State Hluttaw concerned; (b) submit the report on the general situations of its area to the Union Government and to the Region or State Hluttaw concerned. 259. The Region or State Government shall discharge the functions occasionally assigned by the Union Government. Office of the Region or State Government 260. The Head of the GeneralAdministration Department of the Region or State is the ex-officio Secretary of the Region or State Government concerned. Moreover, the General Administration Department of the Region or State is the Office of the Region or State Government concerned. Chief Minister of the Region or State Appointment of the Chief Minister of the Region or State 261. (a) The Chief Minister of the Region or State shall have the following qualifications : (i) person who has attained the age of 35 years; (ii) person who has qualifications, with the exception of the age limit, entitled to be elected as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives prescribed in Section 120;

103 258/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,tf p;kd &onf - (u) oufqdkif&mwkdif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmfu tcg tm;avsmpf mG csrwS of nhf tyk cf sKyaf &;qikd &f mq;kH jzwcf surf sm;ukd taumif txnfazmf aqmif&Guf&rnf/ rdrd\\ta&;,laqmif&Gufcsufrsm;udk ouqf ikd &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmof Ykd jyevf nf tp&D icf &H rn?f ( c ) rrd ed ,af jra'o\\ tajctaet&y&f yEf iS phf yvf sO;f onhf tp&D icf pH mukd jynaf xmipf tk p;kd &EiS hf ouqf ikd &f mwikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,f vwT af wmof Ykd wijfy&rn/f 259/ wdkif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,ftpdk;&onf jynfaxmifpktpdk;&u tcg tm;avsmpf mG ay;tyvf monvhf yk if e;f wm0erf sm;ukd xr;f aqmi&f rn/f wkdif;a'oBuD;tpdk;&tzGJU½Hk; okdYr[kwf jynfe,ftpdk;&tzGJU½kH; 260/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf axaG xtG yk cf sKyaf &;O;D p;D Xme tBu;D trLS ;onf &mx;l tavsmuf ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf p;dk &tzUGJ \\ twiG ;f a&;rSL;jzpfonf/ xkdYtjyif wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,ftaxGaxGtkyfcsKyfa&; O;D p;D Xmeonf ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf p;dk &tzUJG ½;Hk vn;f jzpof n/f wkdif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,f 0efBuD;csKyf wkdif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;csKyf cefYtyfwm0efay;jcif; 261/ (u) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyof nf atmuyf g t&nf tcsi;f rsm;EiS hf jynphf &Hk rnf – (1) touf 35 EpS f jynNhfy;D o?l (2) touuf eoYf wcf surf tS y y'k rf 120 wiG f azmjfyxm;onhf jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf sm;twuG f owrf wS xf m;aom t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf jynphf oHk ?l

104 (iii) person whose qualification does not breach the provisions under Section 121 which disqualify a person from standing for election as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives; (iv) person who is loyal to the Union and its citizens. (b) In order to appoint the Chief Minister of the Region or State concerned, the President shall : (i) select a suitable Hluttaw representative who has the prescribed qualifications from among the Region or State Hluttaw representatives concerned; (ii) submit the list of the elected Hluttaw representatives to the Region or State Hluttaw concerned for its approval. (c) The President shall appoint the Hluttaw representative approved by the Region or State Hluttaw as the Chief Minister of the Region or State concerned. (d) The appointment of a person as a Chief Minister of the Region or State nominated by the President shall not be refused by the Region or State Hluttaw unless it can clearly be proved that the person concerned does not meet the qualifications of the Chief Minister of the Region or State. (e) The President has the right to submit again the list with a new name replacing the one who has not been approved by the Region or State Hluttaw for the appointment of the Chief Minister.

104 (3) y'k rf 121 wiG f azmjfyxm;onhf jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S f rsm;tjzpf a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf yH ikd cf iG rhf &adS paom jy|me;f csuf rsm;EiS vhf n;f Nipd eG ;f jci;f r&odS ?l (4) Eidk if aH wmEf iS hf Eidk if oH m;rsm;tay: opmö &odS /l ( c ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,f 0eBfu;D csKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&ef - (1) oufqkdif&m wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmf u,dk pf m;v,S frsm;xuJ owrf wS xf m;onhf t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf jynphf aHk om oiafh vsmof nhf vwT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S wf pOf ;D tm; a&;G cs,&f rn?f (2) a&G;cs,fxm;onfh vTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,f\\ trnfpm&if;ukd oufqkdif&m wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmfodkY ay;yvYdk suf oabmwnl cD su&f ,&l rn/f ( * ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wm\\f oabmwlncD su&f &NdSy;D onhf vwT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S tf m; ouqf idk &f m widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&rn?f (C) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKytf wuG f owrf wS xf m;aom t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf rjynphf aHk Mumi;f txitf &mS ;rjyEidk yf gu widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmof nf Eidk if aH wmof rw® u trnpf m&i;f wifoGif;onfh vTwfawmfu,dk pf m;v,S tf m; widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&ef jii;f y,cf iG fh r&adS p&? ( i ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&ef widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD surf &&odS nhf y*k K¾dvtf pm; trnpf m&i;f opuf dk widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmof Ykd xyrf wH iof iG ;f ciG fh &odS n/f

105 Ministers of the Region or Ministers of the State Appointment of the Ministers of the Region or Ministers of the State 262. (a) The Chief Minister of the Region or State shall : (i) select suitable persons who have prescribed qualifications under (b) (c) Sub-Section (a) of Section 261, from among the Region or State Hluttaw representatives or from among persons who are not Hluttaw representatives concerned; (ii) request for a list of suitable Defence Services personnel nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services to assign responsibilities of Security and BorderAffairs; (iii) obtain a list of Chairpersons of Leading Bodies of the Self- Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone in the Region or State concerned; (iv) obtain the list of Hluttaw representatives elected to carry out the affairs of National races in the Region or State concerned from the relevant Election Commission. The Chief Minister of the Region or State shall compile the list of persons selected by him and the list of the Defence Services personnel nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services and submit them to the Region or State Hluttaw concerned for its approval. The appointment of a person as a Minister of the Region or State nominated by the Chief Minister of the Region or State shall not be refused by the Region or State Hluttaw unless it can clearly be proved that the person concerned does not have the qualifications of the Minister of the Region or State.

105 wkdif;a'oBuD;0efBuD;rsm; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;rsm; wkdif;a'oBuD;0efBuD;rsm; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;rsm; cefYtyfwm0efay;jcif; 262/ (u) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyof nf – (1) oufqkdif&mwkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmf u,kd pf m;v,S rf sm;xuJ jzpaf p? vwT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf [wk of l rsm;xuJ jzpaf p y'k rf 261? y'k rf cJG (u) yg jy|me;f csuwf iG f owrf wS xf m;onhf t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS jfhynphf aHk om oiahf vsmof nhf y*k K¾dvrf sm;udk a&;G cs,&f rn?f (2) vkHNcKHa&;ESihfe,fpyfa&;&m wm0efay;tyfEkdif&ef wyfrawmf umu,G af &;O;D p;D csKyxf rH S oiafh vsmof nhf wyrf awmof m;rsm;\\ trnpf m&i;f udk awmi;f c&H rn?f (3) ouqf idk &f m widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf wiG ;f &dS u,dk yf idk f tyk cf sKycf iG &hf widk ;f O;D p;D tzUJG orYkd [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf a'o O;D p;D tzUJGxrH S ,i;f w\\Ykd Ou|ú trnpf m&i;f udk &,&l rn?f (4) ouqf idk &f m widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf wiG ;f &dS widk ;f &i;f om;vrl sK;d a&;&m aqmi&f uG &f etf wuG f a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ uf xm;onfh vTwfawmfukd,fpm;vS,frsm;\\ trnfpm&if;ukd ouqf idk &f m a&;G aumuyf JG aumrf &iS xf rH S &,&l rn/f ( c ) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyof nf rrd ad &;G cs,xf m;onhf y*k K¾dvrf sm;EiS whf yrf awmuf mu,G af &;O;D p;D csKyxf rH &S &odS nwhf yrf awmof m; rsm;\\ trnpf m&i;f updk pk n;f Ny;D ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmof wYkd iof iG ;f vsuf oabmwnl cD su&f ,&l rn?f ( * ) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D rsm;twuG f owrf wS xf m;aom t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf rjynphf aHk Mumi;f txitf &mS ;rjyEidk yf gu widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmof nf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,f 0eBfu;D csKyuf trnpf m&i;f wiof iG ;f onhf y*k K¾dvrf sm;tm; widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D rsm;tjzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&ef jii;f y,cf iG fh r&adS p&?

106 (d) The Chief Minister of the Region or State has the right to submit again the list with a new name replacing the one who has not been approved by the Region or State Hluttaw for the appointment of a Minister of the Region or State. (e) The Chief Minister of the Region or State shall submit the list of persons who are approved by the Region or State Hluttaw or Chairpersons of the Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone and the list of persons who are representatives elected to undertake the affairs of National races to appoint as the Ministers of the Region or State to the President. (f) The President shall appoint the persons who have been approved by the Chief Minister of the Region or State as Ministers of the Region or State. In doing so, he shall, in co-ordination with the Chief Minister of the Region or State concerned, designate the Ministry or Ministries which each Region or the State Minister to take responsiblity. (g) The President shall : (i) assign duties to the Chairpersons of the Self-Administered Division and the Self-Administered Zone who are the Ministers of the Region or State, to perform the affairs of the Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone concerned; (ii) assign duties to the Hluttaw representatives who are the Ministers of the Region or State, to perform the affairs of National races concerned.

106 (C) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyof nf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynfe,f0efBuD;tjzpf cefYtyfwm0efay;&ef wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynef ,vf wT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD surf &&odS nyhf *k K¾dvtf pm; trnf pm&i;f opuf dk ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,f vwT af wmof Ykd xyrf wH iof iG ;f ciG &fh odS n?f ( i ) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyof nf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD su&f &NdSy;D onhf y*k K¾dvrf sm;uakd omf vn;f aumi;f ? u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f Ou|ú orYdk [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'oOu|ú rsm;\\ trnpf m&i;f EiS hf widk ;f &i;f om;vrl sK;d a&;&m aqmi&f uG f &ef a&G;aumufwifajr§mufxm;onfh vTwfawmfukd,fpm;vS,frsm;\\ trnpf m&i;f ygy*k K¾dvrf sm;uakd omvf n;f aumi;f widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynfe,f0efBuD;rsm;tjzpf cefYtyfwm0efay;&ef EkdifiHawmfor®wxH wijfy&rn?f ( p ) EkdifiHawmfor®wonf wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwfjynfe,f0efBuD;csKyfu wifjyvmonfhyk*d¾Kvfrsm;tm; oufqkdif&m wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynef ,0f eBfu;D rsm;tjzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&rn/f xodk cYkd etYf ywf m0ef ay;&mwiG f widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D wpOf ;D csi;f tvudk f wm0ef,l&rnfh0efBuD;Xme odkYr[kwf 0efBuD;Xmersm;ukd oufqdkif&m 0eBfu;D csKyEf iS hf nEd§ iId ;f vsuof wrf wS af y;&rn?f (q) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf – (1) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D rsm;jzpof nhf u,dk yf idk f tyk cf sKycf iG &hf widk ;f Ou|ú EiS fh u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'oOu|ú rsm;tm; oufqkdif&mukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&wkdif; odkYr[kwf ukd,fykdif tyk cf sKycf iG &fh a'oa&;&mrsm;udk aqmi&f uG &f ewf m0eaf y;ty&f rn?f (2) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D rsm;jzpof nhf widk ;f &i;f om; vlrsKd;a&;&maqmif&Guf&ef a&G;aumufwifajr§mufxm;onfh vTwfawmfukd,fpm;vS,frsm;tm; oufqkdif&m wkdif;&if;om; vrl sK;d a&;&mrsm;uadk qmi&f uG &f ef wm0eaf y;ty&f rn/f

107 (h) The President shall relax the prescribed age limit under the Constitution in appointing the Minister of the Region or State, the Chairperson of the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone or elected Hluttaw representative to perform the affairs of National races concerned. (i) The President may, in co-ordination with the Chief Minister, appoint Ministers for the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone or Ministers for National races affairs as Ministers concurrently in charge of other Ministries. (j) The Chief Minister of the Region or State shall, if he wishes to assign the Defence Services personnel as the Region or State Ministers for other duties apart from security and border affairs, obtain their list from the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services with the approval of the Region or State Hluttaw concerned, submit it to the President. (k) The President shall intimate the appointments of the Chief Minister and Ministers of the Region or State to the Region or State Hluttaw concerned and Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. (l) (i) The Chief Minister of the Region or State shall be responsible to the President. (ii) The Ministers of the Region or State shall be responsible to the Chief Minister of the Region or State concerned and to the President through the Chief Minister of the Region or State concerned. (m) The term of the Chief Minister and Ministers of the Region or State is the same as that of the President.

107 ( Z ) ouqf idk &f mu,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f Ou|ú orYdk [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'oOuú|tm;vnf;aumif;? oufqkdif&m wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynef ,tf wiG ;f &dS widk ;f &i;f om;vrl sK;d a&;&m aqmi&f uG &f ef a&;G aumuf wifajr§mufxm;onfh vTwfawmfukd,fpm;vS,ftm;vnf;aumif; widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D tjzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&mwiG f Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf zUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'wiG f owrf wS xf m;onhf touuf eoYf wcf suuf dk avsmaY ygah y;&rn?f (ps) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf 0eBfu;D csKyEf iS nhf Ed§ iId ;f í u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f orYkd [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf a'oqidk &f m 0eBfu;D rsm;tm;vn;f aumi;f ? widk ;f &i;f om;vrl sK;d a&;&m0eBfu;D rsm;tm;vn;f aumi;f tjcm;0eBfu;D Xme wm0erf sm;uvdk n;f y;l wwJG m0eaf y;tyEf idk of n?f (n) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyof nf vNHkcKaH &;EiS fh e,pf yf a&;&mwm0erf sm;rtS y tjcm;wm0erf sm;twuG f wyrf awmof m;rsm;tm; widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D tjzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;vvdk Qif wyrf awmuf mu,G af &;O;D p;D csKyxf rH S trnpf m&i;f awmi;f cíH ,i;f trnf pm&if;ukd oufqkdif&mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD su&f ,vl suf Eidk if aH wmof rw® xH wijfy&rn?f ( # ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyEf iS hf 0eBfu;D rsm; cetYf ywf m0eaf y;jci;f rsm;udk ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynfe,fvTwfawmfokdYvnf;aumif;? jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmfodkY vn;f aumi;f taMumi;f Mum;&rn?f ( X ) (1) wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;csKyfonf EkdifiHawmf orw® tm; wm0ecf &H rn?f (2) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D rsm;onf ouqf idk &f m widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKytf m;vn;f aumi;f ? ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf rwS pqf ihf Eidk if aH wmof rw® tm;vn;f aumi;f wm0ecf &H rn/f ( ! ) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyEf iS hf 0eBfu;D rsm;\\ &mx;l oufwrf;onf omreftm;jzifh EkdifiHawmfor®w\\ &mxl;oufwrf; twidk ;f jzpof n?f

108 (n) (i) If the Minister of the Region or State is a Civil Services personnel, it shall be deemed that he has retired according to the existing Civil Services rules and regulations from the day he is appointed as Minister of the Region or State. (ii) The Defence Services personnel who are appointed as Ministers of the Region or State for Ministries of Security and BorderAffairs are not required to retire or resign from the Defence Services. Impeachment of the Chief Minister of the Region or State or any Minister 263. (a) The Chief Minister of the Region or State or any Minister, may be impeached for one of the following reasons : (i) high treason; (ii) breach of any of the provisions of the Constitution; (iii) misconduct; (iv) disqualification of qualification of the Chief Minister or Minister of the Region or State prescribed in the Constitution; (v) inefficient discharge of duties assigned by law. (b) If there is a need to impeach the Chief Minister or any of the Ministers of the Region or State, a charge signed by not less than one-fourth of the total number of representatives of either the Region or State Hluttaw concerned shall be submitted to the Speaker of the Hluttaw concerned. (c) The Speaker of the Hluttaw concerned shall form a body of investigation to investigate the charge. The term of the completion of the investigation shall be determined on the volume of work.

( ¡ ) (1) 108 (2) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D onf Eidk if 0hH exf r;f jzpvf Qif wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;tjzpf cefYtyfjcif; c&H onahf erY pS í wnqf J 0exf r;f pn;f rsO;f pn;f ur;f rsm;EiS tfh nD Eidk if 0hH exf r;f tjzprf S tNird ;f pm;,Nly;D jzpof n[f k rwS ,f &l rn?f widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf p;dk &tzUJG rsm;\\ vNHkcKaH &;EiS fh e,fpyfa&;&m0efBuD;Xmersm;wGif wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynef ,0f eBfu;D tjzpf cexYf m;jci;f c&H aom wyrf awmof m;rsm;onf wyrf awmrf tS Nird ;f pm;,&l ef orYdk [wk f Ewk xf uG &f erf v/dk widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f 0eBfu;D wpOf ;D O;D tay: pyG pf JG jypfwifjcif; 263/ (u) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYdk [wk f 0eBfu;D wpOf ;D O;D tm; atmuyf gtaMumi;f wp&f y&f yaf Mumihf pyG pf jJGypwf iEf idk of nf – (1) Eidk if aH wm\\f aus;Z;l opmö awmuf dk azmuzf sujfci;f ? (2) zUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csuwf p&f y&f yuf dk azmuzf suf usL;veG jfci;f ? (3) tusiofh ud m© ysujfym;jci;f ? (4) zUJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'wiG f jy|me;f xm;onhf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f 0eBfu;D \\t&ntf csi;f ysu,f iG ;f jci;f ? (5) Oya't&ay;tyaf omwm0erf sm;udk ausyeG pf mG raqmi&f uG jfci;f / ( c ) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f 0eBfu;D wpOf ;D O;D tay:azmjfyygtaMumi;f wp&f y&f yjfzihf pyG pf jJGypwf ivf ydk gu ouqf idk &f m wkdif;a'oBuD;vTwfawmf okdYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmfukd,fpm;vS,f pkpkaygif;OD;a&teuf tenf;qkH;av;ykHwpfykHu vufrSwfa&;xkd;NyD; rrd wd \\Ykd pyG pf cJG suuf kd ouqf idk &f mvwT af wmOf u|ú xH wijfy&rn?f ( * ) ouqf idk &f m vwT af wmOf u|ú onf ppHk r;f ppaf q;a&;tzUJG udk zUJG pn;f í pyG pf cJG suuf dk ppHk r;f ppaf q;ap&rn/f ppHk r;f ppaf q;&rnhf vyk if e;f yrmP uadk xmu½f íI ppHk r;f ppaf q;rNIy;D p;D &rnuhf mvuvdk n;f owrf wS af y;&rn?f

109 (d) When the charge is being investigated, the Chief Minister or Minister of the Region or State shall have the right to defend himself in person or through a representative. (e) (i) If an Investigation Body submits its investigation concerning the impeachment of the Chief Minister or any Minister of the Region or State by the Region or State Hluttaw concerned, the Speaker of the Hluttaw shall submit it to the relevant Region or State Hluttaw. If, after the investigation, on submitting the findings of the charge has been substantiated and that Chief Minister or any Minister of the Region or State is unfit to continue in office by not less than two-thirds of the total number of representatives of the Hluttaw concerned which investigated, the Speaker shall submit the resolution to the President. (ii) The President, upon receipt of the report, shall remove the impeached Chief Minister or Minister of the Region or State. (iii) If the Hluttaw concerned resolves that the charge has been failed, the Speaker of the Hluttaw shall submit the resolution to the President. Resignation, termination of office, filling the vacancy of the Chief Minister or Minister of the Region or State 264. (a) The Chief Minister or any Minister of the Region or State may resign from office on his own volition due to a certain reason before expiry of the term of office, after submitting his written resignation to the President.

109 (C) pyG pf cJG suuf pdk pHk r;f ppaf q;onthf cg pyG pf jJGypwf ijfci;f c&H aom widk ;f a'oBu;D okdYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;csKyf odkYr[kwf 0efBuD;tm; ukd,fwdkifaomf vn;f aumi;f ? u,dk pf m;v,S jfziafh omvf n;f aumi;f acsyciG afh y;&rn?f ( i ) (1) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f 0eBfu;D wpOf ;D O;D tay: ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D vwT af wmf orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wm\\f pyG pf jJGypwf irf EI iS pfh yvf sO;f í ppHk r;f ppaf q; a&;tzUJGu ppHk r;f ppaf q;awUG&cdS surf sm;udk wijfyvmvQif vwT af wmf Ouú|onf oufqkdif&mwkdif;a'oBuD; vwT af wmf orYdk [wk f jynfe,fvTwfawmfodkY wifjy&rnf/ oufqkdif&m vTwfawmf u,dk pf m;v,S pf pk ak ygi;f O;D a& ten;f q;Hk o;Hk yEHk pS yf uHk pyG pf jJGypwf irf I onrf eS uf eíf pyG pf cJG &H ool nf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,f 0eBfu;D csKyf orYdk [wk f 0eBfu;D &mx;l wiG f quvf uxf r;f &uG af p&ef roiahf Mumi;f q;Hk jzwvf Qif Ou|ú onf xqdk ;Hk jzwcf suuf kd Eidk if aH wmf orw® xH wijfytp&D icf &H rn?f (2) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf wijfycsu&f &vdS Qif pyG pf jJGypwf ijfci;f c&H onhf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f 0eBfu;D tm; &mx;l r&S ypf &J rn?f (3) pyG pf jJGypwf irf oI nf rreS uf eaf Mumi;f ouqf ikd &f mvwT af wmuf qkH;jzwfvQif xkdokdYqkH;jzwfaMumif;ukd vTwfawmfOuú|onf Eidk if aH wmof rw® xH wijfytp&D icf &H rn/f widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f 0eBfu;D wpOf ;D O;D Ewk xf uG jfci;f ? wm0erf &S ypf jJci;f EiS Yf vpvf y&f mx;l ae&m jznphf uG cf exYf m;jci;f 264/ (u) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f 0eBfu;D wpOf ;D O;D onf &mx;l ouwf r;f ruek qf ;Hk rD taMumi;f wpcf ck ak Mumihf rrd od abm qE´ tavsmuf &mx;l rES wk xf uG vf vdk Qif xodk EYkd wk xf uG vf adk Mumi;f Eidk if aH wmf orw® xH pmjziwfh ijfyNy;D &mx;l rES wk xf uG Ef idk of n?f

110 (b) The President shall : (i) direct to resign the Chief Minister or Minister of the Region or State who cannot discharge his duties efficiently. If he fails to comply, he shall be terminated from his duties; (ii) co-ordinate with the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services concerning the Denfence Services personnel who is Minister of the Region or State who has to resign or be terminated from his duties. (c) If the office of the Chief Minister or Ministers of the Region or State becomes vacant due to resignation, removal from office, death or any other reason, the President shall have the right to appoint and assign duties to a new Chief Minister of the Region or State in accord with the provisions of the Constitution relating to the appointment of the Chief Minister or Ministers of the Region or State. The term of the newly appointed Chief Minister or Ministers of the Region or State shall be the same as the remaining term of the President. (d) Duties, powers and rights of the Chief Minister and Ministers of the Region or State shall be prescribed by law. Advocate-General of the Region or Advocate-General of the State 265. The Advocate-General of the Region or the Advocate-General of the State shall be called the Advocate-General of the Region or the Advocate-General of the State. The Appointment of the Advocate-General of the Region or State 266. (a) The Chief Minister of the Region or State shall, with the approval of the Region or State Hluttaw concerned, appoint a person from among the Region or State Hluttaw representatives or from those who are not the

110 ( c ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf – (1) vyk if e;f wm0euf dk ausyeG pf mG rxr;f aqmiEf idk af om widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f 0eBfu;D tm; &mx;l rS Ewk xf uG &f ef ñeT Mfum;Eidk of n/f ñeT Mfum;onthf widk ;f vudk ef mjci;f rjyKvQif wm0erf &S ypf &J rn?f (2) &mxl;rSEkwfxGuf&rnfh okdYr[kwf wm0efrS&yfpJcH&rnfh wyfrawmfom; wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;ESifh ywfoufvQif wyfrawmfumuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyfESifh n§dEdIif; aqmi&f uG &f rn/f ( * ) &mx;l rES wk xf uG jfci;f aMumijhfzpaf p? wm0erf &S ypf cJ &H jci;f aMumijfhzpaf p? uG,fvGefjcif;aMumifhjzpfap? tjcm;taMumif;wpfckckaMumifhjzpfap wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;csKyf odkYr[kwf 0efBuD;&mxl; ae&mvpfvyfvQif EkdifiHawmfor®wonf wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;csKyf okdYr[kwf 0efBuD;rsm; cefYtyfwm0efay;jcif;ESifh pyvf sO;f í zUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg ouqf idk &f mjy|me;f csurf sm;EiS tfh nD vpvf yof n&hf mx;l ae&mwiG f jznphf uG cf exYf m;Eidk of n/f xodk Ykd jznphf uG f cexYf m;jci;f c&H onhf y*k K¾dv\\f &mx;l ouwf r;f onf Eidk if aH wmof rw® \\ use&f odS n&hf mx;l ouwf r;f twuG of m jzpaf p&rn?f (C) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyEf iS fh 0eBfu;D rsm;\\wm0erf sm;? vyk yf idk cf iG rfh sm;EiS Yf &yidk cf iG rhf sm;ukd Oya'jy|me;f owrf wS &f rn/f wkdif;a'oBuD;Oya'csKyf okdYr[kwf jynfe,fOya'csKyf 265/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,\\f a&USaecsKyuf kd widk ;f a'oBu;D Oya'csKyf orYdk [wk f jynef ,Of ya'csKy[f k ac:a0:&rn/f wkdif;a'oBuD;Oya'csKyf okdYr[kwf jynfe,fOya'csKyf cefYtyfwm0efay;jcif; 266/ (u) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyof nf Oya'tBuÓH Prf sm; &,El idk &f eEf iS fh Oya'qidk &f mwm0erf sm;ay;Eidk &f ef vwT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S f rsm;xJujzpfap? vTwfawmfukd,fpm;vS,fr[kwfolrsm;xJujzpfap

111 Hluttaw representatives having the following qualifications as the Advocate General of the Region or State to obtain legal advice and assign duties on legal matters : (i) person who has attained the age of 40 years; (ii) person who has qualifications, with the exception of age limit, as the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives , prescribed in Section 120; (iii) persons whose qualification does not breach the provisions under Section 121 which disqualify a person from standing for election as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives; (iv) (aa) person who has served as a judicial officer or law officer for at least five years not lower than that of the Region or State High Court; or person who has served as a judicial officer or law officer for at least 10 years not lower than that of the District Level; (bb) person who has been an advocate for at least 15 years. (v) person loyal to the Union and its citizens. (b) The President, with the approval of the Hluttaw shall appoint a person from among Hluttaw representatives as theAdvocate-General of the Region or State. (c) The appointment of a person as the Advocate-General of the Region or State nominated by the Chief Minister of the Region or State, to be appointed as the Advocate-General of the Region or State shall not be refused by the Region or State Hluttaw concerned unless it can clearly be

111 atmuaf zmjfyyg t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf jynphf oHk wl pOf ;D O;D tm; widk ;f a'oBu;D okdYr[kwf jynfe,fOya'csKyftjzpf cefYtyfwm0efay;Ekdifa&;twGuf oufqkdif&mwkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmfodkY wifjy oabmwnl cD su&f ,íl Eidk if aH wmof rw® xH wijfy&rnf - (1) touf 40 EpS f jynNhfy;D o?l (2) touuf eoYf wcf surf tS y y'k rf 120 wiG f azmjfyxm;onhf jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf sm;twuG f owrf wS xf m;aom t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf jynphf oHk ?l (3) y'k rf 121 wiG f azmjfyxm;onhf jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S f rsm;tjzpf a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf yH ikd cf iG rhf &adS paom jy|me;f csuf rsm;EiS vhf n;f Nipd eG ;f jci;f r&odS ?l (4) (uu) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf qixfh urf erd ahf om w&m;a&;t&m&Sd odkYr[kwf Oya't&m&Sd&mxl;wGif tenf;qkH; ig;ESpf wm0efxrf;aqmifcJhol okdYr[kwf c½idk tf qixfh urf erd ahf om w&m;a&;t&m&dS orYdk [wk f Oya't&m&Sd&mxl;wGif tenf;qkH; 10 ESpf wm0ef xr;f aqmicf ohJ l orYdk [wk f ( c c ) w&m;vwT af wmaf &US aejzpvf Qif ten;f q;Hk 15 EpS f trI vudk yf gaqmi&f uG cf ohJ /l (5) Eidk if aH wmEf iS hf Eidk if oH m;rsm;tay: opmö &odS /l ( c ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,Of ya'csKytf jzpf wm0efay;tyf&ef oufqkdif&mwkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f 0eBfu;D csKyuf ouqf idk &f mvwT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD sujfzihf wijfyvm onfh yk*d¾Kvftm; wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fOya'csKyftjzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&rn?f ( * ) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,Of ya'csKytf wuG f owrf wS xf m;aom t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS rhf jynphf aHk Mumi;f txitf &mS ;rjyEidk yf gu ouqf idk &f m wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmfonf oufqkdif&m wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyuf trnpf m&i;f wiof iG ;f onhf

112 proved that the person concerned does not meet the qualifications of the Advocate-General of the Region or State. (d) The Chief Minister of the Region or State has the right to submit again the list for the appointment of a person as theAdvocate-General of the Region or State to the Region or State Hluttaw concerned instead of the one who has not been approved by the Region or State Hluttaw. (e) The Advocate-General of the Region or State is a member of the Government of the Region or State concerned. (f) TheAdvocate-General of the Region or State shall : (i) be responsible to the President through the Chief Minister of the Region or State concerned; (ii) be responsible to the relevantAdvocate-General of the Union or the relevant Chief Minister of the Region or State. Impeachment of the Advocate-General of the Region or State 267. If there is a need to impeach the Advocate-General of the Region or State, the same procedure for the impeachment of the Chief Minister or any Minister of the Region or State under Section 263 shall be applied. Resignation, termination of office, filling vacancy of the Advocate-General of the Region or State 268. TheAdvocate-General of the Region or State is, subject to provisions of Sections 262 (n) and 264 prescribed for the relevant Chief Minister or the relevant Ministers of the Region or State concerning resignation, termination of office, filling the vacancy and deeming the person to have retired in case he is a Civil Services personnel.

112 y*k K¾dvtf m; widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,Of ya'csKytf jzpf cetYf yf wm0eaf y;&ef jii;f y,cf iG rhf &adS p&? (C) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyof nf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,Of ya'csKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&ef widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD surf &&odS nhf y*k K¾dvtf pm; trnf pm&i;f opuf dk ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,f vwGT af wmof Ykd xyrf wH iof iG ;f ciG &fh odS n?f ( i ) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,Of ya'csKyof nf ouqf idk &f m widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf p;dk &tzUJG 0if jzpof n?f ( p ) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,Of ya'csKyof nf - (1) ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyrf wS pqf ihf Eidk if aH wmof rw® tm; wm0ecf &H rn?f (2) jynfaxmifpka&SUaecsKyftm;vnf;aumif;? oufqkdif&m widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKytf m;vn;f aumi;f wm0ecf &H rn/f wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fOya'csKyftm; pGyfpGJjypfwifjcif; 267/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,Of ya'csKytf m; pyG pf jJGypwf i&f euf pd ö ay:ayguf vQif widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f 0eBfu;D wpOf ;D O;D tm; pyG pf JG jypwf ijfci;f qidk &f m y'k rf 263 yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD aqmi&f uG &f rn/f wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fOya'csKyf\\ &mxl;rSEkwfxGufjcif;? wm0efrS &yfpJjcif;ESifh vpfvyfonfh&mxl;ae&mwGif jznfhpGufcefYxm;jcif; 268/ &mx;l rES wk xf uG jfci;f ? wm0erf &S ypf jJci;f ? vpvf yof n&hf mx;l ae&mwiG f jznphf uG f cexYf m;jci;f ? Eidk if 0hH exf r;f jzpyf gu tNird ;f pm;,Nly;D jzpof n[f k rwS ,f jlci;f wEYdk iS phf yvf sO;f í widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYdk [wk f 0eBfu;D rsm;twuG f owrf wS xf m;onhf y'k rf 262 (¡)EiS Yf 264 yg jy|me;f csurf sm;onf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,f Oya'csKyEf iS vfh n;f ouqf idk af p&rn/f

113 269. Duties, powers and rights of theAdvocate-General of the Region or State shall be prescribed by law. Auditor-General of the Region or Auditor-General of the State 270. TheAuditor-General of the Region or State shall be called theAuditor-General of the Region orAuditor-General of the State. Appointment of the Auditor-General of the Region or the Auditor-General of the State 271. (a) The Chief Minister of the Region or State shall appoint a person from Hluttaw representatives or from those who are not Hluttaw representatives, who has the following qualifications, with the approval of the relevant Region or State Hluttaw as theAuditor-General of the Region or State so as to audit the Region or State budget and report it: (i) person who has attained the age of 40 years; (ii) person who has qualifications, with the exception of age limit, as the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives prescribed in Section 120; (iii) persons whose qualifications does not breach the provisions under Section 121 which disqualify a person from standing for election as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives; (iv) (aa) person who has served as an auditor of the Region or State for at least five years not lower than that of the Region or State Level; or person who has served as an auditor at least 10 years not lower than that of the District Level; or (bb) person who has served as a Registered Accountant or a Certified Public Accountant for at least 15 years; (v) person who is loyal to the Union and its citizens .

113 269/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,Of ya'csKy\\f wm0erf sm;? vyk yf idk cf iG rfh sm;EiS hf &yidk cf iG rhf sm;udk Oya'jy|me;f owrf wS &f rn/f widk ;f a'oBu;D pm&i;f ppcf sKyf orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKyf 270/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,\\f pm&i;f ppcf sKyuf kd wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKyf [ak c:a0:&rn/f widk ;f a'oBu;D pm&i;f ppcf sKyf orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKyf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;jci;f 271/ (u) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,tf &to;Hk aipG m&i;f rsm;udk ppaf q;í ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmof Ydk wijfyEidk &f ef wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;csKyfonf vTwfawmf ukd,fpm; v,S rf sm; xuJ jzpaf p? vwT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf [wk of rl sm;xuJ jzpaf p atmuaf zmjfyyg t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf jynphf oHk wl pOf ;D O;D tm; widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;Eidk af &;twuG f oufqkdif&m wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmfokdY wifjy oabmwnl cD su&f ,íl Eidk if aH wmof rw® xH wijfy&rnf - (1) touf 40 EpS f jynNhfy;D o?l (2) touuf eoYf wcf surf tS y y'k rf 120 wiG f azmjfyxm;onhf jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf sm;twuG f owrf wS xf m;aom t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf jynphf oHk ?l (3) y'k rf 121 wiG f azmjfyxm;onhf jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S f rsm;tjzpf a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf yH ikd cf iG rhf &adS paom jy|me;f csuf rsm;EiS vhf n;f Nipd eG ;f jci;f r&odS ?l (4) (uu) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f pptf &m&xdS uf redrfhaom&mx;l wiG f ten;f q;Hk ig;EpS f aqmi&f uG cf ohJ l orYdk [wk f c½idk tf qipfh m&if;ppft&m&Sdxuf redrfhaom &mx;l wiG f ten;f q;Hk 10 EpS f aqmi&f uG cf ohJ l orYdk [wk f ( c c ) rSwfykHwifpm&if;ukdif odkYr[kwf vufrSwf&jynfolY pm&i;f uidk tf jzpf ten;f q;Hk 15 EpS f aqmi&f uG cf ohJ /l (5) Eidk if aH wmEf iS hf Eidk if oH m;rsm;tay: opmö &odS /l

114 (b) The President shall appoint the person submitted by the relevant Chief Minister of the Region or State with the approval of the Hluttaw concerned as the Auditor-General of the Region or State. (c) The person nominated by the Chief Minister of the Region or State concerned to be appointed as the Auditor-General of the Region or State shall not be refused by the Region or State Hluttaw concerned unless it can clearly be proved that the person concerned is not qualified to be the Auditor-General of the Region or State. (d) The Chief Minister of the Region or State has the right to submit again the new list for the appointment of a person as the Auditor-General of the Region or State to the Region or State Hluttaw concerned instead of the one who has not been approved by the Region or State Hluttaw. (e) TheAuditor-General of the Region or State shall : (i) be responsible to the President through the Chief Minister of the Region or State concerned; (ii) be responsible to the Auditor-General of the Union and to the Chief Minister of the Region or State concerned. Impeachment of the Auditor-General of the Region or the Auditor-General of the State 272. If there is a need to impeach theAuditor-General of the Region or State, the same procedure for the impeachment of the Chief Minister or any Minister of the Region or State under Section 263 shall be applied.

114 ( c ) Eidk if aH wmof rw® onf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKytf jzpf wm0eaf y;ty&f ef ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,f 0eBfu;D csKyuf ouqf idk &f mvwT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD sujfzifh wijfyvmonyhf *k K¾dvtf m; widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0ef ay;&rn?f ( * ) wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fpm&if;ppfcsKyftwGuf owfrSwfxm; aom t&nftcsif;rsm;ESifhrjynfhpkHaMumif; txift&Sm;rjyEkdifygu oufqkdif&m wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmfonf ouqf idk &f m widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyuf trnpf m&i;f wiof iG ;f onyhf *k K¾dvtf m; widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKyf tjzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&ef jii;f y,cf iG rhf &adS p&? (C) wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyof nf wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKytf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&ef wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD surf &&odS nfh y*k Kd¾vtf pm; trnf pm&i;f opuf kd ouqf ikd &f mwikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmof Ykd xyrf wH iof iG ;f ciG &fh odS n?f ( i ) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKyof nf - (1) ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyrf wS pqf ihf Eidk if aH wmof rw® tm; wm0ecf &H rn?f (2) jynfaxmifpkpm&if;ppfcsKyftm; vnf;aumif;? oufqkdif&m widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKytf m; vn;f aumi;f wm0ecf &H rn/f widk ;f a'oBu;D pm&i;f ppcf sKyf orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKytf m; pyG pf jJGypwf ijfci;f 272/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKytf m; pyG pf jJGypwf i&f ef upd aö y:ayguf vQif wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;csKyf odkYr[kwf 0efBuD;wpOf ;D O;D tm; pyG pf jJGypwf ijfci;f qikd &f m y'k rf 263 yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD aqmi&f uG &f rn/f

115 Resignation, termination of office, filling the vacancy of the Auditor-General of the Region or the Auditor-General of the State 273. The Auditor-General of the Region or State is, subject to provisions of Section 264 prescribed for the Chief Minister or Ministers of the Region or State concerning resignation, termination of office, filling the vacancy and deeming as the person to have retired in case he is a Civil Services personnel. 274. Duties, powers and rights of the Auditor-General of the Region or State shall be prescribed by law. Administrative Body of the Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone 275. TheAdministrative Body of Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone shall be called the leading body of the Self-Administered Division or leading body of the Self-Administered Zone. Formation of Leading Bodies of the Self-Administered Division and the Self- Administered Zone 276. (a) Being Self-AdministeredAreas, the Self-Administered Division and the Self-Administered Zones are of equal status. (b) Leading Bodies of the Self-Administered Division and the Self- Administered Zone are formed respectively in each and every Self- Administered Division and the Self-Administered Zone. Such Leading Bodies exercise legislative power vested under the Schedule Three of the Constitution. (c) Leading Bodies of the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone shall consist of at least 10 members.

115 wkdif;a'oBuD;pm&if;ppfcsKyf okdYr[kwf jynfe,fpm&if;ppfcsKyf&mxl;rS EkwfxGufjcif;? wm0efrS&yfpJjcif;ESifh vpfvyfonfh&mxl;ae&mwGif jznfhpGufcefYxm;jcif; 273/ &mx;l rES wk xf uG jfci;f ? wm0erf &S ypf jJci;f ? vpvf yof n&hf mx;l ae&mwiG f jznphf uG f cexYf m;jci;f ? Eidk if 0Hh exf r;f jzpyf gu tNird ;f pm;,Nly;D jzpof n[f k rwS ,f jlci;f wEYdk iS phf yvf sO;f í widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f 0eBfu;D rsm;twuG f owrf wS xf m;onhf y'k rf 264 yg jy|me;f csurf sm;onf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKyEf iS vhf n;f ouqf idk af p&rn/f 274/ widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,pf m&i;f ppcf sKy\\f wm0erf sm;? vyk yf idk cf iG rhf sm;EiS hf &yidk cf iG rhf sm;ukd Oya'jy|me;f owrf wS &f rn/f ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGifh& wkdif;OD;pD;tzGJUESifh ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&a'oOD;pD;tzGJU 275/ u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f orYdk [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'o\\ tyk cf sKyaf &;tzUJGudk ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGifh&wkdif;OD;pD;tzGJU okdYr[kwf ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&a'oOD;pD;tzGJU[k ac:a0:&rn/f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f O;D p;D tzUJG EiS fh u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf a'oO;D p;D tzUJG zUJG pn;f jci;f 276/ (u) u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f EiS fh u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'owoYdk nf u,dk yf idk f tyk cf sKycf iG &fh p&D ipf rk sm;jzpMfuonthf m;avsmpf mG tqithf we;f wnl MDuon?f ( c ) u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f EiS fh u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'orsm;wiG f u,dk yf idk f tyk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f O;D p;D tzUJG EiS hf u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf a'oO;D p;D tzUJG rsm; to;D o;D zUJGpn;f xm;&odS n/f ,i;f O;D p;D tzUJGrsm;onf zUJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya' Z,m; 3 t& caJG 0tyEf iS ;f onhf Oya'jyKa&;tmPmudk usiohf ;Hk on?f ( * ) u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f O;D p;D tzUJG orYdk [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'o O;D p;D tzUJG wiG f tzUJG 0iOf ;D a& ten;f q;Hk 10 O;D yg0iaf p&rn?f

116 (d) Leading Bodies of the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone shall be formed with the following persons : (i) Region or State Hluttaw representatives elected from townships in the Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone concerned; (ii) the Defence Services personnel representatives nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services to assign duties relating to Security or BorderAffairs; (iii) Additional representatives selected by persons stated in Sub- Section (d) (i) and (ii). (e) Members of the Leading Bodies of the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone stated in above Sub-Section (d)(i) and (ii) shall, after co-ordinating among themselves, select a suitable person as the Chairperson of the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone from the Region or State Hluttaw representatives elected from the townships in the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone. The name of the person so elected shall be submitted to the President through the Chief Minister of the Region or State concerned. (f) The President shall appoint the person who is nominated as the Chairperson of the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone concerned. (g) The Chairperson of the Self-Administered Division or the Self- Administered Zone is the ex-officio Minister in the Region or State concerned. Except for the method of the appointment of the Minister of the Region or State, the other provisions of the Constitution shall be applied to the Chairperson of the Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone.

116 (C) u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f O;D p;D tzUJG orYdk [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'o O;D p;D tzUJG udk atmuyf gy*k K¾dvrf sm;jzihf zUJG pn;f &rnf – (1) u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f orYdk [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'o twGif;&Sd NrdKUe,frsm;rS a&G;aumufwifajr§mufxm;aom widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf sm;? (2) vNHkcKaH &;wm0ejfzpaf p? e,pf yaf &;&mwm0ejfzpaf p ay;tyEf idk &f ef wyfrawmfumu,G af &;O;D p;D csKyuf Oya'EiS thf nD trnpf m&i;f wiof iG ;f onhfwyrf awmof m;u,dk pf m;v,S rf sm;? (3) yk'frcGJi,f (1) ESifh (2) yg yk*d¾Kvfrsm;u a&G;cs,fjznfhpGuf cexYf m;onhf u,dk pf m;v,S rf sm;/ ( i ) y'k rf cJG (C) y'k rf ciJG ,f (1) EiS hf (2) yg u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf widk ;f orYkd [wk f ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&a'o OD;pD;tzGJU0ifrsm;onf rdrdwdkYtcsif;csif; n§dEiId ;f vsuf u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf widk ;f orYdk [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'otwiG ;f &dS NrKdUe,rf sm;rS a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ uxf m;aom vwT af wmf ukd,fpm;vS,frsm;teuf oifhavsmfolwpfOD;tm; ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyf cGihf&wkdif; Ouú| okdYr[kwf ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&a'o Ouú|tjzpf a&;G cs,&f rn/f xodk Ydk a&;G cs,of nhf y*k K¾dv\\f trnpf m&i;f udk ouqf idk &f m widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKyrf wS pqf ihf Eikd if aH wmof rw® xH wijf y&rn?f ( p ) EkdifiHawmfor®wonf trnfpm&if;wifoGif;vmonfh yk*d¾Kvftm; ouqf idk &f mu,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f Ou|ú orYkd [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKyf ciG &fh a'oOu|ú tjzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&rn?f (q) ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&wkdif;Ouú| odkYr[kwf ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf& a'oOu|ú onf &mx;l tavsmuf ouqf idk &f mwidk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D jzpof n/f ojYkdzpíf zUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'wiG yf g&adS om wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D EiS hf ouqf ikd of njhfy|me;f csuf rsm;teuf cefYtyfonfhenf;vrf;rSvGJí usefjy|mef;csufrsm;onf u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f Ou|ú orYkd [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'o Ou|ú EiS hf ouqf idk af p&rn?f

117 (h) The Chairperson of the Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone and members of the Leading Body concerned shall: (i) except the National races who have already obtained the Self- Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone concerned residing in the Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone concerned, if they are National races that are deemed by the authority concerned to have a population of over 10,000, from the remaining National races, each representative of the said National races shall be elected and appointed as a member of the Leading Body. The elected member of the Leading Body shall have the prescribed qualifications of Hluttaw representatives of the Region or State under Section 169; (ii) if the number of members of the Leading Body of the Self- Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone is less than 10 members, the required number of members from those residing in the Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone concerned and who have qualifications prescribed for the Region or State Hluttaw representatives shall be elected and appointed to fill up 10 members as they desire. (i) The Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services shall assign the duties to the one-fourth of the total number of members with the Defence Services personnels in the Leading Bodies of the Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone, as necessary. (j) The Defence Services personnel, nominated in accord with the law by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services, to be assigned as the members of the Leading Bodies of the Self-Administered Division or

117 ( Z ) ouqf idk &f m u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f Ou|ú orYkd [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKyf ciG &fh a'oOu|ú EiS hf O;D p;D tzUJG 0irf sm;onf – (1) ouqf idk &f mu,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f orYkd [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKyf ciG &fh a'otwiG ;f aexidk Mfuonhf ouqf idk &f m u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKyf cGihf&wkdif; odkYr[kwf ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&a'o &&SdNyD;aom widk ;f &i;f om;vrl sK;d rsm;rSty usefwkdif;&if;om;vlrsKd;rsm;teuf avsmfuefoihfjrwfaomvlOD;a&jzpfonfh vlOD;a&tenf;qkH; 10000 ESihftxuf&SdaMumif; ouqf idk &f mu owrf wS of nhf widk ;f &i;f om;vrl sK;d rsm;&vdS Qif ,i;f wikd ;f &i;f om;vrl sK;d u,dk pf m;v,S f wpOf ;D uspuD dk O;D p;D tzUGJ 0itf jzpf a&;G cs,cf exYf m;&rn/f ,i;f oYdk a&;G cs,cf exYf m;jci;f c&H aom O;D p;D tzUGJ 0iof nf y'k rf 169 yg widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf sm; twuG f owrf wS xf m;onhf t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf jynphf &Hk rn?f (2) u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh widk ;f O;D p;D tzUJG orYkd [wk f u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKyf ciG &fh a'oO;D p;D tzUJG wiG f tzUJG 0iOf ;D a& 10 O;D rjynahf o;ygu tzUJG 0iOf ;D a& ten;f q;Hk 10 O;D jynahf p&ef vtdk yof nthf zUJG 0if OD;a&ukd oufqkdif&m ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&wkdif; odkYr[kwf u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'otwiG ;f aexidk of rl sm;xrJ S y'k rf 169yg widk ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmf u,dk pf m;v,S rf sm; twGuf owfrSwfxm;onhf t&nftcsif;rsm;ESifhjynfhpkHaom oihfavsmfonfh yk*d¾Kvfrsm;tm; rdrdwkdYoabmqE´tavsmuf a&;G cs,f jznphf uG cf exYf m;&rn/f (ps) wyfrawmfumuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyfonf ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf& wkdif;OD;pD; tzUGJEiS hf u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'oO;D p;D tzUJGwwYdk iG f O;D p;D tzUJG0ipf pk ak ygi;f \\ av;ykHwpfykHjzpfonfh OD;pD;tzJGU0ifOD;a&ukd wyfrawmfom;rsm;jzifh vtdk yof vjdkznphf uG wf m0eaf y;Eidk of n?f (n) ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&wkdif; okdYr[kwf ukd,fykdiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&a'oOD;pD; tzUJG 0irf sm;tjzpwf m0eaf y;ty&f ef wyrf awmuf mu,G af &;O;D p;D csKyuf Oya'ESifhtnD trnfpm&if;wifoGif;onfh wyfrawmfom;rsm;onf

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