142 321. The President shall submit the candidature list of total nine persons, three members chosen by him, three members chosen by the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw and three members chosen by the Speaker of theAmyotha Hluttaw, and one member from among nine members to be assigned as the Chairperson of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union, to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw for its approval. Functions and Duties of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union 322. The functions and the duties of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union are as follows : (a) interpreting the provisions under the Constitution; (b) vetting whether the laws promulgated by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Region Hluttaw, the State Hluttaw or the Self-Administered Division Leading Body and the Self-Administered Zone Leading Body are in conformity with the Constitution or not; (c) vetting whether the measures of the executive authorities of the Union, the Regions, the States, and the Self-Administered Areas are in conformity with the Constitution or not; (d) deciding Constitutional disputes between the Union and a Region, between the Union and a State, between a Region and a State, among the Regions, among the States, between a Region or a State and a Self-Administered Area and among the Self-AdministeredAreas; (e) deciding disputes arising out of the rights and duties of the Union and a Region, a State or a Self-AdministeredArea in implementing the Union Law by a Region, State or Self-Administered Area;
142 321/ EdkifiHawmfor®wonf rdrda&G;cs,fxm;onfh tzGJU0if okH;OD;? jynfolYvTwfawmf Ouú|u a&G;cs,fxm;onfh tzGJU0ifokH;OD;ESifh trsKd;om;vTwfawmfOuú|u a&G;cs,f xm;onhf tzUJG 0if o;Hk O;D ppk ak ygi;f u;kd O;D \\ trnpf m&i;f uvdk n;f aumi;f ? ,i;f wtYdk euf Eikd if aH wmzf UJGpn;f ytkH ajccOH ya'qikd &f mc½kH ;kH Ou|ú tjzpf wm0eaf y;ty&f ef tzUGJ0iwf pOf ;D \\ trnfukdvnf;aumif;? jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmfodkY wifoGif;vsuf oabmwlnDcsuf &,&l rn/f EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'qdkif&mcHk½Hk;\\ vkyfief;wm0ef 322/ Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'qikd &f mc½Hk ;Hk \\ vyk if e;f wm0erf sm;rmS atmuyf g twikd ;f jzpof nf (u) zUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csurf sm;ukd teutf \"yd mÜ ,zf iG qhf jkdci;f ? ( c ) jynaf xmipf vk wT af wm?f wikd ;f a'oBu;D vwT af wm?f jynef ,vf wT af wmf orYkd [wk f u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf wikd ;f O;D p;D tzUJG EiS hf u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf a'oO;D p;D tzUJGwuYkd jy|me;f onOhf ya'rsm;onf zUJGpn;f ytHk ajccH Oya'EiS hf nñD wG jfci;f &-dS r&dS ppd pjfci;f ? ( * ) jynaf xmipf ?k wikd ;f a'oBu;D rsm;? jynef ,rf sm;EiS hf u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf p&D ipf rk sm;\\ tyk cf sKyrf qI ikd &f mtmPmyikd rf sm;\\ aqmi&f uG cf surf sm;onf zUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'EiS hf nñD wG jfci;f &-dS r&dS ppd pjfci;f ? (C) jynaf xmipf Ek iS hf wikd ;f a'oBu;D tMum;? jynaf xmipf Ek iS hf jynef ,tf Mum;? widk ;f a'oBu;D EiS hf jynef ,tf Mum;? wikd ;f a'oBu;D tcsi;f csi;f ? jynef ,f tcsi;f csi;f ? wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,Ef iS hf u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf pD&ifpktMum;? udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&pD&ifpktcsif;csif; jzpfay:onfh zUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'qikd &f m tjii;f ymG ;rrI sm;ukd q;Hk jzwjfci;f ? ( i ) wikd ;f a'oBu;D ? jynef ,f orYkd [wk f u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh p&D ipf wk uYkd jynfaxmifpkOya'udk taumiftxnfazmf aqmif&Guf&mwGif jynaf xmipf Ek iS hf wikd ;f a'oBu;D ? jynef ,f orYkd [wk f u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf p&D ipf wk \\Ykd tciG thf a&;EiS hf wm0erf sm;EiS phf yvf sO;f í ay:ayguof nhf tjii;f ymG ;rrI sm;ukd q;Hk jzwjfci;f ?
143 (f) vetting and deciding matters intimated by the President relating to the Union Territory; (g) functions and duties conferred by laws enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. Effect of the Resolution of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union 323. In hearing a case by a Court, if there arises a dispute whether the provisions contained in any law contradict or conform to the Constitution, and if no resolution has been made by the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union on the said dispute, the said Court shall stay the trial and submit its opinion to the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union in accord with the prescribed procedures and shall obtain a resolution. In respect of the said dispute, the resolution of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union shall be applied to all cases. 324. The resolution of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union shall be final and conclusive. Submission to obtain the interpretation, resolution and opinion of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union 325. The following persons and organizations shall have the right to submit matters directly to obtain the interpretation, resolution and opinion of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union : (a) the President; (b) the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw; (c) the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw; (d) the Speaker of theAmyotha Hluttaw; (e) the Chief Justice of the Union; (f) the Chairperson of the Union Election Commission.
143 ( p ) jynaf xmipf ek ,af jrrsm;EiS phf yvf sO;f í Eidk if aH wmof rw® utaMumi;f Mum; vmonhf upd &ö yrf sm;udk ppd pqf ;Hk jzwjfci;f ? (q) jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmfu jy|mef;onfhOya'rsm;u ay;tyfonfh vyk if e;f wm0erf sm;/ EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'qdkif&mckH½kH; qkH;jzwfcsuf\\ tusKd;oufa&mufrI 323/ w&m;½;Hk wp½f ;Hk onf trwI prf uI kd ppaf q;p&D i&f mwiG f Oya'wp&f y&f yyf g jy|me;f csufonf zGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'ESifh qefYusifrI&Sd-r&Sd? nDñGwfrI&Sd-r&Sd tjiif;yGm;rI ay:aygufygu xdktjiif;yGm;rIESifh pyfvsOf;í EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'qdkif&m c½Hk ;Hk uvn;f wppf wHk p&f mq;Hk jzwcf suf csrwS xf m;jci;f r&adS o;vQif tqykd gw&m;½;Hk onf trIppfaq;pD&ifjcif;udk&yfqdkif;xm;NyD; rdrd\\xifjrifcsufudk owfrSwfxm;onfh en;f vr;f rsm;EiS thf nD Eikd if aH wmzf UJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'qikd &f m c½Hk ;Hk owYkd ijfyí tq;Hk tjzwf &,&l rn/f ,i;f tjii;f ymG ;rEI iS phf yvf sO;f í Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f yHk tajccOH ya'qikd &f mc½Hk ;Hk \\ q;Hk jzwcf suof nf trtI m;v;Hk EiS hf ouqf idk af p&rn/f 324/ Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'qikd &f mc½Hk ;Hk \\ q;Hk jzwcf suof nf tNy;D tjywf twnjfzpof n/f EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'qdkif&mckH½kH;\\ t\"dyÜm,fzGifhqdkcsuf? qkH;jzwfcsufESifh oabmxm;&,l&ef wifoGif;jcif; 325/ zUJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'qikd &f mc½Hk ;Hk \\ t\"yd mÜ ,zf iG qhf ckd su?f q;Hk jzwcf su?f oabmxm; &,l&efudpörsm;udk atmufazmfjyygyk*¾dKvfrsm;onf EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya' qikd &f mc½Hk ;Hk oYkd wukd ½f ukd wf iof iG ;f ciG &hf odS nf (u) Eikd if aH wmof rw® ? ( c ) jynaf xmipf vk wT af wmef m,u? ( * ) jynof Ul vwT af wmOf u|ú ? (C) trsK;d om;vwT af wmOf u|ú ? ( i ) jynaf xmipf wk &m;oBlu;D csKy?f ( p ) jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS Of u|ú /
144 326. The following persons and organizations shall have the right to submit matters to obtain the interpretation, resolution and opinion of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union in accord with the prescribed procedures : (a) the Chief Minister of the Region or State; (b) the Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw; (c) the Chairperson of the Self-Administered Division Leading Body or the Self-Administered Zone Leading Body; (d) Representatives numbering at least ten percent of all the representatives of the Pyithu Hluttaw or theAmyotha Hluttaw. Appointment of the Chairperson and members of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union 327. The President shall appoint the Chairperson and members of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw . 328. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall have no right to refuse the persons nominated for members of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union by the President unless it can clearly be proved that they are disqualified. 329. The President has the right to submit again, in accord with the provisions of the Constitution, the new nomination list to replace the person who has not been approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw for appointment as member of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union. 330. Amember of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union shall : (a) if he is a representative of any Hluttaw, be deemed to have resigned as representative of the Hluttaw commencing from the day he has been appointed as a member of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union;
144 326/ atmufygyk*¾dKvf odkYr[kwf tzGJUtpnf;rsm;onf zGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'qdkif&m ckH½kH;\\ t\"dyÜm,fzGifhqdkcsuf? qkH;jzwfcsuf? oabmxm;&,l&efudpörsm;udk owfrSwf xm;aom enf;vrf;rsm;ESifhtnD EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'qdkif&mckH½kH;odkY wiof iG ;f ciG &hf odS nf (u) wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,0f eBfu;D csKy?f ( c ) wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmOf u|ú ? ( * ) u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf wikd ;f O;D p;D tzUJG orYkd [wk f u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf a'o O;D p;D tzUJGOu|ú ? (C) jynof vYl wT af wmf orYkd [wk f trsK;d om;vwT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S tf m;v;Hk \\ ten;f q;Hk 10 &mcikd Ef eI ;f ta&twuG &f adS om u,kd pf m;v,S rf sm;/ EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'qdkif&mcHk½Hk; Ouú|ESifh tzGJU0ifrsm; cefYtyfwm0ef ay;jcif; 327/ Eikd if aH wmof rw® onf jynaf xmipf vk wT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD suf &&NdSy;D onhf Ou|ú EiS hf tzUJG 0irf sm;tm; Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytkH ajccOH ya'qikd &f m c½kH ;kH Ou|ú EiS hf tzUJG 0if rsm;tjzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&rn/f 328/ Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytkH ajccOH ya'qikd &f m c½kH ;kH tzUJG 0i\\f t&ntf csi;f EiS hf rjynphf kH aMumif; txift&Sm;rjyEdkifygu jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmfonf EdkifiHawmfor®wu ppk n;f trnpf m&i;f wiof iG ;f onhf y*k Kd¾vrf sm;tm; Eikd if aH wmzf UJGpn;f ytkH ajccOH ya'qikd &f mc½kH ;kH tzUJG0itf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&ef jii;f y,cf iG rhf &adS p&/ 329/ Eikd if aH wmof rw® onf Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytkH ajccOH ya'qikd &f m c½kH ;kH tzUJG 0itf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&ef jynaf xmipf vk wT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD suf r&&odS nthf zUJG 0if ae&mtwuG f trnpf m&i;f opuf kd zUJG pn;f ytkH ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csurf sm; EiS thf nD jynaf xmipf vk wT af wmof Ykd xyrf wH iof iG ;f ciG &hf odS n/f 330/ Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytkH ajccOH ya'qidk &f m c½kH ;kH tzUJG 0iwf pOf ;D onf - (u) vTwfawmfwpf&yf&yf\\ udk,fpm;vS,fjzpfvQif EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHk tajccOH ya'qikd &f m c½kH ;kH tzUJG0itf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;jci;f c&H onhf aerY S pí vwT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S tf jzprf S Ewk xf uG Nfy;D jzpof n[f k rwS ,f &l rn?f
145 (b) if he is a Civil Services personnel, be deemed to have retired from the Civil Services in accord with the existing Civil Services Regulations commencing from the day he has been appointed as a member of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union; (c) if he is a member of any political party, he shall not take part in its party activities during his term, commencing from the day he has been appointed a member of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union. 331. If a member of the ConstitutionalTribunal of the Union wishes to resign on his own volition from office before the expiry of his term due to any reason, he may do so, after submitting his resignation in writing to the President. 332. If the position of a member of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union is vacant for any reason, the President may appoint a new member of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union in accord with the provisions under the Constitution. Qualifications of the Member of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union 333. The President, the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Speaker of theAmyotha Hluttaw shall select from among the Hluttaw representatives or among those who are not Hluttaw representatives with three members each who has the following qualifications : (a) person who has attained the age of 50 years; (b) person who has qualifications, with the exception of the age limit, prescribed in Section 120 for Pyithu Hluttaw representatives;
145 ( c ) Eikd if 0hH exf r;f jzpvf Qif Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'qikd &f m c½Hk H;k tzUJG 0if tjzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;jci;f c&H onahf erY pS í wnqf 0J exf r;f pn;f rsO;f pnf;urf;rsm;ESifhtnD 0efxrf;tjzpfrS tNidrf;pm;,lNyD;jzpfonf[k rwS ,f &l rn?f ( * ) Eikd if aH &;ygwwD pcf ck ük tzUJG 0ijfzpvf Qif Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya' qikd &f m c½Hk ;Hk tzUJG 0itf jzpf wm0eaf y;tyjfci;f c&H onahf erY pS í rrd &d mx;l oufwrf;twGif; ,if;ygwDtzGJUtpnf;\\ ygwDvkyfief;rsm;wGif yg0if aqmi&f uG jfci;f rjyK&/ 331/ EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'qdkif&m ckH½kH;tzGJU0ifwpfOD;OD;onf &mxl; oufwrf;rukefqkH;rD taMumif;wpfckckaMumifh rdrdoabmqE´tavsmuf &mxl;rS Ewk xf uG vf vkd Qif xokd EYkd wk xf uG vf akd Mumi;f Eikd if aH wmof rw® xH pmjziwhf ijfyNy;D &mx;l rS Ewk xf uG Ef ikd of n/f 332/ taMumi;f wpcf ck ak Mumihf Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'qikd &f m c½Hk ;Hk tzUJG 0if &mx;l ae&mvpvf yvf Qif Eikd if aH wmof rw® onf zUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csuf rsm;EiS thf nD Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'qikd &f m c½Hk ;Hk tzUJG 0itf optf m; cetYf yf wm0eaf y;Eikd of n/f EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'qdkif&m ckH½kH;tzGJU0if\\ t&nftcsif; 333/ Eikd if aH wmof rw® ? jynof vYl wT af wmOf u|ú EiS hf trsK;d om;vwT af wmOf u|ú woYdk nf vTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,frsm;xJujzpfap? vTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,fr[kwfolrsm;xJu jzpfap atmuaf zmfjyyg t&nftcsi;f rsm;ESihf jynhfpkHolrsm;teufrS tzUJG 0if o;kH OD;puD kd a&;G cs,&f rnf - (u) touf 50 EpS f jynNhfy;D o?l ( c ) touuf eoYf wcf surf tS y y'k rf 120 wiG f azmjfyxm;onhf jynof Yl vwT af wmf u,dk pf m;v,S rf sm;twuG f owrf wS xf m;aom t&ntf csi;f rsm;EiS hf jynphf oHk ?l
146 (c) person whoes qualification does not breach the provisions under Section 121 which disqualify a person standing for election as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives; (d) (i) person who has served as a Judge of the High Court of the Region or State for at least five years; or (ii) person who has served as a Judicial Officer or a Law Officer at least 10 years not lower than that of the Region or State level for; or (iii) person who has practised as an Advocate for at least 20 years; or (iv) person who is, in the opinion of the President, an eminent jurist. (e) person who is not a member of a political party; (f) person who is not a Hluttaw representative; (g) person who has political, administrative, economic and security outlook; (h) person loyal to the Union and its citizens. Impeachment of the Chairperson and the Members of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union 334. (a) The Chairperson and members of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union may be impeached on any of the following reasons : (i) high treason; (ii) breach of any of the provisions under the Constitution; (iii) misconduct; (iv) disqualificationofthequalificationsofmemberoftheConstitutional Tribunal of the Union prescribed under Section 333; (v) inefficient discharge of duties assigned by law.
146 ( * ) yk'fr 121 wGif azmfjyxm;onfY jynfolYvTwfawmf ukd,fpm;vS,frsm; tjzpf a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf yH ikd cf iG rhf &adS paom jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS vhf n;f Nipd eG ;f jci;f r&odS ?l (C) (1) widk ;f a'oBu;D orYdk [wk f jynef ,wf &m;vwT af wmf w&m;oBlu;D tjzpf ten;f q;Hk ig;EpS f aqmi&f uG cf ohJ l orYdk [wk f (2) wkdif;a'oBuD; okdYr[kwf jynfe,ftqifhxufredrfhaom w&m;a&;t&m&dS orYdk [wk f Oya't&m&&dS mx;l wiG f ten;f q;Hk 10 EpS f wm0exf r;f aqmicf ohJ l orYdk [wk f (3) w&m;vwT af wmaf &US aetjzpf ten;f q;Hk 20 EpS f trvI udk yf g aqmi&f uG cf ohJ l orYdk [wk f (4) xiaf y:ausmMfum;onhf *Pk of wi;f &adS om Oya'ynm&iS tf jzpf Eidk if aH wmof rw® u ,ql o/l ( i ) Eidk if aH &;ygw0D irf [wk of ?l ( p ) vwT af wmuf ,dk pf m;v,S rf [wk of ?l (q) Eikd if aH &;? tyk cf sKyaf &;? p;D ymG ;a&;? vNkHcKHa&;tjri&f odS ?l ( Z ) Eikd if aH wmEf iS hf Eikd if oH m;rsm;tay: opmö &odS /l EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'qdkif&m ckH½kH;Ouú|ESifh tzGJU0ifrsm;tm; pGyfpJG jypfwifjcif; 334/ (u) Eikd if aH wmzf UJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'qikd &f m c½Hk ;Hk Ou|ú EiS hf tzUJG0iwf pOf ;D O;D tm; atmuyf gtaMumi;f wp&f y&f yjfzihf pyG pf jJGypwf iEf ikd of nf (1) Eikd if aH wm\\f aus;Z;l opmö awmuf kd azmuzf sujfci;f ? (2) zUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csuwf p&f y&f yuf kd azmuzf suf usL;veG jfci;f ? (3) tusiohf ud m© ysujfym;jci;f ? (4) y'k rf 333 wiG f owrf wS xf m;onhf Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytHk ajccH Oya'qikd &f m c½Hk ;Hk tzUJG 0i\\f t&ntf csi;f ysu,f iG ;f jci;f ? (5) Oya't& ay;tyaf om wm0erf sm;udk ausyeG pf mG raqmi&f uG jfci;f /
147 (b) If the Chairperson or any member of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union is to be impeached, it shall be done so in accord with the impeachment provisions as prescribed under Section 302 of the Chief Justice of the Union or a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Union. Term of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union 335. The term of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union is the same as that of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw being five years. However, the ongoing Constitution Tribunal of the Union, on expiry of its term, shall continue its functions till the President forms a new Tribunal under the Constitution. 336. The formation and communication of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union, duties, powers and rights of the Chairperson and members of theTribunal shall be prescribed by law.
147 ( c ) Eikd if aH wmzf UJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'qikd &f m c½Hk ;Hk Ou|ú EiS hf tzUJG0iwf pOf ;D O;D tay: pyG pf jJGypwf ivf ykd gu jynaf xmipf wk &m;oBlu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f jynaf xmipf k w&m;vTwfawmfcsKyf w&m;olBuD;wpfOD;OD;tm; pGyfpGJjypfwifjcif;ESifh pyvf sO;f í y'k rf 302 yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD aqmi&f uG &f rn/f EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'qdkif&mcHk½Hk;\\ oufwrf; 335/ EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'qdkif&mcHk½Hk;\\ oufwrf;onf jynfaxmifpk vTwfawmf\\ oufwrf;ESifhtnD ig;ESpfjzpfonf/ odkY&mwGif oufwrf;ukefqHk;NyD; jzpaf omvf n;f vu&f wdS m0exf r;f aqmivf su&f adS om Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytkH ajccOH ya' qdkif&mcHk½Hk;onf zGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya't& EdkifiHawmfor®wu EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHk tajccOH ya'qikd &f mc½kH ;kH topf zUJG pn;f Ny;D onthf csed tf xd rrd \\d vyk if e;f wm0erf sm;ukd quvf uwf m0exf r;f aqmi&f rn/f 336/ Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'qikd &f mc½Hk ;Hk \\ zUJG pn;f r?I quof ,G rf ?I c½Hk ;Hk Ou|ú EiS hf tzUJG0irf sm;\\ wm0erf sm;? vyk yf ikd cf iG rhf sm;? &yikd cf iG rhf sm; ponwf uYkd kd Oya'jy|me;f owrf wS f &rn/f
Chapter VII Defence Services
tcef; (7) wyfrawmf
Chapter VII Defence Services 337. The main armed force for the Defence of the Union is the Defence Services. 338. All the armed forces in the Union shall be under the command of the Defence Services. 339. The Defence Services shall lead in safeguarding the Union against all internal and external dangers. 340. With the approval of the National Defence and Security Council, the Defence Services has the authority to administer the participation of the entire people in the Security and Defence of the Union. The strategy of the people’s militia shall be carried out under the leadership of the Defence Services. 341. The Defence Services shall render assistance when calamities that affects the Union and its citizens occur in the Union. 342. The President shall appoint the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services with the proposal and approval of the National Defence and Security Council. 343. In the adjudication of Military justice : (a) the Defence Services personnel may be administered in accord with law collectively or singly; (b) the decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services is final and conclusive. 344. A law shall be enacted to provide assistance and care for disabled Defence Services personnel and the families of deceased or fallen Defence Services personnel.
tcef;(7) wyfrawmf 337/ wyfrawmfonf EdkifiHawmfumuG,fa&;twGuf t\"dutusqHk;aom vuef uuf ikd wf yzf UGJ jzpof n/f 338/ Eikd if aH wmtf wiG ;f &dS vuef uuf ikd tf zUGJ tpn;f tm;v;kH onf wyrf awm\\f uyG uf rJ I atmuwf iG &f &dS rn/f 339/ Eikd if aH wmtf m;jynwf iG ;f ? jynyf tE&Å m,rf sm;ruS mu,G af &;twuG f wyrf awmuf O;D aqmi&f rn/f 340/ wyrf awmof nf trsK;d om;umu,G af &;EiS fh vNkHcKHa&;aumipf \\D oabmwnl cD suf jzihf EkdifiHawmfvHkNcHKa&;ESihf umuG,fa&;wGif jynfolwpf&yfvHk;yg0ifa&;twGuf pDrH aqmi&f uG cf iG &hf odS n/f wyrf awm\\f O;D aqmirf jIzifh jynof pYl prf [mAsL[mukd azmaf qmif &rn/f 341/ Eikd if aH wmwf iG f Eikd if aH wmEf iS fh Eikd if oH m;rsm;twuG f ab;tE&Å m,rf sm;usa&muf vmvQif wyrf awmuf unl aD qmi&f uG &f rn/f 342/ Eikd if aH wmof rw® onf trsK;d om;umu,G af &;EiS fh vNkHcKHa&;aumipf \\D tqjkdyK axmucf cH sujfzifh wyrf awmuf mu,G af &;O;D p;D csKyuf kd cetYf ywf m0eaf y;&rn/f 343/ ppbf uwf &m;p&D i&f mwiG f - (u) wyrf awmof m;rsm;twuG f tzUGJ jzijfhzpaf p? wpOf ;D wn;f jzpaf p Oya'EiS fh tnD p&D iEf ikd of n?f ( c ) wyfrawmfumuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyf\\ tqHk;tjzwfonf tNyD;tjywf jzpof n/f 344/ roerf prG ;f jzpof mG ;aom wyrf awmof m;rsm;EiS hf aoq;kH aom orYkd [wk f usq;kH aom wyrf awmof m;rsm;\\rod m;prk sm;tm; axmuyf ahH pmiafh &mS uaf &;wtYkd wuG f Oya'jy|me;f &rn/f
Chapter VIII Citizen, Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens
tcef; (8) EkdifiHom;? EkdifiHom;rsm;\\ rlvtcGifhta&;ESifh wm0efrsm;
Chapter VIII Citizen, Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens 345. All persons who have either one of the following qualifications are citizens of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar: (a) person born of parents both of whom are nationals of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar; (b) person who is already a citizen according to law on the day this Constitution comes into operation. 346. Citizenship, naturalization and revocation of citizenship shall be as prescribed by law. 347. The Union shall guarantee any person to enjoy equal rights before the law and shall equally provide legal protection. 348. TheUnionshallnotdiscriminateanycitizenoftheRepublicoftheUnionofMyanmar, based on race, birth, religion, official position, status, culture, sex and wealth. 349. Citizens shall enjoy equal opportunity in carrying out the following functions : (a) public employment; (b) occupation; (c) trade; (d) business; (e) technical know-how and vocation; (f) exploration of art, science and technology.
tcef;(8) EdkfifiHom;? EdkifiHom;rsm;\\ rlvtcGifhta&;ESifh wm0efrsm; 345/ atmuaf zmjfyygt&ntf csi;f wp&f y&f yEf iS jhfynphf okH rl sm;onf jynaf xmipf ok rw® jrerf mEikd if aH wm\\f Eikd if oH m;rsm;jzpMfuonf - (u) jynaf xmipf ok rw® jrerf mEikd if aH wm\\f wikd ;f &i;f om;rbd EpS yf g;rS ar;G zmG ;o?l ( c ) þzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya' twnfjyKjy|mef;onfhaeYwGif Oya't& Eikd if oH m;jzpNfy;D o/l 346/ Eikd if oH m;jzpjfci;f ? Eikd if oH m;jyKjci;f EiS hf Eidk if oH m;tjzprf &S ypf jJci;f woYkd nf Oya' jzijhfy|me;f onthf wikd ;f jzpaf p&rn/f 347/ Eidk if aH wmof nf rnof uYl rkd qkd Oya't&mwiG f we;f wnl rD QtciG thf a&;&&adS p&rn/f xjYdkyif Oya'\\tumtu,G uf vkd n;f we;f wnl rD QpmG &,yl ikd cf iG ahf y;&rn/f 348/ EkdifiaH wmfonf jynaf xmipf korw® jrefrmEkdifiHawmf\\ rnof nfEh dik fioH m;udkrQ vrl sK;d ? Zmw?d u;kd u,G &f mbmom? &mx;l XmeE&Å ? tqithf we;f ? ,Oaf us;r?I trsK;d om;? trsK;d or;D ? qi;f &cJ sr;f omwuYkd kd taMumi;f jyKícjJGcm;rrI &adS p&/ 349/ Eikd if oH m;rsm;onf atmuyf gvyk if e;f rsm;ukd vyk uf ikd af qmi&f uG &f mwiG wf nl aD om tciG tfh vr;f &&adS p&rnf - (u) jynof 0Yl exf r;f wm0exf r;f aqmirf ?I ( c ) tvyk vf yk uf ikd rf ?I ( * ) uek of ,G af &mi;f 0,f azmuuf m;r?I (C) p;D ymG ;a&;vyk if e;f vyk uf ikd rf ?I ( i ) twwyf nmEiS hf touaf r;G 0r;f ausmi;f r?I ( p ) 0Zd mÆ ynm? oyd yHÜ nmEiS hf en;f ynm&yrf sm; &mS azaG zmxf wk rf /I
150 350. Women shall be entitled to the same rights and salaries as that received by men in respect of similar work. 351. Mothers, children and expectant women shall enjoy equal rights as prescribed by law. 352. TheUnionshall,uponspecifiedqualificationsbeingfulfilled,inappointingorassigning duties to civil service personnel, not discriminate for or against any citizen of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, based on race, birth, religion, and sex. However, nothing in this Section shall prevent appointment of men to the positions that are suitable for men only. 353. Nothing shall, except in accord with existing laws, be detrimental to the life and personal freedom of any person. 354. Every citizen shall be at liberty in the exercise of the following rights, if not contrary to the laws, enacted for Union security, prevalence of law and order, community peace and tranquility or public order and morality: (a) to express and publish freely their convictions and opinions; (b) to assemble peacefully without arms and holding procession; (c) to form associations and organizations; (d) to develop their language, literature, culture they cherish, religion they profess, and customs without prejudice to the relations between one national race and another or among national races and to other faiths. 355. Every citizen shall have the right to settle and reside in any place within the Republic of the Union of Myanmar according to law.
150 350/ trsKd;orD;rsm;onf wlnDaomtvkyftwGuf trsKd;om;rsm;cHpm;cGifh&Sdaom tciG thf a&;EiS vhf pmwuYdk kd cpH m;ciG &hf odS n/f 351/ rcd irf sm;? uav;oil ,rf sm;EiS hf u,kd 0f eaf qmitf rsK;d or;D rsm;onf Oya't& owrf wS xf m;aom ouqf ikd &f mtciG thf a&;rsm;ukd tntD rQcpH m;ciG &hf adS p&rn/f 352/ Eikd if aH wmof nf tvyk tf uikd cf exYf m;&mwiG jfzpaf p? Eikd if 0hH exf r;f a&;G cs,wf m0ef ay;&mwiG jfzpaf p owrf wS af omt&ntf csi;f EiS jhfynphf ykH gu jynaf xmipf ok rw® jrerf m Eidk if aH wm\\f rnof nEhf ikd if oH m;urkd Q vrl sK;d ? Zmw?d u;kd u,G &f mbmom omoem? trsK;d om;? trsKd;orD;udktaMumif;jyKvsuf &mxl;a&G;cs,fcefYxm;jcif;udk cGJjcm;rIrjyK&/ odkY&mwGif trsK;d om;rsm;EiS ohf mavsmuf eof ijhfrwof nhf &mx;l wm0erf sm;twuG f trsK;d om;rsm;tm; a&;G cs,cf exYf m;jci;f ukd þy'k rf t& t[etYf wm;rjzpaf p&/ 353/ rnfolYudkrQ wnfqJOya'ESifhtnDrSwpfyg; toufudkjzpfap? yk*¾dKvfqdkif&m vwG vf yrf uI jkdzpaf p epef mq;kH ½;HI rrI &adS p&/ 354/ Eikd if oH m;wikd ;f onf Eikd if aH wmvf jkHcKHa&;? w&m;Oya'p;kd r;kd a&;? &y&f mG at;csr;f om,ma&; orYkd [wk f jynof wl \\Ykd u,kd uf siwhf &m;tusKd;imS jy|me;f xm;onOhf ya'rsm; EiS hf rqeuYf sivf Qif atmuyf gtciG thf a&;rsm;ukd vwG vf ypf mG o;kH paJG qmi&f uG cf iG &hf odS nf - (u) rdrd\\ ,HkMunfcsuf? xifjrif,lqcsufrsm;udk vGwfvyfpGm xkwfazmf ajymqcdk iG ?hf a&;om;jzeaYf 0ciG ?hf ( c ) vuef urf ygbJ Nird ;f csr;f pmG pak 0;ciG ?hf pwD e;f vnS vhf ncf iG ?hf ( * ) toi;f tzUJG orYkd [wk f tpn;f t½;kH rsm; zUJG pn;f aqmi&f uG cf iG ?hf (C) wkdif;&if;om;vlrsKd; wpfrsKd;ESifhwpfrsKd; odkYr[kwf wkdif;&if;om;vlrsKd; tcsif;csif;ukdvnf;aumif;? tjcm;bmomomoemukdvnf;aumif; xcd ukd ef pef mrrI &adS pbJ rrd cd spcf ijfrwEf ;kd onhf pum;? pmay? ,Oaf us;r?I udk;uG,fonfhbmomomoemESifh \"avhxHk;wrf;rsm;udk vGwfvyfpGm aqmi&f uG yf ikd cf iG /hf 355/ Eikd if oH m;wikd ;f onf jynaf xmipf ok rw® jrerf mEidk if aH wmtf wiG ;f rnof nthf &yf a'oürqdk Oya'EiS thf nD tajcpukd af exidk cf iG &hf odS n/f
151 356. The Union shall protect according to law movable and immovable properties of every citizen that are lawfully acquired. 357. The Union shall protect the privacy and security of home, property, correspondence and other communications of citizens under the law subject to the provisions of this Constitution. 358. The Union prohibits the enslaving and trafficking in persons. 359. The Union prohibits forced labor except hard labor as a punishment for crime duly convicted and duties assigned by the Union in accord with the law in the interest of the public. 360. (a) The freedom of religious right given in Section 34 shall not include any (b) economic, financial, political or other secular activities that may be associated with religious practice. The freedom of religious practice so guaranteed shall not debar the Union from enacting law for the purpose of public welfare and reform. 361. The Union recognizes special position of Buddhism as the faith professed by the great majority of the citizens of the Union. 362. TheUnionalsorecognizesChristianity,Islam,HinduismandAnimismasthereligions existing in the Union at the day of the coming into operation of this Constitution. 363. The Union may assist and protect the religions it recognizes to its utmost.
151 356/ Eikd if aH wmof nf Eikd if oH m;rsm;\\ w&m;0i&f &ydS ikd qf idk xf m;aom a&UT ajymi;f Eidk f aomypnö ;f ? ra&UT rajymi;f Eidk af omypnö ;f rsm;EiS phf yvf sO;f í Oya't& umu,G af y;&rn/f 357/ þzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'yg jy|mef;csufrsm;ESifhrqefYusifvQif EdkifiHawmfonf Eikd if oH m;rsm;\\ aetrd Of ypmvNkHcHKr?I ypnö ;f vNkHcKH r?I pmay;pm,El iS hf tjcm;quof ,G af &; qikd &f mvNkHcHKrrI sm;twuG f Oya't&umu,G af y;&rn/f 358/ Eikd if aH wmof nf aus;uRejfyKrEI iS hf vul ek uf ;l rrI sm;ukd wm;jrpof n/f 359/ EdkifiHawmfonf Oya'usL;vGefí jypf'Pfay;jcif;udkcH&ojzifh tvkyf'Pf xr;f aqmicf ikd ;f jci;f EiS hf trsm;jynof tl usK;d twuG af qmi&f uG &f ef Eikd if aH wmuf Oya'EiS hf tnD wm0ecf sxm;jci;f rwS pyf g; t\"ra® pcikd ;f jci;f ukd wm;jrpof n/f 360/ (u) bmomomoema&;qkdif&m udk;uG,faqmufwnfrIonf pD;yGm;a&;? (c) b@ma&;? Eikd if aH &;? tjcm;avmuaD &;&m aqmi&f uG rf wI pcf ck Ek iS hf qupf yf aeygu y'k rf 34 yg bmomomoema&;qikd &f m vwG vf ycf iG rhf sm;wiG f ryg0iaf p&? xodk Ykd bmomomoema&;EiS phf yvf sO;f í vwG vf yaf omtciG thf a&;rsm; uakd y;xm;aomvf n;f trsm;jynof tl usK;d upd Eö iS hf jyKjyiaf &;upd wö tYdk wuG f Eikd if aH wm\\f Oya'jyKjci;f ukd rwm;jrp&f / 361/ Eikd if aH wmof nf A'k b¨ momomoemawmuf kd Eikd if aH wm\\f Eikd if oH m;trsm;q;kH udk;uG,f&mjzpfaom *kPfxl;0daooESifhjynfhpHkonfh bmomomoemjzpfonf[k Eikd if aH wmuf totd rwS jfyKon/f 362/ EkdifiHawmfonf c&pf,mefbmomomoem? tpövmrfbmomomoem? [dE´L bmomomoemESifh ewfudk;uG,faombmomwdkYudk þzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'tmPm wnaf omaeüY Eikd if aH wmwf iG &f adS eMuaom u;kd u,G &f mbmomrsm;[íl totd rwS jfyKon/f 363/ Eikd if aH wmof nf totd rwS jfyKxm;aom bmomomoemrsm;ukd wwEf ikd of rQ unl aD pmiahf &mS urf n/f
152 364. The abuse of religion for political purposes is forbidden. Moreover, any act which is intended or is likely to promote feelings of hatred, enmity or discord between racial or religious communities or sects is contrary to this Constitution.Alaw may be promulgated to punish such activity. 365. Every citizen shall, in accord with the law, have the right to freely develop literature, culture, arts, customs and traditions they cherish. In the process, they shall avoid any act detrimental to national solidarity. Moreover, any particular action which might adversely affect the interests of one or several other national races shall be taken only after co- ordinating with and obtaining the settlement of those affected. 366. Every citizen, in accord with the educational policy laid down by the Union : (a) has the right to education; (b) shall be given basic education which the Union prescribes by law as compulsory; (c) have the right to conduct scientific research explore science, work with creativity and write to develop the arts and conduct research freely other branches of culture. 367. Every citizen shall, in accord with the health policy laid down by the Union, have the right to health care. 368. The Union shall honour and assist citizens who are outstanding in education irrespective of race, religion and sex according to their qualifications.
152 364/ Eikd if aH &;upd tö viYkd mS bmomomoemukd tvoJG ;kH pm;rjyK&/ xjYkdyif vrl sK;d a&; aMumiahf omvf n;f aumi;f ? bmoma&;aMumiahf omvf n;f aumi;f wpzf uEf iS whf pzf u?f wp*f Pkd ;f EiS whf p*f Pkd ;f rek ;f w;D jci;f ? &erf jlci;f ? pwd 0f r;f ujJGci;f wprf sK;d rsK;d ay:ayguvf map&ef &n&f ,G af om orYkd [wk f ay:ayguvf m&etf aMumi;f &adS om tjyKtrol nf þzUJG pn;f ykH tajccHOya'ESifh qefYusifonf/ xdktjyKtrlrsKd;twGuf jypf'Pfay;Edkif&ef Oya' jy|me;f Eikd of n/f 365/ Eikd if oH m;wikd ;f onf Oya'EiS thf nD rrd wd tYkd jrwwf E;dk xm;&adS om pmay? ,Oaf us;r?I tEyk nmEiS \"hf avxh ;kH wr;f wuYkd kd vwG vf ypf mG jyKpyk sK;d axmiaf qmi&f uG yf ikd cf iG hf &odS n/f ,i;f oaYkd qmi&f uG &f mwiG f widk ;f &i;f om;pn;f v;kH nñD wG af &;ukd xyd g;rrI &adS p&ef a&mS iMfuOf &rn/f xjYkdyif rrd wd \\Ykd aqmi&f uG rf oI nf tjcm;wikd ;f &i;f om; vrl sK;d wprf sK;d ujkdzpaf p? vrl sK;d rsm;ujkdzpaf p xcd ukd ef pef mapEikd vf Qif ouqf ikd of rl sm;tcsi;f csi;f nEd§ idI ;f í ajyvnrf I &&NdSy;D roS m aqmi&f uG cf iG &hf odS n/f 366/ EdkifiHom;wdkif;onf EdkifiHawmfucsrSwfxm;aom ynma&;qdkif&mrl0g'rsm;ESifh tnD - (u) ynmoiMfum;yikd cf iG &hf odS n?f ( c ) Oya'jzijhfy|me;f onhf roirf ae&tajccyH nmrsm;ukd oiMfum;&rn?f ( * ) oyd yHÜ nmp;l pr;f &mS azrG ?I pmayEiS hf tEyk nmacwrf wD ;dk wuaf p&ef wxD iG f MuHqazmfxkwfa&;om;rIESifh ,Ofaus;rIudpörsm;wGif vGwfvyfpGm oak woejyK azmxf wk af qmi&f uG cf iG &hf odS n/f 367/ Eikd if oH m;widk ;f onf Eidk if aH wmuf csrwS xf m;aom use;f rma&;qidk &f mr0l g'rsm;EiS fh tnD use;f rma&;apmiahf &mS urf uI dk c,H cl iG &fh odS n/f 368/ Eikd if aH wmof nf ynm&nxf ;l cReaf om Eikd if oH m;rsm;tm; vrl sK;d ? u;kd u,G &f mbmom? trsKd;om;? trsKd;orD;cGJjcm;rIrxm;&SdbJ ,if;wdkY\\ t&nftcsif;tvdkuf csD;ajr§muf axmuyf rhH n/f
369. (a) 153 (b) Subject to this Constitution and relevant laws, every citizen has the right to elect and right to be elected to the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Amyotha Hluttaw, and the Region or State Hluttaw. Relevant electorate has the right to recall a Hluttaw representative in accord with the law. 370. Every citizen has, in accord with the law, the right to conduct business freely in the Union, for national economic development. 371. The Union may assist the access to technology, investment, machinery, raw material, so forth, for national economic development. 372. The Union guarantees the right to ownership, the use of property and the right to private invention and patent in the conducting of business if it is not contrary to the provisions of this Constitution and the existing laws. 373. Any person who committed a crime, shall be convicted only in accord with the relevant law then in operation. Moreover, he shall not be penalized to a penalty greater than that is applicable under that law. 374. Any person convicted or acquitted by a competent court for an offence shall not be retried unless a superior court annuls the judgment and orders the retrial. 375. An accused shall have the right of defence in accord with the law.
369/ (u) 153 (c) EdkifiHom;wdkif;onf þzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'ESifhjzpfap? oufqdkif&m Oya'rsm;EiS jhfzpaf p rqeuYf sivf Qif jynof vYl wT af wm?f trsK;d om;vwT af wm?f wikd ;f a'oBu;D vwT af wmf orYkd [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmf wp&f y&f ywf iG f a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf iG Ehf iS hf a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf yH ikd cf iG &hf odS n?f oufqdkif&m rJqE´&Sifrsm;onf vTwfawmfwpf&yf&yfrS vTwfawmf u,kd pf m;v,S uf kd Oya'EiS thf nD wm0erf S jyevf n½f yk of rd ;f ciG &hf odS n/f 370/ EdkifiHom;rsm;onf EdkifiHawmftwGif; trsKd;om;pD;yGm;a&; zGHUNzKd;wdk;wufapa&; twuG f p;D ymG ;a&;vyk if e;f rsm;ukd Oya'EiS thf nD vwG vf ypf mG vyk uf ikd af qmi&f uG cf iG &hf odS n/f 371/ EdkifiHawmfonf trsKd;om;pD;yGm;a&;zGHUNzdK;wdk;wufapa&;twGuf enf;ynm? t&i;f tE;DS ? purf yI pnö ;f ? uek Mfur;f tp&odS nwf uYkd kd &&adS p&euf nl rD n/f 372/ þzUJG pn;f ytkH ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS vhf n;f aumi;f ? wnqf OJ ya'rsm;yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS vhf n;f aumi;f rqeuYf siaf pbJ p;D ymG ;a&;upd rö sm;ukd aqmi&f uG &f mwiG f ypnö ;f yikd qf idk cf iG ?hf o;kH pcJG iG Ehf iS hf u,kd yf ikd wf xD iG cf iG ?hf ryl ikd cf iG whf uYkd kd Eikd if aH wmuf tmrcoH n/f 373/ jyprf uI sL;veG of l rnof uYl rkd qkd ,i;f jyprf uI sL;veG of nthf csed uf twnjfzpvf suf &Sdaom oufqdkif&mOya't&om jypfrIxif&Sm;pD&if&rnf/ xdkYjyif ,if;Oya't& csrwS Ef ikd af om jyp'f Pxf uyf íkd csrwS jfci;f rjyK&/ 374/ wpOf ;D wpaf ,muof nf p&D iyf ikd cf iG &hf adS omw&m;½;kH u jyprf wI p&f ytf wuG f jyprf I xi&f mS ;p&D ijfci;f c&H vQijfzpaf p? trrI tS Ny;D tjywvf wT jfci;f c&H vQijfzpaf p tqykd gjyprf I xi&f mS ;p&D iof nphf &D icf suf orYkd [wk f trrI tS Ny;D tjywvf wT of nphf &D icf suuf kd tqijhfrihf w&m;½;kH uy,zf suNfy;D truI tkd opwf pzf ejfyevf npf paf q;ap&ef tred cYf srwS of nthf cg rwS pyf g; ,i;f jyprf tI wuG f xokd tl m; xyrf pH paf q;jci;f rjyK&/ 375/ jyprf uI sL;veG af Mumi;f pyG pf cGJ &H owl pOf ;D O;D onf Oya'EiS tfh nD cck aH csyciG &hf adS p&rn/f
154 376. No person shall, except matters on precautionary measures taken for the security of the Union or prevalence of law and order, peace and tranquility in accord with the law in the interest of the public, or the matters permitted according to an existing law, be held in custody for more than 24 hours without the remand of a competent magistrate. 377. In order to obtain a right given by this Chapter, application shall be made in accord with the stipulations, to the Supreme Court of the Union. 378. (a) In connection with the filing of application for rights granted under this (b) Chapter, the Supreme Court of the Union shall have the power to issue the following writs as suitable : (1) Writ of Habeas Corpus; (2) Writ of Mandamus; (3) Writ of Prohibition; (4) Writ of Quo Warranto; (5) Writ of Certiorari. The right to issue writs by the Supreme Court of the Union shall not affect the power of other courts to issue order that has the nature of writs according to the existing laws. 379. At the time of the occurrence the following situation, the rights under Section 377 shall not be suspended unless the public safety may so require : (a) in time of war; (b) in time of foreign invasion; (c) in time of insurrection.
154 376/ Eikd if aH wmvf NkHcKHa&;? w&m;Oya'p;kd r;kd a&;? trsm;jynof al t;csr;f om,ma&;EiS hf trsm;jynof tl usK;d imS Oya'EiS thf nD BuKwd iuf mu,G xf m;&&dS evf tkd yaf omupd ö orYdk [wk f wnqf OJ ya'wp&f y&f ytf & ciG jhfyKonuhf pd rö wS pyf g; p&D iyf ikd cf iG &hf adS om w&m;oBlu;D \\ csKyrf ed rYf &&bdS J rnof uYl rkd Q 24 em&xD uyf íkd csKyaf EmS ijfci;f rjyK&/ 377/ þtcef;ü ay;tyfxm;aom tcGifhta&;wpf&yf&yfudk &,lvdkygvQif owrf wS cf surf sm;EiS thf nD jynaf xmipf wk &m;vwT af wmcf sKyof Ykd avQmuxf m;yikd cf iG hf &&dS rn/f 378/ (u) þtce;f ü ay;tyxf m;aomtciG thf a&;rsm;EiS phf yvf sO;f í avQmuxf m; (c) vmonuhf pd &ö yrf sm;wiG f jynaf xmipf wk &m;vwT af wmcf sKyof nf atmuf azmjfyyg pmcReaf wmtf red wYf p&f y&f yuf kd oiahf vsmof nthf widk ;f xwk qf ihf ay;ciG thf mPm&&dS rnf - (1) a&US awmof iG ;f pmcReaf wmtf red ?Yf (2) tmPmay;pmcReaf wmtf red ?Yf (3) wm;jrpaf ppmcReaf wmtf red ?Yf (4) tmPmyikd af r;pmcReaf wmtf red ?Yf (5) traI c:pmcReaf wmtf red /Yf jynaf xmipf wk &m;vwT af wmcf sKyof Ykd tyEf iS ;f onphf mcReaf wmtf red rYf sm; xkwfqifhcGifhtmPmonf tjcm;w&m;½kH;rsm;tm; wnfqJOya'rsm; t& tyfESif;xm;onfh pmcRefawmftrdefYoabmrsKd;oufa&mufonfh tred xYf wk qf iyhf ikd cf iG thf mPmukd rxcd ukd af p&/ 379/ atmuaf zmjfyyg tajctaewp&f y&f yaf y:aygucf sed wf iG f trsm;jynof vl jkHcKHa&; twGuf vdktyfonfhudpörSwpfyg; yk'fr 377 yg tcGifhta&;rsm;awmif;cHydkifcGifhudk &yqf ikd ;f xm;jci;f rjyK& - (u) pprf ujfzpyf mG ;csed ?f ( c ) widk ;f wpyf g;rS usL;ausm0f iaf &muwf ukd cf ukd cf sed ?f ( * ) qyl al omi;f use;f rrI sm; jzpaf y:aecsed /f
155 380. Every citizen who has relations with foreign countries shall have the right to seek protection of the Union at home or abroad. 381. Except in the following situations and time, no citizen shall be denied redress by due process of law for grievances entitled under law : (a) in time of foreign invasion; (b) in time of insurrection; (c) in time of emergency. 382. In order to carry out their duties fully and to maintain the discipline by the Defence Forces personnel or members of the armed forces responsible to carry out peace and security, the rights given in this Chapter shall be restricted or revoked through enactment to law. 383. Every citizen has the duty to uphold : (a) non-disintegration of the Union; (b) non-disintegration of national solidarity; (c) perpetuation of sovereignty. 384. Every citizen has duty to abide by the provisions of this Constitution. 385. Every citizen has the duty to safeguard independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. 386. Every citizen has the duty to undergo military training in accord with the provisions of the law and to serve in the Armed Forces to defend the Union.
155 380/ EdkifiHjcm;wkdif;wpfyg;ESifhqufqHaom EkdifiHom;wkdif;onf jynfwGif;üjzpfap? jynyf üjzpaf p Eikd if aH wm\\f umu,G af pmiahf &mS urf uI kd awmi;f ccH iG &hf odS n/f 381/ atmufazmfjyyg tajctaeESifhtcsdeftcgrSwpfyg; EkdifiHom;rsm;\\w&m;0if &yikd cf iG &hf adS om epef mcsurf sm;twuG f Oya'jziohf wrf wS xf m;aom &,yl ikd cf iG rhf sm;ukd jii;f y,jfci;f rjyK& - (u) widk ;f wpyf g;rS usL;ausm0f iaf &muwf udk cf ukd cf sed ?f ( c ) qyl al omi;f use;f rrI sm; jzpaf y:aecsed ?f ( * ) ta&;ay:tajctae jzpaf y:aecsed /f 382/ umuG,fa&;wyfzGJU0ifrsm; odkYr[kwf Nidrf0yfydjym;a&;ESifh vHkjcHKa&;wm0ef xrf;aqmif&aomwyfzGJU0ifrsm;tm; ,if;wdkY\\wm0ef0wå&m;rsm;udk ausyGefpGm xr;f aqmiEf idk af &;EiS hf pn;f ur;f ao0yrf rI sm;&adS pa&;wtYkd wuG f þtce;f ü ay;tyxf m; aomtcGifhta&;rsm;teuf uefYowf&ef odkYr[kwf zsufodrf;&ef vdktyfaom tciG thf a&;rsm;ukd Oya'jy|me;f í ueoYf wjfci;f orYkd [wk f zsuof rd ;f jci;f jyK&rn/f 383/ Eikd if oH m;wikd ;f onf atmuyf gwuYkd kd apmixhf ed ;f &ewf m0e&f odS nf - (u) jynaf xmipf rk NyKduaJG &;? ( c ) widk ;f &i;f om;pn;f v;kH nñD wG rf rI NyKduaJG &;? ( * ) tcsKytf jcmtmPmwnwf cHh ikd NfraJ &;/ 384/ EdkifiHom;wdkif;onf þzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'yg jy|mef;csufrsm;udk vdkufem apmixhf ed ;f &ef wm0e&f odS n/f 385/ jynaf xmipf ok rw® jrerf mEikd if aH wm\\f vwG vf yaf &;? tcsKytf jcmtmPmEiS hf e,af jrwnwf chH ikd NfraJ &;wuYdk kd umu,G af pmiahf &mS uaf &;onf Eikd if oH m;wikd ;f \\ wm0ef jzpof n/f 386/ EkdifiHom;wkdif;onf Oya'jy|mef;csufrsm;ESifhtnD ppfynmoifMum;&efESifh Eikd if aH wmuf mu,G af &;twuG f pprf xI r;f &ewf m0e&f odS n/f
156 387. Every citizen, with the Union Spirit, has the duty to enhance unity among national races and to ensure public peace and stability. 388. Every citizen has the duty for the emergence of a modern developed Nation. 389. Every citizen has the duty to pay taxes to be levied according to the law. 390. Every citizen has the duty to assist the Union in carrying out the following matters : (a) preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage; (b) environmental conservation; (c) striving for development of human resources; (d) protection and preservation of public property.
156 387/ EdkifiHom;wkdif;onf jynfaxmifpkpdwf\"mwfudktajccHí wdkif;&if;om;vlrsKd; tcsif;csif; pnf;vHk;nDñGwfa&;ESifh jynfolwpf&yfvHk;at;csrf;om,ma&;wdkYtwGuf BuKd;yr;f tm;xwk af qmi&f uG &f ef wm0e&f odS n/f 388/ acwrf zD UHG NzKd;w;kd wuaf om Eikd if aH wmBfu;D ay:xeG ;f apa&;onf Eikd if oH m;wikd ;f \\ wm0ejfzpof n/f 389/ EdkifiHom;wdkif;onf Oya't& ay;aqmif&rnfhtcGeftaumufrsm;udk ay;aqmi&f ef wm0e&f odS n/f 390/ Eidk if oH m;widk ;f onf atmuaf zmjfyygupd &ö yrf sm;wiG f Eidk if aH wmtf m; unl &D ef wm0e&f odS nf - (u) trsK;d om;,Oaf us;rtI artG EpS uf kd xed ;f ord ;f apmiafh &mS ujfci;f ? ( c ) obm0yw0f e;f usiuf kd xed ;f ord ;f apmiahf &mS ujfci;f ? ( * ) vpYl rG ;f tm;t&i;f tjrpzf UGH NzKd;w;kd wuaf &; jrirhf m;vmap&ef BuKd;yr;f jci;f ? (C) trsm;jynof yl ikd yf pnö ;f rsm;udk xed ;f ord ;f apmiafh &mS ujfci;f /
Chapter IX Election
tcef; (9) a&G;aumufwifajr§mufjcif;
Chapter IX ELECTION Election of People’s Representatives to the Hluttaws 391. In electing people’s representatives to the Hluttaws : (a) every citizen who has attained 18 years of age on the day on which the election commences, who is not disqualified by law, who is eligible to vote, and person who has the right to vote under the law, shall have the right to vote; (b) every citizen who is eligible to vote and person who has the right to vote under the law shall cast a vote only for each Hluttaw at a constituency in an election; (c) Moreover, the relevant national races having right to vote in accord with the provisions contained in this Constitution have also the right to vote to elect Hluttaw representatives of national races for their Region or State Hluttaw; (d) secret balloting system shall be practised. 392. The following persons shall have no right to vote : (a) members of religious orders; (b) persons serving prison terms; (c) persons determined to be of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent Court; (d) persons who have not yet been declared free from insolvent; (e) persons disqualified by election law. 393. A Hluttaw candidate has, in an election : (a) the right to be elected to one Hluttaw only; (b) the right to stand for one constituency only.
tcef;(9) a&G;aumufwifajr§mufjcif; vwT af wmrf sm;oYkd jynof uYl ,kd pf m;v,S rf sm; a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ujfci;f 391/ vwT af wmrf sm;oYkd jynof uYl ,kd pf m;v,S rf sm;ukd a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ u&f mwiG f - (u) a&;G aumuyf pJG wiuf si;f yonahf e&Y uüf touf 18 EpS f jyníhf Oya't& t&nftcsif;ysuf,Gif;olr[kwfonfhtjyif qE´rJay;ydkifcGifh&Sdaom Eikd if oH m;EiS hf Oya't& qEr´ aJ y;ciG &hf odS wl ikd ;f onf qEr´ aJ y;yikd cf iG &hf odS n?f ( c ) qEr´ aJ y;yikd cf iG &hf adS omEikd if oH m;EiS hf Oya't& qEr´ aJ y;ciG &hf odS wl ikd ;f onf a&;G aumuyf wJG p&f yüf rqJ Ee´ ,wf pef ,wf iG f vwT af wmwf p&f ypf tD wuG f qEr´ wJ prf oJ m ay;yikd cf iG &hf odS n?f ( * ) xjYdkyif þzUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD qEr´ aJ y;yikd f cGifh&Sdaom oufqdkif&mwkdif;&if;om;rsm;onf rdrdwdkY\\wdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmftwGuf wdkif;&if;om;vlrsKd;vTwfawmf u,kd pf m;v,S rf sm; a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ u&f mwiG vf n;f qEr´ aJ y;yikd cf iG hf &odS n?f (C) vQKUd 0uS qf Er´ aJ y;jci;f pepuf ukd siohf ;Hk &rn/f 392/ atmuyf gy*k Kd¾vrf sm;onf qEr´ aJ y;yikd cf iG rhf &adS p& - (u) omoem0h exf r;f rsm;? ( c ) axmi'f Puf scaH e&orl sm;? ( * ) pwd af ygoh yG af eon[f k ouqf ikd &f mOya'u jy|me;f xm;onthf widk ;f owrf wS jfci;f c&H orl sm;? (C) vrl tJG jzpf q;Hk jzwaf MunmcxH m;&jci;f rS vwG af jrmucf iG rhf &ao;orl sm;? ( i ) a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ujfci;f qikd &f mOya't& wm;jrpjfci;f c&H orl sm;/ 393/ vwT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S af vmi;f wpOf ;D onf a&;G aumuyf wJG p&f ywf iG f - (u) vwT af wmwf p&f ytf wuG of m a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf yH ikd cf iG &hf odS n?f ( c ) rqJ Ee´ ,wf pef ,wf iG of m a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf &H e,f OS NfyKdicf iG &hf odS n/f
394. (a) 158 (b) The electorate residing in the Union Territory or Union Territories designated by enactment of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw law have the right to elect the Pyithu Hluttaw andAmyotha Hluttaw representatives only. A Region or State Hluttaw representative elected from a territory designated as a Union Territory through enactment of a Pyidaungsu Hluttaw law, save as otherwise provided by the law, shall not continue to stand as a representative of the said Hluttaw. 395. Every citizen who is not disqualified by the provisions under this Constitution or the provisions of the election law shall have the right to stand for election to any Hluttaw. Recalling a representative of the Hluttaw 396. (a) A representative of the Hluttaw may be recalled on any of the following (b) reasons : (1) high treason; (2) breach of any provision of this Constitution; (3) misbehavior; (4) disqualification prescribed in this Constitution for the Hluttaw representative; (5) inefficient discharge of duties assigned to. A minimum of one percent out of the original voters of the electorate of the constituency concerned shall submit the complaint to the Union Election Commission against the Hluttaw representative on whom it wishes to recall.
394/ (u) 158 (c) jynaf xmipf ek ,af jr oUkd r[wk f jynaf xmipf vk wT af wmuf Oya'jy|me;f í owrf wS xf m;aom jynaf xmipf ek ,af jrrsm;twiG ;f rwDS i;f aexikd Mfu aom rJqE´&Sifrsm;onf jynfolYvTwfawmfESifh trsKd;om;vTwfawmf u,kd pf m;v,S rf sm;uokd m a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf iG &hf odS n?f jynaf xmipf vk wT af wmuf Oya'jy|me;f í jynaf xmipf ek ,af jrtjzpf owrf wS vf ukd af om e,af jrwpcf ck rk S a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ uxf m;onhf widk ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S of nf Oya'wiG f oD;jcm;cGifhjyKxm;jcif;r&SdvQif ,if;vTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,ftjzpf quvf u&f ywf nyf ikd cf iG rhf &adS p&/ 395/ þzUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csurf sm;t&aomvf n;f aumi;f ? a&;G aumuf wiaf jrm§ ujfci;f qikd &f m Oya'ygjy|me;f csurf sm;t&aomvf n;f aumi;f ? t&ntf csi;f ysuf,Gif;olr[kwfygu EdkifiHom;wdkif;onf vTwfawmfwpf&yf&yfodkY a&G;aumuf wiaf jrm§ ucf yH ikd cf iG &hf odS n/f vTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,fwm0efrS jyefvnf½kyfodrf;jcif; 396/ (u) vwT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S wf pOf ;D ukd atmuyf gtaMumi;f wp&f y&f yaf Mumihf wm0erf jSyevf n½f yk of rd ;f ciG &hf odS nf - (1) Eikd if aH wm\\f aus;Z;l opmö awmuf kd azmuzf sujfci;f ? (2) þzUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csuwf p&f y&f yuf kd azmuzf suf usL;veG jfci;f ? (3) tusiohf ud m© ysujfym;jci;f ? (4) þzUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'wiG f owrf wS xf m;onhf ouqf idk &f m vwT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S \\f t&ntf csi;f ysu,f iG ;f jci;f ? (5) Oya't&ay;tyaf omwm0erf sm;udk ausyeG pf mG raqmi&f uG jfci;f / ( c ) ouqf ikd &f mrqJ Ee´ ,\\f rvl rqJ E&´ iS rf sm;teuf ten;f q;Hk wp&f mcidk Ef eI ;f wdkYu wm0efrSjyefvnf½kyfodrf;vkdaom vTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,fESihf ywof uof nwfh ikd wf e;f csuuf kd jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS xf H wijfy&rn?f
159 (c) The Union Election Commission shall conduct the investigation in accord with the law. (d) In conducting the investigation on an allegation made to a Hluttaw representative, he has a right to defend himself in person or through an agent. (e) If the Union Election Commission considers that the allegation is true and that the alleged person should not continue to serve as a Hluttaw representative any longer, the Union Election Commission shall proceed in accord with the law. 397. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall enact the necessary laws on matters relating to ‘Election’ and on matters relating to ‘Recall’. Formation of the Union Election Commission 398. (a) The President shall constitute a Union Election Commission. In constituting the Commission, he may appoint a minimum of five members including the chairman of the Union Election Commission in accord with the provisions on appointment of the Union Minister prescribed in this Constitution. (b) The chairman and members of the Union Election Commission shall be persons who : (1) have attained 50 years of age; (2) with the exception of the age limit, shall have the qualifications prescribed for the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives; (3) (aa) have served in the position of the Chief Justice of the Union or Judge of the Supreme Court of the Union or Judge of the High Court of the Region or State or a similar position for a minimum of five years; or
159 ( * ) jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS uf Oya'EiS tfh npD pHk r;f ppaf q;&rn?f (C) pyG pf cJG suuf pkd pHk r;f ppaf q;ontfh cg ouqf ikd &f mvwT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S f udk,fwdkifaomfvnf;aumif;? udk,fpm;vS,fjzihf aomfvnf;aumif; acsyciG afh y;&rn?f ( i ) jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS uf xpkd yG pf cJG suof nrf eS uf eNfy;D pyG pf cJG H &olonf vTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,ftjzpf qufvufxrf;&Gufap&ef roiafh Mumi;f oabm&&vdS Qif jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS of nf Oya'EiS tfh nD aqmi&f uG &f rn/f 397/ jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmfonf a&G;aumufwifajr§mufjcif;qdkif&m udpörsm;ESihf pyfvsOf;ívnf;aumif;? wm0efrSjyefvnf½kyfodrf;jcif;qdkif&m udpörsm;ESihfpyfvsOf;í vn;f aumi;f vtdk yaf omOya'rsm;ukd jy|me;f &rn/f jynfaxmifpka&G;aumufyGJaumfr&Sif zJGUpnf;jcif; 398/ (u) Eikd if aH wmof rw® onf jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS f wp&f yuf kd zGJUpnf;&rnf/ ,if;odkYzGJUpnf;&mwGif þzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'yg jynaf xmipf 0k eBfu;D cexYf m;jci;f EiS pfh yvf sO;f onfh jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS tfh nD jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS Of u|ú tygt0if tzUJG 0if ten;f q;Hk ig;O;D ukd cetYf ywf m0eaf y;Eikd of n?f ( c ) jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS Of u|ú EiS fh tzUJG0irf sm;onf - (1) touf 50 EpS f jynNhfy;D ojlzp&f rn?f (2) touuf eoYf wcf surf tS y jynof vYl wT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S rf sm; twuG f owrf wS xf m;ontfh &ntf csi;f rsm;EiS fh jynphf oHk jlzp&f rn?f (3) (uu) jynfaxmifpkw&m;olBuD;csKyf odkYr[kwf jynfaxmifpk w&m;vwT af wmcf sKyf w&m;oBlu;D tjzpjfzpaf p? wikd ;f a'o BuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,fw&m;vTwfawmfw&m;olBuD; tjzpf jzpaf p? tvm;w&l mx;l wm0ef wpcf ck wk iG jfzpaf p ten;f q;Hk ig;EpS f aqmi&f uG cf ohJ jlzp&f rnf orYkd [wk f
160 (bb) have served in the position of the judicial officer or the law officer not lower than the rank of the Region or State level for a period of 10 years; or (cc) have served as a practising lawyer for a minimum of 20 years as an Advocate; or (dd) shall be deemed by the President to be an eminent person. (4) shall have integrity and experience; (5) shall be not relevant with the provisions for disqualification of election as the Pyithu Hluttaw representative; (6) shall be loyal to the State and its citizens; (7) shall not be a member of a political party; (8) shall not be a Hluttaw representative; (9) shall not be a person who accepts the position that entitles salary, allowance or money. Duties of the Union Election Commission 399. The duties of the Union Election Commission are as follows : (a) holding Hluttaw elections; (b) supervising Hluttaw elections; forming different levels of sub-commissions and supervising thereof; (c) designating and amending the constituencies; (d) compiling lists of voters and amending thereof; (e) postponing elections of the constituencies where free and fair election cannot be held due to natural disaster or due to local security situation;
160 ( c c ) wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,tf qixhf urf erd ahf om w&m;a&;t&m&Sd odkYr[kwf Oya't&m&Sd&mxl;wGif tenf;qkH; 10 ESpf wm0efxrf;aqmifcJholjzpf&rnf orYkd [wk f ( * * ) w&m;vTwfawmfa&SUaetjzpf tenf;qkH; 20 ESpf trI vudk yf gaqmi&f uG cf ohJ jlzp&f rnf orYkd [wk f (CC) xiaf y:ausmMfum;onfh *Pk of wi;f &adS om y*k K¾dvtf jzpf Eikd if aH wmof rw® u ,ql ojlzp&f rn/f (4) oud m© orm\"Ed iS jfhynphf NHky;D tawUG tBuK&H iufh suof l jzp&f rn?f (5) jynfolYvTwfawmf udk,fpm;vS,ftjzpf a&G;aumufwifajr§muf cyH idk cf iG rfh &adS paom jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS fh Nipd eG ;f jci;f r&odS l jzp&f rn?f (6) Eikd if aH wmEf iS fh Eikd if oH m;rsm;tay:opmö &odS jlzp&f rn?f (7) Eikd if aH &;ygw0D irf [wk of jlzp&f rn?f (8) vwT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S rf [wk of jlzp&f rn?f (9) vpm? p&dwf? aMu;aiG&aomtjcm;rnfonfh&mxl;udkrQ vucf jHci;f rjyKol jzp&f rn/f jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS \\f wm0erf sm; 399/ jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS \\f wm0erf sm;rmS atmuyf gtwikd ;f jzpof nf - (u) vwT af wmaf &;G aumuyf rJG sm; usi;f yjci;f ? ( c ) vwT af wmaf &;G aumuyf rJG sm;ukd Bu;D Muyjfci;f ? aumrf &iS tf zUJGctJG qiqhf iuhf kd zUJG pn;f jci;f EiS hf Bu;D Muyaf pjci;f ? ( * ) rqJ Ee´ ,rf sm;owrf wS jfci;f EiS hf jyiqf iof wrf wS jfci;f ? (C) rpJ m&i;f rsm;jyKpjkci;f EiS hf jyiqf ijfci;f ? (i) obm0ab;tEÅ&m,faMumifh aomfvnf;aumif;? e,fajrvHkjcHKa&; tajctaet& aomfvnf;aumif; vGwfvyfNyD;w&m;rQwaom a&;G aumuyf JG usi;f yEikd jfci;f r&odS nhf rqJ Ee´ ,rf sm;\\ a&;G aumuyf rJG sm;ukd a&UT qikd ;f jci;f ?
161 (f) prescribing rules relating to elections or political parties in accord with the provisions of this Constitution, and procedures, directives, so forth, in accord with the relevant laws; (g) constituting the election tribunals for trial of disputes relating to election in accord with the law; (h) performing duties assigned under a law. Impeachment of the Chairman or the members of the Union Election Commission 400. (a) The President may impeach the Chairman or the members of the Union Election Commission for one of the following reasons : (1) high treason; (2) breach of any provision of this Constitution; (3) misconduct; (4) disqualification on conditions prescribed for the representative concerned prescribe in this Constitution; (5) inefficient discharge of duties assigned to. (b) Impeachment shall be conducted in accord with the procedure laid down in this Constitution relating to the impeachment of the Chief Justice of the Union or a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Union. 401. (a) If the Chairman or a member of the Union Election Commission during (b) this term of service wishes to resign on his own accord due to any reason, he may submit his resignation in writing to the President. If the seat of the Chairman or the member of the Union Election Commission is vacant due to resignation, termination of duties, death or any other reason,
161 ( p ) a&;G aumuyf qJG ikd &f m orYkd [wk f Eikd if aH &;ygwrD sm;qikd &f m en;f Oya'rsm;ukd þzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'yg jy|mef;csufrsm;ESifhtnD vnf;aumif;? vyk xf ;kH vyk ef n;f rsm;? ñeT Mfum;csupf onrf sm;ukd ouqf ikd &f mOya'rsm; EiS thf nvD n;f aumi;f xwk jfyejfci;f ? (q) a&;G aumuyf qJG ikd &f m tjii;f ymG ;rrI sm;ukd ppaf q;Eikd af &;twuG f Oya'EiS hf tnD a&;G aumuyf cJG tkH zUJG rsm; zUJG pn;f jci;f ? ( Z ) Oya'wp&f y&f ytf & ay;tyof nwhf m0erf sm;ukd xr;f aqmijfci;f / jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS Of u|ú orYkd [wk f tzUJG 0irf sm;tm; pyG pf jGJypwf ijfci;f 400/ (u) Eikd if aH wmof rw® onf jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS Of u|ú orYkd [wk f tzGJU0ifwpfOD;OD;tm; atmufygtaMumif;wpf&yf&yfjzihf pGyfpGJ jypwf iEf ikd of nf – (1) Eikd if aH wm\\f aus;Z;l opmö awmuf kd azmuzf sujfci;f ? (2) þzUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csuwf p&f y&f yuf kd azmuzf suf usL;veG jfci;f ? (3) tusiohf ud m© ysujfym;jci;f ? (4) þzUJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'wiG f ouqf ikd &f my*k Kd¾vtf wuG f owrf wS f xm;onhf t&ntf csi;f ysu,f iG ;f jci;f ? (5) Oya't& ay;tyaf omwm0erf sm;ukd ausyeG pf mG raqmi&f uG jfci;f / ( c ) jynaf xmipf wk &m;oBlu;D csKyf orYkd [wk f jynaf xmipf wk &m;vwT af wmcf sKyf w&m;oBlu;D wpOf ;D O;D ukd pyG pf jJGypwf ijfci;f EiS fh pyvf sO;f onfh þzUJG pn;f yHk tajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f xm;onefh n;f vr;f rsm;EiS tfh nD aqmi&f uG &f rn/f 401/ (u) jynfaxmifpka&G;aumufyGJaumfr&Sif Ouú| odkYr[kwf tzGJU0ifonf (c) &mx;l wm0exf r;f aqmiaf epOf taMumi;f wpcf ck ak Mumihf rrd od abmqE´ tavsmuf &mx;l rES wk xf uG vf vkd Qif xokd EYkd wk xf uG vf akd Mumi;f Eikd if aH wmf orw® xH pmjziwhf ijfyNy;D &mx;l rES wk xf uG Ef ikd of n?f &mx;l rES wk xf uG jfci;f aMumijhfzpaf p? wm0erf &S ypf cJ &H jci;f aMumijhfzpaf p? uG,fvGefjcif;aMumifhjzpfap? tjcm;taMumif;wpfckckaMumifhjzpfap
162 the President may appoint a new Chairman, or a member of the Union Election Commission in accord with the provisions of appointment of a Union Minister prescribed in this Constitution. (c) If the Chairman or member of the Union Election Commission is a Civil Services Personnel it shall be deemed that he has been retired from service in accord with the existing service regulations from the day of appointment of the Chairman or member of the Union Election Commission. Resolutions and Functions of the Union Election Commission 402. The resolutions and functions made by the Union Election Commission on the following matters shall be final and conclusive : (a) election functions; (b) appeals and revisions relating to the resolutions and orders of the election tribunals; (c) matters taken under the law relating to political party. 403. Duties, powers and privileges of the Chairman and members of the Union Election Commission shall be prescribed by law.
162 jynfaxmifpka&G;aumufyGJaumfr&Sif Ouú| odkYr[kwf tzGJU0ifae&m vpfvyfvQif EdkifiHawmfor®wonf þzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'yg jynaf xmipf 0k eBfu;D cexYf m;jci;f EiS phf yvf sO;f onhf jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD a&G;aumufyGJaumfr&SifOuú|topf odkYr[kwf tzGJU0iftopftm; cetYf ywf m0eaf y;Eikd of n?f ( * ) jynfaxmifpka&G;aumufyGJaumfr&Sif Ouú| odkYr[kwf tzGJU0ifonf Eikd if 0Hh exf r;f jzpvf Qif jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS Of u|ú orYkd [wk f tzUJG 0itf jzpf cetYf ywf m0eaf y;jci;f c&H onahf erY pS í wnqf 0J exf r;f pn;f rsO;f ? pn;f ur;f rsm;EiS thf nD Eikd if 0Hh exf r;f tjzprf S tNird ;f pm;,Nly;D jzpof n[f k rwS ,f &l rn/f jynfaxmifpka&G;aumufyGJaumfr&Sif\\ qHk;jzwfcsufESifh aqmif&Gufcsufrsm; 402/ atmufygudpö&yfrsm;ESifhpyfvsOf;í jynfaxmifpka&G;aumufyGJaumfr&Sif\\ q;kH jzwcf suEf iS hf aqmi&f uG cf surf sm;onf tNy;D tjywtf wnjfzpaf p&rnf – (u) a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ujfci;f qikd &f mvyk if e;f rsm;? ( c ) a&;G aumuyf cJG tkH zUJG rsm;\\ q;kH jzwcf surf sm;? tred rYf sm;EiS phf yvf sO;f onhf t,cl rH rI sm;EiS hf jyiqf irf rI sm;? ( * ) Eikd if aH &;ygwqD ikd &f m Oya't&aqmi&f uG af omupd &ö yrf sm;/ 403/ jynaf xmipf ak &;G aumuyf aJG umrf &iS Of u|ú EiS hf tzUJG 0irf sm;\\wm0erf sm;? vyk yf ikd f ciG rhf sm;EiS hf &yikd cf iG rhf sm;ukd Oya'jy|me;f owrf wS &f rn/f
Chapter X Political Parties
tcef; (10) EdkifiHa&;ygwDrsm;
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