Multiboot USB PendriveUse YUMI for Windows, the \"current\" Debian version of teh softwar works but does not create thebootable USB memorySet up software RAIDReferences:Web: Setup RAID (Software) on Linux.pdfSolid State Drives (SSDs)Solid State Drives (SSDs) performance:As their name suggests, unlike mechanical drives, SDDs have no moving parts. They rely instead onintegrated circuits for storage, which makes them many times faster, and almost silent as theyoperate. In fact, without indicator lights on the case, first time users sometimes worry that they arenot running at all.Relying on flash memory, SSDs can only be written to a limited number of times. When commercialSSDs first became available, the number of writes was relatively low. Moreover, Linux did not install inways that optimized SSD performance.As a result, numerous tweaks have been developed over the years to improve the performance ofSSDs and to help them last longer. Today, knowing which tweaks still apply or are still necessary can behard to figure out without intensive research. To save readers the effort, below is a summary of what,so far as I can tell, helps optimize SSDs on Linux.Deciding on the type of drive:SSD or HybridActually most of newest computers have SSD to system and SSD to storage or hybrid SSD and HD tostorage. The problem is the SSD support less writes than HDs.Partitioning:In the interests of reducing the number of writes to an SSD, format the partitions on it in ext4. Otherjournalled filesystems, such as XFS, JFS, and Btrfs write far more often to disk. In fact, only a few yearsago, some articles suggested either disabling the journals on SSDs, or not using journalled filesystemsat all.Another way to reduce writes is to place directories that can change frequently, such as /var, /tmp,and /swap, on a mechanical drive.
For the case of swap reduce the option swappiness in the file /etc/sysctl.conf or a file in /etc/sysctl.d/# Sharply reduce swap inclinationvm.swappiness=1In addition, if you have enough RAM, you can put /tmp and /var into RAM disks, although thatpositioning may cause you to lose valuable log information if your system crashes or reboots, andmight be a security risk. Probably,this arrangement works best on machines that are always running.To create the RAM disks as you boot, edit /etc/fstab, disabling any pre-existing entries /tmp and /varand adding the following lines:tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=0755 0 0tmpfs /var/spool tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0As for the swap partition, you can replace it with a swap file on a mechanical drive, or even do withoutit if you have enough RAM.However, some applications have their own caches, and start accessing swap as soon as they start. Tominimize writes, you might also place the swap in RAM, even though that otherwise seems pointless.Of course, to place swap in RAM, you cannot use /etc/fstab for the task, since swap is not mounted.Instead, you can set the following commands to run as a script when you boot:$ mkswap /dev/ram0$ swapoff -a$ swapon /dev/ram0fstrim:fstrim — or trim, as it is frequently called — is a command included in the util-Linux package. It is usedto discard blocks that are not in use on an SSD, and can be safely wiped. Unless fstrim is run regularly,the drive spends more and more time looking for blocks to which it can write, so, in a sense, fstrim hasan effect roughly analogous to defragmenting the drive.Running fstrim is necessary because, until recently, most distributions installed without beingoptimized for SSDs. Releases of Ubuntu and Linux Mint made in the last two years install and set upfstrim to run once a week, but other distributions, including Debian and Fedora, do not.For that reason, you may have to set up fstrim yourself. Possibly, too, you will want to run fstrim moreoften than once a week after you have finished setting up a new system, or have made major changesto partitions on the SSD. In either case, you can run fstrim manually with the command$ fstrim -va
Another alternative is to place the command in a script and set it to run weekly by creating an entry in/etc/anacron with a line such as:7 10 trim.weekly /bin/sh /root/trim.shThe first column sets the script to run once every seven days, the second to run ten minutes after themachine boots.If you want to create a log to check that the command is running on each partition on an SSD, add afile to /var/log and then write a script referring to it. The script should look something like this:#!/bin/sh###Run fstrimLOG=/var/log/trim.logfstrim -v / >> $/var/log/trim.logfstrim -v /usr >> $/var/log/trim.logecho \"Time: $(date)\">>$LOGexit 0The -v option gives you full information about the results of running the command, while the echocommand adds the date and time that fstrim was run to the log.Many articles suggest running fstrim once daily, and at least one suggests running it several times aday. Remember, though, that part of maintaining an SSD is to reduce the number of writes, andrunning fstrim more often than necessary increases the number of writes. The man page states thatyou only need to run fstrim once a week, so regularly running it more often might substantiallydecrease the lifespan of an SSD.Partition Boot Options:For a while, SSD partions were trimmed by adding the discard option to a partition’s entry in/etc/fstab. However, including discard is far more active than running fstrim, since it trims on the fly.This behavior means that discard writes to the disk far more often than fstrim, which makes it counter-productive. Although discard still has its advocates, I am unaware of any distribution that advocatesusing discard rather than fstrim, although you can easily set it up if you choose to you it.A boot option that actually does reduce the number of writes is noatime. Atime is the last time that afile or directory was opened, one of the basic pieces of information recorded in Linux. However,usually, atime is far less useful than when the file or directory was last changed, another basicattribute. Most of the time, you can disable atime without any adverse effects, thereby reducing asignificant number of writes.
To enable noatime, open /etc/fstab, and add it to the fourth column for each partition listed. Thefourth column is a comma-separated list of how to mount the partition at boot, usually starting withdefaults (see example of placing /var and /tmp into a RAM disk, above). If relatime is included in thefourth column, delete it before saving the file.How to reduce writes?Start researching on the Internet, and you can find other suggestions of how to reduce writes,including changing the scheduler, avoiding using hibernation, making sure that Windows cannotaccidentally defrag your Linux partitions on an SSD, and adjusting the caching of Firefox. However,most of these suggestions are not widely mentioned, so I hesitate to endorse them.Keep in mind, too, that SSDs are a new technology that have not been in use long enough for anyoneto have a precise idea of how to optimize or preserve them.Moreover, modern SSDs support significantly more writes than those of only five years ago, and moreexpensive SSDs may support more writes than cheaper ones.For example, the Samsung Evo 850 line, generally rated among the better models of SSDs, comes withfive or ten year warranties. Since warranties are apt to be conservative, these SSDs could have thepotential to last even longer than ten years — two or three times longer than many mechanical harddrives.In fact, the Evo 850 product line is estimated to be good for 600-1000 terabytes of writes. Since oneuser estimated having only 12.5 terabytes of writes in three years, the concern about writes may beobsolete, at least with such high-end products.Still, no one knows how accurate the estimates of a ten year life span may be, for the simple reasonthat few — if any — SSDs have been in use for ten years. Regular trimming and reduced writes willcertainly improve the performance of SSDs, and, in another five or ten years, we might find that theseprecautions extend their life-spans as well.References:Web: Using Solid State Drives on Linux _ OCS-Mag.pdfTune Hard Disk with hdparmReferences:Web: Tune Your Hard Disk with hdparm - Linux Magazine.pdf
Updates and UpgradesUpdate the system and applicationsTo update the system and upgrade programs installed with DPKG, Gdebi or APT in Debian:Normally, the system will say you what of the programs installed with APT have to update, noconfigure the notifications.Check the file /etc/apt/sources.list and then use the graphical tool to update,or use:# apt-get update# apt-get -u upgradeIn my case the tool downloaded only 15 MB the first run, because I have installed the newest release.Run the task once a week to keep your system up to date ans as secure as possible.How to update programs that were not installed using APT, DPKG or Gdebi:Take care on how every program gets up to date.If you upgrade your system, files under the /usr tree get overwritten, such as /usr/bin, /usr/sbin,/usr/src etc. However, anything under /usr/local will not be touched. This is why all the software youinstalled separately should go to /usr/local tree.Reference:This is mentioned in the guide: Source code & Debian forks source code, section \"usr/src/ VS/usr/local/src:\"Other programs will ask for an update when they start.Other you will have to ask them to check and download the updates periodically.To upgrade Gnome shell extensions, visit is mentioned in the guide: \"Gnome Shell Extensions\"System version upgrade procedure[WIP]How to upgrade Debian box up to the latest stable versionUnderstand the Debian version upgrade process- Initial status of the Debian sources directory and the file sources.list
- Backports- Final status of the Debian sources directory and the file sources.listVideo3D Acceleration and VRFull 3D Acceleration and VR summaryContent:Versioning Compatibility ChecklistVideo card specific commandsInstallation of OpenCL packages and librariesOpenCL Virtualization ready ChecklistVersioning Compatibility Checklist:------------------------------------=- App or Game requirements. I.E: Blender engine Cycles and OpenCL support appers in recentversions, these features are unavailable in version 2.62b. glibc 2.11 is required to run version 2.77a.This version works in relatively new distro versions.- BIOS. IE: For virtualization, requires IOMMU support to turn on the passthrough so you can use asecond video card in the guess Virtual Machine (VM).- Cores quantity. High availability improves performance.- CPU Architecture. IE: 32 or 64 bit. 64 bit is required for OpenCL and VR (Virtual reality). 32bitharware is being deprecated in high-end computers.- CPU support. IE: ss3 is the minimum recommended. Has to match the Mainboard and the video cardbus. Some ss2 CPUs support OpenCL but they require legacy drivers or the support is considered slowor Beta.- CUDA. Most important video card vendors support this technology in a range of cards, especiallyNvidia.- DDR. IE: The bus must be DDR3 as a minimum to install Nvidia cards. GDDR5 is the last BUSgeneration.- Desktop Environment. IE: Gnome 3.14 EGL VS AMD proprietary driver issue.- DirectX. Supported through Wine or switch the configuration to OpenGL (MESA, Linux native).- Dsitribution arquitecture. IE: 32 or 64 bit. 64 bit required.- Distribution name. IE: Debian GNU/Linux.- Distribution release. IE: Linux Kernel 3.19 does require reboots after installations but does notrequire 3.20.- Distribuion version. IE: 8.4, codename Jessie.
- Driver number. IE: Non-free / Open Source AMD versions. Nonfree installs AMD ATI Control centerand Open Source installs Gallium 0.4 Direct Rendering Preferences.- OpenCL. IE: Compatibility between Blender and running versions.- OpenGL. IE: Compatibility between game and running versions.- System library or dynamic library requirements I.E: glibc, depends on the Blender version.- System repository configuration. IE: Just main and contrib repos are ready in the file sources.list, soyou are unable to fetchand install packages from non-free repos.- Video card Brand. IE: AMD, Ntel, Nvidia.- Video Card features (support). IE: Some cards are better to games, and some other to rendergraphics.- Video cards number, types, compatibility features and issues.- WebGL. IE: No browser and environment support you can't play HTML animations. See guide\"Firefox\".- Xorg X Server. IE: Certain range versions are not incompatible.- Coolers. Great to improve and preserve the system in a good state.Video card specific commands:--------------------------------=Show the version of the installed non-free Linux firmware:$ sudo apt-cache policy firmware-linux-nonfreeFind the DEB package the specified file comes from:$ apt-file search libtxc.dxtn.soVerify OpenCL compatibility in the CPU:$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ss3Display AGP information in the Xorg log file:$ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep AGPDisplay DRI information in the Xorg log file:$ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep DRIDisplay complete OpenCL information:$ clinfoShow DRM and Radeon information from dmesg kernel log:$ dmesg | egrep 'drm|radeon'Look for radeon information in the kernel log dmesg:$ dmesg | grep -E 'drm|radeon' grep iE 'firmware|microcode'
Define who can start and stop the xserver service (root, users, or anybody):$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-commonReconfigure xserver xorg:Take care with the video card. Reconfigure xserver xorg is going to overwrite your xorg.conf file. If youwant to proceed, back-up the video card configuration first.To setup video card:References:Guides:Reconfigure Xserver hardware (Video Card, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor)Video CardConfigure Xorg server:$ man Xorg# Xorg --configureResolution. You can use the desktop Environment resolution application.Pending: Examples, and write an article to explain usage cases such as VideoVim and TV out.$ xrandrCheck whether processor supports KVM (Intel VT or AMD-V). If vmx or svm are present, architectureis 64bit:# egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfoDisplay OpenGL information:$ fglrxinfoOutput:display: :0 screen: 0OpenGL vendor string: X.OrgOpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD RS880OpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 10.3.2End of output.Test Acceleration and OpenGL, similar to dxdiag 3D cube animation test in MS Windows. Requiresnon-free video drivers installed:$ fgl_glxgearsTest Acceleration and OpenGL, by showing a 3D gears animation. Requires at least mesa open sourcedrivers installed:$ glxgearsSee green Opengl triangle animation and in OpenGL info:$ glxheads
Output example:glxheads: exercise multiple GLX connections (any key = exit)Usage: glxheads xdisplayname ...Example: glxheads :0 mars:0 venus:1Name: :0 Display: 0x1140010 Window: 0x4600002 Context: 0x11530a0 GL_VERSION: 3.0 Mesa 10.3.2 GL_VENDOR: X.Org GL_RENDERER: Gallium 0.4 on AMD RS880End of.Extract Opengl information:$ glxinfo | grep OpenGLExtract render version and information:$ glxinfo | grep -i 'render'Verify the status of the rendering:$ glxinfo | grep -i renderingOutput should say: Direct Rendering: YESShow extra verbose Mesa debug options in the glxinfo command output:export LIBGL_DEBUG=verboseexport MESA_DEBUG=1$ glxinfoShow Warnings in the xorg file configuration:$ grep WW /var/log/Xorg.0.logShow Errors in the xorg file configuration:$ grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.logList files or trim file strings when used with jockers:$ ls$ ls package-name*$ ls *file-name*$ ls packages*.deb$ ls -hal*$ ls .*$ ls -F
List certain hardware information. IE: 'ATI':$ lspci | grep 'ATI'Display VGA controller information:$ lspci -nn | grep VGAOutput:01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS880M [MobilityRadeon HD 4225/4250] [1002:9712]End of.manpages:$ man program-nameRuns script to verify OpenGL configuration:$ sh CheckVideoAcceleration.shRemove video driver kernel module:$ sudo modprobe -r radeonBlacklist certain AMD driver version:$ sudo nano /etc/ati/fglrx-blacklists-radeon.confSet-up xorg Xserver file:$ sudo nano /etc/org.conf.d/20-fglrx.confor for Ubuntu:$ sudo nano /etc/xorg.confNote: Use 'cat file' only for read mode.AMD ATI Video card Graphics VRAM and Graphics Pipe usage monitor:$ sudo radeontopReboot after a new video driver installation:$ sudo rebootAMD ATI video card over-clocking monitor and tool:$ sudo rovclock -iMonitor CPUs and cores temperature:$ sensorsDisplay running Linux kernel version:$ uname -r
Video card drivers switch. IE: Toggle from proprietary (non-free: AMD, Nvidia, Intel(Beignet)) to opensource (free, Gallium for ATI, Noveau for Nvidia, and Intel Open source drivers (codename?)):$ sudo update-alternatives --helpIn Debian:$ sudo update-alternatives --config glxIn Ubuntu:$ sudo update-alternatives x86... (PRESS TAB to see right option to choose from the list)Note: Use CTRL + C to do not change the current option.References:Guide: Make a program the default option.txtChange the power profile of the graphics card:$ sudo nano /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profileOptions are: low, mid, high, auto, but is better to change using Gnome Desktop controls.Topic: Search for more video cards Extensions and apps.References:Guides:Gnome Shell Extensions.ConkyHDMI audio:HDMI audio is supported in the xf86-video-ati video driver. By default HDMI audio is disabled in thedriver kernel versions >=3.0 because it can be problematic. To enable HDMI audio add your kernel parameters. If there is no video after boot up, the driver option has to be disabled.More:All the commands to manage packages. are here:Referenses:Guide:System Package Managers: Synaptic, Aptitude, DPKG, APT, Gdebi, ComplementaryProprietary and Free driver installation commands.Symlinks, for example to link dynamic libs.Commands to work with Environment Variables (export, variable=value, .bash.. user file under home).Resolution commands, tools and hot keys. IE: xrandr, CTRL +ALT + F1, F2.. F7.xserver commands, IE: startx --restart.Desktop environment commands. IE: gdm, kdm, mdm.Read new. IE: Vulkan project news. This projects pretends to be the standard to work on the latestGPU generation, the Open GPU.Installation of OpenCL packages and libraries:-------------------------------------------------=
Look for OpenCL packages in the official repos main contrib and non-free (Notice that Nvidia andBeignet (Intel) and also AMD ATI drivers are available here):$ sudo apt-cache search opencl icdInstall OpenCL libraries for AMD$ sudo apt-get install amd-clinfo amd-opencl-icd amd-libopencl1More OpenCL libraries through application Darktable:$ sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module mesa-opencl-icd mesa-utils-extraNote: Remember to resolve dependencies during installation, include GTK3-dev (Gnome uses 2.x).More OpenCL libraries through BOINC:$ sudo apt-get install boinc-client boinc-amd-opencl boinc managerNote: Remember to look for the projects directory while projects are up and running (Review Debianofficial documentation).More Open CL libraries through AMD APP SDK:Notes:- To install the Development Kit and samples review: \"Installation notes\" available in PDF.- To get ready with AMD APP SDK follow the AMD site official PDF document: \"Getting Started Guide\".- To run installed OpenCV samples, download the opencv sources and build them is required.- Remeber to setup the required environment variables.NOTE: For all the apps to support OpenCL, up and running Non-free drivers is a must.Current AMD driver installation steps in Debian Jessie:$ cd Downloads$ mkdir ati$ cd ati$ sudo apt-get build-dep fglrx-driver$ sudo apt-get -b source fglrx-driver$ sudo dpkg -i *.debList of files built in ATI (Pay attention at the OpenCL packages):amd-clinfo_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.debamd-libopencl1_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.debamd-opencl-dev_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.debamd-opencl-icd_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.debfglrx-atieventsd_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.debfglrx-control_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.debfglrx-driver-15.9
fglrx-driver_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.changesfglrx-driver_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.debfglrx-driver_15.9-4~deb8u2.debian.tar.xzfglrx-driver_15.9-4~deb8u2.dscfglrx-driver_15.9.orig.tar.xzfglrx-modules-dkms_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.debfglrx-source_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.deblibfglrx_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.deblibfglrx-amdxvba1_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.deblibgl1-fglrx-glx_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.deblibxvbaw-dev_15.9-4~deb8u2_amd64.debNote: This method is best possible, but also does not work due to incompatibility issues.Reference: Debian - cchtml.pdfNote: RaspberryPie OpenCL installation is different. You can see installatio process and examples here:Ultimate Raspberry PIE ebook bundle.pdfOpenGPU will use Vulkan as standard. read more here: Intel open source graphics drivers now supportvulkan - Intel Software and Services.pdfOpenCL Virtualization ready Checklist:---------------------------------------=Topics:- Dirtly, you need to define the virtualization solution to be used, IE: KVM + Qemu + Libvirt + VirtManager or Spice, VirtualBox, LXC (Linux Containers), VMware flavors.- The 1 display for 1 GPU problem. Currently, virtualization technologies install Virtual Machines readyfor running OpenGL in every virtual guest, no matter how many video cards you have installed. Toallow the virtual machine to see the proprietary drivers to be able to active and use OpenCL in VMs,the only solution is a passthrough. In other words, there is just 1 display for 1 GPU (But if you thinktwice, maybe Open GPU (today under development) has a solution for this problem (in case of thesemonopoly companies allow sharing their GPUs within 2 or more Virtual hosts, and if so, in summary,they created you a pipe to program the GPU no access to their secret (proprietary, non-free)acceleration code).- There was an exception in the past. The only option that I found no passthrough and second cardrequired is VMGL, but support OpenGL only).- So we need the passthrough option to suceed creating VMs with OpenCL availability.- Select a passthrough type. OVMF (Open Virtual Machine Firmware, it is supposed teh best option to\"skip\" the virtualization server (hardware) to give the 2nd card to the VMs), KVM + Qemu + Libvirt +Virt Manager (IE: VGA Passthrough), VirtualBox, LXC (Linux Containers), VMware flavors. I don't specify
the codename of the passthrough support for every solution mentioned. The most important of thispoint is the specification availability of the Passthrough proposed, for example: OpenGL is almost astandard, and we require OpenCL, however only proprietary drivers have the ability to run it, so verifythe passthrough availability of installation and recognition of these drivers instead of the \"PIPE\"drivers like \"llvmpipe\" (VMware pipe) for MESA Open source drivers for OpenGL. OtherwiseVirtualization seems just unreal emulation of the unrecognized real drives.- Passthrough requirements. To make it work we require a second video card with OpenCL support todedicate it to VMs, and more, IE: Settings, packages installation, dependencies like libs, etc.BrightnessIf you want to correct the laptop screen brightness, install xbacklight:Set up sources file(s):Add or activate repos main, contrib and non-free$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.listUpdate repos:$ sudo apt-get updateInstall the application:$ sudo apt-get install xbacklightTest the xbacklight support:$ xbacklight -getSet Brightness to 00%:$ xbacklight -set 00%To add the program to the system boot up in Gnome:Add the command to Applications > Main menuAdd the command made with the main menu to Applications > Tweak Tool > Startup ApplicationsReferences:File: xbacklight _ Corregir el brillo en linux _ Yo amo la informática.pdfIssues:Xbaclight does not work in all laptops.Cairo-Dock:For the brightness adjustment to work you require Gnome Desktop or Xbacklight, but if they won'twork try installing Cairo-dock app and when the apps dock is ready make right click on it, and then goto menu configure and then add Luminosity. Luminosity is going to change the screen Brightness notonly in Laptops but also in Desktop computers.References:Guide: Cairo-dock
Color calibration[WIP]There are three methods. The softwar method can be achieved using \"xcaliber\" or similarReconfigure Xserver hardware (Video Card, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor)This HowTo Guide is primarily for users who cannot get into the GUI after a fresh install, a dist-upgrade, a new video card install, or a video driver upgrade, and for users who cannot set their screenresolutions correctly from within the GUI.Unfortunately, this command is not going to show anything anymore, because xorg configuration relymore in auto-detection.References:Web: HowTo_ Reconfigure X with “dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg”.pdfWeb: Xorg - Debian Wiki.pdfRun the command to reconfigure xserver-xorg to configure the Xsever hardware:$ dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorgOnce the hardware is all right, in Gnome, go to the menu Settings to set up the options available forthe Xserver hardware:KeyboardDisplayMouse & TouchpadTake care with the video card. Reconfigure xserver xorg is going to overwrite your xorg.conf file. If youwant to proceed, back-up the video card configuration first.To setup video card:References:Guides:Video Card3D Acceleration and VRTo configure keyboard:References:Guide: Set Keyboard, Local options, Region and LanguageTo check the hardware configuration:References:Guide: Check hardware information
Video cardThe video card of the computer was recognized by the Debian Jessie installation, but what about theacceleration, is it working, and if yes how well? The Desktop shows some transparencies like the giveby managers like xcompmgr but I am not sure.. Is all the GPU power turned on?I have installed previously Wheezy on this computer and noted that I could not seethe new Gnome 3 desktop effects.. it looked different. Gnome 3 looks pretty much like Ubuntu's Unity.At that point I realized thatmy video card was not configured and here is exactly what I did:I know that my video card is ATI so I need ATI driver. If you have an Nvidia card and drivers are notinstalled this section is not going to be useful for you and have to find the answer on the web.Steps to install the ATI or Nvidia drivers.To check the video hardware:$ lspci$ lspci | grep 'ATI'To verify rendering is on:$ glxinfo$ glxinfo | grep 'rendering'Output says:direct rendering: YesBut according to this script from: am using VESA Driver and it is not capable of running for example Compiz (The window managerwith the 3Dcube). I am not going to continue install Compiz because has many bugs and will bedeprecated since Ubuntu, and I have the new Gnome 3 interface, but I guess I have the default or freeversion of the video driver instead of the newest or proprietary version (See /etc/apt/sources.list).I downloaded the script and gave it the name Check-VideoAcceleration.shRun the script like this:$ sh Check-VideoAcceleration.shOutput:Gathering information about your system...Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux (8.0)Desktop environment: GNOMEGraphics chip: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD4225/4250]Driver in use: vesa
Rendering method: AIGLXChecking if it's possible to run Compiz on your system... [SKIP]Checking for hardware/setup problems... [SKIP]At least one check had to be skipped:Error: vesa driver in useWould you like to know more? (Y/n) yThe vesa driver is not capable of running Compiz, you need to installthe proper driver for your graphics card.To install the proprietary drivers:I went to search on google: 'install amd drivers debian 8'I reached the site: these steps:From a copy of the section of the page for Jessie:Debian 8 \"Jessie\"AMD Catalyst 14.9For support of Radeon R9 200, Radeon R7 200, Radeon HD 8000, Radeon HD 7000, Radeon HD 6000and Radeon HD 5000 series GPUs (supported devices).<!> This driver is incompatible with the GNOME desktop, as it does not support the EGL interface. It isrecommended to use the free radeon driver instead.Backup the file /etc/apt/sources.list# cp -dpR /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.listBAKAdd \"contrib\" and \"non-free\" components to /etc/apt/sources.list:# Debian 8 \"Jessie\"# Packages: ATI Drivers,deb jessie main contrib non-freeUpdate the list of available packages:# apt-get updateInstall the appropriate linux-headers and fglrx-driver packages:# aptitude -r install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') fglrx-driver
This will also install the recommended fglrx-modules-dkms package. DKMS will build the fglrx modulefor your system.Output:This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrxdriver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following chipset won't be usable: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD 4225/4250] [1002:9712] The above card requires either the non-free legacy Fglrx driver (package fglrx-legacy-driver) or the free Radeon driver (package xserver-xorg-video-radeon).Before the Radeon driver can be used you must remove Fglrx configuration from xorg.conf (and xorg.conf.d/).I pressed on [OK] button and the terminal shows another dialog:Install Fglrx driver despite unsupported graphics card?[Yes] [No]I pressed [No]Search the the non-free legacy Fglrx driver (package fglrx-legacy-driver) or the free Radeon driver(package xserver-xorg-video-radeon):# apt-cache search 'fglrx-legacy-driver'No package is available to retrieve and at least the file sources.list has active the contributions(contrib) and proprietary packages (non-free) in the line repo added recently:# Debian 8 \"Jessie\"# Packages: ATI drivers,deb jessie main contrib non-freeI gooogled and find that other people have the same problem.I try to find the another package from the installation message: xserver-xorg-video-radeon.Here is the compatibility card list:Web: I find how to install xserver-xorg-video-radeon:
AMD/ATI Open Source Drivers (radeon, r128, mach64):Identification:The AMD/ATI graphics processing unit (GPU) series/codename of an installed video card can usually beidentified using the lspci command.# lspci -nn | grep VGAOutput:01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS880M [MobilityRadeon HD 4225/4250] [1002:9712]Installation:The following procedure will install the open source display driver packages, DRI modules (for 3Dacceleration) and driver firmware/microcode: Add \"contrib\" and \"non-free\" components to /etc/apt/sources.list, for example: # Debian 8 \"Jessie\" deb jessie main contrib non-free Update the list of available packages: # apt-get update Install the firmware-linux-nonfree, libgl1-mesa-dri and xserver-xorg-video-ati packages: # apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-video-atiTo resolve dependencies error:# apt-get -f installA new dialog:Configuring libfgl Install Fglrx driver despite unsupported graphics card? [Yes] [No]This time I hit [yes]The installation says:*** The following unsupported devices are present in the machine:01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS880M [MobilityRadeon HD 4225/4250] [1002:9712]
...but continues ans finishes.Again I install the xserver-xorg-video-radeon:# apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-video-atiOutput:[...]The following NEW packages will be installed: firmware-linux-nonfree[...]And remove the packages not required but previously auto-installed:# apt-get autoremoveJust for fun here is the list of the auto-removed packages:fakeroot glx-alternative-fglrx glx-alternative-mesa glx-diversions libbsd0:i386 libdrm-intel1:i386 libdrm-nouveau2:i386 libdrm-radeon1:i386 libdrm2:i386 libedit2:i386 libelf1:i386 libfakeroot libffi6:i386 libfglrx libfglrx:i386 libfglrx-amdxvba1 libfglrx-amdxvba1:i386 libgl1-fglrx-glx libgl1-fglrx-glx:i386 libgl1-fglrx-glx-i386:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libglapi-mesa:i386 libllvm3.5:i386 libpciaccess0:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0:i386 libudev1:i386 libx11-xcb1:i386 libxcb-dri2-0:i386 libxcb-dri3-0:i386 libxcb-glx0:i386 libxcb-present0:i386 libxcb-sync1:i386 libxshmfence1:i386 libxxf86vm1:i386 nvidia-installer-cleanupRestart your system to load GPU device firmware.:# rebootTroubleshooting:Use of firmware/microcode used by the radeon DRM driver can be verified using the dmesgcommand. For example:$ dmesg | grep -E 'drm|radeon' | grep -iE 'firmware|microcode'[ 5.268609] [drm] Loading BARTS Microcode[ 5.329862] radeon 0000:01:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/BARTS_pfp.bin[ 5.341300] radeon 0000:01:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/BARTS_me.bin[ 5.347745] radeon 0000:01:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/BTC_rlc.bin[ 5.347911] radeon 0000:01:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/BARTS_mc.bin[ 5.353336] radeon 0000:01:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/BARTS_smc.bin[ 5.369449] radeon 0000:01:00.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/SUMO_uvd.binAnd here is the Output on my screen:
[ 24.037939] [drm] Loading RS780 Microcode[ 24.166929] radeon 0000:01:05.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/RS780_pfp.bin[ 24.446720] radeon 0000:01:05.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/RS780_me.bin[ 24.698199] radeon 0000:01:05.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/R600_rlc.binIf files were unable to be loaded, ensure the firmware-linux-nonfree package is installed (refer toInstallation).Screen flickering with Adobe Flash: see FlashPlayer#flickering.Configuration:In most cases, manual configuration for the open source display drivers is not required, as the Xorg Xserver automatically detects and configures available hardware.The following optional configuration can be used to increase 3D performance. See the xorg.conf(5)and radeon(4) manual pages for more information.At this point I require to see before continue the installation:Reference:Web: xorg configuration.pdfThe file is too large so I am not going to paste the text here, In summary at the beginning says that asuser you can find the Xorg xserver configuration files under /etc/ but the files available depending onyour user level. Also says that the xserver looks for the configuration files in order and theconfiguration can be overwritten depending on where you added your personal configuration. As rootI went to:# cd /etc/X11# ls -FThe only file ending with .cong is Xwrapper.config, but it says I can run '# dpkg-reconfigure x11-common' to configure X server. The root is the only who can run dpkg; maybe users with sudo (but it isnot configured yet) can do it.# dpkg-reconfigure x11-commonThe program opens dialog with three options:Users allowed to start the X server: Root Only Console Users Only Anybody
I have chosen Anybody, but the program show an error.Output:update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaultsThis problem is maybe related to the new systemd and I am investigating this matter.To list all the services with systemd:# systemctlTo locate the file xorg.conf:# locateOutput:locate xorg.conf/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-quirks.conf/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-vmmouse.conf/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-wacom.conf/usr/share/man/man5/xorg.conf.5.gz/usr/share/man/man5/xorg.conf.d.5.gz# cd /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.dOutput:10-evdev.conf 50-synaptics.conf 50-wacom.conf10-quirks.conf 50-vmmouse.confThere isn't any .conf file to edit.I went back to check the configuration file: this section: section says that the configuration file has to be created.The web page says that the file is not required the most of times. I think everything is alreadyconfigured but I am not sure yet because the web also says: 'As the fglrx driver is not autodetected byXorg, a configuration file is required to be supplied.'Anyway the file should help, because the ATI Web says: \"optional configuration can be used toincrease 3D performance. See the xorg.conf(5) and radeon(4) manual pages for more information.\"To create an Xorg server configuration directory and file:
# mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d# echo -e 'Section \"Device\"\n\tIdentifier \"My GPU\"\n\tDriver \"fglrx\"\nEndSection' >/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.confThe basic file will look like this:/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.conf Section \"Device\" Identifier \"My GPU\" Driver \"fglrx\" EndSectionBut the ATI Web page shows the performance information to include in the file:Reference:Web: AMD - ATI Open Source Drivers.pdfOpen the file to edit the first section and add the rest of the lines:# nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.confThe basic version will look like this:Section \"Device\"Driver \"radeon\"Identifier \"My GPU\"Option \"AccelMethod\" \"XAA\"# XAA/EXAOption \"AccelDFS\" \"1\"# 1/0 On for PCIE, off for AGP# Manpage: Use or don't use accelerated EXA DownloadFromScreen hook# when possible.Option \"AGPMode\" \"1\"# 1-8 Does not affect PCIE models.Option \"AGPFastWrite\" \"1\"# 1/0 Does not affect PCIE models. Not recommended.Option \"GARTSize\" \"64\"# 0-64 Megabytes of gart (system) memory used.# Wrongly defaults to 8MB sometimes, see your logfile.# Bigger seems better.Option \"EnablePageFlip\" \"1\"
# 1/0 Increases 3D performance substantially# seemingly in XAA mode onlyOption \"ColorTiling\" \"1\"# 1/0 Increases 3D performance substantially# affected stability only positively on my systemEndSectionTo see the an almost full list of options.Reference:Web: RADEON(4).pdfRestart your system to enable the radeon blacklist.Comment out the repo added to /etc/apt/sources.list:# Debian 8 \"Jessie\"# Packages: ATI Drivers,#deb jessie main contrib non-freeTo test the performance I will use Mesa.Reference:Web: Performance test with Mesa.pdfTo install Mesa:# apt-get update# apt-get install mesa-utilsAmong the mesa tools, glxinfo will help you to know more about the chip that your computer uses.The command:$ glxinfo | grep OpenGLMy Output:OpenGL vendor string: X.OrgOpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD RS880OpenGL core profile version string: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 10.3.2OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 3.30OpenGL core profile context flags: (none)OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profileOpenGL core profile extensions:OpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 10.3.2OpenGL shading language version string: 1.30
OpenGL context flags: (none)OpenGL extensions:OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 10.3.2OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.0OpenGL ES profile extensions:If in the OpenGL renderer string: you see llvmpipe, that means your system doesn't use the GPU butthe CPU instead to render the computer graphics. If you want to use the GPU look at the GraphicsCard page. Many times you just need to install the firmware-linux-nonfree package from the non-freerepositories, in order to active the driver.3D Acceleration:To determine whether 3D acceleration is working, use the glxinfo tool. Run the following command:$ glxinfo | grep renderingThe output should be and is:direct rendering: YesTesting performance:To see how many frames per second your video card is putting out, run the following command:$ glxgears -infoYou should see the windows with the gears animation and and output with information.My Output:Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should beapproximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.GL_RENDERER = Gallium 0.4 on AMD RS880GL_VERSION = 3.0 Mesa 10.3.2GL_VENDOR = X.OrgGL_EXTENSIONS = GL_ARB_multisample [...]VisualID 534, 0x216281 frames in 5.0 seconds = 56.106 FPS300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.908 FPS300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.906 FPS300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.907 FPS300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.909 FPS300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.904 FPS300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.908 FPS300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.907 FPS300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.907 FPS300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.908 FPS[...]Note: The gears test is not very effective, many drivers work very well with a bad FPS in this test.
References:Web: I want to verify the 3D with Iceweasel (Debian Firefox) but the program does not show 3Dinformation like in Windows using about:support in the command line.Reference:Web: How to tell if you have hardware accel.pdfUse DRI (Direct Rendering):# modeprobe radeonroot@ProLiant:/usr/src# modinfo radeonOutput:filename: /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon.kolicense: GPL and additional rightsdescription: ATI Radeonauthor: Gareth Hughes, Keith Whitwell, others.firmware: radeon/R520_cp.binfirmware: radeon/RS600_cp.binfirmware: radeon/RS690_cp.binfirmware: radeon/R420_cp.binfirmware: radeon/R300_cp.binfirmware: radeon/R200_cp.binfirmware: radeon/R100_cp.binfirmware: radeon/SUMO2_me.binfirmware: radeon/SUMO2_pfp.binfirmware: radeon/SUMO_me.binfirmware: radeon/SUMO_pfp.binfirmware: radeon/SUMO_rlc.binfirmware: radeon/PALM_me.binfirmware: radeon/PALM_pfp.binfirmware: radeon/CYPRESS_smc.binfirmware: radeon/CYPRESS_rlc.bin[and the rest of the list of firmware]# modprobe -r radeonXorg Logs:Review DRI:$ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep DRI
Output:[ 37.663] (II) RADEON(0): [DRI2] Setup complete[ 37.664] (II) RADEON(0): [DRI2] DRI driver: r600[ 37.664] (II) RADEON(0): [DRI2] VDPAU driver: r600[ 38.987] (II) GLX: Initialized DRI2 GL provider for screen 0Review AGP:$ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep AGPOutput:ATI Radeon IGP330/340/350 (A4) 4137, ATI Radeon 9500 AD (AGP),ATI Radeon 9500 AE (AGP), ATI Radeon 9600TX AF (AGP),ATI FireGL Z1 AG (AGP), ATI Radeon 9800SE AH (AGP),ATI Radeon 9800 AI (AGP), ATI Radeon 9800 AJ (AGP),ATI FireGL X2 AK (AGP), ATI Radeon 9600 AP (AGP),ATI Radeon 9600SE AQ (AGP), ATI Radeon 9600XT AR (AGP),ATI Radeon 9600 AS (AGP), ATI FireGL T2 AT (AGP), ATI Radeon 9650,ATI FireGL RV360 AV (AGP), ATI Radeon 7000 IGP (A4+) 4237,ATI Radeon 8500 AIW BB (AGP), ATI Radeon IGP320M (U1) 4336,ATI Radeon Mobility 7000 IGP 4437, ATI Radeon 9000/PRO If (AGP/PCI),ATI Radeon 9000 Ig (AGP/PCI), ATI Radeon X800 (R420) JH (AGP),ATI Radeon X800PRO (R420) JI (AGP),ATI Radeon X800SE (R420) JJ (AGP), ATI Radeon X800 (R420) JK (AGP),ATI Radeon X800 (R420) JL (AGP), ATI FireGL X3 (R420) JM (AGP),ATI Radeon Mobility 9800 (M18) JN (AGP),ATI Radeon X800 SE (R420) (AGP), ATI Radeon X800XT (R420) JP (AGP),ATI Radeon X800 VE (R420) JT (AGP), ATI Radeon X850 (R480) (AGP),ATI Radeon X850 XT (R480) (AGP), ATI Radeon X850 SE (R480) (AGP),ATI Radeon X850 PRO (R480) (AGP), ATI Radeon X850 XT PE (R480) (AGP),ATI Radeon Mobility M7 LW (AGP),ATI Mobility FireGL 7800 M7 LX (AGP),ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LY (AGP), ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LZ (AGP),ATI FireGL Mobility 9000 (M9) Ld (AGP),ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 (M9) Lf (AGP),ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 (M9) Lg (AGP), ATI FireMV 2400 PCI,ATI Radeon 9700 Pro ND (AGP), ATI Radeon 9700/9500Pro NE (AGP),ATI Radeon 9600TX NF (AGP), ATI FireGL X1 NG (AGP),ATI Radeon 9800PRO NH (AGP), ATI Radeon 9800 NI (AGP),ATI FireGL X2 NK (AGP), ATI Radeon 9800XT NJ (AGP),ATI Radeon Mobility 9600/9700 (M10/M11) NP (AGP),ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 (M10) NQ (AGP),ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 (M11) NR (AGP),ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 (M10) NS (AGP),ATI FireGL Mobility T2 (M10) NT (AGP),ATI FireGL Mobility T2e (M11) NV (AGP), ATI Radeon QD (AGP),
ATI Radeon QE (AGP), ATI Radeon QF (AGP), ATI Radeon QG (AGP),ATI FireGL 8700/8800 QH (AGP), ATI Radeon 8500 QL (AGP),ATI Radeon 9100 QM (AGP), ATI Radeon 7500 QW (AGP/PCI),ATI Radeon 7500 QX (AGP/PCI), ATI Radeon VE/7000 QY (AGP/PCI),ATI Radeon VE/7000 QZ (AGP/PCI), ATI ES1000 515E (PCI),ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE), ATI Radeon 9250 5960 (AGP),ATI Radeon 9200 5961 (AGP), ATI Radeon 9200 5962 (AGP),ATI Radeon 9200SE 5964 (AGP), ATI FireMV 2200 (PCI),ATI Radeon Mobility 9200 (M9+) 5C61 (AGP),ATI Radeon Mobility 9200 (M9+) 5C63 (AGP),ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650, ATI Radeon RV730 (AGP),ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670, ATI Radeon RV730 (AGP),ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro, ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO AGP, ATI FireGL V4000,ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT AGP, ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro AGP,ATI Radeon HD 3650 AGP, ATI Radeon HD 3600 PRO,[ 37.784] (WW) RADEON(0): Option \"AGPMode\" is not used[ 37.785] (WW) RADEON(0): Option \"AGPFastWrite\" is not usedNote: As I have PCIE active I don't need AGP.Review drm radeon:$ dmesg | egrep 'drm|radeon'[ 19.674719] [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810[ 21.294985] [drm] radeon kernel modesetting enabled.[ 21.887725] [drm] initializing kernel modesetting (RS880 0x1002:0x9712 0x103C:0x1609).[ 21.887746] [drm] register mmio base: 0xFE8F0000[ 21.887748] [drm] register mmio size: 65536[ 21.888691] radeon 0000:01:05.0: VRAM: 128M 0x00000000C0000000 - 0x00000000C7FFFFFF(128M used)[ 21.888696] radeon 0000:01:05.0: GTT: 512M 0x00000000A0000000 - 0x00000000BFFFFFFF[ 21.888703] [drm] Detected VRAM RAM=128M, BAR=128M[ 21.888705] [drm] RAM width 32bits DDR[ 21.888867] [drm] radeon: 128M of VRAM memory ready[ 21.888869] [drm] radeon: 512M of GTT memory ready.[ 21.888887] [drm] Loading RS780 Microcode[ 21.975958] radeon 0000:01:05.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/RS780_pfp.bin[ 21.981080] radeon 0000:01:05.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/RS780_me.bin[ 21.991113] radeon 0000:01:05.0: firmware: direct-loading firmware radeon/R600_rlc.bin[ 21.991188] [drm] radeon: power management initialized[ 21.991206] [drm] GART: num cpu pages 131072, num gpu pages 131072[ 22.005591] [drm] PCIE GART of 512M enabled (table at 0x00000000C0040000).[ 22.005711] radeon 0000:01:05.0: WB enabled
[ 22.005721] radeon 0000:01:05.0: fence driver on ring 0 use gpu addr 0x00000000a0000c00 andcpu addr 0xffff880034097c00[ 22.005728] [drm] Supports vblank timestamp caching Rev 2 (21.10.2013).[ 22.005732] [drm] Driver supports precise vblank timestamp query.[ 22.005737] radeon 0000:01:05.0: radeon: MSI limited to 32-bit[ 22.005765] [drm] radeon: irq initialized.[ 22.038801] [drm] ring test on 0 succeeded in 0 usecs[ 22.039081] [drm] ib test on ring 0 succeeded in 0 usecs[ 22.039998] [drm] Radeon Display Connectors[ 22.040007] [drm] Connector 0:[ 22.040010] [drm] VGA-1[ 22.040017] [drm] DDC: 0x7e40 0x7e40 0x7e44 0x7e44 0x7e48 0x7e48 0x7e4c 0x7e4c[ 22.040020] [drm] Encoders:[ 22.040024] [drm] CRT1: INTERNAL_KLDSCP_DAC1[ 22.090570] [drm] fb mappable at 0xF0141000[ 22.090579] [drm] vram apper at 0xF0000000[ 22.090582] [drm] size 5242880[ 22.090585] [drm] fb depth is 24[ 22.090589] [drm] pitch is 5120[ 22.090914] fbcon: radeondrmfb (fb0) is primary device[ 22.147415] radeon 0000:01:05.0: fb0: radeondrmfb frame buffer device[ 22.147421] radeon 0000:01:05.0: registered panic notifier[ 22.158903] [drm] Initialized radeon 2.39.0 20080528 for 0000:01:05.0 on minor 0Review render with glxinfo (Not only rendering = YES):$ glxinfo | grep -i renderReveal unused options in the video card:$ grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log$ grep WW /var/log/Xorg.0.logOutput: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.[ 38.462] (WW) The directory \"/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic\" does not exist.[ 39.667] (WW) RADEON(0): Option \"AccelDFS\" is not used[ 39.667] (WW) RADEON(0): Option \"AGPMode\" is not used[ 39.667] (WW) RADEON(0): Option \"AGPFastWrite\" is not used[ 39.667] (WW) RADEON(0): Option \"GARTSize\" is not used[ 41.815] (WW) evdev: USB USB Keyboard: ignoring absolute axes.[ 41.821] (WW) evdev: Logitech USB Receiver: ignoring absolute axes.Make sure firmware is installed:# apt-cache policy firmware-linux-nonfreeOutput:firmware-linux-nonfree:
Installed: 0.43 Candidate: 0.43 Version table:*** 0.43 0 100 /var/lib/dpkg/statusDebug LIBGL:$ LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfoOutput:The output is very big to show it here.Also use to show less info:$ LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo | grep drilibGL: screen 0 does not appear to be DRI3 capablelibGL: pci id for fd 4: 1002:9712, driver r600libGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/tls/r600_dri.solibGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/r600_dri.solibGL: Can't open configuration file /home/esteban/.drirc: No such file or directory.libGL: Can't open configuration file /home/esteban/.drirc: No such file or directory.Error:libGL: Can't open configuration file /home/esteban/.drirc: No such file or directory.Solution:Install driconf:Verify /etc/apt/sources.list and then:# apt-get update$ apt-cache search driconfOutput:driconf - DRI configuration applet# apt-get install driconfAfter the installation run:$ driconfThe program is going to show the window \"Direct Rendering Preferences\" and is going to show themessage: \"...Created a new DRI configuration file \"/home/esteban/.drirc\" for you.\"Note on Window options:OpenGL Shading Language (abbreviated: GLSL or GLslang), is a high-level shading language based onthe syntax of the C programming language. It was created by the OpenGL ARB (OpenGL ArchitectureReview Board) to give developers more direct control of the graphics pipeline without having to useARB assembly language or hardware-specific languages.Web: Linux_kernel_and_OpenGL_video_games.svgWarning: Take care with the options.. you could overheat the card and burn it!
Also is recommended to verify the permissions of the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.conf, but Iguess that they are ok and the LibGL error is not because of the permissions.Here is a copy of the the last file version with the new two sections at the end:Section \"Device\"Driver \"radeon\"Identifier \"My GPU\"Option \"AccelMethod\" \"XAA\"# XAA/EXAOption \"AccelDFS\" \"1\"# 1/0 On for PCIE, off for AGP# Manpage: Use or don't use accelerated EXA DownloadFromScreen hook# when possible.Option \"AGPMode\" \"1\"# 1-8 Does not affect PCIE models.Option \"AGPFastWrite\" \"1\"# 1/0 Does not affect PCIE models. Not recommended.Option \"GARTSize\" \"64\"# 0-64 Megabytes of gart (system) memory used.# Wrongly defaults to 8MB sometimes, see your logfile.# Bigger seems better.Option \"EnablePageFlip\" \"1\"# 1/0 Increases 3D performance substantially# seemingly in XAA mode onlyOption \"ColorTiling\" \"1\"# 1/0 Increases 3D performance substantially# affected stability only positively on my systemEndSectionSection \"DRI\"Mode 0666EndSectionSection \"Module\"Load \"dri2\"Load \"glamoregl\"EndSectionTo know where the new modules are located:$ locate glamoregl$ locate dri2Note:Glamor is a library for accelerating 2D graphics using GL functions.
Reference:Web: opengl-suddenly-stopped-working.pdfMore Troubleshooting:To Answer the Questions:It doesn't work. I don't have rendering, and I can't tell why.When I startx, I get this error: \"[drm] failed to load kernel module agpgart\"I have a Radeon, and I want TV-Out.It doesn't work. My card is so incredibly new and cool that it isn't supported at all.I have a PCI card and it doesn't work. Help!Use this Reference:Web: 3daccelerationguide.pdfCan't activate OpenGL Driver: big old example of the .conf file: regenerate /etc/X11/xorg.conf (But at this point you'd better edit the existent with nano or backupthe file before proceed):Stop x server and try:# Xorg --configureYou can locate files you thing you don't have like this (An example):$ locate tips:You should enable the hardware acceleration in your browsers. You can test it in many ways.Test 3D+DRI:Use your Steam account to buy Half Life or download Half Life from:!FRoQBISY!uSKJuc_pq-51TSyTnMt_-QThanks to: the files and:# cp -dpR HalfLife1EE/ /usr/src
Change permissions as user esteban:# cd /usr/src# chmod 777 HalfLife1EE# chown esteban HalfLife1EE# chgrp esteban HalfLife1EERun the scrip to setup the game:# sh Configurar_en_POSIX_HalfLifeEEMessage: \"Se ha configurado correctamente\"And terminal Output is something like:Se utilizara la version de wine : 1.7.29Lanzar Half Life:$ sh LanzarHLEE$ sh LanzarHLEE -windowedWine is going to update and start the game.But the game is not working.There is another script to run like LanzarHLEE to clean up the system from Wine and delete the gameicons from.I installed extremetuxracer since synaptic (to test 3d at least) and works.At this point I have found new options to modify # nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.conf. I am goingto modify the file and show a newer version.# nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.confSection \"DRI\"Mode 0666EndSectionSection \"Module\"Load \"dri2\"Load \"glamoregl\"EndSectionSection \"Device\"Driver \"radeon\"Identifier \"My GPU\"Option \"AccelMethod\" \"glamor\"# XAA/EXAOption \"AccelDFS\" \"1\"# 1/0 On for PCIE, off for AGP# Manpage: Use or don't use accelerated EXA DownloadFromScreen hook# when possible.Option \"AGPMode\" \"1\"# 1-8 Does not affect PCIE models.
Option \"AGPFastWrite\" \"1\"# 1/0 Does not affect PCIE models. Not recommended.Option \"GARTSize\" \"64\"# 0-64 Megabytes of gart (system) memory used.# Wrongly defaults to 8MB sometimes, see your logfile.# Bigger seems better.Option \"EnablePageFlip\" \"1\"# 1/0 Increases 3D performance substantially# seemingly in XAA mode onlyOption \"ColorTiling\" \"1\"# 1/0 Increases 3D performance substantially# affected stability only positively on my systemEndSectionNotes about the file:Option \"AccelMethod\" \"glamor\"Glamour is the newest Accel type but requires sections:Section \"DRI\"Section \"Modules\"The rest of options seems to be fine but yours not necessarily.I have installed the game Crack Attack and is working fine.It is a multiplayer OpenGL puzzle game like \"Tetris Attack\"Crack Attack is very slow without hardware acceleration. For Xorgusers, this means you want DRI.Install Crack Attack since synaptic software manager.I also installed Trigger Rally:Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family!System Requirements consist of an OpenGL accelerated video card.I also installed Supertuxkart:# apt-get update# apt-get install supertuxkartTo look for more games you can do like this:# apt-get update# apt-cache search 'arena'# apt-get install openarena# where is openarenaOutput:openarena: /usr/lib/openarena /usr/games/openarena /usr/share/man/man6/openarena.6.gzSo to play enter:
$ openarenadpkg -l | grep 'openarena'ii openarena 0.8.8-9Review program version:References: OpenArena-underwater.pngI downloaded this version of Open ArenaOpenArena v0.8.8 Win/Lin/Mac Unified Zipfrom here: play with Windows and Mac users XD!I downloaded Alien Arena from: game comes with the compilation instructions.The compilation instructions failed, but I can go to: PlayDeb or Desura to Play.PlayDeb is at is at is to Ubuntu.Desura installations does not start on in my system, following the instructions for Ubuntu of a Blog.Powersaving:Available Methods:1. dynpm2. profile3. dpm (Available since kernel 3.11)you have to activate it manually.There are graphical options, for example to Gnome users:Gnome-shell-extension-Radeon-Power-Profile-Manager. It'a extension to change the profile of thepotency of the radeon card when we use the open source controller (driver):gnome-shell-extension-radeon-power-profile-manager-git: TV output and more here:Reference (Spanish): setup the power profile:Web:
The first thing to do is to Download the file from the GIT repository.Package: shell-extension-radeon-power-profile-manager-master.zipExtract the package.According to the Official Gnome extensions site and Debian Wiki the best way to add a extension is touse the Gnome Tweak tool from the section extensions, but the extension is a Zip file from GitHub andwhen I added from the tools nothing happens.I will follow the instructions in the GitHub, that are also in the extracted file is a modified copy of the Usage instructions:To use this extension you need:A Radeon card that supports power profiles - r1xx and up;To be running the open source drivers;Make sure that /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method is set to profile;Before make the optional step I am going to backup the file to remember the default permissions:# cp -dpR power_profile power_profileBAKCuriously I cannot copy the filename, maybe because the card is on but here is an output of theoriginal permissions to restore them in case of something fails:-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.0K May 17 18:19 power_profileAnd the content of the file is one line which says \"default\".Optional:Set the permissions of /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile to be writable by your user (bydefault only root can change these values);chmod a+w /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile will work, but feel free to use any othermethod;The new permissions should be:Output:-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 4.0K May 17 18:19 power_profileto make the changes permanent don't forget to add the chmod line to your rc.local or equivalent inyour distro (If your /etc/rc.local contains an exit 0 line, then the chmod line has to be placed before it);if you are using systemd, you can create /etc/tmpfiles.d/radeon-power-profile.conf with the followingline:w /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_profile 0666 - - - mid;this will change the permissions of power_profile so that any user can change the profile;If you do not do this, the extension will attempt to use polkit and ask for your password every timeyou change the profile.At this point I don't see any extension.I want to download extensions with the browser. Here is the troubleshooting from the Gnome site: find out more Gnome extensions go to: I do is to active the Gnome Shell Integration plug-in in the browser with the Add-ons Manager.I restarted the computer check the Gnome extensions page and says that the extension is 'Outdated'but I finally could set it to ON no the web site.
I double-checked the extension in the Gnome Tweak Center and I could set it to ON (Must say ON inlight blue instead of OFF).To turn on and off Gnome extensions, use the Gnome Tweak Tool:$ gnome-tweak-toolAfter that you see the extension on the top in the black system bar next to the keyboard configuration.Click to display the menu and choose a profile.The system will display a prompt windows with a message to enter the administrator password. I amnot going to read more the nor Github manual the password step to users but go ahead, ifyou will.I don't note a difference between profiles but is a good option for laptops to save battery energy.There was another tool in the official repo, I saw it from Synaptic but it was only for laptops and theapp description said it could damage the hardware. I tested the profiles with the programs redeontopand glxgears.Add a complete Dock:With Cairo Dock added to GNOME 3, your experience will be made exponentially better. Install thisgreat dock from within your distribution’s package manager.GNOME 3 doesn’t have to be seen as an inefficient, user UN-friendly, desktop. With just a tiny bit oftweaking, GNOME 3 can be made as powerful and user-friendly as any desktop available.Reference:Web: have installed this utility to show Radeon GPU utilization.# radeontoprovclock:I have installed utility to control frequency rates of your Radeon card# rovclock# rovclock -iTake care with the video card. Reconfigure xserver xorg is going to overwrite your xorg.conf file. If youwant to proceed, back-up the video card configuration first.To setup video card:References:Guides:Reconfigure Xserver hardware (Video Card, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor)3D Acceleration and VRWebcam- Webcam features- Webcam installation
- Webcam software: Guvcview- Disable the webcam kernel module- Cover the lens with tape- Webcam featuresWhen you buy a webcam camera consider next topics:Is Widescreen?Megapixels (MPX)Is HD (High Definition)? IE: 720p HDPriceIs USB 2.0?The MIC qualityAre its drivers compatible with Linux or AppleZoom, measured in X, IE: 2x, 4x, etc.- Webcam installationThe webcam and sound must be Linux compatible and ready to support programs like Skype. I hope tohear that every Logitech's camera works.Select and configure the Webcam with the program Cheese.I have no problems with this topic but I red some web pages that can help.References:Topic: Compile drivers in the Linux Kernel. Section drivers.Web: Compiling Software With Debian Linux.pdfReferences:Topic: How to make Webcam compatible with Skype.Web: webcam not recognized: debian wheezy + skypeWeb: Webcam software: GuvcviewThe best program that I've found is Guvcview. It is good because there is not Logitech software forLinux. It allows to record, change light options to avoid the image noise and use the zoom.TO install:Add Debian repositories main, contriband nonfree:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Update the software DBs:$ sudo apt-get updateShow the repository of the package (and other package information):$ apt-cache show guvcviewFetch, install and configure the package and dependencies:$ sudo apt-get install guvcview- Disable the webcam kernel moduleThis is to avoid spyware turning on the webcam, recording you and sending the videos to hackers orNSA, just to mention two options.Look for the webcam/video module:$ lsmodAlways the main webcam module is: uvcvideo. List dependencies (correlations):$ lsmod | grep uvcvideoRemove the module from the kernel:$ sudo rmmod uvcvideoVerify that the module is out of the kernel:$ lsmod | grep uvcvideoNotice the dependencies are not going to work because the module is down.Remember the module name to load it to the kernel when you want to turn on the camera for a videoconference:$ insmod uvcvideoThe module has to be loaded:$ lsmod | grep uvcvideoThe camera has to work right now:$ lsusb$ lspci$ less /var/log/messages$ lshw$ guvcview- Cover the lens with tapeThis is a extreme security measure, but I think that setting off the video module is sufficient.Complete a decent environment by testing the most ofsoftware installation options available3D Modeling, CAD and Animation
BlenderTo active OPenGL, OpenCL and CUDA see guides: \"Video Card\" and \"3D Acceleration and VR\"The Official Blender version is not as good and complete as the version you can download from theirweb sites, but be careful.OpenscadOpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It focuses on CAD aspects rather thanartistic ones.References:Topic: Debian documentationWeb: Debian -- Details of package openscad in jessie.pdfTopic: CAD applications in LinuxWeb: CAD apps in Linux.pdfTopic: Top 10 Free CAD SoftwareWeb: Top 10 Free CAD Software For 2016 _ Beebom.pdfInstallation:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-cache search openscad$ sudo apt-cache show openscad$ sudo apt-get install openscadSynfig Studiosynfig is a vector based 2D animation package. It isdesigned to be capable of producing featurefilm qualityanimation. It eliminates the need for tweening, preventing theneed to handdraw each frame.References:Web: gstudioFile: Debian -- Details of package synfigstudio in jessie.pdfWeb: Debian -- Details of package synfig in jessie.pdfAI and Machine Learning
LiSpeakThis package is a Speech Recognition Software. It's not exactly a personal assistant but it doeseverything you want it to do almost like its competitors: Siri (Apple), Now (Google) and Cortana(Microsoft).Install Palaver dependencies:Note: Before I installed LiSpeak I installed another application of the same developer which is Palaver.Are these LiSpeak requirements? I am not sure, I guess they are just for the Palaver plugins, but I willleave them here for you to install them in case of LiSpeak installation does not work in your system.$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install sox python-argparse libsox-fmt-mp3 mutt xvkbd xautomationOutput:Reading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency treeReading state information... DoneNote, selecting 'libpython2.7-stdlib' instead of 'python-argparse'mutt is already the newest version.libpython2.7-stdlib is already the newest version.libpython2.7-stdlib set to manually installed.sox is already the newest version.The following extra packages will be installed: xaw3dgThe following NEW packages will be installed: libsox-fmt-mp3 xautomation xaw3dg xvkbdUnfortunately there a message:WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! xaw3dg libsox-fmt-mp3 xvkbd xautomationBut you can agree to continue the installation of these packages and complete the whole process.Now, it's time to install the notifier:Note: The notifier is a requirement for Palaver and LiSpeak. It comes out of the box in Ubuntu, but Ineed to install it explicitly on my Debian GNU/Linux Box.$ dpkg -l | grep 'notify-osd'No results for osd$ dpkg -l | grep 'notify'Results only for the notification daemon$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-cache 'notify-osd'notify-osd - daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications$ sudo apt-get install notify-osdReferences:Web: of LiSpeak:Note: The creator of the application says that this program supports plugins better than Palaver, andthis was the reason for him to deprecate its development.Installation:Download the program from GitHub: to /usr/srcExtract the file$ unzip LiSpeak-master.zipcd to the new folder LiSpeak-masterRun the installation:$ sudo ./lispeak --setup --debug(I use --debug to see whats happening \"behind the scenes\". FYI: \"--debug\" has two single or en dashesinstead of one em dash\").Running the installation displays an error:Output:Reading state information... DoneE: Unable to locate package serialerrorEnd of output.$ sudo nano lispeakI have removed the import parameter serial because analyzed the code and \"serial\" is used only in aclass called Arduino.I re-run the installation:$ sudo ./lispeak --setup --debugI skip the distro error and continue.A new screen opens a dialog, and I hit the button 'Continue'.A new message says that I have missing dependencies and give the option to install them but I will tryto install them by myself and rerun the installation script after that, due to this is not one of theapproved distros in the code of the script.The list of dependencies required:
espeakpython-appindicatorxdotoolmpg123python-alsaaudioI abort the installation with the abort button to proceed searching the dependencies.$ sudo apt-get install espeak python-appindicator xdotool mpg123 python-alsaaudioOutput:The following extra packages will be installed: javascript-common libjs-jquery libjs-underscore libxdo3Suggested packages: apache2 lighttpd httpd jackd nas oss-compat oss4-baseThe following NEW packages will be installed: espeak javascript-common libjs-jquery libjs-underscore libxdo3 mpg123 python-alsaaudio python-appindicator xdotoolWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! espeak javascript-common libjs-jquery libjs-underscore mpg123 python-alsaaudio python-appindicator libxdo3 xdotoolPress y and hit the key ENTER.At the end of the installation of the dependencies I am ready to rerun the installation script:$ sudo ./lispeak --setup --debugThe installation requests me the following information:First name: EstebanLast name: HerreraEmail: [email protected]: English, but there is Spanish, French, Italian and Polski.Speak responses: Set to ONTTS Engine: The choices are: espeak, Google TTS or pico2waveAutostart: Set to ONPlugin installation:BansheeControl ONGeditControl ONHTTPServer ONMediaControl ONSteamLaunch ONHit on the install button and on the individual install buttons that appear for every plugin.
Setup the keyboard keys:Go to the system \"Settings\" => keyboard:Select the tab \"shortcuts\".Select custom shortcuts and click on the plus sign to add yours.In the box custom shortcut fill the options:Name: VoiceFor options the path to the file 'hotkey' of our new installation, in my case:Options: /usr/src/LiSpeak-master/hotkeyPress AddThe command is readyPress on Disable on the voice record and press your key combination: CTRL + LClose the windowLaunch the program:CTRL + LI log me out and log me back in to make sure that the Key is working and properly.Go to setup the dictionary:$ cd /usr/src/LiSpeak-master/Recognition/modes$ sudo cp -dpR main.dic main.dicBAK$ sudo nano main.dicThe dictionary has nothing to show. My conclusion at this point is that something went wrong duringthe installation.Later on I found the cause of the problem, it was that I was installing everything in /usr/src and theprogram only installs correctly under my home dir.To install the program in home:The rest of the process has been done before this step, for example the installation of dependenciesand of the notifier, and the keyboard setup.Is the same process but remember to do not use 'sudo', as user 'esteban'. The installation will ask forthe root pass before allow you to start the program at a later point in the installation.Copy the zip file to /home/esteban and extract it as well.$ cd$ cd LiSpeak-master/$ nano lispeakRemove \"serial\" from the line of imports.Run the local installation:
$ ./lispeak --setup --debugComplete and finish the installation.One of the message says that the installation is going to launch the program.Looking for the LiSpeak location and modifying the settings:Move the mouse to the bottom of the screen and/or from the left corner to the right or from the rightto the left to make the notification area of Gnome appear. The notification has a new Microphone Iconon the right side. Take the mouse to focus the microphone and make RIGHT CLICK on it, and thenchoose settings from the new options menu.Here is a summary of my working custom \"Settings\":Tab general:This tab is left blank. Here you can setup options like \"Run on Startup\" and \"Check for messages\".Tab Speech:Language: EnglishContinuous Mode (Beta): UnsetSpeak responses: UnsetTTS Engine: Google TTSTab Appearance:Notification Style: LiSpeakTab Plug-ins:This area is not ready yet.Restart the daemon from the Microphone icon menu.To test the program for a first time:$ cd LiSpeak-master/$ ./recognize \"open gedit\"The program must open gedit and if happens is working.Configuration files:Take a look at the dictionary files 'main' and 'programs' to identify what words we can say. This timethe files has been made under the directory \"en\":$ cd ~/LiSpeak-master/Setup/defaults/modes/en$ nano main.dic$ nano programs.dicNext are default copies of these files.File main.dic:<say,speak> (LINE words)
say \"$words$\"<type,write> (LINE words) type \"$words$\\r\"undo xType \"keydown Control_L\" \"key z\" \"keyup Control_L\"redo xType \"keydown Shift_L\" \"keydown Control_L\" \"key z\" \"keyup Shift_L\" \"keyup Control_L\"cut xType \"keydown Control_L\" \"key x\" \"keyup Control_L\"paste[ text] xType \"keydown Control_L\" \"key v\" \"keyup Control_L\"copy[ text] xType \"keydown Control_L\" \"key c\" \"keyup Control_L\"select all[ text] xType \"keydown Control_L\" \"key a\" \"keyup Control_L\"go[ ]to (LINE site) goto \"$site$\"read[ this][ text] read<increase,raise> [my ][screen ]brightness brightness set higher<decrease,lower> [my ][screen ]brightness brightness set lowerhalf brightness brightness set half<full,max,highest,maximum> brightness brightness set full<lowest,low,minimum,min> brightness brightness set lowlock[ my][ computer] result_from_call \"gnome-screensaver-command -l\" \"false\"<open,show> [my ]<documents,files>[ folder] open \"xdg-open `xdg-user-dir DOCUMENTS`\"<open,show> [my ]music[ folder] open \"xdg-open `xdg-user-dir MUSIC`\"<open,show> [my ]home[ folder] open \"xdg-open `xdg-user-dir`\"<open,show> [my ]videos[ folder] open \"xdg-open `xdg-user-dir VIDEOS`\"
<open,show> [my ]pictures[ folder] open \"xdg-open `xdg-user-dir PICTURES`\"<open,show> [my ]downloads[ folder] open \"xdg-open `xdg-user-dir DOWNLOAD`\"<search,google> (LINE question) goto \"$question$\"<wolfram,wolf RAM>[ alpha] (LINE question) goto \"$question$\"youtube (LINE video) goto \"$video$\"where is (LINE place) goto \"$place$&hl=\$LANG\"<open,launch>[ application] (LINE app) program \"$app$\"date date date[<show,display,what[ is]>][ the][ ]date[is it][ <today,[right ]now>] date datewhat is todays date date date[show,display,what][ is][ the][ ]time[ ][is it][ ][today,[right ]now] date time[show,display,what,how][ is][ the][ ]weather[ ][is it,like][ ][today,[right ]now] weather<whats,what is> my <ip,internet[ protocol]>[ address] UserInformation ip<whats,what is> my name UserInformation nameplay (LINE song) media \"$song$\"play[ <media,song,video>] media playpause[ <media,song,video>] media pausestop[ <media,song,video>] media stop
next[ <song,file,media,video>] media next<previous,last>[ <song,file,media,video>] media prev[volume ]mute[ volume] media volume_mute<<increase,raise,more,higher> volume,volume <up,increase,higher,raise>> media volume_up<<decrease,lower,less,down> volume,volume <decrease,lower,less,down>> media volume_down[what[ is][ <the,this>] ]<current[ly],playing,song>[ playing][ song][ is <playing,on,this>][ right[ now]] mediaAdv[start,enter,begin][ ]dictation mode mode dictation(LINE word) wolf \"$word$\"File programs.dic:############################ INTERNET BROWSERS###########################[<internet,web> ]browser open xdg-open http://[google ]chome open google-chrome[mozilla ]fire[ ]fox open firefox############################ GRAPHICS###########################blender open blendergimp open gimp###########################
# OFFICE PROGRAMS###########################[[libre][ ][office] ]<writer,word> open \"/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin\" --writer[[libre][ ][office] ]<impress,power[ ]point> open \"/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin\" --impress[[libre][ ][office] ][data]base open \"/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin\" --base[[libre][ ][office] ][math ]formula open \"/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin\" --math[[libre][ ][office] ]<spread[ ]sheet,excel,calc> open \"/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin\" --calc[[libre][ ][office] ]draw[ing] open \"/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin\" --draw############################ AUDIO###########################audacity open audacity############################ GAMES###########################suduko open gnome-sudukotee[ ]world[s] open teeworld<mines,mine[ sweeper]> open gnome-mines############################ MISC###########################[<text,file> ]editor open gnome-text-editor
<terminal,command line[ interface]> open gnome-terminalcalculator open gnome-calculatordisks open gnome-disks############################ GNOME CONTROL CENTER###########################power stat<istics,s> controlpanel power-statisticsappearance[ settings] controlpanel unity-appearancemouse[ settings] controlpanel mousenetwork[ settings] controlpanel networkonline accounts[ settings] controlpanel credentials<screen,brightness,lock,brightness and lock>[ settings] controlpanel screen<privacy,security,security and privacy,privacy and security>[ settings] controlpanel activity-log-managerkeyboard[s][ settings] controlpanel keyboardbluetooth[ <settings,devices>] controlpanel bluetoothpower[ settings] controlpanel power<display[s],monitor[s],resolution>[ settings]
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