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Home Explore DIY Linux

DIY Linux

Published by Esteban Herrera, 2018-05-07 14:32:03

Description: Master Yourself Pure Blend Debian Desktops from a Scratch

Keywords: DIY,Linux,pure blend,Debian


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controlpanel display<sound,speaker[s]>[ settings] controlpanel sound-nua#############################################(LINE word) open \"$word$\"End of the configuration files.Voice commands overview:Syntax:CTRL + L to start, COMMAND, CTRL + L to Finish and wait for the program to answer.For example:CTRL + L, What is my IP address, CTRL + L...CTRL + L, Open... Firefox, CTRL + L...CTRL + L, Search... Michael Jackson, CTRL + L...CTRL + L, What is my name, CTRL + L...CTRL + L, Start... dictation mode, CTRL + L...CTRL + L, Stop... dictation mode, CTRL + L...CTRL + L, Date, CTRL + L...Keywords:\"Open...\"\"Say...\"\"Type...\"\"Search...\"\"Start,enter,begin, stop...\"\"Date\"MORE WORKS...See the complete list of commands in the config files.Test the file programs.dic:Example #1:\"open cairo-dock\"

\"open youtube dot com\"Create custom commands:To create custom commands in Palaver and run shell scripts as voice commands, you required tobackup the file main.dic and insert new entries on it, depending on the language installed, forexample:terminal open x-terminal-emulatorcairo open cairo-dockkill conky kill-conkyWhere:kill conky = The keyword say: \"Open... kill conky\"kill-conky = The name of the script to run.But LiSpeak works differently and is more rigid: It only runs programs, for example, the editorNetbeans IDE have not been added to any file but when I say to the assistant to open it like this:CTRL + L, open Netbeans, CTRL + Lthe program opens normally. With Palaver you required to add the program explicitly to the setupfiles.So, the only way to run a shell script is to make the script a program.Steps to make scripts programs:1. Create the shell script.2. test the shell script running the script:$ sh script.sh3. Optionally, make the shell script a systemd or a sysvinit service. Guides to create the script as aservice:References:Guide:Systemd4. Create a symlink from the program to a bin directory, /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. Review this guideto install Sublime Text Editor to proceed with the creation of the link:References:Guide: Sublime Text Editor5. Test your new program or service:$ myprogramOnce the program is ready, just use LiSpeak to run it:$ open myprogram

Tip:Create scripts to run as programs to close programs, for example:$ tuxclosefirefox$ bubbleshutdownTesting the file main.dic:Speak something the program should say or write in the notifier (Later on we will notice the are twoplaces where program can write, the Bubble and a slicer window that appears from the notificationare of Gnome):Say: \"This is Esteban Herrera. How are you? May I have your name?\"Transcribe words into text:If you wan to use LiSpeak at this point CTRL + L + \"open editor\", and gedit should show start.Otherwise, open Gedit, click on the page to focus and practice to transcribe words into texts.Say: \"Type..., Is there anything else I can help you with?\"That's it!Troubleshooting:The programs does not respond:If you got any problem or connection problems simply restart the servers from the notifications' areaof the Gnome desktop.Stop the service:Use the Micro in the notification area of Gnome, or:$ ps - auxand serch for:python /home/esteban/.lispeak/services/HTTPServer.serviceor while recording:python /home/esteban/.lispeak/services/HTTPServer.serviceand:rec -r 16000 -q -b 16 /tmp/lispeak_esteban/speech.flacTo start the service manually:$ python /home/esteban/.lispeak/services/HTTPServer.serviceTo start the service and recording simultaneously:

CTRL + LThe program as a startup App:It is not required because CTRL + L will start the service and record simultaneously, but if you want toadd the program as a startup application:IMPORTANT: The best way to make the program a startup app is to focus the Mic on the Gnomenotifications' area, and then make RIGHT CLICK on it, and then choose the menu option \"settings\",and then click the tab \"general\" and check the right option.Also, it is possible to (untested):Add the program as a service to systemd or sysvinitAdd the program as a startup app in Gnome or FluxboxSee my Screensaver guide here for details:References:Guide:XscreensaverUse the command: python /home/esteban/.lispeak/services/HTTPServer.serviceHow to install a graphical tool to configure Notify-OSD:You can find the Ubuntu source in the Ubuntu PPA: for: 'notifyosdconfig'.Click on the package, to reach the page with the link \"View package details\" and then click on it. Atthis point you are here: is package list with many versions to the different Ubuntu releases, include the latest LTS (Longterm Support), but the latest package available is not the first on the list and seems \"stable\" becausethe field Build status is checked. I think the newest packages have the \"configuration\" featureincluded. The list looks like this:notify-osd - 0.9.35+14.04.20140213-0ubuntu1-leolik~ppa1notify-osd - 0.9.35+13.10.20130917.1-0ubuntu1-leolik~ppa0notify-osd - 0.9.35daily12.11.28-0ubuntu1-leolik~ppa1notify-osd - 0.9.34-0ubuntu5-leolik~ppa0notify-osd - 0.9.34-0ubuntu2-leolik~ppa0notify-osd - 0.9.29-0ubuntu2-leolik~ppa3notifyosdconfig - 0.3+22+201404260950~ubuntu14.04.1notifyosdconfig - 0.3+22+201404260949~ubuntu14.10.1notifyosdconfig - 0.3+22+201312291021~ubuntu12.10.1notifyosdconfig - 0.3+22+201312291018~ubuntu12.04.1notifyosdconfig - 0.3+22+201312291017~ubuntu13.04.1notifyosdconfig - 0.3+22+201312291016~ubuntu13.10.1

notifyosdconfig - 0.1-6~lucid1notifyosdconfig - 0.1-6~karmic5[....]Next, click on the first notification configuration package available: notifyosdconfig -0.3+22+201404260950~ubuntu14.04.1 to expand the section to show the download options.Fortunately there is a message that says the package is supported in 64bit platforms. Otherwise wehave the option to try to configure the build environment to i386-i686 (32bit) by adding the i386architecture and building in that way. Say that try to use only 64bit architecture. i386 architecture willbe obsolete by the year 2038.Right click on the package files:notifyosdconfig_0.3+22+201404260950~ubuntu14.04.1.dsc (756 bytes)notifyosdconfig_0.3+22+201404260950~ubuntu14.04.1.tar.gz (194.0 KiB)to copy their link locations.Download the packages:$ wget -c option -c of wget is going to resume a package partially downloaded. See the man of theprogram:$ man wgetIn order to compile the program I must prepare the build environment. I already prepared one to theinstallation of the program \"SimpleScreenRecorder\". Take a look at this howto guides here:References:Build packages from sourceSimpleScreenRecorderRemove the screenrecorder remaining directory, and then prepare the workspace directory:$ cd /Remove the directory:$ sudo rm -rf /wrkCreate the working directory:$ sudo mkdir wrk$ sudo chmod 777 wrk$ ls -hal /$ cd wrkCopy the files downloaded to the current directory:$ cp -dpR notifyosdconfig_0.3+22+201404260950~ubuntu14.04.1.dscnotifyosdconfig_0.3+22+201404260950~ubuntu14.04.1.tar.gz /wrk

The process downloads some files from the repositories. Please double check the repos are ok with inthe repos file:$ nano /etc/apt/sources.list$ sudo apt-get update$ ping for jessie, so set-up the command accordingly:$ sbuild -d jessie *.dscInstall the package with gdebi:$ sudo gdebi *.debRun the application:$ notifyosdconfTHIS IS NOT WORKING:The program is not changing the notificator appearance. I am going to unistall:notifiy-osd and notifyosdconf and try to replace them with a newer app build from sources that I thinkcontains all inclusive:$ dpkg -l | grep 'notifyosdconf'$ dpkg -l | grep 'notify-osd'$ sudo apt-get remove notifyosdconfig$ sudo apt-get remove notify-osdGo to the PPA: for: 'notify osd'.I found: Leolik's PPA - Notify-OSDI click on the package's name to show the description:Notify-OSD with additional features:1) Themes support (change color, width, height or other options of bubble );2) Timeout ( \"-t\" option), work in this version;3) Display notifications in different corners of the screen. type in console (Ubuntu <= 11.04): $ gconftool-2 -s /apps/notify-osd/gravity --type=int [number] type in console (Ubuntu >= 11.10): $ gsettings set com.canonical.notify-osd gravity [number] where [number]: 1 - top-right corner 2 - middle-right 3 - bottom-right corner

4 - bottom-left corner 5 - middle-left 6 - top-left corner4) Two options from Faheem Pervez ( bubble-prevent-fade: Stops the bubble from fading out when the mouse pointer hovers over it; bubble-close-on-click: Closes a notification when clicked on.5) New option from Ubuntu 12.04: bubble-as-desktop-bg: Used Dash background color for bubble background color6) Move settings from .notify-osd file to gsettings (In progress...)And then, I click to download the package on the option 'View package details':I copy the link of the source files:notify-osd_0.9.35+15.04.20150126-0ubuntu1-leolik~ppa3.dsc (1.6 KiB)notify-osd_0.9.35+15.04.20150126-0ubuntu1-leolik~ppa3.tar.gz (275.2 KiB)I fetch the files:$ wget -c prepare the workspace:$ cd /$ sudo mkdir wrk2$ ls -hal /$ sudo chmod 777 wrk2$ ls -hal /The background of the dir should be green.$ cd wrk2Copy the source files to the directory:$ cp -dpR notify-osd_0.9.35+15.04.20150126-0ubuntu1-leolik~ppa3.dsc notify-osd_0.9.35+15.04.20150126-0ubuntu1-leolik~ppa3.tar.gz /wrk2Check the repos:The build is going to download all the dependencies to the existent chroot environment.$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list$ sudo apt-get update$ ping the CPU and system resources. No wallpaper or other interruptions, please.Before building the package a note that there are two files from the previous programs removed, inmy home:$ cd

$ ls -hal-rw-r--r-- 1 esteban esteban 606 Jun 4 01:21 .notify-osddrwxr-xr-x 2 esteban esteban 4.0K Jun 4 01:18 .notifyosdconfBuild from sources:$ sbuild -d jessie *.dscInstall the package with gdebi:$ sudo gdebi *.debNew Error message:Output:This package is uninstallableBreaks existing package 'notification-daemon' that conflict: 'notification-daemon'. But the 'notify-osd_0.9.35+15.04.20150126-0ubuntu1-leolik~ppa3_amd64.deb' provides it via: 'notification-daemon'$ dpkg -l | grep 'notif' 0.7.6-2 amd64 daemon for displaying passiveOutput: 0.9.34-2 amd64 daemon that displays passiveii notification-daemon 0.1.1-4 amd64 Python bindings for libnotifypop-up notifications 2.2.0~rc2-2 amd64 LibNotify plugin for VLCrc notify-osdpop-up notificationsii python-notifyii vlc-plugin-notifyHow to see the Current State of the package:\"rc\" means the files are marked for removal, but still there are the config files.Reference:Web: How to see the Current State of a package.pdfTry to install the package un-installing the 'notification-daemon':$ sudo apt-get remove notification-daemon$ sudo gdebi *.debThe program installs. Now I am going to test it.At this point:I rebooted the machine because I didn't see the Microphone in the notification area.I still can't see the Microphone but the area, and the program LiSpeak is working.Run again the the command to review the packages:$ dpkg -l | grep 'notif'

Now, the program 'notification-daemon' has the \"rc\" mark. There is a command to purge these filesbut I don't remember it right now. I am not scared about the un-installation, due to the installation of'notify-osd' said that it would provide a 'notification-daemon'. However there's not 'notification-daemon' in the commands. It seems integrated in the 'notify-osd', but I want to verify the notificationarea at the bottom to make sure the notifications are working fine.Try to setup the new notify-osd appearance:There is not any command like notifyosdconf.Re-install the package with gdebi:$ cd /wrk$ sudo gdebi *.debRun the configuration:I have applied the configuration.I have restarted the LiSpeak by focusing on the Mic place in the notification area of Gnome. The Michas reappeared.The program responds faster, simply due to the version is experimental, but the text bubbleappearance... it still the default.Show the programs files:$ cd$ ls - hal-rw-r--r-- 1 esteban esteban 606 Jun 4 04:05 .notify-osddrwxr-xr-x 2 esteban esteban 4.0K Jun 4 01:18 .notifyosdconf$ nano .notify-osdFile .notify-osd:slot-allocation = fixedbubble-expire-timeout = 10secbubble-vertical-gap = 5pxbubble-horizontal-gap = 5pxbubble-corner-radius = 37pxbubble-icon-size = 30pxbubble-gauge-size = 6pxbubble-width = 240pxbubble-background-color = 131313bubble-background-opacity = 90%text-margin-size = 10pxtext-title-size = 100%text-title-weight = boldtext-title-color = eaeaeatext-title-opacity = 100%

text-body-size = 90%text-body-weight = normaltext-body-color = eaeaeatext-body-opacity = 100%text-shadow-opacity = 100%location = 1bubble-prevent-fade = 1bubble-close-on-click = 0bubble-as-desktop-bg = 0Backup the file:$ cp -dpR .notify-osd .notify-osdBAK$ ls -hal .notify*Changes made in the files are not reflected in the bubble.Also there are not themes in the notifyosdconf program.And also can't change the the bubble position. Anyway I am going to show how:To change the bubble location, run:$ gsettings set com.canonical.notify-osd gravity NUMBERWhere the NUMBER can be: 1 – top-right corner 2 – middle-right 3 – bottom-right corner 4 – bottom-left corner 5 – middle-left 6 – top-left cornerEnjoy!Optionally, according to some web articles:$ gconftool-2 -s /apps/notify-osd/gravity --type=int 5CONCLUSIONS:There is nothing to do you can't change how the bubble looks like in Debian GNU/Linux Jessie.References:Web: there is a post that Shows how to make changes since the source, before compilation:

But again, the colors shown, like the blue background, do not correspond to the colors described inthe source under /wrk, so the system is doing something after that to show me another look.What happened to notification-daemon? It's kind of confusing:The program 'notification-daemon' was substituted with the notify-osd from the PPA repos.Alternative Solution:Use the notification style = system instead of = LiSpeak:You will see the notifications like a slider message box showing up since the notifications area, insteadof in a bubble on the left top of the screen.CUSTOMIZATION:Activate the option to Speak responses:RIGHT CLICK on the Mic on the Gnome notifications area an select \"settings\".You will hear a voice answering your questions.Create or download more plugins:Point your browser at, and create an account here: espeak TTS:$ espeak -v mb-us1 \"This is a test\"$ echo \"Hello World\" > texttospeech.txt$ espeak -v mb-us1 -f texttospeech.txtTTSs:References:Web: TTS is not installed but the option appears in the LiSpeak settings.The package that corresponds to this TTS is logged in the Official Debian repositories as a non-free,named \"svox\" here: the page, do the section Download the source:Make right click in the files to copy their locations.Download the files.Build the DEB package from sources.Install the package.Note: I received an error during the installation step after building.Output: This package is uninstallable Dependency is not satisfiable: libttspico-data

End of output.Solution: Search the dependency and install it before rerun the TTS installation.Rerun installation with gdebi.Test the new Engine with LiSpeak.References:Video: (Spanish): Sirius, a personal Assistant with Artificial Intelligence (AI)Web: http://sirius.clarity-lab.orgTopic: Siri VS cortana VS Google Now.Web: is an open-source end-to-end standalone intelligent personal assistant (IPA) service. Siriusreceives queries in the form of speech or images and returns results in the form of natural language:Go to the project home page: to the downloads section: have downloaded Sirius and Sirius-suite.Sirius uses a Wikipedia knowledge database, download the database (compressed 11GB):wiki_indri_index.tar.gzInstall sirius:$ sudo cp -dpR sirius-1.0.1.tar.gz /usr/src$ ls -hal sirius-1.0.1.tar.gzOutput:-rw-r--r-- 1 esteban esteban 417M May 28 03:14 sirius-1.0.1.tar.gz$ sudo tar xvzf sirius-1.0.1.tar.gzPrerequisitesSirius (and Sirius-suite) has several dependencies which can be resolved with the included The full list of dependencies is summarized below:Sphinx (sphinxbase and pocketsphinx)Kaldi

ProtobufOpenCV (v2.4.9)Java (v1.7.0_55)The file attempts to connect to Ubuntu PPA. I will have to verify thedependencies in the file. Here is the list of dependencies and availability:Update sources and install basics:git: Availablezip: Availableunzip: Availablesubversion: Availablesox: Availabledefault-jdk: Installed. The installation guidelines say that the program uses Java 1.7 (OpenJDK 7). Iinstalled the version 1.8 and am able to switch to Oracle Java 8. Let's test the program and if find aproblem there an option to remove OpenJDK 8 and install the version 7 and switch to Oracle Java torun the programs Openshot and Netbeans, etc., as I have show in my guide about Java.ant: Availableautomake: Availableautoconf: Availablelibtool: Availablebison: Availablelibboost-all-dev: Availableffmpeg: Search the program in the repos:$ apt-cache search 'automake' | lessThere are some results but nothing matches exactly to be installed.The program seems installed as a plugin or extension of the program VLC instead of as program:$ ffmpegBut I need to finish the installation review it.Reference:Web: Availablepython-pip: python-pip - alternative Python package installer, Available. The package should supportthe installation of the Sirius Web application.curl: AvailableGet opencv dependencies:build-essential: Installedcheckinstall: Availablegit: Available. However I don't wanted to install it from the Official Debian repos to fetch it from a Macsite. I am going to take the \"risk\" intalling it beucase I believe it's only required to fetch some sourcesfrom the hosting repo, for example the source described in the file I am going toremove the package later, before I attempt to access the Mac sources.cmake: Available.

libfaac-dev: Run: $ sudo apt-cache search 'libfaac' | less. Package not found.I go to check the availability on the Debian package Web site: The package type is 'non-free' and then I need to setup thesources.list file to add 'non-free' to the official repos, like this: deb main non-freeRemember to restore the default repo configuration before continue.References:Web: Available.libmp3lame-dev: Available.libopencore-amrnb-dev: Available.libopencore-amrwb-dev: Available.libsdl1.2-dev: Available.libtheora-dev: Available.libva-dev: Available.libvdpau-dev: Available.libvorbis-dev: Available.libx11-dev: Installed.libxfixes-dev: Available.libxvidcore-dev: Available.texi2html: Available.yasm: Available.zlib1g-dev: Available.Get tessaract text recognition:tesseract-ocr: Available.tesseract-ocr-eng: Available.libtesseract-dev: Available.libleptonica-dev: Available.Get ATLAS library for Kaldi:libatlas-dev: Available.libatlas-base-dev: Available.Get protobuf for image-matching:libprotobuf-dev: Available.protobuf-compiler: Available.Get deps for web application:pip install wtforms Flask requests pickledb

At this point I notice that I don't have problems to download the dependencies, but as there aren'tPPAs in Debian so I am unable to run the script but install the dependenciesmanually, as follows:Add a new version of the Official Jessie repos include 'non-free' to the file /etc/apt/sources.list, anddon't forget to disable the official repos during the next installation to avoid the error message aboutduplicate sources:The disabled section would look like this:#deb jessie main#deb-src jessie mainThe new repo section would look like this:# Official Jessie repos include 'non-free'# Packages: libfaac-dev,deb jessie main non-freeRun the first installation:$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install libfaac-devRestore the previous file status before proceed with the next installations.$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.listInstall the most of the software required:$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install git zip unzip subversion sox ant automake autoconf libtool bison libboost-all-devswig python-pip curl checkinstall git cmake libjack-jackd2-dev libmp3lame-dev libopencore-amrnb-devlibopencore-amrwb-dev libsdl1.2-dev libtheora-dev libva-dev libvdpau-dev libvorbis-dev libx11-devlibxfixes-dev libxvidcore-dev texi2html yasm zlib1g-dev tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-eng libtesseract-devlibleptonica-dev libatlas-dev libatlas-base-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compilerFor your information:Debian is using update alternatives to switch from packages versions in some packages to providesome functionality. Here is the list of packages that switched during the last installation:update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/mpirun.openmpi to provide /usr/bin/mpirun (mpirun) in automodeupdate-alternatives: using /usr/bin/automake-1.14 to provide /usr/bin/automake (automake) in automodeupdate-alternatives: using /usr/bin/bison.yacc to provide /usr/bin/yacc (yacc) in auto modeupdate-alternatives: using /usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/ to provide /usr/lib/ in auto modeupdate-alternatives: using /usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/ to provide /usr/lib/ in auto mode

Setting up libblas-dev (1.2.20110419-10) ...update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/libblas/ to provide /usr/lib/ ( in automodeupdate-alternatives: using /usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/ to provide /usr/lib/ in auto modeupdate-alternatives: using /usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/ to provide /usr/lib/ in auto modeSetting up libblas-dev (1.2.20110419-10) ...update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/libblas/ to provide /usr/lib/ ( in automodeupdate-alternatives: using /usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/ to provide /usr/lib/ ( auto modeupdate-alternatives: using /usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/ to provide /usr/lib/ in auto modeupdate-alternatives: using /usr/lib/openmpi/include to provide /usr/include/mpi (mpi) in auto mode$ sudo pip install wtforms Flask requests pickledbResolve the existent problem with ffmpeg:I have searched the program in the Official and there a 'sid' (unstable) versions, so I to not search inthe Ubuntu's PPAs.Reference:Web: to the page:FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux,stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports themost obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge.This package contains:ffmpeg: a command line tool to convert multimedia files between formatsffserver: a multimedia streaming server for live broadcastsffplay: a simple media player based on SDL and the FFmpeg librariesffprobe: a simple multimedia stream analyzerAdd the repo that corresponds to fetch the program to the local system. I have used this repo already,so simply activate to install, and add the package to the list:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list# Sid mirror in North America# Packages: virtualbox-guest-additions-iso 4.3.18-3,deb sid main non-freeRun the installation:$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install ffmpegAgain, remember to restore the repository sources to the status before run the present installation.Next step is to run is a software built in c++ to run code in real time.$ /usr/src/sirius-1.0.1/sirius-application$ sudo ./get-opencv.shThe script pulls all the sources from the hosting server:, and makes the directory build and build the code binaries.Next step is to run the script to get kaldhi:Kaldi open-source speech recognition project.$ sudo ./get-kaldi.shkaldhi is going to call another script called under the directory kaldhi/scripts. This newscript is going to pull the kaldhi sources in a similar way as the last script did with opencv.The last setting up step to compile Sirius:$ sudo ./compile-sirius-servers.shNext section is about how to use the tree features of Sirius:For a detailed description of each, visit: Speech Recognition (ASR):According this setting up section of the page: open an ASR server:$ cd /usr/src/sirius-1.0.1/sirius-application/run-scripts$ sudo ./start-asr-server.shor$ sudo ./ pocketsphinxor specify an ASR, hostname and port:$ ./ pocketsphinx localhost 8081In a separate terminal, to test ASR:$ sudo ./ ../inputs/questions/ server output should be the transcription:transcript []: what is the speed of lighttranscript []: what is the speed of lighttranscript []: what is the speed of light

Image Matching (IMM):Image Matching uses SURF to match query images to a stored database.SURF is a Class for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features from an image.In image-matching/ first build and store a database of descriptors in protobuf format where thearguments are the name of the database and the directory containing the images:$ cd /usr/src/sirius-1.0.1/sirius-application/image-matching/$ sudo ./ landmarks matching/landmarks/db/To change the database used by the IMM service, change the name in image-matching/ run-scripts/, open the IMM server:$ sudo ./start-imm-server.shIn a separate terminal, test IMM using:$ sudo ./ ../image-matching/matching/landmarks/query/query.jpgQuestion-Answering System (QA):The Question-Answering system uses OpenEphyra and a Wikipedia database stored in Lemur’s Indriformat.Ephyra is a modular and extensible framework for open domain question answering (QA). The systemretrieves accurate answers to natural language questions from the Web and other sources.Indri is a search engine that provides state-of-the-art text search and a rich structured query languagefor text collections of up to 50 million documents (single machine) or 500 million documents(distributed search). Available for Linux, Solaris, Windows and Mac OSX.Extract the Wikipedia database (after untaring and building question-answer):$ wget step has not been described but questions-answer/ has not been extracted:$ sudo tar xvzf question-answer.tar.gz$ tar xzvf wiki_indri_index.tar.gz -C question-answer/Build OpenEphyra:$ cd sirius-application/question-answer/$ ant -file build.xmlIn run-scripts/, open the QA server:$ sudo start ./start-qa-server.shIn a separate terminal, test QA using:$ ./ \"what is the speed of light\"At this point I got an error when I run I resolved the error modifying the quantity ofcores in the script, as follows:export INDRI_INDEX=`pwd`/wiki_indri_index/#export THREADS=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l)export THREADS=4

Unfortunately I got a new error when running th server again, the server seems OK, but Sirius isunable to analyze the question.Error output:...for IDENTITY...for PROFESSION...for LANGUAGE...for GRADUATE...for POPULATION...for DATEOFMARRIAGE...for DATEOFDISCOVERY...done2015-05-30 14:27:08.413:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-8.1.14.v201310312015-05-30 14:27:34.714:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:StartedSelectChannelConnector@localhost:8080Query str: query=what%20is%20the%20speed%20of%20light+++++ Analyzing question (2015-05-30 14:30:09) +++++Normalization: what be the speed of light## A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:## SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f9f64973d00, pid=18483, tid=140322196354816## JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_45-b14) (build 1.8.0_45-b14)# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.45-b02 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressedoops)# Problematic frame:# V []## Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try \"ulimit -cunlimited\" before starting Java again## An error report file with more information is saved as:# /usr/src/sirius-1.0.1/sirius-application/question-answer/hs_err_pid18483.log## If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:# line 41: 18483 Aborted java -Djava.library.path=lib/search/ -server-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m info.ephyra.OpenEphyraServer $ip $portEnd of error.I read the file question-answer/hs_err_pid18483.log but it does not provide much useful information.

I switch Java version before re-run the servers:$ sudo update-alternatives --config javaAnd then choose OpenJDK 1.7Restart servers:$ cd /usr/src/sirius-1.0.1/sirius-application/run-scripts/$ sudo ./$ ./ \"what is the speed of light\"The command at least let me advance in the starting process:$ ulimit -c unlimited$ ulimit -c# ulimit -c unlimited# ulimit -cYou have to rerun always these commands before start the service after a reboot. You can add thecommand to a systemd service.However, after a new attempt a new error message appears.Error output:Creating WordNet dictionary...## A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:## SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f54c9b893c3, pid=3765, tid=140002161796864## JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (7.0_79-b14) (build 1.7.0_79-b14)# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (24.79-b02 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)# Derivative: IcedTea 2.5.5# Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie), package 7u79-2.5.5-1~deb8u1# Problematic frame:# V [] instanceKlass::find_method(objArrayOopDesc*, Symbol*, Symbol*)+0x63## Core dump written. Default location: /usr/src/sirius-1.0.1/sirius-application/question-answer/core orcore.3765## An error report file with more information is saved as:# /usr/src/sirius-1.0.1/sirius-application/question-answer/hs_err_pid3765.log## If you would like to submit a bug report, please include# instructions on how to reproduce the bug and visit:# line 41: 3765 Aborted (core dumped) java -Djava.library.path=lib/search/-server -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m info.ephyra.OpenEphyraServer $ip $port

End of output.Notes:The message says the problemtic packages is:ii icedtea-7-jre-jamvm:amd64 7u79-2.5.5-1~deb8u1 amd64 Alternative JVM forOpenJDK, using JamVMCheck the packages already installed:$ sudo dpkg -l | grep 'iced'There are two icedtea plugins. I am going to remove the problematic package:$ sudo apt-get remove icedtea-7-jre-jamvm:amd64I run the services from the text mode:Press CTRL +ALT + F1, F2, etc.To know what term you are:$ ttyTo control x-server:$ sudo startx --stop$ sudo startx --restart$ sudo startxAttempt to start the Sirius QA service:$ sudo ./ pocketsphinx localhost 8081$ sudo ./$ ulimit -c unlimited$ ulimit -c# ulimit -c unlimited# ulimit -c# ./$ sudo ./ \"What is the speed of light\"All the services are running but take a look at the output of the test. The server is not respondingcorrectly. Output:(1) Your query test is:What is the spped of light(2) Sending request to servercurl: (52) Empty reply from serverEnd of output.Combined services:These also is not responding the question \"What is the capital lf Italy\".. the qa server is lookinf for ananswer but it's confusin g the work Italy and replaces it with the word \"afiliates\" and can't find acorrect answer.Command executed:$ ./ ../input/real/

I am going to come back to know what is going on with the application sometimes. unfortunately I amlooking for something that works almost Out fo teh Box. Web site: the email lists:Semantic databases:Could anyone point me in the right direction as to how to be able to get the QA server to answerquestions from my own data? I'm especially interested in being able to answer questions about datacontained in a semantic database (RDF). I imagine this may involve somehow turning the normalizedquestion into a SPARQL query somehow.Hey, i am interested in that too. As soon, as sirius is more a shell, you should extend project.Quick search about OpenEphyra + RDF i found the answer from a contributorA knowledge annotator only makes sense if you have a source that already provides answers tospecific kinds of questions in a way that makes it easy to extract them. The format doesn't reallymatter: it can be a relational database, a website that follows a certain template (such as the CIAWorld Factbook), a web service (e.g. providing weather information) etc. An ontology may work too.Knowledge annotators are intended as a mechanism for extracting answers to frequent types ofquestions with high confidence from specialized sources. It takes some manual effort to create aknowledge annotator (i.e. write a wrapper for a particular source), but it is a rather save way toimprove the performance if you have some idea about the distribution of the questions.Technically, you could extract question-answer pairs from an encyclopedia and store them in adatabase (e.g. a table containing frequently seeked properties of a person, such as date of birth,profession etc.), and then integrate this DB with a knowledge annotator. This may make sense if youare concerned about the runtime of the system.So if you will build such base please inform me, that's an really interesting thing!Web interface:The web interface is a prototype and probably should not be used as a final web front-end to runSirius, more of a starting point. I would also recommend starting from the provided shell scripts andeven implementing your own. We are currently working on front-end(s).Sirius client:

References:To watch some tour videos, go to: hauswald15asplos.pdfFile: sirius-lightning.pdfFile: sirius-talk.pdfFile: sirius-tutorial.pdfAudio and MusicAudacityAudacity Installation:# apt-get update# apt-get install audacityYou don't need to install LAME as in Windows to export the files.Test the program editing and exporting sound files:$ audacityFor professional audio install KXStudioFrescobaldiPendingKXStudioThe KXStudio repositories support all Debian versions since Jessie and Ubuntu 14.04 or above.- Install the repositories, using the repository fileThese packages contain:Various sources files that activates the separate repositoriesGPG keys used for package and repository signingA post-install script that enables an extra, Ubuntu-specific repositoryInstall required dependencies if needed:$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https software-properties-common wgetDownload package file:$ wget it:

$ sudo dpkg -i kxstudio-repos_9.2.2~kxstudio1_all.debIf you're using a system newer or equal to Debian Testing or Ubuntu 15.10 you'll also need to enableGCC5 packages. You can do so by installing this deb file - kxstudio-repos-gcc5.deb, or manually byrunning this:Download package file:$ wget it:$ sudo dpkg -i kxstudio-repos-gcc5_9.2.2~kxstudio1_all.debWhen the repository is installed, update the system repositories under /etc/apt:$ sudo apt-get updateIf you get a repository error message about GPG keys issue, read this guide to resolve it:References:Topic: Resolve GPG keyring issue. Read teh sections: \"The problem of Who watches the watcher?\",\"PGP\", GnuPG, and Seahorse. The section \"GnuPG\" gives you the problem solution.Guide:Verify download integrity, PGP, GPG, GNUPG, SeahorseAccording to the web site the repositories file installation steps can changeReferences:Web: Add KXStudio Repositories.pdf- Install KXstudioReferences:Web: Update to KXStudio from Ubuntu and Debian.pdfOnce you have the KXStudio repositories installed, you will have a larger selection of software tochoose from. You can now do one of two things, install individual packages, or else update yoursystem to KXStudio (recommended).There are two ways to go about updating your system to KXStudio. The first involves installing all ofKXStudio available software packages AND updating your desktop environment to KDE, which is thedefault used in KXStudio. If you want to do this, go to your software center/package manager andinstall the following packages:$ sudo apt-get install kxstudio-desktop$ sudo apt-get install kxstudio-meta-all

If you would like to install all software packages from KXstudio but keep your existing desktopenvironment as default (Unity, XFCE, LXDE) you can install the following packages:$ sudo apt-get install kxstudio-default-settingsSay.. use the packages since Gnome. KXStudio Desktop spends much resources like the swappingpartition. Also Gnome is the only Desktop environment fully supporting digital USB sound andmicrophones, like my Microsoft LX 3000 Headset. Neither XFCE or LXDE support this device.Issues:KXStudio is working perfectly, and the migration to Debian is almost done, but if you run their appssince Gnome you'll notice that the apps look very basic, perhaps QTK or pure basic GTK or QT, due toGnome uses GTK and KDE QT to generate desktop GUIs. Anyway, I am not losing KXStudio applicationsfeatures and the issue helps me to free RAM memory.- Setting up KXStudioThe configuration depends on the operator objectives.One of the most important steps is to Setup the Audio Device in the Tab \"Tools\" in Cadence.References:I am writing an illustrated book regarding professional audio.(Link pending here)- Install extra Audio and Music apps I like the most$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.lit$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install qjackctl$ sudo apt-get install vmpkReferences:Topic: Get more sound applications. Read the section \"Get sound applications:\" in the guide.Guide: Sound- Further readingsReferences:Topic: KXStudio discussion in Linux MusiciansWeb: KXStudio Discussion - LinuxMusicians.pdfTopic: Related guidesGuides:AudacityFrescobaldiKXStudioLinthesia

Sound Recorder3D Acceleratin and VRK3bFFmpegHandbrakeKdenliveTopic: KXStudio alternative. This is a good option but is some old, based on Debian 6.0, Squeeze. Isometimes boot it from USB Pendrives, but I almost left it when I found KXStudio. I love pre-installeddistributions like this, to avoid massive program installation and configuration.Web: DistroWatch.pdfTopic: Increase the system, cpu and kernel optimization and performanceGuide: Optimization and performance, speed up computer, save battery powerLinthesiaPendingMusic Players- Amarok (Is iPOD and iPhone compatible, and has an Android app for remote controlling. Number 1 infiles management)- Atunes (Has an intercace similar to iTunes)- Mixxx ( Is DJ tracktor system. Also comes in KXStudio)- Media centers (I.E. KODI)- XMMS (Seems like Winamp)- XMMS2 (Is not XMMS)- VLC (Plays virtually every audio and video format I know)- Banshee (Is iPOD and iPhone compatible)- Rhythmbox (Best for audio streaming)- Gnome Player (Works normally with Jackd and Jack Server in KXStudio)- Miro Player- Spotify (There is a Windows version available to download in the menu \"Multimedia\" in PlayonLInux)- Many more...Sound RecorderFrom Gnome Desktop search for the application Sound Recorder or from the terminal:$ gnome-sound-recorderBrowsers

FirefoxIt's easy to install Firefox browser on Debian 8.Debian by default comes with Iceweasel web browser instead of firefox. Although it is recommendedto use Iceweasel you may have a need to install firefox are here is a simple way how to install firefoxon Debian Jessie by using Linux mint's debian import repository.Firstly edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and add the following line:deb debian importAt this point on my sources.list file it looks like this:# Mint# Packages: Firefox,#deb debian importUpdate your package list:# apt-get updateIf there is the unavailble gpg key 3EE67F3D0FF405B2 problem:# gpg --keyserver --recv-key 3EE67F3D0FF405B2# gpg -a --export 3EE67F3D0FF405B2 | apt-key add -# apt-get updateThe above command will fetch mint package repository list. As a last step install firefox browser:# apt-get install firefoxYou may want to DISABLE Linux Mint's package repository after Firefox installation by commenting anewly added line in apt sources.list.Firefox Web Browser installation on Debian 8 Jessie LinuxNote:All be files fetched with APT will be downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives/ before their installation.In this case I got the file firefox_37.0~linuxmint1+betsy_amd64.deb which seems a Mint file, butworks perfectly on Debian 8.To run the browser:You will see the icon, but on the command line do:$ fire (And press TAB key on the keyboard)Output:You should see firefox and firefox.realTest the two options to make sure which is Firefox and which isn't.

Bonus - How to improve Firefox:It's all about performance.In the address bar on the browser enter:0: about:configFor the values to create:Right click and choose New > ENTRY and select the value.Here is a list of the default values:1-network.prefetch-next = true2-Create an integer : content.notify.interval = 500003-Create boolean : content.notify.ontimer = true4-Create an integer : nglayout.initialpaint.delay = 05-browser.cache.disk.capacity = 3584006-network.http.pipelining = false7-network.http.proxy.pipelining = true8-network.http.pipelining.maxrequests = 329-network.http.max-connections-per-server = 25610-network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server = 611-network.http.pipelining.ssl = false12-dom.disable_window_open_feature.menubar = false13-dom.disable_window_move_resize = false14-dom.disable_window_open_feature.titlebar = false15-dom.disable_window_open_feature.toolbar = falseand last but not least:network.dns.disableIPv6 = trueSetup the new values as follows:1-network.prefetch-next = false2-Create an integer : content.notify.interval = 500003-Create boolean : content.notify.ontimer = true4-Create an integer : nglayout.initialpaint.delay = 05-browser.cache.disk.capacity = 131072 (= 128 RAM. ie. 1024KB = 1MB).6-network.http.pipelining = true7-network.http.proxy.pipelining = true8-network.http.pipelining.maxrequests = 309-network.http.max-connections-per-server = 3010-network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server = 811-network.http.pipelining.ssl = true12-dom.disable_window_open_feature.menubar = true13-dom.disable_window_move_resize = true14-dom.disable_window_open_feature.titlebar = true

15-dom.disable_window_open_feature.toolbar = trueand last but not least:network.dns.disableIPv6 = trueMore changes I made:browser.sessionhistory.max_entries = 5browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers = 5Right click and choose New > ENTRY and select the value (boolean):config.trim_on_minimize = True, and restart Firefoxbrowser.cache.disk.capacity = 131072 (1024 KB (1 MB) x 128 MB. This value changed automatically tothe default but the status row still says 'user set')browser.cache.offline.capacity = 131072browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value = 131072Check memory:about:cache?device=memoryAdd Ons:Free Memory 0.95 (Add On)Memory restart 1.18Suspend Tab. Suspends background old tabs automatically to save memory usage.Firebug 2.0.9DeveloperFasterfox. Makes some configuration change, like in teh section \"Bonus - How to improve Firefox:\".Testwise. Software Testing.Sync:Create a sync account to save your addons and bookmarks, and synchronize your devices.Monitors:# top# ps -aux | grep 'firefox.real'Graphical system monitor extension looks very cool in the new notifications' bar. Toggle it to ON in theGnome Tweak Tool.More:Default Google (encrypted) as Search Engine, from the PREFERENCES Menu.Activate Add On BarReferences:Web: turn on the Video Acceleration go to the menu PREFERENCES., or type\"about:preferences#advanced\" in the address bar.

To verify that WebGL is enabled:The web standard in 3D graphics acceleration. Considered as an alternative to Flash, Unity andSilverlight.To tell if you’re using hardware acceleration in Firefox:Enter \"about:support\" into your address bar. At the bottom of that page is a section labeled“Graphics.” If you’re using hardware acceleration, this section will contain a message similar to “GPUAccelerated Windows: 1/1 Direct3D 10′′.References:Web: does my browser support webgl.pdfWeb: Enable 3D page inspector in Firefox.pdfWeb: Website in 3D using Firefox Tilt Inspector.pdfWeb: How to tell if you have hardware accel.pdfWeb: webgl examples for testing.pdfGuides:Video card3D Acceleration and VRGoogle ChromeRegardless of whether you are using 32- and 64-bit support for Google Chrome has been completelyfinished, so the only option left is simply uninstall the browser and using nothing more and nothingless than the version of Chromium is in such repositories, use another browser or simply update therespective distribution also to remove the repository of Google Chrome.In case of you experience problems with Google Hangouts, you can add the Hangouts plugin to PidginMessenger. More information in the Pidgin guide. (LINK)Chromium installation:Chromium is an open source web browser that strives for a secure, fast and stable web browsingexperience for its users. It is the open source project behind Google Chrome.$ apt-cache search chromium$ sudo apt-get install chromium chromium-l10n chromium-inspectorThe package chromium-l10n is only used for localization and is optional

References:Web: Chromium - Debian Wiki.pdfChrome installation:Find a copy of the most recent version on the Internet.For a 32bit version copy, you can still go to a web site like this to download the program before the32bit support ends as Google states:Web: like this to resolve dependencies:# dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.debIf you need dependencies:# apt-get -f installInstall dependencies. and next re-run the installer:# dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.debYou can also install using the program gdebi:$ sudo apt-cache search gdebi$ sudo gdebi google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.debFind the app in the search bar or type:$ google-chromeThe command is going to start the browser.Here are some performance tips:Let’s start by pointing out the main differences between plugins and extensions.What is a Plugin?A plugin is a third party library that attaches itself to the browser. It can be embedded inside a webpage, in which case it will work only in that specific web page.Examples of common plugins: Flash, Java, Microsoft Silverlight, Apple Quicktime, Adobe Reader.What is an Extension?Extensions, or “add-ons,” can add onto the browser user interface and process pages that the browserloads. Although you might think they are similar, in fact extensions are not the same as plugins; theyaffect the web browser itself, as well as the page. Some examples of important or necessary add-onsinclude: Adblock Plus, Firebug, Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant.

Below you will find instructions on how to remove or disable unnecessary plugins and extensions forGoogle Chrome:Open Google Chrome and click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.Click Tools.Select Extensions.Click the trash can icon by the extension you'd like to completely remove.When the confirmation dialog appears, click Remove.You can also temporarily turn off an extension by disabling it on the Extensions page.Clear browsing cache and cookies:To empty the cache of your internet browser, follow the next steps:Open Google ChromeClick on the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.Select Tools.Select Clear browsing data.In the dialog check the boxes for the types of information that you want to remove (Clear browsinghistory, Clear download history, Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data, Empty the cache –these are checked by default, and it is recommended to keep them checked)Use the dropdown menu at the top of the window to select the amount of data that you want todelete. Select the beginning of time to delete everything.Click Clear browsing data.Reset your browser settings:Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.Select Settings.Click Show advanced settings and find the \"Reset browser settings” section.Click Reset browser settings.In the dialog window, click Reset.Note: when you check \"Help make Google Chrome better by reporting the current settings\" you areanonymously sending Google your Chrome settings.Great suspender:It's an extension to Automatically suspend unused tabs to free up system resources.Unloads, parks, and also suspends tabs to reduce memory footprint of chrome.Tabs can auto-suspend after a configurable period of time or be suspended manually. Tabs can bewhitelisted to avoid automatic suspension. Suspended tabs are retained after closing and reopeningbrowser, preventing many tabs from all reloading after a restart. Very simple, intuitive interface.IcedteaIn order to install Iceweasel and other browsers Java support, run the package manager:$ sudo synapticSearch for: javaSearch for: icedtea

Or use:$ sudo apt-get update$ apt-cache search 'icetea'Search results:icedtea-7-plugin - web browser plugin based on OpenJDK and IcedTea to execute Java appletsicedtea-netx - NetX - implementation of the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP)icedtea-netx-common - NetX - implementation of the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP)icedtea-plugin - web browser plugin to execute Java applets (dependency package)icedtea-7-jre-jamvm - Alternative JVM for OpenJDK, using JamVMInstall the packages:$ sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin icedtea-netx icedtea-netx-common icedtea-plugin icedtea-7-jre-jamvmRestart your Web browsers.Firefox:FF has the plugin and is working fine. To test, I visited: plugin so version 1.7 (Java 7, but eh program installed is version 8. I am installing stable packages,but maybe there is a 8 version in testing or sid repos).Only necessary if Firefox browser plugin is not working after installing Oracle Java:ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/lib/<architecture>/ ~/.mozilla/pluginsIceweasel: works well.Google Chrome:Chrome does not support Java plugins:Message from have detected you are using Google Chrome and might be unable to use the Java plugin from thisbrowser. Starting with Version 42 (released April 2015), Chrome has disabled the standard way inwhich browsers support plugins.Some info taken from:Web: Iceweasel Java support.pdf.Notes:

It is possible to download a newest version of Oracle Java from the Ubuntu PPA repositories butDebian has not PPA to be able to 'apt-get install' from those repos. In some cases you have to knowhow to simply download with wget from PPAs, if possible. Anyways the compilation worked well and itis not necessary.I am not storing the packages in /usr/src because they are DEB packages, but it is a good idea to buildthe sources under usr/src /usr/local/srcIt is possible to switch between plugin, for example from iced-tea-plugin to icedtea-6-plugin. Itdepends on the browser, system, plugin and Java versions. Basically you have to change a symlink tothe plugin. Research on google.Java would stop working on browsers due to JavaScript Today is the Internet language and if thebrowsers like Internet Explorer (Deprecated), Spartan (Under testing) and Firefox deprecate the NPAPIwhich allows to connect Java client-server. The NPAPI has many errors, and that is the reason whyGoogle removed it from its browser. On the other hand, I recently read an article which says HTML6 isthe future of the Web, but I don't think that HTML 6 will do all the things you can you with JavaScript.Anyway I don't know what is going to happen with Java, at least for the Web.BroadcastersOBSOpen Broadcaster Software (OBS)References:Topic: OBS software is not working in Debian Jessie.Guide: Static, shared dynamic and loadable librariesIssues:The software works on Ubuntu, so I would try to build the software cloned from GIT.Guides:Source code & Debian forks source codeBuild packages from sourceLinuxbrew - GitLinuxbrew - Git toolsCD BurnersK3bPending

CompressorsWinRARGo to and download the file, or:wget -c copy the file to /usr/src# cp -dpR /home/esteban/Downloads/rarlinux-x64-5.2.1.tar.gz /usr/src# cd /usr/src# tar -xzf rarlinux-x64-5.2.1.tar.gz# cd rar# makeOutput:mkdir -p /usr/local/binmkdir -p /usr/local/libcp rar unrar /usr/local/bincp rarfiles.lst /etccp default.sfx /usr/local/libHow to use rar:$ unrar x filename.rarOr use the program Archive Manager which is going to work now with the mouse, RIGHT CLICK andEXTRACT HERE...Desktop EnhancersCairo-dockCairo-Dock is an animated application launch bar for the desktop, comparable to the dock in Mac OS Xor Rocket Dock (for Windows). Now, you can use Cairo-Dock with OpenGL (to use your graphic card!).It is compatible with Compiz-Fusion, Beryl, Compiz and Xcompmgr, but it can also run without acomposite manager (using fake transparency). Cairo-Dock can run under GNOME, KDE and XFCE.$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-cache search 'cairo'Output:cairo-dock - Metapackage for cairo-dockcairo-dock-core - Light eye-candy fully themable animated dock for Linux desktopcairo-dock-dev - Cairo-dock develpment filecairo-dock-alsamixer-plug-in - Alsamixer plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-animated-icons-plug-in - Animated icons plug-in Cairo-dockcairo-dock-cairo-penguin-plug-in - Cairo-Penguin plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-clipper-plug-in - Clipper plug-in for Cairo-dock

cairo-dock-clock-plug-in - Clock plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-dbus-plug-in - Dbus plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-mono - library of D-Bus interface for mono of Cairo-dockcairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-python - library of D-Bus interface for Python of Cairo-dockcairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-ruby - library of D-Bus interface for ruby of Cairo-dockcairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-vala - library of D-Bus interface for vala of Cairo-dockcairo-dock-desklet-rendering-plug-in - Desklet rendering plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-dialog-rendering-plug-in - Dialog rendering plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-dnd2share-plug-in - Dnd2share plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-drop-indicator-plug-in - Drop indicator plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-dustbin-plug-in - Dustbin plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-folders-plug-in - Folders plug-in Cairo-dockcairo-dock-gmenu-plug-in - GMenu plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-gnome-integration-plug-in - GNOME integration plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-icon-effect-plug-in - Icon effect plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-illusion-plug-in - Illusion plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-impulse-plug-in - Implus plug-in Cairo-dockcairo-dock-kde-integration-plug-in - KDE integration plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-keyboard-indicator-plug-in - Keyboard indicator plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-logout-plug-in - Logout plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-mail-plug-in - Mail plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-messaging-menu-plug-in - Messaging menu plug-in Cairo-dockcairo-dock-motion-blur-plug-in - Motion blur plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-musicplayer-plug-in - Music player plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-netspeed-plug-in - Netspeed plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-plug-in-data - Cairo-dock - Plug-in data filescairo-dock-plug-ins - Cairo-dock - All plug-inscairo-dock-powermanager-plug-in - Powermanager plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-quick-browser-plug-in - Quick browser plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-recent-events-plug-in - Recent events plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-remote-control-plug-in - Remote control plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-rendering-plug-in - Rendering plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-rssreader-plug-in - RSS Reader plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-shortcuts-plug-in - Shortcuts plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-showdesktop-plug-in - Show desktop plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-showmouse-plug-in - Showmouse plug-in Cairo-dockcairo-dock-slider-plug-in - Slider plug-in Cairo-dockcairo-dock-stack-plug-in - Stack plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-switcher-plug-in - Switcher plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-system-monitor-plug-in - System Monitor plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-systray-plug-in - Systray plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-terminal-plug-in - Terminal plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-tomboy-plug-in - Tomboy plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-toons-plug-in - Toons plug-in for Cairo-dock

cairo-dock-weather-plug-in - Weather plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-weblets-plug-in - Weblets plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-wifi-plug-in - Wifi plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-xfce-integration-plug-in - Xfce integration plug-in for Cairo-dockcairo-dock-xgamma-plug-in - Xgamma plug-in for Cairo-dock$ sudo apt-get install cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-insOutput:The following extra packages will be installed: cairo-dock-alsamixer-plug-in cairo-dock-animated-icons-plug-in cairo-dock-cairo-penguin-plug-in cairo-dock-clipper-plug-in cairo-dock-clock-plug-in cairo-dock-core cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in cairo-dock-desklet-rendering-plug-in cairo-dock-dialog-rendering-plug-in cairo-dock-dnd2share-plug-in cairo-dock-drop-indicator-plug-in cairo-dock-dustbin-plug-in cairo-dock-folders-plug-in cairo-dock-gmenu-plug-in cairo-dock-icon-effect-plug-in cairo-dock-illusion-plug-in cairo-dock-impulse-plug-in cairo-dock-keyboard-indicator-plug-in cairo-dock-logout-plug-in cairo-dock-mail-plug-in cairo-dock-messaging-menu-plug-in cairo-dock-motion-blur-plug-in cairo-dock-musicplayer-plug-in cairo-dock-netspeed-plug-in cairo-dock-plug-in-data cairo-dock-powermanager-plug-in cairo-dock-quick-browser-plug-in cairo-dock-recent-events-plug-in cairo-dock-remote-control-plug-in cairo-dock-rendering-plug-in cairo-dock-rssreader-plug-in cairo-dock-shortcuts-plug-in cairo-dock-showdesktop-plug-in cairo-dock-showmouse-plug-in cairo-dock-slider-plug-in cairo-dock-stack-plug-in cairo-dock-switcher-plug-in cairo-dock-system-monitor-plug-in cairo-dock-systray-plug-in cairo-dock-terminal-plug-in cairo-dock-tomboy-plug-in cairo-dock-toons-plug-in cairo-dock-weather-plug-in cairo-dock-weblets-plug-in cairo-dock-wifi-plug-in cairo-dock-xgamma-plug-in gnome-power-manager gnote libdbusmenu-gtk3-4 libetpan17 libindicator3-7 libzeitgeist-1.0-1Suggested packages: f-spot gcalctool cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-python cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-ruby cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-mono cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in-interface-valaRecommended packages: cairo-dock-pluginsThe following NEW packages will be installed: cairo-dock cairo-dock-alsamixer-plug-in cairo-dock-animated-icons-plug-in cairo-dock-cairo-penguin-plug-in cairo-dock-clipper-plug-in cairo-dock-clock-plug-in cairo-dock-core cairo-dock-dbus-plug-in

cairo-dock-desklet-rendering-plug-in cairo-dock-dialog-rendering-plug-in cairo-dock-dnd2share-plug-in cairo-dock-drop-indicator-plug-in cairo-dock-dustbin-plug-in cairo-dock-folders-plug-in cairo-dock-gmenu-plug-in cairo-dock-icon-effect-plug-in cairo-dock-illusion-plug-in cairo-dock-impulse-plug-in cairo-dock-keyboard-indicator-plug-in cairo-dock-logout-plug-in cairo-dock-mail-plug-in cairo-dock-messaging-menu-plug-in cairo-dock-motion-blur-plug-in cairo-dock-musicplayer-plug-in cairo-dock-netspeed-plug-in cairo-dock-plug-in-data cairo-dock-plug-ins cairo-dock-powermanager-plug-in cairo-dock-quick-browser-plug-in cairo-dock-recent-events-plug-in cairo-dock-remote-control-plug-in cairo-dock-rendering-plug-in cairo-dock-rssreader-plug-in cairo-dock-shortcuts-plug-in cairo-dock-showdesktop-plug-in cairo-dock-showmouse-plug-in cairo-dock-slider-plug-in cairo-dock-stack-plug-in cairo-dock-switcher-plug-in cairo-dock-system-monitor-plug-in cairo-dock-systray-plug-in cairo-dock-terminal-plug-in cairo-dock-tomboy-plug-in cairo-dock-toons-plug-in cairo-dock-weather-plug-in cairo-dock-weblets-plug-in cairo-dock-wifi-plug-in cairo-dock-xgamma-plug-in gnome-power-manager gnote libdbusmenu-gtk3-4 libetpan17 libindicator3-7 libzeitgeist-1.0-1Cairo will appear in the menu Activities => menu => applications menu, or run:$ cairo-dockIf you will, accept or deny the option to activate OpenGL, what it means 3D acceleration.RIGHT CLICK on the applications menu and setup cairo the way you like.Add these applets to the dock:PulseAudioLuminosityPower ManagementBinGet more applets:Web: to Cairo-dock:References:Topic: WbarWeb: Debian -- Details of package wbar in jessie.pdfTopic: Docky

Web: Debian -- Details of package docky in jessie.pdfCompiz-FusionInstallation steps:Install repo and GPG key:# wget -q -O- | apt-key add - && echo \"deb $(lsb_release -sc) main\" | tee/etc/apt/sources.list.d/compiz-debian.list && apt-get updateInstall Compiz:$ sudo apt-get install compizInstall optional package Emerald:$ sudo apt-get install emeraldInstall optional package Fusion Icon:$ apt-get install fusion-iconInstall optional package mate-compat plugin for better compatibility with MATE Desktop:$ apt-get install compiz-mateInstall optional package Plugins:$ sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-extraInstall the plugins unsupported and experimental, which have received the leastamount of review and are the most likely to be problematic on your system:$ sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupportedCompiz is not comptible with Gnome 3, so don't run Compiz in this Desktop Environment. In case ofyou want to use Gnome you can use a newer Desktop like Mate, a evolution of Gnome 2.I personally use the Compiz-Fusion plugins to create the cube virtual desktops, in XFCE and LXDE, forexample. The problem with these Destops is that, at least in Debian, they don't support my USBheadset, which I love to make web video conferences and record my voice, digitally instead ofanalogically, of course.I hope that the XFCE and LXDE maintainers notice these kind of problems and send me a solution.References:Web: Compiz Debian.pdfGuides:Change the default desktop managerFluxboxLXDEXFCEGnome Shell ExtensionsGnome Desktop Icons, Themes and Cursors

Video card3D acceleration and VRIf you can't enable the fusion icon or see windows titles:After all, remove the Desktop configuration files or directories of the current user such as/home/esteban/.config/xfce4, for Xfce:$ cd$ rm -rf ./config/xfceLog out and log in the session to load a new default desktop configuration, turn on the fusion icon,and then choose Compiz as your Window Manager.Compiz-Fusion can overheat the computer, especially laptops and notebooks. Use 'sensors' to monitorthe temperature and disable what you need.References:Guide: Optimization and performance, speed up computer, save battery powerConkyIt's a cool and useful system monitor... and more.Press ALT + F2 to see the command prompt, and then type \"gnome-terminal\" and hit ENTER.Installation:$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install conky conky-allAditional programs to check the processor temperature, etc:$ sudo apt-get install curl lm-sensors hddtempcurl: Improves the file transfers through the protocols HTTP,HTTPS and FTP.lm-sensors: Temperature and state of the CPU, fans and the voltage.hddtemp: HDD temperature.Run the application as program:$ conkyStop the application:$ pkill conkyRun the application as a daemon:$ conky -d$ ps -aux | grep 'conky' Sl 14:42 1:54 conky -dOutput:esteban 4640 0.4 0.1 516912 1456 ?

esteban 7862 0.0 0.2 12724 1952 pts/3 S+ 21:40 0:00 grep conkyKill the daemon:$ kill 4640Create the file /home/esteban/.conkyrc and add the custom configuration for your user session:$ touch /home/esteban/.conkyrc$ gedit /home/esteban/.conkyrcFile .conkyrc:# Data position, size, etc.background nofont yesxftalpha 0.1update interval 3.0total_run_times 0own_window yesown_window_type normalown_window_transparent yesown_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pagerdouble_buffer yesdraw_shades nodraw_outline nodraw_borders nodraw_graph_borders nominimum_size 200 6maximum_width 300default_color ffffffdefault_shade_color 000000default_outline_color 000000alignment top_rightgap_x 10gax_y 10no_buffers yescpu_avg_samples 2override_utf8_locale nouppercase nouse_spacer noown_window_argb_visual yesTEXT

# Configuration of the data to show# System name and kernel version${font Debian:style=bold:size:12}$sysname $alignr $kernel# Information about the processor and usage status bar${font Debian:style=bold:size=12}Processors $hr${font Debian:style=bold:size=8}CPU1: ${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar cpu1}CPU2: ${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar cpu2}# Processor temperatureTemperature: $alignr ${acpitemp} C# Status of the main partitions, RAM and swap${font Debian:style=bold:size=12}HDs, RAM and swap $hr${font Debian:style=bold:size=8}HOME $alignr ${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}${fs_bar /}${font Debian:style=bold:size=8}RAM $alignr $mem / $memmax${membar}${font Debian:style=bold:size=8}SWAP $alignr $swap / /$swapmax$swapbar# Status of the network interfaces${font Debian:style=bold:size=12}Network interface $hr${font Debian:style=bold:size=8}Down $alignr ${downspeed eth0}/s${downspeedgraph eth0 30,210 01df01 10fd10}${font Debian:style=bold:size=8}Up $alignr ${upspeed eth0}/s${upspeedgraph eth0 30,210 0000ff ff0000}# Usage of CPU${font Debian:style=bold:size=12}CPU usage $hr${font Debian:style=bold:size=8}${top name 1}$alignr${top cpu 1}%${top name 2}$alignr${top cpu 2}%${top name 3}$alignr${top cpu 3}%# Usage of RAM${font Debian:style=bold:size=12}RAM usage $hr${font Debian:style=bold:size=8}${top_mem name 1}$alignr${top_mem mem 1}%${top_mem name 2}$alignr${top_mem mem 2}%${top_mem name 3}$alignr${top_mem mem 3}End of the file.Start Conky again to see the new changes:

$ conky -dAdd to the main menu:Gnome > Applications > Main MenuCommand: conky -dIcon: /Usr/share/icons/gnome/48x448/mimetyes/appication-x-addon.pngIf you want to add Conky as a startup App, you can choose between:Add the program as a service to systemd or sysvinitAdd the program as a startup app in Gnome or FluxboxSee my Screensaver guide here for details:References:Guide: XscreensaverSkins and themes:Reference:Web: example, I am gong to install \"Conky Lua\":Web:$ cd && wget -O the files into /home/esteban, where the old .conkyrc resides:$ unzip conky-lua-gray.zipdrwxr-xr-x 2 esteban esteban 4.0K Jul 12 2012 .conky-rw-r--r-- 1 esteban esteban 2.5K Mar 18 2013 .conkyrcIf the program was turned off, just type ALT + F2 and start the program.Conky Manager:You can try to donwload the program from the PPAs of Ubuntu and build the program from source.You can learn to build packages from source with this guide:References:Guide:Build packages from sourceSimpleScreenRecorderI've found this web site and decided to download a version of the package from here:, I don't recommend to donwload packages this way, because we can't certificate theproviders, who can be you and me.Run the program:$ conky-managerThe program is going to show up in the Gnome apps menu.

ScreenletsScreenlets are small owner-drawn applications (written in Python) that can be described as \"thevirtual representation of things lying/standing around on your desk\". Sticky notes, clocks, rulers, ... thepossibilities are endless.References:Web: Debian -- Details of package screenlets in jessie.pdfFeatures:Real applications, no HTML-\"widgets\"Easy to use, easy to developFull compositing supportWorks with any composited X desktop (compiz, xfce4, ...)Works also on non-composited desktopIncluded ability to apply themes (SVG, PNG or mixed)Fully scalable when using SVGsEmbedded drag&drop-supportAutomated storing of options (using ini or GConf)Controllable through customizable D-Bus serviceCan be used together with compiz' widget-plugin to create aDashboard-like feature as seen on OS XUses Cairo and GTK2 for drawing and windowingInstallation:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-cache search screenlets$ sudo apt-cache show screenlets$ sudo apt-get install screenletsNote: Desktop XFCE also adds Screenlets when you install all its complementary software. XFCE alsoinstalls Wbar, which is similar to Cairo-dock and docky.References:Guides: XFCE, Cairo-dockTopic: DockyWeb: WbarWeb: These guides contain installation of Desktop programs similar or equivalent to Screenlets.Guides:ConkyFluxbox

Off topic: These guides are interestingly related to the current topic and Desktop customization:Guides:Cairo-dockCompiz-FusionGnome Shell ExtensionsGnome Desktop Icons, Themes and CursorsDesktop ExtensionsMultiplatform Desktop ApplicationsGoogle ChromeXscreensaverTopics- Installation and configuration- Setup for Desktop computer- Setup for Laptop/Notebook computer- Lock screen- Watch movies or YouTube videos and build software- Issues- Installation and configurationTo install the program:# apt-get update# apt-get install xscreensaverXscreensaver and Gnome:If you are Gnome user you will note that this program has a higher priority over the \"Gnome Settings\"to blank and block the screen, suspend, switch user logins and go back to your logged sessions, etc.This is due to we have installed Gnome first, and then overwriting the configuration with theinstallation of xscreensaver from the repositories, or for example installing another DesktopEnvironment which has this application such as XFCE.To avoid starting the command every time you get away from your desk, set it up as a systemd serviceusing this guide:References:Guide: Xscreensaveror, If you want to set it up only for your Gnome session, use Gnome Tweak Tool:Go to Applications => Tweek tool => Startup Applications, click on the plus sign, and add Xscreensaver.Xscreensaver and Fluxbox:To start Fluxbox with xscreensaver:$ cd

$ cd .fluxbox$ nano appsAdd the entry:[startup] {xscreensaver}To add screensaver to my Fluxbox menu:$ whereis xscreensaver$ nano menuAdd the entry:[exec] (lock) {/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -lock}To lock the screen with a key on Fluxbox:$ cd$ cd .fluxbox$ nano keysAdd the lines to the file:# ScreensaverControl Shift L :ExecCommand xscreensaver-command -lockExit Fluxbox from Fluxbox menu (RIGHT CLICK), and re-enter to your Fluxbox Desktop.References:Web: Setup for Desktop computerStop the program daemon:$ xscreensaver-command -exitOr you can kill the program:CTRL + C from the terminal, or:$ pkill xscreensaverFind the program in the apps menu, or in the terminal, as user:$ xscreensaverClick on the button Settings.Set:Mode: Blank screen onlyBlank After: 30Cycle After: 10Lock Screen After: 10Power management: EnabledStandby After: 0 (0 = disabled)Suspend After: 0 (0 = disabled)Off After: 0 (0 = disabled)

Quick Power Off in Blank Only Mode: DisabledGo to menu File > Restart DaemonClose the program GUI.In this way nothing is going to suspend, for example the hard drive.No 3D or GL screensavers that could damage the video card.The screen is going to lock after 10 minutes.The screen is going to blank after 60 minutes, but the monitor is alive, because is not turned off.To poweroff the screen in the type of configuration \"Desktop\":This is very useful to save monitor lights life when you are not going be near by the Desktop computerfor a long time or many hours.Enable the option \"Quick Power Off in Blank Only Mode\" in the Tab Advanced in the program GUI,next, restart the program daemon and then choose the option Blank Screen Now, from the menu File.There is an alternative to just blank no turn off the screen, when the option \"Quick Power Off in BlankOnly Mode\" is enabled: After Blank is chosen you move the mouse a few seconds. The screen will turnoff in accordance with the option \"Blank After\", set to 30 minutes.- Setup for Laptop/Notebook computerStop the program daemon:$ xscreensaver-command -exitOr you can kill the program:CTRL + C from the terminal, or:$ pkill xscreensaverFind the program in the apps menu, or in the terminal, as user:$ xscreensaverClick on the button Settings.Set:Mode: Blank screen onlyBlank After: 10 (Faster than Desktop computers)Cycle After: 10Lock Screen After: 0 (Apparently Disabled)Power management: EnabledStandby After: 0 (0 = disabled)Suspend After: 0 (0 = disabled)Off After: 0 (0 = disabled)Quick Power Off in Blank Only Mode: EnabledGo to menu File > Restart DaemonClose the program GUI.In this way nothing is going to suspend, for example the hard drive.No 3D or GL screensavers that could damage the video card.The screen is going to blank, lock, and turned off after 10 minutes, in order to preserve the laptopbattery power and the monitor's life.

To poweroff the screen in the type of configuration \"Laptop/Notebook\":Simply wait 10 minutes, or change the Blank after time and then restart the program daemon.- Lock screenTry to do not touch the GUI, use from the terminal.To lock screen:$ xscreensaver-command -lockThis is going to lock in accordance with the program GUI settings, so then for Desktop configurationthe screen is going to lock and blank, but for Laptop/notebook configuration the screen is going tolock and turn off.- Watch movies or YouTube videos and build softwareKeep the Desktop or the Laptop/notebook configuration and simply disable the screensaver asfollows:Stop the program daemon:$ xscreensaver-command -exitOr you can kill the program:CTRL + C from the terminal, or:$ pkill xscreensaverFind the program in the apps menu, or in the terminal, as user:$ xscreensaverClick on the button Settings.Set:Mode: Disable SCreen saverRestart the program daemon.- IssuesIf the menu to lock does not appear:Enter as root# xscreensaverRestart the daemon from the GUI, or use:Or use:$ xscreensaver-command -restartThe menu lock now.. should appear in the menu File.Set up color to true color to be able to display some 3D screensavers.Set up video card to be able to display 3D screensavers.References:Guide: Video Card

Guide: 3D Acceleration and VRGnome Desktop Environment incompatibility:Remember that you can uninstall xscreensaver, but it is good because you have the most of the powermanagement and screen configuration in one place in the GUI, and it is an optional screen saver forLinux Desktops like XFCE. Read the documentation to learn more of Xscreensaver, and how overwritesCaffeine Extension work in Gnome Desktop Environment:$ man xscreensaverReferences:Topic: Look for the section \"Install the Caffeine extension:\". Caffeine de-activates options ofscreensaver and autosuspend.Guide: Gnome Shell Extensions.More Guides:Build packages from sourceSource code & Debian forks source codePower Management in Gnome:Search for the app Power, or look for it under Settings.Power Management in XFCE:Click on the system Icon.Go to Settings > Settings Manager > Power Manager.Desktop EnvironmentsFluxboxI personally decided to install Gnome to use it sometimes and also to use gnome apps since FluxROXor other Window Managers, for example I usually open or execute files from Nautilus, the default filebrowser. You can also install KDE which stands for K Desktop Environment to call the file managerDolphin.Today's Fluxbox's default installation could or couldn't include the packages that create personal filesand directories, for example pictures, video, etc. If you don't install Gnome nor KDE and don't seethese directories under home you may install those packages (I don't remember their names) andremember to install Xorg server and start the X server manually like this: $ startx, you also should haveto setup every app on ROX but let's say it takes a long time, but increase the RAM memory and/or CPUperformance in old computers.References:Web: Configuration customization and usage.Web:

Installation:$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install fluxboxSlit:# apt-cache search 'wm'# apg-get install wmnd# apg-get install wmcpuload# apg-get install wmmoonclock# apg-get install wmweather# apg-get install wmmatrixAdd the Slit Widgets to the file /home/esteban/.fluxbox/starup:wmnd &wmcpuload &wmmoonclock &wmweather -s KBKE &wmmatrix &To reflux:$ fluxboxor:RIGHT CLICK MENU: Windows Managers > fluxboxRIGHT CLICK MENU: reconfigureRIGHT CLICK MENU: restartTo add my staff to the file /home/esteban/.fluxbox/menu:After you add a new menu cascade menu \"MyStaff\" and two times the option \"gedit\", the file shouldlook like this:[begin] (fluxbox)[include] (/etc/X11/fluxbox/fluxbox-menu) [submenu] (MyStuff) {} [exec] (gedit) {/usr/bin/gedit} </usr/share/pixmaps/gedit-icon.xpm> [exec] (gedit) {/usr/bin/gedit} </usr/share/pixmaps/gedit-icon.xpm> [end][end]And restart fluxbox to see the new changes in the menu.Set wallpaper:Choose a wallpaper that fits your Desktop resolution or thecommand will fail:

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