$ fbsetbg -f /usr/share/images/desktop-base/debian-blueish-wallpaper-640x480.png$ fbsetbg -f /home/esteban/.fluxbox/backgrounds/1024x7682.jpegTo group apps via the apps file:http://bbs.archbang.org/viewtopic.php?id=2103The file \"apps\" will look like this (my copy):[startup] {sublime_text}[startup] {gnome-terminal}[startup] {firefox}[app] (name=fbrun) [Position] (CENTER) {0 0} [Layer] {2}[end][group][app] (name=gnome-terminal) [Layer] {4}[end][group] (workspace=[current])[app] (name=firefox) (title=.*Mozilla Firefox.*)[app] (name=google-chrome) [Dimensions] {0 0} [Position] (UPPERRIGHT) {1024 768}[end][app] (name=Navigator) (class=Firefox) (role=browser) [Deco] {NORMAL}[end]Here is a copy of the file apps apps automatically modified by fluxbox later on when I started to makethe apps to remember their dimensions form the window menu (RIGHT CLICK):File sections:- Apps to startup with Fluxbox.- A group with all windows called \"special-term\", appears on layer 4 (bottom)- A group that only looks for windows on the current workspaceNotes about the file:The second group [group] (workspace) does not work with gnome installed and new apps like thosebrowsers, but with minimal system installations and for example terminals works fine.I noted that for the apps added to this file, when I start a new windows instances from the terminalthe terminal does not open a new app instance and instead opens window in the same app sessionand send you back to the term so you can reuse it to open more windows or to do other staff as well.
References:Topic: More app file info.http://fluxbox-wiki.org/category/howtos/en/Editing_the_apps_file.htmlTopic: To install a theme. Download a theme.Web: http://box-look.org/For example, I have downloaded: 121360-Matrix-Flux.tar.gzTopic: Modify the init file with the file Fluxbox - a howto for beginners.Topic 2: Setup keys file to execute commands with key combinations.Web: http://www.debianuserforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=208Hide apps to save space:Remember to use double click on the application bar to hide it!To move any window:Use KEYS ALT + MOUSEMouse to focus a window:RIGHT CLICK MENU: Configuration > Focus Model > Click to focusApp sticky in all the desktops (workspaces):There is a button on the very top left of Fluxbox application windows. Its appearance varies in differentthemes; its purpose is to make the application sticky and appear in all workspaces, or in just one.FluxROX:Use this command to install:# apt-get update# apt-get install rox-fileReference:Topic: Setup Rox.Web: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=5382File: Fluxbox basic configuration.pdfTo make ROX take an action (start a program, open a file as text, etc) when clicking an icon:Right click on an icon (for example text.txt)Go to the menu \" File 'text.txt' \"Click \"Set run action\"On the bottom of the window there is a box \"Enter a shell command:\"the \"$@\" is a variable and represents the file in question.Add the name of the program to open the file with, for example:abiword \"$@\"Now click the box \"Use Command\" on the right bottom
Now when you click on the icon \"text.txt\" the file will open with AbiwordAbiword will now open any *.txt file in factThis only needs to be set once and some settings are already configured in ROXTo execute rox:$ rox# roxYou also can add it as [startup] to the apps file of fluxbox.Window transparency:# apt-get update# apt-get install xcompmgrFirst run in the gnome terminal:$ xcompmgr -CAnd setup the transparency in the terminal default profile.With the terminal windows in full screen but double clicked to hide in the top of the screen, you canmaximize it with two clicks and do $ xcompmgr -C to see what is behind the termno leaving it.You can also execute the command and to enter to transparent mode and return to the shell by:$ xcompmgr -C &And to rturn to normal mode:$ ps -aux | grep 'xc'To make a script to start and end the program instantly:This beautiful script include the command and parameters but has been made to SysVinit. Fortunatelywe can run it as a new Systemd service. I show how to create a systemd service here:References:Guide:SystemdReferences:Topic: Tips and tricks - Start/Stop Xcompmgr on demand sectionWeb: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/XcompmgrFile: Xcompmgr.pdfTo make the script executable and of root:$ chmod +x comp.sh$ chmod 755# chown root comp.sh# chgrp root comp.sh# cp -dpR comp.sh /etc/init.d/# ln -s /etc/init.d/com.sh /usr/bin/comp
With the script comp.sh ready use commands:Start xcompmgr:$ compStop xcompmgr:$ comp -sAdd the LSB tag (Linux Standard Base) to the top of the script script to avoid these messages on theterminal:insserv: warning: script 'comp.sh' missing LSB tags and overridesinsserv: warning: script 'comp.sh' missing LSB tags and overridesYou can add the script to the RCs or add execute commands at the beginning of the X user session -before the Window manager is started , in order to to start fluxbox transparent, but I am going toshow you the best way to start fluxbox with comp right now.Go to your home:$ cdOpen the file apps:$ nano .fluxbox/appsAdd new comand comp as an app to the top of the file:[startup] {comp}Reference:Web: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/XprofileFile: Xprofile.pdfMake fluxbox menu transparent:Use the menu configuration > transparency to force pseudo-transparency to true (checked), and set allvalues to 0.Fluxbox remote:You can use Fluxbox through X session with ssh, but I am not configuring this because I am usingteamviewer and it is a lightweight program.Transparent task bar:RIGHT CLICK and set ALPHA = 0Set default program dimension:RIGHT CLICK on a Windows bar > Remember > DimensionsSet-up Slit:RIGHT CLICK > Layer > DesktopRIGHT CLICK > Placement > Right Top
The Force Pseudo Transparency option:The Force Pseudo Transparency option will force fluxbox to ignore the xcomposite extension and usepseudo-transparency instead of true transparency. Note: When pseudo-transparency is on, thetransparency values here only affect titlebars, not window contents.References:Topic: About window transparency.Web: http://www.fluxbox.org/help/man-fluxbox.phpTo make the slit transparent:It's possible to make the border transparent by:RIGHT CLICK and set ALPHA, but the apps can't change. These dockapps are made to anotherWindows Manager, maybe XFCE or Openbox.To setup the weather dockapp search the 4 letter code here (Is not working! I think because thenearest Weather Station is out of order or not sending signals):Identify the Station here http://www.nws.noaa.gov/tg/siteloc.php and then setup the slit accordingly,for example edit in the startup file the location Chacarita, in Costa Rica:wmweather -s MRCH &Exit from flushbox and reenter.There are more configuration options.Reference:Topic: wmweather - dockable weather monitorWeb: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/man1/wmweather.1.htmlTo add more useful wm dockapps to Slit:You can install the apps using the APT and then add them to the Fluxbox file startup:# apt-get update# apt-cache search 'wm'# apt-get install wmmemload# apt-get install wmmixer# apt-get install wmrack# apt-get install wmressel# apt-get install wmwork# apt-get install wmdiskmon# apt-get install wmbattery# apt-get install wmhdplop# apt-get install wmpuzzleAdd to startup file:wmmemload &wmmixer &
wmrack &wmressel &wmwork &wmdiskmon -p /dev/mapper/ProLiant-root -p /dev/sdb2 -p /dev/sda1 &wmbattery &wmhdplop &wmpuzzle &Order the dockapps in the slit.This is a short description of every dockapp I have added to the Slit:wmnd - Dockapp monitoring network interfaces.wmcpuload - Shows the CPU load.wmmoonclock - Shows the moon phase.wmweather - Shows the weather.wmmatrix - Shows the matrix fall.wmmemload - Shows the RAM load.wmmixer - Shows basic volume controls.wmrack - Shows music player and mixer controls.wmressel - Dock app to change X11 resolutions.wmwork - Is a task time tracker.wmdiskmon - dockapp to display disk usage.wmbattery - Shows the charge of battery in laptops.wmhdplop - hard drive activity monitor dockapp.wmpuzzle - Shows a puzzle game.A copy of my file home/esteban/.fluxbox/startup include all the new apps:#!/bin/sh## fluxbox startup-script:## Lines starting with a '#' are ignored.# Change your keymap:xmodmap \"/home/esteban/.Xmodmap\"# Applications you want to run with fluxbox.# MAKE SURE THAT APPS THAT KEEP RUNNING HAVE AN ''&'' AT THE END.## unclutter -idle 2 &# wmnd &# wmsmixer -w &# idesk &
## Debian-local change:# - fbautostart has been added with a quick hack to check to see if it# exists. If it does, we'll start it up by default.which fbautostart > /dev/nullif [ $? -eq 0 ]; then fbautostartfinm-applet &wmnd &wmcpuload &wmmoonclock &wmweather -s MRCH &wmmatrix &wmmemload &wmmixer &wmrack &wmressel &wmwork &wmdiskmon -p /dev/mapper/ProLiant-root -p /dev/sdb2 -p /dev/sda1 &wmbattery &wmhdplop &wmpuzzle &# And last but not least we start fluxbox.# Because it is the last app you have to run it with ''exec'' before it.exec fluxbox# or if you want to keep a log:# exec fluxbox -log \"/home/esteban/.fluxbox/log\"Reference:Web: http://www.maketecheasier.com/8-of-the-best-linux-dockapps/Use the 3D cube desktop:Fluxbox does not support 3ddesk anymore, it was an application to make desktop work like Compiz-fusion (include cube). The app was developed to x server xfree86 but Debian now uses Xorg serverand xorg and 3ddesktop are incompatible.Compiz with Fluxbox:Are Fluxbox and Compiz friendly?No, there both window managers, only 1 wm at a time can be used. So the only way, if you want touse compiz (cube):
Try xfce4, it's faster than gnome, works with compiz.$ sudo apt-get install xfce4Logout and select xfce4Note: Compiz has a lot of errors and perhaps will be deprecated in Ubuntu.References:Web: http://linuxreviews.org/features/3ddesktop/Web: http://desk3d.sourceforge.net/index.phpWeb: https://davejamesmiller.com/blog/installing-3d-desktop-under-fluxbox-on-linuxKDEK Desktop Environment (KDE)General:Topic: Debian mail lists.Web: https://lists.debian.org/Topic: Debian-KDE teamsWeb: http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/join.htmlInstallation:References:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/KDEFile: KDE in Debian.pdf$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get -u upgrade$ sudo apt-get install aptitude tasksel$ sudo aptitude install ~t^desktop$ ~t^kde-desktop$(This is what DebianInstaller would have installed in a new system, but you might want/need touninstall the current display manager).The appearance of GTK-applications in PlasmaTo get gtk-applications look native in Plasma you need install these packages and configureappearance of them through System Settings > Application appearance:kde-config-gtk-style. KDE configuration module for GTK+ 2/3.x style selectionkde-config-gtk-style-preview.gtk2-engines-oxygen. Oxygen widget theme for GTK2+-based applicationsgtk3-engines-oxygen. Oxygen widget theme for GTK3+-based applications (Debian Wheezy)
XfceInstall the Xfce Desktop EnvironmentNow we are going to install basic Xfce & goodies by running the following command:sudo apt-get install xfce4-* xfce4-goodiesThe “Goodies for Xfce” project includes additional software and artwork that are related to the Xfcedesktop, but not part of the official release.To view the list of packages installed by xfce4-goodies, check this link,https://packages.debian.org/jessie/xfce4-goodies.Install Xfce packages:Add main section to the official repos:$ apt-cache show xfce4$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.litUpdate repos:$ sudo apt-get update$ apt-cache search xfce4Everything available:$ sudo apt-get install `apt-cache search xfce | cut -d ' ' -f1`This command is going to install lightdm, a Display Manager. To change the Display Manager, see theguide \"Change the default login screen\"To change the Window Manager you can run the Compix-Fusion Icon or update-alternatives:$ sudo update alternatives --config -x-window-managerReferences:Guide: Compiz-FusionDuring the configuration of the Desktop the Compiz-Fusion Icon could get fail. To defrost it kill it untileverything is all right to add the icon to the startup sequence:$ pkill fusion-iconTo add the Compiz-Fusion Icon to the startup applications go to the Applications Menu > Settings >Settings Manager > Sessions and Startup > Application AutostartReferences:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/XfceFile: Xfce - Debian Wiki.pdfDevelopment Editors and IDEsAptana Studio 3
Aptana Studio is a complete Development Studio for Python, Ruby, PHP, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.I appreciated much a few features it has, like the.. SVN Plugin, and the tool to review differencesbetween file versions. Aptana Studio 3 is based on Eclipse, and is good to program PHP like Netbeans.Aptana Studio 3 comes with Java embedded (Hotspot), so you don't need to install Java at all. But,well Java is actually running on the system.Hotspot references:Web: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16568253/difference-between-jvm-and-hotspotRead: JVM VS Hotspot.pdfInstallation steps:Download site: http://www.aptana.com/products/studio3/download.htmlCopy the compressed file to /opt. This file is a pre-compiled directory which works without anycompilation after the extraction, as the program Sublime Text Editor.# cp -dpR Aptana_Studio_3_Setup_Linux_x86_64_3.6.1.zip /opt# unzip Aptana_Studio_3_Setup_Linux_x86_64_3.6.1.zipFix the permission as the other applications in this directory:# ls -hal# chmod 755 Aptana_Studio_3# cd Aptana_Studio_3Run the program. Change to user:$ ./AptanaStudio3You can modify the permissions of the directory to allow or block other system users from using theStudio.Create the symlink to the program:$ sudo ln -s /opt/Aptana_Studio_3/AptanaStudio3 /usr/bin/AptanaStudio3After that to execute use:$ AptanaStudio3Add the program to the Main Menu in Gnome.Icon: /opt/Aptana_Studio_3/icon.xpmReferences:Topic: Setup the web server and the default external browser.Web: http://www.nairabytes.net/blog/62-geek/346-how-to-install-aptana-studo-3-on-debian-linuxFile: Aptana Studio on Debian Linux.pdf.BluefishBluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and web developers, with many optionsto write websites, scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports a wide variety of programmingand markup languages and has many features.References:Topic: Debian documentation
Web: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/web/bluefishInstallation:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-cache search bluefish$ sudo apt-cache show bluefish$ sudo apt-get install bluefish csstidy tidy dos2unix pylint weblint-perl weblintBracketsTranscribed from the product's home page:\"Brackets is a modern, open source text editor that understands web design.\"\"With focused visual tools and preprocessor support, Brackets is a modern text editor that makes iteasy to design in the browser. Try Creative Cloud Extract (preview) for Brackets for an easy way to getclean, minimal CSS straight from a PSD with no generated code.\"The Extract for Brackets (Preview) extension lets you pull out design information from a PSD includingcolors, fonts, gradients, and measurement information as clean, minimal CSS via contextual codehints. You can also extract layers as images, use information from the PSD to define preprocessorvariables, and easily get dimensions between objects. All in the context of your code.\"Ways to download the editor:I take a look at the active and available repos in the system:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list$ apt-cache search 'brackets'The package is not found in the Debian repos nor repos web site, so I am not going to setup the repos.I visit: http://brackets.io/The page instantly shows you what DEB package to download.Install the DEB package:$ sudo dpkg -i Brackets.1.3.Extract.64-bit.deb$ sudo apt-get -f install$ sudo dpkg -i Brackets.1.3.Extract.64-bit.debThe second way offered is to go to: https://github.com/adobe/brackets/releasesToday, the latest version in the Git hosting is: Brackets.Release.1.3.64-bit.debAt this point I couldn't install the editor following any of these regular procedures. There's an issuewith Debian which has been logged on the GitHub.Reference:Web: https://github.com/adobe/brackets/issues/4816The only way that works is to compile the program from a working PPA package of Ubuntu:
Reference:Topic: Install Brackets from Ubuntu PPA:Web: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/11/install-brackets-in-ubuntu-via-ppa-open.htmlGo to search the program as a PPA: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppasSearch for \"Brackets\".Click on the section \" View package details\".The web is going toe take you here: https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/brackets/+packagesOn the page, expand the section to view the list of packages.There is a package for the 64bit computer architecture, recognized by the name string \"amd64\".RIGHT CLICK and select \"Copy Link location\" on the proper files to download the them, like this:$ wget -c https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/brackets/+files/brackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022%2B1%7Eextract%7Ewebupd8%7E0_amd64.debhttps://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/brackets/+files/brackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022%2B1%7Eextract%7Ewebupd8%7E0.dsc https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/brackets/+files/brackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022%2B1%7Eextract%7Ewebupd8%7E0.debian.tar.xz https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/brackets/+files/brackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11.orig.tar.xzThe option -c of wget is going to resume a package partially downloaded. See the man of theprogram:$ man wgetIn order to compile the program I must prepare the build environment. I already prepared one to theinstallation of the program \"SimpleScreenRecorder\". Take a look at my guides here:References:Guides:Build packages from sourceSimpleScreenRecorderRemove the screenrecorder remaining directory, and then re-create the new temporary directory:$ cd /Remove the directory:$ sudo rm -rf /wrkCreate the working directory:$ sudo mkdir wrk$ sudo chmod 777 wrk$ ls -hal /$ cd wrkCopy the files downloaded to the current directory:$ cp -dpR brackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022+1~extract~webupd8~0.dsc brackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022+1~extract~webupd8~0_amd64.deb brackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022+1~extract~webupd8~0.debian.tar.xz brackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11.orig.tar.xz /wrk
The process downloads some files from the repositories. Please double check the repos are ok with inthe repos file:$ nano /etc/apt/sources.listBuild for jessie, so set-up the command accordingly:$ sbuild -d jessie *.dscAccording to the process, the packages to install are:The following extra packages will be installed:bsdmainutils debhelper file gettext gettext-base groff-base intltool-debianlibasprintf0c2 libcroco3 libffi6 libglib2.0-0 libmagic1 libpipeline1libunistring0 libxml2 man-db po-debconfSuggested packages:wamerican wordlist whois vacation dh-make gettext-doc groff less www-browserlibmail-box-perlRecommended packages:curl wget lynx-cur autopoint libasprintf-dev libgettextpo-devlibglib2.0-data shared-mime-info xdg-user-dirs xml-corelibmail-sendmail-perlThe following NEW packages will be installed:bsdmainutils debhelper file gettext gettext-base groff-base intltool-debianlibasprintf0c2 libcroco3 libffi6 libglib2.0-0 libmagic1 libpipeline1libunistring0 libxml2 man-db po-debconf sbuild-build-depends-brackets-dummyAt the end of the process a summary shows up with the message:Status: successfulList the directory:$ lsOutput:brackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022+1~extract~webupd8~0_amd64-20150602-1711.buildbrackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022+1~extract~webupd8~0_amd64.buildbrackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022+1~extract~webupd8~0_amd64.changesbrackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022+1~extract~webupd8~0_amd64.debbrackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022+1~extract~webupd8~0.debian.tar.xzbrackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11-16022+1~extract~webupd8~0.dscbrackets_1.3.0libgcrypt11.orig.tar.xzInstall the package with gdebi:$ sudo gdebi *.debOutput:BracketsBrackets is an open-source editor for web design and development
built on top of web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.The project was created and is maintained by Adobe, and is releasedunder an MIT License.Do you want to install the software package? [y/N]: y and then PRESS ENTER.Run the application:$ bracketsTo install Brackets, you can optionally build a release since Grunt:References:Keywords: \"install brackets since grunt\"Topic: Many links on where to go to look for Brackets.Web: https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Linux-VersionTopic: How to setup gruntWeb: https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Grunt-SetupTopic: How to build Brackets releases with Grunt:Web: https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Building-Brackets-ReleasesWeb: https://github.com/adobe/brackets-shell/wiki/Building-brackets-shellBrackets extensions:An extension for Brackets that adds items to the context menu for Gruntfile.js to run tasks or sub-tasks. You can run any tasks from the Grunt file from the main Project menu, or the context menu forthe Gruntfile.js entry. Or, to run the default task(s), just hit F6.References:Web: https://github.com/dhategan/brackets-gruntWeb: https://github.com/markrendle/brackets-gruntExtract for Brackets (Preview) (non-free):Adobe - Preview of Extract functionality inside Brackets. Extract design information and assets from adesign comp via contextual code hints for CSS.References:Web: https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/extract-for-brackets.htmlCode::BlocksIt's a free C, C++ and Fortran IDE built to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It is designed tobe very extensible and fully configurable.Netbeans also is used to program in C++.You can install the program from the Official Debian repos or look for a newer version.MonoDevelopReferences:
Web: http://www.monodevelop.com/File: MonoDevelop _ MonoDevelop.pdfGuide: NET FrameworkWeb: https://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/File: Mono for Debian.pdfNetbeans IDEReference:Web: http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-netbeans-ide-8-0-on-all-the-supported-ubuntu-linux-mint-elementary-os-and-debian-systems/File: NetBeans IDE 8.0 On All The Supported DEB systems.pdfHow to install NetBeans IDE 8.0 on 64 bit Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Debian and theirderivative systems:Download Netbeans from:https://netbeans.org/downloads/index.htmlI am going to install the 'ALL' version. You can add or remove packs later using the IDE's PluginManager (Tools | Plugins). In fact I downloaded:NetBeans 8.0.2 Installer for Linux/English (en)netbeans-8.0.2-linux.sh (197.5 MB)MD5: 53db51921a647937102711304da8791bInstallation:$ sudo cp -dpR netbeans-8.0.2-linux.sh /usr/src$ sudo cd /usr/src$ sudo chmod 700 netbeans-8.0.2-linux.sh$ sudo chmod +x netbeans-8.0.2-linux.sh$ sudo chown root netbeans-8.0.2-linux.sh$ sudo chgrp root netbeans-8.0.2-linux.sh$ ls -F$ ls -hal netbeans-8.0.2-linux.shRemember to setup Java. I set it up to use Oracle Java. The installer program is going to look for JVM.Run the installer:$ sudo sh netbeans-8.0.2-linux.shTo find where Java paths are (See the installation process of Java):$ sudo update-java-alternatives -lOutput:java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64 1071 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64jdk-8-oracle-x64 318 /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-x64jre-8-oracle-x64 317 /usr/lib/jvm/jre-8-oracle-x64Run the program:
$ /usr/local/netbeans-8.0.2/bin/netbeansCreate the symlink to /usr/bin:$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/netbeans-8.0.2/bin/netbeans /usr/bin/netbeans$ netbeansAdd the program the \"Main Menu\" in Gnome.Notes:You can add Apache Tomcat or GlassFish during installation of Netbeans or install it separately andthen add it to your project.To install additional features or uninstall Netbeans IDE you can re-run as root:$ sudo sh /usr/src/netbeans-8.0.2-linux.shReview the user Environment variables:$ env# envRstudioGNU R:R is an open source programming language (software package) and environment used mainly forstatistical data analysis.R's strengths are: graphical visualization of data such as plots, data analysis, statistical data fits.R's weaknesses are: complex structured data storage, querying data, dealing with large data sets,which do not fit in the computer's memory.Installation:$ sudo apt-cache search r-base$ sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev r-coreInstallation:References:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/RFile: R - Debian Wiki.pdfWeb: https://linuxconfig.org/introduction-to-gnu-r-on-linux-operating-systemFile: Introduction to GNU R on Linux Operating System.pdfSublime Text EditorGo to www.sublimetext.com and download the 64 bit version.Sublime Text Editor is not source as WinRAR, so we can extract the binaries under /opt
# ls /optOutput:firefox google teamviewer# tar xvfj Sublime Text 2.0.2 x64.tar.bz2# cd /opt/Sublime\ Text\ 2/There is the excutable sublime_textRun in the term:$ sublime_textAdd the program it to /usr/bin (There should update with the distro upgrade)# ln -sf /opt/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text /usr/bin/sublime_textAdd the program to the Activities All Programs > Main Menu > section Programming, in Gnome:Name: Sublime Text EditorCommand: sublime_textIcon: Find one in /opt/Sublime\ Text\ 2/TeXstudioTeXstudio is a program based on Texmaker, which integrates many tools needed to developdocuments with LaTeX in just one application. Using its editor you can write your documents with thehelp of interactive spell checking, syntax highlighting, code completion and more...Export TeXstudio LaTex file to PDF and other formats.Installation:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-cache search texstudio$ sudo apt-cache show texstudio$ sudo apt-get install texstudioReferences:Topic: Best LaTeX EditorsWeb: http://beebom.com/best-latex-editors/File: 8 Best LaTeX Editors For 2016 (TeX Editors).pdfTopic: Debian documentationWeb: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/texstudioFile: Debian -- Details of package texstudio in jessie.pdfLaTeX:Topic: LaTeX basics
Web: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1017055/get-started-with-latex-on-linuxFile: Get started with Latex on Linux - Stack Overflow.pdfWeb: https://linuxconfig.org/introduction-to-latex-on-linuxFile: Introduction to LaTeX on Linux.pdfWeb: http://www.latex-project.org/FIle: LaTeX - A document preparation system.pdfTopic: Other programs that use LaTeXReferences:Guide: ScribusDevelopment LanguagesJavaReference:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/JavaPackageFile: java-package in Debian Wheezy.pdfTo perform a full Java installation for the amd64 architecture:Install the latest Free Java:Package: default-jre (2:1.7-52). Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime:This dependency package points to the Java runtime, or Java compatible runtime recommended forthe amd64 architecture, which is openjdk-7-jre for amd64.References:Web: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/default-jreFile: default-jre.pdf$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-cache search 'java'$ sudo apt-get install default-jreOutput:default-jre is already the newest version.default-jre set to manually installed.Notice that there is a java runtime installation running no OpenJDK in Jessie:$ dpkg -l | grep 'java'$ sudo apt-get install default-jdkOutput:The following extra packages will be installed: libice-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev libsm-dev libx11-dev libx11-doc libxau-dev libxcb1-dev libxdmcp-dev libxt-dev openjdk-7-jdk x11proto-core-dev x11proto-input-dev x11proto-kb-dev xorg-sgml-doctools xtrans-devSuggested packages: libice-doc libsm-doc libxcb-doc libxt-doc openjdk-7-demo openjdk-7-source
visualvmThe following NEW packages will be installed: default-jdk libice-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev libsm-dev libx11-dev libx11-doc libxau-dev libxcb1-dev libxdmcp-dev libxt-dev openjdk-7-jdk x11proto-core-dev x11proto-input-dev x11proto-kb-dev xorg-sgml-doctools xtrans-devTo run java:$ javaTo switch between Java OpenJDK and Oracle Java:Reference:Web: http://askubuntu.com/questions/430434/replace-openjdk-with-oracle-jdk-on-ubuntuFile: Java - OpenJDK to Oracle JDK.pdfJust to make sure I am using the default Jessie sources:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.listInstall java-package:$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-cache search 'java-package'$ sudo apt-get install java-packageThe package is unavailable.Add a new repo to sources.list and comment out the default line while you are installing the package:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.listMy file looks like this after the modification:## deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 8.0.0 _Jessie_ - Official Multi-archit$#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 8.0.0 _Jessie_ - Official Multi-archite$#deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main#deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie maindeb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates maindeb-src http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main# jessie-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie-updates maindeb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie-updates main# Debian 8 \"Jessie\" (testing for now I have installed newest# Jessie, version 8.0)# Packages: ATI drivers, Steam,#deb http://http.debian.net/debian/ jessie main contrib non-free# Mint# Packages: Firefox,#deb http://packages.linuxmint.com debian import# Jessie default + contrib. Disable above while# installing from this duplicate repo.# Packages: Flash plugin non-free, java-packagedeb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contribdeb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contribNotice that the change is simple: The word \"contrib\" at the end of the copy of the default repo lines atthe beginning of the file.Save changes.Re-run the installation commands:sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install java-packageDISABLE TEMPORARY REPO:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.listFile section:# Jessie default + contrib. Disable above while# installing from this duplicate repo.# Packages: Flash plugin non-free, java-package#deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib#deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contribWhen I installed java-package on Wheezy called Git as a dependency. I had to remove Git after that touse the Mac sources instead of the Debian repos. The installation on Jessie does not request theinstallation of Git.$ whereis java$ whereis gitFetch Oracle Java:
I am going the install Oracle Java from the source code packages.When downloaded Java from the Oracle Web site I found that Oracle is serving misnamed and badly-tarred files (today, at least, who knows what tomorrow will be).Essentially, if you get a '.gz' file, it's probably a tar file, but you need to untar it and then re-tarball it or'make-jpkg' won't work.\"I extracted and re-tar the files. The files are:Java Runtime Environment: jre-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gzJava Runtime Environment (Server): server-jre-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gzJava Development Kit: jdk-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gzJava Development Kit demos: jdk-8u45-linux-x64-demos.tar.gzTo make the Java Development Kit package:$ make-jpkg jdk-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gzInstall the new DEB package:$ sudo dpkg -i oracle-java8-jdk_8u45_amd64.debTo make Java Runtime Environment:$ make-jpkg jre-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gzInstall the new DEB package:$ sudo dpkg -i oracle-java8-jre_8u45_amd64.debTo make Java Runtime Environment (Server):Create a new directory, for example:$ mkdir Server \ jre\ RENAMED/Copy the package server-jre-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gz into the directory:$ cp -dpR server-jre-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gz ./Server \ jre\ RENAMED/Rename the package jre-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gz, and re-run make:$ mv server-jre-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gz jre-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gz$ make-jpkg jre-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gzInstall the new DEB:$ sudo dpkg -i oracle-java8-jre_8u45_amd64.debNotes on the installation of Oracle Java from sources:On previous Java installations and perhaps depends on the subversion you could require to add somelines to the make script.This another error you could face, at least I got it with previous versions of Java (JRE Server):Selecting previously unselected package oracle-j2re1.8.
(Reading database ... 156037 files and directories currently installed.)Unpacking oracle-j2re1.8 (from oracle-j2re1.8_1.8.0+update45_amd64.deb) ...Setting up oracle-j2re1.8 (1.8.0+update45) ...update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.8-oracle/bin/javaws doesn't existdpkg: error processing oracle-j2re1.8 (--install):subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2Errors were encountered while processing:oracle-j2re1.8End of error.Basically, the error says that the configuration has not find javaws, but javaws stands for \"Java WebStart\", the Browser plugin to clients, not for a server. If you look the app seems installed already. I amgoing to test the server later on, but I am going to keep running Oracle JDK and JRE for no SERVERversion, because it's a development desktop.Note: At least these JRE installations overwrite the previous installation. You can have server-jre andoverwrite it with client jre installation to get the plugin javaws under: /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.8-oracle/bin/Dealing with packages:List all packages:$ dpkg -l | grep 'oracle'If you decide to remove a package later on:$ sudo dpkg -r oracle-java8-jdkTo show all the java alternatives (with java-package):$ sudo update-java-alternatives -lOutput:java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64 1071 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64jdk-8-oracle-x64 318 /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-x64jre-8-oracle-x64 317 /usr/lib/jvm/jre-8-oracle-x64To display current version and best version possible (auto):$ update-alternatives --display javaOutput:java - auto mode link currently points to /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java - priority 1071 slave java.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/man/man1/java.1.gz/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-x64/jre/bin/java - priority 318 slave java.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-x64/man/man1/java.1.gz/usr/lib/jvm/jre-8-oracle-x64/bin/java - priority 317 slave java.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/jre-8-oracle-x64/man/man1/java.1.gzCurrent 'best' version is '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java'.Select a version manually:$ sudo update-alternatives --config java
I choose jdk-8-oracle-x64 which has a java JRE.As user run the command to show the version set.If you don't want to select some option, press CTRL + C to get out of the program.Set a version at a time:$ update-java-alternatives -l$ sudo update-java-alternatives -s jdk-8-oracle-x64 318Set best option (to the system) automatically:$ sudo update-alternatives --auto javaOptions to test Java:Execute Openshot to verify the runtime.Create a small project like \"Hello World\", compile it and run it in the terminal.Install Netbeans IDE and develop a project.Remember these strings on my texts like --apt-update --apt-distupgrade --config java --add-architecture, etc., have symbols that appear to be em dashes, but in the real life they're two singledashes. And there are 4 kinds of \"commas\".Resources:Web: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=77140&start=15File: How to Install Oracle Java.pdfWeb: http://forum.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=197&p=670017#p670017File: make - No matching plugin was found.pdfWeb: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Web_StartFile: Java_Web_Start.pdfWeb: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/06/install-remove-deb-package/File: How to Install or Remove DEB Packages Using dpkg.pdfNET FrameworkReferences:Web: https://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/File: Mono for Debian.pdfWeb: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/mono-completeFile: Debian -- Details of package mono-complete in jessie.pdfReferences:Topic: This program install some mono packages:Guide: Sync devices in teh CloudR
GNU R:R is an open source programming language (software package) and environment used mainly forstatistical data analysis.R's strengths are: graphical visualization of data such as plots, data analysis, statistical data fits.R's weaknesses are: complex structured data storage, querying data, dealing with large data sets,which do not fit in the computer's memory.Installation:$ sudo apt-cache search r-base$ sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev r-coreInstallation:References:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/RFile: R - Debian Wiki.pdfWeb: https://linuxconfig.org/introduction-to-gnu-r-on-linux-operating-systemFile: Introduction to GNU R on Linux Operating System.pdfDiagrammingDiaI'd love to recommend you a free web application to create diagrams, but the good ones I know aren'tfor free, and you have to pay a cheap monthly membership.DIA is an editor for diagrams, models, etc. Supports UML static structure diagrams (class diagrams),Entity-Relationship diagrams, network diagrams and much more. Diagrams can be exported topostscript and many other formats.Let's start by opening synaptic package manager and searching for UML to install dia. Optionally, openthe terminal and run:$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install dia-common dia-gnome dia-libs dia-shapes dia2codeOutput:The following extra packages will be installed: dia gsfonts-x11The following NEW packages will be installed: dia dia-common dia-gnome dia-libs dia-shapes dia2code gsfonts-x11Resources:Web: http://modeling-languages.com/web-based-modeling-tools/
For UML you can also use Umbrello. Here is the installation Guide ().UmbrelloI'd love to recommend you a free web application to create diagrams, but the good ones I know aren'tfor free, and you have to pay a cheap monthly membership.UML modelling with Umbrello:Edit /etc/apt/sources.list$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-cache search umbrello$ sudo apt-get install umbrelloFor UML (and more) you can also use DIA. Here is the installation Guide ().ElectronicProteusUse wine to install Proteus. See the Wine Guide.EmailIcedoveSearch on the Gnome apps and you'll find Evolution. It's is all right to me, but to the most of thepeople Mozilla Thunderbird is the best Mail User Agent available.In my case I am not going to use local email clients to support the use of the Web, but your companyor the bulk email may force me to change my mind. There is a big difference between Icedove andThunderbird in Debian. Consider that if you install the real Thunderbird instead of Icedove you willhave to set up Thunderbird to update the application manually, but if you forget it will compromisethe security of your email account.Today I am going to show you the installation of Icedove:$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install icedoveReferences: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/95982/how-to-install-the-real-thunderbird-on-Web:debian-wheezyFile: How to install real Thunderbird.pdf
EmulatorsGenymotionPendingSee referencesWorks but is and requires VirutualBox. The networking of the \"current\" version sucks so much.Firefox OSUse the Chrome extension to emulate the OS.You cannot use apps like WhatsApp due to it is for Android, but there are options to install a client inthe Firefox OS using the Market Place, which works similarly to Google Apps Gapps for Androiddevices.Mupen64PlusPendingGamesSteamYou need the VGA drivers installed and graphics acceleration to run 3D games.To test the card see the section 'Video card drivers'.I based the installation on the Debian wiki.Resource:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/SteamFile: Official Steam.pdfYou must be sure that the regular user that will run steam games is at least at groups \"video\" and\"audio\":usermod -a -G video,audio estebanYou can test the sound in Gnome using the menu Settings > Sound.Debian has a security approach that all is forbidden unless sysadmin explicitly allows. This schema ismanaged by \"task\" groups. The very first regular user created during installation is included in groups\"video\", \"audio\", \"cdrom\", \"scanner\", and so on. The next users created are not included at anyspecial group. This way, next created users will not be able to execute steam. It fails with weird
messages regarding \"X bad number out of range.\" You must have to include them explicitly withcommands or users management GUIs like kuser.To include user to groups see 'Basic Networking and User management'.InstallationThere are packages available for Debian 8 \"Jessie\" and Sid.64-bit systems (amd64)/!\ Instructions are for Jessie and Sid systems only. Do not do this on Wheezy (stable) or you will breakyour system.Add a \"non-free\" component to /etc/apt/sources.list:# Debian 8 \"Jessie\" (testing for now I have installed newest# Jessie, version 8.0)# Packages: ATI drivers, Steam,deb http://http.debian.net/debian/ jessie main contrib non-freeEnable Multi-Arch and update the list of available packages:# dpkg --add-architecture i386# aptitude updateInstall the steam package:# aptitude install steamOutput:Note: selecting \"steam:i386\" instead of the virtual package \"steam\"The following NEW packages will be installed: libbsd0:i386{a} libdrm-intel1:i386{a} libdrm-nouveau2:i386{a} libdrm-radeon1:i386{a} libdrm2:i386{a} libedit2:i386{a} libelf1:i386{a} libffi6:i386{a} libgl1-mesa-dri:i386{a} libgl1-mesa-glx:i386{a} libglapi-mesa:i386{a} libllvm3.5:i386{a} libpciaccess0:i386{a} libstdc++6:i386{a} libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0:i386{a} libudev1:i386{a} libx11-xcb1:i386{a} libxcb-dri2-0:i386{a} libxcb-dri3-0:i386{a} libxcb-glx0:i386{a} libxcb-present0:i386{a} libxcb-sync1:i386{a} libxshmfence1:i386{a} libxxf86vm1:i386{a} steam:i386Accept the Steam terms.Switch to user and run:$ steamUpdate the software.Login the account.
Register the new computer.You may see Steam Store at this point.If you have problems running Steam.Hide Gnome:CTRL + F1, enter as root and:# ps -aux | grep 'steam'# pkill steam# ps -aux | grep 'steam'The process was killed.Now press CTRL + F5 or F6 to come back to Gnome and close what causes problems on the screen.Steam is working fine and I don't need to install the next libraries but I leave the installation just incase:Install 32-bit OpenGL libraries:Nvidia graphics hardware:# aptitude install libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386ATI/AMD graphics hardware (Done already!):# aptitude install libgl1-fglrx-glx:i386Note:How to remove multiarch in debian to get rid of multiarch on an amd64 installation:# dpkg --remove-architecture i386In case you will have message, like:dpkg: error: cannot remove architecture 'i386' currently in use by the databaseyou should remove all i386 packages before (But don't do it, you have i386 version of Steam andTeamviewer installed already!!!):$ dpkg -l | grep i386$ dpkg -l | grep 'i386'To remove the packages:Multiarch support is enabled by the file /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarchIf you rename this file and run an update in a terminal you will notice that the i386 repo's are nolonger visible.sudo mv /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch.backupFirst of all, remove all i386-packages like so:sudo apt-get remove --purge `dpkg --get-selections | grep i386 | awk '{print $1}'`Please note: Skype, Steam, teamviewer etc. might be purged as well.Then proceed with fossfreedoms advices.IMPORTANT:Comment out the installation repo from /etc/apt/sources.list.# Debian 8 \"Jessie\" (testing for now I have installed newest
# Jessie, version 8.0)# Packages: ATI drivers, Steam,#deb http://http.debian.net/debian/ jessie main contrib non-freeGraphics Design and PhotographyDarktableInstall the program following the reference, to get the latest version, OpenCL able, with more DLSRcamera models support, instead of the old Debian stable version from the official sources:References:Web: http://www.allaboutlinux.eu/install-darktable-in-debian-8/File: install latest Darktable in Debian 8 _ allaboutlinux.pdfTopic: OpenCLGuides:3D Acceleration and VRVideo CardSteps:There is an easy way to install darktable in Debian by issuing the command \"sudo apt-get installDarktable\" but this one will install an old version of Darktable.If you need the latest stable one then you need to follow those steps:open a terminal and type:$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get build-dep darktable$ sudo apt-get install libglew-dev libcanberra-gtk-module mesa-opencl-icd mesa-utils-extraNow go to the official website http://www.darktable.org/ and download Darktable. you should get afile with a name like darktable-x.x.x.tar.xz where x is the version of Darktable.go to Downloads directory and extract that file.$ cd ~/Downloads/$ tar xvf darktable-1.6.8.tar.xznow go into darktable directory and start the build process by typing:$ cd darktable$ ./build.shThen issue the following command to install it.$ cd \"./build\"; sudo make installNow Darktable is installed in /opt/darktableLets create the launcher. Press the \"Super Key\" (this one is located on your keyboard between \"ctrl\"and \"alt\". In windows world is also called \"Windows Key\")then type \"main menu\"During installation, the program could throw dependency errors you have to resolve before build theprogram. For example, an error will say that the program requires gtk3 but you should have gtk2because Gnome 3.14 runs over gtk2. The solution for this trouble is to istall gtk3-dev
To find out the GTK version in your system, to be able to have GTK2 and GTK3 running at the sametime:$ COLUMNS=132 dpkg -l | grep gtk$ COLUMNS=132 dpkg -l | grep gtk*$ COLUMNS=132 dpkg -l | grep gtk-$ COLUMNS=132 dpkg -l | grep gtk-2$ COLUMNS=132 dpkg -l | grep gtk-3$ COLUMNS=132 dpkg -l | grep libgtk$ COLUMNS=132 dpkg -l | grep 'libgtk'$ COLUMNS=132 dpkg -l | grep libgtk2*$ COLUMNS=132 dpkg -l | grep libgtk3*To install gtk3-dev:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list$ apt-cache search libgtkLook for: libgtk-3-dev - development files for the GTK+ library$ apt-cache show libgtk-3-dev$ sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-devReferences:Topic: How do you find out which version of GTK+ is installed.Web: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/126141/how-do-you-find-out-which-version-of-gtk-is-installed-on-ubuntuFile: linux - How do you find out which version of GTK+ is installed on Ubuntu_ - Stack OverflowGIMPGIMP comes with the Gnome DesktopYou can open Photoshop PSD files with GIMPPhotoshopI could install and run some Photoshop versions with Wine or PLayOnLinux, basically implementationsof the Windows system calls to be able to run Windows programs in other platforms like Linux.Some people think that this is hacking, and/or don't use Wine to do not violate copyright law.Alternatively, you can install programs in a Virtual machine on solutions such as VirtualBox or LinuxKVM. Here is the example of Photoshop running on a VirtualBox Virtual Machine.To share PSD and other files between the host and the guest VM you have these options:Share a directory in the VM guest, for example the host Window XP Pro SP2:I have written some guide lines about how to share directories in the guide dedicated to VirtualBox.
Share a local directory:I have chosen to share Windows folders to keep the system as safe as possible from hacker attacks toyour local system.Up a FTP server in one of the hosts or use a Internet service, for example DropBox:You can install a FTP service. I have installed VSFTPD and Filezilla Client as FTP Client in the past but Idon't recommend FTP for Workstations. The maintenance of services like FTP isn't easy and I am notgonna use FTP 'cause I have replaced my FTP with Git repos. I am going to talk a little bit more of FTPin the post about system security.Drag and Drop:I have written some guide lines about how to share directories in the guide dedicated to VirtualBox, inthe section \"More Virtualbox Tricks:\"Photoshop CC. Add this versions to your requirements list only if the work of Development iscombined with Web Graphics Design. The program has great new features, for example the ability tosimultaneously export an image to every size required in a responsive design.Other free software alternatives to Professional Adobe(R) software you can install in Linux are, forexample: GIMP, Inkscape, Darktable, MyPaint, Krita, Blender, Natron, KDEnlive, Cinelerra, Ardour,Audacity, etc.RawTherapeeRawTherapee is an advanced program for developing raw photos and for processing non-raw photos.It is non-destructive, makes use of OpenMP, supports all the cameras supported by dcraw and carriesout its calculations in a high precision 32bit floating point engine. RawTherapee supports JPEG, PNG,and TIFF as output format for processed photos.Installation:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-cache search rawtherapee$ sudo apt-cache show rawtherapee$ sudo apt-get install rawtherapeeScribusScribus can be used for many tasks; from brochure design to newspapers, magazines, newsletters andposters to technical documentation. Is the current MS Publisher of the free software.Installation:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-cache search scribus$ sudo apt-cache show scribusNote for Software Developers:Caution with the next step: If you install the scribus package suggestion 'texlive-latex-recommended'(the render frame) APT is going to install ruby as a dependency, the same case of the installation ofKDE Desktop Environment.References:Guides:RVMKDEThe complete installation command is:$ sudo apt-get install scribus blt-demo tix python-tk-dbg icc-profiles scribus-doc scribus-templatetexlive-latex-recommended python-gdbm-dbg ri ruby-dev bundler perl-tk latexdiff latexmk dvidvifragmaster lacheck purifyeps chktex dvipng psutils t1utils libtcltk-ruby texlive-latex-extra dot2texOutput:The following extra packages will be installed: blt cups-bsd fonts-lmodern hyphen-sh icc-profiles-free libfile-homedir-perl libfile-which-perl libpodofo0.9.0 libpoppler-qt4-4 libpotrace0 libptexenc1 libpython-dbg libpython2.7-dbg libruby2.1 libsynctex1 libyaml-0-2 libyaml-tiny-perl libzzip-0-13 lmodern prerex prosper ps2eps python-dbg python-tk python2.7-dbg ruby ruby2.1 rubygems-integration tex-common texlive-base texlive-binaries texlive-extra-utils texlive-font-utils texlive-generic-recommended texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-base-doc texlive-latex-recommended-doc texlive-pictures texlive-pictures-doc texlive-pstricks texlive-pstricks-doc tk8.6-blt2.5 ttf-bitstream-vera vprerexSuggested packages: python2.7-gdbm-dbg python2.7-tk-dbg python-gdbm-dbg ri ruby-dev bundler perl-tk latexdiff latexmk dvidvi fragmaster lacheck purifyeps xindy chktex dvipng psutils t1utils libtcltk-ruby texlive-latex-extra dot2texRecommended packages: hyphen-hyphenation-patternsThe following NEW packages will be installed: blt blt-demo cups-bsd fonts-lmodern hyphen-sh icc-profiles icc-profiles-free libfile-homedir-perl libfile-which-perl libpodofo0.9.0 libpoppler-qt4-4 libpotrace0 libptexenc1 libpython-dbg libpython2.7-dbg libruby2.1 libsynctex1 libyaml-0-2 libyaml-tiny-perl libzzip-0-13 lmodern prerex prosper ps2eps python-dbg python-tk python-tk-dbg python2.7-dbg ruby ruby2.1 rubygems-integration scribus scribus-doc scribus-template tex-common texlive-base texlive-binaries texlive-extra-utils texlive-font-utils texlive-generic-recommended texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-base-doc texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-recommended-doc texlive-pictures texlive-pictures-doc
texlive-pstricks texlive-pstricks-doc tix tk8.6-blt2.5 ttf-bitstream-vera vprerex0 upgraded, 52 newly installed, 0 to remove and 41 not upgraded.Need to get 445 MB of archives.After this operation, 727 MB of additional disk space will be used.Do you want to continue? [Y/n]End of output.References:Topic: Scribus uses LaTeXGuides:TeXstudioReferences:Topic: Scribus stable in the Debian documentationWeb: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/scribusFile: Debian -- Details of package scribus in jessie.pdfTopic: Guides related to MS Office suite and their free software replacementsGuides:Libre OfficeKingsoft OfficeKVMVirtualBoxPhotoshopGIMPInkscapeIllustratorsInkscapeInkscape comes with the Gnome DesktopKritaKrita is a creative sketching and painting application based on Calligra technology. Whether you wantto create art paintings, cartoons, concept art or textures, Krita supports most graphics tablets out ofthe box. Krita’s vision statement is:Krita is a KDE program for sketching and painting, offering an end–to–end solution for creating digitalpainting files from scratch by masters.Fields of painting that Krita explicitly supports are concept art, creation of comics and textures forrendering.
Modelled on existing real-world painting materials and workflows, Krita supports creative working bygetting out of the way and with snappy response.References:Web: https://www.howtoinstall.co/en/debian/jessie/krita-sketchFile: How to install krita-sketch on Debian 8 (Jessie).pdfMy Paint(Pending)My Paint is a drawing software with support for drawing pens and tables.LibraryAdobe Digital EditionsAdobe Digital Editions 2001With wine already installed:$ winetricks --guiLook for the program to installReferences:Guide: WineCalibreLook for the app in the Debian repos main contrib and nonfree:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list$ sudo apt-get update$ apt-cache search calibre$ apt-cache show calibre$ sudo apt-get install calibreManagementProjectLibreProjectLibre is an Alternative to MS Project.ProjectLibre updates OpenProj to open and edit MS project 2010 mpp files (same dev team).ProjectLibre (previously known as OpenProj) is open source project management software that openlybills itself as a replacement for MS Project. (Cheeky!) It's compatible with MS Project 2003, 2007, and
2010, and Linux, MacOS, and Windows, so it covers almost everybody. It also supports severallanguages.ProjectLibre server version is under development.ProjectLibre project web site:http://sourceforge.net/projects/projectlibre/OpenProj project web site:https://sourceforge.net/projects/openproj/Installation:Download ProjectLibre (Open source version) from Sourceforge.netInstall alien:$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install alienConvert .rpm Package To Debian/Ubuntu .deb Format:$ alien projectlibre-1.6.2-1.rpm$ ls -l projectlibre*Install the new DEB package:$ dpkg -i projectlibre_1.6.2-2_all.debOr resolve the dependencies and install like this:$ gdebi projectlibre_1.6.2-2_all.debReferences:Topic: Installing and using the command 'alien' in Debian. Converting .rpm Packages ToDebian/Ubuntu .deb Format.Web: https://www.howtoforge.com/converting_rpm_to_deb_with_alienFile: Converting .rpm Packages To Debian_Ubuntu .pdfAlternatives to MS Project:References:Topic: Alternatives VS.Web: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/five-apps/five-free-microsoft-project-alternatives/File: Five free Microsoft Project alternatives - TechRepublic.pdfWeb: http://alternativeto.net/software/microsoft-project/?platform=linuxFile: Microsoft Project Alternatives for Linux - AlternativeTo.pdfWeb: https://www.maketecheasier.com/5-best-free-alternatives-to-microsoft-project/File: 5 Best Microsoft Project Alternatives.pdfTopic: Install Open Workbench and JRE on Wine in Linux MintWeb: http://mgw.dumatics.com/install-open-workbench-and-jre-on-wine-in-linux-mint/File: Install Open Workbench and JRE on Wine in Linux Mint.pdfMeeting and Chat
PidginMS OCS with Wine, is possible? Just a question.Pidgin plugins:References:Web: http://news.tecmint.com/purple-hangouts-is-a-pidgin-plugin-for-hangouts-with-more-functions/File: Purple Hangouts is a Pidgin Plugin For Hangouts With More Functions.pdfWeb: http://news.tecmint.com/skype4pidgin-is-a-plugin-that-enables-you-to-use-skype-with-pidgin/File: Skype4pidgin is a plugin that enables you to use Skype with Pidgin.pdfRingReferences:Web: https://www.linux.com/learn/why-and-how-use-ring-instead-skype-linuxFile: Why and How to Use Ring Instead of Skype on Linux _ Linux.pdfSkypeReference:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/skypeThis web site the current status of Skype for Debian, and redirects me to the Official Skype web site todownload the package: http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-computer/I choose Debian as Distro to download the proper file.When the file has been downlaoded, install it.$ sudo dpkg -i skype-debian_4.3.0.37-1_i386.debYou'll notice the dependencies problem. You have to enable 32 bit architecture due to there is not 64bit package available at this moment. I have already show how to add the 32 bit architecture in theinstallation of teamviewer, here:References:Guides:TeamviewerMulti ArchitectureRun again the installation:$ sudo dpkg -i skype-debian_4.3.0.37-1_i386.debThe installation is going to fail due to the program cannot find some dependencies required.Install these dependencies (If you are not 100% sure of where you are going to fetch files from, take alook at your file /etc/apt/sources.list and run # apt-get update before continue).$ sudo apt-get -f install
Rerun the installation command. Don't worry, we are up to finish.Open skype, set it up and enjoy it with your friends.$ skypeXchatInstall x-chat:# apt-get update# apt-get install xchatStart the program in the menu and look for the freenode.Don't use the program or use it through a network like Tor because other users can see your IP andattempt to attack you.If you want to set up Xchat as server use SSL certified connections within your teams.News FeedRSSOwlReferences:Web: http://www.rssowl.org/File: RSSOwl - Powerful RSS _ RDF _ Atom News Feed Reader.pdfOfficeGimagereaderThis is an OCR, to translate scanned images into text.References:Topic: The web link is in another guideGuide: \"Scanner\"Kingsoft OfficeReferences:Topic: Download The Spellcheck Zip Install PackageWeb: ../download/dicts/ - WPS Office CommunityFile: _download_dicts_ - WPS Office Community.pdfTopic: AMD 64 Downloads. WPS Office Community
File: Downloads - WPS Office Community (AMD 64 Package).pdfTopic: How to install Kingsoft Office on LinuxWeb: http://ask.xmodulo.com/install-kingsoft-office-linux.htmlFile: How to install Kingsoft Office on Linux - Ask Xmodulo.pdfTopic: Open Document Format (ODF): guidance for UK governmentWeb: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/opendocumentformatodfguidanceforukgovernmentFile: Open Document Format (ODF)_ guidance for UK government.pdfTopic: Issue with the classic menu in WPS Office 2014 Beta 2, which was not presentin the 2013 version.Web: http://wps-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=692File: View topic - Classic Menu Problem - WPS Office Community.pdfTopic: Download WPS Office Suite for LinuxFile: WPS Office for Linux - Kingsoft Office.pdfTopic: Spanish DictionaryWeb: http://help.wps.com/customer/portal/questions/8374120-spanish-dictionaryFile: WPS Office _ Spanish Dictionary.pdfLibre OfficeLibre Office comes with the Gnome DesktopHow to improve Libre Office to make it more compatible with MS Office:(Pending)Remote DesktopsTeamviewerDownload 32 package and follow the steps:For the 64-bit package:# dpkg -i teamviewer_linux_x64.debIn case “dpkg” indicates missing dependencies, complete the installation by executing the followingcommand:# apt-get update# apt-get install -fNotes to Multiarch:On newer 64-bit DEB-systems with Multiarch-support (Debian 7) teamviewer_linux_x64.deb cannotbe installed because the package ia32-libs is not available anymore on these systems. In this case youcan use teamviewer_i386.deb instead.
In case you get the error “wrong architecture i386” you have to execute the following command linesas an administrator:# dpkg --add-architecture i386# apt-get updateNote: At this point I have installed Debian multiarchitecture to support 32 bit programs.Install the 32 bit:# dpkg -i teamviewer_10.0.37742_i386.debNote:At this point the system says that there is a dependency error an I re-run before installation:# apt-get install -fRun teamviewer as user:$ teamviewerScienceGalculatorCalculator:$ gnome-caculatorStellariumPendingReferences:Web: http://www.maketecheasier.com/stellarium-for-linux/File: Stellarium - Personal Planetarium on Linux.pdfScilabScilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematicalfunctions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comeswith a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models.Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution forindustrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems(automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelicacapabilities are also provided.References:Web: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/scilabFile: Debian -- Details of package scilab in jessie.pdf
Installation:$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.lit$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-cache search scilab$ sudo apt-get install scilabScreen RecordersScreenshotDebian Wheezy comes with an option in Totem video player, but in Jessie the option disappears fromTotem and you have to use the program Screenshot.SimpleScreenRecorderOK let's start.I want to install simplescreenrecorder.I go to search the package in the Debian web site: https://www.debian.org/distrib/packagesI set the search filters to stable, which corresponds to my current Debian system, Jessie. In case of youare using Debian 9 (Stretch) choose testing or sid to unstable packages... but the packages is not in therepositories, so I have to install it from somewhere else.I google 'screenrecording' and the search takes me to the Ubuntu PPA:https://launchpad.net/~maarten-baertOn the page a click on the hyper-link \"SimpleScreenRecorder\" in the section \"Personal packagearchives\", and the page takes me to the PPA description: https://launchpad.net/~maarten-baert/+archive/ubuntu/simplescreenrecorderHere is the program description:SimpleScreenRecorder is a feature-rich screen recorder that supports X11 and OpenGL. It has a Qt-based graphical user interface. It can record the entire screen or part of it, or record OpenGLapplications directly. The recording can be paused and resumed at any time. Many different fileformats and codecs are supported.On the description's page I click on \"View package details\" and the page directs me to the list ofbuilds: https://launchpad.net/~maarten-baert/+archive/ubuntu/simplescreenrecorder/+packagesThere is the link to every source version and the build status, for example:simplescreenrecorder - 0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1simplescreenrecorder - 0.3.3-1~ppa1~utopic1simplescreenrecorder - 0.3.3-1~ppa1~trusty1simplescreenrecorder - 0.3.3-1~ppa1~precise1[...]There are more builds but the builder posts only a package for every version of Ubuntu.
I click on the first option: simplescreenrecorder - 0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1, and it expands the section\"Publishing Details\" on the page. Here is a copy of the section:Publishing details Published on 2015-01-23Changelogsimplescreenrecorder (0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1) vivid; urgency=low * Sorry, no changelogs yet.-- Maarten Baert (v2) <email address hidden> Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:19:07 +0100Builds [FULLYBUILT] amd64 [FULLYBUILT] i386Built packages simplescreenrecorder A feature-rich screen recorder that supports X11 and OpenGL.Package files simplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1.dsc (1.9 KiB) simplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1.tar.gz (1.5 MiB) simplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1_amd64.deb (976.5 KiB) simplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1_i386.deb (984.3 KiB)With the RIGHT CLICK on the packages files copy the link location of teh packages:simplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1.dscsimplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1.tar.gzAs you can see we require the location of the descriptor (.dsc) and the source code version (.tar.gz)Now, create temporary directory:$ cd /Create the working directory:# mkdir wrk$ sudo chmod 777 wrk$ ls -hal /
$ cd wrkFetch the packages (Use the links copied):$ wget https://launchpad.net/~maarten-baert/+archive/ubuntu/simplescreenrecorder/+files/simplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1%7Eppa1%7Evivid1.tar.gz https://launchpad.net/~maarten-baert/+archive/ubuntu/simplescreenrecorder/+files/simplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1%7Eppa1%7Evivid1.dscNow let's build it using sbuild:Check out my guide to set up sbuild here:References:Guide:Build packages from sourceI don't want interruptions during the process:$ xscreensaverI set almost everything to 0.I am following the second option to build in accordance with the sbuild Wiki, section \"BuildingPackages\":\"Alternatively, you may pass in the '.dsc' file of a package generated by dpkg-buildpackage,git-buildpackage, and so forth so that it may be built with sbuild. For example, to build sbuild from its'.dsc' file, do the following.\"Reference:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/sbuildIf you are using testing the command is: $ sbuild -d testing *.dscBut we are building for jessie, so setup the command accordingly:$ sbuild -d jessie *.dscThe summary of the build process says:Build Architecture: amd64Build-Space: 82732Build-Time: 571Distribution: jessieHost Architecture: amd64Install-Time: 1204Job: simplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1.dscMachine Architecture: amd64Package: simplescreenrecorderPackage-Time: 1837Source-Version: 0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1Space: 82732
Status: successfulVersion: 0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1And now there are more files in the directory /tmp/wrk, let's take a look:$ lsOutput:simplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1_amd64-20150524-1347.buildsimplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1_amd64.buildsimplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1_amd64.changessimplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1_amd64.debsimplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1.dscsimplescreenrecorder_0.3.3-1~ppa1~vivid1.tar.gzInstall the package with gdebi:$ sudo gdebi *.debRun the program:$ simplescreenrecorderAlways install .deb packages that are build to your operating system and your version.SimpleScreenRecorder has a GPL license. This allows you to take the source from one environmentand rebuild it for another.Reference:Topic: Install simplescreenrecorder on Debian.Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9rZ7FBSYCkRecord the screen and the audio simultaneously:Is there a program to record the screen and the sound in the Official Debian repos, rather thansimplescreenrecorder which works only with the option set to Analog Mono?$ simplescreenrecorderSimpleScreenRecorder settings:Source: Analog MonoWhen listen to the recorded video the sound is in the two speakers and seems all right.If you are willing to synchronize the sound and the video later on:
To record the screen use gtk-recordmydesktop:Installation:# apt-get update# apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktopTo record:First, set up the UI to set the directory to save the recording file named as out.ogv.Second step is to test the sound. Record the sound with gnome-sound-recorder.Putting all together:$ gnome-sound-recorder &Adjust the sound input level in the menu Open Volume Control.Start recording and execute:$ recordmydesktop --no-soundor use:gtk-recordmydesktop and disable the sound check.Save the video and the audio.The program recordmydesktop --no-sound program is going to record the screen with low brightnessand is going to take a lot of time to create the file, but at least you could edit the brightness later onwith any capable video editor.To record screen cast I use Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) in Ubuntu, but I never built it on Debian.I am going to share with you a link because if want to give it a try:Reference:Web: https://obsproject.com/download#linuxThere is another way to record, with Kdenlive:Resources:Web: http://www.kdenlive.org/Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eHEAfNFJ0kBut you know what, I am not going to install more video editors at the moment.By the way, remember something, these strings on my posts like:--apt-update --apt-distupgrade have symbols that appear to be em dashes, but in the real life are twosingle dashes.Video and Audio ToolsFfmpegReferences:- Kdenlive- KXStudio
HandbrakePendingVideo EditorsCinelerraPendingKdenliveKdenlive is a non-linear video editing suite, which supports DV, HDV and many more formats. Its mainfeatures are:* Guides and marker for organizing timelines* Copy and paste support for clips, effects and transitions* Real time changes* FireWire and Video4Linux capture* Screen grabbing* Exporting to any by FFMPEG supported formatAfter the installation of K Desktop environment:$ sudo apt-get install kdenliveYou can install KXStudio version of Kdenlive. To install KXStudio see the correpondent guide.LightworksIs not open source or free software, is proprietary, the free versions lack of basic features present inKdenlive and/or Cinelerra (See guides), and you need Wine to run the program to transcode files toallow the program to load them.Is appropriate due to the Pro version is compatible with some important video studioshardware/software.References:Topic: Download Lightworks for Linux 64-bitWeb: http://www.lwks.com/index.php?option=com_lwks&view=download&Itemid=206&tab=1File: Downloads.pdfInstallation process details:Web: https://www.linux.com/learn/pro-level-video-editing-lightworks-linuxFile: Pro-Level Video Editing with LightWorks on Linux _ Linux.pdf
NatronPendingOpenShotWarning: I stopped using OpenShot as the Jessie version crashed, at least using Oracle Java, butcuriously the video playback works better with Oracle Java than the with Open Java version. I replacedOpenShot with Kdelive. See the sections:KDE Desktop EnvironmentKXStudioCinelerraResources:Web: http://www.kdenlive.org/Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eHEAfNFJ0kWith Openshot you have almost all the features in a lightweight editor, I.E. effects and transitions, nonlinear edition with many audio and video channels you can add to render great movies in manyformats like mp4 for YouTube.Resources:Web: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-install-openshot-under-debian-ubuntu-linux/You can use synaptic and search for the package openshot, otherwise use APT.$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install openshotTo launch the program:$ openshot$ openshot &$ openshot [filename]I also recommend that you install Inkscape, a SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) editor. Inkscape allowsyou to edit Titles in OpenSHOT. SVG comes by default with the Gnome desktop environment, but justin case:$ sudo apt-get install inkscapeIf has not been installed yet in the system the OpenSHOT installation downloads hte latest version ofOpenJDK (Free Java) as a dependency in Debian Wheezy. However, Thank God! it is not happening inJessie. In Wheezy, I required to remove or switch from OpenJDK to Oracle JDK. In my experience,openshot works a little bit better with the Oracle version in Wheezy.
Note: There is a minimal java runtime installation running no full java in the Jessie system:$ dpkg -l | grep 'java'To choose from Java versions, see guide: JavaIssues:Openshot hanged up in my 64bit Debian. Some people say that there is aproblem with dependencylibraries you can replace. However, did not replaced anything and chosen to install a more professionalvideo edition software such as Cinelerra and Kdenlive.References:Guides:KdenliveKDEFFmpegCinelerraVideo Card3D Acceleration and VRSoundNatronKXStudioSynfig StudioSimpleScreenRecorderAudacityHandbrakeVideo PlayersFlash Player- Adobe Flash Player for Google Chrome- PepperFlash for Google Chrome and Chromium- Gnash for Firefox and Iceweasel- Freshplayerplugin to use Pepper Flash with Iceweasel- Lightspark for MozillaWhich browser is faster?To watch Flash videos Chrome or Chromium, but to browse pages Firefox and IceweaselTO watch YouTube videos your favorite browser does not require Flash anymore, but HTML5 support.Today most Web browsers support HTML5 and later.- Adobe Flash Player for Google Chrome:
Flash Player plugin is not required to be able to watch YouTube videos because as many Web sites itchange to a html5 player by default. By the way, I recommend you to switch to the new Glass playerfrom the YouTube Labs, and install the cool program Magic Actions for You Tube on your browser.MR Stallman, Richard, of the FSF (Free Software Foundation) says the Flash has a built-in malware,which sends private hardware data to Adobe. Adobe discontinued the product recently, and HTML5Video is replacing Flash progressively.The official documentation says:References:Topic: Flash plugin non freeWeb: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/flashplugin-nonfreeFiles: Flash plugin non free.pdfAdobe Flash Player - browser pluginThis package will download the Flash Player from Adobe. It is a Netscape/Mozilla type plugin. Anybrowser based on Netscape or Mozilla can use the Flash Player. Seehttps://wiki.debian.org/FlashPlayer for a list of browsers currently supported in Debian.WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes the Adobe Flash Player to be downloaded fromwww.adobe.com. The End User License Agreement of the Adobe Flash Player is available atwww.adobe.com.Use these steps to install the plugin (And to see the Flash browser compatibility list and fortroubleshooting):Reference:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/FlashPlayerFile: FlashPlayer.pdfAdd contrib to the file /etc/apt/sources.list:Reference:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/SourcesListFile: SourcesList.pdfNew lines:# Jessie default + contrib. Disable above while# installing from this duplicate repo.# Packages: Flash plugin non-free,deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contribdeb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contribInstallation:$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfreeTo upgrade the plugin:$ sudo update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
Remember to comment out the new \"contrib\" repo to keep just the \"main\" as possible in the samesources file:# Jessie default + contrib. Disable above while# installing from this duplicate repo.# Packages: Flash plugin non-free,#deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib#deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contribUnsupported browser: Chromium- PepperFlash for Google Chrome and ChromiumPepper Flash Player is maintained by Google, and is newer than Adobe Flash Player. Adobe currentlystill provides security fixes for Adobe Flash Player. Google provides newer features in Pepper FlashPlayer. Pepper Flash Player can currently only be used with Chromium (and with Chrome).The package is a separate Debian package, not integrated in flashplugin-nonfree. Users can choosebetween Adobe Flash Player and Pepper Flash Player by installing the corresponding Debian package.Both packages will co-exist for some time, until Adobe finally ends security support for the AdobeFlash Player. Pepper Flash Player uses a different interface with the browser than Adobe Flash Player,so it doesn't fit in the mechanism of \"alternatives\" (flash-mozilla.so). When both are installed on onesystem, then Chromium currently only sees the Pepper Flash Player.References:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/PepperFlashPlayerFile: PepperFlashPlayer.pdfSteps to install:$ aptitude install pepperflashplugin-nonfree browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflashReferences:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/PepperFlashPlayer/InstallingFile: PepperFlash.pdfUPDATE:This is not going to work: The packages are not in the Debian repositories main, contrib and non-freeanymore:$ apt-cache search pepperflashplugin-nonfree browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash- Gnash for Firefox and IceweaselIf you require flash open Firefox and go to YouTube.com or your favorite Adult's web site ;-) click onthe pop-up dialog to download the plugin, or go directly to the Adobe downloads site:https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ to download the file.. but wait.. there is not a plugin for Debian,
and I don't know if the Ubuntu's one is going to work, so I don't download the file and go thedocumentation.References:Topic: GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) playerWeb: https://packages.debian.org/sid/video/gnashFile: GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player.pdfTopic: Download Page for gnash_0.8.11~git20160608-1_i386.deb on Intel x86 machinesWeb: https://packages.debian.org/sid/i386/gnash/downloadFile: Download Page for gnash.pdfAdd sid to the file /etc/apt/sources.list:# Sid (no codename) = Unstable Debian:# Applications: Gnash,deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian sid mainI am not going to install gnash because is changing the system a lot, installing too new libraries:$ apt-get update$ apt-cache search gnash$ apt-cache show gnashAnyways if you want to install it, do:$ sudo apt-get install gnashRemember to disable the UNSTABLE repository- Freshplayerplugin to use Pepper Flash with IceweaselFollow the installation steps from Official Debian Web site documentation.References:Web: https://wiki.debian.org/FreshplayerpluginFile: Freshplayerplugin.pdfUPDATE: This is not going to work because one of the requirements to compile Freshplayerplugin isinstall PepperFlash for Chromium but PepperFlash was removed from the Debian repositories.- Lightspark for MozillaThis is the one I am using today and is working good.High-performance SWF player - Mozilla Plugin (experimental).Lightspark is a free Flash player for Linux which aims for high-performance by using moderntechnologies such as JIT compilation and OpenGL shaders.The project is currently in an alpha status and provides the standalone player and browser plugin fortesting purposes only.
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