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Home Explore 2015 Yearbook at Pius X High School

2015 Yearbook at Pius X High School

Published by zachary.baehr, 2020-01-02 11:47:21

Description: 2015 Yearbook at Pius X High School

Keywords: pius,catholic,2015,yearbook


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Back Row: JaJ..o h ~\\ndrea\\on, J U\\tin Richard. Kall} Werning. Da\\ id Tine\\, Akx :vtain. The lights dimmed \\Iiddle RO\\~: J me' Hansen, Adam Za-.trow. Thoma\\ Kri<.:J..., Luke Bender. Cri,tian Al<.:alde, and the bright trumpets Bcnpmin chdl, athan Kri<.:k. 'Thylor G1erhan, Ail Davis . 5-ounded in the year Front Ron: \\tmra Koenig. Hayk} Heath. K)hl! Tuder. Emma Finder.l.ind,ey Pinkerton, 160 I. This was the Ccline Kottwill, Sydney Johnson, There'e Prihmm. Fa1th Villamonte beginning of something new, a legacy. Christmas 20 14 marked the first bi-annual Madrigal Dinner put on by the Pius Vocal Department. Sotto Voce specialized in stnctly a-capella music. therefore. madrigal-style music was their forte. They cracked jokes. partook in a delectible meal. and entertained the crowd with song. This massive production served as a fundratser. but more tmportantl>. tt united the entire vocal department in the celebration of Christmas. An audience member spoke about the Madrigal Dinner. \"I am truly amazed. One of the best high-school performances r ve seen...

Bac k Ro\"~> : Grace Stull. Brooke Kreikemeter. Moll} !\\.lild. Kathleen Mcdill. Ethan Rei~'rt, l'atnck Pehm. Resonance choir soared to ne\\\\ hctght thts )Car \\\\.ith cnior Emil) Pletcher at the Dy Jan '.;a, ratil. Peter \\\\eming. Jenmfer Hn\\ek. Anna Krau<.,e. eyenna Barnhill, Magdhoula Bi helm. This )Car Pius saw a big change in Fo urth Ro\"~> : \\1a<.:ken7) NaHatil, Tere'a Goo<.h•ater. Ahiga1l Thorson. Jllhan Po\" \\h on Pletcher, I lien Bud II, the choir. the addition of male Aspen Rolfe,. Samantha Langdon, Kim Tran. Karly S.:hneider atahe S.:h1eucr \\ ocolists. 1 his enabled the choir to add songs selection to their pcrforrnanc~: Third Row : \\ l ika}la Overha.,ler, Thea Pekarek. 1add\"cn Smtth. Jo\\lc Jad. on, Jacld) n Ce a\\a, Je It:<! guy en. and great!) imprO\\ed the sound of Dan<~ Radem· cker Hanna Lyon.,, Sara Bene,. Mary MLI\\1anu .... Kelc•c M yer . Rec.,onance with deep melodies and Second Ro'' : Cmdy 0\\ttgum, Madi~on Daehhng. Emily Pletcher. Megan Kn~hel. Catherine Welty, C'athenne .'-ltchel . harmon)s. A highligt and a challange of Bailey S'~>an<.,on. Breanna Sinclair. Kry,tel anoy. Molly .'-1cGu•re, im l c. the ;car was training to he young 1ichacl Jacksons. They practiced ''craz) First Row: oah OGrad}. Dre\". 'aHatil, Charle<., Hansen. Kyle Kramer, Jo h !·ry , Trenton hr.trno ta, eyes\" during Thriller and had a blast Connor Eckhout. Peter .'\\lui. Anthony Tran-Le learning \"AB ... The choir was proud to do a moon walk tribute at the end of n of their performances and the audienc loved it.

antahella started out a., it does every year. a brand new hunch of girls wanting to sing together. learn new mu.,ic. and have fun. The all-girls choir sang all over the city for variou., e\\ ent... .,uch as t. Elizabeth's hristmas caroling. and at the tate Capitol for Music Appreciation Day. The talented group was also honored to sing at Br_ an Hospital for one of their precious own. Carly Cannon. who pa.,sed away in January from cancer. lthough the girls absolutely shined at all of their performances. the Spnng conce11 may ha\\ e been their favorite becau-.e they were allowed to .,elect their favorite tunes. The Cantabclla choir outdid es at their last -.ho\\.\\ of the

The 20 I4-20 I5 Freshman hoir \\i a-. the large..,t in the history of Piu..,, numbering 0 . tudents. The) ..,pent the year learning a range of topic..,, from vocal d namics to key ignitures. Their patience and hard worJ.... paid off when they perfomred their final medic , Bon Jovi and pn ng onccrt. They were able to -.howca..,c their progress to the school during the 'ih Wednesday Ma..,..,. rom the beginning of the school year, the freshmen in this group were con-.tantl} encouraged to go beyond their limit.. and take ne\\\\ n..,ks, such as singingin new language-. and di'icovering new culture..,. Back Row: Conner Lardeno1t, Dylan Boyte, ich las McConnell, Andrew Gibbs, Jake Wilkin on, Eluabeth Ru sman, Hannah Johnson, Kyle Zele lo, Sarah, athan Rei her, M1chaela Benes, Thomas Robertson, Rachel Man;h, Anton Kerrigan, Molly Boatman, Andrew Appleget, Megan Blower., Ben Hobbes, Cecelia Min linv., Ko c Kosc. Trevin Alberts, Jacob Frazey, Kiman Koeing . Fifth Row: Ryan Holme , Drew Codr, Ab1grul Homer, Valerie Erskine, Carlee Liesch, Eh1.abeth Ru man. Monica O'Donnell, Kri tie Le, Alexandna Ott, Jessica ch tt, Morgan Faust, Kayla I m, Ah1gml el on. Joseph Pyne . Fourth Row: Anthony Krick, Briana Lonergan, Erin Benal, Katelyn Sm~th, Juditli Brov. n. AI) on Ku hn. Bnttncy Walker, Morgan Shirley, Emma Breitfelder, Ro aleen Kottwitz, McKenna Montanez, ocllc Knrta. \\\\yntt Vandenhul. Third Row: Genevieve Johnson, Molly Zuercher, Allison Becker, Ann Pham, I abellc 1.1, S rah Kholou 1, Anme Bane, l abel Pletcher, icole Btrkle, Lily Mai, Lynn Chow, Spen r , oel. econd Row: Chase Stewart, Benjamin Pinkerton, Stephanie Earhart. P·ttri 1a ·1 hornsen , Amlrea Charnroux. Theresa Charnben;, Taylor Hitz, orah Clarke, Megan apier, Jen n1fer Rohh, Ohv1a loy lor, l)ler Kudron. Can;on Stewart. Front Row: Kim guyen, Mariana Tines, MacKenz1e Aida , f:h/abeth Boc . Grace ly on. CecJit.1 B&t. Rose S<'ern,m, Jadyn Bogue, Rylie Binner, Victoria agle, Anna Cao.

Back Row: Martin. 'gu)Cn. hri ...tian Fix.• amucl Bro\\. Kant Kcunning. 1ctoria Anderson, Anna Krau...c. From a beautiful castle tit for a queen E\\ an '\\) lor. f) ...ten 'J homas, Joseph Butler. Jonah Brox. Juan Jo...e ca...arin. to a genetically coded \\tiddle Ro'~: 1 lm) 1 tc~tanu . :-.tegan Knchal, Brcanna • inclair, Bailey Swanson. stage. the Pius Players Front RO\\~ Brian. 'gu)Cll, al\\ in Schlautman Crew built it all during the 20 I4-20 I5 season. A stunning embass) set \\\\as necessary for the fall play. \"Don't Drink the Water,\" as well as dedicated prop\". costumes. and running crews. This year's One Act. \"The Sequence.''called for a colorful. D. A covered set. Many hours of' practice went into setting up and tearing down the many pieces of the set in preparation for the District contest. \"Once rpon a lattress.\" the 2015 spring musical. required a worn dO\\\\ n ca<.,tlc, an elegant throne. and a towering bed composed of 20 mattresses. Magmf1cent costumes and props helped bring every show to life. A new light and sound board created new challenges. but rhat . didn't stop the crew from making every shov.• a striking production.

Th tud nt ho partt tpat <..1111 th rt Cluh mann I gtft d Pamtme. k t hm and n-thm that am out of M .Roda mu urn rth rt ( lub contnbut d m n pte to th mu H.:al and pia that er • produ d tht pa t r Th } al h lp d 1 , nd capmg Cluh LT ate tgn ~ r th h larg pr 1 ct that the created '-\" th <Ill It}' cen backdrop that Th 1anan 1 t r u d. E ry ne nJO d th frutt flab r from th tal nted tud nt nd th IT p n <t

It take a pe ial kind of person to pur ue puhlic peaking. The e tudent had the ability to tand in front of judge and crowd without haking in fear while they pre ented their topic . \\cry p r on who joined the pe h Team wa gr eted with open ann and encourag ment. When kid belonged to thi team, the found other \\\\ho had the same passion in e pre sing them. elve through puhli speaking. teach practice Mr. DeWi pelare pu hed the team out of their comfort zone to become orne of the fine t peaker in all of Pius. Th Piu peech team. and other Speech tudent from all O\\ er ehraska. fonned hond that can· t e er be broken. rout Row Enn Bcnal, Mana Mm . )dOC) Mlnank, 011\\ia Pletch r. bh1c cl on. nna Krau e. Kam Kcumg. BUI 1an a Fanner Maggie Rc e. Emily O'Gara. athcnne Welty.

F r ont Ron: Marissa Farmer. ,\\nah Me cal. Kathcnnc '\\1cs'>inco. Brendan Plummer. Oln .a Herrera. 1iJ...a} Ia 1\\.Jcfcl. Jess1ca K•cfcl. Bac k Ron : Lindsey clung. Taylor Angclc. Lauren Funke. Emm.1 elson. Ella Aerts, Alexis Chapel !c. brought back to ht b f cu cd on pr Idmo dru nd .1l ohol frc a ti tti ~ r th tud nt t II\\ c a hcalth) high chool hfe t lc Dunng Prom v. ck. th m mb r pitch d in to produ e .1 uccc ful ad1 It to 11lu ti at th ncgati c f~ ct of al oh I. Th Fnday b h r prom v. a knO\\ n a Dead Da) throughout th chu I a a· mm Reap r' 1 It J cia r m and p1 ked \" 1 tim ... The I ct d \" ictim '' re .t bla k hirt to ymbolue th y had d1ed, and th y w re not <11lo..v d to p ak for the re t of th day I he e bra tud nt r not afrmd to t an c amplc in a world that 1 contrary to hat th } belle Th 2015 pr m night a a~ thi y ar due to th 'Work. of 0 D club.

Member of Club World Aid were ery bu thi ear in a joint effort to a emble the annual Benefit Concert with the Vocal Department. At the concert, the tudent gathered to howca e their mu ic and talent . They generated proceed of o er I,300 for a charity in the Philippine . The club member at o participated in the ucce ful rna production of 78 hoebo e for \"Operation Chri tma Child\". During the Chri tma ea on. the club focu ed on preading their Chri tma joy to people v. orldwide. The trong leader hip and elfle attitudes enabled club members to u e their po iti e energy and give back to the le fortunate and tho e with great need . l rt'lroDI Row: icole Timm. Lucy Cook. Katherine Mes ineo. athan Mai. Sydney John on. IP-11ickc~y Tran, Eric dame. Manah Rl\\ era. Row: Madi on Roy . Lind ey Pinkerton. Zenaida Adame, nne Ca idy. Molly Mild. a cholte • Sara B ne . Clatre Maguire. Laktn Mac Gregor. Mary Ree e. Row: I abelle Kowal ki, Ella Majeru . Brittney Walker, lexis Chapelle. ina Bui. u lyn Wnght. Raegan cott, Rachel Dud n. nah Me eal, Chloe Pinkman. kyler Clough. na tuchltk. Kylte Root, my Robert .

new addition to the !ooi h ol thi yean a th Piu X mbas ad r . a group cr ated to pread aw arcncss about bullying. During pccial e\\ent u h a 1i It Up Da at lunch. mba tro\\ e to bring all tud nt t gcth r. pcakcr were in ited to gi\\e tc timon the group ab ut th ire p ri n e with bull) ing. drug , and alcohol. mba ador held monthly meetings to di cu idl:as about ho\\\\ to furth r unite tudcnt and make Piu afcr and more welcoming place for all.

108 Mtscellaneou~ Clubs \"PASSPORT TO ADVENT-URE CLUB WAS LIKE TRAVELING THE WORLD Back ro,,: icholas ldridge. Angelica Piccolo. ole Johnson. Sunon Hovis. Ian Ogea. lexan r Stole~. Middle ro\\\\: Jo e Barnos, Ben K~l\\ an. Estehan urillo. Carly John on, mma Chcsle). Selena Pol ivka. Bailey v.anson. mma Licht nfeld. Leah H ) en. mclia Burh. m-.haw. n.1h M 'cal. ari ~lazour, amantha r k:. Front ro\\\\: nna Cao, Justine Ocampo. hi Ia ievert. Micke Tran, ori Kimminau. Whitne Tran. Back row: Daniel Roher1son. Darin chlautman. Henry Jaros. Liam Kruse. lee chafers. Tony guyen. Mark Kilts. Jonah hrist n en. Br)an Warday. John Cox. John Kilt-.. Philip Hanigan. harles Hansen. Phuong Thao Bui. Front Ro'' : Megan Knehel. Lauren Berke. Teresa oodwater. ~CHESS C _I)\\ I- A F~t A TER SCHOOL ACTIVITY THAT WAS COMPETITIVE, BUT ALSO A GOOD TIME.\" -LJAM KRUSE

si•gn anguage Back row: Jenna Wennekemp. Iivia Taylor. Quynh hau Yu, Kristie Le. e)enna Barnhill, Jonah hristensen. Agnes Fiedler. ina Bui, Zenaida Adame. ric Adame. Middle row: nna ao, Stella Morehouse. Judith Brown. Micke) Tran, Emily Schlautman. Leah Heyen, on guyen, Hu) Bui. Front row: Lindsey Pinkerton. ydne) Johnson. \"I LOVED LEARNING A NEW STYLE OF LANGUAGE THROUGH SIGN LANGUAGE CLUB.\" ste Back row: harles Hansen, William Twehous. Mark Kilts, Philip Hanigan. Madison Royse. William Kru<;e. Firdavskhon asimov. Isaac OGara. Logan Blowers. Bryan Warday. James ontreras. ric dame. Jaelle Kondohoma. Ju<;tin offey, ric ao. cott chieuer. Middle row: Darin chlautman. Laure Berke. John Kilts. Whitney Tr· n. Zenaida dame, Phuc tai. Micke) Tran. Kri. tic Lc. Front row: Lam Le. Y) Do. Mikala Bradley. laire rtenhcrry. Q: What do you like be t about Outdoor Club? A: Mr. Scheffler and the bond that we all share. -Cindy 0 tiguin outdoors Back r ow: Fiona Fitzgerald. lexi . hapelle. ind 0 tiguin. Jere y cheffler, hane Grady. Front r ow : ycholas ierhan. Jor an ierhan.

110 Mis ellancom luh~ \"SEEING THE SMILES ON PEOPLE'S FACES FROM YOUR PRESENCE IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE DOl NG A GOOD JOB.\" -JENNIFER ROBB y Back Ro\\\\: Phuc 1ai. , 1are a ·earl~. ma Bui. Mia go. atalie ordr). K lc Kramer, Hu) Bui. Jad. oeden. Brayden Mtller. ase LaFramhoi~e. Emil) Schmit..\\bigail ebon. Bailey owling. Front RO\\\\: hau u. Tram ·\"U)en. Joslyn Barr). Dung Hoang, Vy Do. Jenna Wennek.amp. Jennifer Robb, nna Wennekamp. Whitn pa Back Ro\\ :Tracey hapelle, tc le Timm. Thomas Kef I). lexis Chap~Jic. Reagan cott. Madison Royse, Firdavsk.hon asimO\\,, cott chieuer. Jacque!) n Wright. Katie Hayes. Front Row: Lind. ey Pinkerton, Jacinta Benton, Emily Pfeifer, ina Bui. idney Ramaekers, Willa Koenig, Nathali \"IT WAS A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE TO BE ABLE TO TALK TO OTHERS IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE.\" -SIDNEY RAMAEKERS

- ~-- • 0 Back Row: Ellen Budell, Elinbeth Boes. lexandra Pace. Back row: Kaleb Jone'>, Brent Hoe<;ing, Kade Kalk.ow<,ki, Jeffrey Gabel!. Front Row: Daniel Robert'>on. Jared Yost. F ront row: olinh Linebaugh. John Boes, ody Kleinschmit. Dean Dalton. Ia} impson. Colhn VanLoon. oach ·Boyle. \"IT WAS FUN AVOIDING CARS I FINALLY GOT THE CHANCE TO WHILE THROWING THE FRISBEE RUN IN THE SNOW.\" -ALEXANDRA PACE TO EACH OTHER.\" -NOLINH LINEBAUGH ~IT WAS NICE WATCHING THE KIDS ENJOY THEIR TIME TOGETHER.\" -COACH O'BOYLE Q: What do you like best about Psychology Club? A: We mamly focused on Kanzi, who is an ape. -Morgan Noel FEARLESS LEADER MRS. KELLY. SHE: WAS SO anz1• c o og ' KNOWLEDGE~Bt::E ABOUT. ALL: THE TOPICS.'' Back Ro-v :Morgan oeL hloe Kreik.emeier. Justin offey. ·CHLOE KREIKEMEIER Front Row: Claire Fortenberry. usan Kelly. Kall Werning.

114 Fight, Fight you mighty Pius Team G 0 GFItudent ection H T F R PI U S H I H Thunderbolt era h through to win like lighting from the skY The Thunderbolts are on the march and vict'ry is our cry Forward brave green and gold Go Go Go brave green and gold FOR PIUS DO OR DIE, RAH, RAH, RAH Green and Gold cheer for the Thunderbolt Strike down from the sky WE'RE THE FIGHTING THUNDERBOLTS

116 ar~ity Checrlcading o one think<; of cheerleading a a demanding sport or activit , but these twelve girls will tell you differently. After try outs in April, the cheer) aders spent all ummer at 6:00AM practice~ preparing for their traditional Fall Kick ff performance. The} were kept especiall} busy supp rting f otball, volleyball, tennis, <;oftball, ba ketball, and wrestling all year long. They put their heart into everything, and have lo ed the Thunderbolts well this pa'>t year.

Keeping the '>pirit all year long, Bridget McKeegan engages the crowd at one of the final ba..,ketball game'> of the season. ydney Bonta, Aly on Matulka, Hannah Burmei t r, Clair Maguire, Sarah Kerrigan, E th r Brown, Bridget Mckeegan, atalia Unger, ophie Co tello, Kel ey Coyle, arley Peter on, Katherine Benal. I I IIIII I

Back Row: Madeleine Me abe, Eden Go~e. Hae ley Wi tte nhagen. Middle Rm, : lc i~ Hruby, Grace tull, Mika}la \\erhaher. Front Row: Elizabeth F01tenberry, lyse Petersen, Lakin Mac Gregor, Maya rrigo.

120 The Thunderette made their pre~ence J..:nov.n b) commg to many \\porting e\\Cnts and gi\\ ing stellar performance'> during half time. When they come trotting onto the court with their hands behind their bad..s. the crowd I'> ready for a 11m_ routine. The Thunderctte~ were led by eight out\\tandmg seniorc,, who each <,tnved to better the team. It was a busy year for the ladie'> a'> they participated in the nl\\ersal Dance ssociation's <,ummer camp and then held the annual kids' dance camp for young girl<,. The year wa'> bu'>y With events and it ended with the team snagging fourth place at the las\\ B tate Dance ompetnion.

Back RO\\\\: Rachel Merrill. lli..,on McElroy. Bailey Dostal. Hannah Terrell. •mil} Kn,tus. Therese 1evert. Katherine Re1fenrath. Kite} Tomes. Maf} Kmcheloe. Iiddle Row: Zoe Hartung, Hannah Bertrand. Emily a'>llllo. oc.lle Korta, Kyra Hayes. Hanna Lyons, ~1cKenna Montanet. Lauren Dion. Rose Kotopt...a. lllson Russell. Front RO\\\\: b1ga!l Rieber. icole B1rk.el. '>htyn Klemschmit. Logan Deahn. Kri'>ten Bene'>. Emm<l Peter-,en, Emma Dunbar. ecella Minchow.

122 Yar'>ity ootball Colton Abendrot:.:h...:_ _. Energ surged through each player throughout the sea on a the Thunderbolt re isited many old foe as they moved back into las. B. The sights were set for playoffs and th team was able to neak in at a 15th seed. Despite the lo s to Grenta, \"This i Pius\" will echo in }ears to come from seniors who established a culture of accountability and uccess for this team.

57-7 10-14 14-10 20-9 6-38 kutt 37-3 27-13 17-49 34-49 4-6 Back RO\\\\: Coach Sam Schlautrnan. Coach R)an Kearne). Coach Jim Han.,en. Rohhie Han en. arnuel Condello. LuJ..e Bo\\\\ man. ~llchael Sjuh. re1ghton choening. Ta)lor \\ngele. ulh\\an /.orne\\. Coach PJ Br•oJ... Coach Ste\\e Eng\\trom. Fourth Ro\\\\: Coach '-'larJ.. tole}. Logan Blo\\\\er,, lex Kerr. ~1atthe\\\\ Pham. Jacoh KreiJ..emeier. Joseph Stara. Mitchell Ea,le). T)ler Gill. Tate Hegen. Cof) Lie.,ch. athan \\1eritt. Henf) Jaro . Third Ro\\\\: Coach I1J..e Aldnch. JacJ.. Rice. Jettre) Gahell. athan ,\\'>\\elm. Bail) Deterding. Geo\\anni ~h>reno. JaJ..oh Andrea en. Rohen Baric. Dalla., tuhr. Ethan Ander..en. II..deb Jone . ·econd Row : Coach Tim Al}\\\\ard. Tanner Re'>\\lgue. Rile) Deuhelhies\\. Colton hendroth. Ju.,tm 1mcho\\\\. Brent Hoe mg. U'>tln Reed. HunterTo\\\\n,end. Rile) Gerch. \\latthe\\\\ FricJ..e. Matthe\\\\ He1hel. Joe'>eph Bure,h. Coach R) an p,ota Front Ro\\\\: Tri,tan lahler. Thoma' Hoelcner. Jacoh Laurel!. Marcu-. !'>nero'>. ,\\lc Krau,e. Jame' Conrera,, Bf)an \\\\arda). Je)'On \\lanme1 . Freddie Gon1alez. L1am Kru e.

oach Mark toley. entrup. Daniel oah Habrock, Hunter Pollack:, onnor mith. Third Row: oach am chlautman, Coach Mike Aldrich, Jacob Heser, 1cholas Powell. imon Hovis, Patrick Pelini, aleb Laue, Thoma. James Hansen, Michael ries, Robert Farb r. oach R}'an Psota. cond Row: can tonehocker. Jacob Bunt, amuel G1llan. Brock Wordekempers, nthoQY Bude!L Joel Enrique, Peyton Abendroth, Jack Easley, handler Boyte. Front Ro' : Ethan mold. Jackson Boettcher, James Brakenhoff. Mark ·ndacott. Joshua ry, Jo-,hua uerra, John guyen. Lincoln 33 -0 7-2 outhwe~t 24- 14 34-0 Lmcoln outhea\\t 22-2 20-0 L1ncoln 23 -0 Ea't Omaha West\\ ide Omaha l..uu Beatnce L m co ln orth tar Rabto n W-L S-3 Quarterbad. Patnck Pelini informs the team of the next play and break.'> the huddle brought in by T.J Hansen. The team then '>Cts up and execute'> the play.

Omaha 0-17 Skutt Omaha 36-0 32-0 28-14 40-0 38-0 36-0 40-0 6-2 ~G ' U'f:' •- . :Andrew A~pleget .fights his opponents · for a few more yards. Back Ro\" : Jo~ph [Xl(hon , \\nton Kerrigan. !\\1a muli.m Baker. \\1arl Pham, Ja~.:Jr..,on Qy.en.... Mathe\\\\ Same,, Thoma' Rollert ...on. Ste\\l:n Kerr. Parker DoJ,on. l.acfur) K rlman fifth Ro\"' Ju~hua ,\\ On!\\\\ CoJr. 0\\\\CO ~1attcm, Joel Heinzann. Jo...cph Raun. Jo,cph Ptcitler. Chri ...topha ca,.. uJ) . \\ndrC\\\\ ,\\pplcgc:t. uah kCa... hland. Jrc\\\\ f-, ... l'ourlh Ro\": la;Jor Sirm. \\u\\lrn Spelh. '>1a\"'nrllran Jo,cph P)nc,, Marlu' Prcper, D) ian Bo) 1c. Cole Varical. Srrnon Bcnlon. Na1han Hruh). T)lcr Tauhcnhcrm lhird Ro\": Ha)den Ru\"''cll , T) lcr Johm~~m. \\m~.:cnt 'gu~cn , \\1~~.:hacl Mc..,,mco. Da_)nc Kreikcrnc1cr \\\\'1l,on Zomc.... Conner Lardcnoit. Dane 1tll:lum. Cameron Camc)- \\ft:ond Ro\" : T)-lcr Kudnm, Rile} \\~.:kcnnann , /.a~.:har) Ouc. Collm 1ahler, Mu~.hcll Gut,~.:hcnnttcr. Samuel Bru\\ , Thoma' Par~cr, Kalcb Fo'\\, Cameron \\\\\"t)Od-hlllr.mdt. ·I ~Iiller lrunl Ro\" : CaN>n Sclaulman. Cadc 1ahan. Aaron NrchoJ,. Bcnpmrn Sager, oah Hagge. Shclh) Whrlchead. Jdlrc} Schn><!dcr, Wrll Bun1. \\\\rllranr Spe1hman .

126 An e hi , ted, 400 strong c;,tudent section filled the Pinnacle Bank rena to watch the firc;,t tate olleyball game to ha e ver pia) ed there. The eason did end in a lose;,, but the effort put forth throughout the 12 week season, from lifting three dayc;, of the week, to practicing after cho I, all paid off. The Thunderb Its qualified for state for the 20th consecuti e year, tying the all time record. Tradition never graduate.;, in the Pius X Volleyball program.

lm<:oln Southv.e t 2-3 Omaha \\1cn:y 3-1 Omaha Sl.utt Catholic: 1-3 LPS Cia \\IC lith Omaha Gross Catholic: 2-3 5th Linc:oln '\\/onhea't lm 1te 3-1 Pap1o 'iouth 4th Omaha Manan 0-3 Paplllwn-LaVi'>ta 0-2 Linwln La\\t 0-2 Omaha Burke 0-3 3-1 onhv.c\\t 2-0 2-0 Fighting again<,t the block, ara Bo the lcapc.; 1-3 to a-,..,i..,t Maddi<;on Grendahl in putting the ball awa with a kill. 1-2 2-0 2nd 3-0 5th 20-20 olinh Linebaugh, very Koelzer, Coach Kelsie ' eill, oach Lind<,ay Burkey, ray, Adam Za<nrow, Morgan oel. econd Row: lare llerbee, Meghan traub. Independence Talken, Kathleen MediiL Kaitlin anLoon, K hey Daberko'W, rendahl. hnoutka, laire McDermott. Regan Taubenheim, lexis Bryant. Jenna DolezaL araB othe.

Lincoln outhca-.t Gretna Im ite 4th Place Lincoln outh\\\\C'>t l-2 Omaha Mercy 2-0 Omaha kutt 1-2 Lincoln H1gh 2-0 Norm 2-0 Omaha Gross 2-0 Aurora l-2 Lincoln onheast Im llatJonal 4th Place Papillion outh 0-2 oach Ryan Gray, Alexi<; Bryant, Kathleen Medii!, Jenna Dolezal. Piw, X Quad 2nd Place Middle Row: nna B othe, Kylie irm., Mollie Pieper, Omaha 'vlarian 0-2 Bayley Brak.e, bigail oel. Papillion-LaVista 0-2 Front Ro\\ : Laney Harper, Kayla rne on, pen Rolfes, Brittan) Ohnoutka. Lincoln East 0-2 Omaha Burke l-2 Lincoln onh tar 1-2 Lincoln outhwest 0-2 Grand bland , onhwcst 1-2 W-L 9-18

I hll'lxe 2.0 2-0 2-0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2-0 2.0 2.0 2-0 2.0 2-0 2.0 I2 0-2 18-2

130 iris Tenni The arsity Girl Tennis team ch into lass A thi year, but \">till maintained high expectations. The team placed 7th at the Cla sA state tournament. Bruning lost in the 2nd round at #1 ingles, junior Rachael Duden finished as a quarterfinali tat #2 ingles, McKeegan and frc . hman Br oke hre e lost a heartbreaking match in three set in the quarterfinals at #l Doubles, and sophomores Ta lor hreve and Morgan Felber ended the ·ea. on in the quarterfinals at #2 D ubles.

1- 2-7 3rd 9- 1 4-5 7- 1 4th It 9-0 5th 4-5 9-0 orth 5 4 k.utt 1-.t ht 7th 6-4 Back Row : Rachael Duden, Emily Pfeifer, Bridget McKeegan, Mary Guenther, \\1organ Felber. \\Iiddle Rm· : Rylie 'Meara, Br k.e hre e, Taylor arter. atali chieuer. Front Row: Kate I~ on, Abby ullivan, Taylor Shreve, Whitne Tran , Elizabeth Pfeifer. ot Pictured: Lauren Bruning, head c ach Nolan D Wispelare, as, i tant coaches Jamie Burn<;, arah Bue~cher, Jenn Gokie.

132 Bo s Tenni.., tnf) m the court with ever) ..,troke, the Boys Tennis team powered through the seas n with win after win. The players enj yed the final ray.., of ummer sunshine and fought through chilly autumn day<.,. Practices were a balance between focus and fun; the boys fully dedicating themselve<., to both conditioning and challenge matches. The athletes' efforts paid off, bringing home the tate Runner- p title at the end of the . ea on.

hri~tian apital it) lnYitc I~t incoln Ea~t Invite I t \\1t 11.1ichacl 14- 1 12-0 7-2 ht 9-0 9-0 5-4 2nd Lincoln Htgh -I Lincoln outhcaq 9-0 9-0 The team gathers as one on the home court, pa) mg close heed to oach outh lmtte Jnl DeWispelare's expert advice during a match against Mount Michael at 2nd one of the earlier games of the season.

134 trl Cro-. Int d cross countr) runners perse ered despite weat, sore muscle. . and bli t rs. All the h urs of pra tice paid off when the Var ity Girls team completed an undefeated . eason. With the suppport of manager., coaches, and parent., the) ran and the) ran and the) ran . They gulped their way through . paghctti feeds, drank gallons of Gatorade, and were rewarded by a back-to-back tate Championship.

Imite 24 pts. 19 pts. 108 pts. 46 pt~ . )racu~c lm ite (JV) II pts. \\1c ool Junction 12 pts. LP) JV lmitc 61 pts. D.-trict B-3 26 pts. (1! eward ophomore Alexandra Pace Aa a huge ~mile for the camera a -.he i-. interviewed after a -.ucce. sful race at tate, ~here he 34 pts. earned a ~econd place title overall.

136 Boy., ro'> ountr l up and ready to go. The Piu-, bo) s were known for tearing up the dirt, rain or shine. II the runner'>, from every grade and '>kill level, bonded in a <>pecial way. They motivated each other to run fa<,ter and <,tnve harder in every race and practice. The bO)'> raced their way to a fir'>t place fini<;h at Oi-,trict'i in eward. With that momentum, the) s ored a <,econd place fini'>h at the tate ro'>s Country Meet at Kearney. The<;e boy'> definite!) fini<;hed the sea-,on on a high note. The brothers take time to pra) for strength and endurance.

IUS ross Country runner Thomas Krick rounds a corner Invite 2nd 57 ·nting to the finish line, while Dean Dalton follows close ind at the Me ool Junction in vite . 0 Kearney 2nd 46 S)racu c lm llc \\ 1c ool ht 24 9th 137 Junction 2nd 44 LPS lmite 2nd 31 I t 10 e~ard ht 25 ht 10 2nd 33 Bacl.. Ro\" : Jam1c Bum,, Jn,h Kramer, ~ate Krick. Damcl Rnl>elbnn. Scon Sch1cucr. Rile~ \\\\ ard. Kadc Kal~'\"''~l. Da\\ld Llc,.:hc,~l. George 0 Bo\\ lc Bill Rice Third Ro\" : '\\11lchell Gro\"cn>dc, Cia} Simp'l>n. B~cc llnkomll. \\ndrc\" Cmt. Tlu>ma' K:nck. \\le\\ \\ lain, Jack G<>edcn. Dean Dallnn. K le Kmmcr i:Ond Ro\" : Hhan Schon . .\\nthon~ Butler. .\\gu,tm l·ullnn. J<>hn B'\"''· DameI \\lll1n. I \\an,\\~ lor. \\\\111 Gaum. Jared ) '\"•· l.ach Hcnkcruu I root Ro\" : I 1ah IJ,ncr. Dann Schlautam, Co<h KJcm,chmldt, 1c~ holh. Sam I hom,cn. \\ndrc\\\\ Gi)l)l,, \\nthon I\\:rick T lh(•l on •

138 irl<. Golf Each ofthi~ <;ea,on's team member~ u gc withe citement a~ another golf sea. on approached. The player~ endured practice~ in the rain, cold, and ~un. oncentration rad1akd from their faces a. they calculated their ~hots. The team placed 2nd in their fir~t game, and their dedication was rewarded by great ~c res and ~port. man. hip. Their hard work and dev tion earned them th place at the 20 I4 lass A Girl. Golf hampion hip.

Papillion -La 377 Yi~ta In\\ite l\"\"horn outh 396 Invite 32 373 Kearney Invite Piu~ X hootout 377 Grand hland Im.ite Lincoln Golf Invite 414 Lincoln ast 407 ln\\ite Columbus 3 cotou~ Im-ite 401 ncentrates on 404/393 Back Row : oa h teph Kolbas. EliLabeth Rus man. Hannah J hnson. Alexzandria Kreikemeier, Audrey Kuehn. ly'ion Kuehn. Middle Row: Terese Pribnow. Patricia Thompson. Chelsea Wilkin on, amantha Crook, Hailie Jepicka. Front Row : Riley Bittner, Kaylee Arndt, Madison t ckman. Baile wanson.

140 Bo) Golf During the 2015 spring golf sea. on. the Pius X Boys Golf team howcased their great sportsmanship, d_ n;~m1._· performance, and winning attitudes. The team struggled to find a fifth man, until Paul Vagts upped hi<; play level. ick Zeplin, Ju tin Coffey, and Roger ack nailed high scores at District., which qualified the guys for state. Way to go men!

wa.. erly 177 L a'>t 161 321 eward lmite 327 Titan up 332 Pius X Invite 312 Belle\\ ue Ea'>t York Im ite 33 reighton Prep 349 Beatrice Invite 342 Capitol City 313 Pius Invite 311 orfolk Jm ite 322 330 II Back Row: Kirnan Ko nig, Roger ack, Ja k a-,le , K} le Wie er, Kyle Zeleski, Owen Mattern, Jonathon GutierreL, ars n Henry, Zachary Henkeniu . Front Row: Ju. tin offe , ullivan Z rnes, Tom eib, Paul agts, icholas Zeplin.

142 arsit oftball Team unity wa, the goal thi year for the Piu X oftball team . trong leader. hip from enior Je, sica Ramaeker and Rebecca Brokaw helped the young team overcome many hi h inten<.,it) moments . The team uffered a few tough lo se on the road to the Di trict Tournament. But, once Districts cam around, they became a cohesive team and placed 3rd at Districts to end a great <.,eason.

Burke 4 -5 '\\1tllan.l 3- 11 outh 11 -3 7- 1 As the infielders gather in the pitching circle, they goo era good game plan to find ~uccess. enior Infielder, Rebecca 15 -2 Brokaw ..,aid, \" ing into each game we tr to find what we 0-1 really need to perfect to ha ea . uccesful game.\" 2-0 2- 10 8-0 10-7 0-11 11 - 10 1-0 10-4 3-2 2- 10 0-2 4-9 11-10 -9 1-9 14-0 0- 2-4 10-0 4-3 7- 4-5 Back Rm : oach De-.irae Hakel, oach Mike Roth. tudent Manager Benjamm Kea~chall. Coach Don Rempe, oach Katie Mosley. Coach hristy Kruger. \\tiddle Row: MacKenne Helman. Rachael Duden. Rebecca Broka• . Emily Pick., Morgan Felber. Front Ro,,: Morgan hipley. Je~sica Madeline Morgan Kempf. atalie chieuer. Abtgaii Vodicka . III

Back Row: Jay Bemadt, Cameron Carney, Marten Berke, Coach Derek Petersen. Front Row: Anthony Masinelli, Isaac OGara, Connor chlautman, Daniel Pham.

wim and Dive team Back Row: Jordan Brozek, W]att Vandenhul, Justin offey, Ma VandenhuL prepared for their me t with Aric oukup, Victor Wharry. Joseph Pynes, Coach Mike Witt. moti ational . ongs and organized Middle Row: Zachary Henkenius, Victor Balderas, Juan Carlos, dog-pile huddle . Mi. chievious Aidan Malmstrom, Jo eph Brozek, Brook cott, onor Kearns. behavior was thier trademark Front Ro' : Isaiah El ener, Joseph Berrick, Marco Batre. , William Addy, throughout the ·eason . Out ide of William Twehous, John Liliedahl. trick and practical jokes, the b y · got down to bu. ines when the topic changed to decreasing their time. and perfecting their stroke.. One thing they never joked ab ut though, was encouraging each other thr ughout tough comp titi n and moti ating each other to become better teammate. and friend.;; .

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