The Pius Players took a different approach this year with a witty musical that knocked the sock, off of every man, woman, or child who attended the masterpiece of Once Upon a Mattress. The fast paced and delightful chronicle is a spin-off of the cia sic story tale \"The Prince()& and The Pea\", with a musical twist. Queen Agravain (An ley Alberts) refuses to allow her precious on. Prince Dauntle s (Andrew Vaggalis), to marry until a true prince is able to pa s the royal test. After the 12th prince s fails the test, Lady Larken (Emma Finder) reveal to Knight Harry (Ju, tin Minchow) that he i pregnant, o he take it upon him, elf to find Prince Winnifred (Carly Moore) to pa s the test. With twists and turns from comedic character. like the Min. trel (Justin Richard), the Jester ( icholas Korta), and King Sextimu (Jacob Hoto y). thi() show was a crowd plea, er and filled with audience laughter from tart to finish. A refreshing and delightful take on this cia ic fairy tale pro ed enjoyable for each lady-in-waiting and medeival knight alike.
198 \\\\ord truck Li\\c Philip Murph}, Joseph Kop tka, ah Go e, and hi e Pinkman it back and relax as the} enj y the presentation of their fell w cia. smates. eni r Monica ond n shares a poem she c mposed. M nica's freshman sister Madeline . tand. by her. Madeline' photograph ~a. part of the submis. ion. Rylie O'Meara and Kennedy ander acted a the MCs for the evening, ho ting the event and introducing the author .
The Piu X Writing Resource Center, led by John Schreur, , organized this )ear's annual Wordstruck Li e event. To commemorate the twentieth anniver ary of thi<> event, the commons were decorated with an antique th me. Students submitted hort torie, , poem, , ideos, and art b th to the Writing Re ource Center and on-line via the Word truck website. panel of tudent and teacher then oted and , ele ted the be, t piec to b pre ented to an audience filled with family and fri nd, at the formal Word, truck event. The author and artist who hared their rna ·terpiece e plained the thought behind their w rk and the literar proces,·e the went through in order to de elop the final pr du t, the Word truck publication. Th Wild o d pro ided mu ical entertainment befor the show and during intermi, sion, where gu . ts c uld help them , elve to be erage and desserts while the) admired the b autiful art displa ed.
........... -. With 1~ ~ peed. player<; launched dodgeball<; at each other a. they competed in the 2015 Dodgeball Tournament spon<; red by the Pius X tudent Council. This wa<; the lOth Annual Dodgeball Tournament held. Thi'i year, the funds \\ ere u ed to help pay for tudent ouncil members to attend leader hip training. The t urnament con<;isted of teams of <;ix players who were guaranteed two games. tudent. igned up in hope<; to gain the title of Victor<;. The winning team members included am Condello, Nolan Hake!, Robert Han<;en, Michael Helman, Thomas Hoefener, and Rile) Gerch. Prize. were awarded to the champion. and amazing -.port manship was shown throughout the entirety of the <.,tudents. upport from classmate and friend who came to \\ atch added to the fun and helped the day run 1-.m othly.
The Club World Aid Benefit Concerti considered to be one of the mo t philanthropic efforts of the . chool year. Club World Aid decided to send the proceed made at the concert to a mis ionary group known as Mano Amiga in the Philippines. This concert included a total of 26 performance , with 50 diffferent students who took the stage. \"The student choose their own mu. ic to perform, which really howcases their personalities,\" aid Mae tra Roberts, spon or of Club World Aid. From guitar olo. to trio , ballet dances to duets, the e . tudent expressed their love of mu ic with the audience. Club World Aid should be commended for sharing their God-given talent in every way with the Pius family and the out ide world.
enior : )Chola-, G1erhan 1ark Kilt arl:,. 1oore John R1cc 1colc 'I imm Zenaida dame Mal) Gucnth r Mar:,. Kmcheloe Firdav...kon .hlmO\\ Mad1son Ro) e K.>he Tuckc1 Kn..,tcn Bene.., Juho Gutierrez Jacob Krc1keme1er Kcnned) ande1 Rebecca Brook-. Philip Hanigan i gu)en Marcu'> andcr-, bh.> 'I vrd) Jordan Brozek David Hatch Iizabeth Labadie Isaac o·Gara ataha l nger Lauren Bruning Evan Helman Joseph Largen COlt ChiCUer Max Vandenhul Maggie Burmei-,ter Meredith Lar..,cn hanc O'Grady Mad1 on chmidt Collm VanLoon Ju tin off :,. aron Heyen Tina Le K.>lc Pe1rce Briahtia ebcl,: Ka1thn v,tnl.l n Logan John..,on Luc:,. Long Emma Peter en Meghan traub Landon Warn r braham Dncv\\er Connor 1aly Kath:,. m Pcter..,en Marl,: Wathen arah nd.tcott ydnc:,. John..,on Emil:,. Pfeifer dam zatko L)dia Wemhoff MackenZie F1elder Kade Ktllkow..,kl ugu-,tmc Mattern Lind\\e) Pinkerton Hannah Terrell Leah \\\\Il.,on Jeffre:,. Gabcll BenJamm Kca..,chall la1re McDermott Emil.> Pletcher Anna Tetherow Hannah Zuen:her Thoma-, Kell.> Rachel Mcrn II Chad QUigley Junior : lly Thomsen ric dame IIi Davi.., Leah Heyen Peter Ma1 Kylic Root athan llman v illiam Add:,. ichola-, Dean Henry Jaros Cari Mazour K.>lc ager aron Decker Moll:,. Ka parek Alec chafers Megan \\\\atkel i hola ldridgc Baile) D tcrding Morgan Kempf nah Me cal col! lldcr Kathr:,. n Drozda \\\\lila Kocmg Kelc1c 1c:,.er Ievert Br)an v arday Ta:,.lor ngele Ra hel Duden Rose Kotopka Kyhc im-, athan -,-,clin Manssa armcr )dOC) Minarik Elizabeth. taab Jenna v cnnckamp Lillian Barnett Agne-, Fielder cline Kottv\\itz Bradlc) Mos., Brooi...c Emma Finder Caleb Kowalsl-..1 Philip Murphy Jacquel.>n \\\\ri •ht 'oah ontrcra lex i..,h Thoma<, Krick Angela guyen nna tuchlik Luc:,. Co k Fiona Fitzgerald Tram gu)cn Rllce ukup Jared Ym.t Baile) owhng Elizabeth Foley athcnnc Kru gcr Trent gu)en Independence Kelse Daberi...ow Tyler Gill pril Kru . c R:,.lie O'Meara Da'vld Tine-, Braden Gues.., Lwm Kru..,c \\1atthc\\\\ Pham Micke) Tran athan Hall Ca. e:,. LaFrambo1 c Emil.> Pick Whitney Tran a'vannah Hanu<, Da\\ 1d L1c. ch ..,k1 Kacic Tremain icholc Hcimc-, Kri-,tcn tachacck ata'>ha Pierce Claire Maguire Chloe Pmkman athan Ma1 Tanner Rcs-,cguie Daniel Robcrt'>on
Proud parent<; and students crowded into the new gym on May 4th, 2015 to celebrate all the long, hard hour · tudent. put into maintaining good grade<;. The night began a<; each department called up the Outstanding tudent. from each grade level. ertificates were awarded to <;tudents by their proud teachers. The administration and faculty al o awarded students who had upheld a 4.0 GP throughout their high sch ol career. Congre.. man Jeff Fortenberry wa<; available to help pr sent the appointment to the nited tates a al and Merchant Marine cademy to Isaac Driewer and Jame. Dalt n respectively . The grand finale was wh n the top 15 % of the senior class received their medaL and cords of honor to commemorate th ir pa t years of succe .. OveralL it a. a memorable night for the student and their proud famili . , celebrating th ream of the crop at Piu High chool.
204 Prom hi e Pinkman, ah arah Endacott out. hine the night after being app inted a. Prom Royalt (( Dates are n t needed f r ha, e nder on, Miguel Castillo, and Linu edlak t have a ball at the dance. All the need i. a tu ed and a great group of friends. Therese ie crt and Makayla Krings enjoy each other's company while gettin' groo y at their first prom.
The upperclassmen were dressed to the nine as they rolled up to the Comhusker Hotel on a sunny April evening. The theme of \"Pretty in Pink\" was carried throughout the whole ballroom from pink balloon to pink napkins. It was a perfect compliment to the jaw-dropping dresses and hand. orne tuxedos. The night began with a formal dinner full of conver ation. which Jed into the crowning of royalty. Chloe Pinkman and oah Gose nabbed the positions of prince and princess for the night. Sarah Endacott and Julio Gutierrez were appointed a the king and queen. The real fun began with the tart of the dance. The eniors took advantage of their one la t hurrah before graduation. One of the highlights wa the spanish teacher jumping on tage and leading the crowd during the cia . ic . ong \"Danza Kuduro.\" There were many laugh , dance move bu ted, and songs butchered by creaming from the top of lung. . All of these culminated to create a pectactular night that was much more than ju t \"Prett in Pink\".
206 Po~t Pro m Rachel loup, Hannah Zuer her, van Helman, Maggie Burmeister and Ju tin Coffey dance like no ne'<., \\ atching in their \\er own mu ic ideo. Juo.,tin Richard io., elated after winning his early morning foo ball game, but more important) after being awake and alert all night long. 7 l Mary Kincheloe and Brent Hoe ing put their deliriousne\".. into their competitive f oseball natur .
Po r PRo 1 The after party began a tudent took to the gym, at the Piu, X Po t Prom. If anyone wa tired no one bowed it b cau ,e thi year the po t prom acti itie received an upgrade. The highlight of the event included a mechanical bull, la er tag, dart game , and a video game trailer. The food featured Rai ing Cane , Valentino' , and even a candy bar. few lucky , tudent wer awarded a 30\" televi ion and a mini refrigerator. There wa really omething for everyone. Whether att ndee want d to te t their dance kill with orne Dance Dance Revolution or th r bull riding kill on th mechanical bull, e ery tud nt enj ed the night. The Foo ball and Ping Pong were a huge hit a friend comp ted again t each other. 11 in all it wa a night to rememb rand the po t prom committee and taff hit a hom run.
208 ongratulation., Zcny! We are '>O proud of you. You arc uch a jo m our Remember your life. We arc -.o proud of dream-. do not han: an c piration date. the per-. n yOU arc. God' Love. Mom and Dad. a., yOU begin the next chapter in life. Love, Mom, Dad. and Peyton. Our n-,Je : -,weet. funn . The depth of our lov c for faithful. lo al. talented, you i rivaled only by our beautiful. .. You make pride in the man you· c Uc o proud! tay true to become. May your life your elf. lo e to God be full of G d's richc-,t blessings and abundant and follow our dream ! jo . Mom and Dad. We Love You! Mom. Dad. and Trev in. We are '>O proud! Ma Congratulations your courage U'> heart Ehlee Belly Boo! We pa e the way t your love you so much. We dreams. L ve you to the cannot \\ ait to -,ee where m nand back, the future take-, you. Mom and Dad. 212. Love. Momm . Dadd shley. William. ~ --------------9~-p--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M~a~i~a~ndMaura. hine your light, share Congratulations! We love His love, and e with you! We are proud of jo ! Alway and Forever. you! You are a great -,on' Trust in the Lord alway . Mom and Dad. With love, Mom and Dad What y u ar is God' Your smile lights up any gift to you. What you room! You '>urprise me become i your gift to every day and I can· t wail G d. Thank ou for being to <,ee what you do next' y u! We love you! o much love and pndc M m and Dad. Mom. arah and rin.
Kri ten, you make u God's most beautiful .,mile and laugh ever thought~ bl m into da). We arc so incredibly children. You're a perfect example of that. We are proud of you. so very proud of you! We love you! Love, Mom and Dad. Mom. Dad and Kelsey. ongratulati ns Be ky! Brett, an 't believe You have been a true how quickly the gift from God. We ar . o proud of you! years have pa. sed. We Love, Mom, Dad, are so proud of you and Kyle and Ale . love you ery much. ongratulation<., Lauren! ongratulations! Mom, We are ~o pr ud of you. Dad, and Mackenzie. You amaze and in~pire u. every day. Love you You are an amazing <.,on to them on and back! and big brother. We are Mom, Dad, and Jack. so proud of you and the We are so pr ud of all choices that you have your accompli. hment . made. We look. forward to see what the future will There are :o many hold for ou. Mom, Dad, wonderful thing. in tor Don't worry o;weet ~ r your futur . Ma God daughter. You ha e it continue to ble.. within you to get your elf Lo e, Mom and Dad. wher you need to be. have watched ou grow ur lo e for you is into an incredibl ung infinite. Mom and Dad. man. We're \\ef} pr ud Congratulation<., and good f ou and w lo\\e ou. luck, mily! We are. o Keep God with y u pr ud of you! alway.. Love, Mom. Dad, Love, M m and Dad. David, Peter and oah. -~....-.
D ar Miguel. Y, ur man Justin- Pra) ing you will ~pecial gifts has brought continue life'<.; journey with ajo)ful heart. us much j and Lots of Love, happine and made u~ Mom and Dad. proud of the p r<.; n ou ar ongratulations! Lo e. Mom, Dad, Keep that beautiful '>mile on your face. We are so your dream toward th proud of you. Always goal that ou ha e et believe in your~elf and for) our future. Ma God follow your dreams. Keep continue to ble~~ you and strong in )Our faith. direct y ur path. We love Love, M m, Katherine ou. Mom and Dad. ~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~a~nd Thoma~. II You are a ble:. ing from \"You make us very proud God, an amazing ) oung PP! !\"The future i~ ver) man. We alute your hard bright! work and determination. Lo e, Mom and Dad. Thank for all the laugh, at dinnertime. Lo e, Mom and Dad, a_ sidy, as y u begin We c uldn 't be more college, remember to live proud of the beautiful your life b ach thought, person you've be orne. Always keep your faith ea h word, and each and follow y ur dream., deed. We love you always Lo e, your fami I . Ca_ , erole. Your amily. Bailey, Go cha. e your ince day one! dreams! A you always May you achieve all of have; knock down any your dreams with God by your side. roadblock in the way! Lo e, Mom and Dad. ever. top dancing! o proud of you! ! Lo e you, Mom, Dad, Brianna, Will, and Jacob.
May G d alway~ bless Anthon;, G d job and pr teet you . o proud doing your best and trying y ur hardest. of who you both have Lo e, Mom and Dad. become. II our love! Congratulation Hay! Mom, imon, We are , o proud of you Mary, Peter, Grace and all of ur accomplishment ! and Magdalen. Love, Mom, Dad and Kelse . Sarah : You have been as important to the ndacott Dear Claire, We lo e ) ou franchi'-ie as Big Papi has very much and are ery proud of y u! Y u' e been to the Red Sox grown into a lovely franchise . We are a Bunch young woman- May God of idi ts and we love y u. bless you alway ! Love, Mom and Dad. we th ught would never happen! an 't wait to sec Congratulation. , Jeffrey! What an amazing ride; what your future holds! now off int the world! Love, Mom, Dad and tephanie. lway follow your heart, and rna God . p ed you. We are so proud of you! Lo e, M rn. Dad, You will accomplish and how you ha e grown amazing things. Keep over the years. You are God close alway . a beautiful in. ide a. ou ar out ide. Remember to Love, Morn, Dad, Dan, trust in G d and Miranda, J hn, Lil;, teve, Ben, and aleb. ur elf. Go \"Tomorr w hope. we have learned s mething fr m Yesterday\" -John Wayne. ongratulations! We lo e y u. Mom, Dad, and Ale .
Julio: Today ou begin a We are so proud of you, ne-. life. Hold our faith and we love you very much! and famil Mom, Dad, and Desirac. with honor and c urage. You ha e brought so ver <,tri ing. much joy to our family. Love, Mom and Dad. ngratulation'>. \\VC arc Congrat Robbie! We so proud of you! ha e lo ed watching you Love. Mom. Dad, and Melissa. grow into a oung man. Put our man gifts t o proud of you . tay positive, keep smiling, good use and ou will go we love you. far. We are so proud of Lo e. Dad and Mom. ou! We lo e you! M m, Keep spreading your con- Dad, Bridget, Jimm . TJ. tagious mile and always W are o proud of you Hayley! May God be at remember to play to an you side as you continue audience of ! We are to hine! We lo e y u t da . alwa '>and s proud of wh y u've forever! Mom, Dad. become! onnor and Estella. Jeremiah 29: 11-13. Your heart continue to bl . o many. We know May God hold you in the palm of Hi hand alway'>. you' 11 do great at You will honor Him, our whate er ou pursue; family and your friends, can't wait to ee what because of your wisdom the future hold for you! and light. Thank you for -,haring thi'i journey with Pr erb. 3:5-6. U'i! Lo e, Your amily. Belie e in your elf, wi . h for the . tar and the moon, and dare to dream without limit'>. Love you, Mom and Dad.
per<..,on God wants you to Enjoy meeting new become before you go, people and build and good thing~ friendships with tho e will happen! who share the <..,arne ur love forever, value~ as y u, and you' II Mom and Dad. enjoy life. ur love forever, Mom and Dad. I A~ you continue life'~ you have become. journey .. . Honor God You have a tremendous! \" ith the gifts he has given kind pirit that will you, and remember. .. \"I take you far in life. can do all things through We love you. Dad, Mom, Him who ~trengthens me\" Megan and aleb. Philippian<.., 4:13. Love- Mom, Dad, and~K-ath-er~ine--~~~~~-=~~~~~~~~~------------· \"Life moves pretty fast. If The road i'> wide open y u d n't ~top and look before you, take it in Top around once in a while, Gear! (Watch out for you could miss it.\" F.B. pede. trian<..,, the may be We 10\\·C you, u .) We love ou Bubba! Mom and Dad. I We are alread o incredibl proud of ou do well. But m re and we kn w the b . t i importantly, go into the yet to c me! Love, Mom, Jamie, world and dog d.\" Kayla and Laynee. !way'> rcmemb r that through Him all thing'> ha e gr \\ n y ur bright are po · ible, and ou are pirit int the amazing lo ed. Your Family. and beautiful woman you are! We ar '>O proud f I II uri \\e - Dad. We arc o proud f the and R}an. wonderful y ung man you've become. !way~ remember to belie c in yourself and you can accomplish anything. Love you, Mom and Dad.
Congratulation R an! You are a kind and We are o proud of ou. faithful oung man Ma) your faith continue to !ways remember h w grow and guide you . much we love you. To the moon ! M m, Dad, Dad, Mom and Tar n. Jackson and Au. tin. Way to go Ben! You are 'ipe ial. You are We love you and are loved. ongratulation ! proud of you . \"You got this!\" You make u. all ver Love Mom, Dad, proud! Ma God keep haac, and lla. Hi. hand on you. Lo e you forever, L e, Dad, Mom, Mom, Dad, and hannon. Je ·.-ie and dam . We are so proud f the you in our live. . per on you have become. Rem mber to tru . tin G d ontinue to be true to and beli e in ur elf. your heart and ) our future We love you. will be bright. Love, Mom and Dad. Mom, Dad, and Tra i . May he give you the Our little girl i headed de ire of your heart and for big things. May you make all your plans succeed. Psalm 20:4. tru . t in the Lord We are very pr ud of.> ou with all your heart. Dad and Mom. Mom and Dad. We ha e alway. expected great thing from you. You have ne er let u down. Keep soaring!
woman and we are <;o You've grown int) uch proud of you. Congrah an amazing lady. You've created a lot of and dream big. unforgettable memorie . Love you, Dad, Mom, You are the <;weetest per on and have the helby and ick. bigge<;t heart. We I ve We are . o very ~~~~~~~-=====:::;:::;;::::=:::~:;::;::::._:Y_O~u=-and are proud of you. grateful for you, Joe! Mimi, you are a gift from Lo e, Mom, Dad, God. We pray your future Jim, Ale , and Lauren. will be bright and \"magical, magical, ongratulations Garreth! magical.\" Lo e, Dad, We arc all very proud Mom, Ellen, abriel, of y u. Wishing you the We are proud of th man best in the future. you are becoming. Keep gr wing in faith and live Mom, Dad, and family. to be the man you are meant to b ! and inspiration to others. Lo e you MO T! Y< ur future is bright! Mom, Dad, and Cartee. We are very proud of you. Kinsey, you are Lo e, Mom and Dad. uch a bl . sing! We are o proud f you! Lo e, Mom, Dad, Boo and Ty. answer you, and I will o pr ud of who tell you great and mighty you are. Remember to things, which you do not ke p God clo. a ou continue through life. know.\" -Jeremiah 33:3. We love y u! h t for them on and you'll alway land Mom and Dad. among. t the stars. L e ou bu. he! .
Beautiful Bridget, Willy- You arc the son ~ proud of our people hope for when they have a baby boy: determination and hard thoughtful, responsi blc, work.. !ways ~tay close athletic, ~mart and to Jesu~ and know hm: humorou~. We lo c you , Mom and Dad. mu h we love you! Mom and Dad. o proud of you, love you lots! We are proud of au- Keep us close and God Beautiful-in. ide and out. closer a<., you begin thi-, next phase of your life. Dream big. Belie e in your elf. God ha great ongratulation~! You are such a blessing and plans~ r ou. an ama?ing young man! Love, Mom and Dad. Trust in od and believe in your<,clf! d Bless! They ar have g neb Lo e, Mom and Dad. too fast. Y, u wi II arly, We have loved alway. be our little girl. watching you blossom. Lo e, Mom, Dad, We can't wait to see what ~tage ) ou will grace next! Hannah, and the dogs. Lo e, Mom, Dad, Kate and Toby. Mari. - We are extremely proud of you and You've always been an independent little girl. No\\\\ excited for you to take you ha e gr wn into a your ne t . tep. sparkling beautiful indep ndenty ung Love, Mom and Dad. woman. tay strong in your aith, it will guide We are so proud of you, you through life. Love you your accomplishments and devotion t your faith. You are a blessing to us. We lo e you! ick, Mom, mery and tella.
Be alway~ dependable Kathr} n Hope- and many great door<, will y: ur future i~ bright! Y: u're gonna ~hine.! !\"WIIioo-'1._..,~1111 Xoxo Mom, Dad, T mmy, llie and Daniel. be open for opportunities. a<,hion<, may orne and I go, but you two will ne ergo ut f style \"If you ar who you with u~! We are very hould be, }OU will <,et the proud of M rgan and Kathryn oel! world on fire.\" - t. atherine of ienna. We are ~o proud of you and alI of your X , Mom, Dad, accompli, hments, bigail, am and Jack.. e~pecially the wonderful man you have ollow your dreams and become. lway keep keep God close to y ur G d close! Love, heart. We love you and A~ ou clos this chapter are ~o proud of you. in life, we hope the ne t Mom and Dad. is full of happine and amazement. We lo\\ e ou Congratulation Adam- We are so pr ud f y u ou'll \\er and can't wait for } ur , Mom, Dad, next ~teps in life. We love y u! Mom, Dad, Jacob and Will. receive you a~ a gift from God. You make u~ pro ud and excited to ~ee y ur future unfo ld! Love, Your ami ly.
ongratulation~ I know you wi II find a way to u. e your talent<, mil ! W are so pr ud to fulfill your dreams of ever thing you've and to give to other-;. I am proud of you. a ompli-;hed and can't wait to <,ee\" hat II our future hold . We're o proud of you Lo e you! Dad, Mom, b th off and on the court. Hold on tight to your faith Elizab th and Laura. and follow your dream<,. L._~------ We love you! Mom, Dad and Megan. We are o ver proud of you and all ) ou have accompli hed! Lo e, Mom and Dad. We are o proud of you !way a big <.;mile and a Jess, and all ) our big heart. Don't let either accompli hment . of them slip away, they will get you far in life. Remember to alway, Love alway , do your best and keep Mom and Dad. God in your heart. Lo e you, Mom, Dad, •-------- and ourtney~· ~!!~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~---=~~~~~--------~--~ II Katherine, The year ha e We are '>O proud of who ru hed by. I am o proud y u are becoming a a of you. What a beautiful young man! Ma God ) oung lad you are. ble you and be ) our I love you very much. focu on your journey. Dad. Love, Mom, Dad, Mary laire, Richie and Sam. We are proud of We are o proud of the your hard work, peL on you have grown accompli hment , and up to be. ongratulations 1 dedication. Continue Love, Mom and Dad. to hare that beautiful smile. Dream big- uccess await ! MWAHH! Mom and Dad.
We are ~o pr ud of We are so proud of y u! the young man You will do great thing~ in life. ollow; ur ;ou have becom . dream. , we I ve We I ve you er; much. you forever! Love, your family. Lo e, your family. Ellen, your laugh can be We are o proud of y u! heard a mile away! ongrats! Ma; all your That's a great thing! We hope you'll have every future dreams come true! happiness in life. G d bless you always! God bless. Lo e your family. Love, your family. ongratulations n your We've enjoyed so graduation! May all your many wonderful times and are so proud of you. goal be attained, The best i. yet to come. all your dream realized, and may God hold you in eize the moment ! Love alway , Mom, Dad, the hollow of His hand . Love Dad, Mom, atalie, and Caroline. You have always been We're so proud of you! our favorite son! We Y< u ha e worked e trem I) hard and we count our elve. blessed kn w; ou'll achi \\e to call you ours and to amazing things. Follow watch you gro into a your heart and alway~ fine young man. keep God clo e. Love, your family. Jacob, Your family i. er proud of you Congratulation ·! We are and can't wait to . ee . o proud of you! Mak ) our dream. a reality. what you do ne t. May G d guide your wa We love you very much. Lo e alwa . , M m, Dad, Jayden, Laci and lise. Love, Dad, tacey, Mom, and Mark.
Linu~, )OU arc truly one !'t;;f!;'·\\ill\".:<-:.i of a k.ind. We can't wait · ~~~~~ to ~ee where ) our passion lt~~~~ for life lead~ you! Love, Mom and Dad. You are our pride and jo and we lo e you to the moon and back. \"Commit to the LORD dreamers and the world whate er you do, and need. d ers. But above your plans will succeed.\" all, the world needs Love you always! dreamers who do. Follow Mom, Dad, your dreams . We believe f) s. a, Anna and bby. you will do great things! · ---------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Love, y ur family. Happ) graduation to our sweet little Hayley bug. We love you. Keep hining! Love, Mom and Dad. You have alwa) made Congratulation Abby! u. proud and you are truly We are . o proud of you and love you very much. a gift from God. May Dad and Mom. God bles. you always. Jordan Michael, We love you. Don't look back- Love, Mom and Dad. the future is yours! We are so proud of the young You are our unshine! man you have become. We lo e you. Love you forever, Mom, Dad, and Bailey.
young man you are Johnny/John Matthew and wish you a future Benedict/John: where all your dreams Love and prayers to you and congratulations! arc realized. Dad, Mom, Love, Mom, Dad John and Katie, Ryan and llie, I arah, Meg, and Luke. Hannah, Congratulations! We are very proud of Congrat !You are God's you and all of your gift to us and a ble. sing accomplishments! to our famil). You have Dream big and brought us joy, follow your heart. happiness, and laughter. God Bless You! We are proud of you and your accomplishments. I Lo e ) ou more than mud. You have always been years in the books! brave, strong, and We are so very proud of the amazing per. on you adventurous. We are have b come! tay true proud of your spirit and to your. elf! Your future i bright! We Jove you! know you will have amazing journeys ahead. We are . o proud of you and all that you have Love, Dad, Mom, accompli hed! We love you! We are so proud of you! Mom, Dad, Enjoy your j urney and remember. .. Laugh often, ick and oah. love a lot, Jive life to the Paul- W ar all ery fulle t and stay true to proud of you. Ke p your your. elf and your faith, eye on the pin and your cart on the path. we love you! #GBR. Dad, Mom, Mom, Dad and Ta) lor. I Congratulations Boo Bear! We are o proud of you and Jove you ery much! Dad, Mom, Denny, Sarah, Derek, and m!
us! Believe in your, elf We are . o proud of you! and liv the life you have Keep your faith strong as y u start a new chapter at imagined. \"Be illy. Be U L. Keep God in your hone. t. Be kind.\" h arts and He will alwa)s lead )OU in the -Ralph Waldo Emer on. right direction. Lo\\e We 1 ve you! Mom, Dad, _ .......,z....:lll,_________. always, Mom and Dad. mil , and am. y; u alway<., ha e a smile Dream big and go and upbeat personality for with confidence in everyone you encounter. May the Lord continue God' grace. to bless you with Love Alwa , Dad, His love. tay strong in Mom, your faith in Jesus. ~~~~~~~~~--~~~~Lo e you forever. I Landon-You ha e brought Be all that you can B... u greatjoy. May your Baa-gigi, Ba ketball, journey in life bring you Band, Brainy, Beautiful, fulfillment and happin . . Be t daughter ever! K ep God in your heart! Lo e, Mom, Dad, Mom and Dad. Jay, Ruth, Paige, amantha, Adam, Jenny, and amazing ) oung woman you have b come, but in l!lfi!ill our hearts, you'll alway be our Kally-boo-banana. Love, Mom and Dad. We are o proud of the We are so proud of you! young woman you have e er forget your Faith. becom . ontinue to God Bles You. belie e in your elf and let M m and Dad. God help you reach your potential. Love ya, Dad, Mom and Jake.
ick, we are ~o pr ud ully, of the young man you You fill our days with rainbow~ and un- have become. Your we lo\\e you more than integrity and chara ter ) ou can count tar ·! Mom, Dad, will take you far. Fletch, Harry, and Wil. Love always, Mom, Dad, Thank you parents for Lind. ey, and Matt. purcha ing a Baby Ad and Congratulations Hannah! We are very proud of you. for choosing life.' Lot-; of lo e, Dad, Mom, ick, Molly, Zach and !are. )lrz Rtght to life (102. 38 02) Pro] ct R(uhr:l ( 102.489.224 k a Cat h ol r fo L fi ( 4 0 2 4 7 17 ) rt h R In ( ( 4 0 2. 46 6. 2 6 0 9
Thank You Katherine Benal d i t o r- in - C h i c f It wa. an honor to record th hi tory of the Piu. X 2014-15 ch ol Year. We apologize up front f r any omi. ion , error<.,, or incorrect infomation. oah Kapustka A . pecial thank. goe. to the following people: ditor-i n-Ch1cf Mr. Korta, Mr. Lesiak, Mrs. Frayser, and Fr. Meysenburg for making sure every page i\"> Piu Appr priate. Kally Werning ditor-in- h1cf Mr . Kunzman, for all of her help and being su h a graciou . hostess in her room. Mr.. Hartman, Mr . Miller, and Mrs. Ritzman f r gi ing us material, passing out b ks, Morgan oct and fielding que. tion about the annual. nior ditor Mr. Bauman, for coming to our rescue again and again and again ... Mr . Franci<.,, for writing checks and keeping us ut of the financial h le. Jacob Kreikcmeicr Jennifer R bb ( ur girl JR bb), for taking care of the Photo ite. enior ditor ara Benes f r working on our index. John Brown Kennedy ander for all of your help. enior taff Memb r Michelle Br semer and Mike Differenderfer for alway being there to answer question<.,. hloc Kreikemeier Mr. DeWispelare for pitching in at the end of the year. enior taff Member Mr . ulli an for her many years of dedication and love to the Pius Yearbook. Kyra Werner enior taff Member Makayla Krings Juni r ditor Elizabeth Fole) Junior taff Member Rylie O'Meara Junior taff Member Whitney Tran Junior taff Member Kate Messineo Juni r taff Member Madeleine well ophomore taff Morgan elber ophomore taff Anth ny guyen oph more taff
Index Becker, N1ck 52 Butler. Jo,eph 44. 163 Dalton, lame' 15, 157. 158. 159.203.210 Bcd,man,Aiexandra 115. 160.161. 178 Bu11, Sarha 44, 50. 99 Dalton, Kamry 45, 144 A Be1ennann, Ellie 44. 107, 135, 160. 161.202 Dang. Peter 15, 36. 210 \\toendroth. Colton I 1..17, 122, 123, 171. 175, Beltran. athah 44, II 0 c Da•is. lh 45, 49. 86, 97. 107, 134, 135. 160, Benal, Lnn 60. 86, I00. I03, 186. 196 161,201,202 95.208 Benal. Kathenne 14, 36. 88. 117. 180. 186. 196, Calhoun. Ba1lcy 60. 144 Da\" on, J'\"cph 53. 82. 83, 92. 107, 133 \\toendroth, Pe)ton 52. 124. 172, I84 208. 224 Campbell, A,hton IS Dcahn.Logan 45, 120. 121, 144. 174 \\dn. Annmong 44. 86 Bender, Luke 52, 92. 97. 103. 192 Campbell. Emily 15, 92. 94, 209 Dean. ·,chota.. 45. 92. 202 \\dn. Tert>aa1 60 Bene\\, Jo,eph 60 Campbell. Grant61. 66.92 Dcdcr,Aaron 45, 157,202 \\ckcmtann. Riley 60. 125. 172 Bene\\, Kmten 14. 16, 96, 121, 182. 202, 209 Campbell. Logan 61 Decker, Kalley 61. 147, 169 \\dame. Lnc 44. 77, 102. 105. 109. 161.202 Bene\\, \\1ichaela 60. 92, I00. 144 Cano-Meza. Alexandra 61 Deterdmg, Bailey 45. 123. 202 \\dame.!.ena1da 13. 102. 105, 107, IO<J, 183. Bene,, Sara 44, 98. I05 Cao. Anna 61, 94, I00. I08. IO<J Dcubelbeis,, R1ley 15, 37, 123 Bene' Tara 14, I04, 20<J Cao, Enc 15. 109, 209 Dc\\\\ald.Aiex IS !02. 208 Benton. Jacmta 14. 12, 96, 107. 110. 178, 196 Carlo,, Juan 146, 168 DeWald. Jo\\hua 45 Benton, S1mon 60. 125, 157 Carney. Cameron 61 125. 145 D1ekmann. CasSidy 15. 147, 169, 178.210 \\dd). W1lham 44. 73, B4, 92, 146, 168.202 Berke. Lauren 52. 92, I08. I09 Carter. Taylor 52. 131 Dllt7, Haylee 16.210 \\crt\\, I.IIa 44, I02, I04. 135 Bcrk•. Marten 52. 92. 145 Casanan. Jo'e 196 Dmh, Caitlin 16. 77 Bemadt, Jay 52. 145 Casann. Erika 61, 66. 92. 144 Dmh, Tina 53, 182 \\I KalaJ' Jo'e 13 Bcrrick. Jo,eph 52, 92, 146. 168 Ca\\arin. Juan Joe 92, 101. 186 Dion, Lauren 45, 71, 120. 121 \\ 1 KafaJ'· /.1inah 52 Bertrand, Hannah II, 44, 121, 175. 178, I H6. Ca\\\\ld). Anne 45, I05, I07 Do. Anthony 53 \\lam/, Lhda 52, 92. 144 193, 196 Ca\\\\ldy.Chmlt>phcr61.107,125 Do. Vy 45, 102. 109. 110 lll<rt', \\n,lc) 13. 32. 82, 96, 107, 182. IB6. Bi. \\1agt>oula 44. 98. I07 Ca\\tlllo, Emily 61, 120. 121 Dod,on. Jo\\cph 61. 92. 125. 159 192. 193, B1rkel, 'icole 60. 100, 121 Ca\\tillo, Lnc 45, 190 Dod,on, Kayla 61. 79. I00. 129. 147. 169 \\ll'oert,, Ire \\In 60. 82. I00. 159 lll\\hop. Kendra 44 Castillo, Maria 52 Dodson. Parker61. 66. 103. 125 \\l~m. Dame! 44. 51. 92. 136. 137 Bittner, Riley 60, 100. 139 Castillo. M1guel 15. 34, 167. 178,204,210 Docnng, Dylan 53 \\lcaldc. Cmuan 13. 32. 16, 82. 97, 157. 159, Bla cr, Jocl44, 159 Cecao,a, Jackl)n 52. 98, 161 Dolezal, Jenna 45. 127. 128 196. 204. 208 Bl<mef\\, Logan 44, IO<J, 123.200 Cedemcrg, Jacob 53 Dolph. Erin 53. 6. 107. 144, ISO. 161 \\ldag. \\1acKcnlle 60. 100 Blmo,e\". Megan 60, 100 Ceno. Dame! 53. SR. 124. 171 Do\\tal. Bailey 16, 33. 120. 121. 182,210 \\ldridge, 'ichola\\ 92. 108. 171, 194,202 Boatman. \\1olly 60. I00. I07. 119. 178 Cemik. Lm1ly 53 Do\\tal. Wilham 53. 58, 172 \\lld<r. Scoll 44. 202 B<>e\\, Eli1abeth 60. I00. Ill. 134, 135. 161 Chambef\\, There'a 61, I00 Dougherty. Jacob 16. 34. 153, 155. 167.210 \\lien, Brookl)n 52. 58 B,,.,, John 44. Ill, 137, 202 Champoux. \\ndrea 61, I00 Dougherty. Megan 53, 99 \\lien. lame' 52. 186. I96 B,>e,, \"-1ike 178 Champoux, Luka' 61, Abraham 16. 92. 107. 157, 184. 185. \\1\\\\\\ard. lac~ 52 Boettcher Jack,on 52. 124 Champoux. !\\1chola 45 202 \\~def'en. !:than 122. 123. 154. 155 B'>e'e Brett 14, 39, 40. 79, 153. 155, 20<J Chandler, \\\\\\at! 53, 92, 196 Dne,.,er, 1\\aac 16. 92. 107. 157. 178.203.211 \\ndcf'en Gage 52. 92 Bo~ue Jadyn 60. 92. 100, 144 Dne,.,er. Peter 61. 92 \\ndcf'cn, M)nah 13. 92,208 Bonta. Sydney 44, 116. 117, 147. 169 Chapelle, Al~m 45, 94, 104. 105, 106. 109, Drozd. ·athan 61. 172 \\ndef'en, \\\"lltnria I89 Boothe. Anna 52. 82. 128 Drozda. Kathryn 45, 202 \\ndcf'nn. Brendan 52 Boothe. Sara 14. 127, 175 110. 202 Duden, Rachael45. 105. 107, 130. 131. 142. \\ndmon. Cha'e 13. 34. 75, 204 Bo,.,man. Luke 14. 12, 38, 123 Chau. Thuy 61 143, 173. 202 \\ndmon. Ehlana 13. 32. 37, 70. 92. 96, 186. Bo) le, Ethan 60, 167 Che\\ley. Emma 61, 66. 92. I08. 182 Duggan. Luis 61 Boyle. Krulee 44 Chlf\\lcn\\en. Jonah 53.58. 92. 108. 109. 159 Dunbar, Emma45. 51. 121,185 1%. 208 Boyte. Chandler 52. 92, 124. 163 Cho\"· Lynn I00 Durbm. Kai lee 61. 119 \\ndcNm. lame\\ I3 Bo) te. D) Ian 60. I00. 125. 163 Chram<hta. Trenwn 53. 5 • 82, 94, 98 Durbm. Keo, 111 16. 159 \\ndcNm. l.uke 60 Brake. Eh1abeth 52. 128 Ci\\nero\\. \\1arcus 45, 123. 157 D\"ora~. Audrey 53. 144 \\ndcf'on Victoria 52, 99, I0 I, I08, 186. 192. Brakcnhoff. Ca•thn 14, W. 99. 184 Clark. Colton 45 Bmkenhoff. lame\\ 52, 124 Clar~. S1erra 53. 86 E 196 Breitfcldcr, Emma 60. 82. 94. I00 Clarke. Honona 61, 92. 94 Earhart. Stephame 61. 2. 92, I00 \\ndrca\\Cn, Jakob 72, 97. 123. 157. 163. 200 Bnchacek. Crundcn 60. 155. 172 Clarke, Lyd•a45, 02, 94. 107. 186. I% Ea ley, Jack 53. 124. 141, 154. 155 \\ndrca,en. Jo\\hua 60. 125. 157. 172 Bnon. Brandon 52 Clarke. ·orah 100, I07 Ea'ley. \\l1tchell 16. 3. 123. I \\ngclc. Ta)lor44. 104, 123. 154, 155. 163,202 Sroka\". Rebecca 14, 142. 143. 149. 2()<) Clement. \\ndre\" 61, 159 Eckhout, Connor 53. 98 \\ppleget. Andre\" 60. I00. 125. 155 Brook,, Rebecca 14. 32, 41. 135. 182. 202 Clement. Anne 45, 70 Ed\"ard\\, Anthony 16. 36. 41. 74. 157.211 \\pplcgct. Oh\\la 44, 50. 86. 147, 169 Bro\"n. E\"her 14, 90, 117. 186. 192. 193. 196 Clough. Skyler 45, 92. 105. 147. 169 Ed,.,ards. Pe)tOn 61.66 \\rchulcta. Damelie 52 Brov.n. John 14. 42. 88. 209. 224 Codr, Ore\" 61, 100. 125. 157 Egelhoff, Frank 61.92 \\mdt, Jack\"'\" 52, 96. 171, 172, 183 Bro\" n. Judith 60. I00. I09 Coffey. Ju\\lln 15. 109. Ill, 141, 146. 168.202. Egelhoff. Kathryn 45 \\mdt. Kay lee 60. 92. 139 Brox. Jonah 44. 96. 101, 107. 186. 196 206.210 Eickhoff, Jacob 61. 159 \\me,on. Kayla 52. 128 Brox. Samuel 60. 92, 93. 101. 107. 125. 186, Coffey. Oh•a 53. 147. 169 Ellerbee. Clare 53. 5 • 127 ,\\mold. Ethan 52. 79. 92. 124, 157. 172 196 Coffey. Sean 45, 133 El,ener, [,a,ah 61. 137. 146. 163, 16 \\mgo. Maya 52. I07. 118 Brozek. Jordan 14. 37. 146. 168. 184.202 Coleman. Ju\\llce 53, 86 El,.,ell. ;\\1adeleme 53.5 . . I 6, 1%.224 \\\"clin 'athan 44. 49. 123. 166. 167. 202 Bro7el., Jo\\eph 52. 146. 168 Colhn.,, 'olan 45 Endacott, ;\\1ark 53. 124. 157 \\ylnr. han 52. 101. 137. 186. 196 Bruning. Lauren 14. 36. 130, 131, 200. 202. Condello. Samuel 15, 123. 170. 171, 200. 210 Endacott. Sarah 16. 37. 82. 107. 135.202. 204, .\\)1\\\\ard, Jack 163 209 Condon. Madeline 61. 19 205, 211 Bf)ant.Aiexi\\44. 126.127. 12.147.169. 17'1 Condon. Mon1ca 15. 36. 198 Eng,trom. Hale) 16. 211 B Bf)ant. Lucy 60. 129. 147. 169 C nrad. Madel)n 61. 92. 144. 145 Ennquez, Joel 53, 124. 155 Ba1er. Corinne 60. 66. 82. I07 Bf)ce. Tatum 52. 92 Contrera,, lame' 72. 109. 123.200 Ef\\k1ne, Ke\\ln 159 Bailey. Collin 60, 66 Bf)ce. \\\\hllley 15. 33. 37, 41. 149,209 Contreras. 'oah 45, 51. 202 Ef'kme. \\alene 61. 66. 67, 100, 145, 159 Baker, Ma\"'nilian 60. 92, 125 Budcll. Anthony 52. 92, 124 Cook. Lucy 45. 103. 105. 202 E'ken,,Andrev. 61, 125, 172 Baker, 1'\\atalie 13. 96. 182. 186. 1%. 197.208 Budell. Ellen 52. 98. Ill. 134. 135, 164. 165 Cooney. Eha 61 E\\ken,, Oli\\ ia 16. 36. 17. Baldera\\, Je\"lla 13 SUI. Brandon 60. 133 Coone). R)an 53 Eo, an,, Tm11an 61 Baldera,, Victor 13. 146. 168. 208 BUI. HU) 44. 109. 110 E•= to. Cod) 16. 34, 92 Bal\\. Sarah 52 BUI, !'abel 44 ooney. Tony 53 Evamto. R1cky 61 Bane. \\nnie 60. 67, 100 SUI. goc-Tran 52. 94. 102 Cordry. atahe 45. 110 Baric, Robert 44, 50. 123, 157 BUI. l'\\ma 44. 82. 84. 103. 105. 109. 110.202. Co\"ello. Sophie 45. 117 F Bame\\, Kolhn 44. 71, 157 203 Cov.hng. BaJle) 45. 110. 161, 17 . 202 Farber, Robert 'i}, 124, I 'i Bame,, Matthc\" 60. 125, 157 BUI, Ph1hp I07 Cox. Angela 61. 92 Fanner, \\lan\"a 45. 73. 2. 99, 103, 104. 107, Barnell. Jack 14, 37. 208 BUI, Phuong Thao I08 Co).Samuel61,107.132.133 201,202 Barnell. l.1lhan 150. 188. 202 Bund). Jo,hua 44 Co) le. Kehe) 45. 117. 207 Fau,t. \\1organ 61, 100 Bamh1ll. Ceycnna 52.9 . 107. 109 Bun7, Jacob 52. 124. 167 \\loll) 15. 165.210 Felber \\I rgan '\\1, • I Barr. Caroh ne 66 Cri,t. Andre\" 53. 137. 163 Fette . l , 61, 15 • 15 Barr. CeCilia 60. 94, 100 Bunz. Will 60. 125. 159 Crook. Samantha 53. I02. I0 . 13 . 139 Fernandez, Gat>nel 61 Barr. Damon 52. 59 Bure,h. Jo,eph 123. 194. 200 Crouse. T)ler 53.5 . 59. 171 Fu,dler, \\ ne' 45, 109 2 2 BarriO\\, Jo,c 44. I08 Burke. Lauren 143. 145. 171 Curiel. Le\"he 61 F1elder, \\la,·kenzle 16, 92,94 2 2, 211 BaiT). Jo'l)n 44. 92. 102. 110. 178 Burkm\\ha\", Amelia 44. 73. I0 . 135. 206 Czaplev.,kl, Au,un 53. 70. 159 F1eldcr, 'tepharue 51. 'i • I 0 B311). Rebecca 60 Bunncl\\tcr. Annie 52. 147. 169 Fmd.r, Emm 0. ~. 9 . I • I 19~. 201, Batre\\, 1arco 60. 146. 168 Bumte\"ter. Hannah 44. 116. 117. I 4 D Batre\\, Mo\"e' 44 Bumtci,ter. lagg1e 15. 36. 99. 147. 169. 173. Daberko\". Kcl'e) 45. 127. 149.202 Fhh. \\le 45, 2 2 Baum, Rachel 60. I02 202. 206. 209 Dachhng. Madl\\on 45. 9 Fi h r, \\n~e ca 61 Bauman. Adam 8 Bun. Jo,eph 60. 133. 152. 153. 155. 166. 167 Dail). Sophia 53. 5 . 92 F1 h r, Chari '61 Baume11. Alex 52. 159 Butler. \\nthOn) 60. 92, 137. 163 Dalton. Anna 45. 51. 2. 4. 107. 202 Baumgartner, Rachel 52. 59 Dalton. Dean,17 Baumgartner. Sierra 14 194. 196 Ba\\ler. Jo,ephme 60, 70. 147, 161. 169 Dalton. Grego') 53. 157. 159 Becker. Alh,on 60. 100. 147. 169
hi/gerald I 1<>na 45,. ;!, 99, 107, 109, 190, Han\" a). r>.1acoc 62,ons, \\loch cl 9. Ko e, Ku 6.\\ 100 196. 201, 202 l!.onll. Jacot> 46 Jao en, J soc 54 Kosc, I do 6.~. I 55 Fox. Chmtoan 5.~ 92. 101 Han1l. Inom'\" 17, 96 Jamhot, \\u,un 46. IOJ. I 6, IH7 Kotopka. Ro'c 46. 121, 175, 202 liard), Rachel 54, 92. 99 Jareckc, \\meloa62, 144,151,161,174 Kolopka, Ihoma' 61 Flo) d. Roan 5~ llan1. '\\1arco 54 Jarcckc, J.orrcn 54 1\\ >ll\\\\Jll, ('cline 46.1:J7, 194, 196,201,202 Harper, !Nianc) 54, 126, 12.. 161, 175 Jarc•ckc, Inoma' 1., ~2. ~ 35, I 59,21 ~ Koll\\\\ olz, Rn,alccn 6\\ 100 Fole~. I l11at>cth 45 . .'4, .. , 99. 107. I ~5. 165, Harper, Sulll\\an 46. 107, 1.'6, 196 Jaro . ( lare 54, . , 145, I. . Ko\\\\al ko, Calct> 4ti. 107, I '1, 202 .202. :!:!4 llamngt n, Hunter 46, 70 Jaw, llcnf) 6, 50, 90. 10 , 12\\,202 KO\\\\al lo, lsat>cllc 6~. 100, 10 Fole), Peter 61. 107. 172 llanung, h>e 54, 121 len n, \\h '\" 46, 90 Kmmcr, K) lc '\\5, 'i.', 92,9 • 103, 107 110 f·onent>cll), Claore lb. 109, Ill. 147, 169.211 llat<Oh, Da\\Jd 17, 92. 107,202.212 Jokk, \\I andcr I ·, ~.1 1'6. ll7 Fonent>cll), H11at>cth 53, II , 196 Hat<Oh, \\kh\"a 62, 92 Jolek, llhc '\\4, 144, 150, 161 Krau e, \\lc 6, 7., 1.!1 Fonenbell). Kat hi) n 61 Ha)C, K)m 46, 51. 121 John\"~\"· B.oilc) I , 21 ~ Krau,c, \\nna 55. 'i . 2 9 , 101, 103, 107 F<mler. Baolc) 4S, 99, I ~5. I<lb. 201 Hca'l), 1organ 62, 147, 169 John on, C orl\\ 62, I0 193,1% hm lcr. \\1adl'on 16, 41, 99 Heath, Ha) In 17 ~4. 42, 92.'17, -12 John on, ( ok 6, I0. Fo .Kalehbl, 125,172 llc~cn. I te 17, ~2. 75. 121,212 Jdm n, l.d\" rd 54 Kr.:okcm ocr, Chloe 20, 7, 2. 4, 9, Ill Fraze), Ja<:ot> 62 67, 100, 159 I kot>cl, 1anhc\" 17, 12J, 174 J hn n, (,cnc\\JC\\ c 62, I00 214, 2.!4 Fl). Jo h 9 Heomt>r ·ht, Chn l) 54, 92, I6 I John'iOn, ll.onnah 62, I00, 11. , I 9 1\\rcokcmcocr, D.t)nC 63, 12~. 172 Fu.:h,, kKonlc 62, 144 Heimc,, ocholc 46. 2, 147, 161, 169,202 lt•hn,un, Ka) Ia 54, 150. 16. Krcokcmcocr, Jacot> 20, 2, 4, R!!, 12'1, I 59, Fuller, oah 53 Heonmoann. Joel 62. 125 l<>hJN>n, I ogan I , 166, 167,202 211 .!02, .!14, 224 Fulton, \\ugu,tone 53, 92, %, I H, I 6. 196 Hcon1mann. K) le 54 Juhn,on. S)dOC) 19, 97, 101. 105, 109.201, Krcnk, Blake 46,1:i6, 1%, 197 Fulton, llwma' 5.\\ 192, 19.\\ 1% Hellcm, kgan 54. 5g, X2, 150, 164, I65 202, 21.~ Knck. \\nthon) 6l, 100, 117, 16' Helman. I \\an I . U. 36.. 2. • 4. 171 202, John on I) lcr 62, 125 Krock. Jlh.on 97, 107, I 7 G 206.212 Joh,. 1oranda54,5.. 99, 115,161, tn Kn.:k. lhorna 46,97,107,1l7,16 ,17',202 Helman. \\1ad(ennc 107, 142, 14\\ 149, 161, lone,, K.olch 19, Ill, 12\\, 16.~ Kring,, 1 ka~la. 2. !!X. 107, .!04, 224 Gat>cll. Jeflrc) 17, 36, 72, 2, 92 Ill, 12~. 174 J r•cn en, Ju,tonc 54. 145 Krinke, Ra had 6.1, 79, 144 16~. 202.211 Helman, \\1ochaciiX. ~2. 36. 4, 170. 171. Jundt, I mol\\ 46, 96. I. 6. 196 Gar.:oa. \\lch\"a 'i1. 92, 147, 16'1 200,212 Junker, R ,;n 19, 171.214 Gaura. \\\\oil 62, 117 llenkcnou,, /.a.:h:tf) 62, 137, 141, 146, 16. Gcntrup, CaNcn 53, 124 Hen'). C'a\"\"\" 46, 141 h. n. U).l, tit, In, Ger.:h, Rile) 17, 35, 123, 2(Xl. 211 K.olko\\\\ ko, K de 19. P Gihh,, ndrc\"' 62, HXl, U7 lkrgc'llmdcr, Llhan I , :n, 7., I 9, 212 16\\202.214 4, .• 9. 159, Goerh n. lor) an 109 Gocrhan. T'.i)lor 'i~. 97, 192 Hernandez, Clllal) 62 Kearn , ( onor 54, 146, 16 Kru,c, \\\\ti!Jarn '\\5, 92, 109 Gill, T)lcr 45, 121, 161,202 lkrmro1. Carl< 92, 1. 6 Kea,ch II, BcnJamon 19, 144, I 59, 202, 214 Kucera \\1cgan 6.\\ 144 Gollan. amud 5~. 70. 124, 1. lkrrcra, Juan 71, 92, 157 Kudron, l)lcr63. 100. 12~. 155.163 Gla,er, Hunter 5. I W lkrrcra, Oli\\la 62, 104 Kca,ch II, I'\"·'\" 62 Kuehn, \\1 on 61, H~l. l'l9, 151 Goeden. Jad. 53. 110, I ~6. 117, 175 He cr, Ja nh 54, 71, 124 Kuehn, \\udrc 47, 49, 2. 107, I , 139, I Gomet. Emol) 17, ~4. 94, 102, 106 He tcnnann. Bndget 46, 50 Keaton , It a 19, 4, 92, 214 Kula. \\dam Ill Gomc7, \\'ictor Lope1 21 llc\\\\oll. \\lc\\andra IH. 16. 107, 149,212 Keller, \\me loa 19, I07 1\\umke, Brooke 20, 204, 21 Gonzala, 1-redd) 45, 123 fk)cn. \\ wn I., 72. 92,9\\ 15~. !55, 179, 1\\\\\\amharnt>a, Chn loan 55 Goodt>an, Kei'C) 62, 144 202, :!ll Keller, I '\"\"\" 62 K\"'apno ko, Inn 20 Goodhan. \\1c£3n 45, 99 He) en Hannah I , 92, 204, 21 ~ Kcll), Thom.t 19, H,IIO, 131,202,214 Go<xl\"'atcr, Teresa 53. 92, 'I·. 10 lk)cn Leah 46, 10 . I09. 202 Kempf, \\1organ 46. 141, 202 I. Good\" on. Andre\" 62 Holl,. 1 ddonc 6 Kennell, l·mma 46 l~ohadoe, l.l11at>cth .!0, 92, ..02 GO<xl\"''\"· Ju,tonc 62, 144, 145 llollcnt>r.1nd Lauren 106 Kerkman, /.<ochaf) 62, 12'\\ I Goracke, Pc)ton 45, 147, 169 !loll, la)l<>r62, 100. 159 Kerr, \\lc 411,50, 12.1, 1'\\6, 1'\\7 16.1. 205 Gonon, f:li-a 54 llo. Jo,eph 62 Kcrr,Ste\\cnll2,125,1'\\7 I'\\X.I61 G<\"e. Lden 54,99, II H. IS:! lloa~c. \\1oc·ah46. 171,173 Kcm •an. \\nton t\\2, HKJ, 125 Go,e, oah 45, 7 . 96. 19•. 204, 205 Hoang, Dun • 54, 72 .. 4, 102, 107, 110 1\\cm • n S rah46, 116, 117, 17 Grecn,.ald, John 62 lh>an • lonk 411, 157 K unnmg, 1\\,om 101 Grcndahl, r>.bdo n 54, 126, 127, 175 llohh . Bcn1arnon 62. 92. I<Xl. I 59 1\\holou 1, Sam 62, I00 Gne,, '\\lo.:h el 54, 124 Hoctcn r, !noma I., ~6. ~., 4, 107, 122, 1\\octei.J oca62, 104 Grie' , Ba1lq 62 121,171,179, 1.4,192,21Ml.21~ Koctcl, \\lob) Ia 6 ~- 104 Gro\"croJe, r>.lorchcll 74, I ~6. In, I 55, 163. IJ<>e,ong, Brent I. . .14, Ill, 12~. 206, 211 Kolt , John 54 10.. 109 17. Hokomt>, Bf)ce 54, 137, 16.1 Gude, \"'och<lla' 46 llollamon. Pc) ton 54, 165 1\\ommonau, Iori 6, 10. • Anh '\\5 Guenther, \\1JJ) 17, 6, 105, LlO, nt. I 4, Hollamon. Trc) 62 Konchch , 1Jr) 19, 121, 160. 161,202,206. I.e, Due 20 H >lmc , R)an 62, 100 214 I.e, llan 55 '· 5, 202.211 H<><>Jl<.'l', I organ 62, 119 Korkpatn,k, Rot>cn 54, 92, 107 I.e, Kn,ue 6.1, 94, HXJ. I09, I!!2 Gucnra. J hua 'i4, 124, 157 Hom, 1 ole 62. 92 !\\Icon, \\anc, a 61 l c, l.am20, 109 Guc '• Braden 6, 'iO. 194, 202 Hom, Rt k) 46 Kkon chmll, ,\\ hl)n 46, 121 I e, \"'on• ~5. 5 , 9. GutocrrcT, Jon:uhon 62, 2, 107, 141 Homer, \\hogaol 62, I00 Klcon\\Chmot, Bmnden 63, 159 Gurocrrcz,Juh 17,. 2, 1, 167.202,204,205, ll<\"ek. knnotcr 9 Klein hmll, (\\>d) 63, Ill, 137 I.e, ro.ona 6.1 212 llo,ek. knny 54 Kluthe I) lcr 54, 124 Gut\"hennllcr, 11l.:hell 62. 125 Hol<l\\), Gemma 54, 99, 196 I.e, I on 63 llolu\\ ), Ja.:oh I . 96. I ~3. 196. 197 Knau,. I mol) 54, SR. 121 I.e, I ona 20, 19, 70. 202 H Hou cr, Jonathan 46 Knct>cl, Megan 54 5g, 9 , 10 I. IO, , I 86 l.ct>cr, Gmnt 61 Ha. Jenn) 17 Hou-er, S)dOC) 54, 58, 165 I ct>cr, Randy 9 Hahnx:k. oah 54, 72. 124 llu\\1,, Sunon 54, 108. 124, 194 Kn<>l\\\\CII, !loll\" 19 l.chr, Jn hua 20 Hackler, Brc.:kcn 54 ll<mcll, Gank 62 Kohu,, athan 54, I04 l.chr, athan.od 55, 92 Hafn r. Patnck 54 Ho,.ell, Grcogh I , 19. 79, 152, 151, 155, 21.1 Knlva, Jo hua 54, 59 Lemon, J ck,on 63 Hagen. Bf)nn 54, 147, 165, 169 llrahan, \\u,ton 46, 49 Koeller, \\\\Cf) 19, 127, 161 lx o.ol. \\lc 63. 7 , 155 Hagge. 'oah 62, 125 llruh], \\lcm 54, 5 . II Koeno, Koman6.1, 100,141,155 I \"'ando\"' ko, Mo.:hael ~5. 154, I'\\'\\ Hahn. Scoll 153 Hrut>). athan 62, 125 Kocnog, \\1oora 46. 51, 97, 196,201 l. \"\"·Reller, G rreth 20, ~4.42, 215 Hake!. olan 17, 32,15,17 R-1, 170. 171, :!(X), Hrut>), Spencer 62 K<>enog. \\\\olla 46. 110. l.lS. 161,202 l o.:htcnlcld, Lmma 55, 92, I 0 . 17 212 Hugo, \\hhcy 54, 5 . 6. 135, 150. 160. 161, Kohmctschcr, Lucy 19, 32, 92. 115, I 4, I 5, l.oc ch, Curlee 63, 92, HXJ, 144 Hall. Haley 62. 129, 151 173 196 l.oe,ch, Cnry 20. 12, !!4, 121, 174, 21 ~ Hall, alhan 46. 50. 1.54, 155, 202 Hunt. Jacob 62, 92 Kohmctsch'r,/,elic 46, '16 loc,che ko, Da\\Jtl 47, I H, 202 Hupf, Xa\\ler 46 Kolbu h, !Nrck 54, 155, 171 Lohedahl, John t\\3, 92. 146. 16 Hamdan. Emama 62, I5I Hu,mann. Mark 1. , 213 Kt>ndoh ma, Jaclle 19. 109 l onchau •h, olonh .!0, 16, Ill, 127, 162. 163 Harne , Sarah 62 Hu)nh, I a 46. 204 Koncck), Kn,tona -It\\, 106 205,21'\\ Hampl. oah 54 Huynh, 1ochael I Knn7, Cr.u 55, 159 11 ka, Rcona 6.1 Hanogan. Phohp 17. 90, 91, 10 , 109,202 Kopelka, Jo cph 46, 198 l.o an, l ukc 55 Hanneman, Jade 54. 92 I Ia , Stephanoe 62 Korcn'k), Ma,on 55. 79 Lonergan. Bnana 63. I<Xl. 144, 145 Hannigan, Pholip H Kona, ochola' 46. 96, 191, I'16. I'17 Lonergan. Makon,cy 21, 159, 21 S Han,. hmuan 54 Jaconto, 1aycla 62 Kona, oellc 63.66, 82, 100. 107. 121 Long, Lucy 21. 92. 93, 99, D5, 202 Han n. Charle 4, 5 , 9 , 10 , 109, 1% Han'Cn. lame 46. 97, 159, I 6. I 7, 1% Jack'''\"· Jo\"e 98 Han'Cn. Robcn 17, 37, 123, 163,200,212 Han en. Thoma 54, 82, ) 24, 154, 155, 163 Hanu,, Sa•annah 46. 50. 149, 165, I?X. ISH. 202
1ukc. lla} k) ~5 Meta, Karina 47, 92 \";guyen. Son 47, 109 Phllhnc~. 1a,on 04 [)OD, !l.mna ~5. <J,. l:!l l 4 \\leta, \\1atco 47 \";gu}cn, Sydney 04 P~ewlo, An • li.:a 5o,9<J, 10 1)On , 'ol3n 6 3, 70. 157, 167 \\lela,. ophoa 47 P1ck, Lmil) 4 ,51, 2, 107, 142,143.202 \\1>cel. Luke ~5 cuycn. h>an 23. 35 P1eper, \\larku 04, 125, 155 \\1 U}en. lnny 47, 108 P1eper, \\1 IIi ~o. 12 1>~hcl , Cathcnne 55. 9 uycn. I rJm 47, I02, 110. 202 P1cr , ala ha4 ,49,92.96,101,1 6.19o, II H. \\1IIana, \\loch I 22 U)en, I rent 47, 202 202 '1.1olhum. Ccle tc 22. 41,'14. 216 P1cr , lara 101. I 6 4, l • 202 \\1dhum, Dand>4. 125. In, 171 gU)en, I 21, 99, IH1. 202 Pmkenon. B n] mm 04, 1>7, HXl \\l1ld, \\loll) ~5. 'I . 1~. 105 guycn, \\ 1ncent M, 12~. 194 Pmkenon, I mJsey 25, 33, 34, 16,97, 105, IO'J, MJJ, Kc\\111 'i 1 hoi , \\ ron M. 125, 155, 172 IIO,IlJ6,202,21 Iat, lJl) 61, '!4, l!XI 1>1dcr, Harlan 11'>7 1 kman, Jo ph 23. 157 Pmkman, Chloe 4 , %, IO , I'I , 202.204,205 \\IJI, ~athan 47, 102, 105, 202 \\l>lhou • \\1an 55, I 0, 16'i ' krnan, Paul 04, 157 \\lao. Pctcr47,'1H, l 6. 1'16. 202 \\1olhou , atah ~5. 150, 104 165 oe<l ·r • , I urcn 56, 92, 199 Plct her, Ol\"'a 5o. 10~ \\IJJ, Pholhp 6~ ~1olhou c, Peter 22, 211> Pl<><lltcr, (',, ld) 04, 129 \\la1, Phu~ :!1, l(~J. 110 \\IIIler, \\u,tm 55, 151>, 157 kcr, \\1adehnc 4 , l)<J 143 Plummer, Brendan 05, 92, 104 \\lat. Tomm) ~5. '12 1>11 r, Bra)dL'tl ~5. 110. 1'13 , ker, Samud M, 159 Potahl, Ba•le) 65 \\bon. \\lc 21. 97, 116. t:l7, 16:!, 161, 184,185 1111 r, I:Jn>l) 5, I-I~ \\lam. roana 55. 161 \\1olkr, Samud 04, I 1 '\\ I, ,\\lnga>l 56. 12 oo.Polo' ka. Selena o5, 92, I 0 \\1aJCI1l'· Lila 55. 105 ocl, Kathryn 2 , \\90,217 \\lalmkar Jc sc 157, 190 1111 r Shann n 22,216 Poli\\ka. Stephante25.33,17, 77.159.182,218 \\lalmslrom. \\odan 21. 37,4 , 146, 16 \\l1ncho\", Ce.:eha 04, )(X), 107, 120. 121, 1'12, I, 'l.lorgan 24, 34, , 90,116,9 , Ill, 127, Polla k,llunter 56. 124, 157, 172 \\lalm trom. \\ cl21, 6. 145. 21~ 196 217,224 Pollod, Seth 65, 155 \\lah. (h:l! 1>3 \\1mcho\", Ju,tm 22, R2,9o, 121, 123, I o. 193, Po\"ell, Ntehol;\" 56, 124, 155 \\13l~.Conn r21.202 196. 197. 216 ocl, Spcn<cr M, 1'>7, X:!, 100, 106, 107 Po.., cr. J>lh n 5o, 2. 98 \\1 ~okr). \\laJkcn ~~ \\1>nch \"·Kyle 47, 92. 96. 157, I 6. I'll>, 201, Jared 24, 12, 17, X4, 107, 170. Pnhno\"', len: 4 , 97, 13'1 \\lmnmg. !loll) 21 \\1me,, \\lana 55. 92, 103, 107 171,175,195.217 P)n ,Jo pho5.100,102,125,146.16 1an hctm. \\!organ 1>3, l 35, 147, 169 '-1anc,. Trent 22 ollkmann, Lmd'a) 04 129, 151, 161 \\lmh. Ra hel I>\\ lCXl. 129 \\1nchcll. Mari 22, 12,l7 21o OH>a. Sol 13 4H Q \\1 lck. ( thcnn 1>3, 92, 107, 16~ \\lln;..nk. S)dn·y 47, 99, 103. 194, :!02 umhcr>, \\lcKen11e 04 QU>glcy, Chad 25. 71, 152. 15.1, 155, 202. 21 \\1 kk, 1nno 47, 4,92,'13. 102, l!H, I'll Qu1glc), \\1 gan 4 , 50. 107. 149, 150, 161, \\lanm. \\I 47 oo,\\lontanLt. \\kKcnn3 04, lOll, 120, 121 0 I . 205 \\lanmet, \\ndoca 55 Ohcrcrnhr lnd)ana 24 Qu1r t,1)1cr65 \\1Jnmct, Jcnno~a ~5 ~loorc,Carl) 11,23. 17,96.1 o,I'J .1'!6, OBrien. PJ 4 • 70 1Jnma,Jc) on 21, 1:!1, 11>7 202, 21o OBnen, I ri ran 24 R \\IJ.!tnclli, \\nthnn) 7, 145 \\lora! , Gul\\3nn> 47 Radcmacker, Dana 5o, 9 \\IJ.,.•n. Rct> 21 \\1orak • Ye,cn>a 21. 34 Ckampo. Ju tmc 64, oo. 92,94, 10 · Radcmackcr, Jawh 4 \\l.l\"C). Logan o 1, 92 \\lorehou.,e, Clare 56, 2, 107, 115, I 3, I 6, Raen~;>kcrs, Jes IL'a :;6 Ma,tel. Graham 47 191,1% ()<lorn. He1d1 56 RaJ \",k1, '1.1 ry 5o \\1allcm,Au U\\tlllc 21.17,40,41, 107, 152. ODonnell, \\1on~<'a64, 100,151,165 R3maeker C'ounncy 4M, 165 l'i.3. 180. 20:! 1orchou e, Srell 04, 10'1, IW Ckhm. lykr 04 Ramacker,, Jc\"ic3 25, 142, 141,21 \\lancm.O\"cn ol, 107, 125. 141,155 \\lorena, Gcm-anni 7, 121 (l(,ara, I m1l) 56, 4, 102, 103, 19 • 203 Ramae~er . S1dney 48. I02, II 0 latulka,Al)\"'>n:!l, 4,117, 178,215 lorphe\"', Luke 51'> (l(.ara, I 24, 7'2, 109, 14~. 202 Rami ret ,\\nncli*'tc 48 \\1 ul,.\\hog311 1'>3, o7, 129. 147, 169 \\lorn on Bro..,n,M>kacla21,157,1 1,194 0• a, lan o. 10 • 172 Ram>rcl, Cc,ar 25, 167 \\13), Ha) lc) !12 :!II'> O<.ratl), oh 'i6,9. Ram'e), Gordan . 5 \\13), \\bd leone 1'>~. 90, 92, I02 \\1om>\" Ann2\\ 15'1,216 CX,rad). 24, 3l, 41. Hl'J, 202 Raun. J1\"cph 65, 107. 125, 155, 172 \\1Jzour, Cart 47, 51,'!9, 10 , :!02 \\1\" s BrJdk' H, 4, 107, 202 Ohnoulka, Bnnan) So, 127. 12!!. lol Ra), Jack ~6. 92. I 6 \\ oor, Ca '>:lndra 21,33 \\1ungu•a. S;ul 56 Ohnoutl.a, I ra\\1' 24, 12, 161, 217 Reed, Au,tm 25, 32. 123. 21 \\I,Bndc, L ura ~~. 'i , 106 ()I\"'\"· \\dam 24, 6. 79, 112, 111, 175, 217 Rec,e, Gam:ll 56. 96. 192, 196 \\lc( ahc, \\!Jdclcm 'i5, II 1urill<>. htchan 47, 92, 10., 167 01 on, J•.:oh 56. 154, 16~ Ree,e. Ma g>c 56. 2, 4, 99, I03 \\I,Cahc, \\brgaret 21, I'15 \\1urph). Ph<hp47.92,9o.l86. 1!!7.19o,l9.• 01\"'\"· ,,ole 24, 4, 92, 107, 179 Ree • \\I at) 'io, 2. 99, 105 \\l.C nh). \\aron 47, I'll 202 Ol\"on, Kate M. 131 Regan. \\dam 4 , 126 \\1.()1, hl.tod, h (>1, 125. 11'>7 0\\1eara, Rylie 4R. 88, 107. 131. 198.202,224 Re mer, \\dd1\"111 7, 5.'. I o, 1'16 ~agel, Caner 04 Ondracek. Ia 6 Rcthcr,.\\hoga)le57, 121, 161, 17.1 \\kDcrmoll, Claorc 22. 12, 17, 127, ~02 .1gle, \\>eton3 64. )(Xl, 19~ OShea-Creal, Killian 64 Re<hcr, Ciregol) 25, 156. 157, 174 \\klln>),Aih,on S'i, 58, !!2, 107, 120. 121 apoer. \\Iegan 64. 100 0 la\\UC, 'l.laf) 77 Rc1fenmth. Kathcnnc 25, 17, 120, 121.21 \\kGuore, \\1 II) 55, 59, 9 0 ugum. Cmd) 24, 43.9. , 109 Reo fen, !:than 4 . 94. l), !'<a,imm. FinJa\"khon 21. 109, 110,202 011 \\lc\\andria M. 100 Ret her, ath.m 65, I00 !<Keegan. Bndgct n, 14, 117, 110, Ill, 216 \"'au mann, S1m n 47 One, Zachary 64. 125 Rempe. \\I) ,a 4.'.% Q,crhal cr. \\1lka) Ia 56, 5 , 9 . II Rc\"egui~. fanncr4., l:!.l, 20:! \\k\\lanu,, \\1Jry ~5. 59,94, 9!!. 101 a' rJUI, Dn:\" 56. 9 O\"en,,Ja.:kson 64,125,155,171, I 0 Re'c''· Cla1re 65 \\k eai,Anah47,51,82.99,104,105.107, '\\a\\ mill, D)lan 56,9 O\"en , ~eole 24.217 R>ee, John 25, 12.1. 202. 21 R 10 . 202 R>ehard, Dcre~ 57, 92. 96, 103, 159, 192 \\k cal. Jared 22. 145. 163 J\\rJtol, \\1aLkent 5o, '1,' p R~ehard, Ju,un 4 • 92. 9o,\"J7, 103, 159. I 6. \\lcJoll. Kathleen 55, 98, 107, 127, 128. 161, '>a, rat> I, '1•tchdl 56, 9o 1'16. 197,200 1\"5 Pace, \\k andra 56. 5 , Ill, IJ4, ll5, I00, Rodder. Hannah 4 \\kndllla. G 'a\"' 55 chcl, Curohne .'io,'l2, 115, 161 11'>1, 171 Righter. Aan>n 57 \\leradoth. \\1 II) ~5, 2, o. 107, I\\II'> el'l>n \\hogaol 04, 2, 100. 10.1, 107, 110 Pah:hek. Juha 99 Rile), Jcnna 57.5 . 107. 115, 161 elson. D)lan 04 Parker, Thoma' 04, 2, 107, 125 R1nger. Rehc.:o:a 65 krrill, Ra,hcl 22, 12, 75, 91'>. 121, 175, 202 '\\el o>n, Lmma 47, 104 Parr, TJ 04 Roth, Andrea 65 \\kmn. athan 47, 50, 123, 11'>.1, 194, 2(X) cl,on, Hunter 21. 3'1 R>o,, Brenda 4 \\1• men, Kathcnnc 47, , 104, 105, 106,224 c\" land. JonJan 5o.92, I '4 ooPa' 1<1\\le, KlaudoJa 04. Rto,, Jaileen :!. \\k men, \\lo.:h, I 1'>1, 125 'igo, Han 47 Ri,cra. lngnd 65 :'>~go. 1oa 102, 110 Peace, Ciu>nn 24, 16 Ri,era. Lui\\ 25..16 \\1 )Cr, ol n 22, 5, 171 gu)cn. \\ndre\"' 56 Peace. Joe So Rt\\erJ. Mariah 57, 105 lc)cr,, Kekoe 47, 94, <),. 202, 207 gu)en. Angela 47, 2, 202 Petree, K)le 24. 92.202,217 R<) ng<m, \\lurJnmok 57 \\1c)er,, \\\\olloam 22.:19. 211'> ~guy en. Anthony So. X, 224 Petree, I ara 64. 70. 187 Rohh, Jenntlcr 1'>~. 1'>7, 74, 100. 110 1 t3. \\llo•n'<> 04,92 • guyen. Ashle) 64 Pd.are~. Thea 56. 98 Rohcr.ton, Damel4., 92, 103, 10 , Ill. 117, ~~ za. Da\\ld 04 ~gu)en. Brian 56. 59, 101. 1. 6. 19o Pehnt. Patrie~ 56. 9 . 124. 155 202 gu)en. Ca\"ic 21. 204 Pclo\"'ki, -\\lloson M. 119 Rohcn,on. Tho>ma 65, HXl, I'~. 154, 15'i, 1 ta. Lnk 22 ·gu)Cn. Chri,lllpher 23 Pere1, Eduardo Muno1 23. 79. 157.217 I1'>2. I1'>~. 171 1 za. Je,u 22. 92 ~gu)cn. Cong 47 Peter\\, R)an 24 Rodenh.>U •h. J.1coh 57 guy en. D3t5o Peter\\en, \\I)'C 56. II R<>llc,, \\pen 57,~ .lJS. 12., 161 Sguyen. Da\\ld 56 Pctcr\\cn, Emma 24. 16, 120. 121, 175, 1'16. Rolle' Bn>denck 4. ·. 70.% 'igu)en. Jenn>lcr ~6. 04 202,217 Rr•>t, K)hc 4., 105. 141 ,202 guy en. Je\"ica .'11'>. 94. 9.. 102 Peter\\cn. Kathym 24. 92, 145,202 \"'gu)en. John 56. 124 Peter\\on, Carle) 4 . 116. 117 gu)cn, Johnn) 21 Pfe>ler, Lhnhcth M. 1'>7 111 'gu) n, Jo ·ph 04 Pfeoler, Lmoly 25. ~2. 75, 107, 110. 110, 111, ~ •u)cn, Khanh 47 171,202,21 'guy en. Kim 04, 100 Pfe1llcr, Jo\"eph 64. 125 'guyen. K1mm) 51'> Pte>ler, l·m1l) 64, 92, 147, 169 'gU)Cn, !.1~ 23 Pham. \\nn M. 100 'igu)en. Man1n M, I0 I, 196 Pham. Dantcl 4 . 145 ~gu n. \\1Jr) ~1'>. 94 Pham. Kenn) 04, 72 ~guy en. Pholhp 56 Ph.lm,\\1 r~0.\\.125,161 gu)cn, R>ck 21,74 Ph.un, \\lallhc\\\\ 4 .. 12.1, I1'>3, 202 Pham, Sle\\en 51'>. 94,95
Ruach, R\\~ C>5 Skp1 ka. Ju tm t> ,92 1om . Ktlc) 66, 2, 107, 121 \\\\ 1lson. Bernard(>(!, 107 Ruder, \\ndrc\" 1>5, 92 Skp1 ka, Jo;: nl n M I rrc • Rog r 2. \\\\ llwn. I c 5 • I b, I 7, I 9. 196 Ru' II, \\lit on 25, 121, ;!L Sloup. Jasoh C>5. '12, I(), lo\"'n' nJ. llunl r 2., 72. 121.221 \\\\ll'<m,l.e.lh 2<1. lOS. 202 Ru' ~II. lla)dcn (>_, L!5 Sloup, Rachel 27 206 I mn. \\nthon) .:! \\\\lite, Luke 5S Ru\"man, I loLal>clh M. ~ I!Xl. I W, 147, 1(>9 Snuth, \\h1 •all 4. , 74, 11~ rran. Jo.:hoa 4'l \\\\ lllcnhag n, II I \\ ~ • II I rnn. K1m ~7. 'l. \\\\ 1tlc'11ha n, l.ayn 49 ... Srn1th. C' nnor n. 124, 172 Iran. \\IJ ·~e~ 49, 105, 10 , IO<J, 202 \\\\orJe~cm[><:r, Bn ·k 5. , 1..4, I , I 5 Sac~. Rog~r 4. , ~0. I40. I4 I I ran. \\ mh 2H 171 171 Sag~r. B n1arnm (>5, 12~. 11>.1 Snuth. G hnclle 57, 94,95, 190 \\\\ren. S1erra 5 a •er. Jo.:)k ·• 202 Srnllh, K ICI) n C>5, I(XI, 119 I ran. \\\\ h1tne 9, ~0. . 107, Io.. I09, 110, \\\\ri~hl, Ja ·4uel)n 49,7 • 105, )()(,, I 10.202 Sail•\" • ·l~phcn ~5 • .l:!, 4, l7, 214 Srmth, \\laJJ1 en 4.. 90, 94, 9. \\\\urv, Paul 29, ). 5. 222 al. . Juan -1 . 167 Soden. \\ 57,'12, 115,147, 161,161) Ill, 115, 202, 224 an~.: 1ez. Pn t.:ala 4, I ran-I.e, \\nlh<>n} 57,9. \\ Sander, Jo.:~nneJ\\ 26. l4, 17, 104, 14.'. 149. n.Solori<>. JaC4UCI~n 165 I r~mam Jo.:a.:~e 9, <J6. I<Jo. 202 'ro I.JareJ4<J, Ill, 137,163,202 )l),. 202.219 lruong,llu} ~7 anJer... \\1arcu' 26. 79. I. .1, 15. , 202. 219 Sou~up, \\nc 27, 1.1,17, 4]. 92, 1-lo. 16 I uc~cr. II:) he 2 • (>, 7 , 2, 97, 107, 115, I . anJer . Rulh 65. 151 Soukup. l\"ara ~7.'1~ I 2. 202 Lbtro\\Oo, \\dam~. ,97, 107, 127 11>3 anlc\\. tecca 26 Speth \\u tm 65, 125, I. 9 I urn r, Ph1hp 66, J(J.l Zele ~~. K) lc 6fo, J(Xl, 141 anm, K'),ld. 7, 9 Spethm n. \\\\ 1lltam 65, 125, 155, 161 T'nJ). \\hh) 2 . 39, 99,202,221 :t'.cphn. \"h••l 29, 141,223 anc , Lleanor 26. 39, 99, 101, I 6. 196.219 Staah. 1-lllal>cth , 2. 4, 202 l\\\\chou , \\\\llham57, 4, 109, 146. 16., I 6 Z.,ut11u ,lmm 66, 119 a\"e Jared 4.. 157 Stac\\ \\nthon) ~7. I55 T)son Grace 100 Z.>me,, Sulh,an 29, 17, 107, 12 , 141, 157, Sa)~cr \\II\"''\" 57. 144 Slamper, Ha) lc) 27, 16. 70, 206. 220 223 chafe\". Ale.: 4.• 49. 10 . 167.202 Stan . Ja oh 65 Ullman. athan 49, 202 /.orne'. \\\\1bon 66, 125, 157, 172 . cheer. Spenccr4•. 72. 107, 15.l, 155. 171, 190 St..ra. J eph ~7. 2. 121. 152. 151, 155.220 Unger, .ualia 2.. 39, 116. I 17,202,221 chcll. B~nJanun 26. l' 97, I ~9. 219 Steele, \\Ia n 49 Uttech!, Isaac 57,92 I59 nJZuercher, Hannah 0. 147, 11>9, 202,206, Schell, Ja.:oh 57 S1eele, PaJ'n ~7. 2, 7 . 92 ch1cuer, a1ahe 57, 5.', 9.. 107, l.ll. 142. Stell en. Gat>c 65 \\ Zuercher, \\loll) 66, 100. 129, 147, 169 14] 150 S1ellen. am he 65, I02 \\aggaJi,,AnJre\" :!X. 17 . 2 107, J, 6. 19.l, Zuerlein, Ja)l)n 30.70 ch1cuer, Ss·nn 26. 12, .l7. 92. 107. 109. 110. Slelhng\\\\erf. Hale) 57, 5 196. 197,201.221 116, l.l7, 19.'. 202,219 Stelhn \\\\Crt, Jo.:alll)n 27,43 \\agh. Paul:! . 140, 141,221 Schllm tier, I tre 57 107, 114, 115, 161, 17l \\alenua. l.u1'a 49, 'X) chun~nt1, h 26, 16, 90, 219 le\\\\art, C'ar on 65, )()() \\anJenhul, lax 2 , I46, I(> . 202 Schlaulman, Cal\\ln 57. 101, ). 6, 196 \\anJ~nhul, W)alt 61>. 1>7, )(X), 146. 16 chlaulman C'ar n 65 .. 2. I25 Ste\\\\art, Cha'e 65, 66. 100. 107, 2()() \\an Lent, S••rhia 2 , 14, -22 chlaulman. Connor 26. 145 StC\\OoJrt, Cla)lon 65. 92, 194 \\anl.oon. Colhn 2 , l3, 6, 2, 4, 92, I II, )chlaulnwn. Dann 65, 66. 10.• 109, U7 Stoc~an, \\laJ1,on 57, 119 202 SchlaUiman.l mil) 4 • 109, 1-15 Stole), \\k\\anJer ~7. 10 , 145 \\anl.oon, Jo.:allhn 29,15, 6,40,41, 2, 6. 7, . chn dl, kromc 4 • 15~ Swnehockcr. At>h 27, 220 107, 1_6, 127, I 2. 202.222 chrmdt, Ju nn 57 Stoneh< ker, Scan 57, 124, 157 \\aric,lk, (ole 66, 12~ Schm1dt, \\lad1 n 26. 99 202, 219 Strauh. \\leg han 27, I04, 127, 145, ~02, 220 \\ercellmo, ath n 49 Schrnll,lrnll) 65, 92, I10. 147, 161, 169 Stn>kan. Bn ~c 49, I 5, 165. 202 \\cr~ mp, \\u !In 4'!, 166. 167 Schna c. '1.1adl'on 65 Stushhk, \\nna II, 49, 2, 4, 105, 107, ~02 \\c lcd.a. R chel ~ , 92, 99 chne1d~r. Karl) 57, 9 . 165 SIUhr, Dalla' 49, 0, Ill, 157, 15 , 194 \\1llamonle, I anh 29,97, 102, IO.l, 107 Schnell. 1JChacl 4 . 49, 50, I Stull. Gra.:~ ~7. ~ , . 4, 9.. I J, \\od1c~a. \\h1g:ul 66. 142, 141. 151 Schoen mg. Crc1gh1on 4.• 107 12.l. 153. I ~5. Sl)r<>n, Paul 49, '14 '••ndra.:c~. Jam1e 29, 17, 222 163 Su~up. R1lec 9, I<J4, 202 \\.\"rh~a. ,\\lh,on 49 S.:hoJtc,, Lmma 57. 1~. 105 Sulll\\an. \\hh\\ 6(>,67.107,131 \\rh~a. Patnc~ 49, 76. 92 Sulli,an. S.:ott 19, 2, 107, 132. I H \\u. Qu)nh Chau ~ . 109, 110 .:h n. Je\"\"\" 65. 100 S\\\\an,on. Halle) ~7. 'l . 101, 10 , IJK. I19. .:hre1l>cr. Jas-ob 26. 33, 43. 75. 90, 219 196 \\\\ chrincr,AiexanJer26.J6.156.157.219 S\\\\anson. Jacoh 57, 159 \\\\ackcl, \\leg n 49, 50, 7., 135. 147, 169,202 chroeJer. Jeflre) 65, 125 S\\\\anson. J<>rJan 27, 159,220 \\\\a~ner, Gahnelle 5 . '2,lJ9, 107 Scotl. Bmo~' 57. l.l3, 146, 16 S\\\\an n. Juha ~7.96. 107, 196 \\\\aile, Ra ·he) 29, 36, l7, 147, 169, 17•• 222 coli. Reagan 4 . 6. 90. 105, 106. 110. 147, S\"m ,oe, \\!Js·hacl 27, 'l2. 103 \\\\alker, BnttnC) 66. 2. 100. 105 169. 194, 199,202 Stalko, ~Jam 27, W, 167, 17 , 202,221 Searl . \\!are a 4 . 72. 92, 102, 110.202 \\\\ard. R1lc) s.. 137, 1n el>ck, Bnah11a 26. 32, 14•• 149, 173. 202, 220 T . et>c~. Bnley 57, 149. 164, 165, 173 Tal~en. Independence 49, 92, 107, 126. 127, \\\\anJa). B')an 49,. 0, 10 109, 12l, 200,202 edla~.I.Jnu 26, 37, 76, I. K. 2~. 220 20:! \\\\am r, Landon 29• .l6. 1.12. 131. 175, 202, 222 eJia~. kKen11e 4 • 70, 194 Ta lcr, J hn 27, 157, I 0. 221 \\\\amcr, Rile) 5 . 74, IJ2, 133 Seeman. Ro 65. 100, 1. 6. 201 Taslcr, Luke 57, n2. UJ, 157 \\\\arncr, Sander 66, 113 ellln , L1nJ y 57, 1~. 107 Taut>cnheun. Re an 57, 127, 14 . 1-19, 160, \\\\a1hen. \\1ar~ 29, 36, W, 4, 96, 107, 17 . 196. h1ple), 1nrgan 4 , 92, 143, 164. 165, 173, 161, 175 197. 202, 20-1 202 Taubenhe1m. T) ler 66, 125, 155, 163 \\\\a\"'e\". Jade 66 Sh1rlc). \\!organ 65. I00 Ta}lor. Oil\\ Ia 66. 100, 107. 109 \\\\et>cr, !-.than 66. 92 Shon~a..\\ndrc\" 26. 96. 1. 6. 196. 220 Tempelmc}er, ~oah 66. I02 \\\\chrncm, Audre) 49 Sho\"'e\"· C'onn r 57,7 • 159 Ten-ano, ha)e 4'l \\\\ehrnem, Jan 29 hre,e,Broo~e65, 107.129,1 0,131,151 Terrell, Hannah 27, 92, 96, 121, 196. 202, 203. \\\\el'cr, K)le 154,155 hreH, Ta}lor 57. 107. 130. 131 221 Well), Cathcnne 5. , 9 • IOJ ie' crt, There 4 • 96. 107, 121, 196. 202, 20-1 lelhero\\Oo, Anna 27, 33, 37, 90. 147, 169,202, \\\\emholl, L)dla 29, 92. 202. 222 Simon, ladeleme 26. 17, 14 . 149, 161.220 221 \\\\ennckamp. Anna 66. II 0 S1mp,on. Clay 26. 32, 92, Ill, 136. 137, 163. Tethcro\\Oo, Elllal>clh 66, 67, 147, 169 \\\\enncknmp. knna 49, 92, 102, 107, 109, I10, 182,220 Tc1hero\"', Emma 66, 147, 169 202 i1n-. Kylte 4 , 128. 202 Tha,an 1,/..a h 151 \\\\cmcr, Jo.:)ra29,43, ,lJ9,164,165,17. S1m,. Taylor 65, 125. 167 Tha\\enct, Jared 66, 155 222.224 incla1r, Breanna 57. 58, 9 . 101, I 6 Thc1l, C'arohne 66, 147, 169 \\\\crnmg. Kally 29, H. 9, 97, Ill, J, . 192, Sjuh, l1chael 27, 14. 123, 163 The1sen, Grace 66, 107 222.224 juls. :-;awloe 57,5 . 150, 161 Thoma,, K') len 49. 92, 101. I 6, 194, 196 \\\\ernm , Peter 5 • 9 . I 4 Sle.:hw, Joseph 65, 92 Thomp n. Jcllrey 49, 157 \\\\e,~amp, Garrel S. , %, I W, I. 4 196 Slep1cka, Harlte 65, 139 Thompson. Patn a 66. 119, 139 \\\\eund1, )ueJm rhom-en, ~lly 27, 92, 94 202 \\\\harT), Victor 5 . 107. 146, 16 Thom en. Au un :! Wh1te, Morgan 29, 106. 206 Thomsen, Patn.:~a 100 Whllehead. helby 66. 125 Thomsen, Samuel 66. 92, 137 Whyman,Anna 66. 92, 119 Thom en, Trc\\Or 57. 82. 117 \\\\h) man, \"ichola 58,92 Thorson,Ablgall49. 98.147. 169,173 \\\\1e er. Karly 66, 129, 151, 161 Timm. 1cole 2 . 37, 105, I 10. 135, 164. 165. \\\\1e,er. K)le 49, 72, 74, 141 179. I 6. 192, 2<Xl, 202, 221 \\\\llger, Kael}nn 49, 102 Timmerman, \\l1shael 66. 92 Wllkin,on, Chelsea 29, JJ8. 139, 147, 169,222 Tine . Da•id 49, 97. 103, 202 Wil~mson, Jake 66. 100. 133 Tine,, ~1ar1ana 66, I00 Tin,ley, L1arn 66 Tobm. Clayton 2 . 77, 92
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