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Home Explore 2015 Yearbook at Pius X High School

2015 Yearbook at Pius X High School

Published by zachary.baehr, 2020-01-02 11:47:21

Description: 2015 Yearbook at Pius X High School

Keywords: pius,catholic,2015,yearbook


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Leade r 'oh ip ·m 10th - Paul \\\\ Ore' in Car Cra'h Pr.:,ill~nt· Barad.; Otlama Ike. 5th- Mrl.c Rilt:) \" \\nlll>un,·~ll u' 'ctlr,r'b '1\\c\\\\ Hcall \\ rc.: Pr~ ill.:nt: J<IC Brll.:n hx>ttlall Coal'h. Go,~m<>r: Pct.: Rr~l..:tt \\Ia) <>r: ( hn' B~utlcr h:h I t e\\\\ I·n •lanlll> ' tot 1..: tounh Su[!Cr B1m I. Pof!C: I\" l·.:h II th \"-t:\\ l<llll!. l. Pr[!Chne Pa\".:' thc nll.:d State' Ih>u'.: Price'> in Lincoln of Repr.: .:ntall\\ .:... Ga... :!.24 Gall<>not tilk . 3.97 \\tar 4th - Bo't<lll \\tarathon Bomhrng Tnal B.:gn1,. ot Br.:all : :!.·U \\ lOth \\rm~ 'H-oO aa,h.:' oft Coa't ol llonda. 7 \\tunne' P r ice\\ a t Piu'o Lunch · 2.75 unll 4 \\nn} atr<>nal Guarll Soldr.:r' arc kar.:llll.:all . Breal.l.\"t · I 5 c••:\\tar 2 ht 'it. nnaro' Billl>ll Rdr~ llllral'Uiou'l) hyudie' 111 th.: Local a nd 'a tiona l e\" \" 2014 Jun JOth Th.: Supreme Coun ruJ.:, .rgarn't th.: prt:,t:IKC 01 Pof!C hanl't' rn • pl.:,. Contral'~Pll' e' \\tandat~ Jul I't- l'h~ l <; Supr~me Coun rule' that famrly-o\" n.:ll \\Jar 24th - (u:rmarm 111 '' Flight 4UlJ525 Cra,h.:' 111 the ht:nl'h corporatron' ~.In r<:J<:.:l pro'i'ion ol 'Ohamacar.:' on rch~rou' Alp, . grounll . Jul 17 - Pa\".:ngcr J<:l cra,he' 111 l~a,tcm ll.rame Apr 12th - Dc.llh ot l•r.:llllre <ira) in Baltunor.: l~ad' to Jul 27th -Irl>.:ria 'huh llo\\\\n m<ht ot lh h<>rllcr \\\\llh k.rr' mort: ral'ral not,, ah<Hll the 'Jlrcall of f:h<lla cprllcmrc. \\ug 19th ISIS hchcall' L S Journah't Jam.:' l·ok}. lay 7th Salt Cred. I lo<>ll' Pan' of Lrnl'oln cp 2nd ISIS l>.:h.:all' l S Journal\"! Ste\\en Sntloll Sep 26th \\\\,>rill H.:alth Organuation'.: trmate that th.: f:h<lla d.:ath toll rcachcll 1.091- \"rth I rt>.:na. Gu111ca anll rerra !..:one hrt harllc,t. O\\ 1rll - .:\" Yorl. ·' I04-,tore} On.: Worlll Tralle Center ofliLiall} Of!Cil' 11 }Car' alter the epteml>.:r II attacl.,, O\\ 4th - Thc L \\Ole 111 mill· term election': Republican' retain the hou'e regarn the Senate. O\\ 24th on) Picture,· Corporate et\\\\ork \"hacl.ell. O\\ 25th Prote'>l'> erupt aero' ·S after a de~\"ron h} .'\\.ti,,oun grand JUf} not to bring .:harge' aga111-.t a \\\\hrtc JXlhceman \\\\ho 'hot anll killell hlacl teenager. tichael Bro\"n \\ti-.,ouri Go,emor Ja) . 'r\\on <>rller' hunllrell' more I,; auonal Guard troop to the to\" n of f-ergu,on to pre' ent a -..:conll night of not111 • anlli<l!ltlllg. Run Our S ock~ Off The Newman Center The 2015 Lincoln ati onal Guard Marathon was a huge Piu.., Alumnu <, <,eminarian Jim M rin meets the success this ear. Runner. hit the street. f Lincoln on an H Iy Father as he makes a visit to the seminary un easonably warm May morning. in Rome. This was Pope Francis' first i'>it to the <,eminary.

-'·'\"~ -'r-\"-'quinas hurch, commonly known as the Newman enter on L campu<.,, ha<., been re- built and i.., now one a major highlight of the campu<.,. The dedication of thi.., church took place thi.., <.,ch I year. Hundred<., attended the dedication mas.., and thousands more will u<.,e thi<., church to worship God in the future. A strong foundation ha<., been set for UNL <.,tudenh to have a beautiful church to prai<.,e God in . The ewman enter features Bible <.,tudy cia..,.., rooms a chapeL lounge room, and a gathering hall for religious event<., during the school year. This is a great addition to the school and will continue to give students their personal connection with God. Flash Flood Located at 16th and Q treet on L campus. the ewman enter i.., the tudents connection to their Flash flooding hit Lincoln in May as hea y rains Oooded Salt Creek. Numerous thunderstorms mo ed through faith on campus. This church will fulfill the need of Lincoln dumping several inches of rain. The nood water.., more cla<.,s space and a bigger church for mass. reached <.,cvcral hu..,ine<.,. e<., and did <.,ome damage.

Ms. McBride and M.,. unke greet <.,tudents Hannah Bertrand and nna tuchlik at the front doors with candy and holy cards on tudent Day during atholic chool Week. 0 HAIR NET ECESSARY The fanta<.,tic lunch staff takes a break to show off their \"Mr. Moore\" attire. The are celebrating \"dre. s like a tea her day\" by wearing th ir volleyball gear.

Le ding with Co rage By enjamin S ell Hi tory i written Generation to eneration Four year later we eem o old Yet to he world we are the be nning Divinely uided, we make our wn mark We are Kin and Queens in thi world Morally ju , we lead the ch ge for life Let the CaR· al hake with our co ageou feet elieve life doe not take li Crowning oment hang above he entrance School o Excellence over ur head ouri hed and inspired by one another Enclothed with i penetrabl grace from above Final ~ear go by Ti e to tes ur , tre gth Th Grace of God will i u Until o r souls take flight

Bailey Johnson Logan Johnson

Joshua Lehr

Linus edlak lay impson

John Tasler

ullivan Zornes

Hannah Zuercher Jaylyn Zuerlein


In preparation for college, which flavor of ramen noodles is the best? Chicken 70 Beef 15% Shri~np 8% 6% Oriental 1%Pork

I BRICKING THE NO HIRT, NO SHOES , RULES 0 SERVICE Turkey sca..,on was on its I was dared by sophomore \\ \\tl) and I really needed Brock Wordek.emper to go a week without wearing shoes practice with my call'i. in scho I. I made it the entire in Mr. chueurs' week without any problems and got my five dollars. sophomore ngli\">h class. -Rile Gerch I started clucking in one 0 E OF rl HO~F GUY of them . \\ el) call WOUld catch his attention but he Junior year in merican History clas , r. Jaqueline a<;ked could never figure out who who was the first man on the moon. olan Meyer asked me which Arm<;trong it wa , I said it was Lance Armstrong to it wa-. . -Matthew Kreifel'i see if he would catch the joke. He proceeded to confident!} answer with Lance rmstrong. - olan Hak.el INTO THF l IGHT HOW I ( GG) ROLL I decided it was time ~ r a change of cenery in Everyone would go crazy Fr. Gayhart's class. I moved my elf into the clo et in the when I poke in Vietname ·e. back of the r m. Fr. Gayhart never que tioned anything, I would alway be asked to e en when I kn eked twice. fter thirty minute. I got tired teach omeone a word. The of the dark and came out of the clo. et only to find that a best part was alway<; fellow student had locked me in with hi belt. li t ning to them -Thomas Jarecke mispronounce an inno ent phrase and tum it into omething e en Gordan Ramsey would be appalled by. -Toan guyen YOU KNOW IT'S GO EBUT OT FU YWHEN... FORGOTIE We were all delu ional during Timon, the stuffed animal our long bus rid to ashville, from biolog , ended up in Tenne <;ee for EEK 2015. my pos<,c'i'iion. He had a fun Thi 'itate of mind led to a lot time at the gun range, but f ne omedian. making unfortunate! , did their debut on the bu . It \" a not come back. a lot of fun until I laughed so -Anon mou'i hard that I peed my pants. -Kaitlin anLo n · · -~:i~~. :r~~.,.,.,.....,..-c\" ·- ..~- - ~. . ·- ~ -- ~

Jeffrey Gabel!, Per~onalit}: Hair: Lauren Bruning van Helman, Thomas Hoefner. Mary Guenther lexandra Hewitt Arti~t: Uniform Accessorie~: Class lown: Dance Moves: nthony d\\\\ard. . Lu1 R1vera. Peter Dang. lex,mder chriner. Mon1ca ondon Ky he Tucker Jess1ca Raemakers mma Petersen emoriti-. : Hand\\\\.riting: ickname: Congeniality: oah chimcnti. ohnh Lmebaugh. Gumn Peace Michael Helman \"Joe\", Collin Vanloon. Kri-.tcn Bene Rachael Waite \"Tach\" Kaitlin anloon Life of the Party: Safest Dri er: Worst Driver: chool pirit: Landon v arner. Adam Olson. Mark Wathen, oah Kaputska, Oli\\1a Eskens Lindsey Pinkerton Hayley tamper Kathenne Benal

II Ill I II I I Jared ottleman, Become President: Win Lottery/Lose Ticket: To Teach at Pius: Jarme Vondracek Thomas Kelly, Linus Sedlak, Robert Hansen, arah Endacott hlana nder..,on Kennedy ander Invent the iPhone 26: Katherine Reifenrath, Best Bro. Forever: cott chieuer. Rachel Waite Stephen ailor..,, Colton Abendroth, Madison Royse Jordan Brozek. Rile} Deubelbeis.., thlcte: Travel the World: Prepared for Apocalyp. e: Aiden Malmstrom. ullivan Zorne!->, ric oukup, icoleTimm Maris Mitchell Anna Tetherow Become a Farmer: Become a Rock Star: Be a uperhero: Jack Barnett, Kade Kalkowski. ndrew Yaggalis. Whitley Bryce tephanie Polivka arly Moore

The las of 20 IS eni rs and their parent tormed their way thr ugh strong winds in the orth meri an Mart) rs parking lot to attend their la~t rna~~ t gether as a wh le class. lthough there were tear~ ~hed, mo~tly by the mothers, there were als big smiles and laughter, e pecially as 29 of the seniors pr ceeded down the ai. le during the ffertor), caff) ing gifts t commemorate the cia <;. The eni rs carried gifts ~uch as tate medal , their fa rite foods (meal in a bowl and Pius cookies), a puzzle, artwork, book., sp rt paraphernalia, protein powder, and a beach ball to signify the clas. joke of lifting and sandy beaches. Following the rna.. , the eniors and their parent drove to the Emba y uites Hotel to enjoy a hearty breakfast and watch a slideshow containing the senior.' tran. formation from babie to adults. At that p int in the morning, even the dad wer dabbing their e e . Many of the seniors gathered for one last casual picture with their buddies before turning their tasc;el . God bles<., the cia . of 2015.

Mark Kilts

The of the Cla~~ of 2015 was tangible on the day of graduation. The proud graduates processed into the Lied Center serenaded by the musical accompaniment of eight ~enior trumpet pla er~. The accompli hed and well-liked class ~peaker, ugu~tin Mattern, gave a perfect ~ummation of the legacy left b the lass of2015. He mentioned how he was shaped by the teacher~ at Piu and will carry on the lessons he learned into the ne t chapter of hi~ life. He was followed b the Mo~t Reverend Bi~hop onley, who encouraged all the graduates to <.,tay strong in their faith . A common thread between Mattern ' ~ <.,peech and B i~hop nle ' ~ was the cal I for the Ia<.,<., of 201 5 to b c me aint\">. ~ m Korta introduced each ~tudent as they walked aero~.., the stage to recei e their diploma<., from Bi hop Conley . Kaitlin VanLoon wa. honored a. the Out tanding enior of 2015. much to the delight of her classmates. The ceremony ended with a new beginning for the senior a<., they to<.,<.,ed their hats into the air. ongratulations to the la<.,s of 2015!

The fifty-ninth graduating Ia!'.. of 20 I5 ended four ears f par chial ducation with one final e ent a!'. a wh le, the p !'.t-graduation I ck-in. The 1 ck-in wa!'. h ld at the L Recreational Center after their graduation ceremony. Once the cia · arrived they cattered in different directions in search of ba. ketball, football, ltimate Fri bee, volleyball, and the main attraction, the rock climbing wall. on after the . . . . .D kids started their games and competitions, the al o earched for the ma!'.sive table that had all the junk food and caffeine that kept them bright and awake for the next five hours. The kid!'. had a riot. A huge thank you go s ut to all the people who contributed to this night in an ef~ rt to keep the las of 20 I5 safe and ound.

What are y ur 'po t-grad\" plan ? ric oukup is planning on attending U L to major in Mechanical Engineering and then JOining the Marine orps. eleste Milburn will earn her major in Graphic Design at C and then later on use her <,kills to become an illustrator. Jac b chreiber will major in Chemi<,try and minor in a<,trophy ci · at 0 to become a researcher. ind} O<,tiguin want. to b come an athletic trainer and will pursue thi career b , tud ing at u 0. Kyra Werner will play , occer for Ha. ting College and tudy Pre-Pharma . hl Kreikemeier \\Viii head to L to achieve a d gr e in e ndar} ducati nand Mathemati .

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