Ro\" Rachel \\\\aote. Caroline Theil, C'athcnne Krueger. Luc) Bf)ant. Alexi' Bf)ant. ·ochole Heome,, Skyler Clough. ,j, Dickmann. \\1organ Hea't). l·lint>eth Ru\"man. \\ Iegan \\\\ackel. trd Ro\\1 Mlf) Soden. Reagan Swn. Pe)ton Gomckc, \\nnoe Burmci,tcr, Kayla D<xhon, Oli,ia Applegct. \\1agg•c Burmel\\tcr, I'<OJ Wolk11N>n. Fmoly Schmol. Anna Tethero\" Ro\" Bf)nn Hagen. Morgan ,\\1an,hcom. Ahogaol Maul. Emily Pfeoler. Ahi gail Thor-on. Ohva Coffey. n Becker. Mcl\"'a Garcoa front Ro\" Coach Mike Won. ~loll) Zuercher, Sydney Bonta, F111aheth Tcthcro\\\\, Kailey Decker. Jo,cphonc Baxter. Claorc , 1hem Hannah Zuercher, Lmma Tethcro\" The Girl Swim and Dive team created a family-like bond during their . ea on. The e ladie coached and encouraged each other to improve their time , technique , and trength. After every long and tiring meet, the girl hared laugh o er pile of chip , Oreo , and tack · of energy drink . The girl placed ixth out of twenty-two team at tate, with Caroline Theil bringing home two fir t place medal and Olivia Appleget coring . i th and eighth place.
148 Girb Yar\\ll} Ba ... k.cthall The Girls Varsity Ba~ketball t am entered their 'lea~on with high e pectation that were fulfilled, if not exceeded. enior et a trong example for the undercla. smen, and led the team to numerou ictorie. and an almo. t undefeated record. Th team journeyed on to tate, where their encrg_ and talent brought back a champi nship title. Their adoring fan followed the b loved team e er} <;tep of the wa .
55-45 65-44 70-42 5 1-36 5 1-22 64-43 65-33 54-27 4 -26 47-2 65-43 60-10 50-62 40-34 62- 1 outh 4 -33 49-55 67-40 38- 15 67-40 hl 5 -29 54-29 41 -33 I Sl 22-2 Back. Row: Ryan p.., ta, Kel..,ey Daberk.ow, Rebecca Brokaw, Madeleine imon, Kenned) ander, Bill Rice. ~1iddle Row: Mackenzie Helman, Regan Taubenheim, a annah Hanu..,, Whitle Brice, Kylte Ro t. Front Row: Briley ebek, Briahtia ebek, Megan Quigley, Ale andra He itt. III
kuu 26-3 Back Row: Ellie Jilek, Erin Dolph, atalie juts, tephanie Beatrice 32-29 Fielder. Lincoln Ea\\t -ll-40 Middle Row: Abbe Hugo, atalie Milhou e, Maria Milhou. e. Lincoln outhwe\\t 2 --l5 Front Row: Kayla John on, M gan Hell em, Lillian Barnett, Ra:,mond Central 40-16 Ha ttng 26-3, atalie chieuer. EIIJ10m 40-21 Gretna 23-39 Omaha We t\\lde 30-36 Crete 50--ll Lincoln Chri\\tian 47-4-l Lincoln • ·orth tar 35-28 Lincoln. ·onhea\\t 22-46 OmahaGro., 2 --l Omaha .'1erc) 30-23 Elkhorn . outh 27-2 Lincoln Eat 25--l5 41--l6 olumbu\\ 3 -41 Lincoln outhea\\t 5 -20 Pla1te\\1ew 43·33 \\\\-L 10-14
Lutheran 5 -5 Kearney 53-26 orthwe~t 54-18 Omaha 69-39 Westside 43-4 46-15 57-29 38-11 19-18 2 -39
152 Bo af'' Ba.,k.etball The boys var ity players were definitely in the game this year. The majority of the lo'>. s \" ere within a I0 point '>pread, and often within just a few p int. . The tough '>Chedule pushed the boy'> t keep their playing <.,tandard. high and moti ated them t ne er quit when behind. en the heartbreaking upset in the di<.,trict final game could not take away from the brotherh od the teammate. developed during the season. The boys' ad ring fan'> certainly enjoyed the heart topping moment of their plays this season.
hmtian 41-62 Lincoln orthea~t 61 57 Omaha SJ...utt 55-56 Blair 47-50 Omaha Gro~~ 39-59 Beatrice 41-50 ·B-67 Columbu~ 18-50 35 61 Platte\\ ie\\\\ 58· 17 41-55 61-50 orthea. t players attempt to steal the basketball a'> enior aron Heyen pulls the ball to his hip before driving to the ba.., for a score. Bad. Row: Creighton chocning. \\ugu~tine 1attem. had QUiglc). Grcigh Howell. ,\\aron Heyen. ;\\1arcu' andcr... Front Row: Jo~eph Stara.• penccr. cheer. Jacob Dougherty. BrocJ... Wordckempcr. Brett Boeve. Joseph Burt. Coaches: Head Coach Ray Forycl-..1. ~~•stant Coache-. Brian • p1cJ...a. Tim Mcduna. \\dam Bnll. had Dohmen. /ach Tha\\am:t. <;cott Hahn. and R)an Kcarnc).
Lincoln Ea\\t 66-23 Teammates Thomas Hansen, teven Mabie, and Jack Easley prepare to Elkhorn 57-34 defend their half of the court against the orth tar Gators. The Bolts hold Ral,on 54-57 the Gators at 41 p ints, gaining another win for the team. Crete 50-60 Lincoln hri,tian 53-4 Lincoln orthea't 55 -ll 36-42 kuu Catholic 57-32 Bla1r 59-64 Gro'\\ Catholic 62 54 Beatrice 6-52 Columbus 30-32 Plane\\ 1e\"' 5 -52 Ha,tmg-. 64-22 79-49 W-L 56 13 13-5 I
Southea\\t 43-30 Lmcoln 29-33 Lutheran 45-27 51-39 50-44 43-33 53-28 52-45 39-50 11-2 Back Ro\\' : Lado Kose. Alex Lesiak. Jackson Ov.en'>. eth Pollock. Matthev. Chamber'>. 1ichael Lewandowski Ta) lor Angele. Derek Kolbu'>h. Thomas Robertson. tephen Mabie 3rd ~ow: Jared Tha\\enet. Andrew Appleget. Owen 1attem. Joseph Raun. Thomas Iburg. Gre1gh Howell. Creighton choening. M1tchell Grosserode. Jerome Schm1dt. Patrick Pelini. Ethan nder.,on. athan Hall. 2nd Ro,, : \\i llham pethman. K1man Koemg. 1arkus Pieper. Camden Brichacek. Joseph Stara. aron Heyen. Chad Quigle). ugu'>tine \\lattem. Joel Ennquez. Jack Easle). 1cholas Pov.ell. Thomas Hansen. Front Row: Tyler Kudron. aron ichols. T)ler Taubenhe1m. Jacoh Doughert). Brett Boeve. Marcus Sanders. Brock Wordekemper. pencer 'heer. Anthony Stac;. Dame I Madsen. K)le Wei'>er. Jospeh Bun.
156 Var it Wre tling ·t _ t_ pulsed through eve!) wre<,tler throughout the season a<, Pius pinned the competition. From the start of the year, the Bolt were dedicated to being in pristine condition for the year ahead . The team found their footing early on and drove that momentum through the <,cason. Their hard work paid off as the guys prepared to takedown their opponent'> at state. lex Kerr medaled in sixth place over all, ending an exciting season for the Bolts. '
I 13-Gregory Rieber 2nd 152-Joseph tckman 2nd 170-Jeff Thomp-.on 3rd 195- lex Kerr 1-.t 220-Marcu-. i-.nero-. 3rd ~ 5-Robert Farber mtian lcaldc. lex Ken. tcYcn Kerr, Hunter Poll ad.. M,ttthcw Barnc~. ulli\\an Zornes. Jakob Andrca~on. Robert Baric. Fourth RO\\~: John Ta,lcr. Matthew Fnd.c. Robert Farhcr, K;lc l\\1mch0\\\\, Joseph tckman, Jcflre) Thomp~on. Abraham Dricwer. J~aac Dricwcr. Third Ro,,: Mark Endacott. Paul ickman. Gregory Dalton. nthony Edward~. can. tonchocker. Jared a\\~e. Kolhn Barnc~. Wil on Zorne~. \\tarcu~ Cisnero~. econd Row: Link Hoang, Jame~ Dalton, Joshua nder.,on, Aaron Decker, imon Benton . Drew Codr, Eduardo Munoz Peret, Auqm Miller. Font Row: Alexander chnncr, Isaac Feltes, Jcs\\lc Malmkar. Luke Taslcr. Joshua Guerra. than mold. olan Lyon~. Juan Herrera. Gregory Reiber. I
James Dalton ize-, up his opp nent while planning out After a long battle on the mat, Dallas tuhr pins his man and secures six point f hi'> following move'> at the fir'>t wrestling meet of the the team. year.
NEBRASKA GAME AND -- Ben Keaschall PARKS COMMISSION -4th place 22-23 yard EBRASKA TRAPSHOOTINI -4th place team overall ASSOCIATION -2nd place team oah Kapustka hold up their handicap team and individual trophies after the state meet. oah Kapustka Both Ben and oah have been shooting since the -2nd Place overall sixth grade. -I st place 24-25 yard -I 5th Place I6 yard -4th place team overall -2nd place team handicap James Hansen -4th place team overall -2nd place team handicap Trevin Albert. -4th place team overall -2nd place team handicap Isaac ttecht -4th place team overall -2nd place team handicap Back Row : Jacob Kreikemeier, oah Kapustka, Ben Keaschall, Samuel ocker, Jacob Eickhoff. Third Row : Austin peth, Connor Showers, Jacob wanson, Hunter Glaser, Alex Baumert, Ethan Hergenrader, Jordan Swanson, tephanie Polivka, \\lakinsey Lonergan, Valerie Erskine, Ann Morrow, Will Bunz, Trevin Alberts, Larsen, Isaac Uttecht, Benjamin Hobbs. Andrew Clement, Taylor Hitz. \"lnah Chirstensen. Second R0\\1 : Derek Richard, Garrett Weskamp. Justin Richard. Joel Blaser. aleb Kowalski, Ke\\ in Durbin. Cristian Alcalde. lame. Dalton. Ben Schell. ra1g Konz. Branden Kleinshmit. Austin Czaplewski. Front Row: Thomas Jarecke, Brick Kreifels, James Hansen. Jacob Frazey, tell a Morehouse, Joe!->eph Dodson, Gregory Dalton. ot Pictured : Head Coach Craig Keaschall and coaches Dave Tunink, Kevin Erskine, Matt Creglow. Rick Lafler. Kent Richard. Tim lbcrts.
160 iris Track. and Field Long h ur~ training in the rain, sun, and heat prepped the Girl\"> Tra k and ield team f r a d, nam1<.: spring sea~ n. Pius X <.,ent 13 individual girh and 3 relay teams to Omaha Burke after placing 3rd at Di tricts. The team ranked 4th place at th tate Meet, and two individual girls took home the gold . Kathleen Medill placed first in high jump, and Madeleine imon took the lead in two hurdle race..
cbra.,ka 53 pts. Wesleyan no team orthca'>t scoring Relay-. olumbu-. 105 pts. Scotu-. Relay'> 166ph. a\\crly 115 pt'>. Elkhorn 101 pts. 106 pts. 188 pts. 83 pts. 50 pts. Back Row: nn Dolph. atalic JUt'>. Madeleine 1mon. Becky Sroka\\\\<. Bailey owling. Kathleen Mcdill. \\1ary Kmcheloc. Regan Taubcnhe1m. meha Jarecke. atahe cholt. Third R o w: icolc Hcimes. bbcy Hugo. Mary odcn, mily chmit, Jo.,cphine Baxter. hri'>ty Hcimbrecht. Ellie Jilek. Miranda Joh'>. econd R ow: Avery Koel7cr. Mackentic Helman. spcn Rolfes. Delaney Harper. Brittany Ohnoutka. Ja klyn Ceca\\a, Megan Quigley. aroline cbel, Jcnna Riley, laire chllmocller. Front Row: Karly Wie<.,er. Lindsay ottlcmann. Elitabcth Boes. Willa Koenig. lexandra Beckman. Ellie Bciermann, Alii Da\\i.,, Tiana Main. bigail Reiber. lcxandra Pace.
162 The team went t di'.trict with many tough competitors, though the managed to do well. tate at maha Burke wa t ugh for all the athlete~. and it wa. a great experience to run with the be. t in the state. The craz bu. rides, pa ta feeds. and incredible coaching taff kept the bo throughout the '.eason.
65 pts. o team scoring 85 pts. cotus Relays 154 pts. Waver!) 115 pts. lkhorn 9 ph. 120 pts. I 6 pts. 34 pts. 2 pts. Fifth Row: Adam Zastrow. Thomas Robert.,on. Michael Sjuts. aleb Jones. Robert Hansen. Thoma., Hansen. •ourth Row: Tra\\is Ohnoutk.a. Mitchell Gro.,.,erode, Clay impson. lex Main. olinh Linebaugh. Jeffre) G bell. Victor Wharf). Ta) lor ngelc. Tyler G!ll. Matthew Pham. Kade Kalk.ov.·.,k.t. Third RO\\\\ : Thomas Krick.. Bryce Holcomb. Mark. Pham. Tyler Taubenheim. handler Bo}te. Jack )lward. athan Merritt. tephen Kerr. lex Kerr. Creighton cho ning. Jacob Olsen. econd Row: nthon) Krick.. ndrew Crist. Dylan Bo)te. Ben ager. Eric dame. Lado Kose. Jared ThaYenet. Bryce Holcomb. Brandon Kleinschmidt. hristian Kv.ambamba. Matthew hamber.... Fifth Row: Jared Yo t. Tyler Kudron. William pethman, Joe Butler. Jakob ndreason. Isaiah Elsner. nthony Butler, Alex Lesiak., Kyle Kramer. ailas Munguia.
164 occer \"Da} b da} we get better and better.\" This was the Girls arsity team's mott as the faced a tough schedule with a young team. The three . nior led the team alwa s with the mind et t get to tate and they made it. nfortunately, the lo';t their first round game in the final ten minutes to Gretna. the d fending state champions. Congratulations for meeting }Our goal Lady Bolts, and good luck next }Car!
outh 5-0 1-0 Lutheran 0-4 EIJ...horn outh 3-0 Omaha Manan 0- 1 Omaha BurJ...e 1-0 3-0 orri'> Lincoln 4-0 0-1 Lutheran Lincoln 1-2 0-3 Lutheran 6-0 Gretna 3-0 2-0 2-0 0-1 10-8 Back Row: Brynn Hagen, cott hcfficld, Karly chneider. Elizabeth Foley, a\\annah Hanu..,, Brook.e, ydncy Houser, atalie Milhou~e. te\\e nder en. \\Iiddle Row: Kay la Johnson, atherinc Mar~olek, Molly Crawford, icole Timm, Maria Milhouse, Monica 00 nnell, Maggie Lang, lien Budell. Front Row : Lakin MacGregor, Courtney Ramaekcrs, Jacque!) n olorio, Peyton Hollamon. \\1egan Hellem, Kyra Werner, Morgan hipl y. I II
166 Bo s Varsit The Bo) Var. ity occer team handled every game with fervor and inten ity thi spring cason. Fueled b) a passion for the game, players from all four grade le els contributed to the team's ucce s. A trong gr up of eniors led the quad, and de pite a few up. etting injuries the bo) made it to Sub-State where they fought a hard battle again. t Gretna.
1-2 2-0 2- 1 1-3 0- 1 0- 1 0-.f 2- 1 6-0 10- 1 3-0 outh 0-3 1-2 1-8 a'>t 2-3 Lincoln Lutheran 2- l 0-3 0-4 7- 12 Back Row: Harlan Milder, Mi ah haffcc. oah Me a hland, Jo. eph Burt, Au'itin Verkamp, Logan J hn'i n. Matthev Midddle Row: Jey on Martinez, Jacob Bunz, Juan alas, Ta)lor im , dam zatko, Julio Gutierrez, E teban Murillo. Front Row: Jac b D ugherty, Miguel astill , than Boyle, lee chafer , Cesar Ramirez, olan Ly n . I I III
ront Row: Tram guyen, Dung Hoang, Jennifer Robb, Je<,sica Kiefel, nnie Barie, Heidi dom, lli<,on Pelow<,ki. Middle Row: Mika}la Ki fel, Morgan hipley, Danielle rchuleta, arle Liesch, rika asarin, arah Bah. Back Row: Patricia Thomp on, Ruth ander<,, Kathryn gelhoff, Bailey Pofahl, Kristen Labadie, Majken Mandery.
Back Row: Harlan Milder, Jared asse, Max Baker, Calvin Schlautman, Andrew Gibbs, Joe Pfeiffer, Muranmok Riyangow, Matthew Chaffee. \\fiddle Row: Kenny Pham, Mack Cooney, Michael Messineo, J tacy, Gage -\\ndersen, Markus Pieper, Collin Bailey. Front Row: Brandon Brion, Gabe teffen, Grant Leber, Cade Mahan, Riley \\\\arner, Jackson Lemon.
170 arsit Baseball Michael Helman Coach Troy harf and hi team did it again. fter a high! succe.. ful ea on the} took it all the wa} to Ha} market Park to win another tate championship. tellar i ~.- .. ~ \" -;:~-\"\"-;~-; -· - ' , • ..,..~- ~ -~ dA.~t\\\\~~~~.:c;;.~~~~ -. _ .,._,,~~- ~:-- - pitching b am Condello and Michael Helman combined Nolan Hake! slashes thro~tgh a fastball ·with 11'nimy eager Pills fatis wa!~ing _ for a victory: . _ __ with a flurr} of singles and bunt . nagged the champi nship game against orris. -
The tight-knit <.;eniors Lincoln 3-6 used their respective outhea'lt ...ersonalitie<.; to mimic the 2-1 ..-orld renowned basebal I Millard orth 6-2 movie, 'The andlot\", a Lincoln Ea.,t 13-3 Creighton Prep 6-3 classic watched by Lincoln High 5-4 millions of aspiring Ral'>ton 0-2 baseball players. The 10-2 -,eniors modeled a joyful Papillion-LaYi'>ta 4-2 attitude and demonstrated Plathmouth ~reat leadership skills that 11-7 lead to a cohesive team. 7-3 14-1 8-6 8-2 3-6 7-9 2-1 -2 S-6 3-6 10-0 13-3 9-1 6-1 10-9 6-3 6-3 21-6 3ack Row: Coach Troy harf. Coach Mile Thedinga. Coach Tom Schneider. Tyler Crouse, Riley Ward. 1muel Condello. Derek Kolbush. Ryan Junker. Coach Brian Drake. Coach PJ Book. Coach Austin Elm. •Iiddle Row: olton Abendroth. olan Hake!, Brock Wordekemper. Jackson Arndt, olan Meyer, Michael Helman. ront Row: Micah Hoage. ichola'> ldridge, pencer cheer. Thoma'> Hoefener. Evan Helman. than Arnold. ·ed ottlemann.
5-2 -II 9-1 6-0 0-9 Back Row: Joseph Raun, Hunter Pollack, Connor I 1., GrJJld I land 6-3 athan Drozd, Riley Ward, Ian Ogea, aleb Laue. 4- 2-1 Middle Row: Peyt n Abendroth, onner Lardenoit, 1-4 5-1 Dayne Kreikemeier, Andrew . ken'., Peter Foley, l-4 William Dostal, amden Brichacek., Wil on Zornes. -0 Pap10 South 20-0 Front Row: Riley Ackermann, Kaleb Fox, Joshua Andreasen, Lincoln I 1 Lincoln nh 12-6 V.:a>crly V.:a>crly 2-0 Dane Milburn, Ethan Arnold, Aaron Nichols, ollin Mahler. \\- 11-6 1 11-10 7-2 7-6 16-6
I YO\\mg1~r sister Briley Sebek hug Girl Soccer team player , Morgan Shipley and Maggie Lang, upport . i. ter Briathia Sebek after their fellow Boy Soccer Team during the bri k weather. ·ecieving their fir t place medal .-w..·.,'\"\" their final game together.
ports enior Greg r) Reiber asuals celebrates 4 years on the Wrestling team with his two Matthe Heib I and his m ther . hare a hug be- parents by his side. fore hi final game on enior ight again t Crete High chool. Pius fan dress up in Hawaiian attire t cheer on their beloved Thunderb Its in a game against Omaha Ben, on on Bolt turf.
Father Mey enburg and Jack Goeden Landon Warner and exchange a high-five after a strong run at Adam 01 on embrace their State Cross Country. revered coach, Mr. D. II I I I
178 Fall Ku: J.. ff l\">aac Driewer and Jo Iyn Barr) pa. sionately pia) their melodic tune. to <.,tart the beginning of a fanta. tic Marching Band <.,ea<.,on. I) \">On Matulka, arah Kerrigan, and Molly Boatman are in perfect ..,ync as they perform their traditional Fall Kickoff routine. Thoma<., Krick, Mitchell Gro<.,serode, Mark Wathen, Dean Dalton, and Mike Boe. are introduced for the 2014 Cro<.,<., Country <.,eason.
Green and Gold '>Urged through the air on a warm Friday night at Aldrich Field. Fr. Mey enburg tarted off the evening with prayer, \"A we begin all good thing .\"Each enior assumed their new-found role a leader of the anxiou tudent section, directing the undercla, smen in cheering for the team. The electricit) re onated throughout the entire tadium. The Marching Band entertained fan before the crimmage, led by drum majors icole Olson and Aaron Heyen. Cheerleader and Thunderette, were ready with their well-rehear ed routines. Excited coache, and their new senior captains introduced fall ports. The e teemed Matt Gros erode Memorial cholarship was awarded to a dedicated, passionate senior football player, Thoma Hoefner. All of the fun led up to the tart of the football season, the annual Green and Gold crimmage. The Green team pulled away with the victory. Afterward , students charged through the crowd and made their way to the old gym, ending the night with a big ole steam sweat dance.
180 Catholic Fellow'>hip A reverant John Ta. ler leads the procession of the Holy Euchari t through the hallway<.; of Piu'i X . H Father Bernardo con ecrates the Hoi) uchari.t in an all school mas during ath lie chools Week.. Freshman Jack, on Owens takes advantage of the opp rtunit) to recie e our Lord during Mass.
Pius X provides students with multiple opp rtunities to grow closer to Christ. Pius ha. alwa} been incredibly ble. sed to ha e a chapel where the Lord is present 24/7, right in ide the walls of the chool. The student attended Mass once a week with their th olog} cia. ses and once a month a a whole chool. In the chapeL morning rna. was provided for . taff and student. . Confessions were held every day after chooL and each Wedne. day the Blessed acrament was expo ed for doration. It was a goal for all theolog classe. to do these things together. a. \" ell a. taking a \"Holy 22\" in chap L which meant taking a break. from the stresses of life. tudents were able to take part in club such a. Campus Ministry and Retreat Team. The priests encouraged their stud nts to participate in event such as TE , teub n ille. the ational atholic Youth Conference. EEK th annual Fall Retr at, March 4 Life, and dioce an pro-life da)S.
182 pmt \\ eeJ... tudents gath ron the Friday of spirit week. to Jearn a new heer for the Homecoming game and receive updates about their cho I <.,ports at the p p rail). Pajama Day i the ab. olute favorite of all student. and Kristie Le, mma hc<.,ley, and gale Ladu have no problem dre · ing down in their pj' <.,. Kri ten Bene~, Tracy hapelle, Ansley !bert , and atalie Baker wear fe. ti e . weater<., to complement their gorgeous smile .
Many students were - ·_ up about the no-uniform day<., and dre'>. ed according to the theme. cho en by tudent Coun il. n Holiday Day, many Chri. tma. tree and merican flag. roamed the hall . On Pajama Day, student. rolled out f bed and went to chool wearing their most omf rtable clothe. . tudents and taff aw double e erw here on Wedne. day, al o known a. Twin Da . On Thur<.,da , tudent Jebrated 0' Day b wearing their parents' letter jacket and either grea. ed their hair back or p ofed it up to the sky. The week ended with E treme pirit Da} and student. went all out in their green and g ld. Although dre.. ing in costume wa. fun. the mo t mem rabl part of the 20 14 pirit Week wa. taking '\\elfies\" with Pope Fran i during lunch hour. That light-hearted religiou. fef\\.er c ntinued \\\\ ith the student!-. <.,tanding out on treet h uting at mot ri. ts to h nk if th lo\\e Je u . an't get any more 1 · · · than that!
184 Homc.:cornin g Against Mr. 0'!-. greatest wishes. the sophomore boys am Gillan. PC) ton bcndroth, Jordan Newland, and Peter Werning dan e alongside him. ~ Jordan Br 7ek and aitlin Brakenhoff paint some Thunderbolt pride at the annual \"Paint Your elf illy\" Homecoming football game. Ll cnior corner Th masH efner takes d wn a York Duke for a first down .
The Thunderb It... pulled a-wa with more than ju-.t a win thi Homecoming weekend . The dedicated '>tudent , ection filled the -.tands to capacity, -.plattered from head to t e. Of course. the excepti n wa. the girl -worried about their hair. The boy. -were tied with the York Duke · at half-time. 7-7. v. hen the Thunderette took. the field and trutted their tuff. The long anticipated Homecoming court \\\\a. announced. crowning much loved Abraham Driewer and Mary Guenther a. King and Queen, and lex Main and Lucy Kohmet cher a. Prince and Prince. . The Bo] '> of Fall got back to work. and \\\\on the da] \\vith a 14-10 \\ictor] . It \\\\a. apr ud moment to be a Thunderbolt. ., the weekend progre. ed. the r de arne to Piu-. and the b t'> came a \\\\alkin' right on in t the Old m for a night filled \\\\ ith line dancing and laughter. o-w bo hat and b lt bu kle \\\\ re flaunted a · owb and \\\\girl alike danced the mght awa)' into the Wild. Wild. V\\e t.
186 Fall Pia) Th wooz Ms. Kilro (Mo re) trudges around stage after being ~o,hot twice while M~o,. Burn. (Baker) \\erl k. the chaos. Mari n H llander (Br wn) attempts to untangle her over! c nfident friend and magician wanna-be, Father Drobne (McConell). The two characters are hilariou throughout the entire producti n. Back Ro~: Jad. Ra). Jame\\ lien, Bnan 'gu:~-en. baal: \\Vil~on. id. McConnell, Ph1hp Murph}. K}le Mim:ho~. bther Bro~n. Jame<, Hansen. Ju tin Richard. L)dla Clarl,e. Andre~ Shonb. Cal\\ 1n Schlautman. Victoria Andcr-<m. f\\an A} lor. Kr\"ten Thoma~ . , ccond Ro,~: lonn Benal. Brianna SmLia1r. Addis<m Reg mer. Jonah Brm. Augu,tine f·ulton. Jo<,c Casarin. arlos lferrara. Joseph Butler. '\\J Jambor. f:mma l·indcr. atalie Ba!,cr. An<,lc)' Albert~. atasha Pierce Tara P1en.:e. Sulh\\an Harper. !\\1adelemc El~cll. larc Morehouse. Rw.e eaman icole Timm. \\\\ill T~ehouse. Sam Brox, Peter !\\1ai. J. ront RO\\\\: Elm I} Jundt. Andre~ Vaggahs, Carl) 1txlre. Ellen artore. i;hlec ndcNm, Hannah Bertrand, Kathcnne Benal. 1cgan Knebel , Ju'otln ,\\1mcho~ .
Laughter struck enthralled pectator, like lightning at the Piu, Player's production of \"Don't Drink the Water\" by Wood} Allen. The ca t took audience on an e capade of goofines and sarca m. Their work reflected Allen's comedic rna tery and chuckle erupted after every other line. The well-crafted set placed the crowd amidst the 80's-esque US Embas ay office in a communi, t country where a family of tourist i mi taken for American , pie by the communi, t . Because of the possible ri, k of leaving the uppo ed touri ts to fend for them elve , the temporary US mba, ador, Axel Magee (Jame Han , en), withhold them in the emba , ay. Thi seriou subject matter wa, off-set by the cast' light-hearted delivery of the play. The Piu, production wa o well received that tho e in attendance gave accolade to the performer. and crew for week afterwards.
188 Catholic choob \\\\cck tudent kneel in eneration as the Blessed acrament pa. ses before them during the Euchari tic Proce<.,<.,ion on Dress-Up Da , prior to the all <.,chool Mas<.,. LF. H IR Kno k kno k. Who'<., there? Cindy. Cindy who? Cindy Lou Who! Sa annah Hanu , Claire Maguire, Lilly Barnett, Megan Quigley, and Father Rynear on h w off their wild looks on razy Hair Day. Kally Werning breaks out her du-rag and nannel on Ore s Like a Teacher Day t do her best impers nation of cott Burn's iconic look.
atholic chool Week i~.; an annual celebration of atholi education all acros the nited tate~ . tudents and staff spent the week appreciating the alue of a atholic education through various event , including the opportunity toe perience the Bles. ed acrament up cl ~e in a Euchari . tic Proces~ion through the hall of Pius. Thi~.; li d. week happens to be a fa orite for many Piu~.; ~.;tudents, partially due to the fact that uniforms are ptional throughout four \\\\hole ~.; hool days. On Monday, . tudent<.; rolled out of bed and came ~.;traight t school with their cra?iest hairstyles . Tue. day allowed for student. to dress like their fa orite teachers. Wednesday consisted of a beautiful all sch I mass celebrated b Mon ign r Perkinton, and . tudent. attended clas. e dre~.; ed in their be~.;t attire. Thur~.;da placed a focal p int on the teacher. at Piu , and ~tudent wore their uniform. . atholic ch Is Week concluded with trem pirit Day, and . tudent~ and staff alike put their chool ~pirit on di~.;pla) with their green and g ld apparel.
190 Retreat Day-. Th freshman cia s learn new ice<., such as \"Hunter, Maiden. Bear\" to start off their two day retreat a'> new m mbers f Piu X atholic High hool. (F. i, t r MelL . a Moxie , an alumnus of Pius, shares ad ice with the oph m re girls on how to be daught r. of Chri. t by respecting God, them, el es, and other. . 1 The . ophomor boy. engage in a competitive game f dodgeball all while learning the mo. t important les. ons of chi airy.
The retreat process underwent ast change this year. ach class attended retreats on different da s. The freshmen retreat con ·isted of two day. of action-packed events that showed what er) day Iife at Pi us i · all about. The boys and girL . plit up during sophomore retreat to discuss how important it is to respect G d and thers b first re pecting themsel es. The junior retreat was a er ice day which was intended to model hri t' . leader hip of . er ice to others. Groups guided by parents and teachers isited twent) -fi e area. around Lincoln that were in need f volunteer . The senior spent their retreat reflecting n their past four years tog ther, speculating on their future, and making r . olution. about their faith life beyond Pius High chooi.What united all of th se retreats wa. that the) were all centered on adoration, confession, and hrist himself. The mass held at all retreats . olidified the teachings and talk. given at each.
. cc nc light flashed- it wa\" showtime. Brave performers took to the tage and put themselves out there for an expectant audience. Arti t \"howca\"ed their multiple talents by \"inging, dancing, and even playing the ocarina. With song melodie ranging from country, oul, and barbershop, the performance captured the attention of the audience and kept them entertained. The talent of the artists amazed the crowd, who roared with applause at the end of the concert. Performances not only celebrated Pius talent, but al o gave students the opportunity to showcase their God-given gifts to a packed house.
The Pius Player. nailed the sequence in the 20 14 One Act performance. The play followed eighteen-year-old Kimberly Meyers (Bertrand) into a futuristic world as she fought to accept that he is \"flawed and cannot be paired with another human. Shocked about her placement, tension aro e between Kimberly' parent (Moore, Minchow) as they argued over their daughter and their own bloodlines. Conflict between Kimberly and her beloved (Korta) e, calated when they que tioned whether or not they would be matched. Hannah Bertrand, Esther Brown, ichola, Korta Monica Mar olek, Ju tin Minchow, and Carly Moore all received Outstanding ctor Awards for the Class A-1 District Play Production Contest. The Pius Players deser e credit for the colorful genetic-cod d , et, a major contribution.
194 \\\\ tntcr ormal J an pause for enior..., Dean Dalton and Mikaela Morri...,on-Brown , wing orne dramati move. during a ..,quare dance. Vincent guyen and friend . ~kip around on the dance no r to the gr y beat f otton- yed-Joe.
It wa. a mi t) night when Piu student tarted to arrive at the Circus-themed Winter Formal. Walking under the balloon arch, the tudents . tarted the magical night. The Pius Cheerleader. had worked all afternoon to illummatc the . chool with red and yellow decoration . After taking off their coats and ocializing among fellow circus attendees. the ecstatic students ran to the gym to be a part of the festivities. Entering the circu<,, there was jumping. swinging, break-dancing and everything el e imaginable. The clectrit~ in~ mu ic moved through the halls, and laughter ignited throughout the crowd of <,tudent . Looking into the swarm of sweaty people, it wa clear everyone wa having a . uperb time. The Pius Cheerleaders' parent handed out cotton candy, popcorn. and water to . tudents who needed a quick break from the dance floor. Decks of cards were a\\ailable for people who wanted to show off their hands in<;tead of their feet. The combination of tJ:Jkmg decorations. ugary sweets, and great music made for one of the be. t formaL et.
196 pnng 1u-.ical With hi.., t\"Wo turdy tru..,tee.., by hi.., ..,ide (Korta, Richard), King e timu (Hoto ) plan hi revenge again t the Que n t en..,ure the te..,t i.., pa. ..,ed. Princess Winnifred (Moore) wallows in her miser} of whether or not '.he will find her \"Happily ver fter\" in Prince Dauntle. s.
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