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Home Explore The English version of the Cambridge Philosophical History 1870-1945

The English version of the Cambridge Philosophical History 1870-1945

Published by andiny.clock, 2014-07-25 10:34:53

Description: The Cambridge History of Philosophy 1870–1945 comprises over sixty specially commissioned essays by experts on the philosophy of this period, and is designed to
be accessible to non-specialists who have little previous familiarity with philosophy. The first part of the book traces the remarkable flowering of philosophy
in the 1870s, with the start of German Neo-Kantianism, American pragmatism,
and British idealism, through to the beginnings of the phenomenological movement and analytical philosophy in the early years of the twentieth century. After a
brief discussion of the impact of the First World War, the second part of the book
describes further developments in philosophy in the first half of the twentieth century, looking, for example, at some of the new ideas associated with Wittgenstein,
Heidegger, and the Vienna Circle. As with other volumes in the series, much
of the emphasis of the essays is thematic, concentrating on developments during
the period across the range of philoso


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Bibliography 887 Ingenieros, Jos´ e(1919). Principios de Psicolog´ ıa (Principles of Psychology), Obras completas (Complete Works), vol. IX, Buenos Aires: Elmer Editor, 1956.Afirstversion(1910)was entitled Principios de Psicolog´ ıa biol´ ogica (Principles of Biological Psychology). Mari´ ategui, J. C. (1928). Siete ensayos sobre la realidad peruana (Seven Essays on Peruvian Reality). Obras Completas (Complete Works)(1969), vol. II. Lima: Empresa Editora Amauta. Mari´ ategui, J. C. (H. Neira ed.) (1973). Jos´ e Carlos Mari´ ategui en sus textos (Jos´ e Carlos Mari´ ategui in his Essays). Lima: PEISA. Biblioteca Peruana. Romero, Francisco (1951). ‘Latin American’s Twentieth-century Sages’. Am´ ericas,III. Salazar Bondy, A. (1968) ¿ Existe una filosof´ ıa de nuestra am´ erica? (Is There a Philosophy of our America?) Mexico City: Siglo Veitiuno Editores. Sanchez Reulet, A. (1954). Contemporary Latin American Philosophy.Mexico City: University of New Mexico. Soler, Ricaurte (1968). El positivismo argentino (Argentine Positivism). Buenos Aires: Paid´ os. Vaz Fer reira, C. (1920). L´ ogica Viva (Live Logic), Montevideo: Talleres graficos A. Barreiro y Ramos. Woodward, R. L. (ed.) (1971). Positivism in Latin America. Lexington, MA, Heath. Zea, L. (1942). ‘En torno a la filosof´ ıa americana’ (‘On (Latin) American Philosophy’), in Ensayos sobre filosof´ ıa de la historia (Essays on the Philosophy of History), Mexico. Zea, L. (1968). El positivismo en M´ exico (Positivism in Mexico). Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Econ´ omica. Trans. 1974 O. Schutte, Positivism in Mexico.Austin: University of Texas Press. Zea, L. (ed.) (1980). ‘El pensamiento positivista latinoamericano’(Latin American Positivist Thought), Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho. CHAPTER 40 JAPANESE PHILOSOPHY Carter, Robert E. (1997). The Nothingness Beyond God: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Nishida Kitar˜ o, 2nd edn, St. Paul, MN: Paragon House. Dilworth, David A. and Viglielmo, Valdo H. with Zavala, Agustin Jacinto (1998). Sourcebook for Modern Japanese Philosophy: Selected Documents,London: Greenwood Press. Heisig, James W. and Maraldo, John C. (eds.) (1994). Rude Awakenings: Zen, The Kyoto School, and the Question of Nationalism,Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Jacinto Zavala, Agustin (ed.) with Tamiyo Kambe ohara (2 vols.: 1995, 1997). Textos de la Filosofia Japonesa Moderna: Antologia, Zamora, Michac´ an: El Colegio de Michoac´ an. Nishida, Kitar¯ o(1911). Zen no kenky¯ u,Tokyo:Iwanami shoten. Trans. 1992 Masao Abe and Christover Ives, An Inquiry into the Good,New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Nishida, Kitar¯ o(1927). Hataraku mono kara miru mono e (From the Acting to the Seeing),Tokyo: Iwanami shoten. Nishida, Kitar¯ o(1929). Ippansha no jikakuteki taikei (The Self-Conscious System of the Universal), To k yo : Iwanami shoten. Nishida, Kitar¯ o(1934). Tetsugaku no kompon mondai,Tokyo:Iwanami shoten. Trans. 1970 David A. Dilworth, Fundamental Problems of Philosophy,Tokyo: Sophia University Press. Nishitani, Keiji (1985). Nishida Kitar¯ o: sono hito to shis¯ o,Tokyo:Chikuma Shob˜ o. Trans. 1991 Yamamoto Seisaku and James W. Heisig, Nishida Kitar¯ o,Berkeley: University of California Press. Ohashi, Ry¯ osuke (ed.) (1990). Die Philosophie der Kyˆ oto Schule: Texte und Einf¨ uhrung,Munich and Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber. Piovesana, Gino K. (1997). Recent Japanese Philosophical Thought 1862–1996: A Survey Includ- ing a New Survey by Naoshi Yamawaki ‘The Philosophical Thought of Japan from 1963–1996’, Richmond, Surrey: Japan Library (Curzon Press Ltd). Cambridge Histories Online © Cambridge University Press, 2008

888 Bibliography Tanabe, Hajime (1946). Zanged¯ otoshite no tetsugaku,Tokyo:Iwanami shoten. Trans. 1988 Takeuchi Yoshinori, with Valdo H. Viglielmo and James W. Heisig, Philosophy as Meta- noetics,Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986. Unno, Taitetsu (ed.) (1990). The Religious Philosophy of Tanabe Hajime: The Metanoetic Imperative, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Watsuji, Tetsur¯ o(1952). Nihon rinri shis¯ oshi (A History of Japanese Ethical Thought),Tokyo:Iwanami shoten. Watsuji, Tetsur¯ o(1935). Fudo,Tokyo:Iwanami shoten. Trans. 1961 Geoffrey Bownas, Climate and Culture: A Philosophical Study,Tokyo: Hokuseido Press. Repr. 1988,Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Watsuji, Tetsur¯ o(3 vols: 1937, 1942, 1949). Rinrigaku (Ethics),Tokyo: Iwanami shoten. Partial trans. 1996 Yamamoto Seisaku and Robert E. Carter, Rinrigaku: Ethics in Japan,Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. CHAPTER 41 SENSIBLE APPEARANCES Anscombe,G.E.M.(1965). ‘The Intentionality of Sensation: A Grammatical Feature’ in R. J. Butler (ed.), Analytical Philosophy (2nd series), Oxford: Blackwell. Austin, J. L. (1962). Sense and Sensibilia,Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ayer, A.J.(1940). The Foundations of Empirical Knowledge,London: Macmillan. Baldwin, T. (1990). G. E. Moore,London: Routledge. Barnes, W. H. (1945). ‘The Myth of Sense-Data’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 45. Reprinted 1965 in R. Swarz (ed.), Perceiving, Sensing, and Knowing,New Yo rk: Doubleday, 138–67. Brentano, F. (1874). Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt,vol. I, edited by Oskar Kraus in 1924, Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. Trans. 1973 A. Rancurello, D. Terrell, and L. McAlister, Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint,London: Routledge. Broad, C. D. (1914). Perception, Physics and Reality,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Broad, C. D. (1923). Scientific Thought,London:Kegan Paul. Broad, C. D. (1925). Mind and its Place in Nature,London:Kegan Paul. Burnyeat, M. (1979). ‘Conflicting Appearances’, Proceedings of the British Academy 65: 69–111. Dawes Hicks, G. (1917). ‘Are the Materials of Sense Affections of the Mind?’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 17: 434–45. Drake, Durant et al.(1920). Essays in Critical Realism: A Cooperative Study of the Problem of Knowledge,New Yo rk: Macmillan. Ducasse, C. J. (1942). ‘Moore’s Refutation from idealism’ in P. A. Schilpp (ed.), The Philosophy of G. E. Moore,Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 223–52. Heidegger, M. (1927). Sein und Zeit,T ¨ ubingen: Niemeyer. Trans. 1962 J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson, Being and Time,Oxford: Blackwell. Husserl, E. (1900/1). Logische Untersuchungen. Halle: M. Niemayer. Reprinted 1975, 1984 in Husserliana XVIII, XIX, The Hague: Nijhoff. Trans. 1970 J. N. Findlay, Logical Investigations, London: Routledge. Husserl, E. (1913). Ideen zu einer reinem Ph¨ anomenlogie und ph¨ anomenologischen Philosophie I, in Jahrbuch f¨ ur Philosophie und ph¨ anomenologische Forschung I 1–323. Reprinted 1950 in Husserliana,vol.III,The Hague: Nijhoff. Trans. 1982 F. Kersten, Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy,vol.I,TheHague:Nijhoff. Lewis, C. I. (1929). Mind and the World-Order,NewYork:Charles Scribner’s. Marion, M. (2000). ‘Oxford Realism: Knowledge and Perception’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8–9: 299–338, 485–519. Cambridge Histories Online © Cambridge University Press, 2008

Bibliography 889 Merleau-Ponty, M. (1942). La Structure de comportement,Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Trans. 1963 A. Fisher, The Structure of Behavior,Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Merleau-Ponty, M. (1945). Ph´ enom´ enologie de la perception,Paris: Gallimard. Trans. 1962 C. Smith, The Phenomenology of Perception,London: Routledge. Moore, G. E. (1903). ‘The Refutation of Idealism’, Mind 12: 433–53. Moore, G. E. (1909). ‘The Subject-Matter of Psychology’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 10: 36–62. Moore, G. E. (1914). ‘The Status of Sense-Data’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 14: 355–406. Moore, G. E. (1925). ‘A Defence of Common Sense’ in J. H. Muirhead (ed.), Contemporary British Philosophy (2nd series), London: George Allen and Unwin, 193–223. Reprinted in T. Baldwin (ed.), G. E. Moore: Selected Writings,London: Routledge, 106–33. Moore, G. E. (1942). ‘A Reply to my Critics: 10.Subjectivity of sense-data’, in P. A. Schilpp (ed.), The Philosophy of G. E. Moore,Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 653–60. Paul, G.A.(1936). ‘Is there a Problem about Sense-Data?’, Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 15, 61–77. Price, H. H. (1932). Perception,London:Methuen. Prichard, H.(1909). Kant’s Theory of Knowledge,Oxford: Oxford University Press. Prichard, H.(1950). Knowledge and Perception,Oxford: Oxford University Press. Russell, B. A. W. (1912). The Problems of Philosophy,London: Williams and Norgate. Russell, B. A. W. (1914). Our Knowledge of the External World,Chicago and London: Open Court. Russell, B. A. W. (1921). The Analysis of Mind,London: George Allen and Unwin. Sartre, J.-P. (1940). L’Imaginaire,Paris: Gallimard. Trans. 1948 B. Frechtman, The Psychology of the Imagination,New Yo rk: Philosophical Library. Sartre, J.-P. (1943). L’ˆ etre et le n´ eant,Paris: Gallimard. Trans. 1956 H. Barnes, Being and Nothingness, New York: Philosophical Library; 1957 London: Methuen. Searle, J. R. (1983). Intentionality,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sellars, W. (1956). ‘Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind’, in H. Feigl and M. Scriven (eds.), Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 1,Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press, 253–329. Repr. 1963 in W. Sellars Science, Perception and Reality,London: Routledge, 127– 96. CHAPTER 42 THE RENAISSANCE OF EPISTEMOLOGY Albert, H. (1978). ‘Science and the Search for Truth’, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 58: 203–20. Albert, H. (1985). Treatise on Critical Reason,Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Apel, K.O.(1975). ‘The Problem of Philosophical Fundamental-Grounding in Light of a Trans- cendental Pragmatic of Language’, Man & World 8: 239–75. Blanshard, B. (1939). The Nature of Thought,New Yo rk: Macmillan. Bosanquet, B. (1888). Logic, or the Morphology of Knowledge, 2nd edn 1911,Oxford: Clarendon Press. Bosanquet, B. (1920). Implication and Linear Inference,London: Macmillan. Bradley, F. H. (1883). The Principles of Logic,Oxford: Clarendon Press. 2nd edn 1922. Bradley, F. H. (1893). Appearance and Reality,London:Swan Sonnenschein. 2nd edn. 1897. Repr. 1930,Oxford: Clarendon Press. Bradley, F. H. (1914). Essays on Truth and Reality,Oxford: Clarendon Press. Carnap, R., Morris, C., and Neurath, O. (eds.) (1938–70). International Encyclopedia of Unified Science,Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Cambridge Histories Online © Cambridge University Press, 2008

890 Bibliography Chisholm, R. (1973). ‘The Problem of the Criterion’, The Aquinas Lecture,Marquette University. Repr. 1982 in R. Chisholm, The Foundations of Knowing,Brighton: The Harvester Press, ch. 5. Chisholm, R. (1989). Theory of Knowledge, 3rd edn, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Dewey, J. (1925). Experience and Nature,Chicago,ILandLondon: Open Court. Dewey, J. (1929). The Quest for Certainty,NewYork:Minton Balch. Dewey, J. (1938). Logic: The Theory of Inquiry,NewYork:Holt. Ducasse, C. J. (1942). ‘Moore’s Refutation of Idealism’ in P. A. Schilpp (ed.), Philosophy of G. E. Moore,Chicago, IL: Northwestern University Press, 225–51. Fries, J. F. (1807, 1828–31). Neue oder anthropologische Kritik der Vernunft, Heidelberg: Bey Mohr and Zimmer. Gettier, E. L. (1963). ‘Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?’, Analysis 23: 121–3. Haller, R. (1974). ‘ ¨ Uber die M¨ oglichkeit der Erkenntnistheorie’ (‘On the Possibility of a Theory of Knowledge’) in P. Schroeder (ed.), Vernunft Erkenntnis Sittlichkeit (Reason, Knowledge, Ethics), Hamburg: Felix Meiner V. 37–54. Hegel, G. W. F. (1802). On the Relationship of Scepticism with Philosophy.Trans.1985 in G. Di Giovanni and H. S. Harris (eds.), Between Kant and Hegel, Texts in the Development of Post- Kantian Idealism,New Yo rk: Suny Press, 311–62. Husserl, E. (1950). Die Idee der Phaenomenologie, Funf Vorlesungen,inGesammelte Werke,vol.II, ed. Walter Biemel, The Hague: Nijhoff. These are five lectures delivered by Husserl in G¨ ottingen in 1907.Trans.1964 W. P. Alston and G. Nakhinian, The Idea of Phenomenology, The Hague: Nijhoff. Joachim, H. H. (1906). The Nature of Truth: An Essay, 2nd edn 1939,Oxford: Clarendon Press. Lakatos, I. (1978). ‘Infinite Regress and Foundations of Mathematics’ in Philosophical Papers II, ed. J. Worrall and G. Currie, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3–23. Mercier,D.(1923). Crit´ eriologie G´ en´ erale ou Th´ eorie G´ en´ erale de la Certitude, 8th edn, Louvain: Institut sup´ erieur de philosophie and Paris: Alcan. Moore, G. E. (1925). ‘A Defence of Common-Sense’ in Contemporary British Philosophy, 2nd series, ed. J. H. Muirhead, London: George Allen and Unwin. Repr. 1959 in Philosophical Papers,London: George Allen and Unwin and in 1993 Selected Writings, ed. T. Baldwin, London: Routledge. Moore, G. E. (1939). ‘Proof of an External World’, Proceedings of the British Academy 25: 273–300. Repr. 1959 in Philosophical Papers,London: George Allen and Unwin and in 1993, Selected Writings, ed. T. Baldwin, London: Routledge. Nelson, L. (1930). ‘ ¨ Uber das Sogennante Erkenntnisproblem’ (‘On the So-called Problem of Knowledge’), Abhandlungen der Fries’schen Schule,n.s. 1: 444–6. Nelson, L. (1965). ‘The Impossibility of the “Theory of Knowledge” ’, English trans. in Socratic Method and Critical Philosophy, Selected Essays by T. K. Brown III, foreword by B. Blanshard, introd. by J. Kraft,NewYork:Dover,185–205. Nelson, L. (1971). Progress and Regress in Philosophy, From Hume and Kant to Hegel and Fries, ed. Julius Kraft, English trans. Humphrey Palmer, Oxford: Blackwell. Neurath,O.(1983). Philosophical Papers 1913–1946, ed. R. S. Cohen and M. Neurath, Dordrecht: Reidel. Peirce, C.S.(1931–58). Collected Papers of C. S. Peirce, ed. C. Hortshorne, P. Weiss, and A. Burks, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Popper, K. R. (1962). The Logic of Scientific Discovery,London:Hutchinson (1st edn 1934). Popper, K. R. (1979). Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie,T ¨ ubingen: J. C. B. Mohr. Quine, W. V. (1969). ‘Epistemology Naturalized’, in Ontological Relativity and Other Essays,New Yo rk: Columbia University Press. Quine, W. V. (1992). Pursuit of Truth,Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Cambridge Histories Online © Cambridge University Press, 2008

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