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Home Explore Synod 2016 Report

Synod 2016 Report

Published by ejogheneta, 2016-05-07 11:12:20

Description: Synod 2016 Report


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REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODopportunity of calling on God for divine blessing and protection throughout the monthof September and 40 days Lenten programme.ACM is newly established and our children are doing well.Teachers are putting goodefforts in this ministry in bringing up these children.3.5 THE TRIUMPHANT CHURCH,EDJEBA This is a new church just christened by the Bishop asTheTriumphant ChurchACTIVITIES:This church organized two major revival programmes during the year in addition to herweekly Bible Study meetings EveryTuesday.Members go out for two by two evangelismthe first and last Sundays of the month.The church observed the just concluded Lentenfast and prayers.ACHIEVEMENTSA temporary structure for worship has been erected in the new site costing N440,000 (Four hundred and forty thousand naira only).APPRECIATIONSThanks to theArchdeaconry for renting a land for worship for the church.Appreciation to the archdeaconry for a crusade organized for the spiritual andnumerical growth of the church.The church appreciates St. Paul's Church Edjeba for providing her worker anaccommodation within the church premises.OBITUARY: We report the passing on to glory of the following members.WARRI SOUTH WEST ARCHDEACONRYGENERALSTATISTICAL DATA100 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,


REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD 5 REPORTS FROM CHAPELS A CHAPEL OF ADVENTSYNOD REPORT FOR THE PERIOD APRIL 2015 TO MARCH 2016SUBMITTED TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD OFTHE DIOCESE OF WARRI HOLDEN AT ST JAMES' ANGLICANCHURCH 29, OJABUGBE STREET, WARRI FROM SATURDAY 7TH TOWEDNESDAY 11TH MAY,2016.My Lord Bishop,My Lord Spiritual andTemporal,Diocesan Officials,Houses of Clergy and Laity,Fellow Synod Delegates,Ladies & Gentlemen.PREAMBLE:Almighty God, we give you hearty thanks for all that you helped us to achieve on 2015.Lord,we give you praise!.SPIRITUAL GROWTHAND DEVELOPMENT:The Chapel during the period under review, continued with its regular services andprogrammes which includes:-A seven (7) days spiritual revival programme to begin the year 2016 with the themeTagged “HOW TO MANIFEST YOUR GREATNESS. 1 CHRONICLES 4:9-10”, whichrecorded huge success and brought a lot of new converts into the chapel.The ChapelOrganise all Night Prayer every last Friday of the month.The Eagles Gathering Programme holds from 1st – 5th of every month to begin themonth and there is also the Mid-Week Revival Service and Evangelism. The Chapelembarked on evangelism round the complex,which has brought in new converts.HOME CELL FELLOWSHIPThe Home cell Fellowship is going on well, members are now more interested and theawareness has increased.WOMENWORKThe women organization which comprises of Girls Guild,Women's Guild and Mothers’Union as well as the three women groups of Love,Peace,Unity prayer meetings have allbeen active during the year under review.The Women of the Chapel embarked on various activities which include the women102 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODconvention which recorded a huge success, visitation and donations to the hospital andOrphanages home.The Women of the Chapel are currently embarking on their building project at Osubi.The Chapel women has contributed greatly to the all round development of the Chapel.MEN'SWORK:The Chapel's Men Fellowship held every Tuesday with significant improvement inattendance and commitment by members. The men's fellowship and Fathers' Unionhave worked hard to encourage her members. The Annual men's Convention wasorganised, alongside the annual couple's Dinners, and the send forth of the immediatepast chairman Sir (Engr) & DameTamuno Francis who has retired and relocated to PortHarcourt. The men's fellowship embarked on charity visitation to Orphanage home.They have also made significant contribution to the development of the chapel.CHILDREN DEPARTMENT:The children's department contributed immensely to the Spiritual growth of theChildren of the Chapel.The Children of the Chapel attended the teenagers camp meeting atAll Saints AnglicanChurch, PTI.The Children visited Orphanage home with gift items during the children'sDay celebration. The teachers were sponsored to Akoko Edo Diocese for the ACMteachers retreat.YOUTHWORK:The AnglicanYouth Fellowship (AYF) holds her weekly meetings on Saturday at 5.00pm.The annualA.Y.F.week was held in the year under review in the Chapel.The members ofthe AYF continued to receive the support and encouragement of the chapel and itsmembers. The AYF members attended other programmes at Diocesan and Nationallevels. Which includes the National Bible Study Conference and the Diocesan BibleStudy Conference.WELFAREAND CHARITY:The Chapel has always engaged in various welfare work to her members in their timesof Joy or grief.The Chapel extends welfare packages to the needy regularly as the casemay be.The Chapel paid School fees for the child of a less privileged member at theNNPC Staff School.SUNDAY SCHOOL COMPLEX /VICARAGE PROJECT:The Sunday School/Vicarage Complex Project is going on fast, the Chaplain / Guestapartments has been completed.The work is progressing by God's grace for the Curateand other apartments to be completed.We hereby pray for more break throughs andblessings for our members.103 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODSTATISTICS:FINANCIAL REPORTCONCLUSION:We are grateful to God Almighty.We give Him all praise, adoration and thanksgiving forHis blessing,protection and preservation over us all.Amen. Ven. H.F. Imoroa Chaplain.104 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODB. ALL SAINTS', DELSU,ABRAKAREPORT FROMTHE PERIOD APRIL 2015TO MARCH 2016 SUBMITTEDTOTHE 1ST SESSION OFTHETWELFTH SYNOD OFTHE DIOCESE OFWARRI HOLDEN AT ST JAMES' ANGLICAN CHURCH, 29 OJABUGBESTREET, WARRI FROM SATURDAY 7TH – WEDNESDAY 11TH MAY,2016.His Lordship,Rt.Rev.C.E.Ide JP.N.C.E,B.A,(ED),M.L.S,Dip.Th,Hon.Chancellor,Diocesan Officials,Houses of Clergy and Laity,Ladies and Gentlemen.1. INTRODUCTION:We thank God for the special privilege to witness another synod.We praise the MostHigh for His grace, mercies and favours. In the period under review, the Chapel madesome modest but remarkable progress especially in pursuit of her goal of becoming amodel Anglican Chapel in a higher Institution where the love of Christ and the teachingof theWord of God is the hall-mark.2. ACHIEVEMENTS, DEVELOPMENTS AND GROWTH:The following are some notable achievements,developments and growth indexes of theChapel during the year under review.üCompletion and dedication of the Chapel Building on the 30th January,20163. MISSIONAND EVANGELISM:The Chapel,through the Follow-up Committee andAYF,holds“two by two” evangelismoutreach every second Sunday of the month.To the glory of God, some appreciableresponses have been recorded.Also in line the directive of the lord Bishop, Rt. Rev. C.E. Ide, a crusade was organized incollaboration with the other Chapels in the Diocese at Kokori town.4. REVIVAL/SPIRITUALITY:In addition to the quarterly indoor revival programs, monthly “All Night Prayer” andthe prayer-bandAll-Night programs of every first day of the month,the Chapel also has abreak-through fasting/prayer program tagged “Healing and Restoration” every Friday.The Chapel started the year with a three-day indoor revival program, which was highlyrewarding spiritually,with the theme:“Dwelling in God's Presence”.These in addition tothe regular early morning renewal service which holds every first day of the Month.TheChapel also organized a two week long Lenten revival programme.5. HOME CELL FELLOWSHIP:The home cell fellowship,during the year under review and as directed by the Diocesan,105 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODhas truly been very rewarding and successful in the Chapel. Attendance is veryencouraging.6. YOUTHWORK:A.S.F.: The Chapel lent a helping hand to the Anglican Students Fellowship, DELSUChapter, in their programs during the year under review, including a two-day Campusoutreach program tagged “Extravagant Grace”; their “Praise Night” programs. TheChapel also serves as their venue in some of their major programme etc.A.Y.F. theAYF had a very successful and spiritually rewarding youth week.The programduring the year under review included bible study, exhortation, fasting and prayer,evangelism outreach, cultural day celebration, fresher's day for new students, trainingworkshop/seminars for self-empowerment. These as always, were very spirituallyrewarding and educative.A.C.M.: The Chapel sponsored Sunday School Teachers to Diocesan training/Seminar,among other things, during the year under review.The Chapel was well represented inthe regular ACM Diocesan Teachers Meetings/Training programs. Indeed, thisdepartment is growing rapidly and the Teachers are doing very well. The ACM alsoembarked on a visit to the orphanage home at Ebedi with cash gift, food items andclothings.7. WELFARE:The Chapel, in addition to the usual welfare activities, during the year under review,organised a befitting send-off for about forty graduating students with different giftspackage and merit award certificates. During the Youth/Juvenile Harvest Thanksgiving,over two hundred and fifty students benefitted from the All Saints' Chapel AnnualStudents Food Stuff / Package.The Chapel also assisted some of her students to paytheir school fees and accommodation. Regular Communion was administered to thesick. Cash gifts were given to indigent members of the Chapel.The Chapel has also setout some Sunday for welfare offering/donation for students.The Chapel through theAnglican Children Ministry paid a welfare visit to the Orphanage Home at Ebedi, on30th of May 2015,with some cash gift items,foodstuffs,toiletries,and clothing materials.8. WOMENACTIVITIES:The Chapel women, during the year under review embark on many activities including:the annualWomen Convention;visit to orphanage homes,the sick,widows,aged and theunder privileged with gift items;holding of different symposia,health talk etc.MotheringSunday,Mothers' Union andWomen's Guild week were successfully observed.9. DONATIONS:As usual, many donations were received by the Chapel during the year under review.Worthy of mention are the donation of a marble pulpit in memory of Late Mrs. LuckySaduwa, donation of marble Baptismal font by Dr.(Mrs) N.C. Nwabuoku and Rev. Dr.106 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD&Mrs U.N.O.Edewor,Extension of theAltar by Mr.Engenni PeterAgidah,Altar railing bythe graduating Students and Prof. & Mrs. P. Muoboghere, an anonymous donationtowards the railing of the gallery and the repainting of the entire Chapel building by Dr &Barr.(Mrs.) F.E.Ikpasa.10. JOY/SORROW:We rejoice with families that were blessed with new born babies; sons and daughtersgot married, promoted in place of work etc.We equally sympathize with the followingfamilies for the loss of their beloved ones;Engr.G.Ogbah who lost his wife,Mr & Mrs M.Uwanoghor for the loss of their son and Mama J.Okorodudu's family.11.STATISTICAL REPORTS:9. SUMMARY OF CHAPEL'S FINANCIAL REPORTS107 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD10. CONCLUSION:While thanking God for the above mentioned modest achievements/developments inthe Chapel,we are not unmindful of the challenges at hand,especially the completion ofthe building.We sincerely remain grateful to all who made it possible for the Chapel tocarry on with her building project to the present appreciable stage. VENERABLE GABRIEL N. OBENAMADU Chaplain108 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODC. CHAPEL OF THE HOLY SPIRITREPORT FOR THE PERIOD APRIL 2015 – MARCH 2016 SUBMITTED TOTHE 1ST SESSION OF THE 12TH SYNOD OF WARRI DIOCESEHOLDING AT ST. JAMES' ANGLICAN CHURCH, 29, OJABUGBE STREET,WARRI FROM SATURDAY 7TH TOWEDNESDAY 11TH MAY,2016.The President of Synod,The Chancellor,Diocesan Officials,House of Clergy and Laity,Council of Knights and Ladies,Ladies and Gentlemen.INTRODUCTION:It is good to say thank you to the Lord, to sing praises to the God who is above all gods.Every morning, tell Him ''Thank you for your kindness'' and every evening, rejoice in allHis faithfulness.Psalms 92:1-2The ChapelActivities:Includes Sunday Service, Mid week Service, Mid day Prayers daily, Bible Study, Mid weekPrayers, Choir Practice, Revival Programmes, Mother's Union and Women's Guild andGirl's guild meeting, intercessors prayer sessions, Quaterly alnights etc.The divineencounter / break through programme started in the chapel 2years ago in 2014 is still inprogress and waxing strong with testimonies and ground breaking miracles, lives arebeing transformed through the programme which attract members from otherchurches.A couple married for more than 10years without child had their breakthrough. Awoman's child with kidney problem was healed after prayer. A woman with amisogynistic son was delivered and he got married,his prayer for visa was also answeredand others too many to mention. All glory must be given to the Lord who is doing suchgreat works among His people.Evangelism:The Chapel continues to carry out the regular house to house evangelism in thesurrounding areas such as GRA, the police barracks, central Hospital, Ijaw quarter, Esisiroad and Ajaminmogha areas in the year under review.The work of the Lord in Hussey college was consolidated in the year.We now have morestudents from the college now attending the chapel and even those from Word of Lifehave enthusiastically joined us.The new Principal of Nana College, (a Catholic), like herpredecessor stopped the students from coming to worship in the Chapel.All effort tomake her change her mind on the matter failed.She needs your prayers.109 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODCharity:The Chapel carried out good work of charity in the year to the sick, assisted in settlinghospital bills, rents, relief to prisons hospitals and Orphanages etc to the tune ofN100,000 (One hundred thousand naira only) and fed the hungry.The annual love feastof the Breakthrough family of the Chapel creates an avenue for the Church to feed andshow love to the poor, the hungry and down cast.Cell Group:The group fellowship is still going on as designated, that of Hussey College is waxingeven more stronger. It is the only rallying point for the students in the school that isinterdenominational.The Principal and staff are very happy with theAnglican Church forit.That of Nana College has fallen due to the reason mentioned earlier – the presence ofa wicked female Principal.Donations:/Appreciation:We thank and appreciate the following members whose donations and commitmentshave been a source of great encouragement and inspiration to others in the course ofthe year.1. We thank Barrister and Mrs. Alero Urowayino for the donation of marble pulpit and marble lectern at the total cost of N720,000 (Seven hundred and twenty thousand naira only).2. We thank Mrs. Alero Urowayino for her charity work in distributing new clothes to the children and parents including the Chaplains wife estimated more than N60,000 (Sixty thousand naira only) and sponsoring the food and refreshment of the Clergy bible study hosted by the Chapel to the tune of N50,000 (Fifty thousand naira only).3. Chief Osiobe Okotie for Chairmaning of our harvest last year 2015.4. Mrs. Philo Okoye for being our special guest at last year harvest.5. Ven. and Mrs. I.D. Umukoro for the donation of marble font at the cost of N120,000 ( One hundred and twenty thousand naira only).6. Mrs.P. Okorodudu for the donation of wall clock.7. We thank the Bishop for donating two (2) fans to the Chancel. May God bless them all.Statistics110 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODFinanceConclusion:We are grateful to God and all those who had been supporting the Chapel morally,spiritually and financially. Our sincere thanks go to the lord Bishop and Wife, the Rt.Revd. & Mrs. C.E. Ide for their unalloyed support to the Chapel. May God graciouslyreward you all in Jesus name.Amen. Ven. I.D. Umukoro Chaplain111 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODC. CHAPEL OF THE RESURRECTIONSYNOD REPORT FOR THE PERIOD APRIL 2015 TO MARCH 2016SUBMITTED TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD OFTHE DIOCESE OF WARRI HOLDEN AT ST. JAMES' ANGLICANCHURCH,WARRI FROM SATURDAY 7TH TO WEDNESDAY 11TH MAY,2016.The Lord Bishop and President of SYNOD,Honourable Chancellor,Deputy Chancellor,Registrar,All other Diocesan Officials,The House of Clergy,The House of Laity,Distinguished Guests,Ladies & Gentlemen,1.0 PREAMBLEWe sincerely appreciate, thank and glorify the name of our LORD God for all Hisbenefits, loving kindness and grace upon us in the year under review. We look forwardto more of His grace in the coming year and years.2.0 HIGHLIGHTS OF SPIRITUALACTIVITIESBy the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Chapel engages in several programs and activitiesfor the spiritual edification and growth of the parishioners. Major ones are as follows:a) Year Beginning:We begin each year with the Lord in the form of the first 7-day Programme of fasting and prayer.b) End and Beginning of the Month: We observe the last day of the month and the first two days of the new month with MORNING BREAK THROUGH Programme of prayer from 6:00 to 7:00am prompt.c) All Night Prayers: Holds regularly on the last Friday of the month.d) Evangelism and Revival Programmes: This holds quarterly.e) General Bible Study: This is a weekly program onWednesday.f) Sunday Services: Our Sunday Services of either Matins or Holy Communion holds from 7:00am prompt.g) Home Cell: In line with the Diocesan Home Cell programme, the Chapel encourages her members to participate zealously in the Home Cell nearest to them.h) Youth Sunday: Youths are specially brought into focus on the first Sunday of each month which they actively participate in.i) EPISCOPALVISIT: His Lordship,Rt.Revd.Christian E.Ide and our Mother-In- Israel, Mrs. Patience O.E. Ide paid their annual Episcopal Visit to the Chapel for112 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD Confirmation Service which included admissions in the Girls' Guild,Women's Guild,Mothers' Union,and Fathers' Union as well as confirmation of candidates.3.0 GROUPACTIVITIESa) ANGLICAN YOUTH FELLOWSHIP (AYF): This fellowship is made up mostly young persons and children who are eager to grow through active participation in all activities that can build them up spiritually. They are present in All Night Prayers, General Bible Studies and other church programmes. Their internal fellowship activities include Bible Studies,Prayer Meetings,Seminars etc. The group is actively involved in the first 7-day program at the beginning of the year as well as theirAnnualYouthWeek and other Diocesan activities.b) ANGLICAN ADAMS PREACHING SOCIETY (AAPS): The few members of AAPS group in the Chapel are making all efforts to build up a strong unit in line with larger body.c) ANGLICAN CHILDREN MINISTRY (ACM): This group is led by a formidable crop of highly dedicated and self-motivated group of few individuals as teachers. There exists a continuous grooming of the children for various occasions in form of Bible Knowledge, Songs, Dance, Drama etc which are spiritually uplifting both for the children and their audience at all times. We salute these dedicated teachers, children and their supportive parents and guardians.d) WOMEN'S WORK: The women of the Chapel continue to organize themselves in the traditional Women's Guild and Mothers' Union. In addition there are three women Groups known as Deborah, Dorcas and Hannah, which serve among other needs for the sweeping/cleaning groups of the Chapel. The women regular activities include weekly Bible Studies;Fasting and Prayer;Health Talks; Women World Day of Prayer; Chapel Women Convention; Mothering Sunday Celebrations;Church Decoration;Evangelism &Visitations.e) GIRLS' GUILD: The Girl's Guild of this Chapel meets regularly (mostly on Sundays after service) for their activities which include: Bible Studies; Talks (Health and Domestic), Prayers etc. They also participate in Diocesan Girls' Guild programmes and activities.f) MEN'SWORK: Both the Father's Union and Anglican Men's Fellowship (AMF) exist in this Chapel. Currently, the Fathers' Union is seen to be more organized, and have over the years provided members actively holding offices at the113 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD Diocesan level. May the Lord continue to empower the men of the Chapel of the Resurrection more and more.4.0 WELFAREAND CHARITY: There exist a high percentage of members who require welfare and charity attention. During the period under review, the Chapel disbursed the balance of the special fund earlier donated by an individual for widows. This sum of N500,000.00 was distributed to eight (8) internal and one (1) external widow. We solicit the appreciation and prayers for the anonymous donor.5.0 VISIONAND PROJECT: Work on the proposed vicarage building continued during the reporting period. Also, special renovation and expansion of the office of the Chaplain was carried out at a cost of over N0.8m. During the year, the P.C.C. set up aVision Committee to critically look into the future and expected growth of the church. This committee came up with the urgent need to plan for the future expansion and growth of the Chapel and recommended that we immediately look for and purchase an adequate piece of land for a bigger Church Building; Children Chapel;Vicarage Building and Parking Space. The P.C.C. and the entire congregation approved the recommendation. Infact, a one and half acre land in the vicinity of the Church has been located, negotiated for and cost agreed with the family who owns the land. The total cost is N10.8m out of which N1.0m deposit has been paid to the family. The Chapel of the Resurrection solicit the sincere prayer and financial assistance from all.6.0 SPECIAL DONATION: We acknowledge the special grace of God for the surprised donation to the Chapel of a very sound Toyota Bus by a single family at a cost of over N4.5m. Pray for this caring family.7.0 STATISTICS:114 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD8.0 FINANCIAL REPORT9.0 CONCLUSIONThanks be to our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY Who has brought us to this new yearwherein He has rolled away all our reproaches.May the Peace of GodWhichTranscendsall Understanding fill us all in Christ Jesus our Lord.Amen. Ven. Dr. Anthony M.O. Pessu Chaplain115 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD 6. DIOCESAN WOMEN REPORTDIOCESANWOMEN REPORT PRESENTEDTOTHE FIRST SESSION OFTHE TWELTH SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF WARRI FOR THE PERIODAPRIL 2015- MARCH 2016, HOLDEN AT SAINT JAMES' ANGLICANCHURCH, OJABUGBE STREET, WARRI. FROM SATURDAY, 7TH –WEDNESDAY,11TH MAY,2016.THE LORD BISHOP,MY LORD SPIRITUALANDTEMPORAL,DIOCESAN OFFICIALS,HOUSE OF CLERGY,HOUSE OF LAITY,DISTINGUISHED SYNOD DELEGATES,LADIESAND GENTLEMEN.PREAMBLE:LORD of all;kindly continue reminding us that all things come fromYou,and ofYour owndo we give You. Help us to be good stewards of Your gracious gifts, so we can give Youwhat is right and not just what is left.ACTIVITIES:The Rededication services of the Women and Girls Organizations were adequatelydone;Services and statutory programmes were also duly observed by the grace of God.PROVINCIAL/ CHURCH OF NIGERIA REPORT:The Church of Nigeria General Synod, The Standing Committee Meetings of theChurch of Nigeria and The Bendel Provincial Ecclesiastical Council Meetings wereconscientiously attended. All relevant Levies and Dues were promptly paid.The Diocesan Women Conferences of our Sister Dioceses in Bendel Province wereattended and donations adequately made.All the relevant and statutory Levies/Dues,(Calendars, Magazines, and Dairies) shared from the Provincial level were positivelyresponded to..CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (C.A.N)/ CHRISTIANCOUNCIL OF NIGERIA (C.C.N):We are pleased to inform Synod that our women are vibrantly involved in all theplannedand execute programmes of the aforementioned Ecclesiastical bodies.All ourfinancial involvement and responsibilities were also addressed.DIOCESANWOMEN CONFERENCE:Our DiocesanWomen Conference was joyfully hosted by Effurun Archdeaconry. It wasprecisely held at the Paradise Hall, Mosheshe Estate Effurun, with the Theme:116 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD“HEARING THE MASTER'S VOICE”. (Jn.10.4). The cardinal highlights of theConference activities were, Eucharistic Service,Youth Empowerment Seminar, SinglesSeminars, Life transforming Exhortations, a graphic display of P.O.E. Foundation,AwardCeremony, Spirit filled Bible Studies, Health Talk, Bible Quiz Competition, FreedomHour, Group Reports, Marriage Seminar, Prophetic Dance and the dedication of theGarden of Divine Obedience by the his lordship,The RT.REVD.C.E.IDE,JP.An essential aspect of the Conference was the presentation and launching of thePresidential Address by the President of the Diocesan Women Organization - OurMother – In- Israel, Mrs. P.O.E. Ide. We appreciate the Chairman, WARRIARCHDEACONRY and other donors for their generous donations. May the goodLORD abundantly bless and reward you all in Jesus name.Extract from the Conference Resolution include;The Conference agreed and came up with a SpecialAward for;Ven. P.O.G.Whiskel, formerWomen's Chaplain for his role in ensuring that the work oftheWomen's Organization rapidly progressed.Mrs. Maria Mosheshe, the wife of the late Evang. J.O.C. Mosheshe for her role in givingUnityAnglican Church a place of worship.It was unanimously agreed that the Patience Okpako Ide (POI) Foundation be dulyregistered with the Bishop of the Diocese of Warri, The Rt. Revd C.E. Ide, JP as theChairman of the Foundation.There shall be a quarterly report on the Foundation.Individuals shall not pay more than N2,000.00 on a monthly basis.MISSIONWORK:The Women visited Orphanages and Old People's Homes, Prisons inmates, Hospitals,the elderly and needy ones in our Churches were cared for. Our usualevangelical/charitable visitations to smaller Churches have encouraged a lot ofCongregations.We also embarked on a two by two Evangelism.We also visited somePrimary/ Secondary Schools that were not reached last year. The Students werecarefully admonished and encouraged to “Say No to Cultism, Sexual immoralitiesand DrugAbuse”.YOUTH EMPOWERMENT:We are delighted to inform you that more girls and boys were trained on variousvocations such as; Snail rearing, Phones repairs,Tie and Dye, Decorations & Cateringservices and Make –Up-Artist and Photography.CHARITABLEWORKS:In the year under review,a lot of charitable works were done both in cash and kind. Thesum of Two Million,Two Hundred and Forty Two Thousand, Five Hundred Naira only(N2,242,500.00) was spent on charitable works within the year under review.117 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODPROJECTS:Okuikpere land:Measuring 100ft by 100ft.Omatsola Crescent Project:This project is completed and rented out.Farm Land: the Foundation laying ceremony and the dedication of the Poultry farmwas done in the year under review.Ekrejegbe Farm land:Measuring 2 acresGirls Hostel building atAbraka is available for sale.Production of Cloth: We have embarked on the production of School Uniforms,Wrappers for Churches and burial clothes.Please contact us if you desire any of these.GIRLS GUILD REPORT:In the year under review, some of our girls got married in the Christian way. Otherswere legitimately admitted into Higher Institutions. All their programmes were alsofaithfully executed.ENROLMENT:The following number of persons were enrolled into the Women Organization duringSynod year.FINANCIAL REPORT:CONCLUSION:All glory and thanks go to our Heavenly Father for His enabling grace and unquantifiableblessings upon our lives, homes and projects. May His Mighty and Sovereign name beexalted forever.Our sincere thanks also go to our lord Bishop,The Rt. Revd. Christian E. Ide JP, all theArchdeacons, Clergy, Catechists, Church Teachers,Workers wives', Unit Coordinators,118 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODall Committee Coordinators, Diocesan Women Executives, all Evangelists, whocontributed to the women work. We sincerely applaud the General women of theDiocese of Warri, without your help all this would not have happened. May God blessyou all!Wishing you all a successful and fruitful Synod deliberation. Mrs. P.O.E. IDE PRESIDENT, (WOMEN ORGANIZATION) DIOCESE OF WARRI.119 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD 7. COUNCIL OF KNIGHTS.SYNOD REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OF APRIL 2015 TO MARCH 2016.SUBMITTED TO THE 1ST SESSION OF THE 12TH SYNOD OF THEDIOCESE OF WARRI, ANGLICAN COMMUNION, HOLDEN AT ST.JAMES ANGLICAN CHURCH, 29 OJABUGBE STREET, WARRI FROMSATURDAY 7TH – WEDNESDAY 11TH MAY, 2016 WITH THE THEME'THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH TRANSCEND ALL UNDERSTANDING'Phil 4;7.PREAMBLE:Glory be to GodAlmighty for year 2016,the 10th year of the episcopacy of our father inGod,The Rt. Revd. Christian E. Ide, DIP,TH, N.C.E, B.A. (Ed), M.L.S.We congratulate youand our amiable 'Mama'Warri, Mrs. Patience Ide.We pray that the Lord will continue touplift you with his right hand of righteousness.We bring fraternal greetings to the President of Synod, our 'Mama' Warri, DiocesanOfficials,the Houses of Clergy and Laity and the entire Synod delegates.We pray to God,that as we begin this new synod year, the First Session of the Twelfth Synod of theDiocese of Warri, the Peace of the Lord that transcend all understanding will be ourportion in Jesus Name.This year Synod theme; 'The Peace of The Lord That Transcend All Understanding', isquite apt.As Christians we will continue to experience the peace of the Lord despite allthat happening around in theWorld and in Nigeria in particular.INTRODUCTION:The Sacred Order of the Knighthood of St. Christopher and Mary Magdalene wasestablished in the Diocese of Warri in 2002. It currently has in its membership list, 120(One Hundred and twenty) Knights and 15(Fifteen) activeAssociate Knights.ACTIVITIES:·The Council held all its statutory meetings during the period under review. Executive/Committees' meetings were also held as at when necessary.·The 2nd Friday of every quarter of the year was fixed for Fasting / Prayers.·From 23rd - 29th of March 2015, the Diocese of Warri held her 9th edition of 'Manifest' with the theme 'THE LORD SHALL SAVE HIS PEOPLE' in the Manifest City,Adeje.The Council was in full attendance..·From 2nd – 6th May 2015,the council was in attendance at the Diocese ofWarri, 3rd Session of the 11th SYNOD,with the theme ''THE MARKS OF JESUS:THE CHRISTIAN'S INNER QUALITY AND CHARACTERISTICS' which held at St Matthew'sAnglican Church,Okpara-Waterside.·FromWed 13th May – Sunday 17th May 2015, the Council of Knights'Week held at the All Saints Church, Airport Rd, Warri. The theme for the week was 'KNIGHTS; GOD APPOINTED WATCHMEN, EZEK. 3; 17. A motorcade120 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD evangelical crusade took place at St Luke's Anglican Church, Okuijere-Ovu, Agbon Archdeaconry. Free medical care was given to the villagers. Nine (9) converts were won including a 'Juju' worshipper who surrendered her idols for destruction.·From 18th – 20th June 2015,the Council had herAnnual Retreat,with the theme 'Fan IT To Flame' – 1 Tim. 1:6 at Ibru Centre,Agbarho-Otor.The Rt. Rev. John U Aruakpor – Bishop of Oleh was the Guest Speaker and the Diocesan the Special Guest of Honour.·On 5th of July 2015 there was an Ordination service at St. Matthew's Church, Okpara Waterside and the Council was in attendance and donated to 'Train A Priest'.·On 10th September 2015, the Council held a special statutory meeting in the Cathedral.The Diocesan was in attendance. He gave the exhortation and a 'talk' on the way forward for the Council.·On 23th September 2015 the council was duly represented at the Joint Council of Knights' executive meeting that held atThe Knight Abbey,All Saints Cathedral, Onitsha.The Council was also in attendance at all JCK activities.·On December 10th 2015, the Council's Annual General Meeting was held at St. Philip's Anglican Church,Abraka, at which end of tenure reports were given by the outgoing executive.Election of new executive committee to run the Council for the next two years – 2016/17 was carried out.Members of the new exco is as follows;OFFICERS OFTHE COUNCIL; – President1. Sir EmmanuelAbulu KSC. – Vice President2. SirAustin Gbinije,KSC. – Secretary3. SirWilson Eruwe,KSC. – Assistant Secretary4. DameAnne Onoyase,KSMM. – Financial Secretary5. SirVictorAghwadoma,KSC. – Assist Fin.Secretary6. Dame Kakachi ,KSMM. – Treasurer7. Dame Patricia Osawota,KSMM. – Protocol Officer8. Sir Gogspower Igbakpah,KSC. – Deputy Protocol Officer9. Sir Mason Udele,KSC. – Public Relations Officer10. Sir Sylvester Udi,KSC – Past President General11. Sir Chuka Udolisa,KSC. – Ex officio member.12. Sir DuroAfatakpa.KSC. –13. Lady Beauty Udi. – Lady President.14. Lady Patience Eruwe – Lady Secretary.15. Venerable M.O.Onoraro. Chaplain·On 15th December 2015, the Old and New members of the Executive Committee of the Council paid the customary courtesy/Christmas visit to the Bishop of the Diocese.The new executive members were formally introduced to the Bishop..121 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD·On 29th of January 2016 the Council held a Fasting and Prayer/Seminar meeting at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit,Bishopscourt.·On Sunday 31st January.2016 the Council had her REDEDICATION SERVICE at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit,Bishopscourt.· From 14th - 20th of March 2016 the 10TH edition of 'MANIFEST' held at the Manifest City, with the theme 'THE MARVELLOUS GOD, the Council was in full attendance.The Council was always in attendance at Diocesan services of Ordination and otheractivities to wish she was invited.PROJECT:We wish to report that the St. Paul's Church, Omadino new building whichthe Council is carrying out is at the roofing stage.Work was slowed down due to thecommunity crises there.We hope to return to site as soon as peace is restored in thecommunity.LADIES;The ladies held their meetings simultaneously with that of the knights.They also carriedout some welfare works.TRANSITION;The Council, during this period in review recorded the passing on to glory of somemembers.They are;1) Lady Maria Ekpuda ,2) Sir Stephen Onwo,3) SirVictor Ezeji,4) SirAnthony Ogbudje.The Council participated fully in their rites of passage and met itsconstitutional obligations to the families.FINANCE; AMOUNTSummary of finance for the year 2014 – 2015; N :K 8,209,613. 66 S/N DESCRIPTION 7,559,448.41 650,165.25 1. INCOME / DEPOSITS 2. EXPENSES BALANCECONCLUSION.The Council of Knights of St. Christopher in the Diocese of Warri expresses gratitudeto GodAlmighty for sparing our lives.We pray for his continuous presence and guidancein our lives,the Council and the Church. We congratulate the Bishop and thank him forhis support and encouragement.SIR EMMANUEL ABULU VEN. M. O. ONORARO. SIR WILSON ERUWE PRESIDENT CHAPLAIN SECRETARY122 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD 8. FATHERS' UNIONDIOCESAN FATHERS' UNION REPORT FORTHE PERIOD APRIL 2015 –MARCH 2016, PRESENTED TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTHSYNOD OF DIOCESE OF WARRI HOLDEN AT ST. JAMES' ANGLICANCHURCH 29, OJABUGBE STREET, WARRI FROM SATURDAY 7TH –WEDNESDAY 11TH MAY 2016.THE LORD BISHOP & PRESIDENT OF SYNOD,MY LORD SPIRITUAL &TEMPORAL,DIOCESAN OFFICIALS,HOUSE OF CLERGY & HOUSE OF LAITY,DISTINGUISHED DELEGATES,LADIESAND GENTLEMEN.Preambles:We give thanks to the Almighty God for He is our creator and strength; may His namebe praised for ever and everAmen.Our Units:21Membership: 427 (update)OurActivities:Programme of activities,such as statutory meetings,rededication service,Father’s weekcelebration,executive meetings,fasting and prayer meetings were being observed2015 FATHERSWEEKACTIVITIESAND COUPLES DAY CELEBRATION.Couple day: Our Annual Couples' Day Celebration took place on the 20th June 2015and it was well attended with our Lord Bishop Rt. Rev. C.E Ide J.P in attendance.Theme: What makes a marriage work? (Your life style by Ven. Paul Whiskel asGuest Speaker).Couples' had enough entertainment and there was cultural dance by the women of AllSaints Anglican Church (ASAC) Airport Road,Warri and march past by Archdeaconriesthat created fun for our members and their wives.The venue was Federal GovernmentCollege Snapps hallWarriDIOCESAN ANNUAL GENERAL CONFERENCE AGC 2015.The 2015 Diocesan, Annual General Conference was held at the Church of theTransfiguration Aka-Avenue from 25th – 27th September 2015. Theme:“ThatTheyMay Be One”John (21:17).The conference activities was held for 2 days while the 3rdday was for thanksgiving in all units with Ven. E.O. Agbawe as guest speaker.There was Holy Communion Service, and Lecture given on the topic “THAT THEY123 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODMAY BE ONE”,The union honored some of her committed members with award ofexcellence for their contribution to the Fathers' Union Diocese ofWarri on 26/9/2015.1. Sir (Chief) E.D.O.Obofukoro (JP) - St.Peter's Church Igbudu2. Mr.Edward Ukuhor - Emmanuel Church Jakpa Road, Effurun3. Mr.Wilson Okore - Good Shepherd Igbudu Church4. Mr.Jackson Eferoro - St.Peter's Church Igbudu5. Sir.Solomon Ogidi - All SaintAnglican Church Jefia P.T.I6. OurAmiable Chaplain - Rev.Canon Monday Imonisan St John Church Ugboroke7. Prince S.I Ebole - St.Peter's Church Igbudu8. St. Peter's Ang. Church Igbudu was honored due to their excellent performance and contribution.9. Ven. Matthew Olobia,Vicar St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Jakpa Road, Effurun. (Award of excellent performance)10. Mr.S.M.Omokaili - Good ShepherdNew Exco Members Elected on the 26th of September 2015At the 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL CONFERENCE held at the Church of theTransfiguration, Aka-Avenue, the following members emerged as the new members ofthe executive.1. Sir Simeon Efe Igogo - President (Chapel of theAdvent NNPC Housing Complex)2. Sir EmmanuelAbulu - Vice President (Cathedral of St.Andrew Okere Road)3. Mr. Wilson Okore - Secretary (Good Shepherded Igbudu) Asst.Secretary (St.Peters Church Igbudu)4. Mr. Jackson Eferoro - Treasurer (All Saint Church PTI Jefia Estate) Financial Secretary5. Mr. Shadrack U.Obue - (St.Peters Church Igbudu) P.R.O (St.Peters Church Igbudu)6. Mr. Onome Yegbeburu - Welfare Officer (St.Peters Church Igbudu) Prayer Secretary (St.Peters Church Igbudu)7. Prince Collins Mohannye -8. Mr. Martyns Omiete -9. Evang. Matthew Uti -Welfare:On welfare,with the little available resources,the Union was able to pay visit to some ofour sick members,and gave some assistance.Evangelism:During this period, with regard and respect accorded evangelism, Diocese of WarriFathers' Union went out for evangelism to bring in more members to our fold. Moremembers have been added to the Union by the Grace of God,the Union is growing from124 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODstrength to strength as many souls were won to Christ through evangelism.The AbrakaAxis has been functional.Death: We lost one of our members, Mr. Benjamin Honder of St. James AnglicanChurch Ojabugbe Warri. He had been buried at his home town Egbo-Ideh afterOkwagbe in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State. A tribute of honorwas presented at the grave side by the presidentAppeal to the National Executives: We appealed to the National Executives toalways make sure that they fulfil their mandate to the Union. So that we can havenecessary information at the grass root to support the National to move the Unionforward.Leadership Retreat 2016Leadership retreat was held on the 3rd – 5th March, 2016 at the Christian trainingconference center Ogoni- Olomu.- 1st quarterly Diocesan Meeting 1st quarterly Diocesan meeting was held on the 13th March, 2016 at the Chapel of theAdvent NNPC Housing Complex,Ekpan.It was successful.Executive Meetings- We have held two executives meeting and one emergency meeting between 1st Jan 2016 to 10th March 2016 to prepare our members for the work of the union for 2016 and the future.Coming Events2016 FathersWeek/ Couples Day Celebration June 20162016 DiocesanAGC to be held at St.JamesAnglican Church,29, Ojabugbe Street Warri,Delta State.National Fathers Union ConferenceAGC 2016The National Fathers Union Conference (AGC)Warri 29 will take place in October2016 at the St. Andrews Cathedral Church Okere Road,Warri.There are still many men that have not regularized their marriages:as we hope that theywill be encouraged to appreciate the divine institution of marriage and join the fold.Weuse this medium to encourage all who have regularized their marriages to join theFathers Union membership of their units.The issue of Harmonizing ideas of the Men’s Fellowship and members of the Father'sUnion as one body in the church of God is in progressFINANCE: The father's union derives its funds through monthly dues, levies andoffering.In summary the statement is as follows:125 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODIncome - 1,758,5878.65Expenditure - 1,595,253.80Balance - 162,324.85APPRECIATION:We appreciate those who helped us by obeying the promise,the aim and the rules of thefather's union with their support,contribution,co- operation,good advice and loyalty inexecuting various duties,we sincerely thank you so much.CONCLUSIONWe note with high sense of concern, the present prevailing economic situation in thecountry, the activities of the Fathers' Union needed to be supported by committedmembers, so that together we can move the Fathers' Union to greater heights.We aregrateful to the Almighty God for His enabling power and grace for us all to witnesseverything happening in our time.Our amiable Bishop, His lordship, the Rt. Rev. C.E. Ide, JP, we say thank you for alwaysbeing there for us.Your continual support, your words of advice to the Fathers' Union.May theAlmighty God bless you in the year 2016 and beyond.On behalf of the entire members of Father Union, Diocese of Warri, we wish you asuccessful Synod deliberation. Evang. Sir Simon Efe Wilson Okore President Secretary Rev. Canon Monday Imonisan Chaplain126 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD 9. THE ANGLICAN MEN FELLOWSHIPSYNOD REPORT OFTHE ANGLICAN MEN FELLOWSHIP SUBMITTEDTO THE FIRST SESSION OF TWELFTH SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OFWARRI FORTHE PERIOD APRIL 2015TO MARCH 2016 HOLDEN AT ST.JAMES' ANGLICAN CHURCH OJABUGBE – WARRI ROM SATURDAY7TH –WEDNESDAY 11TH MAY 2016.1. INTRODUCTION: The Lord God has graciously brought us to be part of the 2016 synod,to Him be glory, honour,power and majesty forever and ever.Amen.2.0. DIOCESAN MEETINGS: For the period under review,the Fellowship’s constitution has been approved by the lord Bishop, Rt. Revd C.E. Ide JP and the fellowship has graduated from Diocesan monthly meetings to quarterly meetings. The fellowship now holds four statutory meetings and series of Executive Committee Meetings. The Executive has put in place a committee saddled with the responsibility of sensitizing members in our variousArchdeaconry and units especially weak ones and areas where the aims and objectives of the fellowship were not clearly understood.This visit is ongoing and by the special grace of God the men of this Diocese will be one (John 17:21)3.0. DIOCESAN ANNUAL CONVENTION: The Diocesan Men Fellowship Convention was held at St.Philip'sAnglican ChurchAbraka from Friday Oct 23rd to Saturday Oct. 24th 2015 with the theme “STORING UP FOR YOURSELVES HEAVENLY TREASURES” Matt. 6:19.The Bishop of our Diocese Rt. Rev. C.E. Ide, JP, who gave the key note address call on Men's Fellowship that is the Father's Union and the Diocesan Men Fellowship to carefully planned their programme of activities to avoid clashes and to give him an eye view of the activities to enable him approved them easily. As a means of raising fund for the Diocese there was an arrangement for some selectedArchdeaconry and the Cathedral as follows:1. Cathedral of St.Andrew's Chief Launcher2. EffurunArchdeaconry Vice Chairman3. WarriArchdeaconry Chairman4. Effurun EastArchdeaconry ` Special Guest5. WarriWestArchdeaconry Projector6. Warri EastArchdeaconry Guest of Honour7. All otherArchdeaconry Chair Supporter8. To encourage the men fellowship the lord Bishop Rt. Rev. C.E. Ide JP and the127 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD Women Organization ably led by Mother in Israel, Mrs. Patience O. Ide JP kick started the launching.We are proud of your leadership.Thanks you my lord,thank you our mother in Israel.The convention had their election and a new executive was elected as follows for athree year term.1. President Mr.S.O.Adaramola2. Vice President Mr.Isaac Orove3. Secretary Evang.Anthony Onojeghen4. Ass.Secretary Mr.Bright Igere5. Treasurer Mr.EdwardAmanoritsewor6. Fin.Treasurer Mr.Richard Oritsejuminone7. P.R.O. Evang.Blessing Urete8. Bible Study Secretary Mr.Isaac Onakposegha9. LegalAdviser:a. Barr.Solomon Olukub. Barr.Brown Umukoroc. 4.0. BIBLE STUDY OUTLINE: As part of effort in building up the spiritual life of our members, a bible study outline which takes effect fromApril 2016 has been introduced.5.0. FINANCE: The Fellowship derives its fund through sitting fees,free will offering and at other times launching,to boost the income of the fellowship.CONCLUSION:The purpose of the Anglican Men Fellowship is that all men within the AnglicanCommunion undermining shallow marital barrier of monogamy and polygamy goes intothe deeper meaning of the ministry of reconciliation which is centered on the ministryand prayer for the oneness or unity of all believers.The men also need to reconcile with one another by being one in Christ.In uniting withthemselves and with Jesus, they are also all brought to the love of God, which is theultimate in the ministry of reconciliation.This is Jesus' burden and the deepest yearningfor all Christians that they may be one even as theTrinity.128 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODOn behalf of the entire members of Anglican Men Fellowship,Warri Diocese we wishthe Bishop and his wife Rt. Revd & Mrs. C.E. Ide and all synod delegates a successfulsynod deliberation.MEN IN CHRIST!! MEN OF VALOR Mr. S. O. Adaramola Evang.A.A. Onojeghen (Diocesan President) (Diocesan Secretary) Ven. S.A.B. Ikpesa (Diocesan Chaplain)129 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD10. THEOLOGICAL COLLEGES REPORTS A. ARCHBISHOP VINING COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY, AKURE. ARCHBISHOP VINING COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY, AKURE COLLEGE SYNOD REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2016The Diocesan and President of SynodHouse of ClergyHouse of LaityPreamble: 'Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected;but I press on,that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has alsolaid hold of me.'{Phil.3:12}INTRODUCTION: St Paul's words to the Philippians best THE VEN. STEPHENcapture our hopes and vision as an institution as we move to the AYODEJI FAGBEMI PH.D.year 2016.We constantly evaluate our activities in line with ourset goals and vision.Whilst praising God for achievements of thepast we earnestly desire to move forward in every aspect of ourcollege life. In the year 2015, we concentrated more on 'theLivingWord of God' and its centrality to our lives and ministry.It is a delight to present to the synod the report of Archbishop Vining College ofTheology,Akure,where every soul matters.Guided by our vision and under God's graceand inspiration,the college has continued to grow in many directions.BOARD MEETINGSWe are grateful for the improvement witnessed at our Board meetings chaired by theMost Revd G.L. Lasebikan, PhD, Bishop of Ondo and Archbishop of Ondo Province.Wewish to register our thanks to all members of the Board and especially to our bishopsfor finding time to contribute to discussions on the progress of the college.FACULTYTwo new members of staff joined the college faculty during the year under review aftersuccessful interviews,namely the Revd Canon E.Ayo Fasusi and Revd Canon OlugbengaSalako.The college now has 11 full time members on its academic staff.We wish themfruitful stay in the college.The Sub-Dean, theVen. Dr. L.O. Lawal, who was on sabbaticalleave last academic year has now returned to the college with effect from September 1,2015.He served his sabbatical at the Crowther Graduate Theological Seminary,Abeokuta.FullTime Faculty MembersThe Ven.Dr. S. Ayodeji Fagbemi,PhD (Kent) – DeanThe Ven.Dr L.O. Lawal,PhD – Sub-Dean130 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODThe Ven. E.B.B. Omowaye, MA – RegistrarThe Ven. Dr M. A. Adetunmbi, PhD – LecturerThe Ven. Dr Z. A. Adeniji, PhD – Lecturer/ChaplainThe Ven. J.O. Ogundare,MAThe Ven. R.S. Ogunfeyimi, MEdThe Ven. L.E. Olagoroye, MAThe Ven.S. A. Ologbe, MAThe Revd Canon E. Ayo Fasusi,MAThe Revd Canon A. Olugbenga Salako, Mth, MASTUDENTS ENROLMENTYear 1= 54Year 2= 57Year 4= 44Special BTh (priests) = 28BA(UI)= 25Total:218With this our students' population has further grown over last year's from 203 to 218.This is a further indication of our approval rating among clergy and bishops and wecontinue to provide up-to-date facilities to serve the students.With the support ofour Board membersand other donors, wewere able to procure atotal of 60 modernchairs to the tune ofN660,000.00 duringthe year under review.These chairs make forvery comfortablesitting during lectures.And our students continue to appreciate the care being given to them,an indication thatevery soul matters.STUDENTS'WELLBEINGMajority of our students are still struggling with the payment of their contribution ofN50,000.00 (regular students) and N100,000.00(special candidates) to the college, asapproved by the Supra Diocesan Board of theWest.I have set up an initiative to supportpoor students, clergy and their children in the very near future.This is intended to be aFoundation following the pattern of the Sons or Friends of the Clergy in the Church ofEngland.We have secured by donation a sum N800, 000.00. Please support us if you canto move this up so that in due course we can begin to disburse to those in needs.Anydonation will be gratefully received.131 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODBISHOP GBONIGI HALLAll the rooms in Bishop Gbonigi Hall were tiled during the year under review; we arenow thinking about tiling the floor of Archbishop Olufosoye Hall.Any help or donationtowards this will be gratefully received.We also need more chairs,tables and wardrobesfor the students' rooms.With the improved state of our accommodation we will bepleased to receive more requests from dioceses to use them for Clergy School orRetreat at our agreed affordable cost.Akoko Diocese has supported us tremendouslyby their constant use of our facilities in recent years.BUILDING PROJECTOur 21-bedroom hostel project has reached roofing stage.We are hoping that we cancomplete this early in year 2016 by the grace of God.We will greatly appreciate anysupport towards this project whether in cash or in kind by direct donation of furnitureor tiling materials. Individuals are also welcome to contact us to undertake any otherprojects to be named after them.THE COLLEGE LIBRARY It is with delight that we report that the College librarythat has been under construction since March 2008 has now been completed with thepainting and other works during the year under review. The college has thus farexpended over N45m on the project.We now need furniture of various kinds includingmodern shelf and computers to equip it. It is also the plan of the college to fullycomputerise and complete the automation of the library very soon.We need help in allthese.Any support from interested persons will be gratefully received.MINISTRY INTHE 21ST CENTURYOur college spirituality has focussed on the LivingWord of God and its implications forthe life and ministry of the clergy in the 21st century. It has been very rewarding andrefreshing.We are grateful to all our guest speakers and bishops for blessing us through theirministrations.We continue to focus on relevant training to equip our students to be the clergy of the21st century. Hence ample time was given to training in deliverance ministry, evangelismand outreach. Ourstudents undertookappropriate training inprison and hospitalministries whilst ourfinalist students alsounderwent the HaggaiLeadership Training inpartnership with theAkure Chapter ofHaggaiAlumni.132 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODBTH GRADUATESThe college's first set of students with the BTh degree passed out in June 2015 at a verycolourful ceremony presided over by our Chairman, the Most Rev Dr G. L. Lasebikan.Three (3) candidates graduated in first class, seventeen (17) in Second Class UpperDivision and thirty-three (33) in Second Class Lower Division while Five (5) were givenonly Certificate of Attendance.They have all gone to be ordained in various dioceses ofthe Supra Diocesan Board ofWestern Nigeria.A new hood has also been designed to gowith the degree status.THE UNVEILING OF PRIMATE NICHOLAS OKOH ROADThe Most Revd Dr Nicholas D. Okoh, Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of theChurch of Nigeria(Anglican Communion)visited the College to receive the award of theMost Distinguished Pride of the College and for the unveiling of the Primate NicholasOkoh Road on June 10 2015. He was received by our Chairman,the Most Revd Dr G.L.Lasebikan, the Bishop of Akure, the Rt Revd Dr Simeon Borokini, and many otherbishops who accompanied the Primate including the Chairman of our Supra Diocesesof theWest,ArchbishopM. O. Akinyemi, ourformer Chairman, theRt Revd Dr S. O.Sowale, the Most Rev.Adedayo Abe, retiredArchbishop of Ondo,the Rt. Rev. DK Bello,the Rt. Revd Dr A.O.Akinlalu, the Rt RevdProf Dapo Asaju, the RtRevd S.O. Adekunle(President of the Alumni Association), and the Rt Revd Akintunde Popoola, among otherdignitaries.The Primate made a donation of N3m and was supported by the bishops andother dignitaries present. The college is grateful to the Primate and all who attendedand donated.The Primate also formally announced the promise of a bus for the college,which has now been delivered.THE FAVICTA PROJECT (Friends ofArchbishopVining College ofTheology,Akure):The initiative of the Friends of the College to raise N60m through the sale ofN100 ticket to 600,000Anglicans is still on.Some dioceses have responded while we arestill waiting to receive from some.Please join the friends and help us to move the collegeforward through your donation of N500 monthly subscription of the friends.Certificates are issued to members.SUMMER PROGRAMMESThe college offers part-time BTh and BA (Min)courses and have now entered their third133 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODyear. These courses have been specially designed to move us away from ReligiousStudies to doing real theology.Please apply to the Registrar if you are interested.WOMEN LEADERSHIP & EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMMEThis college has a history of training women since its inception.We appeal to all andsundry, especially our bishops and bishops' wives to continue to support us by sendingclergy wives and women in leadership to us for more training.This course has receivedmore attention and improvement in recent times.As a way to widen the course we arenow proposing to include non-clergy wives as from now (2016) although we will ensurethat the training for clergy-wives is not compromised. Please help us support thisprogramme by sending more women to us. Admission begins in March while theprogramme runs inAugust.THE CHAPEL OFTHEANNUNCIATIONOur chapel sadly lost some members this year in very difficult and painful circumstancesthis year. One was Prof.Albert Ilemobade, a former VC of FUTA, who was killed by hisdriver and security guard.We pray for all our members who lost their loved ones andthe entire chapel for renewed strength and confidence in the Lord.All chapel programmes went as scheduled and our weekly ministrations and spiritualtonic have continued to energise the worshippers in their faith.We have also welcomednew members in the course of the year.The new monthly prayer breakfast initiated bythe Dean's wife, Mrs Florence Fagbemi has received a very positive response from thewomen. The Young Wives have continued to feature well in the chapel life while ouryouths are receiving great encouragement in their spiritual walk.The special Mid-Yearpraise service organised in June 2015 was a very successful and uplifting occasion.Therenovation of the chapel has now taken place, giving it a truly new look whilst thechaplain's house had been rehabilitated to taste. The chapel has continued to offerfinancial grant to the college and support for the members of the clergy team.134 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODCOLLEGE MISSIONThe college went on mission to the Diocese of Ondo in between May 23 and June 22015.We are grateful to the Diocesan and priests and congregations of the diocese fortheir hospitality.A donation of N400,000.00 was given to the college.THE COLLEGEAT ONE HUNDREDIn 2017 it will be one hundred years since the establishment of the college and we intendto celebrate it with pomp and pageantry. Details will be released once the committeesbegin to present them.Anyone who wishes to support this can contact us.The Rt RevdDr Titus Olayinka, Bishop of Ogbomoso has been appointed the Chairman of theCentenary Committee.OUR NEEDS1. Laptop Computers and Projectors2. Endowment for various aspects of college life viz Office of the Dean,Professorial Chair in Biblical Studies and Church in Contemporary Society;3. 150 KVA Generator4. Bus for the Students' Body5. Special PrizesAward for various subjects at GraduationAPRECIATIONFinally, we are grateful to our Chairman the Most Revd Dr G. Latunji Lasebikan, and allour archbishops and bishops for their support. I also wish to thank all those whocontinue to donate in both cash and kind towards the improvement of the college as aplace where every soul matters.We continue to develop our website and the provision of customised email address forall members of our community.Visit us on www.viningcollegeakure.orgMay I take this opportunity to wish Diocesan and President of Synod and the entiresynod happy and fruitful deliberations.God bless you all The Ven. S.Ayodeji Fagbemi, PhD(Kent) Dean December 2015135 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD B. IMMANUEL COLLEGE OF THEOLOGY AND CHRISTIANEDUCATION (IN AFFILIATION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OFIBADAN)COLLEGE REPORT PRESENTED TO YEAR 2016 SYNODSESSIONS ANDCONFERENCES OF THE CHURCHES OF METHODISTANDANGLICAN1.0 INTRODUCTION We bring the entire Synod warm greetings in the preciousname of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.As He consecrated himself in truth (John17:19), may we do the same that through His word we may all be one. In the spirit ofoneness,righteousness and Justice.Dietrich Bonhoeffer aver“Do and dare what is right,not swayed by the whim of the moment. Bravely take hold of the moment. Bravely takehold of the real,not dallying now with what might be.Not in the flight of ideas but only inaction is freedom.Make up your mind enough and your faith in Him to sustain you.Thenat last freedom will welcome your spirit amid great rejoicing”.From the above it is clear to all Christians the need to abide in Christ as we have it in Hisword; Manete in me et ego in vobis. Sicut palmes non potest ferre fructum a semetipso,nisi manescrit in vite,sic nec vos,nisi in me manseritis (Abide with in me and I with in you,as mere branch bear fruit not self, but graft to true stem, so you cannot fruit unlessgrafted with true stem).Latin/Eng RSV (John 15:4).As we settle down seriously to the work of this year 2016 let us ask God's help instrengthening our new endeavour. We know that we shall not find real pleasure orsatisfaction in avoiding work and refusing to abide.May God renew our responsibility to ourselves, so that we never waste our gifts, neverlet the time slip away but be faithful to our calling and loyal to the church.We thank the Church (two sponsoring Churches) for her moral and financial supportto the College. The support of our Church will greatly continue to enhance thesuccessful mining of our College.We earnestly pray that the divine presence of God feltin all your deliberations in Christ Jesus name.Amen.Megalos gratias Deo.2.0 ACADEMIC STAFF OF IMMANUEL COLLEGE OFTHEOLOGYThe present list of academic Staff for 2015/2016 Session is:1. Dean - The Very Rev. Dr. Williams A. O. Egbetakin - Dip. R.S.;'Dip.Th.; B.A.(Hons);M.A.;Ph.D. (lbadan)2. Sub-Dean- Ven. Dr. Cornelius O. Adagbada - Dip. R.S.; Dip.Th.; B.A.(Hons); M. A.; M.Phil;Ph.D.Ibadan3. Registrar - The Very Rev. Dr. Jacob O. Onwkwe - Dip. R.S.; Dip.Th.; B.A. (Hons) (Calabar); M. A.; Ph.D (Port-Harcourt).136 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD4. College Chaplain - Ven. Dr. Jacob O.Adeloye - Dip.Th.; B.A. Ed. (Hons) (llorin); M.A.(OAU lfe); Ph-.D (lbadan)5. Staff Adviser - TheVery Rev. Ebenezer l.AriyoDip. R.S.; Dip.Th.; B.A.(Hons); M.A. (lbadan).6. Student Affairs - Ven. Jacob Ola. OyewoleDip Th.; Dip. R.S.; B.A.(Hons) lfe; M.A. (lbadan)7. Assist. Chapel Chaplain - The Very Rev. Joseph A. Ayodele - Dip. R.S.; Dip.Th.; B.A.(Hons);M.A.(lbada8. Accommodation Officer - The Very Rev. Felix A.O. Ogunbisi. - Dip. R.S.; Dip.Th.; B.A.(Hons);M.A.(Ibadan)9. Direct of Mission & Evangelism - The Very Rev. Emmanuel Adetunji Dip.Th.; B.A.Hons (Olabisi); M.A.(Ibadan),10. Associate Director of Mission - Ven. Peter O. Otusami- Dip. R.S.; Dip.Th.; B.A. Hons;M.A.(LASU11. Director of Sports - Ven. Dr. Israel O. Odukogbe - Dip.R.S.; Dip.Th.; B.A. Hons (lbadan);M.A.(Harvard);Ph.D (lbadan)12. Staff Secretary and - Ven. Alfred Bamgbose - WAATI Rep - Dip. R.S.; Dip.Th.; B.A.(Hons) lbadan;- M.A.(Cairo Egypt);M.A.(lbadan)LIST OF PARTTIME LECTURERS1. Prof DejiAyegboyin (HOD) - Department of Religious Studies,University of lbadan2. Rev.Dr. S. A.Fatokun3. Ven.Dr. J.S. Adekoya4. Very Rev. Dr. O.O. Berekiah5. Ven.Dr. E.O. Mepayieda6. Very Rev. Dr. H. Sewapo7. PastorA.O. Olanrewaju8. Very Rev. Dr.I.B.Olujimi - Ibadan Polytechnic9. Dr. Sunday - Department of English University of lbadan3.0 STUDENT ROLL137 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODDEGREE “BA” - 61. 200L - 52. 300L - 43. 300 L : 15 TOTAL4.0 OBSERVATION: We thank the Board of Governors of the College for allowingthese programmes even though we still have over lapping ofTMM part time ordinationand B.Th. Part Time non ordination both coming up between July and August longvacation.We pray we shall soon settle the timing.We sincerely appreciate the efforts of the academic staff in ensuring the results ofexternal examinations are highly encouraging despite limited resources. The B.Thprogramme the Governing Body approved in 2009, currently in 400 level class isundergoing some threat. Unless the Governing Body look at it critically Acta ExterioraIndicant Interiora Secreta. (External acts indicate undisclosed thoughts) thus caveatvenditor (Let the seller beware).5.0 N.U.C. ACCREDITATION OF THE COLLEGE PROGRAMME:TheNational University Commission Accreditation was carried out before the currentadministration came on board September 13th 2015.The recommendation of the panelconcerning the retention of College programme was not too poor. But we need toupgrade the College Library that has no chairs and tables for student to study at theground floor and no-steady supply of electricity as it has not been wired up till thispresent moment.We thanked the H.O.D. of religious studies department who pleadedon our behalf and influence towards seeing that our College sailed through.6.0 COLLEGE MISSIONWe had the College annual Mission in the Dioceses ofljebu-Ode and ljebu Igbo (Anglican Communion) and Ago-lwoye and Remo Diocese ofMethodist Church Nigeria.We thank the Lord Bishop of ljebu-Ode the Rt. Rev. Kuponuand ljebu-lgbo the Rt. Rev. Dr. Kuponu.We also register our appreciation to the Rt. Rev.Dr.Adewale and the Rt. Rev.Akinwale of Methodist Dioceses of Ago-lwoye and Remo.The missioners were well catered for which enhancedtheir performances in themission fields.The theme was \"Jesus OurSufficiency (Philippians 4:19).7.0 HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY. The way we organise the annual HospitalChaplaincy in recent years is quite different from what it used to be in the past. Insteadof the usual one-week out of the College in Ogbomoso Medical Centre which exposes138 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODthe students to proper Hospital Chaplaincy experience we invite people to come to theCollege and lead them to various open mission hospital chaplaincies aroundIbadan city.This year by God's grace we are going back to Baptist Hospital Chaplaincy Ogbomosowhich is residential with adequate monitoring.8.0 LEADERSHIP COURSEThe Leadership course took place at ljebu-OdeMilitary Training Centre. We are grateful to the resource persons who participatedenthusiastically in the course. In fact, our students these days cherish the impact thetraining brings upon them.9.0 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: We had Alumni Conference last was when The Rt.Rev. Dr. M.O. Owadayo left office as Chairman when he retired from active service.Weare praying to resuscitate the conference. Res Ipsa Loquitur (The situation speaks foritself).10.0 HEALTHCARE BUILDING PROJECT: We thank God, the building projectof a healthcare centre commenced recently by the family of Ven. L.F. Fasola and isongoing. It is hoped that before the end of the year 2016 it will near competition. MayGod bless the family.11.0 RENOVATION OF STUDENTS' DORMITORY AND BEDDINGS: Weneed to thank God and the Chairman Governing Body who approved for us 200 newmattresses September 2015 and repair of 300 Iron beds.The project committee alsospent N500,000 on Makinde Hostel that was badly used till August 2015. Presently,there is no borehole serving the hostel as the one there is bad already.We need to attend to Wesley hostel urgently the roofs and ceiling are broken. By thetime rain will start student will not be able to live there. '12.0 WATER SUPPLYTOTHE COLLEGE: The new borehole sunk recently at the back of Library is servingkitchen and Crowther hostel now. It is not adequate due to the population of theCollege is high.We need more boreholes and big rubber tanks to replace the iron tankthe College is not able to repair.13.0 CONNECTING OUR LIBRARY TO THE INTERNET: We are makingeffort on this.The College procured some computers under the past administration.Weare grateful to groups and individuals who donated computers that are presently underutilized as we don't have generator to power the Administrative block of the Collegeand our unwired Library.14.0 IMMANUEL COLLEGE LIBRARY:Apart from the problems of the Librarymentioned, some people borrowed large numbers of books without returning them.We have started contacting them. For the past five years we have not receive booksfrom SPCK our oversea donors thus there is no new books coming to the Library.TheGoverning body must look into this problem.139 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD15.0 IMMANUEL COLLEGE CHAPELWe continue to enjoy the fellowship ofchapel members in diverse areas. The outreach evangelism of the chapel is growingstronger and wider. Their weekly activities continue to serve spiritual needs andenhancing the relationship with the College.The current Dean is the Minister-in-chargeof the chapel with an Assistant Chaplain according to the CollegeConstitution.However, we hope to appoint a chaplain after one year in office.We aregrateful for the donation of another KIA car for the Chaplaincy's the former chapelchaplain was asked to convert the former KIA car to personal use.Thanks to the donor.16.0 FENCING OFTHE COLLEGEThe Board of Governors saddled the chapelcommittee with the assignment of assisting in the construction of the College fence.They did a wonderful work but we still have a lot of work to do.The Dean already madea letter to the twoTrustees asking for 3million to complete the fencing to avert threat ofthe side exposed to University of Ibadan express road gradually becoming refusedumping site.We are hopeful expecting good result to complete the fencing this year toredeem our image.17.0 ROAD NETWORKThe Master plan of Immanuel College indicates that there isthe need for an access road with a modern gate at the eastern part of the College.But itis shameful and disheartening to say that Immanuel College about to be sixty yearsremains the only Theological Institution either of Anglican and Methodist or of otherdenominations like Roman Catholic, Baptist, ECWA with a terribly bad road network.Kindly come to the aid of this College and tar our roads.18.0 COLLEGE LANDMATTERThe Governing Board recently discovered allocations of land to Churches,Institution and individuals amounting to almost 8 acres without informing the Trusteesin writing. The action was considered inappropriate and unacceptable. The peopleconcerned were invited to a meeting by theGoverning Board on 22nd Oct., 2015 andwere told to stay action pending further information from theTrustees.Actio non daturdamnificato (No one who has not suffered damage has a cause of action).19.0 AGRO-ALLIED PROJECTSWe have not done well in the area of agro-allied.But we recently attended to our palm trees long inside bush, as you enter thecompound it is obvious to any trained eye.We shall start production of palm oil this yearby God's grace. If we have the approval of the Governing body we hope to embark onfishery, piggery, rabbitry, poultry even arable farming including maize, cassava and yam.The current Dean is highly experienced in farming.20. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONTOTHE COLLEGE:We wish to thank you (thetwo sponsoring Churches) immensely for the money released to the College monthlylast year especially towards the end of the year.With the money we were able to pay alljunior staff salaries and allowances up to date. We were also able to pay someoutstanding debts the College was owing. Praise be to God and to you for the favourdone to us.Thank you Sir.140 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD21. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: To ensure discipline of our students at thebeginning of this session we encourage the use of Cassocks by students to classes to getuse to it and also introduced service monitor note books to ensure students participateadequately in the chapel worship which is the thrust of our ministerial training. Spiritualformation – fasting and prayer every week (Tuesdays).22. CHALLENGES TO THE ADMINISTRATION: We came to office andadvise those that are doing one business or the other in the College to please relocateto Bodija market orAgbowo Shopping Complex.It has not been easy due to internal aidand abetting to such people including some of our paid non-teaching staffs.We shallsoon show the recalcitrant ones the way out of the College as we are not going to relenton our struggle to reposition the College.23.COLLEGE NEEDS:Among the important need of the College now is completingthe College fence for obvious reasons which can be identified as follows:(I) To urgently protect the land and prevent intrusion of outsiders e.g. the state government and underground individuals mounting pressure through various means.(ii) To provide and enhance adequate security of the life and property of the College. We are usually harassed by day and night marauders because of different trade going on in the College which is so porous.(iii) We also need a big 100 KVA generator to power the College immediately and to hang street lights as the compound is always terribly dark at night.(iv) We also need to do something in staff quarters this year to add to the tilling of the flour 2year ago. Road network.(vi) Boreholes(vii) New/Recent books24. CONCLUSIONAbsoluta Sententia expositore non indigent (A clear statement requires no expositoror interpreter).All l have said is the true picture.At the end of the on going repositioningwe hope to record the maximum human relations and peaceful co-existence.We thankthe trustees and sponsoring Churches for their moral and financial support to theCollege from time to time. l thank the Methodist Church Nigeria for the opportunitygiven me to serve the College as Dean and we are grateful to Church of Nigeria(Anglican Communion) and Supra BoardWest to have appointedVen.Dr.C.O.Adagbadato serve the College as Sub-Dean.The past four months has been a great rewarding andchallenging outing.Nihil ergo nunc damnationis est his,qui sunt in christo Iesus;(There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom.8:1). The Very Rev. Dr. W.A. O. Egbetakin Dean141 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD11. EVANGELISM REPORT A. MISSION/EVANGELISMSYNOD REPORT OF MISSION AND EVANGELISM COMMITTEE FORTHE PERIOD APRIL 2015 TO MARCH 2016 SUBMITTED TO THE FIRSTSESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF WARRIHELD AT ST. JAMES' CHURCH; 29 OJABUGBE STREET, WARRI FROMSATURDAY 7TH –WEDNESDAY 11TH MAY 20161 INTRODUCTION We return all thanks and praise to the Lord for all He has enabled us to achieve under MEC during the year under review.2 RELOCATION OF MISSION FIELD SUPERVISOR We wish to bring to the notice of Synod that our Mission Field Supervisor Rev. Nathan Emamezi has relocated to Oleh Diocese after his ordination to serve as a Priest in the ordained ministry. His period with us was very rewarding, we appreciate his effort towards the growth of mission in Warri Diocese, we pray that the good Lord will bless his ministry in Jesus name,Amen. In the interim, his lordship assigned Evang.Samson Oghelie to act as Field Supervisor.3 DIOCESAN CRUSADE SCHEDULE TO THE ARCHDEACONRY LEVEL 2016 PROGRAMME142 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD3.1 We wish to remind those who have not carried out their mission assignment to please do so.4 MISSIONWEEKMissionWeek 2015 was successfully organized. Members attested to the great spiritualbenefits received. Due to his lordship's munificence, the AAPS was given permission toraise funds before the mission week consequently, emphasis was not laid on raising offunds,during the year under review,we hope to improve on our strategy this year.5. REPORT FROM MISSION STATIONS5.1 ST. LUKE'S OKUIDJERHE - OVUThis church was planted by MEC on the 15th of October 2012. Members presentlyworship in a temporary structure on the permanent site.Numerical Strength - 6Men - 14Women - 13Boys - 11Girls - 32Children - 92015 Baptism - 42015 ConfirmationFinancial Report - ?841,595.50Income - ?223,580.00ExpenditureBalance - ?618,015.50143 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD5.2 ST.JOHN URHUAGBESAABRAKAThis station has the prospect of doing great exploit.Presently it has a numerical strengthof 20 members.They have been able to acquire an amplifier, speaker, some plastic chairsamongst others.They are presently in need of a keyboard and a mixerAmp.Financial Report:No report5.3 ST.MARK OGORIVWO-OVUThis station is highly appreciated for their zeal in evangelism. During the year underreview,18 converts were added to the church.They have the prospect of doing more.Numerical Strength - 3Men - 10Women - 7Youths - 31Children - 51TotalFinancial Report - ?211,515Income - ?152,870Expenditure - ? 68,645Balance5.4 ST.JUDE OKOROKE-OVUThis station has a numerical strength of 27 members.They engaged in revival programsand other spiritual activities to boost her membership.Numerical Strength - 1Men - 7Women - 7Youths - 12Children - 27TotalBaptism 2015 -2Death -2Financial Repot - ?90,225Income - ?89,300Expenditure - ?925Balance5.5 CHURCH OFANNUNCIATIONASORO-OVUThis station organized a crusade in conjunction with Evang. King Anigboro worldoutreach and eight converts were won to the church.144 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODNumerical Strength - 9Men - 19Women - 39Youths - 12Children - 67Total - 8Baptism 2015Financial Repot - ?119,220Income - ?117875Expenditure - ? 5,345Balance5.6 AJA-ETAN CHURCHThis is a new church with great prospect,by the grace of God the church had completedthe filling to DPC level.We also very optimistic that very soon the land of the church willbe surveyed and land documents formally updated due to envisaged threats from somequarters.Church Needs1. Sound System2. Chairs and altar table3. Generator SetNumerical Strength - 4Men - 2Women - 4Children - 10TotalFinancial Repot - ? 8,680B/f - ?135,860Income - ? 70,600Expenditure - ? 73,940Balance5.7 ST.PAUL OMADINOThis is another mission station that is striving, by the grace of God they had receivedseveral support from the Warri Diocesan Council of Knights and the Itsekiri ChristianAssociation.Numerical Strength - 6Men - 14Women145 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODYouth - 10Children - 27Total - 67NeedsMusical Instruments and some SystemFinancial Report - ?602,516Income - ?642,083Expenditure - ? 39,567Balance Deficit5.8 TRIUMPHANT CHURCH OKOROGBAAGBONARCHThe church was able to achieve the following in the year under review; church land,roofing of church building,some musical instrument,industrial fans.The major challengehere is finance to complete the church building.Financial Report - ?182,690Income - ?177,530Expenditure - ? 5,166Balance Deficit5.9 ST.PHILIP OREREULUBA (WARRIARCHDEACONRY)The Church during the year under review put together several spiritual programs toenhance the spiritual growth of the church including organizing of crusade inpartnership withAAPSWarri group with the support ofVen.I.O.Itomu.Numerical strength:Men - 4Women - 12Youth -8Children - 35Total - 59Two adults and five children were baptised during the year under review, the glory ofGod the church had moved to its permanent site and a temporary structure has beencreated for worship.Financial Report:Income: 861,500Expenses: 187,000Balance: 674,5006 THE PRISONS MINISTRY REPORTWe give praise, honour and adoration to God.The prisons ministry by the Diocese ofWarri (Anglican Communion) has come to stay. This affirmation is made possible146 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODthrough the consistent encouragement of His lordship, Rt. Rev. C.E. Ide (JP) to theArchdeaconries, Chapels, Organisations and Individuals to give prison's visits andevangelism serious attention.We therefore appreciate the Archdeaconries, chapels andindividuals for their relentless effort in mobilizing their evangelism teams for this task.Most times, they not only come with the 'Word and Prayer' but also with provisions toidentify with the inmates as part of the society. Surely, the Lord will reward you.Worthyof note is Cathedral Church of St.Andrew that held a crusade/feeding of all the inmateson 23rd November, 2015. It was a very successful crusade with many rededicating theirlives to the Lord.We use this medium to appeal to those few archdeaconries and chapels that sometimesfailed to cover their days in the roster to adjust quickly as such lapses always causedissatisfaction among the prison chapel managers and the inmates.Challenges:Warri prison, like most prisons in Nigeria is highly congested (over crowded).As at thetime of writing this report, the lock-up is 1377, as against 307 capacity.This has led to alot of discontentment and volatility among the inmates.The prison authority is therefore appealing to individuals,churches and other NGO's toassist in providing items like mattresses, blankets, plates and other toiletries for theinmates.The voice of our Lord and Saviour still call “I was in prison and you came to visit me”.(Matt.25:36).7. HOME CELL SYNOD REPORT7.1 INTRODUCTIONWe wish to sincerely appreciate God for how far He has led us; by keeping us alive andstill focused,and working together.May His name be praised.This report is given to keepus informed of the general performance of the Discipleship Home Cell for the yearunder review. It has been a worthy year with much to thank God for as well as itsattendant challenges.We are sure at the end we expect a more inclusive approach toachieving greater results.7.2 ACTIVITIES FORTHEYEAR 20167.3 A ONE-DAY RETREAT FOR HOME CELL LEADERS: This retreat wasorganized for all the Home Cell Shepherds/Interns in the first instance on the 24thJanuary 2015 where comments/observations and recommendations were noted on thestate and functionality of the Home Cells.At the second instance, the Clergy as well asthe Coordinators (Area and Zonal coordinators) met on the 7th February,2015 whereHis lordship; Rt. Rev. C.E. Ide, JP was in attendance.They were times of refreshing and147 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODreactivating the dying desires of members in the attendance at Home Cell fellowship.During the plenary session, issues were raised which led to a communique being issuedat the end of the meeting.7.4 SENSITIZATION: For the period, sensitization was carried out to all theChurches in the Diocese. It was initiated by the team of the Diocesan Coordinatorswhich was motivated by the observed dwindling performance and attendance ofmembers at the home cell groups' fellowship. It was also to gear-up or stir-up theinterest of members to attend home cell and that which is closest to them and to createa wide range of awareness to members that home cell is not Church attached as thepractice of some hitherto. It was also an opportunity to relate the awesome relevanceof attending Home Cell fellowship that is yielding dividends already.We are glad that an array of Clergy and Laity were scheduled for this all-important task.The task was carried out successfully.7.5 FINANCE7.6 OFFERING: Offering for the year ended 31st December 2015 is this;N2,753,045.00 (Two Million,seven hundred and fifty-three thousand and forty five nairaonly).7.7 EXPENDITURE7.8 MANUAL PRODUCTIONNB: The price of Manuals changed from N50/copy in 2015 to N100/copy in 2016; dueto the high cost of printing materials as well as harsh economic policy.7.9 OTHER EXPENDITURES148 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD8 CHALLENGES: The Discipleship Home Cell is not without any challenges·None-compliance of some Shepherds in filling-out the report sheets as well as non submission of same at the required time; where some keep their report sheets after a meeting date for months before submission would be made.·Sleeping Shepherds/coordinators·Discouraging attendance of members at fellowship·Low attendance and participation of some clergy at Home Cells fellowship·Home Cell and Church attachment is still found as a challenge.We pray soonest we will overcome it.·Relocation of some group leaders affect Home Cell growth.8.1 PROGRAMMES FORTHEYEAR 2016:They include these;·Leadership three days meeting: Ethics/Practices of Home Cell and leadership, rededication of leaders and Diocesan Home Cell Working Committee.·Sensitization: We wish to have it done in three Sundays; second Sundays of April, July and October.·One day retreat at two centers;the first – inWarri,while the second – would be in Eku on an approved separate dates.·Purchases of note books for the Financial Officers (FOs) to enable them keep up-to-date information on collections etc and other sets of notebooks for attendance at the various equipping centres.9. WARRI DIOCESAN MISSION SCHOOL REPORTThe Warri Diocesan Mission School is doing well, the academic performance of thestudents have been very encouraging. We are also impressed with the level ofcommitment and dedication of seasoned lecturers on ground. We wish to appreciatehis lordship for the approval given to award a diploma in Christian Missions andAnglicanism.During the year under review – students were graduated and commissioned for themission work. Presently the School has admitted 25 students for the diploma andmission certificate programs.We wish to encourage Anglican faithfuls who desire in-depth knowledge of the church traditions and Anglicanism to avail themselves of thisample opportunity for adequate update. For further enquiries call Rev. Canon Dr. E.A.Otobrise 08054808566.149 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

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