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Synod 2016 Report

Published by ejogheneta, 2016-05-07 11:12:20

Description: Synod 2016 Report


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REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Title Page 012. Bishop's Photograph 023. Table of Contents 03-044. Reports from Cathedral/Archdeaconries 05A. Cathedral of St. Andrew, Warri 05-10B. AbrakaArchdeaconry 11-17C. AgbonArchdeaconry 18-22D. Agbon Central 23-25E. Agbon- EastArchdeaconry 26-31F. Agbon-SouthArchdeaconry 32-38G. EffurunArchdeaconry 39-47H. Effurun – EastArchdeaconry 48-54I. Effurun –West Archdeaconry 55-60J. EkpanArchdeaconry 61-65K. UgborikokoArchdeaconry 66-70L. Warri Archdeaconry 71-77M. Warri Central 78-80N. Warri -East Archdeaconry 81-86O. Warri -West Archdeaconry 87-90P. Warri -South Archdeaconry 91-95Q. Warri South -West Archdeaconry 96-1015. Reports from Chapels 102A. Chapel of theAdvent,NNPC Complex,Ekpan 102-104B. All Saints Chapel,Delsu,Abraka 105-108C. Chapel of the Holy Spirit,Bishopscourt,Warri 109-111D. Chapel of the Resurrection,D.D.P.A.,Effurun 112-1156. DiocesanWomen Report 116-1197. Council of Knights Report 120-1228. Fathers' Union Report 123-1269. Men Fellowship Report 127-12903 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD10. Theological Colleges Reports 130A. ArchbishopVining College of Theology, Akure 130-135B. Immanuel College of Theology,Ibadan 136-141C. Ezekiel College of Theology,EkpomaD. Trinity College,Umuahia No report11. Evangelism Report No reportA. Mission/Evangelism ReportB. A.A.P.S.Report 142C. EFAC Report 142-15012. Diocesan Prayer Band Report 151-15413. YouthWork 155-156A. Anglican Corpers' Fellowship 157-160B. A.Y.F 161C. Anglican Communion Brigade (ACB) 161-162D. The Girls' Brigade 163-168E. Anglican Children Ministry 169F. Anglican Students' Fellowship 170-17314. Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo 174-17615. Anglican Grammar School,OkparaWaterside 177-17916. Synod 2016 Bible Study 180-18417. List of Delegates to the First Session of theTwelfth Synod 184-189 190-196 197-20604 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD REPORTS FROM CATHEDRAL/ARCHDEACONRIES A. CATHEDRAL OF SAINT ANDREW, WARRI.THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST.ANDREW, WARRI SYNOD REPORTFOR THE PERIOD APRIL 2015 TO MARCH 2016 SUBMITTED TO THEFIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OFWARRI HELD AT ST. JAMES' ANGLICAN CHURCH, 29, OJABUGBESTREET, WARRI.My lord Bishop,The lords Spiritual andTemporal,Diocesan Officials,Houses of Clergy and Laity,Fellow Synod Delegates,Ladies and GentlemenPREAMBLE:Our Sincere appreciation and Praise go to theAlmighty God for another SynodYear andthe grace He has given to work in HisVineyard.All honour and Glory be ascribed to HisHoly Name forever.Amen!HIGHLIGHTS OF SPIRITUALACTIVITIES:We have with the help of the Holy Spirit organised several Programmes andActivities touplift the Spiritual life of members.Some of which are highlighted below:(a) Beginning theYear with the Lord: This is a 7-day programme with fasting to begin the year.It has always been a refreshing moment.(b) Explo 40: This programme is normally held during Lenten Season (Explo 40). The theme for this year 2016 is “Experiencing the Supernatural” as guided by Bishop JohnAruakpor.(c) Divine Encounter: This is a programme from where the Lord has chosen to bless His people. We have been experiencing vast turnout and outstanding miracles.It holds onWednesdays 9.30am – 12.30pm.(d) Divine Encounter Youth Forum: This is a fall out from our weekly Divine Encounter Programme as reported above.This programme is specially organized to target Youths from various denominations to impact into them a purpose driven life.(e) Monthly Eagles Renewal Programmes: This is held at the beginning of every month, this programme is held in the mornings 6.00am – 7.00am from Monday to Saturday. We are grateful to the Lord for what He is doing in this monthly gathering.(f) Mid-Year Revival Programme tagged PastoricWeek: This programme is targeted at appreciating God for the past months and to prayerfully trust the Lord for better exploit for the remaining part of the year.05 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD(g) 12-days Prayer Programme tagged:Eph-phatha:This is designed to prepare us for another year. Held every November, it helps us to plan ahead for the following year in Prayers.(h) Evangelism: The Cathedral MEC with the help of the Holy Spirit is still highly committed to the task of evangelism as a major tool to church growth. During the year under review, the Cathedral in partnership with St. John’s Anglican Church, Okpara-Inland organised a crusade and planted a church.(i) Family Sunday: This is a Sunday set aside in the Cathedral as family clinic to heal, battered relationships, and to restore joy and harmony to matrimonial homes.It holds quarterly.(j) Seminar/Retreat: This is done periodically to enhance effectiveness in the Leadership of the various groups and organizations in the church as well as the staff of the Cathedral.(k) Discipleship Home-Cell:Home Cell activities within the Cathedral area have been outstanding. We are particularly encouraged with the involvement and commitment of Cathedral members in this regard.FELLOWSHIP/GROUPSACTIVITIES:(i) A.A.P.S:TheA.A.P.S.has been a formidable group in area of evangelism/crusade, their support to the Cathedral MEC has been very outstanding. During the period under review, they bought two buses for crusades/evangelism, they also engaged in various evangelistic enterprise and converts were won.The church spent the sum of N1,000,000 for this group for the period.(ii) EFAC: This is also an evangelistic arm of the church which have been of great help in area of evangelism.They engage in two-by –two evangelism and intensive follow-up of new converts N200,000 was spent for this group.YOUTH WORK: The Cathedral has several arm of the Youth body they are AYF,YMCA/YWCA,Boys' and Girls' Brigade,Girls' Guild etc.TheYouth of the Cathedral arevery proactive with high novelty to move the Cathedral forward.Anglican Youth Fellowship (A.Y.F): The A.Y.F. Cathedral has two sub-groups: theDrama group andAYF Choir.(i) Drama group presentation for the year was tagged “The Enthroned” Several persons gave their lives to Christ. DVD is out and is on sale. The church supported this group with the sum of N195,000.(ii) The AYF Choir successfully organized this year's SingspirationTagged:“Shabach- kara” recorded 50 converts and the DVD is out and on sale.The church supported this group with the sum of N400,000 and for AYF as a body theCathedral spent N400,100.06 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODYMCAANDYWCA:This is a special youth wing of the church that focuses on youngmen and women.They organized special programmes like seminars and symposia on thechallenges for the contemporary youths to enhance the moral and spiritual life of theyouths.The Cathedral spent N130,000 for the group.Girls Guild and Girls Brigade: The group focuses on young ladies and girls with aview to making them responsible future mothers.The Priests' wives and other maturedwomen work along with them in this regard.The Cathedral spent N100,000 for Girls'Guild and N369,000 for Girls' Brigade activities during the year under review.Boys' Brigade: This group has been very supportive in several areas in the Cathedral,their voluntary services are commendable.They also engaged in other spiritual activitiesfor the spiritual formation of the boys. With the assistance of their Patrons andPatronesses frantic effort is being made to purchase a bus for the organisation. TheCathedral spent N494,000 for the group.St.Andrew's United Football Club: During the year under review the Cathedralpurchased the following; training/match balls, 20 pairs of football boots, 3 pairs oftraining shoes,one set of jersey and also registered for federation Cup 2016. A total ofN787,500 was spent during the year under review.WOMEN'S WORK: The activities of this department have been very encouragingand highly supportive to the growth of the Cathedral. During the year under review,they were engaged in various activities to uplift their spiritual lives; they also organizedseminars on health, socio economic issues and other activities related to the affairs ofwomen;they were all very educative and inspiring.We are glad to inform Synod that theCathedral women 2 storey building project is at decking level of the first floor.We thankall those who have been so supportive.The Cathedral spent the sum of N200,000 to aidtheir work and N150,000.00 for leadership retreat.MEN'S WORK: The activities of the men have also improved tremendously. TheFather's Union and Anglican Men Fellowship meet every 1st and last Tuesdays of themonth respectively. During the year under review, the men organized various seminarson marriage geared towards building a solid Christian home. They also engaged inaggressive evangelism and converts were won to the church.WELFARE: The welfare of the Cathedral members both spiritual and physical hasremained our focus. We were able to meet the needs of the members through ourfunctional food bank and we thank all those who have faithfully donated money,food andother material items to help the needy. During the year under review, the Cathedralspent N2,480,640 for the welfare of her members and N380,360 for medical bills ofneedy members.INVESTMENT: The St. Andrew's Nursery and Primary School has recorded greatsuccess in recent times in both academics and its numerical strength.The CathedralCivic Centre building to the glory of God is at its finishing stage. The CathedralBookshop is also doing well as we have more items in stock.The transport departmentis also doing well.07 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODSCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: The Cathedral has currently placed 15 students onher scholarship programme at the secondary level. The Cathedral spent N1,030,000.00on scholarship programme during the year under review.ANGLICAN CHILDREN MINISTRY (A.C.M): We are highly impressed with thesacrifices and great commitments of the Sunday SchoolTeachers of the Cathedral; theyare doing a great job in the lives of our children.The Cathedral has well equipped crècheclass for children between 1-3years.The Cathedral spent N713,900.00 for the childrendepartment during the period under review.YOUTH SUNDAY SESSIONThis is a weekly Sunday service that focuses on the youth of the Cathedral. Thisarrangement has helped to transform a lot of lives among the youths.We also ensurethat they do not drift away from the fundamentals of our Anglican Heritage by theiractivities.DONATIONS:STATISTICS FOR THE PERIOD08 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODSUNDAY SCHOOL INFORMATIONFINANCIAL REPORT 1ST JANUARY – 31ST DECEMBER 2015MAJOR EVENTSThanksgiving of Retired Chief Judge of Delta State Justice Z.A. Smith 17/05/2015 FiveBishops were attendance including the Bishop of Warri Diocese Rt.Rev.C.E.Ide.Thanksgiving of Dame Chief Esther Eguegu 30/5/2015 Rt. Rev. C.E. Ide and Rt. Rev. J.U.Aruakpor were in attendance.Solemnization of Holy Matrimony between of Ehizuelem David Idiagi andOghenekevwe Michelle Ovie 20/06/2015 attended by Rt.Rev.IsraelA. Amoo.Send-forth and reception of Rev. G.O. Imudje and Rev. C. Umukoro respectively23/08/2015Bendel Provincial Prayer Convocation 1st October – 3rd October Rt. Rev. C.E. Ide inattendance.Memorial Service of Late Chief Mukoro Mowoe 09/11/2015 – Rt. Rev. C.E. Ide, Rt. Rev.Cyril Odutemu Ph.D were in attendance.One day Synod held at the Cathedral of St.Andrew, Warri 07/12/2015Prince EddyYekovie 80th birthday thanksgiving – 27/02/2016 – Ex-deputy Governor ofDelta State, Prof. Otuama, Rt. Rev. J. U. Aruakpor and our bishop Rt. Rev. C. E. Idewere in attendance.09 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODCONCLUSION: We return all thanks to God for the grace to work in His vineyard.We are also grateful to all who have contributed to the success of our ministry. It is ourprayer that the good Lord will richly reward you all in Jesus name.Amen. VEN. P.O.G.WHISKEL VICAR10 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODB. ABRAKA ARCHDEACONRYSYNOD REPORT SUBMITTEDTOTHE FIRST SESSION OFTWELFTTHSYNOD OF THE OF DIOCESE WARRI FOR THE PERIOD OF MAY 2015TO APRIL 2016 HOLDEN AT ST. JAMES’ CHURCH, 29, OJABUGBESTREET, WARRI; FROM SATURDAY 7TH TO WEDNESDAY 11TH MAY,2016.My Lord Bishop and President of Synod,My Lords Spiritual andTemporal,Diocesan Officials,House of Clergy and Laity,Distinguished Guests,Fellow Synod Delegates,Ladies and Gentlemen.A. PREAMBLEWe thank God for another opportunity to witness this first session of the TwelvethSynod of this greatWarri Diocese.To God,we give all the glory.B. SPIRITUAL/REVIVALACTIVITIESVarious spiritual and re-awakening programmes were held among the churches withinthe Archdeaconry.They include monthly and weekly early morning and evening revivalservices, weekly prayer and fasting prayer meetings.The Home Cell groups which arefunctioning very well in their respective designated areas are being cordinated by Ven.Biodun Oladosu.C. CRUSADEThe Archdeaconry Church Workers in collaboration with the Archdeaconry A.A.P.S.held a-3 day open air Crusade at an area called Monkey Joint,Abraka.The Crusade wassuccessful as many converts were won to Christ.A Church has been established and aChurch worker stationed with a very impressive turnout.D. CHURCHWORKERWORKSHOP/ CAPACITY BUILDINGTheArchdeaconry organized one dayWorkshop/Capacity Building for their Priests andChurch Teachers/ Catechists bothering on Church Administration and Conducting ofServices within the period under Review withVen.V.A.Onosemuode JP as the ResourcePerson.E. REPORT FROM CHURCHES1. ST.PHILIP'S CHURCH,EKREJETA, ABRAKAChurch Building Project: The Church Building Project is progressing.The Officesand Vesteries have been completed and put into use.The porch is being constructedwhile the Eastern view that has been blown off by wind has been plastered and re-roofed.11 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODWELFAREThe Welfare Scheme of the Church has been expanded to accommodate moreFinancially Handicapped Students in paying for their Hostel Accommodation. EightStudents received #20,000 each while seven persons from the 7 groups of the Churchwere empowered with #20,000 each to start a small scale business.2. ST.JAMES CHURCH,ORIA-ABRAKA.The new Church Building Project has gone up to roofing level as the Church is growingsteadily.Aid was given to a non-member of the Church that was seriously involved inkerosene fire explosion.3. ST.BARNABAS' URHUOKA, ABRAKAThe Church has completed herVicarage.The Church is also growing steadily.4. ST.STEPHEN'S CHURCH,SANUBIThe church’s Vicarage building is developing gradually and half of the roof has beenreplaced with new zinc and the broken floor has been repaired.5. TRANSFIGURATION CHURCH,OBADUDU URHUOKA, ABRAKAThe Church that is worshipping in a temporary structure has started moulding blocksfor the foundation of their church building.We thank Mrs Alice Agbodu who relocatedto the church because of her residential proximity for her enormous contributions.6. ST.JOHN'S CHURCH URHUAGBESA,ABRAKAThere is no much progress in this Church within the year under review.The Churchneeds financial aid to buy a piece of land close to church for expansion.7. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, POLICE STATION ROAD, ABRAKA.This is a fast growing church located close to Campus III of the Delta State University,Abraka.The new Church Foundation stone that was laid on the 3rd of February, 2015has gotten above litel level while the German flooring of the Church has beencompleted. The church is grateful to Mrs Ruth Okwa who not only gives financialsupport but also mobilizes her family and other colleagues to contribute generouslytoward the Church building project in memory of her late husband.8. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, UGONO-ABRAKA.The Church building project has gotten to roofing level.The Church is grateful to Sir &Lady Emokiniovo Umunadi for personally raising the church building project to itsroofing level with the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira, (#450,000) andpaying off the Church 2016Assessment to the tune of Forty-FiveThousand Naira.9. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, UMEGHE-ABRAKA.This church is making progress.They have moved into their new church building.Thechurch premises measuring 200 by 200 is being encroached into because the land deedand the survey work have not be done.The church appeals to the Diocese and MEC for12 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODfinancial assistance of #250,000 so that the Land Deed and the Survey work could bedone.10. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH,UMEGHE-ABRAKA.This church has been relocated from the drinking parlor site.The church appreciatesthe Bishop,Rt.Revd.C.E.Ide JP and MEC for granting them the sum ofTwo Hundred andEighty Thousand Naira #280,000 for hiring a piece of land and building up a temporarystructure.11. ST. MATTHIAS’ CHURCH,OLD UGONO ROAD, ABRAKA.This is a new fast growing church located adjacent to Campus III of the Delta StateUniversity.The church is in a piece of land measuring approximately 200 by 80 given tothem since the establishment of the Church (Four years ago) free of charge. Butpresently, the land owner who is sick desires to sell the land to the church amidst otherbuyers for 2.8 million naira.We appeal to the Diocese especially MEC to come to theiraid in other to purchase this piece of land otherwise there will be no place ofworshipping for the congregation of over seventy worshippers if other buyer shouldpurchase it.12. CHRIST THE KING CHURCH ABRAKA.This church that has acquired a piece of land, with about 3,000 blocks moulded in thesite, is still worshiping in a rented apartment due to financial constraint to develop theland.13. ST. MATTHIAS’ OTORHO-ABRAKA.The church building project is progressing with some numerical growth.14. ST.PETER'S CHURCH,URHUOIVIE.The church roofing project is half completed.The worshippers have relocated from theone parlor site to the half completed Church building where they are worshipping now.15. ST.JOHN'S CHURCH,ERHO-ABRAKA.The church Vicarage Project is at litel level. The numerical growth of the church hasincreased due to Evangelical activities of Warri Diocesan Clergy Motor-Cade/MedicalEvangelism, Anglican Student Fellowship (A.S.F.) three days Crusade and the WarriZonalA.A.P.S.Crusade.16. ANNOUNCIATION CHURCH,UBRUARAGBA,ORIA-ABRAKA.This church is growing, though they still worship in a temporary structure.They havegotten a piece of land with 2, 237 6-inches blocks to start a church building foundation.The church is grateful to theWomen of the Diocese especially Mrs. P.O.E. Ide for givingthem the sum of #200,000 for the church Building Project.17. ANGLICAN CHURCH,EKREJETA-ABRAKAThis new church still worships in a classroom of a private school known as Abraka13 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODCommercial School Ekrejeta,Abraka.The church is proposing to buy a piece of land inRiver Road but unable financially.18. NEWANGLICAN CHURCH,MONKEY JOINTThis church was founded as a result of a-3 dayAbrakaArchdeaconry Crusade held in thearea. The crusade was successful with seven converts won and a Church wasestablished with a worker stationed.The church is grateful to Dr. & Mrs.J.O.Ighedo whoprovided a room and parlor for initial worship place.Thereafter, the church now movedinto a large rented parlor due to her growing numerical strength.19. WOMEN REPORTThe ArchdeaconryWomen are doing well.They formed themselves into smaller groupsand units for the purpose of visiting and strengthening the smaller churches spirituallyand financially. Within the year under review the Archdeaconry Women visited EkuLeprosorium and Motherless Homes with food stuff,clothing and money and organisedArchdeaconry Women Conference with the theme: “Behold! I come quickly” with alarge attendance. The Archdeaconry Women thanked the Revd. G. O. Biowa, theArchdeaconryWomen Chaplain for his well-informed coordination.20. MEN FELLOWSHIP REPORTThe Archdeaconry Men Fellowship hosted the Diocesan 2015 Men Convention at St.Philip's Church Abraka. There is much re-awakening move among the men in theArchdeaconry which made the men fellowship convention a huge success.We wish tothank the Archdeaconry Men for their contributions and the Revd. Peter Odie theArchdeaconry Men Fellowship Chaplain for his vision of leadership.OBITUARYThe following persons passed on during the year under review.14 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,



REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODCONCLUSIONWe appreciate God for His saving grace and the Priests and all other Church workersfor their unflinching support.The Lord has surely been faithful and has helped us in everyway inspite of difficulties and trying circumstances. We hope for the Lord's divinevisitations with transforming evidence in the year ahead. We wish the President ofSynod and all Synod delegates a successful Synod deliberation in Jesus matchless Name.Amen. Ven. R.M.U. Obegor Ph.D. (JP) Archdeacon,Abraka Archdeaconry.17 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODC. AGBON ARCHDEACONRYAGBON ARCHDEACONRY SYNOD REPORT FOR THE PERIOD APRIL2015 TO MARCH 2016 SUBMITTED TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THETWELFTH SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF WARRI HELD AT ST. JAMES'ANGLICAN CHURCH 29, OJABUGBE STREET WARRI FROMSATURDAY 7TH –WEDNESDAY 11TH MAY 2016.My lord Bishop,My lord Spiritual andTemporal,Diocesan OfficialsHouse of Clergy and Laity,My fellow DelegatesDistinguished ladies and Gentlemen.1. INTRODUCTION: “Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed,Because His compassions fail not.“ Lamentations 3:22.2. AGBON ARCHDEACONRY: We thank God for the spiritual growththrough Crusades, Revivals, Breakthrough. We Commend King Anigboro EvangelisticOutreach and Evangelist Luke Omugbe. Home Cell improved as compared to theprevious years.His lordship The Rt. Revd. C.E. Ide Inaugurated Agbon Central Archdeaconry onJanuary 16,2016.The Churches are also Increasing numerically.Visitation by theArchdeacon encouraged members to a large extent.Confirmation wassuccessfully done at St.James' Olude.Anglican Communion Brigade 12th Company wasinaugurated at St. Matthew's Church Okpara W/s after their 3 days camp by theChaplain Rev. F. Aghe.The activities of the body is noticed every Sunday during churchServices.The official car has been Sprayed after the body work has been done at the costofeightythousand naira (N80,000.00) . Churches in the Archdeaconry respond very poorly toofferings meant to run the Archdeaconry.The Pastoral Week has been poorly done sothat what is realized is far from what the budget demands.This had led to the churchesowing huge some of money. I am appealing for a change of heart to these statutoryobligations to enable the Archdeacon fund the yearly budget.The new vicarage is beingpainted by St.Matthews' OkparaW/S.3.0. REPORT FROM CHURCHES3.1. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH, OKPARA W/S:Our Wednesday DivineConnection, Morning Breakthrough Prayers, all-night etc. contributed to the spiritual,Physical and Financial growth of the church. Home Cell attendance improved throughthe awareness programed organized.We have seven Home Cells. Prayer band is doing18 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODwell.Youths are being given positions in–PCC,Archdeaconry etc. to show case theirGod given talents. We commend our sons and daughters who bring comfort to usfinancially to execute projects and to run the Archdeaconry. May God bless them astheir outstanding support enabled us host the 2015 Synod.PROJECTS:1. Generator 15 kv.a-----------------------N450,000.002. Painting ofVicarage---------------------N850,000.003. Extension of the church project------N450,000.003.2. ST. JAMES' OVORIE-OVU:Successful Organization of Revivals, Seminars,evangelism,Visitation to boost the Spiritual and physical life of members.The Positiveresult of Home Cell is quite outstanding.The Church hosted the Girls' Brigade EthiopeEast Group Council.Catechist Moses Efere was transferred to this Church.3.3.ST.JAMES' IGUN:Spiritual,Physical and Financial growth are very evident in thischurch since the new vicar and wife, Revd.& Mrs. B. Omonuwa resumed here.The KingAnigboro's Outreach and Evangelist Luke Omugbe were always at hand to do thatwhich they know well. Two persons got converted during a Crusade. Homecells arefunctioning well.TheVicarage has been rooted, PVC fixed, AluminumWindows are on-going, Plastering are on-going. The vicar hoped to move in before next Synod-Godbeing our helper.3.4. ST. JAMES' AGBONRHORO: The Church is growing fast through herSpiritual Programmes – allnight, Revivals, Fasting and Praying etc. the Church Worker-Catechist Kingsley Eboh is preparing to get married on Saturday 30th April 2016.Wewish him a successful marriage.3.5. ST. PAULS' EKPAN-OVU: Effective Spiritual and re-awakening Programmesbrought noticeable growth in number and Finance of the Church. Missionaries sent bythe Diocese helped the house to house evangelism.We are grateful to Ferdinand Ifeazuand Mrs. Elizabeth Shalom in this regards.TheVicarage is nearing completion.We thankMr. Kigho Oghwie for his generous donation.The church now has a borehole to solvethe problem of water by the donation by Revd. Idjerheki Iyeta.The church has beenlicensed for Marriage.The Certificate was issued on 14th October,2015.3.6. ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S URHODO: This church is fully engaged in house tohouse evangelism with good result. We shall continue to appreciate Chief Pius A.Idoghor JP who is single handedly building a new church on a piece of land ''150x100ft hebought. It is our sincere Prayer that God will bless his soul, business, etc. to fulfill hisdesire for God.Amen.3.7. ST. PAUL'S OTORHO-OVU: The church temporary structure has beenroofed,the floor is now concrete.We now have a glass lectern.19 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD3.8. ST. JAMES' ONOKOBARO: The church is growing spiritually andnumerically. The new church building is at the lentel level. We appeal for generousdonors to come to our aid as Sir & Lady Agboro did. God will bless you as you do so.Amen.3.9. TRIUMPHANT OKOROGBA: We have remarkable increase spiritually,numerically and Financially through all-night, revivals, fasting and Praying. Many womanand girls joined the Guild.We have been able to provide glasses for our Windows. We are looking forward toseeing the completion of the church building for dedication.We sincerely appreciate allthose who support us to realize the achievement so recorded.3.10. ANNUNCIATION ASORO: Revivals, all-night etc helped the church togrow.We shall continue to appreciate Rev. Engr. I.C. Boms who single –handedly builtthe church.There is need for more vigorous evangelism.3.11. ST. PAUL’S OVWERE: The church has gotten a piece of land to build on.They have got some blocks.3.12. ALL SAINTS’ OKOEMAKA: The church is yet to get a permanent placeof worship.TheWorker here was involved in immorality.He has been replaced.3.13. ST. LUKES' OKOIDJERHE: The church is thriving well. The church isgrowing spiritually, numerically and financially. We commend the worker, Evang.Emmanuel Igben for his personal contribution to see that the church survives.3.14. ST. ANDREW'S OTUMARA: The church has effective Home cell, Prayermeeting, Revival etc. the New Church Building has reached roofing level. We needhelpers to come and give generously to complete the project. We commend ChiefJames Ejeheri and Dame Dr.Onoyase for their continued giving.3.15. ST. MARK OGORIVWO: We appreciate the good work of Evang. & Mrs.KingAnigboro for their untiring effort to see the survival and growth of the church.Thelordship,Rt.Revd C.E.Ide named the church St.Mark's.We appreciate the lordship.3.16. ST. JUDE OKOROKE – OVU: This is a missionary Church. It is growingspiritually and physically. There is need for more vigorous work to improve on theirevangelism,witnessing etc.OBITUARY:20 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,


REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODCONCLUSION: What we are is by God's grace. Agbon Archdeaconry has thecapacity to grow to a greater height having given birth to two Archdeaconries withintwo years. I appreciate the encouragement given by the Rt. Rev. C.E. Ide for hisencouragement.We thank all those who helped me to achieve the little we have reachedfor this twenty seven years in the ministry.To God be the glory.God bless you all. Ven.V.A. onosemuode JP Arhdeacon, Agbon Archdeaconry22 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODD. AGBON-CENTRAL ARCHDEACONRYSYNOD REPORT FOR THE PERIOD APRIL 2015 TO MARCH 2016SUBMITTED TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD OFTHE DIOCESE OF WARRI HELD AT ST. JAMES’ ANGLICAN CHURCH,29,OJABUGBE STREET, WARRI FROM SATURDAY 7TH - WEDNESDAY11TH MAY,2016.My lord Bishop,My lords Spiritual andTemporal,Diocesans Officials,Houses of Clergy and Laity,My Fellow Delegates,Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.1. PREAMBLEWe give God the glory for the successful inauguration of Agbon Central Archdeaconry.We thank God for given us this privilege to report to synod the activities of this newlyinauguratedArchdeaconry.2. AGBON CENTRALARCHDEACONRYThis Archdeaconry was created during the Diocesan Board meeting held at OurSaviour's Anglican Church, Okurode-Urhobo Warri on Tuesday, 29th September, 2015and Inaugurated on the 16th of January, 2016 with her headquarters at St. John'sAnglican Church Okpara inland and Canon B.E. Akpoguma as the Chairman. Weappreciate His lordship Rt. Rev. C.E. Ide for this honour given to us, we also appreciateVen.V.A.Onosemuode our formerArchdeacon,for releasing the Churches that make upthis Archdeaconry.We appreciate our friends in the Cathedral of St. AndrewWarri andthe other Churches where we had worked and the good people of Agbon CentralArchdeaconry for their financial support that made it possible for us to buy an officialcar at the cost of one million seven hundred and twenty nine thousand naira only.TheArchdeaconry is made up of the following Churches:- St. John's Church Okpara Inland ,St. James. Church Olude, St. Peter's Church Okuronoh, St . Matthias Church Imodje andthe ResurrectionAnglican Church Okpara Inland.3. REPORT FROM THE CHURCHES IN THE ARCHDEACONRY. ST.JOHN'S CHURCH OKPARA INLAND EVANGELISM/REVIVAL SERVICEThe church had one open air Crusade and some people gave their lives to God.Weeklyfasting and prayer programmes, monthly breakthrough, revival programmes, all-nightprayer,seven days fasting programme at the beginning of the year and the Lenten seasonforty days of fasting and prayer were carried out and members were blessed and as aresult of these activities and the home cell system of evangelism the church is growing.23 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODDEDICATION OFTHE NEW CHURCH BUILDINGThe new Church building was dedicated to the glory of God by His lordship,Rt.Rev.C.E.Ide on the 24th December, 2015. We thank Our lord Bishop and all those whocontributed financially God bless you all in Jesus nameAmen.THEWOMEN BUSThe women of the parish bought 18 setter Toyota hiace bus at the cost of two million,three hundred and fifty thousand naira only.May God bless all those who contributed tothe buying of thisVehicle in Jesus nameAmen.ST.JAMES CHURCH OLUDERevival Service:The church conducted several revival services. The various groups in the Churchcelebrated their weeks and EFAC week was used by the church for evangelism and itwas successful.The church observed at the beginning of the year seven days of prayerand members were blessed by God.The church is making progress in the area of homecellST.PETER'S CHURCH OKURONOHThe church is growing as a result of the church activities that are carried out from timeto time.The new church building has reached roofing level.ST.MATTHIAS CHURCH IMODJERevival Service programs were held during the period.CHALLENGE:The church is faced with the challenge of conducive place of worshipespecially during rainy season due to it’s temporary structure. The church needsfinancial assistance to start the Church building.RESURRECTIONANGLICAN CHURCH OKPARA INLANDThis church was established on the 19th April 2015 with the help of the Cathedralchurch of St.Andrew Warri and St. John's church Okpara Inland which came togetherand organised a Crusade that led to the opening of this church.Lay Ministers are helpingto take care of this church and by the grace of God the church is growing.DONATIONS DURINGTHEYEAR UNDER REVIEW24 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODOBITUARYThe following persons in Agbon Central Archdeaconry passed on unto glorySTATISTICAL REPORT FOR THE YEARFINANCIAL REPORT (APRIL 2015-MARH 2016)CONCLUSIONWe thank God for giving us the grace to serve in His vineyard. May God bless all thosewho have contributed to the work of God in thisArchdeaconry in Jesus nameAmen. Rev. Canon B.E.Akpoguma (JP) (Chairman)25 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD E AGBON – EAST ARCHDEACONRYSYNOD REPORT FOR THE PERIOD APRIL 2015 – MARCH, 2016SUBMITTED TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD OFTHE DIOCESE OF WARRI (ANGLICAN COMMUNION) HOLDING ATST. JAMES’ ANGLICAN CHURCH, 29, OJABUGBE STREET, OKUMAGBALAYOUT WARRI; FROM SATURDAY 7TH – WEDNESDAY 11TH MAY2016.My Lord Bishop,My Lord's Spiritual andTemporal,Diocesan Officials,Houses of Clergy and Laity,My fellow Synod Delegates,Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.1. PREAMBLEWe give thanks to you,O God,we give thanks to you we proclaim how great you are andtell of the wonderful things you have done.Psalm 75:12. AGBON EASTARCHDEACONRYTheArchdeaconry is now made up of nine Churches against eight churches reported inour last year’s Synod.The churches are as follows, St. Matthias Church Eku, St. Stephen'sChurch Orhono Eku, St. James Church, Eku market, St. Barnabas Church, off generalhospital Eku, St, Mark's Church, Obagie, St. Peter's Church, Okoronohwohwakpor, St.Paul's Church, Okorunoho, St. John the Baptist Church, Echi Eku and St. Peter's churchold Sapele road Eku. All the churches are waxing stronger daily in faith,with the wind ofoutreach and Evangelism which brings more converts to the fold.3. EVANGELISMEvangelism had been our focus in this Archdeaconry, we embark on various kinds ofevangelism in other to win souls for the church committed to our charge, the two bytwo evangelism has gained ground within the Archdeaconry.We organized a two day'sopen air crusade at old Sapele road Eku and many souls were won to Christ,this lead tothe establishment of St. Peter's Anglican Church in late Mr. Peter Aghwadoma's house,we give God the glory for what he has done.Various churches within the Archdeaconryalso organized crusade on their own to win more souls to the various churches.We aregrateful to St.JamesAnglican church by Eku market who organized a three days crusadethat added more converts to that church. We thank Rev L.O.Ikono for leading thischurch for this aggressive evangelism.4. YOUTHWORKThe Archdeaconry A.Y.F. have been re-organized to enable them have a focus in theyouth work;The youth work in the Archdeaconry is going on smoothly according to26 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODplan.TheA.Y.F.,Boys and Girls Brigade and Girl's Guild carried out all their programmessuccessfully, within the period under review. Youth harvest and Revival were fullyorganized and celebrated in all the churches and the result is wonderful.5. WOMEN'SWORKThe women in Agbon East Archdeaconry are the live wire of the various churches, andthey are waxing stronger daily in all their activities. St. Matthias church Eku women arestill pursuing with more zeal to purchase a bus for women evangelism, we pray God toassist them to actualize their dream.We wish to extend our greetings to Sir & LadyGabriel Orororo who recently paid in into the women's account the sum of twohundred and fifty thousand naira only (N250,000) for this purpose, may the good Lordbless him and his family in Jesus nameAmen.6.0. REPORT FROM VARIOUS CHURCHES IN THE ARCHDEACONRY6.1. ST MATTHIAS' CHURCH EKUThe Spiritual life of the church and his activities is growing tremendously.We are alsoglad to note that more people are being converted to the church, and others who areleaving their churches to join us as members of the church; base on the above, thenumerical strength of the church is growing steadily.We wish to thank Sir & LadyVictorO.Aghwadoma who single handedly completed the church hall on the top of the officecomplex.May the good Lord bless him and the family.The church laid the foundation of achildren's chapel and vicarage on the 14th January and the work is ongoing.We haverecorded a lot of numerous progress in terms of infrastructural development to God bethe glory.The church organized free medical treatment and free drugs were given out tohelp members, under the medical team headed by Dr. S. Ereh, may the good Lord blessthem.6.2. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ORHONO, EKUThe membership of this church is growing tremendously. We wish to thank Rev A.Ovoro for intensified effort on the membership drive of the church.The roofing work ofthe church with long span has started;we thank the entire church for co-operating withtheir pastor,that lead to this achievement.May the good Lord continue to bless them all.6.3. ST. JAMES' CHURCH, MARKETAREA EKUThe church is waxing stronger in their activities. We thank his Lordship the Rt RevChristian E. Ide, JP for posting Rev L.O. Ikono to the church. This has brought morerecognition to the church in Eku community.The church building is now at the lintellevel,we thank God for their effort.6.4. ST.MARK'S CHURCH OBAGIEThis church is situated in Edo land close to Eku community. The church is growingnumerically and waxing stronger in her activities.The foundation of the church house27 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODwhich was laid sometime ago last year work is going on gradually according to thestrength of the church. The church is still worshipping in the temporary structurepending when the new church house is completed.6.5. ST. BARNABAS CHURCH, EKUThe church is now waxing stronger financially with the resumption of students of Ekunursing school in attendance to the church.The church building work has gotten to lintellevel.We wish to thank Sir & Lady Victor O. Aghwadoma and others who is assistingthem in the building of the church house.6.6 ST.PAUL'S CHURCH OKORUNOHOThe church numerical strength has reduced due to the death of so many members fromthe church in the year under review, since this church is situated in a farm settlementmore people are not going into the community for farming hence the reduction of thepopulation. The church is working hard to purchase a generating set to boost theirinstrument.The church women have succeeded in planting vegetables in other to raisefunds for the smooth running of the women's work in the church.6.7. ST.PETER'S CHURCH OKORONOHWOHWAKPORThis church is waxing stronger in their worship, all the youths in the church are up anddoing in the activities of the church.The church now put up a temporary structure intheir land for worship.6.8. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH, ECHI - EKUThe church is growing numerically, as the foundation of the church was laid by hisLordship Rt Rev Christian E.Ide,JP.6.9 ST. PETER'S CHURCH OLD SAPELE ROAD EKUThe church is newly established by the Archdeaconry through evangelism and they aregrowing in her activities, a church worker was posted immediately to the church.Thechildren of late Mr. Peter Aghwadoma vowed to provide the instrument for the churchsince the church is named after their father.7. OBITUARYIn Agbon East Archdeaconry the following people joined the Saints triumphant duringthe year under review1. Mrs.Lucy Ogwa - St.Matthias' Eku2. Mrs.TitiAkpata - “3. Mrs.Aghoghovwia Eneshemi - “4. Mrs.Titi Imarah - “5. Mrs.Patience Lawson - “6. Mrs.Rebecca Odumosu - “7. Mrs.OgheneoveA. St. Paul's Okorunoho8. Mrs.Uti Idoborise St.James' EkuMay their gentle soul rest in perfect peace.Amen.28 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,



REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODFUTURE PLANS1. The Agbon East Archdeaconry intends to improve on the revival work of the various churches for their upbringing spiritually and also to intense effort on financial drive to meet up the demands of the churches financially.2. We will try our best to make sure every member of the Archdeaconry is spiritually inclined to balance their moral standards of faith,so that new wind of doctrine will not blow them off.Since evangelism is our supreme task in this Archdeaconry, we will try our best toestablish two churches, one at Agiri Estate and the other one at Uko – IshokunuOrhono – Eku,God helping us.CONCLUSIONWe wish to thank God and appreciate him for giving us the grace to see another Synodyear. Our song is “unto the Lord be the glory great things He has done, unto theLord be the glory greater things He will do”.May God richly bless us allAmen. Ven. Jonathan O. Okekporo JP+ Archdeacon31 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD F. AGBON – SOUTH ARCHDEACONRYAGBON – SOUTH ARCHDEACONRY SYNOD REPORT FOR THEPERIOD APRIL 2015 TO MARCH 2016 SUBMITTED TO THE FIRSTSESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF WARRIHELD AT ST JAMES’ ANGLICAN CHURCH, 29, OJABUGBE STREET,WARRI FROM SATURDAY 7TH –WEDNESDAY 11TH MAY,2016My lord Bishop,My lords Spiritual andTemporalDiocesan OfficialsHouses of Clergy and LaityMy Fellow DelegatesDistinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,PREAMBLE:The Lord is our only banner of help,hope and victory over the year and at all times.He isour anchor of hope, infallible bedrock of dense, safety, protection and the onlycornerstone that prevents evil, sorrow and damage from overtaking us.We surrender,bow and tremble in reverence to this all sustaining God.AGBON – SOUTHARCHDEACONRYIn the midst of joys and turbulence in the period under review, the unshakable Godremain faithful to us in Kokori.To Him we give all the glory.Amen.We give glory to GodAlmighty for His protection, blessings and guidance over us priests and families and theentire good people of thisArchdeaconry to be part of this year's synod.Agbon – South Archdeaconry is growing stronger numerically and spiritually. AllDiocesan activities were carried out successfully in all the churches in theArchdeaconry.With a heart full of joy, the Chairman and Family / Agbon South Archdeaconryappreciate theAlmighty God and all members of this Diocese for their prayers when mybeloved wife Mrs. AnnahA.Odechemu was kidnapped on 7th December 2015 and after9 days she was released unharmed by the abductors on 15th December 2015; thoughthe official car has not been recovered till date.We solicit for well meaning Anglicans to assist the Archdeaconry with a New OfficialCar to make the work easy for us.SEMINAR:Within the period under review, the Archdeaconry organised a one day seminar for allour wardens,P.C.C members,church teachers and Catechist and all the guild of stewardacross the churches in theArchdeaconry.Our guest speaker was theVen.E.OAgbawe.Itwas very nourishing and beneficial.32 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODEVANGELISM:With the effort of Evang Lucky Ovigueroye, Evangelism in this area is coming up withtheir constant meeting.They have fixed a crusade at Samagidi Kokori. Words are notenough to appreciate our Lord Bishop,The Rt Rev and Mrs.Christian E.Ide for giving hisEpiscopal mandate to all the Chapels in the Diocese to evangelise Kokori.The Crusade was done on the 28th November 2015 at the Avenue area in Kokori,converts were won and a church was established in the area. All the members of StLuke's living in that area were advised to worship in the church.The church is growingsteadily and our brother Evang.Lucky Ovigueroye is taking care of the church for us.HOME CELL:All the Home Cell Units in theArchdeaconry are doing tremendously well.YOUTHWORK:The Archdeaconry A.Y.F have not be given the authority to operate on their own.However their work in the Archdeaconry is going on smoothly. More so the BoysBrigade, A..C.M, Girl's Brigade and the Girl's Guild are flowing smoothly withresounding successes.WOMENWORK:Our women are waxing stronger on daily bases.All the activities/visitations planned forthem from the Diocese were successfully carried out.They are the back bone of thechurch and theArchdeaconry.MEN FELLOWSHIP:The Men in our area here have not fully embraced the Men's fellowship. Many are stillnot interested though plans are on to win their hearts over. MrTennyson Aghwana wasappointed as their protem chairmanREPORT FROM CHURCHES INTHEARCHDEACONRYST LUKE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH KOKORIWe give God the glory for His protection and blessings for the privilege of anothersynod year.The church hosted his lord Bishop Rt Rev C.E Ide, at her first ArchdeaconryConfirmation on 26th July 2016 after the creation ofAgbon – SouthArchdeaconry.HOME CELL:Our Home Cell is waxing stronger;the Shepherds are doing their best to keep the unitsup.We have over ten Home Cell Units and they meet every Sunday from 5pm – 6pmACTIVITIES:The church organised various programmes, seminars and health talk which haveaffected the physical and spiritual lives of the people positively. Also all-night prayers andmorning breakthrough services were organised.33 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODPROJECT:Through the help of God the church single handedly laid a foundation for theArchdeacon's lodge still at the decking stage. Over 4,000 blocks are on ground for thefinishing and plans are on ground to deck before June this year.ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH ORHOAKPORWe give praises to God Almighty and to Lord Jesus Christ for His wonderful care andlove to see another synod.May His name be praise forever.AmenBy His grace, the church’s weekly and monthly programmes such as fasting and prayer,breakthroughAnointing service,revival service,A.A.P.S andA.Y.F e.t.c programme wereall adhered to,renewing the spiritual lives of the people day by day. We give glory to GodAlmighty for another wonderful crusade through our lord Bishop who sent theNational A.F.P.S crusade on Friday 26th – Sunday 28th February 2016 whereby 12 soulswere won.ST.JOHN'SANGLICAN CHURCH OTORHO –AGBONThanks be to God Almighty for His great love to service in His House.We appreciateGodAlmighty for His divine support towards us in presenting this report to synod 2016,to God be the glory.Activities:Home Cell:The work of Home Cell is going on effectively within the area of jurisdiction.It has helped to reawaken the spirit of the people.The work of the women is waxingstronger which include visitation to smaller churches and other welfare activities.TheYouth in the auspices of theA.Y.F are doing quite well.Evangelism/Revival/Visitation:By the Grace of God, the church organised a three day’s crusade, several revivalprogrammes especially an introduction of a yearly two weeks revival tagged“Ephphatha”.The church also carried out series of visitation to members;this has helpto boost the spiritual and physical life of members.Project:By the Grace of God, the vicarage under construction has been decked within a year.Special thanks to God for His blessing and supports from God fearing individuals.ST BARTHOLOMEW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH, KOKORIWe thank God Almighty for His inestimable love towards us in the year under review.We also thank our father in the lord, Revd Canon L.E.O Odechemu for his supporttowards the development of the church of God.Activities:The church organised many activities such as morning breakthrough, bible studies,34 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODrevival services,fasting and prayer in order to build the spiritual life of the members.Alsothe newly transferred priest (Revd A.O.Anu) introduced door to door evangelism inwhich every member is involved in the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ to theunbeliever.In this outreach programme,four converts were won to ChristHome Cell:The church organised her home cell activities as directed by the Diocese in differentplaces in Kokori.However some home cells that were weak are revived.ST.CYPRIAN'SANGLICAN CHURCH ERHO – IKEWe the members of St Cyprian's Anglican Church give thanks to God Almighty for hisgrace and mercy, may His name be praised.The church is growing both physically andspiritually. The church was able to acquire a good numbers of plastic chairs, musicalinstrument andAltar table.Activities:The church by God’s grace were able to organise programmes such as morningbreakthrough prayer, fasting and alnight prayer, evening revival service and out doorcrusade.These programmes have brought progress to the church.Home cell:The home cell is being held every Sunday by 5pm – 6pm and members and nonmembers also attend.THE RESURRECTIONANGLICAN CHURCH OKOIDJERHE – KOKORIWe thank GodAlmighty for His grace and mercy towards our lives and also for bringingus to another wonderful 2016 synod.This is a baby church but by the grace of God the church is growing tremendously bothphysically and spiritually.The church organised various programme such as revival; thehome cell is being held every Sunday.The church was able to mould about 700 blocksand are still trusting God for more.ST.ANDREW'SANGLICAN CHURCH SAMAGIDIWe give thanks to God Almighty for bring us to another synod year. The churchorganised various programmes such as revival,visitation,evangelism etc which have helpin the growth of the church both physical and spiritual.CHRISTANGLICAN CHURCH ONUMANEWe give thanks to Almighty God for another synod year.The church by His grace isgrowing both physically, spiritually and numerically. A lot of programmes are beingorganised such as revival, fasting and prayer, home cell.This has added greatly to theprogress and growth of the church.35 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODANGLICAN CHURCH OKURHOKPE KOKORIWe give thanks to Almighty God for the growth of the church both physically andspiritually.By His grace the weekly activities,home cell and revival etc are in progress.Bythe Grace of God and with help of our chairman (Revd Canon Odechemu L.E.O) thechurch has been able to buy a piece of land;to God be the glory.ANGLICAN CHURCHAVENUE KOKORIWe give thanks to God Almighty for all He has done for us.We highly appreciate all theChapels in the Diocese and their Chaplain for establishing a new church for us in Kokori,Agbon South Archdeaconry on 28th November 2015 with Dame Pat. Emoghene-Ijatomi as the crusade co-ordinator/Chairman. Various gifts from the Chapels weregiven to members and non members and free treatment to all on that dayThe urgent needs of the church include:A piece of land;2 box speakers (N60,000);2 horn Speakers (N20,000); 1 Amplifer (N50,000); Small generator for service(N56,500); 1 set of microphone (20,000).We humbly appeal to this honourable synodmembers and churches to come to our aid.ANGLICAN CHURCH EGBOGHOWe thank the Almighty God for making every thing possible in our lives and thetremendous growth of the church.This is a small church.And all the activities are goingsmoothly as planned.We need a place to worship God.DONATION TO BE APPRECIATED Anonymous Donor36 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODMay God bless and protect them all in Jesus name.AmenOBITUARYThe following persons in Agbon – South join the triumphant church during the periodunder reviewSTATISTICAL REPORT37 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,


REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODG. EFFURUN ARCHDEACONRYSYNOD REPORT FOR THE PERIOD APRIL 2015 TO MARCH 2016SUBMITTED TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD OFTHE DIOCESE OFWARRI HELDAT ST JAMES’ANGLICAN CHURCH,29OJABUGBE STREET, OFF OKUMAGBA AVENUE, WARRI FROMSATURDAY 7TH TO WEDNESDAY 11TH MAY 2016.MY LORD BISHOP,MY LORD SPIRITUALANDTEMPORAL,DIOCESAN OFFICIALS,HOUSES OF CLERGYAND LAITY,DISTINGUISHED LADIESAND GENTLEMEN.PREAMBLE:Now thank we all our God,with hearts and hands and voices,who wondrous things hathdone, in whom his world rejoices….. (Hymn A&M 379).We are most grateful to theAlmighty God for provision and protection in the year under review. May His name bepraised forever in Jesus name.Amen.1. HOME CELLHome cell has taken root and is doing well in EffurunArchdeaconry.2. PRISON EVANGELISMIn compliance with the Diocesan roster, the Archdeaconry visited the Okere prison forevangelism on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd February 2016. Some items worth tenthousand naira were also presented to the inmates.3. ARCHDEACONRY RETREATA one day retreat was organised for the newly elected PCC members, synod delegates,Archdeaconry board, group leaders, treasurers, secretaries and financial secretariesfrom all the churches in theArchdeaconry.The resource person,Ven.Hope Imorua gavea lecture on the topic “The role and challenges of church leaders.” This retreat is anannual event of theArchdeaconry.4. WOMEN OGANISATIONThe women organizations in the Archdeaconry are flourishing. The hosting of theDiocesan women conference and the Archdeaconry Annual conference weresuccessful.To God be the glory.5. YOUTHWORKThe youth ministry particularly the Anglican youth fellowship (AYF) is also flourishing.The new Archdeaconry chaplain is taking the youth to a higher level of spirituality.TheRev.Gentle Imudje is the current chaplain.39 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD6. REPORT FROM CHURCHESA) CHRISTANGLICAN CHURCH,EFFURUN.SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT:The church engaged in many spiritual and life transforming programmes which includedrevivals, forty days Lenten programmes, every Wednesday faith clinic, a fasting andpraying programme;in addition to holding two services every Sunday – the 7.00a.m andthe 10.00a.mAll groups in the church.AAPS,AYF,ACB, and ACM, Fathers Union and Men Fellowshipalso observed their activities as expected.HOME CELL:- Church members regularly attended home cell fellowship.CHURCH GROWTH:-The church witnessed growth as some adults were baptized.Infants that were newly born were also baptized.Some members were confirmed, while others joined the Fathers Union, Mothers'Union,Women's Guild and Girl's Guild,respectively.MARRIAGES:- Many marriages were solemnized, while others were regularizedthrough blessing of marriage as indicated in the statistical report.CELEBRATIONS/ DEICATION OF CHURCH BUILDING.1. The church building which has been under reconstruction for about fourteen years was completed and the church celebrated the dedication of this new building by our Lord Bishop, Rt. Rev C.E. Ide (JP). In attendance at this dedication was the Most Revd M.S.C. Anikwenwa, former Dean of the church of Nigeria, (Anglican Communion)2. Mrs. Christiana Odiete celebrated her 80th birthday, and the dedication/opening of a house built for her by her children.3. Dr. Esiri Esin also celebrated the opening of his new house, and also donated the sum of N150,000.00 (one hundred and fifty thousand naira) for the furnishing of the new office of the vicar andArchdeacon.B) CHURCH OFTHETRANSFIGURATIONSPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENTThe church organized several revival services within the year. Bible study classes wereheld regularly in the church, prayer and fasting programmes were also observed toboast the spirituality of members.40 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODINFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENTThe architectural design for the two story building vicarage would be ready very soon.This would be our project for the year.The children chapel was given a face-lift. The ceiling work was completed and fansinstalled.Teaching aids were also provided for the children chapel.HOME CELL:- Members attended Home cell regularly within the year under review.C) UNITY CHURCH,MOSHESHE ESTATE,EFFURUNSPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENTThe spiritual and the numerical strength of the church improved greatly compared tothe previous years.This was achieved through revival programmes in the church, biblestudy and the monthly programme tagged“Hour of Grace”CHURCH BUILDING:- The deed of the hall that was donated to the Diocese ofWarri by the Mosheshe Family/Foundation has finally been endorsed and our Bishop,the Rt.Rev.Christian .E.Ide JP has written a letter of appreciation to the Foundation andfamily of Late Evang.Jeremiah O.C.Mosheshe.To God be the Glory.The hall is now beingrestructured and reconstructed to meet the standard of theAnglican Church.MARRIAGE SEMINAR: This has become an annual programme of the church thathas brought peace and stability to many homes.The theme for this year was“Marriage –A divine covenant. The attendance was overwhelming and the testimonies resultingfrom this seminar has been very encouraging.WOMEN CONFERENCEUnity Anglican Church, Mosheshe Estate, Effurun was venue for the Diocesan Womenconference that was hosted by EffurunArchdeaconry from 15th -19th July 2015.It was ahuge success. Paradise Hall has now been made a permanent venue for the Diocesanwomen conference.HOME CELL:- Members attend Home cell regularly.D) ST MATTHEW'SANGLICAN CHURCH UGBOMROSPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT: - Several revival programmes were held to raise thespirituality of members.These include beginning the year with the Lord which is a 7 daysprogramme tagged: “wilderness experience, 40 days Lenten service observed withprayer and fasting with the theme:“pursue,overtake and recover all”.As a result of theserevival programmes twelve converts were won to the kingdom of God.To God be theglory.41 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODINFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT: The Church building was re-roofed,painted and completely renovated in the year under review.The new church vicaragehad also been roofed.WELFARE / CHARITY: - The church food bank has been of great help to members.This was made possible by the generosity of the Church members.The Church also paidfor the primary six examination enrollment fees of one of their members.HOME CELL:- Members attend regularly.NEED OF THE CHURCH: The church need the sum of four million naira(N4,000,000.00) naira only to purchase the land directly behind the church building.forthe purpose of expansionE) CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, EBRUMEDESPIRITUAL GROWTH:By the grace of God,the church is growing and more peoplehave joined to increase her membershipACHIEVEMENTS:-The foundation stone of the new Church building was laid by Hislordship, the Rt. Rev C.E Ide, JP on the 8th October 2015.The extension of the vicarageand the joint venture building project of the church and the women organization of thechurch is still ongoing.HOME CELL:- Members attend regularly.F) ST LUKES,UGBOLOKPOSO;SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT: The spirituality of the church is growing in gracerapidly due to the following activities: (a) The 7day “waiting upon the Lord” at thebeginning of the year. (B) 127 days of “Hour of Grace” from September 2015 to January2016 (C)The 40 days Lenten pragramme (D)The weeklyThursday “Divine Encounter”(E)The monthly 1st FridayAll-night prayer.The membership of the church has thus beenenhanced and increased.HOME CELL:- Members attend regularly.DEVELOPMENT/ACHIEVMENT: The Church building project has beencompleted, waiting for dedication to the glory of God.The sand-filling and interlockingof the church compound will be completed very soon.NEED OFTHE CHURCH: The present church premises is not spacious enough.Weneed more space for expansion. However, the open land in front of the church could bebought if there is money.We therefore need financial support to achieve this laudableobjective.42 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODG) ST MICHAELANGLICAN CHURCH, MAMMY 11SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT: The Church organized several revival programmeto increase the spiritual life of the church members.HOME CELL: Members attend regularly.ACHIEVEMENT: The church building was painted giving the church a better lookduring the year under review.CHALLENGES: The fire incident that affected the area and the destruction ofMammi3 has adversely affected the membership of the church as many membersrelocated from the area.H) ANNUNCIATIONANGLICAN CHURCH,OHORHE 11SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT: The Church experienced spiritual growth in theyear under review. This was enhanced by the regular revival, morning breakthroughsessions, monthly all-night prayers and bible study sessions in church. I commend thezeal and effort of the Catechist in this station.We also commend the generosity of mamaWarri for the donation of the sum of two hundred thousand naira (N200,000.00) onlywhich was spent for the purchase of musical instruments for the church.This actuallycontributed greatly to the spirituality and worship life experienced in the Church.HOME CELL:- Members attend regularly.I) ST PAUL'SANGLICAN CHURCH,OHORHE 1SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT: The church organized service and spiritualprogrammes in the year under review.These include:- (a) Waiting upon the Lord.A 7days fasting and prayer programme.(B) Morning breakthrough held last day and first dayof every month. (C) 40 days Lenten season programme (D) Monthly All- night prayers(E) Monthly Evangelism (F)Weekly fasting and prayer and (G) Regular bible study.CHURCH BUILDING PROJECT.The Church building project is ongoing. We thank mama warri for the generousdonation of two hundred thousand naira (N200, 000.00) only to support this project.We are now at the roofing stage. This money was used to sand fill the building and toraise it to this roofing stage.J) ST JAMESANGLICAN CHURCH,OKUATATASPIRITUALITY: The church organized revival services,observed the 40 days of Lentand monthlyAll-night prayer in the year under review.All these increased the spiritualityof the church.HOME CELL:- Members attend regularly.43 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,



REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODOBITUARYCHRISTANGLICAN CHURCH,EFFURUN1. Chief Daniel Obiomah2. Mr. Julius Niemogha3. Mrs.Caro Agarivbie4. Mr. Moses Akelemo5. Mr. Emmanuel IlehAgbobu6. Mrs. Alice Ibiokoro7. Mr. John Ikpesa8. Mrs.Florence Egbarah9. Mrs. Abigail N. Etaghere - ST JAMES OKUATATA10. Madam Ayetsemita Odo - ST MATTHEW'S UGBOMRO11. Mrs. Charity Ndugbe - CHURCH OF THE TRANSFIGURATION12. Mrs. Amaka Egbuacho - CHURCH OF THE TRANSFIGURATIONSTATISTICAL REPORT FORTHEYEARTABLE 146 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODINCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR 2014 & 2015EFFURUN ARCHDEACONRY FINANCIAL REPORT 2014 & 2015CONCLUSION:We are indeed grateful to God for giving us grace to serve and to His Lordship, the RtRev. Christian E. Ide for all his prayers and encouragement to us in EffurunArchdeaconry. VEN P.O.ONORIOSE ARCHDEACON, EFFURUN ARCHDEACONRY47 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODH. EFFURUN EAST ARCHDEACONRYSYNOD REPORT FOR THE PERIOD APRIL 2015 TO MARCH 2016PRESENTED TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNOD OFTHE DIOCESE OF WARRI HOLDING AT ST. JAMES’ ANGLICANCHURCH, 29 OJABUGBE ST. WARRI, FROM SATURDAY 7TH TOWEDNESDAY 11TH MAY,2016.My Lord Bishop,My Lords Spiritual andTemporal,Diocesan Officials,Houses of Clergy and Laity,Fellow Delegates,Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.1.0 PREAMBLE:We give all the Glory,Honour andAdoration to GodAlmighty for the gift of life,and theprivilege to be part of 2016 Synod! May His Eternal peace which transcends all humanunderstanding be with us at this Synod and always!2.0 SPIRITUALACTIVITIES:By the grace of God in the year under review,several programmes were held across theArchdeaconry for the spiritual upliftment and economic wellbeing of our members.Such programmes include, Early Morning Breakthrough, Fasting/Prayers,Weekly DivineEncounter;MonthlyAll-night Prayers,Seminars,Evangelism,etc.3.0 STAFF MEETINGS / PRAYERS:Every first Monday and last Tuesday of each month, we meet for prayer & fasting; andstaff meetings respectively. This has helped our spiritual and ministerial growth verysignificantly.4.0 MULTI-PURPOSE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY:As reported to Synod last year, the Effurun-East Archdeaconry Anglican CommunionMulti-Purpose Cooperative Society (EEA–ACMCPS) Ltd, Effurun is growing steadilyboth numerically and financially.We encourage members to join.5.0 PASTORICWEEK CELEBRATION 2015:The annual Pastoric Week celebration was held on Monday 22nd – Sunday 28th June,2015 with theTheme:Follow God's Example.Text:Matthew 19:21 – 22.It was spirituallyrefreshing.6.0 LEADERSHIP RETREAT:This was held on Thursday 25th – Saturday 27th February, 2016 with the Theme:Workwhile it is day – John 9:4.All newly elected members of the various PCC;ArchdeaconryBoard; Diocesan Board; Finance Board and Appointment Board attended the wellpackaged and spiritually rewarding retreat. Others who also attended were, Prayer48 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

REPORTS TO THE FIRST SESSION OF THE TWELFTH SYNODmeeting / Brethren group leaders; Fathers' Union; Mothers' Union; Women's Guild;Girls' Guild;Men Fellowship;Choir;Anglican Communion Brigade Leaders etc.7.0 ARCHDEACONRY CRUSADE / CHURCH PLANTING:This was held on Friday 14th & Saturday 15th August, 2015 at Alegbo Junction, off P.T.I.Road,Effurun with theTheme:Jesus the light of theWorld – John 8:12.A total number of18 converts were won to Christ.A Church which was consequently planted has sincebeen Christened by his lordship, the Rt. Rev. Christian .E. Ide, as St. BartholomewAnglican Church, Alegbo Junction, Effurun. The fast growing church which worshipsevery Sunday under rented canopies on a rented parcel of land is in dire need of apermanent place of worship.8.0 FESTIVAL OF PRAISE/EASTER PICNIC:In the previous years, these programmes were held separately. But in the year underreview both were held simultaneously on Easter Monday.It was spiritually impactful.9.0 ARCHDEACONRY PRAYER BAND:The monthly all night prayers were faithfully observed by the archdeaconry prayer bandin the year under review.They also participated in the Diocesan and Provincial prayerConvocations respectively. May the Lord continue to empower them as they stand inthe gap for the Church of God.10.0 MEN FELLOWSHIP CONVENTION:The Archdeaconry men fellowship held their yearly Convention in the year underreview;they also participated at the Diocesan level where they won the first prize in theBible Quiz competition.The men fellowship has empowerment in view specially beingpackaged to assist members whose sources of livelihood is very unstable.The groupmeets quarterly with average membership of 273.The main challenge is that most men do not attend meetings.Sir Godspower Igbakpor isthe Coordinator while the Rev.F.Akede is the Chaplain.11.0 REPORTS FROM CHURCHES:11.1 ALL SAINTS' CHURCH,OFF JEFIAAVENUE,P.T.I ROAD:Food Bank:We thank God and appreciate the generosity of our members in donatingfoodstuffs,clothing materials,etc to keep our food bank functional.The needs of some ofour needy members were attended to in the year under review through the food bank.Widows' Committee: This Committee which was re-named as “CARE GIVERSCOMMITTEE” presented rice,life chicken,etc to the widows during the pastYuletideSeason,while some were empowered financially.Scholarship:An anonymous member of our congregation,who gives the sum of fifteenthousand Naira (N15, 000. 00) only to support needy students, increased the figure toTwenty thousand Naira (N20, 000.00) in the year under review. She used this to markher birthday yearly.49 THEME: “THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH Date: SAT. 7TH – WED.11TH MAY, 2016 TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING.” Venue: ST. JAMES ANG. CHURCH,

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