of Muharram ryQur’an It is compulsory for all children fhAllah I to fast in Ramadan. hasdeclared: Sawm develops self-control and helps us to overcome bad habits. “Fasting is prescribed Sawm causes us to feel con- cern for the poor. fhfor you, as it was pre- Allah gives a special reward to scribed for those who those who fast. came before you, The Qur’an was not revealed in that you may learn Ramadan. fhpiety.” When Ramadan starts, the Hadith doors of Paradise are closed. fhOur beloved Prophet Whoever fasts during Ramadan Muhammad e said: will have all his sins forgiven. “Islam is built on five Laylat-ul-Qadr is the Night of fhthings: the Testimony Power. that there is no god A Muslim observes Ramadan except Allah and that by being more well mannered. Muhammad is the The purpose of Sawm is to Messenger of Allah, learn hunger. Fasting brings us closer to fhthe establishment of Allah. the Salah, the pay- ment of the Zakah, the Fast of Ramadan, fhand the Pilgrimage to the Sacred House.” “Every good action done by man shall be fhmultiplied by tenfold up to seven hundred fold. Allah, Who is Great and Glorious, fhsays, ‘This is apart from fasting, which is for Me, and the reward for which I will supply; for a man fhwho renounces his food and his desire for My sake. A faster has two joys, one fhwhen he breaks his fast, and the other when he meets his Lord. The odour of a fhfasting man’s mouth is sweeter to Allah than that of musk. Fasting, moreover, is a form of protection’.” fh fhTComments It cleanses our hearts, minds f☺ h☺ and bodies of all filth and evil. vn148 my faith ...ISLAM
ry Write the words on the left back to front so C P fh that they will look correct when looked at in a mirror. fh RAMADAN NADAMAR fh FASTING fh fh JANNAH fh PIETY fh SAWM fh QADR fh fh MERCY fh fh T fh Read the following story. It was the last day of Sha‘ban and fhTComments everyone was so excited. fh☺ ☺ Ramadan, the blessed month of fasting, was one day away. People vn my faith ...ISLAM 149
ryhurried to the Masjid because the PC Holy Prophet Muhammad [s] was to fhaddress them. Everyone wondered Vocabulary fhwhat words of wisdom he was going blessed .................... to share with them today. fhaddress .................... wondered fhThe people sat down and there was .................... wisdom a hush when the blessed Prophet .................... fh[s] climbed up the mimbar. He hush .................... turned to them and smiled as he sat mimbar fh.................... down. fhcompulsory .................... performing “O people,” he said, “There comes .................... fhover you now a great month, a mostpatience fhblessed month, in which lies a night .................... sympathy .................... greater than a thousand months. fhsustenance .................... increased fhThis is a month in which Allah has .................... grants made fasting compulsory by day, .................... enters fhand He has made the Tarawih .................... fhdelighted prayer by night a sunnah. .................... fhWhoever wishes to please Allah in TComments this month by performing any good ☺ ☺ fhdeed, for such a person shall be a vn150 my faith ...ISLAM
ryP C reward seventy times greater than fhVocabulary the same deed done in any other fh month. continued .................... abundantly This is indeed the month of fh.................... patience, and the reward for true mercy patience is Jannah. .................... fhrecite fh.................... forgiveness .................... It is the month of sympathy with fh one’s fellowmen. It is the month fh wherein a Muslim’s sustenance is increased. fh Whoever feeds another person who fh has fasted, in order that he may fh break the fast at sunset, for the feeder there shall be forgiveness of fh all sins and safety from the fire of fh Jahannam, and for such a feeder shall be the same reward as the fh one who fasted.” fhTComments Someone who was sittting right at fh☺ ☺ the back called out, “O messenger of Allah, some of us are very poor vn my faith ...ISLAM 151
ryand do not have enough food to fhgive another fasting person to break his fast.” fh The Prophet [s] replied, “Allah fhgrants the same reward to the one fhwho gives a fasting person even a single date, or a sip of water or milk fhto break his fast. fh Remember that whoever gives a fhperson who fasted water to drink, Allah shall, on the Day of fhJudgement, give him water to drink fhfrom my fountain, the pond of Kawthar, water which is sweeter fhthan honey and whiter than milk. fhAnd it will be such a drink after which he shall never again feel fhthirsty until he enters Jannah.” fhThe people were delighted by what fhthey heard from the beloved Prophet [s] and were eager to hear fheven more. vn152 my faith ...ISLAM
ry fh The Holy Prophet Muhammad [s] fh continued, “This is a month, the first of which brings Allah’s very special mercy, so pray abundantly for His fh mercy in the first ten days of fh Ramadan. The middle of the month fh brings Allah’s forgiveness and the last of brings safety from the fire of fh Jahannam. fh Also, whoever makes his servants work easy during this month Allah fh will forgive his sins too and free him fh from the fire of Jahannam. fh There are four things you should do fh even more during this month. Two fh of these shall be to please Allah, while the other two are those with- fh out which you cannot do. fh The two things which shall be to fh please Allah are that you should recite often ‘La ilaha ill-Allah’, there vn my faith ...ISLAM 153
ryis no god except Allah, and that you fhshould beg of Allah’s forgiveness by saying ‘Astaghfir-ullah’, I seek your fhforgiveness O Allah. fhAnd as for those without which you fhcannot do, you should beg Allah to give you Jannah and ask Him to fhprotect you from the fire of fh Jahannam.” fhThe people were delighted to here all these wonderful things about the fhholy month of Ramadan and now fhunderstood why it was such a blessed time of the year. fh The following lessons learnt from the T fh fh story must be explained & discussed thoroughly fh- The month of Ramadan is always eagerly awaited by the fhtrue believers. fh- The true believers are always eager to know the words of the vn154 my faith ...ISLAM
ry fh Prophet [s]. fh - Ramadan is a blessed month in fh which the rewards for good fh deeds are multiplied over and fh over. fh - Any act of worship performed fh during the night of Qadr is equal to worshipping Allah for a thou- sand months continuously. fh - The Tarawih salah in Ramadan fh is a great sunnah which brings a fh great reward to the one who per- forms it. fh - The reward for patience and fh compassion towards others is fh Jannah and safety from Jahannum. fh - By feeding the fasting person fh we get a reward equal to his reward for fasting including any vn my faith ...ISLAM 155
other good deed done by him ry during that day. fh fh - Only the true believers who are fh compassionate to their fellow fh human beings will drink from the fh pond of Kawthar on the day of fh Judgement. fh - Servants and workers must be fh treated with consideration and compassion, especially in Ramadan. - The greatest deed that any per- fh son can do is to declare that fh there is no god except Allah. fh - Begging for Allah’s forgiveness fh ios a sign of humility and sinceri- fh ty. fh- True succes is to enter Jannah and to be saved from the fire of fhJahannum. vn156 my faith ...ISLAM
ryACTIVITIES Search for the following words in the C P fh fh ‘Word Ring’. Thereafter use them to construct a fh sentence. Can you see any other words in the ‘Word Ring’? If so, list them. Tarawih Sawm food drink reward Ramadan piety Jannah Dhikr Qadr angel Qur’an purify fasting love fh ooddram...a..d..a...n..g..e..l.o..v..e...il.t.a..r..a..w...i.h..o..t.quranqa fh fh fh ............................................. .................................... drinkeyrewardsawmefastingf fh I can see these words too... fh ................. ................. ................. fh ................. ................. ................. fh There are many virtues of fasting. List four C P that you can remember. fh ........................................................ fh ........................................................ ........................................................ fh ........................................................ fh ........................................................ ........................................................ vn ........................................................ my faith ...ISLAM 157
Fasting in Ramadan creates a mental barrier T P ry between the believer and the world, resulting in AN IMPORTANT a form of detachment which is of the highest value in fhPOINT TO REMEMBER devotional life. The Qur’an declares the primary pur- fh pose of fasting is that, “...you may learn taqwa...”. The fh fh word taqwa, for which there is no precise equivalent in fh fh English, refers to the immediate consciousness that Allah is watching one’s acts. Those who have carried out the Ramadan fast know how much one’s other acts of worship improve as one’s awareness of Allah pro- gressively grows through fasting. Fasting awakens in man the feeling of gratefulness. The temporary deprivation of food and water empha- sizes the importance of these mundane things as divine blessings. Then when he partakes of food and water after having experienced hunger and thirst, he can feel how truly precious the food and water provided to him abundantly by Allah is. This experience increases man- ifold his feelings of gratitude to Allah. Fasting produces moral discipline within man. By fh restricting the basic things he desires, the devotee is fh trained to lead a life of self-restraint and not of permis- fh siveness. What the speed-breaker does for the speed- fh ing motorist, fasting does for the devotee. fh By having a curb put on his various desires for one month at a time man is trained to lead a life of self- restraint for the whole year, making no attempt to exceed the limits set by Allah What man does by fasting is engage himself more and more in the remembrance and worship of Allah, and in the recitation of the Qur'an. Thus fasting serves as a strategy to increase the efficacy of worship. In this way Allah accepts our worship in its heightened form. Fasting is, in short, a training course. Its purpose is to fh place man on a special spiritual plane for one month so that he may be better able to lead the life of a true devotee of Allah and a true lover of humanity. fh The Holy Prophet Muhammad [s] has said C P fhTComments that, “There are some people who fast who get noth- ing from it except hunger.” Which of the two men in the picture has learnt valuable lessons from his fast f☺ h☺and which has not? List some of the lessons you think he may have learnt. Colour-in the picture too. vn158 my faith ...ISLAM
ry fh fh ................. ................. ................. fh ................. fh ................. fh ................. ................. ................. fh ................. fh ................. fh ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ fh ........................................................ ........................................................ fh ........................................................ fh fh Colour in the words that relate to Sawm C P in green, those that do not in red. fh ramadan sunset fhTComments worship greed f☺ h☺ sloth tarawih vn my faith ...ISLAM 159
zakah bad ry habits fh sharing fhconcern Jannah no fh reward ka’bah rajab fh fh Qur’an Qadr fh SUMMARY P fh fh BY THE END OF THIS LESSON THE CHILD HAS : (tick in box if completed) fh fh - listened to an extract - completed a true & false exercise - learnt a new Ayah and a new Hadith - wrote words back to front fh - listened to a story - found suitable one word meanings - identified specific teachings fh - searched for words in a ‘Word Ring’ fh - listed some virtues of fasting - listed valuable lessons learnt - coloured-in a picture for enjoyment - identified key words fhTComments How does my teacher f☺ h☺ rate my performance in this lesson ? ☺☺ vn160 my faith ...ISLAM
ry lesson 4 fh fh OUTCOME OBJECTIVES TP fh fh - learn about the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Makkah, its fh basic methodology and significance fh fh - discover that Hajj represents a very special form of fh fh worship which, unlike Salah, Zakah or Sawm, is both a fh physical and monetary form of ibadah - appreciate that performing the Hajj is a way by which Muslims show their commitment to Allah & their readi- ness to sacrifice all their comforts & pleasures for His sake - realize that Hajj is a reminder of our death, when we will leave the world with nothing but simple pieces of cloth to cover our bodies - discover that Hajj is also a reminder of the Resurrection when all human beings will be brought back to life and answer for their deeds on this earth - understand Hajj is also a way by which Muslims come to know the history of the blessed Prophet Muhammad [s] and the land and cities in which he lived - learn that Hajj is a reminder to all mankind of the sac- rifices and devotion of Prophet Ibrahim [a] in serving Allah and the true religion, the religion of Islam - know that Hajj is a gathering of peace - peace with Allah, peace with one’s soul & peace with all of creation fh LESSON OVERVIEW TP fh BY THE END OF THIS LESSON THE CHILD WILL HAVE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO : fh - listen to an extract about Hajj, pilgrimage to Makkah - answer questions related to the topic - learn a new Ayah and Hadith fh - complete a multiple choice exercise fh - complete a map indicating the various important venues and rites of the Hajj - learn a poem about the Hajj - identify the odd word in a group vn - complete the Ahadith on Hajj my faith ...ISLAM 161
Read and explain the following. ryT L E S S O N 4 Haj fhHajj, or pilgrimage, is the fifth pillar ry fhHajj is the journey to the Holy of Islam. vn PILGRIMAGE fhKa’bah, the Sacred House of Allah, in Makkah for the purpose of wor- fhshipping Allah in a very special way. Vocabulary Hajj is performed during the month pilgrimage fhof Dhul-Hijjah, the twelfth month of tremendously fhthe Islamic calendar. monetary requiring sacrifices fhAllah commands that Hajj be per- resurrection encouraged formed once in a lifetime by those willingness fhemulating adults who can afford the journey to prepared fhMakkah and are physically strong prohibited assemble enough to do so. supplication fhChildren may perform the Hajj too if paupers Ihram fhthey wish but it is not compulsoryMiqat upon them. Tawaf Hajj is not a new practice. fhSa‘iy Wuquf Mabit Ramy fhAllah had commanded all his Halq Dhabh fhProphets [a] to perform Hajj to the Taqsir significance sacred Ka’bah. fhrites ‘Umrah poverty Hajj is a great form of worship vn162 my faith ...ISLAM
ry (‘ibadah) for which Allah rewards fh tremendously. fh Unlike Salah and Sawm, which is only a physical form of ibadah (wor- fh ship), or Zakah, which is only a monetary form of ibadah, Hajj is fh both a physical and monetary form fh of ibadah, requiring both a great deal of physical action and the spending of a large sum of one’s fh wealth. fh Because of the great sacrifices and fh difficulties in performing the Hajj, Allah grants the Haji, the person performing Hajj, His greatest ffhh rewards. fh The Holy prophet Muhammad [s] said, “The Hajj which is accepted by fh Allah has no less reward than fh Jannah (Paradise) itself.” A man once asked the Prophet [s], fh “What are the best of deeds?” The blessed Prophet [s] replied, “The fh best of deeds are belief in Allah, vn Jihad in His way and the accepted my faith ...ISLAM 163
ryHajj.” fhHajj is an act of worship which puri- fies man of all sins. fhThe Messenger of Allah [s], “Whoever performs Hajj for Allah’s fhpleasure alone ... and does not do fhany evil or sin, then he will return as pure (and free of sin) as he was on fhthe day his mother gave birth to fhhim.” fhThe Hajj has many other benefits. These are a few: fhPerforming the Hajj is a way by which Muslims show their com- fhmitment to Allah and their readi- fhness to sacrifice all their worldly comforts and pleasures for His fhsake. fhIt is a way of saying to Allah, “O Allah we love you more and pre- fhfer you over everything else.” fhA Haji leaves everything behind fhwhen he leaves for Hajj. All he has are two simple pieces of vn164 my faith ...ISLAM
ry cloth to cover his body, called fh Ihram, and the piety of his heart. fh In this way Hajj is a reminder of our death, when we will leave the fh fh world with nothing but simple pieces of cloth to cover our bod- ies. fh When death comes we will jour- ney into the hereafter to meet our fh fh Creator with only our pious deeds as a provision. fh Hajj is also a reminder of the res- urrection on the Day of fh Judgement, when all human fh beings will be brought back to life and answer for their deeds on fh this earth. Just as people gather together fh on the plains of Arafah around fh Makkah with nothing but their good deeds and intentions, so fh too will they be gathered infront of Allah with only their good fh deeds and intentions. vn Just as Muslims hope for Allah’s my faith ...ISLAM 165
rymercy and forgiveness on the fhday of Hajj, so too will they have only the mercy and forgiveness fhof Allah to hope for on the Day of Judgment, and Allah is most fhMerciful, Most Forgiving. fh Hajj is also a way by which fhMuslims come to know the histo- ry of the blessed Prophet fhMuhammad [s] and the land and fhcities in which he lived. It brings to life the history of Islam fhand the prophets before, prophets like Adam [a], Ibrahim fh[a] and Isma’il [a]. fhFor example, the Ka‘bah, also known as Baytullah (The House fhof Allah), was the first masjid built fhon earth for the sole purpose of the worship of Allah alone. fhIt was originally built by Nabi Adam [a] and later rebuilt by Nabi fhIbrahim [a] and his son, Nabi fhIsma‘il [a], the great, great grand- father of Nabi Muhammad [s]. vn166 my faith ...ISLAM
ry By visiting the Ka‘bah during fh Hajj, Muslims are encouraged to fh follow in the footsteps of all the Prophets [a] of Allah, especially fh the blessed Prophet Muhammad fh [s]. fh In this way Muslims strengthen fh their bond with the Prophet Muhammad [s] and their faith, Islam. fh Hajj is a reminder to all mankind fh of the sacrifices and devotion of fh Prophet Ibrahim [a] in serving fh Allah and the true religion, the fh religion of Islam. It is a celebration of the great fh love of Nabi Ibrahim [a] for Allah. fh Hajj is a reminder to Muslims of Nabi Ibrahim’s [a] willingness to sacrifice his dear son Nabi Isma‘il [a] on Allah’s command. fh This teaches that Allah expects complete obedience from all fh Muslims and that we should love vn Him more than any other. my faith ...ISLAM 167
ryIn emulating the sacrifice of fhProphet Ibrahim [a], a Muslim sacrifices an animal during the fhdays of Hajj. By sacrificing an animal a Muslim fhshows that he is prepared to sac- fhrifce those things dearest to him, even his own life, for Allah. fh Hajj is the largest gathering fhwhere Muslims from all over the fhworld meet and learn about one another. fhIt is a gathering of peace - peace with Allah, peace with one’s soul, fhpeace with one another and fhpeace with animals, birds and even with insects. fhTo harm or even disturb the fhpeace of anyone or any creature is prohibited during the Hajj. fhHajj teaches us brotherhood and the equality of all human beings. fhMuslims from different parts of fhthe world assemble at Makkah in obedience to Allah. vn168 my faith ...ISLAM
ry They dress in the same way, per- fh form the same acts of worship, fh utter the same du’a’s (supplica- tions) at the same time in the fh same way with the same hope, fh the hope of Allah’s mercy and for- fh giveness, and His paradise. fh There are no kings or paupers during the time of Hajj. All people are equal. fh fh There are eleven basic steps in per- forming the Hajj. They are as fol- fh lows: fh 1) Wearing the Ihram, the simple fh pieces of white cloth, before entering the area around fh Makkah (the Miqat). fh 2) Circling the Ka’bah seven times. This is called Tawaf. fh 3) Walking briskly between the two hills of Safa and Marwah. This fh is called Sa‘iy. vn 4) Spending the day on the plains my faith ...ISLAM 169
ryof Arafat just outside the city of fhMakkah. This is called Wuquf. 5) Staying the night in a place fhnearby called Muzdalifah. 6) Thereafter moving to a small fhtown called Mina. This is called fh Mabit. 7) Stoning the three pillars repre- fhsenting shaytan. This is called Ramy. fh8) Sacrificing an animal. This is fhcalled Dhabh. 9) Shaving or shortening the hair fhof the head. This is called HaIq or Taqsir. fh10) Circling the Ka’bah seven times fhagain. This is called Tawafuz- Ziyarah. fh11) Circling the Ka’bah seven fhtimes, once more. This is called Tawaful-Wada’. fh You will be taught about the signifi- fhcance and the method of perform- fhing these rites in greater detail in grade five. vn170 my faith ...ISLAM
ry Muslims may visit Makkah at any fh other time of the year for a shorter fh pilgrimage called ‘Umrah. fh There is great blessing and reward in performing the ‘Umrah too. fh The blessed Prophet Muhammad fh [s] said, “Indeed the best of deeds is a righteous and accepted Hajj or a righteous and accepted Umrah.” fh In another saying he [s] said, “The fh person who leaves his home with fh the intention of performing Hajj or ‘Umrah and dies on the way, will enter Jannah without having to fh accout for any deed whatsoever.” fh He continued, saying, “The people fh who come to perform Hajj or ‘Umrah are the guests of Allah, and fh He grants them whatever they ask fh for.” The Messenger of Allah [s] also fh said, “Follow up the Hajj or the Umrah with another, for they indeed fh remove poverty and sin in the same vn manner that fire cleans away the my faith ...ISLAM 171
rfyhrust and dirt in Iron, gold and silver.” There are only four basic steps in fhperforming the ‘Umrah. They are as fh follows: 1) Wearing the Ihram, the simple fhpieces of white cloth, before entering the area around fhMakkah (the Miqat). fh2) Circling the Ka’bah seven times. This is called Tawaf. fh3) Walking briskly between the two hills of Safa and Marwah. This fhis called Sa‘iy. fh4) Shaving or shortening the hair of the head. This is called HaIq fhor Taqsir. fhAnswer the following questions giving a C P ACTIVITIES short explanation where required. fh 1) A Haji leaves everything behind fhwhen he leaves for Hajj. fhWhy?.......................................... Yesfh...................................................No TComments ☺☺ ................................................... vn172 my faith ...ISLAM
ryQur’an 2) Hajj is also a reminder of the Allah I has resurrection on the Day of fhdeclared: “Hajj to the House is Judgement. a duty owed to Allah Yes No by all who can under- fhtake it.” “Proclaim unto fhyou on foot and on Why?.......................................... mankind the Hajj. ................................................... ................................................... They will come unto 3) Hajj is a way by which Muslims every kind of fast come to know the history of the mount, coming from Prophet Muhammad [s]. Yes No fhevery deep ravine.” How?.......................................... “Perform the Hajj and ................................................... fhthe ‘Umrah for Allah.” ................................................... Hadith Our beloved Prophet fhMuhammad e said: “Islam is built on five things: the Testimony that there is no deity fhsave Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the establishment of fhthe Salat, the pay- ment of the Zakat, the Fast of Ramadan, and the Hajj to the fhHouse.” “Whoever is not pre- 4) Hajj is a reminder to all mankind vented by an illness of the devotion of Nabi Ibrahim. or an unambiguous Yes No Why?.......................................... fhneed, or a tyrannous ruler, and does not perform the Hajj: let him die a Jew if he wishes, or a fhChristian.” fh fh fhTComments ................................................... ................................................... fh☺ ☺ 5) Does a Muslim sacrifice an ani- mal during Hajj? vn my faith ...ISLAM 173
ryYes No fhWhy?.......................................... ................................................... fh................................................... fh 6) Is Hajj a gathering of peace. fh Yes No Why?.......................................... fh................................................... fh................................................... fh7) Does Hajj teach us brotherhood and the equality of all human fhbeings? fhYes No How?.......................................... fh................................................... fh................................................... Circle the correct answer in the multiple C P fhchoice exercise below. fhHajj, or pilgrimage, is the ... pillar of Islam. fhTComments 1) first f☺ h☺ 2) fifth vn174 my faith ...ISLAM 3) fourth
ry Hajj is performed during the month fh of ... 1) Dhul-Hijjah fh 2) Muharram fh 3) Ramadan fh Hajj is ... form of ibadah fh 1) monetary 2) physical fh 3) physical and monetary fh There are ... basic steps in perform- fh ing the Hajj 1) five fh 2) three 3) eleven fh fh Muslims may visit Makkah at any other time of the year for a shorter fh pilgrimage called ... 1) ‘Umrah fh 2) Tawaf fhTComments 3) Arafat f☺ h☺ The map below indicates the positions of C P the various important venues of the Hajj. Indicate, vn with arrows, the route a Hajji will have to take during my faith ...ISLAM 175
the Hajj pilgrimage. Draw some of the other symbols ry associated with the Hajj, included in the list below, in fh their correct places. Can you think of other things as fh fh well? Colour-in too! scissors for umbrella pebbles for tents for Halq & Taqsir for Wuquf Ramy Mabit stone pillars Mount of animals for Ka‘bah fh (Jamarat) Mercy Dhabh (Tawaf) fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fhTComments f☺ h☺ vn176 my faith ...ISLAM
ry Hajj is the pilgrimage to the House of Allah in T P AN IMPORTANT Makkah which is compulsory on every adult Muslim in fhPOINT TO any part of the world who has the means to undertake REMEMBER the journey. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and brings together yearly what may justly be described as the fh greatest gathering of mankind. fh fh Hajj is, above all, a journey of individual self-renewal fh inspired by piety and devotion to Allah. In this quest, the individual is strengthened by the knowledge that thous ands of human beings from all over the world regard- less of their worldly status, language or race, are in pur- suit of the same goal - the pleasure of their Creator. fh Many of the rites of the Hajj go back to the Prophet Ibrahim [a] and there is a sense of history, of going fh along the same straight way that has been the way of the prophets of Allah and those who followed them. fh There is also a natural feeling of cosmic identity on the part of the pilgrim as he goes anti-clockwise around the cube-like structure of the Ka’bah clothed in the simple fh garments of the state of Ihram, or as he stands soul- fh shaken on the plain of Arafat from noon till the sun sinks below the horizon. Hajj, like perhaps no other occasion, has the capacity fh to lay bare the fancies and vanities of man. The Talbiyyah or the special refrain announcing man’s will- ingness and eagerness to acknowledge and obey Allah fh resounds throughout the Hajj environment: “Here I am, 0 Lord, here I am! fh Here I am; no partner hast Thou; here I am! Surely to Thee is all Praise, all goodness and all Sovereignty; fh No partner hast Thou!” fh The simplicity, beauty and power of this refrain create the mood in which the pilgrimage is performed. However, the atmosphere and environment in which vn the Hajj is performed can be and has been marred by my faith ...ISLAM 177
the intrusion and dominance of many alien and incon- ry gruous planning concepts, technologies, cultures and fh institutions and by the behaviour of pilgrims who often fh show little trace of the adab of Islam. fh fh There is in fact a warning in the Qur’an to those who fh might be tempted to mar or ruin the desired mood of the fh Hajj by selfish or wicked conduct. The Qur’an instructs: “Whoever undertakes the pilgrimage...shall, while on pilgrimage, abstain from lewd speech, from all wicked conduct, and from quarrelling; and what ever good you may do, Allah is aware of it. And make pro- vision for yourse lves - but, verily, the best of all pro- visions is Allah-consciousness. Remain then con- scious of Me, O you who are endowed with insight.” The mood of Hajj can also be marred or ruined by the fh environment and the physical conditions under which fh Hajj is performed. Noise from earth- shattering technol- fh ogy and hi-tech urban planning styles as well as the un fh hygienic practices of many pilgrims have transformed fh the hajj environment for the worse. Simple and more natural solutions in keeping with the natural physical environment of the Hajj will be best suited to maintain- ing the spirit and the atmosphere of contemplation, devotion and intense personal rectification which is the object of the Hajj. Recite the following poem and explain. fhT ACTIVITIES This sacred journey we undertake, Vocabulary fhIs done purely for Allah’s sake, But before to Makkah Muslims fhsacred depart, undertake depart ensure means fhThey must ensure the means for support vnsupport. 178 my faith ...ISLAM
ry The Hajj will have much more Vocabulary benefit, fhbenefit For Pilgrims who are able and pilgrim physically fit. fhphysically Bayt-ullah They’ll see the Ka’bah, the rituals Bayt-ullah, fhundertake fhdespite blazing Which is the Qiblah in our daily searing Salah. fhpeak diverse fhrace The Ihram they will wear, white and immense grace pure, fhdisplay unity Performing theTawaf & Sa‘iy, with ultimet faith strong and sure, fhgoal weary These are rituals they must make, virtues While the Hajj they do undertake. fhRukn essence fhspiritrual And at Arafah they will all meet, absolute Despite the blazing sun and divine fhbounties Almighty searing heat, infinite And the Hajj there will reach its fh peak, fh While Allah’s Mercy all pilgrims will seek. fh No matter what their colour or fh diverse race, vn Together they will stand seeking my faith ...ISLAM 179
ryHis pleasure and immense Grace. fhSo much there is to learn and see, fhWhen Muslims display such unity. They who come from near and far, fhServants and lovers of the one and fh only, Allah, fh No other but their Lord being the fh ultimate goal, Seeking only to purify their weary soul. fhRemember too, right from the very fhstart, The virtues of every Rukn each fhform a great part, Of the grand pilgrimage in all its fhessence, fh Not to mention all the wondrous fh spiritual lessons. fh And in the end we will all find, The favour of the absolute Divine, Blessings and bounties without fhmeasure, fhFlowing from the Almighty’s infinite treasure. vn180 my faith ...ISLAM
ry Look carefully at the groups of words below. C P fh Three of the words belong together while one does not. Circle the odd one out in red. fh Hajj pilgrimage fifth Zakah fh Ka’bah Safa masjid Baytullah fh fh adult strong child afford fh Sawm monetary physical Hajj fh sacrifice love obedience pleasures fh fh Ihram death reminder life fh Resurrection Arafah Tawaf mercy fh history idols Prophets Hajj fh Adam Ibrahim Isma’il Musa fh sacrifice Isma’il animal Sa‘iy fhTComments hatred peace brotherhood equality fh☺ ☺ ‘Umrah four any time eleven vn my faith ...ISLAM 181
Complete the following Ayah and Hadith. P C ry fh“The people who come to perform Hajj or ‘Umrah are the .................... fhof Allah, and He grants them fh.................... they ask for.” fh“The Hajj which is accepted by Allah has no less reward than fh .................... itself.” fh “Follow up the Hajj or the Umrah fhwith another, for they indeed fhremove .................. & .................. .” SUMMARY P fh fh BY THE END OF THIS LESSON THE CHILD HAS : (tick in box if completed) - listened to an extract fh - answered questions related to the topic - learnt a new Ayah and Hadith - completed a multiple choice excercise fh - completed a map about the Hajj - answered questions about Makruhat fh - learnt a poem - identified the odd word in a group - completed Ahadith on Hajj fhTComments How does my teacher f☺ h☺ rate my performance in this lesson ? ☺☺ vn182 my faith ...ISLAM
ry AD‘IYAH wa ADAB fh supplications and etiquette fh fh fh X fh ry fh vn fh fh fh C O N T E N T S fh REVISION 186 fh LESSON 1 Du‘a’ during Wudu’ 193 LESSON 2 Du‘a’ when Eating Elsewhere 194 fh LESSON 3 Du‘a’ after Drinking Water 194 Du‘a’ after Drinking Milk 194 Du‘a’ Morning and Evening 197 fh LESSON 4 Du‘a’ when Entering a Bazaar 197 Du‘a’ when Boarding a Vehicle 202 Du‘a’ when Commencing a Journey 202 fh LESSON 5 Du‘a’ when Returning from Journey 202 Du‘a’ when in Prosperity 206 fh LESSON 6 Du‘a’ when in Adversity 206 Du‘a’ when seeing Another in Adversity 206 Arabic Numerals 211 vn LESSON 7 Important Phrases 211 my faith ...ISLAM 183
ry fh Ad‘iyah TP fh fh Du'a' (singular of ‘ad‘iyah’) means a call or prayer. fh A servant of Allah invokes his Creator to express fh either his needs or his servitude to Him. This call in itself is a form of worship. Allah is a living and permanent existence. He hears and sees and has the power to do as He desires and set the course of events in consonance with His will. It is this firm conviction which gives rise to the urge fh within man to pray to Allah. When man receives inspi- fh ration from Allah, it comes to him naturally to call upon Allah for all his needs and to ask for Allah's blessings in this world as well as in the Hereafter. Allah is truly man's sustainer. There is no time set for du'a', neither is there any pre- fh scribed method nor a separate language. Man, at any fh moment, in any form, and in any language can pray to Allah. If the prayer has come from deep inside one's heart, it will certainly reach Allah. Allah will hear the call without delay and will answer the suppliant's prayers. Du'a' means seeking from Allah and this seeking from fh Allah has no ending. It continues eternally. Du'a' is an expression of unceasing feelings welling up inside the believer's heart for his Lord. No moment of a believer's life can be bereft of it. fh In the Qur’an, the importance of du'a' is stated thus, \"Say: My Lord would not care for you were it not for your prayer.\" Du'a' is one of the most important charac- fh teristics that distinguish a believer from an unbeliever and a significant indicator of one's faith in Allah. fh Many people may think that there is no divine control over the universe and that everything is interacting independently. However, what they do not know is that every creature in the heavens and on the earth has fh already submitted to Allah. There is no creature whose destiny is not determined by Allah and who is not obe- dient to Him. The unbelievers do not understand this substantial fact. The believers, on the other hand, are fh aware that the only way to obtain the things they want is to ask them from the One Who controls them. They vn184 my faith ...ISLAM
ry fh fh know that Allah is the Creator and Director of all things. fh However, it should also be understood that Allah's fh answering to prayers is not necessarily giving all that is fh requested from Him. For man is ignorant and he fh \" prays for evil as he prays for good; for man is ever fh hasty.\" So Allah responds to all our prayers, but some- fh times gives what is wanted, and sometimes not, since it is in truth, 'evil'. Du'a' should be done with humility and in private, in all sincerity, having hope but also fear of Allah in our hearts, and with deep concentration. Our prayers are actually a matter of confessing our weakness while showing our gratitude towards Allah. Abstaining from prayer shows arrogance and rebellion against Allah. Allah. Calling on Allah is both a prayer and also a great blessing. This very simple act of making a request is the key to attaining all physical and spiritual objectives. Adab fh \"I was sent to perfect the best in moral characteristics and etiquette,\" said the noble Prophet Muhammad [s] describing his mission. The main purpose of this mes- sage is to make man live according to the highest moral fh standards and etiquette which he is capable of. Each person has a duty to cultivate good and desirable qualities which are part of his natural make-up. On the fh other hand, each person has a duty to strive against noxious qualities and habits. Bad qualities and habits are like rust on a pure heart. The more rust accumu- lates, the more insensitive a person's heart will fh become. The covering of rust may eventually obscure all good and a person might reach a state where vice and noxious qualities become not only acceptable to fh him but beautiful. If there is still a spark of good left, the door for repentance or tawbah might still be open. The weeds in your garden must not be allowed to stifle and smother the flowers and the fruit. fh In cultivating good qualities, it is important to remember the saying of the Holy Prophet [s] that the best deeds fh are those done regularly even if they are small. This stresses the need to develop good habits, whereby the practice of goodness becomes a matter of course, easy vn and natural. my faith ...ISLAM 185
The Ad‘iyah memorised in grades one and two must be ry revised before commencing. fh fh Revise the following invocations. T fh Ta‘awwudh Tasmiyah (Seeking Refuge in Allah) (Commencing in Allah’s Name) “I seek protection in Allah from shaytan, “In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the fh fh the accursed one.” Merciful .” fh Al-Kalimah At-Tayyibah Al-Kalimah Ash-Shahadah (The Good Declaration) (The Declaration of Testimony) “There is no god except Allah, (and) fh Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ” fh fh “I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger.” Al-Kalimah At-Tamjid Al-Kalimah At-Tawhid (The Declaration of Exaltation) (The Declaration of Oneness) fh fh “Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to “There is no god except Allah, who is fh Allah, and there is no god except Allah, alone. He has no partner. His is the king- fh and Allah is the Greatest. There is no dom and to Him is all praise. He gives life power nor strength except with Allah, the and causes death. In His hands is all good- ness. And He has power over all things.” Exalted, the Mighty ” Al-Kalimah Radd Al-Kufr fh (The Declaration of Refutation of Disbelief) fh vn186 my faith ...ISLAM
ry fh fh “O Allah! I seek your refuge wherein to be saved from joining any partner with you knowingly. And I seek your forgiveness from all sins which (I may commit) unknowingly. I turn in repentance (to You) for (committing) them and I disassociate myself from disbe- lief, polytheism and all disobedience. I submit (to Your will) and I believe (in You) and I declare that their is no god except Allah (and) Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” fh Al-Iman Al-Mujmal Al-Iman Al-Mufassal fh (A Concise statement of Belief) (A Complete statement of Belief) fh “I believe in Allah as He is (understood) fh by His names and His attributes , and I fh accept all His commandments.” “I believe in Allah, and His angels, and His books, and His Messengers, and in the Last Day, and in Qadr, the good thereof and the bad thereof coming from Allah, the Exalted, and in resurrection after death.” fh Du‘a’ before Eating Du‘a’ after Eating fh “(I begin) in the name of Allah.” “All praise and gratitude is due to Allah fh Who has fed us and given us drink , and fh Du‘a’ before Sleeping fh Who has made us Muslims.” Du‘a’ when Awakening fh “O Allah! In Your name I die and come to fh life again.” fh “All praise be to Allah who has given us life after causing us to die, and to Him is our final resurrection.” Du‘a’ when Greeting Du‘a’ in Reply to a Greeting vn my faith ...ISLAM 187
“May the peace and mercy of Allah be “And may the peace and mercy of Allah be ry upon you.” upon you, and His blessings too.” fh fh Du‘a’ when Sneezing Du‘a’ Responding to Sneezer fh fh “All praise be to Allah.” “May Allah shower His mercy upon you.” Du‘a’ to the Respondent Du‘a’ when Thanking “May Allah guide you and set all your “May Allah reward you well.” fh matters aright.” fhDu‘a’ when Entering Toilet Du‘a’ when Leaving Toilet fh “Oh Allah, I seek your protection from all fh filth and impure creatures.” “I seek your pardon (O Allah!). All Praise be to Allah Who has removed discomfort from me and granted me relief.” Du‘a’ before Wudu’ Du‘a’ after Wudu’ fh “In the name of Allah and all praise be to fh Allah.” fh fh “O Allah! Make me amongst those who repent, and make me from amongst those who remain clean and pure.” Du‘a’ when Entering Home Du‘a’ when Leaving Home fh fh “O Allah! I ask you the blessing of enter- “(I leave) in the name of Allah, (and) I put fh ing the home and the blessing of leaving my trust in Allah. There is no might (to the home. In the name of Allah we enter guard against evil) nor power (to do and in the name of Allah we leave, and good) except with Allah’s (assistance).” upon Allah, our Cherisher, do we rely.” vn188 my faith ...ISLAM
ry Du‘a’ when looking in Mirror Du‘a’ when Dressing fh fh “O Allah! You have indeed beautified my fh body, so beautify my character too.” fh “All praise be to Allah who has clothed me with that through which I cover my nakedness and adorn myself in my life.” Du‘a’ when Visiting the Sick Du‘a’ when in Bodily Pain fh “I seek protection in Allah and His Might fh from the harm of what I feel and fear.” fh “Do not despair. This is a cleansing, if Allah so wills. Do not despair. This is a cleansing, if Allah so wills. O Allah! Cure him. O Allah! Grant him safety.” Du‘a’ after Adhan Du‘a’ when entering Masjid fh “O Allah! Open to me the doors of Your fh Mercy.” fh Du‘a’ when leaving Masjid fh “O Allah! Lord of this perfect call and “O Allah! Indeed I ask of your bounty.” fh everlasting prayer, bless Muhammad with fh Du‘a’ after Sawm fh intercession and excellence, and raise him to the most praiseworthy position which you have promised him, and favour us with his intercession. Indeed you never turn back on your promises.” Du‘a’ before Sawm fh “I intend fasting tomorrow.” vn my faith ...ISLAM 189 “O Allah! For you I have fasted, and in you do I have faith, and with your provision do I break my fast, so do accept it from me.”
Revise the following important phrases. T ry fh When Starting Anything When Expressing Remorse fh fh “(I begin) In the Name of Allah.” “I seek Allah’s pardon.” fh When Expressing When Expressing Elation Astonishment or Alarm or Apprehension “Glory be to Allah” or “Allah is Perfect “Allah is the Greatest.” fh and Pure.” When Intending to Do Having Achieved fh Something Something fh “If Allah so wills.” “As Allah has willed.” fh fh When Wishing Well to When Expressing Others Gratitude or Admiration “May Allah bless you.” “All praise be to Allah.” fh fhWhen hearing Good News When hearing Bad News “All praise be to Allah. It is just as Allah “Praise be to Allah under all fh has willed.” circumstances.” fh fhTComments When Expressing Love to Replying to One who f☺ h☺ Another Expresses His Love “I love you for the sake of Allah.” “May He, for whose pleasure you love me, love you too.” vn190 my faith ...ISLAM
ry When in Distress When having Evil Thoughts fh fh “Allah is sufficient for me and a most fh excellent Guardian.” fh fh “I seek protection in Allah from shaytan, the accursed one. I believe in Allah and His Messengers.” Islamic Months Days of the Week Muharram Sunday Safar Monday fh Rabi‘ al-Awwal Tuesday fh Rabi‘ ath-Thaniy Wednesday fh Jumada-l-Ula Thursday Jumada-l-Akhirah Friday fh Rajab Saturday fh Sha‘ban Ramadan fh Shawwal fh Dhu-l-Qa‘dah fh fhTComments Dhu-l-Hijjah f☺ h☺ ry vn vn my faith ...ISLAM 191
lessons 1-7 ry fh fh T P fh OUTCOME OBJECTIVES - learn that du‘a’ and other such Islamic expressions fh assist in remembrance of Allah fh - recognise that no moment of a believer's life can be fh bereft of du'a' fh - understand that the only way to obtain the things we fh want is to ask them from the One Who created and con- fh trols all things fh - appreciate that the various ad‘iyah are instrumental in fh positively moulding our thoughts and actions and pro- vide an individual with a spiritual orientation in his life fh - learn that our prayers are a confession of our weak- fh ness as well as an expression of our gratitude to Allah fh - learn that each person has a duty to cultivate good and desirable qualities fh - understand the need to develop good habits whereby the practice of goodness becomes a matter of course LESSON 1-7 OVERVIEW TP BY THE END OF THESE LESSONS THE CHILD WILL HAVE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO : - memorise a series of Arabic supplications - understand their meanings - learn the Sunnah etiquettes associated with the rel- evant supplications - complete a series of exercises for comprehension - learn the Arabic Numerals - learn some important Arabic phrases used in daily conversation vn192 my faith ...ISLAM
ryL E S S O N 1 Memorise the following Du‘a’. CT Wudu’ The Ad‘iyah before and after performing Wudu’ as well fhry as its Adab have already been covered in grade one. fvhn Revise them before commencing with the Du‘a’ to be recited during Wudu’. DU‘A’s & Du‘a’ during Wudu’ fhE T I Q U E T T E fh Vocabulary fhspacious fhsustenance fh fh “O Allah! forgive me my sins, make my home spacious and fhACTIVITY comfortable and make my sustenance blessed.” fh Answer the following question. CP If the wudu’ is being performed in a bathroom that has a toilet, should fh the du‘a’ be recited aloud? ............. fh SUMMARY P fh BY THE END OF THIS LESSON THE CHILD HAS : (tick in box if completed) fhTComments - memorized the du‘a’ - revised the etiquettes - answered question concerning the subject f☺ h☺ How does my teacher rate my performance in this lesson ? vn ☺ ☺ my faith ...ISLAM 193
Memorise the following Du‘a’s. CT ryL E S S O N 2 fhEating The Ad‘iyah before and after Eating as well as the Adab of eating and visiting have already been covered in ry grade one and the grade three Akhlaq section. Revise these before commencing with the following Du‘a’s. fvhn fhD U ‘ A ’ s & Du‘a’ when Eating Elsewhere ETIQUETTE fh Vocabulary fhprovided fhabundance fh “O Allah! Bless them (ie. the host) in what You have pro- fh vided them with, forgive them and be merciful to them.” fh Du‘a’ after Drinking Water fh fh “All praise be to Allah who, through His mercy, gave us sweet fh water to drink, and did not make it bitter due to our sins.” fh Du‘a’ after Drinking Milk fhTComments f☺ h☺“O Allah! Grant us blessing in it (ie. the milk) and give us abundance thereof.” vn194 my faith ...ISLAM
ry Learn the following Sunnah etiquettes of drinking. T fh 1) When drinking sip silently. Do not drink in loud gulps. fh 2) Drink in three breaths or sips. fh 3) Do not breath into the cup when fh drinking. 4) Do not stand and drink. Zam- fh Zam water though may be fh drank while standing. 5) When serving drinks, serve in order of age, starting with the fh eldest. fh 6) When refilling a jug used to serve drinks, continue from the fh person next to the one last fh served. fh 7) When serving drinks to guests, drink only after everyone else has been served. The one who fh serves drinks should drink last. fh 8) Glassware, earthenware, cop- fh per, plastic and wooden utensils may be used to serve drinks. fh Never use gold or silver uten- vn sils. my faith ...ISLAM 195
ry9) Share the drinking glass with fh someone beloved. 10) Of all drinks, always give prefer- fhence to milk. fhC ACTIVITY State whether True or False. When drinking, sip silently and T fh fhDo not breath into the cup when do not drink in loud gulps. drinking. fh You may stand or sit when fh drinking. When serving drinks, start with fh the youngest. fh The one who serves drinks should drink first. fh Never use gold or silver utensils fh for drinking and eating. SUMMARY P fh BY THE END OF THIS LESSON THE CHILD HAS : fh (tick in box if completed) - memorized the du‘a’s fhTComments - learnt the etiquettes f☺ h☺ - completed a True & False exercise How does my teacher rate my performance in this lesson ? ☺☺ vn196 my faith ...ISLAM
ryL E S S O N 3 Memorise the following Du‘a’s. CT fhDaily The Adab relating to these Du‘a’s will be covered in ry detail at a later stage. fvhn Du‘a’ Morning and Evening fhD U ‘ A ’ s fhVocabulary fhdestiny “O Allah, in Your (name) do we pass the day and in Your (name) do we pass the night. In Your (name) do we live resurrection and and in Your (name) do we die and to You is (our des- bazaar tinies end and final) Resurrection.” fhmisfortune Du‘a’ when Entering a Bazaar oath unprofitable fhtransactions fh fh fh fh fh fh fh “In the name of Allah (I begin). O Allah, I ask You (to bless me with) the good of this bazaar, and the good of all there- fh in, and I seek Your protection from the harm of this bazaar, and the harm of all therein. O Allah, I seek Your protection from the misfortune of false vn oaths and from unprofitable transactions.” my faith ...ISLAM 197
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