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Read and explain the following. ryT L E S S O N 7 fhVictory Madinah was a blessed city. ry fvhn The first Masjid of Islam was built in fhMadinah. VICTORY OF ISLAM The Muslims lived in peace, fhpreaching and practicing their reli- Vocabulary gion without interference. fhThe number of Muslims increased fhevery day. interference incresed hypocrites defeated conquered fhThe Quraysh were jealous and tried revenge to harm the Muslims. fhThe Kuffar attacked the Muslims with their huge armies. fhThe Jews and the hypocrites, pre- tending to be friends, tried to harm fhthe Muslims too. fh Allah protected and helped the fhMuslims and the Kuffar were always defeated. fhIn the end, the Quraysh lost all their power. fh Prophet Muhammad [s] conquered fhMakkah and all of Arabia. vn398 my faith ...ISLAM

ryACTIVITIES Nabi Muhammad [s] forgave his fh enemies and did not take revenge. Qur’an Allah Ihas fhdeclared: The message of Islam then spread “ When the help of throughout the world. Now you and I too are Muslims, fol- Allah comes and vic- lowers of the Last Prophet, Nabi fhAllahs Religion In Muhammad [s] tory. And you see Look carefully at the groups of words C P people entering below. Three of the words belong together while crowds. Then cele- one does not. Circle the odd one out in red. brate the Praises of your Lord, and pray fhfor His Forgiveness. Indeed He is Ever- Returning (In Grace fhand Mercy).” Hadith Our beloved Prophet fhMuhammad e said: “I have been given superiority over all Madinah city blessed Ta’if other Prophets in six Quraish peace jealous attack Jews friends hypocrites harm fhthings. I have been kuffar Allah protect help given the per fect and Prophet conquer killed Makkah complete revelation (ie. the Holy Qur’ãn); fhI have been granted awe (which over- whelms my ene- mies); the spoils of fhwar have been made lawful for me; the entire earth has been made a place of prayer for me and a fhmeans of purification; I have been sent for all the nations and all creation; and the line fhof Prophets came to an end with me.” fh fh revenge Prophet forgave enemies fh Islam spread world disappear fh decrease Muslims increase number vn my faith ...ISLAM 399

Read the following story. T ry fhMadinah was a blessed city. Here fhNabi Muhammad [s] and the Muslims found peace and happi- fhness. Prophet Muhammad [s] could preach Islam to the people fhwithout any trouble at all, and as the fhdays passed the number of Muslims increased. fh fhProphet Muhammad [s] and the Muslims built the first masjid in fhMadinah, a place where no other would be worshipped but the One fhAllah. The adhan was called and fhMuslims would gather together and pray. They fasted together and fhtogether did every other good deed. fh The Quraysh had heard about the fhhappiness and joy of the Muslims in Madinah. They had heard the sto- fhries of the many people who had TComments fh☺ ☺embraced Islam and how the num- vn400 my faith ...ISLAM

ryP C ber of the Prophet's [s] followers were increasing day by day. They fhVocabulary were furious. They were jealous. fhincreased “Muhammad and his friends cannot .................... gather be left alone. They cannot be allowed to enjoy any peace or hap- fh.................... piness,” they would say to them- embraced .................... fhfurious fh.................... selves. And so they plotted and defend planned, and evil were their plans. .................... defeated fh.................... fhdriven away They marched out to Madinah with .................... armies a thousand, three thousand suffer .................... and even ten thousand strong. The Muslims were few and had very lit- fhfate tle to defend themselves with. But .................... starve fh.................... fhflocked while the Quraysh had the power of .................... glorious soldiers and weapons, the Muslims .................... had the power of Allah, and Allah is fhtrembled the Most Powerful. .................... swot fh.................... fhnoble Everytime the Quraysh attacked .................... fh Prophet Muhammad [s] and his TComments friends, they were defeated or driv- fh☺ ☺ en away. Nabi Muhammad [s] and the Muslims fought bravely and vn my faith ...ISLAM 401

rysome of their friends sadly died. But fhthe Quraysh were to suffer an even sadder fate as hundreds more fhamongst them were killed in those fh bitter wars. fhTheir wickedness knew no limit, until once, they even tried to starve fhthe Muslims of Madinah. They sur- fhrounded Madinah, the blessed city, not allowing Prophet Muhammad [s] fhand his friends any food or drink. But again Allah came to his fhProphet's help and the Quraysh fhwere blown away by Allah's mighty desert winds. fh fhThere were enemies all around, even in Madinah, the Jews and hyp- fhocrites, who tried to harm the Muslims. But little did they realise fhthat they could not defeat the fhProphet [s] and his friends, the best of all men. Allah was always there fhto protect them, and every disbe- vn402 my faith ...ISLAM

ry liever who harmed them was to fh meet a horrible end. fh The Muslims grew in strength and number, and within a few short fh years, Allah’s promise was fulfilled. fh Islam would be victorious. The peo- fh ple of Arabia flocked to the Prophets [s] call. Thousands came fh each day to the blessed city, the city fh of Madinah, to listen to his good words and embrace the religion of fh Allah. fh The Quraysh had lost all their fh power and strength, and surely that was to happen. For whoever fights fh a Prophet, is doomed to lose every- fh thing. Until a glorious day came when fh Nabi Muhammad [s] and his friends fh marched with ten thousand pious fh men, and a thousand more angels. The city of Makkah trembled as vn my faith ...ISLAM 403

they came. ry fh The chiefs of the Quraysh now had fhno one to turn to. After all their gods were idols of stone, who could nei- fhther speak nor hear. Who could not fhdo a thing, not even swot a fly from their ear. fh fhBut the Prophet [s] was not like them at all, and when he entered fhMakkah he forgave them, every sin- gle soul. He was the Prophet of fhmercy, Allah's greatest sign. He fhwas the last of the Messengers, the perfect guide for mankind. fh fhAnd so the message of the Prophet [s] continued to spread, from family fhto family, tribe to tribe, and nation to fh nation. fhNow you and I, a thousand five hun- dred years later, are Muslims wor- fhshipping Allah, the One, and this is vn404 my faith ...ISLAM

ry all because of the courage and fh patience of the noble Prophet fh Muhammad [s], Lady Aminah's blessed son. fh fh The following lessons learnt from the T story must be explained & discussed thoroughly fh - Madinah is the most blessed fh city after Makkah, and the heart of Islam. fh - The first Masjid of Islam was fh built in Madinah. fh - Islam flourishes through fh preaching, practice and self sac- rifice. fh - Islamic teaching emphasizes fh collective activity. fh - The leaders of Kufr are jealous fh of the success of Islam. - The disbelievers do everything fh in their power to destroy Islam, vn but Allah always protects His reli- my faith ...ISLAM 405

gion and the pious believers. ry fh - The disbelievers possess the fh power of weapons and soldiers, fh but Muslims possess the power fh of faith and the Help of Allah. - Muslims must be prepared to fh sacrifice their lives to defend fh Islam. fh - In battle, the true believers will fh indeed suffer some losses, but fh the disbelievers will always suffer fh greater loss. fh - When Muslims fight for Allah and His religion alone, then all fh the creatures of the heavens and fh earth come to their assistance, even the winds. fh- The enemies of Islam are many, but the most dangerous are the fhHypocrites and the Jews who vn406 my faith ...ISLAM

ry pretend to be our friends but wish fh us only harm. fh fh - Islam will always be victorious fh in the end, even though false- fh hood and disbelief may innitially seem invincible. fh - Allah sends trials and tribula- fh tions to display the excellence of fh the faith of the believers and also fh to expose the hypocrites amongst the Muslim. fh - Whoever fights the servants of fh Allah is doomed to failure. - Angels fight along with the true fh soldiers of Allah. fh - In times of need, the dibelievers have no one to turn to. fh fh - A Muslim is always humble and merciful in victory. vn my faith ...ISLAM 407

ry fh - Nabi Muhammad [s] was a fh mercy to mankind. fh - Nabi Muhammad [s] had the fh most noble character. fh - Because of the courage and for- fh titude of Nabi Muhammad [s] we fh are Muslims today. fh May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet, Muhammad. Why does Allah send trials over the C P fh fh believers? Refer to the lessons learnt from the abovementioned story. fh........................................................ ........................................................ fh........................................................ fh........................................................ ........................................................ fh........................................................ TComments ........................................................ ☺ ☺ fh........................................................ vn408 my faith ...ISLAM

ry A Muslim is required to keep himself prepared C fh fh for Jihad. By practicing regularly he can become a formidable soldier. This man has been practicing his archery skills. How many arrows will pass through the ‘bull’s eye’? Use your eyes only! fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh ..... arrows will strike the ‘bull’s eye’. AN IMPORTANT Jihad refers to the duty on Muslims, at both the individ- POINT TO ual and collective level, to struggle against all forms of evil, corruption, injustice, tyranny and oppression, fhDISCUSS fhTComments whether this injustice is committed against Muslims or non-Muslims. f☺ h☺ The objective of Jihad is to promote justice. This can- not be done without strength and power. Notions of vn equity without power to enforce it has no practical my faith ...ISLAM 409

value. Muslims are not permitted to allow themselves or ry others to become or remain the passive victims of the fh injustice or aggression of others. It is not natural that fh people should accept humiliation. fh fh War is thus justified only as a means of upholding the fh right and repulsing the wrong and not the sake of greed fh or false pride. This is the meaning of Jihad “in the way fh of Alah”. fh Islam demands, for the sake of self-defence and the ensuring of peace, that the Muslim ummah (communi- ty) must he strong enough so that no aggressor would ever be tempted to attack, and that they should never be taken unaware by treacherous moves. “And prepare for fighting them (ie. the enemies of Islam) to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies. And others besides, whom you may not know, but whom Allah does know...” (Anfal, 8:60) SUMMARY P fh BY THE END OF THIS LESSON THE CHILD HAS : fh (tick in box if completed) - listened to an extract fh - identified the odd word in a group - learnt a new Ayah and a new Hadith fh - listened to a story fh - found suitable one word meanings - identified specific teachings - answered an important question - solved a picture puzzle for enjoyment fhTComments How does my teacher f☺ h☺ rate my performance in this lesson ? ☺☺ vn410 my faith ...ISLAM

ry TARIKH AL-ISLAM fh history of islam fh fh fh fh fh ry Xfh vn fh fh fh fh fh fh fh C O N T E N T S fh LESSON 1 Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r] 413 LESSON 2 Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r] 427 vn my faith ...ISLAM 411

ry fh The Muslim Ummah comprises a comity of T P fh fh nations professing Islam and as such the fh Khilafat was a “Common Wealth of Nations”. The con- fh cept of Khilafat is different from the traditional concept fh of Emperors, Kings, Presidents, etc., who are only tem- fh poral rulers. It must be borne in mind that Islam does fh not believe in separation of religious and worldly affairs. fh Khilafat is therefore, a religious as well as a political fh office. The Khalifah was the head of religio-politicoso- fh cio-economic complex covering all aspects of life of the Ummah (the Muslim nation). fh fh Since the Khalifah was the religio-political head of the fh Muslim Umniah, the history of the Khilafat, in fact, is the history of the Ummah. It becomes less significant if some Khalifahs were less pious or if the Khilafat became hereditary and was con- fined within certain families such as the Umayyads, Abbasids, Ottomans etc. In spite of the shortcomings of some Khalifahs, they represented the collective author- ity of the Ummah. The revolts against them would be termed as khuruj (sedition) and would be condemned. The Khilafat on the whole presented an exemplary form of government. Every Khalifah was aware of the new world order ushered in by the Prophet [s]. He was aware of his own responsibility and that of his govern- ment in playing the required role. In the newly con- quered territories, the exploitation of the common man was brought to an end. Full religious freedom was given to all. The government even under the less pious iereditary Khalifahs functioned, within the permissible limits of Shari’ah (Sacred Law) - the Zakat (poor due) was levied, the Bayt-ul-Mal (public treasury) was estab- lished, Justice was dispensed in accordance with the Shari’ah, the territorial jurisdiction of the Muslim Empire was protected, the message of Islam was spread and the obligations of an Islamic state were fulfilled. Islam did not describe any particular form of govern- fh ment. Though a elected form of government is to be preferred, it cannot be said that hereditary Khilafat was un-Islamic. vn412 my faith ...ISLAM

ry lesson 1 fh fh OUTCOME OBJECTIVES TP fh fh - learn about some virtues and accomplishments of the fh third Khalif of Islam, Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r]. fh - discover his tremendous compassion, forbearence fh and self sacrifice. fh - understand that calamities and trials come as tests of true faith. - learn that we should never take advantage of the plight of others. - recognize that the greatest ambition of the true believ- er is not worldly profit but attaining the good pleasure of Allah. - discover that Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r] was the most charitable and generous of all Muslims. - realize that charity never decreases one’s wealth. fh LESSON OVERVIEW TP fh BY THE END OF THIS LESSON THE CHILD WILL HAVE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO : fh - listen to an extract being read out by the teacher fh introducing the Third Khalif of Islam, ‘Uthman [r] fh - complete a multiple choice exercise for comprehen- fh sion fh - learn a new Ayah and a new Hadith - listen to a story about the generosity of Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r] and his eagerness to earn the good pleasure of Allah - identify the specific teachings being conveyed through the story - colour-in a picture for enjoyment - identify the odd word in a group vn my faith ...ISLAM 413

Read the following sentences. ryT L E S S O N 1 ‘Uthman fhSayyiduna ‘Uthman [r] was one of fhthe first people to embrace Islam. ry vn He was a close friend of Sayyiduna T H E T H I R D fhAbu Bakr [r] through whom he K H A L I F accepted Islam. fhHe was a very gentle and modest Vocabulary fhman who possessed the best of embrace character. modest wealth fh‘Uthman [r] was one of the richest cause men of his time and he used every fond fhcent of his wealth for the cause of possessor seldom Islam. defeat fhNabi Muhammad [s] was very fond navy fhof ‘ Uthman [r] because of his excel-established rumors plot lent character and offered his bold fhdaughter Ruqayyah [r] in marriage reciting retaliate to him. fhAfter her death ‘ Uthman [r] married fhanother daughter of the Prophet Muhammad [s] and because of this fhhe is called ‘Dhun Nurayn’, ‘The Possessor of Two Lights’. fhDespite being very wealthy he lived fh a very simple life. His servants would seldom need to vn414 my faith ...ISLAM

ry help him because he did most work fh by himself. fh He was very generous to all. ‘ Uthman [r] would fast very often fh and spend the nights in Salah. He loved to recite the Holy Qur’an fh and would oftentimes recite the entire Qur’an in a single night. fh He was very patient, even with fh those who harmed him. After the death of Hadrat ‘Umar [r], fh ‘ Uthman [r] was chosen as the third Khalif of Islam. fh During his rule Islam spread to fh many more lands and millions of people became Muslim. fh The Romans suffered even more defeats at the hands of ‘ Uthman [r] fh and lost even more land to the Muslims. fh The first Muslim navy was estab- fh lished by ‘ Uthman [r]. Because Islam became very power- fh ful during his rule the jealous kuffar, and especially the Jews and hyp- fh ocrites, began to spread evil rumors vn about ‘ Uthman [r] among the my faith ...ISLAM 415

ry Muslims to cause them to fight fhamong themselves. Some foolish Muslim believed these fhrumors and began to trouble the fh Khalif too. ‘Uthman [r] was very patient and fhforgiving and did not punish them because he realised that this was a fhplot to cause Muslims to fight fh amongst themselves. He loved all Muslims dearly, even fhthe foolish among them. This made the Jews and the hyp- fhocrites more bold and so they tried to harm him. fhOne day the most evil of them man- fhaged to get into the Khalif’s house and killed him while he was reciting fhthe Qur’an. He was eighty-two years old when fhhe died. fhSuch was Sayyiduna ‘Uthman’s [r] love for Muslims that he would fhrather sacrifice his own life but not retaliate against even the most fool- fhish of Muslims. vn416 my faith ...ISLAM

ryACTIVITIES Colour-in the correct word/s in green. CP fhQur’an Allah I has Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r] was one of the declared: first last people to embrace Islam. fh“And the first to lead He was a very modest rude man. the way (in accepting Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r] was a very rich Islam) among the man who spent his wealth on every- Muhajirin and the luxury for the cause of Islam . Nabi Muhammad [s] offered his fhAnsar, and those who daughter Ruqayyah [r] in marriage to followed them in sin- Sayyiduna ‘ Uthman [r] because of his cerity, Allah is well pleased with them fhand they are well pleased with Him; and He has made ready for them Gardens beneath fhwhich rivers flow, wherein they will abide for ever. That is the supreme tri- fhumph.” Hadith Our beloved Prophet wealth excellent character . His servants would seldom need to fhMuhammad e said: help him because he had many more “Of all my Sahabah, slaves did most work himself ‘Uthman most resem- He was patient only with friends even with his enemies . fhbles me in character.” After the death of Sayyiduna ‘Umar Abu Bakr [r], Sayyiduna ‘ Uthman [r] (Predicting the strife to befall Muslims the fhHoly Prophet [s] said...) “He will be the one on correct guidance.” fh“He (ie. Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r]) will be fhkilled unjustly.” was chosen as the third Khalif. fh The first Muslim navy was established fh by Sayyiduna Uthman Umar [r] fh The Kuffar and the Jews Quraysh began to spread evil rumors about fh ‘Uthman [r]. vn Some No Muslims foolishly believed my faith ...ISLAM 417

these rumors. ry fhSayyiduna ‘ Uthman [r] did not punish them because he was weak realised fhthat this was a plot to cause Muslims to fight amongst themselves. fhSayyiduna ‘ Uthman [r] was killed fhwhile he was sleeping reciting the Qur’an. fh Read the following story. T fh During the time when Sayyiduna fh‘Umar [r] was the Khalif of the Muslims, there came a year when fhno rain fell. The earth was dry and fhall the crops withered away. There was no food and famine gripped the fhland. ‘Umar [r] told the people that if fhthey held firmly to Islam and relied only on Allah, then they would sur- fhvive the famine and it would soon pass. Nevertheless, it was a difficult fhand testing time for everyone. fhTComments It was during this time that a cara- ☺ ☺ fhvan of camels from Syria came to vn418 my faith ...ISLAM

ryP C Madinah. The camels were laden with food and every other good fhVocabulary thing, and whoever bought them fhwithered from the leader of the caravan .................... famine would be able to re-sell them at any price he liked, because the people fh.................... would pay anything just to have relied .................... fhsurvive fh.................... some food in their aching tummies testing again. .................... caravan fh.................... fhladen As it happened, Sayyiduna ‘Uthman .................... [r] came to know of the caravan purchased .................... before it had arrived in Madinah. He quickly rode out to meet its leader fhmerchants and bought the whole caravan from .................... merchandise fh.................... fhoffered him for a handsome price. .................... profit .................... When the news spread that fhpuzzled ’Uthman [r] had purchased the entire caravan, all of the merchants .................... trader fh.................... fhinsensitive of Madinah came to him, hoping to .................... fh buy some of its food and merchan- TComments dise. fh☺ ☺ They offered him a high price, vn my faith ...ISLAM 419

rybecause they knew that they could PC re-sell whatever they bought at an fheven higher price. However, what- Vocabulary fhever price they offered to give him horrid .................... for his merchandise was repeatedly sums ffhhrefused..................... possibility .................... match “I want to make a large profit,” he .................... fhkept on saying. “I have received a pleasure .................... fhmuch better price than what you are offering. I’m sorry, but I cannot sell fhyou even a single piece of bread!” fhNo matter how high the price they fhoffered, ‘Uthman’s [r] reply remained the same, “I’m terribly fhsorry but your offer is much too fhlow.” Even when the Khalif ‘Umar [r] went to him, his reply remained the fhsame. fh Everyone was very puzzled. Who fhwas the mystery trader who had TComments given ‘Uthman [r] such a high offer? ☺ ☺ fhIt couldn’t be anyone from Madinah, vn420 my faith ...ISLAM

ry because all the traders in Madinah fh had been turned down by him. How fh could ‘Uthman [r], who was usually so generous to the poor and needy, be so mean to the people of fh Madinah, especially now that they fh were really in great need? Their fh children were crying from hunger and the old could barely walk due to fh weakness from not having enough fh to eat. It really was unlike ‘Uthman [r] to be so insensitive and selfish. fh While everyone was thinking these fh horrid thoughts, ‘Uthman [r] led the fh caravan to the center of Madinah and called all the people together. fh fh “I said to you that I wanted to make a large profit,” he said, “And that whatever you offered,I had received fh a better offer than that. Well, fh although some of you offered me fh huge sums of money and the possi- bility of making a very handsome vn my faith ...ISLAM 421

ryprofit, no one has been able to fhmatch the offer made by Allah, for He has said that, ‘...whoever gives fhaway something in the Name of Allah will receive at least ten times fhas much as that, or even more from fhAllah in return in this world, as well as being rewarded in the next fhworld’.” fh “No one else has made such a gen- fherous offer. So I give this whole car- avan, all its food and every other fhgood thing on it, to the people of fhMadinah, for the pleasure of Allah. Now please share it fairly between fhyourselves!” fh It was, in fact, because of his great fhgenerosity that ‘Uthman [r] became even richer. The more generous he fhwas to others, the more generous fhAllah was to him. fhAfter the death of Sayyiduna Umar vn422 my faith ...ISLAM

ry [r], Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r] became fh the Khalif of all the Muslims. He fh continued to spend generously from what Allah had given him until he was martyred. Since those who are fh killed in the way of Allah are given fh the greatest reward and they go fh straight to Jannah, his martyrdom became his greatest profit, making fh him the richest man of all. fh fh The following lessons learnt from the T fh story must be explained & discussed thoroughly - Calamities and trials befall us as a test of true faith. fh - Those who hold firmly to Islam fh and rely only on Allah will surely fh overcome any tribulation. fh - Allah provides for His believing bondsman from where they would least expect. fh - We should never take advan- fh tage of the plight of others. - Hasten to do good deeds. vn my faith ...ISLAM 423

ry- A true Muslim always aspires to fhthe profits of the hereafter. - A true Muslim is never enticed fhfrom charitable works by worldly fhgain. fh- Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r] was the most charitable and generous of fhall Muslims. fh- He loved the poor and needy. fh - True believers have complete fh faith and hope in the promises of fh Allah. - Allah rewards those who give charitably to others at least ten- fhfold. fh- Allah gives to those who give to others. - Charity never decreases one’s fh wealth. fh - The greatest reward for those fh who are charitable is the reward preserved for them in the here- fhafter. vn424 my faith ...ISLAM

ryACTIVITIES Colour-in the picture of a caravan driver and C fh his camels coming from Syria. fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh Look carefully at the groups of words below. C P fh Three of the words belong together while one does not. Circle the odd one out in red. fhTComments ‘Uthman first last Muslim fh☺ ☺ modest gentle harsh ‘Uthman vn my faith ...ISLAM 425

ry fhsimple ‘Uthman generous proud fhsalah fasting sleeping Qur’an fhthird Khalif wealth ‘Uthman fhspread victory navy defeat Muslims Jews hypocrites Kuffar fh rumors lies mischief truth fh ‘Uthman patient forgive revenge fh fh SUMMARY P fh BY THE END OF THIS LESSON THE CHILD HAS : fh (tick in box if completed) - listened to an extract fh - completed a multiple choice exercise - learnt a new Ayah and a new Hadith fh - listened to a story fh - found suitable one word meanings - identified specific teachings - coloured-in a picture - identified the odd word fhTComments How does my teacher f☺ h☺ rate my performance in this lesson ? ☺☺ vn426 my faith ...ISLAM

ry lesson 2 fh fh OUTCOME OBJECTIVES TP fh fh - learn about some virtues and accomplishments of the fh fourth Khalif of Islam, Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r] fh - discern his admirable faith and dedication to Islam fh - recognize that feeding others is one of the best ways fh of creating goodwill fh - understand that greed causes people to commit the most heinous offences - discover that the kuffar resort to intimidation and vio- lence in order to silence the message of Islam - recognize that because they have pure hearts children oftentimes better appreciate the message of truth - realize that courage is an attribute of a pure heart and not a strong body - learn that even a little boy can have more courage than a whole group of men - ascertain that with Allah’s help even the impossible can be achieved. fh LESSON OVERVIEW TP fh BY THE END OF THIS LESSON THE CHILD WILL HAVE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO : fh - listen to an extract being read out by the teacher fh introducing the Fourth Khalif of Islam, ‘Ali [r] - colour-in an Arabic word for enjoyment - complete word selection exercise for comprehnsion - learn a new Ayah and a new Hadith fh - listen to a story about the dedication of Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r] to the Prophet [s] and his tremendous courage - identify the specific teachings being conveyed fh through the story - solve and colour-in a picture puzzle for enjoyment - unscramble words and construct simple sentences vn my faith ...ISLAM 427

Read the following sentences. ryT L E S S O N 2 ‘Ali fhSayyiduna ‘Ali [r] was the son of ry fhAbu Talib, the kind uncle of Nabi vn Muhammad [s]. fhAs a child, ‘Ali [r] lived with Nabi THE FOURTH KHALIF Muhammad [s]. fhHe was the first child to accept Vocabulary fhbattle Islam. When ‘Ali [r] grew up he married renowned courage fhFatimah [r], the youngest daughter skill fhswordsman of the Prophet [s]. faithfully He fought in every battle alongside advice tremendous fhNabi Muhammad [s] and was wisdom confusion hypocrites fhas a swordsman. renowned for his courage and skill lack disunity fhNabi Muhammad [s] gave him the cowardly efforts nickname ‘Asad-Allah’, ‘The Lion of fhAllah’. fhAfter the death of Nabi Muhammad [s], ‘Ali [r] served the first three fhKhalifs of Islam faithfully. They would always ask him for his fhadvice because of his tremendous fh knowledge and wisdom. After the death of Sayyiduna vn428 my faith ...ISLAM

ry ‘Uthman [r], ‘Ali [r] was chosen as fh the fourth Khalif of Islam. fh It was a time of great mischief and confusion. Very few people understood the plot fh of the hypocrites, the Jews and the fh kuffar to cause Muslims to fight fh amongst one another. ‘Ali [r] understood their evil plan and fh tried his best to guide the Muslims. fh Again, because of a lack of under- standing, more Muslims were tricked into fighting each other. fh ‘Ali [r] was forced to punish those fh Muslims who, without realising, fh were causing disunity and trouble. Peace was again brought to the fh Muslims but this was not what the fh hypocrites and Jews wanted. Their plan seemed to be failing. They hated Islam and the Muslims fh and were jealous of all Allah had fh given to them, so they decided to fh cause more trouble by killing ‘Ali [r] as they had killed ‘Uthman [r]. vn my faith ...ISLAM 429

ryWhile ‘Ali [r] was performing salah fhearly one morning, one of them cowardly attacked him from behind fhwith a poisoned sword and killed him. fh‘Ali [r] was sixty three years old fhwhen he died. However, because of the efforts of fh‘Ali [r] the plans of the hypocrites fhwere not to succeed and the num- ber of Muslims grew and grew after fhthat day. Islam became the strongest power fhon the face of the earth for a thou- fhsand years, all because of the efforts and sacrifices of the Rightly fhGuided Khalifs of Islam, Sayyiduna fhAbu Bakr [r], Sayyiduna ‘Umar [r], Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r] and fhSayyiduna ‘Ali [r]. fh ry fh vn fh vn430 my faith ...ISLAM

ryACTIVITIES Can you read the word below ? Yes, it is the C fhQur’an name of Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r] written in Arabic. Now, colour-in the word. Allah I has declared: fh“Among the Believers are men who have been true to their Covenant with Allah. fhOf them some have completed their vow (by sacrificing their lives), and some fh(still) wait (anxiosly), but they have never changed (their deter- mination) in the least. That Allah may fhreward the men of Truth for their Truth, and punish the Hypocrites if that be fhHis Will, or turn to them (in forgiveness); for Allah is Oft- fhMerciful.” Forgiving, Most Hadith Complete the sentences using the list below C P Our beloved Prophet fhMuhammad e said: “I am the city of Rightly hypocrites ‘Ali sword Jews fourth knowledge, and ‘Ali is child salah kuffar Lion Khalifs guide fhits gatekeeper.” “O Allah, befriend he who befriends ‘Ali, and be an enemy to fh Sayyiduna .................... was thehim who shows enmi- fhty to ‘Ali.” son of the kind chief, Abu Talib. He was the first .................... to fh accept Islam. fh Nabi Muhammad [s] gave him the nickname ‘The ................... of Allah’ fhTComments Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r] served the first fh☺ ☺ three ................... of Islam faithfully. Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r] was chosen as the vn ..................... Khalif of Islam. my faith ...ISLAM 431

rySayyiduna ‘Ali [r] understood the fhevil plan of the ..................... , ..................... and ...................... fhHe tried his best to ...................... the Muslims. fhWhile Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r] was per- fhforming ...................... early one morning, one of them cowardly fhattacked him from behind with a fh poisoned ...................... Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r] is one of the four fh...................... Guided Khalifs. T fh Read the following story. fh‘Ali was a good boy. He was kind and considerate. He also knew how fhto work hard. One day, when he fhwas about eleven years old, the Blessed Prophet Muhammad [s] fhcalled ‘ali to him . “I want to give a feast to the elders of our family,” he fhsaid. “I would like you to be in fhmust also invite the guests.” ‘Ali felt fhvery honoured that Nabi charge of all the preparations. You TComments ☺☺ Muhammad [s] had asked him to be vn432 my faith ...ISLAM

ryP C in charge of the feast. He invited all the elders of the family and saw to it fhVocabulary that the food was properly pre- fhconsiderate pared. .................... fhblessed .................... All the elders of the family came to fhpreparations the feast. Among them was Abu .................... charge Lahab, who was one of Nabi fh.................... invite Muhammad’s [s] uncles. Abu Lahab fh.................... was an evil man. Throughout his guest .................... life, all he had thought about was honoured making money, more and more of it every single day. He would do any- .................... thing to make money. He used to tell lies. He used to cheat the poor. fhfeast He even bullied those who could not fight back. The only thing that .................... Abu Lahab loved was his wealth. fhelders Like the other elders, Abu Lahab also worshipped idols made of .................... stone. He refused to believe in Allah as the One and only True God. He prepared fh.................... properly .................... fhcheat .................... fhbullied .................... needy fh.................... disappointed fh.................... used to say to himself, “If I became fh☺ ☺TComments a Muslim, I would have to give fh some of my money to the poor and vn needy. This is what Allah says we my faith ...ISLAM 433

ryshould do. If I became a Muslim, I PC would have to be honest. I would fhnot be free to make money by Vocabulary fhtelling lies and cheating. This I can- hope not do.” .................... fhrose .................... interrupt .................... fhMuhammad [s] stood up to speak to message After the elders had eaten, Nabi fhthem about Allah. Nabi Muhammad .................... messenger [s] wanted to tell them that Allah .................... attain fhwas the only True God and that he .................... was His Prophet. He also wanted to success .................... fhtell them to stop worshipping stone hereafter fh.................... idols. serve .................... fhNo sooner had the Blessed Prophet reward .................... [s] started to speak, than Abu Lahab generously fhbegan to shout him down. Abu .................... regret Lahab hated Nabi Muhammad [s] .................... companion fheven though he was his nephew. .................... fhHe did not want the other guests to guide .................... hear what Nabi Muhammad [s] was delighted fhgoing to say. He shouted so loudly .................... that the Nabi Muhammad [s] had to fhstop speaking. So all the guests TComments fh☺ ☺went away without hearing what the Prophet [s] had to say about Allah. vn434 my faith ...ISLAM

ryP C When the guests had gone, ‘Ali was fhVocabulary very upset. He was disappointed fhcourage with Abu Lahab. He could not fh.................... understand how one of his own gathered .................... family could behave so badly. Nabi fhgladly Muhammad [s] saw how upset ‘Ali .................... persuade was and said to him, “Do not give fh.................... victory up hope ‘Ali. You will see. We shall fh.................... win because Allah will help us. I faithful .................... want you to prepare another feast fhservants and invite the same guests. We .................... shall see what happens this time.” fh fh ‘Ali did as the Blessed Prophet [s] asked him to do. All the elders of the fh family came to the feast. After they had eaten, Nabi Muhammad [s] fh again rose to speak to them about Allah. This time Abu Lahab did not fh interrupt. fh “My friends,” Nabi Muhammad [s] said, “I am here with a message fh☺ ☺TComments from your Lord. Allah, the One and fh only True God, has chosen me as vn His Prophet. He has sent me as His my faith ...ISLAM 435

ryMessenger to tell you how to live fhyour life to attain success in this world and in the Hereafter. Listen fhcarefully to what Allah has told me fhto tell you. This is what He says: fh I am the only True God. fh Remember Me always. fh Love Me and worship Me. Serve Me and obey Me. Bow down before Me. If you do this, you will please fhMe, And I shall make you a fhpromise because I love and care for you. fhIf you do exactly as I say, I shall reward you generously and fh save you from all harm. You will have no fear, nor will fhyou regret anything. fh This is what Allah has said to me. fhThis is what he told me to tell you. Now, my brothers, which of you will fhhelp me serve Allah? Who will be fhmy follower? Who will be my com- panion in His great work?” vn436 my faith ...ISLAM

ry fh No one said a word. Although all the fh elders heard what Nabi Muhammad [s] had said, no one came forward fh to help him. When the Blessed Prophet [s] looked at each of them fh in turn, they turned their faces away from him. ‘Ali could not believe it. fh He knew in his heart that Nabi fh Muhammad [s] had spoken the truth but he could not understand fh why the elders did not believe him. “They must be mad if they don’t fh want Allah to guide them,” he said fh to himself. fh ‘Ali looked towards Nabi Muhammad [s] who was standing fh waiting for someone to offer to help him in his mission. ‘Ali could bear fh the stony silence no longer. Quietly fh he got to his feet. Then he went right through the middle of the eld- fh ers and stood by the Blessed Prophet’s [s] side. fh vn “Prophet of Allah,” he said, “I shall my faith ...ISLAM 437

rybe your follower. I shall be your fhcompanion and helper. Although I am young and not very strong, I fhshall fight by your side. Your ene- mies will be my enemies.” fh When the elders heard what ‘Ali fhhad to say, they did not know what fhto do. How could a boy help Muhammad fight his enemies? But fh‘Ali had faith in Allah. He knew that Allah would help him and the fhProphet [s]. He knew that one day fh they would win. fhNabi Muhammad [s] was delighted at what ‘Ali had done. “Look,” he fhsaid, “Here is a boy who has more courage than all the men gathered fhhere. I gladly welcome him as my fhfollower and helper. You should all listen to him and follow him.” fh Nabi Muhammad [s] smiled at ‘Ali. fhThis was more than Abu Lahab fhcould stand. He had been sitting there, quietly laughing to himself. vn438 my faith ...ISLAM

ry But when he heard the Blessed fh Prophet praising ‘Ali, he began to fh shout again and make a terrible noise. fh “Brothers,” he said, “How can a fh man and a boy change the rest of the world? How can two persuade fh millions to follow them? It is not pos- fh sible.” fh But Abu Lahab was wrong. This is just what Nabi Muhammad [s] and fh Sayyidina ‘Ali [r], and all the others fh who followed them did do, because Allah was with them, and Allah fh always gives victory to His faithful servants. fh fh The following lessons learnt from the T fh fh story must be explained & discussed thoroughly - Sayyidina ‘Ali [r] was righteous from childhood. fh - Sayyidina ‘Ali [r] was very responsible as a child. vn my faith ...ISLAM 439

- Nabi Muhammad [s] had a great ry deal of confidence in Sayyidina fh ‘Ali [r]. fh - It is a great Sunnah to invite fhguests for meals, especially fam- ily members, and entertain them fhwell. fh- Feeding people is one of the best ways to create goodwill and fhwin the of favour people. fh - Greed for wealth causes people fh to do the most wicked deeds. fh - The kuffar refused to accept Islam because they realised that Islam taught equality and gen- fherosity and they were not pre- pared to share. fh- The kuffar can find no fault with fhthe teachings of Islam and so resort to violence and intimida- fhtion to silence its message. - Abu Lahab was one of the fhgreatest enemies of Islam. fh - Family can be the greatest vn440 my faith ...ISLAM

ry helpers or greatest adversaries. fh However, Allah always comes to fh our assistance. Therefore we should put our trust in Allah fh alone. - Oftentimes children can better fh appreciate the truth than adults- fh because they have pure hearts. fh - If you fail then try again and fh fh never give up. Only those who fh ‘try once more’ attain success. - Allah is fully able to help his Prophet [s] and religion all by fh Himself, but he calls us to assist fh in order to reward and honour us. fh fh - By remaining silent the family members acknowledged that what Nabi Muhammad [s] was saying was true. Silence is confir- fh mation. But they simply did not have the courage to embrace fh Islam. vn my faith ...ISLAM 441

- Those who refuse to accept the ry guidance of Allah are truly fh insane. fh - Strong bodies are not what fhpleases Allah and His Prophet [s]. Instead, strong hearts, even if fhthey be little hearts, are most fhpleasing to Allah. - If Allah is with you then you pos- fhsess the greatest strength and fh power. fh - A little boy can have more fh courage than a whole group of men. Courage comes not from the strength of bodies but rather from the heart. fh- Even a little boy can set a good example for elders to follow. fh- When Iman, or faith, enters the fhheart it fills it with the best of qualities, in this case courage fhand truth. fh- The kuffar cannot understand fhthat when Allah’s help comes then even the impossible can be vn442 my faith ...ISLAM

ry easily achieved. fh - Allah always gives victory to His fh faithful servants. ACTIVITIES Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r] was called ‘Asad-Allah’, ‘The C fh Lion of Allah’, because of his bravery. Compl- fh ete the picture by drawing the squares in the top block in their correct positions below. Colour-in too! fh AB fh C fh D fh EF fh fh fh fh fh fhTComments f☺ h☺ E vn my faith ...ISLAM 443

Unscramble the following words and P C ry fh thereafter use them to construct three sentences. fh................. ................ ................. dhCli i’Al iflaKh fhveBar ubA Lhbaa ................. ...................... fh fh........................................................ ........................................................ fh........................................................ ........................................................ fh........................................................ fh SUMMARY P fh BY THE END OF THIS LESSON THE CHILD HAS : (tick in box if completed) fh - listened to an extract - coloured-in an Arabic word fh - completed a word selection exercise fh - learnt a new Ayah and a new Hadith - listened to a story - found suitable one word meanings - identified specific teachings fh - solved and coloured-in a picture puzzle - unscrambled words - constructed simple sentences fhTComments How does my teacher f☺ h☺ rate my performance in this lesson ? ☺☺ vn444 my faith ...ISLAM

ry CURRICULUM profile fh fh ‘AQA’ID OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh OBJECTIVES fh OVERVIEW ☺ ☺ fh fh LESSON 1 - learn about Allah as the - listen to an extract being The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre- fh ‘All-Hearing’ read out by the teacher spond to the rating given by the teacher at the end fh Allah, - realize that Allah hears explaining the attribute of of the respective lesson fh the everything, even the whis- Allah, the ‘All-Hearing’ fh pering of our hearts - complete a true & false ☺☺ fh All-Hearing - discover that Allah always exercises for comprehension hears the prayers of His ser- - investigate & colour-in an fh vants Arabic word for enjoyment - discern that Allah always - learn a new Ayah and a comes to the assistance of new Hadith those who do good deeds - search for words in a word sincerely for His pleasure maze alone - construct simple sentences - learn that those who care using a word list for their parentrs are cared - develop a tangible appreci- for by Allah ation of the attribute the ‘All- Hearing’ - read a short story describ- ing Allah as the ‘All-Hearing’ - find suitable one word meanings for the vocabulary list - identify the specific teach- ings of the story - colour-in a picture for enjoyment - solve & colour-in a maze - relate a true story associat- ed with the topic - use a mirror to read a hid- den message - search for verses in the Holy Qur’an related to the topic LESSON 2 - learn about Allah as the - listen to an extract being ‘Merciful’’ read out by the teacher Allah, - realize that Allah’s treas- explaining the attribute of the ures of Mercy are limitless Allah, the ‘Merciful’’ and is the only thing in which - complete a word selection Merciful we can really have hope in exercises for comprehension - discover that sinning caus- - investigate & colour-in an es Allah’s anger and that Arabic word for enjoyment only sincere repentance can - learn a new Ayah and a dispel that anger new Hadith - discern that Allah forgives - identify words that correct- all sins even if they be equal ly define Allah’s ‘Mercy’ to the heavens and earth - read a short story depicting - learn that if we innitially fail Allah’s ‘’Mercy’ and in our repentance then we ‘Forgivness’’ must always try again for - find suitable one word simply by attempting to meanings for the vocabulary reform Allah forgives all our list sins - identify the specific teach- ings of the story - emphasize an important ☺ ☺ point - solve & colour-in a maze - identify various ways by which Allah manifests His Mercy - read a second story related to the topic - identify some lessons to be learnt from the story fh LESSON 3 - learn about Islam, the reli- - listen to an extract being gion, its meaning and funda- read out by the teacher Islam, mental teachings, and what about Islam and what it it means to be Muslim means to be Muslim - understand the concept of - comoplete a multiple- choice exercise Our Ummah and its implications - learn a new Ayah and a - discover that the Muslim new Hadith - identify the various conti- fh Religion Ummah is constituted of nents on a map, locate ones many different races own country, the countries of - discern that faith, piety, origin of Muslim nationals, good action and service to the most populopus Muslim Islam are all that make one country as well as the geo- graphic position of Makkah person better than the next - colour-in the continents using different colours fh - recognize that Islam is the - read a story about the only true religion taught by diversity of Muslims all Prophets from the begin- - identify the specific teach- ning of time ings being conveyed - realise that Allah chooses - answer questions related only the best of human beings to be the compan- vn my faith ions of His Prophets [a] and that the Sahabah were the ...ISLAM 445

ry fhperformance ASSESSMENT ‘AQA’ID OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW fh ☺☺ fh best of all human beings to the topic fh - read another short story for enjoyment - deduce the specific teach- ings being conveyed TOTAL The points collectively achieved between excellent, good & satisfactory vis-a- vis poor will determine a positive or negative result on the part of the learner. AKHLAQ OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW fh ☺☺ LESSON 1 - learn about the Islamic - listen to an extract being teachings regarding respect read out by the teacher The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre- Respect for Teachers about respect for Teachers spond to the rating given by the teacher at the end for - realise that great knowl- - complete a word sellection of the respective lesson edge cannot be acquired excercise Teachers without great scarifice - learn a new Ayah and a fh - appreciate that in order to new Hadith LESSON 2 acquire knowledge one has - search for words in a ‘Word fh☺ ☺ to sit in the company of the Ring’ fh Respect learned. Books, of them- - read a short story reflecting the for selves, are not sufficient virtue of respect for Teachers - discover that Allah bestows - find suitable one word Neighbours knowledge and understand- meanings for the words in ing consonant with ones the vocabulary list respect, humility, self sacri- - identify the specific teach- fice and obedience to teach- ings being conveyed ers - complete a picture puzzle - understand that Allah only for enjoyment makes those who are - complete a second picture respectful to their teachers puzzle for enjoyment the means of guidance for - decipher a coded message the people of the world. The and rewrite it proud are never used to - learn a few sayings regard- guide mankind. ing Respect for Teachers - learn about the Islamic - listen to an extract being teachings regarding respect for Neighbours read out by the teacher - discover that it is the duty of a Muslim to honour, about respect for respect and help neighbours even if they may be wicked Neighbours - understand that a Muslim preaches Islam through his - match the correct pairs own personal conduct and behaviour between two columns fh - realise that a neighbour is not just the person who lives - use a mirror to read hidden next-door to you or in your own neighbourhood. A fel- key messages low student, fellow worker or even your fellow traveller on - learn a new Ayah and a a journey are all regarded as your neighbour new Hadith - appreciate that none can be true Muslim unless he - read a short story reflecting fulfills the rights of a neigh- bour. the virtue of respect for Neighbours fh - find suitable one word meanings for the words in the vocabulary list - identify the specific teach- ings being conveyed - identify the words that describe good neighbourli- fh☺ ☺ ness - draw a picture of a neigh- bour and his house - List the distinctive qualities of good and bad neighbours - complete a verse of the fh Holy Qur’an LESSON 3 - learn about the Islamic - listen to an extract being fh teachings regarding respect read out by the teacher Respect for Hosts & Guests about respect for Hosts & for Guests - realise that visiting others Guests and Hosts and receiving guests is a - complete a series of sen- time when the best of man- tences using a word list ners are on display - learn a new Ayah and a vn446 my faith ...ISLAM - understand that the guest new Hadith has rights over the host and - list a few duties towards vice-versa hosts and guests - discern that Allah loves - read a short story reflecting and honours those who hon- the virtue of respect for our their guests and hosts Hosts

ry CURRICULUM profile fh fh AKHLAQ OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh fh OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW ☺☺ fh - discover that in the example - find suitable one word The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre- of the Prophet Muhammad meanings for the words in spond to the rating given by the teacher at the end [s] and his Companions [r] the vocabulary list of the respective lesson we have the best example of - identify the specific teach- good character and man- ings being conveyed ☺☺ ners - complete a colouring-in - appreciate that self sacri- exercise for fun fice is the surest sign of true - identify the differences virtue and piety between two pictures for fun - find out about the supplica- tion for the host and write it in Arabic with the English translation TOTAL fh The points collectively achieved between excellent, good & satisfactory vis-a- vis poor will determine a positive or negative result on the part of the learner. fh FIQH OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh OBJECTIVES fh OVERVIEW ☺☺ fh LESSON 1 - learn about Tayammum, fh dry ritual cleansing, its cor- - listen to an extract being The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre- Tayammum rect method and signifi- read out by the teacher spond to the rating given by the teacher at the end cance introducing Tayammum, the of the respective lesson - recognize that Tayammum ritual dry cleansing is performed in the absence - emphasise an important ☺☺ of sufficient water point to remember - appreciate that - use a mirror to read an Tayammum has been inverted key sentence enjoined upon us in order to - complete a true & false prepare ourselves spiritually exercise for comprehension for the performance of - learn a new Ayah and a salah. new Hadith - discern that wiping sand - identify the correct over the face and hands sequence of steps for strikes at the very root of Taymmum man’s vanity and pride and - listen to a story about the inculcates in him a spirit of practice of Tayammum humility - identify the specific teach- - understand revelation was ings being conveyed revealed during specific occa- - list the occasions when sions to guide the Muslims in Tayammum can be per- resolving practical problems formed - discover that everything - solve a puzzle to discover that happens, no matter how a word needed to complete insignificant, happens for a a key paragraph. reason - solve a puzzle for enjoy- ment - complete an Ayah of the Holy Qur’an fh LESSON 2 - learn about Zakah, the wel- - listen to an extract being fh fare due, its virtues and read out by the teacher fh Zakah benifits introducing Zakah, the wel- fh - discern that Zakah is an fare due vn act of worship given in obe- - complete sentences using dience to Allah to gain His a list of words favour and pleasure - list three virtues of giving - recognize that Allah is the Zakah owner of all things including - learn a new Ayah and a our wealth which must be new Hadith used in a manner that pleas- - listen to a story about the es Him importance of giving Zakah - understand Zakah purifies to worthy recipients only the wealth of Muslims emov- - identify the specific teach- ing whatever evil wealth ings being conveyed may bring like pride, greed - learn a poem on Zakah or selfishness as well as - emphasize important purifying the heart of the one points to remember recieving it from envy, jeal- - investigate other ous and hatred catagories of Zakah recipi- - discover that Zakah cre- ents ates love, respect and well - solve a picture puzzle for wishing between the rich enjoyment and poor and cultivates a - unscramble sentences to feeling of concern for others form meaningful messages and responsiblity toward the community - learn that Zakah is used for my faith ...ISLAM 447

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