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ry fhperformance ASSESSMENT FIQH OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh OVERVIEW fh LESSON 3 OBJECTIVES ☺☺ fh - listen to an extract being fh Sawm the poor and needy only and read out introducing Sawm, ☺☺ fh that the wealthy cannot use the compulsory annual fast fh Zakah funds for their own - complete a true & false fh personal needs exercise for comprehnsion - learn a new Ayah and a - learn about the signifi- new Hadith cance of ‘Sawm and the - write words back to front to virtue of the month of be read in a mirror Ramadan - listen to a story about the - appreciate that the pur- virtues of Ramadan pose of Sawm is to learn - identify the specific teach- piety and to cleanse our ings being conveyed hearts, minds and bodies of - search for words in a ‘Word all filth and evil. Ring’ - realize that fasting places - list some virtues of fasting man on a special spiritual - emphasize an important plane for one month so that point to remember he may be better able to - list valuable lessons that a lead the life of a true devo- fasting person learns tee of Allah and a true lover - colour-in a picture for of humanity enjoyment - discover that Ramadan is a - identified key words that blessed month in which the relate to Sawm rewards for good deeds are multiplied over and over - understand that ‘Sawmawakens in man the feeling of gratitude to Allah, develops self-control, helps us overcome bad habits and evil desires, generates concern for poor and hun- gry, creates a sense of equality between the rich and the poor and us to remain truly obedient to Allah. LESSON 4 - learn about the Hajj, the - listen to an extract about fh Hajj, pilgrimage to Makkah fh Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah, its - answer questions related fh to the topic fh basic methodology and sig- - learn a new Ayah and fh Hadith fh nificance - complete a multiple choice exercise - discover that Hajj repre- - complete a map indicating the various important ven- sents a very special form of ues and rites of the Hajj - learn a poem about the worship which, unlike Salah, Hajj - identify the odd word in a Zakah or Sawm, is both a group - complete the Ahadith on physical and monetary form Hajj of ibadah - appreciate that performing the Hajj is a way by which Muslims show their commit- ment to Allah & their readi- ness to sacrifice all their com- forts & pleasures for His sake - realize that Hajj is a reminder of our death, when we will leave the world with nothing but simple pieces of cloth to cover our bodies - discover that Hajj is also a reminder of the Resurrection when all human beings will be brought back to life and answer for their deeds on this earth - understand Hajj is also a way by which Muslims come to know the history of the blessed Prophet Muhammad [s] and the land and cities in which he lived - learn that Hajj is a reminder to all mankind of the sacrifices and devotion of Prophet Ibrahim [a] in serving Allah and the true ☺ ☺ religion, the religion of Islam - know that Hajj is a gather- ing of peace - peace with Allah, peace with one’s soul & peace with all of creation TOTAL my faith fh vn...ISLAM The points collectively achieved between excellent, good & satisfactory vis-a- vis poor will determine a positive or negative result on the part of the learner. 448

ry CURRICULUM profile fh fh AD‘IYAH OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh fh LESSONS 1-7 OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW ☺☺ fh fh - learn that du‘a’ and other - memorise a series of The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre- fh such Islamic expressions Arabic supplications, decla- spond to the rating given by the teacher at the end fh assist in remembrance of rations of fundamental of the respective lesson fh Allah tenets and statements of fh - recognise that no moment doctrine fh of a believer's life can be - understand their meanings bereft of du'a' - learn the Sunnah eti- - understand that the only quettes associated with the way to obtain the things we relevant supplications want is to ask them from the - complete a series of exer- One Who created and con- cises for comprehension trols all things - learn the Islamic months of - appreciate that the various the year ad‘iyah are instrumental in - learn some important positively moulding our Arabic phrases used in daily thoughts and actions and conversation provide an individual with a spiritual orientation in his life - learn that our prayers are a confession of our weakness as well as an expression of our gratitude to Allah - learn that each person has a duty to cultivate good and desirable qualities - understand the need to develop good habits where- by the practice of goodness becomes a matter of course LESSON 1 Wudu’ LESSON 2 Eating & Drinking LESSON 3 Daily LESSON 4 Travelling LESSON 5 Prosperity & Adversity LESSON 6 Arabic Numerals LESSON 7 Important Phrases fh TOTAL The points collectively achieved between excellent, good & satisfactory vis-a- vis poor will determine a positive or negative result on the part of the learner. fh QASAS OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh AL-AMBIYA’ OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW ☺☺ LESSON 1 - learn about the Prophet - listen to an extract being The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre- Musa [a] read out by the teacher spond to the rating given by the teacher at the end The Story - discover that all kings who about the Prophet Musa [a] of the respective lesson are proud and disbelieve in - unscramble words to be Allah become cruel and used to complete sentences - learn a new Ayah and a fh of wicked new Hadith Musa [a] - understand that we must - listen to a detailed story be concerned for the poor about Nabi Musa [a]. and oppressed even if we - find suitable one-word ourselves are living in com- meanings for the words in fort the vocabulary list - identify the specific teach- - learn that when intending ings being conveyed vn my faith marriage, always look for one who has commendable ...ISLAM 449

ry fhperformance ASSESSMENT QASAS OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh OVERVIEW fh AL-AMBIYA’ OBJECTIVES ☺☺ fh through the story fh LESSON 2 spiritual & moral qualities - complete and colour-in a The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre- fh - realize that what seems to maze puzzle spond to the rating given by the teacher at the end fh The Story be beneficial to us Allah can - identify some qualities of of the respective lesson fh of ‘Isa [a] make harmful, and what Prophets and tyrants fh seems to be harmful to us fh Allah can make beneficial ☺☺ fh - appreciate that belief does not depend on miracles - listen to an extract being - learn that Allah punishes read out by the teacher severely those who see his about Prophet ‘Isa [a] signs and still refuse to - complete a word selection believe exercise for comprehension - learn that Allah always - learn a new Ayah and a comes to the rescue of new Hadith those who believe in him - listen to a detailed story and follow His Prophets about Nabi ‘Isa [a]. - learn that In the end, only - find suitable one-word the believers are successful meanings for the words in the vocabulary list - learn about the Prophet - identify the specific teach- ‘Isa [a] ings being conveyed - discover that Allah creates - identify distinctive attrib- whatever he wills by simply utes of Nabi ‘Isa [a] uttering His command “Be!” - complete a word puzzle - discover that believing and colour it in people who turn away from - complete key sentences Allah’s Religion become regarding Nabi ‘Isa [a] even more evil than the Kuffar ☺☺ - appreciate that the poor accept the message of Prophets more readily because they are not blinded by pride & wealth - learn that enemies some- times pretend to be friends. These are the most danger- ous type - learn that the most evil crime is to change the Religion of Allah and use it to acquire wealth and pre- vilege - learn that what falsehood fears most is to be exposed. For that reason it does every- thing in its power to remain hidden - learn that the evil we wish for others will always return to us - observe that the Jews have distinguished them- selves as the greatest ene- mies of Allah’s Prophets - understand that Nabi ‘Isa [a] was not killed. Allah took him into the heavens and one day he will return TOTAL fh The points collectively achieved between excellent, good & satisfactory vis-a- vis poor will determine a positive or negative result on the part of the learner. SIRAT OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh fh AN-NABI OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW ☺☺ LESSON 1 - learn about the origins of - listen to an extract being The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre- the Arab nation. read out by the teacher spond to the rating given by the teacher at the end The Birth - understand the corrupting introducing the Birth of Nabi of the respective lesson of the influence and evil conse- Muhammad [s] quences of idolatry. - complete a true & false fh Prophet [s] - appreciate Allah’s concern excercise for comprehen- for erring mankind. sion - learn that Allah always - learn a new Ayah and a vn450 my faith ...ISLAM sends guidance to humanity. new Hadith - develop an appreciation of - listen to a story about the the necessity for Prophets. Birth of Nabi Muhammad [s] - learn about the importance and his first years of child- of a healthy environment for hood. - identify the specific teach-

ry CURRICULUM profile fh fh SIRAT OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh fh AN-NABI OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW ☺☺ developing children. ings being conveyed The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre- - recognize that monetary through the story spond to the rating given by the teacher at the end gain should never be ade- - colour-in a picture of early of the respective lesson ciding factor in our actions. Makkah for enjoyment - undertsnad that kindness - complete a cross-word ☺☺ and generosity are meritori- puzzle focussing on the ous deeds that merit reward, main personalities during even in this world. the Prophet’s [s] early life - realize that good character - draw a picture based on is the most praiseworthy the story for enjoyment attribute - complete a cross word puzzle based on the fh Prophet’s early life fh - complete a Hadith related fh to the lesson fh fh LESSON 2 - learn that the immediate - listen to an extract being family bear the primary read out by the teacher The resposibility of caring for describing the youth of Nabi Prophet’s orphans. Muhammad [s] [s] Youth - understand that cherishing - complete a writing exercise of the young takes priority for comprehension over all other ocupations. - learn a new Ayah and a - discover that the loss of new Hadith loved ones was instrumental - listen to a story about the in engendering in the youth of Nabi Muhammad Prophet [s], at a very young [s] and his journey to Syria. age, a profound sense of - find suitable meanings for appreciation and value for the difficult words life and people. - identify the specific teach- - learn that amongst peoples ings of the story of other faiths, believing - draw a picture using a grid Christians are the most affa- - answer an important ques- ble and more readily tion related to the lesson embrace the true faith. - realise that miracles are ☺☺ unique to Prophets and serve as a sign only to those who seek the truth. - discover that Prophets are averse to paganism from childhood. - recognize that the Jews have always been the arch- enemies of the Prophets of Allah. fh LESSON 3 - understand that the best - listen to an extract being fh and most successful busi- read out by the teacher fh The nessmen are those who are describing the Beginning of fh Revelation honest and trustworthy. Revelation - learn that good character is - identify the odd word in a Begins more valuable than wealth group - discover that meditation & - learn a new Ayah and a prayer lead to great insight new Hadith ☺ ☺ - learn that revelation is con- - listen to a story about the veyed thorugh the agency of Marriage of Nabi the Arch angel Jibra’il. Muhammad [s] and the - realise that angels belong Beginning of Revelation to to a dimension that tran- him. scends our own. - find suitable meanings for - understand that acquiring the difficult words knowledge is a primary duty. - identify the specific teach- - appreciate that revelation ings of the story is the greatest knowledge. - solve a picture puzzle for - recognize that Khadijah enjoyment was a wise & supportive - find out about a sport woman. encouraged in Islam - understand that only those - complete an Ayah related who have pure hearts & to the lesson great knowledge respond to the mission of Prophets. fh LESSON 4 - learn that very few innitially - listen to an extract being accept the message of read out by the teacher Cruelty Islam. about the cruelty of the - understand that, because Quraysh of greed and selfishness, - complete a word selection excercise for comprehen- of the the wealthy and powerful sion always oppose the - learn a new Ayah and a new Hadith fh Quraysh Prophets. - listen to a story about the - realise that among disbe- cruelty of the Quraysh and lievers too there are kind the Prophet’s [s] experi- people. ences in Ta’if - find suitable meanings for - learn that disbelievers the difficult words resort to violence and cruel- vn my faith ty in an attempt to silence the truth. ...ISLAM 451

ry fhperformance ASSESSMENT SIRAT OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh fh AN-NABI OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW ☺☺ fh fh LESSON 5 - understand that the disbe- - identify the specific teach- The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre- fh lievers, despite their appar- ings of the story spond to the rating given by the teacher at the end fh The Mi‘raj ent strength, are great cow- - colour-in a picture of a of the respective lesson fh ards. wicked Qurayshi chief fh - discover that early Muslims - investigate an Arabic word ☺☺ were dedicated to Islam. - solve a maze puzzle based - understand that a Muslim on the story always persevers in preach- - answer a question based ing Islam. on the story - recognize that Prophets are very patient and forgiv- - listen to an extract being ☺ ☺ ing. read out by the teacher - appreciate that Prophets about the Mi’raj, the miracu- are the greatest well-wish- lous heavenly journey ers - complete a true & false excercise for comprehen- - learn that Allah is always sion with his favoured servants - learn a new Ayah and a even if others may forsake new Hadith from them. - listen to a story about the - understand that the Mi’raj Mi’raj and the Prophet’s [s] was a sign of Allah’s great experience in the presence love for Nabi Muhammad of Allah [s]. - find suitable meanings for - realise that our universe is the difficult words just one single ‘world’ - identify the specific teach- amongst an infinite number ings of the story of ‘worlds’. - colour-in a picture of Nabi - discover that the heavens Muhammad’s [s] journey and their creatures are - answer a question related beyond our understanding. to the lesson - understand that Allah is - paste in pictures related to greater than all other the lesson beings. - learn that only those in close proximity to Allah, through obedience and servitude, enjoy true happi- ness and peace. - realise that Allah tran- scends time and space. - observe that disbelievers are superficial & narrow minded. LESSON 6 - learn that the disbelievers - listen to an extract being ☺ ☺ fh are constantly plotting to read out by the teacher fh Hijrah to destroy Islam and the about the Hijrah, the my faith fh Madinah Muslims Prophet’s migration to fh - realise that Muslims must Madinah fh LESSON 7 forever be on their guard - complete a writing exercise fh against the intrigues of the for comprehension vn...ISLAM The disbelievers - learn a new Ayah and a Victory - discover that Allah plans new Hadith of Islam too and only what he - listen to a story about the decides comes to pass attempt of the Quraysh to kill - understand that when Allah Nabi Muhammad and the [s] intends to protect a person Hijrah then none can harm him - find suitable meanings for - discover that kind treat- the difficult words ment can change the most - identify the specific teach- inveterate enemies into the ings of the story most loyal friends - colour-in a map showing - observe that there will the route which Nabi always be those who will Muhammad [s] took during welcome faith and true reli- the Hijrah gion. - answer an important ques- tion related to the lesson - realise that Islam flourishes through preaching, practice - listen to an extract being and self sacrifice read out by the teacher - learn that, because of the about Nabi Muhammad’s [s] apprehension of the succes life in Madinah, the wars of Islam, the leaders of Kufr against the Quraysh and the do everything in their power final Victory to destroy Islam and - identify the odd word in a Muslims group for comprehension - understand that when - learn a new Ayah and a Muslims fight for the sake of new Hadith Allah and His religion then - listen to a story about life in success and victory are sure Madinah, the wars with the to come Quraysh and the final - observe that a Muslim is Victory of Islam always humble and merciful - find suitable meanings for in victory the difficult words - discover that because of - identify the specific teach- ings of the story 452

ry CURRICULUM profile fh fh SIRAT OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW fh AN-NABI ☺☺ fh the courage and fortitude of - answer an important ques- fh the Prophet [s] we are tion related to the story fh Muslims today - solve a picture-puzzle fh - discuss and important fh point fh fh TOTAL fh The points collectively achieved between excellent, good & satisfactory vis-a- fh vis poor will determine a positive or negative result on the part of the learner. fh TARIKH OUTCOME LESSON LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh AL-ISLAM OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW ☺☺ LESSON 1 - learn about some virtues - listen to an extract being The ‘LEARNERS PERFORMANCE’ should corre- and accomplishments of the read out by the teacher spond to the rating given by the teacher at the end Sayyiduna third Khalif of Islam, introducing the Third Khalif of the respective lesson ‘Uthman [r] Sayyiduna ‘Uthman [r]. of Islam, ‘Uthman [r] - discover his tremendous - complete a multiple choice ☺☺ compassion, forbearence exercise for comprehension and self sacrifice. - learn a new Ayah and a - understand that calamities new Hadith and trials come as tests of - listen to a story about the true faith. generosity of Sayyiduna - learn that we should never ‘Uthman [r] and his eager- take advantage of the plight ness to earn the good pleas- of others. ure of Allah - recognize that the greatest - identify the specific teach- ambition of the true believer ings being conveyed is not worldly profit but through the story attaining the good pleasure - colour-in a picture for of Allah. enjoyment - discover that Sayyiduna - identify the odd word in a ‘Uthman [r] was the most group charitable and generous of all Muslims. - realize that charity never decreases one’s wealth. LESSON 2 - learn about some virtues - listen to an extract being and accomplishments of the read out by the teacher Sayyiduna fourth Khalif of Islam, introducing the Fourth Khalif ‘Ali [r] Sayyiduna ‘Ali [r] of Islam, ‘Ali [r] - discern his admirable faith - colour-in an Arabic word and dedication to Islam for enjoyment - recognize that feeding oth- - complete word selection ers is one of the best ways exercise for comprehnsion of creating goodwill - learn a new Ayah and a - understand that greed new Hadith causes people to commit - listen to a story about the the most heinous offences dedication of Sayyiduna ‘Ali - discover that the kuffar [r] to the Prophet [s] and his resort to intimidation and tremendous courage violence in order to silence - identify the specific teach- the message of Islam ings being conveyed - recognize that because through the story they have pure hearts chil- - solve and colour-in a pic- dren oftentimes better ture puzzle for enjoyment appreciate the message of - unscramble words and truth construct simple sentences - realize that courage is an attribute of a pure heart and ☺ ☺ not a strong body - learn that even a little boy can have more courage than a whole group of men - ascertain that with Allah’s help even the impossible can be achieved. TOTAL The points collectively achieved between excellent, good & satisfactory vis-a- vis poor will determine a positive or negative result on the part of the learner. vn my faith ...ISLAM 453

ry fhperformance ASSESSMENT GENERAL ASSESSMENT LEARNERS PERFORMANCE fh ‘AQA’ID fh AKHLAQ ☺☺ fh FIQH AD‘IYAH wa ADAB fh QASAS AL-AMBIYA’ fh fh SIRAT AN-NABI fh TARIKH AL-ISLAM GRAND TOTAL The points collectively achieved between excellent, good & satisfactory vis-a- vis poor will determine a positive or negative result on the part of the learner. fh fh fh ry fh vn fh fh fh vn454 my faith ...ISLAM

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