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Home Explore History of Petrol stations in state of Kuwait

History of Petrol stations in state of Kuwait

Published by kibeh28677, 2021-11-21 08:06:30

Description: History of Petrol stations in state of Kuwait


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100 XDI « ¨X uJ « WM b w ‰öN « ‰Ëd WD qO ‰u? œ `C Ë ¨1957 Ø4 Ø30 w …—uB « «—UO « W F œu? u? « U C s? —uD w W?M?O?F?L? « Êu? U?G? « W?O?L? «œ«b??? q?L?A? Ë Æ «—UO « Photographs for Hilal station in Kuwait City taken on April 30, 1957 underscoring the tangible development achieved in petrol stations especially in the pumps of fuelling cars as they include meters for calculating the number of sold gallons.


102 X?? u??J?? « j??H?? W?? d?? X??N?? ?? ?? « öE œu? Ë …—Ëd?C? …œËb L « WD L « ÍœU d Ë ¡öLF « W UL ÆfLA « …—«d s Kuwait Oil Company Ltd., feeling it necessary, has installed sunshades to protect its customers and the station- goers from sunrays.


104 U «b cM WOM u « W ULF « ‰u œ w dNE UL œu u « UD ¡UA ≈ Æ1957 ÂU XDI « w « …—uB « This picture taken in 1957 showcases the national personnel firstly recruited since the establishment of petrol stations.


106 b b qO ‰U œ≈ r 1960Ø8Ø17 w «¡«d? ≈ sL{ œu u « U C s k? ö? Ë ¨ U?D? ?L? « w? d? u?D? ? « ÆWD L « w W ULFK Íe « bO u A new generation of fuel pumps has been hurdled on August 17, 1960 as part of development procedures in petrol stations; we also notice the uniform of laborers of the station.


108 “UG « qIM dJM …—uB « w dNE …œËb L « X uJ « jH W dA l U w? ? « U?? b?? ?? « s?L?{ s?? u?? Ë w dJ X Ë w W uKD X √ X uJ «Ë Íb?L? _« WM b s? q? Æ UOMO « W «b A tanker of transporting gas, which is one of the petroleum derivatives, affiliated to Kuwait Oil Company Ltd., appears in the picture. It is one of the services required in Ahmadi and Kuwait City in earlier 1960s.


110 UI AL « w? ŸuM „UM ` √ …—u?B? « w? dNE UL WO Ëd « “U L ® s eM « Ÿ«u?? √ s? ÊU? u? bI …dO J « «—U?O? ?K? Ë ©ÍœU?? ? U KD L W?F? U? ? „U?M? X? U? Æt U UO «Ë wK L « ‚u « There is a concrete variety in petroleum derivatives provided in stations such as “Premium and Normal petrol” pursuant to the local market’s needs wich are always prioritized and considered.


112 V? U? ? Íb??L?? _« œu?? Ë W?D? ? W b UNO Ëb Ë s? _« W d b U b « v? ≈ W U{ùU ·«d?B? « ÆÈd _« Ahmadi petrol station was previously allotted beside Kuwait Security Directorate. The cashier is one of the station’s available services.


114 1958 Ø6 Ø24 w XDI « …—œU? …—u? qIM d?J?M? —U? ?O? « s? U?N?O? `?C? ? Ë …—u j u « w Ë ¨WO Ëd « UI AL « vB √Ë ¨s eM « s pM úL q UF W —UH w t —UO úL s «u sOLO « ÆUI U qIM « qzU u A scarce picture was taken on June 24, 1958. From left to right: We see a tanker of transporting petroleum derivatives, a laborer fuelling petrol in and a customer fuelling his car on the right. The picture showcases differences in transport means in the past.


116 œu Ë UD L WHK UDI X b «Ô ¨X? u?J? « W?? Ëœ w? rOLB Ë WO bM ‰UJ √ UNO ÆW ö « «¡«d ≈ UNO v «d Various snapshots taken for kuwait’s petrol stations in which their designs are committed to safety procedures.


118 œ«b?? √ b? «e? …—u?B? « s? `C UL X? u?J? « W?? Ëœ w? «—U?O? ? « …b b œu Ë UD ¡UM v ≈ Èœ√ p? –Ë o? U?M? …b?? v?K? W? “u? UI AL « v?K? V?K?D? « WO K ÆUN «u Q WO Ëd « The increasing number of vehicles in Kuwait provoked the need to build new petrol stations to be distributed on several zones in the country to meet the need from petroleum derivatives.


120 œu? u? « UD s? WL b WD U?? ö?? ≈ «b?? ?? ?? « U?N?O? k?? ö?? jH W d U M b _ WOI u qzU d X? “ u? Ë ¨…œËb L « X uJ « ¨ÊU d X e bF ULO tL « dOG Íc « —«u? ? W? U?I? q? ? œu?? Ë k? ö? Ë WOI u U? b? r bI WD L « ÆUI U —uD « s WK d w One of old petrol stations in which promos of one of Kuwait Oil Company Ltd. products is being marketed; it is “BURGOIL” whose name became later Burgan Oil. The grocery located near the station to provide services to customers underlining one of development phases carried out previously.


122 «—U?O? ? « Ÿu?M? …—u??B?? « `?{u? vMF UL X uJ « w UN U √Ë WO u d? u?D? v?? ≈ W? U? œu?? Ë UD w? W bIL « U? b? ? « ¡U?M? r?O? U?B? U??N??M?? Ë œu??? u??? « Æ 1955 ÂU s W «b UD L « The various sizes and kinds of vehicles reflect the need to develop services provided in petrol stations; among steps of development phase was the design of stations that were allotted in earlier 1955.


124 W C l? U? ? s?O?M? «u?L? « b?? √ ¨œu u U œËe « ¡UM √ œu u « W F jH W d ·«d ≈ …d ¡UM √ p –Ë lOL v?K? …œËb?? ??L?? « X?? u??J?? « Æœu u « UD One of the citizens is following up the process of fuelling his vehicle; this was during the era when Kuwait Oil Company Ltd. was supervising all petrol stations all over the country.


OƒbƒdG äÉ£fi ¥Ó£f’E G Petrol stations Launch

128 UL W?—u?B?M?L?« œu??Ë W?D?? ÊdI« s ÈUOMO« W«b Ëb ÈU?U??L?« d??N??E??Ë w??{U??L??« Æ¡öLF« W«d WF «u« Mansouriya petrol station during the sixties of the last century and vast areas allotted to provide comfort for customers are manifested in the file photo.


130 w UN F r? ? …d?? √ …—U?O? ‚U??D?? s??L??{ œu???? Ë W??D?? ?? dNE Ë ¨X uJ « WM b w «u{ œu u « UD ‰UI « …—uB « W??O??M?? u?? « ‰Ëd?? ?? ?? « W?? d??A?? w …—u?B? « XDI « ¨WO uJ « Æ1969 Ø6Ø8 A picture taken on June 8, 1969 clarifies a cab is being fuelled in one of Kuwait City’s areas; it is obvious from the picture that petrol stations have been affiliated to KNPC.


132 œu u « U C s b b qO Íe « ‰u œ k ö Ë UD L « w vK ·dA w « W ULFK b b « ÆWD L « A new generation of fuel pumps initiated in Kuwait’s stations; we notice the new uniform of laborers who supervise the station.








140 WOM u « ‰Ëd? ? ? « W? d? U? b? WO uJ « Kuwait National Petroleum Company’s services


142 Âö? ? ≈ b?F? W? ? b? œu?? Ë W?D? ? WO uJ « W?O?M? u? « ‰Ëd? ? ? « W? d? ‰u? œ k? ö? Ë ¨ U?D? ?L? « …—«œù œu? u? « U? ?C? s? b? b? q?O? ÆWO Ëd J ≈ UN Q eOL A new eminent generation of electronic fuel pumps has entered the service after KNPC has undertaken the responsibility of managing petrol stations.


144 w ¡b «Ë UNM ¡UN ô« bO WD w «uM « …U? «d? k? ö? Ë UNKOGA sOF c _« l WO bMN «Ë WO UL « ÆW ö «Ë s _« «¡«d ≈ —U ô« A station under construction reflects highly engineering and aesthetical aspects as well as safety and security measurements that are taken in consideration.


146 UD w WO «c « W b « ‰u œ ‰Ëd « W d ·«d? ≈ X œu u « ÂUL ô« k ö Ë WO uJ « WOM u « ÆW ö « «¡«d S “Help yourself” service has been launched in petrol stations under the supervision of KNPC which is closely committed to safety procedures.


148 w ue«qb W b œu? u? « UD lOL ÆX uJ « w “Oil change” service is available in all Kuwait’s petrol stations.

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