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Home Explore History of Petrol stations in state of Kuwait

History of Petrol stations in state of Kuwait

Published by kibeh28677, 2021-11-21 08:06:30

Description: History of Petrol stations in state of Kuwait


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200 WD L « w W F « —e œbF «—UO « »UFO ù …b? «u? « Æ…b «e L « Numerous lanes allocated in each petrol station to contain the increasing number of vehicles.


202 ‰u b « W d w W uN s ÃËd?? ?? «Ë W? ? ?F? ? «Ë Æœu u « UD Vehicles enter and exit flowingly from petrol stations.


204 W? Ëœ w? œu?? u?? « U?D? ? ¡U?M? W U dO u vK bL F X uJ « W «d œu u U œËe « ¡UM √ WO U Æ ¡öLF « Building petrol stations in Kuwait is basically depends on available free areas that are to ease the process of fuelling inside the station.


206 w « W —uBML « WD L WDI œu? u? « U?D? ? Âb?? √ s? b?F? k?? ö?? Ë ¨X?? u??J?? « W??? Ëœ w?? dO UF o?? ËË U?N? ? U?O? …œU??? ≈ WD Ê√ ULK ¨W b WO bM w? U? b?O?A? r?? W? —u?B?M?L? « Æw{UL « ÊdI « s UOMO « A snapshot for Mansouriya petrol station which is one of the oldest stations built in Kuwait; it is re-maintained according to modern engineering criteria. It was established in 1960s.


208 UL X uJ « w œu u « UD …¡U{ù« r `C Ë öÎ O Ëb Æ UD L « UN eOL w « A night shot for petrol stations in Kuwait spotlighting the eminent lighting facilities that distinguish these stations.


210 œu u « UD W «—œË rOOI œUF W? “u?N? s?? d?L? ? ?L? « b?? Q?? ?? «Ë l?O?L? w?? W?? ö?? ?? « «¡«d????? ≈ Y? b? »u??K?? √ u?? Ë ¨ U?D? ?L? « ÆWOL UF « «—uD « V «u Petrol stations are being assessed continuously to ensure that all safety procedures are available in all stations to cope with the international developments in this domain.


212 ‚Ëb??M??B?? « œu????? Ë k??? ö??? U u L ’U? ? « d?C? _« W?O? Ëd? ? ? « U?I? ?A?L? « ¡U?H? ≈ X Ë Ÿd √ w UNOK …dDO «Ë W ö vK WE U LK sJL Æ UJK LL «Ë ’U _« The green box which contains all requirements of quenching and controlling petroleum derivatives’ fires as fast as possible is fixed in the station to keep the safety of people and properties.


214 ‰ULF « s W uL hOB r U UO ù« ÍË–Ë ¡U M « …b U L Æœu u « W F w WU « A number of laborers has been recruited to help women and people with special needs in fuelling their vehicles.


216 œu? u? « U?D? ? Èb?? ù W?D?I? W UNM U «–≈ fLA « »Ëd WE ÆWOzU L « W uM « W «b Ë qL Âu A snapshot for a petrol station during the sunset when morning shifts are terminated and their evening counterparts start.


218 ôÎ UL wHC …—U?? ù« o UM Æœu u « UD vK Harmony of lights adds value to the beauty of petrol stations.


OƒbƒdG äÉ£fi Ò¨àdG Petrol stations Change

222 ·«d? ≈ X WD 40 ‰u? œ vK XKL w « v?? Ë_« W d dO UFL «Ë rOI « lOL dOOG Æœu u « UD W b Forty petrol stations have entered the service under the supervision of Oula which has opted to change values and criteria of stations’ services.


224 W d s? ÂbIL « œu? u? « Ÿ«u?? √ Ê«u? Q? Ÿ«u?? √ 3 q?L?A? Ë v?? Ë_« W uN nK rO d Ë WHK ÆrNMO eOOL « The three different types of petrol Oula provides; it has numbered them with dissimilar digits, and colored them differently.


226 q?O? Âb? ? ? ? v???? Ë_« U?? ??C?? s??? b??? b??? Æœu u « Oula initiates a new generation of fuel pumps.


228 U b « r bI —uD ÂuNH WOMI «Ë qLF « »uK √ w dNE ÆW b « w WF L « Development concept of providing services is manifested in the way of work and technology used in providing services.


230 q UJ W? b? Ë W UO e? d? l?O?L? ? e??N?? ?? «—U??O?? ??K?? …Ëö? W? —Ëd?C? « U eK L « W??F?? «u?? « U?? U?? ??L?? « v??K?? Æ «—UO « w …œU e « »UFO ô An integrated service center is equipped with all necessary requirements for vehicles; as well as vast premises allotted to contain the increasing number of cars.


232 UL œuIM « qOB VO U √ ŸuM ‰U?L?F? « b?? √ ¨…—u??B?? « w?? d?N?E? ¨qOLF « s …d U œuIM « rK ◊UIM « “UN Âb d ¬ q U Ë ÆmK L « qOB In this file picture, there are several ways of collecting money from customers. There is also a laborer receiving fees directly from one customer; whereas the other worker is using a system to collect fees.


234 o Ë œu u « UD L Y b ¡UM w? «d? …e?O?L? W?O? b?M? d?O? U?F? dOOG Ë W? ö? ? «Ë s?? _« ◊Ëd?? Æ U b « ÂuNH A new construction for petrol stations that is carried out in line with the eminent engineering criteria which stipulate providing the conditions of security and safety.


236 h? ? Ë u?? e?? « d?O?O?G? U? b? v?? Ë_« U?D? ? w?? «—U??O?? ?? « WK UF « Íb?? _« Ëb? ? Ë ¨œu? u?K? Ÿ«u √ lOL l q UF K W —bL « Æ «—UO « The services of changing oil and examining vehicles are available in Oula stations. The picture showcases highly-qualified laborers who can deal with all kinds of vehicles.


238 s? Àb???? _« q??O?? ?? « 3 r??C?? Ë ¨ U? ?C?L? « Æœu u « s Ÿ«u √ The most modern generation of fuel pumps including three kinds of fuel.


240 W?O? ?K? ? W? u?M? ? W? ? b? U?? b?? W b d?N?E? Ë ¡ö?L?F? « U? U?O? ? ≈ o L « l b « U b Ë WOJM « ATM Æœu u U œËe K Several modern services are available in the station to meet its customers’ needs. (Inset): The ATM service is available to ease the process of payment after fuelling vehicles.


242 UD s? —u?D?L? « q?O? ? « dOOG k ö Ë œu uK v? Ë_« o Ë p –Ë Ê«u _«Ë W dA « —UF Æ…b b « W dA « WO O «d ≈ The new generation of Oula petrol stations; we observe the new logo of the company and colors launched in accordance with its new strategy.


244 Ÿu?M? ? « …—u??B?? « w? d?N?E? q U? b? ? « r? b?I? w? W UOË WOJM « U? b? ? « Æ «—UO « Multiple services manifested in the file photo such as banking services and car maintenance.


246 Y?? b?? w???? ¬ q??O?? ?? “U??N?? sL{ t?M?O? b? r? «—U?O? ?K? k ö Ë œu uK v Ë_« U b e? d? Íc??? « d??C?? _« Êu??K?? « ÆW O K A modern “Carwash” system has been initiated among Oula services in its stations; in addition, the green color which symbolizes environment appears in the picture.


248 …b U L WK U Íb √ ‰u œ k ö U? U?O? ? ô« ÍË– s?? ¡ö??L??F?? « ‰U? ?I? ? « v?K? …Ëö??? ¨W??U?? ?? « ÆÈËUJA «Ë UE? öL « Laborers are assisting customers to fuel their cars; they are basically recruited to help people with special needs; besides registering the customers’ notices and complaints.

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