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Home Explore History of Petrol stations in state of Kuwait

History of Petrol stations in state of Kuwait

Published by kibeh28677, 2021-11-21 08:06:30

Description: History of Petrol stations in state of Kuwait


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250 s?L?{ «—U???O??? q??O?? ?? W??D?? ?? œu uK v Ë_« UD w U b « W b WF d « r UDL « ‰u? œË ÆdOOG « ÂuNH w …b b Carwash is one of services provided by Oula in its stations, we notice also the “DRIVE THRU” service of a restaurant has been set off as well among the concept of change.


252 ¨ «—UO « qO q «d s WK d s …—U?O? ? « nOEM “U?N? Ëb? ? Ë Æq «b « One of “Carwash” phases is available in this photo. (Inset): The system of cleaning inside cars is displayed.


254 ¡UA ù« bO q UJ ‚u e d l?zU?C? ? « w?? Ÿu?M? ? « q?L?A? Ë Æ W{ËdFL « An integrated marketing center is still under construction; it includes diverse commodities for sale.


256 U? «d? ? ≈ o? Ë wzU dN b? u? dO u ‰U? w? w? U?O? ? ≈ ¡«d?? U?? W? ö? ? « ÆWD L « s ¡U dNJ « ŸUDI ≈ An electrical generator is installed in the station as a reserve pursuant to safety precautionary procedures which are allotted in case electricity is cut off.




OƒbƒdG äÉ£fi Qƒ£àdG Petrol stations Development

262 W d UD sL{ s WD Ëb? ? Ë œu?? u?? « o? u? ? ? —u?? ?? « b U w « WF «u « U U L « Æ¡öLF « W «— vK One of Soor ‘s stations that is distinguished with massive areas help provide comfort for customers.


264 d uD v?K? qLF —u? ? « W?? —U??I?? U???D??? ???L??? « ÆWOL UF « UD L U Soor Fuel Marketing Company develops its stations to cope with its international counterparts.


266 œu u « o u —u « W d …d u L « UN U b s sKF Æ W U 24 Èb vK Soor Fuel Marketing Company is announcing about its services which are available round the hour.


268 —u « W d UD s WD U —«u Ëb? ? Ë œu? u? « o u Æ¡öLFK …eOL U b Special Service Center is located next to one of Soor Fuel Marketing Company’s petrol stations .


270 U b WF «Ë W U hOB «—U? ù« b? Ëe? Ë u? e? « q b o u —u « W d w ¡«uN U Æœu u « A massive area has been allotted in Soor’s headquarters for the services of “Oil Change” and filling tires with air.


272 q? b? ? Ë W?? U??O?? e?? d?? œu? Ë k? ö? Ë ¨ u?? e?? « —U?E? ? ù W??U?? W?? d?? Æ¡öLF « A center is allotted for maintenance and oil change services. (Inset): A waiting room is available for customers.


274 U b « Ÿ«u √ lOL rC W b e d «—U? ù« Õö?≈Ë WOJO UJO ‰UL √ s ¡U?L? «Ë ¡«u?N? « W? b? Ë u? e? « q b Ë ÆW “UG « ÁUOL « lO …eN √ s öC A service center in one of Soor stations includes multiple services such as mechanical activities, repairing tires, changing oil and air & water services as well as systems for selling beverages.


276 tMO b r œu u « U C s ÂbI qO Æœu u « o u —u « W d w «d R A highly-functioned generation of fuel pumps that Soor has recently launched in its stations.


278 —uD Ë WD L « œËb sL{ W d X b √ U? b? ? « W d Ë WHOJ ·d? —u « Æ «bO U WU Soor has kicked off air- conditioned rest rooms for ladies in its stations as part of its keenness on developing services.


280 q L W b WO Ëd J ≈ …eN √ œu u « U C s b b qO Æ «—UO « W F WOKL W uN Modern electronic systems epitomize a new generation of fuel pumps that help ease the process of fuelling vehicles.


282 «—U??O?? ?? « q?O? ? U?? b?? o u —u? ? « U?D? ? w? Æœu u « Carwash service is available in Soor’s stations.


284 W? b? ? « s?L?{ W?O?J?M? U? b? —u « W d UD w …b b « Æœu u « o u Electronic banking services are among new services launched by Soor in its petrol stations.


286 w W ö «Ë s? _« dO UFL «e? ? ù« sL{ ‚Ëb?M?B? « b? «u? ? —u?? ?? « W? d? U?D? ? U? U?J? ? ù« W UJL hB L « d?C? _« ôU s W U Í√ ÀËb ‰U w WO Ëd « Æœu u « »d The green box of controlling oil spill material is fixed in all petrol stations of Soor as part of its commitment to the criteria of safety and security in case any emergency takes place.


288 l «u w W? œU? —ù« U uK « œu? Ë s ¡«d Q W UM ÂU Q Ë W {«Ë UD ÍœU dL W ö « «¡«d? ≈ Æœu u « o u —u « W d Guidance boards are designated in obvious locations with various sizes as one of safety procedures that Soor provides for its stations-goers.


290 œu u « o u —u « UD Èb? ≈ tO u W? œU? —ù« U? u?K? « k? ö? Ë ÆWD L « ¡öL One of Soor’s petrol stations in which guidance boards are fixed for customers’ safety.


292 W b « d uD Ë r bI b b »uK √ œu u « o u —u « W d UD w «—U H « ‰U I ô j hOB Ë Æ¡öLF « ÈËUJ Ë A new style for presenting highly-developed services in Soor Fuel Marketing Company’s petrol stations, it has initiated a hotline to receive customers’ inquiries and complaints.


294 U?I? ?A?L? « q?I?M? Y? b? ‰u??D?? √ —u « W d U b sL{ WO Ëd « Æœu u « o u A modern fleet of tankers to transport petroleum derivatives provided by Soor Fuel Marketing Company as one of its services available in its stations.


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