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Home Explore Scott Overall Academic Portfolio

Scott Overall Academic Portfolio

Published by scott.overall, 2015-07-04 18:04:44

Description: Columbia University GSAPP 2012-2015


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Drive-in Hotel Growing up in Kentucky my formative skin out of alignment with the grid of theyears were spent on winding roads in first skin suggest an entirely different worldthe country. Driving was the only form of beyond.transportation. These roads were a secondhome, providing a temporary escape fromresponsibility. Drives were a time of reflection;meditation. As a teenager pulling into myparents’ driveway, I would linger. The car inidle, often in silence, before entering the homeand meeting the demands of my parents. Cars are one of the few possessionsthat most individuals own which providesweather-tight, conditioned enclosure. It isthe closest a common possession can be tobecoming a home. The only missing functionis plumbing. The “Drive-In Hotel” is a hotel forurban campers. The hotel is part parkinggarage, with enclosed, ventilated spacesfor one to park their car. Adjacent to theparking spaces are two small rooms to fulfillthe missing functions of the car, containing ashower, toilet, and kitchen. The rooms takeadvantage of the functionality of the car whenpossible, bouncing light from the headlightsinto the kitchen, and leave the car to functionas a space for sleep and relaxation. The spaces are located along ameandering path which carves througha forest of columns, creating a compacturban equivalent of the country road orcampground. The “Drive-In Hotel” is meantfor the resourceful, frugal, and transient urbanexplorer. The building itself takes advantage ofthe subtle slope of the parking ramp, which isalmost visually flat though perceptibly sloped.The building masks itself as a regular hotelwith flat slabs and gridded columns, but whenone examines closer, the cars visible throughthe curtained windows and the second facade 97



Unit Plan100

Unit Section 101







UPDN 108




Condition: Contrast (or amplification through signaling)112















Serious Business We update our wardrobes to maintainan image. The images can be simple orcomplex. The images can change dependingon our mood. Most commonly we areconcerned with being taken seriously asdesigners, professionals, and individuals.Images are serious business. Yet we enjoyshopping. We are not burdened by it. Insteadthere is excitement in the prospect of creatingand playing with our own image. Enjoyment can be found by flippingour own expectations about what is correctin subtle ways and finding ways to surpriseourselves. Much like design. The subverteddesign expectation is the loud sock fordesigners. “Serious Business” pokes at theserious, carefully curated facade of thefashion industry by inserting playful follieswithin an otherwise serious department store.These follies inject playful moments andamplify enjoyable moments of the shoppingexperience. The project also pokes at my ownpreoccupations, searching for a sense ofsurprise, wonder and otherness through astrategy that looks for another tool that canprovide relief from the serious and dramatic. As an extension of this, I wish tosurprise myself. After forming the initialconcept, the entire building was scripted torandomly generate new, unexpected versionsof the same building, creating new unusualspaces that I can experience just as the usermight. 127

TV LoungeChanging Rooms128

Rest ChamberMannequin Display 129







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