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Home Explore Race 2020

Race 2020

Published by Speedway Motors Catalogs, 2020-03-26 22:00:33

Description: This huge catalog features 440 pages of race items, including thousands of parts for modified, sprint, midget, and micro/mini racers.


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2 0 2 0 RACE CATALOG 800.979.0122

A | ALUMINUM E | FIBERGLASS TWO-PIECE ROOF TURN PLATES --IMCA-approved two-piece roof for Hobby Stock or Stock Car --Low profile --New two-piece design has the same OEM dimensions design at .5\" thick as the original 1981-88 Monte Carlo roof --Includes a locking pin to ensure the turn plates stay at 0° --Overlapping flange permits bolting/riveting the roof and --Engraved in one degree increments to twenty quarter-panel alignment is simple degrees in both directions --Ships UPS --360° rotation on internal bearings --Large pads measure 141⁄8\" in diameter 300-3600 0°-20° ALIGNMENT TURN PLATES $22499 PR 910-54177 FIBERGLASS 2-PIECE ROOF - 81-88 MONTE CARLO $29999 EA B | SPRING CAMARO STEEL PUNCH MUSTANG --Punches 1⁄4\" diameter hole through 1\" x 1⁄16\" spring steel, 1⁄2\" from the end --Easily and accurately place your holes with built-in stop positions --Place on a hard surface and strike lightly with a 3 or 4 lb. hammer 916-06211 SPRING STEEL PUNCH $13999 EA C | TASS SHOCKS --Offering a bold line of steel, stock mount, rebuildable, and revalvable shocks targeted at any class with a stock mounting rule F | 2019 TWO-PIECE NOSE --Choose virtually any valving combination to fine-tune your chassis to lower lap times --Graphic headlights sold separately --From entry-level street stocks to sport mods, --The width of the nose is 81\" the Pro® TASS Shock Series is the preferred --The 2019 Camaro noses are IMCA & UMP approved shock for champions everywhere --Available in White, Black, Red and Chevron Blue 910-4500 2019 CAMARO NOSE $13899 EA --See charts on page 57 for more information 910-4630 2019 MUSTANG NOSE 13899 EA 582-TASS-SPECIFY $13999 EA 910-45110 2019 CAMARO/MUSTANG TAIL SECTION, TWO-PIECE 12899 EA 582-TASS-CUSTOM 15999 EA 910-4501 2019 CAMARO HEADLIGHT GRAPHICS 3199 EA 910-4502 2019 CAMARO TAILLIGHT GRAPHICS 2999 EA 9911S00e--C44e66o00t31lhleecWti22o00o11n99rlMMdoUUSS’fsTTAAENNLxGGaTHoArEItAgLDLiIecLGIGHsHTtTGGRARPAHPHICISCS 3199 EA 2999 EA Racing Engines and Vintage Speed Equipment D | CHEVY 6-VALVE MECHANICAL FUEL PUMP - 130 GPH Plan your visit today! --NEW 6 valve S/B Chevy fuel pump --Re-engineered for improved reliability and performance G | QUICK DISCONNECT THROTTLE ROD KIT --New billet components --Heavy-duty aluminum, 231⁄2\" --Lighter weight (1 lb. lighter) --Remove linkages in 5 seconds --Gasoline, E85, & Methanol compatibility --Very low breakaway friction points reduce tire slippage “If you lo-v-1e/2li\"fei,nyleotuawnidllolouvtleethfoerMmuasxeiummumof fAumelefrloicwan Speed. There are • 110590010,00’s0- o10f 0s v4qi0unatareg efe eentgTHinROeTsTLE LINKAGE KIT - 231⁄2\" L4i0n2c-o3l2n3, -N3e1b6r6a$s15k38a9999 wthhoou9911slia00vne--99dd33,sl55oo10fvpedh,yasincSSda//BBlhCCeaHHxdEEaVVmtYYhpe--lpe17.5sa5fsPPrsSoSiIoImnpfoerrssopnesed” • 10901’s0 o-1f r0a4c2e cars andTH hRiOsTtToLrEicB aAuLLtSomobiles KIT $17999 EA • M9an1y0 -o7n2e0 o3f a kind eQxUaICmKpClOeUsPLER ENDS EA 17999 EA • GPS Location: 599 Oak Cree5k 4Dr9i9veEA racing, race car building and associated activities can be dangerous. no warranty or representation is made as to the ability of the merchandise appearing in this catalog to protect the user from any injury or death. the user assumes that risk! some parts in this catalog are not legal for sale or use in california on any pollution controlled motor vehicles. check local law. any unauthorized use of this catalog including words photos or drawings is prohibited. speedway is not responsible for any typographical errors, printing errors or misinterpretations. this catalog is produced by speedway motors, inc. advertising/graphics department. © speedway motors, in 2020


SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Helmets M6 M6 WHITE E | RZ-58 BLACK FLAT BLACK WHITE FLAT BLACK A | SPEEDWAY --Plush fire retardant interior --Soft knit fire proof lining --Multiple air hole system --Front, top and rear vents --Lightweight fiberglass shell --Lightweight fiberglass shell --Available in White, Flat Black --Available in White and Black or Flat Black --Sizes XS-XXXL --Sizes S-XXL --Snell SA2015 --Snell SA2015 910-7480 RZ-58 HELMET $17996 EA 910-740 SPEEDWAY SA2015 $19999 EA 910-200 SHIELD 2696 UP 910-75180 SHIELD 2999 UP 910-74897 TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-74853 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74879 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74860 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-201 PIVOT KIT 1976 EA 910-75181 PIVOT KIT 1499 EA M6 M6 B | FSA-3 WHITE F | RZ-45D CARBON --Plush fire retardant interior --Carbon mix shell for --Lightweight fiberglass shell super lightweight shell --Available in White --Aerodynamics optimized --Sizes S-XL for improved stability --Snell SA2015 --Sizes S-XXL --Snell SA2015 910-751001 FSA-3 HELMET $16196 EA 910-758 RZ-45D CARBON HELMET $44999 EA 910-150 910-74897 SHIELD 2246 UP 910-200 SHIELD 2696 UP 910-74879 TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-74897 TEAROFFS 2299 SET RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74879 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 452-8459 910-201 PIVOT KIT 1976 EA 452-8700 910-74853 BLACK BLACK 910-74860 WHITE WHITE FLAT BLACK M6 FLAT BLACK C | REVO M6 SILVER FULL FACE --Strategically reinforced composite (SRC) shell G | 1320 --Flame retardant liner --Available in White, --Available in White, --Flat Black and Black Flat Black, Silver and Black --Sizes S-XXL --Sizes XS-XL --Snell SA2015 --Snell SA2015 449-1451 IMPACT HELMET - SILVER, WHITE $34900 EA REVO HELMET $29999 EA 449-1939 CLEAR SHIELD 6995 EA 910-74857 TEAROFFS 1999 SET SHIELD 5499 UP 910-74863 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 449-1000 PIVOT KIT 1495 EA TEAROFFS 1999 SET RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET BLACK M6 M6 WHITE FLAT BLACK D|GF3 Limited Supply BLACK --Lightweight shell WHITE --Flame retardant liner ORANGE --G-FLOW ventilation system H | SPORT --Available in White, --Available in White, --Flat Black and Black Black, Safety Orange --Sizes XS-XL --Sizes S-XL --Snell SA2015 --Snell SA2015 452-3123 GF3 HELMET $14999 EA 210-1522 SPORT HELMET $39995 UP 452-8601 SHIELD 3999 UP 210-15281 SHIELD 5995 UP 910-74853 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74853 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74860 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74860 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 210-743 PIVOT KIT 1795 EA 2 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Helmets M6 M6 D | RZ-40 TOP AIR WHITE FLAT BLACK --Plush fire retardant interior A | SPORT EV --Lightweight Kevlar mix shell --Available in White and Black --Huge eye port (4.5\") --Sizes XS-XXL --SA2015 --Snell SA2015 BLACK --Available in White or Flat Black WHITE --Sizes S-XL 910-7450 RZ-40 TOP AIR HELMET $26999 EA 210-1521 SPORT EV HELMET $39995 UP 910-200 910-74897 SHIELD 2696 UP 210-288S SHIELD 5995 UP 910-74879 TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-74898 TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-201 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74860 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET PIVOT KIT 1976 EA 910-742 910-200 M6 910-74897 910-74879 E | RZ-44C M6 B | RZ44C DIRT 910-201 CARBON HELMET CARBON --Super lightweight --Multiple air hole system --Size XS-XXL --3mm clear shield with --Adjustable rear top spoiler tear off posts and front top chin bar spoiler --Sizes S-XL --Snell SA2015 --Snell SA2015 RZ-44C CARBON HELMET $49496 EA 910-741 RZ44C HELMET $44999 EA SHIELD 2696 UP 910-200 SHIELD 2696 UP TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-74897 TEAROFFS 2299 SET RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74879 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET PIVOT KIT 1976 EA 910-201 PIVOT KIT 1976 EA M6 M6 F | RZ-44C CARBON C | CF3 HONEYCOMB CARBON FIBER --Super lightweight --Lightweight Carbon Fiber Shell --Size S-XL --Flame Retardant --Ear muffs and ear pads G-79 Impact Liner --Snell SA2015 --G-FLOW Ventilation System --Sizes: S-XXL 910-7410 RZ-44C CARBON HONEYCOMB HELMET $51296 EA --Snell SA2015 910-200 SHIELD 2696 UP 452-3128 CF3 CARBON FIBER HELMET $29999 EA 910-74897 TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-74879 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 452-8601 SHIELD 3999 UP 910-201 PIVOT KIT 1976 EA 910-74853 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74860 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET BELL XXS XS SMALL MEDIUM LARGE XL XXL MEASURING 22\" 223⁄8\" 223⁄4\" - 231⁄4\" 235⁄8\" GUIDE INCHES 211⁄4\"-215⁄8\" 24\" - 243⁄8\" 243⁄4\" - 251⁄4\" 7\" 71⁄8\" 71⁄4\" - 73⁄8\" 71⁄2\" --The circumference of the HAT SIZE 63⁄4\"- 67⁄8\" SMALL MEDIUM LARGE 75⁄8\" - 73⁄4\" 77⁄8\" - 8\" head should be measured at a G-FORCE XS 215⁄8\" - 22\" 223⁄8\" - 223⁄4\" 231⁄8\" - 231⁄2\" XL XXL point approximately one inch above the eyebrows in front INCHES 207⁄8\"-211⁄4\" 67⁄8\" - 7\" 71⁄8\" - 71⁄4\" 73⁄8\" - 71⁄2\" 231⁄8\" - 241⁄4\" 243⁄4\" - 251⁄8\" and at a point in the back of SMALL MEDIUM LARGE the head that results in the HAT SIZE 65⁄8\"- 63⁄4\" 215⁄8\" - 22\" 221⁄4\" - 223⁄4\" 231⁄4\" - 235⁄8\" 75⁄8\" - 73⁄4\" 77⁄8\" - 8\" largest possible measurement XL XXL IMPACT RACING XS 67⁄8\" - 7\" 71⁄8\" - 71⁄4\" 73⁄8\" - 71⁄2\" M6 SMALL MEDIUM LARGE INCHES 205⁄8\" - 21\" 211⁄2\" - 221⁄8\" 223⁄8\" - 227⁄8\" 231⁄8\" - 233⁄4\" 24\" - 241⁄2\" 25\"- 253⁄8\" M6 TERMINAL HARDWARE FOR HEAD AND NECK HAT SIZE 63⁄4\" - 67⁄8\" 67⁄8\" - 7\" 71⁄8\" - 71⁄4\" 73⁄8\" - 71⁄2\" 75⁄8\" - 73⁄4\" 8\" - 81⁄8\" RESTRAINT DEVICES SMALL MEDIUM LARGE XL XXL SPEEDWAY 211⁄8\" - 22\" 22\" - 223⁄4\" 223⁄4\" - 231⁄2\" INCHES 67⁄8\" - 7\" 71⁄8\" - 71⁄4\" 73⁄8\" - 71⁄2\" 24\" - 241⁄2\" 243⁄4\"-251⁄2\" XS SMALL MEDIUM HAT SIZE 75⁄8\" - 73⁄4\" 77⁄8\" - 8\" 207⁄8\" - 211⁄4\" 215⁄8\" - 22\" 221⁄2\" - 227⁄8\" XL XXL SIMPSON XS 65⁄8\" - 63⁄4\" 67⁄8\" - 7\" 71⁄8\" - 71⁄4\" INCHES 203⁄8\" - 211⁄8\" XS SMALL MEDIUM 231⁄2\" - 241⁄4\" 241⁄4\" - 251⁄8\" 211⁄4\" 22\" 227⁄8\" HAT SIZE 65⁄8\" - 63⁄4\" 75⁄8\" - 73⁄4\" 77⁄8\" - 8\" 63⁄4\" 7\" 71⁄4\" LARGE XL SPARCO/ARAI INCHES 231⁄4\" - 235⁄8\" 24\" - 241⁄2\" HAT SIZE 73⁄8\" - 71⁄2\" 75⁄8\" - 73⁄4\" LARGE XL XXL ZAMP INCHES 235⁄8\" 247⁄16\" 247⁄8\" HAT SIZE 71⁄2\" 73⁄4\" 77⁄8\" 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 3

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Helmets M6 BLACK WHITE BLACK RED WHITE SILVER BLUE A | DEVIL RAY M6 FLAT BLACK PEARL --Available in White or Black ORANGE --Sizes XS-XXL --Includes extra set of E | DIAMONDBACK removable cheek pads --Snell SA2015/FIA 8859 approved --Choose from 8 color options --Sizes 71⁄8\"-73⁄4\" --Snell SA2015 630-68300 DEVIL RAY HELMET $39995 UP 630-629 DIAMONDBACK HELMET $59995 UP 630-84300A SHIELD 4995 EA 630-1020 SHIELD 5995 EA 910-74857 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74856 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74863 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74862 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 630-99013 PIVOT KIT 1295 EA 630-99014 PIVOT KIT 1295 EA BLACK WHITE M6 SILVER BLACK FLAT BLACK WHITE RED SILVER BLUE B | CHARGER M6 FLAT BLACK PEARL --Wrap-around eye port ORANGE --Available in Black, White, Silver or Flat Black F | SUPER BANDIT --Sizes XS-XL --Snell SA2015 --Choose from 8 color options --Sizes XS-XXL --Snell SA2015 449-4015 SUPER CHARGER HELMET $51900 EA 630-621 SUPER BANDIT HELMET $49995 UP 449-1219 SHIELD 6995 EA 630-89400 SHIELD 4995 EA 910-74897 TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-74856 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74873 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74862 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 449-1000 PIVOT KIT 1495 EA 630-99002 PIVOT KIT 1295 EA M6 M6 BLACK BLACK WHITE WHITE FLAT BLACK FLAT BLACK CARBON C | VOYAGER 2 G | VENATOR --Available in Black, White, --Sizes XS-2XL or Flat Black --Available in Black, --Sizes XS-XL Flat Black, White --Snell SA2015 and Carbon --Snell SA2015 / FIA8859 630-610 VOYAGER 2 HELMET $34995 UP 630-685 VENATOR HELMET $49995 UP 630-88800A SHIELD 4995 EA 630-84500 SHIELD 5995 EA 910-74857 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74887 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74863 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 630-99018 PIVOT KIT 1295 EA 630-99014 PIVOT KIT 1295 EA M6 BLACK WHITE BLACK M6 RED SILVER D | BANDIT WHITE H | EV1 VUDO BLUE FLAT BLACK --Available in White or Black --Choose from PEARL --Sizes XS-XXL 8 color options ORANGE --Includes extra set of --Sizes 71⁄8\"-73⁄4\" removable cheek pads --Snell SA2015 --Snell SA2015/FIA 8859 approved 630-620 BANDIT HELMET $39995 UP 630-663 VUDO EV1 HELMET $79995 UP 630-89400 SHIELD 4995 EA 630-1010 SHIELD 5995 EA 910-74856 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74857 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74862 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74863 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 630-99016 PIVOT KIT 1295 EA 630-99014 PIVOT KIT 1295 EA 4 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Helmets M6 M6 WHITE WHITE FLAT BLACK FLAT BLACK A | K1 PRO E | M8 --Available in White and Flat Black --Lightweight composite shell --Sizes XXS - XL --Sizes XXS - 4XL --Snell SA2015 --Available in White or Flat Black --Snell SA2015 210-1518 M8 HELMET $49995 EA 210-1516 K1 PRO HELMET $49995 EA 210-2505 SRV8 SHIELD 5995 UP 210-15287 SHIELD 5995 UP 910-74853 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74853 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74879 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74879 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 210-743 PIVOT KIT 1795 EA 210-743 PIVOT KIT 1795 EA M6 M6 WHITE FLAT BLACK F | GTX.3 WHITE --Lightweight carbon FLAT BLACK composite shell --Sizes 71⁄8\" - 73⁄4\" B | BR.1 --Available in White or Flat Black --Lightweight composite shell --SA2015 --Available in White and Flat Black 210-1512 --Sizes S - XL 210-15291-CLR --Snell SA2015 910-74879 GTX.3 HELMET $69995 EA 210-1517 BR.1 HELMET $49995 EA 9995 UP SE03 SHIELD 2995 SET 210-15287 SHIELD 5995 UP RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 910-74853 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74879 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 210-743 PIVOT KIT 1795 EA BLACK WHITE RED SILVER M6 BLUE M6 FLAT BLACK PEARL ORANGE G | SPEEDWAY RX C | GP-6S WHITE/BLACK --Choose from 8 color options --Available in White/Black --Sizes 71⁄8\"-73⁄4\" --Sizes XS - XL --Snell SA2015 --Snell SA2015 / FIA8859 630-651 SPEEDWAY RX HELMET $59995 UP 910-6015 GP-6S $85995 EA 630-1020 SHIELD 5995 EA 910-61280 SHIELD 7895 EA 910-74856 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74895 TEAROFF 2299 SET 910-74862 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74888 RACING OPTICS 2995 SET 630-99014 PIVOT KIT 1295 EA 910-2064 PED KIT 8545 EA BLACK BLACK WHITE RED M6 WHITE SILVER SILVER FLAT BLACK M6 BLUE FLAT BLACK PEARL ORANGE H | SPEEDWAY D | CHAMP SHARK --Available in Black, White, --Choose from 8 color options Silver or Flat Black --Sizes 71⁄8\"-73⁄4\" --Sizes XS - XL --Snell SA2015 --Snell SA2015 630-670 SPEEDWAY SHARK HELMET $79995 UP 449-1301 CHAMP HELMET $56900 EA 630-1010 SHIELD 5995 EA 449-1939 CLEAR SHIELD 6995 EA 910-74857 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74850 TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-74863 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74875 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 630-99014 PIVOT KIT 1295 EA 449-1000 PIVOT KIT 1495 EA 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 5

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Helmets M6 FLAT BLACK SILVER FLAT BLACK M6 SILVER A | 1320 TOP AIR E | 1320 SIDE AIR --Available in --Available in Silver or Flat Black Flat Black --Sizes XS - XL --Sizes XS - XL --Snell SA2015 --Snell SA2015 449-147 $39900 EA 449-148 IMPACT HELMET -SILVER $41900 EA IMPACT HELMET -SILVER 449-1939 6995 EA 449-1939 CLEAR SHIELD 6995 EA 910-74857 CLEAR SHIELD 1999 SET 910-74857 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74863 TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74863 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 449-1000 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 1495 EA 449-1000 PIVOT KIT 1495 EA PIVOT KIT BLACK BLACK WHITE M6 WHITE M6 SILVER SILVER FLAT BLACK FLAT BLACK B | SUPER F | SUPER CHARGER TOP CHARGER SIDE --Top air induction system --Available in Black, White, --Available in Black, White, Silver or Flat Black Silver or Flat Black --Sizes XS - XL --Sizes XS - XL --Snell SA2015 --Snell SA2015 449-1791 SUPER CHARGER HELMET $56900 EA 449-1701 SUPER CHARGER HELMET $56900 EA 449-1219 SHIELD 6995 EA 449-1219 SHIELD 6995 EA 910-74891 TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-74851 TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-74873 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74873 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 449-1000 PIVOT KIT 1495 EA 449-1000 PIVOT KIT 1495 EA M6 M6 C | RZ-58 TOP AIR G | RZ-44C --Plush fire retardant interior CARBON MIX AIR --Lightweight fiberglass shell --Available in White, Flat Black --Super lightweight and Black --Size XS-XXL --Sizes S-XXXL BLACK --Adjustable rear top spoiler --Snell SA2015 WHITE and front top chin bar spoiler FLAT BLACK --Low profile air attachment --Snell SA2015 910-7490 RZ-58 TOP AIR HELMET $19796 EA 910-7420 RZ-44C CARBON HELMET $51299 EA 910-200 SHIELD 2696 UP 910-200 SHIELD 2696 UP 910-74897 TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-74897 TEAROFFS 2299 SET 910-74879 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74879 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-201 PIVOT KIT 1976 EA 910-201 PIVOT KIT 1976 EA BLACK WHITE RED SILVER BLUE M6 FLAT BLACK M6 BLACK WHITE PEARL RED ORANGE H | AIR SILVER D | AIR INFORCER INFORCER BLUE SHARK VUDO FLAT BLACK PEARL --Choose from 8 color options ORANGE --Sizes 71⁄8\"-73⁄4\" --Snell SA2015 --Choose from 8 color options --Sizes 71⁄8\"-73⁄4\" --Snell SA2015 630-677 SPEEDWAY SHARK AIR HELMET $82995 UP 630-662 AIR INFORCER VUDO HELMET $82995 UP 630-1010 SHIELD 5995 EA 630-1010 SHIELD 5995 EA 910-74857 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74857 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74863 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74863 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 6 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Helmets M6 WHITE M6 E | JA3 OPEN A | CARBON FACE HELMET SKY RF-7W --Available in White --Carbon fiber shell --Size S-XXL --Sizes XS - XL --Fiberglass --Snell SA2015 FIA8859 lightweight shell 910-752001 JA3 HELMET --Snell SA2015 674-3344 CARBON SKY RF-7W $95000 EA 674-00314 11500 UP 210-1524 $13946 EA 910-74887 SHIELD 2995 SET 210-2040001 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS M6 M6 BLACK FLAT BLACK WHITE WHITE ORANGE B | VADOR F | SPORT MAG --Available in White, --Fighter pilot style shield Black & Orange --Lightweight composite --Size S-4XL shellAvailable in White --Lightweight, classic and Flat Black Bell open face --Sizes S - XL --Snell SA2015 --Snell SA2015 210-1519 VADOR HELMET $49995 EA SPORT MAG HELMET $29995 EA 210-15287 SHIELD 5995 UP 910-74853 TEAROFFS 1999 SET REPLACEMENT VISOR KIT 3995 EA 910-74879 210-743 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET PIVOT KIT 1795 EA M6 M6 FLAT BLACK WHITE G | GTX.3 CARBON C | AIR PRO RF-5W --Ultra-lightweight carbon fiber shellSizes --Available in White --High-pressure molding or Flat Black for improved strength --Sizes XS - XXL --S - XL --Snell SA2015 / FIA8859 --Snell SA2015 210-1506 GTX.3 CARBON FIBER HELMET $99995 EA 210-15287 SHIELD 5995 UP 674-3345 AIR PRO RF-5W $75000 EA 910-74853 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 674-00314 11500 UP 910-74879 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74887 SHIELD 2995 SET 210-743 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS PIVOT KIT 1795 EA M6 M6 H | CARBON FIBER D | CARBON DEVIL RAY FIBER BANDIT --Exceptionally --Classic Bandit flag lightweight carbon shell ship design in a lightweight --Radio communication carbon fiber shell available --Sizes XS – XXL --S - XL --Snell SA2015 / FIA8859 --Snell SA2015 630-683 CARBON DEVIL RAY HELMET $79995 EA 630-620C CARBON BANDIT HELMET $79995 UP 630-89400 SHIELD 4995 EA 630-89400 SHIELD 4995 EA 910-74856 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74856 TEAROFFS 1999 SET 910-74862 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 910-74862 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 630-99016 PIVOT KIT 1295 EA 630-99016 PIVOT KIT 1295 EA 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 7

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Head and Neck Restraints SFI SFI 38.1 38.1 A | Z-TECH SERIES SIZE SMALLEST LARGEST 2A HEAD AND ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT NECK RESTRAINT CHILD 22\" 26\" --Advanced Axis Adjustment allows you to YOUTH 26\" 30\" adjust shoulder width, arm angle and arm width X-SMALL 32\" 36\" Fits different body shapes and adjusts to different race seats SMALL 36\" 40\" --Super Lightweight at approximately 900 grams MEDIUM 40\" 44\" --Extremely Comfortable feels like you have nothing on LARGE 44\" 48” X-LARGE 48\" 52\" 910-02003 $25999 EA E | HYBRID SPORT 910-40013 REPLACEMENT SHOULDER PADS 1796 EA --DuPont carbon polymer construction --Sleek, modern profile with defined wings for seatbelt containment SFI --Sliding tethers and patent pending multi-tether system enhances side to side range of 38.1 movement and field of vision --91072200 features seatbelt anchor system B | Z-TECH SERIES for drivers in markets such as sprint cars and 6A HEAD AND provides more stability to the driver in flips and barrel rolls NECK RESTRAINT 910-72200 WITH SEATBELT HOOK UP $63900 UP --Incredibly lightweight, weighing in at 925 grams 910-72300 WITHOUT SEATBELT HOOKS 59900 UP --Extremely comfortable by design, feels like you have nothing on --Advanced Axis Adjustment allows full adjustability F | REV HEAD AND for body type and race seat style NECK RESTRAINT --Seatbelt channel fits 2\" or 3\" belt widths SYSTEM --Removable padding offers an easy to clean solution --Helmet hardware is included to connect one helmet --The large 3\" REV is made with bigger drivers in mind 910-06003 REPLACEMENT SHOULDER PADS $35999 EA --Works with 2\" or 3\" shoulder SFI 910-40013 1796 EA harnesses and fits drivers with necks wider than 6\" comfortably 38.1 910-91002-SIZE $39900 EA C | Z-TECH SERIES SFI G | REV 2 LITE SFI 4A HEAD AND HEAD AND NECK RESTRAINT 38.1 NECK RESTRAINT 38.1 SYSTEM --Advanced axis adjustment allows $29996 EA $56900 EA you to adjust width, arm angle, and arm width 1796 EA --Weighs in only 1.2 lbs --Extremely comfortable and super lightweight --Adjustable tether system, --Stainless steel hardware rubber grip friction pads to help you feel locked in your seat better Limited Supply--Kevlar webbing tether --Higher belt guides 910-92502-SIZE --Spring clip quick connect --Belt channel with wings accepts 2” or 3” belts --Replaceable padding is easy to clean and/or replace 910-4003 REPLACEMENT SHOULDER PADS 910-40014 SFI 38.1 H | NECKSGEN HELMET POST KIT D | S21 CLUB III FHR HEAD AND --Use these posts for your 2nd helmet to use with the Necksgen NECK RESTRAINT head and neck restraint system --Carbon Fiber infused 449-91005 $7900 SET thermoplastic injected resin --Lightweight – large is only 1lb. 7oz. --Exceptional ergonomics and comfort --Self-neutralizing single tether for maximum mobility J | ZAMP Z-TECH SERIES --Carry bag & clavicle padding included 1A HELMET POST KIT --Available in medium or large --20° Angle for use with most seatback angles. --Use these posts for your 2nd helmet to use with the Z-Tech Series 1A head and neck restraint system --Compatible with Hans® spring-post anchors (not included) 910-1011 HELMET KIT COMPLETE $3128 EA 910-1016 SPRING CLIP 2246 EA 449-65000-SIZE $38495 EA 8 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Head and Neck Restraints DEVICE DEVICE SFI L | QUICK E | REPLACEMENT 38.1 DISCONNECT BACKING NUTS FIXED LENGTH TETHER AND WRENCH $2499 EA DEVICE $8000 EA --Replacement fixed Quick Disconnect 451-9115 A | SPORT III tethers for Post Anchor helmet attachments --New polymer design 451-222 $7500 EA --Engineered reinforcements ensure an exceptionally strong structure F | QUICK SPORT III SERIES - POST ANCHORS & SLIDING TETHERS SAH CLICK FOR SA 451-142311 20° - MEDIUM $45900 EA HELMET 451-144311 20° - LARGE 44900 EA --Quick Click anchor attaches or releases instantly SPORT III SERIES - QUICK CLICK ANCHORS & SLIDING TETHER SAH --Requires Quick Click tether DEVICE to work properly 451-142411 20° - MEDIUM $44900 EA 451-1142 M | GEL PADDING 451-144411 20° - LARGE 44900 EA --Accessory gel padding for HANS Devices YOUTH SPORT III - POST ANCHORS --Fits medium and large devices only --Soft medical gel pad provides added comfort 451-21731 20 YOUTH HANS III PA SAH $39900 EA 451-21732 20 YOUTH HANS III PA SA 39900 EA YOUTH SPORT III - QUICK CLICK ANCHORS 451-9011 GEL $8000 PR 451-21741 20 YOUTH HANS III QC SAH $39900 EA 451-9005 FOAM $6000 PR 451-21742 20 YOUTH HANS III QC SA 39900 EA N | ZOOMBANG G | TETHER UPGRADE DEVICE HANS PADS --Fits all Hans devices B | POST ANCHOR --Soft at rest and instantly --Sliding tether upgrade with SLIDING TETHER stiffens on impact standard post collar anchors UPGRADE KIT --Will not wear out, --Comes with all parts to convert one melt, or freeze SAH helmet and one HANS Device --Converts one HANS --Rests comfortably between bottom --Device with fixed post anchors to of device and driving suit sliding tether Vision Advantage PLUS 441-6600 $4799 PR --Standard 18\"/450cm tether length 451-41 $9000 EA 451-21 $6000 EA P | TRU-AIR™ DEVICE DEVICE PUMPER H | POST & ANCHOR KIT C | SLIDING --For use with fresh-air TETHER equipped helmets --For SAH helmets UPGRADE KIT --Backing nuts not included 910-74802 PUMP & HOSE $9799 EA --Available in Black, Blue, Red and Silver --Converts one HANS --Device to Quick Click 910-74805 REPLACEMENT HOSE 2299 EA 451-112 $4699 EA anchors with sliding 910-64016 SWITCH 999 EA --Vision Advantage 910-74806 REPLACEMENT FILTER 699 EA --PLUS tethers $10000 EA 910-74808 CARBON MONOXIDE CARTRIDGE 910-74809 CARTRIDGE SPACER 6999 EA 451-31 910-22004 ZAMP LOW PROFILE ADAPTER 599 EA 899 EA 210-2070066 BELL AIR VENT HOSE ADAPTER 999 EA DEVICE J | POST ANCHOR DEVICE SLIDING TETHER D | QUICK --Replacement sliding tether for post anchor DISCONNECT Q | TRU-AIR™ --a nd post collar type of helmet anchors LOOPS MINI PUMPER --3 lengths: Short 17\", Standard 18\", Long 19\" --Contains loops only --Use with fresh-air equipped helmets 451-1131 SPORT I AND PRO SERIES $4000 EA --Requires fixed QD tethers to work 910-74803 $6999 EA --Easily attached to any device 451-TK222L $4000 SET R | RZ TOP AIR INLET DEVICE FOR COMPLETE SELECTION GO TO --Available in Flat Black, Black, and White K | QUICK SPEEDWAYMOTORS.COM CLICK 910-20031-COLOR ROUND TOP $3596 EA SLIDING TETHER SIZE DESCRIPTION AIR INLET --Replacement sliding tether for YOUTH - Fits neck sizes 12.5\" to 14.5\" 910-22003-COLOR LOW PROFILE 3866 EA -- Quick Click type of helmet anchors MEDIUM - Fits neck sizes 13.5 up to 17\" ADAPTOR --3 lengths: Short 17\", Standard 18\", Long 19\" LARGE - Fits neck sizes 16\" up to 20\" 910-22004 LOW PROFILE 899 EA 451-1141 SPORT I AND PRO SERIES $2000 EA Hans Device for a SAH or SA2015 helmet are for helmets that HOSE ADAPTOR 451-11413 SPORT II 2000 EA have the mounting nuts installed from the manufacturer. 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 9

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Helmet Shields A | BELL REPLACEMENT SHIELDS AVAILABLE IN CLEAR, DARK SMOKE, N/A APPLICATION AMBER, BLUE, RED, LITE SMOKE, RAINBOW SRV STYLE (‘06-UP) DOMINATOR, GTX, VORTEX GT, K1 SPORT 210-15276 N/A SA 05: SPORT, VORTEX, M3 & M3 XTRA HELMETS 210-15281 N/A SA 10: BR-1, M4, SPORT - SA 15: BR.1, SPORT N/A SA 10: STAR GP, STAR INFUSION, GTX 2, GP 2 - SA15: K.1 PRO/DOMINATOR 2 210-15287 N/A SA 10: INFUSION EV, SPORT EV - SA 15: SPORT EV 210-288S N/A SA 10: VADOR - SA 15: VADOR 210-15289 N/A SA 15: GP3/GTX.3, SE03 210-15291 910-75121 SA 15: HP5/GT.5, SE05 210-15290 910-75123 SA 15: HP7/RS7, KC7, SE07 210-15292 910-75125 M.8, SRV8 - SA 15: M.8, SRV-8 210-2505 910-75128 M2 N/A $2999 EA M3, SPORT 2 N/A SA 95 & 00: RACESTAR 3 N/A SA 10: SUPREME N/A $5995 UP B | IMPACT REPLACEMENT SHIELDS APPLICATION CLEAR AMBER IRIDIUM 910-75134 CHAMP, NITRO, CYCLONE 449-1319 449-136 910-75132 449-1219 449-124 449-126 910-75136 VAPOR, CHARGER, DRAFT 449-1939 449-194 449-196 $6995 EA $2999 UP AIR DRAFT, SUPER SPORT, SPIDER $6995 EA $6995 EA C | G-FORCE REPLACEMENT SHIELDS APPLICATION AVAILABLE IN AMBER, BLUE MIRROR, CLEAR 452-8601 SA 05 DARK, MIRROR SMOKE OR LIGHT SMOKE $3999 UP PRO ELIMINATOR 3003, PRO ELIMINATOR X 3005, SIDE DRAFT 3007 SA 10 PRO ELIMINATOR 3023, PRO VINTAGE 3025, SIDE DRAFT 3027 D | SPEEDWAY REPLACEMENT SHIELDS APPLICATION AVAILABLE IN CLEAR, DARK OR LIGHT SMOKE, CHROME 910-75180 $2999 UP SA 10 FITS SPEEDWAY HELMET (910-700) 910-200 SA 15 FITS SPEEDWAY HELMET (910-740) 910-150 $2696 UP E | ZAMP REPLACEMENT SHIELDS APPLICATION AVAILABLE IN CLEAR, DARK SMOKE, LIGHT SMOKE, SA15 AMBER, IRIDIUM MIRROR AND SILVER MIRROR Z-58 , Z-20 SERIES SHIELD SA15 FSA-3 F | SIMPSON REPLACEMENT SHIELDS SA 05 APPLICATION CLEAR SMOKE AMBER IRIDIUM RX SIDEWINDER 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 910-75106 SX 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 SHARK, VUDO 630-89300 630-89301 N/A 630-89302 910-75108 DIAMOND BACK, MERCURY, BANDIT FR 630-88400 630-88401 630-88403 630-88402 N/A VOYAGER 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8, FR SIDEWINDER SHELL (7 1⁄2\" - 8 1⁄8\") 630-89400 630-89401 630-89403 630-89402 910-75110 630-88200 630-88201 630-88204 630-88203 910-75104 $3999 EA $4999 EA $5999 EA $6999 EA $2999 EA SA 10 AND SA 15 APPLICATION CLEAR SMOKE AMBER IRIDIUM SHARK, VUDO 630-1010 630-1011 630-1012 630-1013 N/A 630-1020 630-1021 630-1022 630-1023 N/A SPEEDWAY RX, DIAMOND BACK, X-BANDIT 630-1030 630-1031 630-1032 630-1033 N/A 630-88200 630-88201 630-88204 630-88203 N/A SIDEWINDER VOYAGER, VOYAGER EVOLUTION $5995 EA $5995 EA $6995 EA $7995 EA N/A V-SPORT, VOYAGER 10 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Tearoffs A | XSTACK TEAROFFS --Can use multiple stacks of ten at one time --Unique design will keep dust and fog from accumulating between layers PART # SS # PEG DISTANCE HEIGHT LENGTH APPLICATION PRICE UNIT 910-74861 10201C 111⁄2\" 21⁄2\" 153⁄4\" SIMPSON VOYAGER, SIDE PRO ELITE $2995 3 STACKS OF 10 10205C 123⁄8\" 3\" 161⁄2\" BELL (EXCEPT X-15), G-FORCE, PYROTECT (276, 281, 288 SHIELDS) 910-74860 10208C 121⁄8\" 3\" 161⁄2\" BELL STAR GP, STAR INFUSION, GTX 2, GP 2 (287S SHIELD), ZAMP 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74879 10204C 111⁄2\" 33⁄8\" 153⁄8\" SIMPSON RX, SUPER BANDIT, DIAMOND BACK, RAIDER 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74862 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 SIMPSON SHARK, VUDO, INVADER, VALOR, STING RAY, IMPACT AIR DRAFT, 910-74863 10209C 123⁄4\" 3\" 161⁄2\" SUPER SPORT, SPIDER, WIZARD, EUROSPORT, SIMPSON VOYAGER 2 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74873 10230C 117⁄8\" 41⁄4\" 161⁄2\" IMPACT VAPOR, AIR VAPOR, CHARGER, SUPER CHARGER, DRAFT 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74872 10203C 111⁄2\" 41⁄4\" 161⁄2\" SIMPSON MATRIX, JR SHARK, HJC AUTO HELMET, OMP 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74875 10231C 111⁄2\" 21⁄2\" 16\" IMPACT CHAMP, NITRO, SUPER CYCLONE 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74878 10211C 121⁄4\" 3\" 161⁄2\" BELL VADOR 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74886 10251C 12\" 31⁄4\" 18\" FITS SPARCO WTX HELMETS 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74888 10218C 123⁄4\" 4\" 18\" ARAI GP6, SK-6 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74887 10210C 13\" 33⁄8\" 161⁄2\"\" SIMPSON VENATOR 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74889 10237C 127⁄8\" 3\" 161⁄2\" BELL RS7, HP7 USING SE07 SHIELD 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74901 10206C 111⁄2\" 3\" 171⁄2\" BELL GTX3/HP5 SHIELDS SE03/SE05 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74905 10217C 111⁄2\" 31⁄2\" 161⁄2\" ARAI GP-5W, SHOEI, BELL STAR BIKE, HJC BIKE, STAND 21 2995 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74906 10259C 12\" 3\" 141⁄2\" STILO ST5, ZERO FOR DIRT RACING 2999 3 STACKS OF 10 910-74907 10258C 111⁄4\" 3\" 12\" STILO ST4, FOR ROAD RACING 2999 3 STACKS OF 10 B | QUALITY THIN TEAROFFS P --Quality, high strength, 2 mil. tearoffs allow super visibility H --Measure helmet shield or old tearoffs for proper fit L --Sold in cases of 200 BELL US # PEG DISTANCE HEIGHT LENGTH APPLICATION PRICE UNIT 910-74853 1202 121⁄2\" BELL, PYROTECT, G-FORCE, RCI SA 2000 & M2000 $1999 CASE OF 200 910-74891 3\" 161⁄2\" 910-74892 1218 121⁄4\" 910-74893 21⁄2\" 161⁄8\" BELL VADOR HELMETS - SQUARED NOSE NOTCH 2299 CASE OF 200 910-74894 1222 123⁄8\" 910-74898 315⁄16\" 161⁄4\" BELL 281 SHIELDS - SPORT, SPORT EDGE, M.4, BR.1 2299 CASE OF 200 1223 121⁄4\" SIMPSON 311⁄16\" 161⁄4\" BELL 287 SHIELDS - GP.2, STARINFUSION, GTX.2, DOMINATOR.2 2299 CASE OF 200 910-74852 1224 121⁄4\" 910-74855 33⁄8\" 161⁄8\" BELL RACING USA K.1 SPORT 2299 CASE OF 200 910-74856 1280 123⁄8\" 910-74854 US # PEG DISTANCE 47⁄16\" 161⁄4\" BELL 288 SHIELDS - SPORT EV 2299 CASE OF 200 910-74857 1201 113⁄8\" 910-74899 HEIGHT LENGTH APPLICATION PRICE UNIT 1203 113⁄8\" SIMPSON VOYAGER, ARAI AND MANY OFF BRANDS $1999 CASE OF 200 IMPACT 21⁄2\" 153⁄4\" 910-74851 1204 113⁄8\" 910-74850 23⁄4\" 155⁄8\" SIMPSON SX & VOYAGER, BELL STAR, SPARCO SPY, Z9-AKR 1999 CASE OF 200 910-74896 1207 111⁄2\" 33⁄8\" 153⁄8\" SIMPSON RX, BANDITS & DIAMOND BACK 1999 CASE OF 200 ARIA 1209 123⁄4\" 910-74895 21⁄2\" 16\" 1988 SIMPSON RX3/SX3 1999 CASE OF 200 1213 123⁄4\" ZAMP US # PEG DISTANCE 3\" 161⁄2\" SIMPSON SHARK, STING RAY, VOYAGER EVOLUTION 1999 CASE OF 200 910-74897 1214 115⁄8\" 33⁄16\" 161⁄4\" SIMPSON SUPER SHARK, VUDO, IMPACT AIR DRAFT, SUPER SPORT, SPIDER, ZERO9, Z9-AKR 2299 CASE OF 200 1215 115⁄8\" HEIGHT LENGTH APPLICATION PRICE UNIT 1230 113⁄4\" IMPACT VAPOR & CHARGER, ZAMP, Z9-AKR $2299 CASE OF 200 US # PEG DISTANCE 41⁄4\" 161⁄2\" 1220 123⁄4\" US # PEG DISTANCE 41⁄4\" 161⁄2\" IMPACT BIG CHAMP 2299 CASE OF 200 1256 121⁄4\" 33⁄4\" 157⁄16\" IMPACT VAPOR, CHARGER, ZAMP RZ3, RZ-21, RZ-22 2299 CASE OF 200 HEIGHT LENGTH APPLICATION PRICE UNIT ARAI GP6 SERIES HELMETS $2299 CASE OF 200 31⁄2\" 165⁄8\" HEIGHT LENGTH APPLICATION PRICE UNIT ZAMP RZ-34, RZ-34H, RZ-55, FSA-2 $2299 CASE OF 200 33⁄8\" 161⁄8\" E | “HELMET D | FOG C | SUPER THIN FRESH” ODOR SHIELD TEAROFFS WITH “GRIPS” ELIMINATOR AND FOG FREE --Permanent --200 per box anti-fog inserts --Odorless non-toxic --Apply any Fog City™ insert --4 ounce just once for anti-fog vision 210-0150 FRESHENER $599 EA 910-74859-UNIVERSAL $2199 EA 910-74845 STRAIGHT $2299 EA CLEANER EA 910-74846 BELL BANANA 2299 EA 210-0151 FOG FREE 599 EA 210-0128 399 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 11

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Head and Neck Restraints A | SFI 3.3-1 F | JUNIOR ARM --Easy release NECK BRACE RESTRAINTS --SFI 3.3 Rated --Sold as a pair --Fire retardant cotton --Features padded arm cover and foam inner pad bands and steel hardware $3495 EA --SFI 3.3-1 rated --Available in Black, Blue and Red --Red, Blue, Black or Purple 630-31507 910-730 NECK BRACE $2499 EA B | KART COLLARS G | 2\" JUNIOR $3999 EA ARM RESTRAINT --Anatomically designed 360-degree collar offers safety and comfort --Features variable density padding to provide firmer support --Attaches around arms with --Unique rear “spoiler” reduces the weight of the helmet on the back velcro closures, vee straps --Colors: black/blue, black/gray and black/red attach via hooks --Youth (S) and Adult (STD) sizes --SFI 3.3 approved --Available in Black, Blue and Red --Sold as a pair 940-11574 674-1602 $9900 EA H | HELMET SKIRT C | SIMPSON --Single-layer soft knit Nomex® NECK BRACE skirt protects from dust and debris that gets into helmet --High density foam --Hook-and-loop attachment covered with durable matches any contour on Nomex® III full face helmets --Red, Blue, or Black tucks into suit --SFI 3.3 --Black 630-23012 HELMET SKIRT $9995 EA 630-31509 SIMPSON NECK BRACE $3995 EA D | INDIVIDUAL J | HELMET RESTRAINT ARM RESTRAINT --Quick attachment and --Padded arm bands, adjustment with durable stainless steel hardware steel hardware --14\" attachment straps --Helmet D-ring included --Red, Blue, or Black --Red, Blue, or Black --Meets SFI 3.3 630-31508 SIMPSON HELMET RESTRAINT $1495 EA 630-31506 SIMPSON ARM RESTRAINT $3995 PR Seven Colors E | ARM K | HELMET RESTRAINT RESTRAINT STRAPS --Fully adjustable, fits any helmet --Replacement straps for uniforms that feature built-in arm restraints --Includes D-ring --SFI 3.3 --Red, Blue, Black, Purple, Yellow, --Available in black, red, and blue Orange or White 630-54018 STRAPS $999 PR 910-72352 SAFETY RACING HELMET RESTRAINT $899 EA 12 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Helmet Accessories F | HELMET HOOK A | HELMET HOOK --Helmet/steering wheel hook --Protect your helmet --Clamps to 11⁄2\" or 13⁄4\" tubing --For 13⁄4\" roll bar --Available in Red, Blue, --Bolts onto your roll bar - no welding Polished Black and Purple --Lightweight billet aluminum - black anodized 1 910-56899-COLOR 13⁄4\" $999 EA 910-56898 11⁄2\" 2 910-56901 999 EA 13⁄4\" BLACK 399 EA G | EZ TEAR HELMET 475-22570 HELMET HOOK $1999 EA 475-22576 STEERING WHEEL HOOK 1999 EA --Visor Tear Offs --Provides a shield for the folded tearoffs to -- keep the racer from grabbing them by accident 910-74101 BLACK $1999 EA B | MULTI EQUIPMENT DRYER WHITE 910-74102 BLACK SYSTEM WITH POST 1999 EA --Temperature and timer settings 910-74103 WHITE SYSTEM WITH POST 2999 EA --Simple design easily 910-74104 2999 EA accommodates multiple styles and sizes H | SHIELD PIVOTS --Anti-bacterial, eliminates odors and controls bacteria growth --Sold in pairs --Dual dryer ports --110 volt 630-99001 RX, SX (SA '05 AND OLDER) $999 EA --Displays Celsius or Fahrenheit 630-97100 630-99002 BANDIT, SHARK 1295 EA (AFTER JULY '93 PROD. DATE) 1295 KIT 630-99014 SIMPSON SA 10 PIVOT KIT (EXCEPT BANDIT) 1295 EA 630-99022 VOYAGER 1495 PR $12995 EA (AFTER JULY '93 PROD. DATE) 1499 EA 449-1000 1499 EA C | ROLLOFF MACHINE 452-3015 IMPACT 1976 EA REPLACEMENT FILM 910-75181 G-FORCE SA 2010 1295 EA 910-201 SPEEDWAY 1995 EA --Simply pull and tear 630-99018 ZAMP REPAIR KIT 1995 EA --50 tearoffs per roll 210-2020004 SIMPSON VENATOR REPAIR KIT --21⁄8\" or 21⁄4\" 210-2020014 BELL SE03/SE05 BELL SE07 910-748-SIZE 21⁄8\" OR 21⁄4\" REPLACEMENT FILM (MANUAL) $799 EA 910-74811 23⁄8\" REPLACEMENT FILM (ELECTRIC) 799 EA J | HELMET DRYER $11900 EA --Ideal for drying helmets quickly --110 volts 449-1009 HELMET DRYER D | HELMET ACCESSORIES K | HEX WRENCH 1 210-2080002 UNIVERSAL REPLACEMENT EYE PORT FOAM $1295 EA 2 210-2080036 ROCK GUARD - GTX.2 & DOMINATOR.2 4995 EA --Used to remove and adjust shield on Bell helmets 3 210-2110001 916-75010 HEX WRENCH $499 EA BREATH DEFLECTOR - STAR GP, STAR INFUSION, GTX.2, 1995 EA VORTEX.GT, GP.2, GP.2 CMR, BR.1, M.4, K.1.SPORT L | HELMET GRAPHICS E | CAM TEAROFF POSTS --Available in Blue, Orange, Red and Yellow 1 910-01048 APEX $4999 KIT 600-6930A PLASTIC $299 PR 2 910-01047 DOWNFORCE ALUMINUM 3 910-01041 DRIFT 4999 KIT 600-6930 KRC - ALUMINUM 499 PR 4 910-01001 LOUD PEDAL 4999 KIT 910-01015 1199 PR 4999 KIT 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 13

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Underwear A | INNER X E | CARBON J | RACE CARBON UNDERWEAR SERIES LAYERS UNDERWEAR --Formula 1 specification underwear, --50% carbon fiber constructed using an innovative flame --Excellent moisture Nomex® woven together evaporation properties to offer you the ultimate --Cutting edge thermal protection in protection --Soft feel --These have a TPP --Good durability rating of 14.5 to --SFI 3.3 certified help ensure your safety --Sizes S-XXL --Sizes S-2XL, --Socks are not SFI certified Add $4.00 for 2XL 210-4822 TOP $7999 EA 910-726 TOP ONLY $4999 EA resistant technology developed by Alpinestars BOTTOMS BOTTOM ONLY --Lightweight, special material structure offers 210-4828 SOCKS (NOT SFI CERTIFIED) 7999 EA 910-726 HEAD SOCK ONLY 4999 EA high breathability performance 210-4838 HOOD, DUAL EYE PORT 2999 PR 910-727 3499 EA --Relaxed fit offers increased comfort 210-4843 HOOD, SINGLE EYE PORT 4999 EA 210-4844 4999 EA --Extended collar for greater performance --Available in Black, White or Gray 124-4520 RACE V3 TOP $13495 EA 124-4720 RACE V3 BOTTOM 11495 EA 124-4820 RACE V3 HOOD 6495 EA B | NOMEX® 124-4020 RACE V3S OCKS 3495 EA UNDERWEAR F | RW-9 UNDERWEAR K | NOMEX® --Soft Knit Hypoallergenic HOODS SINGLE material provides more --Designed form fitting OR DOUBLE comfort on the skin without creating friction LAYER --The double stitching --Tagless with minimal seams provides added durability and two fabrics for breathability --Nomex® material --SFI 3.3 rated --One of the lightest fireproof --Single eye port --Available in sizes: S-XXL underwear materials --Sold each --Sizes -XS/S, M/L, XL/XXL 452-4160 TOP $6999 EA --One size hood 910-71287 SINGLE LAYER $1999 EA BOTTOM --Available in Black or White 910-71285 DOUBLE LAYER 2599 EA 452-4161 SOCKS SFI CERTIFIED 6999 EA --FIA Approved 452-4150 1999 EA C | MEMORY 674-01764 TOP $21900 EA L | HEAD SOCKS FIT TOP AND BOTTOM BOTTOM 674-01765 HOOD 17500 EA --Extra-plush Nomex® 674-1494 8500 EA --Double-layered in critical --SFI 3.3 Certified areas for comfort --Nomex® blend provides --Specify white or black added fire protection --Anti-microbial treated G | NOMEX® 630-23000 SINGLE EYEPORT $7995 EA Contrast stretch SOCKS stitching for definition 630-23003 DOUBLE EYEPORT 7995 EA --Available in Black or White --One size fits most --Sizes S-XXL --Nomex Black or White 630-23001 CARBONEX SINGLE EYEPORT (BLACK) 7995 EA 630-20123 MEMORY FIT TOP 630-23027-COLOR 630-23004 CARBONEX DUAL EYEPORT (BLACK) 7995 EA 630-20124 MEMORY FIT BOTTOM $12999 EA $3499 PR 9999 EA D | SIMPSONS H | NOMEX® S 6-81⁄2 M | INNER X LADIES FR BRA SOCKS M 8-91⁄2 HEAD SOCK L 9-11 --Made of fire --Nomex® fire XL 10-13 --Fire retardant Inner X etardant CarbonX® retardant material XXL 13-UP fabric provides an soft knit, SFI 3.3 approved --Not SFI certified extra layer of protection --Designed by females in --White in color $1799 PR --Extra soft Inner X material is comfortable the racing industry --Available in sizes S-XXL against the skin and has excellent moisture for maximum comfort --Sold as a pair evaporation properties and performance 910-709 --SFI 3.3 --Soft knit eliminates chaffing --Sizes XS-XL $7995 EA 210-3842 BLACK - DUAL EYEPORT $2999 EA 630-20606 210-3841 BLACK - SINGLE EYEPORT 2999 EA 14 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Gear Bags G | HANS AND A | PIT BAGS HELMET BAG --Nylon material --Large enough for both your --Detachable and padded shoulder straps helmet and your HANS device --Quick release buckles --Nylon bag --Easy grip handles --Side zip lower storage enclosure, plus a side pocket for smaller items --Padded top handle for easy carrying 910-78060 SMALL, 17\" X 9\" X 10\" $2499 EA 910-78061 LARGE, 26\" X 12\" X 14\" 2999 EA 910-78070 HANS AND HELMET BAG $4999 EA H | HELMET BAG B | PRO ROLLER GEAR BAG --Black 600 denier nylon bag --Wrap closure grab handles --Large enough to carry your helmet, suit, --Black fleece lining gloves and anything else you may need for a race --15\" x 13\" x 13\" 910-78075 15\" X 13\" X 13\" $1999 EA 210-3454 35\" X 15\" X 15\" $9799 EA J | PLUSH HELMET BAG C | VICTORY R1 HELMET BAG --Fits helmet, driver restraint, extra shields and accessories --Fits one helmet --Large main compartment --Fleece lined for protection --Easy access top entry --Vented 630-23305 $3495 EA 210-2120013 15\" X 13\" X 15\" $4496 EA K | SPEEDWAY D | HANS PRO V.2 RETRO BAG HELMET BAG --Padded, lined, and ventilated --Back mesh pocket main compartment --2 side pockets --Interior mesh organizer compartment --2 storage compartments --Wet/Dry side compartments --Option to divide inside storage 630-23301 27\" X 13\" 15\" $8995 EA 210-2120014 13\" X 14\" X 22\" $5995 EA L | COSMOS E | CANVAS HELMET BAG GEAR BAG --Designed with space to --Zippered pockets with comfortably house a helmet easy carry handle and FHR / HANS device 674-016433 $11000 EA 345-400 25\" X 12\" X 14\" $4999 EA M | UNIVERSE F | CAMPUS BACKPACK TRAVEL BAG --Ergonomically designed shoulder --Large main compartment straps with comfortable padding with a double zip internal --Padded back panel pocket, a separate padded helmet --Large main compartment with compartment, shoe compartment, external zipped padded laptop sleeve document holder and separate double zipped bottom compartment --Zippered front pockets 674-002 674-016429 40 X 81 X 35 CM $18900 EA $2499 EA 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 15

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Fire Systems A | UNIFIED DIRT SEARCH FOR REPAIR PARTS SEE WEB LATE MODEL FIRE SYSTEM COLD FIRE --18.95\" overall height --5.25\" overall width --Weighs 10 pounds --Includes 1.5\" roll bar mounting brackets, 5' pull cable, and 8' of aluminum tubing for the manually operated nozzles 623-AMRC1002 AUTOMATIC/MANUAL $82999 EA D | COLDFIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM 623-FC1002 AUTOMATIC ONLY 69999 EA This is the first system of its type to offer automatic fire detection. The proprietary sensing method coupled with a manual activation button ensures complete protection in any scenario. B | FIRE SYSTEM --Automatic and manual activation --Condensed lightweight design --DuPont FE-36° --Non-toxic, non-corrosive and environmentally friendly --Extinguishes rapidly, --Kit includes everything to complete system with no residue --Recharge and reset in minutes --Kit contains anodized valve --Customizable pressure gauge, two nozzles, control knob with 486-75050 COMPLETE SYSTEM - 1 LITER $54999 EA 4 ft. cable and hardware 69999 EA --Pull cable 486-75096 COMPLETE SYSTEM - 2 LITER --Not Lucas Late Model approved $2299 EA FIRE SUPPRESSING AGENT 2499 EA 486-75075-32 1 LITER 32° COLDFIRE PREMIX* 486-75075-0 1 LITER 0° COLDFIRE PREMIX 623-SC250 2.5 LB. UNIT - 15 SECONDS $37999 EA E | BUDGET EXTINGUISHER 5 LB. UNIT - 30 SECONDS 623-RC500 10 LB. UNIT - 60 SECONDS 49999 EA --Dry chemical extinguisher for 623-RC1000 NOZZLE ONLY 69999 EA flammable liquids or electrical fire 623-001 --2 lb. UL rated 5-B:C 1299 EA --12 3⁄4\" x 31⁄4\" 910-75010 $2499 EA BAND SURFACE ROLL BAR CLAMP MOUNT MOUNT C | BILLET FIRE F | FIRE EXTINGUISHERS EXTINGUISHER MOUNTS --These chrome fire extinguishers will not only help protect your ride, but look great doing so --Mount your fire extinguisher in --Dry chemical extinguisher works on flammable liquids style and within easy reach and electrical fires using this billet aluminum --Clean Agent extinguisher will rapidly quench chemical, band clamp assembly flammable liquid, or electrical fires and leaves no residue --Highly polished, 910-75013 NHRA-approved $8999 EA CHROME 1 LB. DRY CHEMICAL $13499 EA --Band clamp fits 2.6\" diameter 910-75100 1.4 LB. CLEAN AGENT 16399 EA 910-75017 fire extinguishers (such as our 4999 EA 910-75021 part number 910-75100 4999 EA 910-75014 1 LB. DRY CHEMICAL BLACK $8499 EA or 910- 75014) JET BLACK 1.4 LB. CLEAN AGENT 14499 EA --Can be paired with a 910-75101 flat-surface mount or 910-75018 round roll bar mount POLISHED BILLET BAND CLAMP POLISHED BILLET FLAT-SURFACE MOUNT POLISHED BILLET MOUNT FOR 13⁄4\" ROLL BAR 16 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Safety Combos 2X-Large Suits $10 More 2X-Large Suits $10 More Helmet is shown for reference only Helmet is shown for reference only and is not included as part of kit. and is not included as part of kit. C | QUALIFIER SAFETY COMBOS SFI A | ECONOMY RACING --Choose from a 1 or 2-piece single layer driving suit SUIT SAFETY COMBO --Speedway neck brace 1 --Finishline single layer driving gloves --1-piece single layer driving suit --Finishline SFI 5 high top driving shoes BLACK $22999 KT --Neck brace --Available in Black, Blue, or Red BLUE 23999 KT --Single layer driving gloves --Sizes S-4XL RED --SFI 5 high top driving shoes BLACK SFI --Available in Black, Blue, or Red 345-2100 --Sizes S-2XL BLUE 1 345-2101 RED $19999 KT ONE-PIECE COMBO 910-8201 ONE-PIECE COMBO TWO-PIECE COMBO SEE SUIT SIZING CHART ON PG. 20 2X-Large Suits $10 More 2X-Large Suits $10 More Helmet is shown for reference only Helmet is shown for reference only and is not included as part of kit. and is not included as part of kit. D | PRO DRIVE II SFI SAFETY COMBOS B | SINGLE LAYER RACING 1 --Choose from a 1 or 2-piece SUIT SAFETY COMBOS single layer driving suit --Choose from a 1 or 2-piece single layer driving suit --Speedway neck brace --Neck brace --Vision II driving gloves --Single layer driving gloves --Viper II SFI 5 driving shoes BLACK SFI --SFI 5 high top driving shoes BLACK --Available in Black, Blue, or Red BLUE --Sizes S-2XL RED 1 --Available in Black, Blue, or Red BLUE --Sizes S-2XL RED 210-4677 ONE-PIECE COMBO $29999 EA 910-8207 ONE-PIECE COMBO $22999 EA 210-4678 TWO-PIECE COMBO 31999 EA 910-8208 TWO-PIECE COMBO 24999 EA 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 17

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Suits 2X-Large Suits SFI 2X-Large Suits SFI $10 More $10 More 1 1 SFI BLACK 1 A | PRO DRIVE II BLACK G | ZR-10 SINGLE LAYER BLUE SINGLE LAYER RACING SUIT RED RACE SUIT --Innovative inner D | SPEEDWAY --Single layer collar design ECONOMY construction using --Dual reinforced epaulets RACING SUIT 100% FR cotton --Durable single --One-piece design --Box quilt stitching --layer construction --FRC – fire --Pockets on each leg --180° stretch retardant cotton --Adjustable belt inner arm gussets --Nomex® cuffs --Lightweight construction --Straight leg BLACK and zipper liner for ultimate comfort --Elasticized sides on belt BLUE --Shoulder epaulets --Aramid cuffs for comfort --Front pockets RED --Adjustable belt around ankles and wrists --Constructed of --Boot cuff provides Anti Flame III material stylish ankle protection --SFI 3.2A/1 rated --Size S-3XL --TPP rating of 10 --One-piece or Two-piece --Size S-2XL 210-3677 ONE-PIECE - S-2XL $11999 EA --SFI 3.2A/1 910-30004 ONE-PIECE $10796 EA TWO-PIECE - S-2XL --Sizes S-2XL 910-30005 JACKET ONLY 210-3678 JACKET ONLY - S-2XL 13999 EA --Available in Black, Blue, or Red $8999 EA 910-30006 PANTS ONLY 6746 EA 210-3679 PANTS ONLY - S-2XL 7499 EA 5126 EA 210-3680 7499 EA 910-7201 ONE-PIECE B | FINISHLINE QUALIFIER SFI SINGLE LAYER SUIT 1 --Available in Black, Blue or Red E | DRIVER BLACK --SFI 3.2A/1 --Checkerboard stripe BLACK SFI FIRESUIT on each arm and leg BLUE --One-piece --Wrist cuffs RED 1 --Single layer construction 345-2000 ONE-PIECE SUIT - S-XL $10999 EA with Jade Styling 345-2000 ONE-PIECE SUIT - 2XL-4XL 11999 EA --Lightweight --Soft and durable FPF fabric 345-2010 JACKET ONLY - S-XL 6499 EA --Boot cuff 345-2010 JACKET ONLY - 2XL-4XL 6999 EA --SFI 3.2A/1 rated --Sizes XXS-2XL 345-2020 PANTS ONLY - S-XL 6499 EA 345-2020 PANTS ONLY - 2XL-3XL 6999 EA 674-1051 ONE-PIECE $15000 EA SFI SFI 1 5 C | SINGLE LAYER BLACK F | RACING SUIT RACING SUIT BLUE --One or two-piece RED --SFI 3.2A/5 rated --Pyrovatex® Fabric --FRC - Fire retardant cotton --Nomex® Cuffs --Nomex® cuffs and zipper liner --White billboard trimmed --Shoulder epaulets in contrasting piping --Adjustable belt --Adult Sizes: S - XXXL --SFI 3.2A/1 2X-Large Suits --Youth Sizes: S, M, L $10 More --Available in Black, Blue or Red --Sizes S-2XL BLACK --Available in Black, Blue or Red BLUE RED 910-7207 ONE-PIECE SUIT - S-2XL $10999 UP 452-4385 JACKET 910-7205 7999 UP $16499 UP 910-7206 JACKET ONLY - S-2XL 6499 UP 452-4386 PANTS 14499 UP PANTS ONLY - S-2XL 18 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Suits SFI SFI 5 A | ENDURANCE II 5 D | TWO-LAYER SUIT DRIVING SUIT --Two layers of fire resistant cotton --Innovative inner collar design --Dual reinforced epaulets --SFI 3.2A/5 rated BLACK --Durable anti flame III construction --Checkerboard design BLUE --Inner lining of FR foam --Available in Black, Red, RED and 100% aramid Blue, Orange or Grey ORANGE --Pre-curved arms BLACK --Boot cut leg GRAY --One-piece or Two-piece --Rear expansion stretch panel --180 stretch inner arm gussets --Sizes S-3XL --Hidden boot cut cuffs 345-2030 ONE-PIECE SUIT - S-XL $29999 EA --Moisture wicking collar lining ONE-PIECE SUIT - 2XL-3XL --One-piece or Two-piece 345-2030 JACKET ONLY - S-XL 30999 EA --SFI 3.2A/5 rated 345-2040 JACKET ONLY - 2XL-3XL 16999 EA --TPP rating of 23 345-2040 PANTS ONLY - S-XL 17499 EA 345-2050 PANTS ONLY - 2XL-3XL 210-2621 ONE-PIECE SUIT - S-2XL $27999 EA 345-2050 9799 EA 210-2622 TWO-PIECE SUIT - S-2XL 29999 EA 10499 EA 210-3646 JACKET ONLY - S-2XL 15999 EA 210-3661 PANTS ONLY - S-2XL 14999 EA SFI 5 SFI E | TWO-LAYER 5 B | JADE 3 RACING SUIT RACING SUIT BLACK --360 degree arm gussets --One-piece FRC fire --Three-layer FPF fabric construction retardant cotton BLUE for greater durability and comfort --Directional stitch pattern construction RED --Available in Black only --Sizes from S-3XL --SFI 3.2A/5 rated --Contrasting box quilting --Dual reinforced epaulets 674-1059 ONE-PIECE $29900 EA --Available in Black, Blue or Red 674-03059 TWO-PIECE 32499 EA --Sizes S-2XL 674-3059 JACKET ONLY 19500 EA 910-7209 ONE-PIECE SUIT - S-XL $22999 EA 674-01069 PANTS ONLY 16000 EA 910-7209 ONE-PIECE SUIT - 2XL 22999 EA SFI 5 SFI C | ZR-30 SFI THREE 5 5 LAYER RACE SUIT G | GF 745 SUIT F | KNOXVILLE SUIT --Anatomically fitted design with --Multi-layer construction --Boot Cuff Pant adjustable collar, elastic waist, --Box quilt stitching --360 degree internal flat seams and thigh pockets --Pockets on each leg arm gussets --Lightweight two-layer construction --Adjustable belt --Stretch knit back panel --Boot cut design --Economical and --Textured fire retardant outer layer --Sizes 44-66 lightweight --Two tone design --Available in Black, --Aramid cuff --Available in Black, Blue, and Red Red/Black and Navy Blue shoulder flex panel --Sizes S-XXXL --Boot cut --Available in Black/White or Grey --Sizes: Black S-5XL, Grey S-3XL 452-4745-SPECIFY ONE PIECE $39999 EA 124-335 $39995 EA 910-30007 BLACK $19976 EA GREY 19976 EA 452-4746-SPECIFY JACKET 22999 EA 910-30015 452-4747-SPECIFY PANTS 20999 EA TWO-PIECE JACKET 12596 EA 910-30013 PANTS 10796 EA 910-30014 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 19

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Suits A | “THE RACER” SUIT SIZING CHARTS FOR SUITS --Soft and breathable BELL REGULAR SUIT SIZING --Gabardine Nomex® III SIZE CHEST WAIST HIP INSEAM ARM SHOULDER SMALL fire resistant exterior 38 32-34 38 29 33.5 19 --ImpactMax moisture MEDIUM 40 34-36 40 29.5 34 20 management inner liner LARGE 42 36-38 42 30 34.5 21 --Black only X-LARGE 44 38-40 44 30.5 35 22 SFI 3.2A/5 SFI 2X-LARGE 46 40-42 46 31 35.5 23 --Double layer 5 IMPACT RACING \"THE RACER\" SUIT SIZING --Sizes S-2XL SIZE HEIGHT WEIGHT CHEST SMALL 5'4\"-5'6\" 130-150 41-43.5 WAIST HIPS INSEAM SHOULDER 449-242 ONE-PIECE SUIT $47920 EA 29-32.5 34.5-37.5 29-30 16.5-18 449-225 MEDIUM 5'6\"-5'8\" 150-170 44-47.5 33-36.5 38-41.5 30-31 18.5-19.5 449-233 JACKET ONLY 26800 EA LARGE 5'8\"-5'10\" 170-190 48-51.5 37-40 42-45.5 31 20-21 XL 5'10\"-6'1\" 190-210 52-55.5 41-44.5 47-49.5 31-32 21.5-22.5 PANTS ONLY 24800 EA 2XL 6'1\"-6'2\" 220-240 56-59.5 45-48.5 50-53.5 32 23.5-24 3XL 6'2\"-6'4\" 250-270 60-63 49-52.5 54-57.5 32-33 24.5-25.5 SFI SIMPSON SUIT SIZING CHEST WAIST INSEAM NECK WEIGHT SIZE HEIGHT 30-34 26-30 31 14.5 115-130 5 SMALL 5'5\" - 5'7\" 34-38 30-34 32 15.5 140-165 B | CONQUEST 38-42 34-38 33 16.5 175-200 R-507 SUIT MEDIUM 5'7\" - 5'10\" 42-46 38-42 34 17.5 210-225 LARGE 5'10\" - 6'2\" 46-50 42-46 35 18.5 235-250 --New suit design that is one X-LARGE 5'11\" & OVER of the best values in terms 2X-LARGE 5'11\" & OVER of budget and performance --Designed for the racer ZAMP SUIT SIZING CHEST WAIST HIPS INSEAM looking for an upgrade SIZE 36-38 30-31 36-38 30.7 from the Jade series suits SMALL 39-41 32-34 39-41 31.5 --2 Layer Construction 42-44 36-38 42-44 32.3 --100% Aramidic for lighter MEDIUM 45-46 40-42 45-47 32.7 weight and breathability LARGE 47-48 44-46 48-49 33.5 --Pre-curved arms for comfort X-LARGE 49-50 48-50 50-52 34.3 --Available in Black and Black/Red 2X-LARGE --Sizes 46-66 3X-LARGE 674-1282 CONQUEST SUIT $41900 EA ALPINESTARS SUIT SIZING SFI BLACK SIZE HEIGHT CHEST WAIST HIPS OUTER ARM INSEAM BLUE 42 5’3”-5’4” 321⁄4-337⁄8 263⁄4-283⁄8 325⁄8-341⁄4 201⁄8-203⁄4 283⁄4-291⁄8 5 44 5’4”-5’5” 337⁄8-353⁄8 283⁄8-297⁄8 341⁄4-357⁄8 207⁄8-211⁄4 291⁄2-297⁄8 46 5’6”-5’7” 353⁄8-37 297⁄8-311⁄2 357⁄8-373⁄8 215⁄8-22 303⁄8-303⁄4 RED 221⁄2-227⁄8 311⁄8-311⁄2 48 5’7”-5’8” 37-385⁄8 311⁄2-331⁄8 373⁄8-39 231⁄4-235⁄8 317⁄8-321⁄4 C | TWO-LAYER 50 5’9”-5’10” 385⁄8-401⁄8 331⁄8-345⁄8 39-401⁄2 24-243⁄8 325⁄8-33⁄18 QUILTED SUIT 52 5’11”-6’ 401⁄8-413⁄4 345⁄8-361⁄4 401⁄2-421⁄8 243⁄4-251⁄4 331⁄2-337⁄8 --8 oz. Nomex® fleece inner layer 255⁄8-26 341⁄4-345⁄8 --Two layers vertically 54 6’-6’2” 413⁄4-431⁄4 361⁄4-373⁄4 421⁄8-433⁄4 263⁄8-263⁄4 35-353⁄8 quilted together 56 6’2”-6’3” 431⁄4-447⁄8 373⁄4-391⁄4 433⁄4-451⁄4 263⁄8-263⁄4 35-353⁄8 --61⁄2\" oz. Nomex® III 58 6’3”-6’5” 447⁄8-461⁄2 391⁄4-41 451⁄4-467⁄8 271⁄8-271⁄2 357⁄8-361⁄4 gabardine twill outer layer 271⁄8-271⁄2 357⁄8-361⁄4 60 6’3”-6’5” 461⁄2-48 41-421⁄2 467⁄8-483⁄8 62 6’5”-6’6” 48-495⁄8 421⁄2-441⁄8 483⁄8-50 WAIST HIPS 64 6’5”-6’6” 495⁄8-511⁄8 441⁄8-455⁄8 50-515⁄8 24 29 26 31 --Sizes S-2XL Two Layer SPARCO SUIT SIZING HEIGHT WEIGHT CHEST 28 33 --One-piece suit SIZE 4’1”-4’5” 65-80 27 29 35 --Red, Blue or Black 130 XX-SMALL 30 36 4’6”-4’9” 80-100 30 31 38 630-11 ONE-PIECE SUIT - S-2XL $47900 UP 140 4’10”-5’1” 100-110 32 32 39 150 X-SMALL 34 41 D | NOMEX® SUIT CARE 46 5’2-5’4” 110-120 35 36 42 BY MOLECULE LABS 48 SMALL 5’3”-5’5” 120-130 36 38 44 --Wash and care for your Nomex® 50 40 45 suit and underwear at home 52 MEDIUM 5’5”-5’7” 130-140 38 42 47 54 5’7”-5’9” 140-150 39 44 48 531-100 NOMEX® SUIT CARE $6995 EA 56 LARGE 46 49 58 5’8”-5’11” 150-165 41 48 51 630-101 PROTECTOR, 16 OZ. 2995 EA 60 X-LARGE 5’9”-6’ 160-180 42 50 53 630-102 REFRESH SPRAY, 4 OZ. 599 EA 62 64 XX-LARGE 5’11”-6’1” 175-190 44 630-103 REFRESH SPRAY, 16 OZ. 1995 EA 66 6’-6’2” 185-205 45 68 XXX-LARGE 630-104 SPOT CLEANER, 4 OZ. 599 EA 70 XXXX-LARGE 6’1”-6’3” 195-225 46 6’2”-6’4” 215-235 47 630-105 SPOT CLEANER, 16 OZ. 1995 EA 6’4”-6’6” 225-250 49 630-106 WASH KIT 3495 EA 6’5”-6’7” 250-270 52 630-107 TRIAL WASH KIT 999 EA 6’6”-6’8” 265-285 54 20 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Suits SFI SFI 5 SFI 5 5 E | COMPETITION RACE SUIT --Non-quilted design --Soft and lightweight A | FORMULA outer fabric, breathable C | SPRINT RS-2.1 RACING SUIT inserts at the sides and under the arms, a lightweight collar, ultra-lightweight --Advanced Meta Aramid --Lightweight Nomex® construction seams, pre-shaped sleeves, an sandwiched material --Nomex® inner liner adjustable belt and hidden pockets --Jeans type pockets, preformed --Box quilted --Three-layer FPF fabric construction for sleeves and lightened fabric --360 degree Nomex® arm gussets greater durability and comfort --Mesh panels at the armpits and back --Lower back Nomex® expansion gusset --Sizes 48-66 --Boot Cuffs --Hidden boot cut design --Available in Black, Blue, Red and White --Sizes 46-66 --SFI 3.2A/5 rated --Available in Black/Grey and Black/Red --Sizes S-XXL 674-01128 COMPETITION SUIT $69900 EA 674-1040 SPRINT RS-2.1 $55000 EA 210-3517 FORMULA SUIT $44999 EA SFI SFI SFI 55 5 F | ENERGY D | DELTA SUIT B | STRATOS RS-5 SUIT RACE SUIT --Advanced two-layer --Lightweight construction for weight --Advanced two-layer three-layer construction saving and improved --Aramidic construction --Full-floating sleeves heat-resistant performance for weight saving, durability and --Pre-Curved arms and legs --Anatomical arm, leg and torso improved heat-resistance performance --Ultra-soft knit cuffs paneling patterned for optimum --Anatomical arm, leg and torso paneling --Multiple stretch panels for comfort driving position fit patterned for optimum driving position fit --Sizes 48-66 --Adjustable collar and elasticized waist --Velcro-adjustable collar and belted --Available in Black/Silver, Grey/Silver, for precise and secure fit waist for precise fit Blue/Black, Red/Silver --Ribbed, stretchable wrist and foot cuffs --Ribbed, stretchable wrist and foot cuffs --Sizes 44-64 --Sizes 44-64 --Available in Black, Blue/Silver, --Available in Black, Silver, Red/Silver, and Silver Black/White, Blue/White 674-1273 ENERGY RS-5 SUIT $89999 EA 124-617 DELTA SUIT $44999 EA 124-919 STRATOS SUIT $54999 EA 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 21

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Gloves SFI 5 A | SINGLE E | DRIVING SFI K | G6 LAYER GLOVES GLOVES RACING 5 GLOVES --Perfect for classes that do not --Genuine require SFI certification leather palm 4999 PR --Soft-knit fire --Available in Blue, Red or Black --Available in Black, retardant aramid fiber --Sizes S-XL Blue or Red --Internal stitch construction 910-701 --Sizes S-2XL --Sizes S-XXL 345-550 DOUBLE LAYER - SFI 5 $2999 PR 449-3420 G6 $8500 PR SFI SFI 5 5 B | SFI 1 SFI F | G6 GLOVES L | AXIS GLOVES RACING 1 --Premium quality Nomex® GLOVES --Short gaunlet and premium leather are gloves with leather palm $3999 PR used along with a --Single-piece palm --Available in Blue, Red or Black reinforced leather palm with suede insert panels --Sizes S-XL --Available in Black, --Sizes S-XXL 910-702 Blue or Red 449-355010 AXIS --Sizes S-XXL 452-4106 G6 $5999 PR $12995 PR SFI M | ALPHA SFI 5 C | SFI 5 G | PRO SERIES RACING 5 GLOVES RACING GLOVES GLOVES --Construction eliminates --Two-layer SFI --2 layer premium troublesome seams mid-forearm gloves leather and Nomex® and fabric bunching --Available in Blue, 5 --Available in Black, Blue, Red from the palm area --Red or Black --Sizes: Adult S-XXL --Sizes S-XXL --Sizes S-XXL $5599 PR 910-703 452-4105 PRO $6999 PR 449-39010 ALPHA $16995 PR SFI SFI 5 5 H | APEX II D | DRIVING SFI GLOVES N | SKELETON GLOVES DRIVING GLOVES 1 --Nomex® construction --Genuine --Internally stitched --Double layer SFI 5 leather palm $3999 PR finger design --Genuine leather palm --Available in Black, Blue or Red --Perforated leather palm --Hook and Loop wrist closure --Sizes S-2XL --Available in Black, --Available in Black or Blue 345-510 SINGLE LAYER - SFI 1 Blue and Red --Sizes S-XXL --Sizes S-2XL 210-1313 210-3695 APEX II $6999 PR $9799 PR INTERNATIONAL SIZE SFI SFI 5 5 Wrap a measuring tape around your P | RACING hand behind the knuckles, not including GLOVES the thumb, keeping the tape snug. --Soft-set Nomex® --Fire resistant silicone palms GLOVE SIZE MEN'S HAND CIRCUMFERENCE J | VISION II $7999 PR --Pre-curved fingers for $10999 PR SMALL 71⁄2\" - 8\" GLOVES better driver feel 8\" - 81⁄2\" --Sizes S-XXL MEDIUM 81⁄2\" - 9\" --Nomex® gloves 210-12892 LARGE 9\" - 91⁄2\" --Available in Black, X-LARGE 91⁄2\" - 10\" Blue and Red XX-LARGE 10\" - 11\" --Sizes S-2XL XXX-LARGE 210-3707 22 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Gloves SFI SFI SFI 5 5 1 J | LAND $8900 PR E | TECH-1 V2 $9995 PR A | SUPER SPORT $7995 PR RG-3.1 START GLOVES RACING GLOVES GLOVES --Fire-resistant aramidic fiber --Entry level racing glove --Elastic wrist --Single panel top construction that protects and performs --Suede palm --Pre-curved fingers and palm --SFI 3.3/1 certified glove --Available in Black, --Minimal seam construction of Nomex® construction Blue or Red --Available in Blue, Red, --Popular reverse seams --Sizes S-XXL Yellow or Black and silicone graphics 674-1308 --Sizes S-XXL finish out the design 124-1620 --Sizes XS-XL SFI 630-218 5 F | TECH-1 V2 SFI K | LAP RG-5 5 GLOVES RACE GLOVES B | IMPULSE --Split stitching --Fire-resistant RACING construction aramidic fiber GLOVES --High grip silicone palm --Pre-curved SFI --Available in Black, fingers --Provides protection and grip Black/Yellow and palm 5 in all the right areas Black/Orange, --Nomex® construction Blue and Red --Minimal seam construction --Exceptionally soft palm --Sizes XS-XL --Choose from Black/White, construction of goat leather 674-1311 Black/Yellow, Black/Orange, --Available in Black, Blue or Red Black/Green, White/Black --Sizes XS-XXL SFI --Sizes S-XXL 630-217 5 $10499 PR 124-1120 $12995 PR $9995 PR L | ARROW G | TECH M SFI RG-7 GLOVES GLOVES 5 --Anatomically correct --FIA homologate seamless palm pit-crew glove SFI C | PREDATOR --External seams and RACING GLOVES high contrast palm --Constructed from 5 --Available in Black, flame-resistant --Lightweight Black/Orange, aramidic fiber Nomex® construction Red, Navy, and White --Easy and quick to --Digital fire resistant --Sizes XS-XXL take off and put on leather with individual 674-1309 --Available in Red/Black performance stress points --Sizes S-XXL --Extra long gauntlet with forearm cuff 124-2818 TECH M --Sizes S-XL $19900 PR $14999 PR 630-208 PREDATOR $13995 PR H | TECH 1 SFI M | ZR-50 SFI Z GLOVES 5 RACE 5 --Fire-resistant aramidic fiber GLOVES --Strategically positioned D | VORTEX silicone textured RACING --External seam for patterning GLOVES more comfort --Combination leather --Tapered wrist cuff --SFI 3.3 rated for secure fit professional and silicon palms and --Choose from Black/Red, racing glove with fingers for better grip Nomex® construction --Available in Black, Blue, Black/Yellow, Silver/Blue, --Available in Grey or Black SFI Grey/Green, Black/White --Sizes XS-XXL Red and Gray --Sizes S-XXL 5 --Sizes S-XXXL $16995 PR 910-1050 $5899 PR 124-0217 TECH 1 Z $13499 PR 630-214 VORTEX 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 23

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Shoes SFI SFI 5 5 SFI F | VIPER III SHOES L | ADRENALINE SHOES A | WIDE-TOE 5 --Mid-top design --Feature a single Speedfit closure, --Maximum comfort and excellent pedal feel low cut achilles support, RACING SHOES --Leather and fire retardant and fleece Nomex® lining --Wide toe box and an extra cushioned --Performance driving sole with --A triple layer anterior toe area plus sole for greater comfort traditional lace up style non-slip PU sole with Posi-grip traction --Available in Black, Blue or Red --Top closure strap --Available in Black --Sizes 7-13 --Available in Black only --Sizes 4-14 --Sizes 5-14 674-1272 WIDE-TOE SHOES $10000 PR 210-1114 VIPER III SHOES $9799 PR 630-15 ADRENALINE SHOES $13995 PR SFI 5 B | SUEDE LEATHER G | TECH 1-T SHOES DRIVING SHOES --Main upper constructed from durable, full grain leather with suede --Single speedfit closure low cut achilles for optimized levels of durability, comfort and abrasion resistance support for maximum flexibility --Available in Black/Silver, Black/White, Silver/Blue, Black/White/Orange, Black/White/Red, Black/White/Yellow --Available in Black, Blue or Red Blue/White/Yellow, Red/Black/White --Sizes 5-13, also in half sizes --Sizes 5-13 --Meets SFI 3.3/5 630-28 LEATHER SHOES $10995 PR SFI 124-119 $26999 PR 5 C | REDLINE SHOES H | JUNIOR MID TOP SUEDE --Manufactured of top grain leather DRIVING SHOE and fire retardant Nomex® --Sizes 6-14 includes half sizes --Flame-retardant interior --Available in Black/White or Black/Gray --SFI 3-3/5 approved --Sizes 4-6 630-2000 REDLINE SHOES $17995 PR --Available in black only 910-22000 SFI $7699 PR D | SP SHOES 5 SFI --Designed for a combination of fit and $19999 PR J | MEDIUM TOP 5 feel both in and out of the car DRIVING SHOES --F1 derived sole with exclusive rubber --Sole allows for positive pedal control compound for improved feel and grip Sizes 7-14 --Available in Black, Blue, Red, --Meets SFI 3.3/5 --Sizes: 5-13 --Available in Black only 124-0618 449-470 MEDIUM TOP SHOES $7999 PR E | SLALOM SFI RACING SHOES --High-quality suede K | ZR50 SERIES 5 --mid-boot design RACING SHOES --Leather insole --Lightweight sole for excellent pedal feel --Super lightweight --Anti-slip, Anti-static, fuel and oil resistant sole --Breathable, flexible construction --Available in Black, Blue and Red --Sizes 8-13 (Black available in 1-13) --Sizes 5-14 --Available in Blue, Black, Grey, Orange and Red --Shoes come in a Zamp zippered shoe bag 674-1266 SLALOM SHOES $17900 PR 910-3002 ZR50 RACING SHOES $9899 PR 24 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Shoes F | VISION III SHOES A | SPEEDWAY HIGH --Provides excellent heel to toe feel and outstanding performance TOP DRIVING SHOES --Soft, flexible, high grade suede --Leather and fire retardant| --Double hook and loop cotton construction closure strap SFI --Top closure strap --One-piece molded sole 5 --SFI 3.3/5 rated SFI features no-slip traction --Available in Black only 5 --Designed for precision heel-to-toe action --Sizes 5-14 --Available in Black, Blue or Red 210-3770 VISION III SHOES $9799 PR --Sizes from 7-14 --SFI 3.3/5 910-707 HIGH TOP $6999 PR G | ESSE SHOES SFI --100% Leather construction --Thin sole for maximum pedal feel 5 --Back heel provides a smooth B | 237 PHILLY and stable pivot point for RACING SHOES heel-toe shifting --SFI 3.3/5 rated SFI --Premium suede outer layer --Soft knit flame retardant liner --Available in Black or White 5 --Slim profile rubberized sole --Sizes 36-46 --U-cut ankle wrap for flexibility --Sizes 6-13 674-1201 ESSE SHOES $6199 PR 452-0237 237 PHILLY SHOES $7999 PR SFI H | 238 PITTSBURG 5SFI DIRT RACING SHOES C | HIGH TOP 5 DRIVING SHOE --Multi-panel constructions --Soft knit flame retardant liner --Lightweight, flexible leather design --Slim profile rubberized --One-piece no-slip sole sole for pedal feel --Available in Black only --U-cut ankle wrap for flexibility --Size 5-14 --Durable smooth outer layer --SFI 3.3/5 --Sizes 6-13 452-0238 238 PITTSBURG SHOES 345-4000 HIGH TOP SHOES $7999 PR $8499 PR SFI D | HIGH TOP DRIVING SHOES 5 --Sole allows for positive pedal J | STEALTH SHOES control while the padded tongue, SFI perforated panel and velour suede --Leather with Nomex® liner construction is designed 5 --Features black leather or racing conditions upper straps with a lace --Choose high or medium top $8999 PR guard and ankle support --7-111⁄2 in half sizes, 12-13 full-sizes only --Half sizes 8-14 --Meets SFI 3.3/5 --Black only --Black only 630-23 STEALTH SHOES $14995 PR 449-460 HIGH TOP SHOES SFI SFI 5 E | AXIS DRIVING SHOES 5 K | ZR50 SERIES --Affordable high-top solution ideal for RACING SHOES most complements of motorsports --Exclusive high-grip fluted sole --Super lightweight --Superior cooling and --Breathable, flexible construction optimized pedal precision --Hook and loop ankle strap --Reinforced side panels --Sizes 8-13 (Black available in 1-13) --Fire retardant lining --Available in Blue, Black, Grey, Orange and Red --Adjustable hook and loop ankle strap closure --Shoes come in a Zamp zippered shoe bag --Black Only 910-3002 ZR50 RACING SHOES $9899 PR 449-4100 AXIS SHOES $10000 PR 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 25

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Youth Safety Equipment SFI E | DRIVER ONE-PIECE SINGLE LAYER 1 RACING SUIT A | LEGEND II --One-piece SFI YOUTH RACING SUIT --Single layer construction with Jade Styling 1 --One-piece youth racing suit --Lightweight and specifically --SFI 1 rating designed for fire resistance --Fire retardant cotton material --Soft and durable FPF fabric --Sizes XS-XL --Boot cuff --SFI 3.2A/1 rated 630-1516 $12995 EA --Available in Black --Sizes XXS-XXXXL 674-1051 $15000 EA B | HELIX RACING SUIT F | SINGLE LAYER YOUTH RACE SUITS --DuPont Nomex fabric --Single layer construction --270 degree arm and back gussets using 100% FR cotton --Knee and inner thigh stretch panels --Box quilt stitching --Lower back stress relief panel --Pockets on each leg --Upper back ventilation port --Adjustable belt --No bulk, weight saving patch pockets --Lightweight construction and embroidered trim and logo for ultimate comfort --Sizes XS-XL --Aramid cuffs for comfort SFI --Also available in adult sizes 630-1518 $39900 EA around ankles and wrists 1 --Boot cuff provides stylish ankle protection SFI --Available in Black and Grey --Sizes S-XL 1 C | 125 SFI-1 RACING 910-10015 $9896 EA JACKET AND PANTS SFI --SFI 3.2A/1 2005 --TPP 10 G | JUNIOR DRIVING 1 --Single layer 1-PIECE SUIT --New design for 2015 --Single layer Proban® --Made with Pyrovatex® fabric --Suit features straight leg with inside cuff, inset --Jackets available in Black, Blue or Red pockets, high rise collar and European styling --Pants available in black only --SFI 1 approved --Children sizes S-L --Available in Black --Adult sizes S-XXXL --Sizes S-L $6999 EA 452-4126 125 SFI-1 RACING JACKET 4999 EA 910-24084 $9999 EA 452-4127 125 SFI-1 RACING PANTS SFI SIZING CHARTS FOR YOUTH SUITS 5 CROW YOUTH SUIT SIZING SIZE CHEST WAIST INSEAM SMALL 22\"-25\" 24\" D | 505 SFI-5 RACING 30\"-32\" 25\"-28\" 26\" JACKET AND PANTS 28\"-32\" 27\" MEDIUM 32\"-34\" --SFI 3.2A/5 Rating WAIST INSEAM --TPP 26 Rating LARGE 34\"-36\" 21\"-24\" 22\" --Pyrovatex® Fabric 24\"-26\" 23\" --Nomex® Cuffs SIMPSON YOUTH SUIT SIZING 26\"-28\" 24\" --White billboard trimmed 29\"-31\" 26\" in contrasting piping SIZE CHEST 32\"-34\" 28\" --White arm stripes EXTRA SMALL --Available in Black, Blue or Red 28\"-31\" WAIST INSEAM --Sizes S-XXXL 21\"-24\" 18\"-19\" --Also available in adult sizes SMALL 31\"-33\" 24\"-26\" 21.5\"-22.5\" 452-4385 GF505 RACING JACKET 26\"-28\" 452-4386 GF505 RACING PANTS MEDIUM 33\"-36\" 24\" 26 LARGE 36\"-38\" EXTRA LARGE 39\"-41\" G-FORCE YOUTH SUIT SIZING SIZE CHEST SMALL 27\"-29\" $16499 EA MEDIUM 30\"-32\" 14499 EA LARGE 33\"-34\" SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Youth Safety Equipment F | 360° JUNIOR $3499 EA A | ZAMP YOUTH KNITTED HELMET NECK COLLAR --Smaller lightweight shell --Knitted flame --7-Top Air system retardant material --Plush fire retardant interior --SFI 3.3 approved --Removable washable comfort liners --Available in black, blue and red --SFI 24.1 and DOT 910-20164 --Available in black or white --Comes with tearoff post G | YOUTH NECK ROLL 910-75700 RZ-34Y HELMET $16196 EA --Ergonomic designed and 910-200 SHIELD 2696 UP engineered shape to fit kids 910-74897 SPEEDWAY TEAROFFS 2299 BX --External cover can be pulled of core for washing 910-74872 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET by Velcro® opening on the rear --Available in S/M 6-10yrs and L/XL 10-14 yrs $3999 EA B | RZ-42Y 124-67410 YOUTH HELMET H | TECH 1K --Composite Kevlar mix lightweight shell KARTING GLOVES --Snell CMR 2016 standard --Colors: White, Black --Lightweight, nylon-cotton construction Blue/Orange and Green/Silver Graphic provides optimum feel and enhanced comfort --Does not come with tearoff post --Available in Black/White, Black/Red, Black/Yellow, Black/Green --Sizes S-XXL 910-7530 RZ-42Y YOUTH HELMET $19796 EA 910-200 SHIELD 2696 UP 910-74897 SPEEDWAY TEAROFFS 2299 BX 910-74879 RACING OPTICS TEAROFFS 2995 SET 124-1717 $5999 PR BLACK WHITE RED SILVER BLUE C | JR SPEEDWAY FLAT BLACK SHARK HELMET PEARL ORANGE --SFI 24.1 --Choose from 8 color options J | KS-5 SUIT --Size: Youth Medium and Large --New CIK-FIA 2013-1 Homologation 630-178 $39995 UP --Styled and designed for 630-J88600 SHIELD - CLEAR 4995 EA safety and comfort 630-J88601 SHIELD - SMOKE 4995 EA --Features half-floating 910-74872 TEAROFFS 2995 BX sleeves and strategically placed stretch panels D | YOUTH --Available in blue/white/black (BL/W), black/grey/yellow (B/G/Y) SPORT III black/grey/celeste 'neon blue' (B/G/C), black/grey/black (B/G/B), and red/white/black (R/W/B) --Professional protection in youth sizing --SFI 38.1 certified head restraint model 674-1328 YOUTH XXS AND XS $39999 EA --20° Layback 674-2328 ADULT XS-XXL 41999 EA SFI POST ANCHORS 451-21731 SIZE SMALLEST LARGEST 38.1 SAH $39900 EA ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT 39900 EA 451-21742 SA $39900 EA CHILD 22\" 26\" QUICK CLICK ANCHORS 39900 EA YOUTH 26\" 30\" 451-21741 SAH X-SMALL 32\" 36\" 451-21732 SA K | HYBRID SPORT E | KART COLLARS --DuPont carbon polymer construction --Features variable density --Sleek, modern profile with defined wings padding to provide firmer support for seatbelt containment --Unique rear “spoiler” reduces the weight of the helmet on the back --Sliding tethers and patent pending multi-tether --Colors: black/blue, black/gray and black/red system enhances side to side range of --Youth (S) and Adult (STD) sizes movement and field of vision 910-72300 WITHOUT SEATBELT HOOKS 42900 UP 674-1602 $9900 EA 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 27

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Quarter Midget A | CHILD ADJUSTABLE SFI CONTAINMENT SEAT CERTIFIED --TIG and MIG-welded and E | 2\" WRAP 16.1 reinforced in critical areas AROUND --5” of vertical adjustment SEAT BELT --Seat can be adjusted vertically to --50'' seat belt with individual harness raise rib and shoulder supports --All points wrap-around --Head can be adjusted --Pull down adjustment vertically and horizontally --Includes black cover 910-11184 $9799 EA --Choose 12” or 14” wide hip width 960-3400 $50900 EA B | JUNIOR ALUMINUM F | QUARTER SFI RACING SEAT MIDGET CERTIFIED SEAT BELTS --TIG and MIG-welded and 16.1 reinforced in critical areas --Specifically for quarter --Includes multi-level shoulder midget racers LATCH & LINK harness and sub belt cutouts --Pull down adjuster --Your choice of 10\", 11\", 12\", --Latch link buckle SFI 13\" or 14\" widths --Available in Black, Blue and Red CERTIFIED --Includes black cover --8° layback 630-29025 WRAP-AROUND PULL DOWN $9995 EA 16.1 960-24000 630-290251 WRAP-AROUND PULL UP 9995 EA 630-29026 BOLT-IN PULL DOWN 9995 EA $17999 EA CAM LOCK Professional Seat Systems G | PRO SERIES SEAT BELTS C | SEAT INSERTS --2\"x2\" latch & link restraints or cam lock --Specially designed to properly support --QSR adjuster on the shoulder belts the lower back, pelvis and thighs --Decrease the risk of back injury 449-51116661 LATCH & LINK $10999 EA --Creates a molded shape of your body to allow 449-55346661 CAM LOCK 14995 EA impact forces to be spread more equally --Do-it-yourself kit comes complete H | JUNIOR ARM with full instructions and all materials RESTRAINTS --Fits existing seat so there’s no need to purchase a seat 2-3 sizes larger --Features padded arm bands and steel hardware 202-315 BUTLERBUILT $29999 EA --Available in Black, Blue and Red --Easy release 940-99300 KIRKEY 25480 EA 630-31507 --SFI 3.3 Rated --Sold as a pair SFI $3495 EA 5 D | JUNIOR STANDARD $4699 EA J | 2\" JUNIOR $3999 EA DRIVING GLOVES ARM RESTRAINT --Two layers of Nomex® --Attaches around arms with hook --Sewn with Nomex® thread and loop closures, vee straps --Extra padding on palm and knuckle attach via hooks --SFI 5 approved --SFI 3.3 approved --Junior Racer Gloves have a shorter --Available in Black, Blue and Red finger length than adult sizes --Sold as a pair --Available in black 940-11574 --Sizes M-L 910-11684 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE 28

|| Window Nets and Mirrors LATCH STYLE G | MESHWINDOW NET A | WINDOW NET INSTALLATION KITS --18\" x 24\" nylon frame --Fits 24\" nets --Available in Red, Black, Blue, Yellow or Green 1 916-72003 LATCH STYLE $3499 EA 916-72004 PUSH BUTTON RELEASE 910-74 MESH WINDOW NET $1999 EA 916-72005 SPRING-LOADED RELEASE 2499 EA 916-72001 STEEL ROD KIT 2999 EA 916-05044 WINDOW NET AND KIT 3499 KIT 916-72002 ALUMINUM ROD KIT 1499 EA 916-72001 INSTALLATION KIT, STEEL RODS 1499 KIT 1999 EA 916-72002 INSTALLATION KIT, ALUMINUM RODS 1999 KIT H | GRAND NATIONAL B | WINDOW NET SFI WINDOW NET --18\" x 24\" 27.1 --16\" x 24\" at base --In Black, Blue or Red --Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, $2499 EA Purple, White or Orange 910-76 CROW WINDOW NET 4999 KIT WINDOW NET AND KIT 1499 KIT 910-72 ­G­ M SEAT BELT BUCKLE $3999 EA 916-05093 INSTALLATION KIT, STEEL RODS 1999 KIT 910-71 RACING HARNESS STYLE LATCH 4999 EA 916-72001 INSTALLATION KIT, ALUMINUM RODS 916-72002 J | WIDE-ANGLE REAR C | WINDOW NET SFI VIEW MIRROR KITS --18\" x 24\" 27.1 --Will not vibrate loose --Available in Black, --14\" or 17\" --Blue, Red, and Purple $1999 EA 4599 KIT ADJUSTMENT RANGE OF 1⁄2\" TO 21⁄2\" 475-22534 SFI 14\" - TUBE MOUNT 13⁄4\" $6299 EA 345-5800 WINDOW NET 916-05094 WINDOW NET AND KIT 37.1 475-22535 14\" - TUBE MOUNT 11⁄2\" 6299 EA 7299 EA $3999 EA 475-22530 17\" - TUBE MOUNT 13⁄4\" 7299 EA 475-22531 17\" - TUBE MOUNT 11⁄2\" ADJUSTMENT RANGE OF 2\" TO 51⁄2\" 475-22536 14\" - TUBE MOUNT 13⁄4\" $6299 EA D | SPRINT AND MIDGET CAGE NET 475-22537 14\" - TUBE MOUNT 11⁄2\" 6299 EA 7299 EA 475-22532 17\" - TUBE MOUNT 13⁄4\" --Used on LH or RH side of cars 475-22533 17\" - TUBE MOUNT 11⁄2\" 7299 EA --Features quick release buckle REPLACEMENT MIRRORS --Black, Blue, Red, Purple or Gray 475-22544 14\" $2999 EA 475-22547 17\" 3799 EA 940-1161 CAGE NET K | WIDE-ANGLE REAR VIEW MIRROR E | SPRINT CAR CAGE NET --Increase your side and rear vision by more than 300% with these wide-angle mirrors --Open wheel cage net for added safety 910-56849 THREE PANEL - 20\" $1999 EA --Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, FOUR PANEL - 28\" Purple, White or Orange 910-56850 FIVE PANEL - 35\" 2199 EA 910-56851 2399 EA L | CONVEX WIDE 910-73 CAGE NET $1999 EA ANGLE MIRROR 161⁄2\" $1299 EA --All metal mounting 3999 KIT 910-56855 brackets - 161⁄2\" x 3\" F | RIBBON 1499 KIT --Mirror is glass WINDOW NET 1999 KIT $4999 EA --Nylon and polyester sewn with heavy nylon thread M | CLAMP ON --18\" x 24\" with 1\" webbing SPOT MIRROR --Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, Purple, White or Orange --33⁄4\" Spot Mirror with bracket 910-70 RIBBON WINDOW NET for 13⁄4\" or 11⁄2\" roll bar WINDOW NET AND KIT 916-05095 INSTALLATION KIT, STEEL RODS --Mounts on driver's side or 916-72001 INSTALLATION KIT, ALUMINUM RODS passenger's side 916-72002 475-22548 13⁄4\" MOUNT $4999 EA 475-22549 11⁄2\" MOUNT 4999 EA 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 29

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Communication A | SD 1600 LEGEND E | ELEMENT --Designed for drivers to use with a 2-way radio --Water and dust resistant with an internal, rechargeable battery --2 audio ports route to one ear piece --Race officials broadcast directly to drivers --Volume from 2-way radio is reduced --Instant notifications of track conditions when officials are using the frequency --The RACEceiver Element has the same preprogrammed 1600 UHF --Includes holster, AAA battery, instructions, and a 36mm coiled cord channels or frequencies that all RACEceivers have so it can be used at tracks where the RACEceiver is mandated --Comes with a USB charge cord, holster, and cushioned zip pouch 910-71705 $12999 EA 910-150506 SD 1600 LEGEND $10995 EA F | HELMET HOLSTER 910-LP1600 2595 EA 910-71700 ROOKIE EAR PIECE 5995 EA --This is a helmet holster (with hook an SEMI-PRO EAR BUDS loop instead of clip) and battery cover --Fits the RACEceiver FD1600 Fusion, Y1600 Elite or the RACEceiver Ace/Legend $799 EA 910-71706 B | LAPCEIVER ALT G | TRANSPONDER $1995 EA MOUNTING POUCH $1199 SET --Compare your lap times before & after changes made during practice --Mount your rechargeable $999 EA --Download lap times from LapCeiver to your computer transponder to the frame of your car --Times are stored and can be recalled once you are back in the pits --Large grommet holes allow you to --Includes: IR detector, reverse splitter, holster, USB cable zip-tie the case to the car --Features 2 modes of operation --Clear plastic window to view indicator lights 910-150505 910-150507 LAPCEIVER ALT $15995 EA Garage Sale H | AAA LITHIUM BATTERIES --4 Pack 408-40 C | LAPCEIVER BEACON $9995 EA J | STEREO SPLITTER --Designed to work with your LapCeiver A.L.T. --Allows any RACEceiver to power --Requires a 9v battery to operate to headsets simultaneously --Can be placed on wall, fence, or tripod --3.5 mm input and outputs 910-150508 910-150503 D | PROFESSIONAL $14995 EA K | HELMET SPEAKERS $2995 EA DRIVER EARPIECE --Soft padded speakers attach to the --Deliver high quality sound from any listening device inside of your helmet with hook and loop --Custom fit designed specifically for your ear --Extra long cable --Highly recommended for noisy racing environments --3.5 mm jack 910-150509 910-150502 30 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

910-W16001 || Communication A | RACECEIVER FUSION + 910-71700 910-71702 --Includes a holster clip REQUIRED --Uses AAA batteries BY MANY --Operates in the 450-470 mhz range TRACKS --Ear piece sold separately 910-71702 RACECEIVER ONLY $9995 EA 910-LP1600 ROOKIE EAR PIECE 2595 EA 910-71700 SEMI-PRO EAR BUDS 5995 EA 910-71701 SEMI-PRO FOAM REPLACEMENTS 910-W1601 RACECEIVER FULLY ENCLOSED CAR BOX 299 EA 999 EA 910-W16001 RACECEIVER KIT INCLUDES ALL THREE PARTS - ROOKIE EAR PIECE 910-W16002 RACECEIVER KIT INCLUDES ALL THREE PARTS - SEMI-PRO EAR PIECE 13499 KIT 910-W16003 RACECEIVER FD1600+ FUSION PLUS KIT W/HELMET HOLDER & SPEAKERS 16499 KIT 12499 KIT F | REUSABLE JELLI EAR PLUGS B | BLACK BOX TWO-MAN SHORT TRACK RADIO SYSTEM --Washable and reusable --Choose Snug Plugs with cord and carrying case or the --Includes everything needed for the driver and the crew chief to talk -- Rad Band with built in strap --Driver gets a high-noise Pro ear piece, microphone, push-to-talk steering wheel button, wiring harness and 16-channel 4-watt radio 1 910-71900 RAD BAND $599 EA --Crew chief gets a radio, radio belt, radio cord and Titan high-noise Pro headset 2 910-71905 SNUG PLUGS WITH CORD 199 EA with built-in push-to-talk button --All components available separately G | RATCHETING --Radios include chargers SEAT BELT MOUNT 460-1000 SHORT TRACK RADIO SYSTEM $79999 EA --Allows you to mount your ratcheting 460-100 EXTRA RACING RADIO 16999 EA seat belt to the frame without welding 940-3867 $12999 EA H | EYE BOLT KIT $899 EA C | STERNUM PROTECTOR --Consists of 7⁄16\" NF bolt --Designed to hold the harness with 11⁄2\"shank, together under impact washer and nut --Fits all 2\" and 3\" shoulder harnesses --Comes with quick-release buckle --Bolt fits existing seat belt holes --In Blue, Purple, Red or Black 630-31018 EYE BOLT KIT 910-72353 STERNUM PROTECTOR $1799 EA J | SEAT BELT INSTALLATION KIT D | NOMEX® INDIVIDUAL HARNESS PADS --Includes two 7⁄16\" NF Grade 8 bolts, nuts, lock washers, large flat washers --Designed to slide over your shoulder harness or lap belt for comfort and safety 910-72305 INSTALLATION KIT --Red, Blue, or Black $399 KIT 630-31500 HARNESS PADS $4995 PR K | CLIP-IN E | PROBAN CONVERSION HARNESS PADS --Convert your harness from --Slide over belts to provide extra comfort bolt-in to clip-in with this kit in high pressure areas --All heavy duty hardware and snap hook --Fire retardant Proban 630-31020 CONVERSION KIT --Red, Blue, or Black 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. $1999 PR 345-500 HARNESS PADS $1999 PR 31

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Seat Belts SFI BLACK E | INDIVIDUAL BLACK CERTIFIED BLUE STYLE BLUE RED SHOULDER RED 16.1 PURPLE HARNESS SFI A | SEAT BELT SFI --62\" Polyester webbing CERTIFIED COMBO --Clip-in set contains clip-in lap belt and $5999 EA bolt-in/wrap-around sub and shoulder belt 16.1 --SFI certified 16.1 --Double stitched for PULL-UP ADJUSTER LATCH AND LINK ASSEMBLY $12995 EA extra strength 630-29061 15999 EA --Features deluxe 3\" lap belt and BOLT-IN (SHOWN) 15999 EA shoulder harness with single sub belt --All belts can be mounted as bolt-in or wrap around 630-29068 CLIP-IN $12995 EA --Black, Blue, Red or Purple 15999 EA 630-29069 WRAP-AROUND 14999 EA PULL-DOWN ADJUSTER LATCH AND LINK ASSEMBLY $24999 EA 630-29063 910-728 COMBO BOLT-IN 630-29058 CLIP-IN 630-29059 WRAP-AROUND PULL-DOWN ADJUSTER CAM LOCK ASSEMBLY 630-29110 SFI BOLT-IN CERTIFIED 16.1 B | ELITE SERIES SFI SEAT BELT CERTIFIED --These Elite Series five point seat 16.1 belts use platinum colored webbing for good looks and strength F | BLACK BELTS WITH --They have pull-down 3\" BLACK HARDWARE shoulder harnesses and the 3\" lap belt has a latch handle cover --SFI 16.1 rated to avoid accidental belt release --3\" latch and link --Can be used as a bolt-in or wrap-around --Available for Head and Neck restraints 910-729 $7999 EA 630-290631 SIMPSON ALL BLACK BELT SET $12995 EA 630-290632 SIMPSON BLACK H&N SEAT BELTS 12995 EA SFI G | SIMPSON 55\" BLACK SPORT BELT COMBO BLUE C | FIVE POINT CERTIFIED RED BELT COMBO --SFI 16.1 rated and feature polyester 16.1 construction for maximum protection $10995 EA --Affordable restraint --Forged hardware for that works with many safety and wrap around types of race cars belt mounting --3\" individual shoulder harness --Pull-down design with --Belts ship as a wrap around design but include separate bolt-in brackets one lap belt adjuster 630-29043 BELT COMBO --Individual shoulder harness 449-511 $14995 EA BLACK BLUE SFI H | 55” SPORT RED CERTIFIED BELT 5-POINT COMBO FOR HANS DEVICE SFI 16.1 CERTIFIED --Latch and link pull down style belt D | LATCH AND --SFI rated 16.1 16.1 LINK SHOULDER --Polyester construction for HARNESS SET maximum protection $16999 EA --Specifically designed for 16999 EA --Available in black, blue and red use with the HANS Device and 16999 EA --Bolt in or wrap around other head and neck restraints --Latch line --Pull down adjuster $6999 EA 630-29071 BOLT-IN 202-6000 CLIP-IN 630-29072 WRAP-AROUND 630-29073 32 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

D | INDIVIDUAL A | SEAT BELT || Seat Belts STYLE SHOULDER HARNESS COMBO BLACK --Adjustable to 48\" in length --Bolt-in BLUE --Individual shoulder harness straps attach quickly and easily --3\" belts RED --Can be mounted bolt-in or wrap-around style --Pulls down to tighten PURPLE --Available in Red, Blue, or Black --Features latch and link buckle assembly with Velcro® latch guard cover SFI STERNUM PROTECTOR STYLE CERTIFIED 630-30004WS LATCH AND LINK $7490 SET 16.1 STANDARD STYLE 5995 SET $10999 EA 630-30004 5995 SET 10999 EA LATCH AND LINK 10999 EA 5995 SET 10999 EA 630-33004 CAM LOCK 5995 SET 2” WIDE­ FOR HANS DEVICE – SHOWN ABOVE 910-72033 SEAT BELT COMBO - BLACK 630-30010 SEAT BELT COMBO - BLUE LATCH AND LINK 910-72032 SEAT BELT COMBO - RED 910-72031 SEAT BELT COMBO - PURPLE 630-33010 CAM LOCK 910-72030 E | LAP BELTS BLACK BLUE --Available in Red, Blue, or Black RED BOLT-IN LAP BELT SFI 630-29004 PULL-UP - LATCH AND LINK CERTIFIED $8995 EA 16.1 630-29024 PULL-DOWN - LATCH AND LINK 8995 EA $18999 EA 630-32024 PULL-DOWN - CAM LOCK 16995 EA B | SEAT BELTS WITH 18999 EA STERNUM PROTECTOR 18999 EA CLIP-IN LAP BELT 18999 EA 630-29000 PULL-UP - LATCH AND LINK --Complete harness set 18999 EA $8995 EA includes sub-belt, 18999 EA individual shoulder 630-29020 PULL-DOWN - LATCH AND LINK 8995 EA harness with sternum SFI protector and lap belt CERTIFIED WRAP-AROUND - DESIGNED TO WRAP AROUND FRAME RAIL OR BRACKET --Latch link 630-29002 PULL-UP - LATCH AND LINK --Red, Blue or Black 16.1 $8995 EA $27995 EA 630-29022 PULL-DOWN - LATCH AND LINK 8995 EA F | ANTI-SUB BELTS 630-29200 PULL-UP LAP BELT, CLIP-IN 630-29210 PULL-UP LAP BELT, BOLT-IN --Available in Red, Blue, or Black 630-29220 PULL-UP LAP BELT, WRAP-AROUND PULL-DOWN LAP BELT, CLIP-IN 630-31012 LATCH AND LINK - 27\" SINGLE $2995 EA 630-29250 PULL-DOWN LAP BELT, BOLT-IN 630-34012 CAM LOCK - 27\" SINGLE - (SHOWN) 2995 EA 630-29260 PULL-DOWN LAP BELT, WRAP-AROUND 630-29270 BLACK BLUE RED G | PLATINUM SIX $16495 EA C | SIX WAY POINT BELT HARNESS --Latch and link --Comfort feature of this --Pull tabs for easy restraint system focuses adjustment on the switch from a --Anti slip springs central mounting keep it tight point, to dual 11⁄2\" --No left side adjuster anti-sub belts that --Features polyester webbing, standard sub belt wrap around inside 630-29056 SIX POINT BELT of thighs and secure under seat --Cam lock only --Available in Black, Blue and Red --Individual shoulder harness 630-29114 SIX WAY 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 33

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Seat Belts SFI SFI CERTIFIED CERTIFIED 16.1 16.1 E | 2\" HANS A | LATCH F/X TYPE HARNESS 5 WAY SPRINT HARNESS --Specifically for use • Wrap around lap and shoulder belts with the HANS device and • Left side adjustment only on lap belt, other head and neck restraints individual shoulder harness --Bolt-in or wrap-around available --Eliminate gathering and slippage • Short sew pattern brings adjuster 910-72080 BOLT-IN, BLACK $11499 EA 940-20054 WRAP-AROUND, BLACK (SHOWN) 11999 EA on lap belt closer to latch SFI CERTIFIED 630-29066 PULL DOWN $12995 EA 12995 EA 16.1 630-29075 SHORT SEW PATTERN(SHOWN) $11999 SET SFI F | 5-WAY LATCH AND CERTIFIED LINK RESTRAINTS 16.1 --50\" lap belt --Individual harness bolt-in B | 3” PRO SERIES --All points bolt-in LATCH AND LINK --Shoulder harness bolt-in ends may be removed to change to wrap around --Narrow for head --Available in Red, Black, and neck device Blue, Purple or Gray --Left side adjustment only 910-1116 --All black hardware --Red, black, blue, purple, gray colors $16599 EA G | PRO SERIES 5-WAY SFI --Wrap around LATCH AND LINK CERTIFIED 910-20052 RESTRAINTS 16.1 SFI --50” lap belt, bolt-in CERTIFIED --Dog bone harness $16599 SET --3\" Pro aluminum adjusters 16.1 --Anti-sub belt bolt-in $12999 EA --Shoulder harness bolt in $1299 EA C | MIDGET & ends may be removed to SPRINT BELT change to wrap around --Sold as a set --Built specifically for sprint and midgets --Available in Red, Black, Blue, Purple or Gray --Left hand pull down adjustment only 910-11112 --Available in black, blue, red, purple and gray 910-72040 $10999 EA H | SEAT BELT MOUNT --Allows you to mount your ratcheting seat belt to the frame without welding --Aluminum construction, black anodize finish --3.60\" x 1.52\" x 1.70\" --Hole diameter: 1\" 940-3867 SFI J | RATCHET SEAT BELT SPUD CERTIFIED --Weld spud directly into chassis tube for direct D | 2” SEAT 16.1 mounting of your bolt-in or ratchet style seat belts BELT SET --111⁄16\" long , 5⁄8\" O.D., 3⁄8\" I.D. --Specifically designed 202-2151 for dirt track applications --QSR adjuster on shoulder belts --Pull down adjuster K | RATCHET --Bolt in or wrap around SEAT BELT SPUD 449-51522 $14995 EA 940-1160 $3999 EA 34 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

F | RACING 5-POINT || Seat Belts and Crew Gear RATCHET SEAT BELT SET SFI CERTIFIED --Ideal solution for racers wanting 16.1 tighter belt adjustment --Hardware is manufactured BLACK using heat-treated 4130 chromoly steel --Double locking mechanism adjusts BLUE with a 1/4-inch drive ratchet --Bolt in/wrap around installation A | RATCHET RED --Available with 2 or 3” wide shoulder belts RESTRAINT PURPLE --Ratchet tool not included SYSTEM GREY 449-50110 3\" SHOULDER BELTS 449-50112 2\" SHOULDER BELTS SFI --Wrap around except adjuster CERTIFIED --Webbing is water and oil resistance --Colors black, red, blue, purple, grey 16.1 --Ratchet tool not included $28995 SET 910-11924 $21499 EA 28995 SET G | 5 POINT B | RATCHET BELT RATCHETING WITH LATCH AND SAFETY BELT LINK HARDWARE AND PLATINUM --5 point belt set with left side WEBBING ratchet (included) --Latch and link --5-Point latch link --3\" lap belts --Left or right ratchet --2 or 3\" wrap around shoulder belts -- 1⁄4\" Ratchet tool included --Aluminum adjusters -1⁄4\" Ratchet tool included 630-51201 STEEL ADJUSTERS, LEFT SIDE FIXED, RIGHT-SIDE RATCHET $32995 EA 202-5110 3\" LAP, 3\" SHOULDER $49999 EA 630-51202 ALUMINUM ADJUSTERS, RIGHT-SIDE RATCHET 37995 EA 202-5111 3\" LAP, 2\" SHOULDER 49999 EA 630-51203 630-51204 STEEL ADJUSTERS, LEFT-SIDE RATCHET 32995 EA ALUMINUM ADJUSTERS, LEFT-SIDE RATCHET 37995 EA H | GLOVES C | SKELETON MECHANICS --Provides increased grip, GLOVES protection and sensitivity --Sizes S-2XL --Leather reinforced palm --Velcro elastic wrist closure 520-00 MECHANIX WEAR GLOVES $1999 PR --Available in black, red and blue 210-3924 SMALL - XXL $1999 PR $1099 PR J | HEAT RESISTANT HOT SLEEVE $2499 EA --Protects arms from burns while working around engine 475-11230 K | APRON D | MECHANICS STYLE CREW --Pockets with hook and loop closures WORK GLOVES --Redesigned with the help of professional mechanics --Superb quality mechanics style gloves --Adjustable neck and waist straps --Heavy duty, durable construction helps protect hands from cuts and burns --Sizes S-2XL 520-05600 APRON - BLACK $2499 EA 910-71208 SMALL - XXL E | CREW APRON --Features stain resistant fabric L | HEAT SLEEVES --Numerous storage pockets for the serious mechanic --Comfortable work sleeve designed for working in uncomfortable areas 520-05902 HEAT SLEEVES $2499 PR 210-3959 BELL APRON $1999 EA 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 35

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Seats A | BUDGET ALUMINUM D | DELUXE STOCK CAR SEAT LIGHTWEIGHT CONTOUR SEAT --Made from rugged .125\" thick TIG-welded aluminum --Contoured bottom with leg divider --This one-piece, double-wrap design --Double reinforced ribs offers extra protection --Four-piece hook and loop upholstery --Seat belt slots are pre-cut Available in Black --20° layback --10° or 20° layback --Black upholstery --14\", 16\" or 18\" wide, 32\" tall 910-70130 14\" WIDE, 8° $41499 EA 15\" WIDE, 8° 917-70501 $18999 EA 910-70131 16\" WIDE, 8° 41499 EA 910-70132 15\" WIDE, 20° 41499 EA 910-70135 16\" WIDE, 20° 41499 EA 910-70136 41499 EA B | 38 SERIES E | JUNIOR ALUMINUM ALUMINUM RACING SEAT LAYBACK SEAT --TIG and MIG-welded and --Constructed from TIG and MIG welded reinforced in critical areas .100\" thick 5052 grade aluminum --Includes multi-level shoulder --Offset aluminum extrusion around harness and sub belt cutouts perimeter of seat for added --Your choice of 10\", 11\", 12\", 13\" or 14\" widths strength and safety --Includes Black cover --Seat covers sold separately --8° layback 960-24000 KIRKEY 38 SERIES ALUMINUM SEATS 910-38140 14\" - ALUMINUM SEAT $16398 EA $17999 EA 16398 EA 910-38150 15\" - ALUMINUM SEAT 16398 EA $29999 EA 16398 EA 25480 EA 910-38160 16\" - ALUMINUM SEAT 17891 EA 17891 EA 910-38170 17\" - ALUMINUM SEAT Professional Seat Systems $10506 EA 910-38185 18.5\" - ALUMINUM SEAT 10506 EA F | SEAT INSERTS 10506 EA 910-38200 20\" - ALUMINUM SEAT 10506 EA --Specially designed to properly support 11612 EA the lower back, pelvis and thighs KIRKEY 38 SERIES VINYL SEAT COVER 11612 EA --Decrease the risk of back injury 910-381400 --Creates a molded shape of your body to allow 14\" - VINYL SEAT COVER $10506 EA impact forces to be spread more equally 10506 EA --Do-it-yourself kit comes complete 910-381500 15\" - VINYL SEAT COVER 10506 EA with full instructions and all materials 10506 EA --Fits existing seat so there’s no need 910-381600 16\" - VINYL SEAT COVER 11612 EA to purchase a seat 2-3 sizes larger 11612 EA 910-381700 17\" - VINYL SEAT COVER $2999 EA 910-381850 18.5\" - VINYL SEAT COVER 3499 EA 910-382000 20\" - VINYL SEAT COVER KIRKEY 38 SERIES TWEED SEAT COVER 910-381401 14\" - TWEED SEAT COVER 910-381501 15\" - TWEED SEAT COVER 202-315 BUTLERBUILT 940-99300 KIRKEY 910-381601 16\" - TWEED SEAT COVER 910-381701 17\" - TWEED SEAT COVER 910-381851 18.5\" - TWEED SEAT COVER 910-382011 20\" - TWEED SEAT COVER C | HEAD, SHOULDER G | CRASH PADS AND LEG SUPPORTS --Reduces risk of spinal injury in crashes --Available in Red, Black, --Constructed of special shock absorbing material Blue and Purple --2” or 3\" shock absorbing material bottom --Uses same grade aluminum as seats --8” tall lumber pad --Tough upholstery covering, adjustable for seats from 18” to 14” width and thickness can be easily adjusted from 3” to 11⁄2” or 1” as necessary --Made of two ½” x 20” layers in a tough adjustable covering KIRKEY HEAD SUPPORT INCLUDES CLOTH COVER 1 940-0208 2” CRASH PAD W/8” LUMBAR BACK $19999 EA 910-70077 2 940-0220 2” CRASH PAD W/20” SHOULDER PAD LH 3” CRASH PAD W/8” LUMBAR BACK 24999 EA 940-0308 3” CRASH PAD W/20” SHOULDER PAD 23999 EA 940-0320 28999 EA 910-70085 RH KIRKEY SHOULDER SUPPORT INCLUDES CLOTH COVER Professional Seat Systems 910-70066 LH $4499 EA H | SEAT BOTTOM 4499 EA 910-70067 RH --SFI 45.2 $3626 EA 202-351012 1\"X12\"X18\" KIRKEY LEG SUPPORT 1673 EA 910-02100 LH OR RH 910-02111 COVER $3999 EA 36 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Seats E | BOMBER SEATS A | 55 SERIES PRO-STREET DRAG RACING SEAT --Hand formed of .090\" aluminum and 20° layback for increased comfort --Designed for all drag cars, --Seat is 16\" wide and 21\" tall door slammers and pro street --Aluminum construction --Available in five hip sizes --Seat covers sold separately 910-55150 15\" $15135 EA 910-55160 16\" 15135 EA 910-55170 17\" 15135 EA 1 910-70057 STANDARD SEAT $17999 EA 910-55185 18.5\" 16648 EA 910-70057 17099 EA 910-5520 20\" STANDARD SEAT BUY 2 AT 22999 EA 16648 EA 2 910-70062 22099 EA 910-70062 LIGHTENED SEAT 910-5515011 15\" BLACK SEAT COVER 11765 EA 5999 PR 910-5516011 16\" BLACK SEAT COVER 11799 EA 3 910-70059 LIGHTENED SEAT BUY 2 AT 3999 PR 4 910-70029 11999 EA 910-5517011 17\" BLACK SEAT COVER 11799 EA 5 715-1106 MOUNTING BRACKETS 14999 PR 6 715-1105 910-5518511 18.5\" BLACK SEAT COVER 12899 EA ADJUSTABLE RISER BRACKETS 910-5520011 20\" BLACK SEAT COVER 12899 EA BLACK TWEED, SNAP-ON SEAT BACK COVERS BLACK TWEED SEAT PADS F | ALUMINUM B | HEAD, NECK AND RACING VINTAGE SHOULDER RESTRAINT CLASS BUCKET SEAT 910-75515 RATROD ROADSTER - 15” --This kit must be used $19099 EA complete in order to be effective, the head restraint 910-75516 RATROD ROADSTER - 16” 19099 EA cannot be used separately 910-75517 RATROD ROADSTER - 17” 19099 EA --Kit is made from .100\" 5052-grade 910-755185 RATROD ROADSTER - 18.5” 19065 EA aluminum and padded with energy absorbing impact foam 910-755151 BLACK UPHOLSTERY FOR 15” 12695 EA --All mounting hardware is included with the kit $39540 EA 910-755161 BLACK UPHOLSTERY FOR 16” 12695 EA 910-98711 WITH SHORT LH HEAD SUPPORT 910-755171 BLACK UPHOLSTERY FOR 17” 12695 EA 910-7551851 BLACK UPHOLSTERY FOR 18.5” 12695 EA Professional Seat Systems G | SPORTSMAN C | BUTLERBUILT FIBERGLASS SEAT SPORTSMAN ADVANTAGE HEAD --Seat for roadsters, dune buggies AND SHOULDER SUPPORT SYSTEM and sports cars 221⁄2\" tall, 15\" deep and 18\" wide at the bottom The Sportsman ADVANTAGE bolt-on head and shoulder kit --13\" inside width allows you to convert your high-back seat to a full containment seat. --Also available, rugged Compatible with any high-back seat. black vinyl quilted upholstery --.125 5052 grade aluminum 900-7006 SEAT $6499 EA --TIG welded for added strength 909-7006 UPHOLSTERY 4499 EA --Integrated left and right head supports --Energy impact absorbing foam H | ZOOMBANG --Flame retardant, oil and water resistant MaXgard upholstery SEAT PADDING 202-316 HEAD AND SHOULDER KIT - 20° - STANDARD OR SHORT $38499 EA --Polymer is soft at rest and instantly 202-317 stiffens on impact absorbing the HEAD AND SHOULDER KIT - 10° - SHORT ONLY 38499 EA shock and dissipating energy -- 3⁄8\" thick pads will not wear out, melt, or freeze D | CAR SEATS --Attach permanently with adhesive or temporarily with Velcro --Fire retardant fabric --Fits any seat and works with existing --Special non-slip fabric seat covers and padding --FIA approved --Sold in pairs 1 674-00823 SPRINT V 2 674-00807 EVO 441-6000 SEAT BACK PADS $5999 PR $37499 EA RIB PADS 77999 EA 441-6002 HIP PADS 3999 PR 441-6003 HANS DEVICE PADS 2999 PR 37 441-6600 ZOOMBANG SEAT PADDING KIT 4799 PR 916-02009 ZOOMBANG KIT WITH SEAT CUSHION 11999 KT 916-02010 14999 KT 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m.

SAFETY EQUIPMENT || Seats A | 70 SERIES FULL E | 89 SERIES SEAT CONTAINMENT OVAL TRACK 20° LAYBACK SEAT --10° layback --Designed for entry level racing --Designed to accommodate --Available in sizes 14\" to 17\" in 1\" increments all head and neck restraints --Built-in head and shoulder restraint --Energy absorbing padding --Head and neck restraint compatible on seat bottom --Seat height can be adjusted 11⁄2\" vertically --Kit comes with black cloth cover --Cover available in black cloth only --Rib and reinforced shoulder supports have extra 1⁄2\" energy 910-70151 14\", 15\", 16\" OR 17\" $50900 EA absorbing padding directly on seat 940-89000 14\", 15\", 16\", 17\" $76900 EA Professional Seat Systems B | 88 SERIES SEAT $76900 EA F | E-Z II SPRINT SEAT 76900 EA --Designed for Dirt Late Model, --Integrated head and shoulder support Asphalt Late Models, --Compatible with DefNder, Modifieds, Street Stock HANS, Hutchens or Hybrid devices --10° or 18° layback --TIG welded, properly --Designed to accommodate all head and neck restraints reinforced in all critical areas --In Black only --Right/Left lateral support for ribs, pelvis and thighs 910-881000-SIZE 18° LAYBACK - 14\", 15\", 16\", 17\", 18.5\" --Energy impact absorbing foam 940-89000-SIZE 10° LAYBACK - 14\", 15\", 16\", 17\" --Velour fire-retardant 3-piece seat cover --Flame retardant MaXgard on head support padding --Standard sizes: 14.5\", 15.5\", 16.5\" 202-4001 14.5\", 15.5\", 16.5 \" $77999 EA C | 78 SERIES - SFI 39.2 G | MICRO/MINI LAYBACK SEAT SPRINT SEAT --Constructed from TIG and MIG welded --Adjustable 600 micro sprint --.100\" thick 5052 grade aluminum containment seat --18° layback containment --Designed for 600 micro --Designed for Dirt Late Model, sprints and mini sprints --IMCA, Legend and Street Stock --Unique 3 part design for --Black seat cover maximum vertical customization --Seat has 3\" of vertical torso KIRKEY 78 SERIES ALUMINUM SEATS WITH COVER and shoulder height adjustment 910-7800-14 --Head restraint has 1⁄2\" horizontal 14\" - ALUMINUM SEAT $152400 EA adjustment so right head pad can be moved closer to helmet 910-7800-15 15\" - ALUMINUM SEAT 152400 EA --Head can be rotated down for additional perepheral vision 152400 EA --Constructed of .080\" 5052 grade aluminum 910-7800-15.5 15.5\" - ALUMINUM SEAT 152400 EA --Comes with black cloth cover 152400 EA 960-37000 12\", 13\", 14\", 15\", 16\" $63900 EA 910-7800-16 16\" - ALUMINUM SEAT 910-7800-17 17\" - ALUMINUM SEAT Professional Seat Systems H | CHILD ADJUSTABLE CONTAINMENT SEAT D | BUTLERBUILT SPORTSMAN SEAT --Built to the same high standards as Kirkey standard size seats --Head and shoulder supports are covered --TIG and MIG welded and with CarbonX® material and sized to fit a reinforced in critical areas wide range of driver builds and profiles --5” of vertical adjustment --10° or 20° layback with --Seat can be adjusted verticall no assembly required to raise rib and shoulder supports --Solid head surround and --Head can be adjusted vertically shoulder support system and horizontally --Black velour rib cover and seat --Unique shoulder support cover bottom upholstery design allows extra 1” shoulder width --Includes black cover 202-4001 10° - 14.5”, 15.5”, 16.5”, 17.5\" $77999 EA 202-31095 20° - 15”, 16”, 17”, 18” 77999 EA 960-3400 12\" OR 14\" $50900 EA 38 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Bumpers 381/2\" 11\" 56\" 33.5\" 11\" 44\" 56\" 14\" A | REPLACEMENT 1 916-73040 FRONT BUMPER ASSEMBLY - WELDED – 381⁄2\" INSIDE DIA. $4999 EA PARTS AND NERF BARS 2 916-73041 LH NERF ASSEMBLY - WELDED 3 916-73042 RH NERF BAR ASSEMBLY - WELDED 5999 EA FOR METRIC CHASSIS 4 916-73043 REAR BUMPER ASSEMBLY - WELDED 5999 EA 5999 EA G | DRIVER B | NERF 11\" WINDOW BAR KIT BAR KITS --One 3⁄8\" base that is 6\" tall --Includes cut and bent nerf 62\" --Four 5⁄16\" bars that are 22\" long for the uprights bars with frame tabs $3999 EA 910-56421 BAR KIT $2999 EA --Requires fitting and welding 3999 EA 916-73030 RIGHT 11⁄2\" TUBING 916-73031 LEFT 1\" TUBING 381⁄2\" H | SQUARE TUBE REAR BUMPER C | FRONT $3999 EA BUMPER KIT --2\" x 2\" x .083\" square tube rear bumper is the match to our square tube Camaro front bumper --11⁄2\" tube --72\" long and can be cut to length for other applications if required --Requires welding --Welding required 916-73032 381⁄2\" INSIDE BRACKET WIDTH 910-54731 $2499 EA D | REAR BUMPER KIT --Assembled, 11⁄2\" tube --Bolt-on 916-73033 $3999 EA J | MONTE CARLO SS E | FUEL CELL FRONT BUMPER GUARD KIT --Weld or bolt the halves together --11⁄2\" replacement hoop --65\" wide to protect fuel cell 910-54715 --111⁄2\" tall, 32” wide --Requires fitting and welding 916-73034 $1999 EA $7999 EA K | CLAMP-ON F | EARLY CAMARO FRONT BUMPER TOW HOOK $1999 EA 910-54730 $4499 EA --Hooks will give the wrecker operator an easy access spot 39 --Available for 11⁄2\" and 13⁄4\" tubes 910-07150-SPECIFY 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m.

BODY & COMPONENTS || Roofs and Noses A | MODIFIED NOSE E | ROCKER PANELS --Easy to mount --Enhances aerodynamics --Approved for use by IMCA --Measures 773⁄4\" W x 71⁄4\" H --Available in Black, Chevron Blue, Red, --Contoured fins guide more air --Sold each, most cars require Orange, White, Yellow, Neon Yellow, over the nose to increase down force 3 panels to complete Neon Orange, Neon Red, Neon Green --Three-piece design is a universal fit for most modified applications --Adjustable front overhang from 35” to 42” 910-54720 $3599 EA --High-impact plastic available in 6 colors: Black, White, Red, Yellow, Orange, or Chevron Blue 910-64705 MD3 MODIFIED NOSE $16999 EA B | MODIFIED AERO F | UNIVERSAL ROOF CAP VALANCE KIT --High impact, universal plastic roof cap --Molded ultra durable Hi-Impact plastic --44\" long and 11⁄2\" tall --Aerodynamically designed to maximize front downforce --IMCA approved --3-piece design is a universal fit for modified aluminum nose --Available in Black, White, Red, Yellow, Orange, Bright Yellow, --Available in 10 colors Bright Orange, Bright Red, Chevron Blue, Carbon Fiber look 910-54181 UNIVERSAL ROOF CAP $3499 EA 910-3142 MD3 ROOF CAP 2699 EA 910-64708-COLOR 2017 VALANCE KIT HD 7299 EA 49\" 3499 PR 910-54032 SUPPORT BRACKET 441⁄2\" 471⁄2\" 56\" WHITE G | FLAT # 700-A MODIFIED ROOF RED CHEVRON BLUE # 44103-AW # 98587-AH --20 lbs. --Fiberglass construction YELLOW ORANGE BLACK --Sold individually # 43464-AH # 99-A --Available in Black, White, Red, Chevron Blue, Orange or Yellow C | FIBERGLASS LATE MODEL ROOF --Available in White, Red, Chevron Blue, Yellow, Orange or Black 910-54175-COLOR CARBON FIBER ROOF CAP $15999 EA WHITE RED ORANGE CHEVRON BLUE YELLOW BLACK 910-54180 6999 EA # 700-A # 44103-AW # 98587-AH # 43464-AH # 99-A 910-54176-COLOR $16999 EA 341⁄2\" 133⁄4\" D | DOMINATOR 2X DIRT NOSE 653⁄4\" --Dominator flares tuck under the nosepiece for a seamless fit BOLT OR WELD --The optional two piece lower nose support strengthens even more AS DESIRED --Installation is quick and easy with assembly done off the car before fitting onto the chassis --Available in Red, Green, White or Black --Graphics available in Corvette, GTO, Monte Carlo, Impala SS, Cadillac STS, Mustang, Fusion or Mercedes --Graphics are sold separately 910-54616-COLOR NOSE AND FLARES $26999 KIT H | TWO PIECE FRONT BUMPER $13999 EA RH OR LH FLARE ONLY 910-54647-COLOR NOSE ONLY 5999 EA --2-piece design to help minimize shipping cost 910-54618-COLOR VALANCE 11999 EA --Makes installing your MD3 nose quick and easy 910-54648-COLOR GRAPHICS 910-54712 910-54620-MODEL LOWER NOSE SUPPORTS 5999 EA 910-54635 3499 EA 5999 PR 40 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Noses and Tails WHITE RED ORANGE CHEVRON BLUE YELLOW BLACK # 700-A # 44103-AW # 98587-AH # 43464-AH # 99-A C | EVOLUTION See additional LATE MODEL NOSE Body Components online --Designed from wind tunnel test America's Oldest Speedshop® results for maximum downforce --Unsurpassed impact resistance and durability NOSE PIECES A | EVOLUTION 2 LATE MODEL NOSE --Improved fit and function --Enhanced splitter for increased handling in traffic --Kit includes: 2-piece nose, upper fenders, lower fenders, --No return on the bottom for easier mounting of Aero Valance valance kit, plus graphic kit --Only accommodates MD3 Aero Valance (sold separately) --2-Piece upper and lower fenders allows for --Meets current rule packages exact ground height adjustment --Fits current bumper configuration 910-5476-COLOR NOSE AND FENDERS $27999 KIT --Right fender has more clearance for tire travel to allow for lower mounting height 916-05102-COLOR NOSE AND FENDERS RH FLAT 27999 EA --Left fender raised for maximum downforce 14199 EA --Adjustable and replaceable lower fenders have a tapered 910-5477-COLOR NOSE valance built in and are thicker for improved durability 7299 EA --Lower valance (below the nose) is tapered and thicker 910-31230-COLOR-SIDE FENDER ONLY 7299 EA plastic for improved durability 3999 EA --Available in 6 color options 910-31231-COLOR FENDER RH FLAT 2999 EA 2999 EA 910-31240-COLOR-SIDE VALANCE - 10 COLORS 910-12509 MD3 LOWER NOSE SUPPORT 910-547610-MODEL DECALS 910-3143-COLOR COMPLETE NOSE KIT $39999 KIT 910-21040-COLOR-SIDE NOSE ONLY PER SIDE 7499 EA 6899 EA 910-21230-COLOR-SIDE UPPER FENDER ONLY PER SIDE 2999 EA 5699 EA 910-21260-COLOR-SIDE LOWER FENDER ONLY PER SIDE 3299 EA 2999 EA 910-21240-COLOR-SIDE VALANCE KIT D | FORMED PLASTIC 910-22509 MD3 LOWER NOSE SUPPORT NOSE SIDES 910-547610-MODEL DECALS --Specify color and sides --Available in White, Black, Red, $2099 EA Yellow and Chevron Blue 910-54203-COLOR-SIDE E | DOMINATOR B | STOCK CAR SS STREET STOCK CAMARO NOSE PIECES --Designed to fit 88 Monte Carlo --Molded high-impact plastic bodies but with a fresh look --Pieces offer durability, superior flexibility, --Hi-Impact plastic for longer life --Aggressive look and structural integrity without all the added weight --10 colors stocked --Features built-in lower grille pockets that can be cut WHITE RED ORANGE CHEVRON BLUE YELLOW BLACK open to allow additional air into the radiator # 700-A # 44103-AW # 98587-AH # 43464-AH # 99-A --Center flange is overlapped and all kits include $12499 EA a pair of lower side fender extensions 12499 EA --Designed for 88 Monte Carlo but with a fresh new 8899 SET 2499 EA look of the Chevy SS race car 2899 EA --24\" tall x 67\" wide x 12\" deep --Available in Black, Blue, Orange, Purple, Red, White, Yellow, Fluorescent Orange, Pink, and Neon Green 910-54288-COLOR STREET STOCK NOSE 910-5330 KIT INCLUDES RIGHT AND LEFT SIDE $15899 KIT STREET STOCK TAIL DIRT STOCK CAR CAMARO GRAPHICS 910-54291-COLOR ROCKER PANEL 3 PIECE 910-5336 FRONT BUMPER 3599 EA 910-54290-COLOR MESH GRILL 910-5317 FRONT FENDER KIT 13899 EA 910-54284-COLOR HEAD LIGHT DECALS 910-5333 TAILLIGHT GRAPHICS 15999 KIT 910-54285-COLOR 910-5337 2499 EA 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 41

BODY & COMPONENTS || Noses and Tails A | ONE PIECE REAR G | CAMARO NOSE SPOILER WITH SIDES --'70-'81 Camaro --Aluminum rear deck one piece spoiler --For street stocks and --5” tall by 66” wide sportsman-type chassis --IMCA approved for Northern Sport Mod --Upper and lower pieces --Available in natural finish sold separately --Black color 910-54236 SPORT MOD - 5” X 66” $9999 EA 910-54722 UPPER NOSE $9799 KIT LOWER NOSE 7499 KIT 910-54824 GRAPHICS FOR EARLY CAMARO NOSE 2999 EA 910-54725 $12999 KIT B | IMCA H | 1979-'93 2999 EA NORTHERN MUSTANG NOSE SPORT MOD REAR SPOILER --Choose Black or White --Aluminum rear deck spoiler that is 5\" tall by 66\" wide --Graphics sold separately --Available in Black, White, Red, Chevron Blue, Yellow or Orange --IMCA approved for Northern Sport Mod 910-54218-COLOR SPORT MOD - 5” X 66” $9999 EA 910-54225-COLOR NOSE 910-54226 GRAPHICS C | HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM SPOILER --Designed specifically to meet IMCA Modified rules for cars utilizing a GM 604 crate engine --Heavy gauge 0.063\" aluminum 910-54234 2” X 66” $3999 EA D | HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM SPOILERS J | LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL1979-93 MUSTANG GT REAR QUARTER --Heavy duty 0.060” aluminum spoiler PANELS AND DOOR SKINS --The “Sport” measures 5” tall by 66” wide, and features three spoiler supports that push the limits allowed by IMCA --Lighten your 1979-93 Mustang circle track --The “Outlaw” is 8\" tall by 72\" wide to provide maximum race car with these steel body panels downforce for both Late Models and Outlaw Modifieds --These are NOT factory OEM panels - they are fabricated for --Three support braces and can easily be trimmed for narrower cars offroad/circle track racing only 910-54223 OUTLAW - 8” X 72” 910-54229 REAR QUARTER PANELS - SPECIFY LEFT OR RIGHT $6999 EA 910-54228 DOOR SKINS - SPECIFY LEFT OR RIGHT 6999 EA $10999 EA E | 2-PIECE FRONT BUMPER K | SPOILER SUPPORTS 1981-88 MONTE CARLO ULTRA-LITE WEIGHT --2-piece 'slip-fit' design allows bumper to ship UPS --CNC machined billet aluminum black anodized --11⁄2\" tube diameter --High strength light weight tapered tube --Weld or bolt together --Bolt on easily adjusted 910-54721 --1½” of adjustment $12999 EA 475-23706 6\" SUPPORT $2999 EA 475-23708 8\" SUPPORT 2999 EA F | LEXAN DECAL PROTECTION KIT $4999 KIT L | IMCA APPROVED $3999 EA ROCKER PANEL --Includes three 4\" x 72\" Lexan panels 910-54219 --These rocker panels are for the GM metric cars --76 1⁄4\" long x 7 1⁄2\" tall 910-54215 42 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Noses and Tails D | MONTE CARLO SS NOSE AND TAIL PIECE --Nose is IMCA stock car and hobby stock approved --Nose piece available in Black, White, Yellow, Red, Chevron Blue or Orange --Tail is IMCA stock car approved WHITE RED ORANGE CHEVRON BLUE YELLOW BLACK # 700-A # 44103-AW # 98587-AH # 43464-AH # 99-A 910-54211-COLOR MONTE CARLO FRONT NOSE $9799 KIT GRAPHICS FOR MONTE CARLO NOSE 910-54212 MONTE CARLO REAR TAIL PIECE 2999 EA 910-54213-COLOR GRAPHICS FOR MONTE CARLO REAR TAIL PIECE 11499 KIT 910-54214 2499 EA A | 1988 MONTE CARLO ULTIMATE BODY PANEL KIT --2 Fenders --2 Rocker Panels --2 Fender Fillers --Monte Carlo SS Nose E | ‘88 MONTE --2 Doors --Monte Carlo SS Tail CARLO SS NOSE --2 Stock Replacement --Nose Decal Kit Quarter Panels --Taillight Decals --NEW and improved --Made with high-impact plastic 910-54269 ULTIMATE $103999 KIT --2-piece design with large 1” overlap for easy assembly and added strength --Increased front angle for maximum downforce --Available White, Black, Red, Yellow, Orange, and Blue 910-54235 ’88 MONTE CARLO NOSE ONLY $11499 KIT HEADLIGHT/STOCK GRILL GRAPHIC 910-54212 HEADLIGHT/MESH GRILL GRAPHIC 2999 EA 910-54255 MESH GRILL – UPPER OR LOWER 2999 EA 910-54256 5999 EA F | STREET STOCK/STOCK CAR STEEL BODY PANELS 1981-'88 MONTE CARLO SS - BODY PANELS 910-54271-SIDE FULL QUARTER PANEL $19999 EA 910-54270-SIDE LOWER QUARTER PANELS - STEEL 7599 EA B | 1988 MONTE CARLO 7599 EA 910-54265-SIDE DOOR SKINS - STEEL 9599 EA DELUXE BODY PANEL KIT 17999 EA 910-54260-SIDE STREET STOCK FRONT FENDER - STEEL 8499 EA --2 Fenders --Monte Carlo SS Nose 910-54274 HOOD --2 Fender Fillers --Monte Carlo SS Tail 910-54276 TRUNK LID --2 Doors --Nose Decal Kit *These are not OEM panels – They are fabricated for off road – circle track racing only. --2 Lower Quarters --Taillight Decals --2 Rocker Panels 910-54268 DELUXE $79999 KIT G | MONTE CARLO C | MONTE CARLO FULL QUARTER PANEL ALUMINUM HOOD --Steel Construction --Sold Individually --Left or Right --1981-88 Monte Carlo --1981-1988 Monte Carlo --Not for street use --Aluminum construction --Hood is not an OEM 910-54271 $19999 EA replacement model $12999 EA --Fabricated and offered for off road - circle track racing only --Available in black or white 910-54273 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 43

BODY & COMPONENTS || Scoops A | COLORED E | FORMED 24\" PLASTIC ROCK 3\" - 41⁄2\" GUARDS - 1⁄8\" thick, 22\" wide plastic can 18\" be used for air dams, body --Made from $6899 EA extensions, etc durable, high --10 or 25 foot rolls impact plastic --Available in Black, Red, Yellow, --24” wide White, Chevron Blue or Pepsi Blue --18” front to back --Choose from 3” 910-041-COLOR 10 FT. ROLL $1999 EA or 4.5” heights 910-042-COLOR 25 FT. ROLL 4499 EA --Available in Black or White 910-54056 ROCK GUARD 20\" 11⁄2\" - 51⁄2\" 171⁄2\" F | ACCESS DOORS B | STALKER HOOD SCOOPS --Designed with 1⁄4 turn fastener --Available in 11⁄2\" to 51⁄2\" heights fasteners for quick access and --Designed for use with 14\" air cleaners have a protective film to protect polished surface during installation --Carbon fiber look 910-54052 910-20606 6\" X 6\" $2499 EA 6\" X 6\" - BLACK 19\" 910-20605 6\" X 14\" 2499 EA 910-21406 6\" X 14\" - BLACK 3999 EA 910-21405 14\" X 14\" - PLAIN, BLACK, FLAT BLACK, WHHITE 3999 EA 910-21404 5299 UP $4899 UP 11\" 31⁄2\" 19\" 7\" 7\" 11\" 14\" $3899 EA 3899 EA 31⁄2\" 3899 EA 3899 EA G | OIL COOLER SCOOPS --Choose either Carbon Fiber “look” or White 14\" 910-15184 CARBON FIBER LOOK – 7\" WIDE, 11\" DEEP CARBON FIBER LOOK – 11\" WIDE, 7\" DEEP C | DOMINATOR 910-15185 WHITE – 7\" WIDE, 11\" DEEP HOOD SCOOPS 910-15186 WHITE – 11\" WIDE, 7\" DEEP 910-15187 --Measure 31⁄2\" tall, 19\" wide and 14\" long --Designed to be used with 14\" air cleaners H | NACA DUCT --Choose White or Carbon Fiber look --Air management duct that is great for air 910-54049 STANDARD – WHITE $4899 EA direction to pressurize or cool specific areas STANDARD – CARBON FIBER LOOK --Paintable black plastic with 3\" outlet 910-54050 WITH HOLE – WHITE 4899 EA 910-54054 WITH HOLE – CARBON FIBER LOOK (SHOWN RIGHT) 4899 EA 202-7020 $1999 EA 910-54055 4899 EA D | DOMINATOR WIND J | PREDATOR SCREEN/ROCK GUARD HOOD SCOOP --Scratch resistant in clear or smoke --19.50\" overall width --Shipped flat, hardware not included --15.00\" overall length --3.25\" overall height 910-54051 CLEAR $5499 EA 910-54057 STANDARD – WHITE $4999 EA 910-54053 SMOKED 5499 EA 910-54058 STANDARD – CARBON FIBER LOOK 4999 EA 44 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Components F | FASTENER TOOL --Designed special for 1/4 turn fastener buttons 910-89402 SPEEDWAY $499 EA 728-12240 TITAN 999 EA G | 1/4 TURN A | CLECO FASTENERTOOLS KIT --The flat tool has a coated handle --Includes tool, 20 3⁄16\" clecos and one clamp and specially designed head --The deluxe tool is 41⁄4\" long, with a billet aluminum handle shaped 910-04001 KIT $2199 KIT for maximum grip and torque 10 PK. 3⁄16\"CLECOS 799 BOX --Three heat-treated reversible tips easily fit into hard-to-reach areas 910-04002 10 PK. 1⁄8\" CLECOS 899 BAG 910-04009 CLECO TOOL 999 EA 910-04005 CLECO HOLDING TRAY 999 EA 910-040011 $4699 KIT 1 910-89421 FLAT $399 EA B | DELUXE CLECO 3999 BAG 2 910-89418 DELUXE 2999 EA CLAMP KIT 999 EA H | SPEEDWAY ALUMINUM --Eliminates need $999 EA BODY WASHER to drill into body 7999 EA --Vise head grips --(10) 13⁄16\" diameter washers up to 9⁄16\" --(10) 1⁄4\"-20 countersunk cap screws --10 clamps --(10) 1⁄4\"-20 nylock nuts 910-04003 KIT 10 PK. CLAMPS ONLY 910-04006 CLECO TOOL 910-04005 910-06111 30 PIECE KIT $1499 KIT 30 PIECE KIT - BLACK 910-06113 BOLT AND WASHER ONLY 1999 KIT 910-06110 199 EA J | BODY MOUNTS C | CLECO HOLDING TRAY --(10) Colored washers --10) Bolts --Organize and store your Clecos --(10) Steel washers when not in use --(10) Nylon 1⁄4\" nuts --Sturdy aluminum carrier --(10) 11⁄2\" Phillips head bolts --Sort and hold (10) 3⁄16\", (10) 5⁄32\", and (10) 1⁄8\"clecos --Available in Black, Blue, Red, White, --Also has space to store 10 clamps and your Cleco pliers Yellow, Orange, Purple, Green, Pink, Silver, --Clecos, clamps and pliers not included Fluorescent Orange, Fluorescent Yellow 910-040011 CLECO HOLDING TRAY 916-02014 CLECO HOLDING TRAY WITH CLAMPS AND PLIERS 910-120 ALLEN BOLT $1499 KIT 910-121 HEX BOLT 1499 KIT K | THREADED STEEL TABS D | BODY BOLT KIT 10 PIECE WITH CLIPS --Replace your quick --10 piece kit allows removal of body panels for cleaning or turn fastener springs maintenance while clips stay fastened to bracing brackets or panels --Will work for body mounts, or wheel covers 910-06000 BODY BOLT KIT WITH CLIPS $999 KIT --13⁄8” mounting distance --Either ¼”-20 or 5⁄16”-18 --Comes in bags of three 910-07119 5⁄16\" $1299 EA MOUNTING CUP 1⁄4\" 1299 EA 910-07120 5⁄16\" BOLTS 699 EA E | MINI QUICK-LATCH QUICK LATCH 910-07122 1⁄4\" BOLTS 699 EA 910-07127 --Can be used for multi-purpose quick release latching $799 KIT L | BODY BOLT --11⁄4\" OD body with a center release push button KIT 10 PIECE --Button stays in the down position until re-latched --Bolts are 1⁄4\"-20 x 3⁄4\" and have a 910-07155 BRUSHED FINISH $2399 EA lead point for easy starting 910-07156 POLISHED FINISH 2699 EA --Nuts have a serrated flange to help prevent loosening --Mini mounting bucket is used to mount the pin under the lower panel for easier installation 910-06100 BODY BOLT KIT 910-07157 MOUNTING CUP $1149 EA 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 45

BODY & COMPONENTS || Fasteners A | 3/16\" EXPLODING RIVET G | INDUSTRIAL POP RIVET GUN --Work great where it’s hard to reach the back side --Choose small or large head --Pneumatic rivet gun for high speed --Available in Plain, Black, Flat Black, White, Red, production and trouble-free operation Orange, Yellow, Pepsi Blue or Chevron Blue --Sets entire range of pop brand rivets --Aluminum rivets with aluminum shank --Weighs 4 lb. 910-04012 $34999 EA 910-044-COLOR SMALL HEAD 3⁄16\" - BOX OF 250 $2199 BOX H | RIVET DRILL LARGE HEAD 3⁄16\" - BOX OF 250 ATTACHMENT 910-049-COLOR SMALL HEAD 3⁄16\" - BOX OF 5000 2799 BOX 910-0441-COLOR 42999 BOX --Turns your 3⁄8\" reversible drill into a rivet gun B | ALUMINUM TRU-RIVETS --No more squeezing that hand riveter or dragging a hose or cord around when --Aluminum head, steel shank, 1⁄4\"-3⁄8\" grip range used with your cordless drill --In Red, White, Pepsi Blue, Yellow, Black, Flat Black, Orange or Plain --Can also be used with electric or air drill --Works with 1⁄8\"-3⁄16\" rivets 638-110 $7499 EA 910-04-PLAIN LARGE HEAD PLAIN 3⁄16\" - BOX OF 250 $999 BOX J | RIVET KIT $3999 KIT LARGE HEAD COLORED 3⁄16\" - BOX OF 250 WITH DRILL BITS 3799 KIT 910-04-COLOR SMALL HEAD PLAIN 3⁄16\" - BOX OF 250 1299 BOX 910-048-PLAIN SMALL HEAD COLORED 3⁄16\" - BOX OF 250 899 BOX -- 3⁄16\" small or large head rivets 910-048-COLOR SMALL HEAD 1⁄8\" - BOX OF 250 --Ideal for drilling 910-047-COLOR 1199 BOX aluminum body panels 699 BOX --Hardened steel drill bit shank --Bag of 6 drill bits C | 3/16\" DOUBLE 916-2002 LARGE HEAD RIVETS ENDED DRILL BITS 916-2003 SMALL HEAD RIVETS - 3⁄16\" diameter --Hardened steel --Bag of 6 910-04500 3⁄16\" DOUBLE ENDED DRILL BITS - BAG OF 6 $699 BAG D | BACK-UP WASHERS 5 --Use with our pop rivets for added strength $4499 EA -- 3⁄16\" aluminum 1399 EA --Box of 500 3999 EA 2699 EA 910-04000 $899 BOX K | HAND POP RIVET GUNS 2599 EA E | MULTI-GRIP RIVETS 1 910-04010 POP 2 728-15052 TITAN --These rivets will expand and fill 3 728-15050 TITAN HEAVY-DUTY oversized, odd and multi-layer holes 4 910-CL600 KINCROME --Plain aluminum with steel nail 5 910-CL900 KINCROME HEAVY-DUTY --Box of 250 --Now available in Black, White, Colbalt Blue, Red, Petty Blue, Flat Black, Orange and Yellow 1 910-04016 1⁄8\" HOLE, SMALL HEAD $699 BOX L | PLASTIC OVAL 2 910-04017 3⁄16\" HOLE, SMALL HEAD HEAD FASTENERS 3 910-04018 3⁄16\" HOLE, LARGE HEAD 899 BOX 3⁄16\" HOLE, SMALL HEAD 1099 BOX --Available in Red, White, Blue, Black, 910-04025-COLOR 3⁄16\" HOLE, LARGE HEAD 1099 BOX Purple, Grey and Yellow 910-04026-COLOR 1499 BOX --Bag of 10 - .500\" grip length 910-07136 $699 BAG M | LARGE HEAD 1/4 TURN FASTENERS --Aluminum or Plastic F | AIR RIVETER --Extra large 11⁄8\" head --.500” grip --Heavy duty air riveter --Plastic available in Black, Blue, Gray, Purple, Red, White or Yellow --Allows fast assembly and repair of body panels 910-07128 ALUMINUM $299 EA --For 3⁄16\", 5⁄32\", 1⁄8\" and 3⁄32\" rivets 910-04004 910-07152 BLACK ALUMINUM 399 EA $4999 EA 910-07137-COLOR PLASTIC (10 PK) 899 BAG 46 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

|| Fasteners H | SPRING A | OVAL HEAD FASTENERS PLATES ONLY --Quick fasten body panels, doors, --Choose your style tilt fronts and hood panels --Spring and Rivets sold separately --Cadmium-plated steel --Bag of 10 --Bag of 10 1 910-07160 SOLID STYLE $499 BAG 2 910-07162 LIGHTENED STYLE 499 BAG 910-07111 .500\" $999 BAG 3 910-07164 SCALLOPED STYLE 499 BAG .550\" 4 910-07166 TAPERED STYLE 499 BAG 910-07112 .600\" 999 BAG 910-07113 .650\" 999 BAG J | SPRING PLATE 910-07114 .700\" 999 BAG FOR 1/4 FASTENER 910-07115 .750\" 999 BAG 910-07116 .800\" 999 BAG --Lightweight steel plate, can be painted 910-07117 ALUM. OVAL HEAD FASTENERS 999 BAG --Weld-on 910-07151 BLACK 1099 BAG --Pop rivets and springs included 910-07153 1599 BAG --Bag of 10 910-07101 $1299 BAG B | FLUSH MOUNTING FASTENER --Cadmium-plated steel --Bag of 10 910-07131 .550\" $3499 BAG 910-07132 .650\" 2699 BAG K | SUPER C | BUTTERFLY SELF BUTTONS EJECTING FASTENERS -- 1⁄4” turn, dome head, .500” grip --Thumb tab -- 3⁄16” hex hole allows for positive, no slip installation or removal --Cadmium-plated steel --Use a standard 3/16” allen wrench or super button key --Bag of 10 --Bag of 10 910-07125 .500 $2499 BAG 910-07126 .700 2599 BAG 1 910-07400 SHORT BUTTON STEEL $1999 BAG D | SELF EJECTING FASTENERS 910-07500 SHORT BUTTON ALUMINUM SUPER BUTTON KEY - 3⁄16 HEX 1999 BAG --Flush mounting 2 910-246 1099 EA --Cadmium-plated steel --Bag of 10 L | TRANSFER PUNCH FOR 1/4 TURN FASTENERS 910-07123 .500 $2499 BAG --Slip this over the spring, hold the panel up 910-07124 .700 2599 BAG in place and tap lightly with rubber hammer 910-89419 $199 EA M | SHEET METAL E | BUTTONS DIMPLING TOOL --Quick fasten body panels --Countersinks sheet metal to allow --Heads are .680\", you to have a flush mounted fastener shank is .400\", and .500\" grip --Bag of 10 545-71605 $4199 EA 946-07151 ALUMINUM $1499 BAG 946-07153 BLACK 1999 BAG N | BODY SAVERS -- 430 Stainless steel F | LIGHTWEIGHT --.433\" or .478\" diameter 1/4 TURN FASTENERS --Extend the life of your body -- Bag of 10 parts by eliminating ovaling --Hollow steel fastener with washers --Mount using 1/8\" rivets --Bag of 10 - .500\" grip length 910-07106 .433\" HOLE $699 BAG/10 910-07135 $799 BAG 910-07107 .478\" HOLE 699 BAG/10 P | BODY FASTENERS FLAT STEP 1 960-07111 5⁄16\", 1⁄4\" TURN FASTENERS $1499 10/BAG G | SPRINGS FOR 1/4 FASTENER $499 BAG 2 960-07160 STANDARD SPRINGS PLATES 599 BAG 3 960-07162 LIGHTENED SPRING PLATES 999 10/BAG --Mounts easily with pop rivets 4 960-07102 .200\" HIGH 1\" SPRINGS 799 10/BAG --13⁄8\" eye to eye .375\" HIGH 1\" SPRINGS 999 10/BAG --Bag of 10 960-07103 599 10/BAG 910-07102 FLAT - .150\" TO .175\" HEIGHT 910-07103 STEP - .140\" TO .425\" HEIGHT 800.979.0122 7a.m. to 10 p.m. 47

BODY & COMPONENTS || Bracing A | TEMPERED G | 1/4 TURN SPRING STEEL FASTENER HOLE TOOL --Hardened and tempered --Locate and pre-drill perfect hole locations --Available in 40' or 100' rolls -- 1⁄4\" pilot --1\" wide --Stainless steel construction --0.062” thick --Great for making body braces 910-06210 SPRING STEEL - 40 FT $6499 ROLL 910-07169 1⁄4 TURN FASTENER HOLE TOOL $999 EA SPRING STEEL - 100 FT 910-06220 1\" HEAT SHRINK TUBING - 50 FT 14999 ROLL $699 EA 910-06216 SPRING STEEL COIL KEEPER 9799 EA 699 EA 910-06205 9999 EA $1499 PR B | PRE-CUT TEMPERED H | SHEET 2999 SET SPRING STEEL METAL SCRIBE 1499 PR 499 PR --Pre-cut lengths available from --Run the tool down the edge of 6 to 30” in 2” increments your material allowing the $999 KIT --Drilled and slotted needle to locate perfectly --Hardened and tempered measured lines every time --1” wide --Stainless steel construction --0.062” thick --Small scribe measures .25”, .375”, .625”, .875” and 1.125” 910-06214 6 TO 30” IN 2” INCREMENTS $299 UP --Large scribe measures .50”, .75”, 1”, 1.5” and 2” 910-06215 1\" HEAT SHRINK TUBING - 4 FT 1099 EA C | SPRING STEEL PUNCH 910-82631 SMALL SHEET METAL SCRIBE 910-82630 LARGE SHEET METAL SCRIBE --Place on a hard surface and strike lightly with a 3 to 4 lb. hammer --Punches 1⁄4\" diameter hole, 1⁄2\" from the end of 1\" x 1⁄16\" thick spring steel material --Built-in stop positions material for accurate hole placement 910-06211 SPRING STEEL PUNCH $16999 EA 916-06211 SPEEDWAY SPRING PUNCH 13999 EA REPLACEMENT BIT 910-06213 1499 EA D | UNIVERSAL J | ALUMINUM MODIFIED BODY HOOD PIN KIT MOUNTING KIT -- 1⁄2\" - 20 Thread --Six pieces of 1\"x1⁄8\"x36\" --Set of 2 flat aluminum strap and four pieces of 1⁄8\" thick 1\"x1\"x60\" angle aluminum $3999 KIT 475-23500 ALUMINUM HOOD PIN - 1⁄2\" - 20 THREAD, SET OF 2 910-54020 ALUMINUM HOOD PIN - 1⁄2\" - 20 THREAD, SET OF 6 475-23502 ALUMINUM HOOD PIN - 3⁄8\" - 24 THREAD, SET OF 2 475-23510 REPLACEMENT TORSION CLIPS 475-23550 E | ALUMINUM ANGLE K | HOOD PIN BODY BRACING SCUFF PLATES --8 GA (.1285\") thick --Sold in packs of 4 --1\" wide --Includes 16 pop rivets --Specify bend --Available in Black, Blue, Red, White, and length Yellow, Orange, Purple, Green, Pink, Silver, --Drilled Fluorescent Orange, Fluorescent Yellow 910-1224 910-54026 90° - 10\" $799 EA 90° - 26\" 910-54024 90° - 66\" 1499 EA 910-54022 120° - 10\" 2199 EA 910-54018 120° - 26\" 910-54028 799 EA 1499 EA F | INTERIOR TIN NOTCHER L | NON-SKID TAPE --Makes notching interior tin around tubing quick and easy --Instant, self adhesive, and anti- slip safety surface --Available in 1 ¼”, 1 ½”, and 1 ¾” --Use on trailer ramps, stairs or walkways, dock areas, brake and clutch pedals, and steps --Available in rolls of 2\" x 10' 910-82632 TIN NOTCHER $6499 UP 910-80710 NON-SKID TAPE $899 EA 48 SOME PARTS NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLE

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