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T h e Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Encounters of the Holy Spirit-Memoir By Sophia Lee

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any. Information storage retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief. Quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. ISBN: 978-1-7364345-1-2 Imprint: Independently published Copyright © 2019 Sophia Lee

Dedication I dedicate to the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit for being. I thank my mother and father Ira Jewel Stuart- Green. I am thankful for my daughter Toya L. Givens: and my son, Justin Lee. Nonetheless, to the faithful laborers: the evangelist, the charities, and the teachers of Faith.

Table of Contents Dedication..............................................................................................3 Forwards.................................................................................................9 Mini- Autobiography............................................................................13 Chapter 1 Godly Beginning: Dreams and Visions..............................21 1 Heavenly Childhood (Dream)............................................................22 2 A Demonic Battle (Possessed).............................................................26 3 A Heavenly Guest (Visitation)............................................................29 4 The Real Superman (Dream)...............................................................33 Chapter 2 Prime of Pilgrimage.............................................................35 5 Solo Church Goer (Christian Experience)..........................................36 6 Omnipresent Experience (Encounter).................................................39 7 Holy Spirit Within (Encounter).........................................................41 8 God of Telepathy (Encounter)............................................................43 9 Healed by the Word (Healing)............................................................45 10 1986 Challenger Prophecy (Prophecy).............................................47 11 A Visitation (Appearance).................................................................49 5

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: 12 God Speaks! (God Spoke).................................................................52 13 Crashed Heaven Earth (Life After Death)........................................56 14 A Transformation (Transmutation)...................................................60 15 Eternity in Heaven (Dream)............................................................62 16 Upper Room/ The Promise (Encounter)...........................................65 17 Witness Transformation (Dream).....................................................67 18 Out- of- Body Experience (Mystery)................................................70 19 Invisible Speaker (Voices).................................................................72 20 Judgment Trial Before Christ (Dream)..............................................74 21 Sad Funeral (Dream)........................................................................76 22 Seeing God (Prayer).........................................................................78 23 Fly like Angels (Dream)....................................................................81 24 Guardian Angel (Apparition of Virgin Mary)...................................83 Chapter 3 The Final Battle...................................................................87 25 God’s Vengeance (Dream)................................................................88 26 Armageddon! (Dream)......................................................................91 27 A War! (Dream)................................................................................93 Chapter 4 Battle Over..........................................................................95 28 New Jerusalem! (Dream)..................................................................96 29 Garage Church (Prophetic Dream)...................................................98 30 Cloud of Witness Church (Dream).................................................100 31 Basement Church (Dream)............................................................102 32 One of Three (Dream)...................................................................104 6

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Chapter 5 Hell Experiences................................................................107 33 Tormented (Vision)........................................................................108 34 Escape Hell! (Dream)....................................................................115 Chapter 6 Prophecies.........................................................................119 35 A First President.( Dream)............................................................120 36 The First Lady (Dream)..................................................................123 37 Heavenly Homes (Dream)..............................................................126 38 The Hurricane Prophecy (Dream)...................................................128 39 Supermen Fallen 9/11 (Dream).......................................................131 40 Standing Still (Dream)....................................................................137 41 Holy Awakening (Dream)..............................................................140 42 Appointed Time (Dream)..............................................................142 43 Little Fire (Encounter)....................................................................144 44 Twinkling Timing (Dream)............................................................146 45 Song from Heaven (Dream)...........................................................149 46 Sing for God (Dream)...................................................................151 Chapter 7 Prodigal Life (Dream).......................................................153 47 Wandering (Dream)........................................................................154 48 Groans of the Holy Spirit (Manifestation)......................................158 49 Lost People (Dream).......................................................................160 50 New Jerusalem! (Dream).................................................................163 51 Awakened by Demons (Dream)......................................................166 52 Awakened by Christ (Dream).........................................................169 7

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Chapter 8 Mysterious Ways...............................................................171 53 God Answer Prayers (God Speaks)..................................................172 54 Christmas Miracle (Christian Faith)................................................175 55 Mud and Redemption (Ashes for Beauty).......................................177 Chapter 9 The Conclusion.................................................................179 Index...................................................................................................211 About the Author.................................................................................221 8

Forwards I have included a short autobiography herein. A work of nonfiction; it includes over fifty memories given by the Holy Spirit which dwells in humanity all the time. I have never been truly alone. He appears to me in dreams, vision, prophecies, and other approaches. He appeared at dire times to strengthen, motivate, or encourage and for other reasons. In one situation, I could not attend church, the place that could have kept me grounded, rooted, and filled with faith. He visited when I was losing hope. He appeared at the times I wanted to surrender and go into a life of crime, like others accomplished criminals. God would restore my patience through holy visits. Because of the visit, I continued to wait for the return of the Lord. Prayer I pray this book will save souls. Provide a faithful ministry that it enlightens; pierce hearts; and save souls, Hebrews 4:12. To be an instrument of salvation. To turn hearts of stone to hearts of flesh, Ezekiel 11:19! May it inspire and motivate. In Christ Jesus name. Religion Fuelled by these prophetic visits, to do trustworthy works by encouraging folks who do not accept that Christ Jesus exists! I declare that He exists. 9

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: My religion is my soul, taking over the challenge of writing this book due to being unemployable. I believe, “I’m able to do all matters by Christ that strengthens me,” Philippians 4:13. The Lord saved me, Arrested, I spent about (12) months totalled time in jail. I was in my late thirties when I got a high school diploma and extra training. I faithfully spend time with the Lord by reading the Holy Bible and prayer. In this manner, I faithfully am hoping to have an acceptable judgment on the Lords Judgment day I know there is a need to put off sinful behavior because they are not welcome in heaven. I do not want to squander any more time, in my life, sinning, James 2:18-24. The book of visions, prophecies, and dreams. The heaven and hell visits and other experiences. I give testimony all are the truth. The bible says this would happen, Joel 2:28. I have inserted scriptures and verses that the reader may search the bible to read what I have written is the truth. I first studied the Holy Bible through the King James Version. Today, I prefer the New King James Bible because there is only a slight difference. Some of the scriptures I used as reference may not be found in one or the other version of the bible; therefore, make sure when researching you have copies of different versions of the bible, even if borrowed from the Public Library. While reading books about Spiritual experiences. The Holy Spirit brought my personal experiences back to remembrance, John 14:26. Slowly, I remembered more and more. Bible study and church attendance helped my memory, also. I thought writing would be easy, it is difficult. I began to turn from dark and the wide road I was traveling. A sinful path. I started to hope in God, again. I wanted to travel the right path. 10

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: My Defence I know some people may not believe in out- of- body experiences because of lack of faith. The Scriptures say, unnatural encounters will happen, occur, Joel 2:28. I have inserted in this written work, where to find the scriptures and verses to defend my personal account of happenings. While I was reading other a u t h o r s books about the same experiences, the Holy Spirit bought my personal heavenly visit back to my remembrance, John 14:26. Eventually, when it was time for me to write a book, I decided to write about my experiences. It is the way the Holy Spirit works in me! While writing the Holy Spirit would remind me about more and more visits. I had forgotten most of them. Mission Statement It takes a similar military of God’s soldier to convert a lost soul. While wandering in sin and in darkness, I overheard an evangelist preaching. I was hearing spiritually and started coming out of darkness. The Word pierced light into my dark soul; nonetheless, that one message failed to set me free, it just started an awakening. I slowly started to turn from the never-ending dark road in which I was traveling- homeless and using illicit drugs- and started walking towards the light. 11

Mini- Autobiography My granddad and grandma were married for over (20) years. They had over ten children together. In the ‘50s or ‘60s they moved their family, from Little Rock Arkansas to Phoenix Arizona. They eventually moved to Los Angeles, California. California is where most of their children lived and died. I was born in California. I admired my grandmother a lot because she knew the Holy Bible thoroughly; she memorized scriptures and verses, and she knew where to find the passages. She taught me about the Lord and therefore, she is my Christian matriarch. I believe because she taught me about heaven, I recognized heaven. I gloomily see heaven in nature. I understand. I might not recognize what I saw if she never taught me about God, Christ Jesus, and heaven at such an early age. While grandma referred to the Bible, the scriptures would come to exist in my inner thoughts. I might see in my thoughts the Highest, heaven, and old times of the bible. She used to ask, “Soap,” (short for Sophia) do not let Satan use you. I would never back down in a fight. I thought I was in the right. The Holy Spirit showed me, in a miraculous way, I was incorrect in the disputation. It had upset her to see me feuding. I could understand her being disappointed in me. Determined no longer to argue anymore, all through life, I slowly stopped. Grandma had a good effect on my life. My grandma and I were going somewhere, a special time for me. I did not know where we were going, but I was excited. 13

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: It took us a long time to groom and then we left the house. We began strolling down the street. We walked by a few houses and we were at our destination. We were at her friend’s home. Dissatisfied because I wanted to walk further. However, her friend had a lovely house. I will see in the future that day. The Holy Spirit ministered to me. I pondered on the vision and reflected on it, at times, it comforts me. I was sitting in the corner, in the living room, by a window. My grandma and her friend were socializing with each other. A religious book lured my attention, and I looked through the pages. I fell in love with the book. “Someday you will write a book,” said the Holy Spirit. Afterwards, l foreseen, especially a famous little girl about my age. A spiritual blindfold covered my memory; for a purpose, God seals visions, Daniel 8:26. I remembered sometimes when reflecting on the past to myself. Grandmother saved by God. She had arrangements to live on infamous cult leaders land, but she missed the bus. The folks that made the bus eventually perished in the land by mass homicide. A divine intervention of the Lord saved her. At first, my mother was a single parent. She married; but these days she is a widow. She has (3) daughters, I am the middle daughter. She sent us to church on Sunday’s even if she did not come. On holidays, she dresses us up and cooks good meals. Her being from the south, she cooks well. I like her potato Salad, baked holiday turkey, and her fried chicken. She always asked me, “Who I loved the most.” I would say, “first, I love my grandma; second, I love God; and lastly I love you.” People my grandmother discovered what I was saying, and she corrected me and said I should always like God first. Not really arguing that she comes second and then my mom is still in third. I have about five aunties and about seven uncles. In 2018, three of my last uncles passed away. 14

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I have two living aunties and my mother alive. These last three women lived in Los Angeles. I see my aunties as my mothers. My cousins are like my friends. I am thankful for my family. Genealogy My relatives are from the famous, veterans, pastors, to college graduates. My family brings me so much joy and happiness. Aunts, uncles, and my cousins. I really like having the whole family get together. In my youth, blessed with laughter. Most of my relatives are very humorous! In that, I conceived they could have been comedians. I have a sense of humor, sometimes weird. Barrels of laughter just simply being close to family. Laughter is like joy. Unlike me, they make friends and have good personalities. I am an introvert. In my early days, I was very timid. About Family and Friends I realize it strange that I never had many personal acquaintances. I missed knowing what it is like to have a best friend. My sisters, cousins, and family members have friends because they are fun and sociable. However, I knew their friends. I understood that their acquaintances were not my friends; Therefore, I gave them their place. They would dismiss me, anyhow. I was doing what I thought was right. Although I never had friends, I was never alone because Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells in me, 1 Corinthians 3:16. The Holy Spirit dwells in man. When I was young, my family said I was shy. Good, that is what they would allege. I did not entirely believe them. I was small and peaceable. Which are the reasons I frequently hear the Holy Ghost, Galatians 5:22- 15

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: 23. The Holy Spirit does not have a physical body to make noise; therefore, there must be silenced to hear Him. M y First Love The Holy Scriptures require us to think of our first love, Revelation 2:4- 5. School is my first passion. Christ Jesus is also my first passion; my grandmother presented me to God. I left my house and went to school. It was a safer haven. A home away- from home. I had nowhere else to go. I wanted to attend a university, but it never happened. Nonetheless, I graduated from a Seminary with Associate of Arts in Basic Bible Studies. I have a good but not perfect knowledge of the bible; it helps me write this book easier and clearer. My future goals include continuing attending Church; bible study; and work in my calling, the clergy. M e o n the Battlefield! I could not wait to be (18) years old, so I could get on with my life. Oppressed, I could not study. My life started to move in slow motion because I was trying to prepare for college and my future. I could not study education or the Holy Bible. Therefore, I would sit motionless and stare at the wall all the time. We did not have a television. I started over thinking, eventually; I could not control my thoughts. My mind came by itself. My mind would movie reel. I believe this is when my mental illness started. I became mentally controlled. I thought of ideas and fantasies that could have been novels, if allowed to write and study. Mind Transformed I give the glory to God. He has transformed my thinking through the Holy Bible, but I had to thoroughly read it. I memorize scriptures and verses that overtook the former sinful thoughts. I think clearer. He gave us the 16

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Word and the church to help with spiritual warfare. The Bible schools. I do not want to go a day without His church. I am a happy slave to the Lord’s teachings, Romans 1:1. My rapid thinking is over. I thank the Word of God and the church, and the faithful servants. I cast down imaginations, 2 Corinthians 10:5. I have learned to think about the truth, Philippians 4:8. Child Protection I had just birthed my daughter. A group of protection agents came to take my child. I agreed at first because I could have used her absence for an advantage. I could get a job or High School Diploma, while she is in Foster Care, I thought. However, I started worrying. She was shaking in fears. Later, I realized she was cold. The hospital keeps the temperature cold to kill germs. I did not know anything, at first. It would be months before I knew why they took her. “I was mentally unstable,” The staff stated. I had never used drugs, which was a common reason for losing custody of a child. A woman to lose her child. However, I left my family house to have the baby. A dog leaves her home to have puppies. They treated me as if I were in this country illegally. Like I did not speak English because they did not talk to me. Once again, I felt like a dog because their puppies were given away or sold. In addition, people would not talk to a dog because they bark. I was not counsel, as they would be a human. The court eventually granted my mother and auntie custody of my two children. They are young adults. I had tormenting thoughts as the results of the hospital stay. I kept thinking about how I carried my infant alone in my stomach, and someone waltzed away with her and the thought continued to haunt me. I do not believe in artificial parenting, foster care. My whole life changed for the worse. I have never been jailed 17

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: until I gave birth at (28) years old. Not only did they take my child away, but also, they treated me like a criminal. It seemed like a conspiracy from Los Angeles County, they all stuck together whether their right or wrong. Drugs I had already started to use drugs shortly after I lost my baby. Which is my reason for using drugs. I went to court for child custody high on drugs. I was not thinking because I had already started using drugs. I should not have gone to court anymore. The judge stipulated that I get a Parenting Certificate and Psychological Medical Counselling. This drives me to continue using drugs. I attended court high three times and I did not win. I realized I was not getting her back; therefore, I stopped trying. I got the urge to go back to the court building after so many years. For some horrible treatment. They treated me like a dog. I felt like a criminal, a kidnapper. The employee attitude was so nasty. I do not get off on people treating me badly. They are the ultimate accuser of the brethren, Revelation 12:10. I feel like Los Angeles County took me out, but God took me in. They, the spiritual wicked ones in high places, tried to transform my character in a negative way, Ephesians 6:12. You will know spiritual wickedness when you see it. They constantly arrested me because that is how they make their money by putting people in jail. Yes, they found some reason to arrest me. There is a reason to arrest anybody because nobody is without sin, Romans 3:23. I had fallen into a government trap. The government was truly on my shoulders, the same way they were upon Christ Jesus shoulder, Isaiah 9:6. Intervention I injected myself with heroin, and I used for three years, until the holy visit from heaven. I was in a hotel room, alone. I was crying. 18

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I did not know why I was crying. I realized later it was the Holy Spirit, which groans from inside, crying for me, Romans 8:26. I did not have sense to cry out to God to help me. I felt God’s presence in the room; however, I could not see him. I remembered, the Holy Spirit once told me, “It is hard for sinners to see heaven.” Therefore, determined to see Him, I looked everywhere up and down until I saw the Holy Spirit. I barely saw Him camouflaged in the ceiling. It was bluish white clouds swirls of colors. He spoke to my heart in the spirit; therefore, I do not remember in words what He said. Soon after the visit was over, the caring for drugs slowly went away. The craving went away slowly but speedily enough for me to notice. Suddenly, my body could not intake the drug. My lungs were too weak to use the paraphernalia. There has been no one to do an Intervention for me; therefore, God intervened. God delivered me from a wandering life. Moses and the children of Israel also wandered through the wilderness, Deuteronomy 8:2. The enemy is powerful. I had forgotten the Lord exists. Yet, He found me and reminded me He is. This holy visit pierced light into my darkness. I am going on sixteen years of sobriety. Because of the visit from heaven. Thanks, and glory be to God. I did not understand the pros and cons of successfully quitting. Eventually, the Holy Spirit led me out of the environment where I bought drugs. I went on to earn a High School Diploma. I also graduate from a Bible Seminary with the Associate of Arts. I have a good working knowledge of the bible; it helps me write this book with ease and with clarity. I have received His calling, faithfully. He led me away from drugs and away from constant arrests. I write for many reasons. I write to impart wis- dom that I have learned over the years. I hope to save sinners and more. I could be writing from prison right now. I am free, thanks and glory to God. 19

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Mental Health Diagnosed with Dyslexia and considered a schizophrenic. I can read and write, but the task is tedious for me. I can achieve all through Christ Jesus, which strengthens me, Philippians 4:13. Because I foresee dreams of heaven and hear God’s voice; the faithless, consider me crazy. I may have crazy faith. I am happily God’s servant and slave. The faithful will believe me because God talks to us all. However, it is hard for sinners to hear the Holy Spirit of God because they are not humbly quiet. I have met two women with similar but distinct heavenly visits, but not identical to each other. I just speak the truth. My memories are my personal testimony. I am a witness of the Holy Spirit. I pray for a sounder mind; I rebuke Satan in the name of Christ Jesus. May the satanic dark forces, who battle for our minds, flee forever! I have battled with unwanted thoughts, especially in my youth; thoughts that I could not cast down. I had sinful wishes, hopes and false memories. They came from the evil one, Satan. Yet, I am healed, Matthew 12:22. 20

Chapter 1 Godly Beginning: Dreams and Visions The events in this chapter, I saw heaven and was martyred like Christ Jesus in a dream. The Holy Spirit shows in dreams, visions, prophecies and many more. An angel visited me on my birthday. I realized Christ Jesus was the real superman. I experienced telepathy. I was from eight to thirteen years old when the events of this first chapter occurred. I was in preschool or elementary school during my first experience with heaven. God visits children as well as adults. These memories are in the order in which they occurred and numbered in a devotional style. 21

1 Heavenly Childhood (Dream) Joel 2:28 “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. This occurred in the seventies. We, my Mother and Sister, lived-in a house behind my grandparents’ house. I am not a sleepwalker; therefore, I do not believe I was sleepwalking. I enjoyed quietness. I stood outside at night because it was peaceful. The streets were empty. It seemed like everybody was asleep, the neighborhood kids and my family. I saw a woman walking fast towards me. She was acting strange. She kept looking over her shoulders. Trembling out of fear or she was just cold. She had on a white dress that looked like the woman actor, Monroe. Heck, she even looked like Monroe. “Hello Sophia,” my jaw dropped. I wondered how she knew my name, I wondered. Apparently, I recognized her from the television. Next, she went into the neighbor’s house, I assumed. Then, I saw in the distance, a horde 22

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: of angry people. They were coming towards me from the same direction of the woman. They probably were whom she was avoiding. I was not afraid of them because I knew they were not looking for me. Therefore, I stood there and did not run. When they reached me, they grabbed me? I regretted not running. I realized I should have run, but it was too late. They proceeded to tie my hands behind my back and to a pole or tree. It probably was a giant streetlight pole. Within the angry people’s group, the people were of different cultures, genders, and ages. The children were angry, equally well. They were so furious that I got afraid. I realized I was not going to make it. They scattered about looking for weapons. Finally, they found glass bottles of assorted sizes, patterns, and colors. This was the first time I saw glass bottles of different colors: clear bottles, blue bottles, green bottles, brown bottles, and red bottles. Today, I think the various color bottles were a prophecy because back then I never saw colorful bottles. They were in unity, but disorganized. They simultaneously started hitting me with their bottles. Some of them hit me so hard the bottles lodged in my flesh and they broke them off leaving fragments of glass. Little kids also deliberately twisted the bottles and left fragments in my physical body. They targeted my stomach and face. I felt like Christ Jesus when the crown of thorn placed on his head caused Him to bleed, John 19:2. While hitting me they accidentally cut themselves. Their leader told them to get in a line and take turns. In their eyes, I saw hatred and wrath. I knew they were going to take my life. I was not going to the hospital; I was clearly going to die. I desperately wanted to leave, but I could not defend myself tied to the pole.I experienced what it is like to be helpless. 23

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: After a while, my body became numb that I no longer felt pain. I thanked God for creating our body to go numb after so much pain. Soon afterwards, I died. I remember my soul slowly leaving my body. That very moment I entered a heavenly atmosphere, and all was a spiritual blessing. Immediately at death, there is fullness of joy. I was not angry with them. I was happy with them because they took me there. Forgiving them was easy. I was hovering in midair, above the streetlight, it felt serene and warm. A golden light comforted me. God was the source of that light, Revelation 22:5. I was happy to see the heaven that my grandma taught about was real. Life after death is literal. When looking down from the heavenly place, I saw a golden orange color. Seemed like I was looking through my blood-soaked eyes that dripped down my face and seeped through my eye. Yet, in death, we are spirits. I loved them from on high, the heavenly place. I saw remnants of the horde looking at my dead body after others scattered. My blood looks thick and beautiful. The consistency of paint, a beautiful deep dark red color. It looked fortified and healthy. Blood wasted could save lives through transfusions, but I did not know at a young age. I felt it in my spirit. A transformation had taken place with the glass bottles that had broken into pieces. They had transformed into precious stones. The clear broken glass bottle fragments had transformed into genuine diamonds. The blue broken glass bottles became genuine sapphires. The green broken glass bottle fragments became genuine emeralds. The brown broken glass bottle fragments became genuine garnets. Finally, the red broken glass fragments became genuine rubies. “Don’t forget the precious stones, you will need them in your lifetime,” I uttered. They could not hear me because I was a spirit. I vaguely remember 24

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: talking to God in the spirit, in an inaudible way. I do not remember everything spoken. I was a substitute for the woman in the white dress, but not voluntarily, the same way the Lord Jesus bore and died for our sins, 1 Peter 2:24. He died for humankind, John 1:29. He is the sacrificial lamb, Ephesians 5:2 and Hebrews 7:26-29. God has interwoven a prophecy in this dream. I never had many friends. The horde of people was in unity against me. Today, I often see certain people against me. I noticed there was unity amongst the horde of murderers. Lately, I have not seen unity in the church. The place to display a godly love, a holy brotherly friendship. Faithful churches are far away. Yet, through God, there are many possibilities, Matthew 19:26. He makes our enemies our friends, Proverbs 16:7. 25

2 A Demonic Battle (Possessed) Zephaniah. 1:15, 15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of waste and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness… This event occurred when I lived down the street from a hospital, the place where people often die. The vicinity of death. I was about (12-13) years old. The place ghosts lurk many people believe in ghosts and not just the Holy Ghost, a dead mortal ghost that haunts. The hospital down the street is probably the reason I had ghostly visitors. I also had the unwelcome folklore, “Incubus” visits me in my bed at night. The hospital was not a coincidence. They tore the hospital down. Sadly, Senior Apartments have erected in its place. I wonder if those buildings are haunted. Do the seniors get heavenly visitors! 26

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The Dark Cloud I found a scripture in the bible for this spiritual visit. My puberty was a depressed period. When this happened, it was a black and depressing era. I broke out in acne that never cleared up. All hell breaks out afterwards. I was a virgin, and at several times while sleeping, I had been having sexual acts by an invisible male entity. How can I get a ghost arrested! I never really told anyone. It was hard to talk to people then. At first, I thought they were just nightmares until I face it while awake. I was alone in my bedroom taking a nap. I roused up because I felt something watching me. I knew someone who was there. I opened my eyes and found no one there; nevertheless, I felt the presence of something or someone. Simply because I could not see anyone, I felt him. Determined, I looked and looked until I saw a black orb floating in midair. It floated about six feet in the air, and about the size of a tennis ball and shape like a tiny black cloud. I realized it was the same entity paralyzing and torturing me in my sleep. “Leave me alone,” I cried. I made it angry by yelling. It did not have eyes. If it had eyes, they had to have been beady eyes because it was small. It must have heard or felt my angry energy. Shortly after, I felt its rage. Next, it leaped onto my face. It immediately paralyzed my entire body. I could not fight, run, or yell for help. Next, after it attached itself to my face, I felt a tight squeeze around my eyes. It was going into my mind through my eyes. The Bible tells us to stand still and allow the Lord to fight our battles, 2 Chronicles 20:17. Which implies to be lowly, tranquil. I do not know that scripture, then. I regretted yelling at the Incubus. I thought I could defeat the entity in words, perhaps in Jesus name. I did not yell Jesus’ name, John 14:14. He can defeat all our enemies. The answer was to shout the name of Jesus. 27

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Since that day, I never saw the black orb again. However, I believe it was still in my mind for a while. Today the Word of God controls it. It affected me mentally from that day. I gain power through the Word of God. I know if I stop following the Lord, the entity may regain power; therefore, I am a joyful prisoner of Christ, Philemon 1:1. The Word of God is transforming me. I am a work in progress. I will become more like Christ Jesus when this transformation is complete. In addition, my cousin had heard witches in her attic. She and her family also lived further up the street, but further away from the same hospital. 28

3 A Heavenly Guest (Visitation) Luke 7:16, Then fear came on all, and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has risen among us”; and, “God has visited His people.” Sad Moment My thirteenth birthday had increased into mental torment, on a day I should have been celebrating, I was crying. In those days, I communicated my hurtful feelings in tears. I remember being so emotionally hurt that I decided to cry for the rest of my life. My head started to hurt that it felt like it was swelling; it probably was a migraine headache. It felt like my brain was starting to blow up like a balloon. I was suddenly very scared. This when I decided to quit screaming, but I could not. This was the Holy Spirit interceding for me, Romans 8:29. The exact moment I knew my head was getting ready to explode, with blood, I shifted dimension into a heavenly place. 29

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: A tranquil peace came over me and calmed me from inside, and then I stopped crying. I felt a mighty strength from within me; it took over my entire body, Revelations 21:10-11. The air felt different. Instantly, I was in another dimension. An invisible world within our world; co- existing at the same time. Achieved through the Holy Spirit and death. His mighty Spirit lifted me up to my feet and led me throughout the house until I arrived at the laundry room, which was next to the bathroom. The entity knelt me down on my knees. Next, I looked up and saw a ghostly figure, the source of whom I believed, led me there. “A go- go ghost,” I stuttered. I was hoping my mother would come see the ghost, but she had fallen asleep. He wore a pure as white suit. There was a halo around His head and His entire body glowed. His voice sounded like various bodies of water, Revelation 1:15-18. “Sophia,” the ghostly Spirit, said. Surprised, He knew my name. God is omniscient; He knows everything, Matthew 10: 27-31. I do not remember the whole conversation. I remember, “The dragon was going to take my children away at birth, “said the heavenly Host. Revelation 12:4. A balance of good and bad in this unnatural visit. I saw heaven, but heaven had bad news for me. He demanded me, what kind of husband I wanted! The list is practically endless. Probably the reason, I never got a husband. Job life was the archetype of mine, said the Host. I thought it wise to study the book of Job, James 5:11. The angelic Host told me not to tell anyone of the visit. “If I told anyone, all hell would break loose, He said. I agreed. The Host insisted that I would tell someone. At the time, I could keep a secret. Therefore, I continued to argue with the heavenly angelic Host. Lol! Eventually, I realized God, the angelic Host, is always right. I had intended to keep the visit a secret. However, by me writing of encounters, I am telling somebody, you. I do not have a guilty conscience 30

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: because He said I would tell of the visit; therefore, here am I. I write of His visits. I cannot try to make a godly heavenly Host out of a liar. I am writing about it because He said I would. It felt like we talked for an eternity. Only minutes had passed. God’s timing is omniscience. This visit happened over forty years ago. I do not recall telling anyone; however, all hell broke out. My face broke out in acne just as Job boils, Job 2:7. Joseph “The Dreamer” brothers despised him because of his dreams, Genesis 31. I could have taken a lesson from Joseph’s story. The things that happened to Joseph for telling his dreams. My sisters did not attack me; Mother Nature did the worst damage. I started menstruation that accompanied acne. The same way Job lost all his children, I lost all my children, but to foster care- a prophecy fulfilled, Job 1:18. I faced spiritual wickedness in people, family, and peers. Fast-forwards, prophecy fulfilled. The Children Services and Los Angeles County fraudulently took my children. They are symbolic Satan, the dragon. The mischief symbolized the Beast. A powerful capitalist, child protection, service. The dragon as the Children Services took my children away and soon afterward, I felt like the government was on my shoulders. They arrested me for nearly nothing. The County railroaded me as a criminal. The government was upon my Christ’s shoulders; Isaiah 9:6 KJV. I had a happy but sad birthday. I received a negative prophecy from an angelic host. Nevertheless, I was happy to see the Heavenly Host. The bearer of bad news. “The devil is coming to my birthday party and we want to be there to protect you,” said the people. I was not afraid. Young and foolish, I wanted to fight the devil by verbally chewing him out. Today, I know Christ is the 31

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: only one to defeat the devil. The saying ruined my day. On the other hand, I was afraid. I imagined the devil a horrible and disgusting slimy snake. About the same time, I learned how I became an American citizen from the movie/book called Roots (Roots, author; Haley, Alex, 1976). (Roots; A TV mini-serial publication). I could not wait to go back to Africa. “No, move to Europe”, said the Holy Spirit. This heavenly visit happened on my thirteenth birthday and the same day Prince Charles and Lady Diana wedded. I thought my birthday was special because of these two events. The visit from heaven, also. I cannot forget that historic wedding; it was the first major historical event in my lifetime. I thought kings, queens, and princesses were fairy tales. The media broadcast the wedding it was possible to ignore. Historically, the reign of a royal king determined the date. I am a royal godmother, the Holy Spirit said. However, I do not see it. On this same day, my birthday, a heavenly host visited me. I had no friends to attend my party. I liked peace, anyway, so I did not care. Yet, I have been sad; however, with what happened showed me heaven cared. I do not get birthday gifts. The visit was a gift. Summary Prophecy fulfilled, I lost both of my children, as Job lost all his first set of children, Job 1:18 & 19. I started going to jail, which is like losing money opportunities. I cannot get employment because of the arrest records. The same way Job lost everything, but God restored Job more than what he lost, Job 42:10. The heavenly angelic visitor had a modern-day doppelganger. I would see the heavenly host as my pastor. Yes, life is indeed a mystery. 32

4 The Real Superman (Dream) Revelations 1:7, Look, he is coming with clouds, and every eye will see him, including those who pierced him. And all the nations of the earth will mourn because of him. Yes. Amen. God intervenes just in time. He displayed, as a superhero with powers I didn’t know existed. I was planning on running away from home. The enemy minions were oppressing and tormenting me, daily. I could think of no other solution. I was not going to tell anyone. I just was going to leave. The day came. I wanted one last look at them. No one knew what I was going to do; however, there was obviously somebody, and that person was God. I stood in the doorway, looking at them for the last time. As I was continuing to leave out the door, a powerful, unnatural, and living energy showed, within me. The Holy Spirit overpowered me. My arms lifted without my effort. The Holy Spirit works from within me. This was my first example that He lives within me. I did not know, He then dwelled within us then. 33

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: As the Spirit of God continued to lift my arms upwards, their heads turned slowly upwards, simultaneously. My hand rose in the air. Next, my palm turned upwards, towards the oppressors. Next, the oppressor’s head started tilting backwards. It appeared that I was manipulating their bodily movements, but it was the Holy Spirit, from inside me. I felt like the superhero’s, in the movies, with superpowers. I thought the tormentor’s head was going to break. I was not going to stop it from breaking either, but the Holy Spirit loved everybody and He did not further hurt the tormentors. I assumed after the miracle performed from inside me, made them afraid and they were not going to bother me anymore; therefore, I did not run away. Christ Jesus is the real Superman. He inspired the creation of superheroes. The Bible says Christ is coming back in the clouds, like Superman flying in the clouds, Mark 13:26. He holds all power in His hands, Ezekiel 20: 33-35. Christ Jesus is mighty in battle. Superman reads minds, especially Christ Jesus; He is a discerner of the thoughts, Matthew 9:4. Superman and Clark Kent are never seen at the same time. Neither is Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. John 16:7. After that day, they never bothered me for a while. I did not manipulate this power on my own, but I want those powers. This visit sheds a different illumination on how Christ Jesus Spirit lives in human beings. The Lord is never far from us. His temple is inside us. We are the temple of God, 1 Corinthians 3:16. Do not defile it. Christ is humankind real Superman. He has rescued us, Psalms 136: 23- 25. 34

Chapter 2 Prime of Pilgrimage This chapter includes my first steps to Christ Jesus. I joined the community church. My mother told me to attend that church. I was about seventeen to nineteen years old. While in the church, I completed a month fast. I had heavenly visited, the consequence of a thirty day fast. It made me sensitive to the Holy Spirit. I transmuted to heaven later in an automobile accident: I saw God, without eyes, in a storm: I experienced the out- of- body phenomenon: I walked in the Spirit and more in this chapter. 35

5 Solo Church Goer (Christian Experience) John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. The following holy experience happened in the late (80’s). My first steps to finding the Lord. I was no older than nineteen years old. “Serve the community church around the corner,” my mother stated. I did not know there was a church so close. I was happy she told me about the church, I liked it there. I am extremely grateful to her. This was my first Christian experience. I encountered heaven bountifully. I always wanted to become a Christian like my grandmother. She was a Christian since I could remember. My mother likes to attend small churches. People like small churches; they feel closer to the pastor and other believers. I went to church to learn about God and study the Holy Bible. I desired to know Him intimately as I desired to be well- versed. I loved everything 36

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: He stood for virtue, love, honesty, and much more goodness. God and school are my first love, Revelation 2:4. There have been plenty of silent periods when I do not hear from God. Sometimes when I do not hear, see, or feel God; my faith starts to fall. However, He appears out of nowhere and restores my faith. The same way, a parent teaching their child how to walk or ride a bicycle. When the child is about to fall off the bike or falls down the parents catch them before they hit the ground. We all are the children of God. We are babies in Christ. God came along out of nowhere for me. I did not graduate from High I could only demand minimum wage jobs, which was distressing. I lost hope and was ready to give up. Heaven showed up and turned everything around. The church came into my life. I go to church alone. I would never go to church if I waited for someone to attend church with me. Christ Jesus came, a babe, to this world alone to save humankind, a child given, Isaiah 1:6. In this, once again, I feel one with one Lord. Summary The church was a Pentecostal Church. They baptized me. I started a church membership. I practiced everything I could to find the Holy Spirit. I prayed hard and fasted. I went to church regularly and bible study, and a lot more. Church is an archetype of heaven. The angelic host that supernaturally visited my thirteenth birthday was the doppelganger to the Pastor at the community church I attended. I saw him before I attended the church. The first church, I attended, independently. It was as heaven compared to some modern churches. There were genuine church leaders with powers over the enemy. What I see in the modern church leaders. I will gladly go to glory, the afterlife, it is the place of the deceased of the former great church leaders. 37

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: In my first church, I felt a part of the church family. What I am experiencing today in the Church; it helps me make the decision to leave Californian to seek a better life and an allegorical better country, which is a better church. This modern church treatment may help me be strong in the case of martyrdom. 38

6 Omnipresent Experience (Encounter) 2 Corinthians 12:2, 2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows— such a one was caught up to the third heaven. I regularly attended the local church; I was faithful and filled with the Holy Ghost, as the result of the thirty days fast. I understood the bible wrong when it says walk in the spirit, Galatians 5:16. I wanted to walk in the spirit. I used to believe; I could feel the Spirit of God limitless. However, I walked in the spirit briefly. I felt the spirit physically. It felt like a natural part of your day. Because I faithfully believed, I could. I walked in the spirit, for only a moment. Within the minutes, I felt the infinite freedom of dark interruption of the mind, the body; and the soul, Philippians 4:7. One day, the Holy Spirit led me to take a walk. It was not like me to take a walk. The atmosphere instantaneously became different, the air became thick, and I felt dewiness against my skin. It felt like I was walking through clouds. 39

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The air was so thick that I had to tread forwards. My muscles relaxed, as melted. There was no city noise, only silence. I heard noises, but it sounded far away in the distance. I only heard the strong wind sounds pressing on my eardrums. I was in heaven on earth, simultaneously. The bible reads, in heaven there will be no more crying, nor pain, nor death, and nor sorrow, Revelation 21:4. This experience felt the same way. I had a foretaste of the life in heaven. 40

7 Holy Spirit Within (Encounter) Matthew 1:23 23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. This occurred, after a lengthy fast. I was alone in my room, trying to meditate on God. I did not know what mediation was, but it sounds like a good idea. I wanted a peaceful mind, Isaiah 26:3. Next, I overheard the neighbors, upstairs, having an argument. Suddenly, by itself, my head slowly twisting upwards towards them. The noise did not bother me. I ignored them with ease. This happening reminded me of the movie, the Exorcist (1973). Stories of the bible inspired ‘the Exorcist’ movie. I had just seen the movie about this time. This world has mysterious powers! These powers are not spoken of in the bible. Sometimes, I thought I was possessed. Was I demonic controlled or blessed, I pondered! This helped me to see that demonic oppressions are real. Yet, Satan cannot do anything to us 41

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: without permission from God. We have a hedge of protection around us. Satan had to plead with God to aflict Job. Job 6:6-12. Summary A mystery why God wanted me to acknowledge the couple upstairs arguing. Was I possessed or did He want to show me a miracle? I had already witnessed the Holy Spirit manipulate my limbs. If I were possessed, I would call for an exorcism. God healed me of my greatest need, my mental state. My healing did not come overnight. It happened manually by reading the scriptures. The scriptures overpowered the enemy within. Everything extraordinary that happens all power belongs to the Lord. When we want deliverance, ask the lord. When we want anything, ask the Lord. Be healed by putting on Joy the same way you put on a smile. Forge love, joy, peace, patience and long- suffering. The good and sweet fruit of the spirit. This holy experience shone another light. How God lives inside us, Matthew 1:23. This comforted me, greatly. Through this visit, it reminded me that I was never alone. I will never be alone, in life or in death. We are never alone. He will find us. The involuntary movement achieved by the Holy Spirit. The source of every miraculous happening. The Holy Spirit never ceases to astonish me with different, innovative, and infinite mysteries. Spiritual warfare between good and evil will keep people stagnant. What we think is for bad, God allows it for good. The godly wisdom in addition, His brilliance. 42

8 God of Telepathy (Encounter) Ephesians 4:1, 4 I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal, to me, my Christian calling. Which is the reason He saved me. Callings are Christian duty that must perform in exchange for my salvation. The pastor suggested that we pray and wait patiently for God to answer the prayer. The Pastor knew this would be the perfect time to pray during fasting. Therefore, I prayed and stood still and waited for the answer. Next, I clearly saw alphabets, one word at a time. The words did not mean anything. I got a pen and wrote the words down. For example, C, Y, R, L, E, and a G. I was playing a word game. I use the alphabets to make up as many words out of the letters, as possible. I came up with a word afiliated with the church clergy. The church I attended never used the title clergy to any church vocation. The Christian church may call the duties of the clergy, another title such as usher or house cleaner. 43

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: Summary The Holy Spirit answered me in an unexpected way. He never communicates the same way. This shows infinite knowledge and wisdom. I have not worked as a clergywoman, yet. Unless it means writing this book. This was an experience with mental telepathy. I was not a believer of telepathy until this encounter. By myself, I cannot do telepathy; the Holy Spirit gives me the telepathic experience at His time. Redeemed by God, now we must pay a spiritual price. God calls for a purpose. I desire to pay. I am a servant of Christ to do Christian duties. I want to be a valuable part of Christ church. We are to give personal testimony to what the Lord has done for us. How He has saved and healed, Mark 5:19. That we may help others come into the salvation of the Lord. There is eternal salvation in Christ Jesus name; through His blood, and in His death and resurrection, Isaiah 53; Acts 4:12. We must bear witness to heaven’s reality to one another. A way to give your testimony is to fulfill your Christian duties. However, we must know our gifts and calling. Prayer will reveal Callings and gifts. 44

9 Healed by the Word (Healing) Mark 16:17, 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues… God healed me when I did not need healing. He would give me a persistent agony. A backache. They announced, in church service, a healing revival. I pondered how I did not need healing, so I was not going. Instantly, a pain developed in my back. The following Sunday they reminded the church of the healing revival, I decided to try the service for the continuing discomfort in my back. I tried many remedies throughout the week after the pain began. No ordinary medicines responded to the nuisance. Did neither Aspirin, Tylenol nor Antacids stop the pain! The night of the healing revival. We gathered in a room. A room they held additional bible classes. Mostly women attended. While we waited for the evangelist to come, we began singing hymns. We were a small group that attended. 45

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: The evangelist is an excellent singer with a strong and healthy voice. Next, I only remember the moment of the healing. Obviously, there was prayer. The evangelist had to say, in Jesus name. The evangelist spoke with power, boldness, and beautifully. I assumed we had to come and get hands laid on us. Therefore, I started to get out of my seat. “Stay where you are at,” said the evangelist. I cannot remember everything said. The evangelist looked towards me, over my head, and said, “Get off her.” I felt an intelligent being, intelligently walking off my back. The pain went away, instantly. Apparently, it would not leave unless commanded by a heavenly host. I wondered how I could have not known there was someone or something on my back. To this day, that pain never came back. I believe it was a demon. Summary I had faith and admired the evangelist. I had faith I would heal. The evangelist was outspoken and anointed. I needed to witness that healing is genuine. Therefore, nobody can tell me healing is fake. Some would say the church rehearsed healing with paid people, I know better. Whenever, I am not a straight A student in school or continually growing in an endeavor; I needed healing of the mind. I need healing because I am stagnated, yet I was in a church seeking help. Traditionally, we recognize people in wheelchairs, blind or deaf, as those in need of healing. The healing of the brain is the greatest healing. It is the place of possession by demons. The place of warfare. The mind is a field of allegorical battleground. 46

10 1986 Challenger Prophecy (Prophecy) Joel 2:28 [ God’s Spirit Poured Out] “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. I witnessed a modern-day prophet prophesied in a revival. The senior pastor called in sick at the last minute, most likely. I did not hear an announcement of a guest evangelist. The evangelist was preaching. When I realized I did not understand a single word he preached. The evangelist used large words on the collegiate level that I could not understand. I did not recognize any biblical words used in the sermon; therefore. I thought I was witnessing my first antichrist. To be for certain, it was not the antichrist because he prophesied a tragedy. I had been sitting there and did not understand anything preached, I thought I came to church for nothing. I had faith that I could pray for the understanding of the sermon. The Holy Spirit answered my prayer. 47

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: I started hearing spiritually to understand. I heard words such as sky, clouds, and orbit.” I put together a short story. I had assumed the evangelist was talking about out of space. That we should prepare to go because the Lord is coming soon. I started to think the church was a spaceship and everybody present will go up. Since then, I never wanted to miss a church service because no man knows the hour of Christ Jesus’ return, Luke 12:40. I remember thinking, once; the Christians were going to be raptures through the ceiling of the church. When we leave our bodies at death, we become a spirit or a ghost. Summary At first, I thought the message was about outer space and heaven. Neverthe- less, soon after the prophecy. The United States spaces shuttle “Challenger” exploded, in midair on a voyage into outer space, on January 28, 1986. The Holy Spirit reminded me of the words that the evangelist was preaching that I could realize I was hearing a prophecy. Therefore, the evangelist was not the antichrist, after all. I remember thinking he was an astronaut and a preacher, and he used words afiliated with his career. For example, outer space, spaceships and astronauts, etc. What I heard was a mystery. The revelation came soon enough but only after, I prayed. This was no coincidence. 48

11 A Visitation (Appearance) Luke 1:68, 68 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people… I could not find a seat, at first. I did not want to go in the balcony section: therefore, I continued to look. Eventually, I found a seat next to a woman. After, I sat down; I realized I needed the women’s room. I rarely needed to use the toilet. Therefore, I decided to leave my purse so that I will not lose my seat. Naive, I trusted the church with my purse. While leaving out the sanctuary doors, I looked back at my purse. The woman I was sitting next to have her nose sticking in the air with my purse in her hand. Next, she turned around to look for me and saw me looking. She proceeded to put my purse in one row in front of the row we were sitting. I continued to the women’s room. I returned and sat in the seat where my purse was in. I believe everything was in my purse. She knows I saw her with my purse, which is probably why she did not rob me. Had she stolen the money; she would have stolen from God. The only money I 49

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: take to church is tithes and. I do not care if she stole that money; it was between her and Good. That bad deed would have been between her and God in judgment. Nevertheless, while sitting, I heard a particular sound. It sounded like the wind was covering my ears that I cannot hear. How wondrous and majestic was that powerful sound. I realized it was coming from the same door the churchgoers use to enter the sanctuary. I was expecting God to float in from the roof of the church. I knew what was going on. It was the visit of the Lord that the pastor had told us about. The sound in my ear sounded like the mighty winds, which is clearly the Holy Ghost, Acts 2:2. Not only did I hear something, but I saw something, as well. I saw a clear cloud blob shape. I also felt the Holy Spirit. In the presence of God, as a coward, the devil goes away. In God’s presence, I experience mental and physical clarity, calmness and joyful. God is like a legal and free high. There is freedom of anxieties, worries, and fear. I feel safe in the presence of the Holy Spirit. I know the difference from the presence of the Holy Spirit and that of the spiritual wickedness of Satan’s. Eventually, for some reason, I ran out of the church and went home. The moment finally arrived that I have been waiting for and I ran away. It felt like the church launched out into orbit on its voyage to heaven. I probably would not have gotten inside the pearly gates, anyway. I did not have any faithful works, Revelation 21:21. More about that Day The phenomenon occurred in the late 80’s. During Sunday service the pastor announced, the Lord was coming to visit the church. I was excited and anxiously awaited His arrival. Throughout the following weeks, I pondered about the visit. I imagined Him descending from the air. 50

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive: They did not mention the time and date of His arrival. Written in the Holy Scripture, none of humankind knows the hour of the return of the Lord, Matthew 24:36. Faithfully, I had believed, He was coming. He did visit the church but in a mysterious way because all things are possible with God, Matthew 19:26. The day of the visit, I wore the lime green satin dress with my straw purse. One of the Altar Workers gave me the dress. She wore a white one that same day. She told me to wear mine. The dresses looked like an old bridesmaid dress, but never worn. “The church was going to bury me in that dress this coming December, said a family friend.” I was afraid of December. Sometimes it seemed like I was in another dimension. I would see a quite different crowd of people. Did I time travel, I wondered. I realized it was because there were two different services. Sometimes I would wake- up early to make the early church service. Summary It was a blessing to attend this community church. It made me happy, despite no good paying job, college attendance, a husband, or independence. To have attended this Holy Ghost filled church, God favored me. God had a blessing for me, the community church. It replaced everything I was missing. I witnessed a genuine pastor, ministry and church. I was there by a divine appointed destination. The pastor an angel unaware. The angel I saw on my thirteenth birthday looked identical to this pastor. This was important because I felt at home, despite feeling unwelcome, at times. I am brave in passing away, knowing of others who have preceded me. 51

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