ًّٸ ٪طنْ٨ڂ حٿٸٌحنْن حٿيًٿْش ٿنيَُ ىؿڀش ًحٿٴَحص ٟڄن ن٤خٵ ڃ٬خىيس ٿٌُحڅ حٿظِ حٷَص حٿ٬خځ ٫ً 1932ڀَ حٿڄخىس 109حٿظِ طليػض ٫ن حٿلٸٌٵ ًحٿڄٜخٿق حٿڄ٘ظَٻش رلْغ ّظڂ ًٳِ كخٿش ط٬ؼَ حٙطٴخٵ رْن حٿيًٽ حٿڀـٌء حٿَ حٿظلټْڂ حٿ٬خځ”. ح ٙاڅ طَٻْخ ٿڂ طڀظِځ ر٘ټپ ػخرض رؤُ ڃن حطٴخٷْخطيخ حٿڄخثْش ڃ ٪حٿَ٬حٵ اٟخٳش اٿَ ڃوخٿٴظيخ ٙطٴخٷْخص حٿڄزخىة حٿ٬خڃش ٿلٸٌٵ حٿزڀيحڅ أٓٴپ حٕنيخٍ ٫ني حٿڄٜزخص ،رپ ٻخنض طٌٷ ٪حٙطٴخٷْش حٿظِ طظڄخَٗ ڃ ٪كخؿظيخ حٓنْش ،ٳٸي طنټَص طَٻْخ ٳِ ٻپ ڃَكڀش ٿڄوظڀٲ حٿڄ٬خىيحص ًحٙطٴخٷْخص حٿظِ ًٷ٬ظيخ ٳِ كْنيخ ًىِ ڃ٬خىيحص ٿٌُحڅ ً 1920ڃ٬خىيس رخٍّْ ،1920ٻڄخ هخٿٴض طَٻْخ ڃ٬خىيس أنٸَس حٿظِ ٫ٸيص ٳِ ٫خٛڄظيخ ًرَ٫خّظيخ ٫خځ ً ،1921طنټَص ٿظ٬ييحطيخ حٿڄخثْش ٳِ حٿنيَّن حٿڄٌٷ٬ش رْن حٿَ٬حٵ ًطَٻْخ ٟڄن ڃ٬خىيس حٿٜيحٷش ًكٔن حٿـٌحٍ ٫خځ ً ،1946ڃخ أ٫ٸزظيخ ڃن حطٴخٷْخص ٿڀظ٬خًڅ حٙٷظٜخىُ ًحٿٴنِ ٫خځ ً 1971رًَطٌٻٌٽ ٫خځ 1980رْن حٿَ٬حٵ ًطَٻْخ ًحٿٌُ حن٠ڄض ٿو ٌٍّٓخ ٫خځ ً 1983ڃن ر٬يه رًَطٌٻٌٽ ٫خځ 1987رْن طَٻْخ ًٌٍّٓخ ًحٿٌُ أ٫ٸزو حٙطٴخٵ حٿَ٬حٷِ حٿٌٍُٔ ر٘ؤڅ حٿڄْخه ٫خځ .1989 ًرٸْض طَٻْخ ً٫زَ َ٘٫حص حٿٔنْن ط٬ظزَ أڅ حٿنيَّن ىڄخ نيَحڅ ً٣نْخڅً ،أڅ ڃْخىيڄخ ٫خرَس ٿڀليًى ًٿيخ حٿلٶ رخٿظَٜٱ رڄْخىيڄخ ٻڄخ ط٘خء ,حٟخٳش اٿَ ًٿٺ ٳخڅ طَٻْخ ٿڂ طٸزپ أًّخ ڃن حٿڄٴخىْڂ حٿيًٿْش حٿـيّيس ٿڄْخه حٕنيخٍ ٳِ حٿيًٽ حٿڄظ٘خ٣جش ًڃنيخ: ڃزيأ حٿٌكيس حٗٷڀْڄْش حٿڄ٤ڀٶ ٿڀلٌ ٝحٿڄخثِ ًحٿٌُ ّٸٌٽ أڅ ڃـٍَ حٿنيَ ڃن ڃنز٬و اٿَ ڃٜزو ىٌ ًكيس اٷڀْڄْش ًحكيس ًٙري ڃن حٿلٴخ٫ ٥ڀَ ڃ٬يٽ حٿظيٳٶ ڃ ٪ان٘خء حٿڄ٘خٍّ.٪ ڃزيأ حٙنظٴخ ٩حٿڄ٘ظَٹ حٿٸخثپ أڅ حٿڄـٍَ حٿڄخثِ ڃن حٿڄنز ٪اٿَ حٿڄٜذ ىٌ ڃڀټْش ڃ٘ظَٻش رْن حٿزڀيحڅ حٿڄظ٘خ٣جش ًرخٿظخٿِ ٫ڀْيخ حٗنٴخٵ ٫ڀَ أُ ڃًَّ٘ ٩ٸ٫ ٪ڀَ حٿلٌ ٝٳِ أُ ٷٔڂ ٳْو. ڃزيأ حٿڄنخٳ ٪حٿڄظٌحُّش ٿيًٽ حٿلٌ ٝحٿڄخثِ ًحٿٌُ ّ ِ٤٬حٿلٶ ٿټپ ىًٿش ڃن حٿلٌٝ ٳِ َّ٣ٸش حٙنظٴخ ٩رخٿڄْخه ىًڅ حَٟٗحٍ رڄٜخٿق حٿيًٽ حٕهٍَ أً ڃن ٪حٿـَّخڅ أً طلٌّپ حٿڄـٍَ ٻڄخ ٳ٬ڀض اَّحڅ ڃ ٪نيَ حٿټخًٍڅ كْن كٌٿض ڃئهًَح ڃ٨٬ڂ ڃْخىو ًأىص اٿَ حٍطٴخ ٩نٔزش حٿظڀٌع ًحنوٴخ ٝڃنخْٓذ ڃْخه ٗ ٢حٿَ٬د ًرخٿظخٿِ ىهٌٽ ڃْخه حٿوڀْؾ حٿَ٬رِ حٿڄخٿلش اٿَ كيًى حٿزَٜس. ٿڂ ط٨يَ أُ ڃ٘ټڀش ٷخنٌنْش رْن حٿيًٽ حٿؼٚع كظَ ريأص طَٻْخ ػڂ ٌٍّٓخ ٳِ ً ٪ٟحٿو٢٤ ٓٙظٰٚٽ ڃْخه نيَ حٿٴَحص ًڃڄخ ّٔزذ حٿظٌطَ ڃ ٪ؿخٍطِ طَٻْخ حنيخ ٷخڃض رزنخء ٓي ٻْزخڅ حٿٌُ 251
رڀٮ كْنيخ ٓ٬ش حٿوِڅ ٳْو اٿَ 30,5ڃڀْخٍ ڃظَ ڃټ٬ذ ًان٘خء ڃل٤ش ٻيَرخثْش ٷٌطيخ هڄٔش ڃڀْخٍحص ٻْڀٌ ًح ١أڃخ ٌٍّٓش ٳٸي ٷخڃض رزنخء ٓي ٻزَْ ٫ڀَ نيَ حٿٴَحص ّٔڄق رظوِّن حٿڄْخه رلـڂ حؿڄخٿِ ٷيٍه 11,9ڃڀْخٍ ڃظَ ڃټ٬ذ ًڃل٤ش ٻيَرخثْش رٸٌس 800أٿٲ ٻْڀٌ ًحً ١ىټٌح ريأص ٻپ ڃن طَٻْخ ًٌٍّٓخ رظنٴٌْ ڃ٘خٍّ٬يخ رخٓظٰٚٽ ڃْخه حٿٴَحص ىًڅ ڃَح٫خس ٿلٸٌٵ حٿَ٬حٵ حٿڄټظٔزش ٳِ ڃْخه حٿنيَ ًحٿظِ ٷيٍىخ حٿوزَحء كْنيخ د 18ڃڀْخٍ ڃظَ ڃټ٬ذ ڃن حٿڄْخه اڅ حڃظنخ ٩طَٻْخ ٳِ ڃٌ٫ ٩ٌٟٸي حٿڄ٬خىيس ڃ ٪حٿَ٬حٵ ًٌٍّٓخ طٌ٬ى اٿَ ٫يس أٓزخد ڃنيخ: .1أڅ طَٻْخ اًح ڃخ ٳټَص ٳِ ٫ٸي ڃ٬خىيس ٿظٸخٓڂ حٿڄْخه ٳٔظ٬ٸيىخ رًَ٘٣يخ ىِ ،أُ أڅ طټٌڅ ىِ حٿَ٤ٱ حًٕٽ ًحٕٷًٌٍ ،ىٌح ڃخ حٻيه حٿَثْْ حٿظَٻِ حٿٔخرٶ ٓڀْڄخڅ ىّڄَّْپ ٫نيڃخ ٷخٽ ٙ« :نٸزپ أڅ نٌٷ ٪أّش ڃ٬خىيس ا ٙربٍحىطنخ ًّٔ ٙظ ٪ْ٤أكي أڅ ّٴَ٫ ٝڀْنخ طٌٷْ٬يخ». .2أٓزخرخ ْٓخْٓش ٻڂ ٷخٽ ر ٞ٬حٿڄيظڄْن ريٌح حٿ٘ؤڅ ،ٳيِ طٔظويځ حٿڄْخه ٿڀ٢ٰ٠ ٫ڀَ ٌٍّٓخ ّزَُ ڃٌ ٩ٌٟى٫ڂ ٌٍّٓخ ٿڄٸخطڀِ كِد حٿ٬ڄخٽ حٿټَىٓظخنِ ًڃ٘ټڀش ٿٌحء حٓٙټنيًٍنش ،أڃخ ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ ٳخٕڃَ ّظ٬ڀٶ ربٷڀْڂ ٻَىٓظخڅ ًهْ٘ش طَٻْخ ڃن حٓظٸٚٽ حٗٷڀْڂ حٕڃَ حٿٌُ ّٴـَ حٿڄٌٷٲ ٳِ ڃن٤ٸش ؿنٌد َٗٵ حٕنخٌٟٽ ًحص حٿٰخٿزْش حٿټَىّش. .3أىيحٱ حٷظٜخىّش ٻڄخ ٷخٽ حهًَڅ ،كْغ طَّي طَٻْخ ڃن هٚٽ حٓظٰٚٽ ڃْخه ىؿڀش ًحٿٴَحص أڅ طوڀٶ طنڄْش رَّ٘ش ًٛنخْ٫ش ًٍُحْ٫ش ٗكْخء حٿڄن٤ٸش حٿٴٸَْس طخٍّوْخً ٳِ ؿنٌد َٗٵ حٕنخٌٟٽ ًطلٌّڀيخ اٿَ ٓڀش ٿڀٌٰحء ٳِ حٿَ٘ٵ حًٕٓ٢ ٿڀظٰڀذ ٫ڀَ حٿڄ٘ټڀش حٿنخؿڄش ٫ن ٳٸَىخ ڃن نخكْش ڃٌحٍى حٿ٤خٷش حٿ٤زْْ٬ش ،حٿنٴ،٢ حٿٰخًُ ،رٸْش حٿڄ٬خىڅً ،حٓظؼڄخٍ ىٌح حٿظٴٌٵ حٙٷظٜخىُ ٿڄٸخّ٠ظو رخٿنٴً ٢ڃٜخىٍ حٿ٤خٷش حٕهٍَ ڃ ٪ؿَْحنيخ حٿَ٬د. 252
اُخبرٔخ: ڃؼڀڄخ ٷڀنخ ٳِ ريحّش حٿزلغ اڅ كخٿش ٗلش ڃْخه حٿَحٳيّن ٿْٔض ڃن حٓٙزخد حٿظِ طئىُ اٿَ كَد حً نِحٔ٫ ٩ټَُ رْن حٿيًٽ حٿؼٚع ٙڅ ڃخ ّڄنً ٪ٿٺ حٓزخد ٫يّيس حًٿيخ ,اڅ حٿَ٬حٵ ًٌٍّٓخ ًطَٻْخ ىڂ حٷ٤خٍ حٓٚڃْش ڃظـخًٍس رْنيڂ ڃن حٿٌٗخثؾ ًحٿًَحر ٢ڃخ ّڄن ٪أُ ڃن طٌٔٽ ٿو نٴٔو أڅ ّليع َٛح٫خ ٔ٫ټًَّخ حً ّڄيي ٿو ,أڃخ ڃخ نٸڀنخه ٫ن ر ٞ٬حٿْٔخْْٓن حٙطَحٹ ًڃٌحٷٴيڂ حٿڄظ٘ـنش ڃن ىٌه حٿڄٔؤٿش ٳٸي حُّلٌح ٫ن حٿٔڀ٤ش ٳِ طَٻْخ رٴ٬پ حٿن٨خځ حٿْٔخِٓ حٿٸخثڂ ٫ڀَ حٙنظٸخٽ حٿٔڀڄِ ٿڀٔڀ٤ش ,أً حنظٸڀٌح اٿَ ٍكڄش حلله ً ,ػخنْخ اڅ نيَُ ىؿڀش ًحٿٴَحص ٻخنخ نيَّن ىحهڀْْن أرخڅ حٿلټڂ حٿ٬ؼڄخنِ ًّنٸٚڅ حٿڄْخه ڃن أٷڀْڂ حٕنخٌٟٽ اٿَ أٷڀْڄِ ٌٍّٓخ ًحٿَ٬حٵ رٌّٙخطو حٿؼٚع ػڂ ّٜزخڅ ٳِ حٿوڀْؾ حٿَ٬رِ ,حٿٌُ ٻخڅ طلض حٙىحٍس حٿ٬ؼڄخنْش ً ,ػخٿغ ًٿٺ اڅ حٿَ٬حٷْْن ٻخڅ ٿيڂ ڃٌٷٴخ ڃظڄِْح أرخڅ حٿلَد رْن حٿـْٖ حٿ٬ؼڄخنِ ًحٿـْٖ حٙنټڀُِْ ٫ڀَ حٍٕح ِٟحٿَ٬حٷْش ,كْغ ٻخڅ حٿَ٬حٷٌْڅ ّڄيًڅ حٙطَحٹ رخٿڄئنش ًحٿٔٚف ًٻ٘ٲ حٿڄٌحٷ٪ ًطلَٻخص حٿـْٖ حٙنټڀُِْ ً ,ڃخ ڃَ٬ٻش كٜخٍ حٿټٌص ا ٙىٿْپ كِ ًٍحث٫ ٪ن ىٌه حٿٌٷٴخص ًٍ ,حر٬خ ٳخنو ٿڂ ّٜيٍ أُ طَّٜق ٫يحثِ ڃن َ٫حٷِ ٟي حٕطَحٹ ٌٓحء أرخڅ حٿلټڂ حٿڄڀټِ أً حٿـڄيٌٍُ أً ٷزپ حٙكظٚٽ حٕڃَّټِ ,رپ ٫ڀَ حٿ٬ټْ ٻخنض ىنخٿٺ حؿظڄخ٫خص ىًٍّش ًٿٸخءحص ڃؼڄَس ًطڂ طٌٷْ ٪حطٴخٷْخص ػنخثْش ًػٚػْش ٿلپ ىٌه حٿڄ٘ټڀش ٻڄخ ًحڅ طَٻْخ طلَ ٙىًڃخ ٫ڀَ ٓٚڃش حٿَ٬حٵ حٍٟخ ًٗ٬زخ ًڃخ ڃٌٷٴيخ ڃن حٿًِٰ حٙڃَّټِ ح ٙىٿْپ ٫ڀَ ًٿٺ ً ,ڃنيخ ڃٌٷٴيخ طـخه حٿظَٻڄخڅ ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ كْغ ٻخڅ ىنخٹ ڃن ّي ٌ٫اٿَ ڃئحٍُطيڂ ڃن ٷزپ طَٻْخ ٿڀلٌٜٽ ٫ڀَ أٷڀْڂ ڃنٴَى ٳِ ٻَٻٌٹ . أڃخ ڃٌٷٲ ڃـڀْ حٿنٌحد حٿَ٬حٷِ ٷزپ ٳظَس ًؿِْس ٫نيڃخ أًٷٲ حٿظٜيّٶ ٫ڀَ حٙطٴخٷْش حٗٓظَحطْـْش حٿڄِڃ ٪طٌٷْ٬يخ ڃ ٪طَٻْخ ،ڃ٘ظَ٣خ أڅ طٌٷ ٪طَٻْخ حطٴخٷْش حٿڄْخه ڃ ٪حٿَ٬حٵ ٳٸي ٻخڅ ٯَْ ڃٌٳٶ ٕ ,نو ٻخڅ ٫ڀَ ڃن طزخكغ ڃ ٪حٿـخنذ حٿظَٻِ ـ ًىِ حٿلټٌڃش ًحٿڄٔئًٿٌڅ ٳِ ًُحٍس حٿڄٌحٍى حٿڄخثْش ًڃنيڂ حٿٌَُّ حٿٔخرٶ ًىٌ ڃن حٿظلخٿٲ حٿټَىٓظخنِ ًنْٔذ ٍثْْ حٿـڄيٌٍّش حٟخٳش اٿَ اڅ حٿٸخثڄْن ٫ڀَ ڃڀٲ حٿڄْخه ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ ُؿڀيڂ ڃن ٯَْ حٿڄوظْٜن ًٿْْ ٿيڂ ىٍحّش رخٿٸخنٌڅ حٿيًٿِ حً حٙطٴخٷْخص حٿڄٌٷ٬و ٓخرٸخ ڃ ٪طَٻْخ كٌٽ حٕنيخٍ حٿيًٿْشً ،حٿڀـخڅ حٿڄوظٜش رخٿڄْخه ًحٿٍِح٫ش ٳِ ڃـڀْ حٿنٌحد حٿَ٬حٷِ ٙطڀڂ رظوٜٜخطيخ ًٿْْ ٿيخ ٫ڀڂ حً هڀٴْخص ٷخنٌنْش ًطٴخًْٟش ٫ن ڃٔؤٿش ڃْخه حٙنيخٍ ـ ٷزپ حٕ٫يحى ٿيٌه حٙطٴخٷْش اڅ ّزلغ ڃٔؤٿش حٕنيخٍ حٿڄ٘ظَٻش ٙ ,اڅ ّٰٴپ ًٿٺ ػڂ ّظڂ حٕٚ٫څ ٫نيخ ٳـؤس ًٻؤنيخ كخٿش ٣خٍثش ًٿْٔض ڃٌؿٌىس ڃنٌ ٫ٸٌى ً ,ٻؤڅ ىنخٹ ڃن أٍحىىخ كـش ٫ڀَ طَٻْخ ٿ٬يځ طٌٷْ ٪حٙطٴخٷْش حٿظِ ٳِ ؿٌحنذ ٫يّيس ڃنيخ طو ٚٷْ٠ش حٙٻَحى ٳِ طَٻْخ ,ٿټن حٿڄٚؿ ٦اڅ طَٻْخ ٿڂ ط٘ظَ ١حريح 253
ٷْ٠ش حٙٻَحى ٳِ طَٻْخ ڃ ٪ڃٔؤٿش حٿڄْخه حٿڄظيٳٸش ٫ڀَ حٿَ٬حٵ ڃؼڀڄخ ٣ڀذ حٿَثْْ حٿظَٻِ طٌٍٻٌص حًُحٽ ڃن ٌٍّٓخ ٫خځ 1987رخڅ طظٌٷٲ ٫ن ى٫ڂ كِد حٿ٬ڄخٽ حٿټَىٓظخنِ ڃٸخرپ طًِّيىخ رـ 12ڃڀْخٍ ڃظَ ڃټ٬ذ ًٷخٽ كْنيخ حٿنٴ ٢ٿڀَ٬د ًحٿڄخء ٿظَٻْخ!! اڅ كپ ڃٔؤٿش ٗلش حٿڄْخه ٳِ ىؿڀش ًحٿٴَحص رْٔ ٢ؿيح ڃخىحڃض حٿنٌحّخ كٔنش ًحٿٸڀٌد ٛخٳْش ًىٌ حٿڀـٌء ر٘ټپ ڃټؼٲ ًڃ٬ڄٶ ً٫ڀڄِ ڃ ٪طَٻْخ ًحٿَؿٌ ٩اٿَ حٙطٴخٷْخص حٿڄٌٷ٬ش رْن حٿزڀيّن ًحٿٌٷٌٱ ٫ڀَ ٣ڀزخطيخ حٿٴنْش ٳْڄخ ّو ٚطَّٜٲ حٿڄْخه ًحٓٙظٴخىس ڃنيخ ٙڅ طَٻْخ ٿن طٸزپ حريح اڅ ط َ٠ؿخٍس ڃٔڀڄش ًِِّ٫س ٫ڀْيخ ڃؼپ حٿَ٬حٵ ًحٿٌُ ٿڂ ّڀـؤ اٿَ حٿـخڃ٬ش حٿَ٬رْش حً حٿڄن٨ڄخص حٿيًٿْش حً ڃلخٻڂ حٿ٬يٽ حٿيًٿْش حً اٿَ حٿظلټْڂ حٿ٬خځ ٿڀ٘ټٌٍ ڃن طَٻْخ . 254
2006 / 1427 2007 9 1 2007-1-11 o 2007 3 9 o 2007 11 17 255
2008 8 30 2008 1 5 2008 5 16 2009 4 4 2009 6 26 2010 1 30 2010 5 15 2011 9 8 7 2012 1 7 6 - 1 2 256
3 - - 1 / 2009 31 257
2 3 4 258
50 http://www.iraqnewspaper.net http://www.independencenews.net http://www.iraqicss.org 259
Center Overview A specialized research foundation that mainly works on conducting studies and strategic researches on Iraqi Affairs. This is according to an objective point of view that aims at enriching the Academic literature, contributing and investing in the Iraqi potentials in order to correct and develop the process of building the Iraqi state. The Center was established in Baghdad in 1427 AH/ 2006 AD The Center includes several departments each according to the center interests and structure. These departments are supervised by experts and specialists in Political sciences and relevant fields. Center Objectives: o The center seeks to study, analyze and foresee the political, economic, and security developments in Iraq, and its effects on the country and the Arab region's future. o Raise the scientific awareness to the Iraqi and international public opinions in the facts of the current events in Iraq and to communicate with the politicians, researchers, and individuals concerned with the Iraqi Issue. Center Strategy ■ Adopt objectivism and neutralism in all of the center's activities ■ Full independence in financing and the management of the center activities. 260
■ Adopt the analytical approach in the issues on hand, to focus and emphasize on the freedom of speech. Seminars held by the Center: Possibilities of a Civil War in Iraq … Amman 11/1/2007 The Oil Future in Iraq … Amman 9/3/2007 The Military Body and its Role in Realizing Political Stability in Iraq … Amman 01/09/2007 Iraq partition : A Critical Perspective … Amman 17/11/2007 The General Budget and the Iraqi Economy Crisis … Amman 05/ 01/2008 National Unity Future in Iraq under the Current Political Status … Amman 30/8/2008 The Future Building of the Iraqi State o… Analytical prospective… Amman 16/5/2008 Toward an Arabs Strategy for Iraq … Amman 4/4/2009 Iraqi women under the new development in the country … Baghdad 26/6/2009 The Iraqi future after the general election of 2010… Amman 30/1/2010 Iraq after the general election of 2010… Amman 15/5/2010 Towards new Arab order… Cairo 7-8/9/2011 Iraq after the USA military withdrawal… Istanbul 6-7/1/2012 Center's Releases: Seminars Facts: 1. Possibilities of a Civil War in Iraq: Questions and mutual Visions 261
Include a full coverage of the debates and papers discussed, as well as the recommendations resulting from it, in the seminar and the discussion sessions The seminar attempted to answer a frequently asked question by many Iraqi's and Arab's and that is: is the fighting, assassinations and repeated assaults in civilian neighborhoods, immigration and displacements of its people in and out of Iraq, happening in Iraq and other shapes of violence is a civil war similar to what happened in Lebanon and Rwanda? Or that we are witnessing the implementation of a foreign conspiracy? And if the answer is no, then what is the reason behind these acts and what are the adds for a civil war to erupt in Iraq? And did the Iraqi people have the ability to prevent it? 2. Oil Future in Iraq: This release focused on illustrating the seminar held under the title Oil Future in Iraq in the light of the Suggested Oil and Gas Law which the scholars reached that it is an additional factor to the factors of destabilizing the political situation and effecting the sovereignty of Iraq, in addition to that this is considered strengthening the foreign companies domination over the main resource of the Iraqi national income. 3. Iraq partition : A Critical Perspective This release shed the light on the prepared scenarios to divide Iraq, and the papers participating in the seminar the facts and effects of these foreign plans and strategies to change the political and geographical map of Iraq according to its best interest or to foreign agenda 262
Iraqi Affairs Magazine: the magazine mainly publishing studies, analysis, political, economical and security deployments underway in Iraq, This periodical magazine published three series yet. - Books Published: Dr. Monther Al-Shawi Dr. Monther Al-Shawi Legal Books Releases Series - Law and Life - Law theory in the Comprehensive Ideologies Political Books Releases Series: - Relation between the Government and the Opposition In the Arab World By: Dr. Wisal Ezzawi & Dr. Ahmad Adnan Cultural Books Releases Series: - I Love You Baghdad Dr. Mohammad Saleh AlMisfer - Periodicals: The center publish 4 monthly periodicals includes the following titles: 1. Iraqi Rasid Periodical: which is a series aims to monitor the most important events and developments that is related or effect Iraq; so far the following topics issued: - America Early Aging - Results of the survey on the Iraqi Municipal Election 263
- Municipalities Boards Elections in 31 Jan 2009/ Analytical study 2. Terminology Periodical: a sequence focuses on the scientific documentation of the connotations of the terms, concepts and search for its origin and especially those connected to the contemporary, regional and international developments influencing Iraq, it has published: the Government and the Opposition Concept Moral Values and Human Rights Tribe In Iraq 3. Wathaeq (Documents) Periodical: Is series show the historical documents adopted internationally regarding the modern history of Iraq without any interference from the Center: I has published: - The British- Kurdish Relations - Municipalities Boards Election Law 4. Afkar Mutarjamah Periodical: A series aims at showing and disseminate the International Literature regarding the issues and influencing on Iraq, the following publications has been published: - Retain the Political Stability and the American Influence in Iraq - How Will this War End? Round Tables: Each Month the center organizing at least one round table concerning the most important new developments in Iraq. The participants are mostly academics, politicians, economists and expert in Iraqi affairs. 264
The center also inviting and hosting Iraqis, Arabs and internationals experts discussing ways and means to strength cooperation. The following are titles of a number of round tables had been hold in the recent past: The Iraqi political crises and the future of the country under the recent development. Facts on the current political process in Iraq. Iraq between initiatives and interventions. Fidralizime in Iraq: the roads and the last station. The current protests in Iraq and the demands for changing and reforms. The Turkish Justices and Development Party in power and the future Iraq-Turkey relation. Iraqi Debathification Law: critical view. The Security Companies activities in Iraq. The withdrawal of the Iraqiya coalition from the council of representatives (CoR): (critical view). Iraq Electronic Journal The center daily broadcasting an electronic news journal (Iraq journal) this journal reaches over 50000 members which includes official institutions, political quarters, research center, political parties, academics and others. This daily news journal is starting by a daily article which mostly written by staff members of the ICSS and mostly concentrate and analysis the most impartment subjects in relation with Iraqis political live, the website of the Iraq electronic Journal http://www.iraqnewspaper.net 265
The website of the agency independence news http://www.independencenews.net Special reports The ICSS issuing every month a special report concentrate on the most important political stories that Iraq, Arab words and international community had been lived through. Interviews and Media Coverage Word wide media in general and Iraqi media in partially are most the time interviewing and calling the staff members off ICSS; it is there for the ICSS has a good repetition in Iraq and the region. Conferences & Round tables The ICSS and its members regularly engaging in conferences, round tables, workshops and other activates with other research centers round the world are organizing. ICSS Website The ICSS website designed to show a presentation on its activities and mostly concentrate on the most important daily developments in Iraq. http://www.iraqicss.org 266
( ٓغِخ شئ ٕٝػشاه٤خ ) ع٤بعخ اُ٘شش ڃـڀش ٗئًڅ َ٫حٷْش ڃـڀش ىًٍّش ٳٜڀْش ،طظنخًٽ رخٿَٛي ًحٿظلڀْپ ڃـڄپ حٿظٌٍ٤حص حٿْٔخْٓش ًحٗٷظٜخىّش ًحٗؿظڄخْ٫ش ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ ر٬ي حٗكظٚٽ ًان٬ټخٓخطيخ حٿڄٔظٸزڀْش ٫ڀَ حٿڄن٤ٸش .طٜيٍ٫ن حٿڄَٻِحٿَ٬حٷِ ٿڀيٍحٓخص حٗٓظَحطْـْش ً ،ىِ ڃنزَ ٿټپ حٿزخكؼْن ًحٿڄٴټَّن حٿَ٬حٷْْن ًحٿَ٬د ٳِ طوٜٜخص حٿ٬ڀٌځ حٿْٔخْٓش ًحٗٷظٜخىّش ًحٗؿظڄخْ٫ش ًحٿيٳخْ٫ش -حٕڃنْش ً .طلَ ٙحٿڄـڀش ٳِ ن٘خ٣يخ حٿ٬ڀڄِ ٫ڀَ طَزنِ ڃنيؾ نٸيُ ّٙټظٴِ رَٔى حٿڄ٬ڀٌڃخص ًطلڀْڀيخ،رپ ّيظڂ ٻٌٿٺ رَ٤ف ٍإٍ ٳټَّش طلٸْٸْش ٿڀٸ٠خّخ ڃٌ ٪ٟحٿزلغً،طظْق ٿڀزخكؼْن ڃن حٿڄَٻِ ًٿڀٌْ٠ٱ ڃن حٿزخكؼْن ،حٿلَّش ٳِ حٿظ٬زَْ٫ن آٍحثيڂ ٳِ كيًى ٷٌح٫ي حٿڄٌْ٫ٌٟش ًطٸخٿْي حٿزلغ حٿ٬ڀڄِ . ًطٔظٸزپ حٿيٍحٓخص ًحٿزلٌع حٿظِ ط٬خٿؾ ٷ٠خّخ كٌّْش ٿڀڄـظڄً ٪حٿڄٌح٣ن حٿَ٬حٷِ ًحٿَ٬رِ ، ٫ڀَ أڅ طظلڀَ حٿزلٌع حٿڄٸيڃش ٿڀنَ٘ رټپ ڃٌحٛٴخص حٿزلغ حٿ٬ڀڄِ ڃن حٿڄٌْ٫ٌٟش ًحٿلْخىّش ًحٗرظ٬خى ٫ن حٿنيؾ حٿٌُ ٷي ّل٫ ٞڀَ حٿ٤خثٴْش ًحٿڄٌىزْش . هٞاػذ اُ٘شش -: ّ٘ظَ ١ٳِ حٿزلٌع حٿظِ طٸيځ ٿڀنَ٘ ٳِ ڃـڀش ٗئًڅ َ٫حٷْش ،ڃخ ّؤطِ -: - 1أڅ طظٌحٳٶ حٿڄخىس حٿ٬ڀڄْش ٿڀزلغ ڃ ٪حٕهظٜخٛخص حٿ٬ڀڄْش حٿظِ طـُ٬نَ ريخ حٿڄـڀشً.طَكذ حٿڄـڀش رخٿيٍحٓخص حٿڄٸخٍنش ً ،ط٘ـ٫ ٪ڀَ اڃټخنْش حٿظټخڃپ رْن حٗهظٜخٛخص حٿظِ طيظڂ ريخ حٿڄـڀش ڃن هٚٽ حٿزلٌع أً حٿيٍحٓخص حٿڄ٘ظَٻش . -2اٷَحٍ ڃن حٿزخكغ رؤڅ رلؼو ٿڂ ّٔزٶ نَ٘ه ً ،أنو ٿْْ ڃٸيڃخ ٿڀنَ٘ ٳِ ڃـڀش أهٍَ . ّ -3ٴ٠پ أڅ ِّّٙي حٿزلغ ڃ ٪حٿڄٜخىٍ ًحٿيٌحڃٖ ٫ڀَ ( ٛ )16ٴلش ڃ٤زٌ٫ش ٫ڀَ ًٍٵ )ً (A4أڅ ّ ٙٸپ حٿزلغ ٫ن (ٛ )10ٴلخص ڃ٤زٌ٫ش ُ .ڃ٠خٱ ٿو نزٌس ٷَْٜس طظ٠ڄن ٫نٌحڅ حٿزخكغ ًحٿَْٔس حٿ٬ڀڄْش حٿظِ ط٘ظڄپ ٫ڀَ أن٘٤ش ًانـخُحص حٿزخكغ حٿ٬ڀڄْش. 267
-4طو ٪٠حٿزلٌع ًحٿيٍحٓخص حٿَ حٿظٸٌّڂ حٿ٬ڀڄِ ڃن ٷزپ أػنْن ڃن حٿوزَحء ّظڂ اهظْخٍىڂ ڃن ٷزپ حٿٔخىس أ٠٫خء حٿيْجش حٗٓظ٘خٍّش ٿڀڄـڀش . -5طٸٌځ ىْجش حٿظلََّ ربه٤خٍ حٿٔخىس حٿزخكؼْن ڃن أٛلخد حٿزلٌع ،رؤؿخُس رلٌػيڂ ٿڀنًَ٘،ٿڀيْجش اڅ ط٤ڀذ اؿَحء ط٬يّٚص ٫ڀڄْش ًٿٌّٰش ٫ڀَ حٿزلغ ٷزپ اؿخُطو ٿڀنَ٘ ،ٻڄخ أڅ ٿڀڄـڀش حٿلٶ ٳِ اىهخٽ ٷيٍ ڃن حٿظلََّ ٫ڀَ حٿزلٌع حٿ ُڄـخُس ٿڀنًَ٘ .طئًٽ كٸٌٵ حٿنَ٘ حٿَ ڃـڀش ٗئًڅ َ٫حٷْش ً ،طٸيځ ٿڀزخكغ ػٚع نٔن ڃن حٿ٬يى حٿٌُ نَ٘ ٳْو حٿزلغ . -6طنَ٘ حٿڄـڀش ڃَحؿ٬خص حٿټظذ حٿليّؼش حٿظِ طظٴٶ ڃ ٪اهظٜخ ٙحٿڄـڀش ًاىظڄخڃخطيخ حٿ٬ڀڄْش ، ڃن حٿټظذ حٿظِ ّٙظـخًُ طؤٍّن اٛيحٍىخ حٿ٬خځ حٿٌحكي ًّٙ ،نزِٰ أڅ ِّّي كـڂ حٿڄَحؿ٬ش ٫ن(ٛ )4 -2ٴلخص ًّ٘ ،ظَ ١أ ٙطنَ٘ حٿڄَحؿ٬ش ٳِ أّش ڃـڀش أهٍَ. -7ٿڀڄـڀش كٶ ا٫خىس نَ٘ حٿڄٌحى حٿڄنٌٍ٘س ،ڃنٴٜڀش أً ٟڄن ٻظخد رڀٰظو حٕٛڀْش أً ڃظَؿڄخ ً حٿَ ٿٰش أهٍَ ڃن ىًڅ حٿلخؿش حٿَ ڃٌحٳٸش ٛخكزيخ . ّ -8ظڂ آٍخٽ أٛپ حٿزلغ حٿَ ٫نٌحڅ حٿڄَٻِحٿَ٬حٷِ ٿڀيٍحٓخص حٗٓظَحطْـْش رٌحٓ٤ش حٿزَّي حٕٿټظًَنِ .) [email protected]) : -9ؿڄْ ٪حٍٓحء حٿٌحٍىس ٳِ حٿڄـڀش طـّ٬زَ ٫ن آٍحء ٻخطزْيخ ً ٙطـّ٬زَ رخٿًٍَ٠س ٫ن ًؿيش ن َ٨حٿڄـڀش أً حٿڄَٻِ حٿَ٬حٷِ ٿڀيٍحٓخص حٗٓظَحطْـْش . ٓوزشؽبد ٓٞػٞػبد ُِجؾش كٓ ٢غِخ شئ ٕٝػشاه٤خ -: ● أُٞػٞػبد اُغ٤بع٤خ -حٿ٬ڄڀْش حٿْٔخْٓش ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ ..ڃٔخٍحطيخ ًحٿٸٌٍ حٿڄئػَس ٳْيخ ًطيحْ٫خطيخ ٫ڀَ حٿٌ ٪ٟحٕڃنِ ًحٕؿظڄخ. ِ٫ ٫ -ڄڀْش رنخء ڃئٓٔخص حٿيًٿش حٿَ٬حٷْش ر٬ي حٗكظٚٽ . -اىحء حٿڄئٓٔخص حٿَٓڄْش ًٯَْ حٿَٓڄْش ًىًٍىخ ٳِ ڃٔظٸزپ حٕٓظٸَحٍ حٿْٔخِٓ ٳِ حٿ٬ـَحٵ . -ىًٍحٿظ٘ټْٚص حٿلټٌڃْش حٿڄظ٬خٷزش ًڃٔخٍحص حٿ٬ڄڀْش حٿْٔخْٓش ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ . 268
-حٿڄٸخًڃش حٿَ٬حٷْش حٿٌ٣نْش ..حٕىيحٱ ..حٿظليّخص ..حٕنـخُحص . -ىًٍ حٿڄٸخًڃش حٿٌ٣نْش ٳِ طلـْڂ ًطْ٤٬پ حٿڄًَ٘ ٩حٕڃَْٻِ ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ ًحٿڄن٤ٸش. -ىًٍ حٿظنْ٨ڄخص حٿڄٔڀلش ٯَْ حٿَٓڄْش (حٿڄْڀْْ٘خص ) ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ . -ڃ٤خٿذ حٿٴْيٍحٿْش ًان٬ټخٓخطيخ ٫ڀَ ڃٔظٸزپ حٿٌكيس حٿٌ٣نْش ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ . -ى٫خًٍ حٿٴْيٍحٿْش ًان٬ټخٓخطيخ ٫ڀَ ڃٔظٸزپ حٿؼًَس حٿنٴْ٤ش ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ. -حٿظټٌّنخص حٗؿظڄخْ٫ش ًحٿظَْْٰحص حٿـخٍّش ٫ڀَ حٿظَٻْزش حٿٔټخنْش (حٿَ٬ٷْش ،حٿ٤خثٴْش حٿڄٌىزْش ًحٿ٤زٸْش) . -أػَ حٿٌٙءحص حٿ٤خثٴْش ًحٿڄٌىزْش ٫ڀَ حٿٌحٷ ٪حٿْٔخِٓ . -ىًٍ حٿڄَؿْ٬خص حٿيّنْش ٳِ طلٸْٶ حٗٓظٸَحٍ حٿْٔخِٓ ًحٿڄـظڄ ِ٬ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ . -ىًٍ حٿٸٌٍ حٿيّنْش ًحٿ٘٬خثَّش ٳِ حٿلْخس حٿْٔخْٓش ٿڀَ٬حٵ . ● أُٞػٞػبد الاهزظبد٣خ -ڃٔظٸزپ حٕٷظٜخى حٿَ٬حٷِ ر٬ي حٕكظٚٽ حٕڃَْٻِ . -حٿٸيٍس حٿظنخٳْٔش ٿڀٸ٤خ٫خص حٗٷظٜخىّش حٿَثْٔش ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ . -حٓٿْخص حٗٷظٜخىّش ٿظ ِِّ٬حٿٌكيس حٿٌ٣نْش ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ . -ىًٍ ٍأّ حٿڄخٽ حٿٌ٣نِ ٳِ طلٸْٶ حٿظنڄْش . -ىًٍ حٿزَؿٌحُّش حٿٌ٣نْش ٳِ طلٸْٶ حٕٓظٸَحٍ حٿْٔخِٓ ًحٗٷظٜخىُ . -ىًٍ ٍأّ حٿڄخٽ حٿٌ٣نِ ٳِ ا٫خىس ا٫ڄخٍحٿزنَ حٿظلظْش حٿَ٬حٷْش . -آٳخٵ حٕٓظؼڄخٍ حٗٷظٜخىُ ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ ..حٿٴَ ٙحٿڄظخكش ًحٿظليّخص . -ٷٌحنْن حٗٓظؼڄخٍ ًىًٍىخ ٳِ كپ ڃ٘خٻپ حٗٷظٜخى حٿٌ٣نِ . ٍ -إٍ ڃٔظٸزڀْش كٌٽ ٷٌحنْن حٗٓظؼڄخٍ ٳِ حٿٸ٤خ ٩حٿنٴ. ِ٤ 269
-ٷْ٠ش حٕٷخٿْڂ حٿڄٸظَكش ًڃٔظٸزپ حٿؼًَس حٿنٴْ٤ش . ● أُٞػٞػبد الاعزٔبػ٤خ -حٿْٔخٓش حٙؿظڄخْ٫ش حٿَ٬حٷْش -حٓػخٍ حٕؿظڄخْ٫ش ٿٖكظٚٽ حٕڃَْٻِ ٫ڀَ حٿڄـظڄ ٪حٿَ٬حٷِ . -حٿيـَس ًحٿظيـَْ ًحن٬ټخٓخطيخ ٫ڀَ حٿڄـظڄ ٪حٿَ٬حٷِ -حٕىحء حٿلټٌڃِ ًڃٔظٌٍ حٿويڃخص حٗؿظڄخْ٫ش ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ . -حٓػخٍ حٗؿظڄخْ٫ش ًحٗٷظٜخىّش ًحٕڃنْش ٿٸَحٍ كپ ر ٞ٬حٿڄئٓٔخص حٿلټٌڃْش . ● أُٞػٞػبد اُؼغٌش٣خ ٝالاعزشار٤غ٤خ -حٿظيحْ٫خص حٿْٔخْٓش ًحٕڃنْش ٿٸَحٍ كپ حٿڄئٓٔش حٿٔ٬ټَّش حٿَ٬حٷْش . -ڃٔظٸزپ حٿڄئٓٔش حٿٔ٬ټَّش ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ ر٬ي حٗكظٚٽ . -ٷَحءس ٳِ حٿ٬ٸْيس حٿٔ٬ټَّش حٿٸظخٿْش حٿـيّيس . -ا٫خىس طؤىْپ حٿڄئٓٔخص حٕڃنْش ٳِ ٧پ حٗكظٚٽ ..حٕىيحٱ ًحٿظليّخص . -ڃٔظٸزپ حٿٌؿٌى حٿٔ٬ټَُ حٕڃَْٻِ ٳِ حٿَ٬حٵ ٍ ..إٍ ڃظزخىٿش . ● اُؼلاهبد اُذ٤ُٝخ ٝاُغ٤بعخ اُخبسع٤خ -ڃٔظٸزپ حٿْٔخٓش حٿوخٍؿْش حٿَ٬حٷْش ٳِ ٧پ حٿظٌٍ٤حص حٿْٔخْٓش حٿَحىنش . -ڃٌٷ ٪حٿَ٬حٵ ٳِ حٗٓظَحطْـْش حٗڃَْٻْش حٿـيّيس . -حٿيًٍ حٿـيّي ٿڀَ٬حٵ ٳِ أڃظيحىحص كڀٲ ٗڄخٽ حٕ٣ڀِٔ . -ڃټخنش حٿَ٬حٵ ٳِ حٿظ٘ټْڀش حٗڃنْش حٕٷڀْڄْش . -ڃٔظٸزپ حٿٚ٬ٷخص حٿَ٬حٷْش ڃ ٪ىًٽ ڃـڀْ حٿظ٬خًڅ حٿوڀْـِ . 270
-ڃٔظٸزپ حٿٚ٬ٷخص حٿَ٬حٷْش حٿَ٬رْش. -حٿَ٬حٵ ًحٿـخڃ٬ش حٿَ٬رْش. -ڃٔظٸزپ حٿٚ٬ٷخص حٿَ٬حٷْش ڃ ٪ىًٽ حٿـٌحٍٯَْ حٿَ٬رِ. -حٿَ٬حٵ ًحٙطلخى حًٍٙرِ. -حٿَ٬حٵ ًحٿيًٽ حٌّْٓٙش ًحٙٳَّٸْش ًحڃَّټخ حٿٚطْنْش. 271
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