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Home Explore Hillcrest High Class of 1994

Hillcrest High Class of 1994

Published by lynette, 2019-05-08 16:34:35

Description: Hillcrest High Class of 1994


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TheUnity Club was de- signed to involve mi- norities in chool ac- tivities ,yo udon't have tobe aminorityto join though. Their activi- ties consist of parti es and selvice projects. Once a year they pre- pare food from other countries and sell it at lunch. Unity Club ~1embers: Chantel Hayes; kanda Christensen; Gemma Meier; Angie Jorgansen; Olympia Jenkins; Alma Alcazar; Patrick Franco; Fernando Lara; Allam Ecan; Aariane Cortes; Angel Archuleta; Heather Ui halle; Emily Roberts; Patrizia Peterson; Danielie McCurdy; Lisa Tolth; BelemJimenez; Wonae Loken, advisor. You.-------;;;;;;;;;1 wo n't see the Democratic club mak- ing \"asses\" of them- selves. They havespent numerous hours per- for mingp ub licserv ice; answering phonecalls, running for office as hi ghschoo ldemocrats , and supporting local democrats by doing anythingthey could do to help. RI: Jason Koon, Jon Giliette,·George Granholm- Pres., Nelson Clayton, Jenny Winter,Jaime Hendrickson,John Dupaix, Barry Rhodes,R2:Patrizia Peterson, AllisonColledge- Sec., Tamra rrei-Public Relations, Kristen I{emerer, Lindsey rrei, Kim Urban, Liz Smith, eil Hollands 200 1111. Clubs

Ski Club provides theop- portunity for Hillcrest skiers to meet and asso- ciate with one another. Through thisorganiza- tion students are intro- duced to the multi-fac- eted, multi-million dol- lar Utah ski industry. Career choices in skiing, as well as life long recre- ation choices, are influ- enced by this club'sfunc- tions. However,this club can't plan activities at school. RI :TaraSmith, Jennie Simmons, Charlie Williams , Dave Riding, Tami Spenst· President, Tom\"Coyote' Williams-Advisor R2: Brandon Nesbit, Bryan Swiss R3: Julia Mascaro, Justin Liddle, Samuel Miller Once uponatime, there wasasportinvented. This sport required the use of solid wood boards,anet and abig slab of ice. Ev- ery player was given a stick, some pads and a helmet, and two razor blades for their feet. Fortunately we found enough people at Hillcrest toplay the game that the civilians like to call HOCKEY. RI : Nathan Brown, Ryan Swanson. DannyShields, PeteVanSlooten, Bob Brinton R2: Jamen Porter, Brian Jackson, Mark Malaska. Dave Cook,Andy Hogle Coleman, Frank Frampton ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L -_ _ _ _ _ Clubs 1111. 201

Kristin Wright Music \"Music is the expression of the soul.\" concerned about the l future because we will have to spend the rest George R. Granholm General of our lives there. - Charles F. Kettering Serious Quote: \"A mind, once expanded by a Hillcrest Sterling new idea, never returns to its original dimen- Scholars realize high school is not where it all ends. sions.\" -Oliver Wende ll Holmes Stupid Quote: \"I There is a future beyond graduation and they plan to know that I won only because Nate is naked make their futures a suc- cess. Each one has come to under all his clothing.\" realize that education is the pathway to success. Little validity rests on who you know but rather on what you know. The sterling scholars of today represent the good we all hope to find in the future. 202 1111. Sterling Scholars Russell S. Sperry Yvette Brusik Math Social Science Math is the language of the universe. Those who The Triple-A formu la for experiencing seek it wi ll understand the world they live in. happiness begi ns by accepting the moment. appreciati ng it, and adapting to its opportunities. I believe happiness is the single most important goal. ....

Photos: David Marion Natalie Dawes Connon P. Williams Home Economics Foreign Language Doubt not, Fear not \"\\ owe everything \\ know to those twins from Pull House.\" Cassandra S. Pope Art \"\\'m not sure, but \\ think this was worth missing Pearl Jam for. NOT!\" Heather Payne Nathan Chadwick Dance Business Atimeto love, a time to hate, a time to get, and a \"\\ know that \\ only won because I'm naked under time to lose, a time to sit and a time to DANCE! all my clothing.\" Randall Sjoblom Speech & Debate \"\\ owe my success to the insanity of the mind.\" Jared Haynie \"\\ have learned in whatsoever state I am; there MaryAnn Payne Industrial Arts with to be content.\" Philipians 4: 11 Advisor When you were born, you mourned and theworld rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world mourns.

Faculty There is afamous adage, lilt is not would happen if Iput it in apot on the \\\\ hat you know, but who you know.\" stove and turned the stove on high? It To an extent this statement is false. would begin to boil, and steam would One has to know some what ifthey result. Like this information to our- everwant to advance in life. However, selves and the atmosphere we place there is some validity in the state- ourselves in. We can have teachers ment. The teachers with whom you and activities that harden usand make or Iassociate with and the environ- us cold, like ice. We can associate ment in which we place ourselves can ourselves with teachers that don't influence the type of person we be- change us much one way or another. come. To better explain my point I We stay in a rut and eventually stag- would like you to picture apitcher of nate.Or we can have agroup of teach- water. What would happen if you ers who will get us moving and make placed the water in the freezer? It us want to better ourselves, enabling would turn to ice. What would hap- us to enrich the lives ofothers through pen if it was left as it was? It would our activity. Teachers and faculty help eventually becomeflat and stale. What us to stay ON AROLL. ~--~~~~~~~~~--~==~----------

There's strengt in numbers... --r...'..<~'\" A?' Jeri Alcorn Agnes Allgood Jim Anderson Ryan Anderson Glade Bailey Janice Bassick Counselor Spanish, SBO's Voc. Ed. Art Voc. Ed. Science Sharlene Beck Sonja Beere Brian Bentley Richard Bird Mechele Bosco English English Music Counselor Health, P.E. Janene Bowen Dan Bowers Victoria Brinton Valerie Cairns Sandy Clark English Photography English Science English Carolyn Dame Jerry Demond Marta Diamond Cindy Diaz Arlen Ekberg Ann Fullwood I-renc h Science Buisn ess Art Science Special Ed.

Merrill Gee Nancy Gillette Tom Godfrey Doug Golding Sarah Habel Voc. Ed. English English Coun se lor Health, PE James Hadlock Deeana Hall History Buisness Heidi Hanson Buisness Irene Hardman Jerry Haslam Home Economics Health Craig Haslip Susan Hawkins Ken Herlin Camille Hicks Charisse Hilton Neil Hollands Math Eng lis h Math Home Economi cs Health, SBO's History, Debate

;.~;\"IP~. . .,, . ,. ~. . i.'. I\" ( :,.\". Greg Hose Tom Huddlestone Frank Iacobazzi Doris Jenson Rick Johnson Math Special Ed. History Math Counselor Teko Johnson Law Enforcement Frank Kelley Photography Lee Leslie WonAe Loken P.E. Resource John Lyon Steve MargeUs Janeen McMillan Doug Merrill Carol Milne Kay Mitchell Media Center Math Engli sh Sci enc e English Voc. Ed.

David Montgomery Robyn Mousley-Lujan Don Neff Bill Nordfelt Careen Olsen Art Dance Health, P.E. Music Occ. Health Maryann Payne Raynor Pearce Dan Penrod Joann Plant Jeffrey Price Sam Puich English P.E., Dr. Ed. Reso urc e Science Math Math Teacher Autographs ... Mark Rasmussen Marlene Rasmussen History Buisness Sue Rasmussem Sally Rees English Math Kathy Rudelich Terri Sanders Home Economics Science

\"\"'\" Mr. Sanich poses by his award-wi nning christmas tree. With on ly a teacher's salary, he was lucky to get such a high-class tree. Larry Sanich Alice Schanze Counselor Math Nicole Schuman History Tony Siegenthaler Paul Smith Resource History Clark Snelgrove Troy Spratling Donald Stanger Bruce Takeno Patricia Thomas Byron Thompson Science Voc. Ed. English Health, Dr. Ed. Buisness Psychology Sandra Van Carol VandenAkker Pouwel Vuyk Tom Watrous Jeanne Watson German Eng li sh Buisness Theatre English Home Economics

Sharon Williams Tom Williams Rex Wright Kent Young Murline Allgaier Lynda Atwood Reso urc e Driver's Ed. Science Cafeteria Cafeteria Math Mitzi Bray Marilyn Brown Debra Buchanan Julia Buhler Sue Burgon Aide Cafeteria Aide Cafeteria Aide From custodian to councilman ... Manon Clement Cristina Clerico Mr. Cowdell has been busy Cafeteria Aide cleaning the halls ofHillcrest. He has also been busy clean- Susan Crafts Christi Dellagnola ing up the halls of Sandy City. Cafeteria Aide Mr. Cowdell was re-elected this November. He works directly with the mayor and the public to establish and clean up laws. Mr. Cowdell is in charge of relaying the public voice to the rest of the council. That \"voice\" involves how to dis- tribute city funds, where to put power lines, and zoning is concerned about Sandy's fu- issues. He is more than just ture. From custodian to coun- a custodian. He is an in- cilman, Mr. Cowdell is truly a volved, intelligent man who great man. Maureen Fuelling Carol Gunnarson Aide Secretary

Marie Hansen Renae \"no\" Hatfield Merrie Hirase Denece Hollinger Donna Homer Dee Ann Hone Cafeteria Campus Security Cafeteria Aide Aide Aide Michael Huish Elaine Johnson Connie Lloyd Jessie Lloyd Billie Lockwood Nancy Martin Campus Security Secretary Aide Aide Cafeteria Secretary We asked 140 students what teacher they would want to bring an apple to the most. Karen Mitchell Secretary Betly Newbold Trudy Oliver Aide Secretary Betty Palmer Carol Pendleton Cafeteria Aide

- Linda Reynolds Brenda Schoenfeld Karen Smith Joan Street Nola Taylor Cafeteria Drill Team Cafeteria Cafet eri a Aide Robin Torrey Janice Troester Lynn Varoz Jannette Williams Nora Williams Kathrine Wozab Custo di an Secretary Sec retary Aide Aid e Aid e Onward and upward: The retirement of Coach Pearce Once upon a time, about thirty-six years ago, Coach Pearce was about to embark on a long but rewarding journey. That year notonlywas Nolan Ryan first starting to play recreation baseball and Gretzky just got his first pair of skates, but Coach Pearce started his legendary teaching career. Then in the fall of 167, he moved upward to Hillcrest. Being a teacher and coach was never easy. The paperwork,stress, and lack of pay is enough to make a lot of people quit. But the challenge and thirst for helping his students and winning a championship kept him working every day. (for 8280 days!) Now with his increasing free time, Coach Pearce hopes to travel a bit with a side order of hunting and fishing. It will also give him more time to watch his two younger boys grow up. Through out his career, Coach Pearce made many friends that he'll be sure to miss. \"Thanks for the great years we1ve had, for the highs and the lows. I appreciate the willingness to work hard. Thanks to all the kids involved, and for all the memories.\" But even more, Hillcrest thanks him.

Babies Jaron M. Green KAREN, JULIE & WENDY Jon Swiss ona Eighteen years have gone by fast. From funky noises to all \"Congratulations. Hope you've had ahappy past. night telephone calls, We knew you could do ROLL! it. Thanks for making Hope your future's that first step Katie Draper better yet. Luv You- was a doosey. us proud of you.\" hope you won'tforget! Love ya tons o'mucho! Love, Mom & Dad You're the mostest, bestest, M&D, J, J, G&G friendest, friend in the Stephanie whole world! Thanks for being there. I love you! Marianne M. Carlsen Love, Wendy The oldest yet the Jen Liddle boldest, somehow you made it through. The so len,(Ren)You are thebest!Inever would called morning sick- havemade itwithoutyou&Icouldn'task nesses when you had the for abetter friend. Thanks foreverything flu , and the \"I missed the buses toO!\" Con- andItrulyam yourbiggest fan! Love,LlSH(Stimpy) gratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, Zach, Nick, Nat, Em & Shay! Julie Kennard Always keep that sparkle in your eyes and asong in your heart. Thanks for sharing! Love, Mom and Dad Connon Williams Shannon Saylor You have Con~ratulations! always marched to May you have your own as much \"joy\" drummer. in your life as Keep it up! Love, Mom, you have Dad and given us. RennLy Love, Mom, Dad, Shae, Ben and Kelsey

Dave Ennenga Emily Bingham ....-.---.....-- Good Luck Con~ratulations, Emily Love, Bud! Mom You've got & Dad what it takes. We are so proud of you! Love, Mom and Dad Christi Etherington David Edmonds FULL CIRCLE Hang in there From the White House at 6weeks, - never ToaCongressional Page at 16. give up! From registrations at GW with We love you- your Dad at 2weeks, Mom & Dad Toyour own college registration. From being aCamp Kostopulos volunteer, Josh Burke To acareer goal in that field. From banging on the piano with Suzuki, Congratulations! Toplaying Phantom of the Opera. We all love you and wish From past accomplishments, you the best in every- To afuture of promise. thing. You do everything Thru it all, the common thread has always been your telephone! right. GOOD LUCK! Christi,We're very proud of you! Love, Mom, Aymee, Love,Mom, Dad, and Mikey Brandon and your Dad Shannon Tish Feveryear Clint Melendez Congratulations Grandpa'slittle Hondo! No matter our little Be-Bop girl! what you do,no matter what We're proud of you accomplishments you achieve,we and we love you! will always treasure those special Love, times and you will always be our Mom and Dad little bo .Love Mom &Dad

-- Scott Erskine-.....,.......,,----. Aimee Lei Jensen Lifeis like the slopes You are our No-Fear kid, and we are so proud of full of rocks, trees, you! You've always had a dream and never been and moguls. The afraid to go after it. Always stay the funny, thrill is in doing it unselfish,sometimes stubborn,always pulling the right way. We're for the underdog,spunky daughter you are,and proud of the life there'snothing you can't do if you \"Aim\"high. We you've skied, so far. love you Squirrel! Dad You've got agreat and Mom start. Tighten your Kelly Wallin bindings. We love You've definitely had your own Y.Q1Lmore than style of \"learning your lessons\"and peanut butter. Mom most didn't need a letter grade. A+ and Dad for being agreat son with a eTR Amy Jane Cates heart. We love and believe in you We will and your future! always love Mom and Dad you. Love, from your family Dad, Mom, Liza, Bonnie, and David Mike Freeman Michelle Matthews You've come a long Congratulations on way since that first your many day of school. You accomplishments are intelligent, and talents. You caring, and mature are abeautiful girl beyond your years. on the inside as We couldn't ask for a well as the outside! better son. We are We love you very proud of you, But much and are so more important we proud to have you are proud to be your as our daughter. parents. Love, Mom Love, Mom and and Dad Dad 220 \"\". Baby Ads

... Congratulations .....----J-a- ime Hendrickson on ajob well Words cannot done! With your \"impish\" describe how special you determinations are. May we knew you your path be would do well. rich and full. We are proud Love, Mom and Dad. of your accomplishments. We love you-Mom, Mike and Brandy Wes Peterson Kristie L. Yates Con~ratulations! We are proud of your talents and We are so proud of accomplish- _·-\",_>:l you. Keep ments. You are avery special up the young man and good work. you continue to bring great joy Love, Dad and Mom to our lives. Love, Mom and Dad We are so proud Bronson Adams of you! You stole our hearts as a To toothless grins little girl and our and baby toys; To hearts go with little league games you as you start on the road to and tears you wouldn't cry; To fast your future. cars, loud music and Congratulations, Love, Mom pretty girls; To compassion and and Dad charm and humor; To our son. We've come a long way Bo. Love, Mom and Dad Baby Ads 1111\" 22 1

- Brian Bussard Bill Shaw \"BUZZ \" You are a WAY TO GO! wonderful son Thanks for and a great big making our life brother to your fun, exciting and sisters. We are memorable. all very proud You're the of you and love you very much. BEST! Love, Mom, Love, Ron, Colleen, Ron, Dad, Becky, Jennipher, Natalie & Justin, Lindsey, Samantha and Karen Sebastian Elisa A. Mar Chad Glover Congratulations! Elisa, Don't You Made Grow up too soon. Always 1'tl, be good and you'll always We are Proud of be liked. You &We Congratulations! Love You! Love, Mom Love, & Dad Mommie, Papa, your Bradley Ivan Greaves sisters & Mijo Congratulations! Amy Sorenson You1re Magic! You are You have the light always made us of our life!! proud. Keep up Congratulations, the good work. You made it! We love you. Love, Dad, Mom & Dad, Mom, Luke, Shannon, Bret Jake, Cami, Amanda, Eric &Steve & Sophie 222\",.. Baby Ads

Even from the Travis Gunn start, you were We are so uniquely proud of all individual, and creatively you are. original. You're the Congratulations Andy \"Ferris\" best. Pacheco - We1re Love, Dad, proud of you - Mom& Mom, Gary, lona, Toni &Kevin Ryan ITSUBOB Travis Anger ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS We couldn't be happier. ARE BLUE; We couldn'tbe WE LIVED THROUGH IT, prouder. We could, AND SO DID however,be richer. We thought we were going YOU. to be the ones doing LOVE,MOM, the teachinng. We1ve DAD AND SIBS learned more than Ruben C. Lopez you'll ever know. The sky's the limit. Follow Congratulations! your heart.Love, Dad, We Love Mom,Mandy, Tyler & you and we're all David very proud of you. Carl Cameron Mom, Dad and Benita Congratulations Cutie! We knew you could do it. Always remember to keep sight of your goals and you'll achieve them. Love, Mom, Gordon &Shaun Baby Ads lIlI. 223

Natalie Nelson Robyn Burkinshaw Kimberly West Benjamin Patrick Congratulations, Nat! Robyn, you are \"Truly Congratulations Kim! BEN, We're very proud of Scrumptious\" Your father and I are so WE ARE PROUDOF YOU you. Just remember, and we love you! proud of you! We know, as you start the next Now look out you can do anything you AND YOURMANY phase of your life, You world Icause want to, when you put ACCOMPLISHME TS. can't steal second-base your mind to it. We wish NO MORE PENCILS, \"Here Comes DeJudge!\" you all the best life has while keeping Love, to offer. We love you. NO MORE BOOKS. one foot on first. NOW THERE'STIME FOR Love, Mom, Dad, Mom & Dad Love, Mom & Dad Denise and Gina FISHING RODS AND HOOKS. LOVE, MOM AND DAD Elizabeth Cain Niki Hobson John B. Cumberledge Nikki, I'dlike tomeanas muchto youeach Hey LibbyLibby,Youdid it! Congratulations We never doubted you minuteof theday, We're all so proudofyou.We Niki! could makeit. And you did it As youhave meant,old friend ofmine,to love yourgreatsense ofhumor me along the way. and your caring,generous You1ve always onyour own. Always nature.We lookforward to made us proud. rememberas longas Love Laura sharingall thegreatadventures you do your best, Buzzy, Keep up the you'll never bealone. Didyoueverthink we would make itthis that lieaheadforyo u. great work. You are ontheroad to a far?Your friendshiphasmeant more to Behappyand dogreatthings. Love, Dad, Mom, successful future. methananythingelse!Thanks forthe Love always, Dad,Mom,Emily, Ben, Matt Wearevery proud of you! many years of funandexcitement! and Curt Love, Dad &Mom Annie,Davey &Aly Love you, ickle. 224 1111. Baby Ads

Andria Sm ith does her best frog impersonation as a On a roll! queencontestant during one of the Homecoming Week festivities. It was one of those contests no one wi ns, you This is dedicated to the class of 194,for all those JU5l look foolish... Photo: Doug Milne who are starting anew roll... High school is only ashort season in our lives, and in that season we grow more than any other time. Itlswherewe mature and develop our future goals and dreams. Itlswhere we make the friends that weill have forever. Graduation is one ofthe most importantevents in our lives. It can mean different things to different people. To some, it marks abeginning,a doorway to the future,and itlsour choice as to where this doorway will lead. To others,it marks the end of an era. An end to assemblies, dress codes,tardy bells,and hall passes. So whether itls abeginning or an ending remember we are Hus- kies forever,so never stop working towards your goals. \"Keep on rolling.II The road ahead can \"roll\" many directions. It may be rough and bumpy at times,but ifwe keep our goals in sight-our destination will be reached. Whether we take advantage of the opportunity or \"roll\" past it, is our decision. The length and direction of the road depends on you, and your choices. Toall seniorswhoareatthe end oftheirroll and starting anew one,decide right now,whether you want your life single, or two-ply. Never stop working on your goals and donltgive up on your dreams. Make them come true and remember to keep it rolling. Closing 224

What a hairy mess! The Sophomore Volleyball Team, a circle of friends, pose for an all around great team picture on the gym floor. Photo: David Marion

Vocal Ensemble sang the school song at the opening assembly, to an overcrowded auditorium full of some- times over enthusiastic students. Photo: Ken Robinson Emily Crichfield, a Sophomore Cheerleader, yells out Husky Pride at the Homecoming football game. Photo: David Marion Zack Love attempts to beautify Dan Hill using a free makeover during the opening assembly for Senior Pride initiation. Photo: David Marion Cambry Larson, one of our Student Body Officers, does her best impersonation of Carol Brady in the Opening Assembly. Photo: Amanda Harker Closing 224

Craig Rickenbach and Brandon esbit try to explai n toa perplexed Ryan Shipp exactly what a fly on the pants is there for... Photo: David Marion Karim Jemmot sitting on the hood of a queen contes- tants car. waving to a crowd full of nervous excitement and anticipation. Photo: David Marion Chad Anderson. Jeff Pettey and Eric Wilkinson playing their sophomore roles perfectly at a varsity footba ll game. Photo: Tami Spensl 224 Closing

Jared Belcher, Andrew Dawes and Ryan Wagstaff cheer on their Hillcrest Huskies at our Homecom- ing game. Photo: David Marion Russell Keetch and Mike Lacey show off their true selves while monkeying around on Hair-do Day. When standing up, their hair looks just the same. Photo: Doug Milne

enior Joey Niel on fiexes his tonsils at the Burning of the \"H\" for the tudent body. Photo: I<en Robinson 224 Closing Amy Purstenau is measuring Jennie Simmons biceps in Angela Rekoutis.Yvette Brusik and Johanna Ward. get alilll, their sewing class to make sure she has enough muscle to over dressed for school. You might say the halls of Hil\\cre use the sewing machine. Photo: Tami Spenst aren 't always what they eem! Photo: David Marion

Mark Dane unleashed his fem ini ne sideat the homecom- ing game agai nst Mt. View. Anyone lining up to have ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ th~rh~rs~~dbyhim ? Ph ot~ D a~ dMarion We're now on the \"Crest Seniors Christy Baker, IVlichelle Spencer, Mis~ Moore, of our rolling hills\" and as we _ Michelle Elmer and Laura Barrett all show their pearly depart, keep on rolling big whites at an evening game at home. Photo: David Marion Mamma, they're rolling out the red carpet for you on your rollerblades and rollerskates as you eat your Rolo's. Rock & roll in your pink rollers. Don't let the roll of the dice make you roll over and die, keep making that honor roll you Rolling Stone. No more at- tendance rolls that make you roll your eyes during roll call. Play the role till the end of the roll. Play that dramatic role on the roller coaster of life and remember, we're on a roll... 224 Closing

Seniors Most Seniors Most Likely To be Likely To on a close up Have zo commercial... Children I\\ lik e Ke ll y Am y Soren on & & Fu rs tenau Dan Hill 78 Arnold. hanae 59, 184. 191 Ben3lidez. Tony 193 Boyak, Angela 79 Butler, ~lyran 23 59.184. I 9 A\",neau. Jessica 59,194. 199 Benedict. Coach 145 Bo),den,Amber 0, 120 Butler,Tony 61 7.177 Ashton, Holly II. 19, 193, 19 BenedICt. David 59,119, 145 Boyer, Julie 60 Butt. Julie 80, 170 19 Ashton. Krist\" 78 Bennet. Anthony 59 Bo),er, Tyson 80 Butterfield, Justin 23, 167 78. 135. 136. In Astin. Shelley 59, 127 Bennett, Colin 21 Bozich, Eri ka 22 Butterfield, Kara 61. 167 59. I Astle, lAura 59. 120. 167 Bennett. Eric 79 Bradley. Somer 80 Button, Andrea 61 7.In Atajanov, Guvanch 19 Bennett, Tony 146, 167 Bradley, Teresa 22 Button, Jennifer 23, 193 19 Atkinson, ~latthew 7 Bennion, Ke lly 155 Bradshaw,Alisa 60, 180. 189 7 .190 Auerbach, Pete 19 Bennion, Nicole 21 Bradshaw, Bret 22, 145 coRn NuTs 59.190 Augason, Cathy 78 Benson, Amy 59 Bradshaw, Emily 80, 120 59 Aune. ~Iikal 20, 153, 194 Benson, Ryan 59,151 Brady, ~I ichael 60 CJJanabajab 186 7 .146 Austin, StaCi 78, 186 Benson, Toni 79 Brand, Lindsay 80, 170 7 . 110 Austin. Dan 78.155 Berrett, Jason 59 Brandt. Timothy 60, 189 Cain, Elizabeth 24 7 Austin,Jenmfer 7 Berrett. lAra 21 Brasher, Lindsay 80, 196 7 Avery, Angie 59 Berrett, Nathan 79 Brazil. John 60 Caldwell, Clarke 0, 189 Avery, Annette 7. 115 Besaw, Kent 59, 167, 189, 191 Breckenridge, Shawn 60 AJch,m\"\"ice In A.<tell, Kenneth 20 Betlil),on. Allen 21. 167 Brewer. ~Ielissa 60, 181 Caldwell, ~I ike 61 A,tell. Shane 7 , I 7 Bettil),on, ~Iatthew 79 Brewer, ~Iindy 80 59 Beus, Katie 59.120, 121, 167 Bridges. Shawn 22 Call, Erin 61 59 bluBBer Beus. Sam 21.167 Briggs, Delese 22, 166 59. 119. In. Ii3 Bmridge, R)'an 59 Briggs, Jason 60, 146, 16 Callister, Chris 80, 133, 151. 190 78, In, Ii3 Be\"\"ley, Chris 21. 199 Briggs, St\"\" 22, 166, 167 59 Be\"\"ly, Barney 130 Bringhurst, ~lichael 60, 130, 145, 194 Cameron, Cari 24 7 Bickmore, Shelley 21 Brinton, Bob 22,172,173, 194, 196, 198 59,1 19 BielcikOl~. Zuzana 21. 190, 195 Brock, Brandy 60, 184, 194 Campbell,Ann 61, 180 59,193 Bigelow, Kirsten 59, I 0, 193 Brock, ~Ieekem 60 167 Bigler, Trella 79 Brockway, Sally 22 Campbell, Chris 80, 177 19 Bills. Trinity 19 Bronas, Joe 22 59 Bingham. Audrey 120. 129, 148 Brooks,Jaren 80 Campbell, Collin 24 59 Bingham, Bryn 60 Brower, Ember 80 59, 153 Bingham. Emilee 123 Brown, Dawnielle 0 Campbell, Heather 80, 193 Bingham, Emily 21.60, 148, 170 Brown, Denise 80,177,187, 193 n, Brandon 7 Baich.Jeff 141 Birch. Eric 19 Brown, Doug 167 Campell, Ann 189 n, Burke 78 Bird, Jealli 21 Brown, Heidi 60, 167. 194 n,Chad 19 Baich, Jenn)' 59, I I Bird, Robert 60 Brown. Joshua 80 Candrian, Jill 80, 129, 137, 194 n, Damon 59, 130, 194 Bischoff, Craig 60, 172, 173 BrOll'O, Kevin 22 Baile)\" Brody 78 Bishop, Allen 60 Brown, ~l ichael 151 Cand rian, ~l egan 24, 135, 194 Daniel 59,78,138,140, 167, In, 194 Bishop, Cameron 79 BrOl\", Nathan 60, 189 D,,;d 7 , 133 Baird,Aimee 20 BIShop, Rebecca 120, 129 Brown, Sandee 120 Capson, Brandi 24 n, Dusty 7 Bitner. Ste\"e 60 Brown, Sara 80 n,Jacob 19 Baird. Jason 18 Bitsche, Donna 60 Brown, Tara 60, 193 Capson, KristiJo 80 n, James 19, 167 Bitsche, Phyllis 79 Broyles, Krista 80 n, Jason 7 , 153,172 Baird. Nicole 7 Bitter, Sheila 21. 167, 168 Bruderer, ~legan 22, 127, 193, 194, 196 Caputo, ,Ilichele 61, 148, 194, 199 n,Jeremy 153 Bjornn, Eric 60 Bruehl, Dan 60 n,Julie 7 Baird, Pans 20. 192 Bjornn, Stacie 21 Bruerton, Charles 61 Caray,Angie 148 n, Randall 59 Black,Angela 60, 120, I 6 Brunner, Heidi 15,61, 190 Baird, Ron 79 Black, Dan 21. 176, 199 Brunson, Heidi 23 Cardon, Sumtte 61, 123 199 Black, Deborah 60, 172 Brunson. Travis 23, 167, 169, 170, 198 19 Baker, Amanda 7, 120. 168 Black, Josh 19, 133, 170 Brusik, Nathan 95 Carl ing, Camille 61 19, 190, 193 Black, Lisa 60, 120, 167 Brusik, Y,'etle 14, 15,23, 184, I 7, I 9,190, 192, 7 Baker, Christy 20, I 6 Black. Tiffan), 21.1i7 Carlsen, Harianne 24 78 Blackburn.Trac)' 79 194, 196, 198,202 59 Baker, Joshua 7 Blackham, Ke\"in 19 Bryant, Dustin 61 Carlson, Audree 61 19 Blackhorn, Tracy 120 Bryner. Jodi 61. 129. 194 78 Baker. Levi 59 Blanchard, Bryant 79, 119 Bryson, Paul 61 Carlson, Brooke 155 19, I 9,199 Blockbu rger, Melissa 60 Buchanan.Alisa 61. 174, 177 Katie 78 Baker, Lindse)' 7.168 Blodgett, Jaime 22, 193 Buchanan, Jul ie 80. 120, 155 Carlson, Cody 24.177, 182, 192 ta, Angel 19, 191. 194, 197, 199,200 Boberg, Brett 22. 182 Bullett, Angela 61, 120. 181 la, Km15, 59, 194 Baker. ~Iindie 20. 167 Bodell. Dominic 60 Burbidge, R)~n 61. 143. 194 Carlson, Danielle 61 59 Bohmholdt, Andrea 79, 120 Burggraaf. Brent 167 19, 167, 169, 170, 198 Baker. Scott 59 Bojock,Angela 171 Burggraaf, Linda 80, 168 Carlson, Garry 61, tn, 173 59, 176, 194 Bollwinkel. Amy 79, 120 Burgon, Brittany 80, 170 !,Jar'\" 7 Baker, hantell 78, 190 Bollwinkel, Jeff 60 Burgon, Keyli 61 Carlson. Julie 80,191 ~g.Ah'\" 78,196 Bond, Kristi 79 Burgon, athan 80 Balderrama. Angel 59 Booth, Colin 60. 167.169, 170 Burgon, Tammy 23 Carlson, Stacey 80 ~ng.Enc7 , 177 Booth, Kelly 22. 190,194, 199 Burgraaf, Brent 61 Ball, Dan 20.171 Booth, Robert 22. 189 Burk, Bnan 23, 167, 191 Carlson, Trent 61 I1IIrong, Jeff 19 Borg, Brian 60, 130, 138, 140, 194 Burke, Josh 23. 130. 167, 194 ~ng, Tiffany 59,155,170, 194 Ball, Lorin 20. 172. Ii3 Borg, ~l ick..1 60, 193 Burke, ~Ia l issa 80 Carlson, Tyler 24, 61, 199 Y.wI,Rachon 15,19, 190 Borge, Carlos 79 Burke, ~I ind)' 61 Ball, Sharon 59 Bosch, Roxanne 60 Burkinshaw, Robyn 23 Carone. Kelly 24, 167, 191 Gabe 78 Bosen, JessICa 22, 171. 198 Burkman, Clint 23 Ballard, Brandon 20, 199 Boston,Todd 79, 190 Burnham, Stephanie 80 Carr, David 80 Boulden, Nate 194 Burns, Steve 23 Ballard. Jennifer 20, I 0, 198 Bounphakhom, llattana 19, 190 Burr, lelissa 61 Carr, Sandra 24 Bournakis, ~Iatina 22, 177, 193 Burstin, tm 199 Ballif, Nathan 59 Bowdren, Coach 130, 145 Burt. Amanda 23,166. 167 Carter, ~l ichael 61 Bowen, Clint 60 Burt. Ashley 23, 191 Balltok. Dan 172, 177 Bowen, Dan 60 Burt. Lindsey 80, 193 Carter, Nicole 0, 120 Bowers, Andy 22, 130, 138, 189, 194 Burton, Brian 80 Bam,~larni 120 Bowers, Dan 176 Burton, Ian 0 Carver, Garrett 61, 153 Bowers, Wayne 190 Burton, usan 61 Bangerter. Kodi 59 Bowlden, Nathan 79, 133 Bush, Coby 23,186,19 Case, Nathan 80 Bowler, Jon 22, 193 BusUloc, Anamarie 61 Bangerter, Travis 78 Bown, Douglas 60 Butler, Andrea 0 °Cashmore, Nathan 80 Bown, ~Iarni 79, 180 Butler, Billy 61 Banks, Heather 20 Bown, ~I ichae l 22,166, 167 Butler, Brande 61 Casper, Cameron Bowthorpe, Jesie 60 Butler, Jason 0 Banks, Jay 78 Butler, Jeffre)' 23, 167, 169, 170, I 9 Castleberry, David 61, 130, 194 Barclay, Joe 78 Cates, Amy 15, 24 Bardsley,Jom 148 Chadwick. Nathan 24. 167, 1 9, 191. 203 Barker, R)~n 59, 151 Chamberlain, Aaron 0, 153 Barlow, Tiffany 15.20, 180 Chamberlain, Jamn 24 Barnes, Chad 59 Chappell. Wes 0, 141 Barney, Heather 7 , 129 °Chatterton. Natalie 0 Barret. ~Iatthew 7 Chatterton, Stephanie 24, 174, 175, 177, I Bartholomew,Joshua 59 Cham, ~I elissa 80, 186 Barton, Jeffrey 59 Chidester, Anthony 0, 130 Barton, Jeremy 20, 167 Chidester, Christian 61 Barton, Kris 20, 192 Child, Aimee 61 Barton,Tro), 79 Child, Celeste 80, I I Bascom, Kimberly 59, 167 Chi pman, Clarissa 120, 194 Bastemeyer, Shawn 79 ChistenSfn, Chris 189 Bast\"'\". Kenndi 19 Christensen.Andrea 193 Bateman, Tra,;s 20, 130. 167, 194, 195, 198 Christensen, An thony 198 Bates, Sara 20,129,155,194 Christensen, Brian 24. I 9, 190 Bean.Ambrette 79 Christensen, Chris 24, 130, 190, 19 Beardall, Elizabeth 79, 170, 177 Christensen, David 80, 153, I 7 Beasley, John 79, 141 Christensen, Jami 194 Beckman, Roger 20 Christensen. Jana 190 Beckstead, ~Iarcie 59 ChrIStensen. Kadee 80, 121 Beckstead, ~llChelle 59, 170, 177 Christensen. Kanda 61. 195,200 Beddoes, ~lartha 19, 120, 190, 193, 199 Christensen, Kari 0, 121. 170 Bedke, Lisa 79, 120 Christensen, Kelli 61 Bedke, Scott 21. 191 Christ,nsen, ~\\ark 24 Beesley, Emily 79,121 Christensen, ~Iarl' 0,177, 193 Behle, Kathryn 21. 193 Christensen, ~Ii nd)' 61. 167. 198 Behunin, Justin 59, 176 Christensen, Nathan 24 Behunin,Travis 79, 176 Christensen, Scott 24 Belcher, Jared 79,133 Christensen. Sean 24,198 Belcher, atalie 21 Christensen. hauna 25.167 Bell, Candace 21. 197 Christensen. Shawn O. 177 Bell, Danl<1 59 Christensen, t\"~n 61 Belnap, Jonathan 21 Chritchfield, Emily 180 Belnap, Nicole 59, 193 Chrruca, Camino 61 Belzile, Patrick 79 Chytraus, Bart 61. 130, 145. 194 Ben Lovendge 187 Cigarroa, Kriteena 61

Seniors Most Seniors Most Seniors Most UkelyTo UkelyToBe Likely To bean Succeed... An Actor/ environmentalist Actress Gcorgc Gr,lI)IH )IJ)) H l I ' 11 ' rC1 ' sio _ t <1 11 .1<1 W S(1) & & & .I.Hcd 11.1 Yllic Zeke ~ liddle to l1 .l ( 1) Ho use (11111o.C nh 1 o.mngton. 0.... 61. I~ 155, I;; 1!Il Ourand.)lrcrod '\\! f<f):u.\"n. b\"J 63 l.,.\\r\\IJ T.lmm\\ :!\"'I ( (.nub :5 Dusserrt. Cabntl 63. 199 l~,lr(la , \\ Idur M fult. lQro. I Dustman, I..l.~\".:< ~ f<'l!US<ln.Jer,m) 30.119.155 GJrdn<r Brdt !>l 1'l<I C Chru 61. 199 Ou\\\"IL Knstln '\\! 1211, 193. 195, 1119 !>l 14; CIID.Da.m 61 D.l'tj'. COoKh us OulTll.Holly rcrgU5un. ~'aAAll.' (..rdn,r r,,J, CIID. Ctnl\", IM•. Nath.ln\\·an I CIID.J..\".. . 155 o,l1J.>n. J\",nuah ~6 Ill' man. Colb) 63 Fl'mlnJtl. Klkl'\\' CIID.JMn>l 61.151 F,rrunda.OI,,', 311 Cbtl Jun 61 o,l1dson, .' Ie11S!ol 61 eTymology Ft:rrl', ~latthi'\\\\, 63.1SJ Cbtl!\\un F,ser. K,m 311 I, un, IUI6. D.lI1Json.ll'illwn 61 FM,war. Sronnon 15.311 G.ndun\". K,l'rn :!'1.141 F,r•. Rldl.lrd 63.19 61. I;;, I 195 o,l1~.\\Im 62 (;'I):,nd)lrdl.ld 0.11 ChnSlJ'\" 2 G'I):'no. 'tl~' l. 141. Ilh 0.11 Dill. 1.193 Car)1unt', k.f\\ln U CbtllJS> 61.1 191 o,l1~ losh 62 Flh\",·. Chnsun.l 311 (;,m\". ~1J..k1 :?<I. 141 14; Cbtl Uz -. 199 Finch. En. 63 0.11~ Kath,nn< 61. 16i. I 9 Ead\". Creg Frnd!.1\\'. NICol. G,rrdl,,\\nglt !>l. I\\l1 Eado.Janrca s:? Frndla). SUpron\" 30 CIID. Lon 61.1 0,11 Laur> 26 Frnl\" .Ann< 63. I' l~;mdt. Sta(t'\\ 29, PH CIlrU. trrNnlt ,I:!Il, 155 F,nn . J.d 0,11 iwl< 61 Ead\". Josh 02. 133 Garrdt. Tn,1u !>l 16. Clo>o>an.SW 6.:5. m 1;;.1 190. 192 Eados. Kurt o,lU. Shauna 62 Earl. Emil\" 63, 123. 16i. I Gat'l. 'luwn .14S CIo11on. S<lsoo :5. I I~. 190. ~ Easton. l<slr' Clolton. Tho..... , Io:! o,,,~ Ttf\"'\" 26 Eaton. T,rian, _2. Ii l l C'tmann. St, prom, 12i1 C hrru. 61 I CI.11<O. Cilnstw 193 o,lU. TI n 26. 1;3 63. 16i F,nn. J'1I 63 C'tt,nhy. Ch\", 155 Cln..w.l.H.a},n.5 FISh. e\",!) C :>nl, Hathtr 61. 16. o.,,~ \\1\")\"\" 61.191 Gtl,lu, .\\nw 3 Cobum Tho..... o.,,~ Zan< 1.133. IR 153 Eb<rt. B...don 28 FI h\". Robtrt 63 C,ma\"r. 16i CoorrugJuno. Adam 61 Ecan. Allam 200 Fitch. Tram 311 CoIt.lohn 5 0,,,... And\"\", SI. 133 Edmonds. Dal1d 2 . U6. 193 Flugmld.An ,I C,\\ . Ehlah.:th 1211 CoI.. linstJ. 5.193 Edmonson. Anna 63 F,u mid. ~lcAnn 63 ..Indy H • 19i [).;)\"\". Satah. 2i. 16•. IiI. I i. 191. 194. 1 Edwards. 2 . 16; Bf),n '. 1;0 Glhh) . Bnan :?<I. I,. CoI,man. Cm. 25. 16i. I Em.~rds. J,nnlr\" S2.liO Coil Alhsoo 5.1 -,190.200 203 Egan. J,nn)' 63 Glhh) . )lrk, Coil dl,w 62 [).;)\"son. Dusbn 2i.16i Clb,,'n. Emili iii I I [)';)).Ausun 61 flash. Jm 30 Clb~'n , _ ,n 64 flo,. Ryan [).;)). Courtnt) 2i. l96 Floyd. p.tnck CIII,tt,. Jon 29. m.li7. IS2. I . I . I \\ Floyd. lun. 63 0.). Jason 2i. I i. 193. 19 Eisert. Chm 2 . 199 fomt\". Enk> 63. 129. 135. 136 190. 191. 198. 199.2IMI Ekl~ Ef)T1fl 2 . 16i Folger.St\"\" lS I Oa), NIt) 155 Folkerson. Btcky 311 C,rardo. Rachel iii. I fontana.Alhson 63 o,). Smh 62 Eklns. Jamon 82. 153 Ford. Beau,n 63 Cllt. Croch 145 OtakIn. Da\"n 62 Eld•. Katre .liO CI.d. Angel 64. 16;. 16.'. 184. 19i. 199 CoUll'\" Tnsho 62 Dwden.Bnan I Eldredge. J.nmr\" 2 Clad,. wh. 29.166. 16i. lill CoIsoo.Hathtr Eldrtdg•. )Iegan 120 Compos.KICOI. I Dwd,n. Susan 2i Clad,ton,. kw 29 Otannger. Bnan 2i. 194 Elegant•. NIChol' 2 CI~\"'I'. J,ff 29.19. Comstock.JeMl. I Otbenham. Aim.. I Ehott Bf)\"\" 2 . 199 Fo\"man.Jam\" 30 CI\"'tI . Hath\",· 1311. 194 Cormlod. Taman 25 Otgn. ~Iark 1.119. 153 Elhot. ItsSlca \". 123. m.135. 136. U Fo\". Andy CliIllt\\. Hatth\", 64 Condi.. ~loruc> 120 Dtgra/!.nntd. Scott I Ell\". nl~ 63 Foulger.Amanda 311. 12;. I 0 Claz\"r. Jared S3 EllISOr. Andrew 63 Conoo. Andnw 25. 16; OtJong, Timoth) 62 Foulger. teven CI,nn. )1att COflO\\.... Dam.II, 61 DtJuh~)1ary 2i EllISOr. Herdl Fowler. CII\\I, 63. 16i. 169. 1;0. 191 Clowr. Brandon EII,,,,,rth. ~Iandl . Iii Cook. Amb<r 62 OtKorm. Sha)\"\" 2i. In fowlks. lI'arr'n 30 Clowr.Bf)<t Cook...Inn 15.61. 195 OtLaCruz. Tor\"\" I. 123. 137. 148 Elmer. Jason fo, . RIM 146 Clowr. Chad 29 Elmer. )lrch,lI. 2.190. 191 Coo Oo\\~ I OtLaCruz.)lara.aJ 62. I Fo),. Jessica 63 Goddard. Bnann. 129 Cook. TI'Mr 25. 194. I OtLaCruz. Ruth 62. I ElmonUlani<, 63 Frald,nburg. ~I .h\"\" 64. li2. li3. I 9 Godr\"I'. Jason 64 Cook. lac 1i2 Otlacruz. usana I. I Eman. Jenmr\" 82 Fr>mpton. Fr>nk Godrre)'. Kim 64 Em'f)'. Dustln 28 CooI.Jdi 190 OtlanC)'. Cam. IiO Emef)'. LIZ 2 . I .194. 196.19.199 Francll. Natal\" , 19(1. 195 Coff. Knstan 31 Em.f)'. ~Ieh\"\" Coon.C<o'1l' I Otlgado. Htctor 2i Emef)'. Raegan 82. IiO Fr>ncll. Scott 15.311. 142 Coff. ~lrndl' C<IpS<)'. Aaron 62 Uirbttl 0... 62 Otllaganda. Chmb. 193 fr>nco. Patnck . 200 Corng. Clade 64.130. 146. 194 Cordol... BtnJOl1Un 61. Ii! Cort....-lilnant 61. I . 200 Otll~ka... Kmb I franco. Romina 64. 193 Coldman. Amh<r 31 Corta. Alaandtr 26. 130. 194 Otmrng. Ang,la 2i. I I Em<lt.Jan. Fr>ncom.Ang,1a 64 Coller. Chn . 190. 196 Denoon. Laura 2; Em'tt.Paul Fr>ncom. Ben 30 Gomez. Carmen EndICott Chari), Fr>ncom. Heather OtnnlSOn. H.rbert 62 fr>ncom. Jak. Conzales. Earl 64 Fr>ncom.•' laml 30. 1 1 Cowm. TIU)' 61 OtntUsann' 120 EndICott J,nnlr\" Fr>ndsen. Clud . 16i. IiI Conlalos.l<an\",tte 64 CO)it, CImstI. 26. I . 193 Otnt Ryan 27. I _ Enger. Chns 63.130. 194 frandsen. JtsSlca . liO. 191 Crug. Ronald 61 Eng\". ~latt 63. 16i Fruu.Jartd 83.155.190 GoodI,II011.ltfr .19<1 England. Corbrn 2 f ranz. Kannrn 30 Otmngtr. Bnan 130 England. Enn 120 Goodwrn. ~I..gan 32. 12i Cr>ndaI1.Mark 61 Otsparn. AYI 2i Cordlllo. Y\\'on 32 C,...1<). TJ)iOf I Crwon. San I. UI.I;3 OtI,rail. tnt I Cottl\"dson. RI,n II. 32, 166. 16i, I 9 Cr.... Cod.. 62 Cr....ti. Sathan I. 1;3 On<,,-~,kkJ 62 England. NICk 133 Grarr. B,nJ.mrn 32. Ii2 Cntdifi,ld. 00\\. Cntdifi,Id.EnuJy I On11.... Sathallt 2i. Iii. 195 England. Paul FreeU.rr . 199 Grafr. Sara 64. 1211 Crock,tl MIchotI 26. 146, 194. I Dtw. Ltm 62. 16i. 199 Engle. ott 63. 196 Freeman. ~lrke 311.130.194. 19 Cr>ham.Jam,s 32 Crornu.1lilnN 62 Englund. Fonzy li2 Crosby..-Idrwi I Ot\\l'aa1. Satalre 120.121 Frehner. Jenmrer Craner<. ~l.Jtt 32.169. liO. I 9 Crosby. I'\"\"\"\" I. 190 CrosW-od. SttpIuru. 120 Ot\\l'aJ1.ltnruf\" 27.121.16i Englund. NICk .. Ii3 F\",. LInd5ay . 190. 200. Cranger. Jul\" 64 C_, Sathan 61 O<I<~. )hk. 2i Enn,nga.O.... ? • 16i. 169. liO Frel. Tamara 311. I . 190. 2or) Cr>nholm. Bonzo 1i2 0<1<)... Nathan 62.119 Erekson. Jach' Fnl<hknecht. Jo h Granholm. G,org. 32,155. 1i3. I -. 18i. I90, I Enckson. Courtnt), ? Fnstrup. Laur> 29.166. 16i DIaz. John 62 Fuhnman. Ulsa 64 21111.202 Fuller.Jerr 64. 199 Dibble. Creg 62. 130. 145. 194 Enckson. On,n . Ii7 Full.dllCro.1 6U 9 Cranquilt Kat\" . 13i. I . Fullerton. Sarah 64. 19<1 Dickmon. LIT1tllt 62. 129 Enckson. Stn'n 63 Cf>I<5. Colirn Er<kln,. Scott 28 Dicus. Anthony I Ertmann. t.phanr _ Cra). Amber 15. 64 C_it). TIlhny 62 Di.I. Frtd\",ck 62. Ii2 Cr>y. Ang,1a 64. 135, 136 Cruz.AruIu 61 Di.tnck. Jason I E\"\"n. ~l lCh,lI, _ Fullm\". Jarcd 64 19 Cray. Br>ndl 64 CUClMIt.. Mt 26 fullmer. ~lrcha.1 83 Dimmrtl Aruka 62. 197 Uau. han\",n 63. 191 fullmtf. ~lrchell. 64 Cr» '. Chns , Iii CutIIM.JmruI\" 61 I Dir1<son.SlCk I Esson. Dylan • 155 Fullwood. Ann 193 Cray.Jacob Ethtnngton. Chmu 15. . I . 191 Funk. Tlrran) Curnbcrltdgt.l...... 62 Do. Qui 27.1311.1 Euan. Allam 29. I . I i Furstenau. Amy 29. I 7.19/j Cra),. JtsSlca 64 , 119 Euler. Mlcha,1 63 Cumbtrltdg.. J,\"'\" 26 Dockstader. J,ff 62 E\\'ans. Douglas 63 Crta'·os. Br>d 32. 13/1. I , 194 Curnrnocl<.C,I..u 26 Domrngutl. Ada 2i. I I Crtal'c>,51\",n 64 I 9 Curnmock. Jus\\Jn I Dont. .1\\rstJ 62 graDuate Crten, Br>ndoo . 146 Cunddf. TIlhny 62, I 1Jon1t), ChnstOlfh I E~.II. Jamts 1!2 Gre,n, lJal1d E~',\"luk. Salt 82. 133 C~Tommy I Dotson. Jimmy 1.133 Grten.Emllie CUrtIS. Amy 61. 120. I;; CUrtIS, Btth I Do,marc!. Jenny I fiGneWtons Carrflt)·. usa . Iii Creen. J Sat , 11i!i. liIfi CUrtIS Coonnry 26, 16i Caltrn. Ondr>l~ 83 CUrtIS,)WtMo 62 o...11S, Dam.1 62. 167 Calhard<l.Alu 11\\6 Green . Jamlt CUfIU, Tommy 26. 16i. 191 Calhardo. Almndar 64 DoIOfl. Juhan 62 Callenson. Ots\"ee 64 Cr(Cn.JdNn 32 Camm,11. Fred . 133 Doyle. Cabnt! 63 Faber. Andr\", 153 Cammtll. Jason 29 Crc,n.Jefi 64 Falrbanks.ltremy 2 Cammell. Robert Draptr. earneron I Fairbanks. Jon Carela. Cmrdo 29. 10<1 Gre,n. JR 64 Care,.. ~lano CUrtIS Vw.. 62 Dr>ptr. Kab. 15.2i, I i. 191. 194 n.Fairbanks. Laura 13. 2'.1. 129. I Ii3 Care,.. NICk 64. I Grccn, ( Carela. SlCol. 199 Cutkr 62 Orchn Btn I Fannrn. K.II, 82 Carela. Paul ~rc'n. t.phan\" 32 F.rru-.orth .Iaroo Care,.. RICky 64 dOOmsday Orchng, MMc 63. 130 Farru-.1)rth Scott 311.199 Creenberg. A.Lrm 32. lIS, I 9 Farrell. Chad 63, 193 DnffiIL J.... 2i F\"nstorn, 'lrchatl 311. 192 Cr«ni>trg. Bn« 64 I 9 Ftlt Todd Du~,l\"hlt)' I Fmc•. Kell) 82 Cre,nbcrg. Satal\" 120 o.hIsgrom. T)in' I Dunwr. Jamlt I. I Cre,nsldos.•'I.,CI 64, 12f1. 16i D.ihIJIrorn.IMIIffut 26 Dunlord 11)\"\" Cregson. Bronk, o.m.. UroIyn 195 Dunn. Jdi 63 Cnego. Anth\"lll 64 I D.lmron.C<IOChKr.1fl I '. WI Duparx. John 63. I . l!lfl.2(.J Cn'~I. Cf),tal , II!Ii

Seniors Most Seniors Most Likely To be Likely To pass mistaken for a sophomore. out on their wedding night Dustin Tc rrel & Michelle Matthews Micllclle Rounds & Russ Keetch Hams, Brannon 33, 19 Hobbs, ~ll ke 85, 143 Jaffa , David 85 Jones, Todd 67, 155, 167, 191 Hobson, Ben 85 Jai meChrislensen 181 Jordan, Andrea 86, 184 Hamson, Jeffrey 84 Hobson, Nichol 34 , 183, 190 Jakeman, ~Ialthew 67 Jorgensen,Angie 67, 200 James, Jeremy 85 Jorgprachaul, Xa 199 Harrison, Karl 33, 184. 190 Janabajab, Cherrie 67 Jansen, Wendy 61 kNockOut Harrison, Lisa 64,65 Hofeldt. Matthew 66 Jefferi es, Shawn 85 Hofmann, Heather 66, 135, 191 Jeffs, Heather 67 Harrison, Ruth 84. 14, 190 Hogelin, Daniel 66, 146 Jellinick, Angela 85 Jemmott, Karim 67, 111 Harrison, Shawn 33 Jenkins, Casey 85, 186 Jenkins, James 85, 170 Harmon, Tara 33. 112, 195 Hoglund, Chris 66 Jenkins, Dlpnpia 67, 186,200 Hokanson, Andy 34 Jenkins, Ve rn 35 Harrison, Tom 33 Hollands. Neil 184,200 Jensen, Aimee 35 Kamisasanuki, Sushi 86 Jensen, BJ 67 Hart. Rl\"\" 64,65, 112 Jensen, Chris 5 Kamisasanuki, Takahiko 37 Jensen. Emily 67, 180 Hartman, Emily 84 Hollard, Troy 146 Jensen, Farren 36, 167 Kamisasanuki. Tsuyoshi 86 Holm, Ariane 85 Jensen, Janice 67, 167 Hartson, tephanie 33 Holman, Kelly 85 Jensen, Jenniel 36 Kapadia, Susan 37, 193 Jensen,Jennifer 67 Harl\\;gsen, Hams 64,65 Jensen, K.C. 67, 130, 146, 199 Karimzada,Yasmin 86, 186, 187, 199 Jensen, Keri 36 Ha,,~y, Justin 33. 161, 169, 170 Holman, Scott 34 Jensen, Laura 85, 120 Karsing, ~Iike 171 Holmberg. Jared 66, 100, 112 Jense n, ~Iargo 85 Ham'ard, Rachel 84 Holmes, Haley 66 Jensen, ~Iatthew 85, 172, 173 Kartchner, Brandon 67 Jensen, ~I ichael 36, 167, 177, 193 Haslip, Craig 146 Jensen, Requina 120 Kasparian, Richard 86 Jensen, Robyn 85, 196 Hastings, B1)'an 84, 133 HolI, Brian 34 Jensen, Sleven 85 Katsanevas, Chris 86, 133 HolI, Jen 34. 14 , 186, 181, 194 Jensen, T.D. 194 Hastings. Jon 84 Hollby, Jed 66. 112 Jensen, Tyler 85, 138, 140 Kaufman, Justin 67, 155 Jespersen, Wade 67 Hastings, ~Iichele 33 Jessop, Rosie 36 Kay, Riley 6, 133 Jessop, Thomas 183 Hatch,Joseph 64,65 Holyoak,Jaime 34. 182 Jessup, ~Iindy 36, 111, 191 Keener, Deedra 67, 111, 190 Homer, Jon 34, 199 Jessup, Thomas 61, 111 Haugo, ~Iatthew 64,65 Homer, Randy 85. 133, 170 Jimenez, Belem 36, 102, 186, 200 Keelch, Chad 67, 138, 140, 143, 194 Jimenez, ~Iirna 85, 102. 186 Haussler, Jacob 84, 112. 198 Johansen,Aaron 36, 167, 187, 189 Keetch, Russell 37, 130, 193, 194 Johanson, Brian 36 Haussler. Rebecca 33 Hone, Tm;s 85 Johanson, Bubba 130 Kelley, ~Iichael 37, 194 Johanson, Kevin 67, 112 Haven, Kristina 64,65 Hong, Nathan 85, 186 Johanson, Travis 36, 194 Kelley, ~Ir. 192 Hooper, D,,;d 34, 167 Johns, Kimberly 67 Hawkins, Joshua 84 Hooser, Mandi 85 Johns, Sherry 36, 193, 198 Kelly, ~I ike 187 Johnson,Aaron 194 Hawkins. Susan 184 Johnson, Amber 67 Kemerer, Kristen 37, 184, 190, 194, 195, 198,200 Johnson, Annelte 5, 199 Haws, Brandon 64,65 Hoom, Sara 85 Johnson, Arlen 85 Kener, Cash 37 Hopkins, Alice 35, 167 Johnson, B.Eric I Hal~en, Sand ra 84 Hopkins. Josh 66 Johnson, Barl)' 67, 111, 182 Kennard, Julie 37, 166, 161, 174, 183, 1M, 187, 194, Johnson, Chris 36, 6, 167 Hayes. Chantel 84, I 6,200 Johnson, Coach 145 202 Johnson, Corinne 6 Hayes, Chris 33 Horrocks. Jennifer 66 Johnson. David 6 Kennedy, Kelly 86,151 Horrocks, Karen 35, 194 Johnson, Doug 6, 155, 193 Hayes. Susan 64, 65, 191 Horton,John 66.1 67 Johnson, Emily 67, 187, 195 Kennedy, ~Iatt 10, 86 Hose. Justin 35, I 7, 193 Johnson. Eric 36, 166, 167, I 7, I , 194 Haynie, DaVid 5, 133 Johnson, Erin 67 Kenyon, Davina 86 Johnson, Heather 36, 187 Haynie. Jared 33, 194,19 , 199,203 Johnson, Holly 36 Kershaw, Brandl 67 Johnson, J.D. 86, 145 HaIT!le, ~Ial)' 64,65 Hoskins. Brooke 66 Johnson, Jennifer 86, 170 Keuhn, Slephanie 171 Houtz. James 85 Johnson, Jeremiah 86 Hal', Ben 5 Howa, Stacy 35, 193 Johnson, Jill 67, I 0 Keyes, ~Iark 86 Howard, Craig 35, 112, 173 Johnson, John 6 Hal,,'ard. Holly 85 Howble, ~Ieresa 120 Johnson, Kellie 61 Keyes, ~Ieli nda 86 Johnson, Kristine36 Ha)ward. Lisa 64,65, I I, 194 Johnson, Landon 67 Khaderi. Khizer 67, 119 Johnson, \" althew 36 Head, llIlIie 64.65 Johnson, ~Iichael 36, 6, 172 Khosla, Rohil 31, 172, I ,194, 199 Johnson, Nicole 6 Heaps, Beth Anne 5, 125, 131, 14 , 111, 191 Howell. Teresa 85 Johnson, Peler 67 Kiethley, James 61 Howes, Jared 85 Johnson, Stephanie 15, 36, 114, 111, 184 Heaps, HolI)' 33 Howland, Darleen 35 Johnson, Summer 6 Kilchrist. Jason 61, 130, 194 Johnson, Tammy 36 Heaps, \" ark 33 Johnson, Travis 37 Kilpalrick, Drew 6 Jones, Adam 86 Heath,Jodi 33 Hoyt, ~leIanie 66, 167 Jones, Chris 37, 183 Kim. Jeewon 67 Jones, Chrislin. 31, 183 Heath, Vicki 64. 65 Hubbard, Jamie 35, 121 Jones, Josh 86, 110 Kimball, Dave 67 Hudson, Ben 66, 189 Jones, Kelley 155 Heaton, Charles 33, 196 Hudson, Ruth 66. 167, 168, 111, 184, 190, 195, Jones, Laura 155 Kimball,Jason 153 Jones, Lindsay 61 Heaton, Heather 85. 120, 110 Jones, Rachel 67 Kimball,Josh 153 Jones, Scott 61, 196 Heaton, \" atthew 5, 112 199 Kinder, Zach 86 Huggard, Wendy 15.66 Hebdon, Garrick 5 Hughes, Jaimeson 35.1 30, 198 King, Scolt 6, 176 Hebdon, Kimberly 33, 190, 191 Kinsley, Nicole 37 Heekenliable, Jason 34 Hughes, Jared 66 Kirk. Cherie 37 Humphrey, ~Iatt 35 Heekenliable. Justin 5 Hunt, Jeremy 66, 130, 172, 194 Kirk, Dallin 67 Heiden, ~Iatt 5 Kirk, Danielle 67, I I 64,65 Heiner, Darrell 5, 161 Hunt. Sheralyn 66, 148. 194, 198 Kirts, Emily 86, 16 Paul 31, 190 Hunter,An~larie 35 Tammy 64,65 Helm, Trel'or 34 Hunter, Brandon 5 Kleiman, April 67 Wade 133, 194 Hendrickson, Jaime 10,34, I 0, 184,200 Klein. ~listy 6 130 64,65, I 9 Heninger, Tracy 5, 181 Hunler, DJ. 35 Klenk, Jennif\" 37, 167 84 Hepworth, Nathan 64,65 Hunter, Karl 66 Knight, Jason 67 64,65, 120, 161 64,65, 161 Hermansen,Amy 64,65 Huo, Jia 66 Knott, ~Iichael 67 31 Hermansen. Landon 64,65 Hutchings, Amber 35 Knubel, Kristina 67, I 0 64, 65, 161 64, 65 Hernandez, Ricardo 64,65 Hutchings, Ben 66 Koehler, Audra 125. 148 64, 65 Hutchings, Juli 66,167 153 Herre!, Kend ra 34, 161, 171 Hutson, ~Ierriah 35, 123 Koehler, Kevin 67 '-.Justln 64, 65, 102,176, 194 '-.~latt 161,189, 190, 94 Hemn, Holly 85 Koehler, Krisla 11,38, 123.135, 148, 194 -,~latthew 64,65, 84, 161,189, 190, 191, 194 Herzog, COl)' 85 Hutson, Stephanie 187 Kofford, ~Iichael 61 _Sean-.RobjTl 8644,65 Hyatt , ~lark 66 Hess, John 64,65 H)~e, Wendy 85 Kohla, Rohit 173 _ Tim 84, 112 _ Tr.\",s 64, 65 Hewitt, Adam 5 Koon, Jason 38, 171. 112, 173, 117,1 2, I _ Tyler 64, 65, 153 Heywood, Randen 5, 133, 110 iRidesCent 194, 19 , 199,200 _Wade 84, 141,110 Hermansen, Rachael 64, 65 Koon, Slephanie 67, 172, 191 ilbui,Brandon 31 iIbui, B1). n 84 Hiatt, David 64,65 Koop, Melissa 67, Iii ~ Nathan 64, 65, 176, 194, 199 Ito.\" Tra,,, 199 Hickenlooper, Cl)'stal 64,65, 129, 114 , 99 Ikeda, ~Iaile 85 Kooyman, Jill 6, 125, 190 Iqbal, ~loha mmad 66, 188, 199 IlnI TImothy 64, 65, 190, 194 Hicks, Camille 191 Ishihara, Dane 138, 140 Kramer, Patrick 6 Ishikawa, Takuma 85 l\\rbstIe, Jennifer 84 Higgens, Kim 193 Ishilhara, Dane 141 Krause. Shelley 86 Ivesler, ~Iatt 35 Kughler, Pamela 6 IIrimn. Rob 31, 199 Higgins, Bnttany 166,83, 195 Il'ie, Rulhann 66 Kuhn, George 171 lirlmn, Tabitha 84, 110, 111 Kump, Troy 67 Higgins, Kim 85, 120 juBilEE Kunde. Kim 38, 123 ~ Tiffany 84,110, 111 Kunde, Teresa 86, 170 IId.cUnc 84 Higley,Jennifer 34 Kurosawa, Lisa 38 .Amy 31 Higley, ~\"chael 5 It.l,Brad 31, 161, 112 Higuera, Sergio 66 .I.onn 84 Itn.\"Amanda 31, I 2, 199 Hilder, Ross 85 HIli, Ben 34, 130, 194 liMaBean Hill, Camron 85, 112 Jackson, Brian 35 Jackson, Cortney 66, 182 Hill, Dan 11 , 34, 138, 161, 181, 189 Jackson, Emily 85 Jackson,Jeff 66, 167, 199 Hill, Justin 66 La. Linh 38 Jackson, Jennifer 35 HiUlandie 66 Jackson, Kenneth 85 Lacey, Chris 38, 153 Jackson, Kim 35, 167, 168 Hill, Ron 34 Jackson, RIChard 66, 167, 174, 190, 194 Lacey, Michael 61 Jackson, Sam 85, 153, 194 Hillesheim, Daniel S, 133 Jacobs, Dylan 66 Lake, Shanon 67 Jacobsen, Ame 35, 180, 193 Hilleshim, Natalie34, 161 Jacobson, Shane 66, 189 Lamb, Janice 67 Hintze, Erin 34, 184, 193 Lamberl, Damel 67, 100, 161 Hintze, icholas 85 Lance, Chad Hlte, Nathan 66, 112, 111 Lance, Sleven 67 Hite, Richard 34, 161, 191 Landeram, ~I irki I 2 Hobbs, Angela 34, 127, 184

Seniors Most Seniors Most Senior Most Likel~ Likely To get Likely To drive the To sing the married/divorced, same car they drove married/divorced Star Spangled in high school Banner Da\\ e Enga at the Sherry Jone & Super Bowl & 1 gan Bruderer Erik Johnson Travis Tanner Landent\\lJl. Enn 67 Loon,y. Cameron 58, . 199 ~leAlf«. Rl~n 40.194 Moore. Cathenne 69. 123. 124 N\"lsen. Jason 70 Looney. Kim . 167 Moore. Christie 42 N\"lsen.Jeremy ~3 Landon. Brenda 67 Lopez. Cmdy 39 ~lcArthur. ~lindl' 69. 167. 168 ~loore. Darrell N\"lsen. Kelly 70.120 Lopez. JesSI! 7 ~Ioore. ~Iatt 42, 151 N\"lsen. KIp 43 Landon. Tonl~ . 186. I 7 Lopez. Ruben 39. 199 ~lcbride. hay 41. 114 ~loore. ~llStee 42.193 Nielson. Dan 70 Lopez. Teresa 39. I I. 194 ~Ioore. Shannon 42 Nielson. Dave 70 Landram. KImberl.. Lords. Stephanie 68. 167 ~IcCabe, ~hch..1 41. 130 Nielson. Joey LoI·ato.A1icia 87 'Ielson. Kann 9 Landram. M\"kI . I 7 Lolt. Zachal)' 39. 138.155. 166.167. 198 ~IcCarthy. Kimberly 69.190 'idson. ~Iegan 9 Lol'ell. ~1,lissa 39. 193 Langman. Sarah 68. 167 Loltridg,. Ben 68 ~IcCI«~. Kathy 41. 127 lelson. Nicki 189 Lowder. Dan,,1 68. I 9 \"Ison. NICole 70 Langpap. Cortnee Loll\". Adri,nn, 120 ~IcCombs.Caroline 87 Moore , Tami e N\"lson. Scott 43 Lowl)'. Lesli, 39, I 9 10rgan. Emily lesen.Oavf 153 i.aPoml Cabri,1 Ill_n 6. 190 Luk',Shawd,n, 68 ~IcCu rdy. Danielle 87. 120,200 ~Iorgan. Heidi Nigbur,Jeff 43 Lund. Amanda 40 ~lorgan. Saml NikslCh.Angela 70 Lara. F,mando I .200 Lund.Ashley 40, 166. 167, 170 ~IcCu rdy. David 87 ~Iorgan, Todd .172 l55On, D,bbie 43. 135 Lund.Jessy 148 193 Noel. Betsy 70 Lara. Luis Lund. Justin 7 ~IcCurdy. Jonathan 41. 187. 188. 194. 19 oel. Nathan 43 Lund. Keely 68.14 . 19~ Nordberg, KOTi 70 Lartdl,hssa 86.186 Lund. ~landi 193. 195 ~IcCurdy. Laura 69 Nordfelt. Kelli 70.129.199 Lundberg. ~l isty 7. 125. 137. 148. I 6 Nordf,It.Kerri 70.129 Largo. Sam Luttrell. Laura 68 ~IcDonald. Jen 171 ~Iorgan. Troy 69.199 Nordquist. Nick 89 Luu, Khuong 68 ~Iorley, Brent 42.173 Norris. Kim 148 La\",n.Andr.w .176 ~IcDonald. Jill 87 Norris. Sharlen, 70 marShMallow ~ l orl,y,Chan tal La\",n. Anthony , 193 ~IcElI'an. Andrea 87. 191 North. Jenny 89. 196 Northrup, ~latt 43 La\",n. Brady 68 ~IcFarlan'. Steve 41 ~Iorley. Sarah 129 Norton. Jeremy iO ~lorr'll. Russell . 146 Larsen. Greg 130 ~lclllece, Donny 153 ~Iorns. Brad 'orton. Neil 89 ~Iorris. Chris Norton. Tralis 70.183,195, 196 La\",n. J,nnifer ~lckean. Stace)' 41 ~Iornson. Jessica . 125 'o\"els. ~Iatt 9 ~Iortensen. Rebecca 69.172,191 'unez. Mlke 43.167. 169. 170. 186 Larsen. Julie ~Ic Kend rick. Adam ~Iortenson. Brett 42 'uttall, Nicole 9 ~Iortenson. Chad Nydegger. Heidi 70. 120. 195. 19 ~n.Krist)' 120.125 ~IcKenzie, Jeremy 69. 130. 19~ Moseing. Renee 155 oSmosis ~n. ~hch,lI, 68. 86 ~kN'il. Christma . In ~n. St'phanie ~kNi,l. Barl)' 190 La\",n, Susan 68 ~kNinch. Stephani, 69 Laoon. Carnb~ 6. 38. 177 ~kOmie. Brian Laoon. Greg 38. 146 ~komi\" Ryan 133 ~lo\"ley. Samantha 42 ~Io\"ng. Renee . 120 Lauritz'n.Jill 86 ~IcPartland. Elizabeth 69 ~Ioss, Chelsea 42 ~Ioss. KeI'in 42.143.15 1 Lavato.Aimee 148 ~kPartland,Jennifer 41,191 Law. Krista ,148.191 McPhi\" Doug . 133 La\",. Emily 86. I ~labey, Chad 153 ~kPhie. Tyler 69 ~lotz. Emett ~lou lton. Jami' 42 Laws. ~latthl'll' ~lacDonald. Aaron ~o ~IcRei\"n, Lisa 120 ~lou ritsen.Amy 69 ~Iower. icholas 69 La\\\\>on. Vicki' 39, 167 ~lacey, ~I organ 40 ~lcVey, Patrick 69 ~Iuavesi. Phi llip 42. I 6 ~Iu,ller. Lisa 69.120. 1i7. 184. I 9. 198. 199 Layton, Corbin 6 ~Iackenzie, Teri 68 ~Iears. Brian 41 ~I ulholland. Carolyn 193 Layton. Kristin 68, 6. 19 ~lacKinnon. Rachel 40. 166. 167.177.184. 189. 191. ~Iears. Rebecca Lwy. ~Iegan 68 195 ~Iears. Spencer 69 Lea,itt. Adam 68 Madsen,Cameron 68 ~Iehler. Hollie 69 Lealitl icole 86 ~ladsen. Phillip 40 ~Ieier. Gemma 69.200 ~ l urray.~l a~ LeCIa\"e, Be>u 68 Maestas.~l ick 87 ~Ielendez, Clint 41,193 ~I urray. Sabrina Lee , A1ix 68 ~laine. Calista 7. 186 ~Iendoza. Gabriela 41 Myers.Cari' 42 Oakes. Christl' 89 Myers. ~lich..1 69 Lee. Rachel 68 ~lajors. ~I ike 40 ~Ienken, Sarah 69. 155 Myler. han, Oaks, Kent 44 Lefevre. Rachelle 86 ~lalaska. ~Iark 68 ~Ierrill. Becky 41, 183, 184, 19 . 199 Oaks. Kurt 9 Leggal Kevin 6. 133, 187 ~laloy, Sam 40. 130 ~Ierrill, Brandon 41.130. In. 199 noNsenSe Ogle. Jennifer 9 Lehman. Ann 86. 148 ~1amedova. Altyn 68, 195 ~Ierrill. Doug 199 Okimoto. lichelle 70. 187 Lehman, Kimmerly 39. 193 ~lans,lI. Catherin, 7 ~Ierrill. Jennifer 41 Olchewski, Daryl 167 Lejon. Rico 68, I 6 ~1anzanares. Daniel 68, 167 Mertin. Elisha Nacey.Jason Oldroyd. Jod)' 181.1 7 Lemmon. Lauri' 39 ~lar. Elisa 40.190 ~I e rtlich, ~Iatthew 69 Nacey. Joshua .133 Oldroyd. Kameron 44.199 Leonard. Jodi 68 ~larben, J essica 68 ~I eyer. ~Ielissa Nash. Brittany 42.167. I , 184 Old)'O)'ll.Judy 9 Lester. Aaron 68 ~largets, St\",e 138 ~Ieyers. Carrie 167 I ash. Kell)' 42 Oler, Doug 44 !.evang,r. Erik 6 ~Iarinaccio, Anna 87 ~tich..I\"n. Alex 88 Nash. Leslie . 129. 135. 136 Oler.E ric 89 Levitre.Jann,lIe 68,177 ~larinez. Louis 87 ~Iickelson. Lisa Naylor.Ashley 42. 187 Oliphant, Erica 70. 194 Call«n 39.184, I , 196, 19 , 199 ~Iarion. David 15,40 ~Iiddlemas. Shawn 69 Naylor,St'l'e 69 Oliphant. Jacob 9 Lev.1s,Jeij 86 ~larion. Robert 7 ~Iiddleton. Z,ke 41. 186.19 Nebeker. Elissa 42.123.183 Olil'er, Annie 70 Lev.1S, lennifer 68. 199 ~larquardt. Sean 40 ~Iihalek. Heather 41, 197, 199 Nebeker. ~Iarci 70 Olil'fr,Jennie 9 Leyland,Jan\" 68 ~larquardl Stel. 87 ~I iles, lVesley Nebeker.~I,linda 70 OIim. Kristy 44.193. 19 Liddle.lem 39,198 ~larsh, Chris 68 ~I iller. Chelsea 69, 190 Neet.Ang,la Olschell·ski. Dal)'170, 169. 1i0 Liddl'.Justin 6,201 ~larshall. K'llee 40, 167, 190,19 ~I iller, Chris 88 Neff. Sandra 70 Olsen, Andrea 89. 170 Li,hr, Crystal 68 ~larsing, ~I ikael 68, 190, 195 ~I iller. ~la tt 10 Neil, Annie 70 Olsen. Cod)' 44.194 Limberg, Dan 86, 133 ~larston. Mindi 68 ~I iller, Nathan Neilson. ~legan Ii7 Olsen. Donny 9 Linam, Thomas 68 ~lartin. Boyd 68 ~I iller, Samu,1 , 167. 171 ,20 1 Nelsen. David Olsen, Estee 44 Lmcoln, Brent 86 ~lartin, lV,ndi 87 Hiller, Stacy 69.127 N,isen. ~laggie 70, 129 Olsen. Hayle< 89 Lind. Camill' 86. 120. 190 ~lartinez, A1icia 7.186 ~I illerberg, pencer . 119, 155 Neiser.Dave 190 Olsen. Ja)'TIi' 123 Lindauer. Brennon 86 ~larti nez. Andrea 87. 129. 137 ~liIls, Chris Neiswender,Amanda 70. 167 Olsen. Katie 70 Lindauer, Corky 39 ~lartinez. Di,go 40, 186 ~lill s. ~ Ia tt 41 Nelsen, ~Iaggie 187 Olsen. Legrand 44. 182 Lindberg, Chris 39,196 ~lartinez, Elijio 40. 199 ~liIne. Doug 42,130 Nelson. Amanda 88 Olsen. Lena 44. 193 Lindberg, Lisa 7, 155 ~lartinez, J oe 40. 130, 167. 194,198 ~Ii ln', Elisha , 171 N,lson. Brandon 42. 130.194 Olsen, ROI)' 9 Lind,man, Chad 7 ~lartinez, Louis 133 ~Ii l n', Robe rt Nelson.Carrie 70 Olsen, Sarah 9. 186 Linder, Micha,1 68 ~lascaro.Anthony 194 ~li l ner. Alison , 170 Ne lson. Co~ Olson. Jayme 70.167.191 Lmdsay.Adam 7 ~1ascaro. Julia 7.201 ~llltimore, ~licha,1 Nelson. Denise . 123. 14 Olson. Tracy 9. 11 9.194 Lm<isay, ~Ickay 68 ~1ascaro, Tony 68, 130 ~Iinor, Nathan 69 Nelson. Heather Oneida. Ryan 9 Lmdsey.Jared 39 ~Iason, Candice 40 ~hsmash, ~ I ichelle 69 Nelson. Janna . 186, 187 Onstott. Theresa 70 Lmn,II .~latt 7 ~lason, Coulter 68. 177 ~l itchell, DaVid Nelson. Jennifer 70,8. I 6. 187 Openshaw. Rachelle 70 Lmn,lI, Sarah 68, 189 ~lathews, ~I\"h,ll, 166 ~l itchell ,Sloan . 190 Nelson. John 42,43 Opheikens, Chris 70 Lister, Kody 68 ~lathlS, H,idi 87, 186 ~l iyagishima, Joey Nelson. JoRae Opheikens. '\\'Illiam 70. 171 L,tster, Deborah 68. 167. 168 ~latthl'll's, Brian 87, 141 ~lohamm,d, ~Iauzzam 88. 186 Nelson. Kari 183 Ore. Ikkl 123 UO)~, Ang,la 39 ~latth\"\",. ~hch,lI, ~Iohammed. Sarfaraz 88, 186 Nelson. Kyl' 43. 153 Orgill. Cody 44.199 UO)~. Darren 7 ~laughan. Brady 40, 192.199 ~Iondragon, Branden 69. 114 Nelson. Natalie 43. . 170 Orm,. Robert 70 Ll~, Jason 87,In ~1aughan, Brett 68 ~Ioney, R).n 69. I 9 N,lson. harene . 155 Orosz, Jorden 44. 1i4. 1i7. 195 Ll~, Heradee 39, 167 ~laughan, ~larc 68, 130, 194 ~Ionsen, Michael 198 Nelson. Steffam 70 Orr. Brandy 44 Ll~,~like 87 ~1axIi,ld, Lisa I 5 ~Ionsen, Natalie 170 Nesbit. Brandon 43.201 Orr. Nikki 9. 125. 14 Loertscher, ~hk, 38,39 ~1axfield, ~1 ,lissa 68 ~lonson,Chad 42, 199 Neville, Becky 70. 120, I 6 Ortega. Billy 70 Lofgr,n, John 68 ~1axIield, Paul 87 ~Ionson, Hollie 69 N\"'ille. Jennifer . 120. I 6 Ortega. Pamela 190 Lonm, Hike 39. 167 ~1axwell , ~Ielody 87 ~Ionson, ~licah 42. 138, 141, 167 Newbold. Chelsey 9 Ortega. RIC 44 Lofren. Jessamy 120 ~1axwell. ~I 'rry Noell' 68.135, 136, 167. 193, 194 ~Ionson, Natali' 69. I 6 Nell·ell. Kathleen 70. 177.197 OrtIZ. Andrew 9. 146 Loken. lVonae 200 ~tay, Ian 68, 146 ~Iontague. ETic , 190. 196. 198 Nl'II'man. Andrea 15.43. 167 Osborn. Bnan 89 Long, Deldra 68 ~lay. Jeremy 40, 186. 199 Montague, K,n 69. 197 Nell·man. Angela 70, 167 Osborn. Jaime 44. Long, Nathan 87 ~lay, Knslen 7,177 ~Iontague. Trel'Or 69, In Nl'II'son,Jeremy 70.172 Osborne. Jayml' 9 LongakIT, A1yson 68 ~laynard. ~1att 130 ~Iontayne. Ken 192 N,wson, Jesse 70.172 Osborne. Jennifer 70 Longstroth. David 87, 177 ~laynard. ~hsty 87, 193 ~Ioon, ~laTCI 69, 176, 180 Nl'II·ton, Jam\" 70 Osborne. Kris 89 Longstroth, Tom 68,167, In, 173 ~laynard, Ryan 68 ~Ioon. ~I ike 146 Newton. Ryan 9 Ott. Erin 9 loomIS, H,g 39, 129, I 2,187,193, 194.198 HeAI«, ~latthew 69 ~Ioore, Amber 69 Nicol , Joel 9, 193 Ottley, Roxanne 70

Overdiek,Jacob 44 Pettey, ~Iatthew 71 Ray, ~Iike 91 194, 195, 196, 198 (h~rdiek,Joe 89 Russell, Brooke 49 (h\"\",n, Holly 70, 167 Petty, Angela 71 Reams, John 199 Russell, Chandler 92 Oviatt, Halie 9 Pett)',Scot 46, 198 Ruttenbur, Monte 73, 146, 186 Phetsinghane, Sam 91, 1 6 Redford, ~Iatt 47 Ryan, Kelly 92 paraPhEmaHa Ryan, Ricci 73 Reed, Jenny 91, 191 Rydman, Cory 49 Rydman,Tony 92 Phillips, Steve 71,172, 173 Reeder, Aileen 72, 155, 167 Ryser, Jaime 49,166, 167,174, 193, 198 Phillips, Todd 71, 198 Ryser, Stacy 73, 167, 189 Phillips, Tyler 46, 1 7, 193, 198 Reese, Kevin 91 Phommasak, Donekeo 91 StephanieSyeUowtOOthbrush Rehle, Kathryn 47 Salford, ' Iindy 49 Pace, Robert 44 Reid, Becky 72, 120, 121 Salazar,Donney 73,130, 145, 194 Saleh, ~Iarcus 92, 133, 190 Pacheco, Andy 44 Pickett, David 91. 133, 170 Reider, Jennifer 72, 190 Salvador, Hector 92 Pickett, ~Iark 91. 172 Sampson, Jeff 73 Pacheco,Jona 89 Pidcock, Jen 148 Reilly, Rebecca 91 Samsel, James 73,167 Pidcock, Jennifer 91. 137, 148 Sanchez, Tony 92 Pack. Dustin 70 Pierce, Brian 198 Reimann. Eric 91, 172 Sander, ' like 198 Pierce, Kelly 46, 167, 187, 194 Sanders, April 92 Pack. Lana 9 Reitz, Travis 72, 190, 191. 196 Sanders, 'like 49 Sanderson, Paul 49 Packer, Chris 9 Rekoutis, Angela 15,91 Sandos, Jason 73 Sapp, Kone 137 Packer, Kurt 45 Remington, Nicki 91 Sapp, Phillip 11 ,90, 130, 194, 198 SargenL David 92 Packel, atalie 90 I'ierce, Sherman 198 Remley, Erik 91 SargenL Jason 92 Pilling, Casey 71,191 Sarli, Cherie 49 Packer, Win 45, 194,198 Pinnell, Bethany 46 Reno, Shannon 121 Savage, Damon 92, 133 Savage, Dawn 32, 49, 129, 194 Paecker, Katie 90 Resse,Julie 72 Savaivongthong, Chanty 49, 186 SaW)'er, ' Iandy 73 Page, Russ 90,146,172 Pirente, Gordon 46 Reyes, Diana 91, 120 Saylor, Shannon 49, 166, 167 Plagemann, Doug 91 Scanlon, Dave 49, 130 Palmer, Bambi 45,183 Plagemann, Kerstin 129 Reynolds, Levi 91 Schalbuch, Nicole92 Scheib, Tammi 92 Senior Most Palmer, Jodi 70,14 , 186 Reynolds, Paul 47, 166,167,187 Scherbel, Brooke 129 Likely To Scherbel, Jason 73, 194, 199 Palmer, Shawn 90 Plaskett, Angela 91 Reynolds, Tarrah 72 Scherwinski, Tami 92 Wear Flannel Plaskett, Daniel 46, 167 Schindler, Patrick92 Pajamas Panek. Jamie 7O Poarch, Lara 46 Rhinehart, Richard 91. 146, 170, 190, 194 Schmidt, Anne 50,182 Pollard, Summer 71 Schmidt, Julie 92,120,190 Natalie Richards Pantuso, \"'ncent 90 Pollock, Heather 46 Rhodes, Barry 72,200 Schneider, Brandon 92 Pollock,Jennifer 71 Schone, Jessica 73 Senior Most Pappas,Anthony 70, 182 Rich, Coby 91 Schow, Diane 50,190,195 Likely To Schow, ~Iarianne 73 Teach Park,David 90 Rich, Jarrod 72 Schrijyer, Anouchka 73 HomeEc. Schroder, Jennifer 50 Parker, Robert 90 Richards,Adrienne 91 Schroder, Samantha 73, 167, 177 Natalie Daws Schul tz, Jeremy 92 Parkinson, Heather 70 Pond, Beauen 71 Richards,Amberlie 91 Scoggan,Jay 50, 193 Senior Most Likely Poole, Sean 71 Sconiers, Kenny 92, 186, 190 To Be on the Parr, Amy 45 Pope, Brittany 91, 155, 187, 194 Richards, Brandon 47 Sconiers. Tom 73,188 Cover of a Scott, Eric 73 Wheaties Box PaTTatt, Jamie 70 Richards, David 91 ScotLH..ther 92 Zac Love Scott, Jennifer 50, 129 Parry, Brett 90,133 Pope, Cassandra 6,46, 183, 186, 190,203 Richards, Natalie 48, 120, 167, 191 Scott, Julie 73 B\", B\",sso ...d Scott,Ilike 50,130,194 Parry, Kevin 70, 145 Pope, Brittney 129 Richards, Tenille 72 Scott, Mindy 92, 196 Porter, Jamen 46 Scriver, Jason 50, 199 Parr)\" Scott 90 Porter, James 46 Richardson, Jesse 72 S..I, Steven 50, 187, 188, 198 Post, Anne 46,191, 193, 198 S..rle,Justin 50, 184 Parry, Shane 45 Post, Nicholas 91 Richardson, Kellie 91 S\"\"le, Robert 92, 172, 1 7 Potts, Allison 91 , 187, Shawn 73,102 Parsons. Liz 70 Poulos, July 46 Richins, Ryan 48 Seely, H..ther 50,190 Poulsen, Breezie 46 Seely, Katy 92 Parsons, Sandee 90, 127, 137 Poulsen, Gary 91 Richins, Travis 72, 167,171 Sehy, Genny 129 Poulsen, Jul.. 71, 167, 168 Senger, Aaron 92 ?askett, Ilichael 45, 130, 191 Powell, Brenda 91 Richter, ~I ichael 72 Sengpraseut. Nophakao 73, 186 Powell,Celeste 71 Serassio, Carel' 92, 190, 191. 195, 199 Paskins, Aaron 45 Rickard, Keleen 91 Serassio, Helen 50, 185, 187, 190, 195, 199 Sessions, Kandy 73, 177 Paskins, Bevan 90, 133, 145, 194 Rickenbach, Craig 48, 142 Severinsen, Dan 50, 166, 167, 189 Severinsen, Laurie 92, 170 Patience, Hailey 70 Ridge, John 91.172 Sexton, Joey 73, 138, 140, 167, 194 Seyly, Kati 120 Patrick, Ben 45 Riding, Dave 48, 196,201 harp,Angie 73,170 Shaw, Bill 50,167 Pattberg, Matt 90 Rigby, Kelly 48 Shaw, ~Iarilyn 50,166, 167, 171 Shaw, Rebecca 73 Patterson, Candace 45 Rindlisbacher, Dorothy 48, 167, 168, 195 Shaw, Warren 73 Shelburg, ue 199 Patterson, Eddie 90 Powell, Nicholas 91, 146 Rindlisbacher, Teresa 72,167, 168 Sheldon, Brittney 92 Powell. Nicole 46 Shepherd, Chet 73 Patterson, Pat 70 Prawitt, Tyler 71 , 145, 194 Rino, Shannon 72, 120, 190, 191, 194 Sheppard,Amy 58,73, 120, 127, 183 Sheppick, hanna 73 Patterson, Shannon 70 Rios, Danielle 72 Sheppick, Sheri 50 hields,A11ison 13, 50, 127, 167, 182, 193, 194, Paulk, Brandea 26,45,129 Preece, Dave 46, 153, 189 Ritchie, Mark 91 Preece, Emily 91 195,198 Paulk, Nick 90,133 Premanond, Saksoonthorn 71 Rittenbur,Ilonte 194 Shields, Danny 50,199 Price, Coach 138, 140,141 Shill, Nathan 92 Paulson, Lance 90, 172 Price, Emil.. 91.120 Rivera, Ryan 48 Shilling, Eric 73 Price, Jamie 46 Shipley, Daniel 73 Paxman, Jessica 90 Rizzuto, ~Ionica 91, 120 Shipp, Ryan 50,138, 143, 151 Shupe, Jared 92,172 Paston, David 45 Rizzuto, Raelene 48, 193 Shurtle[f, Felicity 92 Shurtliff, Brad 73,199 Paxton, Kevin 90, 146, 151 Roark, Andy 72 ierer, Coach 145 Sigler, Elizabeth 73 Pay, haundee 90,1 0,181 Price. Jani 71 Robb, Brandon 91 Simmons, Brandon 73, 18 Simmons, Chuck 73, 167, 184 Payne, Anne 45 Price, Jennifer 46, 184, 194 Robb, Heidi 72 Price, Jessica 91 Payne, Heather 45,167, 177, 180, 203 Price, Kelli 91 Roberts,Anthony72, 130, 193, 194 Payne, Jennifer 7O Roberts, Bryan 91.133 Pa)'ne, ~laryAnn 203 Price, Travis 71 Roberts, Dan 48, 130, 193, 194 Prince, Noelle 71 Payne, ~telanie 45 Priskos, Steve 71. 130, 194 Roberts, Emily 72,200 Payne, Teri 90 Roberts, Eric 48, 130, 146, 194, 198 Pearce, Ray 119 PrivelL Jeff 72 Roberts, ~lark 72, 130, 194 Proctor, Elliot 77,91 Peck, Ron 90 Robertson, Kerri 91 Pedersen, Greg 71.130, 145, 190, 194 Proctor, Stacey 46 Robertson, Ilegan 72 Peery, Jeff 71 Proffitt, Carolynn47 Robins, Whitney 155 Prowitt, Tyler 130 Peery,Jennifer 45 Pryor, Debi 91, 155,171 Robinson, Ken 48, 199 Przybyla, Jay 72, 11 9 Peery, ~!aegan 71 Puenta, Gordon 199 Robinson, Lacey 91, 177, 187, 193 Pugh, Dave 47, 167, 198 Pegler, H..ther 90 Pugh, Nina 72, 167, 168 Rock, Audrey 48, 180, 182, 1 , 194, 195 Pugh, Scott 91 Pegler, Heidi 45 Pugmire, Richard 91 Rock, Preston 91 Pehrson,Amber 71, 135, 136 Roderick,Amber 91 Peirce, Brian 90 Roderick, ~I ike 72. 100, 172 Peirce, Sherman 45, 188 Rokicki, Curtis 91 Peirson, Nate 143 Roller,I!atthew 48, 188 Pellom, Erik 90, 193 Puich, Sam 135 Romanik, Hayl.. 91 Pullan, ~Iike 47, 167 Penelton,A1lison 71 Pulver, Becky 72 Romney, Adam 72, 199 Pysher, Nathaniel91, 172, 173 Penrod,Amanda 45 Romney, Preston 72 Perez, Eric 90 Romo, Juliet 48 Pero, Cami 90, 193 quiVer Romrell, Bryan 48 Perrin, Anne 58,71, 121 , 194 Romrell, Lorianne 48 Perry, Jacob 71 Rood, Angela 92, 168 Peters, Tara 71 Quayle, ~I e isha 47, 183 Root, Jamie 48 Quick, ~Iand lon 91 Petersen, Camille 90, 172, 177 Rosenbaum, Jessica 48 reTarDs Petersen, Drew 71 Rosner, Jill 72 Petersen, Janae 90 Ross, Darin 73, 130 Petersen,Janell 90,172 Ross, Steven 92 Petersen, Ryan 90,176 Radant, Carrie 72 Ross, Trisha 77,92, 129, 135, 136, 191 Radvin, Carrie 47 Peterson, A1ecia 71 Radvi n, Jennif\" 47 Ross, Tristin 4, 190, 191 Raja, Nadi r 72, 193 Peterson,A1ysia 71 Ramos,Claudia 47, 188, 191, 194, 199 Rounds, ~I ichelle 4 , 166, 167, 174,177, 1 7, 194, Ramos, Pedro 47, 130, 145, 194 Peterson,Amy 90 Ramsey, James 91 198 Rapp, ~I ichel le 72 Peterson, Ben 145,30, 194 Rappleye,Jami 47 Roundy, Jillyn 92, 170 Rasmussen,Ash1ie 72 Peterson, Brett 71 Rasmussen, Brandon 72, 167, 172, 196 Rouse, Jennifer 49,174,177, 182, 184, 187, 193, Rasmussen, Coach ~Iark 138,140 Peterson, Charles 71 Rasmussen,Justin 91 194, 196, 198 Rasmussen, Lisa 47, 167, 191 Peterson, Christl' 71 Rasmussen ,~la riene 191 Rowle, Andrea 170 Rasmussen, ~I ichele 72, 180 Peterson, Coach 145 Rasmussen, Nicole 91. 186 Rowsell,Aaron 73, 130 Rawle, Andrea 91 Peterson, Dani 90, 190, 191 Ray, Amber H Roxburgh, Robinette 73, 177 Ray, Maggie 47, 177, 193 Peterson, Hannah 90, 120 Rubbelke, Lisa 73, 181 Peterson, Jamie 71 , 90 Ruckener, Dean 172 Peterson, Jennifer 71, 167, 168 Ruckert, Teresa 73 Peterson, ~!arisa 45 Iluckman, Shannon 73, 167, 184, 186, 195, t98 Peterson, Natalie 71 Rudd , Jon 92 Pet<rson, Patrizia 71 , 167, 174, 177, 182, 184, 194, Rudd, Lisa 49,167 200 Rudd, Ryan 92 Peterson, Walter 90 Rudy, Cory 73, 167 Peterson, Wes 46 Rufener, Dean 73 Pettey, Jeff 90 Ruffner, Rory 49,192, 198, 199 Pettey, Kim 91, 191 Ruplinger, Brittney 73, 155,177, 184, 187, 188, 193,

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Stacie Bjomn Andy Coleman Delese Briggs Tory Turner Way to go, Bug! As you graduate from We are so very proud Congratulations. You1ve always made high school, I have of you. You are a You1ve been a terrific some advice for you: perfect angel. us very proud. Stay away from son. Keep up the We love you. sharp dogs! We love you always. good work. Mom & Dad 2Nephi 31:20 We love you lots. Mom & Dad Jessica Bosen Meagan Goodwin Micah Monson Jacob Overdiek You are a unique We wish you Joy, The pot of gold is at the end We are proud of daughter. We are and lots of of the rainbow. Continue on you. We all in your search and you will love you. proud of you. surely find it. You1re off to a Good Luck- Love, great start! We love you. Love, Mom & kids Mom & Ray Mom & Dad Melissa Andrew Steven Briggs Holly Marie Wilden Tammy Curtis illS EVERYBODY Congratulations Roses are red You are the sunshine that HAPPY. .. WELL I Steve! We love you & Violets are Blue, brightens our day! are very proud of you. You1re our little moo. SHOULD SAY and We are all Congratulations!!! We are YOU'RE SPECIAL. II Love, Mom, Dad, proud of you. With love LOVE, YOUR FAMILY Jason & Jordan proud of you!! Love The whole crew Always, Mom, Dad, Krist & Cind

Warren Fowlks Natalie Richards Warren, Life is an We are very adventure! proud of your Continue your same wonderful many \"can do\" accomplishments attitude and and wishyouall make all your the best in life. dreams come Congratulations! true! We love you, Mom and Love, Mom & Dad Dad P.S. Just 4more Ty! We1re years proud of you. Christine Davis Keep your sights on the Congratulations! summits and We are very continue proud of climbing you! Keep upward. on your toes Love, Dad & and be Mom happy! Lots of Daniel Taylor Love, from Your Family Congratulations, Calleen Lorraine Lewis Dan. We love you Aproud Papa &his and are so Punkin- eater very proud to have you Upon your graduation - for a son. My Love, blessings, best Reach for wishes &worries for your the stars. future. Lots 01 Love, Dadd 232 111. Baby Ads

Aimee Baird Mathew Allen Johnson OOGACHUCKA Congratulations! AIMEE LOU! To our \"lady in red\"- You're the you've come a long greatest!! way from a hyper/ I'm sooo diaper to a 90's proud you're hippie. May you my son. always have turtle Love ya power &the 60's tons!!! sentimentality. We XOMom love you-keep smiling! Love, • • • Congratulations ... Mom, Dad, Kimber, Determined Colo, Tony Adventurous Valuable Mandi, Individual we are so \"Divine\" very proud of you. We Good job! We are very proud of you! know that Love, you will go Mom & Dad far in Life. Love, Mom, Dad & Jen Beauty, brains, \"Congratulations attitude ... Angel\" You've brought We Love you, so much and are very Proud of you. sunshine into our lives, we'll Love, be tan forever!! Mom, Dad Love, Mom &Eric & Dad Baby Ads III\" 233

Ron Hill \"Sly\" Joseph Martinez Dear Ron, You're aone in amillion kid. Your commitment to Yo! Adrian! school or anything you set your mind to,would make aparent Congratulations # 87- You surprised us all with your proud. Your enthusiasm in learning and growing as achild and courage and determination. Shy and SLY you took a teenager will certainly take youplaces that most people only dream chance. Then laughed as you made us pay to hear you about. We admire your concern and responsiblity towards every- sing and watch you dance. HHS. will never forget- your thing and everybody. Oh,yea! Most importantly! Don't forget your deep BASS voice that made you a success. We're proud parents in their old age!! Love, Dad, Mom,Jennipher,Justin, of you son. Good Luck in attaining your future goals. Lindsey, Samantha and Sebastian Love, Dad , Mom, Juanita, John and APOLLO Jennifer Dahl Brian Bussard Aprecious baby is now a beautiful Brian, We always knew you could do young lady who is generous, thought- it. It's not what you have done, it's what you have become and please ful and just plain GREAT. We're so proud of you. Remember, you can be Ron & Brian, anything you want. Set some goals take it easy on those Dirt Bikes. Love, Dad, Mom, 10 and Grandma R. and go for it. 234 1111. Baby Ad

~----------------------------------~~==~~==~~===;=====---------~ YVETTE MONIQUE BRUSIK Adam, John, Did you ever know that you1re our HERO \"Skreetch, and everything we would like to be. We \"Pumpkin Head\" can fly higher than an eagle because you Youare definately knownby manynames A.J. You have muchpotential &inspiration. We are the wind beneath our wings. are so thankful for you. You made it. We all are extremelyproudfor you!!! Love all,Mom, You are a real ANGEL. .. Dad,Vivianna, Bryce, Natalie,Ashley &all your fans.Good luck in the future &stay onthe Fly upward always. ri ht side. We love ou! All Your Family Justin Searle Even as an accomplished high chair occupant, Justin was sure of himself- Congratulations, Justin! We1re very proud of you! Love, Dad, Mom & Bill Jera Flash Need we say more! Love, Mom and Dad

Laura Hale Lisa Rasmussen Congratulations Dear Lisa, Laura! You're as beautiful Now accept the on the inside as difficulties and you are on the outside. Keep challenges smiling and of Life. making people laugh. You have WORK HARD brought sunshine at everything into the lives of you do. And if everyone who you fail, try know and love again. We are so you. Love, Mom proud! and Dad Joanna Young Lorin Ball Con~ratulations! ~ONGRATUu\\TION~! Good Luck in We're so proud college of you! Keep next year. pounding that Love, drum! Keep Mom and up the good work-good Dad luck in Michael J. Bown college! Love, Mom, Every parent Dad, and Jen should be April Gulley lucky enough to have a son From Kindergarten to Graduation Day like you! you 've made us KEEP SMILING! proud. And now as We love you! you enter this new Mom, Dad, phase of your life Chris, and remember these words-Keep follow- Marni ing the \"Son\" and your future will al- 236 \"\". Baby Ads ways be bright! We love you, Mom and Dad.

---- Lori Anne Romrell Mary Frances DeJulis Congratulations! We are so proud Mary Sunshine, ~'i.~~ij We have been prou.d of your . accomplishments. of you from the day you were born but We love you never more proud more than thanwe are rightnow. words can say. You bring Sunshine God bless you in into our lives every- all your future day. Thank you for endeavors. being whoyouare. Love, Mom We love you, Anne Payne Mom, Dad, and Nikki Anne, Anne, Annie--We Cody, You are our last knew you oneto graduate. As you always could. adventure out in the You Did! We world, may God bless were, and you,and watchover you, always will be and lead yourway. Isiah behind you. 58:11 TheLordwill guide Love, your you always.Weare proud Mom and Dad of you, and we all love you. Mom,Dad,and the (that's a Gang. I love you too, promise) Kami Jennifer L. Holt Believe in yourself. Dear Jen, You have made We do! thepast eighteenyearsso enjoyable,rewarding and Love- satisfyingwith your self motivation for excellence. Mom, It is our pleasure andob- ligation to help you to Dad, S, S, continue withyour edu- cation at the college or K, E, C university ofyour choice. Thebestof health,happi- ness and success always. Love,Mom, Dad and Family Baby Ads\"\". 237

Trent Storm Travis Axtell Jamie Holyoak Megan Bruderer Fantastic job. From IlLittlel Congratulations! Way to Go! You've Way-To-Go, Paramedic to I Bigll We are so proud! made it. We're so Paramedic,we are very proud of you. Keep Trent. We love you Love Va, Mom, proud of you. lots!! going! Dad, and Casey Love Dad, Mom, Shane, Love, Mom, Dad, and Mom and Dad Jason and Stacie Family Nathan Chadwick Cody K. Carlson Kelly Woodward Monica Whittwer Congratulations Congratulations! We are You're dream came true-and From adarling little girl to a on a great very proud of your you made it through! Our baby beautiful young lady. Reach Senior Year. boy has grown...reach for the I highl for your goals. We're accomplishments and stars &your goals. We'reproud You are the best. wish you much success of you&congratulations! We proud of you,Mon Mom & Dad with your talents. Love, and love youforever. Love You,Mom &Dad Con ratulations Your Famil Mom & Dad Tami Marie Spenst Brad Anderson Brandi Orr Tammy Julie Garcia Way to go Angel Congratulations! ! WAY TO GO \"B\" We always knew you could Baby! We are real We're proud SEMPER Fi do it. We're very proud of you. You're of you. Love, proud of you. our special Angel. Love, Mom & Dad Congratulations to our We love you! -Ylom and Dad baby girl. Love Mom & Dad Love, Mom and Dad GJ. G.D. OJ. R.C. K

p David Hooper Greta Marie Coleman Calleen Lewis Sami Morgan To a man among No Doubt about it- you Calleen, You made it! men. Congrats, big really did \"how know\"!Reach we are proud of you. Welcome to a new for the stars, take heaven's beginning pearldels. Guy! We all love hand, your dreams can come Be good and Love, Dad, Mom & you! Mom, Dad, remember who and all the Kids true. All our 'lugs' to you. Nikki Dad, Mom, Steven, Lorraine, you are. Love, Mom & Dennis Kevin & A1lyson Candice Mason Mechelle Melinda Adamson Slephanie Anne Johnson Missy Widerberg Congratulations from one Congratulations! Your problems is, You've always been Hillcrest graduate to another. We are so proud you think we care. our Pink and And we do!! Lots!! White angel. Thanks for sharing your of you. challenges and accomplish- All Our Love, We love you, Congratulations, ments. \"Not to be outdoneon Mom and Dad and your toothbrush. We are so proud. the piano or inthe Mall!\" Love, Mom & Dad Love, Your Family Love, Mom Kurt Packer Randy Sjoblom Brady Maughan Doug Webb Agreat attitude, Randy, Keep up the Bib, (Maughanster) Doug - You are still Agreat smile makes great work and don't Way to go! super! You've made ever loose that smile! us very proud and we for a great son. We're proud of you! love you very much. We love you Kurt - Love you lots, Love, Mom and Dad Mom, Dad & Toni Mom & Dad Mom & Dad & Family

Michelle Webb Rachel Wrigley CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations You1ve worked hard and we are Rachel-You have made one of the first very proud of you! important steps of Continue to work your life a success! Keep climbing those hard! Never stairs. We love you, underestimate Mom and Dad P.S. What will Mr. your great Sanich do ifyouIre not potential! in his office every Love, Dad and weekwith anew class schedule? Mom Je~n.- ... Anne Schmidt Way to go BO. Too Soon! Wasn't high Know you CAN school fun? do great things. College is Thanks to even beUer. \"Crunchll for Love Mom and hanging in that Dad \"one last year.\" You out! Much Love, You out! Daber, Bombie, Rusty, and Jenn Erika Bozich Kent Oaks Congratulations! Thanks for We are so making proud of you. your life Wishing you worthwhile. success and Keep smiling and reach happiness your goals. forever. We love you, Love, Mom and Dad Your Family. 240 III~ Baby Ads

,.... Sherry Ann Johns Jared Ray \"J.R.\" Wendrich From your little red CONGRATULATIONS! tricycle to the prized blue The pride we Volvo, where have in you is has the time great. This is gone? We are very proud of just the you, Sherry beginning girl. Love, Mom and Dad l.R. We Love You, Justin Paul Butterfield Your Family Congratulations Nicole Kinsley on a major Congratulations! achievement in your life. May your We love you a enthusiasm and lot and know personality bring you success and you'll do great things. happiness. We love you Jodi Hall very much. Mom and Dad Congratulations! We're so proud of Aaron T. Sperry you and your We're proud of determination to you-you've succeed. As you overcome continue in the many trials. race of life, may Keep your the path lead you sense of humor. to all of your dreams! We love Keep climbing! you! Mom, Dad, Love, Mom and Dad Jason, Gina, Shawn, and Roger Baby Ads \"\". 241

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