№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Therefore, the highest amount of hydrocarbons The increase in soot emissions is even more signifi- (up to 0,8 g/m3) is registered at low loads and idle run- cant with increasing load. A sharp increase in smoki- ning of diesel engines. Minimum CH emissions occur at ness, starting from pe=0,4-0,5 MPa, is explained by de- pe=0,4-0,6 MPa and at full fuel supply, due to the local terioration of mixture formation processes, change in to- oxygen deficit in the diffusion combustion zones, the tal and local excess air ratios and slowing down of dif- CH concentration increases again. fusion stage of combustion against the background of increasing temperature in the flame zone. References: 1. Buryachko V.R. Automobile engines: Working cycles. Indicators and characteristics. Methods of increasing the efficiency of energy conversion. / V.R. Buryachko, A.V. Guk. - SPb.: NPICC, 2005. - 292 p. 2. Markov V.A., Anikin S.A., Sirotin E.A. Ecological indicators of internal combustion engines / V.A. Markov, S.A. Anikin, E.A. Sirotin // Automotive Industry. -2002. - № 2. - p. 13-15. 3. Internal Combustion Engines. Theory of Working Processes: Textbook for Higher Education Institutions / Edited by V.N. Lukanin. - Moscow: Vyssh. shk. 2005. - 479 p. 4. Melbert A.A. Increasing the environmental safety of piston engines / A.A. Melbert. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2003. - 170 p. 5. Kulchitskiy A.R. Toxicity of automobile and tractor engines / A.R. Kulchitskiy. - Vladimir: Publishing House of Vladimir State University, 2000. - 256 p. 6. Markov V.A. Comparative efficiency of methods to reduce toxicity of exhaust gases of diesel engines / V.A. Markov // Automotive Industry. - 2002. - № 12. - p. 19-23. 64
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. WAYS TO IMPROVE THE ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE OF DIESEL ENGINES Fakhriddin Sidikov Senior lecturer, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent city E-mail: [email protected] ПУТИ УЛУЧШЕНИЯ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИК ДИЗЕЛЬНЫХ ДВИГАТЕЛЕЙ Фахриддин Сидиков ст. преподаватель, Ташкентский Государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT As the diesel exhaust gases contain small amounts of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons in their normal technical condition, the main focus is to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxide and particulate matter - soot. Excessive presence of oxygen in exhaust gases does not allow neutralization of NOx as it is done in gasoline engines. АННОТАЦИЯ Поскольку в нормальном техническом состоянии выхлопные газы дизеля содержат небольшое количество окиси углерода и несгоревших углеводородов, основное внимание уделяется снижению выбросов оксида азота и твердых частиц - сажи. Чрезмерное присутствие кислорода в выхлопных газах не позволяет нейтрализовать NOx, как это происходит в бензиновых двигателях. Keywords: diesel, exhaust gases, nitrogen oxides, combustion, excess air ratio. Ключевые слова: дизельное топливо, выхлопные газы, оксиды азота, сгорание, коэффициент избытка воздуха. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ As the diesel exhaust gases contain small amounts the fuel injection advance angle with increasing crank- of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons in their shaft speed in order to avoid \"white\" smoke with high normal technical condition, the main focus is to reduce hydrocarbon content. However, after the engine warms emissions of nitrogen oxide and particulate matter - soot. up, the value of θinj should decrease by about 10 de- Excessive presence of oxygen in exhaust gases does not grees of crankshaft rotation. When the \"hot\" engine is allow neutralization of NOx as it is done in gasoline en- working under loading, the program of changing the mo- gines. In this case it is required to introduce additional ment of fuel injection has a completely different nature: reducing agents, for example, ammonia (NH3) which θinj must decrease with increasing speed and load complicates the engine significantly. Therefore NOx re- modes of the diesel engine from idle to 800-1200 rpm duction directly at fuel combustion is predominant. To and remain at the level of 5-6 degrees of crankshaft this end, the workflow organization of diesel engines is rotation after the upper dead center at high rpm. Such adjusted by: programmes are implemented with the aid of electronic • optimization of the timing and energy characteris- fuel management systems. tics of fuel injection, ensuring the best possible charge In addition to the starting point of fuel injection, the micro- and macrostructure, as well as the lowest possible formation of harmful substances is influenced by the du- ignition delay; ration of injection. If the injection is too long, the last • optimizing the vortex motion of the air charge; fuel portions are injected directly into the \"hot\" combus- • improving the design of diesel engines for water tion products and are heated with a lack of oxygen. The injection into the intake system; result is an increase in incomplete combustion products • use of water-fuel emulsions; and an increase in soot particle emissions. Therefore, in • application of exhaust gas recirculation. modern diesel engines the injection duration is reduced In general, the techniques listed aim to start the to the technically possible 20-300 rotation of the crank- combustion process as close to the upper dead center as shaft. possible with the shortest possible ignition delay period. A reduction in injection duration is achieved by sig- A complex programme of changing the fuel injec- nificantly increasing the injection pressure (pinj). In- tion timing is recommended, depending on the crank- creasing pinj has a positive effect on atomization fine- shaft speed, load and engine thermal condition. When ness, allowing optimization of the fuel jet microstructure running a cold engine at idle, it is advisable to increase and the charge macrostructure and thereby reducing ex- haust gas smokiness (figure 1.1). __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Sidikov F.S. WAYS TO IMPROVE THE ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE OF DIESEL ENGINES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13715
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Figure 1.1. Dependence of particulate emission • reduction in the piston flameband; conversion to on fuel injection pressure four-valve timing systems. In connection with this, in modern diesel engineering Injection of water into the intake pipe. Water injec- there is a very clear tendency to increase pinj up to 100- tion into the intake system also has a positive effect on 120 MPa. There are variants of fuel equipment, having the environmental performance of diesel engines. Under injection pressure up to 180 MPa and more. Optimiza- these conditions, the water vapour acts as inert ballast, tion of charge vortex motion. The charge vortex motion, having little effect on the ignition delay. Reduced charge together with the fuel jet parameters, significantly affects temperature and a decrease in free oxygen concentration the macro-structure of the fuel-air mixture. As shown by cause a decrease in NOX emission. It was found [2], that experiments (Figure 1.2) [1], there is a well-defined vortex addition of 6% (by weight) of water to the air entering intensity at which both emissions of incomplete com- the cylinder allows to reduce concentration of NOx in ex- bustion products (CO, CH, C) and specific fuel con- haust gases by 50% (figure 1.3). sumption are minimized. However, in this case there is an increase of nitrogen oxides emission. 1 - without water injection; 2 - with 1% water injection; 3 - with 2% water injection; 4 - with 6% water injection Figure 1.2. Pollutant content in diesel exhaust gases as a function of swirl ratio πv/n Figure 1.3. Effect of water injection into the diesel inlet on nitrogen oxide emissions Improving the design of diesel engines. The main design methods for improving the environmental safety Application of water-fuel emulsions. An emulsion of diesel engines are: is a system consisting of two liquid phases, one of which is dispersed as 0.1-100 µm droplets (dispersed phase). • increase in the ratio of piston stroke to cylinder The liquid in which the droplets reside is called the dis- diameter; persed medium. Water-fuel emulsions can be direct (fuel droplets in water) and inverse (water droplets in fuel). • reduction of the piston volume above the piston; • filling the gap between the cylinder liner and the However, most studies [3 etc.] show that application head with a gasket made of heat-resistant synthetic ma- of water-fuel emulsions with high water content de- terials; creases the concentration of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases. Thus, with 20 % water in emulsion the content of nitrogen oxides decreases by 30-40 %, and with 40 % water - by 100 %, making 6-8 thousand ppm. In addi- tion, with 20 % water in the emulsion, the concentration of CO decreased by 33 %, and with 40 % water by 66 % and is at 0.1 %. It was also found that the presence of water in the fuel reduces soot formation, preventing the coagulation of its molecules into large agglomerates. Nevertheless, the prospects for water injection and the use of water-fuel emulsions are not uncontroversial, as they entail many problems. They require a water re- serve (up to 20-30 % of the fuel stock). There are diffi- culties in preparing water-fuel emulsions and ensuring their stability over time, as water is released from the fuel over time and settles to the bottom of the fuel tank. 66
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Figure 1.4. Schematic diagram of an exhaust gas recirculation system References: 1. Lazarev E.A. Basic principles, methods and effectiveness of means to improve the combustion process to increase the technical level of tractor diesel engines. Textbook / E.A. Lazarev. - Chelyabinsk: CHSTU, 1995. - 215 p. 2. Marchenko A.V., Parsadanov I.V. Ecologization problems of internal combustion engines / A.V. Marchenko, I.V. Parsadanov // Internal combustion engines. - 2009. - № 2. - p. 3-8. 3. Goryachkin A.V. Goryachkin Influence of moisture content in combustion zone on emission of nitrogen and sulfur oxides / A.V. Goryachkin // Science and Practice of Technogenic Bezpeka. - 2004. - Vin. 18. - Т. 31. - p. 27-37. 67
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ECONOMIC MECHANISM TO ENSURE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN THE CONDITIONS OF UZBEKISTAN Fakhriddin Sidikov Senior teacher, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] АНАЛИЗ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО МЕХАНИЗМА ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ АВТОМОБИЛЬНОЙ ТЕХНИКИ В УСЛОВИЯХ УЗБЕКИСТАНА Сидиков Фахриддин Шамситдинович ст. преподаватель, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, РФ, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT The article analyses current problems of ecologically safe operation of automotive machinery. The concept of eco- logical safety in the economic sphere is described. The issues of complex assessment of the state of the atmosphere in urban conditions are considered. It is revealed that the currently available economic mechanism of ecological safety of automotive machinery in the region needs improvement. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье анализированы актуальные проблемы экологической безопасности эксплуатации автомобильной техники. Описано понятие об экологической безопасности в экономической сфере. Рассмотрены вопросы ком- плексной оценки состояния атмосферы в городских условиях. Выявлено, что имеющийся в данные момент эко- номический механизм экологической безопасности автомобильной техники региона нуждается в усовершенство- вании. Keywords: environmental security, road transport, economic mechanism, economic effect, innovative development, environment. Ключевые слова: экологическая безопасность, автомобильный транспорт, экономический механизм, эконо- мический эффект, инновационное развитие, окружающая среда. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ At present, the issue of ensuring environmental Close attention needs to be paid to measures that can safety in all sectors of the economy has become particu- be aimed at improving the economic efficiency of reduc- larly acute. ing the negative impact of the transport system. In cities, road transport has a huge impact on the In today's realities, particular attention is paid to in- state of atmospheric air and the environment, which, novative transport development. Innovation oriented to in turn, is an integral part of environmental systems. economic benefits can bring additional income, both to the country as a whole and to the regions in particular. With the widespread growth of population in cities and, as a consequence, the increase in the number of pri- The principle of encouraging the application of vate cars, as well as public transport, road transport has measures for environmental sustainability should form become one of the most adverse environmental factors the basis for economic impacts on innovation. for the urban environment and public health. For the time being, there are no unambiguous eco- In this context, an urgent problem today is the de- nomic impact options for maintaining a safe environ- velopment and implementation of measures to improve ment. A combination of such mechanisms is inevitable, the urban environment and increase the ecologically safe as specific technologies, activities and types of produc- operation of road transport. tion are important. Improving the quality and identifying the main eco- The use of natural resources is both general and re- nomic methods for creating a mechanism that can ensure gional in nature. Economic activity and the damage it the environmentally safe operation of road transport is causes are manifested in the territory of a particular re- the aim of this study. gion. Therefore, zoning is necessary for the formation of an economic development mechanism. __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Sidikov F.S. ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ECONOMIC MECH- ANISM TO ENSURE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN THE CONDITIONS OF UZ- BEKISTAN // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13768
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Such a development model, which takes into ac- In order to determine how the economic mechanism count ecological and other specific features of the region to ensure environmental safety in road transport opera- is able to ensure a relative balance between ecology and tion functions and develops, it is necessary to consider economy, sustainable ecological, economic and social in dynamics the cause-effect relationships. development. This method makes it possible to assess the current One of the priority tasks of ensuring the stable de- environmental and socio-economic situation, but also its velopment of the country's territories is to create a mech- development in the future. anism that can ensure environmental security. It is the ultimate goal of this mechanism, to save natural re- Two major socio-economic issues are currently de- sources from depletion, and to significantly reduce termining the main directions for the improvement of harmful emissions into the environment. the automotive power plant: Environmental safety is a set of properties, states, • rational use of fuel of oil origin, including its re- processes and actions of various objects, which directly placement by alternative energy carriers; or indirectly do not lead to material damage (or threats of such damage) to the economic environment and to in- • reduction of the harmful environmental impact of dividuals. motor transport. Specific normative values have been identified for The demands of the international community to the concentration of various pollutants and their combi- limit emissions of exhaust substances harmful to public nations, at which ecological systems are able to maintain health and the environment from vehicles and to con- their properties and the so-called ecological equilibrium serve energy resources have led to the emergence of is not disturbed. modern developments of new power plants powered by new, environmentally friendly fuels. References: 1. E. Environmental safety of construction and operation of underground gas-oil product storages in rock salt deposits / O.E. Aksyutin, V.A. Kazarian, A.G. Ishkov et al. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2010. - 420 p. 2. Astakhov A.S. Ecological safety and efficiency of nature management / A.S. Astakhov, E.Y. Dikolenko, V.A. Kharchenko. - Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2009. - 323 p. 3. Badaguiev B.T. Environmental safety of the enterprise: Orders, acts, instructions, journals, regulations, plans / B.T. Badaguiev - M.: Alpha-Press, 2012. - 568 p. 4. Burkinsky B.V. Economic and ecological safety of marine economic activity / B.V. Burkinsky. - Rn-D: Phoenix, 2008. - 648 p. 5. Grafkina M.V. Ecology and environmental safety of the car: textbook / M.V. Grafkina, V.A. Mikhailov, K.S. Ivanov. - Moscow: Forum, 2015. - 320 p. 6. Kalygin V.G. Environmental safety in the technosphere. Terms and definitions / V.G. Kalygin. - Moscow: KolosS, 2014. - 368 p. 7. Kalygin V.N. Life Safety. Industrial and Environmental Safety in Anthropogenic Emergencies / V.N. Kalygin, V.A. Bondar, R.Y. Dedeyan. - Moscow: KolosS Publisher, 2008. - 520 p. 8. Sarkisov O.R. Environmental safety and environmental legal problems in the field of environmental pollution: Text- book for university students studying in the field of jurisprudence / O.R. Sarkisov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2013. - 231 p. 9. Sarkisov O.R. Environmental safety and environmental legal problems of environmental pollution. Textbook. Grif UMC \"Professional textbook\". Grif of Scientific-Research Institute of Education and Science. / O.R. Sarkisov, E.L. Lubarsky, S.Y. Kaz. - M.: UNITY, 2013. - 231 p. 69
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. PROBLEMS IN THE STUDY OF POLLUTION COMPENSATION AND THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES Fakhriddin Sidikov Senior teacher, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent city E-mail: [email protected] ПРОБЛЕМЫ ПО ИЗУЧЕНИЮ КОМПЕНСАЦИИ ЗА ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ ОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ СРЕДЫ И ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ МЕРОПРИЯТИЙ Сидиков Фахриддин Шамситдинович ст. преподаватель, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT The article analyses current problems in the study of compensation for environmental pollution and the effectiveness of environmental measures. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье анализированы актуальные проблемы по изучению компенсации по загрязнению окружающей среды и эффективность экологических мероприятий. Keywords: environmental security, road transport, economic mechanism, economic effect, innovative development, environment. Ключевые слова: экологическая безопасность, автомобильный транспорт, экономический механизм, эконо- мический эффект, инновационное развитие, окружающая среда. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Transport companies are constantly working to re- Efficiency of carrying out measures on environment duce environmental pollution. Environmental protection protection should be evaluated from the point of view of activities are aimed at improving the environmental nature, society and individual enterprise. friendliness of stationary and mobile sources of emis- sions. With properly constructed system of payments, the option, which is the most effective from the point of Stationary sources are easier to equip with devices view of enterprises, should provide the bigger effect for that ensure efficient cleaning of pollutants: special tech- the nature and society as a whole. nical solutions have been developed to capture particu- late matter and gaseous emissions. On vehicles, such de- The environmental, or nature effect, is a reduction vices are of limited use because they increase the weight, in the amount of pollution in ecosystems. require additional space on the rolling stock and are ex- pensive to produce. The economic result, which represents the effect from a societal perspective, is measured by the amount In order to motivate enterprises to implement envi- of avoided annual damage that occurs when people are ronmental protection measures at both stationary and polluted. mobile emission sources, economic leverage and incen- tives from the state are needed. The amount of pollution This damage is expressed in the loss of part of the charges imposed on enterprises and organizations national income due to increased morbidity, reduced should be high enough to stimulate their efforts to de- longevity, reduced ability to work and other factors. velop effective pollution reduction measures and carry out environmental protection measures. The economic effect for an enterprise is determined by the increase in its profits due to the reduction in pay- The modern payment system is based on the meth- ments to environmental authorities as a result of envi- odology for determining the economic efficiency of the ronmental protection measures. implementation of environmental measures and the as- sessment of the economic damage caused to the national Economic efficiency is calculated by measuring the economy by environmental pollution. economic effect obtained and the cost of pollution re- duction measures. __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Sidikov F.S. PROBLEMS IN THE STUDY OF POLLUTION COMPENSATION AND THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13793
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Pollution fee is a form of compensation for eco- The fee for emissions of pollutants into the atmos- nomic damage from emissions of pollutants into the en- phere by DPs within the permitted limits by mobile vironment. Fees are levied for the following types of sources may be calculated: harmful impacts on the environment: a) at the rates of payment set per 1 tonne of fuel • emission of pollutants into the atmosphere from combusted (if data on the amount of fuel consumed is stationary and mobile sources; available); • discharge of pollutants into surface and under- b) the rates of payment stipulated for stationary ground facilities, waste disposal; sources of pollution for emission of 1 ton of pollutants (if there is no data on the amount of fuel consumed but In accordance with the approved procedure, two there is reliable information on the mass emission of pol- types of basic rates of payment for emissions of 1t of lutants); pollutants into the atmosphere have been established: c) on the rates of annual fee for emissions by one • o for emissions, discharges of pollutants, waste vehicle (if data on the amount of fuel used and the mass disposal, other types of harmful impact within permissi- of pollutants emitted are not available). ble limits (at the level of maximum permissible emis- sions MPE and maximum permissible discharges If exhaust gas neutralization systems are used on ve- MPD); hicles, a reduction coefficient is applied in payment cal- culations: for motor vehicles using unleaded petrol and • o for emissions, discharges of pollutants, waste gas fuel - 0.05, for other vehicles - 0.1. disposal, other types of harmful impact within the estab- lished limits (temporarily agreed emission TAC and Payments for allowable emissions of pollutants into temporarily agreed discharge TAC). the atmosphere of technically serviceable vehicles com- plying with applicable standards and manufacturer's Payments in excess of the established emission or specifications are determined by the following formula discharge limits are levied at five times the amount of the GHG (GWP). ������ Pollution charges are a form of economic compen- ������������������ = ∑ ������������ ∙ ������������ ∙ ������������ ∙ ������������ sation for emissions and discharges of pollutants into the natural environment, which compensates the costs of ������=1 compensating the impact of emissions and discharges of pollutants and encourages the reduction or maintenance where Ptr - payments for allowable emissions of of emissions and discharges within the established lim- pollutants into the atmosphere from mobile sources, Ye its. These payments also compensate for the costs of de- - specific payments for allowable emissions of pollu- signing and constructing environmental protection facil- tants generated from the use of 1 ton of j-th type of fuel, ities. sum/t (Table 1); Ke - coefficient of environmental situ- ation and environmental significance of the atmosphere Payments for environmental pollution are made in a given region; Ka - indexation coefficient of pollu- • at the cost of products, works and services for ac- tion charges. tual emissions within permitted norms and limits; • from the profits of natural users for exceeding the The main regulated pollutants for mobile sources actual emission limit value. are carbon and nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon black, lead compounds and sulphur dioxide. Reference: 1. Akimova T.S., V.V. Haskin, Ecology textbook, Moscow, \"Unity\" 2009. 2. Life Safety, Textbook, ed. by E.A. Arustamov, Damkov & Co, Moscow 2000. 3. Life safety, Textbook, ed. by S.V. Belov, A.V. Ilnitskaya, A.F. Koziakov. Edited by S.S. Belov, A.A. Ilnitsky and A.F. Koziakov. 2009 г., 4. A.S. Grishin, V.N. Novikov, Ecological Safety, textbook, \"Grand\" Moscow 2007. 5. 5. Ecology and life safety, textbook edited by L.A. ant, \"unity\", Moscow 2008. 71
Научный журнал UNIVERSUM: ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ № 5(98) Май 2022 Часть 10 Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 54434 от 17.06.2013 Издательство «МЦНО» 123098, г. Москва, улица Маршала Василевского, дом 5, корпус 1, к. 74 E-mail: [email protected] www.7universum.com Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленного оригинал-макета в типографии «Allprint» 630004, г. Новосибирск, Вокзальная магистраль, 3 16+
UNIVERSUM: ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ Научный журнал Издается ежемесячно с декабря 2013 года Является печатной версией сетевого журнала Universum: технические науки Выпуск: 5(98) Май 2022 Часть 11 Москва 2022
УДК 62/64+66/69 ББК 3 U55 Главный редактор: Ахметов Сайранбек Махсутович, д-р техн. наук; Заместитель главного редактора: Ахмеднабиев Расул Магомедович, канд. техн. наук; Члены редакционной коллегии: Горбачевский Евгений Викторович, канд. техн. наук; Демин Анатолий Владимирович, д-р техн. наук; Звездина Марина Юрьевна, д-р. физ.-мат. наук; Ким Алексей Юрьевич, д-р техн. наук; Козьминых Владислав Олегович, д-р хим. наук; Ларионов Максим Викторович, д-р биол. наук; Манасян Сергей Керопович, д-р техн. наук; Мажидов Кахрамон Халимович, д-р наук, проф; Мартышкин Алексей Иванович, канд.техн. наук; Мерганов Аваз Мирсултанович, канд.техн. наук; Пайзуллаханов Мухаммад-Султанхан Саидвалиханович, д-р техн. наук; Радкевич Мария Викторовна, д-р техн наук; Серегин Андрей Алексеевич, канд. техн. наук; Старченко Ирина Борисовна, д-р техн. наук; Усманов Хайрулла Сайдуллаевич, д-р техн. наук; Юденков Алексей Витальевич, д-р физ.-мат. наук; Tengiz Magradze, PhD in Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering. U55 Universum: технические науки: научный журнал. – № 5(98). М., Часть 11., Изд. «МЦНО», 2022. – 72 с. – Электрон. версия печ. публ. – http://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/category/598 ISSN : 2311-5122 DOI: 10.32743/UniTech.2022.98.5-11 Учредитель и издатель: ООО «МЦНО» ББК 3 © ООО «МЦНО», 2022 г.
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. PAPERS IN ENGLISH TRANSPORT DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.98.5.13654 ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF LOCOMOTIVE TRAСTION ON A HILLY SECTION OF THE RAILWAY Oleg Ablyalimov Doctor of philosophy, professor, professor of the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive economy», Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] АНАЛИЗ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ЛОКОМОТИВНОЙ ТЯГИ НА ХОЛМИСТОМ УЧАСТКЕ ЖЕЛЕЗНОЙ ДОРОГИ Аблялимов Олег Сергеевич канд. техн. наук, профессор, профессор кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT Received the numerical values of the kinematic parameters of the movement of freight trains and the energy indicators of the transportation work of diesel locomotives of the 3TE10M, UzTE16M3 series and electric locomotives 3VL80S in quantitative and monetary terms for the real conditions of the organizationov railway of transportation of goods on a virtual, hilly on difficulty section of the railroad of the railway without stops at intermediate separate points are obtained. It has been proven that electric traction and diesel locomotives UzTE16M3 are economically more profitable than diesel traction and diesel locomotives 3TE10M, therefore, the introduction of the first two positions into the practice of the Uzbek railways will undoubtedly increase the efficiency of using both types of traction of the locomotive fleet of JSC \"O'zbekiston temir yo'llari\". АННОТАЦИЯ Получены численные значения кинематических параметров движения грузовых поездов и энергетических показателей перевозочной работы тепловозов серий 3ТЭ10М, UzTE16M3 и электровозов 3ВЛ80С в количествен- ном и денежном исчислении для реальных условий организации железнодорожных перевозок грузов на вирту- альном, холмистом по трудности, участке железной дороги без остановок на промежуточных раздельных пунктах. Доказано, что электрическая тяга и тепловозы UzTE16M3 экономически являются наиболее выгодными, чем дизель- ная тяга и тепловозы 3ТЭ10М, поэтому внедрение первых двух позиций в практику работы узбекских железных дорог, несомненно, обеспечит повышение эффективности использования обоих видов тяги локомотивного парка АО «Ўзбекистон темир йўллари». Keywords: locomotive traction, freight train, diesel locomotive, railroad, electric locomotive, diesel traction, electric traction, section, virtual. Ключевые слова: локомотивная тяга, грузовой поезд, тепловоз, железная дорога, электровоз, дизельная тяга, электрическая тяга, участок, виртуальный. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ These studies are devoted to assessing the energy section electric locomotives 3VL80S and of diesel loco- efficiency and comparing the main indicators of loco- motives 3TE10M, UzTE16M3. motives of electric and diesel traction on a virtual hilly section of the railway, based on the values of the indica- To implement the above, we use the recommenda- tors of the transportation work of the investigated three- tions [1, 2] and research results [3-5, 7]. According to [7], for the generalizing criteria of the above estimates __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Ablyalimov O. ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF LOCOMOTIVE TRAСTION ON A HILLY SECTION OF THE RAILWAY // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13654
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. and comparisons, we accept the reduced costs of funds and, accordingly, various conditions for organizing per one kilometer of the railway track and the KE coef- freight traffic (traction calculation options), as well as ficient for evaluating the efficiency of using different the amount of natural diesel fuel consumed diesel loco- types of locomotive traction. motives and electric energy by electric for a trip for vir- tual hilly section railroad. An asterisk * denotes values In table 1 presents data on the technical speed and including value added tax (VAT). motion time of freight trains for different driving modes Table 1. The main indicators of the transportation work of locomotives on a virtual hilly section of the railway track Train running time, Consumption and cost Consumption and cost of elec- min of diesel fuel tricity Calculation Technical total time, in in idling total full Сf, specific total full Сe, specific cost сe, option speed Vт, traction and brak- thousand cost сf, thousand thousand soums /km mode, ing mode, consumption consumption km/h tr Е, kg soums thousand А, soums ttr tid,br soums kWh /km 1 2345 6 78 9 10 11 Diesel locomotives UzТЕ16М3 1 86,06 32,00 22,20 9,80 509,59 902,21 19,65 – –– 2 84,22 32,70 24,10 8,60 551,80 976,93 21,28 – –– 3 79,36 34,70 25,30 9,40 579,53 1026,03 22,35 – –– Diesel locomotives 3ТE10М 1 86,06 32,00 22,20 9,80 570,62 1010,25 22,01 – –– 2 84,22 32,70 24,10 8,60 617,12 1092,58 23,80 – –– 3 79,36 34,70 25,30 9,40 648,27 1147,73 25,01 – –– Electric locomotives 3VL80S 1 91,34 30,15 20,05 10,10 – 2363,58 205,73 4,482 246,76* 5,376* 2 89,12 30,90 20,30 10,60 – 2662,12 231,71 5,048 277,93* 6,055* 3 85,79 32,10 20,60 11,50 – 2865,07 249,37 5,544 299,11* 6,516* The above values characterize the movement of selling price of one kilowatt - hour of electric energy and freight trains without stops at intermediate stations in the one ton of full - scale diesel fuel for linear enterprises of considered range of train mass fluctuations from Q1 = the locomotive complex, were determined the costs of 2500 t to Q3 = 3500 t with a change interval of ΔQ = 500 fuel and energy resources for train traction in monetary t and a constant number of axles in the composition m = terms for the studied locomotives. 200 axles. The load on the axles of the wheel sets of the rolling stock was approximately q1 = 12,5 t/axle, q2 = The specific cost of rail transportation of goods on 15,0 t/axle and q3 = 17,5 t/axle. various types of locomotive traction was determined by the following dependencies [6]: Based on the data in Table 1, taking into account [3- 5, 7] and the standards of \"Temiryulenilgyta'min\" for the • diesel locomotive traction – с f = Е Ц f , thousand.soums (1) 103 L km • electric locomotive traction – сe = А Цe , thousand. soums (2) 103 L km Where Е – diesel fuel consumption per trip, kg; А – to the ratio of the specific costs of diesel fuel cf and elec- electrical energy consumption per trip, kWh; L – plot tric energy ce to each other, that is, KE = cf / ce, is taken length for calculation, km; Цf, Цe – selling price for the as a criterion for the energy efficiency of traction (main) rolling stock. consumption, respectively, of one ton of diesel fuel and Cash costs for rail transportation of goods for lo- one kilowatt-hour of electrical energy, soums. comotives of electric and diesel traction were calculated according to the tariff [6]. The cost of one kilowatt - hour The KE coefficient for evaluating the efficiency of various types of locomotive traction, which is equal 6
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. for electric energy was Цe = 87,04 soums / kWh (excluding including VAT, are increased by 1,5 times. The values VAT) and Цe = 104,40 soums / kWh - including VAT, of the KE coefficient for evaluating the efficiency of dif- and for one ton of full-scale diesel fuel - Цf = ferent types of locomotive traction for diesel locomo- 1770,45 thousand soums /t. tives UzTE16M3, 3TE10M (excluding VAT) are in- creased by 4 times and reduced by 2 times for diesel lo- On fig. 1 shows the criteria for evaluating the effi- comotives 3TE10M, including VAT. ciency of using diesel and electric locomotives when driving freight trains on a virtual hilly section of the rail- way, where the values of the unit cost of electric energy, Figure 1. Criteria for the efficiency of using locomotives on a virtual hilly section of the railway Analysis of the research results showed the following: The results of the studies carried out confirm (prove) • for both types of traction, a decrease for every the advantage of electric traction over diesel traction, ∆Q = 500 tons of train mass from 3500 tons to 2500 tons and UzTE16M3 diesel locomotives over 3TE10M diesel also leads to a decrease in the cost of transporting goods, locomotives, which is quite logical, correct and agrees on average, by approximately 4,66 – 7,66 and 4,83 – quite well with studies [6,7 and others]. 7,52 percent (diesel locomotives UzTE16M3 and 3TE10M), and by 8,95 – 11,21 percent - electric loco- Therefore, the electrification of the Uzbek railways, motives 3VL80S; taking into account the transition from diesel to electric • diesel locomotives UzTE16M3, in comparison traction and the replenishment of the locomotive fleet with diesel locomotives 3TE10M, provide a reduction in with mainline diesel locomotives of the UzTE16M series diesel fuel consumption for train traction and the cost of rail in various sectional designs and modern high-perfor- transportation of goods, on average, by 10,62 percent; mance freight and passenger electric locomotives \"Uz- • electric locomotives 3VL80S are more efficient bekistan\", will certainly take place not only in the now, (\"more economical\") than diesel locomotives UzTE16M3 but also in the long term. and 3TE10M, on average, respectively, by 4,39 (3,65) and 4,91 (4,09) times - Q1 = 2500 tons; 4,21 (3,52) and The introduction of the above into the system of or- 4,51 (3,83) times - Q2 = 3000 t; as well as 4,03 (3,43) ganization of the transportation process, the practice of and 4,51 (3,93) times - Q3 = 3500 tons. In parentheses, operation and work of locomotives, will increase the the values for the tariff for one kilowatt-hour of con- carrying capacity and throughput of railways, the effi- sumed electrical energy are given, taking into account ciency of using diesel and, especially, electric traction, value added tax (VAT); the operated locomotive fleet as a whole, as well as pro- • electric traction, in comparison with diesel trac- vide better economic and environmental performance, tion, will undoubtedly \"pollute\" the atmosphere with taking into account reducing the cost of all types of rail harmful substances much less. transportation. 7
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Reference: 1. Ablyalimov O.S. Fundamentals of locomotive management: Textbook for professional colleges of railway transport / O.S. Ablyalimov, E.S. Ushakov. - Tashkent: Davr, 2012. - 392 p. 2. Ablyalimov O.S. Fundamentals of train traction [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, D.N. Kurilkin, I.S. Kamalov, O.T. Kasimov // Textbook for universities of railway transport. Under the general editorship of O.S. Ablyalimov. - Tashkent: \"Com- plex Print\" nashriyoti, 2020. - 662 p. 3. Ablyalimov O.S. On the use of electric locomotives 3VL80S on a hilly section of the railway [Text] / O.S. Ablyali- mov, B.I. Gairatov, M.A. Krivitsky, B.U. Akhmedov, I.I. Bakhriddinov, A.M. Akbarov // Collection of articles based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference \"Actual issues of modern science\" (November 20, 2019, Ufa). In 3 parts. Part 1. - Ufa: Ed. Scientific Research Center \"Bulletin of Science\", 2019. - pp. 60 - 74. 4. Ablyalimov O.S. On the operation of 3VL80S electric locomotives on a hilly section of the railway [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, O.R. Khamidov // Materials of the international scientific - practical conference \"Transport of Rus- sia: problems and prospects - 2021\" / Institute of Transport Problems. N.S. Solomenko RAS. - St. Petersburg: IPT RAS, 2021. Volume 1. - pp. 137 - 143. 5. Ablyalimov O.S. Analysis of the efficiency of diesel traction on the section Marokand - Kattakurgan of the Uzbek railway by averaging the calculated values [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov , O.R. Khamidov // Proceedings of the VI All- Russian scientific and technical conference with international participation \"Operational reliability of the locomotive fleet and increasing the efficiency of train traction\" / Omsk State University of Railway Communications. - Omsk, 2021. - pp. 150 - 157. 6. Ablyalimov O.S. Analysis of the efficiency of electric traction locomotives on a hilly section of the railway [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, O.R. Khamidov // Proceedings of the international scientific - practical conference \"Innovative production technologies and resource-saving energy\" / Omsk State Transport University. - Omsk, 2021. - pp. 410 - 419. 7. Ablyalimov O.S. Assessment of the transportation work of electric locomotives 3VL80S by the method of averaging the calculated values [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, O.R. Khamidov // Materials of the international scientific and prac- tical conference \"Transport of Russia: problems and prospects - 2021\". - St. Petersburg: IPT RAS, 2021. Volume 1. - pp. 132 - 137. 8
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.98.5.13651 ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF LOCOMOTIVES THE BY THE METHOD OF AVERAGINGING CALCULATED VALUES Oleg Ablyalimov Doctor of philosophy, professor, professor of the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive economy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] АНАЛИЗ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ЛОКОМОТИВОВ ДИЗЕЛЬНОЙ ТЯГИ МЕТОДОМ ОСРЕДНЕНИЯ РАСЧЁТНЫХ ВЕЛИЧИН Аблялимов Олег Сергеевич канд. техн. наук, профессор, проф. кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT The results of the substantiation of the parameters of the main indicators of transportation work and fuel and energy efficiency of the use of mainline (train) freight locomotives of diesel traction during the movement of freight trains with- out stops and with stops on intermediate separate points on a virtual, hilly section of the railway. The average values of the kinematic parameters of the movement of freight trains and the energy indicators of the transportation work of diesel locomotives of the 3TE10M, UzTE16M3 series in quantitative and monetary terms were obtained by averaging the cal- culated values. It has been proven that UzTE16M3 diesel locomotives, in comparison with 3TE10M diesel locomotives, save diesel fuel and money for train traction by approximately 11.99 percent. АННОТАЦИЯ Представлены результаты обоснования параметров основных показателей перевозочной работы и топливно – энергетической эффективности использования магистральных (поездных) грузовых локомотивов дизельной тяги при движении грузовых поездов без остановок и с остановками на промежуточных раздельных пунктах вирту- ального, холмистого участка железной дороги. Усреднённые значения кинематических параметров движения грузовых поездов и энергетических показателей перевозочной работы тепловозов серий 3ТЭ10М, UzTE16M3 в количественном и денежном исчислении получены методом осреднения расчётных величин. Доказано, что тепловозы UzТЕ16М3, по сравнению с тепловозами 3ТЭ10М, обеспечивают экономию дизельного топлива и денежных средств на тягу поездов приблизительно на 11,99 процента. Keywords: study, freight train, diesel locomotive, railroad, parameter, diesel traction , calculated value, section, virtual. Ключевые слова: исследование, грузовой поезд, тепловоз, железная дорога, параметр, дизельная тяга, рас- чётная величина, участок, виртуальный. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The present studies are a logical continuation of the The purpose of this study is to assess the fuel and works [1, 2] and are aimed at substantiating the effi- energy efficiency of three-section mainline freight die- ciency of the transportation work of diesel locomotives sel locomotives 3TE10M and UzTE16M3 on a virtual in real operating conditions. hilly section of the railway, which is implemented using Freight trains with different train weights and the the method of averaging the calculated values, into ac- same number of axles, three-section mainline (train) count the differentiations of the compositions mass by freight of the 3TE10M, UzTE16M3 diesel locomotives value ΔQ=500t with a constant number of axles in com- series, and a virtual hilly track profile of the railway sec- position equal to m = 200 axes. tion are taken as the object of study. The basis of the method of averaging the calculated The subject of the study is the kinematic parameters values is the averaged values of the indicators of the of the movement of freight trains without stops and with movement of freight trains and the use of diesel locomo- stops at intermediate separate points and the main fuel tives UzTE16M3 and 3TE10M, which are defined as and energy indicators of the use of the studied diesel arithmetic mean values for both types of movement in locomotives in quantitative and monetary terms on the the range of changes in masses of trains adopted by us, specified section of the railway. taking into account the subsequent comparison these __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Ablyalimov O. ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF LOCOMOTIVES THE BY THE METHOD OF AVERAGINGING CALCULATED VALUES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13651
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. aforementioned values among themselves. The latter for a wide range of various conditions for organizing circumstance will allow (pro) to analyze the qualitative freight traffic in operation. component of the implementation of the transportation process by diesel locomotives UzTE16M3 and 3TE10M In table. 1 show the average values of the indicators on a given virtual hilly section of the railway. of the movement of freight trains and of the use of loco- motives of diesel traction for different variants of trac- Such statements are fair and quite objectively sub- tion calculations. stantiated by numerous studies [1, 3, 4] on the effective- ness of the use of various types of locomotive traction Table 1. Indicators of the use of locomotives of diesel traction locomotives on a virtual hilly section of the railway track Conditions of Train travel time, min Diesel fuel Cash costs consumption Traction transportation work total specific of composition number technical total, tm in in idling per trip Е, natural full Сf, specific calculation mass Q,t of axles speed of traction and brak- kg fuel е, thousand consumption сf m, axes motion Vt, mode, ttr ing mode, kg/104t кkm option soums thousand km/h tid,br gross soums /km 1 2 34 56 7 8 9 10 11 Diesel locomotives UzТЕ16М3 1 2500 200 80,13 34,55 22,95 11,60 527,82 45,99 934,48 20,359 2 3000 200 77,83 35,62 25,00 10,62 573,58 41,65 1015,49 22,126 3 3500 200 73,80 37,52 26,12 11,40 599,60 37,32 1061,56 23,128 Diesel locomotives 3ТЭ10М 1 2500 200 80,13 34,55 22,95 11,60 591,56 51,55 1047,34 22,82 2 3000 200 77,83 35,62 25,00 10,62 642,11 46,43 1136,82 24,76 3 3500 200 73,80 37,52 26,12 11,40 671,34 41,78 1188,58 25,89 Using the standard Microsoft Excel Office program, е = 0,005Qi2 – 4,355Qi + 50,34 / (3) we obtained analytical expressions (polynomial dependen- e = 0,235Qi2 – 5,825Qi + 57,14 R2=1,0 cies) designed to calculate the parameters of some basic indicators of the transportation operation of diesel lo- Full cash costs of natural diesel fuel Сf, thousand comotives UzTE16M3 and 3TE10M on a hilly section soums of the railway for any i - th mass of the train Qi, where R2 = 1,0 - a sufficient value of the approximation re- Сf=-17,47Qi2+133,47Qi+818,53∕ liability (the necessary reliability condition is R2 ≥0.8), Ст=-18,86Qi2 + 146,06Qi + 920,14 R2=1,0 (4) and Qi = 1,2,3 is a traction calculation option. Present value of natural diesel fuel сf, thousand Formulas for determining the parameters of some soums /km basic indicators of the transportation work of diesel lo- comotives UzTE16M3 and 3TE10M are given, respec- Сf = -0,3825Q2 + 2,9145Q + 17,827∕ tively, in the numerator and denominator, with the ex- ст = -0,405Q2 + 3,155Q + 20,07 R2=1,0 (5) ception of the technical speed, which will be the same for both diesel locomotives. On fig. 1 shows the dynamics of the averaged pa- rameters of some main indicators of the use of diesel lo- Technical speed of motion, km/h comotives UzTE16M3 and 3TE10M on a given virtual hilly section of the railway, where the values of specific Vt = -0,865Qi2 + 0,295Qi + 80,77 R2=1,0 (1) consumption e, kg/104 t km of gross natural diesel fuel per trip for diesel locomotives 3TE10M and UzTE16M3 Total of natural diesel fuel consumption per trip, kg are increased by 10 and 15, respectively once. Е = -9,87Qi2 + 75,37Qi + 462,32 / Е = -10,66Qi2 + 82,53Qi + 579,69 R2=1,0 (2) Specific consumption of natural diesel fuel per trip, kg/104 t km gross 10
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Analysis of the results of the conducted research • for the studied series of diesel locomotives, a showed the following: consistent increase in the mass of the composition of freight trains for every ∆Q = 500 tons leads, respec- • the dynamics of the average values of the param- tively, to an increase in the cost of rail transportation of eters, some of the main indicators of the use of the stud- goods and a decrease in the specific consumption of die- ied diesel locomotives, depending on the mass of the sel fuel for train traction; freight train, is described by polynomial laws; • diesel locomotives UzTE16M3, in comparison • an increase in the mass of the composition and with diesel locomotives 3TE10M, with a differentiation the operating time of power power plants of diesel loco- of changes in the mass of the train in ∆Q = 500 tons, motives UzTE16M3, 3TE10M in traction modes leads to save diesel fuel for train traction and money for the an increase in the amount of diesel fuel consumed by transportation of goods, on average, by approximately them for train traction; 11.99 percent. Figure 1. Dynamics of the parameters of some main indicators of the use of locomotives diesel traction of on a virtual hilly section of the railway Thus, the replenishment of the locomotive fleet with The analytical dependencies (regression equations) new, modernized, mainline freight diesel locomotives of obtained by us will be useful to drivers - instructors in heat the UzTE16M series in various sectional designs will engineering and specialists of the locomotive complex, provide better indicators for the use of diesel traction whose work is directly related to the organization and and reduce the cost of freight rail transportation on a vir- implementation of the transportation process of traction tual hilly section of railways. (main) diesel rolling stock in freight of motion. Reference: 1. Ablyalimov O S. To the analysis of the efficiency of UzTE16M3 diesel locomotives on the discovered section of the railway [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, M.Z. Mukhitdinov // Proceedings of the international scientific. - pract. conf. \"Im- proving the assessment of the effectiveness of land transport systems\" / Omsk State Transport University. - Omsk, 2014. - S. 37 - 39. 2. Ablyalimov O.S. Study of the operation of diesel locomotives 3TE10M on the hilly - mountainous section of JSC \"O'zbekiston temir yo'llari\" [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov // Scientific and technical journal \"Izvestiya Transsib\" / Omsk state. University of Communications. - Omsk, 2016. No. 2 (26). - pp. 2 - 10. 3. Ablyalimov O.S. Analysis of the efficiency of diesel traction on the section Marokand - Kattakurgan of the Uzbek railway by averaging the calculated values [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, O.R. Khamidov // Proceedings of the VI All-Russian scientific and technical conference with international participation \"Operational reliability of the locomotive fleet and increasing train traction efficiency” / Omsk State. University of Communications. Omsk, 2021. - P. 150 - 157. 4. Ablyalimov O.S. Evaluation of the transportation work of 3VL80S electric locomotives by the method of averaging calculated values [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, O.R. Khamidov // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference \"Transport of Russia: problems and prospects - 2021\". - St. Petersburg: IPT RAS, 2021. Volume 1. - P. 132 - 137. 11
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.98.5.13655 EFFICIENCY EVALUATION OF 3VL80S ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES BY THE METHOD OF AVERAGING CALCULATED OF VALUES Oleg Ablyalimov Doctor of philosophy, professor, professor of the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive economy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] ОЦЕНКА ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ЭЛЕКТРОВОЗОВ 3ВЛ80С МЕТОДОМ ОСРЕДНЕНИЯ РАСЧЁТНЫХ ВЕЛИЧИН Аблялимов Олег Сергеевич канд. техн. наук, профессор, проф. кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT An assessment of the efficiency of the transportation work of three-section main (train) freight electric locomotives 3VL80S on a virtual hilly section of the railway when freight trains move without stops and with stops on intermediate separate points is presented. The foregoing is implemented by substantiating the energy indicators of the use of 3VL80S electric locomotives by averaging the calculated values, taking into account the kinematic parameters of the movement of freight trains. The results of the research are recommended for practical use by driver-instructors whose activities relate to the energy issues of the movement of freight trains on virtual and, identical to them, real hilly sections of railways, including Uzbek ones. АННОТАЦИЯ Представлена оценка эффективности перевозочной работы трёхсекционных магистральных (поездных) грузовых электровозов 3ВЛ80С на виртуальном холмистом участке железной дороги при движении грузовых поездов без остановок и с остановками на промежуточных раздельных пунктах. Сказанное реализуется путём обоснования энергетических показателей использования электровозов 3ВЛ80С методом осреднения расчётных величин с учётом кинематических параметров движения грузовых поездов. Результаты исследований рекомен- дуются для практического использования машинистам – инструкторам, деятельность которых касается вопросов энергетики движения грузовых поездов на виртуальных и, идентичных им, реальных холмистых участках железных дорог, в том числе узбекских. Keywords: freight train, electric locomotive, railroad, parameter, electric traction , calculated value, section, virtual. Ключевые слова: грузовой поезд, электровоз, железная дорога, параметр, электрическая тяга, расчётная ве- личина, участок, виртуальный. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ At the department \"Locomotives and locomotive transportation work of three-section main (train) freight economy\" of the Tashkent State Transport University electric locomotives 3VL80S on the studied section of the (TSTU), many years of research are being carried out to railway. These are the arithmetic mean values obtained substantiate the indicators of fuel and energy efficiency as a result of the movement of freight trains without of using the locomotive fleet of the Uzbek railway, some stops and with stops at intermediate stations in the range of which are indicated in works [1-3 and others]. of changes in masses of compositions accepted by us The present research is a continuation of the work from Q1 = 2500 t to Q3 = 3500 t, taking into account their [4,5], the purpose of which is to substantiate the indicators differentiations by ΔQ = 500t value and a constant num- and evaluate the efficiency of the transportation work of ber of axles in the composition m = 200 axles. electric locomotives by averaging method the calculated In Table 1 shows the average values of the indica- values in various conditions for the organization of railway tors of transportation work (use) of the mentioned transportation of goods on a virtual, hilly section of the 3VL80S electric locomotives for different variants of railway. traction calculation [6], where the asterisk index * is the The basis of the method of averaging the calculated value of the cost of consumed electrical energy, into ac- values is the averaged values of the indicators of the count of value added tax (VAT). __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Ablyalimov O. EFFICIENCY EVALUATION OF 3VL80S ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES BY THE METHOD OF AVERAGING CALCULATED OF VALUES // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13655
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Table 1. Indicators of the use of electric locomotives 3VL80S on a virtual hilly section of the railway Conditions of Train travel time, min Electrical Cash costs consumption Traction transportation work energy of technical in idling specific calculation composition number speed of total, tm in and brak- total per trip specific full Сe, consumption сe, option mass Q,t of axles motion Vt, traction ing mode, A, kVt-h thousand m, axes mode, ttr per trip a, thousand km/h tid,br Vt-h/ткм soums soums /km 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Electric locomotives 3VL80S 1 2500 200 84,24 32,92 21,07 11,85 2492,79 21,72 216,97 4,727 260,25* 5,670* 2 3000 200 81,57 34,05 21,70 12,35 2800,55 20,33 243,76 5,311 292,38* 6,300* 3 3500 200 78,47 35,40 22,45 12,95 3006,08 18,71 261,65 5,756 313,83* 6,837* On fig. 1 shows the nature of the change in the av- changed: the value of the total A consumption of electrical erage parameters of some of the main indicators of the energy is reduced by 10 times, the values of the technical transportation work (use) of three-section mainline speed Vt of movement are increased by 2 times. The (train) freight electric locomotives 3VL80S on a given value of specific of the cost Ce and Ce* (including VAT) hilly section of the railway. The average values of some of electric energy is of increased, respectively, by 20 and parameters of the main indicators of the use of the stud- 10 times. ied freight electric locomotives 3VL80S in fig. 1 are Figure 1. Dynamics of the average parameters of the main indicators of use of electric locomotives 3VL80S on a virtual hilly section of the railway The analytical expressions obtained by us (polynomial value of R2 = 1.0 is a sufficient value for the approxima- dependencies), designed to organize the calculation of tion reliability (necessary condition of reliability - R2 ≥ 0.8). the average parameters of some basic indicators of the transportation operation of 3VL80S electric locomotives Here the index asterisk * - is the value of the cost of on a hilly section of the railway track, are built using the standard Microsoft Excel Office program, in which the consumed electrical energy, taking into account value added tax (VAT). 13
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Technical speed of motion, km/h Reduced (specific) cash costs, thousand soums/km Vt = -0,215Qi2 – 2,025Qi + 86,48 R2=1,0 (1) сэ = -0,0695Qi2 + 0,7925Qi, + 4,004 R2 = 1,0 (9) Total train time, min tm = 0,11Qi2 + 0,8Qi + 32,01 R2=1,0 (2) Reduced (specific) cash costs including VAT, thou- sand soums /km Train travel time in tractions mode, min (3) ttr = 0,06 Qi2 + 0,45Qi + 20,56 R2=1,0 сэ* = -0,0465Qi2 + 0,7695Qi, + 4,947 R2 = 1,0 (10) Train travel time in idling and braking mode, min Analysis of the results of the conducted research tid,br = 0,05Qi2 + 0,35Qi + 11,45 R2= 1,0 (4) showed the following: Total electrical energy consumption per trip, kVt-h • the nature of the change in the averaged parame- A = -51,115Qi2 + 461,11Qi + 2082,8 R2=1,0 (5) ters of some basic indicators of the transportation work (use) of 3VL80S electric locomotives on a hilly railway Specific consumption of electrical energy per trip, section, depending on the mass of the freight train com- Vt-h/t km gross pound , is described by polynomial laws (dependencies); а = -0,115Qi2 – 1,045Qi + 22,88 R2= 1,0 (6) • a decrease of the mass compound and the operat- ing time of the power energy systems of 3VL80S electric Full cash costs, тыс. сўм/km locomotives in the traction mode leads to a decrease in Сэ = -4,45Qi2 + 40,14Qi, + 181,88 R2 = 1,0 (7) the amount of electric energy consumed by them for traction of trains; Full cash costs including VAT, thousand soums/km Сэ* = -5,34Qi2 + 48,15Qi, + 217,44 R2 = 1,0 (8) • an increase for every ∆Q = 500 t of mass com- pound from 2500 t to 3500 t leads to an increase in the cost of rail transportation of goods and a decrease in the specific consumption of electrical energy for train trac- tion. The regression equations obtained by us will be use- ful to locomotive instructor drivers and specialists of the locomotive depot operation shop, whose work is directly related to the transportation process of traction (main) electric rolling stock. Reference: 1. Ablyalimov O.S. On the efficiency of electric locomotives 3VL80S on the section Marokand - Kattakurgan of the Uzbek railway [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov // International scientific. - pract. conf. \"Transport in Russia: problems and prospects\" / Institute of Transport Problems. N.S. Solomenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - St. Petersburg, 2018. - S. 115 - 119. 2. Ablyalimov O.S. To the use of diesel locomotives 3TE10M on the section Marokand - Kattakurgan of the Uzbek railway [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov // International scientific. - pract. conf. \"Transport in Russia: problems and prospects\" / Institute of Transport Problems. N.S. Solomenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - St. Petersburg, 2018. - S. 111 - 114. 3. Ablyalimov O.S. Analysis of the efficiency of diesel traction on the section Marokand - Kattakurgan of the Uzbek railway by the method of averaging the calculated values [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, O.R. Khamidov // VI-th All-Russian scientific. - tech. conf. with international participation \"Operational reliability of the locomotive fleet and improving the efficiency of train traction\" / Omsk State. University of Communications. - Omsk, 2021. - P. 123 - 129. 4. Ablyalimov O.S. Evaluation of the transportation work of 3VL80S electric locomotives by the method of averaging calculated values [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, O.R. Khamidov // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference \"Transport of Russia: problems and prospects - 2021\". - St. Petersburg: IPT RAS, 2021. Volume 1. - P. 132 - 137. 5. Ablyalimov O.S. Traction calculations for electric locomotives 3VL80S on a hilly section of the railway [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, B.I. Gairatov, M.A. Krivitsky, F.F. Mamedov, B.U. Akhmedov , I.I. Bakhriddinov // Collection of articles based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference \"Innovative approaches to solv- ing scientific problems\" (November 14, 2019, Ufa). - Ufa: Ed. Scientific Research Center Bulletin of Science, 2019. - P. 28 - 43. 6. Ablyalimov O.S. Fundamentals of train traction [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, D.N. Kurilkin, I.S. Kamalov, O.T. Kasimov // Textbook for higher educational institutions of railway transport. Under the general editorship of O.S. Ablyalimov. - Tashkent: \"Complex Print\" nashriyoti, 2020. - 662 p. 14
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. LIGHTING OF INDUSTRIAL PREMISES IN THE LOCOMOTIVE DEPO Oleg Ablyalimov Doctor of philosophy, professor, professor of the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive economy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] Boxadirjon Gayratov Master student by the chair«Loсomotives and locomotive еconomy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] Shaxboz Ruzimurodov Master student by the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive еconomy», Tashkent state transpоrt university Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] ОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННЫХ ПОМЕЩЕНИЙ В ЛОКОМОТИВНОМ ДЕПО Аблялимов Олег Сергеевич канд. техн. наук, профессор, проф. кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Гайратов Бохадиржон Икболжон ўғли магистрант кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Рузимуродов Шахбоз Дилмурод ўғли магистрант кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT The results of the lighting calculation of artificial lighting of the department for on the repair of electrical and elec- tronic equipment in the locomotive depot are presented. The numerical values of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the specified lighting are obtained in the form of tabular data, graphical and analytical dependencies, which are recom- mended for use in the design of objects of the locomotive complex. AННОТАЦИЯ Приведены результаты светотехнического расчёта искусственного освещения отделения по ремонту элек- трической и электронной аппаратуры в локомотивном депо. Численные значения количественных и качествен- ных показателей указанного освещения получены в виде табличных данных, графических и аналитических зави- симостей, которые рекомендуются для использования при проектировании объектов локомотивного комплекса. Keywords: lighting installation, luminous flux, lighting, indicators, calculation, department, qualitative, quantitative. Ключевые слова: осветительная установка, световой поток, освещение, показатели, расчёт, отделение, ка- чественный, количественный. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Ablyalimov O., Gayratov B., Ruzimurodov S. LIGHTING OF INDUSTRIAL PREMISES IN THE LOCOMOTIVE DEPO // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13653
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. For lighting industrial and office buildings, includ- quantitative and qualitative indicators of artificial light- ing railway transport enterprises, natural light and light ing on the example of one of the repair departments of from artificial lighting sources are used. the traction rolling stock of the main locomotive depot. There are the following types of lighting [1]: It should be noted that the main task of lighting cal- • natural lighting created by direct sunlight and dif- culations for artificial lighting is to determine the re- fused by the light of the sky; quired power of an electric lighting installation to create • artificial lighting created by light sources; a given illumination. • combined lighting, in which natural lighting, which is insufficient according to the norms, is supplemented In the future, we will agree on the number of light by artificial lighting. sources (lamps) N (pcs) and the power of the lighting According to the design, artificial lighting can be of installation Plig.in (kW) to be attributed to quantitative in- two types - general and combined. dicators, and of the calculated luminous flux Фest (lm), General lighting is used in industrial premises, which the lamps in each lamp should emit and their ac- where the same type of work is carried out over the en- tual illumination Eact (lx), to qualitative indicators. In tire area (foundry, welding, galvanizing shops), as well this case, the location of light sources and the geometric as in administrative, office and warehouse premises. dimensions of the buildings (structures) under study will When performing precise visual work (plumbing, be referred to the layout characteristics of these build- turning) in places where the equipment creates deep ings. sharp shadows or work surfaces are located vertically (stamps, guillotine shears), along with general lighting, To achieve this goal, based on the method of calcu- local lighting is used. lating the illumination, taking into account the coeffi- Combined lighting - there is a combination of local cient of use of the luminous flux [3], we determine the and general lighting. The system of general artificial quantitative and qualitative indicators of artificial light- lighting is performed by ceiling or pendant lamps placed ing according to the condition of the problem [4], vary- parallel to the light openings. ing the area of the department for the repair of electrical According to the functional purpose, artificial light- and electronic equipment of locomotives by changing ing is divided into working, emergency and special, the length department, leaving its width constant. which can be security, duty, evacuation, erythema, bac- tericidal, signal and other types. The luminous flux utilization coefficient Kus is the This work was carried out in parallel with the study ratio of the actual luminous flux Фact to the value of the [2] and is due to the study of the organization of artificial calculated luminous flux Фest, necessary to ensure nor- lighting at the locomotive repair and linear enterprises malized illumination En, that is, Kus = Фest / Фact. of JSC \"O'zbekiston temir yo'llari\". The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of In the table 1, using the calculation method and rec- the layout characteristics of enterprises (objects) on the ommendations [4], omitting intermediate arithmetic cal- culations and reasoning, we present the final results of lighting calculations for incandescent lamps of the G125-135-200 type. Table 1. Indicators of artificial lighting of the workshop for the repair of electrical and electronic equipment of locomotives № Geometric dimensions of the department Indicators p/n Quantitative Qualitative А, m В, m S = A·B, m2 N, pcs Plig.in, kW Фest, lm Еact. lx 1 12 144 12 2,4 3393 94,3 2 18 216 20 4,0 2948 108,5 3 24 288 28 5,6 2772 115,4 4 30 12,0 360 36 7,2 2690 119,0 5 36 432 44 8,8 2626 121,8 6 42 504 52 10,4 2600 123,0 7 48 576 60 12,0 2555 125,2 According to Table 1 we build graphic dependences of the illuminated room is described by a curvilinear dependence, and the number and power of lighting Ф = f ( S ) , N = f2(S) , Plig.in = f3 (S) and means are characterized by a linear dependence. est 1 Based on the generalization and analysis of the results performed by the authors of the calculations, Eact = f4 (S) presented in Fig. 1, which depict the nature analytical dependencies were obtained that describe the nature of the change in artificial lighting indicators de- of the change in the quantitative and qualitative indica- pending on the geometric dimensions of the object under study, taking into of account of the layout of light tors of artificial lighting, depending on the area of the sources. department for the repair of electrical and electronic equipment of locomotives. It can be seen that the dynamics of changes in the luminous flux and illumination with an increase in the area 16
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Figure 1. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of artificial lighting of the investigated repair facility 1. For the number of light sources - Фest 2 = −K3S + Ф11 , N = K1S − Nlig.in , when K1 = 0,111 pcs/m2 and Nlig.in = est 4 pcs. when K4 = 2,444 lm/m2 and Ф11 = 3476 lm; 2. Для мощности осветительной установки est Plig.in = K2S − P1 , when K2 = 0,0222 kW/m2 Ф = −K3S + Ф111 , lig .in est 3 est and Plig.in = 0,8 kW. when K5 = 0,7535 lm/m2 and Ф111 = 2952 lm. 3. For the of calculated luminous flux of the lamp. est We divide the graphical dependence of the calculated 4. The actual illumination of the lamp in the consid- luminous flux on the area of the illuminated room into ered range of areas varies according to a curvilinear law three zones (zone I - S1 = 114 ... 216 m2, zone II - S2 = 216 ... 288 m2 and zone III - S3 = 288 m2) taking and, with an increase in the latter by a factor of four, into account the assumption of the linear nature of the it also increases, approximately by 32.77 percent. change in the calculated luminous flux of the lamp. Thus, the graphical and analytical dependences ob- Therefore we have: tained by the authors can be used to predict the parame- ters of quantitative and qualitative indicators of artificial Фest1 = −K3S + Ф1 , lighting at the design stage of railway transport facilities, est as well as buildings of industrial enterprises. when K3 = 6,18 lm/m2 and Ф1 = 4283 lm; est Reference: 1. Belyakov G.I. Occupational health and safety: a textbook for secondary vocational education / G.I. Belyakov. - 3rd ed., revised and additional - Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019. - 404 p. 2. Ablyalimov O.S. On the study of artificial lighting at railway transport enterprises [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, I.R. Kayumov // VIII-th interuniversity scientific and practical conference \"Young scientific researcher\" / Tashkent Institute . eng. railway transport. - Tashkent, 2010. - pp. 85 - 87. 3. Normatov Sh.N., Tulyagankhodzhaeva M.B. Calculation of artificial lighting in industrial premises [Text] / Sh.N. Normatov, M.B. Tulyagankhodzhaeva // Methodological guidelines for graduation design. Part II / Tashkent in-t. eng. railway transport. - Tashkent, 1987. - 31 p. 4. Ablyalimov O.S. Calculation of illumination in the industrial premises of the locomotive depot [Text] / O.S. Ablyal- imov, M.M. Topilov // VIII-th interuniversity scientific and practical conference \"Young scientific researcher\" / Tashkent in-t. eng. railway transport. - Tashkent, 2010. - pp. 71 - 73. 17
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. NATURAL LIGHTING OF INDUSTRIAL PREMISES IN THE LOCOMOTIVE DEPO Oleg Ablyalimov Doctor of philosophy, professor, professor of the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive economy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] Boxadirjon Gayratov Master student by the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive еconomy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] Shaxboz Ruzimurodov Master student by the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive еconomy», Tashkent state transpоrt university Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] ЕСТЕСТВЕННОЕ ОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННЫХ ПОМЕЩЕНИЙ В ЛОКОМОТИВНОМ ДЕПО Аблялимов Олег Сергеевич канд. техн. наук, профессор, проф. кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Гайратов Бохадиржон Икболжон ўғли магистрант кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Рузимуродов Шахбоз Дилмурод ўғли магистрант кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT A methodik for substantiating the parameters of natural lighting in a production facility in a locomotive depot is proposed. Received numerical values of the area of light openings in the extension of the production facility, the projected workshop of a large of type of current repair for 3VL80S electric locomotives in the locomotive depot, which ensure full compliance with of sanitary and hygienic standards for natural lighting on the same level with standard norms. AННОТАЦИЯ Предложена методика обоснования параметров естественного освещения производственного помещения в локомотивном депо. Получены численные значения площади световых проёмов в пристройке производственного помещения, проектируемого цеха крупного вида текущего ремонта для электровозов 3ВЛ80С в локомотивном депо, которые обеспечивают полное соответствие санитарно - гигиенических норм по естественному освещению стандартным нормативам. Keywords: light opening, area, luminous flux, natural lighting, side lighting, calculation, coefficient, standard. Ключевые слова: световой проём, площадь, световой поток, естественное освещение, боковое освещение, расчёт, коэффициент, норматив. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Ablyalimov O., Gayratov B., Ruzimurodov S. NATURAL LIGHTING OF INDUSTRIAL PREMISES IN THE LOCOMOTIVE DEPO // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13742
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. In railway transport and in transport construction, in N - groups number group of the administrative order to create healthy and highly productive working conditions during the repair, maintenance and operation region according to natural light supply; of rolling stock, as well as in ensuring the safety of train Sп - room floor area, m2; traffic, natural lighting is of particular importance, К3 - factor determined taking into account the dust which is used for general lighting of production and util- ity rooms. The specified lighting is created by the radi- content of the room, the location of the glasses (tilted, ant energy of the sun and has the most favorable effect on the human body. horizontal or vertical) and the frequency of cleaning; η0 - light characteristic of windows; With this type of lighting, one should take into ac- Кbuild - coefficient taking into account window count meteorological conditions and their changes dur- ing the day and periods of the year for a given, specific, shading by buildings opposing; area. The foregoing is necessary in order to know how τ0 - total coefficient light transmittanc; much natural light will enter the room through the ar- ranged light openings of the building: windows - with r1 - coefficient taking into account the increase in side lighting; skylights of the upper floors of the build- ing - with overhead lighting. With combined natural the coefficient of natural illumination with side lighting lighting, side lighting is added to the top lighting. due to the light reflected from the surface of the room The main task of lighting calculations for industrial (residential) buildings and structures for naturals light- and the underlying layer adjacent to the building. ing, created by direct sunlight and diffused light from the sky, is to determine the required area of their light The value of the total coefficient light transmittance openings. is determined by the following relationship, that is To characterize light, certain lighting concepts and quantities are used [1], the main of which are luminous τ0 = τ1 · τ2 · τ3 · τ4 · τ5 (3) flux, luminous intensity, illumination and brightness. where τ1 – coefficient light transmittance of the material; The purpose of this study is to substantiate the pa- τ2 – coefficient taking into account the loss of light rameters of natural lighting of the extension of the pro- duction premises of the projected workshop for the in the bindings of the light opening; maintenance of TR - 3 electric locomotives 3VL80S in τ3 – coefficient taking into account light losses in the locomotive depot. load-bearing structures; The algorithm for realizing the goal of the research τ4 – coefficient that takes into account the loss of is as follows. light in sun protection devices; The calculation of the area of light openings with τ5 – coefficient, which is not taken into account in side lighting of the mentioned extension is carried out according to the formula [2]: calculations for side lighting. The coefficient r1 given above depends on the weighted average reflection coefficient of the surfaces of the room Рav (%), which is determined by the formula for side and top lighting: Рav = Рceil Sceil + Pwall Swall + Р fl S fl ,% (4) Sceil + Swall + S fl S0 = N Sn K3 0 K3 Д , м2 (1) where Рceil, Рwall, Рfl – respectively, the reflection coeffi- 100 0 r1 cient of the ceiling, walls and floor; Sceil, Swall, Sfl – respectively, ceiling, wall and floor areas, m2. where S0 - area of light openings, m2; Sceil = L · B; Swall = 2 · H · (L+B); Sfl = L · B, m2 (5) ℓN - is the normalized value of the natural light fac- where В - room width, m; tor, %. L - room length, m; The coefficient of natural illumination (CNI) is the Н - room height, m. Further, we provide a rationale for the natural ratio of illumination at a given point inside the room to the simultaneous value of the external horizontal illumi- lighting parameters of the extension of the production nation created by the light of a completely open sky, ex- premises of the projected workshop for the maintenance pressed as a percentage. TR - 3 of electric locomotives 3VL80S for the following initial data: the locomotive depot is located in the fifth The value of the normalized value of the specified group of administrative districts in terms of natural light CNI for industrial buildings located in different areas ac- supply, and the geometric parameters of the said exten- cording to the resources of the light climate is deter- sion are L = 132 m in length, width H = 12 m and height mined by the following formula: H = 10,8 m. Adopted lateral one-sided natural lighting. N = Н mN (2) 1. We determine the value of the weighted average reflection coefficient of the room according to formula (4) where ℓH - is the normal value of the natural light fac- taking into account formula (5), that is tor, %; Рav = 12132 (50 +10) + 2 10,8 (132 +12) 70 49,82% mN - coefficient taking into account the peculiarities 2[13212 +10,8(132 +12)] of the light climate of the administrative region; 19
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. It's accepted here: Рceil = 50%, Рwall = 10% и light climate coefficient of the administrative region Рfl = 70%. is mN = 0,8 [4]. According to [3], when the ratio of the length of the Then, we have room to its depth is one, taking into account the ratio of the depth of the room to its height from the level of the ℓN = 1,2 · 0,8 = 0,96 %. conditional work surface to the top of the window from 1,5 to 2,5 units and the ratio of the distance of the calculated For industrial premises with an air environment point from the outer wall to the depth of the room in containing less than 1 mg / m3 of dust, smoke and soot 0,7 units, value r1 ≈ 2.0. in the working area, and an angle of inclination of the light-transmitting material to the horizon of 46 - 75 degrees 2. Determine the value of the total coefficient of with two cleanings of the glazing of light openings per light emission year, the safety factor is equal to K3 = 1, 5. The value of the light characteristics at a side light at according to [5] τ0 = 0,8 · 0,75 · 1,0 · 1,0 = 0,6 is η0 = 9,25. We accept the value of the coefficient Kbuild = 1,4. where τ1 = 0,8 – window glass sheet double; τ2 – bindings for windows and lanterns of industrial Hence buildings, wooden, τ2 = 0,75; S0 = 0,96 12 1321,5 9,25 1,4 = 246,15m2 τ3 – loss light at side lighting, τ3 = 1,0; 100 0,6 2,0 τ4 – retractable adjustable blinds and curtains Thus, to in order for the sanitary and hygienic stand- (inter-pane, internal, external, τ4 = 1,0; ards of natural lighting to comply with the standards, the τ5 – side lighting is not taken into account, τ5 = 0. required area of light openings in the extension of the With high accuracy and the third category of visual production premises of the designed workshop for the maintenance TR - 3 of electric locomotives 3VL80S lo- work, the sub - category of which is \"b\", and the contrast comotive depot should be more than two hundred and of the object with the background and its characteristic forty - six square meters. is for average - the magnitude of the normal value of the CNI is ℓН = 1,2%. Therefore, for these light apertures, which are ori- ented along the horizon to the northeast, the value of the Reference: 1. Ablyalimov O.S. On the study of artificial lighting at railway transport enterprises [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, I.R. Kayumov // VIII-th interuniversity scientific and practical conference \"Young scientific researcher\" / Tashkent Institute . eng. railway transport. - Tashkent, 2010. - pp. 85 - 87. 2. Belyakov G.I. Occupational health and safety: a textbook for secondary vocational education / G.I. Belyakov. - 3rd ed., revised and additional - Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019. - 404 p. 3. Occupational safety in railway transport and transport construction / Edited by of A.V. Loshinins. General course. - M.: Transport, 1971. 4. Normatov Sh.N. Calculation of artificial lighting in industrial premises [Text] / Sh.N. Normatov, M.B. Tulyagankhodzhaeva // Methodological guidelines for graduation design. Part II / Tashkent in-t. eng. railway transport. - Tashkent, 1987. - 31 p. 5. Ablyalimov O.S. Calculation of illumination in the industrial premises of the locomotive depot [Text] / O.S. Ablyal- imov, M.M. Topilov // VIII-th interuniversity scientific and practical conference \"Young scientific researcher\" / Tashkent in-t. eng. railway transport. - Tashkent, 2010. - pp. 71 - 73. 20
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. TO REPAIR OF TRACTION ELECTRIC MOTORS DT-9N AT ALMALYK MINING AND METALLURGICAL WORKS Oleg Ablyalimov Doctor of philosophy, professor, professor of the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive economy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] Boxadirjon Gayratov Master student by the chair«Loсomotives and locomotive еconomy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] Shaxboz Ruzimurodov Master student by the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive еconomy», Tashkent state transpоrt university Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] К РЕМОНТУ ТЯГОВЫХ ЭЛЕКТРОДВИГАТЕЛЕЙ ДТ-9Н НА АЛМАЛЫКСКОМ ГОРНО - МЕТАЛЛУРГИЧЕСКОМ КОМБИНАТЕ Аблялимов Олег Сергеевич канд. техн. наук, профессор, проф. кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Гайратов Бохадиржон Икболжон ўғли магистрант кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Рузимуродов Шахбоз Дилмурод ўғли магистрант кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство», Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT Is shown the production and technological process of organizing the current repair of traction electric motors DT - 9N of the traction unit PE - 2M on the basis of the rationing flow chart developed by the authors technological - stand- ardization map for this type of repair. The norm of time for the current repair of the traction electric motor DT - 9N in of volume TR-3 is substantiated, taking into account the photo timing of each repair operation, which made it possible to open additional reserves that ensure of efficiency an increase of repair production. AННОТАЦИЯ Показан производственно-технологический процесс организации текущего ремонта тяговых электродвига- телей ДТ - 9Н тягового агрегата ПЭ - 2М на основе разработанной авторами технологической карты нормирова- ния на данный вид ремонта. Обоснована норма времени на текущий ремонт тягового электродвигателя ДТ - 9Н в объёме ТР-3 с учётом фотохронометража каждой ремонтной операции, что позволило открыть дополнительные резервы, обеспечивающие повышение эффективности ремонтного производства. Keywords: norm of time, maintenance, traction unit, electric motor, tilter, calculation, parameters, operational time, depot. Ключевые слова: норма времени, текущий ремонт, тяговый агрегат, электродвигатель, кантователь, расчёт, параметры, оперативное время, депо. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Ablyalimov O., Gayratov B., Ruzimurodov S. TO REPAIR OF TRACTION ELECTRIC MOTORS DT-9N AT ALMALYK MINING AND METALLURGICAL WORKS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13743
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine DT - 9N of protected execution and with of support - (AMMC) belongs to the enterprises of the mining indus- axial of the suspensions. try of Uzbekistan, for the successful operation of which, in terms of organizing the extraction and processing of The design feature of the traction electric motor copper ore, an electric rolling stock of industrial railway DT - 9N is a double-sided jaggeds gearing with a traction transport is used - a traction unit PE - 2M, the main tech- gearbox and the presence of a compensation winding on nical data and characteristics of which are given in [1]. the additional poles of the skeleton. One of the main components of the undercarriage This allows, with a smaller mass of the mentioned of the traction unit PE - 2M is a wheel - motor block, engine, to obtain such a torque and armature speed that the design of which includes a wheel pair with axle will be necessary to provide the tangent power of the boxes, as well as a unified DC traction electric motors electric rolling stock required when operating it in mountainous conditions. The main parameters of the traction electric motor DT - 9N are given below: collector voltage, V …………………………….……………..…………..1500 power, kW…………………………………………………………….…..…467 Shaft еfficiency, %...........................................................................................93 highest rotation frequency, rp/min ………………………………..……....1530 insulation class: for coils of skeleton……………………………………………………………...В for armature windings……………………………………………………….....F cooling air quantity, m3/min……………………………………………..…...95 mass (weight), kg……………………………………..…………………....4600 To date, the traction unit PE - 2M is operated on The total time that falls on preparatory and final ac- electrified sections of the AGMK railway tracks in the tions, taking into account the time for servicing the open pit of the Kalmakyr mine, as well as outside it, and workplace and routine breaks for locksmith work, ac- therefore the technical condition of the traction motor cording to the recommendation [3], is 9,3 percent of the DT - 9N plays a significant role in ensuring traffic safety operational time for the accounted amount of work. and increasing the efficiency of transportation work on transportation copper ore and its constituents. The last time is calculated on the basis of the tech- nological and normalization map developed by the au- Repair of traction electric motors DT - 9N is orga- thors for the traction motor DT - 9N of the traction unit nized in the electric machine shop of the AGMK loco- PE - 2M, which indicates the name of the work and the motive depot and begins with the diagnostic section, type of repair, as well as their content, taking into ac- where they arrive with dismantled gears and removed count recommendations for the use of tools, fixtures and motor - axial bearing caps, previously cleaned and washed. equipment, based on the volume taken into account re- pair work per unit of measure. Here they measure the insulation resistance of the traction electric motor circuits, check the operation of In order to determine the costs of operational time the brush apparatus, collector and anchor bearings, and for those individual elements of the normalized opera- also measure the radial clearances and the axial takeoff tion that were performed using technological equipment run of the armature in them. that differed from that adopted in the typical norm, one of the well-known methods of technical normalization Next, the traction electric motor is moved to the dis- was used - photo timing to perform of repair work for assembly department position, where he it is installed on each operation, that is, the duration of each normalized a tilter of the EK-20-61 type and dismantled by assem- operation was recorded in minutes. blies is carried out with the subsequent repair of these assemblies. After the node-by-nodal assembly, the final Then, the operational time for the entire volume of assembly of the traction motor is carried out and its con- the current repair of TR-3 of one traction electric motor trol tests are carried out, followed by painting and trans- DT - 9N is Tоp = 3450,7 standard - minutes. Based on the fer to a representative of the technical control depart- foregoing, the norm of time for the mentioned repair will ment (QCD). Then, the traction motor enters the work- be equal to Tt = 1,093·Tоп = 62,86 standard - hours. shop for the repair of traction rolling stock to the assem- bly position of wheel - motor blocks (units). It should be noted that in the process of carrying out the specified photo timing, additional reserves were dis- Similarly [2], norm the time for the repair of one covered that ensure an increase in the efficiency of re- traction motor DT - 9N is determined by the formula: pair production, primarily associated with a reduction in operational time by eliminating non-production repair Тt = Тоp + Тpr.fa + Тwm + Тr.br (1) operations and through of increase of the specific grav- ity parallel works and improving the level of qualifica- wherе Тоp - operating time for the accounted amount of tions of production workers. work, norm - min or normo - h; The results of the study obtained by the authors are Т pr.fa – preparatory - final actions, norm - min; the starting point for the subsequent development of a Тwm – workplace maintenance, norm - min; production process on organizing the current repair of Тr.br – regulation breaks for locksmith work, norm - the TR-3 traction electric motor DT-9N of the repair of depot of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine. min. 22
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Reference: 1. Traction DC unit type PE - 2M. Technical description and operating instructions. OTP 466.028. Mechanical part, volume 3. - 1984. – 124 p. 2. Turgunbaev Zh.M. On the issue of modernization of the wheel-motor block of the electric locomotive \"Uzbekistan\" [Text] / Zh.M. Turgunbaev, O.S. Ablyalimov, O.T. Kasimov // Vestnik TashIIT / Tashkent Institute of Engineering. railroad transport. - Tashkent: 2009. No. 1. - рр. 50 ... 53. 3. A collection of typical technically justified time standards for locksmith work during the depot repair of VL60K elec- tric locomotives. - M.: Transport, 1975. - 464 p. 23
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.98.5.13641 TO THE ENERGY OF NON - ELECTRIFED SECTIONS OF RAILWAYS Oleg Ablyalimov Doctor of philosophy, professor, professor of the chair «Loсomotives and locomotive economy» Tashkent state transpоrt university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] К ЭНЕРГЕТИКЕ НЕЭЛЕКТРИФИЦИРОВАННЫХ УЧАСТКОВ ЖЕЛЕЗНЫХ ДОРОГ Аблялимов Олег Сергеевич канд. техн. наук, профессор, проф. кафедры «Локомотивы и локомотивное хозяйство» Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT An algorithm is proposed for the grapho - analytical method for calculating diesel fuel consumption for train traction. Curves of train speed and travel time for diesel locomotives on a virtual railway section are represented. A method for calculating diesel fuel consumption by diesel locomotives in the traction and idling modes of the train is represented. The research results can be implementation in the analysis and evaluation of the traction and energy efficiency of the trans- portation work of diesel locomotives under operating conditions. АННОТАЦИЯ Предложен алгоритм графоаналитического метода расчёта расхода дизельного топлива на тягу поездов. Представлены кривые скорости движения и времени хода поезда для локомотивов дизельной тяги на виртуальном участке железной дороги. Предложена методика расчёта расхода дизельного топлива тепловозами на режимах тяги и холостого хода поезда. Результаты исследований могут быть реализованы при анализе и оценке тягово - энергетической эффективности перевозочной работы локомотивов дизельной тяги в условиях эксплуатации. Keywords: study, freight train, diesel locomotive, railroad, parameter, way, station, time, speed, section, virtual. Ключевые слова: исследование, грузовой поезд, тепловоз, железная дорога, параметр, путь, станция, время, скорость, участок, виртуальный. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction. Efficient and rational use of fuel and type and content is carried out by diesel traction loco- energy resources, taking into account the widespread re- motives. duction in diesel fuel consumption for train traction for mainline diesel locomotives in operating conditions, Moreover, about fifty percent of the entire operating now continues to be a very urgent problem. locomotive fleet of JSC \"O'zbekiston temir yo'llari\" are mainline (train) diesel locomotives of the TE10M and This problem can be solved by further improving UzTE16M series in various sectional designs. the energy resources management system and ensuring the throughput and carrying capacity of railways at the The purpose of this study is to substantiate the lowest material costs. algorithm and methodology for calculating the con- sumption of diesel fuel by mainline diesel locomotives For many years, the Department of «Locomotives and (locomotives diesel traction) for train traction in relation Locomotive Economy» of TSTU has been conducting to a virtual section of the railway. theoretical studies to improve the energy efficiency of using diesel locomotives, which are based on the The formulated goal of the research is realized “classical” traction calculation for different types of through the methods [1,2] of the theory of locomotive traction railway rolling stock. traction, the object and subject of research. Statement of the research problem. Recently, The object of study is three-section mainline (train) despite the intensive and widespread electrification of the freight diesel locomotives of the 3TE10M and Uzbek railways, about thirty percent of these roads fall UzTE16M3 series, the main design features and traction on non-electrified sections, where railway transportation performance characteristics of which are given in [3,4] of goods and passengers of different structure, view, and a virtual section of the railway. The subject of the study is the kinematic parameters of the movement of a freight train of a unified mass of __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Ablyalimov O. TO THE ENERGY OF NON - ELECTRIFED SECTIONS OF RAILWAYS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13641
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. the composition and the parameters of the energy effi- • chooseds the parameters of the state of the mate- ciency indicators of the studied diesel locomotives rial and technical base and the conditions for organizing 3TE10M and UzTE16M3 on a given section of the railway. the railway transportation of goods by locomotives on a given (accepted) section of the account; The given (accepted) virtual section of the railway with a length of L = 8,6 kilometers, consisting of four • developeding models for driving a freight train of elements of the track profile, is shown in Fig. 1, three of various masses, organized by locomotives without stops which are ascents with a steepness of +1,5 ‰ and and with stops at intermediate stations, sidings and sep- +2,0 ‰, and one element is a descent with a slope equal arate points; to isp = -2,73 ‰. • solve the differential equations of motion of a Freight trains of a unified mass of composition freight train, using a graphical method to determine the Q = 3000 tons and the number of axles m = 200 axles speed and travel time of the train on a given (accepted) consist of fifty four-axle cars on rolling bearings (roller). section of the railway; There are no permanent or temporary warnings or speed limits. Brake pads are cast iron – υest = 0,33 kN/kN, • perform traction calculations on a given section and the length of the receiving and dispatch tracks is of the railway (Fig. 1) and the results obtained are pro- lr-d-w = 1050 m. cessed by known methods of mathematical statistics with their subsequent analysis; Research results and their analysis. The imple- mentation of the purpose of this research is based on the • determine the values of diesel fuel consumption following main provisions of the proposed generalized by locomotives for train traction in quantitative and algorithm for performing traction calculation: monetary terms. Figure 1. Fragment of the tractioned calculation option for locomotives of diesel traction on a virtual section of the railway The movement of the train is described by a differ- The methodology for substantiating the kinematic ential equation [2]: parameters of the movement of freight trains and the pa- rameters of the main energy indicators of the transporta- dv = u (1) tion work of the investigated diesel locomotives dt 3TE10M and UzTE16M3 initially provides for the com- pilation of a table and the construction of a diagram of where v - is the speed of movement, m/s; the specific of resultant forces of the train. t - train travel time, s; Further, based on the recommendations of [1,2] and similarly to [5], a curve is constructed for the speed and u - specific resultant force of the train, N/kN; time of the train on a given virtual section of the railway. ζ - is the actual acceleration of the train, kNm/Ns2. 25
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. On fig. 1 shows the constructed curves for the speed The consumption of diesel fuel by a diesel locomo- V = f(S) and travel time t = f(S) of a freight train with a tive in the traction mode at the 15th position of the con- unified mass of the train Q = 3000 tons and the number troller of the driver and idling of the train is, respec- of axles m = 200 axles for the studieds diesel locomo- tively, Gf = 25,4 kg/min and gid = 1,14 kg/min (3TE10M tives 3TE10M and UzTE16M3 on a virtual section of the diesel locomotives), Gf = 22,65 kg /min and gid = 0,69 railway, where marked: Art. P - freight train departure kg/min (diesel locomotives UzTE16M3). station; tt and tхх,т are, respectively, the travel time of a freight train in the modes of traction and idling, braking The specific consumption of diesel fuel is deter- (in Fig. 1, this mode of driving a freight train is not mined by the formula: used); off and k. incl. - respectively, the driver controller is turned off and on, that is, the idle mode of the freight ������ = ������∙104, kg/104 t km gross (3) train. ������∙������ The basis for constructing (calculating) the trajec- tory of a freight train is the principle of maximizing the use The unit cost of rail transportation of various car- of power and traction and operational qualities (proper- goes for diesel traction locomotives was determined by ties) of a locomotive [6], taking into account the kinetic the formula: energy of the train on each element of the track profile track, which for diesel locomotives 3TE10M and сf = ЕЦf , (thousand soum)/km (4) UzTE16M3 is the 15th nominal position the driver's 103 L controller at full field (FF), as well as the first (FW1) and second (FW2) stages of field weakening of traction where E is the consumption of diesel fuel per trip, kg; motors. L is the length of the virtual section of the railway, The consumption E of diesel fuel by a diesel loco- km (L = 8,6 km); motive spent on moving the train along the section is Цf – sale price of one ton of diesel fuel, thousand calculated by the formula: soum/t (Цf = 1770,45 thousand soum/t). ������ = ������f ∙ ������������ + ������������������ ∙ ������������������,������, kg (2) In table. 1 shows the results of traction calculation - where Gf is the consumption of diesel fuel by diesel lo- the parameters of kinematic and energy indicators of the comotives at the nominal position of the driver control- efficiency of using three - section mainline (train) freight ler, kg/min; diesel locomotives 3TE10M and UzTE16M3 on a virtual section of the railway in quantitative and monetary tt is the total operating time of the diesel locomotive terms. in the traction mode, min; Analysis of the research results showed that gid is the consumption of diesel fuel by a diesel lo- UzTE16M3 diesel locomotives, in comparison with comotive in idling and braking modes, kg/min; 3TE10M diesel locomotives, provide a reduction in the consumption of full-scale diesel fuel for train traction tid, t is the total time of locomotive movement in the and the cost of rail transportation of various views, idling and braking mode, min. types, content and structure of cargo, on average, by ap- proximately 11.04 - 11, 05 percent. Table 1. Indicators of the transportation work of the studied diesel locomotives on a virtual section of the railway, non - stop traffic Kinematic Energy train mo- Train travel time on the Diesel fuel consumption Diesel fuel cost tion speed section V, km/h in traction in idling full E, kg specific e, full Сf, soum specific сf, mode tt, mode tid, min kg/104 t кkm housand. min soum /km - natural gross - natural 12 3 45 67 Diesel locomotives 3TE10M 72,68 6,1 1,0 156,08 60,49 276332 32,13 Diesel locomotives UzTE16M3 72,68 6,1 1,0 138,85 53,82 245827 28,58 26
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Conclusion. The research methodology proposed diesel locomotives on virtual and identical real sections by the author and the kinematic parameters of the move- of the Uzbek railways. ment of a freight train, the kinematic and energy indica- tors of the transportation operation of three-section The results of the research are also recommended mainline (train) freight diesel locomotives of the for use in the practice of the locomotive complex of JSC 3TE10M and UzTE16M3 series, of course, can be im- \"O'zbekiston temir yo'llari\" in substantiating the effec- plemented in the analysis and evaluation of the traction tiveness of different types of locomotive traction in real and energy efficiency of the transportation operation of operating conditions. Reference: 1. Kuzmich V.D. Theory of locomotive traction [Text] / V.D. Kuzmich, V.S. Rudnev, S. Ya. Frenkel // Textbook for universities of railway transport. - M.: Route, 2005. - 448 p. 2. Ablyalimov O.S. Fundamentals of locomotive management [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov, E.S. Ushakov // Textbook for professional colleges of railway transport. - Tashkent: \"Davr\", 2012. - 392 p. 3. Ablyalimov O.S. Study of the operation of diesel locomotives 3TE10M on the hilly-mountainous section of JSC \"O'zbekiston temir yo'llari\" [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov // Scientific and technical journal \"Izvestiya Transsib\" / Omsk state. University of Communications. - Omsk, 2016. No. 2 (26). - pp. 2 - 10. 4. Ablyalimov O.S. Investigation of the operation of diesel locomotives UzTE16M3 on the hilly-mountainous section of JSC \"O'zbekiston temir yo'llari\" [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov // Scientific and technical journal \"Bulletin of transport of the Volga region\" / Samara state. University of Communications. - Samara, 2016. No. 3 (57). - pp. 16 - 22. 5. Ablyalimov O.S. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of diesel traction rolling stock on a hilly-mountainous section of the railway [Text] / O.S. Ablyalimov // Scientific and technical journal \"Transport of the Asia-Pacific Region\" / Far Eastern State. University of Communications. - Khabarovsk, 2017. No. 3 (12). - pp. 6 - 12. 6. Rules for traction calculations for train work [Text] / All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport. - M.: Transport, 1985. - 287 p. 27
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.98.5.13617 OPTIMIZATION OF TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS SERVICES IN SERVICING THE EXPORT POTENTIAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Natalya Sarvirova Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Transport Logistics, Tashkent State Transport University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] Ulugbek Samatov Chief Specialist, Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ ТРАНСПОРТНО-ЛОГИСТИЧЕСКИХ УСЛУГ ПРИ ОБСЛУЖИВАНИИ ЭКСПОРТНОГО ПОТЕНЦИАЛА РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН Сарвирова Наталья Сергеевна канд. экон. наук, доцент, кафедра транспортной логистики, Ташкентский Государственный Транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Саматов Улугбек Гаппарович главный специалист, Министерство транспорта Республики Узбекистан, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT The article deals with the problems of carrying out export operations. The role of transport foreign economic activity is revealed. The main methods of optimizing transport costs are presented. The main actions of logistics business pro- cesses are the advantages of specialized software. “Green Corridor” – simplification of customs inspection procedures. The article indicates the expansion of the possibilities of using this mechanism. АННОТАЦИЯ В статье рассматриваются проблемы осуществление экспортных операции. Выявлена роль транспортной ВЭД. Представлены основные методы оптимизации транспортных расходов, основные действия бизнес-процес- сов логистики, преимущества специализированного программного обеспечения и “Зеленый коридор” – упроще- ние процедур таможенного досмотра. В статье обозначено расширение возможностей использования данного механизма. Keywords: Problems of export operations, logistics approach, optimization of transport costs, \"Green\" corridor. Ключевые слова: Проблемы экспортных операции, логистический подход, оптимизация транспортных рас- ходов, “Зеленый” коридор. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ UDK: 656.078 In the modern conditions of globalization, when the Most often, the mutual exchange of the results of international market of goods and services is striking in economic activity on the international market and re- scale, the foreign economic activity of enterprises plays lated export operations are carried out in the form of a an increasingly important role, since more prospects foreign trade contract. open up for companies in the international market. One of the most important and at the same time complex forms of foreign economic activity (FEA) is __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Sarvirova N.S., Samatov U.G. OPTIMIZATION OF TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS SER- VICES IN SERVICING THE EXPORT POTENTIAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN // Universum: тех- нические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13617
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. export operations that arise when concluding a foreign of carriage, in the registration of transport, shipping doc- trade transaction and represent a special type of eco- uments, insurance, in the transportation of goods on sev- nomic relations. eral types transport, etc. Logistics of foreign economic activity has its own To maintain their positions in the world markets, en- specifics in export-import operations related to it, for ex- terprises need to make certain efforts in the direction of ample, in the passage of customs formalities, regulation increasing the level of manufacturability and efficiency of the terms of delivery of goods under purchase and sale of business processes. agreements based on Incoterms and international rules Figure 1. Basic principles of transport logistics, ensuring its efficiency There is an urgent need to find additional opportu- to the rapid growth in the volume of international trade, nities to further reduce the level of costs for export-im- the transfer of some logistics operations to specialized port operations, and improve the quality of customer ser- firms, the creation of international, regional unions, vice, improve the processes of regulation and coordina- which leads to a reduction or cancellation of export and tion of flow management, which requires a logistical ap- import duties and a reduction in customs formalities and proach. the use of real-time information resources (Internet), which in turn accelerates the process of logistics opera- Despite the difficulties that arise in international tions. transport logistics, it is gaining momentum. This is due 29
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Figure 2. Fundamentals of the logistics approach in foreign economic activity The economic efficiency of a foreign trade opera- Optimization of logistics business processes begins tion largely depends on the correctly selected basic and transport conditions of the cargo rate. The effectiveness with data analysis and is implemented through specific of the formation of the transport logistics system of for- eign economic activity of the enterprise is achieved actions: when the organization wins and retains the trust of con- • adjustment of machine sizes and packaging con- sumers of logistics services. tainer sizes to maximize the use of the vehicle's load ca- Optimization of logistics costs, especially in the field of export-import transportation, does not mean that pacity. the cargo transportation organizer will spend less money • place of containers inside the body in such a way on process maintenance, driver salaries, and vehicle ser- vice. The essence of optimization is to get a more effec- as to use the entire useful volume of the cargo part of the tive result with a constant amount of expenses. In the language of physics, optimization leads to an increase in vehicle. the efficiency of the cargo transportation system. At the • minimization of the number of product overloads, same time, the main goal of the optimization processes is to provide a more competitive and profitable offer to taking into account route optimization. maintain and increase the number of loyal customers. • combining several loads in one container to speed Dumping in the conditions of the modern market does not lead to profit growth. On the contrary, understating up loading and unloading operations. the price harms the carrier and the customer equally. • development of a cargo packaging system taking Far-sighted market participants should use optimization tools for the benefit of customers and their reputation. into account their nature and dimensions to preserve the Today, companies specializing in cargo transportation integrity and ensure maximum completeness of the cargo use the following methods to optimize transportation costs: body. • working out factors that increase downtime dur- 1. Optimization of routes using application software. 2. Monitoring of the movement of vehicles involved ing unloading and loading operations. in transportation. • distribution of cargo deliveries taking into ac- 3. Accounting for real resources of motor transport adjusted for depreciation and amortization. count seasonality and weather conditions. 4. Determination of ways to solve work tasks in • optimization of the trip taking into account the case of force majeure situations. location of toll roads and emergency sections of the way. • timely receipt of information about the condition of transport routes. Logisticians use various mathematical methods to carry out calculations: heuristic algorithms, linear mathematical programming, the minimum price meth- odology, the Svir algorithm, and the salesman's method. However, not every company can pay for the work of one specialist or an entire logistics department, who manually determine the optimal way to reduce the costs of transport processes. The best solution for managing 30
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. logistics optimization is the use of software created spe- and preliminary information on mutual trade and means cifically to improve the quality of cargo transportation. of transport available to the customs service. This is especially true in the field of export transporta- tion, where the carrier's liability increases several times The idea of such a corridor is especially relevant for and requires compliance with a wide range of formalities. Uzbekistan given the existing potential of the country- exporter of fruit and vegetable and agro-industrial prod- Modern international companies with a developed ucts. logistics structure use professional applications in logis- tics and route optimization. Specialized software greatly A striking example of the implementation of this idea simplifies the life of professionals: is the test transportation between Russia and Uzbekistan within the framework of the Agroexpress project. • the speed of processing requests for cargo deliv- ery is increasing. due to the notification system, the car- The train, which included containers with fruit and rier can promptly respond to an incoming order, and ap- vegetable products — grapes, persimmons, tomatoes, ply for a tender on time. and lemons — arrived from Tashkent at the Selyatino station of the Moscow Railway in December 2021. • the program chooses which vehicles from the carrier's fleet are suitable for the delivery of specific Within the framework of the Agroexpress project, cargo. this is very convenient: you can immediately de- with the support of the Ministry of Investments and For- termine whether the required transport will be available eign Trade of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Economic at the right time. Development of Russia, Uzbekistan Temir Yullari, Uzagrologostics centers, Russian Railways Logistics, in • automatic filling of contracts, waybills, powers partnership with the Russian Export Center (REC), of attorney, and other necessary documentation. organized in mid-November the first test shipment of frozen poultry meat from Tambov to Tashkent. • the cost of cargo transportation for the client is calculated by the program. the customer immediately The cargo shipment in autonomous refrigerated knows what expenses are waiting for him. containers in the composition of a container train pro- ceeded along the route of Tsna (South-Eastern Railway) • a specialized logistics optimization program sim- – Sergeli (Uzbekistan). plifies communication with customers, makes life easier for the company's employees, and allows you to increase This is a pilot export transportation of goods of the the efficiency of the entire team to the maximum. agro-industrial complex, implemented within the frame- work of a trilateral agreement on cooperation in the de- Monitoring vehicles is a good help in the process of velopment of the logistics corridor \"Russia — Uzbeki- optimizing logistics and transportation processes. stan\". The project is implemented with the participation Tracking cars and analyzing the data obtained allows of REI, railways of Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, you to solve a whole range of tasks: partner logistics companies, as well as customs and phy- tosanitary services of the countries participating in the • reduction of vehicle maintenance costs. corridor. • identification of inappropriate trips, fuel drains, and other cases of violation of labor discipline by drivers. During the test shipments, the specialists worked • monitoring how the driver observes the working out all the technological and control issues. A special day and rest during the trip. tariff rate has been agreed for the route, and in the future • savings on the purchase of gasoline and other fuels deliveries will be carried out by regular full-service due to accurate calculation of total fuel costs for the trains according to the schedule. entire fleet. • monitoring of deviations of the car from a pre- Delivery of products by rail along the corridor \"Rus- determined route. sia – Uzbekistan\" will take no more than 5-7 days, which • reducing the likelihood of accidents. is comparable to the speed of transportation by road. At An important role in optimizing such transport and the same time, the organization of a direct railway route logistics services as customs services for export cargo is will allow exporters to reduce logistical losses, preserve played by the presence of \"green corridors\" on the route the marketable type of products, and also ensure the of cargo traffic. rhythm of deliveries with a high speed of goods clear- The simplified customs corridor — the “green” cor- ance. ridor — is a series of simplified border crossings for in- dividual groups of goods, based on the information ex- Expanding the capabilities of this promising corri- change of information about the supply of goods based dor will attract additional cargo flows from Central on export declarations. Asian markets to Agroexpress routes and additionally Currently, 14 such agreements have been concluded, stimulate the growth of Uzbek exports of agro-industrial of which 5 are being implemented in practice - with products. Uzbekistan, Italy, China, the Netherlands, and Turkey. This mechanism is designed to reduce the time for customs Thus, we can say that the optimization of any operations without losing the quality of customs admin- transport and logistics service consists of the effective istration through the use of a risk management system operation of each component of the service accompany- ing the main transportation. 31
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. References: 1. Recommendation and guidelines on the establishment of a Single Window mechanism to improve the effective ex- change of information between trade organizations and government agencies, RECOMMENDATION No. 33, UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business, Geneva, July 2005. 2. The state of development of the \"single window\" mechanism in the system of regulation of foreign economic activity in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, Moscow 2017 (electronic resource http://www.eurasiancom- mission.org/ru/act/tam_sotr/edinoe_okno/Documents/Sbor_EEK_2017.pdf). 3. Human resource management in logistics systems of multinational companies (electronic resource https://stud- books.net/1394042/menedzhment/analiz_deyatelnosti_logisticheskih_sistem_sfere_upravleniya_chelovech- eskimi_resursami#google_vignette). 4. Cost optimization for cargo transportation logistics (electronic resource https://atlaschain.ru/optimizacziya-zatrat- dlya-logistiki-gruzoperevozok/). 5. Customs gives the go-ahead: how to increase the export of Uzbek agricultural products to the Russian Federation (electronic resource https://uz.sputniknews.ru/20191206/Tamozhnya-daet-dobro-kak-uvelichit-eksport-uzbekskoy- selzproduktsii-v-RF-12961298.html). 6. TMS — transportation management system (electronic resource https://www.generixgroup.com/ru/blog/tms- sistema-upravleniya-perevozkami). 7. Logistics in the innovative economy (electronic resource https://docplayer.com/59154089-Logistika-v-innovacionnoy- ekonomike.html). 8. Dybskaya V.V. Logistics in 2 hours Part 1: textbook for undergraduate and graduate studies / V.V. Dybskaya, V.I. Sergeev; under the general editorship of V.I. Sergeev. — Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019. — 317 p. (electronic resource https://studme.org/286407/logistika/sistemy_avtomatizatsii_upravleniya_transportirovkoy). 32
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. DOI - 10.32743/UniTech.2022.98.5.13575 STATE OF THE ART OF FUEL CELL TECHNOLOGY IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Umidjon Usmanov Master of technical sciences, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Tashkent city E-mail: [email protected] Qodir Yuldoshev Student, Tashkent Automobile and Road College Uzbekistan, Tashkent city E-mail: [email protected] СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ТОПЛИВНЫХ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ В АВТОМОБИЛЬНОЙ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ Усманов Умиджон Равшанович магистр техн. наук, Туринский политехнический университет в г. Ташкенте, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Юлдошев Кодир Эшкобилович студент, Ташкентский автомобильно-дорожный колледж Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT Vehicles with electric propulsion system are becoming increasingly popular due to a number of advantages they possess. However, there are some drawbacks, like long charging time and low energy density of battery packs that create inconveniences for the customers. Hydrogen fuel cells are implemented in addition to battery packs that can tackle these issues of pure electric drives and generate clean energy. This article illustrates the general concept of fuel cell technology, explains the working principle and describes in details different technologies, auxiliary systems as well as on-vehicle applications. In addition, differentiation is made between fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) and fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles (FCHEV). Furthermore, different control strategies for energy management system of FCHEV are described. Finally, the list of mass-produced FCHEVs are listed and future development questions and open research topics are defined. АННОТАЦИЯ Автомобили с электрической силовой установкой становятся все более популярными благодаря ряду пре- имуществ, которыми они обладают. Однако есть и недостатки, такие как длительное время зарядки и низкая плотность энергии аккумуляторных батарей, которые создают неудобства для покупателей. Водородные топлив- ные элементы внедряются в дополнение к аккумуляторным батареям, которые могут решить проблемы электри- ческих приводов и генерировать чистую энергию. Эта статья иллюстрирует общую концепцию технологии топ- ливных элементов, объясняет принцип работы и подробно описывает различные технологии, вспомогательные системы, а также применение на транспортных средствах. Кроме того, проводится различие между электромо- билями на топливных элементах (FCEV) и гибридными электромобилями на топливных элементах (FCHEV). Кроме того, описаны различные стратегии управления для системы управления энергопотреблением FCHEV. Наконец, приводится список серийно выпускаемых FCHEV, а также определяются вопросы будущего развития и открытые темы исследований. Keywords: Fuel cell stack, Fuel cell system, Polarization curve, fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV), Fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles (FCHEV), Toyota Mirai. Ключевые слова: Блок топливных элементов, система топливных элементов, кривая поляризации, электро- мобили на топливных элементах (FCEV), гибридные электромобили на топливных элементах (FCHEV), Toyota Mirai. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Usmanov U., Yuldoshev Q. STATE OF THE ART OF FUEL CELL TECHNOLOGY IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13575
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. 1. Introduction 2. Fuel cell stack The modern world's transportation sector is primarily 2.1 General description reliant on fossil fuels, and its large usage is one of the main reasons of global warming, air pollution, and Fuel cells are devices, that are able to directly con- ozone layer depletion. In addition, the excessive usage vert chemical energy into electricity, without neither of fossil fuel in vehicles contributes to the depletion of combustion, nor moving parts through the electrochemical petroleum resources [1]. Therefore, global efforts are fo- process of combination between hydrogen and oxygen, cused on producing clean and renewable energy sources producing water, electricity and heat [6]. Fuel cells use and reduce the amount of pollutant and greenhouse reactants coming from outside, they continue to run as gases. Different low polluting drive units have been far as they are supplied with hydrogen and oxygen [5]. proposed to improve the environmental situation. Some of Two electrodes ad electrolyte are present in single unit them include advanced spark-ignition (SI) or compression of fuel cell. Negative electrode is called anode and the ignition (CI) internal combustion engines (ICE), series positive electrode is called cathode. Hydrogen is oxi- or parallel hybrid electric vehicles, equipped with ICEs dized as soon as it contacts with anode. The chemical (HEV), battery electric vehicles (BEV) and fuel cell reaction that take place in anode is vehicles (FCV) [2]. ������2 → 2������+ + 2������− (1) The promotion of electric propulsion, which requires overcoming constraints such as limited driving auton- Electrolyte allows the passage of ions (������+ ions), omy and the long time required to recharge the batteries, while at the same time blocks the passage of electrons. is one of the most effective strategies to accelerate the Electrons produces as a result of oxidation, can travel transport sector's decarbonization process [3]. The gradual only through an external circuit, thus transferring elec- shift to fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles is critical for tric energy to a generic load connected to the circuit. Fi- addressing the issues caused by fossil fuel dependency nally, oxygen at the cathode combines with hydrogen and battery electric vehicle constraints. Fuel cell vehicles, ions and electrons to produce water. This reduction powered by pure hydrogen have zero emissions, with chemical reaction is the water vapor as the only local emission. However, by considering not only tank-to-wheel, but also well-to- 1 ������2 + 2������+ + 2������− → ������2������ wheels emissions, the environmental effect of fuel cell 2 vehicles significantly depends on the primary source of hydrogen production, its logistics and delivery [2]. Hy- The scheme of generic fuel cell unit is represented drogen produced from renewable energy, that is used in in Figure 1. fuel cells can dramatically reduce overall (well-to-wheels) emissions. For the vehicles, powered by fuel cells, Fuel cell stack consist of a number of individual cell Energy Storage Systems (ESS) are prevalent. Hybridi- unit series connected. Scheme of a fuel cell stack is il- zation has a number of advantages, including improved lustrated in Figure 2. The intrinsic characteristics of fuel transient power demand, the ability to absorb energy via cells are regenerative braking, and the ability to optimize vehicle efficiency [4]. The coordination of the numerous power • Relatively high electrical efficiency, which sources necessitates a high level of vehicle control. ranges from 40% to 60% and more • The ability to use different reactants (hydrogen, methane, methanol, ethanol) • Small environmental impact and high modularity [5]. Figure 1. Fuel cell stack unit Figure 2. Fuel cell stack [6] 34
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. 2.2 Polarization curve The energy conversion efficiency of a fuel cell can be calculated through the ratio of actual voltage in a Equivalent circuit of fuel cell stack consist of an given working condition and an open circuit voltage. ideal voltage source and a resister series connected. The value of open circuit voltage is always lower than the ������������������������������ = ������������������������ (3) theoretical maximum potential due to intrinsic losses ������������������ and conditions (reactant concentration, temperature, pressure). When a load is connected, terminal voltage There are different sources for the losses in a fuel drops even more and strongly depends on current den- cell stack: activation losses, ohmic losses, concentration sity [6]. The graphical representation of this dependence losses, fuel cross-over losses [5]. is called Polarization curve and is illustrated in Figure 3. Activation losses: reduced reaction kinetics on the surface of electrodes. Part of the voltage is spent in driving the chemical reaction that transfers the electrons. Cell temperature, efficiency of the catalyst, concentration of the reactants and electrode roughness strongly depend on the amount of activation losses. Figure 3. FC polarization curve [7] Figure 4. Share of losses in fuel cell stack [7] Ohmic losses: resistance to the flow of electrons the energy of the stack. We define a fuel cell system, through the material of the electrodes. This resistance that includes all the auxiliary components and the stack linearly varies with current density. itself. As a result, the effective power of fuel cell system is lower than that of fuel cell stack (Figure 5). The Concentration losses: due to the concentration scheme of fuel cell system is illustrated if Figure 6. change of the reactant at the surface of the electrodes. It Main auxiliary systems are depends mainly on the conductivity of the electrodes. • Hydrogen supply system: A recirculating pump Fuel crossover losses: due to a portion of a fuel is used to run an excess of hydrogen. which can flow through an electrolyte and a small num- ber of electrons which can also pass through an electro- • Oxidant supply system: Compressor is used to lyte. These losses become more relevant in lower tem- drive air from the environment. perature cells. • Humidification system: Hydrogen and electrodes Share of different losses and the dependence of cur- should be humidified to avoid the membrane from dry- rent density are illustrated in Figure 4. ing out. 2.3 Fuel cell auxiliaries • Cooling system: Cooling circuit is required to re- move the heat generated as a result of intrinsic losses of Additional devices are required to keep the contin- a fuel cell stack [8]. uous working of fuel cell stack, which are powered by 35
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Figure 5. FC stack and system efficiency [9] Figure 7. Hydrogen storage tank [10] On-board hydrogen is mainly stored in either liquid maintain its liquid phase. This process requires an addi- or gaseous form. Hydrogen gas itself is in gaseous form tional refrigeration system, which is powered by fuel at ambient conditions, thus has very low density at at- cell system, thus reducing the effective output power. In mospheric pressure. Therefore, it should be stored in addition, hydrogen tank must be strongly insulated in or- compressed form [Figure 7]. On the other side, the mass der to reduce the heat transfer from the ambient to the per unit volume of liquid hydrogen is much higher than hydrogen and so prevent hydrogen from boiling. the gaseous one, but the temperature should be kept far below the external temperature (around −270 ℃) to Figure 6. Fuel cell system schematics 2.4 Fuel cell technologies At the cathode, oxygen is reduced, at the same time, electrons flow through an external circuit Alkaline fuel cell (AFC) This technology is the most efficient among the oth- ������2 + 2������2������ + 4������− → 4������������− ers, having the potential to reach 70% due to fast kinetics due to low activation losses. At the anode, hydrogen is These cells use an electrolyte consisting of an alka- oxidized, according the following reaction line aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide. ������2 + 2������������− → 2������2������ + 2������− 36
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. Phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC) Proton exchange fuel cell (PEMFC) This technology uses liquid phosphoric acid PEMFCs are fueled by hydrogen and an oxidant, (������3������������4) in a silicon carbide (������������������) matrix as an electro- usually air or oxygen. This technology is mainly used in lyte. The reaction at the anode is transport application. Solid polymer membrane made of perfluoro sulfonic acid which conducts hydrogen pro- 2������2(������) → 4������+ + 4������− tons. Operating temperature is comparably low (50- 100℃) and operates on the opposite principle to electrol- The reaction is the cathode is ysis, which consumes electricity [7]. The chemical reac- tion at the anode is ������2(������) + 4������+ + 4������− → 2������2������ ������2 → 2������+ + 2������− PAFCs generate electricity (>40% efficiency) and nearly 85% of the steam this fuel cell produces is used The reaction at the cathode is for cogeneration and have the advantage of having a big choice of fuels usable. 1 2������+ 2������− 2 ������2 + + → ������2������ Molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC) PEMFC technology is used in automotive industry Usually operates at high temperatures (600-700℃) dur to the following advantages [11]: and contains an electrolyte composed of a molten car- bonate salt mixture suspended in a porous, chemically • Low-cost technology inert matrix of beta alumina solid electrolyte (BASE). • Relatively low temperature operating range The reaction at the anode is • Air can be directly used as an oxidant • Durability (3000-5000 h as functional life) ������2 + ������������32− → ������2������ + ������������2 + 2������− • Fast response The reaction at the cathode is 3 Hydrogen fuel cell traction systems 1 ������2 + ������������2 + 2������− → ������������32− In general, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles can be sub- 2 divided into two categories: pure fuel cell vehicle and simple series hybrid. Simple series hybrid fuel cell vehi- The main disadvantages of this technology are high cles can be classified as full power, load follower and operating temperature and high electrolyte corrosion. range extender (Figure 8). For the full power configura- tion of FCHEVs, the fuel cell system is designed in a Solid oxide fuel cells way to be able to provide maximum transient power de- It contains ceramic electrolyte and the has high mand. In case of load follower configuration, fuel cell power conversion efficiency, long-term stability, fuel system is sized to supply maximum continuous power flexibility. However, these fuel cells operate at ex- demand. Finally, fuel cell system is designed to provide tremely high temperatures (around 1000-1200℃). The average power demand for the case of range extender reaction at the anode is [12]. One of the main drawbacks of pure hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is the absence of an additional reversible ������2 + ������2− → ������2������ + 2������− energy source, which is present in hybrid vehicles in the form of battery packs or supercapacitors, that enables The reaction at the cathode is the energy recovery during braking phases and assist main driving unit during hard acceleration phases. In 1 ������2 + 2������− → ������2− general, hydrogen fuel cell system is series coupled 2 (electrically in parallel) with a second energy and/or power source. Due to high operating temperature, activation losses are strongly reduced and the prevalent one becomes ohmic losses. The disadvantage is the brittleness of elec- trolyte which can be damaged due to thermal stresses, assembling and costs. Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC) Methanol is used as a fuel and polymer is used as a membrane. The ease of methanol transport and high en- ergy density is one of the advantages of this technology. However, efficiency range between 30 and 40 percent. The reaction at the anode is ������������3������������ + ������2������ → 6������+ + 6������− + ������������2 The reaction at the cathode is 3 ������2 + 6������+ + 6������− → 3������2������ Figure 8. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle classification 2 37
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. 3.1 Pure fuel cell propulsion system. Due to irreversibility of FCS, the direction of the power Only fuel cell stack (FCS) is responsible to produce flow cannot be reversed, so regenerative braking is not tractive power, no any additional power sources are possible. FCS must fully manage the instantaneous available (Figure 9). It is a simple solution in which the power demand of the vehicle and may face with warm- FCS is sized to supply maximum transient power. up issues during cold start. Figure 9. FCEV propulsion system . Figure 10. FCHEV propulsion system 3.2 Series hybrid fuel cell propulsion system. distribute the power demand between FCS and an addi- An additional power/energy source is implemented tional power source, to optimize the hydrogen consump- in this solution (Figure 10). FCS is electrically in paral- tion of FCS. This done by forcing FCS to work at opti- lel (series) coupled with either battery or power buffer mum operating line, i.e. at high efficiency working (supercapacitor) or both. Usually, batteries are applied points, and the rest is supplied by the batteries. At the as a second source. Proper control strategy is required to same time, when the power demand is low, FCS can op- erate with higher load, yet with high efficiency, charging 38
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. batteries. Since battery packs and supercapacitors admit to EPA UDDS driving cycle with an average consump- bidirectional power flow, some energy could be regen- tion of 3.6 liters of hydrogen per 100 km of travel dis- erated during braking or deceleration phases. Moreover, tance. FCS accelerates the vehicle from 0 to 100 km/h in batteries can supply power during start-up, thus simpli- 9.2 seconds. Hydrogen refueling takes from 3 to 5 minutes. fying the transient loading of FCS. The first generation of Toyota FC stack achieved a max- imum output power of 114 kW [13]. Electricity genera- 4 On-vehicle applications tion efficiency was enhanced through the use of 3D fine mesh flow channels. Each stack consists of 370 single- Fuel cell technology is realized in several passenger line stacking cells. In addition, it is also equipped con- vehicles. Hyundai ix35 FCEV is the first commercially verter, developed to boost the generated voltage up to produced hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. Toyota Mirai (1st 650 volts. Toyota Mirai contains two hydrogen tanks and 2nd generations), Hyundai Nexo, Honda Clarity are with a three-layer structure made of carbon fiber-re- the other examples of mass-produced fuel cell hybrid inforced plastic, which is able to withstand 700 bars of electric vehicles. Toyota Mirai is for sure the most pop- pressure. Mirai has 245 V (1.6 kWh) nickel metal hydride ular and wide-spread FCHEV in the world (Figure 11). traction rechargeable battery pack. This vehicle can travel 500 km on a full tank, according Figure 11. Toyota Mirai (1st generation) [14] Table 1. Mass-produced fuel cell vehicles technical specifications Vehicle Travel range Curb Motor Max speed Acceleration time Power [km/h] (0-100 km/h) [s] Toyota Mirai (2nd generation) [km] weight [kg] [kW] Honda Clarity Fuel cell (2016) 175 9 647 (UDDS) 1920 136 165 8,7 Hyndai Nexo (2018) 589 (UDDS) 1875 177 8,4 805 (NEDC) 1850 120 113 By considering Kia Optima Lx 2019, equipped with fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), biomasses and water. conventional internal combustion engine, having 137 The primary energy, needed to be supplied for hydrogen kW maximum power and 1465 kg of curb weight, it is production can be taken from fossil fuels, nuclear energy clear that specific power density for the ICE vehicle is and renewable energy. Electrolysis of water is the clean- much lower than those, equipped fuel cell technology, est way to produce hydrogen, yet the most expensive. being equal 0.0935 kW/kg for Kia Optima Lx 2019 The cost for the electrolysis might be up to 10-12 times and 0.07 kW/kg for Toyota Mirai. The reason for this more than the conventional steam reforming process. phenomenon is the complexity of fuel cell system, Therefore, a number of current researches are concen- power converters and electric motors. Therefore, the trated around the simplification and price reduction of total weight becomes larger than the weight of ICE electrolysis process for hydrogen production [15]. vehicle’s powertrain and drivetrain. Moreover, the capacity and safety of hydrogen on-board storage system is another issue. One of the main reasons, 5 Future development and perspectives of why FCHEV are not widely spread in the world is the lack of infrastructure (hydrogen refueling stations), As it is mentioned earlier, FCHEV overall (well-to- which requires high capital investments. wheels) emissions significantly depend on hydrogen production methods. The main sources for hydrogen are 39
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. 6 Conclusion internal combustion engines, but lower than of battery electric vehicles. Fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles can This article demonstrates the capabilities and func- take an advantage of regenerative braking and flexibility tionality of hydrogen fuel cell technology, applied in au- in operating conditions of FC system. There are, how- tomotive industry. These vehicles promise zero tank-to- ever, some challenges, such as aiding regenerative brak- wheel emissions, and is an evident solution concerning ing, maximizing efficiency, increasing the transient per- the environmental concerns of pollutant and greenhouse formance of FC in the system, and decreasing FC fuel gases emissions from transportations sector. Pure water consumption, have still to be resolved. Nonetheless, re- (������2������) is the only emission, which is produced as a result searchers expect that in the near future, FCHEV will be of the reaction of hydrogen (������2) and oxygen (������2). Vehi- a strong rival to traditional ICEV, as the cost of FC and cles, equipped with fuel cell technology promise a work- related technology continues to fall. ing efficiency range, that is higher of gasoline and diesel References: 1. Himadry Sh., Chee Wei Tan, Yatim A.H.M. Fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles: A review on power conditioning units and topologies. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 76 (2017), 268-291. 2 Briguglio N., Andaloro L., Ferraro M., Antonucci V.. Fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles. Electric vehicles – The Ben- efits and Barriers, 2011 3 Aschilean I., Varlam M., Culcer M., Iliescu M., Raceanu M., Enache A., Raboaca M.S., Rasoi G., Filote C.. Hybrid Electric Powertrain with Fuel Cells for a Series Vehicle. Energies, 2018 4 Das, H.S., Tan, C.W., & Yatim, A.H. M. (2017). Fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles: A review on power conditioning units and topologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 76, 268–291. 5 Vittorio Ravello. Electric and Hybrid vehicles lecture notes, Politecnico di Torino, 2021. 6 Sutharssan, Thamo & Montalvão, Diogo & Chen, Y. & Wang, Wen-Chung & Pisac, Claudia & Elemara, Hakim. (2016). A review on prognostics and health monitoring of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 75. 10.1016/j.rser.2016.11.009. 7 Agaesse, Tristan. (2016). PhD manuscript - draft - Simulations of one and two-phase flows in porous microstructures, from tomographic images of gas diffusion layers of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. 8 Bonci Marco. Fuel Cell Vehicle simulation: an approach based on Toyota Mirai. Master’s thesis in Automotive Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, 2021. 9 Electrochemical systems for energy generation and storage in automotive and steady-state applications. Institute for research on engines. National research council. https://www.im.cnr.it/?p=1926&lang=en 10 Physical hydrogen storage. Office of energy efficiency & Renewable energy. https://www.energy.gov/eere/fuel- cells/physical-hydrogen-storage 11 Barbir F. PEM fuel cells: theory and practice. Academic press. 12 Guzzella L., Sciarretta A. Vehicle propulsion system (Vol. 1). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 13 Lohse-Busch H., Stutenberg K., Duoba M., Iliev S.. Technology assessment of a fuel cell vehicle: 2017 Toyota Mirai (No. ANL/ESD-18/12). Argonne National Lab (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). 14 Toyota Mirai Datasheets. www.toyota.com 15 Yumiya H., Kizaki M., Asai H. Toyota fuel cell system (TFCS). World Electric Vehicle Journal. 40
№ 5 (98) май, 2022 г. ASSESSMENT OF THE DECISION-MAKING IN JUSTIFICATION OF STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF RAILWAYS IN UZBEKISTAN UNDER CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTY AND RISKS Xasan Umarov Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent state transport university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] Otanur Botirov Assistant, Tashkent state transport university, Uzbekistan, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] ОЦЕНКА ПРИНЯТИЯ РЕШЕНИЯ ПРИ ОБОСНОВАНИИ УСИЛЕНИЯ МОЩНОСТИ ЖЕЛЕЗНЫХ ДОРОГ УЗБЕКИСТАНА В УСЛОВИЯХ НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОСТИ И РИСКОВ Умаров Хасан Кабилович канд. техн. наук, доцент, Ташкентский Государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент Ботиров Отанур Бахром угли ассистент, Ташкентский Государственный транспортный университет, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент ABSTRACT As a result of the evaluation of the work, types of uncertainty and risk factors were identified when justifying the increase in the capacity of the railways of Uzbekistan, which affect the choice of the design decision being made. After the types of uncertainty and risk classification are identified, it is necessary to determine the decision-making methods when justifying the increase in the capacity of railways, consider their advantages and disadvantages. АННОТАЦИЯ В результате оценки работ были выявлены виды неопределенности и факторы риска при обосновании уси- ления мощности железных дорог Узбекистана, оказывающие влияние на выбор принимаемого проектного реше- ния. После того, как выявлены виды неопределенности и классификации рисков, нужно определить методы при- нятия решения при обосновании усиления мощности железных дорог, рассмотреть их достоинства и недостатки. Keywords: risk, uncertainty, strengthening the capacity of railways, Angren – Pap. Ключевые слова: риск, неопределенности, усиления мощности железных дорог, Ангрен – Пап. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Risk factors and uncertainties in justifying the in- Let us turn to the schedule of transportation master- crease in the capacity of the operated railways of Uzbek- ing (Fig. 1) [2-3] istan are currently not taken into account as indicators that require special attention. __________________________ Библиографическое описание: Umarov X., Botirov O. ASSESSMENT OF THE DECISION-MAKING IN JUSTIFICA- TION OF STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF RAILWAYS IN UZBEKISTAN UNDER CONDITIONS OF UNCER- TAINTY AND RISKS // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 5(98). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13706