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English in Motion

Published by paulojpcastro, 2021-03-14 22:52:57

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Teacher’s Book 7 Inglês 7.º ano    Nível 3/A2    3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico anoEnglish In motion 7. Nível 3 A2 For the student: Student’s Book Short Story Aladdin and other stories from the Arabian nights (oferta) Workbook Student’s Livromédia Speaking Dictionary (oferta incluída no Livromédia) For the teacher: Teacher’s Book Educateca — Teacher’s Resource Book Audio CD Teacher’s Livromédia Editor para avaliação (em Código de produto: 730810708 Para registo de adoção na base de dados do Ministério da Educação, deve ser inserido o ISBN da versão do aluno: 978-989-708-509-3 MANUAL CERTIFICADO pela Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, nos termos da legislação em vigor

English In motion     Teacher’s Book  Nível 3/A2Teacher’s Book ano7. Inglês 7.º ano    Nível 3/A2    3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico anoEnglish In motion Robert Campbell Gill Holley Rob Metcalf Sandra Pedra Fernando Reis Consultor linguístico e pedagógico: David Forbes 7. Nível 3 A2 Ver tabela com distribuição das Novas Metas Curriculares nas pp. XII a XV. MANUAL CERTIFICADO nos termos da legislação em vigor

Teacher’s Book ano Inglês 7.º ano    Nível 3/A2    3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico English In motion Robert Campbell Gill Holley Rob Metcalf Sandra Pedra Fernando Reis Consultor linguístico e pedagógico: David Forbes 7. Nível 3 A2

O Projeto In Motion de Inglês destina-se ao 7.º ano de escolaridade do 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. EQUIPA TÉCNICA Chefe de Equipa Técnica: Patrícia Boleto Ilustração da Capa: Estudio Manuel Estrada Paginação: Célia Neves, Christophe Marques, Leonor Ferreira, Pedro Nunes e Sérgio Pires Documentalistas: Marisa Pires e Paulo Ferreira EDITORA Ana Sofia Ribeiro DIRETORA EDITORIAL Sílvia Vasconcelos ©Robert Campbell, Gill Holley and Rob Metcalf 2009 Adaptado para Portugal por Sandra Pedra e Fernando Reis CONSULTOR LINGUÍSTICO E PEDAGÓGICO David Forbes — Master em Professional, Education & Training pela Universidade Deakin na Austrália. © 2014 Estrada da Outurela, 118 2794-084 CARNAXIDE APOIO AO PROFESSOR Tel.: 214 246 901 Fax: 214 246 909 [email protected] APOIO AO LIVREIRO Tel.: 214 246 906 Fax: 214 246 907 [email protected] Internet: Impressão e acabamento: DPS — Digital Printing Services ISBN: 978-989-708-512-3 2.a Edição 1.a Tiragem Depósito Legal: 370246/14 A cópia ilegal viola os direitos dos autores. Os prejudicados somos todos nós.

In Motion Materiais do aluno IV Desafios IV Estratégias V VIII Materiais do professor VIII Livro do professor X Educateca XI Livromédia XII Metas curriculares III

Materiais do aluno Projeto In Motion Inglês de 7.º ano Manual do aluno, short story Aladdin and the stories from the Arabian nights, caderno de atividades, Livromédia do aluno com Speaking dictionary — apresentam um conjunto de DESAFIOS e ESTRATÉGIAS motivadores e facilitadores da aprendizagem. Manual do aluno * Caderno de atividades * Livromédia com Speaking dictionary Short story *Estes elementos fazem parte do bloco pedagógico. (oferta ao aluno) Santillana recomenda o seu uso em conjunto, mas podem ser adquiridos separadamente. Desafios… 1 Desenvolver a curiosidade 2 Compreender enunciados orais 3 Trabalhar de forma autónoma, sobre a língua inglesa, e escritos em inglês, através de atividades personalizáveis motivando o aluno para a sua valorizando-se a dimensão do manual, do caderno de atividades aprendizagem. comunicativa da língua através e das rubricas Go 4 it e Quest. da utilização das diferentes skills. 4 Aplicar os conhecimentos 5 Crescer como cidadão através 6 Utilizar fontes de informação à vivência do quotidiano, do contacto com diferentes diversificadas, recorrendo com conseguindo expressar-se culturas, promovido ao longo à-vontade às ferramentas TIC, em situações reais. do manual. e outras, no desenvolvimento de trabalhos individuais e de grupo. IV

1 Para motivar o aluno e estimular a sua curiosidade Ativação de conhecimentos Imagens apelativas, que funcionam como fonte 2 Para potenciar a aquisição de conhecimentos de informação complementar ao texto. A apresentação de conteúdos caracteriza-se pela sua organização, trabalhando as várias skills. Vocabulário ilustrado, English overseas – vocabulary. para facilitar a compreensão. Referência às diferenças de vocabulário entre o inglês britânico e o inglês americano. English overseas – spelling. Referência às diferenças na grafia do mesmo vocábulo no inglês britânico e no inglês americano. V

Materiais do aluno Ao longo do manual e do caderno de atividades existem propostas de atividades diversificadas, para aplicação de conhecimentos e verificação das aprendizagens. Sistematização dos conteúdos e organização dos conceitos, através do Grammar reference e da Word List. 3 Para estimular e desenvolver o uso da linguagem Na rubrica Go 4 it! o aluno tem oportunidade English you need apresenta de pôr em prática o que aprendeu na secção de forma clara vocabulário/ de gramática através de uma divertida /expressões úteis e atividade oral. específicas do dia a dia. VI A rubrica Pronunciation permite ao aluno reconhecer e praticar os sons, a acentuação, o ritmo e a entoação característicos da língua inglesa.

4 Para promover atitudes e valores de cidadania Content and Language Integrated Learning A rubrica QUEST estimula (CLIL) está na base das páginas Culture. a autonomia dos alunos Esta secção fomenta a interdisciplinariedade, em contexto escolar apresentando textos interessantes e bastante e extraescolar e a utilização apelativos para a faixa etária. das TIC. 5 Para incorporar as novas tecnologias no processo de ensino-aprendizagem O Livromédia é uma poderosa ferramenta de aprendizagem, que enriquece o manual do aluno através de uma proposta diversificada de recursos interativos e multimédia. Pode ser adquirido pelos alunos com o bloco pedagógico, garantindo assim a perfeita integração de todos os componentes do Projeto In Motion, e pode ser utilizado quer na sala de aula, quer em casa, no seu trabalho individual. VII

Materiais do professor Projeto In Motion Inglês de 7.o ano  Conjunto de materiais desenvolvidos para facilitar a atividade docente, na programação e preparação das aulas — livro do professor, educateca (teacher’s resource book), Livromédia do professor, CD áudio e editor para avaliação. Apresenta grande número de recursos diversificados, que possibilitam ao professor a personalização dos mesmos e o uso de estratégias alternativas na sua prática letiva. 2 CD áudio Livro do professor Educateca — teacher’s resource book Livromédia do professor também disponível em Editor para avaliação disponível em LIVRO DO PROFESSOR Pensado para ser usado em sala de aula, alia ao manual do aluno um conjunto de propostas e sugestões para apresentação e desenvolvimento dos conteúdos. Apresenta a reprodução do manual do aluno e, simultaneamente, os ícones dos materiais disponíveis no Livromédia. Expondo nas … sugestões laterais… metodológicas… … soluções das … propostas de atividades… articulação com diferentes materiais da educateca… VIII

… sugestões de mais atividades e trabalhos práticos… … propostas diversificadas de exploração dos recursos e das atividades interativas, comuns ao Livromédia do aluno… … e os exclusivos do Livromédia do professor. IX

Materiais do professor EDUCATECA Com uma organização evidente, é um banco de recursos para o professor, com todos os materiais reproduzidos no Livromédia e em, para projeção e impressão e com remissão no livro do professor. Transcripts, Student’s book, Tests, DVD e Workbook. Proposta de planificação anual. Metodology suggestions, proposta de exploração do manual do aluno. Guião de leitura extensiva Aladdin and other stories from the Arabian nights. Fichas de trabalho divididas Soluções do caderno de atividades, em quatro grupos: CLIL, Film, das fichas de trabalho e dos testes Mixed-ability e Speaking. de avaliação. Testes de avaliação, para todas as unidades do manual e com duas propostas por unidade, com diferentes níveis de dificuldade. Os testes trabalham todas as skills, incluindo listening e speaking. Inclui testes de final de ano. X

LIVROMÉDIA Paralelamente aos recursos que integram o manual digital do aluno, a versão do professor do Livromédia dispõe Ícones multimédia de meios próprios a partir dos quais o professor poderá enriquecer o seu trabalho. O professor pode aceder ao Livromédia a partir do CD ou do site Atividade interativa CD áudio. multimédia. Vídeo; apresentação Página da Internet em PowerPoint. com interesse para o desenvolvimento Galeria de imagens. curricular da disciplina. Ligação exclusiva do Livromédia do professor. O professor vai encontrar O Livromédia reproduz na íntegra o manual do aluno e permite aceder à sua disposição recursos aos recursos TIC através de um clique. próprios que servem de apoio às suas atividades letivas, Os recursos TIC como, por exemplo, permitem uma o portefólio, os planos de aula, exploração os PowerPoints ou as fichas da alternativa educateca preparadas para dos temas com impressão. atividades interativas. O Livromédia integra um conjunto de ferramentas que facilitam a navegação e permitem, entre outras funções, sublinhar, aumentar imagens ou procurar palavras-chave. O Livromédia do professor inclui ferramentas de personalização, que permitem enriquecer a própria utilização do manual e apoiar o trabalho, fazendo anotações ou introduzindo os seus próprios recursos e documentos. O editor para avaliação, disponível em, é uma ferramenta que permite a criação de fichas de avaliação personalizadas. Identificação Barra de conteúdos: Barra de navegação: Acesso à barra Ícones de visualização Barra de ferramentas: do manual ícones para aceder aos ícones para navegar de ferramentas: ícones e de ajuda ícones para edição vários tipos de recursos no Livromédia para ligar e desligar a barra do Livromédia multimédia disponíveis de ferramentas XI

WELCOME UNIT 1a UNIT 1b UNIT 2a UNIT 2b 24, 27 32, 35 40, 43 Metas Curriculares COMPREENSÃO ORAL (LISTENING) 24 32 40 24 30, 32 40 1. Compreender, com ajuda, discursos simples quando se fala de forma clara e pousada 24, 27 32, 35 40, 43 24, 27 32, 35 40, 43 1. Seguir as instruções detalhadas dadas pelo professor em inglês. 16, 19 32 24 43 2. Identificar o tema do discurso. 16 31, 33, 35 43 23, 25, 27 43 3. Entender expressões relacionadas com os seus interesses (passatempos, música, animais 16, 19 27 31, 33, 35 43 de estimação, computadores) 31, 33, 35 41 23, 25, 27 4. Seguir conversas sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares. 16, 19 23, 25, 27 31 5. E ntender informações e perguntas simples, que lhe são dirigidas, sobre as áreas geográficas estudadas. 19 25 31, 33 25 2. Compreender conteúdos muito simples em programas produzidos para o seu nível em meios áudio / audiovisuais 28 1. Identificar o contexto do discurso. 16, 19 2. Identificar a ideia principal (canções, video clips, programas de TV). LEITURA (READING) 3. Ler textos breves sobre assuntos do seu interesse 1.Identificar sinais e avisos usados em locais públicos (beware of the dog, do not step on the grass). 2. Interpretar informação específica em documentos (horários, mapas). 10, 11 3. Entender mensagens breves (e-mails, SMS). 20 4. Utilizar dicionários bilingues para consulta 1. Identificar algumas abreviaturas no dicionário. 12 2. Saber aplicar a informação recolhida no âmbito da compreensão. 12 5. Ler pequenos textos adaptados de leitura extensiva 1. Entender pequenos textos narrativos de leitura extensiva com vocabulário familiar. INTERAÇÃO ORAL (SPOKEN INTERACTION) 6. Interagir, com alguma ajuda, com um interlocutor em situações familiares previamente preparadas 1. Formular perguntas e dar respostas (convites, sugestões, pedidos de desculpa). 9 15,17, 19 2. Indicar concordância e discordância. 3. Dar conselhos (you should/you shouldn’t). 4. Pedir informações em lojas e serviços públicos. 5. Estabelecer comparações entre as suas vivências e as dos outros. 6. Iniciar uma conversa de forma elementar, sobre acontecimentos presentes, passados e futuros. 9 15,17, 19 7. Interagir, com alguma ajuda, em diferentes tipos de registo 1. Adequar a forma de tratamento ao interlocutor e ao contexto em situações de role play. 9 15,17, 19 PRODUÇÃO ORAL (SPOKEN PRODUCTION) 8. Produzir, com alguma ajuda, sons, entoações e ritmos de língua 1. Usar a pronúncia e o ritmo adequados em expressões e frases familiares. 15 2. Usar a entoação adequada em frases afirmativas, interrogativas e exclamativas. 15 9. Expressar-se com vocabulário simples sobre assuntos familiares, em situações previamente preparadas 1. Descrever-se a si e descrever a família e pessoas conhecidas (traços físicos relevantes e traços 9 17 dominantes da personalidade). 2. Falar sobre atividades escolares que decorreram no passado. 3. Falar sobre atividades de lazer do seu meio cultural (localidade e país). 9 4. Descrever resumidamente locais, atividades e acontecimentos (casa, escola). 9 5. Comparar pessoas e locais. 6. Exprimir gostos, hábitos e preferências. 15 ESCRITA (WRITING) 10. Interagir com linguagem simples sobre assuntos do dia a dia 1. P reencher uma ficha de informação pessoal em serviços públicos (nome, data, idade, filiação, 9 15, 20 género, morada). XII

unit 3a UNIT 3b REVIEW A UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 REVIEW B UNIT 7 UNIT 8 UNIT 9 REVIEW C GR 48, 51 56, 59 63, 64 68, 71 76, 79 84, 87 91, 92 96, 99 104, 107 112, 115 119, 120 48 56 63 68 76 84 91 96 104 112 119 56 63 91 48, 51 68, 71 76, 79 84, 87 96 104, 107 112, 115 119 48, 51 56, 59 63, 64 68, 71 76, 79 84, 87 91, 92 104, 107 112, 115 64 92 96, 99 119, 120 68 76, 79 84, 87 96 119 63, 64 79 84 91, 92 48, 51 56, 59 64 68, 71 91, 92 96, 99 104, 107 112, 115 119, 120 48 96 120 105 99, 100 110 52 72 80 88 108 112 47, 49, 51 55, 57, 59 63 67, 69, 71 75, 77, 79 83, 85, 87 91 97, 99 103, 107 113, 115 119 107 59 71 87 99 103 119 47, 49, 51 55, 57, 59 63 67, 69, 71 75, 77, 79 83, 85, 87 91 95, 97 119 47, 49, 51 55, 57, 59 63 67, 69, 71 75, 77, 79 83, 85, 87 91 97, 99 103, 107 113, 115 97, 99 103, 107 113, 115 47 55 69 75 85 95 103 113 47 55 95 103 113 63 67 85 97 97 47 55 67 77 83 51 67 108 115 75 85 XIII

WELCOME UNIT 1a UNIT 1b UNIT 2a UNIT 2b 36 44, 52 Metas Curriculares 2. Pedir e dar informações por SMS e e-mail. 20 43 31, 33, 35 44 11. Produzir pequenos textos, de 25 a 35 palavras, com linguagem simples e frequente 36 29 1. Escrever sobre pessoas, objetos e rotinas. 20 25, 28 28 43 34 43 2. Escrever diálogos com encadeamento lógico. 9 15,17, 19 23, 25, 27 29, 32 37, 40 3. Contar sequencialmente um acontecimento, de forma limitada, com a ajuda de tópicos ou imagens. 20 28 DOMÍNIO SOCIOCULTURAL (SOCIOCULTURAL DOMAIN) 12. Compreender a estrutura geográfica e organizacional das Ilhas Britânicas e dos Estados Unidos 1. Reconhecer a diferença entre Grã-Bretanha e Reino Unido. 10, 11 2. Localizar no mapa algumas das principais cidades no Reino Unido. 10, 11 3. Identificar alguns estados e algumas cidades importantes nos Estados Unidos da América. 10, 11 13. Identificar alguns países da União Europeia 1. Associar nacionalidades a países. 8 28 14. Conhecer, com algum pormenor, o seu meio e o dos outros para compreender diferentes formas de estar e de viver 1. Comparar agregados familiares (hábitos diários, formas de relacionamento). 22, 23, 26, 2. Comparar formas de habitação e relacioná-los com o meio envolvente. 22 3. C omparar celebrações da escola (atividades culturais, atividades desportivas, dias especiais). 4. Identificar e localizar serviços (lojas, centros culturais e desportivos, instituições). 5. Identificar comportamentos adequados em espaços públicos diversos. GRAMMAR (GRAMMAR) 15. Compreender formas de organização do léxico e conhecer algumas estruturas frequentes do funcionamento da língua 1. E stabelecer comparações usando o comparativo de inferioridade, igualdade e superioridade. 2. Usar superlativo (formas regulares e irregulares). 3. Usar when e while. 4. Usar myself, yourself, herself, himself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves (reflexive). 5. Usar somebody, someone, something, somewhere em frases afirmativas. 39 6. Usar anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere em frases negativas e interrogativas. 39 7. Usar nowhere, no one, nobody, nothing em frases com o verbo na afirmativa, mas que exprimem 39 uma ideia negativa. 8. Usar across, through, towards (movimento). 9. Usar adjective + preposition (I’m afraid of dogs, I’m good at sport). 16 10. U tilizar os verbos to be, there + to be, to have (got), no past simple, nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. 11. Usar verbos regulares e irregulares no past simple, nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. 12. Usar o verbo to do, como auxiliar, no past simple, nas formas negativa e interrogativa. 13. Usar os verbos no future, com will/won’t + bare infinitive. 14. E xpressar a ideia de futuro com going to e com o present continuous. 15. Usar os modal verbs will/won’t, may/might, should/shouldn’t. 16. Usar os verbos no past continuous. 17. R eferir-se a duas ações no passado, utilizando when + past continuous + past simple. 18. R econhecer e utilizar alguns phrasal verbs nos tempos verbais estudados (look after, take off, fill in). 19. Reconhecer alguns compounds (bookshelf, staircase). 20. R econhecer processos de formação de palavras por prefixação e sufixação (happy/unhappy, happy/ 8 131,616 24 hapiness, teach/teacher). 21, 24 21. A propriar-se de novos itens lexicais, relacionados com as áreas temáticas do domínio intercultural. •  To be + adjective (I’m cold / I have cold) 17 •  Past Simple com auxiliar: I didn’t go to school / I didn’t went to school 16 •  Uso de tonight, tomorrow, this weekend… para planos futuros com o present continuous. 16 XIV

unit 3a UNIT 3b REVIEW A UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 REVIEW B UNIT 7 UNIT 8 UNIT 9 REVIEW C GR 52 80 88 100 108 116 60 72 80 88 116 113, 115 47, 49, 51 55, 57, 59 63 67, 69, 71 75, 77, 79 83, 85, 87 91 97, 99 103, 107 119 100 108 116 52 60 72 80 88 100 46, 47 80 58 71 87 98, 99 71 87 98, 99 95 118 97 118 85 90 105 59 62 75, 77 90, 91 69 75, 77 90, 91 69 75, 77 90, 91 113 118 118 111 118 103, 104 113 83 84 90 112 112 45, 48 53, 56 62 65, 68 73, 76 81, 84 93, 96 101, 104 109, 112 62 75, 77 47 62 XV

Student’s Book ano Inglês 7.º ano    Nível 3/A2    3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico English In motion Robert Campbell Gill Holley Rob Metcalf Sandra Pedra Fernando Reis Consultor linguístico e pedagógico: David Forbes 7. Nível 3 A2

teacher’s book Methodology • In motion is a dynamic three-level course. The course thoroughly integrates practice of all skills with work on vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. • Language is presented through interesting topics and themes. This is followed by practice, which begins with meaningful controlled exercises and gradually develops into freer, personalised activities. • Students are provided with clear speaking and writing ‘models’ to give extra guidance for producing their own work. Each unit starts with a Vocabulary page. This presents 8–12 words or expressions related to the unit’s theme. Practice activities, including listening and repeating, help these to become part of students’ active vocabulary. The Reading page starts with a warmer T he first Grammar page to activate students’ knowledge of the presents the grammar that topic and generate interest. Students then students have been exposed read a text, with the option of listening to in the reading text. on the Class CD. The texts reflect a variety of text types that students could meet outside the classroom and exemplify some of the new vocabulary. The Go 4 it! activity gives students an The Pronunciation opportunity to ‘have a go’ at using the new exercises are language. It involves a fun speaking task, presented by two which develops students’ fluency in the new voice coaches, Victor grammar points. and Veronica. Here students practise recognising and producing important sounds in English and develop an awareness of stress, rhythm and intonation. 2  Two

teacher’s book The second Vocabulary The second Grammar page focuses page introduces a further on grammar that students have been 8–12 words or expressions exposed to in the listening activities. which prepare students for the listening activities. In the Listening section, The English You Need students learn how to go page presents functional about understanding a language that students will range of different spoken need in specific situations. texts, from informal conversations to radio Quest encourages programmes. students to research Content and Language the topic on the Integrated Learning Internet or the (CLIL) is the main focus course website. of the Culture page.  Review units This symbol indicates the need of using This page presents These units the audio CD or the cross-curricular themes present teacher’s Livromédia of special interest to a new theme the age group. so that students to do a specific have a context in Writing is which to revise activity. and consolidate broken down the language into clear covered steps. After an in the previous oral warmer, three units. students read a model text, which recycles grammar and vocabulary from the unit. • G rammar Reference This short reference section includes tables, explanations and example sentences. • W ord List Here students can consult the phonetic transcription and translation of words from the Student’s Book. Three 3

teacher’s book LIVROMÉDIA: Year plan Unit Vocabulary Grammar Lesson plans Welcome page 8 Cardinal/ordinal numbers a/an Months of the year Plural nouns 1a Favourites page 13 Countries and nationalities can: ability Dictionary use Favourite things Subject pronouns Sports be: Present Simple be: questions 1b My family page 21 Family Question words Adjectives for pets be: wh- questions be + adjective 2a 24/7 page 29 Daily routines this, that, these, those Free time activities Possessive adjectives/pronouns Possessive ‘s 2b School days page 37 Food Whose …? School subjects Present Simple Adverbs of frequency 3a Right now page 45 The weather Present Simple: questions Collocations Present Simple: wh- questions love, like, not like, hate + -ing form 3b Time and place page 53 Rooms of the house some/any Furniture/objects any in questions some/any/no + body/thing/where every + body/thing/where Frequency expressions How often…? Present Continuous Present Continuous for future plans Present Continuous: questions Present Continuous vs Present Simple Prepositions of place there is/there are there is/there are: questions Object pronouns have got have got: questions Review A page 61 Grammar and Vocabulary: Project: Find a pen friend Revision of units 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b was/were 4 Idols page 65 Physical descriptions was/were: questions Jobs Past Simple: regular verbs 5 Dear diary page 73 Things you read Past Simple: irregular verbs Adjectives of opinion there was/there were Past Simple: questions 6 About town page 81 Shops Past Simple: wh- questions Music genres Past time expressions Past Continuous Review B page 89 Grammar and Vocabulary: Past Continuous: questions Revision of units 4, 5, 6 Past Simple vs Past Continuous (when/while) Project: Make a time capsule 4  Four

teacher’s book Reading and Listening Speaking and Pronunciation Culture Writing Introduce yourself The United Word stress Kingdom The USA My favourite things Ask for and give personal information New Zealand My profile Identity test Talk about your favourite things and and but Talk about your country Sentence stress Meet Tom Talk about your family Half and half My family Describe your pets Describe a pet Capital letters The routine rap Tell the time Your chill factor Third person -s Festivals My perfect day Scotland’s top teen chef Sequencers School survey Perform a rap Express likes and dislikes A cyclist's diet My school day Say the date (prepositions of time) because/because of Rhyme and rhythm Describe your school timetable Talk about your diet Order food h sound Travel diary Describe a holiday Satellites An e-card The Invisibles Ask what someone is doing Clone cities Expressions in Time traveller Talk on the phone informal letters Who lives here? -ing form: /iŋ/ My room Describe a scene Adjectives: before Song: I say a little prayer, Describe a house nouns and after be Aretha Franklin Use prepositions of movement and give directions Cool clothes A fan page Biographies Linking Organise information 20th century quiz Dream diaries Talk about when you were younger Famous A blog At the weekend Do a quiz diaries before, during, after Go shopping Look who’s here! Past Simple: -ed Autographs My free time Music survey Describe a dream and, but, or, because Song: I ain’t superstitious, Talk about last weekend Describe a process Howlin’ Wolf Irregular verbs Describe what people were doing Do a music survey Make requests (can/could) Vowel sound: /ɔ:/ Five 5

teacher’s book Unit Vocabulary Grammar 7 Let’s go! page 93 Transport Comparatives Places in a city Comparative of inferiority 8 Health page 101 Comparative of equality Healthy habits Superlatives 9 Home and away Body words should page 109 should: questions Holidays Imperative Life plans Reflexive pronouns going to will: predictions will: facts will: questions Future time expressions Review C page 117 Grammar and Vocabulary: Project: Keep a travel diary Revision of units 7, 8, 9 Grammar Reference page 121 Word List page 138 Review Keys page 150 Irregular Verbs page 151 Credits Alexandre Algarvio; Felipe Benemelis and Manuel G. Lanza; Ashley Cooper, EPA/HO/AIRBUS, Image100, Creasource, Manel Cráneo; Saeta (Alfredo C. Hernando Torres); Mark Turner/ Zefa/Fridmar Damm, ASSOCIATION PHOTO/Edmond Beehive; Gonzalo Fonseca del Rincón/Agencia make-up; Terakopian, Tom & Dee Ann McCarthy; ORDON PRESS/ Guillermo Martínez del Olmo/Agencia make-up; Pablo Velarde CORBIS/World Imagery, Amanaimages/R. Creation, Free Agents Díaz-Pache and Abel Ippólito Ruiz. Limited, Swim Ink 2, LLC, Zefa/B. Bird, Bettmann, Boulevard, Kevin Dodge, Dean Conger, Anders Ryman, Jim Craigmyle; A. G. E. FOTOSTOCK/IFPA, Mike Agliolo, Mauritius images, COVER/CORBIS/EPA/Abedin Taherkenareh, NewSport/James SuperStock, Alberto Paredes, Culver Pictures Inc., Science Taylor, LWA-Sharie Kennedy, David P. Hall, Dave Bartruff; Photo Library/V. Habbick Visions, Pixtal, Ken Cavanagh; DIGITALVISION; CREATIVE LABS; D. López; Des Willie A. G. E. FOTOSTOCK/Karger-Decker, Jon Arnold, SPL; Photography; DIGITAL BANK; E. Corona; EFE/EPA PHOTO A. G. E. FOTOSTOCK/, Aqua Image, IFPA; PRESS ASOCIATION, Luis Castilla, EPA/Gerry Penny, EPA/ A. Guerra; A. Toril; A. Viñas; ACI AGENCIA DE FOTOGRAFÍA/ Olivier Hoslet, EPA/AAP/Julian Smith; EFE/EPA/Bernd Alamy Images/James Davis; AGENCIA ESTUDIO SAN Weissbrod, EPA/Kim Ludbrook, EPA/Kay Nietfeld, EPA/Paul SIMÓN/A. Prieto; AGENCIA ZARDOYA; ALBUM/ Hilton, EPA/Maya Vidon; EFE/SIPA-PRESS/John H. Paul; EFE/ TOUCHSTONE PICTURES, UNIVERSAL PICTURES, PIXAR/ SIPA-PRESS/Thomas Haley, SIPA SPORT; ESA/Denmann WALT DISNEY, NEW LINE PRODUCTIONS, DREAMWORKS, production; European Community/EC/ECHO/François WARNER BROS, PARAMOUNT PICTURES/LUCASFILM/ Goemans; Metges Sense Fronteres, Creu Roja; FOTONONSTOP; AMBLIN ENTERTAINMENT/SANTO DOMI, BIG BEACH G. Agirre; GARCÍA-PELAYO/Juancho; GETTY IMAGES SALES FILMS/THIRD GEAR PRODUCTIONS LLC/DEEP RIVER SPAIN/ Absodels, AFP PHOTO/Daniel García, Jaafar Ashtiyeh, PRODUC, KENNEDY/MARSHALL COMPANY, THE/ Natalia Kolesnikova, AFP PHOTO; Franck Fife, Jaakko NICKELODEON MOVIES/SPIDERWICK, GABRIEL SIMON Avikainen, Vanderlei Almeida, Alex Mares-Manton, Altrendo PRODUCTION SERVICES/STORYLINE ENTERTAINMENT; images, Allsport Concepts/Adam Pretty, Asia Images/Neil ALBUM/UNIVERSAL PICTURES, PARAMOUNT PICTURES, Farrin, Barry Cronin, Carlos Álvarez, Clive Mason, China Span/ akg-images, WARNER BROS PICTURES, CAROLCO, Keren Su, David Cannon, DCA Productions/Taxi, Digital Vision/ UNIVERSAL TV/20TH CENTURY FOX TV/KLASKY-SCUPO, Mark Weiss, Peter Cade, Dorling Kindersley/David Murray and COLUMBIA TRI STAR/GORDON, MELINDA SUE, COLUMBIA Jules Selmes, Evan Agostini, Ezra Shaw, Felbert/Eickenberg, PICTURES/WALLACE, MERIE W.; Algar; ARCHIVO FilmMagic/David Lodge, Fred Duval, First Light/Ian Taylor, SANTILLANA; C. Contreras; C. Jiménez; C. Pérez; F. Po; Gorilla Creative Images/Harri Tahvanainen, Harry How, Hulton CENTRAL STOCK; COMSTOCK; CONTIFOTO/SYGMA / Archive/Haywood Magee, Hulton Archive/Keystone, Hulton KEYSTONE, UPI; CORDON PRESS/Cliff Lipson/CBS/Courtesy: Archive/Topical Press Agency, Time & Life Pictures/Anthony Everett Collection, Zuma/Ruaridh Stewart, Zefa/Iris Coppola, Verde, Image Source, IMAGEMORE Co., Ltd., Laurence Griffiths, Neal Preston,Everett, PA; CORDON PRESS/CORBIS/Bettmann, Lonely Planet Images/John Banagan, Michael Buckner, Michael Ochs Archives, Minden Pictures/ Tui De Roy, Konrad Wothe, NBAE/Ned Dishman, ONOKY/A. Chederros, Photodisc/John 6  Six

teacher’s book Reading and Listening Speaking and Pronunciation Culture Writing Bike it! Compare people and things Under London My city Tourist spots Make a quiz Punctuation Train your brain Ask for travel information Mind and body -er and than: /ə/ Nothing’s My top tips Departures Give tips impossible but and although Rules Give instructions Give opinions Birthdays My summer plans should/shouldn't so Talk about holiday plans Set rules Make plans Contractions Song: Three little birds, Bob Marley Phonetic Chart page 152 Wang, Photographer’s Choice/Ariel Skelley, Photonica/Nancy The publishers are grateful to those who have given Honey, PhotosIndia, Riser/DCA Productions, Robert Harding permission to reproduce the following extracts and World Imagery/John Henry Claude Wilson, Robert Laberge, adaptations of copyright material: Scott Wintrow, Steve Dykes, Steve Finn, Stock4B;StockFood p. 64 Say a little prayer. Lyrics and music by Bacharach/David Creative/Karl Newedel; Stone,/Charlotte Nation Girl Ray, © Casa David / Blue Seas Music Inc. Edition authorized Mel Yates, Meredith Parmelee, Richard Elliott, Robert Daly, to Ediciones Musicales Clipper’s. Serge Krouglikoff, Sven Darmer, Taxi/Andrew Geiger, Barry Willis, Birgid Allig, Caroline Schiff, Christoph Wilhelm, Clarissa p. 92 I Ain’t Superstitious, written by Willie Dixon Leahy, David C. Ellis, DCA Productions; Elie Bernager, Hans © 1963, 1991 Hoochie Coochie Music (BMI) administered Neleman, Jacques Copeau, Jeff Baker, Karen Moskowitz, by Bug. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Ken Chernus, Kevin Cooley, Paul Avis, Ryan McVay, Tony Anderson, Vincent Besnault Taxi/GK Hart/Vikki Hart, The Image p. 120 Three Little Birds. Words and music by Bob Marley Bank/Scott E. Barbour, Time&Life Pictures/Eric Schaal, Vince © 1977 Blue Mountain Music Limited. Used by permission Bucci, WireImage, Purestock, WireImage/Anwar Hussein, Chris of Music Sales Limited. All rights reserved. International Walter, Ron Galella, GOYENECHEA; HIGHRES PRESS STOCK/ copyright secured.;I. Preysler; I. Rovira; ISTOCKPHOTO/ Charlotte Moss, Danny Hooks, Jaimie, Kristian Sekulic, Mark Poprocki, Maxim Tupikov, Natalia Bolshan, Oktay Ortakcioglu, J. C. Muñoz; J. Jaime; J. M.ª Escudero; J. M.ª Escudero; J. Soler; J. V. Resino; JOHN FOXX IMAGES; KEYSTONE; Kodak EasyShare; Krauel/COLECCIÓN EL MUSEO CAPITOLINO; L. Cicuéndez; L. M. Iglesias; M. Barcenilla; M. Blanco; M. G. Vicente; M. Izquierdo; M. Torras; M.ª A. Ferrándiz; Madrid; MATTON-BILD; Michele di Piccione; MUSEUM ICONOGRAFÍA/ FILMOTECA ESPAÑOLA, MADRID, J. Martin; NASA/NASA/ JPL-Caltech/T. Megeath (University of Toledo) & M. Robberto (STScl); NEW POL / DOMAR S.A.; P. Carrió/S. Sánchez; PHOTODISC; SEIS X SEIS; STOCK PHOTOS; MNISTÍA INTERNACIONAL; POPPERFOTO; Prats i Camps; S. Cid; S. Enríquez; S. Padura; SERIDEC PHOTOIMAGENES CD/ DigitalVision; STOCK PHOTOS; STOCKBYTE; A. García; SYGMA/Tim Gram., TERRANOVA INTERPRETACIÓN Y GESTION AMBIENTAL; USIS; WWF/ADENA Central Park, Nova Iorque, Martin St. Amant; Foo Fighters, Christopher M. Simon. Seven 7

teacher’s book Cardinal numbers d Answers: 1 Write the numbers and say them. Then listen and check. 1. abc b. seventy‑eight; c. three; d. nine; e. twenty-four; eight f. fifteen; g. sixty-six; e f gh h. one hundred. Ordinal numbers Countries and nationalities 2. 2nd – second 2 Write the ordinal numbers. Listen 4 Complete the nationalities. 3rd – third 5th – fifth and check. Then listen and repeat. -an -ish -ch -ese 10th – tenth 11th – eleventh 1st – first 11th 1 American 5 Span 15th – fifteenth 15th 6 Dut 20th – twentieth 2nd 20th 2 Brit 7 Portugu 31st –thirty-first 3rd 31st 5th 3 Fren 8 Argenrtoinni unciatio 3. 10th January; February; 4 Japan March; April; May; June; July; August; Months of the year P n September; October; November; December. 3 Write the months in order. Word stress 4. 1 – January August 5 Use the nationalities 2. British; 3. French; 4. Japanese; February April in exercise 4. Listen and 5. Spanish; 6. Dutch; November May July mark the stress. 7. Portuguese; 8. Argentinian. Then listen and repeat. Hi, I’m Veronica the Voice Coach. 5. September 1 – American 2. British; 3. French 4. Japanese; 5. Spanish; June 6. Dutch; 7. Portuguese; 8. Argentinian January March 6 Can you write the countries and languages 6. October December for the nationalities? 2. British, the UK, English; 3. French, 1 – American, the USA, English. France, French; 4. Japanese, Japan, 8  Eight Japanese; 5. Spanish, Spain, Spanish; 6. Dutch, the Netherlands, Dutcht; 7. Portuguese, Portugal, Portuguese; 8. Argentinian, Argentina, Spanish. LIVROMÉDIA: CD 1 − Track 1, ex. 1 CD 1 – Track 2, ex. 2 CD 1 – Track 3, ex. 3 CD 1 – Track 4, ex. 5 Numbers 1 Match the numbers with its sound. Numbers 2 Find the numbers in the wordsquare.

a/an e.g. a book can: ability teacher’s book e.g. an email a + consonant sound I can speak Japanese. Answers: an + vowel sound She can’t speak Japanese. Can you speak Japanese? 7. 2. a computer; 3. a jacket; 7 Can you find eight objects? Use a or an. 9 Complete the sentences about you with 4. a phone; 5. a bike; 6. an ice cream; 7. an a dog, … can or can’t. apple; 8. an elephant. 1 I can count from 1 to 20 in English. 8. 2. watches; 3. cities; 2 I speak French. 4. women; 5. buses 3 I say ‘hi’ in two languages. 6. nationalities 4 I spell the teacher’s name. Consolidation: Focus on 5 I say the alphabet in fifteen seconds. the pronunciation of the 6 I say ‘welcome’ in three languages. plural forms. Point out that after -s, -x, -ch and Introduce yourself -sh, the plural ending -es is pronounced /iz/. 10 Read and listen. 9. Hi. My name’s Victor the Voice Consolidation: Ask Coach. I’m fifteen years old. I’m students to turn the from the UK. I’m British. I can first sentence into a speak English and Spanish. My question and write it phone number is 020 865 2289. on the board: Can you My email address is count from 1 to 20 in [email protected] English? Ask a student the question. Introduce Draw pictures of objects you know in 11 Complete the sentences about you. the short affirmative English. Can your partner guess the objects? and negative answers 1 Hi. My name’s . and write them on the board: Yes, I can. 2 I’m years old. . No, I can’t. Then students . complete the sentences 3 I’m from . for themselves with . can or can’ t. Make sure Plural nouns 4 I’m . they understand that the sentences should Singular Plural 5 I can speak be true for them. book books Students then write sandwich sandwiches 6 My phone number is questions for the country countries sentences. man men 7 My email address is @. In pairs, they ask each other the questions and answer them. LIVROMÉDIA: CD 1 – Tracks 5, ex. 8 CD 1 – Track 6, ex. 10 Poster English-speaking world. 8 Write the plurals. Then listen and check. 12 In pairs, talk about the information in Poster Phonetic chart. 1 dog – dogs 4 woman exercise 11. Include two false answers. 5 bus Can your partner find the false Student’s Book: 2 watch 6 nationality information? Grammar reference page 121 3 city Add this grammar to your Portfolio Workbook: Grammar pages 4-5 Nine 9

teacher’s book The United Kingdom SHETLAND Kirkwall N ISLANDS Answers: Stornoway Lerwick 1. 2. England, Scotland, + Inverness Aberdeen Wales and Northern Ireland. 3. London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. 4. The Union Jack. England Scotland NORTH SCOTLAND North ATLANTIC Sea Glasgow Edinburgh OCEAN + NORTHERN Middlesbrough IRELAND Belfast Douglas York Sligo Original Union Flag Northern Ireland Irish Sea Manchester Grimsby (1606) Galway Dublin Liverpool ENGLAND Caernarfon IRELAND Stafford Nottingham Norwich WALES Cambridge Tralee Cork Fishguard Cardiff Oxford London 0 90 km Truro Bristol Exeter Winchester Dover Lewes Current Union Flag Newport (1801) English Channel The United Kingdom The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, better known as the United Kingdom (UK) is a state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. It includes the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), the north-eastern part of thUewislPan8dHo1f Ireland (Northern Ireland), and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another state: the Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea in the east, the English Channel in the south and the Irish Sea in the west. Source: (abridged and adapted, November 2013) The Union Jack The Union Flag or Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom. The flag combines aspects of three older national flags: the red cross of St George, patron saint of England, the white cross of St Andrew, patron saint of Scotland, and the red cross of St Patrick, patron saint of Ireland. Source: (abridged and adapted, November 2013) 1 Answer the questions. 1 How many countries make up the United Kingdom? 4 2 What are they called? 3 What are their capitals? 4 What is the name of the flag of the United Kingdom? 10  Ten

The United States of America teacher’s book N Answers: CANADA 1. 2. states Washington New 3. wildlife 4. flag North Hampshire Maine 5. states Dakota 6. “Stars and Stripes”, Montana Minnesota Vermont “Old Glory” and “The Star-Spangled Banner” Oregon Michigan Wisconsin Idaho South Massachusetts Wyoming Dakota New York Rhode Island Connecticut Nevada Nebraska Iowa Pennsylvania New Jersey California Utah UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Illinois Indiana Ohio Delaware Washington D. C. West Colorado Kansas Virginia Virginia Maryland Missouri Kentucky Oklahoma Tennessee North Carolina Arizona New Mexico Arkansas PACIFIC Mississippi South ATLANTIC OCEAN Alabama Carolina OCEAN Georgia Texas Louisiana Alaska Hawaii Florida MEXICO Gulf of 0 340 km Mexico The USA The United States of America (USA) is a federal republic made up of 50 states. There are 48 states and the federal district of WashingtonU, wD.CP.9iHn 1central North America, between Canada and Mexico. The state of Alaska is the northwestern part of North America and the state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. It is one of the world’s most multicultural nations. The geography and climate of the United States is also extremely diverse, and it is home to a wide variety of wildlife. Source: (abridged and adapted, November 2013) Stars and Stripes The national flag of the United States of America consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red alternating with white, with a blue rectangle with fifty small, white, five-pointed stars. The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states of the United States of America and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen British colonies that declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain and became the first states in the Union. The flag is called “Stars and Stripes”, “Old Glory” or “The Star-Spangled Banner”. Source: (abridged and adapted, November 2013) 1 Complete the sentences. 1 There are 50 states in the United States of America. 2 48 are in central North America. 3 There is a variety of in the USA. 4 The of the USA has 50 stars and 13 stripes. 5 The stars represent the . 6 The flag has different names: , or . Eleven 11

teacher’s book 1 Open your dictionary and answer the following questions. Answers: 1 What type of dictionary is it?   A English – English dictionary: monolingual 1.   B English – Portuguese dictionary: bilingual 2. adverb 3. noun 2 What do these abbreviations mean? 4. pronoun 5. verb 1 adj: adjective 4 p: 7 sb: 6. plural 8 sth: 7. somebody 2 adv: 5 v: 8. something 3 n: 6 pl: 2. 2. /ˈfeıvərıt/ 3. It’s an adjective but it can also be a noun. 4. four 3. 2. There are 3 meanings (excluding idiomatic expressions). 3. adverb Source: Oxford Advanced Learner’s, 6th edition. 2 Look at the entry from a dictionary. headword pronunciation word classes example sentences different DICTIONARY USE meanings Always remember that a single word can have different meanings, so you have to choose the meaning that is suitable according to the context. 1 What’s the headword? 3 Which word class/classes is it? favourite 4 How many definitions does the word have? 2 How do you pronounce it? LIVROMÉDIA: 3 Go to your dictionary and look up the word “once”. Then answer the following questions. CD 2 – Track 46 1 Which word comes before “once”? Diagnostic test on-air Diagnostic test 2 How many meanings/definitions does the word have? 3 What is its word class? 4 Write a sentence using “once”? 12  Twelve

a teacher’s book Vocabulary Grammar Speaking Pronunciation Writing Warmer: • Favourite things • Subject pronouns • Ask for and give • Sentence • My profile • Sports • be: Present Simple • and and but Ask students to call out • be: questions personal information stress some of their favourite • Question words • Talk about your things and write them • be: wh- questions on the board, • be + adjective favourite things translating into English • Talk about your country if necessary. Favourite things Answers: 1 Label the pictures with the words. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 1. b. a DVD a bike | books | a camera | a cat | clothes | computer games c. books a DVD | a games console | a mobile | an MP3 player | a piano | trainers d. clothes e. a games console f. a mobile g. a piano h. computer games i. a bike j. a cat k. a camera l. trainers abcd LIVROMÉDIA: an MP3 player e f g h CD 1 – Track 7, ex. 1 Favourite things The mummy maze! Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. i jkl 2 Write your five favourite things. Student’s Book: Word list page 138 My five favourite things are my mobile, my trainers, … Workbook: Vocabulary page 6 Thirteen 13

teacher’s book 1 Read the profiles. Write what belongs to whom. Warmer: a games console an MP3 player a piano books a cat a computer game Students guess which objects in exercise 1 Patrick Eva Mark belong to the people in the photographs. I’m fourteen and I’m from I’m from Argentina, I’m from New Zealand and Answers: France. I’m into music and but my mother’s English. I’m thirteen. My number one 1. clothes. I like pop and I’m thirteen and I’m into thing is my games console Patrick: an MP3 player, rap music and one of my books, films and music. and my favourite computer a cat. favourite things is my MP3 My favourite books are game is Final Fantasy. Eva: books, a piano. player. I like sports clothes. adventure books. They’re I love football too. Football Mark: a games console, They’re cool and they aren’t brilliant. But my number isn’t very popular in New a computer game. expensive. My number one one thing isn’t a book Zealand, but I’m 2. thing is my cat, Vince. or a DVD. It’s my piano. a fan of Manchester United. 2. True He’s black and white I’m really good at They’re from England and 3. True and he’s very independent. playing it. they’re great! 4. True 5. False – He’s a fan an MP3 player, … of Manchester United. 6. False – Football isn’ t 2 True or false? Correct the false sentences 4 Match the sentence parts and write them very popular in New Zealand. in your notebook. down in your notebook. 3. 1. brilliant, great 1 Patrick’s English. False – He’s French. 1 My number one a at playing 2. France, Argentina, thing is my piano. New Zealand, England 2 Patrick and Eva like music. 3. pop, rap 3 Eva’s from South America. 2 My favourite b of Manchester 4. black, white 4 Eva and Mark are thirteen years old. books are United. 4. 5 Mark’s a fan of Real Madrid. 2. e; 3. a; 4. b; 5. f; 6. d. 6 Football’s popular in New Zealand. 3 I’m good c my games console. 2. My favourite books 4 I’m a fan d football. are adventure books. 3 Read again. Find these words. 5 I like pop and e adventure books. 3. I’m good at playing 6 I love f rap music. my piano. 1 three synonyms for very good 4. I’m a fan of 1–c Manchester United. cool, My number one thing is my games console. 5. I like pop and rap music. 2 four countries Add the new vocabulary to your Portfolio 6. I love football. 3 two types of music 4 two colours LIVROMÉDIA: CD 1 – Track 8, ex. 1 Workbook: Reading page 8 14  Fourteen

Subject pronouns 4 Complete with the affirmative or teacher’s book I’m from France. Singular Plural negative of be. Then listen and check. a They’re brilliant. I we you you Hi. My name (1) ’s Antonia. Answers: he / she / it they I (2) from England, but 1. My mother and I – they my parents (3) English. Patrick – he books – they They (4) Italian. I love you and your brother – they 1 Match the people and objects with music and I (5) a fan of 2. a subject pronoun. Beyoncé. She (6) really 2. We; 3. you; 4. It; 5. you; 6. They. Eva a piano My mother and I cool. But my number one Patrick books You and your brother 3. CD (7) a Beyoncé CD. 2. d; 3. f; 4. b; 5. a; 6. e. Eva – she It (8) a Madonna CD. My favourite book 4. 2 Write the subject pronoun. Answering tip: Tell (9) Poirot Investigates. The Agatha students to complete 1 My name’s Peter. I’m from Australia. with the affirmative or Christie books (10) brilliant! negative form of to be 2 Marie and I are from Paris. ’re French. using contracted forms 3 Ali, ’re Moroccan. Where’s Marrakech? ronunciatio n where possible. 4 I love my bike. ’s really cool. P 2. ‘m; 3. aren’t; 4. ´ re; 5 Hi, Saki. Hi, Yuuka. Can speak French? 5. `m 6. ’s; 7. isn’t; 8.`s; 6 I’m into James Bond films. ’re brilliant! Sentence stress 9. `s; 10. are. be: Present Simple 5 Listen and repeat. 6. and 7. Consolidation: When I’m fourteen. Focus on stress. writting about their Football isn’t very popular in New Zealand. partner’s favourite things 1 My name’s Antonia. use Your … and You’ re … Affirmative Negative 2 I’m from England. Point out that Your and I’m I’m not 3 My parents aren’t English. They’re You’re are pronounced You’re You aren’t in the same way, but He’s He isn’t Italian. have different meanings She’s She isn’t 4 I love music and I’m a fan of Beyoncé. and are spelled It’s It isn’t 5 She’s really cool. differently too. We’re We aren’t LIVROMÉDIA: You’re You aren’t They’re They aren’t CD 1 – Track 9, ex. 4 CD 1 – Track 10, ex. 5 3 Match the sentence parts. 6 Make a list. To be: Present Simple Drag the words to 1 Hi. I a ’re my books. 1 My favourite singer/group complete the sentences. 2 My clothes b ’s really cool. 2 My favourite film/book 3 I love rap. I c ’m Mandy. 3 My favourite computer game Sentence stress 4 I like Eva. She d aren’t expensive. 4 My number one thing Listen to the sentences 5 They e isn’t popular here. 5 I’m into … and choose the option 6 Tennis f ’m not into pop. 6 I’m a fan of … that correctly displays the stressed words. 1–c 7 In pairs, talk about your favourite things. Student’s Book: A My favourite singer’s Justin Timberlake. What Grammar reference about you? pages 121-122 Workbook: B My favourite group’s Coldplay. Grammar page 6 Fifteen 15

teacher’s book Answers: 1. Sports 2 Complete the sentences. . b. karate; . c. snowboarding; 1 Can you guess the sports? Listen and 1 My favourite sport’s . d. horse riding; e. skiing; 2 I’m good at . f. cycling; g. basketball check. Then listen and repeat. 3 I’m not into h. football; i. swimming; 4 I’m a fan of j. rugby. rugby | basketball | horse riding | skiing tennis | football | snowboarding de 3. karate | swimming | cycling 2. thirteen; 3. tennis; 4. hip hop; 5. German. a – tennis abc 4. Jason fails the test. Age: thirteen not fourteen. Best friends: Andrew and Lucy, not Paul and Sarah. Favourite sports: football, not rugby. Languages: English and French, not English and German. 5. 2. are; 3. are; 4. ‘s; 5. are; 6. are. f g h i j English Overseas: Explain that the British Identity Test and American English have some differences. 3 Read the identity test. Complete 1-5. Name: Jason These can be in the way some words are spelled tennis England German hip-hop thirteen Surname: Ford (spelling box) or a completely different word Address: London, (1) England for the same meaning Age: (2) years old (vocabulary box). Also explain that one of the School: Highgate School, London reasons for these differences is migration (words imported from other languages). 4 Listen to the interview. What four things Best friends: Andrew, Lucy LIVROMÉDIA: are different? Does Jason pass or fail the test? Sports: snowboarding, (3) , rugby, basketball Loves: (4) music 5 Listen again. Complete the questions. Languages: English, (5) CD 1 – Track 11, ex. 1 1 Are you American? Test result: PASS FAIL CD 1 – Track 12, exs. 4-5 2 Where you from? Sports Find eight sports. 3 How old you? 4 What the name of your school? 5 Who your best friends? 6 What your favourite sports? Sports — Team or English overseas – vocabulary individual sports? BrE AmE Student’s Book: Word list page 138 Trainers Sneakers Workbook: Vocabulary page 7 Mobile phone Cell phone Football Soccer Pitch Field 16  Sixteen

be: questions be: wh- questions teacher’s book Are you Jason Ford? Is he American? What’s your name? Where are you from? a be Subject Other words Question be Subject Other words Answers: Are you Jason Ford? word your name? 1. Is he American? you from? 2. Is your teacher What is French? Where are 3. Are you and your friends good students? Short answers No, I’m not. 3 Write questions. Use question words 4. Are your favourite Yes, I am. No, he isn’t. actors American? Yes, he is. and be. 5. Are you into sports? 2. 1 Order the words to make questions. 1 What – your favourite book? 2. How old; 3. When; 4. Where; 5. What. Then answer them. What’s your favourite book? 3. 2. Where are your 1 from Madrid / are / you ? 2 Where – your parents from? parents from? 3 Who – your favourite singer? 3. Who’s your favourite Are you from Madrid? No, I’m not. 4 How old – your mother? singer? 5 When – your birthday? 4. How old’s your 2 your teacher / is / French ? mother? 3 are / good students / you and your friends ? to be + adjective 5. When is your 4 American / your favourite actors / are ? birthday? 5 are / into sports / you ? I’m cold. (I have cold.) 4. 2. cool Question words 4 Complete the sentences with the 3. popular 4. fun Who are your best friends? How old are you? following adjectives. LIVROMÉDIA: cool fun thirsty popular To be: questions 1 I’m thirsty. Could I have a glass of water, Free John! Drag the words to form please? sentences. 2 Look at my new bike. It’s . Question words Drag each word to its 3 I’m a fan of Cristiano Ronaldo. correct place. When? Where? What? He’s all over the world. 4 I love skiing. It’s . Who? How old? 5 In pairs, ask the questions from exercise 3. 2 Complete the questions. Then answer A Ask the questions. B Answer, giving two false answers. them about you. A Identify the false answers. 1 Who’s your favourite singer? I like Pink. A What’s your favourite book? Student’s Book: B It’s The Hobbit. Grammar reference 2 ’s your best friend? She’s fourteen. A That isn’t true! pages 122-123 3 ’s your birthday? It’s on 28th February. Seventeen 17 Workbook: Grammar pages 7-8 4 ’s your school? It’s in London. 5 ’s your favourite film? It’s Spiderman 3.

teacher’s book CLIL Objective: Students learn about the people and landscape of New Zealand. Warmer: 1 Do the quiz. 2 Read the fact file. Check your Play hangman with the answers to the quiz. words New The Kiwi Quiz! N123 4 eN OcTs TtoawaNtcehhAhnhrhrpeweeeneaieeegiaZewtdtMpiZtiinalpenonhooileZatnad–aecpf’aceooslaiaulilNgloarrtylaatalieyfliao,rnefonalf,niusrtrbvdncnWidootoegouihdmuiafrebntsfofylsaiIlya7srslitlEmpispw0atlcntfeauee%hnaotooganrromegnutosfmdipoousilsopLyonllflaa.eneeoauf,ftgno.!orhnsoiedrdsMuedfsftroSsooNa.hprnfmooioeenutripwNthiAitlstulheaohliZllmonraeRIeBtnsdthoaiPil,lnoaulaEawIagnncsnncnsikdlttiigadasfhs.filniici,Talnstdmiehrsht.esne.sI.t’s Zealand. Ask students 3 What are 1-5 on the map? to tell you people and South The Pacific Ocean Wellington South Island North things they 1 – North associate with 4 Answer the questions about New Zealand. this country. 1 Name a bird from New Zealand. The kiwi. Ask them 2 What’s a Kiwi? what they 3 Where’s the capital city? 4 Where’s 70% of the population from? can see in 5 What are the official languages? 6 What two things is New Zealand famous for? the photos on this page. Pre-teach these words: bird, sheep, rugby team, and What are these three photos? They’re all kiwis! indigenous A kiwi is a fruit. It’s also a bird from New Zealand, people. Answers: and a Kiwi is the informal name for a person from 2. New Zealand. 1. b; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a. Can you answer these questions about New Zealand? 3. 1 New Zealand is in the Ocean. 2. South a Atlantic 3. Wellington b Pacific 4. South Island 5. The Pacific Ocean 2 40 million is the New Zealand. a population of 4. b number of 2. A person from sheep in New Zealand (because it’s written with a capital letter) 3. On the 3 The Maori are the of New Zealand. North Island a indigenous people 4. Europe b national rugby team 5. Maori and English 6. Its mountains and the All Blacks rugby team LIVROMÉDIA: CD 1 – Track 4 New Zealand is the location for the 13, ex. 2 films. a Lord of the 100% Pure Rings New Zealand b Harry Potter Promotional 18  Eighteen tourism film.

Talk about your country teacher’s book 1 Match the numbers with the words. 3 Listen to the dialogue. Write the a Then listen and repeat. missing numbers. Answers: 1 100 a one hundred thousand Ali Where are you from? 1. 2 1,000 b one hundred 2. d; 3. a; 4. c. 3 100,000 c one million Eva I’m from Argentina. 4 1,000,000 d one thousand 2. Ali What’s the population of Argentina? 2. 192; 3. 8,850; 4. 18,839; 5. 384,000. Eva It’s about (1) . 3. 1–b Ali Where are you from in Argentina? 1. 40,000,000; 2. 591; 3. 300,000. Eva I’m from Santa Rosa. It’s in the centre Consolidation: For exercises 1-3 write some 2 Say the numbers. Complete the of Argentina. It’s (2) kilometres big numbers on the board: 180, 1,350, 12,973, Big Facts. Then listen and check. from Buenos Aires, the capital city. 240,000, and 65,000,000. Point out that: 8,850 192 384,000 18,839 620,000 Ali What’s the population of Santa Rosa? 1) Hundred, thousand and million are not used Eva It’s (3) . in plural form with a number before them; 4 Copy and complete the information about 2) We say and between hundred and another you. number. e.g. one hundred and eighty; My country 3) We don’t say and between million and I’m from . The capital’s thousand, or between thousand and hundred. . It’s in the 4) In English we use commas when we of the country and the population’s about write big numbers, not full stops. . Attention: In Portuguese we use a space and not My city / town / village a comma when we write big numbers I’m from . It’s in the (from 10 thousand on). of my country and the Quest: population’s about . The capital city is Canberra. The population Big Facts 5 In pairs, talk about your country. is about 21 million. The indigenous people 1 The Maori population in New Zealand is A Where are you from? are the Aborigines and B I’m from … Torres Strait Islanders. 620,000 . uest LIVROMÉDIA: 2 The number of countries in the United Nations • Find this information about Australia. CD 1 – Track 14, ex. 1 is . CD 1 – Track 15, ex. 2 capital city population indigenous people CD 1 – Track 16, ex. 3 3 Mount Everest is metres high. Portugal — Promotional tourism film. 4 Wellington in New Zealand is km Student’s Book: from London. Word list page 138 5 The Moon is km from our planet. Workbook: English you need page 9 Nineteen 19

teacher’s book My profile Warmer: Hi! My name’s Bela. I’m twelve and I’m from Brighton in Before doing exercise 2 the south of England. write these sentences on the board: I like music and films. I’m a fan of The Sugababes and I like music. I like films. my favourite actress is Natalie Portman. Star Wars I like music Episode III is my number one film. I love tennis and skiing, films. but I’m not into football. I love tennis. I’m not into football. One of my favourite things is my mobile, I love tennis but my number one thing is my MP3 I’ m not into football. player. It’s great! Ask students to complete the gaps. 1 Read about Bela. Complete the information. Answers: 1 Name 3 Favourite group/singer 5 Favourite sports 1. 2. twelve Bela 4 Favourite actor 6 Favourite things 3. The Sugababes 4. Natalie Portman 2 Age 5. tennis, skiing 6. mobile, mp3 player 2. and and but 3 Make notes. Then write your profile. 2. Australia is a big country, but the I like music and films. Paragraph 1: Name, age, city, country population is small. I love tennis, but I’m not into football. Paragraph 2: Favourite group/singer, 3. I’m a fan of the internet and my 2 Join the sentences. Use and or but. favourite actors, favourite sports favourite site is Paragraph 3: Favourite things YouTube. 1 I’m from Spain. My mother’s from Germany. 4. My favourite things 4 Now read your work again. Can you find are films and I love I’m from Spain, but my mother’s from Germany. comedies. any errors? 5. I like football, but it 2 Australia is a big country. The population isn’t my favourite sport. is small. Add this text to your Portfolio 6. My name’s Jason and I’m fourteen. 3 I’m a fan of the Internet. My favourite site LIVROMÉDIA: is YouTube. CD 2 – Track 47 Tests A and B Unit 1a 4 My favourite things are films. I love Film: What are your comedies. favourite sports? 5 I like football. It isn’t my favourite sport. Mixed-ability worksheet 6 My name’s Jason. I’m fourteen. Film worksheet Portfolio Speaking worksheet 20  Twenty Test A Test B Workbook: Writing page 9 Self check page 10

b teacher’s book Vocabulary Grammar Speaking Pronunciation Writing WARMER: • Family • this, that, these, those • Talk about your family • Third person -s • My family • Adjectives • Possessive adjectives/pronouns • Describe a pet • Capital letters Introduce the phrase • Possessive ’s • Tell the time family tree and use for pets • Whose …? your family to teach or • Present Simple review family words. Before starting exercise Family 1 explain to students that Tom lives with his 1 Write the missing words on the family tree. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. mother and stepfather. His family is an aunt | cousins | father | grandmother | sister | uncle example of the diversity of family Ian Julia models today. grandfather grandmother Answers: 1. Ibrahim: father. Riana: sister. Nancy: aunt. Oliver: uncle. Megan: cousin. Simon: cousin. 2. 2. father; 3. mother; 4. grandmother. 3. Aswering tip: Before starting exercise 3 ask students to find Molly in the family tree. Then teach the meaning of the words in the box. 2. sons; 3. daughter; 4. parents; 5. niece; 6. nephew. LIVROMÉDIA: Ibrahim Molly Steve Nancy Oliver CD 1 – Track 17, ex. 1 CD 1 – Track 18, ex. 3 mother stepfather Family — Find eight members of a family. Riana Jack Tom Megan Simon brother me! 2 Match the informal words with words in 3 Complete the information about Molly. Pick up the family Ben’s family. exercise 1. Then listen and check. 1 grandad – grandfather children | daughter | nephew niece | parents | sons 2 dad I’ve got three (1) children. Tom and Jack are my Student’s Book: 3 mum Word list page 139 (2) and Riana’s my (3) . My 4 granny Workbook: Vocabulary page 11 (4) are called Ian and Julia. I’ve got a Add the new vocabulary to your Portfolio brother called Oliver. He’s got two children. Megan’s my (5) and Simon’s my (6) . Twenty-one 21

teacher’s book 1 Find the things mentioned below in the pictures. Answers: a fish tank a bike clothes a laptop a radio a dog a kitchen DVDs a TV 1. ab a fish tank: picture c. a bike: picture a. Hi, I’m Tom and I’m thirteen. I live in Manchester in the This is my mum, and this is my sister, Riana. clothes: picture c. north of England with my mum, my stepdad, my sister She’s sixteen. This is her boyfriend, Andy. He a computer: picture c. and my dog, Rusty. My brother, Jack, lives in London. comes to our house after school every day and a radio: picture b. That’s our house and that’s my bike. Can you see Rusty? they watch TV. They’re in love! a dog: picture a. a kitchen: picture d. DVDs: picture c. a TV: picture b. 2. 2. Tom lives with three people (and his dog). 3. Riana watches TV with Andy after school. 4. He’s really into animals. 5. He talks to his dad on the internet. 3. 2. He’s in London. 3. Riana and Andy are in love. 4. He’s Tom’s stepdad. 5. He’s in Turkey. LIVROMÉDIA: CD 1 – Track 19, ex. 2 cd This is my room. My CDs and DVDs are here, This is the kitchen, and that’s my stepdad, and these are my comics. My clothes are on Steve. My dad’s from Turkey and he lives there the bed, and that’s my laptop on the desk. Can now, but we talk a lot on the Internet, with a you see the tank over there? Those are my fish. webcam. I visit my dad in the summer. I’m really into animals! Workbook: 2 Read about Tom. Correct the sentences. 3 Answer the questions. Reading page 13 1 Tom’s fourteen years old. 1 Where’s Tom from? Tom’s thirteen years old. He’s from Manchester. 2 Tom lives with four people. 2 Where’s Jack? 3 Tom watches TV with Andy after school. 3 Who are in love? 4 He isn’t into animals. 4 Who’s Steve? 5 He talks to his dad on the phone. 5 Where’s Tom’s dad? 22  Twenty-two

this, that, these, those Possessive ’s teacher’s book 1 Complete the sentences with this, that, My mum’s car. My cousins’ house. b these and those. 4 Write the missing possessive ’s or ’ in each Answers: 1. 1 is our home over there. sentence. 1. That; 2. This; 3. These; 2 is my room. It’s really cosy. 4. Those. 3 are my friends next to me. Consolidation: In 4 are my fish over there. order to practise this, that, these and those, Possessive adjectives/pronouns students ask each other about things in That’s our house. These are my comics. That T-Shirt is mine. the classroom. They point to things and ask Subject Possessive Possessive What’s this/What’s that? pronouns adjectives pronouns or What are these/those? (1) In the summer I visit my dad’s family. 2. I my mine 2. hers; 3. its bed; you your yours (2) I stay at my grandparents house in 4. their tank; 5. mine. he his his Istanbul. (3) My grandfather name is Mehmet. 3. she her hers (4) My grandmother name is Nuray. (5) This is 2. her; 3. yours; 4. mine; it its its my uncle with my cousins in my uncle shop. 5. his; 6. its. (6) My cousins names are Alper and Melis. 4. we our ours 2. I stay at my you your yours Whose …? grandparents’ house in they their theirs Istanbul. Whose car is that? Whose house is that? 3. My grandfather’s 2 Complete the sentences. name is Mehmet. 5 Answer the questions. 4. My grandmother’s their tank hers our garden mine its bed name is Nuray. 1 Whose grandfather is Mehmet? 5. This is my uncle 1 This is my family and I in our garden. with my cousins in my He’s Tom’s grandfather. uncle’s shop. 2 This is my laptop. My sister’s got . 6. My cousins’ names . 2 Whose grandmother is Nuray? are Alper and Melis. 3 That’s my dog in . 3 Whose shop is that? 5. 4 Whose names are Alper and Melis? 2. She’s my 4 Those are my fish in grandmother. 6 In pairs, ask and answer about who is 3. It’s my uncle’s. 5 This is my sister Riana. Her eyes are 4. They are my cousins’ who in your families. names. green, but are brown. A Who’s David? LIVROMÉDIA: 3 Complete the sentences with the B He’s my brother. He’s fifteen. A Who are Leonard and Sarah? Possessive adjectives possessive adjectives/pronouns. B They’re my aunt and uncle. Drag the words to complete the yours her his my ours its They live in Scotland. sentences. 1 Hi. My name’s Andy. 7 Write a description of your partner’s family. Possessives Find the objects 2 My sister sees boyfriend every day. Twenty-three 23 in the pictures. 3 This is my mobile phone. Where is Student’s Book: Grammar reference , Laura? pages 123-124 4 These are my cousins. They live in a big Workbook: Grammar pages 11-12 house like . 5 I like Robert, but sister’s horrible! 6 The dog’s in the garden with ball.

teacher’s book Adjectives for pets Answers: 1 Match the words with the pictures. 1. ants a cat a dog a bird a fish a hamster a roboraptor a rabbit a spider b. a fish; c. a roboraptor; d. a cat; e. a spider; a – a dog f. a bird; g. a rabbit; a bc h. ants; i. a hamster. d e 2. Positive: friendly, fg h intelligent, cuddly, i quiet. Negative: noisy, messy, 2 Which of the adjectives to describe pets 3 Form new adjectives by adding un- to these scary, annoying. are positive and which are negative? words: 3. common – uncommon; clean | noisy | friendly | intelligent common desirable kind usual friendly desirable – undesirable; messy | cuddly | quiet | scary | annoying kind – unkind; friendly – unfriendly usual – unusual. Positive: clean, 4 Now look at the adjectives in exercise 2, find 4. Negative: noisy, friendly, messy, the ones that are formed by adding suffixes and cuddly, scary, annoying underline those suffixes. Then write the original noise + y – noisy, word (verb or noun) for each one of them. friend + ly, mess + y; cuddle + y; scare + y; annoy + ing 5. a. Tony: ants. b. Alison: a dog. c. Jay: a roboraptor. 6. 2. work; 3. is; 4. park; 5. is; 6. the interviewer. 7. 1. messy 2. intelligent … friendly 3. friendly … scary LIVROMÉDIA: CD 1 – Tracks 20, ex. 2 CD 1 – Track 21, exs. 5-6 Can you describe… 5 Listen to Tony, Alison and Jay. 6 L isten again. Write each sentence with Describe the animals. What are their pets? the correct option in your notebook. My strange pet Film about Basil abc 1 Tony’s got one pet/hundreds of pets. a strange pet. Tony’s got hundreds of pets. 2 Tony’s pets play/work. 3 Pooch is/isn’t happy when he sees Alison. 4 Alison and Pooch play in the park/garden. 5 Jay thinks his pet is/isn’t a real pet. 6 Jay’s pet bites Jay/the interviewer. Student’s Book: Tony Alison Jay 7 Write the adjectives for the pets. Word list page 139 24  Twenty-four 1 Tony’s pets are quiet. They aren’t m . Workbook: . Vocabulary page 12 2 Alison’s pet is i , but he isn’t very f . 3 Jay’s pet can be f , but it’s s

Present Simple 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs. teacher’s book My roboraptor walks and runs. 1 Pooch understands (understand) b Pooch doesn’t like people. instructions. Answers: Affirmative Negative 2 He (not like) people. 1. 2. lives; 3. finishes; I / You run I / You don’t run 3 The roboraptor (walk) and (run). 4. studies; 5. plays; 6. does. He / She / It runs He / She / It doesn’t run 4 It (not eat), but it (play). 3. We / You / They run We / You / They don’t run 5 The ants (run) and (work). 1. /s/ eats, sleeps, walks. 2. /z/ plays, flies, lives. 6 They (not play). 3. / iz/ washes, teaches, Spelling rules 5 Do the quiz. Write the affirmative or watches. + -s run, eat runs, eats -s, -x, -ch, -sh, -o + -es watch, go watches, goes negative of the verbs. Are the results true? 4. 2. doesn’t like; consonant-y -ies fly flies 3. walks … , runs; be, have is, has 4. doesn’t eat … , plays; irregular Pet Quiz ! 5. run … , work; 6. don’t play. 1 Write the third person singular of these verbs. 5. 1 swim – swims 4 study 1 I … (like) animals. Consolidation: 5 play 2 We … (live) in a house with a garden. Students do the Pet 2 live 6 do 3 I … (have) a lot of free time. Quiz. Make sure they 4 My parents … (give) me pocket money. understand that they 3 finish ronunciatio 5 My family … (stay) at home a lot. have to write the 6 I … (play) in the park every day. affirmative or negative P n of the verbs to make the sentences true for Third person -s them. Then they calculate their score. Results The number of negative sentences 2 Copy the table Negative sentences Your ideal pet reveals their ideal pet. a dog, a cat Ask some students what in your notebook. 0-2 a bird, a hamster, fish, ants the quiz says their ideal 3-4 pet is and if they think the results are true. LIVROMÉDIA: CD 1 – Track 22, ex. 3 /s/ /z/ /ɪz/ 5-6 a toy pet 3 Listen to six sentences. Write the 6 Invent a pet. Is it real or a toy? Present Simple The UFO attack! Choose verbs in the table. Listen and check. What’s its name? the correct word to Then listen and repeat. complete the sentences. 7 Draw your pet. What does it do? 1 My dog sleeps in my room. Third person -s 2 My sister teaches French. bite fly play run sleep swim Listen and choose the 3 A parrot flies. correct pronunciation. 4 My friend walks to school. 8 In pairs, describe your pet. Use adjectives. 5 My father lives in Turkey. Student’s Book: 6 My mother watches television. It walks, but it doesn’t run. It’s cuddly. Grammar reference page 124 Twenty-five 25 Workbook: Grammar pages 12-13

teacher’s book 1 Where’s Meva from? Are the cultures similar or different? CLIL Objective: 2 Read about Meva. Check your answers to exercise 1. Students look at Hi! My name’s Meva. I’m half Bangladeshi and half Scottish because my dad’s from Bangladesh and my mum’s differences between from Scotland. I live in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, but I visit my family in Bangladesh in the summer. cultures and the My dad’s family lives in a small village in Sylhet in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has got about sixty thousand influence of these villages! Scotland and Bangladesh are very different. For example, in the village we haven’t got cars, telephones differences on mixed- or newspapers. We don’t watch TV because we haven’t got electricity. In Edinburgh I watch a lot of TV. race families. Many The village in Bangladesh is really small and I know all the people there. I don’t speak Bangla, the children in the UK are official language of Bangladesh, but I study it on the Internet. My favourite sport is football. In mixed-race. This means Bangladesh I play football in a rice paddy. It’s fantastic. that their parents are from different races. 3 Are Meva’s sentences about Scotland, 5 Complete the sentences with a word from These children often grow up in two very Bangladesh or both? Read the text again. exercise 4. different cultures. 1 I have family there. 1 Meva’s dad is from Bangladesh. Warmer: Bangladesh and Scotland 2 Bangladesh has got about 60,000 . Teacher plays an extract of a Scottish 2 Here I spend my summer holidays. 3 Meva visits her family in Bangladesh traditional song and 3 We haven’t got cars. asks which country 4 I watch a lot of TV. in the . the students think the 5 I don’t speak the official language. song is from. 6 I play football. 4 Meva’s favourite sport is . Then teacher plays an extract of a Bangladeshi 5 Meva lives in . traditional song and also asks which country the students think the song is from. Answers: 2. Meva’s from Bangladesh and Scotland. She says the two cultures are very different. 3. 2. Bangladesh 3. Bangladesh 4. Scotland 5. Bangladesh 6. Scotland and Bangladesh 4. 2. Edinburgh; 3. summer; 4. villages; 5. small; 6. football. 5. 2. villages; 3. summer; 4. football; 5. Edinburgh; 6. (really) small. LIVROMÉDIA: 6 In Bangladesh they live in a village. CD 1 – Track 23, ex. 2 4 Find a word in the same category in the text. English overseas – spelling Scottish traditional 1 brother – dad BrE AmE song Favourite Favorite 2 London Honour Honor Bangladeshi 3 winter Colour Color traditional song 4 cities Labour Labor 5 big 6 basketball 26  Twenty-six

teacher’s book b Answers: 1. 2. f; 3. e ; 4. a; 5. d; 6. b. Tell the time 2 2. 2. It’s five to seven. 1 What time is it? Match the clocks with the 3. It’s twenty- five past times. five. ab c 4. It’s five past twelve. 5. It’s nine o’clock. 6. It’s ten to nine. 3. a. quarter past seven b. ten past seven c. three o’ clock 4. London: 11.00. de f New York: 06.00 (Lisbon -5 hours). Dhaka: 16.00 (Lisbon +5 hours). A Dad, what time is it? Consolidation: Give B It’s A Oh, no! Basketball practice starts at students local twenty past. . situations they will be B You’re late, again! familiar with, such as 1 It’s half past ten. c 3 a local bus station or 2 It’s (a) quarter to eight. football stadium. In 3 It’s twenty-five to nine. 4 It’s (a) quarter past two. pairs, students prepare 5 It’s ten past seven. 6 It’s twenty to five. and practise dialogues for those situations. LIVROMÉDIA: 2 Write the times. Listen and check. CD 1 – Tracks 24, ex. 2 CD 1 – Track 25, ex. 3 Then listen and repeat. 1 13.20 3 05.25 5 09.00 A Excuse me. When’s the next train Hip hop around 2 18.55 4 12.05 6 20.50 to Manchester? the clock A hip hop song that 1 – It´s twenty past one. B Um, helps learning the time. A Great. Thanks. 3 Listen. Complete the dialogues B No problem. . with the times. 1 4 In pairs, practise the dialogues. Change the times. uest A Hello, can I help you? • It’s 11.00 in Lisbon. What time is it Student’s Book: in London, New York and Dhaka? Word list page 139 B Yes. What time is the concert tonight? Workbook: A It starts at . English you need page 14 B OK. Thank you. Twenty-seven 27

teacher’s book My family Warmer: Capital letters Write this sentence on the board: Do i live 1 Match the rules with the examples. a Tom, Riana in england? Ask students b Dan and I like karate. to correct the sentence. We use capital letters for: c Scotland, Manchester Highlight that, in 1 countries and cities d She’s friendly. different languages, 2 languages and nationalities e English, French different words need 3 the subject pronoun ‘I’ capital letters. 4 the start of a sentence 5 names Answers: 1. 1–c 2. e; 3. b; 4. d; 5. a. 2. 2 Write the sentences with capital letters. 3 her name’s odile, and she’s french. 2. He goes to my school in Brighton. 1 our dog, max, is five. 3. Her name’ s Odile 4 he loves football, but i hate sport. and she’s French. Our dog, Max, is five. 4. He loves football, but I hate sport. 2 he goes to my school in brighton. 3. a. 2; b. 4; c. 3; d.1. 4. 2. thirty-eight; 3. dad; 3 Read about Bela’s family. Match the sentences from exercise 2 with a-d. 4. Max; 5. He’s very friendly and intelligent, This is my family. I don’t have a big family ­– just and he doesn’t bite. my brother, our parents, our dog and me. 5. and 6. Answering tip: My brother, Jamie, is eleven. (a) He goes to my Students prepare to school in Brighton, but he isn’t in my class. We’re write about their family. very different. (b) . He doesn’t like music, First, they make notes but I’m really into pop and rock music. about the members of their family and their My mum’s thirty-eight. (c) . My dad, pets. Then they write Roger, is thirty-six. He doesn’t speak French, their compositions. and he can’t understand my mum’s parents. Students read their compositions and (d) He’s very friendly and intelligent, and check for errors. he doesn’t bite! LIVROMÉDIA: 4 Read again. Complete the table. 5 Make notes. Then write about your family. CD 2 – Track 48 Name Who Age Other Paragraph 1: Introduce your family and pets Tests A and B Unit 1b information Paragraph 2: Your brothers and sisters Jamie brother (1) eleven Paragraph 3: Your parents Film: Can you describe Odile mum He likes Paragraph 4: Your pets your family? Roger (3) (2) football. (4) dog thirty-six She’s French. 6 Now read your work again. Can you find Mixed-ability He doesn’t worksheet five speak French. any errors? Film worksheet Portfolio (5) Add this text to your Portfolio Speaking worksheet Test A 28  Twenty-eight Test B Workbook: Writing page 14 Self check page 15

a teacher’s book Vocabulary Grammar Speaking Pronunciation Writing Warmer: • Daily routines • Adverbs of frequency • Perform a rap • Rhyme and • My perfect day • Free time • Present Simple: questions • Express likes and • Sequencers Write 24/7 at the top • Present Simple: wh- rhythm of the board. activities dislikes Draw a timetable across questions • Say the date the middle of the board. • love, like, not like, Write 0 at one end (prepositions of of the line and 24 hate + -ing form time) at the other. Explain the meaning of the Daily routines abbreviation 24/7. 1 Describe the pictures with these words. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. Answers: do | get | go (x2) my homework | up | dinner | to bed | a shower 1. have (x4) | wake | brush to school | breakfast | my teeth | lunch | up b. have dinner c. do my homework a – get up a bc d. brush my teeth e. wake up def g f. go to bed g. have breakfast h. have lunch i. have a shower j. go to school 2. 2. a; 3. i; 4. g; 5. d; 6. j; 7. h; 8. b; 9. c ; 10. f. 3. Answering tip: Students write sentences about their daily routine using the words in exercise 1. Tell them to include the time they do each activity. LIVROMÉDIA: CD 1 – Tracks 26, ex. 1 CD 1 – Track 27, ex. 2 hi j Daily routines Battleships! Match the parts of the sentences. 2 Listen to Jackie. Order the pictures. 3 What time do you do the activities? Student’s Book: Word list page 140 1–e I get up at seven o’clock. Workbook: Add the new vocabulary to your Portfolio Vocabulary page 16 Twenty-nine 29

teacher’s book 1 Read and listen to the rap. Write the times. ten thirty seven thirty five half past four six one fifteen Warmer: She wakes up at (1) six Repeat chorus Ask students the When the alarm bell rings names of their Jackie gets up, Jackie has lunch favourite music stars. Has a shower and sings At (3) Are any of the artists It’s spaghetti bolognese rap stars? Tell students Chorus: In the school canteen they are going to listen It’s the daily routine to a rap. For the average teen She has classes again After that ask students 24/7 Until (4) to look at the times in If you know what I mean When the school bell rings the box in exercise 1. She runs out of the door Explain that some of She always has breakfast these are from digital At (2) Repeat chorus (24-hour) clocks and Then she says goodbye others from traditional To her dog and family She does her homework at (5) (12-hour ) clocks. Then she sees her friends Ask students What’s Jackie leaves home She has dinner with her family another way to say ten And goes to school And sometimes she sends thirty? Seven thirty? Where she studies One fifteen? and What’s A new grammar rule A text message or two another way to say half Or she watches TV past four? Before she goes to bed At (6) Answers: Repeat chorus 1. 2. seven thirty We know what you mean 3. one fifteen It’s the daily routine 4. half past four 24/7 5. five For the average teen 6. ten thirty 2. 2. a; 3. d; 4. f; 5. b; 6. e. Consolidation: Do any of the students know what the text message on the phone says? (See you later.) Ask students to spell out the letters and number. Model the pronunciation of those letters and numbers for students to repeat. LIVROMÉDIA: CD 1 – Track 28, ex. 1 2 Order the sentences according to the information in the text. Workbook: a She says goodbye to her dog and family. d She studies a new grammar rule. Reading pages 18-19 e She sends a text message or two. b She meets her friends. f She does her homework. c She has a shower. 1 30  Thirty

teacher’s book a ronunciatioP n Answers: Adverbs of frequency Rhyme and rhythm 1. 2. John never does his She sometimes watches TV before she goes to bed. 4 Match the words homework. She’s always happy. NOT: She always is happy. 3. We’re often late for that rhyme. Listen class. Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun and check. Then listen 4. My friends and repeat. sometimes have lunch always ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ at school. rings sends mean door rule 5. You’re always usually ✓✓✓✓✓✓ friendly. 1 teen – mean 6. I hardly ever use my often ✓✓✓✓ ✓ phone. 2 sings sometimes ✓✓ ✓ 3 school 4. 4 friends 2. sings – rings hardly ever ✓ 5 four 3. school – rule 4. friends – sends never 5. four – door Consolidation: Read 1 Write sentences in your notebook. out the chorus of the rap on page 28 slowly, Put the adverb of frequency in the emphasising rhyme correct place. and rhythm. Students repeat each line after 1 I go to school by bus. (usually) you. Then do the same for the first verse. I usually go to school by bus. 5 Complete the sentences about LIVROMÉDIA: 2 John does his homework. (never) 3 We’re late for class. (often) your daily routine. CD 1 – Track 29, ex. 4 4 My friends have lunch at school. 1 I wake up at . Adverbs of frequency (sometimes) Free John! Drag the 5 You’re friendly. (always) 2 I have breakfast at . words to form 6 I use my phone. (hardly ever) sentences. 3 I do my homework at . 2 Write the sentences about you. Use 4 I (activity) before I go to bed. adverbs of frequency. 5 I go to bed at . 1 I play football at the weekend. 6 Exchange sentences with your partner. I always play football at the weekend. 7 Copy and complete the rap about your Rhyme and rhythm 2 I get up at seven o’clock. Listen and choose the 3 I watch TV in the evening. partner. word with a different 4 I’m tired at the end of the day. pronunciation. 5 I have a shower in the morning. Juan wakes up 6 I go to bed at ten o’clock. At seven o’clock, Time expressions He always has breakfast Put the time expression 3 In pairs, discuss your answers to exercise 2. At seven thirty. in the right clock. A I always play football at the weekend. He does his homework at six thirty, Student’s Book: What about you? And then he plays computer games Grammar reference Before he goes to bed page 124 B I sometimes play football, but I usually play At ten o’clock. Workbook: tennis. Grammar pages 16-17 8 Perform your rap to your partner. Thirty-one 31

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