S. No Workshop No. of Rate Amount 1 Participants Details & Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 27600/- 4 external + 3 person (3x4x2300) 3780/- month internal Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 7 500/- persons (3x7x180) 90/- 3days workshop Contingency Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 3 for tool development and Selection of Format April-May 2022 Total proposed budget 31970/- 2 3days workshop 4external + 3 Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 27600/- for tool internal person (3x4x2300) finalization Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 7 3780/- persons (3x7x180) April-May 2022 Contingency 500/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 3 90/- Total proposed budget 31970/- 3 3 days’ workshop 4 external + 3 Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, 27600/- for Vetting of the internal per person (3x4x2300) Material Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 3780/- June – July 2022 5external + 3 for 7 persons (3x7x180) internal Contingency 500/- Total proposed budget Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 3 90/- 31970/- 5days workshop Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 57500/- for Data analysis person (5x5x2300) 4 Sept 2022- Oct 7200/- 2022 Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 8 persons (5x8x180) 500/- Contingency Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 5 150/- Total proposed budget 65350/- 5 3days workshop 10 external + Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 92,000/- for Designing 3 internal person (4x10x2300) the report Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 13 9360/- writing and persons (2x13x180) vetting, Nov.- Dec. 2022 Contingency 800/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 10 300/- 1,02,460 Total proposed budget 95
Printing and 6 publication of report, Jan.- Feb 2022 Grand total of phase-I 263720 Monitoring of KPIs: Month April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2023 2023 Activities Tool √ √ development and Selection of Format workshop for √ √ tool finalization Workshop for √√ Vetting of the Material Data √√ Collection √√ Data analysis and Interpretation Designing the √√ report writing and vetting, Printing and √√ publication of report, Research Team S No. Name Designation 1 Dr Zamir Principal, B.Ed. SCERT 2 Dr Ajay Choubey Nodal Officer, Research Forum 3 Mr. Syed Ibad Raza Resource Person 4 Ms. Kajal Resource Person 96
PROPOSAL-12 Title: An Exploratory study to map the contextualized pedagogic competencies of teachers in reference to FLN Introduction: Foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) is an urgent and necessary prerequisite for all future learning be it at school level or lifelong learning. The schooling provides the basis for next levels of education and forecasts to some extent the learning patterns in future. A large proportion of students currently in elementary schools have not attained foundational literacy and numeracy, i.e., the ability to read and comprehend basic text and the ability to carry out basic addition and subtraction. UNESCO has defined and emphasized the importance of literacy in the following words: ‗Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society‘ (UNESCO, 2004; 2017). Numeracy is the ability to reason and to apply basic simple numerical concepts in daily life as well as comprehending basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Teacher Competency: Competencies are the skills and knowledge that enable a teacher to be successful. To maximise student learning, teachers must have expertise in a wide-ranging array of competencies in an especially complex environment where hundreds of critical decisions are required each day (Jackson, 1990). Rationale of the Study: The teacher competencies play an important role in achievement of their students. The teacher has most powerful influence on students‘ success (Babu &Mendro, 2003; Sanders & Rivers, 1996). The broader classes of the competencies which are common to all levels are – 1. Instructional Delivery 2. Classroom Management 3. Formative Assessment 4. Personal Competencies (soft skills) Abdulghani Mutaharalnoor and Ma Hongyu (2011) emphasized the following fourprimaryschool teacher competencies (PSTC) viz, Knowledge, Teaching Skills, Assessment and Evaluation and Professional value and Behaviour. The proposed study aims at identifying FLN teacher competencies and to know the proportion of Delhi Government school FLN teachers who require training to acquire competencies for classroom teaching learning process in the light of NEP-2020. Objectives: 1. To identify FLN teacher competencies. 2. To find out the percentage of FLN teachers at Government schools of Delhi who require competencies for classroom teaching learning process Research Questions: 1.What are FLN teacher competencies? 2.What percentage of FLN teachers require training on competencies for classroom teaching learning process? Design of the Study/Methodology: Type of study: Non-Experimental Survey Based Sampling: Stratified random sampling technique will be used in this study. Sample Size: 400 across Delhi Tools: Self developed questionnaires/any other appropriate tool will be used at each stage, for identification of FLN teacher competencies and for find the percentage of FLN teachers who require competencies for classroom teaching learning process 97
Administration of Tools: The tools will be administered on teacher educators and practicing FLN teachers and FLN teachers in stage on and two respectively. Analysis of the Data/Statistical Technique: The present project will be carried out in two phases. Phase I: Identification of FLN teacher competencies Phase II: To find out the percentage of FLN teachers of Government schools of Delhi who require competencies for classroom teaching learning process Population: FLN teachers of Government schools of Delhi including Local Bodies(North Delhi Municipal Corporation, East Delhi Municipal Corporation and South Delhi Municipal Corporation) for stage two. Data Collection: The data will be collected by using different tools meant for each stage Data Analysis: The collected data will be analysed using descriptive method. Proportions of FLN teachers will be determined by calculating the percentage thereof. Educational Implications: The identification of FLN teacher competencies and the FLN teachers who need develop these competencies is expected to play an important role in designing training program for FLN teachers. The FLN teachers will be able to recognise, develop and use these in their classrooms. The teachers in focus will further be able to develop FLN competencies in their students. It will be helpful in achieving the goal of hundred percent literacy and numeracy as envisaged in NEP. Timeline: March 2023 Workshop for discussion of procedure and challenges: April-May, 2021 Preparation of Questionnaire and vetting (For Identification of FLN teacher competencies): June- July, 2022 Data Collection and analysis for Phase- I: August- September,2022 Preparation of Questionnaire and vetting (For Identification of FLN teacher competencies): October, 2022 Data Collection and analysis for Phase- II: November- January,2022 Typing &Printing& binding project report: February- March, 2022 ESTIMATED BUDGET PLAN: S.No Details Rate Amount 1 02 days workshop for ₹Honorarium to 03 RPs @ 2300/-per Rs. 13800/- discussion of project day/person Rs.1920/- procedure and =2300*2days *3RPs=13800/- Rs 240/- challenges ₹Lunch to 03 RPs and 3coordinators for for 2 days @ Rs 160/- =160*2days *6persons=1920/- Total= 15960/- ₹Tea @Rs 10/- twice a day for 2 days for 6 persons=120/- 2 02days workshop for ₹ Honorarium to 03 RPs @ 2300/-per Rs. 13800/- vetting of questionnaire day/person Rs.1920/- (For Identification of =2300*2days *3RPs=13800/- Rs 240/- FLN teacher ₹ Lunch to 03 RPs and 3coordinators competencies) for for 2 days @ Rs 160/- =160*2days *6persons=1920/- ₹ Tea @Rs 10/- twice a day for 2 days Total= 15960/- for 6 persons=120/- 3. 02days workshop for ₹ Honorarium to 03 RPs @ 2300/-per Rs. 13800/- vetting of questionnaire day/person Rs.1920/- (For Identification of =2300*2days *3RPs=13800/- Rs 240/- 98
FLN teacher ₹ Lunch to 03 RPs and 3coordinators competencies) for for 2 days @ Rs 160/- =160*2days *6persons=1920/- ₹ Tea @Rs 10/- twice a day for 2 days Total= 15960/- for 6 persons=120/- 3 Printing of 550(150+400) copies with at least 04 Rs 4400/- tool questionnaires pages each (approx 2200 pages) @ Rs 2.00 per page 4 04 days‘ Workshop for ₹ Honorarium to 3 RPs @ Rs. 2300/- Rs.27600/- analysis of data per day/person Rs.3840/- = 2300*4days *3RPs= 27600/- Rs.480/- ₹ Lunch to 3 RPs 3 coordinators for 4 days @ Rs 160/- =160*4days *6 persons=3840/- ₹ Tea @ Rs.10/-/- twice a day for 4 days for 6persons= 480/- Total= 31920/- 5 03 days workshop for ₹ Honorarium to 03 RPs @ Rs.2300 Rs.20700 finalization of research per day/person Rs.2880/- report =2300*3days*3RPs=20700/- Rs.360/- ₹ Lunch to 03 RPs and 3 coordinators for 3 days @ Rs 160/- =160*3days *6 persons= 2880 /- Total= 23940/- ₹ Tea @Rs10/- twice a day for 3 days for 6 persons= 360/- 6 Typing & Printing & Approx. 100 pages with coloured cover page & binding of research spiral binding report (02 copies of research report) ₹ Colored Cover page per copy@ rs Rs.200/- 100/=Rs 200/- ₹ Spiral binding @ Rs 100 per = Rs.200/- (100*2) Rs 200/- ₹ Typing of first copy @ Rs 60 per Rs. 6000/- page for 100 pg= Rs. 6000/- ₹ Photocopy of approx 100 pg Rs.200/- (second copy) =Rs. 200/- Rs.5000/- ● Contingency Total=11600/- Total Anticipated Budget Rs. 119740/- 99
Researcher/Research Team: 1. Name –Dr. Bir Singh Rawat and Dr Tapsa Assistant Professor SCERT, Delhi Dr.Navindra Bai (Assistant Professor) C & P in Hindi DIET Moti Bagh, Delhi Mr. Anupam Kumar Vice Principal 100
PROPOSAL-13 Title:-A STUDY OF CHANGES REQUIRED FOR TRANSFORMING DELHI GOVT. SCHOOLS INTO 21ST CENTURY SCHOOL: - ISSUES AND POSSIBILITIES The world has been rapidly changing for the past two decades. The technological changes of the last century transformed every aspect of human existence. We are facing conversing crises and unprecedented challenges – social, economic, political and environmental, driven by accelerating knowledge explosion and globalisation, where knowledge is a defining feature of the society; compel individuals and groups to use their knowledge, values and skills to the situations that they have never experienced. In this context, education in India has also witnessed a paradigm shift. The concept of learning and the conventional idea of an Indian guru, whose knowledge and the experience were taken as complete and infallible. The school is witnessing unprecedented scrutiny of purpose, content and assessment of all concerns of society. School education receives tremendous pressure to prepare children and youth for the ever-changing unknown, uncertain and complex situations ahead. Accordingly NEP, 2020 envisages education policy in light of rapid changes in the knowledge of the land scope, converging existential crises and complex challenges at a global level. India adopted ―The global education development agenda reflected in the goal4 (SDG4) of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development in 2015, seeks to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030. Under the contexts, NEP 2020 further emphasises that ―indeed, with the quickly changing employment land scope and global ecosystem, it increasingly becoming critical that children not only learn but more importantly learn how to learn. Education thus must move towards less content and more towards learning about how to think critically and solve the problems, how to be creative and multidisciplinary, how to innovate, adapt and absorb new material in novel and changing field pedagogy must evolve to make education more experiential, holistic, integrated, inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented learner- centred, discussion-based flexible and of course enjoyable. The curriculum must include basic arts, crafts, humanities, games, sports and fitness language and cultural values in addition to science and mathematics to develop all aspects and capabilities of learners and make education better-rounded, useful and fulfilling to the learners. Education must build character, enable learners to be ethical, rational, compassionate and caring, while at the same time prepare them for gainful, fulfilling employment‖. The NEP, 2020 further proposed the revision and revamping of all aspects of the educational structure, including its regulation governance, to create a new system thataligned with the aspirational goals of 21st-century education, including SDG 4‖. The Delhi Government also envisions school education that prepares children for sweeping changes, to tackle societal changes that we cannot yet imagine and to use technologies that have not yet been invented. In this, it intends to prepare students for 21st-century work and life. Accordingly, the Delhi Government has prepared its curriculum education framework, promoting inquiry-based learning by establishing a new board, i.e., the Delhi Board of School Education and opening some schools of specialised excellence in the areas of learning that are relevant in the 21st century. But all these goals can only be possible if schools facilitate active learning of the students and then prepare them for lifelong learning. The importance of current formal education to respond to 21st-century society is questioned, as most schools offer their students homogenising learning experiences in the 19th century way of socialisation. 101
The present school education is lagging behind the knowledge society and information economy, as it depends upon the \"factory model\" of the industrial era (Evans, 2018). This model is rooted in the idea of standardisation which ignores individual differences, teaches and assesses in the same way, assuming that everyone's learning needs are the same, so should learn the same, at the same time, for the same person (Aronica, 2015). In recent times, many voices argue for a new model in which the differences of individuals, not standards, become the principles of pedagogic practices in the education system (Noddings, 2013). A rapidly changing and technology-driven world develops the nation that traditional curriculum is not relevant for the 21st century (Higgins, 2013). Though, during the past two decades, some waves of educational reforms have influenced the curricular and pedagogic policies in Delhi. But the majority of structural aspects of school education remain intact within the homogenising framework of the conventional schooling system. Despite the investment of resources and some new strategies, today's classrooms remain quite similar to the classroom from a couple of centuries ago. In fact, structural issues and to some extent agentic issues related to curriculum, pedagogy and assessment continue to be similar. In this context, the present study intends to understand the issues and possibilities of transforming government schools into 21st-century schools. OBJECTIVES ● To identify the anchoring concepts and ideas that characterise 21st-century education through systematic literature review. ● To explore the organisational contexts that influence the emergence of 21st school ● To discover the cultural aspects of school influencing the transformation of school as the 21st- century school ● To describe the community factor that shapes the (im)possibilities of 21st-century school ● To explore the ways agentic factors in schools influence the (im)possibilities of emergence of the 21st century. RESEARCH DESIGN The design of the study will be exploratory, in which interpretation approaches and distributive strategies will be used to unfold and describe the structural agencies and processes that influence the (im)possibilities of government schools to emerge as 21st-century schools. The mixed-method approach will be used to combine literature reviews with the observation of socio- educational episodes in schools and surveys, interviews, visits and focus group discussions with stakeholders and experts. Since the mixing method combines various complementary processes then different sampling strategies will be used as per the nature of the strategy. In addition, some innovative schools in India and abroad will be visited to get insight for developing the framework and fool for analysing interpretation of data. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1. The study will prepare data about the structural organisational and agentic factors that constitute (im)possibilities of the emergence of 21st-century schools. 2. The study will contribute to understanding the student culture, teacher culture and school culture to map the issues and possibilities related to transforming schools into 21st-century schools. 3. The study will facilitate an understanding of the community aspects of 21st-century schools. 4. It will also assist in developing an implementation model and organizational assessment framework for 21st-century schools that promote inquiry-based learning, empowered being and emancipated becoming of students in the school. 102
5. The study will help in organizing in-service training programmes for school leaders‘ pedagogic leaders and community leaders for promoting schools to emerge in 21st-century learning organisations. 6. It will also give authentic inputs for policy and programme preparation for supporting schools to emerge as a learning organisation and agent of social change. Financial implication S. No Workshop No. of Rate Amount 1 Details & Participants month Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 27600/- 3 days workshop 4 external + 3 person (3x4x2300) 3780/- for tool internal Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 7 500/- development persons (3x7x180) 90/- and Selection of Contingency Format Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 3 April-May 2022 Total proposed budget 31970/- 2 3 days workshop 2 external + 3 Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 27600/- for tool internal person (3x4x2300) finalization Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 7 3780/- April-May persons (3x7x180) 2022 Contingency 500/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 3 90/- Total proposed budget 31970/- 3 3 days‘ workshop 4 external + 3 Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, 27600/- for Vetting of the internal per person (3x4x2300) Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 Material for 7 persons (3x7x180) 3780/- June – July 2022 Contingency 500/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 3 90/- Total proposed budget 31970/- Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 57500/- 5days workshop person (5x5x2300) for Data analysis 5external + 3 Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 8 7200/- Sept 2022- Oct internal persons (5x8x180) 4 2022 Contingency 500/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 3 90/- Total proposed budget 65350/- 103
5 4 days workshop 10 external + Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 92,000/- for Designing 3 internal person (4x10x2300) the report Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 13 9360/- writing and persons (2x13x180) vetting, Nov.- Dec. 2022 Contingency 800/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 10 300/- Total proposed budget 102460 Printing and 6 publication of report, Jan.- Feb 2022 Grand total of phase-I 263720 Monitoring of KPIs: Month April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2023 2023 Activities Tool √ √ development and Selection of Format workshop for √ √ tool finalization Workshop for √√ Vetting of the Material Data √√ Collection √√ Data analysis and Interpretation Designing the √√ report writing and vetting, Printing and √√ publication of report, Research Team 104
S No. Name Designation 1 Dr. Ajay Choubey Assistant Professor 2 Ms. Kapila Parashar Assistant Professor 3 Mr. Hitendra Kumar Virani Assistant Professor 4 Ms. Anchal Gupta Assistant Professor 5 Mr. Ravinder Rawat Assistant Professor 6 Ms. Kajal BRP 7 Syed Ibad Raza Research Fellow (Resource Person) 105
PROPOSAL-14 TITLE: - An exploratory study of the use of TLM for pedagogical intervention by the teachers in the schools of Delhi Modalities of Implementation OBJECTIVES ● To formulate domains/rubrics/parameters of Observation schedule for classroom observations of TLM use ● To develop Observation tool ● To develop a google form or similar to record the number of teachers using videos in classrooms ● To assess the use of TLMs by teachers Strategies ● A Nodal Incharge from each DIET will be selected for the following: ● Developing the rubrics for assessing TLMs. ● Developing observation schedule to find out the TLM usage by teachers in DoE. ● Usage of videos for classroom teaching by the teachers will be assessed. JUSTIFICATION The National Policy of Education 2020 has emphasized on the importance of teaching through innovative and experiential methods, including through gamification and apps, by weaving in the cultural aspects of the languages - such as films, theatre, storytelling, poetry, and music - and by drawing connections with various relevant subjects and with real-life experiences. Thus, it is pertinent to study the number of teachers using TLMs and video lessons in their classroom teaching in Delhi. The National Policy of Education 2020 has emphasized on the use of technology and internet- connected smart phones or tablets, online apps with quizzes, competitions, assessments, enrichment materials, and online communities for shared interests, which enhance all the initiatives, as group activities for students with appropriate supervision of parents and teachers. Schools will develop smart classrooms, in a phased manner, for using digital pedagogy and thereby enriching the teaching-learning processwith online resources and collaborations. Teaching-learning with technology will ensure the use of all senses for a joyous and an enhanced learning experience for the students and will make them apt in using technology for learning. Financial Implications (2 lacs per DIET(2*9=18lacs) + 2lacs for SCERT (18lacs + 2lacs= 20 lacs) S.N Details No. Of No. Of Rate/pp/day Amount o Experts Days Rs 54,500/- 5 Rs 54,500/- 1. Workshop for Creating 5 Hon.= Rs 2000 Observation Tool for 5 Lunch=Rs 180 Classroom Observations 5 Hon.= Rs 2000 2. Workshop for Tool Lunch=Rs 180 Vetting 106
3. Printing of Tool and n/a n/a n/a Rs 25,000/- Preparation of Google Form and Stationery Rs 20,000(appr.) 4. TA (as per admissibility) Rs 20,000/- Rs 1,10,000/- 5. Contingency 100 Total = Rs 2,84,000/- 6. Printing of Report Taxes extra. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: 1) It will help to find out the number of teachers using TLMs and videos for classroom preparation and teaching. 2) It will help in improving the use of TLMs and videos by teachers. 3) It will help in strategizing the need of teachers with respect to the use of TLMs and videos in their teaching-learning process. Coordinator: Anju Pathak 107
PROPOSAL-15 TITLE To status study of Parental Communication in Schools INTRODUCTION Parents have a special role in the holistic development of children. The National Education Policy(NEP) 2020 also underlines this fact. There are limitless opportunities available for children to learn at home and through the immediate environment. To learn and understand, they need the cooperation and guidance of elders. In such a situation, while the NIPUN Bharat Mission focuses on development FLN, the role of the family becomes even more important. OBJECTIVES: 1. To study the percentage of schools where parental communication has been undertaken once/twice/thrice/four times/five times/six times or more every year. 2. To study the percentage of schools where Gram Panchayats/parents/volunteers are supporting the cause of FLN. METHODOLOGY Random sampling technique will be used. Sample will comprise all the govt. schools (DoE and Local Bodies) of Delhi. Analysis- Appropriate tools will be used for data analysis. STRATEGY Involvement of CRCCs, BRPs and Mentor Teachers FINANCIAL IMPLICATION Total Cost – 5 lakh Training of SMC members 3 Days Training of SMC members Objective Parental 14*15*2500= 5,25,000 1*6*2500= 15,000 Total- 20 lakh for Grade COORDINATOR- Dr. Ritika Dabas 108
SUMMARY OF INNOVATIVE PROJECTS S.NO. TOPIC COORDINATOR BUDGET 1. Development of online certificate courses Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Rs. on pedagogical interventions/approaches Ms Tapshree, 5,00,000/- suggested in NEP 2020 (critical thinking, Mr Shahnawaj discussion and analysis-based learning.) at middle stage on DIKSHA Portal Dr.Sonu Lal Gupta, Dr. Gaurav Rs. 2. Three Days National Conference on the Sharma 25,00,000/- theme ―Teacher and School Education 3. Monthly Research Colloquium of DIETs Dr Gaurav, Dr Sonu Lal Gupta Rs. 45,000/- and SCERT 4. Facilitating teachers as action researchers Dr. Nahar Singh, Joint, Rs. and their engagement with Praxis: A Dr. Bir Singh Rawat, 2,00,000/- Reflection on landscape of Educational Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Dr. Geeta change in Delhi(Carry Forward Project) Dr.Navindra Bai, Dr. Neelam Yadav, Dr. Rekha Rani Kapoor, Dr.Sonu Lal Gupta, Dr.Tapsa Verma, Ms. Prabha Uniyal 5. Mind-mapping Campaign in schools of Dr. Bindu Saxena Rs. Delhi 3,00,000/- 6. Publication of one offline and one online Dr Gaurav, Dr Sonu Lal Gupta Rs. biannual peer-reviewed journal with ISSN 4,00,000/- number 7. Creating, maintaining and populating the Mr. Sanjay, Rs institutional research profile of SCERT, Ms Tapshree, 10,00,000/- DIETs and research profiles of faculties of Mr Shahnawaj SCERT and DIETs on research index of SCOPUS, Web of Sciences and UGC Care journals. 8. Teachers Training Management System Dr V K Pathak Rs 25,00,000/- (TTMS)-‗UDAAN‘ 9. Proposal to hire a consultancy firm for Dr V K Pathak Rs INSET 24,00,000/- Total Rs 98,45,000/- 110
PROPOSAL-1 Title-Development of online certificate courses on pedagogical interventions/approaches suggested in NEP 2020 (critical thinking, discussion and analysis-based learning.) at middle stage on DIKSHA Portal Approximate budget: 5 lakh COORDINATOR- Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Ms Tapshree, Mr Shahnawaj 111
PROPOSAL-2 TITLE: Three Days National Conference in SCERT on the theme ―Teacher and School Education‖ INTRODUCTION It is well known quality of education and learners‘ achievement is determined by teachers competence, sensitivity and teacher motivation. The National Council for Teacher Education has defined teacher education as ―A programme of education, research and training of persons to teach from pre-primary to higher education level‖. Teacher education is related to development of teacher proficiency and competency in their subjects which enables and empower teacher to meet their requirement of profession and face challenge therein. We cannot determine teacher preparation focus only on training. Holistic teacher building is necessary and therefore teacher education needed more emphasis than mere training. OBJECTIVE 1. To create a platform for teacher, faculties, researchers, administrators to shar and discuss their ideas, experience and information on various issues and challenges related with teacher education. 2. To promote quality improvement of teacher education in India. 3. To develop innovative ideas in area of Teacher of Education especially in strengthening the inclusive nature of higher education by bringing the disadvantaged and marginalized sections of the society. 4. To develop capacity building for curriculum designing and scientific assessment and evaluation 5. To present research papers based on their experience. Target Participant: Teachers, Teacher Educators, Researchers, Research Scholars, Administrators, and Policy Makers. Modality of Implementation: A 03 days conference will be organized in offline mode at SCERT or at some suitable institute/auditorium. Timeline: November – December 2022 Financial implication: Target Propose Subjec No. Objective Expected Date/M Propose group d t/topic of outcome onth d days pro (In terms budget pose of & d knowledge, Budget part skill, Head icip attitude ants enhanceme nt) Teachers 3 Day Resear 50 1. To create a platform DIET and Novemb 25,00,00 , Teacher National ch for teacher, faculties, SCERT er - 0 Educator Seminar Method researchers, Research Decemb s, ology administrators to shar Practitioner er 2022 Research and and discuss their s will be ers, Frame ideas, experience and enriched Research work information on with new Scholars, various issues and topics and 112
Administ challenges related in-depth rators, with teacher subject and education. knowledge Policy 2. To promote quality which Makers. improvement of would help teacher education in them to India. produce 3. To develop innovative quality ideas in area of research Teacher of Education work. especially in strengthening the inclusive nature of higher education by bringing the disadvantaged and marginalized sections of the society. 4. To develop capacity building for curriculum designing and scientific assessment and evaluation. Coordinators: Dr.Sonu Lal Gupta, Assistant Professor, SCERT Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Assistant Professor, SCERT 113
PROPOSAL-3 TITLE: Monthly Research Colloquium of DIETs and SCERT INTRODUCTION SCERT hopes to foster a positive research culture in DIET and SCERT. It emphasizes on the practice-based research that helps policy makers, research practitioners, enriching quality of curriculum, pedagogic planning and practices. The State Research forum as nodal forum of SCERT evaluated the Research documents in form of Journals, Proposals, Discussion Report and found gap in subject specialized knowledge which doesn‘t reflect in originality of work. SCERT finds it relevant to organise Colloquium workshops for ongoing research work, subject specific conferences with the support of external experts. This will enable researchers to produce high-quality research, encourage practitioners to produce refined piece of original work. OBJECTIVES: 1. To enable Research practitioners to produce a refined piece of original work, which showcases their specialized knowledge, analytical and writing skills. 2. To create an opportunity to draft new research proposal in the field of education. 3.To provide exposure to new topics in different subject and opportunity for the practitioners to study the topic in depth 4.To promote innovative ideas and provide platform for scholars to test their ideas unlikely to find while doing research. Modalities of implementation: Online/Offline meetings amongst State research support group and district research support groups Timeline: April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March √ √ √ √√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Key performance indicator: Produce Original and quality Research work Financial implication: 114
Target Proposed Subject/topic No. of Date/Month Proposed group days budget & proposed Budget Head participants DIET and 1 Day Research 15 April – 45,000 SCERT Workshop Methodology December Research each and Practitioners month in Framework SCERT S. No. Workshop No. of Rate Amount /Proposed Participants month Honorarium/Conveyance 27,600 15 @2300 X 1X 12 12 days High-tea for 12 persons 14,400 @ 80X 15 X12 day Contingency 3,000 Total 45,000 Expected outcome (In terms of knowledge, skill, attitude enhancement): - DIET and SCERT Research Practitioners will be enriched with new topics and in-depth subject knowledge which would help them to produce quality research work. Coordinator: Dr Gaurav, Dr Sonu Lal Gupta 115
PROPOSAL-4 TITLE Facilitating teachers as action researchers and their engagement with Praxis: A Reflection on landscape of Educational change in Delhi BACKGROUND: Action research as a process of critical examination and transformation of educational practice which can help us to address the concerns in supporting teachers to transform their practices in the rapidly changing environment. In the present world, where evidence based practices are emphasized, Action research can be understood in terms of engagement of teachers with Praxis which is driving reform from below and can broaden the understanding of ‗evidence‘ (ForemanPeck& Murray, 2009; McIntyre, 2005). In the context described above, this study attempts to carry on the research project which was taken last year and which initiates a school teacher action-research programme and simultaneously, explores the possibilities of teachers as action researchers with a focus on their professional practice. The study also tends to give space to their voices in terms of nurturing their reflective practices based on action research done by them. The study also tends to understand about the points of ambiguities and opportunities for teacher development and action research. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY In recent years, there has been a shift in the educational domain in the context of Delhi. Different initiatives have been proposed and are being implemented under this shift. The teacher is a key actor to implement these changes. One of the major initiative which can be seen is that there is also a shift in the understanding that a small group of ‗experts‘ should not only lead and decide the whole school educational scenario but teachers should also be given this ownership to lead and visualized the curriculum, pedagogy, assessments and other areas for school education. This kind of shift demands teachers to reflect upon their relationships in, and outside classrooms, their dynamic roles in different pedagogical practices, beliefs and assumptions about education so that they can transform their existing practices according to the rapidly changing scenario. Action research provides an opportunity to teachers to reflect upon their professional practice, to plan, act, observe and analyse in an iterative manner after identifying meaningful problems(Kemmis and Mc Taggart 1982). Though various platforms have been provided to teachers to reflect but very few teachers are aware about the research platform provided to them by SCERT Delhi. So there is a need to aware and orient them about action research which can help them to grow as reflective practitioners and facilitate students to realize their inner potential. Research Question How Action research can play a role in professional development of teachers by helping them to systematically reflect on their praxis? OBJECTIVES: 116
1. To facilitate the school teachers for conducting action research in their classrooms 2. To understand the the process of engagement of teachers with praxis 3. To identify challenges faced by school teachers while doing action research 4. To explore the possibilities of action research in developing the reflective practices of school teachers 5. To reflect upon the role of action research in changing landscape of school educational context of Delhi Operational Definition: Action Research: Action research for the study has been assumed in a form of investigation designed for use by teachers to attempt to solve problems and improve professional practices in their own classrooms. It will involve systematic observations and data collection which will be then used by the practitioner-researcher in reflection, decision making and the development of more effective classroom strategies(Parsons and Brown , 2002). Praxis : Praxis may be defined as ‗informed action‗, in which actions are guided within a theoretical framework of thought (Friere,1970). When a teacher is engaged in Praxis,he/she would bring his/her theoretical understanding to every decision as he/she makes in his/her practice in the classroom, which will continue to guide his/her theoretical framework and so on. REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE: When we see the historical developments in Action Research,it is not very clear about the origin of Action Research. Many scholars stated that It was Kurt Lewin who constructed a theory in 1940 which describes action research as ―proceeding in a spiral of steps, each of which is composed of planning, action and the evaluation of the result of action‖ (Kemmis and McTaggert, 1982). Advocating the idea of Action research in school different from traditional research, Corey (1953) mentioned about the the belief that ―research methodology will not begin to have the influence it might have on American education until thousands of teachers, administrators, and supervisors make more frequent use of the method of science in solving their own practical problems‖(p. 18).Action research in School classrooms may come in a multitude of forms and often serves multiple purposes. It can be a school‐ wide initiative with the goal of improving policies, curriculum, or programs for many students (Cooper & White, 2012; Kristmanson, Lafargue, &Culligan, 2011) or take place in a single classroom, perhaps even addressing the needs of an individual student. Rogers et al. (2010) explains the importance of Action research by mentioning the teachers‘ ability to interact, in qualitative and quantitative manner, with their practices and with students. When their practices and interaction with students become the source of data for them,this creates new possibilities for them to reflect, learn and grow professionally. DESIGN OF THE STUDY /METHODOLOGY: Type of study: It will be qualitative study with interpretive paradigmatic lenses. Sampling :20 school teachers from GNCT, MCD, NDMC, DCB and Aided Schools 117
Tools: observation schedule, questionnaires, interviews and focused group discussions Administration of Tools: tools will be administered on teachers selected for action research, Analysis of the Data: Qualitative data analysis will be done. EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATIONS: The study will give formal space to the voices of teachers in terms of nurturing their reflective practices based on action research done by them. The reflective practices will ultimately help teachers to understand their learners better in this fast changing world. This will nurture the quality domain of pedagogical practices of teachers in schools of Delhi. Timeline: April 2022 to July 2022- Four workshops will be conducted to help them to analyze and conclude their research. In July/August 2022- A symposium/research seminar will be organised in which they will present their papers. In September 2022 - report will be prepared and submitted ESTIMATED BUDGET PLAN 2,00,000 (Rs. 2 lakhs) Coordinator- Dr. Nahar Singh, Dr. Bir Singh Rawat,Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Dr. Geeta, Dr.Navindra Bai, Dr. Neelam Yadav, Dr. Rekha Rani Kapoor, Dr.Sonu Lal Gupta, Dr.Tapsa Verma, Ms. Prabha Uniyal 118
Proposal-5 TITLE: Mind-mapping Campaign in schools of Delhi Target Group: All teachers including STC teachers RATIONALE: Mind mapping is a very effective way of organizing the information in a systematic form. It is a creative way of depicting the information as it flows into your mind. It is very useful in teaching-learning process. It is useful for the teachers as well as the learners. It helps in visualization of concepts, improves memory, retention and increases concentration, fosters imagination and enhances creativity, facilitates planning, saves significant study time, improves reading and writing skills, helps reduce mental clutter, enhances ability to make organized and more comprehensive notes, enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skill and makes learning interesting. So, it will be beneficial for all the teachers. OBJECTIVES: ● To orient the teachers about mind-maps ● To encourage the teachers to use mind mapping technique in classrooms ● To handhold the learners to use mind maps PROCEDURE: The campaign will be done in four phases: Phase I: Preparation of module for the teachers and Piloting of module Phase II: Orientation of master trainers Phase III: Orientation of teachers-PRTs, TGTs, PGTs, STC Teachers (to be done in separate cycles) Phase IV: Implementation in schools- 1st week of three consecutive months (from Sep.- Nov, 2022) – Before implementation, pre-test will be done and after implementation post- test will be done at selected centres. Mind-mapping technique will be used during teaching-learning process in the classrooms. Hand-holding of the teachers will be done. ● Research will also be done simultaneously to know about the effectiveness of the campaign. TIMELINe: Preparation of module for the teachers and piloting - April-Nov, 2022 Preparation of Research proposal, tools, etc- December, 2022 Orientation of teachers-April to July, 2023 Implementation in schools- Aug to Oct, 2023 Research related activities- April.2022- Nov, 2023 BUDGET:3 LAKHS Coordinator: Dr. Bindu Saxena 119
PROPOSAL-6 TITLE:-Publication of one offline and one online biannual peer-reviewed journal with ISSN number RATIONALE: It is the mandate of the SCERT to promote educational research for qualitative improvement in school and teacher education in Delhi. NEP 2020 has also expressed the importance of Peer reviewed research work in education. Research journal provides the opportunities of sharing and understanding the progress of knowledge in education, which further leads to develop new and relevant ideas for further research. Journal also helps the teachers, teacher educators and researchers to keep abreast of current developments in school and teacher education. PROCESS: It is proposed that SCERT may continue publishing its biannual journal titled ―Reflection on School Education‖ in offline mode, and also initiate one more biannual online journal. Both the journals will be international and peer-reviewed having different ISSN Numbers. Budget: Rs. 4,00,000 Coordinators: Dr.Sonu Lal Gupta, Assistant Professor, SCERT Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Assistant Professor, SCERT 120
PROPOSAL-7 TITLE: Creating, maintaining and populating the institutional research profile of SCERT, DIETs and research profiles of faculties of SCERT and DIETs on research index of SCOPUS, Web of Sciences and UGC Care journals. OBJECTIVES: ● To create and maintain the institutional research profile of SCERT, DIETs and research profiles of faculties of SCERT and DIETs on research index of SCOPUS, Web of Sciences and UGC Care journals. ● To publish the research papers, articles, reports of SCERT, DIETs faculties on research index of SCOPUS, Web of Sciences and UGC Care journals. ● To build SCERT, DIETs an institution of high-quality research in the index of SCOPUS, Web of Sciences and UGC Care journals. KPI: Number of research papers, articles,reports published in index of SCOPUS, Web of Sciences and UGC Care journals. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS: 1. Creating profile nil 2. 3 days Capacity building of faculty in creating profiles and publishing high quantity research. 2 lakh 3. Research colloquium-1 for presentation of research proposals. 1 lakh 4. Research colloquium-2 for progress presentation. 1 lakh 5. Research colloquium-3 for final presentation. 1 lakh 6. Fund support if any in publishing and carrying out research. 5 lakh Total - Rs. 100000/-(10 lakh only) Coordinator- Mr. Sanjay, Ms Tapshree, Mr Shahnawaj 121
PROPOSAL-8 - Teachers Training Management System (TTMS)-„UDAAN‟ Teachers and teacher educators are the key players in the process of making quality in education a reality. A teacher‘s effectiveness and quality learning outcomes are directly linked to each other. It‘s urgent to see Teacher Education in the overall context of the education system to ensure right processes paving the way to promote quality in school education. Highly qualified teachers are already there in the system, however they need high quality orientation in methodology to transact curriculum in the classroom. This can be most powerfully strengthened through regular In-Service Education & Training (INSET) programs, focusing on teacher‘s existing capacities. The Education for All Global Monitoring Report (2013/ 2014) states that an education system is only as good as its teachers. Developing teachers‘ capacity to enhance the quality of learning remains essential and evidence shows that education quality improves when teachers are supported and deteriorates if they are not (UNESCO, 2014). Meeting international goals (e.g. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs], Education for All (EFA], World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)) by 2015 and beyond requires substantial investment in teacher training institutions so that adequate in service training can be delivered (UNESCO-UIS, 2006). INSET remains with government owned TTIs. DIETs are major influence in this arena, as they were conceived under National Policy of Education 1986/1992.The absence of Training Institute at the secondary level gave a bigger mandate to DIETs in INSETs. Whereas States have a subtle mechanism to create various modules to conduct specialized training, there is an absolute vacuum in creating a mechanism that captures the existing competence of the teacher as a PERSON, and banking upon those strengths to nurture the system. A need-based analysis was conducted within SCERT to gauge the training needs of Delhi Government school teachers. The outcome of this exercise saw a shift from previously organized subject centered training to competency-based approach. In other words, there was a demand to build the teacher's professional capacity, strengthen their skill set to act as facilitators and enablers of learning. Moreover, provide trainings that will give them an expansive world-view towards new teaching practices and help gain new insights into classroom teaching. SCERT is looking to build and manage a technology platform for monitoring and evaluation of the program. This platform will consist of a database of profiles of all teachers within the purview of the program, with a system that will provide a data-driven calendar of events for teachers (focused on teacher profiles in line with their capabilities and job roles), offer visibility of available courses; track teacher engagement and feedback on the quality of training. It will support continuous learning and adjustment in order to ‗Improve‘ the effectiveness of SCERT‘s intervention to bring about better outcomes. OBJECTIVES: 1. To streamline and facilitate teacher training across Delhi. 2. Creating a virtual management information system 3. Creating a Teacher Database 4. To provide active learning opportunities for teachers. 5. Dramatic overhaul of teachers: how they prepared, inducted, and retained good teachers. 122
Their major requirements are: 1. Easy-to-use mobile app and TTMS website. 2. Trainings based on needs expressed by the teachers 3. Online attendance record with Aadhaar Integration 4. Real time reports at state, district and block levels Proposed Applications Teacher App (Android App) - for Play Store Teacher App will be a profile containing teacher information like name, employee ID, subject(s), class(es), residential address, school, School ID etc. and interact with the teacher‘s community by posting text / images / YouTube videos in the collaboration section (feed like Facebook), can enrol themselves in MOOC Courses Admin Webapp (Webapp) - can run on any browser ● Admin privileges ● Teacher management ● Course management ● Access analytics ● Export analytics Data ingestion: Teachers: The details of teachers (name, address, school, etc <to be decided>) are available in excel files and can be readily ingested in the database. The system will generate 80,000 usernames and passwords. These usernames and passwords with the login link will be communicated to teachers via SMS and the admin can distribute these details at their level too. School: The details of schools (name, type, address, etc <to be decided>) is available in excel files which can be ingested in the database. Modules of the TTMS A. Module #1 Facilitate Teacher training through courses Types of teacher trainings: 1. In-person (These courses are offered and run offline) Admin adds and updates the details of these courses in the admin portal and these courses get listed in the teacher app. Teachers can enrol themselves (if they have been permitted by the admin). Admin can also group teachers based on demography, subject, experience of teacher etc and add them to the course. Since these courses are offered offline, Admin also inputs the attendance of the teachers on the venue. A pre-training and post-training test conduction can also be facilitated by admin portal and teacher app. 2. Online Admin can put a notification of an upcoming course. A list of all the upcoming courses with their details like (name, description, start and close date) are visible in the teacher app. Teachers can enrol themselves in these courses. These courses are online and are served on 123
platforms like Zoom / Google Meet. The respective links of Zoom/Google Meet are readily available in the app and the teacher can directly join the course by clicking on them. 3. MOOCs These are asynchronous courses. A teacher can enrol themselves in these courses and can complete them on their own pace. Course material consists of videos, study resources (like PDF and PPT), assignments and tests. Upon completion of the course, the teacher receives the corresponding certificate of completion. The admin can group teaches on various parameters like teachers‘ address, years of experience, subject and performance in previous tests. These groups can be associated to courses (in-person, online or MOOC) by the admin. B. Module #2 Collaboration platform for teachers Teachers can communicate across the teacher community by posting text, files, images or videos in the teacher app. These posts are open for likes, comments and share from other teacher members. This functionality resembles like Facebook posting feature. Webpage and Mobile App Requirements: 1. Trainer Dashboard Trainee progress, courses, critical Trainees, upcoming assignments, alerts, etc. all in a single view. One-click grading from the Trainer homepage View course, its syllabus and objectives in a single window. Create content for a course/lesson, easily incorporating supplemental and remedial materials. Take web-based/online courses Professional Development Training Track Trainee attendance. Create question banks and assessments Standard question types Multiple choice to Short Answer to Numerical to Random short- answer. Upload reference documents for personal use in professional development, Create and participate in blogs/forums Calendar, directory, chat, discussions, news and help all accessible on one screen. View personalized news or RSS feeds, Update or record Trainee performance reports, send SMS and email alerts Review school news or district policies or access weblinks. 2. Trainee Dashboard Trainees see all the courses they are enrolled in separate section shows all assignments and announcements with alerts for overdue items or priority issues Dashboard view can be customized Separate section shows all work currently in progress Trainee directory for viewing and communicating with other classmates and course instructors Trainees can update their own profile information Discussion boards available for courses Participate in online course discussions Take part in web-based online classes 124
View real-time progress reports (view and download certificates) Participate in blogs/forums Personalize calendar Upload images to personal gallery Access school news and bulletins View and listen to audio and video content. 3. Administrator Dashboard Management of complete TTMS Create/moderate registered users access Enroll/unenroll Trainees to a course Assign Trainers to a course Define courses and syllabi Set global objectives or standards for a course Define grading rubrics Assign roles to different users Create and manage events and news Send global or targeted announcements and alerts to users Review email communications Send SMS Versioning of entire TTMS content created and updated Manage contacts/directory, forums Backup & restore TTMS content and files View, generate, and distribute performance reports Center Dashboard View all the courses View real-time Trainee progress reports Separate section shows all assignments and announcements with alerts for overdue items or priority issues Trainee and Trainer directory for viewing and communicating with relevant Trainers View Trainee‘s profile including photos, descriptions, etc. Access to and ability to participate in discussion boards Chat with their Trainee and his/her online instructors Personalize calendar View Trainee‘s schedule/calendar Receive SMS and email alerts from Trainers/administrators Receive general communication and news from the school or instructor. 4. Unique features for TTMS Collaborative learning Admin panel to control users and permissions Create and manage course and content Targeted Announcements Track Trainee progress through variety of Reports Trainee, Educator and Parent Dashboards with specific need-based views Trainee progress meter for self-analysis Multiple assessments based on the course requirements Online and offline assignment submission. Detailed Gradebook with one-click grading from the homepage 125
User-defined alerts and reminders Dedicated sections for Assessment Notifications with Due, Submission and Grading Status etc Web-meeting for real-time learning Email and messaging from within the course Pop-up Chat with content filtering Forums for efficient learning SCORM compliant Question banks with re-usability Automated and manual Backups Embedded security with alerts to the administrator Personal calendars for each user Supports rich media content such as images, videos, audio etc Web-based learning – Access from anywhere Cross platform – Can run on any OS Searchable Trainee & educator directory e-Portfolios Conditional Activities workflow Course completion pre-requisites E-Certification Plagiarism prevention embedded Helpdesk. Technologies Requirements: JAVA, Angular.JS, React.JS, AWS-EC2, AWS-S3, Firebase etc. Financial Inclusion: Rs. 25 Lakh. Dr V K Pathak Nodal Officer, INSET Cell & Assistant Professor, SCERT PROPOSAL-9 Subject: Proposal to hire a consultancy firm for INSET A needs analysis was conducted within SCERT to gauge the training needs of Delhi Government school teachers. The outcome of this exercise saw a shift from previously organized subject centered training to competency-based approach. In other words, there was a demand to build the teacher's professional capacity, strengthen their skill set to act as facilitators and enablers of learning. Moreover, provide training that will give them an expansive world-view towards new teaching practices and help gain new insights into classroom teaching. To execute this plan of training Delhi Government teachers on competency-based modules, specialists shall be engaged to create and facilitate these modules. Previously, SCERT has organized subject based training facilitated through SCERT and DIET faculty, who were responsible for conducting the training and also creating the training design. They have had good command over their subject knowledge and were proficient enough to train the teacher trainees. However, this 126
transition towards competency and skills-based training is a ground-breaking step for SCERT and would demand more expertise and content knowledge with respect to the suggested modules. To be able to fulfill these needs of incorporating competency-based modules drawn from global best practices, it will be pivotal to find an experienced Consultant with specialized knowledge who can be trusted to build the program design and structure in alignment with the vision. It is essential to bring a credible external Consultant with fresh perspective, approach and reflective capabilities to revamp and execute the new model of training envisioned by SCERT. The consultant shall have minimum 5 years‘ experience in adult training and pedagogy with special focus on teacher capacity building, content development and coaching practices. The consultant is also required to have specialized knowledge about Monitoring & Evaluation systems for program analysis and impact assessment. The consultation shall provide: ● Guidance on overall program direction and its execution plan ● Design and facilitate the sessions for the master trainers and facilitators ● Knowledge of various research and design methodologies ● Will ensure that in order to keep the project on track, the relevant best practices and revised guidelines are made available at appropriate stages of the project. ● Oversee and Review research and evidence-based design of training modules ● Excellent facilitation skills, both online and offline ● Create Coaching model in alignment with the program design ● Inputs on program Monitoring and Evaluation process and design ● Prepare necessary guidelines for implementation plan, Experience in Project Coordination in Centre/State/Public Sector Units ● To ensure consistency and support in project implementation and improve processes from time to time The consultant shall be hired for a period of one year, which will be extendable depending on the performance standards. The hiring process will be completed through a Request for Proposal tender. The tender has already been awarded to Simple Education Foundation to provide the relevant services Expenditure – 24 lakh per annum (Approx.) Coordinator- Dr V K Pathak 127
In-Service & Pre-Service Trainings 2022-23 (INSET CELL) 128
PREFACE BACKGROUND: The state of Delhi has approximately 3,000 government schools serving over 25 lac children. The government body responsible for the training and professional development of these public educators is the State Council for Education Research and Training (SCERT), supported by district level agencies called District Institute of Education and Training (DIET). All other bodies responsible for schooling such as Directorate of Education (DOE), New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC), Delhi Cantonment Board (DCB) and all Municipal Corporations of Delhi (MCDs) work with the SCERT and DIET to support their teachers. Given the multitude of public bodies, government school teachers have shared training experiences leading to significant variation in learning outcomes across Government schools. In 2021 SCERT set out to transform the structure of Professional Development of Teachers (PDT) or In-Service Teacher Education & Training (INSET) by recognizing the need for a rigorous training program for all teachers across Government schools in Delhi. In-service teacher training programs refer to the short-term education modules that have been specially designed for professionals already working as teachers. The intent behind this transformation is to elevate the quality of training while designing content that marks a shift from content to competency-based training, setting a benchmark for high-quality teaching-learning practices. The NEP (2020) also recommends continuous professional development of teachers for self-improvement and to learn the latest innovations and advancements in the teaching profession. To fill this gap of moving from subject based training to new approach of training interventions, competency-based modules have been recommended to SCERT Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) 2021-22. The transformation has been from Seminars to Workshops and now in the process of transformation from Workshops to Need Based Trainings. INSET CELL: SCERT Delhi will provide world class teacher training to all teachers of Delhi by reinventing the in- service teacher training model through introduction, integration and alignment of multiple programmes. INSET Cell will take initiatives to share ideas, feedback, and programmatic material for better alignment that leads to the holistic development of teacher competency and members of the INSET CELL will strive to align the thematic priorities in order to serve the common purpose of robust Continuous Professional Development of teachers. SCERT will also be involved in Planning and deciding Objectives for Training (selecting the right participants who are in need, identifying goals and objectives), PDT Methodologies, Curriculum content, Assessment of Training and dissemination/ communication of learnings from training. Objective: 1.Promote and support continuous professional development of teachers through newer interventions of global best practices. 2. Introduction of a Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) to standardize administration and operations for all programs and departments. 3. Creation and maintenance of a periodic calendar for smoother functioning of all INSET programmes and departments. 129
4. Create alignment between all programs to constantly integrate and improvise the combined effect of these programs at the classroom level. Teachers truly shape the future of our children - and, therefore, the future of our nation. It is because of this noblest role that the teacher in India was the most respected member of society. Only the very best and most learned became teachers. Society gave teachers, or gurus, what they needed in order to pass on their knowledge, skills, and ethics optimally to students. Today, however, the status of the teacher has undoubtedly and unfortunately come down. The quality of teacher education, recruitment, deployment, service conditions, and empowerment of teachers is not where it should be, and consequently the quality and motivation of teachers does not reach the standards where it could be. The high respect for teachers and the high status of the teaching profession must be revived and restored for the very best to be inspired to enter the profession, for teachers to be well-motivated and empowered to innovate, and for education to therefore reach the heights and levels that are truly required to ensure the best possible future for our children and our nation. CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) IN NEW EDUCATION POLICY (NEP): Teachers will be given constant opportunities for self-improvement and to learn the latest innovations and advances in their profession. Developmental opportunities will be offered in multiple modes, including in the form of local, regional, State, National, and international teaching and subject workshops as well as online teacher development modules. Each teacher will be expected to participate in at least 50 hours of CPD opportunities every year for their own professional development. CPD opportunities will, in particular, systematically cover the latest pedagogies regarding foundational literacy and numeracy, formative and adaptive assessment of learning outcomes, individualized and competency-based learning, and related pedagogies, such as experiential learning, arts-integrated, sports-integrated, and storytelling-based approaches, etc. 50 hours of CPD modules per year, covering leadership and management, as well as content and pedagogy for the teaching and pedagogy-leadership aspects of their jobs, with a focus on preparing and implementing pedagogical plans based on competency- and outcome-based education. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP), INSET CELL: The INSET Cell is releasing a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to ensure seamless implementation and monitoring & evaluation of all the training programs. Proposals for the upcoming training programmes must be sent at least 2 weeks before the start of the training. Additionally following deliverables also must be submitted -: ● Objective of the training ● Session Flow/plan (Course Design) ● Assessment: Entry Ticket (PreTest) and Exit Ticket (PostTest) for the programme (please find attached the template and framework) ● Facilitator of the training (Example: MTs/DIET faculty/Knowledge partners/RP/etc.) ● Beneficiaries/Trainees (Example:PGT/TGT/PRT/Program Coordinators etc.) ● Intended start date Once the deliverables and dates have been approved, the final dates of the training session along with the operational plan for it (batches, coordinators, dates & venues etc.) will be finalized by the INSET Nodal Officer. Training package will be shared by INSET cell with program incharges, DIET INSET head,and coordinators 3 days before the proposed training session which will include final plan, PPT, Google forms, circulars etc. 130
This package will be circulated to all concerned facilitators. These deliverables will be collected or shared on the following Email ID: [email protected]&[email protected]. ASSESSMENTS Framework: ENTRY TICKET AND EXIT TICKET: a. Entry Ticket (PreTest) and Exit Ticket (PostTest) questions to be created using this framework (this document contains principles to be followed while designing questions). TITLE: <NAME OF PROGRAMME>_<NAME OF TRAINING> QUESTION QUESTION EXAMPLES Type of OPTIONS: STRUCTURE TYPE STRUCTURE QUESTIONS response BASIC INFO Your name: Short answer - Employee ID: Short answer - School ID: Short answer - KNOWLEDG 1. <knowledge What is Multiple choice 1 distinct correct option CAMAL and 3 obviously not E CHECKS based approach? correct options question> - direct question from content/object ive covered during the session 2. <knowledge Which of the Multiple choice 1 distinct correct option, based following are 1 tricky option, 2 question> - DONTs during obviously not correct direct student options question from interviews? content/object ive covered during the session APPLICATIO 3. <application Which of these Multiple choice 1 correct answer, 3 can be used as obviously not correct N CHECKS based check-in and options check-out question> - activities on Whatsapp? indirect question of where to apply what 4. <application Which online Multiple choice 1 correct answer, 1 tricky based question> - platform would option and 2 obviously you prefer to 131
CASE indirect use to teach a not correct options STUDY question of new concept? QUSTIONS where to 1 correct answer, 2 tricky apply what Situation: The Multiple choice option and 1 obviously energy in your not correct options 5. <case study> class is unsettled; Classroom students have situation come back from lunch break. Which of the following is the most appropriate thing to do? 6. <case study> Situation: Two Multiple choice 1 correct answer, 1 tricky students in your option, 2 obviously not Classroom class with correct options situation different opinions have gotten into an argument during your Deshbhakti class. Which of these is the most appropriate way to handle it? 132
Summary of INSET S Training Category under INSET Proposed Proposed Amount No Participants/Total Participants-Dept Rs 1,42,50,000/- 1. HOS 1613/1613-DOE & Rs 1,70,100/- 2. CMT SDMC Rs 2,66,68,582/- 3. PGT Rs 5,89,68,226/- 4. TGT 30/30-SCERT Rs 4,22,72,982/- 5. PRT 16448/16448-DOE 31738/36712-DOE Rs 1,34,50,500/- 6. Mission Buniyaad 22866/22866-DOE & Rs 45,86,568/- 7. Deshbhakti Curriculum MCD Rs 62,72,680/- 8. TDC 23300/23300-DOE & Rs 12,75,600/- 9. Mentor Teachers Rs 1,38,00,510/- 10. EMC MCD Nil (Online) 11. Diksha 6450/6450-DoE Rs 2,45,17,816/- 12. Miscelleneous 1029/1029-DoE 405/405-DoE & MCD Rs TOTAL 23091/23091-DoE 20,62,33,564/- - 7735/7735-DoE 133
IN-SERVICE CALENDAR 2022-23 HOS S. Title of Cate Subje Objective No. of Prog Tentativ Budg Facilitator No the gory ct Partici . e et . Program pants Dura Schedule tion (Month) Ho CLDP HoS Cluste Sharing good 1029 1 Every Rs. SCERT S - for r practices & day Month 43 1 DoE - sessio finding multiple each Lakh HoS ns solutions mont + Rs Learning and h 20 supporting each Lakh other in the = Rs cluster group 63 through Lakh problem- solving strategies and School Observation Ho CLDP Princi Cluste Sharing good 584 1 Every Rs. SCERT day Month 25 S– for pal / r practices & 2 HoS In- sessio finding multiple each Lakh (SDM charg ns solutions mont + Rs C) e of Learning and h 6.6 SDM supporting each Lakh C other in the = Rs cluster group 31.5 through Lakh problem- solving strategies and School Observation Ho Admin HOS Core Administrative 584 1 Every Rs. SCERT day Month 30 S– istrativ and & Leadership 3 e& Cluste Capacity each Lakh Leader r Building for mont ship Sessio HoS of Local h Capaci n Bodies ty Buildin g for HoSof 134
Local Bodies Ho HoS, To enhance 1029 3 May Rs. SCERT S - Vice administrative days 2022 to 18 4 Princi skills of Decemb Lakh pals, Principals & er 2022 Princi Vice Principals. pals To improve skills of managing school climate. To enhance the skills in the field of new emerging challenges Total Budget1613/2809 Rs 1,42,50,000/- 135
CMTs S.No Title Catego Subject Objective No. Pro Tent Bud Facilit . of the ry Progr of g. ative get ator am Part Du Sche icip rati dule ants on (Mon th) CM Modu CMTs Underst To be able to 30 4 June 378 Knowl T-1 le 1 day 00 edge anding understand the s Partne (SCER your T & learner learning needs of r the students. DIE T To create Facu learning lty) experiences to cater to the diverse needs of the students. CM Mod CM To understand the 30 4 Septe 378 Knowl T-2 ule Ts Grou use of group work day mber 00 edge 2 (S p practices as a s Partne CE work RT practi teaching strategy r & ces DI based in the classroom ET on Fa subje for different cul ct ty) pedag subjects. ogy To apply group work practices to enhance teaching learning processes in the classroom for different subjects. CM Cap CM Obser To understand the 30 2 May 189 Knowl T-3 acit Ts vatio n importance of day 00 edge y (S observation in s Partne Buil CE ding RT giving critical r Sess & ion DI feedback. 1 ET Fa cul 136
ty) CM Cap CM Critic To leverage critical 30 2 Augu 189 Knowl T-4 acit Ts al feedback to give edge feedb feedback on best day st 00 Partne y (S ack classroom r Buil CE practices. s ding RT Sess & ion DI 2 ET Fa CM Cap cul T-5 acit ty) y CM Excel To develop their 30 2 Dece 189 Knowl Buil Ts lent ding facilit facilitation skills in day mber 00 edge Sess (S ation order to facilitate s Partne ion CE 3 RT with efficiency and r & DI effectiveness. ET Fa To create high cul quality facilitation ty) practices that help innovate and CM Pro Progra Align enhance teaching 30 4 Septe 378 Knowl learning processes day mber 00 edge T-6 gra m ment in the classroom. s Partne r m Partner Meeti To align on project objectives and goals Part Stakeh ng ner olders Alig nme nt Mee ting s Total 30/ Rs 1,70,100/- 30 137
S.N Title of Ca Subject PGTs No. Pro Tent Budg Facilitat o. the teg Objective Progra ory m of g. ative et or Par Du Sche tici rati dule pan on (Mon ts th) PG Inductio PG English To enhance the 300 5 June 6870 Subject day 00 Experts/ T- n Ts subject s DIET Faculty 1 Program knowledge and me for pedagogical PGTs skills PG Inductio PG Hindi To enhance the 342 5 June 7831 Subject subject day 80 Experts/ T- n Ts knowledge and s DIET pedagogical Faculty 2 Program skills me for PGTs PG Inductio PG Maths To enhance the 126 5 June 2885 Subject subject day 40 Experts/ T- n Ts knowledge and s DIET pedagogical Faculty 3 Program skills me for PGTs PG Inductio PG Physics To enhance the 97 5 June 2221 Subject day 30 Experts/ T- n Ts subject s DIET Faculty 4 Program knowledge and me for pedagogical PGTs skills PG Inductio PG Biology To enhance the 102 5 June 2335 Subject day 80 Experts/ T- n Ts subject s DIET Faculty 5 Program knowledge and me for pedagogical PGTs skills PG Inductio PG Chemis To enhance the 93 5 June 2129 Subject day 70 Experts/ T- n Ts try subject s DIET Faculty 6 Program knowledge and me for pedagogical PGTs skills PG Inductio PG Comme To enhance the 154 5 June 3526 Subject day 60 Experts/ T- n Ts rce subject s DIET 7 Program knowledge and 138
me for pedagogical Faculty PGTs skills PG Inductio PG History To enhance the 338 5 June 7740 Subject day 20 Experts/ T- n Ts subject s DIET Faculty 8 Program knowledge and me for pedagogical PGTs skills PG Inductio PG Politica To enhance the 392 5 June 8976 Subject day 80 Experts/ T- n Ts l subject s DIET Faculty 9 Program Science knowledge and me for pedagogical PGTs skills PG Inductio PG Sociolo To enhance the 154 5 June 3526 Subject day 60 Experts/ T- n Ts gy subject s DIET Faculty 10 Program knowledge and me for pedagogical PGTs skills PG Inductio PG Geogra To enhance the 99 5 June 2267 Subject day 10 Experts/ T- n Ts phy subject s DIET Faculty 11 Program knowledge and me for pedagogical PGTs skills PG Inductio PG Econom To enhance the 265 5 June 6068 Subject day 50 Experts/ T- n Ts ics subject s DIET Faculty 12 Program knowledge and me for pedagogical PGTs skills PG Inductio PG Fine To enhance the 47 5 June 1076 Subject subject day 30 Experts/ T- n Ts Arts knowledge and s DIET pedagogical Faculty 13 Program skills me for PGTs PG Subject PG English To strengthen 191 3 July 2625 Subject 1 day 714 Experts/ T - Pedagog Ts pedagogical DIET 14 y skills for quality s Faculty transaction of subject in classroom PG Subject PG Hindi To strengthen 237 3 July 3263 Subject T - Pedagog Ts 5 day 250 Experts/ 139
15 y pedagogical s DIET skills for quality Faculty transaction of subject in classroom PG Subject PG Maths To strengthen 800 3 July 1099 Subject T - Pedagog Ts pedagogical day 200 Experts/ 16 y skills for quality s DIET transaction of Faculty subject in classroom PG Subject PG Physics To strengthen 359 3 July 4932 Subject day 66 Experts/ T - Pedagog Ts pedagogical s DIET 17 y skills for quality Faculty transaction of subject in classroom PG Subject PG Biology To strengthen 349 3 July 4795 Subject day 26 Experts/ T - Pedagog Ts pedagogical s DIET 18 y skills for quality Faculty transaction of subject in classroom PG Subject PG Chemis To strengthen 380 3 July 5221 Subject day 20 Experts/ T - Pedagog Ts try pedagogical s DIET 19 y skills for quality Faculty transaction of subject in classroom PG Subject PG Comme To strengthen 101 3 July 1394 Subject 5 day 610 Experts/ T - Pedagog Ts rce pedagogical DIET 20 y skills for quality s Faculty transaction of subject in classroom PG Subject PG History To strengthen 191 3 July 2624 Subject 0 day 340 Experts/ T - Pedagog Ts pedagogical DIET 21 y skills for quality s Faculty transaction of subject in classroom 140
PG Subject PG Politica To strengthen 213 3 July 2926 Subject 0 day 620 Experts/ T - Pedagog Ts l pedagogical DIET s Faculty 22 y Science skills for quality transaction of subject in classroom PG Subject PG Sociolo To strengthen 484 3 July 6650 Subject day 16 Experts/ T - Pedagog Ts gy pedagogical s DIET 23 y skills for quality Faculty transaction of subject in classroom PG Subject PG Geogra To strengthen 679 3 July 9329 Subject day 46 Experts/ T - Pedagog Ts phy pedagogical s DIET 24 y skills for quality Faculty transaction of subject in classroom PG Subject PG Econo To strengthen 120 3 July 1654 Subject pedagogical 4 day 296 Experts/ T - Pedagog Ts mics skills for quality DIET 25 y transaction of s Faculty subject in classroom PG Subject PG Home To strengthen 602 3 July 8271 day 48 T - Pedagog Ts Science pedagogical s 26 y skills for quality transaction of subject in classroom Total16448/16448 Rs 2,52,53,66 2/- 141
Expenditure of Subject wise workshop for Need Analysis and Course design for PGT Induction Training S.No. Description Rate Amount 1 Payment to RPs Rs 2300 X 5RPs X 3 days X 13 Rs 4,48,500 /- subject groups 2 Lunch to Participants 65 RPs + 13 Coordinators = 78 Rs 42,120/- 78 X Rs 180 (Rs 160 + 2 X Tea @ Rs 10) X 3 Days 3 Stationary 78 X Rs 30 Rs 2,340 /- 4 Contingency Rs 500 X 13 Subject Groups Rs 6,500 TOTAL Rs 4,99,460 /- Training of Master Trainers for PGT Induction Training for 1 day Approx 20 master trainers per group S.No. Description Rate Amount 1 Payment to RPs Rs 2300 X 4RPs X 1 day X 13 Rs 1,19,600 subject groups /- 2 Lunch to Participants 52RPs + 13 Coordinators + 260 Rs 58,500/- master Trainers= 325 325X Rs 180 (Rs 160 + 2 X Tea @ Rs 10) X 1 Day 3 Stationary 325 X Rs 30 Rs 9,750/- 4 Contingency 5 Rs 500 X 13 Subject Groups Rs 6,500 TOTAL Rs 1,94,350/- 142
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