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Home Explore Proposal Booklet1

Proposal Booklet1

Published by SPACE 4 BUSINESS SOLUTION PRIVATE LIMITED, 2022-05-03 10:37:29

Description: Proposal Booklet1


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PROPOSAL-2 ● Title of the workshop: Principal Leadership Development Programme (PLDP) for SDMC and other local bodies ● Objectives: 1) Facilitator level a) Responsible, self-aware principals, who understand and live the competencies of the role; provide a vision for their schools as a learning organization (SDP) b) Enable teacher development in the school c) Better school results: qualitative & quantitative 2) Cluster level (Principals work together as a team) a) Sharing good practices & finding multiple solutions b) Learning and supporting each other in the cluster group through problem-solving strategies and School Observation 3) Offsite (Intensive facilitation) a) Facilitation, being a practice, needs to be held for all facilitators continuously. b) To able facilitators to create a space of learning for their peer principals in the cluster. c) For the development of the facilitators Estimated budget plan with timeline (as per norms and specified budget head) Target Propose Subject No. of Objective Date Proposed group d days /topic propo budget sed &Budget partic Head ipants Facilitator FDs To create an Rs. 3500/- Developersof experienced (Rs. 2500/- SDMC resource pool that remuneratio will facilitate the n + Rs. facilitators 1000/- conveyance) x 5 RPs x 8 months x 2 sessions = Rs. 2,80,000/- Proposed Rs. 4 Lakh Training Of 1 day Core 80 *Responsible, Every month Head: Cell sessions self-aware for 8 months for School Facilitatorso each principals, who Leadership understand and f SDMC month live the 233

competencies of 100 (80 the role; provide Facilitators a vision for their + 20 others) schools as a x Rs. 215 learning (Rs.160 organization lunch + (SDP) Rs.10 tea + Rs.35 *Enable teacher refreshment) development in x 8 months the school = Rs. 1,64,000/- + *Better school Applicable results: Taxes qualitative & quantitative + Rs. 1000 /- remuneratio n to Admin Coordinator + Rs. 200/- remuneratio n to Grp D = Rs. 1200/- x 8 months = Rs. Rs. 9,600/- =1,73,600/- + Applicable Taxes Proposed Rs. 2.5 Lakh Principal / 1 day Cluster 584 *Sharing good Every month Head: Cell sessions practices & for 8 months for School In-charge of each finding multiple Leadership solutions SDMC month Rs. 205 (Rs.160 *Learning and lunch + supporting each Rs.10 tea + other in the Rs.35 cluster group refreshment) through problem- x 23 solving strategies 234

HoS of other and School participants local bodies Observation (15 Heads + 1 Facilitator Total Administrative & + 3 MTs + 2 Leadership Observer+ 1 Capacity Grp D + 1 Building for HoS other) x 60 of Local Bodies clusters x 8 months = Rs.22,63,20 0/- + Applicable Taxes Proposed Rs. 25 Lakh Proposed Rs. 30 Lakh 101.5 Lakh 235

PROPOSAL-3 ● Title of the workshop: District-wise administrative capacity building workshop for Principals, Vice-Principals of DoE schools ● Objectives: 1. To enhance administrative skills of Principals &Vice Principals. 2. To improve skills of managing school climate. 3. To enhance the skills in the field of new emerging challenges. Estimated budget plan with timeline (as per norms and specified budget head) Target Proposed Subject No. of Objective Expected Proposed group days /topic propos ed outcome Da budget partici pants (in terms of te &Budget Head knowledge, skill,attitude enhancemen t) HoS, Vice 3 Days Admini 1039 *To enhance Ma Head: Cell Principals, strative administrativ y for School Principals capacity e skills of 20 Leadership building Principals & 22 Vice to Principals. De Rs. 205 ce (Rs.160 *To improve mb lunch + Rs. skills of er 10 tea + managing 20 Rs.35 school 22 refreshment) climate. x *To enhance 91participan the skills in ts the field of (80Principal new s + 5RPs + 3 emerging coordinators challenges + 2 others + 1 Grp D) x 13 districts x 3days = Rs.7,27,545/ -+ Applicable Taxes 236

TOTAL + Rs. 1000 /- remuneratio n to Admin Coordinator + Rs. 200/- remuneratio n to Grp D = Rs. 1200/- x 13 districts x 3 days = Rs. Rs. 46,800/- + Rs. 2500/- remuneratio n to RPs + Rs. 1000/- conveyance = Rs. 3,500/- x 5 RPs x 3 days x 13 districts = Rs. 6,82,500/- Total Rs. 14,56,845/- Proposed Rs. 18 Lakh 18 Lakh 237

Cell for Human Values and Transformative Learning (A Constituent Unit of State Council of Educational Research and Training, Delhi) DIET, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002 2022-23 238

Budget Head- GIA-General “Cell for Human Values and Transformative Learning” (Summary) Sl. Name of the proposed programme Estimated budget Budget head No. ―Cell for human values 1. 10 Residential workshops on Ensuring Happiness Rs 1,00,00,000/- and transformative and Harmony through Education For various learning‖ stakeholders of education system 2. Off site Visit/Training Programme of Senior Rs.92,58,250/-X2= officials from DOE /SCERT and Local Bodies 1,85,16,500 3. 10 follow up workshops of various stakeholders Rs. 3,00,000/- of education system 4. 10 programmes (2 days each) Non-Residential, Rs. 1,94,000/- CTTL module development Training for DIET/SCERT faculty Total Rs. 2,90,10,500/- 239

Proposal 1: 10 Residential workshops on Ensuring Happiness and Harmony through Education for DDEs/ Newly Recruited / Deputed/ Transitioned Assistant Professors/ Faculty of SCERT/DIET/ Mentor Teachers/ Principals/ HOS/ Vice Principals/ Happiness Coordinators/EMC Coordinators/ TDCs/ BRPs/CRCCs/DURCCs/STC Teachers, Mentors and Principals of schools of local bodies/ SMC members, Faculty for CTTL teaching in self Financed institutions, etc. Modalities of Implementation: 8 days residential programme in a group- of 110 including support staff at a venue as decided by the competent authority. Objectives: ● To make all the stakeholders aware of Universal Human Values, its utility and identification based on Co-existentialism. ● Better understanding of human relationships, its purpose and nature. ● To understand the true nature of happiness, values and ethics. Strategy: ● One day follow up workshop of 10 batches of residential programme of 120 participants per batch there will be approx 6 programmes in a month at different venues. Justification: Happiness curriculum will prove to be very helpful in keeping children‘s mind focused in work, also help them living harmoniously with family and society but most importantly developing a holistic outlook and perspective on life. The global community has recognized the happiness curriculum very much relevant and universal therefore it becomes inevitable to keep our educational stakeholders to be very clear in the perspective as well as in their own conduct therefore every individual happiness team member has to maintain responsible behavior, hence it is mandatory to be a regular reader and minute observer through the introspection. This programme will definitely help our teachers to be a good guide, mentor to the students as well as parents through various formal, informal contacts. Financial implication: Target Group Programme Number of Total Expenditure Participants Different Residential workshops on 9038 (approx) Rs.1,00,00,000/- Stakeholders of Ensuring Happiness and Education Harmony through Education *Excluding GST applicable as per existing rates at the time Faculty Involved :- Chairman and members of CHVTL / SCERT / DIET Faculty Expected Outcomes: Participants will: ● Become mindful and Attentive. ● Develop critical thinking and reflection. 240

● Develop social and emotional skills. ● Develop confident and pleasant personality. Key Performance Indicators (KPI): 1. Become responsible human being besides good professionals. 2. Involvement and participation 3. Paraphrasing during the workshop 4. Zeal shown by the participants at the end of the day Monitoring of KPIs: Month wise plan April -2022 to March 2023 1. Number of participants in the workshop 2. Pre test and post test of the participants 3. Feedback and Follow up programmes 4. Summary of programme concluded by participants Every month there will be 5 to 6 workshops at proposed centres decided by competent authority. Proposal 2: Off site visit of senior officials from DOE and Local Bodies to attend Ensuring happiness and Harmony through Education at AbhyudayaSansthan centres located across India like Gangtok, Nainital, Mussoorie, Shimla, Mysore, Hyderabad, Pune, Indore and any other place subject to approval of the competent authority. Modalities of Implementation: One workshop of 8 days residential programme in a 2 groups- of 110 participants at a venue as decided by the competent authority. Objectives: ● To make all the stakeholders aware of Universal Human Values, its utility and identification based on Co-existentialism. ● To understand the true nature of happiness, values and ethics. ● To understand human relationships, their purpose and nature, which in turn increase the harmony and outputs of organisations. Strategy: ● There will be two batches of offsite residential programme (beyond Delhi NCR) of 110 participants per batch at selected venue. 241

Justification: Happiness curriculum will prove to be very helpful in keeping children‘s mind focused in work, also help them living harmoniously with family and society but most importantly developing a holistic outlook and perspective on life. Financial implication: Target Group Programme Number of Total Expenditure Participants Senior Officials from Residential 110 Support Staff X Rs. 92,58,250/- X 2 = 2= 220 Rs 1,85,16,500 DoE and Local workshops on Bodies Ensuring Happiness and Harmony through Education S. Workshop/prop No. of Rate Estimated Expenditure* No osed month Participants 1 08 days 110(approx) Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. NIL workshop for X 2 Refreshment for participants at the time of Rs.7,700/- Senior officials departure from Delhi (Rs.35 X 110) X 2 from DOE and Local Bodies Refreshment & Meals (1000x8x110) X 2 Rs. 8,80,000/- X 2= 17,60,000 (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with Tea Twice Month- April a Day) 2022- Contingency (Rs 10000) X 2 Rs 20,000/- To Stationery (Rs. 40x110)X2 Rs.8,800/- March 2023 Accommodation As per entitlement subject to Rs. 50,00,000/- X SCERT norms applicable at the time of the 2= 1,00,00,000/- training Mobile Expense Nil Air/train fare (as per admissibility to and fro Rs. 66,00,000/- journey LTC Air tickets) 30000X110)X2 Conference bag and conference name Rs. 70,000/- tag@350 242

Medical exigency visit = Rs. 25000/- Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 1,85,16,500/- Total proposed budget Expected Outcomes: Participants will: ● Become mindful and Attentive. ● Develop critical thinking and reflection. ● Develop social and emotional skills. ● Develop confident and pleasant personality. Key Performance Indicators (KPI): 1. Become responsible human being besides good professionals. 2. Involvement and participation 3. Paraphrasing during the workshop 4. Zeal shown by the participants at the end of the day Monitoring of KPIs: Month wise plan April -2022 to March 2023 1. Number of participants in the workshop 2. Pre test and post test of the participants 3. Feedback and Follow up programmes 4. Summary of programme concluded by participants 5. workshops at proposed centre decided by competent authority. Proposal 3: 10 Follow up workshop for DDEs/ Newly Recruited / Deputed/ Transitioned Assistant Professors/ Faculty of SCERT/DIET/ Mentor Teachers/ Principals/ HOS/ Vice Principals/ TDC, Happiness/Officers &Principals/Mentors of local bodies Coordinators/EMC Coordinators/ TDCs/ BRPs/CRCCs/DURCCs/STC Teachers, SMC members, etc. Modalities of Implementation: There will be 10 Follow up workshop (one day each)of various stakeholders based on the residential programme attended by them in the group of 115+10 participants per batch at different venues. Objectives: 243

1. Study groups contribution to make aware themselves in light of Universal Human Values. 2. This is slow process to make aware fallow up meeting members regarding Universal Human Values. 3. How does Nature utilized for the betterment of humanity as well as the Nature itself. 4. Education is the best way to make human with values. Justification: Happiness curriculum will prove to be very helpful in keeping human mind focused in work, also help them living harmoniously with family and society but most importantly developing a holistic outlook and perspective on life. Financial implication: Target Group Programme Number of Total Expenditure Participants Different One day follow-up 9000 (approx) Rs. 3,00,000/- Stakeholders of workshops on Education Ensuring Happiness and Harmony through Education *GST applicable as per existing Expected Outcomes: Participants will: ● Be more mindful and Attentive. ● Positive change in critical thinking and reflection. ● Have more clarity of thoughts ● Have better adjustment in society Key Performance Indicators (KPI): 1. Number of participants exhibiting the required competence and skill in their day to day life. 2. Number of participants with ability to apply the pedagogical strategies at the institute or schools with own initiative and confidence. Monitoring of KPIs:Month wise plan April -2022 to March 2023 244

Proposal 4: 10 Programmes (2 days each) Non-Residential, Critical Thinking for Transformative Learning (CTTL) module development Training for DIET/SCERT faculty Modalities of Implementation: Ten numbers of programmes of duration 2 days each Objectives: 1. Study group contribution to make aware themselves in light of Universal Human Values. 2. How does Nature utilized for the betterment of humanity as well as the Nature itself. 3. To understand how Education is the best way to make valuable human beings. Strategy: Programme will be organized between -April 2022 to March 2023 Justification: Happiness curriculum will prove to be very helpful in keeping human mind focused in work, also help them living harmoniously with family and society but most importantly developing a holistic outlook and perspective on life. Financial implication: Target Group Programme Number of Total Expenditure Participants DIET/ Non-Residential, CTTL 40X2X10=800 Rs. 1,94,000/- SCERT faculty module development Training for DIET/SCERT faculty 245

Break up of Budget: S.No Workshop No. of Rate Estimated /proposed month Participant Expenditure* s Rs. NIL Rs.28,000/ 1 2 Days 10 number of, 30 (approx) Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. 128,000/- workshop for CTTL Refreshment for participants Rs.8000/- module development Rs.35x 40x 2x10 Training April 2022-To March Lunch To (160x40x2x10) 2023 Tea@10x40x2 x10 Contingency (Rs 300x10x2) Rs 6000/- Stationery (Rs. 30x40x2x10) Rs. 24000/- Mobile Expense Nil Total proposed budget Rs. 1,94,000/- Rupees One Lac Ninety Four Thousand Only Expected Outcomes: Participants will: ● Relate themselves better with CTTL module ● Have better knowledge and rationale behind the course content of CTTL ● Implement the programme more effectively. ● Provide example and stories to clarify the content. Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Consensus on content of developed module. Monitoring of KPIs: Month wise plan -April 2022 to March 2023 1. Effective transactions of CTTL module in class room. 2. Participants feedback. Every month there will be 6 workshops at proposed centre decided by competent authority. 246

Happiness Curriculum Training/ Research 2022-23 247

Budget Head- A Study of Happiness Summary S. Title Amount No 1. 4 Cycles of Two Days Quarterly Capacity Building Programme Rs. 16,85,640/- (District Wise) for Happiness Coordinators of DoE 2. 4 Cycles of One Day Quarterly Capacity Building Programme Rs.10,74,000/- (District Wise) for Principals of Local Bodies 3. 6 One Day Follow Up training on Happiness Programme for the Rs. 3,48,000/- Mentor Teachers of the Schools of Local Bodies 4. 6 Cycles of One Day Follow Up Training Programme for the Rs. 3,48,000/- Mentor Teachers of the Directorate of Education 5. Capacity Building program for CTTL Faculty Rs. 1,14,600/- 6. Follow up training of CTTL Faculty Rs. 75,900/- 7. Video Documentation Rs. 3,00,000 8. Celebration of International Happiness Day Rs.5,00,000/- 9. Quarterly district level events on sharing their learnings from Rs. 13,00,000/- Happiness Classes 10. 12 Programmes of Two Days Monthly Capacity Building Rs. 3,21,600/- Programme for Team Happiness 11. Re print of Teachers handbook on happiness classes-Nur to 8th Rs 15,00,000/- 12. Monthly capacity building Programme for District Happiness Rs.72,960/- Coordinators 13. Monthly follow up programme for District Happiness Coordinators Rs.72,960/- (DHCs) Total Rs.77,13,660/- 248

Proposal -1 Title:4 Cycles of Two Days Quarterly Capacity Building Programme (District Wise) for Happiness Coordinators of DoE Modalities of Implementation: Two day capacity building workshop Objectives: 1. To create better understanding of Happiness Curriculum. 2. To ensure quality of the Happiness Implementation. 3. To develop a better perspective of Happiness Programme. Strategy: Four cycles of one day capacity building programme from April 2022 to March 2023 Justification: In order to develop quality improvement for making Happiness Curriculum implementation successful, various capacity building workshops are necessary on regular basis. Such workshops will provide a guidance/ support for the Happiness Coordinators to conduct their further Trainings. Hence in this regard a total of Four Workshops will be conducted of Two Days Duration each which will be spread over Twelve (12) Months and will be conducted district wise. Expected Outcomes: Participants will: ● Become mindful and Attentive. ● Develop critical thinking and reflection. ● Develop social and emotional skills. ● Develop confident and pleasant personality. Key Performance Indicators (KPI): ● Number of participants exhibiting the required competence and skill in their day to day life. ● Number of participants with ability to apply the pedagogical strategies at the institute or schools with own initiative and confidence. Monitoring of KPIs: Timely implementation in alignment with the objectives of the program Time line: April -2022 to March 2023 Targe Programme Number of Total Expenditure t Participants Grou p Happi Capacity building 1069 Rs. 16,85,640/- ness programme Coor dinat ors for DOE Financial implication: 249

S. Workshop No. of Rate Estimated Expenditure* Participants No. /proposed month 1 4 Cycles of Two Day 1069 Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. NIL Quarterly Capacity Building Programme Refreshment & Lunch to Participants Rs.13,68,320/- (District Wise) for Happiness (Rs.160 x 1069 x2 x 4) Coordinators of DoE Tea (Rs. 20 x 1069 x 2 x 4) Rs. 1,71,040/- Contingency (Rs.500 x 4 x 9 Venues) Rs 18,000/- Stationery (Rs. 30 x 1069 x 4) Rs. 1,28,280/- Total proposed budget Rs. 16,85,640/- Rupees Sixteen Lac Eighty Five Thousand Six Hundred Forty only Break-Up of Budget: *Excluding GST rates applicable at the time. Faculty Involved: - Chairman and Members of Happiness Curriculum Committee STATUS: New Proposal 2: Title: 4 Cycles of One Day Quarterly Capacity Building Programme (District Wise) for Principals of Local Bodies Modalities of Implementation: One Day Capacity building workshop Objectives: 1. To create better understanding of Happiness Curriculum. 2. To ensure quality of the Happiness Implementation 3. To develop a better perspective of Happiness Programme Strategy: Four cycles of one day capacity building programme from April 2022 to March2023 Justification: In order to develop quality improvement for making Happiness Curriculum implementation successful various capacity building workshops are necessary on regular basis. Such workshops will provide a guidance/ support for the principals to conduct their further Trainings. Hence in this regard a total of Four Workshops will be conducted of One Day Duration each which will be spread over Twelve (12) Months and will be conducted District Wise. Expected Outcomes: Participants will: ● Become mindful and Attentive. ● Develop critical thinking and reflection. ● Develop social and emotional skills. ● Develop confident and pleasant personality. Key Performance Indicators (KPI): 1. Compatibility in their relationship with staff members and students 250

2. Effective transaction of happiness curriculum in classroom Financial implication: Target Group Programme Number of Participants Total Expenditure 1200 Rs.10,74,000/- Principals of Local Capacity Bodies Building S. Workshop No. of Rate Estimated No /proposed month Participant Expenditure* s 1 4 cycles of One Day 1200 Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. NIL Quarterly Capacity Rs.8,64,000/- Building Programme Refreshment & Lunch to Participants (District Wise) for (Rs. 180x 1200 x1 x 4) Rs. 96,000/- principals of MCD- Two time Tea Month- April 2021- (Rs. 20 x 1200 x 1x 4) To Contingency (Rs.500 x 4 x 9 Venues) Rs 18,000/- March 2022 Stationery (Rs. 20 x 1200 x 4) Rs.96,000/- Total proposed budget Rs.10,74,000 /- Rupees Ten Lac Seventy Four Thousand Only Break-Up of Budget:- *Excluding GST as per applicable rates at the time. Faculty Involved: - CHVTL/ Happiness Curriculum Committee Monitoring of KPIs: Timely implementation in alignment with the objectives of the program Timeline: April -2022 to March 2023 Proposal 3: Title:(06) One Day Follow Up training on Happiness Programme for the Mentor Teachers of the Schools of Local Bodies. Modalities of Implementation: One Day Capacity building workshop Objectives: 1. To create better understanding of Happiness Curriculum. 2. To ensure quality of the Happiness Implementation. 3. To develop a better perspective of Happiness Programme. 4. To take regular feedbacks from Mentor Teachers on the implementation. Strategy: One day capacity building workshop for the mentor teachers Justification: In order to develop quality improvement for making Happiness Curriculum implementation successful, various capacity building workshops are necessary on regular basis. Such 251

workshops will provide a guidance/ support for the Happiness Coordinators to conduct their further Trainings. In addition to this a feedback session/ meeting is also required to know the challenges being faced in the proper implementation of the Happiness Programme all over the capital. The Orientation Meeting/ Programme will be held once in every Two Months and spread over 12 Months period. Expected Outcomes: Participants will: ● Become mindful and Attentive. ● Develop critical thinking and reflection. ● Develop social and emotional skills. ● Develop confident and pleasant personality. Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Discussion of problems faced by participants in transaction of happiness curriculum. Financial implication: Target Group Programme Number of Total Expenditure Participants Mentor Teachers of Followup of 250 Rs. 3,48,000/- Local Bodies Happiness Programme Break-Up of Budget No. of Rate Estimated S. Workshop Participan Expenditure* ts No. /proposed month 1 6 One Day 250 Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. NIL Refreshment & Lunch to Participants Rs.2,70,000/- Mentor Teacher (Rs.180 x 250 x1 x 6) Tea (Rs. 20 x 250 x 1 x 6) Rs. 30,000/- (MT) follow up Contingency (Rs.500 x 6 Venues) Rs 3,000/- on Happiness Programme for Local Bodies Stationery (Rs. 30 x 250 x 6) Rs. 45,000/- Total proposed budget Rs. 3,48,000/- Rupees Three Lac Forty Eight Thousand Only *Excluding GST as per applicable rates at the time. Faculty Involved: - CHVTL/ Happiness Curriculum Committee Monitoring of KPIs: Timely implementation in alignment with the objectives of the program Time line: April -2022 to March 2023 252

Proposal 4: Title: 6 Cycles of One Day Follow Up Training Programme for the Mentor Teachers of the Directorate of Education Modalities of Implementation: One day Capacity Building workshops Objectives: 1. To create better understanding of Happiness Curriculum. 2. To ensure quality of the Happiness Implementation. 3. To develop a better perspective of Happiness Programme. 4. To take regular feedbacks from Mentor Teachers on the implementation. Strategy: One day Capacity Building workshops Justification: In order to develop quality improvement for making Happiness Curriculum implementation successful, various capacity building workshops are necessary on regular basis. Such workshops will provide a guidance/ support for the Happiness Coordinators to conduct their further Trainings. In addition to this a feedback session/ meeting is also required to know the challenges being faced in the proper implementation of the Happiness Programme all over the capital. The Orientation Meeting/ Programme will be held once in every Two Months and spread over 12 months period. Expected Outcomes: Participants will: ● Become mindful and Attentive. ● Develop critical thinking and reflection. ● Develop social and emotional skills. ● Develop confident and pleasant personality. Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Discussion of problems faced by participants in transaction of happiness curriculum. Financial implication: Target Group Programme Number of Participants Total Expenditure Rs. 3,48,000/- DoE Mentor Teachers Follow up of 250 Happiness Programme S. Workshop No. of Rate Estimated No. /proposed month Participants Expenditure* 1 6 One Day 250 Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. NIL Mentor Teacher Refreshment & Lunch to Participants Rs.2,70,000/- (MT) follow up on Happiness (Rs.180 x 250 x1 x 6) Programme for D Tea (Rs. 20 x 250 x 1 x 6) Rs. 30,000/- oE Contingency (Rs.500 x 6 Venues) Rs 3,000/- Stationery (Rs. 30 x 250 x 6) Rs. 45,000/- 253

Total proposed budget Rs. 3,48,000/- Rupees Three Lac Forty Eight Thousand only Break-Up of Budget *Excluding GST rates applicable at the time. Faculty Involved: - CHVTL/ Happiness Curriculum Committee Monitoring of KPIs: Timely implementation in alignment with the objectives of the program Time line: April -2022 to March 2023 Proposal 5 Title: Capacity building program for Critical Thinking for Transformative Learning (CTTL) Curriculum Faculty Two Capacity Building Programmes of 5 days each (Non-Residential) for transacting newly introduced CTTL Subject in D.El.Ed. Curriculum for DIET faculty / Private T.E.I. Faculty Modalities of Implementation: Training Objectives: 1. To understand how Education is the best way to make valuable human beings. 2. To develop an understanding of Universal Human Values for the wellbeing of Humanity. 3. To acquaint the DIET faculty about C.T.T.L. Content and related Concepts 4. To equip the participants about Pedagogy of effective transaction of CTTL Curriculum in classrooms Strategy: 5 days training program Justification: A new paper in the name of CTTL has been introduced for both the years of Diploma in Elementary Education program of the SCERT, Delhi. All the private institutes imparting this course have also been instructed to implement the same in their institutions. Accordingly, faculty identified for taking this subject into the classrooms need capacity building. Hence, this proposal. Expected Outcomes: Participants will: ● Become mindful and Attentive. ● Develop critical thinking and reflection. ● Develop social and emotional skills. ● Develop confident and pleasant personality. Key Performance Indicators (KPI): ● Number of participants exhibiting the required competence and skill in their day to day life. ● Number of participants with ability to apply the pedagogical strategies at the institute or schools with own initiative and confidence. 254

Financial implication: Target Group Programme Number of Participants Total Expenditure Nursery to class 5th Two Capacity Building N/A Rs. 1,14,600/- (Local body Teachers) Programmes of 5 days each (Non-Residential) for transacting newly introduced CTTL Subject Break-Up of Budget No. of Rate Estimated S.No Workshop Participants Expenditure* /proposed month 1 02 number of 5 96 + 4 Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. NIL days, Coordinatin Tea for participants@ Rs.20 x 2 times Rs. 20,000/ workshop for g Staff per day x 5 days x 50 participant x 2 CTTL groups curriculum = 100 transaction (Two groups Refreshment and Lunch to participants Rs. 90,000/- Training of 50 (@ Rs. 180x 5 days x 50 participant x 2 participants groups each) Contingency (Rs 800x2) Rs.1600/- Month- April2022- Stationery (Rs.30x50x2) Rs.3000/- To March 2023 Total proposed budget Rs. 1,14,600/- Rupees One Lac Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred only *Excluding GST applicable at the time. Course Coordinator: Dr.Shyam Sundar Faculty Involved: - Chairman and members of CHVTL / SCERT / DIET Faculty Monitoring of KPIs: Timely implementation in alignment with the objectives of the program Time line: April -2022 to March 2023 255

Proposal 6 Title: Follow up of training of CTTL Faculty (03) follow up Programmes of 1 day each (Non-Residential) in r/o training conducted for newly introduced CTTL Subject in D.El.Ed. Curriculum for DIET faculty / Private T.E.I. Faculty Modalities of Implementation: Follow up training Objectives: 1. To know the status of classroom implementation of CTTL programme 2. To take feedback on the effectiveness of CTTL programme 3. To bring into notice the challenges faced by teacher educators in executions of CTTL. 4. To the remedial measures with the participants to overcome the hurdles occurring in effective transaction of the programme. Strategy: One day follow up programme Justification: A new paper in the name of CTTL has been introduced for both the years of Diploma in Elementary Education program of the SCERT, Delhi. All the private institutes imparting this course have also been instructed to implement the same in their institutions. Accordingly, faculty identified for taking this subject into the classrooms need capacity building. Hence, this proposal. Expected Outcomes: Participants will: ● Become mindful and Attentive. ● Develop critical thinking and reflection. ● Develop social and emotional skills. ● Develop confident and pleasant personality. Key Performance Indicators (KPI): ● Number of participants exhibiting the required competence and skill in their day to day life. ● Number of participants with ability to apply the pedagogical strategies at the institute or schools with own initiative and confidence. Financial implication: Target Group Programme Number of Total Expenditure Participants Rs. 75, 900/- DIET/ (03) follow up 100 Programmes of 1 day SCERT faculty each (Non- Residential) in r/o + Faculty from training conducted for Private TEI newly introduced CTTL Subject S. Workshop No. of Rate Estimated Participants Expenditure* N /proposed month o Rs. NIL 1 03 number of 01 96 + 4 Honorarium/Conveyance 256

days, workshop Coordinating Tea for participants@ Rs.20 x 2 Rs. 12,000/ for CTTL Staff times per day x 3 days x 50 curriculum = 100 participant x 2 groups Rs. 54,000/- transaction (2 groups of Training 50 Refreshment and Lunch to Rs.900/- participants participants (@ Rs. 180x 3 days x Rs.9000/- Month- each) 50 participant x 2groups April2022- To Contingency (Rs 300x3) March 2023 Stationery (Rs.30x50 participantsx2 gruopsx 3 times) Total proposed budget Rs. 75,900/- Rupees Seventy Five Thousand Nine Hundred Only Break-Up of Budget: *Excluding GST applicable at the time. Faculty Involved: - CHVTL / SCERT / DIET Faculty Monitoring of KPIs: Timely implementation in alignment with the objectives of the program Time line: April -2022 to March 2023 Proposal 7 Title: Video Documentation Modalities: Video Shooting Objectives: ● To video document some best practices of Happiness Curriculum class in schools ● To create videos of students demonstrating impact of the Happiness Curriculum Strategies: Video Shooting Justification: Happiness Curriculum was launched and is being implemented in schools since 2018. The curriculum has been impacting the lives of many teachers and students in various ways. Also, there are many innovations that the Happiness coordinators and teachers have been doing at the school, zone and district level. Hence, this proposal proposes to video documentation of such case studies and best practices in order to avoid the loss of information. Expected Outcome: ● Creation of story boarding for video documentation ● Development of videos of innovative practices in schools and case studies of students Key Performance Indicators: ● No. of videos developed and published Estimated budget plan with timeline S. Particulars Timeline Expenditure Total Remarks No. 1. Video Documentation Sept 2022 As per norms of Rs. organising govt./public undertaking 3,00,000/- sector agency 257

Total Rs.3,00,000 Rupees Three Lacs Only Proposal 8 Title: Celebration of International Happiness Day Objectives: ● To Celebrate the International Happiness Day with the Teachers and students of Delhi government schools ● To learn across the programs through meeting various stakeholders and experts in the domains of Social emotional learning Estimated budget plan with timeline S. Particulars Timeline Expenditure Total Remarks No. 1. Expenditures on March As per norms of Rs. Booking of venue, 2023 organising 5,00,000/- govt./public Refreshment to participants, sector undertaking Technological support, agency Logistics, tentage, screen etc. Printing of flyers, backdrop etc Total Rs.5,00,000 Rupees Five lacs Only ● Faculty involved: Chairman, Happiness Curriculum Committee 258

Proposal 9 ● Title: Quarterly district level events on sharing their learnings from HC Objective: ● To provide a district level platform to the students and teachers to share their understanding on Happiness Curriculum ● To enable the students to be able to share their experiences and stories of impact with regards to Happiness Curriculum Estimated budget plan with timeline S. No. Particulars Timeline Expenditure Total Remarks 1. Rs. 25,000/- per Quarterly 25000x13x4 Rs. district per quarter 13,00,000/- Various events like poster making, panel discussion, slogan writing Total Rs.13,00,000 Rupees Thirteen lacs Only PROPOSAL-10 Title of the Programme: 12 Programmes of Two Days Monthly Capacity Building Programme for Team Happiness Need of the Programme: In order to develop quality improvement for making Happiness Curriculum implementation successful, various capacity building workshops are necessary on regular basis. Such workshops will provide a guidance/ support for the Team Happiness to conduct their further Trainings. Hence in this regard a total of Four Workshops will be conducted of Two Days Monthly Duration each which will be spread over Twelve (12) Months and will be conducted for Team Happiness. Objectives of the Programme: 1. To create better understanding of Happiness Curriculum. 2. To ensure quality of the Happiness Implementation. 3. To develop a better perspective of Happiness Programme. Estimated budget plan with timeline (As per norms and specified budget head) Target Proposed Subject/topic No. of Objective Expected Date Proposed group days proposed outcome budget participant &Budget Head 259

Team 24 Monthly 960 To develop Increased April Rs. Happine Capacity a better work 2022- 3,21,600/- ss Building perspective efficiency Programme of and to Team Happiness enhancemen Happiness Programme t of Human March Values 2023 Rupees Three Lakh Twenty One Thousand Six Hundred only ● Need assessment, Course design workshops etc detail as per norms S. Workshop No. of Rate Estimated Expenditure* Participants No. /proposed month 1 12 Programmes of 960 Honorarium/Conveyance @2300x48 Rs.1,10400 Two Days Monthly Capacity Building Refreshment & Lunch to Participants Rs.1,53,600/- Programme Team Happiness (Rs.160 x 960) Tea (Rs. 20 x 960) Rs. 1,9200/- Contingency (Rs.800 x 12) Rs 9,600/- Stationery (Rs. 30 x 960) Rs.28,800/- Total proposed budget Rs. 3,21,600/- Rupees Three Lakh Twenty One Thousand Six Hundred only *Excluding GST rates applicable at the time. Faculty Involved: - Chairman and Members of Happiness Curriculum Committee PROPOSAL-11 Title of the Programme:Re print of Teachers handbook on happiness classes-Nur to 8th Amount:- Rs 15,00,000/- 260

PROPOSAL-12 Title of the Programme:In- Service Happiness curriculum implementation feedback and follow up Activity: Monthly capacity building Programme for District Happiness Coordinators Level: Elementary Modalities of Implementation i) Objectives:  To provide a platform for sharing their innovations.  To refresh pedagogical knowledge of content.  To provide guidance and support to the mentor teachers and In-service teachers ii) Strategies:  Workshops for pedagogical issues.  Sharing of Innovative works/plans.  Facilitation skills iii) Justification: For continuous professional development iv) Financial Implications- S.No. DIET/ District Details of the Activities (As per the Amount 1. DIET Daryaganj existing norm of workshop/training etc.) 72,960/- Lunch & Two Times Tea@ Rs.180/- (160+20) x 31 persons x 12 days= Rs. Rs.72,960/- 66,960/- Contingency @ Rs.500/-X 12 Days= Rs.6,000/- Total v) Expected outcomes  Clarity of their purpose.  Ability to provide Guidance to school teachers on pedagogical issues.  Reflection on pedagogical knowledge of content. vi) Key Performance Indicators (KPI) In Measurable Terms):  Support to school teachers  Sharing of innovative ideas with academic resource team vii) Monitoring of KPI:  Conduction of meeting with academic resource team. 261

 Regular School visits by teacher educators.  Follow-up Visits to Schools Academic Support Time period S.No. Name of the Activity Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 1 12 One Day ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ capacity building Programme for District Happiness Coordinators (DHCs) Coordinators:Dr.Shyam Sundar, Assistant Professor (EPRA), Dr.Karamvir Singh, Assistant Professor (SLM) PROPOSAL-13 Title of the Programme: In- Service Happiness curriculum implementation feedback and follow up Activity: Monthly follow up programme for District Happiness Coordinators (DHCs) Level: Elementary Modalities of Implementation ii) Objectives:  To provide a platform for sharing their innovations.  To refresh pedagogical knowledge of content.  To provide guidance and support to the mentor teachers and In-service teachers ii) Strategies:  Workshops for pedagogical issues.  Sharing of Innovative works/plans.  Facilitation skills iii) Justification: For continuous professional development iv) Financial Implications- S.No. DIET/ District Details of the Activities (As per the existing Amount 1. DIET Daryaganj norm of workshop/training etc.) 72,960/- Lunch & Two Times Tea@ Rs.180/- (160+20) x 31 persons x 12 days= Rs. 66,960/- Rs.72,960/- Contingency @ Rs.500/-X 12 Days= Rs.6,000/- Total 262


SUMMARY OF FACULTY DEVELOPMENT S.N COORDINATO BUDGET O. TOPIC R Rs. 1,20,500/- Dr.Sonu Lal Rs. 1,28,200/- 1. Continuous Professional Development Gupta, programme of faculty (SCERT/DIETs) for Dr. Gaurav Rs 20,00,000/- developing Massive Open Online Courses Sharma (MOOCs) Dr.Sonu Lal 2. One week faculty Development program for Gupta, faculties of SCERT/DIETs on Data Analysis Dr. Gaurav using SPSS Sharma Dr.Ajay Kumar 21 days faculty Development program for the Choubey, Dr. 3. members of State Research Forum (SRF) and Gaurav Sharma, Dr.Sonu Lal Gupta, District Research Forum (DRF). Dr. Alok Tiwari, Dr.Mohd. Suhail, Dr.Bandita Mohanty Total Rs 22,48,700/- 264

PROPOSAL-1 Title: Continuous Professional Development programme of faculty (SCERT/DIETs) for developing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Objectives: 1. Development of deeper understanding of the dynamics of MOOCs 2. Reflection on pedagogical processes with MOOCs 3. Understanding of the structure having four-quadrant instructional design for MOOCs as per UGC guidelines 4. Awareness on Open Educational Resources (OER), Copyrights and MOOCs and the underlying technology and proficiency 5. Hands-on experience of preparing digital content in the form of MOOCs including presentations, animated videos, infographics, online assignments etc. 6. Exploration of the challenges and possibilities of introducing MOOCs as a part curriculum of teacher education Expected Outcomes: After successful completion of the online program, the participants will be able to 1. Understand the different MOOC types & styles, MOOC platforms and four-quadrant instructional design suggested by UGC and MoE 2. Reflect critically on the pedagogical processes which include MOOCs 3. Aware about different issues in MOOCs including copyrights & intellectual property, Grading, assessment & certification 4. Create interactive MOOCs for their disciplines 5. Integrate MOOCs in their classrooms along with online assessment and feedback mechanisms Target Prop Subject/topic No. of Date group osed proposed days participants DIET 10 Continuous 50 (5 faculties April /SCER Professional from 9 DIETs 2022 to T Development each and June Faculty programme of SCERT) 2022 faculty (SCERT/DIETs) for developing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Proposed budget :- 265

S Training No. of Rate Amount . /proposed Participa N month o nts 1 10 days 6 RPs and Honorarium for 6 RPs= Rs. 1,20,000 workshop for 50 6*10*2000 = 1,20,000. Rs 500 SCERT/DIET participant faculties s Contingency Total proposed budget Rs. Grand Total = 1,20,500/- 1,20,500/- Project Co-Coordinator Dr.Sonu Lal Gupta, Asst Prof Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Asst Prof PROPOSAL-2 Title: One week faculty Development program for faculties of SCERT/DIETs on Data Analysis using SPSS. Concept: Research is a continuous process which leads to new ideas, improvements and development. An efficient researcher needs to be informed about the different methods and tools of research. One such aspect is quantitative analysis of data collected. In dribs and drabs, acceptability of research across disciplines has become conditional on its backing by empirical studies so as to make a strong case for proposed arguments. Data analysis tools and methods are useful not only in finding stochastic relationships in mathematical format, but are significant in explaining the relationships among variables. These procedures are used to explain and predict the levels of variables in interest as well as to test hypotheses about their relationships, and the results are often used as evidence in a wide range of policy settings. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a software program used by researchers in various disciplines for quantitative analysis of complex data. SPSS is one of the most popular software used by researchers widely as it has enabled academicians and researchers 266

to obtain valuable information from the data. Basic knowledge of SPSS is vital for all users before they proceed to surveys and data analyses. Objectives: 1.To introduce quantitative research methods 2. To aware the participants about fundamentals and advanced functions of SPSS 3. To develop an understanding about descriptive statistics 4.To understand inferential statistics for parametric comparison of means (t-tests, ANOVA) and co-relational regression 5. To understand non - parametric statistical analysis Expected Outcomes: After successful completion of the FDP, participants will be able to:  Use the advanced features of SPSS to assist them in their research endeavors  Comprehending new trends and techniques in using appropriate statistical and computational tools for inter – disciplinary research  Effectively analyze and present their data and research outcomes Target Propos Subject/topic No. of proposed Date group ed days participants DIET 07 One week faculty 50 (5 faculties from 9 April 2022 to /SCERT Faculty Development program for DIETs each and August 2022 faculties of SCERT) SCERT/DIETs on Data Analysis using SPSS. Proposed budget S. Training No. of Rate Amount N Participants o /proposed month 1 07 days 6 RPs and Honorarium for 6 RPs= 4*7*2300 Rs. 64,400 workshop for 50 = 64,400 267

SCERT/DIET participants faculties Lunch and Tea= Rs. 63,000 Rs 800 180*50*7=63,000 Contingency Grand Total = 1,28,200/- Project Co-Coordinator Dr.Sonu Lal Gupta, Asst Prof Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Asst Prof _______________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL-3 Title: 21 days faculty Development program for the members of State Research Forum (SRF) and District Research Forum (DRF). Concept: Members of SRF and DRF will be exposed to the training of educational research for 21 days through a professional development program with a pioneer institute/organization in the field of educational research. The idea of Research forum in SCERT and DIETs have been visualized in a way that it aims to build and support high quality research, and encourage the practitioners to engage with existing and emerging areas of research, search creative solutions enhance the institution‘s national and international profile, promote strategic linkages with other institutions, assist in attracting both outstanding researches and research work, foster dynamic research teams, to attract practitioners to find research based solution and boost high quality research publications. It intends to cultivate fertile space and opportunities where the needs and aspirations of practitioner researchers can be catered to. It will encourage research in interdisciplinary, multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary facets of education.A State Research Forum (SRF) and District Research Forum (DRF) will also mentor, monitor and support the practitioner researchers in their jurisdiction. Likewise, a District Research Forum (DRF) in each DIET will work as a decentralized unit of the State Research Forum (SRF) and will function through the culture of distributive leadership and ethos of flat organization. Besides, the research forums at DIETs and SCERT will also facilitate the establishment of School Research Forum in schools of Delhi and also quality critical action research and emergence of teachers and students as researchers. The research forums will work in alignment with their respective Educational Planning, Research and Assessment department. Objectives: ● Exposure to different methodologies and techniques used in research. ● Strengthening of research aptitude among SRF and DRF members. ● Enhanced data handling skills. 268

● Demonstrate the use of different data analysis techniques and software. Target Proposed Subject/topic No. of Date Proposed group days proposed Budget faculty participants DIET 21 Development 60 (6 faculties April 2022 20,000,00/- /SCERT program for the from 9 DIETs to Faculty members of State each and December Research Forum SCERT) 2022 (SRF) and District Research Forum (DRF) on educational research Project Coordinators:Dr.Ajay Kumar Choubey, Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Dr.Sonu Lal Gupta, Dr. Alok Tiwari, Dr.Mohd. Suhail, Dr.Bandita Mohanty 269

B.Ed Programme 2022-23 270

B.Ed. Programme 2022-23 SCERT, Delhi runs a 02 year Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) professional course for Pre- Service and In-Service Teachers of DoE, NDMC, and DCB and is affiliated to GGSIP University, New Delhi with an intake of 100 seats as approved by the State Govt. /University. The Programme started from the session 2003-04 after recognition from NCTE. This course prepares teachers for upper primary or middle level (classes VI-VIII), secondary (Classes IX- X) and senior secondary (classes XI-XII) levels. The Degree is also awarded by the GGSIP University. I. Academic Process The detailed guidelines provided by GGSIPU for conducting 2 year B.Ed. course in Semester Mode is as below: Programme: Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV Total Credits 30 32 28 32 122 Marks 900 1000 600 1000 3500 Courses 9 10 6 10 35 II .EnrolmentStatus of B.Ed. II Year (Batch 2020-22) Semester III : For the B.Ed session (2020-22) there are 94 trainees have been enrolled through the Common Entrance Test conducted by the GGSIP University in the month of June, 2020. Out of 70 quota seats for pre-service trainees 94 trainees were allotted to SCERT, because of implementation of SC/ST/OBC/EWS Category reservation implementation. Since the last two sessions i.e 2019 & 2020 DoE, NDMC and DCB have not nominated their Primary Teachers, despite timely requests followed by the reminders. It is pertinent to mention that in case, DoE, NDMC and DCB do not nominate their owns Teachers in B.Ed. full time course the seats reserved for them are allotted to pre-service candidates. GGSIP University took it as an advantage and allots more seats to pre-service candidates for SCERT B.Ed Prog. In-service Candidate Status of Enrolment Batch (2020-22): No In-service candidate nominated by DOE, NDMC, DCB to pursue B.Ed. in this session too. 271

In-service Teachers Nominated DoE NDMC DCB Total by DoE, NDMC, and DCB Nil Nil Nil 00 No. of Seats Reserved 22 06 02 30 Pre-service Candidate Status of Enrolment Allotted through Common Entrance Test (2020-22): Category General SC ST OBC Total Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls General 02 07 PwD 12 20 02 22 04 07 20 56 Muslim 01 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 01 01 EWS 01 04 -- -- -- -- -- -- 01 04 Defence 01 06 -- -- -- -- -- -- 01 06 Total 02 04 -- -- -- -- -- -- 02 04 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 24 70  Total Number of Boys=24  Total Number of Girls=70  Total students enrolled in the session (2020- 21) = 94 Total students enrolled in semester III (2021) = 93 ( due to withdrawal of admission of 1 student ) III Admission Process for B.Ed I Year (Batch 2021-23) Semester I There are total 100 seats in B.Edprogramme which are further divided as follow :- No. of Seats for In-service candidates 30 (22 DoE+06 NDMC+02 DCB) No. of Seats for Pre-service candidates 70 (through common entrance test conducted by GGSIPU)) *OBC reservation is over and above the sanctioned Seat Intake under Pre-service category Since the last session i.e. 2020 DoE, NDMC and DCB have not nominated their Primary Teachers, despite timely requests followed by the reminders. It is pertinent to mention that in case, DoE, NDMC, and DCB do not nominate their owns Teachers in B.Ed. full time course the seats reserved for them are allotted to pre-service candidates. GGSIP University took it as an advantage and allots more seats to pre-service candidates for SCERT B.EdProg. But 272

in the session 2021- 22, DoE have nominated theirs in-service teachers for the B.Ed admissions. Total students enrolled for batch 2022-23 = 94 (Pre-Service) + 21 (In-Service) = 115 IV. Budget Requirement for 2022-23 for B.Ed. Programme. S. No. Heads Amount of Rs. Rs. 503,300/- 1 Extension Lecturers/Workshops/ Training Programmes 2 Local Educational Excursion Tour (in NCR ) Rs. 175,600/- 3 Outstation Tour Rs. 10.00Lac* 4 Co – curricular Activities Rs. 5.00Lac 5 B.Ed. Library Rs. 2.00Lac 6. Purchasing of musical instruments Rs. 96500/- Rs. 25Lacsapprox Grand Total *If Covid-19 Pandemic Situation remains in control. Proposed Extension Lecturers/Workshops/ Training Programmes Extension Lectures for B.Ed 1st year and B.Ed 2nd year Proposed no. of Extension Lectures – 15 (2 per month as per the B.Ed academic calendar ) Duration = 2hr No. of trainees = 115 (B.Ed 1st year) + 100 (B.Ed 2nd year ) = 215 No. of faculty = 15 No. of Rps = 15 Expenditure to be incurred ParticularS 15RPs x Rs 2000 TOTAL 1. Payment to Rp @ 2000 per session 15 faculty + 1 Rp X Rs . 30000/- 2. Refreshment 15 faculty + 1 Rp @ Rs 80 X 15 Rs. 19,200/- Rs. 80 per lecture Extension Lectures 15 Extension lecture Rs. 7500/- 3 Contingency @Rs. 500 per x Rs. 500 Extension Lecture 56,700/- Total List of Extension Lecture 1. Sustainable development--- Prof. Jaseem Ahmed, IASE, JMI 2. importance of developing educational resources --- Prof. Indu Kumar, NCERT 3. Raising awareness of unconscious bias --- Dr. Bhawna Chadha, Adhyapan/ Dr. L N Bruce, Ireland 4. Contribution of women in development of Society --- Prof. Gauri Srivastav, NCERT 5. Child Abuse-awareness & implementation of POCSO ACT --- Mr. Karan 6. Art integrated learning --- Dr. Sangeeta Choudhary, DIET, MB 7. Issues and Challenges of Education among students after post COVID --- Ms. Shyada Rana, Army welfare education society 273

8. Mental health & wellbeing--- HOPE Initiative 9. Action Research --- Prof. Aezajmasih, DES, JMI 10. Experiential learning --- Prof. Madhulika, NCERT 11. Implementation of NEP 20 --- Prof. C. B. Shrama, IGNOU 12. Reforms & assessment --- Prof. Biswal, NIEPA 13. Phenomenon based approach --- Dr. lovely puri, DIET, RN 14. Assessment for, of and as &Evaluation -- prof. Shoaib Abdullah, IASE, JMI 15. Core of entrepreneurship mindset curriculum – Dr. Sapna Yadav, SCERT 16. Intellectual Property Rights --- Dr.Rakshit Tandon, Hackdev Technologies 17. Immersive technologies (Online)--- Prof. Christian Jonathan, Maxico 18. STEAM Education (online) --- Ms. Rania Lampou, MoE, Greece 19. Mindfulness(online) --- Dr. Nellie Deutsch, USA 20. Storytelling --- Dr. Jayshree, storyghar Workshops organise for trainees B.Ed 1st year and B.Ed 2nd year Proposed no. of workshop organise (Subject Specific) - 10 No. of days – 2 days No. of trainees = 115 (B.Ed 1st year) + 100 (B.Ed 2nd year ) = 215 No. of faculty = 10 No. of Rps = 10 Expenditure to be incurred Particulars 10 RPs x Rs 4000x TOTAL 1. Payment to Rp @ 2000 per session x 2 days Rs . 80000/- 2 days 10 faculty + 1 Rp X Rs. 17,600/- 2. Refreshment 10 faculty + 1 Rp @ Rs 80 X 10 workshop Rs. 80 per lecture x 2 days Rs. 344,000/- 215 trainees x 10 3 Refreshment to trainees @ Rs. 80 workshop x 2 days x Rs. 5000/- Rs 80 Rs. 446,600/- 4 Contingency @Rs. 500 per 10 worshops x Rs. workshop 500 Total Tentative topics for workshops  2 day workshop on MS Publisher  2 day workshop on digital story making  1 day workshop on Inclusion  1 day workshop on Substance Abuse  2 day workshop on MOOC  1 day workshop on Making of instructional Aids  1 day workshop on Micro skills  2 days workshop for e content development through open-source software  3 days workshop for microteaching  2 days development of low-cost teaching learning material  One day workshop on cyber security 274

 2-day workshop on yoga & well being Tentative expenditure to be incurred A- Extension Lectures for B.Ed 1st year and B.Ed 2nd year = 56,700/- B- Workshops organise for trainees B.Ed 1st year and B.Ed 2nd year = Rs. 446,600/- Total A + B = 503,300 Proposed Activities for Local Educational Excursion Tour (in NCR ) Proposed no. of visits organise (Such as NCERT , DIETS, Suraj Kund mela, NUEPA, IASE, NCTE, Bal Bhawan Etc) - 6 No. of days – 1 days No. of trainees = 115 (B.Ed 1st year) + 100 (B.Ed 2nd year ) = 215 No. of faculty = 5 Expenditure to be incurred ParticularS 3 buses x Rs. 15000 TOTAL 1. Transport cost for surajkund mela 5 faculty X Rs 80 X Rs . 45,000/- 2. Refreshment 5 faculty @ Rs. 80 per 6 visits Rs. 2400/- visit 215 trainees x 6 3 Refreshment to trainees @ Rs. 80 visits x Rs 80 Rs. 103,200/- 220 x Rs. 100 4 Entry tickets of suraj Kund Mela Rs. 22,000/- (215Trainees + 5 Faculty ) @ Rs. 100 6 visits x Rs. 500 Rs. 3000/- 5 Contingency @ 500 per visits Total Rs. 175, 600/- Tentative expenditure to be incurred 6 visits organise for (Such as NCERT , DIETS, Suraj Kund mela, NUEPA, , NCTE, Bal Bhawan Etc) for B.Ed 1st year and B.Ed 2nd year= Rs. 175,600/- Outstation Tour for B.Ed 1st year No. of days – 5 days No. of trainees = 115 (B.Ed 1st year) No. of faculty = 5 Expenditure to be incurred Particulars Rs. 4,00,000/- TOTAL 1. Transport cost 115 trainees + 5 Rs . 4,00,000/- 2. Meal + hotel charges @ Rs. 5000 faculty x Rs. 5000/- Rs. 6,00,000/- per students + 5 faculty 275

Total Rs. 10,00,000/- Proposed tentative amount for outstation tour - Rs. 10,00,000/- Co – curricular Activities WORKSHOPS: (01/02 DAYS EACH ) S.NO. TITLE 1 Health And Nutrition 2 Music And Dance Forms 3 Fine Arts /Paper Craft 4 Theater And Drama Workshop 5 Phtography: Still And Other Forms 6 Personal Branding And Establishing Professional - Credibility 7 Professional Etiquette And Social Etiquette 8 Effective Communication 9 Interview Skills 10 Time Management And Stress Management 11 Emotional Intelligence And Interpersonal Skills SPECIAL DAY CLEBRATION 1 Indepenence Day Clebration 2 Teachers‘ Day Clebration 3 Gandhi Jayanti 4 Republic Day Clebration 5 Annual Day 6 Orientation Of New Batch 7 Farewell Of Students 8 Van Mohatsav VISITS AND EXCURSION TOURS 1 Historical Monuments 2 National Musium 3 National Art Gallary 4 Botanical Garden 5 Surajkund Craft Mela 6 National Book Fair 7 International Book Fair 276

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