PROPOSAL-17 Title – Publication of - ‗Comic book on Active and Passive Voice‘ ‗Comic book on Narration‘ Level – Elementary Modalities of Implementation Objectives To express grammatical concepts with images combined with texts in new form. To encourage students to ‗read between the lines‘ and infer meaning from the images. To build reading comprehension skills of students. To develop higher levels of linguistic competence To creatively integrate art with English. Strategy Content already developed. Justification Comic book on Voice and Narration is new concept and no content is available in this form for students. Financial implication S. No. Institute Details of Activities Amount 1. SCERT Printing Rs. 3,00,000/- Expected Outcomes Make English language learning joyful and interesting. Key Performance Indicators Joyful learning. Better understanding of various grammatical concepts in students. Monitoring of KPIs Material Development S.No. Name of Time the period Activity April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March 1 Printing & ✓ Publication ✓ Coordinator Ms. Preeti Asst. Professor 47
PROPOSAL-18 Title: Folk Art- A Hanbook on Art Education (Vol. 2) Background: Art education and appreciation of one‘s cultural heritage goes side by side and reinforce the understanding of each other. India, as we know, had always been recognized as the land that projects the unique and diverse cultural and traditional vibrancy through its conventional arts and crafts. This timeless tradition of art forms, have been practised for different reasons among people, living far from urban life in remotest parts of India. The National Education Policy, 2020, under ―Promotion of Arts and Culture‖, has rightly remarked, ―a number of initiatives to foster languages, arts, and culture in school includes a greater emphasis on music, arts, and crafts throughout all levels of school‖. With this vision, the present book on ―Folk Arts‖ is an initiative to realize the twin objectives as laid in NEP 2020. Firstly, to revive the culture of teaching folk arts through main stream art education curriculum in schools. Secondly, as NEP-2020 has aptly emphasized on the vocationalization of education, the introduction of folk arts at an early stage of school educationis expected to develop an entrepreneurship mindset among children due to the commercial value of folk arts in the local as well as global market. Broadly speaking, this book will help in realization of specific objectives related with knowledge aspect such as to understand the rich cultural legacy of India, to know different traditional folk arts of various region, as well as reviving the fast-vanishing traditions, skill aspects like to understand the intricate designs and styles of particular traditional folk arts and their origins and modern approaches, a brief history of the content and methodology of creating the art forms, to get familiar with materials traditionally used and possible application of the design element in conventionally available material for execution and attitudinal aspects for instance, to gain in depth knowledge and approach towards understanding a traditional Folk Art rich in content and style and adapting with individual application in creating new images, retaining the traditional content. The book well illustrates the theoretical foundations reflecting the history, geography, economy, cultural significance, of each folk artform. Moreover, the various art techniques/themes/media/elements/patterns/detailing reflected through each artform have also been discussed in later sections of the book. It also includes suggestive outline of lesson plans for each of the four artforms mentioned above. These lesson plans illustrate the instructional methodology which is based on the 5Es model of constructivists‘ approach to learning, details about characters/themes/tools and techniques used in each artform and activities for extension of learning. It will act as a comprehensive tool in the hands of the art teachers as they introduce students with different folkarts while constructing their own knowledge. Objective: 1. To explore the different folk art form different state of India 2. To integration folk art form with other subjects 3. To create lesson plan of different art form for elementary level Financial Implication: 48
Sl. Workshop Target Rate Amount 2,87,500 No /proposed month group . &No. Of Participan ts 1 5 days workshop in 5 RP + 2 Honorarium/Conveyance@2300/-(5x2,300x5) 5 cycle Internal x 5 cycle Content faculty Refreshment & Lunch To@ 180 +GST = 189/- 37,800 development for 7 person for 5 days x 5 cycle Contingency @500/- for 5 cycle 3000 Total proposed budget 3,28,300 1 5 days workshop in 5 RP + 2 Honorarium/Conveyance@2300/-(5x2,300x5) 115,000 2 cycle for layout internal x 2 cycle and design of the faculty Refreshment & Lunch To@ 180 +GST = 189/- 15120 content for 5 person for 5 days x 2 cycle Contingency @500/- x 2 1000 3. Material for Papers, colour, instruments, brush, etc 10,000 paintings 2 print 2000 copies Total proposed budget 1,41,120 6, 00, 000 Grand Total = 10,69,42 0 Outcomes: teacher and trainees will get full package of folk art forms which includes their history, origin, process, lesson plan and integration with other subject. Coordinator: Vimal Chand, Sr. Lecturer, DIET Dargyaganj Dr. Vikram Kumar, Assistant Professor, DIET Daryaganj. 49
SUMMARY OF RESEARCHES S.N TOPIC COORDINATOR BUDGET O. Rs. 2,00,000/- Dr Sapna Yadav, 1. A Longitudinal Study investigating the Dr Rakesh Kumar Gupta impact of Entrepreneurial Mindset Curriculum (EMC) on the students of class 9th to 12th of the Delhi government schools. 2. A comparative study of learning outcomes Dr Sapna Yadav, Rs 5,00,000/- & satisfaction of commerce teachers in Dr Rakesh Kumar Gupta capacity building programmes through Dr. Priyanka Bhardwaj online and blended mode of instructions. Ms. Akriti Agarwal 3. A Longitudinal study of Desh Bhakti Dr. Saroj Malik Rs 3,00,336/- Curriculum (D.B.C) in developing social Ms. Savita Joon and civic responsibility among students of Mr. Ravinder Singh Rawat Delhi Dr. Laxmi Pandey Ms. Manisha Dr.Bandita Dr Sudha Dr, Smita Rai Dr.Preeti Sharma, Ms.Uma Anurag Ms.Sheelu Mary Alex 4. Implementation of Entrepreneurship Dr.Mohd. Suhail,Dr. Seema Rs 5,77,200/- Mindset Curriculum to foster Srivastava, Entrepreneurial skills among students of Dr.ChiterRekha,Dr. Pawan Delhi Government schools: An Exploratory Kumar Study Dr.JagbirSingh,Dr. Joginder kumar, Ms. Anchal Mr. Sanjeetkumar Mr. Jitender Giri, Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Mr. Raghav Aacharya, Dr. Neelam, Ms. Sunita 5. The challenges and possibilities of existing Joginder Kumar, Rs 2,68,580/- Inquiry-based learning in Social Science Mr. Nasruddin Abbasi, classrooms in Delhi government schools. Ms. Sunita 51
6. Dialogic Teaching as a Pedagogical Intervention in capacity building of Mr. Sanjay Kumar,Tapshri, Rs 3,60,000/ prospective teachers Dr. Geeta 7. A study of learning achievement of students Dr. Bindu Saxena, Rs 5,00,000/- as per goal setting of key performance Dr. Piyush Kamal indicators Dr. Amit Sharma, Rs 268580/- 8. The issues and possibilities of situating Dr.Bandita B. Mohanty, Rs 268580/- Inquiry-based learning in science Ms. Preetu Arya Rs 3,31,320/- classrooms in Delhi government schools (Dr. Ruchi Sharma &Dr. Ajay k. Choubey) Dr.Tapsa, Rs 2,63,720/- 9. A study of issues and possibilities of Neeta Batra, Mr. Jay Shankar situating active learning in Mathematics Roy, Meenakshi Classrooms of Delhi Govt. Schools Ms. Kapila Parashar, Dr. Alok Tiwari, 10. The issues and possibilities of situating Sh. Rajeev Jha, Inquiry-based learning in language Ms. Shubhika Shah, classrooms in Delhi government schools Ms. Radha Rani Bhattacharya Dr Zamir, 11. Researching the research culture in the Dr Ajay Choubey, Mr. Syed institution of teacher Education: An Ibad Raza, Ms. Kajal exploratory study in DIET‘s and SCERT of Delhi Dr. Bir Singh Rawat, Rs 1,19,740/- Dr. Navindra Bai, Rs 2,63,720/- 12. An Exploratory study to map the Mr. Anupam Kumar contextualized pedagogic competencies of Dr Tapsa Rs 2,84,000/- teachers in reference to FLN Dr. Ajay Choubey,Ms. Kapila Parashar,Mr. Hitendra 13. A Study Of Changes Required For Kumar Virani, Transforming Delhi Govt. Schools Into 21st Ms. Anchal Gupta, Century School:- Issues And Possibilities Mr. Ravinder Rawat, Ms. Kajal, Syed Ibad Raza 14. An exploratory study Anju Pathak of the use of TLM for pedagogical intervention by the teachers in the schools Dr. Ritika Dabas Rs 5,00,000/- of Delhi &team Rs 15. Astatus studyof Parental Communication in 50,05,776/- Schools Total 52
PROPOSAL-1 TITLE: A Longitudinal Study investigating the impact of Entrepreneurial Mindset Curriculum (EMC) on the students of class 9th to 12th of the Delhi government schools. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Entrepreneurial Mindset Curriculum (EMC) was launched in the year 2019 with an objective that students should be able to nurture their own abilities and take charge of their career-paths in employment or entrepreneurship. There are six components in EMC namely 1) Mindfulness 2) Thematic Units 3) Live Entrepreneur Interaction (LEI) 4) Student Specials 5) Career Exploration (CE) 6) Business Blasters (BB). The curriculum has identified seven core capabilities in its students to develop namely 1) Dream big 2) Recognise opportunity 3) Bounce back from failures 4) Perseverance 5) Try new and challenging things 6) Plan and execute 7) Analyse and learn. These core capabilities are linked with foundational abilities and key qualities. EMC aims to cultivate these capabilities in students through facilitating the above six components. These components are designed in a way where students do certain activities, gain experience from it and then reflect on their experiences. They also read inspirational stories of entrepreneurs and learn from their experiences too. The present study will be longitudinal where students and EMC teachers of Delhi government schools will be the participants of the study. They will participate in an initial baseline survey, focused group discussions (FGD) and structured interviews planned in the course of the research. Apart from this, there will be pre and post-test on the different EMC components where change in student‟s mindset and behaviours will be assessed in a short span of time. This proposal of research will offer an understanding of whether students are able to imbibe the qualities and capabilities given in the curriculum and the process to measure their progress in the same. In future, if any kind of assessment for students is developed around EMC, the findings of this proposal will act as a resource. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY This research aims at understanding the effective implementation of EMC in schools from the perspective of different stakeholders in order to refine the program and its processes. This research will focus on schools to understand the mindset level shift, perception and its correlation with degree of participation and academic performance. OBJECTIVE: The current study aims to understand the implementation effectiveness of EMC in Delhi government schools by gathering evidence of ● To Study Teachers and students‘ perception of the EMC program ● To find outthe difference in the shift of mindset among girls and boys ● To study the effectiveness of EMC programme in the participation & overall performance of students. RESEARCH QUESTION/HYPOTHESIS This study will help us gauge the impact of EMC in schools. This will also enable us to look at the elements of EMC classes that have proved useful in improving students' overall performance. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION: An Entrepreneur is a person who believes in herself/himself, who dreams of doing something big and challenging, who recognises opportunities and engages in bringing about transformational change in his career or in the society. He/She is not afraid of facing challenges and failures; on the contrary, learns from them and keeps making progress towards the goal. 53
ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a business enterprise, along with its uncertainties in order to make a profit. The most prominent example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses. ENTREPRENEURSHIP MINDSET CURRICULUM: The Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum (EMC) has been introduced for the all-round development of the students. The main objective of EMC is to bring out the talents and abilities hidden in the students, and ensure their full development. The abilities and qualities so developed will help the students throughout their lives and in their chosen careers. EFFECTIVENESS: Everyone achieves success through struggle. This curriculum will not only develop the strength in the students to engage with struggles, but also develop qualities and abilities required for success. The effectiveness of the curriculum lies in the students' ability to become successful employees or entrepreneurs, who have confidence in themselves and who have the ambition to do something big and different. Ones who recognize opportunities and relentlessly pursue them to reap the fruits of hard work. Ones who have the vision to bring about transformational change in their careers and the society. Ones who are not afraid of obstacles, nor give up due to failures, and instead learn from them and keep moving towards their goal. ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET: Entrepreneurial mindset enables people to bring about change and increase \"value\" in the field of their choice. Entrepreneurial mindsets relevant in all types of work, and in all spheres of life and can enable students to realize their full potential in whichever professional journey they wish to undertake. For a person employed in a company, such a mindset enables him or her to perform at a higher level and make rapid career advancement. For a person seeking self- employment, such a mindset enables him or her to create a business from scratch and create jobs. For a person joining a family business, such a mindset enables him/her to expand and flourish the business. While entrepreneurship is usually looked at in the context of business, entrepreneurial people are found in diverse areas. EMC EVALUATION: An important aspect of EMC is that there are no exams and no pass/fail judgements. Every student participates and learns at his/her own pace. For this to happen, we need to create a positive environment, wherein each student is able to present his/her thoughts and share his/her experience without any hesitation. MINDSET: A mindset refers to whether you believe in qualities such as intelligence and talent as fixed or changeable traits. There are two different types of mindsets: People with a fixed mindset believe that these qualities are inborn, fixed, and unchangeable. Those with a growth mindset, on the other hand, believe that these abilities can be developed and strengthened by way of commitment and hard work. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING: Experiential learning is, quite simply, learning by doing. We have all learned to walk or talk, not by being shown or told, but by practising and refining our technique. Consequently, trainers and facilitators can implement this method in all sorts of situations with people from all walks of life. There are no barriers of age, education, experience, ability, background and culture. REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE: This study here is written to understand the significance of entrepreneurship education for the development of our country in the dismal scenario of rising unemployment and under employment in India. Every year many young people graduate from various colleges of our country but unluckily they remain as literate unemployed because they lack the required skill as per the industry standard, and 54
ultimately become a burden for the society and nation. Therefore, there is a need for a mindset and skill-based education system. This will help in the development of awareness about entrepreneurship to create an entrepreneurial setting which will support entrepreneurs to start their own venture and to develop the country‘s economy. Hence an effective education system which will create an entrepreneurship mindset among the unemployed literate youths. This is helpful to understand the importance of entrepreneurship and skill training in today‘s education system. Panigrahi, Ashok and Joshi, Vijay (2020), ―Entrepreneurship Education and Economic Development: An Indian Perspective‖ This study focuses on the overall situation of school education in India. The paper places India's educational accomplishments in a global perspective, particularly against nations with which India is regularly compared, especially China. Then the study talks about schooling access in relation to enrolment as well as school attendance rates, and schooling worth in terms of literacy rates, learning achievement levels, school resources, and teacher inputs. Lastly, the study investigates the role of schooling in India, understanding the growth of private schooling and effective schools. The study also talks about major public education initiatives. This helps us to understand the effectiveness of the existing work in the government schools and how it is helping the students and teachers. Kingdon, Geeta Gandhi (2007), ―The progress of school education in India‖ Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 23, Issue 2, Summer 2007, Pages 168– 195, Emotional Labour of teaching plays an important part in the new system of higher education where the role of the teacher is compared to a service provider. Formative work has been completed in the area of Emotional Labour and its influence on teaching effectiveness in the context of India. This paper works to help us in investigating the impact of Emotional Labour on teaching effectiveness. The paper explains the method of effective teaching in the classroom that impacts the students. The factor analysis in the study is performed to develop the scale of teaching effectiveness which will be helpful to understand the role of teacher in the classroom. Gaan, NiharikaGaan, Indian Journal of Industrial RelationsVol. 47, No. 4 (April 2012), pp. 673- 684 (12 pages), ―Impact of Emotional Labour on Teaching Effectiveness: A Study of Higher Education in India‖. The study is helping us to understand our educators accepted the pedagogic coping tactic of the ‗lecture method‘ and did not work the required ‗critical pedagogy‘ in accord with the required constructivist and child-centred method set out in the legislation and National Curriculum requirements, this could be said to negatively impact the desired quality of teaching and learning which is important to notice in our study. Their adoption of the ‗lecture method‘ will also suggest that it does not comply with the requirement to bear subject activities. The same could be said of the Science teachers‘ demonstration of practical experiments when the students could not conduct them. ―These factors would have the end result of negatively impacting the teachers‘ professional performance. These concerns raise questions about how far the teachers could be said to have been undermining their own performance and whether they could have considered other pedagogical choices in the circumstances. These considerations may increase in significance as the professionalism and professional expectations of teachers are further developed under the continued implementation of the reforms‖ Sarin, MeeraNath (2015). Sarin, MeeraNath (2015), ―Quality education for all ? A case study of a New Delhi government school‖ 55
DESIGN OF THE STUDY: The study will be conducted in Delhi. There are 1053 DoE schools in Delhi, which are divided into 29 zones and 13 districts. There are three types of schools in Delhi: 1) All girls‘ schools which are roughly 45% of all the schools. 2) All boys‘ schools which are roughly 45% of all the schools. 3) Co-ed schools which are roughly 10% of all the schools. Taking Zone, as a unit (assuming the number of schools are homogenous), through stratified random sampling, a school is picked in following order: If all zones‘ numbers are represented in the number line, Starting from 1, from every alternate zone number, an all-girls school will be randomly selected. Starting from 2, from every alternate zone number, an all-boys school will be randomly selected. From the zone numbers of all girls and all-boys schools, FIRST PRIME zone number will be selected as a Co-Ed school (highlighted in red below). DETAILED TABLE OF SAMPLING: Gender Class Total no. of Types Zone number represe zones of ntation representation 14 school All All- 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21, females Class 9th – 13 girls 23,25,27,29 scho All 1,9,17,25 2 ols Males Class 10th - 29 Zones All- 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 One 3,11,19,27 boys ,24,26,28 male and Class 11th - schools one female 5,13,21,29 Co -ed 3, 2 student Class 12th – schools 7,15,23 Total Class 9th – 2,10,18,26 Class 10th - 4,12,20,28 Class 11th - 6,14,22, Class 12th - 8,16, 24, Zone 3 Class – 12th (M), Zone 2 Class 11th (F) Further, in co-ed schools a boy and a girl alternately will be selected for the study. In order to make the sample representable for all secondary classes i.e., 9th to 12th, a set of four zones has been made in an increasing order (for example 1,4,7,10 is one set of zones). From each zone students will be selected for study of corresponding gender in the sequence class 9th,10th,11th,12th. 56
In this way from each zone one student will be selected randomly and a total 29 students will participate in the study from which 15 will be male and 14 will be female students. A base-line psychological test and EMC assessment based on core capabilities will be conducted in the starting of the year and an end-line will be conducted near the end of the academic year. In between, one focussed group discussion and structured telephonic interviews will be conducted. A survey questionnaire will also be shared with EMC teachers of the sample students and will be conducted once in the last quarter of the academic year. EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION: Given the experimental nature of the Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum program, the evidence from the research can inform the perspective of our teachers and students towards this program. If the research shows promising results, the EMC State Council for Education, Research and Training (SCERT) Delhi Team will be able to advocate for making its various initiatives more permanent and scalable. If the results from this research are not promising, the team has indicated a strong level of openness to improving the program design, based on insights of the research. This research provides a unique opportunity to understand the ground realities of the program and gather evidence around its impact. TIMELINE: (An expected schedule of activities organized in chronological order) This is a four-year longitudinal study to be undertaken as per the timeline given below: Activities Timelines IX X XI XII Pre-Test April 2022 April 2023 April 2024 April 2025 Midline Test Oct 2022 Oct 2023 Oct 2024 Oct 2025 Post Test March 2023 March 2024 March 2025 March 2026 The first year (2022-2023) breakup of the activities and the time period of the study is given as follows: Activities TimeLine Workshop on defining Objective, Pre-test March 2022- April 2022 design and Research Methodology and Administered of Pre-Test Workshops for Tools Development May- June, 2022 Tool Piloting & refinement of Tools June- July, 2022 Piloting of tools August, 2022 Conduction of Midline Test September – October, 2022 Collection of Questionnaire September- October 2022 Conduction of Post Test January 2022- February, 2023 57
Data Analysis February 2023- March 2023 Findings and Report writing (Interim) March – April 2023 Estimated Budget Plan (as per norms) Approximately Rs. 2, 00,000/- (For workshops for Tool Development, Data Analysis and printing) Coordinator- Dr Sapna Yadav, Dr Rakesh Kumar Gupta 58
PROPOSAL-2 TITLE: A comparative study of learning outcomes and satisfaction of teachers in capacity building programmes through online and blended mode of instructions. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Recent advancements in Information and communication technologies have shifted the way we deliver instructions to learners especially in amidst of pandemic. Due to this enhanced communication system and new available media formats, different innovative instructional aides have addressed the diverse needs of learners and teachers across the world. An important focus in utilizing these innovative technologies is whether instructors using these new technologies for the effectiveness of the delivery of the content and learning of educational content. Recently, the new advancements in blending instructional methods with technology meditated instructional have developed to address the diverse needs of learner‘s satisfaction and improve learning outcomes. One of the most adopted technologies in this reference is Blended learning, which is an approach of instructional technology that integrate digital media with the traditional teaching learning classroom activities that provides more flexibility to customize their learning experiences. In an online learning tutorial, classes or trainings, there is 100% online course delivery with little or no face-to- face interactions. In difference to online learning, the blended mode of learning is a mix of face-to- face learning and the online approach. Most of the research studies claimed that there is a positive effect on learning while using blended mode of instructions. and researchers have already investigated the difference in learning conditions between traditional (face to face) and online instructions. In amidst of pandemic, the need of such platforms that cause a positive effect on learning and instructions are rapidly being emerges. More educational institutions are adopting these new formats of instructional teachings to achieve learning outcomes by effective delivery of the content. Identifying the difference in the effectiveness of learning and teaching in both the formats has become an important topic for research for teachers and administrators of institutions to address the effective teaching, training and learning issues residing in both the formats. This study is focus on the Teacher‘s Satisfaction and learning outcomes in blended mode of instructions and online instructions for capacity building programme conducted by SCERT under DIKSHA LEAD. OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS OF THE STUDY: Blended Learning: Blended learning is a method of teaching that integrates technology and digital media with traditional instructor-led classroom activities, giving students more flexibility to customize their learning experiences. Although there are four basic models of blended learning, the possibilities are endless when it comes to the ways in which instructional technologies can be blended into a teacher‘s pedagogical approach. The flipped classroom, for example, is one type of blended learning model in which students view lecture material prior to class, then spend class time engaging in exercises under the supervision of the teacher. In general, blended learning refers to the following: 1. Some learning happens online in a format where the student has control over the path and pace at which they engage with content 2. Some learning happens in an instructor-led classroom 3. Online and in-person learning is complementary, creating a truly integrated learning environment The power of blended learning methods lies in their ability to improve the student experience. Blended learning combines the best aspects of face-to-face teaching and online instruction in ways that enable students to learn at their own pace. For example, a student in a blended learning course 59
who masters a concept earlier than his peers can move on without having to wait, and conversely, a student who needs more time is not forced to move forward before fully grasping the subject. Online Learning: The Education that takes place online or over the internet is called online learning. Another name for online learning is e-learning. It is the type of education that requires computers, laptops, or smartphones, and a high-speed internet connection. Online learning is also used in schools and colleges. This method is beneficial in cases where students are living in a remote location. Working professionals who do not have the time to attend a class physically prefer learning online. Individuals who wish to enhance their skill set but do not have the time or resources also engage in this type of education. A lot of institutions worldwide offer e-learning to students who do not have access to a physical classroom. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The study addressed some of the problems relating to the field outlined below: 1. The regular mode of teaching learning process has many unanswered questions relating to teachers' learning attainment through trainings. 2. There are several modes of instruction with the integration of technologies but there is a lack of studies about their impact on learning. 3. There is insufficient research to study the difference between online learning and blended learning in the context of Indian Classrooms. 4. As online learning is still a key challenge in Indian Education, so it is unsure about its integration with the face-to-facemode of instructions. REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE: Reviewing the experimental studies relating to online learning, we found continuity with the trends of distance research. A study by Bernard and Lundgren-Cayrol (2001) was conducted on online instructions where instructor was present as a moderator in online discussions. This study was about the impact of moderation by an instructor. Learners were assigned randomly to different groups with high intervention and low intervention. The study did not find a main effect for the moderator. The group for low moderator performed significantly better than the other group. De Wever et al (2008) also found that the group with student moderators, rather than the instructor moderator, was significantly better. However, in a study by Zhang (2004), the effectiveness of instructor moderation of online asynchronous collaboration was significantly higher. In this study, a group of students had a private space for discussion, whereas the instructor moderated the other group's discussion. The review of literature on blended learning focused on the integration of online and face-to-face models of instructions. In this integration, few face-to-face instruction classes are substituted by the online. Here Means et al (2010, p.xv) studied that the combination of these two modes face-to-face and online learning was more effective than instruction given by only face-to-face alone. At the same time, they cautioned that a larger effect size might be due to curriculum materials and differences in aspects of the instructional approach, besides the mode of instruction. In the meta- analysis conducted by the department of education, US (Means et al, 2010, p. 38), ten studies of blended and online learning were compared. These studies were levelled as \"blended\" or \"purely online\" based on their inclusion or exclusion of face-to-face learning but the content and quality of instruction across the two modes were also different. A study by The Keefe (2003), on a comparison of Blended learning and online learning. in this study the blended classroom had lecture in addition to the online class. Both groups could also use e-mail, online chat rooms, and threaded discussion forums. Keefe found that the learning outcome score of the online group were around eight per cent lower than the group in blended classroom. 60
Feldman and Poirier (2004), in his study they used two groups predominantly face-to-face mode, but the group on face-to-face was requested to participate in at least three online discussions 356 during the course, whereas the purely online group had to participate in two online discussions with the instructor each week. Feldman and Poirier found that there is significant effect on learning in purely online format for examination scores but there was no effect on the performance of students in assignment writings. Campbell et al (2008) studied a blended course where the student‘s assessed instruction as well as participated in discussions online. Tutors were present in both formats of discussions. Students were given freedom to choose between two formats online and blended. In this study, scores of online groups were higher than the score of blended groups. Another study by Means et al (2010, pp. 38-39) focused the effectiveness of online and blended mode of instructions was dependent on the element of instruction, as in this study the instructional content was not controlled in either of the modes. In the study by Davis et al (1999, researcher attempted to differentiate between the instructional content of three modes of instructions: blended, online & face to face. There was no significant difference found in post test scores of the students (Means et al, 2010, p. 39). Means et al (2010, p. 39) also reviewed six other studies (Beile&Boote, 2002; Ruchti& Odell, 2002; Gaddis et al, 2000; Caldwell, 2006; Scoville&Buskirk, 2007; McNamara et al, 2008) where the purely online groups were contrasted with the blended group but found no significant difference. These studies also did not address the comparison of learning content across the modes OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The objectives of the study are: ● To compare the effectiveness of two different instructional modes, online & blended learning, in capacity building programmes for commerce teachers of all grades. ● To compare the Teachers satisfaction level during training through two different instructional modes, online & blended learning. ● To differentiate the level of engagement of commerce teachers during two different instructional modes, online & blended learning ● To suggest the better way of instruction to facilitate effective training practices for teachers. RESEARCH DESIGN & PROCEDURE: A mixed method approach will be used in this research. Training with blended instructional design will be developed and conducted for a selected group from the sample and further comparative analysis will be done with another group who have attended an online mode of training of the same (Experimental approach). This method will be used to provide more depth in the research by implementing more than one research methods such as pre- test and post-test research design (Quantitative) along with interviews (open and close ended questionnaires) and observations. Variables: 61
Mode of teaching-learning along with their strategy Independent Blended Learning: Teaching learning delivered through a Variable combination of face-to-face and online delivery mode. Online Learning: Teaching Learning delivered through online delivery mode only. Dependent Variable Learning outcome as measured by assessment tools. POPULATION & SAMPLE: Teachers of all grades from Directorate of Education, Delhi will be a population for the study. Teachers from each zone comprising of all subjects will be selected as sample of this study. A random selection technique will be used. Further the sample will be divided into two groups for experimental design. Time Line: Activities TimeLine Content development for the trainings for May- July, 2022 both the instructional Mode : Online and Blended learning Conduction of Pre Test July, 2022 Execution of Trainings August- September –October, 2022 Conduction of Post Test October , 2022 Interviews conductions of Interviews November, 2022 Data Analysis December, 2022 Findings and Report writing January , 2023 Financial Implication: Approximately Rs. 5, 00,000/- (For workshops of development of training content for both online and blended mode of instructions & Tool Development, Trainings, Data Analysis and printing) Coordinator- Dr. Sapna Yadav, Dr Rakesh Kumar Gupta Dr. Priyanka Bhardwaj Ms. Akriti Agarwal 62
PROPOSAL-3 TITLE A Longitudinal study of Desh Bhakti Curriculum (D.B.C) in developing social and civic responsibility among students of Delhi. Level:Middle and Secondary MODALITIES OF IMPLEMENTATION Objectives: i) To study and analyse views of teachers about DBC in terms of social and civic responsibility in text, illustration and design. ii) To study the initiatives taken by teachers by organizing events in school to inculcate social and civic responsibility among students. iii) To study the initial level of social and civic responsibility among students. iv) To study the difference in development of social and civic responsibility at different stages of implementation. STRATEGY: 1. Review of Literature 2. Tool Development workshops 3. Vetting of tool 4. Data Collection 5. Data analysis and Interpretation 6. Report writing & documentation JUSTIFICATION: There is always a greater need to remind us to appreciate what we feel in our country – safety and warmth like home. We owe our respect and gratitude towards the factors that are responsible for this. We have always been aware of our freedom struggle and the patriots who gave their life to bring feeling of freedom, happiness, dignity, peace and safety in our lives. The media has always been there with audio-visual or audio-visual content to sensitize all citizens of India to value freedom and how we earned it. Our young generation must understand the Indian ethos to creatively and constructively work for India. Biographies have always been there in the curriculum to instil citizenship values and NCF 2005 indicated towards hidden patriotic curriculum. DBC is a flagship programme of Delhi govt. and it is being implemented in Cohort-1 i.e. for grades 9th to 12th. DBC is to be implemented in cohort 2 i.e. for grade 6th to 8th. Delhi Government has introduced Desh bhakti Curriculum for all the students of Delhi Government schools for shaping them as pride of the Nation and in turn they shape the Nation as the Country of everyone‘s dreams. To realize the goals there is always a need to evaluate the programme and bridge the gaps.This study intends to provide suggestions to stake holders in helping them optimise the learning outcomes of DBC. Financial implication: Timeline and Estimated Budget Plan: Phase 1: Development of tools S.N. Activity /Expenditure Timeline after Budget approval date 1 Review of Related Literature content of DBC Feb- April 2022 Nil 2 Tools finalization in Five Days workshop May-June 2022 71600/- Hon. And Conv. To 5 RPs for 05 days @ 2300 = 5×2300×5= 57500/- ● Refreshment/Lunch @ Rs. 180/- + GST to 14 63
persons for five day = 180×14×5 = Rs. 12600/-+ GST ● Printing of tools = Rs. 1000/- ● contingency@500/- 3 Piloting of the tools: Administration of Tools and Data July 2022 5000/- Collection 4 Tools Vetting in Three Days workshop August 2022 35660/- Hon. And Conv. To 4 RPs for 03 days @ 2300 = 4×2300×3= 27600/- ● Refreshment/Lunch @ Rs. 180/- + GST to 14 persons for three days = 180×14×3 = Rs. 7560/-+ GST ● contingency@500/- 5 Analysis of tools by Experts September 2022 30000/- Estimated Amount=30000/- 6 Conveyance April 2022 to 10000/- September 2022 Total 152260/- Phase 2: Collecting Initial level Data S.N. Activity /Expenditure Timeline after Budget 1 Printing of tools = Rs. 10000/- approval date 10000/- October 2022 2 Administration of Tools and Data Collection October- 20,000/- 3 Analysis of Data by Experts November 2022 30,000/- December 2022 4 Interpretation of data in three Days workshop January 2023 35120/- Hon. And Conv. To 4 RPs for 03 days @ 2300 = 4×2300×3= 27600/- ● Refreshment/Lunch @ Rs. 180/- + GST to 13 persons for three days = 180×13×3 = Rs. 7020/-+ GST contingency@500/- 5 Report Preparation/ Report Writing, Typing, Printing and February-March 10000/- Binding etc. 2023 6 Conveyance October 2022 to 10000/- March 2023 Total 115120/- Total budget for phase I and II :2,67,380/-(Two lakh sixty seven thousand three hundred and eighty rupees) . Phase 3: Collecting Data at a later stage S.N. Activity /Expenditure Timeline after Budget approval date 64
1 Administration of Tools and Data Collection Sep 2023 5,000/- Analysis of Data by experts: Oct 2023 22,956/- 4 Report Writing of Baseline data Oct 2023 5,000/- 32,956/- Total *financial implications for 23-24 and further will be calculated later EXPECTED OUTCOMES 1. This study would underline the impact of Deshbhakti curriculum and the teaching strategies which can increase its usefulness and importance. 2. Other states can also adopt such programs if this turns out to be change maker with respect to behaviour of students towards growing patriotism i.e. respect for property of school, working towards common good of society, taking care of environment and thinking scientifically about sustainable future. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI): ● Number of researches reviewed on learning outcomes envisaged in DBC . ● Development of validated tool after piloting on a similar group of students and analysing content validity ● Capacity building of the faculty involved in this project while developing and administering tools on social and civic responsibility. ● Students following DBC will be concerned regarding protection of school property, cleanliness and environment in general. MONITORING OF KPIs: (Put a tick mark against the month) Phase I Specific Research S.No Name of the Time . Activity perio d Phase1 April May Jun Jul Au Sep Oc No De Ja Fe Marc 2022 202 e y g t t v c n b h 2 1 Review of ✓ ✓ ✓ related literature and Tool Development Workshop 2 Tool ✓ Administratio n in Schools 3 Tool vetting ✓ 4 Analysis of ✓ tools by 65 Experts
Phase 2 April May Jun Jul Au Sep Oc No De Ja Fe Marc 2023 202 e y g t t v c n b h 3 4. Tool ✓✓ Administratio ✓✓ n and data ✓✓ collection 5. Analysis and interpretation of data 6 Report Preparation and Printing Faculty Involved: Dr. Saroj MalikAssistant Professor DIET KP Ms. Savita Joon Assistant Professor DIET KP Mr. Ravinder Singh Rawat Assistant Professor DIET KP Dr.Laxmi Pandey Assistant Professor DIET KKD Dr.Manisha Assistant Professor DIET KKD Dr.Bandita Assistant Professor DIET DG Dr Sudha Assistant Professor DIET KP Dr, Smita Rai Assistant Professor DIET DG Dr.Preeti Sharma , Assistant Professor DIET KKD Ms.Uma Anurag Lecturer DIET DG Ms.Sheelu Mary Alex Lecturer DIET DG 66
PROPOSAL-4 TITLE: Implementation of Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum to foster Entrepreneurial skills among students of Delhi Government schools: An Exploratory Study Level: Senior Secondary MODALITIES OF IMPLEMENTATION Background of the Study Entrepreneur Mindset Curriculum is an innovative and flagship project of the Delhi Government implemented in DoE schools. The Framework for EMC was released in February 2019. Initially it was piloted in 300 classrooms across 24 schools in April-May 2019 and thereafter launched for around 7.5 lakh students of classes 9-12 in 1,000+ schools in July 2019. This curriculum was launched by the Delhi Government for government schools with an intention to nurture and develop certain socio- psychological skills such as critical thinking, confidence, creativity, collaboration, communication, problem solving etc. that will help the students to dream and achieve big in the future. It has a bigger vision to develop students for nation building, its document says“we need to nurture and develop leaders who dream big, take risks, set vision for inspiring innovations and demand excellence in execution.” It emphasizes on the mindset of students and look to enable them to dream big and work to realize their dream with enthusiasm and passion, do it happily & joyfully and motivate them to become lifelong learner. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY A systematic study of implementation and its role in developing Entrepreneurial skills among students, challenges in rolling out the curriculum and perception of stakeholders about the programs is important for its success. Especially after the outbreak of pandemic, it is essential to review the process and practices of its implementation at the school level throughout the state. Addition to that insight (2020) reported that most of the implementing stakeholders such as HoS, EMC Coordinators and EMC teachers are having some false understanding towards the objectives of EMC. They also highlighted that communication during trainings or via media may contradict the objectives of some components, a majority of teachers report that EMC takes time away from school-work, while 63% of the teachers report that prep-time is 20 minutes or less. There are many other factors as well which may lead to hindrances in proper implementation of the curriculum. So, this study will focus on identifying the challenges and strategies for overcoming those challenges by the school. OBJECTIVES: This study will be carried out with the following objectives: ● To study the role of Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum on student‘s entrepreneurial skills. ● To study the perception of stakeholders regarding Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum ● To study the challenges faced by the schools during implementation of EMC. ● To suggest strategies for improvement in implementation of the program as perceived by stakeholders ● To draw out training needs of EMC teachers. 67
METHODOLOGY A normative survey method will be used to conduct the study. Entire stakeholders of EMC will be considered as the population for the study. Sampling: Random sampling technique will be used to draw the sample for the said study. s, 10 schools will be selected randomly. Ten schools from all districts will be selected and data from HoS, EMC coordinators, EMC teachers and students will be collected. Tools: Questionnaires, Rating scale, Interview schedule will be used for data collection. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: S. No. Workshop No. of Rate Amount Details & month Participants 1 3 days Workshop for 4 external Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. 27600.00 development of experts + 7 Refreshment & Lunch Rs. 5280.00 Questionnaire for EMC Rs. 500.00 coordinators and HOS internal faculty Contingency Rs. 500.00 Stationery Mobile Expense Rs. - Any other Rs. - Total proposed budget Rs. 33880.00 2 3 days Workshop for 4 external Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. 27600.00 development of rating experts + 7 Refreshment & Lunch Rs. 5280.00 scale for different internal faculty Contingency Rs. 500.00 stakeholders Stationery Rs. 500.00 Mobile Expense Rs. - Any other Rs. - Total proposed budget Rs. 33880.00 3 3 days Workshop for 4 external Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. 27600.00 development of experts + 7 Refreshment & Lunch Rs. 5280.00 Interview Schedule for internal faculty Contingency Rs. 500.00 EMC coordinators and Stationery Rs. 500.00 HOS Mobile Expense Rs. - Any other Rs. - Total proposed budget Rs. 33880.00 4 3 days Workshop for 4 external Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. 27600.00 development of experts + 7 Refreshment & Lunch Rs. 5280.00 Questionnaire for EMC internal faculty Contingency Rs. 500.00 coordinators and HOS Stationery Rs. 500.00 Mobile Expense Rs. - Any other Rs. - Total proposed budget Rs. 33880.00 5 3 days Workshop for 4 external Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. 27600.00 development of experts + 7 Refreshment & Lunch Rs. 5280.00 Interview Schedule for internal faculty Contingency Rs. 500.00 assessment of training Stationery Rs. 500.00 needs Mobile Expense Rs. - Any other Rs. - Total proposed budget Rs. 33880.00 6 3 days Workshop for 4 external Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. 27600.00 68
Data Analysis experts + 7 Refreshment & Lunch Rs. 5280.00 internal faculty Contingency Rs. 500.00 Stationery Rs. 500.00 Total proposed budget 4 external Mobile Expense Rs. - 7 3 days Workshop for experts + 7 Any other Rs. - internal faculty Rs. 33880.00 Data Analysis Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. 27600.00 Refreshment & Lunch Rs. 5280.00 Total proposed budget 4 external Contingency Rs. 500.00 8 3 days Workshop for experts + 7 Stationery Rs. 500.00 internal faculty Mobile Expense Rs. - Data Analysis Any other Rs. - Rs. 33880.00 Total proposed budget 4 external Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. 27600.00 9 3 days Workshop for experts + 7 Refreshment & Lunch Rs. 5280.00 internal faculty Contingency Rs. 500.00 Vetting Stationery Rs. 500.00 Mobile Expense Rs. - Total proposed budget 27 external Any other Rs. - 10 One day orientation investigators + Rs. 33880.00 13 internal Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. 27600.00 program for field faculty Refreshment & Lunch Rs. 5280.00 investigators Contingency Rs. 500.00 Stationery Rs. 500.00 Total proposed budget Mobile Expense Rs. - Any other Rs. - 11 TA for data collection for 27 field Rs. 33880 Conveyance Rs. 8100 five days investigators Refreshment & Lunch Rs. 6400.00 Contingency Rs. 500.00 Total proposed budget - Stationery Rs. 500.00 12 5 Review Meetings of - Mobile Expense Rs. - Any other Rs. - Research Team Rs. 15500.00 13 Details of other Honorarium/Conveyance Rs. 67500.00 expenses Refreshment Rs. 67500.00 Printing Rs 10,000.00 Contingency Tabulation Publication Contingency, stationary Rs. 20000.00 Total etc. Rs. 10000.00 Grand Total Report Printing Rs. 150000.00 Rs. 180000.00 Rs. 5,77,200.00 Monitoring of KPIs: 69
Month wise plan April May June July Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Month 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2023 2023 Activities Review of √√ Literature Tool √√ Development Workshop Workshop for √ Vetting of Tool Data Collection √√√ Data analysis √√√ and Interpretation √ Report writing & documentation Research Team: Dr. Seema Srivastava (DIET RKP) Dr. Pawan Kumar (DIET KKD) Dr.Mohd. Suhail (DIET RKP) Dr. Joginder kumar (DIET MB) Dr.Chiter Rekha (DIET GH) Mr. Sanjeetkumar (DIET MB) Dr.Jagbir Singh (DIET KKD) Mr. Rajesh Kumar (DIET KKD) Ms. Anchal Gupta (DIET RKP) Dr. Neelam (DIET MB) Mr. Jitender Giri (DIET KKD) Mr. Raghav Aacharya (DIET KKD) Ms. Sunita (DIET MB) 70
PROPOSAL-5 TITLE The challenges and possibilities of existing Inquiry-based learning in Social Science classrooms in Delhi government schools. The social sciences encompass diverse concerns of society and include a wide range of content drawn from the disciplines of history, geography, political science, economics, and sociology. The possibilities of including new dimensions and concerns are immense, especially in view of the students‘ own life experiences. From the initial stages of schooling, it is often suggested to students that the natural sciences are superior to the social sciences, and are the domain of ‗bright‘ students. Therefore, there is need to emphasise that the social sciences are essential to provide social, cultural, and analytical skills required to adjust to an increasingly interdependent world, and to deal with political and economic realities. Science merely transmits information and is too centred, on the text, which is required to be memorised for examinations. In addition, it is felt that the social sciences are bereft of the ‗skills‘ required to function in the real world. This produces the impression that the subject is redundant. It is important to reinstate the importance of the social sciences by not only highlighting their increasing relevance for jobs in the rapidly expanding service sector, but also by pointing to their indispensability in laying the foundations of an analytical and creative mind. It is often presumed that only natural and physical phenomena lend themselves to scientific inquiry, and that human sciences (history, geography, economics, political science, etc.) cannot be, by their very nature, ‗scientific‘. In view of the ‗higher status‘ and legitimacy enjoyed by the natural sciences, some practitioners of the social sciences seek to imitate the methods of the physical and natural sciences. In light of the above, it is necessary to recognise that the social sciences lend themselves to scientific inquiry just as much as the natural and physical sciences do, as well as to indicate ways in which the methods employed by the social sciences are distinct (but in no way inferior) to those of the natural and physical sciences. It is necessary to revitalize social science teaching, to help the learner acquire knowledge and skills in an interactive environment. It has often been noticed that there is an increasing gap between the promises made in the curriculum and what is happening at the level of the child‘s perception. It is important that the process of learning should promote the spirit of inquiry and creativity among both children and teachers. The teacher is an important medium of transacting the curriculum and simplifying concepts in a language comprehensible to students. Therefore, teaching should be seen as an opportunity for teachers and students to learn together, thus developing a democratic culture within institutions. In order to make the process of learning participatory, there is a need to shift from the mere imparting of information to involvement in debate and discussion. NEP,2020 focused on Inquiry based method for students better learning. Now it‘s more important to know that how teacher perceive the inquiry skills. How students perceive it. That‘s why researchers have some question in their mind regarding inquiry skill. The objectives of the study are under: ● To explore the socio-organisational aspects that influence active learning in social science classrooms. ● To identify the curricular factors that shape active learning in social science classrooms. ● To discover the pedagogical aspects that influence active learning in social science classrooms. ● To describe the factors that influence constructive peer culture of learning and working together, among teachers and students. ● To prepare the curricular framework for continuous professional development of social science teachers. ● To organize seminars and/or workshops in all the districts of Delhi to disseminate policy inputs to the pedagogic leaders. 71
RESEARCH DESIGN The design of study would form a mixed design. Under the qualitative research framework, interpretation based on observations and interviews will be used to capture factors and processes that constituted the issues and possibilities of inquiry-based learning in Social Science in Delhi Government schools. However, quantitative strategies will be used as a supplement to capture patterns and also present an analysis of the data. Keeping in view of the diversity in School Education in Delhi, stratified random sampling will be used. The questionnaire, observations, interview and focus group discussion will be used for capturing overt and subtle nuances of issues and possibilities pertaining to active learning in school. An inductive and thematic approach and strategy will be used to analyse and interpret the data. These themes would be collected to facilitate summarise the discussion and conclusion of the study. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The study will- ● prepare a database about teachers' beliefs, their pedagogic styles, students' thinking and learning styles, learning culture, organizational resources and leadership classroom culture for active learning in social science classrooms. ● contribute to the understanding of issues and possibilities of developinginquiry-based learning in the social science classrooms of Delhi government schools. ● provide authentic data and evidence-based references for constructing the curriculum and pedagogy framework of the contextualized continuous professional development program for teachers and school leaders in Delhi Government schools. ● give insight for school leadership to lead the schools towards active learning. ● give insights and information for developing materials for facilitating active learning in the social science classroom. ● facilitate the affective unfolding of pedagogy for social science education in the light of NEP (2020) in Delhi state. FINANCIAL IMPLICATION: S. Workshop No. of Rate Amount No Details & month Participants PHASE- I 1 4 days workshop for tool 4 external + 3 Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 36800/- 2300/- per day, per person development internal (4x4x2300) 5040/- Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) 500/- April-June 2022 @ Rs. 180 for 7 persons(4x7x180) 120/- Contingency Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 4 Total proposed budget 4 external + 3 Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 42460/- 2 2 days workshop for tool internal 2300/- per day, per 18400/- person(2x4x2300) finalization Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) 2520/- July-August 2022 @ Rs. 180 for 7 persons (2x7x180) Contingency 500/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 4 120/- Total proposed budget 21540/- 72
3 September, 2022 ------------- Details of other expenses (data 25000/- collection, conveyance, vetting, 4 2 days workshop for 10 external + 3 photocopy, purchase of tool, 2 TB 46000/- orientation of field internal hard disc, material required for 4680/- investigators activities etc) 800/- Oct. 2022-Dec. 2022 Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 300/- 2300/- per day, per person (2x10x2300) Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 13 persons (2x33x180) Contingency Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 10 Total proposed budget 10 external + 3 Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 76780/- 5 5 days workshop for internal 2300/- per day, per person 115000/- (5x10x2300) Data analysis Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) 11700/- Jan. 2023- Feb. 2023 @ Rs. 180 for 13 persons (5x13x180) 800/- Contingency 300/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 10 Total proposed budget 127800/- Grand total of phase-I 2,68,580/- PHASE- II 6 3 days workshop for 5 external + 3 To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 developing framework of internal continuous professional development of social science teachers. April- May 2023 7 2 day seminars and/or 4 external + 3 To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 workshops for Master internal + 50 trainers, master trainers June- July 2023 8 2 day seminars and/or 50 master trainers To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 workshops for social + 5000 participants science teachers of DOE, Aug.- Oct. 2023 73
9 Report writing and 5 external + 3 To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 vetting, internal Nov.- Dec. 2023 200 copies (To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024) 10 Printing and publication of report, Jan.- March 2024 Coordinators: Joginder Kumar (Asst. Prof. DIET Moti Bagh), Mr. Nasruddin Abbasi (Asst. Prof., DIET Karkardooma), Ms. Sunita (Asstt. Prof. DIET Moti Bagh) 74
PROPOSAL-6 TITLE:-Dialogic Teaching as a Pedagogical Intervention in capacity building of prospective teachers RATIONALE ●Dialogic pedagogy aims at improving the quality of discussion in the classroom and deepening the engagement of the students in the subject and otherwise. ●Pedagogy must evolve to make education more experiential, holistic, integrated, inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centered, discussion-based, flexible, and, of course, enjoyable‖. ●It also states that the ―gap between the current state of learning outcomes and what is required must be bridged through undertaking major reforms that bring the highest quality, equity, and integrity into the system‖. ●To enable students to think, reflect reason, discuss, argue and explain rather than merely respond, in order to develop higher order thinking and articulacy. Through the Dialogic Teaching- Learning Process, we hope to provide the necessary understanding and tools to our teachers for them to break out of constraints and create dialogic classrooms, making use of the immense power of dialogue to develop thinking and responsive future citizens. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the existing levels of dialogic teaching- learning in the classroom STRATEGY:We will explore and establish the current base of dialogic teaching through a closed set of DIET coordinators. We propose identifying nine such coordinators who will further undertake classroom observations. Through this group, we will gauge the current levels of dialogic teaching skills in prospective teachers across 90 classrooms (10 classes per DIET coordinator), using various techniques. METHODS: 1.Observing the classroom using Dialogic Inquiry Tool (DIT) 2.Semi-structured interviews for the teachers 3.Semi-structured interviews for the students TIMELINE: We envision the following flow of the recommended programme: Stage Activity Suggested Expenditure Timeline Details I Identifying the nine DIET coordinators who will April 2022 NA become the core Master Trainers II 5-day tool development workshop April 2022 70,000 III Printing of tools for observation May 2022 10,000 IV Capacity building of nine coordinators for observation May 2022 30,000 in workshop mode NA V Observation of Dialogic Teaching in 90 classrooms by May 2022 75
Master Trainers using DIT and other tools August 2022 70,000 August 2022 20,000 VI Analysis of these observations during workshop VII Final Report and Future Recommendations If in the finding of the study recommend that the dialogical interventions are taking place as per the objective of the study, then this study will further extend to the school teachers classroom. but if the finding recommended that there is a need for dialogic learning to improve the classroom interventions then the following interventions will be followed: Stage Activity Suggested Expenditure Timeline Details I Preparations of the module: for capacity building of Sep-Oct 2022 1,00,000 teachers as per recommendations of the study II Vetting of the module Nov-2022 60,000 EXPENDITURE:3 lacs 60,000 approx. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: Recommendations to the capacity building coordinators to involve the material in the next year training programme. Collaborators: The research study will be conducted with the collaboration of joylogues. Coordinators: Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Asst. Professor, SCERT Tapshri, Asst. Professor, SCERT Dr. Pramod Kumar Malik, Lecturer, SCERT Dr. Geeta, Asst. Professor, SCERT 76
Proposal-7 TITLE A study of learning achievement of students as per goal setting of key performance indicators INTRODUCTION: Moving to a standard - based, student-centered learning environment has required a deeper understanding and investigation of the factors that influence student achievement, such as motivation, self-regulation, ability, effort, time management, self-assessment, and persistence. Research that has examined the connection of the learning environment, goals, and student motivational outcomes has contributed significantly to our understanding and has set the stage for the next important research step: determining how to facilitate the writing of goals in the classroom and to examine the relationship between goal setting and student achievement (Ames, 1992b). Broadly defined, goal setting is the process of establishing clear and usable targets, or objectives, for learning. Goal theory proposes that there are two general goal orientations students can adopt: • a task-focused orientation with an intrinsic focus • on learning and improving and an ability-focused orientation with an extrinsic focus on external rewards (e.g., getting good grades and doing better than other students). The former is commonly referred to as learning, task involvement, or mastery goals and the latter is labelled as performance or ego-involving goals (Dweck, 1986; Dweck & Leggett, 1988; Elliott & Dweck, 1988). Extensive research has linked mastery and performance achievement goals to very distinct ways of thinking about oneself and learning activities. A mastery goal fosters a motivational pattern associated with a deeper level of engagement that secures and maintains achievement behaviour. This deeper level of engagement promotes internalization of the connection between effort and achievement (Weiner, 1979). A performance goal fosters a pattern of motivation associated with failure avoidance (Covington, 1984; Dweck, 1986; Dweck & Leggett, 1988; Elliott & Dweck, 1988; Nicholls, 1984, 1989; Nicholls, Patashnick, & Nolen, 1985). Students who use performance goals are focused on how they will be judged and attribute results to lack of ability. The effort–achievement connection of mastery goal orientation is supported by evidence (Ames & Archer, 1988; Nicholls et al., 1985) that links mastery goals to an attribution belief that effort leads to success. With a mastery goal, individuals are oriented toward developing new skills, trying to understand their work, improving their level of competence, or achieving a sense of mastery based on self-referenced standards (Ames, 1992a; Brophy, 1983; Meece, Blumenfeld, & Hoyle, 1988; Nicholls, 1989). This goal construct is congruent with Brophy‘s description of a ―motivation to learn,‖ whereby individuals are focused on mastering and understanding content and demonstrating a willingness to engage in the process of learning. Self- efficacy—the belief that one can succeed at something—plays a significant role in motivation. Self- efficacy is domain-specific and is dependent on past experiences within a certain context. If an individual succeeds at something, he or she will remain motivated. If he or she fails, efficacy may be low. Self-efficacy influences an individual‘s choice of activities, level of effort, persistence, and emotional reactions to success or failure (Bandura, 1997; Zimmerman, 2000). A mastery goal is associated with a wide range of motivation-related variables that contribute to positive achievement and that are necessary mediators of self-regulated learning (Ames, 1992a). According to Jagacinski and Nicholls (1984, 1987), when mastery goals are adopted, pride and satisfaction are associated with successful effort, and guilt is associated with inadequate effort (Wentzel, 1987, as cited in Wentzel, 1991). Mastery goals have also been associated with a preference for challenging work and risk-taking (Ames & Archer, 1988; Elliott & Dweck, 1988; Meece et al., 1988; Stipek & Kowalski, 1989) and positive attitudes toward learning (Ames & Archer, 1988; Meece et al., 1988). Conversely, performance 77
goals focus on one‘s ability and sense of self-worth (Covington, 1984; Dweck, 1986; Nicholls, 1984). Achievement ismeasured by doing better than others and, more importantly, the recognition that results from such superior achievement. Learning is viewed only as a way to achieve a desired goal (Nicholls, 1979, 1989). Performance-based goals emphasize the connection between ability and outcome, and a person‘s self-worth is determined by a perception of an individual‘s ability to perform (Covington & Berry, 1976; Covington &Omelich, 1984). As a result, the expenditure of effort can threaten self-concept of ability when trying hard does not lead to success. Goal setting in language learning is commonly regarded as one of the strategies that encourages learner autonomy (Locke, Shaw, Saari, & Latham, 1981; Wentzel, 1991; Yang, 1998). A number of studies indicate that goal setting affects performance and enhances achievement (Boekaerts, 2002; Edwins, 1995; Griffee&Templi, 1997; Moriarity, Pavelonis, Pellouchoud, & Wilson, 2001; Schunk, 2003). In particular, studies have shown that appropriate goal setting, along with timely and specific feedback, can lead to higher achievement, better performance, a high level of selfefficacy, and self-regulation. In spite of this compelling evidence in support of goal setting, 85% of individuals responded ―no‖ when asked ―Were you taught how to set goals in school?‖ (Bishop, 2003). The case for goal setting has clearly been made and supported by research studies, yet this important learning strategy has been largely ignored in classrooms. It is important to emphasize that simply setting one‘s own goals would not necessarily improve achievement (Schunk, 2003). OBJECTIVES ● To study learning achievement of students as per goal setting of key performance indicators in language and matheatics of grade 1. ● To study the trend of learning achievement of grade 1 students as per goal setting of key performance indicators in language and mathematics of till grade 3. ● To analyse the trend of learning achievement for three consecutive years till grade 3 of grade 1 students as per goal setting of key performance indicators in language and mathematics. RESEARCH DESIGN Methodology Mixed method including quantitative and qualitative method will be utilised for the study. To study the trend of learning achievement among students as per goal setting of key performance indicators in language from grade 1 to grade 3 longitudinal study will be used. Population Grade 1 students of Delhi Govt. Schools will constitute the population of the present study Sample Total 1000 students of grade 1 students of Delhi Govt. school will be sample of the present study Sampling Techniques: A random sampling of students for the study that would allow the researchers to follow the same students for several years in an attempt to reduce the external variables in the study. Instruments The LinguaFolio of language learning classroom will be used. The LinguaFolio goal-setting process required students to establish personalized goals and action plans in accordance with chapter objectives, to collect classroom-based evidence throughout a chapter or unit, and to reflect on relative goal attainment upon completion of a chapter or unit. Lingua Folio, a standards-based, self-directed, formative assessment tool designed to increase learner autonomy through a carefully structured goal-setting process, will be used as an intervention to determine the relationship between goal setting and student achievement. The purpose of this research is to report the findings of a 3-year study with 2 school districts that implemented Lingua Folio in their language classrooms. 78
STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES Statistical techniques as per requirement of data produced through data collected from the field will be used. Budget: Meetings/ Workshops/Tool preparation/printing/purchase: 5 lakhs TEAM MEMBERS: Dr. Bindu Saxena, Assistant Professor, (Zoology) Division of Curriculum and Pedagogy, SCERT, Delhi Dr. Piyush Kamal, BRP, SCERT 79
PROPOSAL-8 TITLE: The issues and possibilities of situating Inquiry-based learning in science classrooms in Delhi government schools. BACKGROUND Science appeared as a constructive trajectory of (re)making of civilization and culture in the 19th- century renaissance and enlightenment– ―the period of great transformation‖, (Karl Polanyi, 2001), where scientific method, scientific thinking, scientific worldview, scientific attitude became a central theme of modernity along with liberty, equality, and justice. Thus, the contours of science such as rational thinking, inquiry, critical thinking, creativity and scientific attitude emerged as relatively broader and authentic contexts of knowledge creation and technological innovations as well as of democratic ethos. It evoked special appeal among scholars, professionals, and common people due to its inclination towards universalism, rationalism, and objectivism of truths and practices. However, science education is not combined to distribute awareness of scientific knowledge, concepts, and facts. But it also aims to disseminate scientific worldview and values in personal and social life. Besides, it is emphasized to cultivate a scientific temper of mind that will facilitate effective participation in democratic decision making in personal and public domains. In India, the innovative approach of teaching science is emphasized for promoting inculcation of science as a process of empowering learners to deal with the significant problem of reality and life (Chunawala& Natarajan, 2011). In independent India, the constitution of India itself aims at reconstructing society on the ground of the spirit of inquiry, humanism and scientific temper (Article 51A (h), of the Constitution of India). Accordingly, science education policy in India envisions scientific thinking as a value of human efforts and a struggle against the culture of fear, exploitation and also the limitation of possibility. Almost all the major commissions and policies in independent India underlined the pathetic situation of science education in the country and also argued for the upgradation of science education to facilitate inquiry and scientific temperament among students (Kothari Commission, 1966; National Education Policy (NEP), 1986). The position paper on teaching of science (NCERT, 2006) had mentioned that our textbooks are overloaded with scientific facts. It is also underlined that pedagogy of science, in India, has been obstructed by some issues like (i) achievement lag of constitutional values like humanism, social justice and scientific temper, (ii) absence of inventions and creativity in science learning and (iii) overpowering examination system. Accordingly, National Curricular Framework (NCF) (2005), aims at teaching science as a process/inquiry and value system. But, teaching-learning of science in Delhi government schools hardly takes cognizance of such issues. As Raina (2016) argues there is a retreat of public reasoning in the public sphere that has helped in the culmination of an anti-science attitude and religious revivalism in public life. Students are increasingly detached from the content of school science. Due to lack of systematic efforts in the direction of making school science process based, students feel the content to be socially sterile, intellectually boring and dismissive of their lives. The NEP (2020) emphasizes situating inquiry and experiential learning in classrooms, in particular, to cater for the needs of the 21st-century world. The emerging 21st-century knowledge society has witnessed a convergence of crisis, unprecedented socio-economic changes due to the explosion of information technology and knowledge and the process of socio-political and economic integration that warranted the agenda of curricular and pedagogic transformation in school education. The aims of science education reforms, in many centuries, have facilitated active learning of science under the school curriculum. It also promotes science learning as a 80
joyful experience that enhances critical thinking, deeper inquiry, and creativity through various innovative pedagogic methods such as learning by doing, experiential learning, learning by inquiry, discovery and problem-based methods. This pedagogic departure rejects the teaching of science that expects students to mime and mimic the scientific knowledge and process as transmitted in the classroom and schools. Allchin (2004) argued for knowing the whole conceptualisation of science rather than the processed image of science that is currently filtered in textbooks. It adopts and hence, prescribes the reductionist image of science. Hence, there is an increasing importance of situating student-centric pedagogic processes in science classrooms. Under the above discourses and recommendation of NEP (2020), the Delhi Government has developed educational frameworkfor the transformation of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in the government schools of Delhi to facilitate active learning science classrooms through inquiry-based pedagogy. Hence, the present study intends to explore the issues and possibilities of situating Inquiry- based learning in science classrooms of the Delhi government schools. Inquiry-based learning has been identified as a form of active learning (Ernst, Hodge & Yoshinobu, 2017) that gives opportunities to learners for investigating the problems posed during discourses of science and search possible solutions through observations, research, discussions and drawing inferences. The objectives of the study are under: ● To explore the socio-organisational aspects that influence active learning in science classrooms. ● To identify the curricular factors that shape active learning in science classrooms. ● To discover the pedagogical aspects that influence active learning in science classrooms. ● To describe the factors that influence constructive peer culture of learning and working together, among teachers and students. ● To prepare the curricular framework for continuous professional development of science teachers. ● To organize seminars and/or workshops in all the districts of Delhi to disseminate policy inputs to the pedagogic leaders. RESEARCH DESIGN The design of study would form a mixed design. Under the qualitative research framework, interpretation based on observations and interviews will be used to capture factors and processes that constituted the issues and possibilities of inquiry-based learning in Science in Delhi Government schools. However, quantitative strategies will be used as a supplement to capture patterns and also present an analysis of the data. Keeping in view of the diversity in School Education in Delhi, stratified random sampling will be used. The questionnaire, observations, interview and focus group discussion will be used for capturing overt and subtle nuances of issues and possibilities pertaining to active learning in school. An inductive and thematic approach and strategy will be used to analyse and interpret the data. These themes would be collected to facilitate summarise the discussion and conclusion of the study. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The study will- ● prepare a database about teachers' beliefs, their pedagogic styles, students' thinking and learning styles, learning culture, organizational resources and leadership classroom culture for active learning in science classrooms. ● contribute to the understanding of issues and possibilities of developing inquiry-based learning in the science classrooms of Delhi government schools. 81
● provide authentic data and evidence-based references for constructing the curriculum and pedagogy framework of the contextualized continuous professional development program for teachers and school leaders in Delhi Government schools. ● give insight for school leadership to lead the schools towards active learning. ● give insights and information for developing materials for facilitating active learning in the science classroom. ● facilitate the affective unfolding of pedagogy for science education in the light of NEP (2020) in Delhi state. Financial implication: S. Workshop No. of Rate Amount No Details & month Participants PHASE- I 1 4 days workshop for tool 4 external + 3 Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per 36800/- development internal day, per person (4x4x2300) April-June 2022 Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 5040/- 180 for 7 persons (4x7x180) Contingency 500/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 4 120/- Total proposed budget 42460/- 2 2 days workshop for tool 4 external + 3 Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per 18400/- finalization internal day, per person (2x4x2300) July-August 2022 Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 2520/- 180 for 7 persons (2x7x180) Contingency 500/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 4 120/- Total proposed budget 21540/- 3 September, 2022 ------------- Details of other expenses (data collection, 25000/- conveyance, vetting, photocopy, purchase of 138000/- 4 2 days workshop for 10 external + tool, 2 TB hard disc, material required for orientation of field 3 internal activities etc) investigators Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per Oct. 2022- Dec. 2022 day, per person (2x10x2300) Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 11880/- 180 for 13 persons (2x13x180) Contingency 800/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 10 300/- Total proposed budget 76780/- 5 5 days workshop for 10 external + Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per 115000/- Data analysis 3 internal day, per person (5x10x2300) 82
Jan. 2023- Feb. 2023 Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 11700/- 180 for 13 persons (5x13x180) Contingency 800/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 10 300/- Total proposed budget 127800/- Grand total of phase-I 268580/- PHASE- II 6 3 days workshop for 5 external + 3 To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 developing framework internal of continuous professional development of science teachers. April- May 2023 7 2 day seminars and/or 4 external + 3 To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 workshops for Master internal + 50 trainers, master June- July 2023 trainers 8 2 day seminars and/or 50 master To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 workshops for science trainers + teachers of DOE, 5000 Aug.- Oct. 2023 participants 9 Report writing and 5 external + 3 To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 vetting, internal Nov.- Dec. 2023 10 Printing and publication 200 copies (To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024) of report, Jan.- March 2024 Note: The financial implications may change as per the need of study. Research Team: Dr. Amit Sharma (Asst. Prof. DIET Daryaganj), Dr.Bandita B. Mohanty (Asst. Prof., DIET Daryaganj) Ms. Preetu Arya (Asst. Prof. DIET Dilshad Garden) 83
PROPOSAL-09 TITLE:-A study of issues and possibilities of situating active learning in Mathematics Classrooms of Delhi Govt. Schools BACKGROUND The pedagogy of mathematics that is being experienced by the students, in the classrooms of almost all the school of Delhi, is rooted in the misconception and myths about the nature, purposes and learning styles of mathematics. The school mathematics curriculums, textbooks, pedagogical processes, classroom culture and assessment practice deeply embedded in believe that mathematics is incorrigible and object of certainty that can only be discovered than invented. The prevalent behaviouristic view of learning-teaching in mathematics classroom perpetuates the myths and persuaded teachers and students to reduce learning to rote learning and internalization of discrete rules, algorithms, esoteric proofs through memorization and drills. Some students may find these myths comfortable, but majority may feel unease due to their distinct and inquiry-based learning styles. These believe may also lead to self- defeating notion if student‘s belief remained instilled like ‗there is only one correct way to solve any mathematical problem. Mathematics is a solitary activity done by individuals in isolation (Schoenfeld, 1992, P.359). Majority of people consider mathematics as a ‗stainless steel wall‘ (Buerk, 1981) an abstract and mysterious activities devoid of any relevance in day-to-day life. These believes and resultant attitudes towards school mathematics led to learning lag and unproductivity in terms of intrinsic aspects of mathematics, inquiry based learning and mathematical inquiry in the classrooms and beyond. In India, almost all commissions committees and policy documents on school education underlined the limitation of rote and passive learning and also argued to adopt new approaches of learning teaching mathematics where students‘ active engagement and mathematization become the central axes of the dynamics of mathematical classrooms. As (NEP,1986) emphasized that ‗mathematics should be visualized as the vehicle to train for a child to think, reason, analyse and to articulate logically.‘ Likewise, NEP, (2020) also underlines the importance of active learning in Mathematics, in term of fertile mathematical disposition, creative mathematical thinking, abilities, attitude and skills that are required in 21st knowledge society. The NCF, 2005, with its paradigm shift in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, also emphasized on active learning-teaching through its broader aims of ‗mathematization.‘ But, despite the policy and program inputs to situate active learning-teaching in the Mathematics classrooms, many students encounter obstacles in their smooth navigation in the mathematics classroom and attain empowerment mathematical learning. Majority of students become disaffected as they continually face the obstacles in engagement (Anthony & Walshaw, 2009) in classroom with their distinct schema, concern and styles of mathematical inquiry. Thus, the paradigm shift in curriculum pedagogy and assessment under NCF, (2005) couldn‘t alter the pathetic situations of Mathematics classroom. As national achievement survey (2017) reveals that the performance of third, fifth and eight grade students in government and government aided schools has been gradually deteriorating. Though, there are many factors that are counted to describe the students declining performance in mathematics such as weak mathematical background, parental non- involvement, irregular learning habits etc. (Vijyana, 2014). However, the school based curricular, pedagogical and classroom factors such as pedagogic approach, methods and strategy and peer learning culture, institutional ethos etc. also determine the (un)favorable classroom culture and investment of agencies for active learning-teaching in mathematics classrooms. Under the backdrop, the study intends to unravel the school-based factors that influence the impossibilities of situating active learning- teaching in the classrooms of the Delhi govt. schools. The objectives of the study are as under: ● To explore the organizational aspects influencing active learning in the classrooms ● To discover the pedagogical aspects, influence the active learning teaching in the classrooms. 84
● To unfold the curricular factors that shape the (im)possibility of active learning and teaching in the classrooms. ● To describe the agentic aspects that influence peer culture of being, learning and working together in mathematics classroom. ● To prepare curricular framework for in-service training of teachers and school leaders. ● To organize seminar at district and/or cluster level to disseminate polices inputs to the policy makers and drivers. RESEARCH DESIGN: The design of this study will draw from exploratory and distributive strategies and interpretive approach to explore and describe the school-based factors such as organizational norms, priority, curricular process, pedagogy practices and agentic ethos that influence the inquiry-based learning-teaching of mathematics in the DOE, Delhi. Keeping in view of complexity of the issues of situating active learning in mathematics classrooms the mix-method strategy of data collection and analyses will be used. Accordingly, questioners, observations, interview and focus group discussions will be used for data collection. considering the diversity of pedagogic practices with respect to teachers and schools, the stratified random sampling will be used. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The study will prepare data-base about teachers‘ beliefs, their pedagogic styles, students‘ thinking and their learning styles, peer learning culture, organizational norms, resources, leadership, classroom culture in respect of learning-teaching in mathematics classroom. The study will also contribute in understanding of issues and possibilities of cultivating fertile classroom culture and processes of active learning of mathematics in Delhi govt. schools. It will provide authentic data and evidence-based reference for reconstructing curriculum and pedagogic framework for in-service training and proposing contextualized program for continuous professional development of the teachers in Delhi govt. schools. It will also contribute in developing leadership insight in promoting active and joyful learning of mathematics in the classrooms. It will also give insights and information for developing materials for facilitating active learning in the mathematics classroom. It will help in designing authentic design, strategies and tools of assessment as and for leaning. It will also facilitate the effective unfolding of pedagogic mandate as envision in NEP, and other policy requirement in Delhi state. The study will facilitate the unlearn myths about mathematics and mathematics learning and thereby populace mathematics along with authentic identity. Financial implication: S. Workshop No. of Rate Amount No Details & month Participants PHASE- I 1 4 days workshop 4 external + Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 36800/- for tool 3 internal person (4x4x2300) development Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 5040/- April-June 2022 7 persons (4x7x180) Contingency 500/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 4 120/- Total proposed budget 42460/- 2 2 days workshop 4 external + Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 18400/- for tool 3 internal person (2x4x2300) 85
finalization Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 2520/- July-August 2022 7 persons (2x7x180) Contingency 500/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 4 120/- Total proposed budget 21540/- 3 September, 2022 ------------- Details of other expenses (data collection, 25000/- conveyance, vetting, photocopy, purchase of tool, 2 TB hard disc, material required for activities etc) 4 2 days workshop 10 external + Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 46000/- for orientation of 3 internal person (2x10x2300) field investigators Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 4680/- Oct. 2022- Dec. 13 persons (2x13x180) 2022 Contingency 800/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 10 300/- Total proposed budget 76780/- 5 5 days workshop 10 external + Honorarium/Conveyance @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per 115000/- for Data analysis 3 internal person (5x10x2300) Jan. 2023- Feb. Refreshment (2 times tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 11700/- 2023 13 persons (5x13x180) Contingency 800/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 10 300/- Total proposed budget 127800/- Grand total of phase-I 268580/- PHASE- II 6 3 days workshop 5 external + To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 for developing 3 internal framework of continuous professional development of science teachers. April- May 2023 7 2 day seminars 4 external + To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 and/or workshops 3 internal + for Master 50 master trainers, trainers June- July 2023 8 2 day seminars 50 master To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 and/or workshops trainers + for science 5000 teachers of DOE, participants Aug.- Oct. 2023 9 Report writing 5 external + To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 and vetting, 3 internal Nov.- Dec. 2023 86
10 Printing and 200 copies (To be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024) publication of report, Jan.- March 2024 Mode of the Study: The study will be conducted at state level schools by a team of researchers who will be Asstt. Professors from DIETs. This research Project will be led by a team of research project Director, namely, Dr. Ruchi Sharma &Dr. Ajay k. Choubey. Research Team Dr.Tapsa (SCERT), Neeta Batra(DIET KP), Mr. Jay Shankar Roy (DIET Dilshad Garden), Meenakshi (DIET PP), Stakeholders from SCERT and DoE 87
PROPOSAL-10 TITLE: The issues and possibilities of situating Inquiry-based learning in language classrooms in Delhi government schools. BACKGROUND: Encyclopaedia Britannica describes functions of language as ―communication, the expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and emotional release.‖ But the scope of languages is far wider and it is related to cognition development. NCF 2005 highlights the role of languages further as, ―Attitudes, emotions and morals are an integral part of cognitive development, and are linked to the development of language, mental representations, concepts and reasoning. As children‘s metacognitive capabilities develop, they become more aware of their own beliefs and capable of regulating their own learning.‖ Language learning, especially in school systems, has been done through traditional methods such as grammar translation method and newer methods such as communicative learning. Most of the methods require teachers to prescribe the learning contents and classroom processes for language learning which leaves little scope for children to construct and regulate their own learning. Inquiry based learning proposes that ―Teaching is never about ‗getting it right.‘ It‘s about inquiry: using children as our curricular informants to continue to grow and learn as professionals.‖ (Short, 1996, p 4) Inquiry-based writing instruction is a form of gaining knowledge and skills through asking for information. It is a discovery method of learning which starts learning by posing questions, problems or situations rather than presenting facts directly to students. It involves students in making observations; posing questions; examining sources; gathering, analysing, interpreting, and synthesizing data; proposing answers; explanations and predictions; communicating findings through discussion and reflection; applying findings to the real situation, and following up new questions that may arise in the process. In the process of inquiry-based learning, students identify and research issues with teacher support to develop their knowledge, and the teacher facilitates the learning process (Sandoval, 2005; Hardin, 2009& Marshall, 2013). IBL is often employed in math and science classrooms, which naturally lend themselves to a problem- solving approach. (Amaral et al. 2002, Marshall & Horton, 2011) but research done in language learning supports that Inquiry based learning helps in language acquisition too. ‗To acquire language, learning through inquiry has emerged as a means that allows for smoother and more effective communication. Teaching language through inquiry is becoming more prevalent. More specifically, teaching English as a second language, language or literature, using inquiry-based methods facilitates the learner‘s ability of acquiring the new language.‘ (Alameddine, 2016) The objectives of the study are under: ● To explore the socio-organisational aspects that influence active learning in language classrooms ● To identify the curricular factors that shape active learning in language classrooms ● To discover the pedagogical aspects that influence active learning in language classrooms ● To describe the factors that influence constructive peer culture of learning and working together, among teachers and students ● To prepare the curricular framework for continuous professional development of language teachers 88
● To organize seminars and/or workshops in all the districts of Delhi to disseminate policy inputs to the pedagogic leaders RESEARCH DESIGN The design of study would form a mixed design. Under the qualitative research framework, interpretation based on observations and interviews will be used to capture factors and processes that constituted the issues and possibilities of inquiry-based learning in language in Delhi Government schools. However, quantitative strategies will be used as a supplement to capture patterns and also present an analysis of the data. Keeping in view of the diversity in School Education in Delhi, stratified random sampling will be used. The questionnaire, observations, interview and focus group discussion will be used for capturing overt and subtle nuances of issues and possibilities pertaining to active learning in school. An inductive and thematic approach and strategy will be used to analyse and interpret the data. These themes would be collected to facilitate summarise the discussion and conclusion of the study. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The study will- ● prepare a database about teachers' beliefs, their pedagogic styles, students' thinking and learning styles, learning culture, organizational resources and leadership classroom culture for active learning in language classrooms. ● contribute to the understanding of issues and possibilities of developing inquiry-based learning in the language classrooms of Delhi government schools. ● provide authentic data and evidence-based references for constructing the curriculum and pedagogy framework of the contextualized continuous professional development program for teachers and school leaders in Delhi Government schools. ● give insight for school leadership to lead the schools towards active learning. ● give insights and information for developing materials for facilitating active learning in the language classroom. ● facilitate the affective unfolding of pedagogy for language education in the light of NEP (2020) in Delhi state. Financial implication: C Workshop No. of Participants Rate Amount Details & month PHASE- I 1 4 days workshop 8 external + 5 internal Honorarium/Conveyanc 73600/- for tool e @ Rs. 2300/- per day, development per person (4x8x2300) April-June 2022 Refreshment (2 times 9360/- tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 13 persons (4x13x180) Contingency 500/- 89
Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 340/- 8 Total proposed budget 83800/- 2 2 days workshop 8 external + 5 internal Honorarium/Conveyanc 36800/- for tool e @ Rs. 2300/- per day, finalization per person (2x8x2300) July-August 2022 Refreshment (2 times 4680/- 3 September, 2022 ------------- tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 13 persons 4 2 days workshop 10 external + 5 internal (2x13x180) for orientation of field investigators Contingency 500/- Oct. 2022- Dec. 2022 Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 240/- 8 5 5 days workshop 10 external + 5 internal for Data analysis Total proposed budget 42220/- Jan. 2023- Feb. 2023 Details of other 25000/- expenses (data collection, conveyance, vetting, photocopy, purchase of tool, 2 TB hard disc, material required for activities etc) Honorarium/Conveyanc 46000/- e @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per person (2x60x2300) Refreshment (2 times 5400/- tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 65 persons (2x15x180) Contingency 800/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 300/- 10 Total proposed budget 77500/- Honorarium/Conveyanc 115000/- e @ Rs. 2300/- per day, per person (5x10x2300) Refreshment (2 times 11700/- tea and Lunch) @ Rs. 180 for 25 persons (5x10x180) 90
Contingency 800/- Stationery @ Rs.30/- X 300/- 10 Total proposed budget 127800/- Grand total of phase-I 3,31,320/- PHASE- IIBudget to be calculated for PAC, 2023- 2024 6 3 days workshop 5 external + 3 internal for developing framework of continuous professional development of language teachers. April- May 2023 7 2-day seminars 4 external + 3 internal + 50 master and/or workshops trainers for Master trainers, June- July 2023 8 2-day seminars 50 master trainers + 5000 participants and/or workshops for language teachers of DOE, Aug.- Oct. 2023 9 Report writing 5 external + 3 internal and vetting, Nov.- Dec. 2023 10 Printing and 200 copies publication of report, Jan.- March 2024 91
References: teaching-embracing-a-conceptual-shift---lorna-caputo.pdf Coordinators: Ms. Kapila Parashar (Asst. Prof. DIET Dilshad Garden), Dr. Alok Tiwari (Asst. Prof., DIET Keshav Puram), Sh. Rajeev Jha (Asst. Prof. DIET Motibagh) Ms. Shubhika Shah (Asst. Prof. R. K. Puram), Ms. Radha Rani Bhattacharya (Asst. Prof. DIET Rajinder Nagar) and other stakeholders of DoE and DBSE 92
PROPOSAL-11 TITLE: Researching the research culture in the institution of teacher Education: An exploratory study in DIET‘s and SCERT of Delhi. INTRODUCTION 1. Research is one of the threshold components of the academic function of the DIET and SCERT. 2. Research enables institutions to make informed decisions and sustain their quality through evidence-based practices. Research is ―an intellectual activity and a source of creativity new knowledge‖ (Pratt, Margaritis and Coy 1999). Term research in the State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT), indicate the prime mission of SCERT in creation of new knowledge through information to policy and evidence-based information to policy and evidence- based practices for the training of teachers and school leaders. 3. The actualisation of research depends on the research culture and intellectual capital of any institution. Research culture in the institution of a professional institution and higher education institution is the framework in which practitioners and researchers, in collaboration with individual researchers and institutions, collectively build capacity and intellectual capital for the benefit of all (Bako 20005. The lack of economic intellectual and organisational capital discourages the emergence of fertile research culture in the institution. As Berliner (2002) underlines, lack of research skills, lack of competency, lack of interest and lack of time management skills work as obstacles in the development of research culture in an institution, research culture encompasses ideas beliefs values, norm attitude expectations and behaviours of the research committee and also organisation vision and goals. It determines the researcher‘s trajectory, importance of research and the way research is conducted and communicated. Teacher education institutions in developed countries have relatively fertile research cultures. Whereas institutions of higher education in developing have strong teaching traditions but weak research culture due to lack of resources (Fullan, 2001). Nevertheless, some developing countries in Asia have been using the capacity building, incentive mechanism and reheard system to upgrade the research performance and profile of researchers (Billot 2010). Infact, a good workplace culture can make a difference in the performance, motivation and retention level of the researchers ( YuXiongNengtou, 2005). 4. The teacher educators in these institutions are encouraged to conduct research and create new knowledge for policy inputs, prepare quality study material, professional development and promote a culture of evidence-based deliberation and practices. However, nothing has been studied that inform about the belief values and attitudes about research and also institutional culture and practices to promote relevant research in these organisation. It is also not known how teachers believe and respond to research and how they are facilitated and challenged in their research process. 5. DIET‘s and SCERT in Delhi have been granted some budget by the Government of India and the State Government of Delhi. These provisions have the potential to enhance the research performance in the institution. As research funding increases the individual performance of work (Thomas, 2001) However, the research culture and intellectual capital of DIET and SCERT influence the efficacy of research work to promote evidence-based practices in curriculum-cum- content development and capacity building of teachers and other stakeholders. Although research is an integral mandate of SCERT and DIET to prepare the evidence-based foundation for the development of study material continuous professional development of teachers and also construe authentic model of practices as well as discovering grounded theory at meso and micro level of educational practices. However, no research focuses on research culture, the belief outlook needs aspirations and practices of practitioner‘s researchers in DIET and SCERT. Under the contexts, the present study intends to explore the issues and possibilities of research culture in DIETs and SCERT along with the following question. 93
Research Question. The curiosity to unravel the research culture gets embodied in the following question (i) What is the official status of research in DIET and SCERT? How do organisational contexts influence the research process in terms of opportunity, support, academic, audit, evaluation and inward outward dissemination of findings? (ii) How does the faculty conceptualise research and research cultures? What are beliefs values attitudes and aspirations towards research and research environment at their institution? (iii) How do faculties experience facilitation and constraint in doing research? (iv) How do the institution head define research, research culture and its responsibility towards research in the institution? (v) How do the researchers disseminate their research work? How does this influence constructive peer culture of being, learning and working together as researchers? (vi) How do the findings of researchers influence the other functioning of DIET and SCERT? Objective of the Study: The study seeks to synthesize the research question in the following objectives that will together address the proposed research problem. 1. To explore the discursive making of research culture in the institution. 2. To analyse the favourable factors of promoting constructive research culture 3. To explore the constraints towards constructive research culture. 4. To re-imagine the framework and process of situating constructive research culture in institutions of DIET and SCERT. Research Design The design of this research draws from qualitative research wherein an interpretative approach will be used to explore and describe the issues and possibilities of research culture in the nine DIET‘s and SCERT. However qualitative strategies will also be used as supplements to present the data collected from the field. Keeping in view of the diversity of the population in DIETs and SCERT a stratified random sampling will be used. Besides, in order to capture the subtitle nuances and complexity of the research problem, questionnaire observation interview and focus group discussion will be used. An inductive and thematic approach will be used to analyse and interpret data. These themes will further be collated to facilitate summarised discussion and conclusion of the research. Significance of the Body The study will: 1. Enable us to understand the prevailing issues of research cultural practices in the DIET and SCERT with insight and information for designing an authentic framework and action plan for cultivating constructive research culture in all these teachers‘ education institutes. 2. Help to map intellectual capitals and agencies of institutions and researchers and facilitate a dynamic community of researchers in DIET and SCERT. 3. Inform the policymaker and key functions of SCERT to support the DIET and SCERT to emerge as vibrant research institutions through their clear vision and supportive leadership. 4. Encourage and nurture evidence-based practices in the area of policy-making curriculum development assessment practices and professional development of teachers, 5. The constructive research culture in DIET and SCERT will facilitate action research in DIET SCERT and school and thereby facilitate teachers and students as researchers. 6. Provide a framework for understanding the research culture and practices in an institution like NCERT and other institutions of teacher education in Delhi or India. 94
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