LOT 277 LOT 278 10C 1912 PCGS MS67 CAC 10C 1920-D PCGS MS65 FB CAC SUPERB, beautiful, and HIGH END! A satiny mint luster. A totally ORIGINAL GEM with a very UNIQUE look! Icy lavender, rosy, and iridescent olive patina. This coin istied for second FINEST, and one look at this coin, there is no A bold satiny luster belies the rich iridescent toning in classic doubt as to why. The quality is very high end. blue, pink, and lavender, a veritable Easter egg of color!PCGS 10, NGC 10, CAC 8. We sold a deeper toned example Sharply struck throughout, this is a very pleasing example of for $2,938 in our January 2017 Regency Auction and the this conditionally rare date.current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $2,950. Just two PCGS 57, NGC 14, CAC 14. Only two PCGS/CAC coins have MS67+s are graded finer, making this SUPERB coin perfect ever sold in auction, the first selling in April 2015 for $4,727 and more recently one sold for $2,640 in March 2018. The for any high ranking set! CU value is listed at $3,250 and RARE any finer. Unique with PCGS# 4860 | ESTIMATE: $2,500+ such a cool toning pattern. PCGS# 4931 | ESTIMATE: $3,000+ LOT 27910C 1925-S PCGS MS66+ FB CACEssentially SUPERB in EVERY WAY!A very impressive example of this conditionally rare Mercury LOT 280 dime. Sharply struck, the bands are fully separated, and the 10C 1926 PCGS MS67 FB CAC Without a doubt this SUPERB coin sat at the top of a satin luster billows from under very attractive old album bank wrapped roll and sat in some old holding prior to toning at the rims. This exceptional GEM is among the top being certified. The obverse is awash in coppery-crimson, sunset-orange, and areas of original silver giving it a unique examples of the date certified by PCGS. look. Sharply struck on both sides, the reverse has a narrow band of rainbow at the left periphery. The eye appeal PCGS 27, NGC 9, CAC 7. Only three 66+ FBs appear on the PCGS Population Report, and the most recent MS66+ is outstanding! FB CAC to sell brought $9,300 in February 2018; this coin realized $9,694 in our September 2016 auction. Only 5 PCGS 29, NGC 9, CAC 8. There is exactly ONE coin finer, MS67 FBs are on the population report and the most recent graded 67+ FB. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $3,450 and there is a wide range of APRs from $2,820 to of those to sell was NOT CAC approved, and realized $6,463. We think with its bold visual affect from the toning,$23,500 in August 2012. This marvelous GEM is destined fora fine set of Mercury dimes. We expect a strong price when this SUPERB coin will bring a very strong bid indeed! this one crosses the block!PCGS# 4953 | ESTIMATE: $9,000+ PCGS# 4955 | ESTIMATE: $2,400+ 149
LOT 281 10C 1928-S PCGS MS67+ FB CAC What an amazing example--the FINEST 28-S Dime graded at PCGS! A SUPERB satiny frost glows on both the obverse and reverse of this immaculate Mercury dime. Razor sharp in strike, the details are crisply rendered and the central devices are complete. Even with the aid of a powerful glass we are unable to find even the tiniest tick or frost break anywhere. You can study the surfaces for hours and not find any flaw worthy of mention, anywhere! Needless to say this coin is clearly worthy of its lofty grade and its technical quality is off the chart! PCGS 14, NGC 2, CAC 5. This is the ONLY MS67+ FB at PCGS, and has not made an auction appearance as such. Two regular MS67 FB PCGS CAC sold for $25,000+, the most recent in April 2016 for $25,850. There is NO PCGS value for a coin in 67+ FB. This is a coin destined for the GREATEST SET of Mercury dimes! We know there will be RECORD bidding for this SUPERB GEM! PCGS# 4971 | ESTIMATE: $50,000+150
LOT 282 10C 1929 PCGS MS67 FB CAC Bank roll fresh! Clearly this coin sat, unbothered for generations in a roll somewhere before being carefully selected for submission to PCGS. Brilliant mint frost beams from all over, showing off the flashy silver surfaces. Both sides display an exquisite strike, showing off full definition. A touch of toning graces the right obverse field. The eye appeal is very high end. It really is amazing to contemplate that so many SUPERB gems have been graded, considering that the Stock Market crashed in October, setting off the worst financial depression in history, and a dime had real value (consider the song “Brother, Can You Spare A Dime”). PCGS 87, NGC 17, CAC 25. Prior to the two most recent sales, these were selling for $2,000+ in auction and the currentPCGS price Guide value is listed at $1,700. Only 7 are finer, and anything finer will be much higher in price---a great coin for any advanced set. PCGS# 4973 | ESTIMATE: $1,100+LOT 28310C 1942/1-D PCGS MS64+ FB CACA true borderline-GEM, in fact, wereally do not know what PCGS sawthat kept this coin out of a highergrade holder. It is clearly closer toMS65 than MS64.A bold, satiny mint bloom is frostyand glows from all over. Sharply struckthroughout, especially on the fasces.A powerful loupe reveals a few tiny,hidden marks, but none have anyimpact on the excellent eye appeal!PCGS 43, NGC 24, CAC 10. This isthe ONLY MS64+ FB at either service, and it has never sold in auction. The most recent regular MS64 FB PCGS/CAC sold for$9,300 in the 2018 FUN auction and a PCGS/CAC MS65 sold for $28,200 in the 2017 ANA auction. The current CU value islisted at $12,500 and that level will easily surpassed when this essentially GEM 42/1-D sells. Bound for a great set!PCGS# 5041 | ESTIMATE: $12,500+ LOT 284 25C 1819 SMALL 9. PCGS AU53 B-3. A very pleasing, CHOICE AU early Capped Bust quarter. A ton of surviving mint luster glows in the protected areas of the sharply struck devices. A touch of golden patina accents portions of the surfaces on both sides. PCGS 7, NGC 0. There has not been one sold in auction since January 2004! The current PCGS Price Guide is $2,950 and keep in mind that the most recent AU55 sold for $4,800 in November 2017. If you are putting together an AU type set or date run of Capped Bust quarters, this delightful coin will certainly fit in nicely! PCGS# 5325 | ESTIMATE: $2,300+ 151
LOT 285 25C 1824/2 PCGS AU53 All 1824 quarters are overdates from as single pair of dies, B-1. The presently offered coin has a great eye appeal with a rich, pewter-dove toning that graces the sharply struck devices. Accents of underlying satin luster survive in the protected areas of the sharply struck devices. A very scarce issue, rarely seen in such high grades, or with such a great look. PCGS 9, NGC 0. There are just seven coins finer in all grades combined! The most recent example to sell realized $10,350 in December 2016. That same coin represented the last two offerings, realizing $9,200 in March 2012. That was the first time since 2005 that an AU53 sold in auction. The only finer PCGS coin to sell was the Pogue MS64! This is a very rare opportunity for the advanced Bust quarter collector--do NOT take it for granted! PCGS# 5335 | ESTIMATE: $6,500+ OUR ESTIMATES The estimates you see published in this catalog are based on HAMMER. Keep in mind that a coin could be either low or high end for the grade, have stunning color or be dull, all of which radically affect a coin’s value. Yes, there can be huge price differences within a grade, and we offer estimates as a guide so Collector’s can have a better idea of value. One thing we will never do is offer low ball estimates in order to claim stronger sales. These published estimates represent what Legend Rare Coin Auctions determines to be an approximate high wholesale value for the coin. The numbers are based upon current market values, similar trades, auction prices, published prices, and a consideration of the coin’s quality. There is no guarantee that the estimated prices are minimums or are exactly what you can expect to get if you attempt to resell them wholesale. We always advise you to view the coins you are interested in and calculate what you’ll pay using as much information as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us. We are here to help you!152
LOT 28625C 1825/4/(2) B-2. PCGS MS65 CAC EX POGUEThis is the famed GEM Eliasberg-Pogue B-2.Described in the first part of the D. Brent Pogue sale asfollows:“Bright powder blue peripheral toning is present onboth obverse and reverse, the obverse center chieflybrilliant with a blend of deeper silver gray and faintrose, while the reverse is a warmer combination of roseand gold. Both sides are thoroughly lustrous, showingstrong cartwheels, and soundly struck, with fine detailsfrom center to rim. Some light abrasions are notedon Liberty’s cheek, and some light milky encrustationis hidden among the reverse legend and denticles atMERICA. An important specimen of this die variety,struck from the perfect state of the dies.”The full pedigree is listed as: Louis E. Eliasberg, Sr.Collection, Bowers and Merena’s sale of the LouisE. Eliasberg, Sr. Collection, April 1997, lot 1389;Heritage’s sale of September 1997, lot 7016; Dr. JuanXII Soros Collection; Superior Galleries’s sale of theDr. Juan XII Soros Collection, February 1999, lot 140;Bowers and Merena’s sale of the Flannagan, Hinckley,and Wong Collections, November 2001, lot 6208;purchased privately from Karl and Sarah Hirtzinger,at the Midwinter American Numismatic AssociationConvention in Jacksonville, Florida, by sale, March9, 2002; D. Brent Pogue Collection, Stack’s BowersGalleries/Sotheby’s, May 2015, lot 1075, whichrealized $32,900.Three pairs of dies were used to strike quarters dated1825. For years, these different dies were identified as25/2, 25/3, or 25/4. More recent study has revealedthat these were struck using a left over die withthe 1824/2 overdate. The B-2 variety is the more“common” of the 3 die pairings, but with its greatprovenance and lofty grade, this coin is anythingbut common!PCGS 2, NGC 4, CAC 2. There are two examplesgraded MS66 finer at PCGS. This is a very rareopportunity for any advanced collector to have asecond chance to purchase a Pogue coin in the aftermarket; it is a known fact that the vast majority of thecoins in the Pogue collection sold to collectors. It maywell be a long time until you have another chance toown a GEM Pogue quarter.PCGS# 38975 | ESTIMATE: $30,000+ 153
LOT 287 25C 1834 NGC MS64+ CAC B-4. Beautiful, and of essentially GEM quality. Brilliant underlying luster blooms from below a layer of very pleasing iridescent toning. Shades of teal-blue, rose-gold, and olive-gold color blend over smooth, problem free, lustrous surfaces. Sharply struck from a later state of the dies, we note a number of extensive die cracks on the reverse. A couple of teeny ticks are all that keeps this beauty from a full GEM grade. PCGS 42, NGC 40, CAC 11. This is one of only two coins graded MS64+ at NGC, the other being the Newman coin that sold in November 2013 for $17,038. Collector’s Universe lists a current value of $12,500. VERY RARE any finer, this is a great coin for any Mint State type set! PCGS# 5353 | ESTIMATE: $6,500+ LOT 288 25C 1861 PCGS MS65 Totally ORIGINAL and wonderfully toned! A GEM example from the first year of the Civil War. Sharply struck with fully defined devices. Teal and cobalt blue tones drape the periphery, while an apricot-champagne-golden- orange dominates the central portions. The visual allure is wonderful and we are not quite sure why CAC did not sticker this GEM. PCGS 41, NGC 30. The most recent one, at $1,800 was a very weak sale, as ever other example since the year 2000 examples have sold in the $2,100-$3,600 range! The current Collector’s Universe value is listed at $2,950. PCGS# 5454 | ESTIMATE: $2,000+154
LOT 28925C 1847 PCGS PR66 CACLegend Rare Coin Auctions is proud to have beenchosen to auction this FINEST KNOWN extremely rareProof Seated Quarter. We consider this coin a realnumismatic treasure. There is no question we rank itVERY high end.This is one of those coins where there are far moredings on the holder then the coin (they are not horribleat all).The mirrors are outstanding and are really deep. Themirrors also display incredible clarity and cleanliness.The flash is tremendous. When you twirl the coin,the mirrors look like a fresh sheet of ice glistening inthe sun. We think the ONLY reason this coin is not aPR66+-there is a touch of slight irregular toning on theobverse. ALL the toning is 100% original. The obversehas shades of blue/gold/pale violet/deep tangerinewhile the reverse is more a greenish blue/gold color.We do not believe this coin has ever been messedwith Miss Liberty and the details are frosty and arefully struck. There is some moderate contrast. The eyeappeal is adorable!TOTAL MINTAGE: 10! That is LESS then an 1894-S10C or a 1804 $1. PCGS 1, NGC 1, CAC 1. There areNONE finer. The current Collector’s Universe Valueis $60,000 It’s funny how they come up with thesenumbers when non have sold via auction and the totalmintage is only 10. We expect a record to be set here.Good luck!PCGS# 5541 | ESTIMATE: $50,000+ 155
LOT 290 25C 1866 MOTTO. PCGS PR64 CAM CAC From the Midwest Collection. A beautiful CAMEO example of the first year of this type with the motto on the reverse. Richly reflective fields stand out against razor sharp, frosted devices imparting a brilliant contrast. The peripheries and Liberty’s outline display a lovely original toning that adds depth to the eye appeal. Only 725 Proof were struck. PCGS 10, NGC 8, CAC 10. DO NOT LET THE POPS FOOL YOU! Only two CAC-approved examples have EVER sold in auction, back in 2011 and 2012, both selling for $1,495. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $1,500. It would not come as a shock if this coin saw bidding at or beyond that level! PCGS# 85565| ESTIMATE: $1,350+ LOT 291 25C 1877 PCGS PR66+ DCAM CAC LRCA is proud to offer the FINEST DCAM 1877 quarter that exists. Crack out your darkest sunglasses, you will need them to protect your eyes from the bold, blazing flash! The mirrors are deep, smooth, highly reflective and have an exceptional clarity. Contrasting against the mirrors are the amazingly frosted devices that stand out in full 3-D effect. Both sides are totally untoned, and have zero haze anywhere. Clearly this immaculate SUPERB GEM has been lovingly cared for since the moment it came off the dies! Even using a strong glass we cannot find any singularly distracting post mint issue (a few mint made die polish lines and traces of planchet roughness can be seen on the reverse but are naturally occurring during the minting process and do not detract from the wonderful look). Only 510 Proofs were struck. PCGS 1, NGC 0, CAC 1. The current PCGS Price Guide value for a regular PR66 DCAM is $10,000 and is unlisted in 66+ DCAM. We challenge you to find a bolder, more attractive 1877 quarter--we doubt with $25,000 you could! Good luck! PCGS# 95578 | ESTIMATE: $10,000+ LOT 292 25C 1880 PCGS PR67+ CAC A SUPERB GEM example, bathed in deep teal blue and violet toning that is brought to vivid life by the ultra flashy mirrors that are unmarred by any lines, marks, flecks, or other defects that would negatively affect the stunning, bold eye appeal. PCGS 9, NGC 18, CAC 7. There are two in PR67+ at PCGS, with only four graded PR68. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $7,600. Adding this amazing GEM to any set will elevate it to a higher echelon! What a great coin! PCGS# 85565| ESTIMATE: $5,000+156
LOT 293 25C 1892-S PCGS MS66 CAC An incredible GEM example with a SUPERB, totally original look. A bold satiny luster glows from under a light pearly-golden tone with accents of pewter, rose, and lilac. The eye appeal is amazing and has a classic, old time collection look. PCGS 4, NGC 2, CAC 6. The most recent example to sell in auction was in the 2017 FUN auction, where the Duckor coin reappeared, selling for $8,225 and the current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $9,500. There are five coins finer, none ofwhich have sold in auction in the last three years--making this SUPERB coin the FINEST on the market right now. PCGS# 85565| ESTIMATE: $8,250+LOT 29425C 1902 PCGS MS66+ CACWow! An amazing, original SUPERB GEM! A bold luster hasas strong satin frost that brings out the wonderful peach-goldand lavender toning. Generally well struck throughout and thesurfaces are extremely clean. The eye appeal is exceptional andreally does stand out!PCGS 29, NGC 5, CAC 7. This is just one of two graded MS66+at PCGS and it sold for $4,230 in June 2016. EXTREMELY RAREany finer, with just three coins graded MS67 at PCGS. Thiscoin will attract extreme interest from advanced Barber quartercollectors--if you are building a set, prepare to bid liberally!PCGS# 5631 | ESTIMATE: $4,000+ LOT 295 25C 1911-S PCGS MS67+ CAC EX ELIASBERG A SPECTACULAR, SUPERB GEM example that is arguably the FINEST KNOWN 1911-S quarter that exists! Immaculate surfaces are the epitome of sheer perfection. Clearly this coin was lovingly cared for by whoever collected it before ending up in the Eliasberg Collection (likely John Clapp, who would have purchased it directly from the San Francisco Mint). The surfaces are free of any marks, indeed, there are no visibleimperfections even using a powerful glass. Delicate, pearly iridescent patina graces both sides and is brought out by a bold, satiny luster that truly glows. The eye appeal is very high end for sure! PCGS 9, NGC 6, CAC 6. There are only four in MS67+ with NONE FINER. This coin was NGC MS68, the sole finest graded at either service. When it sold in the April 1997 Eliasberg Sale, it realized $9,900--just showing you how high end it is.EVERYTHING about this coin is AMAZING and it should see VERY fierce bidding from either Barber quarter, or SUPERB type collectors. It will be a real prize for anyone! Good luck! PCGS# 85661 | ESTIMATE: $9,500+ 157
LOT 296 25C 1912-S NGC MS65 Brilliant and untoned this GEM possesses a bold mint luster that blooms all over. Well struck and very pleasing overall there are no distracting marks. The eye appeal is very nice. PCGS 21, NGC 16. The last NGC-graded example brought $1,234 back in the 2014 ANA auction and the current CU value is $1,900. Scarce in MS66 and RARE any finer than that. PCGS# 5663| ESTIMATE: $1,200+ LOT 297 25C 1892 PCGS PR67 DCAM CAC WOW! This coin is a stunner! Superb in every way, the eye appeal grips you from the moment you first take a casual glance! The mirrored fields are clean and free of any distractions. Indeed the mirrors are bold, deep, clean, and offer superb clarity. They look like freshly polished chrome. The reliefs are fully struck and totally frosted and are snow white! The surfaces are flawless and PERFECT and untoned. The contrast is ULTRA DEEP CAMEO and the eye appeal is incredible! Clearly one of the finest that survives! PCGS 8, NGC 6, CAC 10. Our consignor bought this coin from Legend Numismatics five years ago. The most recent example sold for $7,050 in June 2013. Prior to that one sold for $7,638 and two sold for over $8,000. There are only eight coins finer and we think this one will sell for a very strong price when the hammer falls because of its ULTRA DEEP CAMEO look. PCGS# 95678 | ESTIMATE: $6,500+ LOT 298 25C 1911 PCGS PR65 CAM CAC A gorgeous GEM example! Sold as part of the W.L.Carson Collection (Stack’s, November 2010, lot 5446), this coin is one of the most HIGH END PR65 CAMs of this date you are liable to ever find. Delicate toning is dusted over extremely deep, beaming, clear mirrors that contrast against frosted devices, creating a very strong CAMEO contrast. Only 543 Proofs were struck. PCGS 22, NGC 12, CAC 13. This coin sold for $2,530 in the aforementioned auction and the current CU value is $1,900. Do not let the pops or other APRs fool you, this is a coin worthy of a serious bid! PCGS# 85697| ESTIMATE: $1,800+158
LOT 29925C 1916 STANDING LIBERTY. PCGS AU53 CACOne of the most popular KEY date issues of the 20thcentury, the 1916 Standing Liberty quarter was struckto the tune of only 52,000, all produced in December1916. The first design featured a bare breasted Liberty,which was changed part way through 1917, where shewas covered up with chain mail.In demand from collectors in all grades, this verypleasing, totally original AU53 has a great look. Wellstruck, only the slightest hint of friction appears on thehighest points. A delicate golden tone clings to bothsides, attesting to originality and adds to thevisual allure.PCGS 50, NGC 14, CAC 7. The current PCGS PriceGuide value is listed at $10,250 and the last PCGS/CAC AU53 sold in April 2017 for $10,575. Thisexample has a similar look and is worthy of a strongbid for sure!PCGS# 5704 | ESTIMATE: $9,500+ 159
LOT 300 25C 1916 STANDING LIBERTY. PCGS MS66 FH CAC This coin is totally original and is totally a SUPERB GEM! Outstanding surfaces are as fine as you can dream of. We used a strong glass and looked really hard and found NO imperfections of ANY size, ANY where. It clearly appears this coin left the bank 102 years ago and just sat somewhere safely undisturbed ever since. The luster is good and can be seen easily. Both sides are blanketed by a totally original moderate mix of pale champagne/golden brown colors with some russet borders. No question this coin has never been dipped or messed with. Most important, Miss Liberty and the details are well struck. You do not need a glass to see the rivets in the shield or the full head. The eye appeal is great! PCGS 19, NGC 19, CAC 5. The last PCGS CAC piece to sell in auction brought $54,050 in January 2017. Prior to that, no PCGS CAC pieces had been sold via auction since 2012. If you are a demanding, quality oriented collector and love a totally original look, this coin belongs in your collection! We certainly WOULD include this coin in any GEM Type or Standing Quarter set. PCGS# 5705 | ESTIMATE: $47,000+160
LOT 301 LOT 302 25C 1917 TYPE 1. PCGS MS66+ FH 25C 1917-D TYPE 2. PCGS MS65 FH CAC A very nicely preserved and expertly struck SUPERB GEM Extremely lustrous surfaces are a glow in a seductiveType 1 Standing Liberty quarter. A strong, satiny luster gleams vibrance that brings out the sharply struck devices andfrom under a soft golden-tan tone with rose and olive accents accents the dusting of clear, icy blue patina. The eye appeal that pop when the light hits the surfaces on both sides. is very nice.PCGS 561, NGC 340. PCGS has only graded 39 in MS66+. PCGS 70, NGC 28, CAC 9. No CAC-approved example hasThe current PCGS Price Guide value is $2,000 and the most ever sold in auction! The most recent PCGS graded MS65 FHrecent example brought $1,440 in March 2018. These have sold in the $1,500-$2,000 range. A wonderful example of sold in March 2018 for $2,160. The current PCGS value is listed at $2,700. VERY RARE any finer, this GEM will delight this 2 year only subtype. any Standing Liberty quarter collector. Good luck!PCGS# 5707 | ESTIMATE: $1,400+ PCGS# 5717 | ESTIMATE: $2,100+ LOT 303 25C 1919-S PCGS MS65 The 1919-S is a very RARE date in GEM grades, regardless of designation. The presently offered example is boldly lustrous with a fiery vibrance in the fields that accent the nicely struck devices. The shield is nearly fully struck up with all brads visible. Liberty’s head is very close to full, with just some slight weakness in her hairline. A delicate dusting of iridescent toning, gold dominating on the obverse, and the similar golden hue blends with peach and icy-blue on the reverse. The eye appeal is wonderful and both sides are clean and free of any distracting marks.PCGS 39, NGC 31. The present PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $7,750 and the most recent example to sell brought$8,400 in a November 2017 auction. The two prior to that sold for $7,050. Very RARE any finer, the present example is worthy of a very fierce bidding war between specialist collectors. PCGS# 5732 | ESTIMATE: $5,250+ 161
LOT 304 25C 1921 PCGS MS66 FH After World War I, the economy slowed and dipped into a deep recession, add to that the massive numbers of silver dollars struck, left little need to strike minor silver coins. Indeed dimes, quarters, and halves from all mints struck in 1921are lower mintage and very few were ever saved. The present GEM is sharply struck up with extremely sharp definition to all the details in Ms. Liberty’s head, shield, and drapery. A vivid luster swirls from all over accenting the precision details and hint of iridescent toning. PCGS 25, NGC 7. The last PCGS graded example sold in the 2017 FUN auction for $8,813. PCGS# 5741 | ESTIMATE: $7,750+ LOT 305 25C 1928-D PCGS MS66+ FH CAC Among the FINEST known! This is a beautiful, SUPERB 28-D. Conditionally RARE, this date ranks close to the 1919-S, and compared with the 1919-S, this date is undervalued. Fully struck devices are surrounded by a bold luster that brings out the subtle pastel iridescent hues. Shades of peach, gold, olive-tan, and rose blend together, imparting a superb eye appeal. PCGS 20, NGC 10, CAC 9. In 66+ FH, this coin is tied with two others. There are are three coins graded higher. The last 66+ sold in the November 2010 sale of the Malibu Collection. In 67, the last one sold in August 2006. Clearly NONE of the comps are recent! The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $24,500 and we know it will see very strong bidding and will realize a very strong system! PCGS# 5769 | ESTIMATE: $25,000+162
LOT 306 LOT 307 25C 1943-S DOUBLED DIE OBVERSE. PCGS MS65 CAC 25C 1956 TYPE B REVERSE, FS-901. PCGS MS66+ CACA dramatic doubled die, with doubling at LIB, IN GOD WE A SUPERB example of this scarce variety. During this time TRUST and 19. This GEM is vividly lustrous with a strong the mint used Proof reverse dies to strike circulation strike strike and awesome quality surfaces, all imparting a bold coins in an effort to save money. The present example is one of the FINEST graded. Superb luster, clean surfaces and an eye appeal. exceptional eye appeal make this coin a great prize for the PCGS 27, NGC 11, CAC 4. Only one PCGS/CAC example advanced collector.has ever sold in auction, realizing $1,998 in July 2016 and PCGS has graded 11 as this variety in 66, with this one being the current CU value is listed at $2,100. This GEM has a the ONLY 66+. It sold in the 2018 FUN auction for $2,400wonderful, high end look and will fit nicely in any high end and the current value is lsited at $2,150. There are a mere 2 coins finer, neither has ever sold in auction, making this the Washington quarter set. finest currently available in public auction. Good luck! PCGS# 5823 | ESTIMATE: $1,600+ PCGS# 5860 | ESTIMATE: $1,350+ LOT 308 LOT 309 50C 1805/4 PCGS XF45 50C 1807 DRAPED. BUST NGC AU58 A totally original “gem” XF example of this early overdate A lovely, high Condition Census O-103. A brilliant frosty Draped Bust half dollar. This is the Overton-102 variety, luster glows on both the obverse and reverse. A dusting of considered to be Rarity-3, and is in the Overton/Parsley pale pearly-silver, gray and gold toning takes up the majority Condition Census. Beautifully satiny for the grade, with of the surfaces, while the peripheries, especially on the rightpewter, silver, golden tan, and slate-blue highlights. We note sides show a deeper rose, gold and light blue iridescent some tiny marks in the fields, but otherwise the surfaces toning. As typical for the date, there is some light weakness just show light, honest wear. Exceptionally well struck of strike in the center of the obverse, but the corresponding for the issue, and with this look, we expect considerable area of the reverse is fully rendered by a precise blow fromparticipation from the Bust Half Nuts when this piece crosses screw press. Struck from a heavily clashed state of the dies, but before the dies began to crack, as listed for O-103a. the block. PCGS 68, NGC 77. We believe this to be the Queller coin, PCGS 22, NGC 15. The current PCGS Price Guide value listed as CC#2 in the Spring 2018 revision of the AMBPR. The is listed at $5,850. A coin with some distinct marks sold in April 2018, selling cheap for $3,480. This coin has a far two most recent NGC AU58s were a different variety, bothbetter eye appeal. We sold a CAC-approved example in May selling in 2014 for $6,463. The current PCGS Price Guide 2016 for $6,169. This coin should sell for a strong price value is listed at $7,250. Keep in mind, these are very scarce considering its strong eye appeal. in Mint State. PCGS# 6070 | ESTIMATE: $3,500+ PCGS# 6079 | ESTIMATE: $4,500+ 163
LOT 310 50C 1807 DRAPED BUST. PCGS MS64 Among the finest O-105s, ranking near the top of the Condition Census. Richly toned with steely blue overtones with gentle rose toning on both sides. The bold underlying luster really shines in a light adding to the excellent eye appeal. The strike is exceptionally bold, especially for an 1807, with really crisp and sharply defined devices. Only under with a strong glass can you find any tiny lines, which account for the grade, but the eye appeal is amazing! PCGS 16, NGC 18. EXTREMELY RARE any finer. The current PCGS Price Guide value is $29,500 and since this coin is fresh to the market, we know that level will likely be exceeded. Remember that no MS65 has sold since 2005 and a 65+ sold for $141,000 in April 2016. This near-GEM is worthy of a great type set or inclusion in an amazing early half set! PCGS# 6079 | ESTIMATE: $27,000+164
LOT 311 50C 1808/7 PCGS MS63 CAC A magnificent 1808/7 half. The vibrant, satiny mint brilliance accentuates the sharply struck devices. Both sides show a number of interesting die cracks, clashes, and other artifacts of the minting process at the First Philadelphia Mint. Framing both sides are rings of slate blue, teal, and pewter hues. For an early bust half, this coin has a superb eye appeal! PCGS 9, NGC 0, CAC 3. The most recent PCGS/CAC coin to sell in auction realized $12,925. That coin was housed in a first generation PCGS holder and part of the Hamilton Collection. We sold the PCGS/CAC MS62 Dale Friend coin in our May 2016 Regency XVII auction for $13,513. This coin, with its classic look, is exceptionally appealing. Bound for an exceptional cabinet of early halves, and should easily surpass the PCGS Price Guide value of $11,000 when the hammer falls!. PCGS# 6091 | ESTIMATE: $10,000+LOT 31250C 1811 SMALL 8. PCGSMS64 CACA Condition Census O-106and a very attractive examplethat is of very close to GEMquality. Highly lustrouswith a bold satiny frost thatbeautifully accents the sharplystruck devices. This set of diesshows lots of very interestingclash marks and die cracks.A touch of pale patina on theperipheries frame the bold andbrilliant silver centers. The eyeappeal is SUPERB.PCGS 33, NGC 5, CAC 15.Only four PCGS/CAC coins have ever sold in auction. The most recent sold for $5,170 nearly two years ago at the 2016 ANA.Earlier in 2016, one sold for $5,875 and prior to that, these were selling for over $7,000 and the current CU value is listedat $7,500. Any coin graded finer will bring five figures, and the last MS65 graded by PCGS/CAC sold for $19,388 in our July2017 Regency Auction. This very pretty example will see very strong bidding from type or early half dollar collectors alike.Good luck!PCGS# 6097 | ESTIMATE: $5,000+ 165
LOT 313 50C 1814/3 PCGS AU53 O-101a. Richly toned on both sides, this is a pleasing AU example of this popular overdate variety. Struck from the later state of the dies, both sides have extensive die clashes and cracks, making for a very interesting look. Shades of blue, green, and gold are splashed on the lightly worn surfaces. PCGS 19, NGC 9. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $2,500. This is a very scarce variety, much scarcer than the R-2 rating would suggest. This one is quite nice and worthy of a strong bid. PCGS# 6106 | ESTIMATE: $2,100+ LOT 314 50C 1814/3 PCGS MS62 O-101a. Really cool! First off, this is an early Capped Bust half variety that is very scarce in any Mint State grade. The coin offered here is totally original with a very pretty silver-blue-pewter overtone. A very neat late die state with multiple extensive die cracks, clash marks, and a 30 degree rotated reverse. Boldly lustrous fields set the devices and toning aglow. PCGS 7, NGC 3. Only one MS62 ever sold in auction, a CAC coin that sold for $17,625 as part of the Hamilton Collection sold in the 2016 ANA auction. An NGC MS61 sold in 2008 for $18,400. This coin is totally original and pleasing, worthy of the finest cabinets of Bust half dollars. PCGS# 6106 | ESTIMATE: $6,500+ LOT 315 50C 1817/3 PCGS MS62 A very scarce overdate, one of the most popular in the series, as it is so evident to the naked eye; seemingly the die sinker did not even attempt to efface the 3 from the die before punching the 7 in. While not rare, the O-101 is always in demand, but it is a rarity in Mint State. The present example is deeply, yet attractively toned. A gleaming luster glows from under the toning, providing a wonderful backlight and bringing the surfaces to life. The devices are sharply struck with full definition to Liberty’s hair curls, stars, and eagle. Some very tiny ticks on the obverse blend in, and are not distracting in anyway, or take away from the grade. For a 62, the eye appeal is strong, especially since so many 17/3s we have seen in the past have been dipped out and flat. PCGS 2, NGC 6. The last PCGS MS62 sold in May 2001, so that APR is irrelevant in today’s market. More recently a PCGS MS61 sold for $8,813 (March 2015) and we sold a PCGS MS63 in September 2016 for $27,025. This coin will sell in that range, and very likely for more than the $10,500 that Collector’s Universe currently lists as the value. For any advanced Bust half collector, this coin will be a great addition to their cabinet! Good luck! PCGS# 6111 | ESTIMATE: $9,000+166
LOT 316 50C 1820/19 CURLED 2, O-102. NGC AU58 While only considered to be R-1, finding high grade examples of this popular overdate is quite a challenge! The presently offered AU58 has a lovely pastel, iridescent toning of pale blue, lilac, teal, gold, and rose hues that delicately dust both obverse and reverse. A robust strike and satiny lustrous surfaces give this early Bust half a great look. PCGS 17, NGC 10. This was the most recent example to sell, realizing a strong $5,040 in March 2018’s sale of the A.J. Vanderbilt Collection. The current CU value is listed at $4,500.Only 2 coins are graded finer at NGC, and at both services it is very rare in Mint State. A great coin for any Bust half aficionado! PCGS# 6126 | ESTIMATE: $2,700+LOT 31750C 1825 PCGS MS65 CACOne of the FINEST O-116s that exist.Housed in an OGH, this remarkableGEM survivor has a wonderful eyeappeal. The devices on both obverse andreverse are razor sharp in crispness anddefinition and stand out against the satinyfields. Richly toned, with blues blendingwith pewter and gold patina. Even underclose inspection with a powerful glass wecan only find a single minute line or two.An excellent coin for any wonderful typeor date set!PCGS 21, NGC 32, CAC 6. This is theONLY PCGS/CAC coin to ever sell in auction, realizing $9,988 in a weak auction (2016 FUN). The current PCGS Price Guidevalue is listed at $9,000. Only 11 coins are graded finer, a PCGS MS65+ CAC sold in October 2014 for $17,625. Worthy of agreat type or date set and a premium bid!PCGS# 6142 | ESTIMATE: $8,250+ LOT 318 50C 1834 LARGE DATE, LARGE LETTERS. PCGS MS65 CAC O-102. A lovely, totally original GEM that ranks high up there in the condition census. Nicely struck with only a touch of high point flatness in the usual areas of the Bust, cheek, and top of the cap. Dove, slate, and battleship iridescent hues gracefully blend over clean, satiny surfaces imparting a strong eye appeal. PCGS 10, NGC 5, CAC 6. No CAC-approved MS65 has ever sold in auction. A PCGS MS65 example of O-102 in a first generation OGH sold in January 2014 for $18,213. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $8,500 and there are only five coins graded finer at PCGS. What a neat early type coin for a GEM set! PCGS# 6164 | ESTIMATE: $6,500+ 167
LOT 319 50C 1829 NGC PF63 CAC O-111a. The only PROOF known from these dies. As anyone who has studied early proofs knows, Capped Bust half dollars are exceedingly rare and highly desirable. These were struck to such a tiny amount that some dates have fewer than 5 known in all grades. There are perhaps five or six 1829s known, across five different Overton varieties. The present coin is highly reflective and very high end for the assigned grade. A vibrant, watery flash really captures a wonderful reflective brilliance under a dusting of light blue, gold, rose, and subtle pastel hues that really create a strong eye appeal. Clearly, as a proof, the details are extremely crisp in strike and stand out vividly. A very impressive rarity, one that will delight any collector of type coins or early proofs. PCGS 1, NGC 2, CAC 1. This coin has been sold in several sales, going back to Stack’s December 1998. Its most recent appearance was in April 2017, where it realized $39,950. NOTE: there is an APR from April 2011 where it sold for $48,875. With a coin this rare, and this high end, we anticipate very strong bidding for sure! This coin really does deserve a spot in a very prominent collection of coins! Good luck! PCGS# 6208| ESTIMATE: $32,000+168
LOT 320 50C 1845-O PCGS MS64 CAC A magnificent example of this conditionally rare date. While over 2 million were produced, most saw the ravages of antebellum commerce; extensively worn examples can be found quite easily, but high grade examples are very few and far between. Repunched Date, FS-303. The present example is highly lustrous with distinctively prooflike nature in the fields. The PL mirrors are flashy and smooth. The strike is razor sharp in definition. Both sides have a great patina and boast a totally original look. Also impressive is the pedigree: Grant Pierce Collection, Stack’s, May 1965, lot 858; Stack’s Session ofAuction ‘89, lot 1725; Queller Collection, Stack’s, October 2002, lot 488; A.J. Vanderbilt Collection, March 2018, lot 10200. PCGS 9, NGC 7, CAC 4. This coin brought $7,200 in March 2018, and the PCGS/CAC coin before that was the RichardJewell coin sold in the 2013 ANA auction for $8,812. Only six coins are finer at PCGS. What a great coin for any advanced collection of Seated halves. PCGS# 6249 | ESTIMATE: $7,000+LOT 32150C 1861 C.S.A. SCOTT RESTRIKE. MS64 CACA very impressive example of this popular and historicpiece. Produced in 1879 when J.W. Scott, a prominentnumismatist at the time purchased the originalConfederate half dollar die from Ebenezer Locke Mason.Mason, in turn, purchased it from the former chief coinerof the New Orleans Mint, Dr. B. F. Taylor. Upon hispurchase of the die, Scott produced 500 Confederate HalfDollar Restrikes by plaining the reverse off 1861-datedhalf dollars. Scott then produced 500 of these “store card”tokens in white metal. This is one of the better knownexamples of the issue. A bold, flashy, Prooflike, luster beams from all around sharply struck and fully frosted devices.PCGS 19, NGC 12, CAC 5. The most recent example to sell in auction realized $5,640 in a very weak FUN auction in 2015.Prior to that, it had sold for as much as $7,475. VERY RARE any finer!PCGS# 34040 | ESTIMATE: $5,250+ LOT 322 50C 1873 ARROWS. PCGS MS65 A coinage act in 1873 increased the weight in silver dimes, quarters, and half dollars, as massive amounts of silver poured from the mines in Nevada, coming from the Comstock Lode. This same act killed the silver dollar and introduced the Trade dollar, all ways of dealing with the flood of silver. As a way to indicate the new weight standard, arrows were placed at the date, as had been done twenty years earlier. While not rare in an absolute sense, these were not saved in GEM grades. Frosty satin luster glows from below a layer of very pleasing toning, especially on the reverse. The devices are sharply struck up and the surfaces are ofgenerally high quality with just a few teeny ticks noted under a strong glass, none of which hurt the wonderful naked eye appeal.PCGS 15, NGC 5. PCGS coins have sold between $8,000 and $13,000 between 2011 and 2017 and the current PCGS Price Guide lists a value of $12,000. Excessively RARE any finer, and keep in mind that the next grade up will cost $32,000+. It may be a while before another GEM comes up for sale! Good luck! PCGS# 6343 | ESTIMATE: $9,000+ 169
LOT 323 50C 1859 NGC PR66+* CAM From the Midwest Collection. Ex Col. Green- Eric Newman Collections. An incredible, SUPERB CAMEO GEM that ranks among the absolute FINEST graded at either service. Here is a coin that has an impressive look. Deep, intense mirrors beam with a bold clarity. Both sides look like a perfectly polished piece of glass! Ms. Liberty and all the details are razor sharp in strike and are fully frosted, standing out with exceptional contrast from the icy, beaming mirrors. The obverse has a bold crescent of azure toning that adds a vivid touch of color. The eye appeal is amazing! Only 800 Proofs were struck. PCGS 2, NGC 3. This is the ONLY 66+ CAM graded by either service, and NGC and PCGS have only each graded one coin finer. This coin has only had three owners in nearly a century, and it has been nearly five years since the last time it sold, realizing $18,213 in November 2013. What a great coin for any advanced collector! PCGS# 86413 | ESTIMATE: $15,000+170
LOT 324 50C 1860 PCGS PR66 CAM CAC Why in the world did PCGS not + this coin? We unhesitatingly grade it a PR66.8+. Its closer to a 67 than a 66 for sure! Incredibly deep mirrors are really close to ultra status. The mirrors are remarkably clear and are exceedingly clean. We used a strong glass and found nothing even tiny to report. When you twirl the coin the mirrors look like a watery sheet of aluminum. Pretty neat. We do believe this coin is totally original. The contrast is above average and is bold. Both sides have identical and original gorgeous rim toning of blue/violet/gold bands by the rims. Some light violet/gold bleeds into the parts of the centers. The eye appeal is stunning! ONLY 1000 were minted-but most were melted due to poor sales. PCGS 5, NGC 3, CAC 4. Surprisingly PCGS has graded 4 (1 PR66+, 2 PR67) coins higher. This coin does not compare to many that have been graded. We are NOT hyping it, this coin has THE look! PCGS# 86414 | ESTIMATE: $12,500+LOT 32550C 1862 PCGS PR64 CACArguably the prettiest PR64 1862 half dollar youwill ever see! Totally original toning in dramaticshades dance across the watery reflective mirrors.Shades of blue, gold, violet, teal, and other neonhues really pop in when rotated in a light. Thesurfaces are ultra high end quality for the grade.Only 550 Proofs were minted. PCGS 54, NGC61, CAC 13. Only two PCGS/CAC coins haveever sold in auction. The most recent being theTeich Family coin sold in February 2014 and thatone had no where near the high end look as thisone and that sold for $3,525. This one should sell for much more because of its colorful, sexy look.PCGS# 6416 | ESTIMATE: $2,700+ 171
LOT 326 50C 1872 PCGS PR65 CAM CAC A classic, original, old time collection look. Ultra-reflective mirrors beam from all over, offering bold clarity and depth. Frosty, well struck devices provide wonderful contrast against the mirrors. Both sides have a pleasing peripheral toning, especially on the reverse, imposing an excellent visual allure. Only 950 were struck. PCGS 5, NGC 7, CAC 6. This is a date you do not often see in auction. The market on Proof Seated type has been horribly beaten in recent years. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $5,600 and keep in mind this coin sold for $6,047 in December 2011. Now is a great time to put together a set! PCGS# 86430 | ESTIMATE: $5,000+ LOT 327 50C 1883 PCGS PR64 From the Midwest Collection. Lovely! First off, the mirrors are deep and bold, offering a strong clarity. The frosty, well struck reliefs offer a moderate contrast, just shy of a CAMEO designation. There is a lot to like about this near-GEM quality coin! PCGS 83, NGC 85. The current PCGS Price Guide value is $1,650 and the most recent example to sell in auction realized $1,320 in A September 2017 auction sale. 19th Century Proof type like this have been battered by the market and are very reasonable at today’s levels. Start a set today! PCGS# 6444 | ESTIMATE: $1,200+ LOT 328 50C 1889 PCGS PR64+ A very beautiful GEM Proof example of this late date Seated half. Beaming mirrors are smooth, clean, deep, and offer strong clarity and reflection. There really is a moderate contrast depending on the angle you view it. The reverse is framed in a superb blend of colors at the periphery adding depth to the eye appeal. Only 711 were minted. PCGS 53, NGC 47. This is the ONLY PR64+ at PCGS. Proof type coins like this have become STUPID cheap in the market! This coin has not sold in auction, but the last three regular PR64s have sold between $1,100 and $1,200--they used to consistently sell for $1,500-$2,000. A great looking PQ coin that will delight anyone building a set. Remember that these really do not appear with any frequency! PCGS# 6450 | ESTIMATE: $1,250+172
LOT 32950C 1892-O MICRO O. PCGS MS64 CACOne of the FINEST examples of the RAREST Barberhalf dollar. Fewer than 100 are estimated to exist inALL grades.Excellent in every possible way. Essentially of GEMquality. Fully frosted surfaces offer a brilliant satinluster that glows from all over. Soft silver surfaces aredevoid of any toning anywhere. All of Barber’s designelements are crisply defined from an exacting blowfrom the dies. The only thing we can see keeping thisbeauty from an even higher grade are a few teenymarks, but you really can only see them with a verystrong glass; otherwise this coin really is a GEM withoutstanding eye appeal!PCGS 2, NGC 1, CAC 1. This coin has never appearedin auction. The current PCGS Price Guide value islisted at $65,000 and with very few GEMS finer, thiscoin will fit into any advanced Barber half dollar set!With 65-s valued close to six-figures, this high end 64will see very strong bid!PCGS# 6463 | ESTIMATE: $50,000+ 173
LOT 330 50C 1897-S PCGS MS65 CAC A lovely GEM example of this scarcer date Barber half dollar. Sharply struck throughout, the devices are nicely frosted and are unmarred with any mark or tick of significance. Lovely iridescent hues of rose and baby blue, are brought out by a strong satin luster. Most of the 933,900 examples minted went directly into day to day circulation where they remained, leaving GEM Mint State coins like this true prizes for the specialist. PCGS 11, NGC 7, CAC 4. This is the GEM that sold for $7,200 in the recent Stack’s Bowers sale of the Vanderbilt Collection after having been off the market since Stack’s May 1968 auction. Prior to this coin selling, one sold in December 2017 for $6,000. The current CU value is listed at $7,500. Extremely RARE any finer, we sold a PCGS/CAC MS66 in our July 2017 Regency Auction for $12,925. If you are building a GEM set of Barber halves, this 97-S will fit perfectly and will see strong bidding! Good luck! PCGS# 6479 | ESTIMATE: $5,250+ LOT 331 50C 1906-S PCGS MS66 CAC Rich, pearly, frosty, satin luster shines on both sides of this impressive GEM. Exceptionally vibrant and high end, every detail is crisply struck up and fully formed. The eye appeal is great, and this one does rank high among the grading population. PCGS 4, NGC 3, CAC 3. The last one sold twice for just under $6,500 in March 2016 and June 2013. This coin has a great look and there are only five coins graded finer at PCGS. Worthy of a very strong bid! PCGS# 6507 | ESTIMATE: $5,750+174
LOT 33250C 1908-O PCGS MS67+ CACThis is a superb and splendid GEM. It really doesborder on MS68!Absolutely wonderful surfaces are what perfectionon a Mint State Barber Half should look like. Thetexture is super smooth. We looked really hard usinga strong glass and found NO imperfections anywhere.A strong glowing type luster beams from all over.Both sides enjoy moderate shades of totally originalgreen/gold/blue pale olive colors. The reverse has astunning circular pattern. Miss Liberty and the detailsare sharply struck and do stand out. The eye appeal istotally enjoyable!PCGS 14, NGC 5, CAC 10. PCGS graded this coin thelone MS67+. There is one PCGS CAC MS68 (whichwe sold in 2013 for a sum ABOVE $50,000). What welove so much about the coin-especially it being fromthe long defunct New Orleans Mint is the fact it hasbeautiful colors, and is 110 years old. The market hasreally spanked Mint State Barbers. How could you notbuy a great piece like this at today’s prices?PCGS# 6514 | ESTIMATE: $17,000+ 175
LOT 333 50C 1912-D PCGS MS66+ CAC EX COL. GREEN-NEWMAN What a darling of a coin. The quality is SUPER high end! We assure you, this coin is closer to MS67 than MS66. Really flawless surfaces are satiny smooth. We looked really hard and found NOTHING anywhere. An above average luster is unbroken. A mellow layer of pewter toning evenly covers the surfaces. This coin is far from drab or dull. Miss Liberty and the details are all sharply struck and stand out. The eye appeal is superb! PCGS 13, NGC 7, CAC 13. PCGS has graded only 4 in MS66+ with just one MS67. The last PCGS CAC MS66+ piece to sell at auction brought $5,875 in June 2016. Fact: at the Newman sale November 2013 this coin brought $8,225. The Shireman coin sold in January 2016 and brought $10,225. Look at what we are estimating this coin for. The market has been so unfair to great Mint State Barbers like this! PCGS# 6525 | ESTIMATE: $5,000+ LOT 334 50C 1900 PCGS PR65 CAM CAC From the Huron Hills Collection. A beautiful, GEM CAMEO Barber half! Fully frosted devices stand out against deeply reflective mirrored fields; in fact the reverse borders on a DCAM classification if taken on its own. A touch of peripheral toning at the rims frames both sides and gives the eye appeal a little extra “pop.” Only 912 proofs were struck. PCGS 20, NGC 7, CAC 6. The most recent example to sell in auction brought $2,585 in the 2017 FUN auction, and prior to that one, this coin sold for $2,820 in October 2016. The current PCGS Price Guide lists a value of $3,000 and it would not be a surprise if this GEM brings that or more! PCGS# 86547 | ESTIMATE: $2,000+ OUR ESTIMATES The estimates you see published in this catalog are based on HAMMER. Keep in mind that a coin could be either low or high end for the grade, have stunning color or be dull, all of which radically affect a coin’s value. Yes, there can be huge price differences within a grade, and we offer estimates as a guide so Collector’s can have a better idea of value. One thing we will never do is offer low ball estimates in order to claim stronger sales. These published estimates represent what Legend Rare Coin Auctions determines to be an approximate high wholesale value for the coin. The numbers are based upon current market values, similar trades, auction prices, published prices, and a consideration of the coin’s quality. There is no guarantee that the estimated prices are minimums or are exactly what you can expect to get if you attempt to resell them wholesale. We always advise you to view the coins you are interested in and calculate what you’ll pay using as much information as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us. We are here to help you!176
LOT 335 50C 1909 PCGS PR68 CAC Everything about this SUPERB GEM is totally marvelous! Deep and exciting mirrors vividly beam from all over, and they offer extreme clarity, cleanliness, and a nearly blinding reflection. When you twirl the coin, the mirrors look like a perfectly made sheet of glass. Both sides enjoy a totally original and wonderful color mix of deep golden brown/blue/deep tangerine/ champagne. Miss Liberty and the details are pinpoint sharp in strike and enjoy light silvery frost. The eye appeal is fantastic! ONLY 650 were minted. PCGS 9, NGC 7, CAC 5. These are not as common as you think. The last PCGS CAC piece to sell inauction brought $11,163 in June 2016. We do know in its history, this coin in this grade sold to a crack out guy for $15,000 ayear or two ago. It will be a stunning addition to any SUPERB GEM set. A PR66-PR68 set of Barber Halves can be completed too! Our sister company Legend Numismatics fully recommends building sets of them. PCGS# 6556 | ESTIMATE: $11,000+LOT 33650C 1915 PCGS PR67 CACWe’re shocked this SUPERBGEM is only a PR67, as we’veseen much worse in holderswith higher grades!Stunning, crystal clear, icymirrors are remarkablyclean and reflective, whilea semi rainbow of originallilac/violet/blue/gold/green/champagne colors swirlsvividly all over. Miss Libertyand the details are frosted andpinpoint sharp. The eye appealis gorgeous!Only 450 were minted. PCGS 8, NGC 15, CAC 14. The most recent one to sell in auction realized $7,638 in October 2015.Prior to that one brought $15,525 in a December 2011 sale. This coin is perfect for any high-end or toned set! We can expectvery strong bidding for this FINAL Barber half dollar Proof!PCGS# 6562 | ESTIMATE: $6,000+ 177
LOT 337 50C 1916 PCGS MS66 Beginning in 1907 there was a rebirth of coinage designs. While gold was the focus then, in 1909 the cent was redesigned; 1913 the nickel. It was not until 1916 when silver designs were changed. Barber’s Liberty head, which appeared on all dimes, quarters, and halves since 1892, were now replaced, and Adolph Weinmann’s beautiful, graceful depiction of Liberty striding toward a rising sun. The present GEM is boldly lustrous with blazing surfaces. Nicely struck devices are generally fully defined with full outlines to Liberty’s hand and full details in her drapery. Mostly untoned, there is a touch of the palest, clear gold visible when the luster hits at certain angles. The eye appeal is excellent, and we are not exactly sure why CAC did not bean this one, as the quality is all there. PCGS 105, NGC 60. The most recent PCGS MS66 sold in April 2018 for only $2,880. The current PCGS Price Guide does list a value of $5,500 and there are records that justify that valuation. Extremely RARE any finer, this popular first year of issue should see extremely active bidding! PCGS# 6566 | ESTIMATE: $2,500+ LOT 338 50C 1920-S PCGS MS64+ CAC If this coin were handed to us in a MS65 holder, we would not flinch. We fully grade this coin MS64.8+++. Prior to certification, we can see this coin being called an MS65. Obviously, we are more pinpoint today. Extremely clean surfaces are a delight to behold. Even the dreaded right obverse field is clean, all the surfaces are super clean and are satiny. A full booming luster screams out from all over. Both sides are a booming white. Miss Liberty and the details are above average in strike. You do not need a glass to see her head or thumb’s fullness. The eye appeal is jaw dropping for a 20-S! PCSG 165, NGC 93, CAC 23. PCGS has graded 16 pieces in MS64+. The last one to sell in auction brought $8,700 in February 2018. If you are a stickler for luster, strike, and color, check this coin out. We assure you it beats many MS65’s. Opportunity knocks loud here! PCGS# 6582 | ESTIMATE: $6,000+178
LOT 339 50C 1921 PCGS MS64+ CAC A totally original example of this KEY DATE. Fewer than a quarter million half dollars were struck during this post WWI recession, and very few were saved at the time of issue. The present borderline GEM has a rich amber and olive toning that is brought out by the satiny luster that bathes both obverse and reverse. The details are fully rendered with an impressive blow from the dies. There are no noticeable ticks or marks that are visible to the naked eye. PCGS 121, NGC 74, CAC 14. There are only half a dozen coins in MS64+. The most recent example sold in April 2017 for $12,925. The current PCGS price is $16,500 and keep in mind that a 65 will run about $23,500. A lovely example like this should see very strong bidding! PCGS# 6583 | ESTIMATE: $10,000+LOT 34050C 1928-S PCGS MS64+ CACHere is a lovely, totally original 28-S that borderson the GEM category. Delicate, peripheral toning indeeper cobalt and burnt orange toning that createsa beautiful frame around both sides. Sharply strucksave for the central portions, which is typical for thedate. Only using a strong glass can we even detecteven the most tiny of marks. The eye appeal is bold,and highly original.PCGS 179, NGC 141, CAC 22. The onlyCAC-approved MS64+ was the NGC-graded Col.Green- Eric Newman coin that brought $6,463in November 2013. PCGS MS64+s have sold in the $4,230 to $4,818 range and the CU value is currently listed at $5,600.RARE any finer, making this near-GEM a great price point for the advanced collector on a budget.PCGS# 6588 | ESTIMATE: $3,500+ 179
LOT 341 50C 1928-S PCGS MS66 A magnificent GEM that ranks among the highest graded at PCGS, indeed there is but a single 66+ finer for the date. A thick satiny frost sets the smooth silver fields aglow with a vibrancy that is rarely seen on this date. Both obverse and reverse show fully struck design elements that stand out in bold relief. Mostly untoned there is a touch of iridescent toning seen when rotated in a light. The eye appeal is excellent. PCGS 7, NGC 4. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $20,000 and in auction these have brought as much as $25,850 (a CAC-approved example). With just the single coin graded higher, and just recently sold, this one may be the finest available for the foreseeable future--do NOT let this important opportunity pass you by! PCGS# 6588 | ESTIMATE: $20,000+180
LOT 342 50C 1934 PCGS MS67 CAC From the Huron Hills Collection. A very high end looking SUPERB 1934 half. Highly lustrous surfaces are aglow in a vibrant swirling cartwheel. Sharply struck on both sides, the fields are smooth and problem free, and display a delicate, clear gold tone that really pops in the light. The eye appeal is exceptional! PCGS 164, NGC 100, CAC 54. The most recent example to sell in auction realized $1,440 in April 2018 and the current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $1,200. A coin with such superb looks will easily exceed that! PCGS# 6592 | ESTIMATE: $1,200+LOT 34350C 1934 PCGS MS67 CACA beautiful and high end example with a satin sheen thatglows under a dusting of wonderful tone. The strike iscrisp and bold with full definition to Liberty’s flag-drapedfigure and the eagle’s plumage. The eye appeal isexcellent.PCGS 164, NGC 100, CAC 54. The most recent exampleto cross the auction block sold for $1,440 in April 2018.The current PCGS Price is $1,200. This SUPERB GEMshould see very strong bidding, as it is very high end!PCGS# 6592 | ESTIMATE: $1,000+ LOT 344 50C 1937 PCGS MS67 CAC From the Huron Hills Collection. Exceptionally sharp in strike, both sides show full crisp definition in even the most minute parts of the design. A bold silver luster shimmers with a brilliant satiny frost. As the coin is rotated in a bright light a subtle iridescent tone comes out giving depth to the eye appeal. PCGS 145, NGC 88, CAC 65. The most recent example to sell in auction brought $1,140 in March 2018. The current PCGS value is $1,000 and keep in mind only 25 are graded finer. PCGS# 6601 | ESTIMATE: $1,000+ 181
LOT 345 50C 1937-D PCGS MS67+ CAC WOW! The obverse is boldly semi-prooflike! Plus, we fully agree, this coin is a real MS67.9+! You do NOT have to imagine the mirrors, they are there as visible as can be. Both sides are ultra clean, smooth, and have a really strong luster. The striations we have typically seen on prooflike Walkers on this coin are held to a bare minimum (really none). The color is a crisp white and this coin is NOT dipped out. Miss Liberty and every detail is needle sharp in strike. There actually is a slight contrast. The eye appeal is amazing! PCGS 71, NGC 36, CAC 31. PCGS has graded 4 coins MS67+. There are NONE higher. The last one to sell in auction brought $14,100 in January 2017. This cataloger loves this coin so much, it has been out on her desk the entire time it has been in the office-except at night we have to put it away. We assure you, this is NOT anywhere near a typical 1937-D Walker. If you are building the ultimate set or just love the ultimate Walkers, this coin is a “must buy”! PCGS# 6602 | ESTIMATE: $13,000+ LOT 346 LOT 347 50C 1938-D PCGS MS66+ CAC 50C 1939 PCGS MS67+ CAC From the Huron Hills Collection. From the Huron Hills Collection. The 38-D is the lowest mintage Walker produced after 1934, This SUPERB GEM offers a virtually PERFECT look. Brilliant as such it has always had a little extra cache. This pristine satin luster blooms on essentially flawless surfaces and GEM displays icy silver luster that really catches your eye. crisply struck devices. Nicely struck from freshly polished dies, you can see the PCGS 339, NGC 281, CAC 146. There are 48 graded 67+ at polish lines even without a glass. The eye appeal is excellent. PCGS. The most recent example sold in our Regency Auction PCGS 524, NGC 118, CAC 143. PCGS has graded 51 in 25 for $1,528 and the current PCGS Price Guide value is MS66+. The most recent one to sell in auction realized listed at $1,250. The recently sold Duckor coin realized $2,640 in February 2018 and the current CU value is listed at $2,500. Rare any finer, with fewer than fifty coins graded $2,640 in the 2018 FUN auction. There are only 27 graded finer. higher at PCGS, and a 67 will cost at least double! PCGS# 6606 | ESTIMATE: $1,250+ PCGS# 6605 | ESTIMATE: $2,200+182
LOT 348 LOT 349 50C 1942-S PCGS MS66 CAC 50C 1943-D PCGS MS67 CACFrom the Huron Hills Collection. From the Huron Hills Collection. A beautiful toned 42-S that would have fit nicely in our Here is a SUPERB GEM 43-D with a very bold, strong luster recent offering of Dale Larsen’s collection. Swirling and and total originality with a dusting of iridescent toning and ablending hues of gold, lilac, pale emerald, rose, and orange band of magenta, sunset orange, and crimson at the obverse are brilliantly brought to life by a very strong mint glow. rim. Sharply struck and beautifully preserved. Needless to say, the eye appeal is off the charts! PCGS 338, NGC 308, CAC 162. While the current PCGSPCGS 549, NGC 181, CAC 190. Dale had two of these, one value is only listed at $635, this marvelous SUPERB coin soldselling for $1,234 and the other $3,878. This one’s color is a touch more subtle but it is still a wonderful toned example for $1,293 in the 2017 FUN auction a clear indication of its high end status! Fewer than two dozen coins are graded worthy of a very high end toned Walker collection! higher, and this one has such a great look, that it will fit PCGS# 6617 | ESTIMATE: $1,000+ nicely in any SUPERB set! PCGS# 6619 | ESTIMATE: $1,000+ LOT 350 LOT 351 50C 1946-S PCGS MS66 50C 1946-S PCGS MS67 CAC From the Aurora Borealis Collection. From the Huron Hills Collection.First, we are not really sure why CAC did not bean this coin. A sharply struck SUPERB 46-S Walker with strong mintThe devices are sharply struck up and the surfaces beam with luster that deeply shimmers in the light. Arcs of toning at the a bold mint luster. As to be expected, if the A.B. Collector rim suggest long time storage in an album where this coinowned this coin it must have some beautiful toning! A pastel lovingly rested before certification. The blue tones really stand out against the more burnt sienna orange accents. The blue, gold, and rose band rings the obverse and frames a brilliant silver center. Very eye appealing indeed! eye appeal is very high end. PCGS# 6629 | ESTIMATE: $1,700+ PCGS 77, NGC 76, CAC 33. This is the coin that sold for $1,998 in October 2016; earlier it sold for $4,700 in November 2012. Only four coins are graded finer. We suspect that this SUPERB GEM will entice strong bidding from advanced toned Walker collectors. PCGS# 6629 | ESTIMATE: $1,800+ 183
LOT 352 LOT 353 50C 1936 PCGS PR65 CAC 50C 1936 PCGS PR67 After a hiatus of 21 years, the mint resumed striking Proof A dramatic SUPERB GEM 1936 Proof Walker! Liberty is coins for collectors in 1936; only 3,901 sets were struck. striding toward a beautiful sunset as evidenced by the Watery mirrored fields have a strong reflection and good intense toning on both sides. Clearly this SUPERB coin sat clarity that surround sharply struck devices. There is a pearly unmolested in an old album or other place where it was iridescence on the obverse with accents of gold. This GEM allowed to sit and acquire the amazing colors. The mirrors are very flashy, offer a real depth and clarity and do not has a very nice look. display the typical haze. The eye appeal is amazing! PCGS 532, NGC 360, CAC 93. The last two PCGS/CAC coins PCGS 48, NGC 83. There are only five coins graded finer. realized $2,820 (April and June 2017), and the current CU The last one to sell in auction realized $6,600 in the 2018 value is listed at $3,000. Always popular as the first Proof FUN auction, but it had a much more typical look for the Walker struck, this is neat coin to start a set, 1936-1942. date. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $8,500. It would not be a shock if this coin’s outstanding eye appeal PCGS#6636 | ESTIMATE: $2,700+ vaulted it to a level beyond that before the hammer falls. PCGS# 6636 | ESTIMATE: $6,500+ LOT 354 LOT 355 50C 1937 PCGS PR67+ CAC 50C 1939 PCGS PR68 CAC From the Huron Hills Collection. Outstanding quality in every way! This cataloger is drooling over this marvelous GEM. Deep mirrors are boldly reflective A glorious SUPERB Proof Walker. Both sides are delicately and have great flash. They are also mostly crystal clear with toned with iridescent hues that are deeper gold at the rims. just some pale iridescent toning and have zero imperfections. The mirrored fields are watery and smooth, standing against Miss Liberty and the details are generously frosted and have the sharply struck up devices. The eye appeal is excellent, razor sharp strikes. The eye appeal is tremendous--totally and the quality is attested to by the CAC bean of approval worthy of its lofty grade. and the PCGS + grade. PCGS 46, NGC 97, CAC 21. The last 1939 PCGS PR68 PCGS 269, NGC 252, CAC 116. There are only 21 graded CAC to sell in auction brought $5,170 in April 2017. The PR67+ at PCGS, the most recent selling for $4,260 in April current PCGS price is $4,500 and keep in mind that we sold 2018. The current CU value is listed at $3,100. Remember the ONLY PR68+ (the finest) for $19,388 in our July 2017 fewer than a dozen examples are graded finer and a PCGS Regency Auction. This coin will be a great fit into any top PR68 is valued at $15,000! A totally original superb coin will proof Walker set! It is VERY high end! fit nicely in any high end set. PCGS# 6639 | ESTIMATE: $4,000+ PCGS# 6637 | ESTIMATE: $2,600+184
LOT 356 LOT 357 50C 1941 PCGS PR67+ CAC 50C 1941 PCGS PR68 CAC A lovely, original example with flashy, watery mirrors that WOW! A beautiful and totally fresh to the market GEM that beam from all over. A hint of iridescent toning graces the is simply beyond SUPERB quality! Our consignor purchasedperipheries on both sides, and even under a strong glass, we an original Proof Set, and this was the half dollar in the set. It cannot find anything worthy of mention. The eye appeal is is remarkable that such wonderful coins are still “out in very nice and better than usually encountered for sure. the wild.” Deep, icy mirrors beam from all over. The totally original toning starts as a pale white/silver iridescent hue PCGS 390, NGC 479, CAC 194. PCGS has graded 26 in with clear, baby blue accents depending on the angles. AtPR67+ and NGC has graded 25 in 67+. Fewer than 30 coins the periphery, a pastel green and pink frame both sides,have been graded finer at PCGS. The last PCGS/CAC example really bringing out the sharply struck devices. realized $1,680 and before that one brought $1,800 in PCGS 27, NGC 25, CAC 28. The last one to sell realized November 2017. This would make a wonderful addition to $5,288 in February 2018. Prior to that, one sold in June 2017 for $16,450. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at any Proof Walker collection. Good luck! $6,500. There are only two PCGS PR68+s graded finer. As PCGS# 6641 | ESTIMATE: $1,200+ one of the prettiest and most original examples we have seen in some time, we know it will bring a very strong price when the hammer falls! A great coin for any Proof Walker set! PCGS# 6641 | ESTIMATE: $4,000+ LOT 358 LOT 359 50C 1950-D PCGS MS66+ FBL 50C 1952 PCGS MS67 FBL CAC Tied for FINEST graded at PCGS, the 50-D is not a rare Tied for FINEST graded at PCGS in the FBL designation, this coin in the broadest sense of the word, but with the FBL SUPERB GEM has a great look. First thing to capture yourdesignation it is very scarce in 66 and unknown in any grade eye is the sublime pastel toning on both obverse and reverse, higher than MS66+ in the FBL designation. clearly a coin that sat undisturbed in an original Mint Set. A strong luster blooms under pastel rainbow hues. Sharply A band of beautiful sunset toning is seen at the periphery, deepest and most striking at LIBERTY. A billowy satin frost struck and beautiful!is seen on both sides, accenting the toning, bold strike, and PCGS 28, NGC 6, CAC 10. The most recent coin to sell in generally clean surfaces. The eye appeal is very strong. auction was a NON-CAC PCGS coin that realized $5,640 in April 2018. The current PCGS Price Guide is listed at $2,150PCGS 17, NGC 3. Neither service has graded any coin finer. and as one of the finest graded, we know there will be stiff The most recent example sold for $3,840 and there records approaching the low five-figures. The current PCGS Price bidding competition to bring home this prize! Guide value is listed at $5,250. Bound for a high ranking Registry Set of Franklin halves.! PCGS# 86657 | ESTIMATE: $2,000+ PCGS# 86661 | ESTIMATE: $1,800+ 185
LOT 360 50C 1952-D PCGS MS67 FBL Resting comfortably at the top of the PCGS Population Report is this SUPERB GEM, tied with three others for the distinction of FINEST GRADED. Beautifully toned on the obverse, shades of pale olive blend into a rich orange and golden-rose palette of color. Highly lustrous and displaying sharply impressed details, this 52-D has a superb eye appeal. Even using a powerful loupe all we can find are a couple of tiny ticks on the reverse. PCGS 4, NGC 1. THERE ARE NONE GRADED FINER! The last one had a more mottled look, selling for $14,100 in May 2016. A mostly untoned example sold for $18,800 in November 2018. Currently listed at $18,800 in the PCGS Price Guide, we would not be shocked at a final realization around that level when this jewel is hammered down. Another SUPERB coin destined for a very high ranking PCGS Registry Set. PCGS# 86662 | ESTIMATE: $14,000+ LOT 361 50C 1955 PCGS MS67 FBL CAC Franklin Half Dollars are very challenging in these lofty grades, indeed, this is one of only half dozen graded so high, and NONE ARE FINER! A bold, satin mint frost glows below a rich layer of toning, likely imparted from long term storage in an original cardboard Mint Set holder. The surfaces are clean and totally devoid of all but the most insignificant ticks, visible only with a glass. The eye appeal is exceptional. PCGS 6, NGC 4, CAC 2. Neither of the two PCGS coins that have been sold in auction match the presently offered SUPERB GEM, and neither were CAC approved. One sold for $7,200 in April 2018 and the other sold for $14,100 in January 2016. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $12,500 and remember, NONE ARE FINER. This is the ultimate 1955 and is worthy of the FINEST Franklin half set! PCGS# 86670 | ESTIMATE: $8,000+186
LOT 362 LOT 363 50C 1959 PCGS MS66+ FBL CAC 50C 1953 PCGS PR67 DCAM Another beautifully toned Franklin half dollar that sits at With a mere two coins graded finer at PCGS in the DCAM the APEX of the PCGS Population Report. Both obverse and designation (neither has ever sold in auction), this remarkable reverse show a lovely, original patina that is accented by a SUPERB GEM is among the finest obtainable examples extantstrong underlying luster. The sharply struck devices stand out with a dramatic look, enticing the eye. for the date. PCGS 79, NGC 18, CAC 17. There are just a half dozen Deep, beaming mirrors are smooth as a freshly cut piece MS66+ FBLs graded at PCGS and NONE ARE FINER at that of glass. The devices are sharp and frosty, offering a boldservice. The last one to sell realized $4,560 in February 2018 and the current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $6,000. contrast. The eye appeal is very nice for the grade. If you are working on a set of the FINEST graded Franklinhalves, this coin will certainly fit in nicely. We predict a very PCGS 15, NGC 9. The most recent example to sell in auction realized $9,900 and the one before that brought $9,988. The strong realization here. current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $12,000. There are only two coins finer, one in 67+ DCAM and one in PR68 PCGS# 86676 | ESTIMATE: $3,600+ DCAM. Neither of these two coins have sold, making this among the FINEST for advanced collectors. Bid liberally to take home this prize. PCGS# 96694 | ESTIMATE: $8,500+ LOT 364 LOT 365 50C 1959 PCGS PR68 CAM $1 1803 LARGE 3. PCGS VF35 CACRich cameo contrast between the highly frosted devices and B-6, BB-255. Totally original and very high end for the grade.highly reflective mirrored fields. The mirrors are hard, deep, Moderate, even wear is problem free and honest. A touch ofbeaming, and offering strong clarity and the contrast with the surviving luster clings to the deepest recesses of the design.frosted devices are sharply struck throughout. The contrast is Sharply detailed centers show good definition and the eye nearly DCAM quality. appeal is very high end! PCGS 68, NGC 118. There is only ONE coin finer! There PCGS 52, NGC 6, CAC 8. Only one PCGS/CAC coin ever is a wide range of APRs the most recent bringing $2,160 in sold in auction, nearly 8 years ago! Recent NON-CAC the 2018 FUN auction; prior to that these were selling for $2,600+. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at coins were selling for $3,055 and the current PCGS value is $3,500. We do anticipate very strong bidding from type $3,000. collectors for this one, we have seen XFs with much less PCGS# 86700 | ESTIMATE: $2,000+ eye appeal! PCGS# 6901 | ESTIMATE: $3,500+ 187
LOT 366 $1 1840 NGC PR64 CAC EX SWEET COLLECTION An ultra-rare early Proof dollar. Somewhere between 15 and 20 examples of this first year of issue Proof dollar were produced, at a time when there were very few active coin collectors in America, and fewer still who had access to acquire a proof coin directly from the mint. This near GEM offers a bold look. Both sides exhibit a dappled burnt-orange, olive-tan, and golden russet patina that shows off pale blue accents when rotated in a light. The majority of the surfaces though have a pleasing lilac-silver patina that sparkles when the light hits the watery-mirrored fields. Save for some very faint lines in the fields, the surfaces are as smooth as a freshly polished ice rink. Ms. Liberty and all the devices are pristine in their execution, crisply rendered from a powerful blow from the dies. The quality and originality combine for a seductive eye appeal. PCGS 2, NGC 7, CAC 3. We believe that there is some duplication of submissions at NGC. This is also the ONLY CAC-approved example to ever sell in auction, realizing $34,500 back in the 2012 FUN auction. Remember a PR65 will cost approximately double what this near-GEM is worth! What a great opportunity for the advanced Seated dollar collector! Do not let it pass you by! PCGS# 6981 | ESTIMATE: $30,000+188
LOT 367$1 1851 RESTRIKE. STRUCK OVER O-MINT. PCGSPR63UNIQUE! Mysterious. A coin that really invites theadvanced collector to try and figure this one out! It hasintrigued numismatists since it was first discovered.We know according to mint records that no silverdollars were struck at New Orleans in 1851. No Proof1851 dollars were struck, and once collecting becamemore popular in the next decade, restrikes were madefor sale to collectors, mintage estimates are very low,ranging from 35-50. Clearly, at some point, a NewOrleans mint silver dollar was placed into the coinagepress in perfect alignment, showing the “O” mint markin its correct placement under the stem of the olivebranch. Since the designs are exactly the same, theonly traces of the host coin is the slightlyflattened mintmark.Excellent quality, watery mirrors are gleaming in thelight. They are of very pleasing quality and surroundthe sharply struck devices. Ms. Liberty, the eagle, andall the details are razor sharp in strike. Multihuediridescent toning is quite attractive and shows apredominate blue, gold, and amber patina that issomewhat dappled but even pattern. The eye appeal isexcellent! PCGS 1, NGC 0. This coin is UNIQUE. There is anauction record from June 2008 when this coin soldfor $373,750 as part of the Husky Collection andthe current Collector’s Universe value is listed at$375,000. This coin is UNIQUE, and once it sells, whoknows when it will reappear on the market. If you wantyour Seated dollar set to really stand apart from everyother set of Proof Seated dollars EVER assembled!PCGS# 6979 | ESTIMATE: $280,000+ 189
LOT 368 $1 1855 PCGS PR63 CAM SUPER HIGH END! This is a most dramatic coin too! Incredible deep mirrors beam from all over. The mirrors are the ultimate in clarity and are remarkably clean for just a PR63. You have to use a strong glass to see the few light wispy lines in the fields. The mirrors are so intense you really need Ray Ban shades on to view the coin with. A killer band of navy/gold/violet frames the obverse peripheries. The reverse just has some gold. The centers are an intense deep silver color. Miss Liberty and the details are so sharply struck and heavily frosted they look sculpted. The eye appeal is insane-really! ONLY 50 pieces were ever minted. PCGS 1, NGC 1. There are NO PCGS auctions records for date and grade in Cameo. A regular NON CAC PCGS PR63 sold for $11,750 in 2017-and we assure you the coin looked NOTHING like this one! It is also important to note this coin has been off the market in major midwest collection for many years. We certainly do NOT see ANY dates in the 1850’s looking like this. What an opportunity! PCGS# 86998 | ESTIMATE: $14,000+ LOT 369 $1 1857 PCGS PR62 CAM CAC A very RARE early Proof Seated Dollar. The mintage of Proofs struck prior to 1858 were extremely limited, and in 1857, the year before Proof Sets were produced for the general public, only 50 Proof dollars were coined. Today, PCGS estimates perhaps 36 examples extant. The present coin is of CHOICE quality. Highly reflective mirrors are flashy and untoned. A few tiny lines scattered about account for the assigned grade. Ms. Liberty is well struck up with full detail on her drapery and the eagle is nicely struck with only some minor weakness at the highest part of the wing. The devices on both sides are fully frosted and stand out with bold contrast, imparting a strong eye appeal. PCGS 1, NGC 0, CAC 1. Off the market since 2012, this lovely coin realized $10,638 in the FUN auction. Rarely available in any grade, this coin will fit nicely in any set of Proof Seated Dollars. The current PCGS Price Guide lists a value of $9,500. PCGS# 87000| ESTIMATE: $8,500+ LOT 370 $1 1862 PCGS PR64 CAC A very pleasing, totally original example of this highly collectible Civil War era dollar. Deeply toned over water reflective fields, this coin would have been called a GEM in a previous generation auction description, prior to numerical grading. Sharply struck up, the details on both sides of this HIGH END dollar are crisp and expertly rendered by an exacting blow from the dies. Only 550 were minted. PCGS 28, NGC 47, CAC 7. The ONLY CAC example sold in auction sold over three years ago in the 2015 FUN auction for $6,169. The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $6,500 and there is no doubt that this near-GEM will realized a price in that range. PCGS# 7005 | ESTIMATE: $6,000+190
LOT 371$1 1875-S/CC PCGS MS64 EX LINDA COLLECTIONA very important Trade dollar variety and tied forsecond FINEST graded at PCGS. This is a very popularvariety and one of very few major varieties for theseries; the partially effaced CC mintmark can beseen by the unaided eye under the S mintmark. Aradial cartwheel luster swirls on both sides. A lightchampagne tone dusts both obverse and reverse, thereverse a little deeper in tone, with accents of richerapricot-gold. There is some darker tone that outlinesMs. Liberty on the obverse. The devices are crisply andfully struck on both sides. Ms. Liberty and the detailsare sharp and bold, as is the reverse eagle. Closeinspection with a powerful loupe does reveal someinsignificant lines in the fields and a toning spot hereand there. Clearly condition census quality.PCGS 8, NGC 2. ONLY ONE COIN IS GRADEDFINER at PCGS. This coin last sold for $21,600 inDecember 2017 and before that, one sold for $24,675in May 2015 (that was the first one sold since January2008!). The current Collector’s Universe value is listedat $28,500. The one PCGS MS65 has never sold inauction, so this is likely the highest grade example youwill be able to add to your set in the foreseeable future.Because of that, we believe that there will be fiercebidding competition once this one crosses the block.Good luck.PCGS# 7040 | ESTIMATE: $20,000+ 191
LOT 372 T$1 1877-CC NGC MS65 The FINEST NGC-graded 1877-CC Trade dollar! An outstanding GEM survivor that has a lot to offer the advanced collector. An exquisite coin with a bold, exacting strike with full definition to the details. Every device is expertly impressed by a precision blow from the dies. A rich, velvety luster really blooms under a pale silver-pewter, rose, and gold patina. While under a strong glass we see a few tiny ticks, that are hidden and do not detract from the beautiful and totally original eye appeal. PCGS 1, NGC 1. The only other MS65 to ever sell was the Jack Lee III Collection, sold in November 2005 for $69,000. The current Collector’s Universe value is listed at $80,000 and NONE are finer at NGC. There is one coin finer at PCGS, a MS66 that has never sold, but would likely sell for $150,000! What an amazing opportunity for the advanced collector! PCGS# 7045 | ESTIMATE: $45,000+192
LOT 373 T$1 1874 PCGS PR66 Full disclosure here, Legend Numismatics owns this coin, and yes, we did send it to CAC. We had NO trouble buying it. We still scratch our heads as to what CAC was thinking. This coin is a TRUE ORIGINAL SUPERB GEM piece. Real and easy to see deep mirrors beam from all over. The mirrors do have great clarity and are super clean. When you twirl the coin, the mirrors look like a freshly formed sheet of glass. Typical to the date, both sides are enriched by a deeper but totally vibrant mix of original azure blue/ purple/tangerine colors. This is NOT a dark or drab coin. Miss Liberty and every detail are sharply struck and do stand out. The eye appeal is really nice! ONLY 700 were minted. PCGS 2, NGC 6. PCGS has 2 PR66+ and none higher. We do NOT see ANY evidence this coin has ever been sold via auction. It came to Legend via a dealer who took it in trade from a collector. The lone PCGS CAC piece last sold for $22,325 in April 2014 (we think today it is an easy $25-$30,000 coin). We know we bought this coin really right. You’re simply not going to be able to find another PCGS 1874 Proof 66! Good luck! PCGS# 7054 | ESTIMATE: $15,000+LOT 374T$1 1878 TRADE. PCGSPR66 CACThis date and grade are notas easy to find really nice oras flashy like this.Super deep mirrors beamboldly from all over. Theyhave killer clarity, cleansurfaces, and of coursethey are highly reflective.When you twirl the coin, themirrors look like a freshlyformed sheet of glass. Adeeper yet totally originalobverse color mix of navy/purple/olive/gold/blue reallycomes alive when the coin is twirled. The reverse probably had been on felt and has blue/lavender colors. Miss Liberty andthe details are sharply struck and have light frost. The eye appeal is flashy!This is a Proof ONLY date with 900 minted. PCGS 12, NGC 16, CAC 7. There is one PR66+ and NONE higher. The currentCollector’s Universe value is $10,000. Due to the bold mirrors and colors, we can see this coin selling for much more!PCGS# 7058 | ESTIMATE: $10,000+ 193
LOT 375 T$1 1881 TRADE. PCGS PR65 DCAM CAC A VERY RARE DCAM 1881 Proof Trade dollar. Blazing mirrored fields are deep, and blindingly chrome-like in their reflection. They are devoid of any haze, or serious lines or ticks, or any other flaw that might hinder its strong clarity. The fully struck devices are blast white and brilliantly frosted, standing out in stark contrast to the seeming blackness of the mirrors. Offering beaming, ultra deep cameo contrast, the present GEM 1881 has a marvelous eye appeal. Only 960 proofs were struck of this Proof only date. PCGS 3, NGC 0, CAC 2. There has not been a PR65 DCAM sold in auction since March 2004--that is over fourteen years ago! More recently a PR65+ DCAM CAC sold for $18,800 in April 2013. In PR65 DCAM the current Collector’s Universe value is listed at $13,500. We anticipate very strong bidding for this uber-GEM when it crosses the block. What a great coin for any type or date set. PCGS# 97061 | ESTIMATE: $11,000+ LOT 376 T$1 1883 TRADE. PCGS PR65 Holy cow! Look at all the amazing colors on this GEM Trade dollar! Looking like a beautiful mandala full of aqua, cobalt, amber, magenta, purple, and gold toning across the obverse, while the reverse shows the same hues, just in a slightly more dappled way. The mirrors are bold and ultra flashy with a stunning watery texture, that beams from all over. The eye appeal is amazing! Looking this coin over, we really do not know why CAC did not bean this GEM. Only 979 proofs were struck in this Proof-only year. PCGS 52, NGC 60. The most recent example sold for $5,520 in the 2018 Central States auction. This one is clearly finer and more beautiful! The current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $7,000 and no doubt with this spectacular GEM’s great looks, that level will be surpassed. What an awesome coin for a type or date set! PCGS# 7063| ESTIMATE: $5,250+194
LOT 377 LOT 378 25C 1893 ISABELLA. PCGS MS66 50C 1921 ALABAMA .PCGS MS65 CACA superb looking GEM with bold eye appeal. A strong luster catches the light and has a bold swirling cartwheel. Both From the Huron Hills Collection. sides are awash in beautiful iridescent toning with accentsof olive, gold, rose, amber, and teal over the soft dove-silver VERY HIGH END for the grade! Boldly lustrous with a surfaces. The fields are clean and free of any distracting gleaming satin glow that brings out the lovely gold rimmarks or lines. The eye appeal is very high end for the grade. toning. In this cataloger’s opinion, this coin is as nice as many 66s that are out there!PCGS 253, NGC 142. The most recent non-CAC brought PCGS 493, NGC 373, CAC 97. While the CU value is only $2,650 in April 2018. The current CU value is listed at $900, this PQ GEM sold for $1,293 in October 2016. With a look like this, it will certainly generate considerable bidding$2,400 and with its strong eye appeal this GEM will likely surpass that level when it crosses the block! from collectors!PCGS# 9220 | ESTIMATE: $2,800+ PCGS# 9224 | ESTIMATE: $1,000+ LOT 379 LOT 380 50C 1937 ANTIETAM. NGC MS68 CAC 50C 1925-S CALIFORNIA. PCGS MS67 CAC From the Huron Hill Collection. Here is a simply A marvelously toned California! Superb quality abounds with STUNNING uber quality superb gem that sat for decades a strong, glowing, glossy luster that accents the sharply struck in the original cardboard holder. Awe inspiring tab toning devices and brings to vivid life the blue, gold, russet, green, is thick, but not too dark and is dramatic in its appeal! Rich and rose tones that grace both sides. Very high end and the cherry, peach, and aubergine toning dominate, but light greens and silver-blues sparkle in the light. The surfaces are eye appeal is exquisite!PERFECT, even under intense scrutiny we are unable to find a PCGS 120, NGC 155, CAC 72. The most recent example single blemish! sold for $2,160 in a November 2017 auction sale. A similarly toned example brought $2,233 in July 2016 and the current PCGS 19, NGC 20, CAC 13. It is amazing that NGC has PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $1,950. A PQ toned coin graded two finer! The Antietam is one of the popular Civil War sub-series of the classic commemoratives, and this one like this will certainly sell in excess of that!is among the most eye arresting we have seen in awhile. Thiscoin was noted commemorative authority Anthony Swiatek’s PCGS# 9281 | ESTIMATE: $2,000+ personal coin until he sold it to collector Stephen Schecter,who sold his collection in November 2013; this coin realized a hair shy of $5,000 in that sale. If you appreciate awesome early commems, be sure to bid on this gem!PCGS# 9229 | ESTIMATE: $3,500+ 195
LOT 381 LOT 382 50C 1935 CONNECTICUT. PCGS MS67 CAC 50C 1922 GRANT. PCGS MS66 CAC From the Huron Hills Collection. From the Huron Hills Collection. A beautifully toned SUPERB GEM. Lots of gorgeous blues, Exceptionally fresh looking with a bold pearly iridescent golds, and greens frame both sides, brought out by a vivid toning gracing both sides. A lovely satin luster shows on silky luster and adding depth to the details especially among the smooth surfaces. leaves of the Charter Oak. PCGS 309, NGC 218, CAC 101. A lovely GEM like this is PCGS 94, NGC 88, CAC 94. This marvelous GEM sold for certainly worthy of a strong bid, this type is quite scarce a price commensurate with its superb eye appeal, realizing any finer! $3,525 in November 2016. Only 13 coins grade higher making this one a great choice for any original toned, PCGS# 9306 | ESTIMATE: $1,000+ GEM set! PCGS# 9299 | ESTIMATE: $2,500+ LOT 383 LOT 384 50C 1922 GRANT, STAR. PCGS MS65+ 50C 1935 HUDSON. PCGS MS66 CAC One of the KEYS to the Classic Commem series, the Grant with Star half dollar is a popular Civil War themed coin that From the Huron Hills Collection. has always appealed to collectors. From a mintage of only 4,256 it is a date that rarely appears in such high grade, most With a mintage of 10,008, the Hudson half dollar is a scarcer often seen in MS63 or MS64. The obverse shows a plethora issue. The palest of clear, iridescent toning graces both sides of die polish lines, a characteristic of the type. Rim toning of this PQ GEM. Very pleasing and original, this is an issue at the top and bottom of that side attest to the originality and both sides show extremely well struck devices. The eye where few survive finer. appeal is very nice! PCGS 288, NGC 157, CAC 111. Back in April 2010, this GEM sold for $2,463 but more recently sold for $1,320 in PCGS 183, NGC 228. The Pop in 65+ is 6 at PCGS, 3 at February 2018. The current Collector’s Universe value is NGC. The current CU value is $6,200 and the last MS65+ to listed at $1,400. With its Premium Quality, we suspect this sell in auction brought $5,040 in April 2018. Nice for any 66 will bring a strong bid. high grade commem set. PCGS# 9312 | ESTIMATE: $1,200+ PCGS# 9307 | ESTIMATE: $5,500+196
LOT 385 LOT 38650C 1918 LINCOLN. PCGS MS67 CAC 50C 1934 MARYLAND. PCGS MS67 CAC From the Huron Hills Collection. From the Huron Hills Collection. While popularly called the Lincoln half, this issue was SUPERB! One look at this coin’s impressive eye appeal and commissioned to commemorate the centennial of Illinois you know it is totally worthy of its lofty grade, and rank Statehood. Immaculate surfaces are free from any serious among the finest graded. A strong mint frost glows frommarks. Sharply struck devices are fully and crisply rendered standing out in full 3-D effect against the satin smooth and below a wonderful golden tone. These are not easy to find so lustrous fields. Both sides have a lovely iridescent tone, nice!mostly seen at the top of the obverse. A great looking coin in PCGS 70, NGC 93, CAC 49. The most recent example to sell every way! realized $2,400 in March 2018 and the current PCGS Price Guide value is listed at $1,950. Only 11 coins are graded PCGS 112, NGC 74, CAC 53. VERY RARE any finer! The finer, all MS67+, and we had the pleasure of selling the last most recent example sold for $2,400, and this one sold$2,520 in a February 2018 auction. A SUPERB looking coin one for $7,638 in our December 2017 Regency Auction XXIV. A high end coin like this will see spirited bidding. for any high end cabinet of classic commems. PCGS# 9328 | ESTIMATE: $1,500+ PCGS# 9320 | ESTIMATE: $2,000+ OUR ESTIMATES LOT 387 The estimates you see published in this catalog are based on 50C 1926 OREGON. PCGS MS67+ CAC HAMMER. Keep in mind that a coin could be either low or high end for the grade, have stunning color or be dull, all of From the Huron Hills Collection. which radically affect a coin’s value. Yes, there can be huge price differences within a grade, and we offer estimates as Among the finest graded, there are only three coins that are a guide so Collector’s can have a better idea of value. Onereported higher on the PCGS Population report. Shimmering thing we will never do is offer low ball estimates in order topearlescent surfaces show off a satiny under glow that really claim stronger sales. brings the sharply struck devices out. The eye appeal is excellent! These published estimates represent what Legend Rare Coin Auctions determines to be an approximate high wholesale PCGS 126, NGC 65, CAC 58. There are 16 coins graded 67+ at PCGS, and only 3 finer. The last one to sell realized value for the coin. The numbers are based upon current $2,640 in April 2018, well above the current CU value of market values, similar trades, auction prices, published$1,850. None of the finer examples have sold in auction, but prices, and a consideration of the coin’s quality. There is no guarantee that the estimated prices are minimums or are will certainly cost in the $12,000-$15,000 range. exactly what you can expect to get if you attempt to resell PCGS# 9340 | ESTIMATE: $1,500+ them wholesale. We always advise you to view the coins you are interested in and calculate what you’ll pay using as much information as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us. We are here to help you! 197
LOT 388 50C 1928 OREGON. PCGS MS68 Yikes! save for an exceedingly tiny tick, this coin borders on sheer perfection. We can live with the MS68 designation. We are sure this coin was sent to CAC. The surfaces are sleek and are loaded with luster. They are impeccable looking to the naked eye. A full booming luster beams from all over bringing out a delicate mist of vivid pastel colors beam for the obverse and parts of the reverse. All of the details are sharply struck. The eye appeal is terrific! PCGS 6, NGC 6. The last PCGS piece to sell in auction brought $10,063 in September 2013. These certainly do NOT grow on trees! This coin will be a pleasing addition to any GEM set. PCGS# 9342 | ESTIMATE: $8,500+ LOT 389 50C 1937-D OREGON PCGS MS68 CAC From the Aurora Borealis Collection, Ex Bruce Scher. Our consignor named this remarkable SUPERB GEM, “the Masterpiece.’’ It really is Mother Nature’s gift to Oregon Trail commem collectors! The colors are absolutely stunning on BOTH sides and is presented in a very unique pattern. While sometimes words like dappled, variegated, and mottled have a negative connotation, in this coin’s case, it describes the Jackson Pollock-esque way the colors are distributed across the surfaces. Both sides show a lovely melange of pinks, greens, and blues that really amplify the sharpness of the strike. A bold underlying mint luster brings the entire masterpiece together. Honestly in this cataloger’s eyes, this is one of the most beautiful, original, and high end Oregons that has ever crossed his desk! PCGS 58, NGC 77, CAC 36. A different coin, also pedigreed to the Bruce Scher Collection, sold in January 2013 for $10,375. In light of this coin’s great looks, you really need to toss out all other references and just bid appropriately. PCGS# 9347 | ESTIMATE: $5,000+198
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