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English 2

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-10-21 21:47:41

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PosttestA. Vocabulary. Everyday Expressions Fill in the blank with the correct preposition after into off through to1. Every night, my brother has to see _____________it that the doors are locked before he retires for bed.2. Your deep and abiding faith in God will see you __________________ your sorrow.3. His fans came to see him _____________ at the airport.4. When her mother fell sick, her kind aunt came to see ________________their needs.5. The mayor vowed to see _________________ the matter personally.B. Comprehension Decide whether each statement is a fact or the opinion of the author. Put an F on the blankline if it is a fact and an O if it is an opinion.___________6. I am enclosing a check for P 300.00 in payment.___________7. Your advertisement in this morning’s Highland Courier interest me very much.___________8. I am a sophomore at Jose Rizal High School.___________9. Last summer I worked as a stock boy in the shoes department of a large mall.__________10. The experience would help me in the stock job.C. Synonyms / Antonyms Look in the word box to find a synonym and an antonym for each word below.artificial good tiny hush noisewhetted natural dulled bad large synonym antonym11. man-made12. sharpened13. evil14. silence15. enormous 23

D. Language. Answer the following questions using gerunds.16. Patrick is an active eight-year old boy. What does he enjoy doing?17. P.J. on the other hand is a music lover. What does he enjoy doing?18. Ian is popular with the girls. What does he like doing during his spare time?19. Your report is due tomorrow. You haven’t even begun yet. What do you regret doing in the past days?20. What do traffic violators keep on doing?Self-checkA. Vocabulary1. to 2. through 3. off 4. after 5. to 10. OB. Comprehension 9. F6. F 7. O 8. F Antonym naturalC. Synonyms/Antonyms dulled good Synonym noise tiny11. man-made artificial12. sharpened whetted13. evil bad14. silence hush15. enormous largeD. Language Possible Answers16. He enjoys playing basketball and biking.17. He enjoys playing the guitar and the keyboard, singing and composing.18. He likes talking over the phone with his girlfriends, malling, and going to parties.19. I regret putting my work off till the deadline. I regret postponing it till the deadline. I regret postponing it.20. Traffic violators keep on swerving, changing lanes, overtaking, and driving beyond the speed limits. 24

Before you put aside this module, spend some time reflecting on what you have learned fromit. Use this format in your reflective journal. Check the column that best describes your feeling aboutthe activities you did. For the last column, give your reason. What I think of the activities in this module How I liked themThings I Did (Just fine) (Not so much (Very much) because)What I liked best 25


Unit IV Module 2 Reflecting on and Evaluating Previous EffortsOverview What are we here for? Why did God create man and give him dominion over all Hiscreations? Is man destined only to live, eat, drink, cry, make merry and die afterwards? HenryWadsworth Longfellow, a well-loved American poet, aptly summed our life’s purpose in threestanzas of his famous poem A Psalm of Life. Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way; But to act that each tomorrow Finds us farther than today. Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints, on the sands of time Footprints, that perhaps another, Sailing o’er life’s solemn main, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall take heart again. Do you agree with him? This module focuses on previous efforts – how they were done and why. After going throughthis module you will hopefully be able to reflect on and evaluate your past efforts and positivelyanswer the question: “Did I perform according to the Divine Plan?”Objectives After working on the exercises and activities in this module you will be able to: 1. realize that all the things we do have consequences 2. form and deduce the meaning of some compound words through context 3. learn to read effectively by understanding the literal meaning of sentences 1

4. realize that persistence and hard work almost always bring success 5. scan a selection for specific information 6. make inferences and predictions 7. use the infinitive and infinitive phrase correctly and effectively in a. restating ideas b. making plans c. stating purpose or reason 8. write about an imaginary personal situationInstructions 1. Do not write anything on this module as several students will be using it. Do all your work in your notebook. Be sure to label your work by the module number and title. Keep a separate notebook for your Reflective Journal. 2. Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first. 3. Each module begins with a brief introduction or Overview followed by a list of Objectives you are expected to learn. 4. Before working on the activities, answer the Pretest first. Find out how well you did by checking your answers against the answers given under the Self-Check of the pretest. 5. As you work on the activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What skill or strategy does the activity develop? 6. After each activity go over the Self-Check that follows to find out how well you fared in that activity. Pay attention to the items you missed Learn from your mistakes. 7. After working on all the activities take the Posttest.Now you are ready to take the Pretest.PretestI. Vocabulary. Compound Words Under each compound word that follows is a pair of phrases. One gives the literal meaning ofthe compound word and the other its correct meaning. On your answer sheet, write the letter of thecorrect meaning of the compound word. 1. limelight a. a light used to help lime trees grow b. the center of public attention 2. housewarming a. something that makes a house warm b. a party given when a family moves into a house 2

3. thoroughfare a. passage or road b. the whole price of admission4. busboy a. a boy who cleans a bus b. a boy who clears tables in a restaurant5. cockpit a. a space in an airplane for the pilot and the crew b. a pit in the cock of a gun6. double-cross a. to mark with two crosses b. to betray an associate7. hoodwink a. to deceive b. to wink at a hood8. showdown a. a show that closed down b. forced disclosure9. honeymoon a. a newly married couple’s holiday b. a moon the color of honey10. jaywalk a. to cross a street carelessly or in an illegal direction b. to walk like a jay birdII. Poetry InterpretationRead the poem below and write the letters of your answers to the questions that follow. I Shall Not Pass This Way AgainThrough this toilsome road alas! To a suffering fellowmanOnce and only once I pass; Let me do it while I canIf a kindness I may show No delay, for it is plainIf a good deed I may do I shall not pass this way again.11. To what is man compared?a. Traveler b. Driver c. Actor d. Worker d. Sorrow12. What mood is expressed in the first two lines? d. Battlefield d. Journeya. Joy b. Despair c. Regret d. Dull13. To what is the world compared in the poem?a. Road b. House c. Journey14. To what is life compared?a. Punishment b. Battle c. Work15. What does plain mean in the poem?a. Clear b. Flat c. Ugly 3

16. What is man’s purpose in this world?a. To suffer b. To live c. To do a good deed d. To pass this way17. How many chances is given to man for this?a. One b. Two c. Three d. Many18. What figure of speech is used in the poem?a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Personification d. Irony19. What trait of the writer is brought out in the poem?a. Industry b. Gratitude c. Perseverance d. Charity20. Which of the following does the poem express?a. To live, we must work.b. Life is short, so let’s enjoy every second of it.c. We have only one chance to help others, so let’s do it now.d. We can always delay our work because there is plenty of time for it.III. Recognizing Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases Divide your answer sheets into three columns. In the first column, write the infinitive phrasein each sentence; in the second column, the infinitive; and in the third column, whether it is used as anoun, an adjective or an adverb. Number 1 is done for you.21. The conscientious student borrowed books to read at home.Answer: Infinitive phrase infinitive Use to read at home to read adjective22. To see heaven in a wild flower holds infinity in the palm of your hand.23. The desire of the prosecution is to learn the truth.24. The tourists paused to look at the beautiful sunset.25. Color combinations to be seen at the Ati-Atihan Festival are daring.26. The best time to enjoy the changing clouds is afternoon.27. The clouds appear to be in constant motion.28. The first use of atomic energy was to destroy life and property.29. Today, the farmer has learned to apply radioactive substances as fertilizer.30. We climbed a hill to gain a view of the valley.31. After sundown, we found wood to make a fire at the camp site.Self-check Let’s see how you fared. Check your answers against those that follow.I. Vocabulary 1. b 3. a 5. a 7. a 9. a 2. b 4. b 6. b 8. b 10. a 4

II. Poetry Interpretation11. b 13. a 15. a 17. a 19. d12. c 14. d 16. c 18. b 20. cIII. Recognizing Infinitive and Infinitive Phrases Score each number 2 pts – ½ for every correct infinitive phrase, ½ for every correct infinitiveand 1 for every correct use. Infinitive Phrases Infinitive Use22. to see heaven in a wild flower to see noun23. to learn the truth to learn noun24. to look at the beautiful sunset to look adverb25. to be seen at the Ati-Atihan Festival to be seen adjective26. to enjoy the changing clouds to enjoy adjective27. to be in constant motion to be adverb28. to destroy life and property to destroy noun29. to apply radioactive substances as fertilizers to apply noun30. to gain a view of the valley to gain adverb31. to make a fire at the camp site to make adjective Perfect score is 40. Did you get 40? Fantastic! Congratulations! Did you score between 30 – 39? Very good! Keep up the good work. Make full use of this module to improve. Did you score between 20 and 29? Good work, but there is still so much room for improvement. You can do better if you try harder. Study this module very well to learn more. If you scored 19 or lower, that’s okay, you’re just starting anyway. However, you’ve got to work doubly hard. Study this module very carefully and well so you’ll do better. Good luck!Reading AdventurePre-reading Are you familiar with the Biblical saying “What a man sows, that also shall he reap”? Explainwhat you understand by the quotation. Do you agree with it? Read the title of the poem. What do you think does it mean? 5

While Reading The Arrow and the Song Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For, so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow it in its flight. I breathed a song into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For who has sight so keen and strong, That it can follow the flight of song? Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroke; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend.Post ReadingUnderstanding and Appreciating the Poem Write the answers to the following questions in your notebook. 1. In the first stanza, what happened to the arrow? 2. Why couldn’t the poet follow the arrow? 3. Was the poet able to find the arrow again? Where? In what condition? 4. The oak is a kind of tree often used by writers to symbolize something. What does it stand for in the poem? 5. What does the arrow symbolize or represent? 6. In the second stanza, what happened to the song? 7. Did the poet find the song again? Where? In what condition? 8. What does the song symbolize or represent? 9. What figure of speech is used in the poem? 10. What is the predominant sensory image in the following lines: a. Lines 1 and 2, stanza 1 b. Lines 1 and 2, stanza 2 11. What are the referents of it in the following lines: a. Line 4, stanza 1 b. Line 4, stanza 2 6

12. What is the message of the poem? 13. Were there instances in your life in the past similar to what the poet experienced? How did you feel then? 14. Read the poem orally and memorize it.Self-check Let’s see how well you understood the poem. Check your answers against thosebelow. 1. The arrow flew out of the sight of the poet. 2. Because it flew so swiftly away. 3. Yes. It was embedded in the trunk of an oak. It was unbroken. 4. The oak is used in the poem to suggest/symbolize long-lasting strength. 5. The arrow symbolized sharp words and bad actions. 6. The song was lost in the air. 7. Yes. He found the whole or complete song in the heart of a friend. 8. The song symbolized kind and beautiful actions. 9. Metaphor 10. a. motion b. sound 11. a. arrow b. sight 12. All our words and deeds have repercussions – pleasantly or unpleasantly. You should score 7 or higher if you really understood the poem. Otherwise, pleasestudy the poem again.Write Thing In your notebook, paraphrase each stanza into a short paragraph of not more than three sentences, two if possible. Let’s read a story this time.Pre-reading How persistent and long would you pursue a dream? A year perhaps? A decade? Or would itbe a lifetime? Why? 7

Look at the title and read the first two paragraphs of the selection then answer the followingquestions. 1. What is the setting of the story? 2. Who is the main character? 3. What is his hobby?While ReadingThe Boy Who Redeemed His Father’s Name Terry Morris 1As she had often done before, Mrs. than anything else, he wanted to be theSchoichi Ikeya woke when her son Kaoru did. discoverer of a new comet – and this was theUnnoticed by him, she saw him prepare to 109th night of his logged the sky. She watched him draw on hisleather wind-breaker, heavy work pants, wool 3After studying the eastern sky for anscarf and gloves, then carry a blanket with hour, he shifted his telescope toward thehim as he left the house to climb a ladder to southeast. There he sighted a misty object hethe rooftop perch beside his telescope. Kaoru, had never noticed before. His sky mapsher oldest son, looked so thin and haggard showed nothing in that location. He recheckedfrom lack of sleep that it took all of her self- the position carefully, then remained glued tocontrol to stifle her protest against his going. his telescope, half-convinced that what he was seeing must be an illusion. But the small, 2By this night January 2, 1963, 19- diffuse glow remained in the sky, and, as heyear-old Kaoru had been observing the sky observed its gradual movement among thefor a long time. Whenever he peered through stars, Kaoru positively identified it not as athe telescope which he had made with his faint star cluster but as the head of a comet.own hands, his pulse quickened inanticipation. He had set himself a goal more 8

4But was it his comet? Or was he movement. Then, mounting his bicycle, hewitnessing the return of a comet already pedaled off to the huge Kawai Gakki Piano Co.recorded? where he polished the white celluloid sheaths for piano keyboards for $35 a month. His 5Very early that morning, Kaoru sent a personnel card read, “A steady fellow.wire to the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory Reliable. Quiet. Middle-school educationreporting the comet’s position, its tenth only. Non-participant in company sports ormagnitude brightness, the direction of its, hobby clubs. Lacks ambition and initiative.”Now pause and answer the following questions.1. How was Kaoru assessed by his employer? Why so?2. What was his more important concern? Why?3. What did he hope to discover? Do you think he was successful in his quest. Read on to find out. 6A few days later, the international it was there that Kaoru climbed up to escape news services were hailing him: “Self-taught the noisy clamor of three younger brothers and 19-year-old Kaoru Ikeya, using a reflector a sister. Soon he was mounting to the rooftop telescope constructed by himself at a cost of to look at the stars. $22.32, has discovered the new year’s first comet, officially designated Comet Ikeya 9By the time he was 12, he was so 1963 and now the subject of observation and enthralled by the heavens that he was tracking by astronomers in both reading books about the stars and tracing maps hemispheres.” and diagrams of the skies in his notebook. He determined to build his own telescope. Kaoru 7Kaoru’s discovery was accompanied was reluctant to ask his father to buy him one by a great deal of publicity. News because of the tension that already existed photographers appeared at his home; he was between them. His father complained that led before TV cameras and radio hookups; he Kaoru should apply himself more to the family received hundreds of letters from amateur business, a fish store that was doing quite well. astronomers seeking advise; he was awarded He insisted that astronomy had no place in a gold medal by the Tokyo Observatory; he their station in life. watched a professional actor portray him in a melodramatic version of his life story 10Kaoru continued to haunt the school (Watching the Stars) to be shown to school library, reading texts on astronomy and children. He found this fiction specially studying the principles of optics, physics and distasteful. Commenting wryly, he asked, chemistry that are involved in telescope “Why isn’t the truth good enough?” making. 8When Kaoru was six, his father moved 11But Mr. Ikeya’s business began to failhis family from the industrial city of Nagoya to and he became increasingly reluctant to facethe town of Bentenjima. Their new house, his wife and five young children. He took tooverlooking Lake Hamana, had a flat roof and lounging about the pubs and drinking. 9

12Perhaps nowhere else in the world descendants. Mr. Ikeya’s failure in his duty asdoes a father’s neglect so cruelly punish his a parent had placed an oppressive burden offamily as in Japan, with its heritage of on – the shame on the family name, perhaps forobligation each person incurs by the mere fact generations. Kaoru says, “We could think ofof his existence. A basic part of on is ko – the nothing else, my mother and I, but that ourobligation to one’s parents and to one’s family was disgraced.”Let’s pause again to answer the following questions.1. How old was Kaoru when he started stargazing?2. What unfortunate incident changed his life?3. How did Kaoru plan to redeem the dishonor in the family? Did he succeed?4. What do you think was the richest reward he received for all his efforts? Continue reading to find out. 13Sadly Kaoru watched his mother go secondhand stores to get the other materials heto work at the hotel near the Bentejima needed. After two years of hard work, he wasrailroad station, cooking and cleaning for ready once more to search the skies. It wasstrangers. He himself took a part-time job August, 1961.rising at five in the morning to deliver themorning papers and returning after school to 16In Japan the best hours for viewingdeliver the evening edition. He increasingly are from 3 to 5 a.m., but not every sky is fit forfelt the responsibility of removing from the observation. On cloudy mornings, Kaorufamily name the stigma his father had caught up on the sleep he lost on clear days.attached to it. By this time he was thinking After many months without success, he feltabout discovering a comet – his comet. He deeply discouraged. He wrote to Minorudreamed of attaching the dishonored name to Honda, discoverer of nine comets, pleadingthe tail of a new comet and writing that name between the lines for a word ofacross the sky. “Comet Ikeya!” The name encouragement.had a fine, proud ring! 17The astronomer replied. “To observe 14After graduation from middle the skies solely to seek a new comet is aschool, Kaoru went to work in the piano hopeless task which demands a great deal offactory. He was classified as an unskilled time and hard labor, but to observe the brilliantlaborer at base pay. Kaoru wasn’t disturbed. heavens for their own sake without thought ofPolishing celluloid was mechanical; he could discovery may bring you good luck in yourthink of other things while he was working. comet-seeking.” 15In his spare time, Kaoru set himself to 18Kaoru returned to his sky watches.grinding the high-precision surface for the He now concentrated on the whole sky, tryingmain mirror that would go into the telescope he to become as familiar with it as he was withhad decided to build. He shopped around in the streets and byways of Bentenjima. 10

19On December 31, 1962, Mrs. Ikeya and accompanied his mother to the nearbycounted a total of 16 months since Kaoru had shrine to pray for good fortune in 1963.started his vigils with his new telescope.“Surely, Kaoru,” she pleaded, “this night you 21On the following night, January 2,will take your full rest. It is Omisoka, the 1963, Kaoru discovered his comet.Grand Last Day of the year. Both of us haveworked hard. We have honorably settled our 22For Kaoru Ikeya, who has neitherdebts and we can start the new year with a sought nor been offered advancement, theclean record. Let us stay up until midnight, richest reward has been this: he has now madelistening to the temple bells, and then sleep late partial payment on his ko by taking ain the morniong.” dishonored name and writing it across the skies. 20Kaoru did as she asked. He remainedwith the family all through New Year’s DayWords UnlockedUnderstanding Compound Words Compound words are those that are made up of two smaller words. Some compoundwords carry over the meaning of each of the words that make them up while others have avery different meaning from the two or more words that comprise them. Following are the meaning of some compound words used in the selection. Find thecompound word that means 1. a business concern that involves the family 2. a child who attends school 3. an outer jacket made of wind-resistant materials 4. the outer surface of a flat roof 5. a store where fish is sold 6. a factory that manufactures pianos 7. a store that sells secondhand goods 8. a grouping of stars appearing close together in the sky 9. a book where you write notes 10. an astronomer who is an amateur 11. close observation of the sky to check any change 12. a sheath made of celluloid 13. restraint exercised over one’s own impulses, emotions or desires 14. a vigil that takes all night 15. a tubular optical instrument for viewing distant objects 11

Post ReadingA. Understanding Literal Meaning Getting the literal meaning of what you read is a basic skill needed when you read articles ontechnical or scientific subjects. You should be able to understand what the writer is telling you andbe able to recognize his thoughts. The meaning you give to the article must be restricted to theauthor’s sentences and the conclusions you arrive at must be supported by facts from the readingmaterial, not by what you think he might mean. You should not let your own thoughts, opinions orprejudices color what the author is saying. You should read the lines. Pick out the letter of the sentence that is closest in meaning to the key sentence. 1. Naked-eye comets are not very common, though a few have been visible even in broad daylight. a. Some comets can be seen without telescope even in the daytime. b. If a comet is visible in the daytime, it is called a naked-eye comet. c. To be called a naked-eye comet, the comet must be near the sun. 2. In ancient times a comet was regarded as portending a plague, earthquake, or other disaster, or as an omen of defeat in battles. a. In ancient times, a comet brought disaster to the people who saw it. b. A comet used to be regarded as an omen of impending disaster. c. People feared the appearance of a comet because it portended a calamity. 3. The metallic vapors of a comet are especially visible when the comet is heated by the sun. a. The sun releases the metallic vapors of a comet. b. When a comet is heated by sun, its metallic vapors are in greater evidence. c. The heat of the sun is necessary to identify the comet in the daytime. 4. After circling the sun, the comet starts its journey back into space, tail first. a. Each comet must circle the sun before it can go back into space. b. The tail of the comet is reabsorbed as it goes around the sun. c. Tail first, the comet goes back into space after it has circled the sun. 5. The comets are continually having fragments dragged out of them by passing planets, and eventually they become completely disrupted. a. Passing planets attract the fragments trailing the comet and disrupt their arrangement. b. The particles that trail the comet are constantly changing. c. Comets change in size because of the effect of passing planets on their particles.B. Understanding and Responding to the Story Write the answers to the following questions in your notebook. 1. How old was Kaoru when he discovered his comet? 2. Prior to his discovery, how long had he been on his logged search? 3. When and how did he discover the comet? 12

4. Why was Kaoru determined to discover a comet?5. What happened to Kaoru’s father? Why?6. What was the effect of this on the Ikeya family? Explain.7. How would you describe the relationship between the father and the son? Why is there a gap?8. In a score of 1 to 5 with 5 as the highest, rate Kaoru on the following personal traits. Justify your rating.Traits 12 3 4 51. Persistent2. Hard-working3. Reliable4. Obedient5. Responsible6. Determined7. Self-motivated9. If you were Kaoru would you have done what he did and for the same reasons? Why or why not?10. Do you agree with the evaluation in his personnel card that Kaoru lacks ambition and initiative? Cite proofs in the story to support your answer.Write Thing Suppose your father abandons your family, how would you feel? What would you do? Free write about your personal thoughts and views on the matter in your Reflective Journal.Skills EnhancerCompound Words Compound words are those made up of two smaller words. You can usually tell what acompound word means by combining the meaning of the two smaller words. Thus earth and wormare combined to make earthworm which means “a worm that lives in the earth.” At other times the 13

meaning of the compound is quite different from that of the two smaller words. Thus thecombination of pine and apple does not mean “an apple that grows on a pine tree.” Pineapple means“a large juicy fruit that grows in a hot climate, and looks something like a large pinecone.” In writing the compound word sometimes the smaller words are connected with a hyphen;sometimes they are written as one word and at other times they are written separately as two wordseven though they have the meaning of a single word.Let’s try your skill at forming compound words.Exercise 1 Forming Compound Words Look at the two columns of words. Each word in Column 1 is the first part of a compoundword. Each word in Column 2 is the second part of a compound word. Match the words that gotogether and write the compound word in your notebook. Column 1 Column 2 1. cliff suds 2. life cup 3. candle bush 4. tea warrant 5. rose string 6. man hanger 7. clam map 8. shoe saver 9. soap snuffer 10. bee shell 11. eye hunt 12. search cellar 13. storm ache 14. stomach lid 15. road keeperSelf-checkAre you eager to know how you fared? Check your answers against those below.1. cliffhanger 6. manhunt 11. eyelid2. lifesaver 7. clam shell 12. search warrant3. candle snuffer 8. shoe string 13. storm cellar4. tea cup 9. soap suds 14. stomach ache5. rose bush 10. bee-keeper 15. road map 14

Perfect? That’s great! Congratulations. You know your compound words. Did you score between 11 and 14? Very good! Keep it up. Did you score between 7 and 10? Good! But you could have done better. Learn more about compound words. If you scored 6 or lower please try your best to improve in the exercise that follows. Don’t be content to be a tail-ender.Exercise 2 Understanding Compound Words Look at the list of compound words below. Under each word is a pair of phrases, one givingthe true meaning of the word and the other its literal meaning. Write the letter of the true meaning. 1. cocktail a. the tail of a rooster b. an appetizing drink 2. gridiron a. a field on which football games are played b. something that iron grids 3. box office a. an office that sells boxes b. an office where theater tickets are sold 4. double-header a. something with two heads b. two games played after one another 5. starboard a. a board shaped like a star b. the right side of a ship, looking forward 6. penny-wise a. knowing about pennies b. wise only in small matters 7. shortstop a. to stop quickly b. a baseball player 8. headway a. progress b. the way the head goes 9. bulldozer a. a sleeping bull b. a powerful tractor 10. breakneck a. breaking the neck b. very dangerous 11. hedgehop a. to fly an airplane very low and rise over obstacles as they appear b. to jump over hedges 15

12. big shot a. an influential or important person b. a loud explosion13. crackpot a. a strange person b. a pot that is cracked14. litterbug a. a person who drops refuse in public places b. a bug that litters15. nest egg a. money saved b. the first egg in a nestSelf-checkLet’s see how you fared. Check your answers against the following1. b 4. b 7. b 10. b 13. a2. a 5. b 8. a 11. a 14. a3. b 6. b 9. b 12. a 15. a Perfect? Excellent! If you scored 11 to 14, very good! Keep it up or better yet improve. If you scored 7 to 10 well you did fine but there is still so much room for improvement. Read, read and read to improve. If you scored 6 or lower you’ve got to do something about your performance. Study harder please.Language Focus Study the following sentences paying special attention to the italicized group of words. 1. To redeem his father’s name is Kaoru’s obsession. 2. He wanted to discover a comet. 3. Kaoru built a telescope to use in his stargazing. 4. He worked in a piano factory to augment the family income.Generalization The italicized groups of words are infinitive phrases so called because they are introduced byinfinitives, (to redeem, S1; to discover, S2; to use, S3; to augment, S4) plus their modifiers. 16

An infinitive is a verb form that is usually preceded by to + the base form of the main verb andin used as a noun (S1& 2), an adjective (S3) or an adverb (S4). As a noun the infinitive or infinitive phrase may be used as: 1. Subject of the sentence To seek a new comet seems a hopeless task. 2. Direct object Kaoru decided to build his own reflector telescope. 3. Predicate nominative or subjective complement His hobby is to watch the sky. 4. Object of the preposition On clear nights Kaoru did nothing except to observe the heavens.Activity 1. Determining the Uses of Infinitive Phrases In your notebook, write the infinitive phrases in the following sentences and identify whetherit is used as a noun, an adjective or an adverb. 1. Balboa was the first explorer to see the Pacific Ocean. 2. The early years of a person’s life are the best time to learn a foreign language. 3. Leandro hopes to enter the Philippine Military Academy next school year. 4. The students hurried to reach their classroom on time. 5. To become a physician is Paolo’s chief ambition. 6. Patricia Ann is eager to start kindergarten. 7. My teacher suggested books to use as reference for our term paper. 8. Ray Lee attends tutorial classes to improve his English. 9. Have you tried to find a part-time job? 10. Liz’s hope is to study fashion design after high school.Self-check Let’s find out how well you performed. Check your answers against the following. 1. to see the Pacific Ocean – adjective 2. to learn a foreign language – adjective 3. to enter the Philippine Military Academy next school year – noun 4. to reach their classrooms on time – adverb 5. to become a physician – noun 6. to start kindergarten – adverb 7. to use as reference for our term paper – adjective 8. to improve his English – adverb 9. to find a part-time job – noun 10. to study fashion design after high school – noun Perfect score is 20. Did you get 20? Terrific! Congratulations! 17

Is your score between 15-19? Very good! Keep up the good work or better yet improve on it. Is your score between 10-14? Good, but you could have done better. Try harder in the next exercise. But if your score is 9 or lower, you’ve got to study harder. Don’t try to just pass, try to lead. Please try harder in the succeeding exercises.Activity 2. Choosing the Right InfinitiveComplete the blank in each sentence by using the appropriate infinitive from the box. to save to drain to grow to help to cover to ripen to replant to scatter to find to turn to cultivate to set to harvest to flood to have Growing Rice – Primitive Style1. We expect __________ rice fields in rural Philippines.2. Centuries ago the Filipino began __________ rice for food.3. The farmer has only the plow and the carabao __________ him with his rice crop.4. The first step in growing rice is __________ the seeds by hand.5. Then it is necessary __________ the field with water.6. For three weeks the plants are allowed __________ under water.7. The next step is __________ the young sprouts in another field.8. The farmer is careful __________ them in rows in this second field.9. He proceeds __________ this second field or paddy with water.10. It is important for the rice __________ an adequate water supply.11. __________ the rice plants, he must remove all weeds from the field.12. In a few weeks the leaves of the rice plants begin __________ yellow.13. Then it is time __________ the water off the fields.14. The plants will continue __________ in the sunshine.15. __________ the rice, the farmer cuts the stalk with a sickle.Self-checkAre you eager to know how you performed? Check your answers against the key that follows.1. to find 5. to flood 9. to cover 13. to drain2. to cultivate 6. to grow 10. to have 14. to ripen3. to help 7. to replant 11. to save 15. to harvest4. to scatter 8. to set 12. to turn 18

Perfect? You’re truly amazing! Congratulation. Is your score between 11 -14? Very good! Keep it up or better yet, improve. Is your score between 7 -10? You did fine but so much leaves to be desired. Study harder to improve. If you got 6 or lower perhaps it is best that you study the presentation of the structure and the generalization again before proceeding to the next activity. Please put in more dedication in your studies.Activity 3. Rewording Sentences Reword the sentence by changing the italicized clause to an infinitive phrase. It might not benecessary to change all the words in the clause. Number 1 is done for you. The Opossum 1. The class decided that we would learn something about the opossum. The class decided to learn something about the opossum. 2. The mother opossum is the only animal in the Western Hemisphere that carries her young in a pouch like the kangaroos. 3. The newborn opossum is known as being only one-half inch long. 4. We found that the opossum lack fully developed eyes, ears and legs. 5. Because they are so helpless, it is necessary that they should be carried in the mother’s pouch. 6. It takes the opossum fifty-five days before it grows to the size of a mouse. 7. By then they are old enough so that they can ride on their parent’s back. 8. When the mother decides that she will take them for an airing they climb on her back for their ride. 9. It takes fully three years before the opossum reaches maturity. 10. By then it has grown so that it is the size of a cat. 11. The opossum comes out its hollow-tree home at night so that it can hunt for berries, nuts and frost bitten persimmons.Self-check Let’s see how you fared. Check your answers against the key that follows. Score each correctanswer 2 points. 2. The mother opossum is the only animal in the Western Hemisphere to carry her young in a pouch like the kangaroo’s. 3. The newborn opossum is known to be only one-half inch long. 4. We found the young opossums to lack fully developed eyes, ears, and legs. 5. Because they are so helpless, it is necessary for them to be carried in the mother’s pouch. 6. It takes the opossum fifty-five days to grow to the size of a mouse. 7. By then they are old enough to ride on their parent’s back. 8. When the mother decides to take them for an airing, they climb on her back for their ride. 19

9. It takes fully three years for the opossum to reach maturity. 10. By then it has grown to be the size of a cat. 11. The opossum comes out its hollow-tree home at night to hunt for berries, nuts, and frostbitten persimmons. Perfect score is 20. Did you get 20? Excellent! It seems you are using the module to theoptimum. If you scored between 14 -19, very good! But don’t rest on your laurels. Try to improve. If your score is between 8-13 you’re okay but you can do better than this if you try harder yet. But if you scored 7 or lower you really must buckle down to work. You need more than luckto make the grade. Do your best in the succeeding activities.Activity 4. Making Plans Answer the following in complete sentences using infinitives or infinitive phrases. 1. What are your plans for this summer vacation? 2. What are your intentions for the coming school year? 3. If you cannot continue schooling what do you intend to do? 4. If you can proceed with your studies, what are your plans after high school? 5. What are your parent’s plans for you?Self-check This activity is open ended so there is no one correct answer. However, be sure to use aninfinitive or infinitive phrase in your answer. You may start your answer with 1. I plan ____________________________________. 2. I intend ____________________________________. 3. If I cannot continue schooling I intend ____________________________________. 4. If I can proceed with my studies, I plan ____________________________________. 5. My parents want me ____________________________________.Everyday Expressions You already know that idioms are expressions that have developed naturally in a language.Let us learn the idioms with set. Set, literally means to place in a position. When used as an idiom, however, it takes on severalmeanings as the expressions on the next page. 20

Study the following expressions.set about - start something set down - lay down with authorityset against - to cause to oppose set in - to become establishedset back - to delay; hinder set off - to cause an explosionset out - to begin a journey set up - to establish or put upset apart - to make different from set aside - to save or keep for a special or better than purpose; to disregardExercise 1. Fill in the blank with the correct idiom chosen from the foregoing list. Be sure to use thecorrect verb form.1. During the orientation, our adviser ____________ the rules for the class.2. The terrorists ____________ a car bomb that killed a number of people.3. We’d better ____________ clearing this mess before Miss Payumo comes.4. Her musical talents ____________ her ____________ from the other students.5. We must get the roof repaired before the rainy season ____________.6. The government has ____________ a task force to stop graft and corruption.7. ____________ some of your income for emergencies.8. My illness will ____________ our holiday plans for at least a month.9. They ____________ early as they had a long way to go.10. A civil war can ____________ brother ____________ brother.Exercise 2.Answer the following questions using the idioms in parentheses.1. To be fair to students what must a teacher do? (set aside)2. What will happen if the doctors don’t operate on his leg? (set in)3. Why are you stocking up on provisions? (set out)4. Why is Arnel looking for a commercial space? (set up)5. What will be the effect of that family feud? (set against)6. Why is Mrs. Santos upset about Carlos’ absence? (set back)Self-check 4. set apart 7. set aside 10. set against 5. sets in 8. set backExercise 1 6. set up 9. set out 1. set down 2. set off 3. set about 21

Exercise 2. (The reasons may differ but the idiom must be used correctly) 1. To be fair to students a teacher must set aside his/her personal preferences. 2. If the doctors don’t operate gangrene will set in. 3. I’m stocking up on provisions because we will set out for a fifteen day camping trip. 4. Arnel will set up an internet café so he’s looking for a commercial space. 5. That family feud will set cousins against cousins and uncles against nephews. 6. Mrs. Santos is upset as Carlos’ absence will set back the plans for the Science Fair. You should get at least 10 or higher to consider yourself adept in using the idioms with Set.Otherwise, please study the idioms again.Exercise 3. Do you think you can now use the idioms in your own sentences? I’m sure you can. Howabout giving it a try. You are almost through with the module. To assess how much you’ve learned from it, takethe Posttest.PosttestI. Vocabulary Compound Words Under each compound word that follows is a pair of phrases. One gives the literal meaning ofthe compound word and the other its correct meaning. On your answer sheet, write the letter of thetrue and correct meaning of the compound word.1. scapegoat a. a goat that escapes b. one who bears the blame for others2. purse-proud a. proud of being rich b. proud of carrying a purse3. fifth column a. the fifth pillar b. persons living in a country who secretly aid its enemies4. figurehead a. a head that figures b. chief in name only5. stool pigeon a. a bird shaped like a stool b. a spy for the police 22

6. butterball a. a chubby person b. a ball of butter7. head-on a. with the front facing in the direction of motion b. having a head on the shoulders8. deadline a. the time before which something must be done b. a line that is dead9. hamstring a. the string on a ham b. a tendon behind the knee10. skinflint a. skin as hard as flint b. a miserII. Poetry InterpretationRead the following poem and write the letters of your answers to the questions that follow. Night 1 Night 2 Traded a handful of stars for a moon-pearl; 3 Learned 4 From the gossipy winds of a gem far lovelier; 5 Pawned 6 The moon for the Brooch of Day… 7 Night 8 Swooned away, dead; 9 The fires of the Sun had scorched her naked 10 Breast.11. What time is covered by the poem?a. 6 a.m – 6 p.m. b. 6 p.m. – 6 a.m. c. 12 a.m. – 12 p.m. d. 12 p.m. – 12 a.m. d. Gossiped12. Which of the following was NOT done by night? d. Pawned d. Cometa. Traded b. Pawned c. Died d. Metonymy d. Swooned13. What word in the poem means about the same as fainted? d. Metonymya. Traded b. Scorched c. Swooned14. What is the “Brooch of Day”?a. Sun b. Star c. Moon15. What figure of speech is used in line 6?a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Personification16. What word in the poem means about the same as burned?a. Scorched b. Traded c. Pawned17. What figure of speech is the whole poem?a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Personification 23

18. What time is referred to in lines 7 – 10?a. Early morning b. Noon c. Afternoon d. Early evening c. Breast d. Night19. To what does her in line 9 refer? c. Touch d. Smella. Sun b. Noon20. To what sense do lines 9 – 10 appeal?a. Sight b. TasteIII. Recognizing Infinitive and Infinitive Phrases Divide your answer sheet into three columns. In the first column, write the infinitive phrase ineach sentence; in the second column, the infinitive, and in the third column whether it is used as anoun, an adjective or an adverb.21. Adel decided to open a convenience store.22. Let me take an extra sandwich to eat during the break.23. You should not allow young children to play with matches.24. The best solution is to speak honestly and openly about your fears.25. Manuel has something intelligent to say about almost every topic we discuss.26. Lani wasted no opportunity to help other people.27. It is wonderful to know understanding adults.28. My idea was to repair the broken plate with glue.29. The bicycle rider rushed down the street too fast to stop at the stoplight.30. Now is the time to unite as one nation.Self-check Let’s see how well you performed in the posttest. Check your answers against the following.It is expected that you’ll get a higher score here than in the pretest.I. Vocabulary. Compound Words1. b 3. b 5. b 7.a 9. b2. a 4. b 6. a 8. a 10. bII. Poetry Interpretation11. b 3. c 15. b 17. c 19. d12. d 14. a 16. a 18. a 20. cIII. Recognizing Infinitive and Infinitive Phrases Score each number 2 pts – ½ for every correct infinitive phrase, ½ for every correct infinitiveand 1 for every correct use. 24

Infinitive Phrase Infinitive Use21. to open a convenience store to open noun22. to eat during the break to eat adjective23. to play with matches to play noun24. to speak honestly and openly about to speak noun your fears25. to say about almost every topics to say adverb to help adjective we discuss to know adverb26. to help other people to repair noun27. to know understanding adults to stop adverb28. to repair the broken plate with glue to unite adjective29. to stop at the stoplight30. to unite as one nationPerfect score is 40. Perfect? You’re truly amazing! You’ve really used themodule to the max. Congratulations! It’s a pleasure working with you.Did you score between 30 and 39? Very good! Keep up the good work.Did you score between 20 and 29? You did fine but you could have scoredhigher and better if you tried a bit harder.If you scored 19 or lower please improve on the succeeding modules. Don’t becontent to be tail-ender. If this module has helped you become a more reflective person who can evaluate past actionsobjectively, then congratulations! Keep on. 25

Before you put aside this module, spend some time reflecting on what you have learned fromit. Use this format in your reflective journal. What I think of the activities in this module How I liked themThings I Did (Very much) (Just fine) (Not so much because)What I liked best? 26


UNIT IV Module 3 Noting Facts and Analyzing ResultsOverview Human beings are not only gregarious, they are also educable. Although they reactinstinctively at times, they act logically and creatively and learn from their mistakes most of the time.They use their senses and reason in observing and categorizing behavior of those around them and inanalyzing the consequence of these to them for the upliftment of humankind. Human beings do not live only in the present. They profit from noting trends and analyzingresults of their past and that of the race. They pool their knowledge of the past and the present andpass it on to the younger generation to build the foundation of a better world of the future. This module deals with noting facts and analyzing results of human actions. It is hoped thatafter studying the module you would ably keep pace with present trends, analyze the effects of theseto your country and people to improve on these, and with head held high say: “I’ve created a betterplace under the sun for me and my fellowmen.” 1

ObjectivesAfter working on the activities in this module you will be able to1. arrive at the meaning of unfamiliar words through structural and context clues2. recall specific facts and point out the foreshadowing of events3. point out how attitudes influence one’s behavior4. make inferences and predictions5. note cause and effect relationship6. describe people, objects and places7. form compounds with participles8. use participial modifiers correctly9. write a description of a person using participles and participial phrasesInstructionsTo optimize the use of this module please do the following.1. Do not write anything on this module as several students will be using it. Do all your work in your notebook. Be sure to label your work by the module number and title. Keep a separate notebook for your Reflective Journal.2. Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first.3. Each module begins with an Overview or brief introduction followed by a list of Objectives that you are expected to learn.4. Before working on the activities answer the Pretest first. Find out how well you did by checking you answers against the answers given under the Self-check of the pretest.5. As you work on the activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What skill or strategy does the activity develop?6. After each activity, go over the Self-check that follows to find out how well you fared in that activity. Pay attention to the items you missed. Learn from your mistakes.7. After working on all activities, take the Pretest.Shall we begin? Let’s start with the Pretest. 2

PretestI. VocabularyA. Using Context Clues. Write the letter of the word that gives the correct meaning of the underlined word as used in the sentence.1. The viscous gum stuck to my pants. a. dirty c. sweet b. thick d. sticky2. She was scolded by the teacher for her insolent answers. a. rude b. incorrect c. foolish d. funny3. The clairvoyant sensed an accident was about to happen. a. religious person c. one gifted with talent b. intelligent person d. one gifted with extra perception4. You don’t compel him to eat if he doesn’t want to. He will eat willingly when he gets hungry. a. pay b. force c. test d. bribe5. It is a miracle he survived the car accident unscathed. a. unafraid b. unhappily c. unharmed d. unknowingly6. Her reverie was broken by his noisy arrival. a. nap b. silence c. adoration d. daydreaming7. Keeping busy has brought solace to people suffering from some anxiety. a. love b. health c. consolation d. encouragement8. Joselito gave a precise answer to the question. a. exact b. short c. wrong d. indirectB. Understanding Compound Words Match the compound word in A with its correct meaning in B. Write the letters only. A B9. jukebox a. disobedient10. flopjack b. extra space, time or money11. network c. small shelter for a dog12. leeway d. to have the reverse of the desired effect13. hallmark e. a system of communication14. wayward f. phonograph with a coin slot15. backfire g. a pancake h. special indication of good quality 3

II. Reading ComprehensionRead the following passages and write the letters of your answers to the questions that follow.A. “Congratulations,” said Dennis grasping Rafael’s hand, “That pole vault will set a record.”16. Who was Rafael? b. A banker c. A coach d. A teacher a. An athlete17. What expression did Dennis have on his face?a. Impatience b. Admiration c. Amusement d. Pride18. If Dennis had used a complete sentence when he said “Congratulations,” what would he have said? a. “Thank you for the congratulations.” b. “I like your congratulations.” c. “I want to congratulate you.” d. “Congratulations are in order.”B. In the west, the stars sink, luminous almost until the sun’s rays strike them. Small clouds in the east turn deep pink and gold. There is brilliant color all over the sky.19. What does the paragraph describe? c. The splendor of sunrise a. The colorful world d. The dying night b. The luminous sun20. What time of day is referred to?a. Sunrise b. Noon c. Afternoon d. Sunset21. What is the predominant sensory image in the paragraph?a. Touch b. Taste c. Sound d. SightC. Faithful to the last image of the many characters he had played during his long acting career, John Wayne refused to give up in the face of death. But it is feared that the cancer from which he is suffering will this time be too strong for him.22. What is John Wayne’s occupation?a. Player b. Actor c. Artist d. Star23. What disease is he suffering from?a. Tuberculosis b. Heart disease c. Ulcer d. Cancer24. Which in Sentence 2 refers to what word?a. Cancer b. Career c. Death d. Suffering25. What is one positive character trait of Mr. Wayne?a. Industrious b. Courageous c. Fearless d. Faithful26. What is the paragraph about?a. Movies made by John Wayne c. The courage of John Wayneb. Acting career of John Wayne d. The cancer of John Wayne 4

D. H O P E Hope is a tattered flag and a dream out of time…….. The evening star inviolable over the coal mines……… The blue hills beyond the smoke of the steel works .27. Which of the following is NOT compared to Hope?a. tattered flag b. evening star c. blue hills d. coal mines d. touch28. What is the predominant sensory image in the poem? d. malls d. personificationa. sight b. sound c. smell29. To what does steel works in line 3 refer?a. hospitals b. banks c. factories30. What figure of speech is used in the poem?a. simile b. metaphor c. ironyIII. Grammar A. Using Participles and Participial Phrases Write the letter of the clause that will complete each of the following sentences correctly. 31. Helping myself to the chocolates, _______________________________________ a. the entire box was consumed. b. I consumed the entire box. c. the entire box was consumed by me. 32. Irregularly shaped and built on an incline, _________________________________ a. a woman owns the house. b. the house own a woman. c. the house is owned by a woman. 33. Having viewed their favorite program, ____________________________________ a. the television set was switched to another channel. b. the children switched the television set to another channel. c. switching the television set to another channel was done by the children. 34. Flying over the tall mountains on a clear day,______________________________ a. the airplane was easily spotted. b. spotting the airplane was easy for us. c. we easily spotted the airplane. 5

35. Walking down the street, ___________________________________________ a. a policeman was met. b. I met a policeman. c. meeting a policeman happened to me. 36. Caught in a trap, __________________________________________________ a. the rabbit struggled hard. b. we found a struggling rabbit. c. a struggling rabbit happened. 37. Examining our flat tire, ____________________________________________ a. a nail was discovered by the mechanic. b. discovering a nail was what the mechanic did. c. the mechanic discovered a nail on it. 38. Seeking adventure, ________________________________________________ a. we go mountain climbing. b. mountain climbing is done. c. mountain climbing I do.B. Placing Participial ModifiersWrite the letter of the correct sentence arrangement from the group of three sentences. 39. a. The Shetland ponies are desirable pets for children loved their patience and gentleness. b Loved for their patience and gentleness, the Shetland ponies are desirable pets for children. c. Loved for their patience and gentleness, children have the Shetland ponies as desirable pets. 40. a. Having written his report, many times he read it. b. Having written his report, he read it many times. c. He read many times his report having written it. 41. a. The zebra, found only in Africa, belongs to the horse family. b. Found only in Africa, to the horse family the zebra belongs. c. To the horse family found only in Africa belongs the zebra. 42. a. Being in the doghouse, I was not afraid of the Doberman. b. The Doberman, being in the doghouse, I was not afraid. c. Being in the doghouse, the Doberman did not frighten me. 43. a. The woman picked the roses having watered the garden. b. Having watered the garden, the woman picked the roses. c. Having watered the garden, picking the roses was done by the woman. 6

44. a. The man bumped his head against the door prowling in the dark. b. Against the door, the man prowling in the dark bumped his head. c. Prowling in the dark, the man bumped his head against the door.45. a. The old fellow lost his umbrella wearing shabby clothes. b. The old fellow, wearing shabby clothes, lost his umbrella. c. Wearing shabby clothes, his umbrella was lost by the old fellow.Self-checkInterested to know how you fared? Check your answers against the following.I. Vocabulary 3. d 5. c 7. c A. Using Context Clues 4. b 6. d 8. a 1. d 2. aB. Understanding Compound Words9. f 11. e 13. h 15. d 14. a10. g 12. bII. Reading Comprehension16. a 19. c 22. b 25. b 28. a 23. d 26. c 29. c17. b 20. a 24. a 27. d 30. b18. c 21. dIII. GrammarA. Using participle and participial phrases31. b 34. a 37. c 38. a32. c 35. b33. b 36. aB. Placing Participial Modifiers39. c 41. a 43. b 45. c 44. c40. b 42. c Perfect? Amazing! Congratulations. Did you score between 32-44? Very good! Keep up the good work and study the module well so you’ll learn more. Is your score between 19-31? Good! Use this module to the max so you’ll improve your score. If you scored 18 or lower, its okay. Anyway you’re just starting. Study the module well and do the activities the best way you can so you’ll not be a tail-ender next time. Happy studying. 7

Words Unlocked The following words are used in the selection you are about to read. Knowing what eachmean will enhance your understanding of the story. Write the letter of the correct meaning of theunderlined word as used in the sentence.1. The king, concerned of his subjects’ welfare, was not only wise but also humane . a. loving c. generous b. sympathetic2. Having made up her mind, Patricia Ann who is self-willed, would not listen to other suggestions. a. stubborn b. disobedient c. unreasonable3. Government decided to levy a twelve percent VAT on goods and services. a. wage a war against c. collect by legal authority b. enlist for military service4. Tired and hungry, the wayfarer entered the restaurant to eat and rest. a. customer b. traveler c. stranger5. The police was peeved by the impertinence of the suspect so they put him behind bars. a. rude actions c. annoying behavior b. sarcastic answers6. Political undesirables of his country were exiled by the King. a. expelled from one’s own country b. left one’s country or home voluntarily c. separated oneself from one’s familySelf-checkLet’s see how good you are at using context clues. Check your answers against the following.1. b 3. c 5. c2. a 4. b 6. a You should get 4 or higher to be considered skilled at using context clues. Otherwise pleasereview this skill and do better in the succeeding exercise. 8

Reading AdventurePre-reading Are you familiar with the names Sherlock Holmes, Jessica Fletcher, Ellery Queen orPerry Mason? Who are they? How do they solve their cases? Look at the title of the selection you are about to read. What could the story be about?While Reading The Lost Camel Murkot Kunhappa King Veerasena of Bijapur was well raise money for building a luxurious palace.known for the very wise and humane manner This time, the ministers told him plainly thatin which he reigned over his people. this would be an unjust imposition on theNaturally kind-hearted, as he was, it was really country. They knew the king would be greatlythe wisdom of his four ministers that helped annoyed and that by speaking frankly againsthim to carry out his plans for the benefit of the the royal will, they might lose their position incountry and his subjects. He had, however, the palace. Nevertheless, they felt that thisone defect. He was too self-willed. Many a was too important a matter to yield to thetime his ministers had to give in to his wishes whims of the king. As they had expected, thewhen their own wisdom had dictated some king was angry when he saw that they hadother course of action as the better one to objected to his pet plan of building a luxuriousfollow. Once the king decided to levy a heavy palace. He not only dismissed them from theirtax upon the people, rich and poor alike to posts, but also sent them into exile. 9

The four ministers, dressed as way- “We have not seen the camel,” said thefarers, left the capital city by its western gate third minister, “but it looks as if it was blind inand walked out without any idea as to where one eye.”they were going. Walking along aimlesslythey reached, in the afternoon, a big banian “Exactly so, my camel had only onetree where four footpaths met. They sat under eye. Ah! I see you have seen it, but will notits shade to rest themselves before proceeding tell me where it is. Probably you are thefurther. Idly talking of one thing and another, persons who stole my camel.”they noticed that it had rained in those parts,the night before, and also that since the rain, a The fourth minister now took up thesolitary camel had passed that lonely way. thread: “We tell you honestly we have notThe four highly intelligent persons thought even seen your camel, let alone the questionthey would pass the time by trying to describe on stealing it. However, I could tell you onethe camel by examining its footprints, in the more point – It was not keeping good health.”wet ground. “By the souls of my forefathers!” said While they were engaged in this the camel driver. “I am certain now that youmanner, a camel driver came running up to four are camel thieves. Give me back mythem crying aloud that he had lost his camel camel, I tell you, or else, I shall make aand asking them whether they had, by any complaint to the king.”chance, seen the animal pass the way. The first minister replied: “I tell you The first minister thereupon, asked the once more, we have not seen your camel. Ifman: “ Was your camel lame in the left hind you wish to bring this matter before the king,leg?” you may do so but that will not help you to get your camel back. You had better search, “Yes, my Master, so he was. Did you elsewhere without wasting your time, makingsee him?” false complaints against honest people.” The second minister was the next to “Honest people, indeed!” exclaimedask: “It was not only lame, but it had no tail the driver. “I know people like you who dresseither. Was that not so?” like well-to-do men, but are, for all your dress, the biggest rogues that ever stole a camel.” “Yes, yes, my Masters. It had lost itstail a year ago. Surely you have seen theanimal. Won’t you please tell me where it is?”Now pause and answer the following. Why did the king exile his four ministers? Who accused them of stealing the camel? Why? What did the owner threaten to do? Did he make good his threat? Read on to find out. He ran to the king’s palace, shouting in distress, Veerasena stopped and enquiredall the way half in anger, half in sorrow: what was it that made him shout for justice in“Justice, I shall have justice.” such great distress. The camel driver was overexcited by his own worry at having lost He did not have to run very far, for the his camel, and the impertinence of those fourking with a couple of bodyguards was coming who, he was sure, were camel thieves.that way for an evening ride. Seeing a subject 10

“Your Majesty!” he said, falling on his unable to place the left hind foot firmly on theknees. “I am a poor camel driver. If I lose my ground.”camel I shall starve to death. Your Majestyalone can help this poor wretch. I shall be The king, the bodyguard and the manalways grateful, your Majesty…” looked at the footprints and satisfied themselves that what the minister said was “Stop babbling, my man,” commanded true.the king. “Be calm and tell me what hashappened.” “I agree about that, but how did you find out that the camel had no tail? Do the The man then narrated the story and footprints tell you that also?”ended by saying: “I beseech you, yourMajesty. Please let justice be done. Let the “No sire,” replied the second minister,thieves be punished.” “it is not the footprints but the bodies of the gnats lying on the ground that enabled us to “That can be done without much presume that the camel had no tail.”difficulty. Be at ease and show me the fourthieves. I shall leave one of my bodyguards The king and everybody else lookedhere and you shall take his horse. Ride ahead and saw several gnats lying on the ground, soand show me where the camel thieves are.” full of blood that they could not even move. If the camel had had a tail, it would have The camel driver mounted the horse whisked them off before they could drink itsand led the king to the foot of the banian tree, blood to that extent. This point also havingwhere the four ministers were sitting cool and been conceded, King Veerasena came to thecollected as if nothing had happened. third point. Veerasena was surprised to find that “How did you find that it had lost anthe men accused of stealing a camel were his eye, is the question.” said he.exiled ministers. They would never do such athing. Without any enquiry whatsoever, he The third minister explained this bycould have passed such a judgment. But he saying: “Sire, we know not only that it is blindpreferred not to do so, for he knew very well in one eye, but we also know that it is the leftthat it is not enough that justice is done. It eye that is blind.”should be done in such a manner that thesubjects are able to clearly see that justice is The King’s surprise increased. Hisbeing done. He started to question the lifted eyebrows clearly raised the question:ministers on the crime of theft leveled against “And how is that?”them by the camel driver. The minister continued: “If one looks “We have not even seen the camel, let carefully, your Majesty, one can see thatalone steal it,” was the answer. although there is more grass to eat on the left side, the camel has eaten the grass on the right This was indeed more surprising than side only. Its left eye must have been blind;the complaint made against them. there is no doubt about it.” “How then did you know that it was King Veerasena and the camel driverlame?” asked Veerasena. too were convinced on this point also, and when the fourth minister explained that the The first minister replied: “That is camel’s dung showed that it was ill, there waselementary, Sire. One has only to look at the nothing more left to prove the innocence of thefootprints left by the animal on the wet ministers.ground. Your Majesty will notice that it is 11

Pause again and answer the following. How did the king react when he found out who the accused were? What did he decide to do? Why? What was the outcome of the investigation? Read the rest of the story to find the answer. The king told them: “My eyes have you to return and be again my counselors inbeen opened to your wisdom. You have wide the palace?”open eyes which see things that others do notnotice and you have alert minds that draw The gracious offer was accepted andlessons from every small thing you notice. they became ministers then and there. TheYour advice not to tax my people too much, I camel driver was given another camel that wasrespect. Will you please accept my offer to not ill, that was not lame, that had a complete tail, and whose both eyes were intact.Post ReadingScanning for Details In your notebook write the answer to the following questions in complete sentences.1. What is the setting of the story?2. Who are the characters? Describe them.3. As a ruler what was the king’s weakness?4. What move did the king make which the ministers strongly objected to?5. What was the result of their objection?6. How did the ministers find out about the camel?7. Did the king believe that his ministers stole the camel?8. Did the king finally realize his mistakes? What steps did he take to correct his mistakes?Understanding the StoryWrite the answers to the following questions in your notebook.1. Why did the king want to impose a heavy tax on his subjects?2. How did the ministers react? Were they aware of the possible consequences of their decision? If you were in their place would you have done what they did? Why or why not?3. Why did the camel driver accuse the ministers of stealing his camel? Would you do the same if you were in his place? Explain.4. How were the ministers able to describe the camel they never saw?5. Based on the facts at hand, what deductions about the camel did the ministers arrive at? Use cause-effect relationship. 12

Cause Effect1.2. 3. 4.6. Do you agree with the deductions of the four ministers? Explain.7. What did this tell the king about the ministers? Cite lines to prove your answer.8. At which point in the story did you know that the ministers will be vindicated and reinstated to their positions? What clues helped you arrive at this?9. If you were the king would you do what he did? Why or why not?10. What lesson did the king learn from the ministers?11. Explain the meaning of the following:……. it is not enough that justice is done. It should be done in such a manner that the subjects are able to clearly see that justice is being done.12. Do you know of any person who was unfairly dismissed because of circumstances similar to those in the story? In your journal write how the person was vindicated. 13

Self-check Let’s see how well you understood the story. Check your answers against those that follow.Pre-reading They are detectives and they solve their cases through deduction. They look for clues or results, analyze them and arrive at a logical conclusion.While Reading A. Because they opposed his plan of imposing a heavy tax on his subjects. The camel driver. The ministers had an accurate description of the missing camel. He threatened to report them to the king. B. The king was surprised. He decided to investigate nevertheless because for him it is not enough that justice is done, he wanted his subjects to see that justice is being done and this can only be accomplished through thorough investigation. The ministers were acquitted.Post ReadingScanning for Details1. The story happened in Bijapur, India a long time ago.2. King Veerasena, his four ministers, and the camel driver King Veerasena, as a ruler, was wise and humane and ruled his subjects wisely and justly. As a person, he was kind-hearted but self-willed. The ministers were wise and intelligent. They helped the king in carrying out his plans for the benefit of his subjects but they were not subservient to him. The camel driver was like an ordinary working man.3. He was self-willed.4. He planned to impose a heavy tax on his subjects to build a luxurious palace.5. The four ministers were not only dismissed from their posts but were also exiled.6. Through the foot prints of the camel on the wet ground.7. No, he did not believe they stole the camel.8. Yes, he did. He reinstated his ministers and gave the camel driver a physically able and healthy camel. 14

Understanding the Story1. He wanted to build a luxurious palace.2. They strongly opposed the plan. Yes, they were aware of the possible consequences. (Answersmay vary on third question.)3. Because he believed the ministers stole his camel as they seemed to be the last to see it.(Answers may vary on second question.)4. They deduced from the facts they saw on the wet ground.5. Cause Effect1. Uneven hoof prints on The camel is lame on wet ground. left hind foot.Camel has no tail so it Plenty of dead gnats can’t drive away full of blood on the gnats. the ground.The camel is blind Camel grazed only on on the left eye. the right side of the road when there were more grass on the left.The camel is ill. Camel’s dung showed it’s not healthy.6. (varied answers)7. The ministers were keen observers and highly intelligent. “My eyes have been opened to your wisdom….”8. In the middle of the investigation. His facial expression and reactions to the facts presented.9. (varied answers)10. He learned the value of observation and careful analysis of facts at hand. He learned wisdom from the four ministers.11. (varied answers)12. (varied answers) 15

You should get at least 25 or 2/3 of the questions right to be able to say you understood thestory. Otherwise read the story again and study the items you missed. Now turn your attention to the language portion of this module.Language FocusStudy the italicized expression in each sentence. 1. Self-willed, King Veerasena was very angry with his ministers’ objections. 2. Resting, the ministers saw a set of hoof prints. 3. Dressed as way farers, the four ministers left the capital city. 4. The camel driver, demanding justice, reported to the king.Generalizations* The italicized words in S1 and S2 are participles while those in S3 and S4 are participial phrases. A participle is a verbal used as an adjective. A participial phrase consists of the participle, its modifier and its object (if any) A participle/participial phrase has two forms. 1. The present participle is recognized by the ending -ing Example: Sentences 2 and 4 2. The past participle ends in –ed, -d, -en or –n. Example: Sentences 1 and 3* Some verbs form their past participle by a change of vowel.* The participial phrase should always be placed nearest the word it modifies, otherwise, it would be dangling or misattached. The participial phrase is said to “dangle” or hang on air when it is not near the word it should modify, the word not being found in the sentence. Example: Dangling: Swimming fast, the other side was reached. (no doer) Correct : Swimming fast, she reached the other side. The participle is said to be misattached when it does not modify the word that it shouldmodify although the word is found in the sentence. Example: Misattached : I saw the building cruising along the highway. Correct : Cruising along the highway, I saw the building. 16

Activity 1. Forming Compounds with ParticiplesMatch the participle with a noun to form a meaningful compound.1. wasted a. results2. shining b. goods3. habit-forming c. tradition4. far-reaching d. example5. skilled e. reforms6. time-honored f. road7. well-kept g. talent8. stolen h. activity9. winding i. labor10. time-consuming j. cocks11. badly-needed k. secret12. fighting l. drugsSelf-checkInterested to know how you fared? Check your answers against those that follow.1. wasted talent 7. well-kept secret2. shining example 8. stolen goods3. habit-forming drugs 9. winding road4. far-reaching results 10. time-consuming activity5. skilled labor 11. badly-needed reforms6. time-honored tradition 12. fighting cocks Perfect? That’s great! Congratulations! Did you score between 9-11? Very good! Keep up the good work. Did you score between 6-8? Okay, but you have to promise yourself to study harder so you’ll improve your score. If you scored 5 or lower, you have to put more diligence in your studies. Try your best to prove in the succeeding activities.Activity 2. Recognizing Participial Phrases Pick out the participial phrase and the word it modifies in the following sentences. Number 1is done for you. 17

The Prairie1. The wind, tossing the long grasses, blows freely over the prairie. Answer: tossing the long grasses - wind2. Stories written by lovers of the plains tell of radiant sunset.3. Trees planted on the prairie live for a long time.4. The prairies enveloped in silvery moonlight are beautiful.5. Prairie grass, having a strong root system, is very hardy.6. Upturned by the plow, prairie grass cannot protect soil against erosion.7. Prairie wolves, howling at night, sound terrifying.8. Sitting up on their hind legs, prairie dogs look like little sentinels.9. Blackened by the savage fire, the prairie looks desolate.10. Winter weeds, tipped with bronze and wine, give color to the prairie.11. Spring winds, bringing rain to the prairie, are often boisterous.12. One sees sunflowers fringing the roads across the prairies.13. Coloring the prairies in spring, the blanket flowers delight us.14. Have you heard cotton wood leaves rattling in a gentle wind?15. The cottonwood tree, anchored by its widespread roots, can withstand severe storms.16. Sandstorms, darkening the sky, can cause much discomfort.Self-check Let’s find out how well you recognized participial phrases. Check your answers against thefollowing. Score each correct answer ½.2. written by the lovers of the plain - stories 10. tipped with bronze and wine –weeds3. planted on the prairies - trees 11. bringing rain to the prairies - winds4. enveloped in silvery moonlight - prairies 12. fringing the roads -sunflowers5. having a strong root system - grass 13. coloring the prairies in spring -6. upturned by the plow - grass blanket flowers7. howling at night - wolves 14. rattling in a gentle wind - leaves8. sitting up on their hind legs - dogs 15. anchored by its widespread roots –tree 16. darkening the sky - sandstormsYour Score Perfect score is 15. Perfect ? Excellent! You’re a fast learner. Is your score between 11-14? Very good! Keep it up or better yet improve it. Did you score between 7-10? Not bad, but you could have done better. Please do that. But if you scored 6 or lower please study the generalizations again before proceeding any further. 18

Activity 3. Rephrase the following sentences by changing the subordinate clause to a participial phrase. Number 1 is done for your.1. As soon as he arrived from the province, Arman looked for a job.Answer: Arriving from the province, Arman looked for a job.2. When they heard the news, they telephoned to congratulate Paolo.3. After she laid an egg, the old hen cackled proudly.4. As Naomi listened to the music, she fell asleep.5. The technician left after he had installed the aircon unit.6. As soon as I reached the bus terminal, I boarded the bus for Legaspi.7. His parents did not see him because he came in very late.8. When the widow saw her husband’s casket, she burst into tears.9. As soon as Ricky reached home, he slumped into the sofa.10. Myra left the program after she had rendered a song.11. When I saw the list, I exclaimed in amazement.Self-checkLet’s see how you fared. Check your answers against the following. 2. Hearing the news, they telephoned to congratulate Paolo. 3. Having laid an egg, the old hen cackled proudly. 4. Listening to the music, Naomi fell asleep. 5. The technician, having installed the aircon unit, left. 6. Reaching the bus terminal, I boarded the bus for Legaspi. 7. Coming in very late, he was not seen by his parents. 8. Seeing her husband’s casket, the widow burst into tears. 9. Reaching home, Ricky slumped into the sofa. 10. Having rendered a song, Myra left the program. 11. Seeing the list, I exclaimed in amazement.Your Score Perfect? Terrific! Congratulations. You’re catching on fast. You should get 5 or higher to make the grade. Otherwise, please put in more time and effort to your studies. You can do better if you try harder. 19

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