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Home Explore English 4 part 1

English 4 part 1

Published by Palawan BlogOn, 2015-10-21 22:10:31

Description: English 4p1


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Republic of the Philippines Department of EducationPROJECT EASE DIAGNOSTIC TEST IN ENGLISH IVI. READING COMPREHENSION:Directions: Read carefully each selection then answer the questions that follow.A. 1. Everybody needs an activity that makes him feel like a kid again. 2. You can see the enthusiasm in the eyes of a runner who crossed the finish line, accompanied by the cheers of the crowd. 3. You can see it in the eyes of a hunter who impatiently awaits the opening day and dreams of that record hunt. 4. You can see it in the eyes of a homemaker making rugs – a pastime she has enjoyed for decades. 5. Maybe you hear a sparkle in the voice of a long distance runner. 6. Perhaps there’s just a murmur of pride in the comments of a woman who made her favorite bread for a bake sale. 7. Everybody has a special gift. 8. Those who take advantage of it have a constant source of joy.1. What does the pronoun “it” in Sentence 3 refer to?A. Cheer C. EnthusiasmB. Activity D. Finish Line2. What word in the passage means almost the same as “eagerness”?A. Cheer C. PrideB. Activity D. Enthusiasm3. Who is the person referred to as a “homemaker”?A. Runner C. BikerB. Hunter D. Woman4. What does the pronoun “who” in Sentence 6 refer to?A. Hunter C. WomanB. Biker D. Homemaker5. What word is closely related with “finish line”?A. Traveler C. ScorerB. Rider D. Runner6. What does the phrase “murmur of pride” in Sentence 5 suggest?A. Sympathy C. SatisfactionB. Arrogance D. Courtesy7. What does the last sentence of the paragraph mean?A. Everybody has to grab special gifts in life.B. A special gift comes very rarely.C. People find happiness in discovering and using their talents..D. A person has to look for a special gift to be happy. 1

8. What part of the passage can you find the main idea?A. First C. Last sentenceB. Middle D. Not stated9. What part of the newspaper can you find this article?A. Editorial page C. News pageB. Entertainment page D. Sports page10. What connector is used in Sentence 6?A. And C. WhoB. Perhaps D. That11. What line in the passage signifies a fact?A. 1 C. 5B. 3 D. 612. What is an appropriate title for the paragraph?A. A Special GiftB. Enthusiasm in SportsC. Dream, Believe, SurviveD. Source of JoyB. POETRY INTERPRETATION: (1) Not with the eyes can I behold your form, (2) Nor with my hands can I feel you nearby; (3) Yet I believe there is Someone, a power (4) Behind this life, the stars, the mountain and (5) The sea, within my heart I feel something (6) Urgent and potent everyday and night, (7) And my soul is a nameless depth, (8) Around which cluster my faith and beliefs (9) It must be upon who dwell deep in my soul and you (10) Who feed this life and make nature itself renew.13. What is the poem all about?A. Love C. AdmirationB. Faith D. Adoration14. Where can a person base his understanding about the wonders of things?A. Heart C. EyesB. Beliefs D. Studies15. Which sentence is not an interpretation of lines 3,4,5?A. Someone admires the stars, mountains and sea.B. Someone keeps all things in their proper order.C. Someone is the source and principle of life.D. Someone is in control of everything.16. What is the best trait of the “being” implicitly mentioned in the poem?A. Spiritual C. MysteriousB. Endless D. Powerful 2

17. What figure of speech is used in Line 7?A. Simile C. IronyB. Metaphor D. Personification18. What is the predominant sensory image used in Line 2?A. Sight C. TouchB. Smell D. HearingC. INTERPRETING A GRAPH:Direction: Based on the given graph, answer the following questions that follow: Currency RatePeso Rate 52 Series1 50 48 November October September 46 Dollar Rate 44 42 40 38 December19. What month has the highest dollar rate? A. September C. November B. October D. December20. What is the difference in the dollar rate between September and November? A. .05. C. 30 B. .25. D. 35D. OUTLINING: Direction: read the paragraph then complete the outline that follows. Choose thephrase from the box to complete the outline. Pocahontas was an Indian princess. She is the daughter of the Indian chiefPowhatan. He had many children but Pocahontas was his favorite. Her name meant“bright stream between two hills”. When Pocahontas was only twelve years old, she met an Englishman namedCaptain John Smith. John had been taken prisoner by some of the Indians. Pocahontassaved his life when the Indians tried to kill him. She liked to hear stories about English 3

life. John made many gifts for her. After John Smith returned to England, Pocahontas metand married another Englishman named John Rolfe. They had a son. They lived inEngland for a while. They were preparing to return to America when Pocahontas becameill. She died of pneumonia when she was only twenty-two years old.I. Pocahontas meets John Smith A. _____________________________________(21) B. _____________________________________(22)II. Pocahontas marries John Rolfe A. ______________________________________(23) B. ______________________________________(24) C. ______________________________________(25) They become friends. She tries to make peace. “Bright stream between two hills” Her father’s favorite. She has a son. She lives in England. She dies.PART II. GRAMMAR:A. IDENTIFYING ERRORS: Direction: Each of the sentences below consists of fourwords or phrases that are underlined and identified by the letters A to D. Choose theunderlined word or phrase, which is NOT acceptable in formal written English. The lastphrase, identified by letter E, is to be chosen if the sentence has no error.26. It is always good to train children to work the right way. NO ERROR A BCDE27. Using their heads and hands enhance children curiosity. NO ERROR EA BC D28. Parents, as well as guardians, help children increase their resourcefulnessA BCin seeking answers. NO ERROR DE29. However, a number of parents and guardians have oversimplified AB Ctheir children’s lives. NO ERRORDE 4

30. They give children the answers thus make them ill-prepared AB C for adulthood. NO ERROR D E31. Proliferation of unskilled and mindless youth may not be stopped. NO ERROR A B C DE32. But, something can be done to prevent it. NO ERRORAB CD E33. It requires not only time, attention, patience and persistenceAB Cand also our ourselves NO ERROR D EB. MODALSDirection: From the word pool, choose the letter of the correct modal that will completethe meaning of the sentences.A. ought to B. could C. might D. can E. would34. Certain tragedies ______ be prevented if we care enough for nature and for persons.35. Ormoc ______ not have happened if they did not cut trees on the hills wherethousands resided.36. Cherry Hills ______ have been avoided if the developers made more geologicalstudies on the site.37. We _____ stop quarrying, mining and large-scale kaingin to save the people and themountain, its flora and fauna.38. Failure to act _____ lead us again to future disasters.C. VERBALS: Direction: Choose the correct verb form that would complete thesentence.39. The ______ of food coupons to the poor is not a form of dole. A. give B. to give C. giving 5

D. gave40. _______ in order to have access to livelihood is its primary objective. A. working B. worked C. work D. have worked41. Actually, the program is an integrated intervention ______ poverty. A. alleviate B. to alleviate C. have alleviated D. alleviated42. The government finds the program ______. A. empowering B. to empower C. empowered D. empowerE. DIRECT TO INDIRECT DISCOURSE: Direction: Write the letter of the phrase thatbest completes the sentence in the indirect discourse.43. Jesus asked, “Do you have with you the ways of peace?” Jesus asked if ______the ways of peace. A. you had with you B. you have with you C. he has with him D. he had with him44. He added, “ Days will come when your enemies will surround you with barricades.” He added that the days ____ when his enemies will surround him with barricades. A. will come B. would come\ C. will be coming D. would be coming45. The man answered, “I am going to save myself.” The man answered that ______ save himself. A. I am going to B. He was going to C. He will D. He would46 God said, “ That shows everyone to change the hand of fate.” God said that everyone _____the hand of fate. A. tries to change B. tried to change C. tries changing D. to try changing 6

F. VOICE: Direction: Write the letter of the phrase that best completes the meaning ofthe sentence.47. Authentic Cantonese cuisine _____ for subtle, refined sauces and seasoning that bringout the best from the freshest ingredients. A. is known B. was known C. are known D. were known48. The mild flavoring ______ of soy or oyster sauce or spring onion. A. was composed B. were composed C. are composed D. is composed49. Mu shu pork is one Chinese dish that _____ light seasonings but is rich in flavor and .taste A. use B. used C. is used D. uses50. If a colorful array of exotic Chinese vegetables ______ the dish becomes moreflavorful. A. were added B. are added C. is added D. was added 7

UNIT IV Learning To Do Module 1 Viewing Problems and Issues From Different Vantage PointsOverview You and I are different. Each one of us has his or her own ideas and beliefs. Because of this,we sometimes tend to disagree. Moreover, we are constantly bombarded with contradictinginformation – from newspapers, magazines, textbooks, the radio, television, the Internet,advertisements, political slogans and speeches. That is why it is important for us to develop ourcritical thinking skills. The term critical thinking does not mean “critical” in the sense of tearingdown or finding fault. Rather it means evaluating carefully, making sound judgments and applyingour reasoning powers. This requires keeping an open mind, not accepting unquestioningly what wehear or read – but also not rejecting ideas simply because they are different from own beliefs. Theability to think for ourselves and to make up our own minds about the day’s important issues, theability to listen and read critically becomes even more necessary in this day and age. 1

ObjectivesAfter doing the activities in this module, you will be able to 1. get meanings of words using context clues 2. recognize synonyms and antonyms of words 3. express reactions to events in a story 4. give advice and suggestions using gerunds 5. add a gerund phrase in the subject, direct object, complement or prepositional phrase position 6. give logical arguments 7. evaluate evidences 8. write a letter to the editorInstructionsTo optimize the use of this module please do the following.1. Do not write anything on this module as several students will be using it. Do all your work in your notebook. Be sure to label your work by the module number and title. Keep a separate notebook for your Reflective Journal.2. Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first.3. Each module begins with an Overview or brief introduction followed by a list of Objectives that you are expected to learn.4. Before working on the activities answer the Pretest first. Find out how well you did by checking you answers against the answers given under the Self-check of the pretest.5. As you work on the activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What skill or strategy does the activity develop?6. After each activity, go over the Self-check that follows to find out how well you fared in that activity. Pay attention to the items you missed. Learn from your mistakes.7. After working on all activities, take the Pretest.Shall we begin? Let’s start with the Pretest. 2

Pretest toA. Vocabulary. Everyday Expressions Fill in the blank with the correct preposition. after into off through 1. See ________ it that all the lights and electric fans have been turned off before you leave the room. 2. Have you heard this line from a popular song. “And my love will see you _____________.” 3. Only my cousin was able to see my aunt and uncle _________ at the airport. 4. When my mother is on provincial assignment, my eldest sister has to see _______________ our needs. 5. The barangay captain promised to see ________ the matter as soon as possible.B. Comprehension Read the following selection and the statements following it. Then decide whether eachstatement is a fact or an opinion of the author. Put an F if it is a fact, and an O if it is an opinion. Have you ever wondered why dogs are the best form of burglar protection? They don’t drink on the job. They are always alert, and their response time is faster than the police. Even if the dog is asleep on the job, he will awaken when he hears someone approaching. Guard dogs go through a long period of training, the first six weeks being obedience training. Then they are put into one of three kinds of training: personal protection, attack or guard. Personal protection dogs can stay in the home when guests are there, while guard dogs should be put on a leash when company is around. Very few attack dogs are trained, and they are used by police in attacking criminals. Most guard dogs are German Shepherds and Doberman Pinschers, but the best are German Shepherds.3

______________ 6. Dogs are the best burglar protection.______________ 7. Guard dogs go on a long period of training.______________ 8. They are always alert.______________ 9. There are three kinds of training.______________10. The best dogs are German Shepherds.C. SynonymsLook for synonyms of the words below from the selection._____________11. work_____________12. reactionD. AntonymsLook for antonyms of the words below from the selection_____________13. worst_____________14. awake_____________15. retreatingE. LanguageFill in each blank with the gerund form of the verb.16. For many years after _____________ (return) to America, Jean Fritz could not forget China.17. She and her parents continued _________ (use) many Chinese expression in their conversation.18. As soon as she fell asleep, she would find herself __________ (dream) of the Yangtze River.19-20. In high school, Fritz wrote a poem about China, ____________19. (begin) and___________20. (end) with the line, “It will not be the same when I go back.”Self-checkA. Vocabulary 2. through 3. off 4. after 5. to 1. to 8. O 9. F 10. O 12. responseB. Comprehension6. O 7. FC. Synonyms 11. job 4

D. Antonyms 14. asleep 15. approaching 13. best 20. ending 18. dreamingE. Language 19. beginning 16. returning 17. usingWords UnlockedActivity 1. Using Context Clues Below are the meanings of some words used in the selection you are about to read. Thenumber of the paragraph in which they appear is indicated in parentheses. On the space before eachnumber, write the word being defined. 1. a forest (1) 2. an open space in the forest (1) 3. the end of a tree left in the ground after the upper part has been cut off (1) 4. a young bird (1) 5. sharpened by rubbing or grinding (2) 6. saddened or left lonely by death (3) 7. 7. causing dread or fear (4)Activity 2. Recognizing Synonyms Below are synonyms of key words used in the selection. On the space before each numberwrite the word in the selection which has the same or nearly the same meaning. The number of theparagraph in which they appear is indicated in parentheses._____________ 1. uproar, disturbance (1)_____________ 2. large, huge (1)_____________ 3. shiny, glossy (2)_____________ 4. flapped (3)_____________ 5. silence (5) 5

Activity 3. Recognizing Antonyms Look for words in the selection which are the opposite of the words in the list. The paragraphin which the words are found is indicated in parentheses._______________1. observable (3)_______________2. death (4)_______________3. peace (5)_______________4. good (5)_______________5. bitter (5)_______________6. ugly (5)_______________7. lie (5)_______________8. rememberedSelf-check 4. nestling 7. formidable 5. whettedActivity 1. Using Context Clues 6. bereaved 5. hush 1. woods 3. sleek 7. truth 2. glade 4. fluttered 8. forgotten 3. stump 4. evilActivity 2. Recognizing synonyms 5. sweet 6. beautiful 1. commotion 2. enormousActivity 3. Recognizing antonyms 1. intangible 2. life 3. violenceReading AdventurePre-reading How can a victim of injustice still believe in the goodness of humanity? People all over theworld have wrestled with this question. The tale that follows shows how the birds who resemblehumans were able to rise above their pain and sorrow. 6

While Reading The Judgment of the Birds 1Walking in the woods one day, I sat 2The sound that woke me was thedown to rest on the edge of a little glade, with outraged cries of the nestling’s parents, whomy back against a stump, and fell asleep. flew helplessly in circles about the clearing.When I awoke, dimly aware of some The sleek black monster was indifferent tocommotion, the light was slanting down them. He gulped, whetted his beak on thethrough the pines in such a way that the glade branch a moment and sat still.was lit like some vast cathedral. I could see ona dead branch an enormous raven with asquirming nestling in its beak.Pause and reflect.1. Why do you think did the raven succeed in carrying off the nestling?2. What will the nestling’s parents do? 3Suddenly, out of all that area of common misery, the bereaved and thewoodland, a soft sound of complaint began to unbereaved. The glade filled with their softrise. Into the glade fluttered small birds of half rustling and their cries. They fluttered asa dozen varieties drawn by the anguished cries though to point their wings at the murderer.of the tiny parents. No one dared to attack the There was a dim intangible ethic he hadraven. But they cried there in some instinctive violated, that they knew. 7

Pause and reflect.3. How would the other birds in the woodlands react to the raven’s shameless act? He was a bird of death. 4And, he, the murderer, the black bird at the heart of life, sat on there, glistening in thecommon light, formidable, unperturbed, untouchable. Pause and reflect. 4. How did the small birds feel towards the raven? 5. Will the birds gather enough courage to avenge the nestling’s death. 5The sighing died. It was then I saw passing from one bird to another, doubtedly atthe judgment. It was the judgment of life first, as though some evil thing was beingagainst death. I will never see it again so slowly forgotten. Suddenly they took heartforcefully presented. I will never hear it again and sang from many throats joyously togetherin notes so tragically prolonged. For in the as birds are known to sing. They sang becausemidst of protest, they forgot the violence. life is sweet and sunlight beautiful. They sangThere, in that clearing, the crystal note of a under the brooding shadow of the raven. Insong sparrow lifted hesitantly in the hush. simple truth, they had forgotten the raven, forAnd finally, after painful fluttering, another they were the singers of life, not of death.took the song, and then another, the songPause and reflect.6. How did the sparrow help the other birds to overcome their anguish?8

Post Reading Using ideas and details from the Judgment of the Birds, complete the following outline ofstory elements.Setting: 1. Time 2. PlaceCharacters:Problem:Events: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Ending:Comprehension Check1. What injustice was committed? Who committed it?2. How did the accused behave?3. Are there people like the raven in our present day society?4. How did the nestling’s parents react?5. How did the other birds in the woodlands react?6. What general statement can you give about the best way of dealing with injustice?Self-checkPre-reading Not everyone is unjust. There are still good human beings around. Life is beautiful.While Reading1. Perhaps the nestling’s parents were not around. Perhaps it strayed and was separated from its parents.2. They will try to get back their birdie. (Answers will vary.) They will cry for help. 9

3. They would protest against the raven.4. They felt helpless.5. Yes.6. By singing, the sparrow was able to bring back a note of hope to the other birds in the woodlands and slowly overcome their pain and sorrow.Post ReadingSetting : 1. Time - In the middle of the day. 2. Place - In a glade in the middle of the forest.Characters: Nestling, raven, sparrow, nestling’s parents, other birds in the woodlands.Problem: How the nestling could be snatched back from the raven.Events: 1. The narrator was awakened by a commotion. 2. Cries of the parent birds filled the woods. 3. The other birds joined the parent birds cry of sorrow and protest. 4. A sparrow began singing . 5. Others joined the sparrow and joyously sang together to forget their sorrow.Ending: The birds’ song filled the air once more.Comprehension Check1. A nestling was killed by a raven.2. The raven was indifferent to the cries of the other birds and sat on a dead branch formidable, unperturbed, untouchable.3. Yes. Murderers4. The parent birds cried in protest and sorrow.5. They joined the parent birds in protest.6. Despite the injustices one might experience in the hands of others, one should not lose hope or despair. We must continue to believe in the goodness of humanity.Language in Focus Study the following sentences.1. The glade was filled by the soft rustling and crying of the birds.2. The sighing died. How are the underlined words used in the sentences? If you said gerunds, you’re right! Gerunds take the place of nouns in sentences. 10

Key Points 1. Gerunds are the –ing form of the verb. 2. Gerunds are used: - as the subject of the sentence. Listening to nature is a wonderful experience. - as the complement of a verb. I enjoy walking in the woods. - as the object of preposition. He relaxes by fishing in the river.Activity 1. Recognizing gerunds.Identify the gerunds in this conversation.Ricky : So how was your vacation in the North?Liza : Oh, it was all right.Ricky : Just all right?Liza : My sister and I had different ideas about spending our vacation.Ricky : Really?Liza : Yes! She likes running around, seeing everything, and visiting all the cultural and historic landmarks. I hate walking around from sunrise till sunset. I just want toRicky :Liza : relax. I like to go swimming on a beach or strolling.Ricky : Well, how did you talk things out?Liza : It was a win-win solution.Ricky : Really? What did you agree on? I met new friends who enjoyed the sea while she asked a cousin to show her around. A win-win solution indeed.Activity 2. Using gerunds Complete the sentence with the gerund form of the verb in parentheses.1. Many people enjoy ____________ (participate) in outdoor activities. They look for ways of ______(get) away from work and household chores. 11

2. The outdoor recreation industry is growing rapidly. If people plan to go (dive) __________, (snorkel) ______________, (sail) ________________, or (bike) ________________, they need to have equipment and look for appropriate facilities.3. Once they begin a sport, most people can’t help ______________ (buy) all of the equipment which sports goods shop say is required in _________ (do) the activity well. However, they should consider ____________ (rent) first.4. Many people enjoy ____________ (participate) in sports but they are prevented from _________( try ) them because they lack time, money or proper equipment.5. They can also put off _______________ (do) the sport if they don’t have a partner, if the facilities are too far away, or if the weather is bad.Activity 3. Giving Advice Combine each pair of sentences using without and the gerund form of the verb. The first one is done for you.1. Don’t speak. Think first. Don’t speak without thinking.2. Don’t decide. Weigh all options.3. Never take sides. Consider all sides of a question.4. Don’t submit a report. Go over it.5. Don’t take the test. Review your lesson.6. Do your work. Do not bother anyone.7. Do the assigned task. Do not complain.8. Try answering the questions. Do not look back at the text.9. Continue with the project. Do not seek help from politicians.10. Help one another. Don’t expect anything in return.Activity 4. Giving suggestions.List five ways of doing the following things. Use gerund phrases.1. We can conserve electricity 2. We can help our community by ____________________ by ____________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________3. We can make other people happy by ________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 12

4. We can help to lessen pollution by ________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________5. We can keep ourselves healthy by ________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________Other Key Points Below is a list of some verbs that can be followed by –ing or thegerund form.alternate deny miss reportappreciate dislike postpone resentavoid enjoy practice resumeconsider escape quit stop **delay finish regret* * In a formal letter, regret is followed by the infinitive form of the verb (to + the base form of the verb) I regret to inform you that I cannot attend the induction party. ** Stop can be followed either by a gerund or an infinitive but the meaning changes. I stopped listening to the news means “I no longer listen.” I stopped to listen to the news means “ I spent some time listening”.Activity 5 Fill in the blank with an –ing gerund form of the verb.1. I keep ____________ myself people see things differently.2. The teams alternated _____________ their side of the issue.3. They stopped __________ about the price. 13

4. The boys finished ___________ their room in an hour.5. They regretted ___________ trouble in their community.6. They quit __________ pranks on their neighbors.7. The cast practiced ___________ their lines on stage.8. They enjoyed ___________ on the set.9. The group considered _______________ the proceeds of the show to charity.10. Please avoid ____________ your trash on the street.Activity 6. Complete the following by adding gerund phrases. The first one is a possible answer.1. I miss ________________________________________. I miss playing chess with Grandfather.2. He quit _______________________________________.3. I heard that you resent ___________________________.4. Please stop ____________________________________.5. Did the company delay __________________________?6. Let’s avoid ____________________________________.7. She vehemently denies ___________________________.8. Will you consider _______________________________?9. We will resume _________________________________.10. I surely regret __________________________________.Self-checkActivity 1. spending running , seeing,Liza : visiting , walking, swimming ,Liza : strollingActivity 2.1. participating, getting2. diving, snorkeling, sailing, biking3. buying, doing, renting.4. participating, trying5. doing 14

Activity 3.2. Don’t decide without weighing all options.3. Never take sides without considering all sides of a question.4. Don’t submit a report without going over it.5. Don’t take the test without reviewing you lesson.6. Do your work without bothering anyone.7. Do the assigned task without complaining.8. Try answering the questions without looking back at the test.9. Continue with the project without seeking help from politicians.10. Help one another without expecting anything in return.Activity 4. (Possible Answers) 1. ƒ Switching off the lights when nobody is using them. ƒ Turning off the electric fans when there’s nobody using them. ƒ Ironing clothes in batches. ƒ Using the timer of the air conditioning unit. ƒ Turning off the television before leaving the room.2. Planting trees and shrubs. ƒ Keeping our yards clean. ƒ Obeying the law. ƒ Taking an active part in community activities. ƒ Disposing garbage properly. ƒ3. Visiting the elderly. ƒ Sending flowers to loved ones. ƒ Smiling at people we meet. ƒ Thanking them. ƒ Listening to others. ƒ4. Walking instead of using our motorcycles or jeeps. ƒ Recycling, reusing, reducing garbage. ƒ Not using products in aerosol cans. ƒ Not throwing garbage into the river and other bodies of water. ƒ Not burning plastic, bags and containers. ƒ5. Not smoking. ƒ Eating healthy food. ƒ Leading an active life. ƒ Getting enough rest. ƒ Following cancer screening guidelines ƒ 15

Activity 5. Possible Answers1. telling 5. creating 9. donating2. giving 6. playing 10. throwing3. arguing 7. delivering4. cleaning 8. practicingActivity 6. Possible Answers2. He quit playing badminton because of a sprained ankle.3. I heard that you resent being called a mama’s boy.4. Please stop arguing about foolish matters.5. Did the company delay paying the workers their wages?6. Let’s avoid walking on dark streets.7. She vehemently denies opening the letter envelope.8. Will you consider working abroad?9. We will resume jogging every morning.10. I surely regret forgetting that it was your birthday last Tuesday.Everyday ExpressionsLook closely at the idioms in the box. The meaning of each idiom is given.see after - tale care ofsee eye to eye - agree withsee into - inquire into; investigatesee off - accompanysee through - help; detect the trickerysee to it - attend to in order to make sure that it is done.Activity 1 See if you can complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with idioms chosen from the listabove. Be sure to use the correct form of see.1. The principal promised to ______________ the matter as soon as possible.2. We __________________ (her) at the airport.3. I __________ my little brother when Mother is out of the house.4. He’ll ______________ that his neighbor doesn’t cheat him again.5. The sisters don’t ________________ where the division of household chores is concerned.6. My kind uncle _____________ us when Father got sick. 16

Activity 2 Rewrite the following sentences by substituting an idiom for the underlined words. Chooseyour answers from the box.1. He doesn’t agree with Nelson where politics is concerned.2. Don’t worry we’ll attend to the details of the preparation for the science fair.3. Do you take care of your little sister when you’re home?4. They think we can’t detect their evil plan.5. Please investigate the matter at once.6. The whole family accompanied him at the airport.Activity 3 Do you think you are now ready to use the idioms you have just learned in your ownsentences? I’m sure, you do. Get your notebook and write one sentence each using the nine idioms with see.Self- checkActivity 11. see into2. saw her off3. see after4. see to it5. see eye to eye6. saw us throughActivity 21. He doesn’t see eye to eye with Nelson where politics is concerned.2. Don’t worry we’ll see to it that the details of the preparation for the science fair will be followed.3. Do you see after your little sister when you’re home?4. They think we can’t see through their evil plan.5. Please see into the matter at once.6. The whole family saw him off at the airport. 17

Fun with wordsWO R D S 1 2 3 4 5CYCLE BARS STOOD DECK DECK DECI SIONCYCLE MIS 6 7 89 10UPUP MIND AGE BEAUTY PODUP MATTER PODUP POD 11 12 13 14 15 ROSE ROSE LINE READ LANDTIMEROSE THORN LINE ROSE ROSESelf- check 9. age before beauty 10. tripod1. bicycle 11. the only thorn among the roses2. behind bars 12. read between the lines3. misunderstood 13. back to back4. double deck 14. land before time5. split decision 15. double cross6. line up7. scrambled eggs 188. mind over matter

The following pairs of words have the same vowel. Can you guess the missing vowels?1 2 3 t t d nt rt gd n r g4 5 6 b b s tb nb gs t n g7 8 9 t m p nt ym np n y nSelf- check 2 3 t d 1 t rat god r g no t n 5 6 b s 4 b nab gas n g t ub t 8 9 m p 7 t y am nip y n net n 19

Write Thing Knowing the importance of examining problems and issues from different vantage points, youare now ready to make your point in writing.Activity 1. Read each paragraph below. Then answer the questions that follow. A Young people eat too much junk food. It’s not good to stuff themselves with empty calories. In fact it’s really dumb. Young people should eat better. B Young people eat too much junk food, Nutritionists agree that a well- balanced diet should include fruits, vegetables, grains, milk, and other milk products. Most prepared foods contain sugar and artificial ingredients that have little nutritional value. Before eating packaged foods, they should read the labels. Perhaps they would replace junk food with fruits, nuts and other nutritious food. 1. Which paragraph do you think is more persuasive? 2. Explain why you think that paragraph is more persuasive.Pre-writingActivity 1. Choosing your topic Choose one of the topics below that you like to write about.1. TV viewing has a good (bad) influence on young people.2. Sipa should (should not) be called the national sport.3. Computers are helpful (harmful) to young people. 20

Activity 2. Narrowing your topic“Funnel” your topic. First draw a funnel shape in your notebook as shown below. Then followthis procedure.1. Write your general topic above the funnel opening2. On the right side, divide the problem or issue into two parts3. Select the part to focus on. Write it on the first line.4. Note causes and effects connected with the side you have chosen.5. Describe one cause or effect on the second line.6. Formulate a narrowed topic based on your previous answers.Study the model below. 2. ƒ Young people tend to 1 Computer games are harmful to young people. hang out in computer shops, playing games 3 Young people waste their time and on the computer, and money playing games in computer wasting their time and shops. money. ƒ They gain access to websites for adults.5. They neglect their studies. 4 ƒ They neglect their studies. ƒ They ruin their eye- sight. ƒ They bet on who will win or lose.6 Young people shouldnot be allowed to playgames in computer shopsduring school days.21

Activity 3. Considering your purpose and audience1. What will your readers think is important?2. To what kind of reasoning and language will your readers respond?Activity 4. Gathering Evidence Provide support for your position. Following are types of support you can use to backupyour opinion. - statistics - expert opinion - logical arguments - personal observation To write persuasively, base your opinions on facts. Include as many facts as you can.Writing Now that you’re ready to write a letter to the editor, keep your purpose and audience in mind.Include as many facts as possible. Offer clear solutions to the problem.Revising Go over your draft and check if you remembered to: - use strong, exact words to improve your sentences. - combine short choppy sentences into longer, smoother sentences. - use subordinate conjunctions and relative pronouns to combine sentences.Proofreading Did you - use capitalization and punctuation correctly? - spell all words correctly? - use the correct forms of verbs and other words?Publishing Now you’re ready to submit your piece to your teacher. Rewrite your piece in ink on a separate piece of paper. 22

PosttestA. Vocabulary. Everyday Expressions Fill in the blank with the correct preposition after into off through to1. Every night, my brother has to see _____________it that the doors are locked before he retires for bed.2. Your deep and abiding faith in God will see you __________________ your sorrow.3. His fans came to see him _____________ at the airport.4. When her mother fell sick, her kind aunt came to see ________________their needs.5. The mayor vowed to see _________________ the matter personally.B. Comprehension Decide whether each statement is a fact or the opinion of the author. Put an F on the blankline if it is a fact and an O if it is an opinion.___________6. I am enclosing a check for P 300.00 in payment.___________7. Your advertisement in this morning’s Highland Courier interest me very much.___________8. I am a sophomore at Jose Rizal High School.___________9. Last summer I worked as a stock boy in the shoes department of a large mall.__________10. The experience would help me in the stock job.C. Synonyms / Antonyms Look in the word box to find a synonym and an antonym for each word below.artificial good tiny hush noisewhetted natural dulled bad large synonym antonym11. man-made12. sharpened13. evil14. silence15. enormous 23

D. Language. Answer the following questions using gerunds.16. Patrick is an active eight-year old boy. What does he enjoy doing?17. P.J. on the other hand is a music lover. What does he enjoy doing?18. Ian is popular with the girls. What does he like doing during his spare time?19. Your report is due tomorrow. You haven’t even begun yet. What do you regret doing in the past days?20. What do traffic violators keep on doing?Self-checkA. Vocabulary1. to 2. through 3. off 4. after 5. to 10. OB. Comprehension 9. F6. F 7. O 8. F Antonym naturalC. Synonyms/Antonyms dulled good Synonym noise tiny11. man-made artificial12. sharpened whetted13. evil bad14. silence hush15. enormous largeD. Language Possible Answers16. He enjoys playing basketball and biking.17. He enjoys playing the guitar and the keyboard, singing and composing.18. He likes talking over the phone with his girlfriends, malling, and going to parties.19. I regret putting my work off till the deadline. I regret postponing it till the deadline. I regret postponing it.20. Traffic violators keep on swerving, changing lanes, overtaking, and driving beyond the speed limits. 24

Before you put aside this module, spend some time reflecting on what you have learned fromit. Use this format in your reflective journal. Check the column that best describes your feeling aboutthe activities you did. For the last column, give your reason. What I think of the activities in this module How I liked themThings I Did (Just fine) (Not so much (Very much) because)What I liked best 25


UNIT I Module 1 Wisdom (A Wealth of Knowledge)Overview Knowledge is wealth. Knowledge is power. But what exactly do we mean by these? The firststatement means that people who are well-informed possess a wealth of knowledge which they canuse in their daily interaction with other people, in problem solving and in decision making. On theother hand, people who know a lot become powerful because they are more confident of themselvesand in what they can do. However, knowledge should lead to wisdom. You might ask if there is a difference betweenthe two. Knowledge is information gained by study or experience. A person who knows is aware ofor familiar with something. On the other hand, Wisdom is the quality or state of being wise. Aperson who is wise shows good judgment. This module will help you find knowledge yourself and acquire wisdom in the process. 1

Objectives It’s a great way to think that after studying and working on all activities in this module, youwill be able to: • note details • scan for specific information • distinguish fact from fiction, opinion, and propaganda • give the synonyms of words • use expressions that signal opinion • use S-LV-C and S-TV-DO patterns of sentences • state facts and opinions • use two-word verbs with “put” • write a reflective journal based on learning experiencesInstructions 1. Do not write anything on this module as several students will be using it. Do all your work in your notebook. Be sure to label your work by the module number and title. Keep a separate notebook for your Reflective Journal. 2. Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first. 3. Each module begins with a brief introduction or Overview followed by a list of Objectives you are expected to learn. 4. Before working on the activities, answer the Pretest first. Find out how well you did by checking your answers against the answers given under the Self-check of the pretest. 5. As you work on the activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What skill or strategy does the activity develop? 6. After each activity go over the Self-check that follows to find out how well you fared in that activity. Pay attention to the items you missed. Learn from your mistakes. 7. After working on all the activities take the Posttest.PretestI. Reading and Vocabulary Here is an excerpt from an inspirational speech delivered by a successful person to studentson the topic “Knowledge Is Wisdom and Wisdom Is Wealth.” 2

Read the excerpt below. Choose the letter of the correct answer to each question. 1) I think that you probably never met a know-it-all who really knows it all. 2) One personcan’t know or notice everything. 3) Sometimes, it takes another person to help you improve yourknowledge of yourself and the world. 4) Equally, you also put your best foot forward for others toattain knowledge. 5) I believe that the most important thing is sharing ideas with others--as enrichedknowledge. 6) Remember to keep an open mind in the process. 7) Think about what others knowand say before you help by putting across what you know. 8) This shows that their knowledge is asimportant to you as your own. 9) This is, exactly, shared wisdom. 10) Eventually, it grows,develops and bears fruits like that of a tree. 11) Hence, knowledge gives wealth.1. Which sentence best expresses the main point of the speaker? a. 3 b. 5 c. 9 d. 112. Which sentence best supports the main point? d. 10 a. 5 b. 8 c. 93. What is the most important thing according to the speaker?a. Improving your knowledge of yourself c. Sharing ideas with othersb. Knowing everything d. Sharing wealth4. What does the speaker suggest before you share what you know?a. Think about what others know c. Think about yourselfb. Think about what others say d. Both a and b5. To what does the word it in Sentence 10 refer ? d. Wisdom a. Mind b. Process c. Tree6. Which sentence is more of a statement of fact rather than an opinion? a. 2 b. 4 c. 5 d. 77. What expression signals opinion ? d. The fact that a. Equally b. Eventually c. I believe8. As used in Sentence 5, what does the word “enriched” mean? a. Acquired b. Controlled c. Developed d. Hidden9. Which expression means to understand, accept and share knowledge willingly?a. Keep an open mind c. Put across what you knowb. Know-it-all d. Put your best foot forward10. What does the idiomatic expression “put your best foot forward” mean? a. Move your right foot forward b. Give your best in everything you do c. Use the best foot powder d. Wear the best pair of shoes 3

II. Critical Thinking Read each sentence carefully. Determine if the statement is based on Fact, Fiction,Propaganda or Opinion. Write the complete word or label. 1. I believe that knowledge is the key to success. 2. The newspaper gives up-to-date news here and abroad. 3. Join our company and be a millionaire in a few months. 4. Standing right before him was a huge bird with colorful feathers. It lowered its body and told him to mount.III. Grammar Choose the word that best completes each statement to complete the paragraph. Use the wordpool below. It is ___(1)___ to separate wisdom, common sense and sound judgment. In many respects we___(2)___ with the same concept. They ___(3)___ evidences that show where a person puts hisknowledge. Any situation requires ___(4)___ and judgment. Most likely a wise person stands outbecause he ___(5)___ sound judgment. are difficult wisdom deal showsCheck your answers using the key to correction below.Self-checkI. Reading and Vocabulary1. d (Sentence 11 clearly expresses the main point of the speaker.)2. d (Sentence 10 best supports the main idea.)3. c (Sharing ideas with others is the most important thing.)4. d (Thinking about what others know and say is what the speaker suggested.)5. d (wisdom.)6. a Sentence 2 states a fact.(Sentence 4, 5 and 7 express opinion.)7. c (I believe signals an opinion.)8. c (developed).9. a (To keep an open mind means to understand and accept other’s ideas.)10. b (The expression means giving your best in whatever you do.) 4

Self-checkII. Critical Thinking 1. Opinion 2. Fact 3. Propaganda 4. FictionIII. GrammarCheck your answers against these:1. difficult  an adjective that completes the meaning of the verb “is.”2. deal  a transitive verb that suggests the action of the subject “we.”3. are  a verb that links the subject “they” to the rest of the words in the predicate.4. wisdom  a noun that completes the meaning of the verb “requires.”5. shows  a transitive verb that indicates action performed by the doer “he.” Let’s say you were successful in giving the right answers to the pretest and you want toremember them. You may go back and read them over a few times. Now, you are ready to try someactivities to make this module work well for you.Reading AdventurePre-reading Are you familiar with King Solomon from the Old Testament of the Bible? What is he knownfor? If you answered “Wisdom”, you’re right. Solomon was a king of Israel who ruled hiskingdom wisely. You may want to refer to the Bible to read his story. 5

While Reading While you read, find out how the king in the story is similar to King Solomon.Allah’s Hand The Padishah, a powerful sultan of heavenwards and smiled. The ruler stopped thePersia, was terribly sick and not one of his executioner whose sword was already incourt physicians could tell what was ailing midair.him. Orders were sent throughout the sultanateoffering a prize to whoever would be able to “Why did you look up and smile,discover his ailment and cure it. Finally the Boy?” the Sultan asked in reached a wandering Greek wizard, whomade his way to the palace. After a thorough The boy answered, “At this moment,examination he declared that the Sultan was only Allah, the Most High, can save me fromindeed a very sick man. What he needed was death. You, oh Padishah, believe that I am thethe blood of a brave and intelligent boy in his only cure to your illness. How can I cry to youearly teens. This boy must be an only child of to save me? The Qadi is supposed to be theparents who were in their sixties. symbol of justice but he issued a decree for my execution. The very parents in whom I Since this medicine called for the entrusted my safety have willingly exchangedsacrifice of such a young boy, the Padishah my life for the trash of this world. Now, doordered his judge, the Qadi to issue an order to you wonder why I looked up and smiled? Isn’tallow such killing to take place. The order was Allah, the Most High, the only refuge for megiven and the great sword of the palace at this moment?executioner was sharpened for the event. Upon hearing these brave words the On the day of the execution, the young Sultan felt ashamed of himself and, with tearsboy was brought to the market square. A big in his eyes, he stood up to the surprise of hiscrowd gathered in the public place. Some wept doctors and went to the boy. He kissed thewith pity for such a brave and intelligent boy boy’s head and eyes and said, “Go, braveabout to lose his life. A few were envious for youth, I give you your life. It is better for methe riches that the boy’s parents stood to gain to die than to shed the blood of such aat his death. courageous and bright boy like you.” The ruler was brought out on a The parents flung themselves on theirjeweled couch. He was surrounded by his son and begged for forgiveness. That day theredoctors. Back of the royal group came the was rejoicing in the whole sultanate. Theparents whose faces were covered as if in young boy and his parents were invited to liveshame. in the palace. It was also said that the Padishah also recovered from the terrible disease after As the boy knelt and put his head on several days.the block, the Sultan saw him raise his eyes - Adapted from Gulistan of Sadi6

Post Reading Synonyms are words with same meaning. Here is an activity to widen your vocabulary byidentifying words with almost the same meaning.Activity 1A. Copy the circles below the box in your notebook. Write the 8 synonyms of refuge found inthe box that follows.hazard protectionasylum harborhaven sheltersanctuary dangerhideaway retreatActivity 2B. Encircle the five synonyms of ailment in the puzzle below. HEAL N R C R I ADI S EAS EL L BLT S F I NL MALA D Y C S H A RNH I E K T E R UEY E S N E A K C SMH N E J L T V SMR G S O T D ARE V T S F H 7

Activity 3Comprehension CheckAnswer the following questions in your notebook. 1. When and where did the story happen? 2. Who were the characters? 3. What problem faced the Padishah? 4. What was the only solution? Was it justifiable? Why or why not? 5. What steps were taken to help the Sultan get his cure? If you were the Qadi would you have done what he did? Why or why not? 6. How was the boy able to save himself? What character traits did he show? 7. What do you think of the boy’s parents? Do you think there are parents like them in real life? Explain your answer. What would you do if you had such parents? 8. How did the boy describe the wealth that his parents received? Do you agree with him? Why or why not? 9. Did the boy in the story know his own worth? How would you have felt if you were in his place? 10. Do you agree with the ending of the story? Explain your answer. Now see how similar your answers are to the key to correction that follows.Self-checkActivity 1 8

Activity 2Activity 3 1. The story happened in Persia during the reign of the Padishah. 2. The characters were the boy, the Sultan and the boy’s parents. 3. He was terribly sick and his doctor could not tell what was ailing him. 4. The only remedy to the Sultan’s sickness was the blood of a brave and intelligent boy in his teens who was an only child of parents who were in their sixties. It was not justifiable because curing the Padishah would mean killing an innocent boy. 5. The Padishah ordered his judge, the Qadi, to issue an order to allow the killing of the boy who would be sacrificed. If I were the Qadi, I would use my influence to make the Sultan think twice because his order was inhuman and unfair. (You’re free to give other reasons.) 6. The boy was able to save himself by invoking the name of Allah, the most High, whom he believed would be the only one who could save him from death. The boy showed courage and wisdom. 7. The boy’s parents were greedy and obsessed with material wealth. They would rather have riches than a living son. Maybe there are parents like them in real life. If I had such parents, I would make them realize their wickedness. (You are free to give your own answer). 8. He called the wealth his parents would receive as the trash or garbage of the world. (You are free to give your comment.) 9. Yes, the boy knew his own worth. (You may answer the second question the way you want.) 10. (Whatever answer you have to the question is accepted.) Quite a long comprehension check, isn’t it? But you were able to answer the questions,weren’t you? Did you notice that some of the questions needed answers that are not found in thestory? Such questions are intended to make you an analytical reader.Let’s move on… 9

Knowledge from Books Be my friend. Books are your best friend. They are a great source of knowledge. You can turn to them forinformation, entertainment and inspiration. For quick information, you can read reference books. They contain brief but usefulinformation about various subjects. Reference books are not hard to find if you only try. They are available in most school, townand even barangay libraries. The main types of reference books are:Dictionary. It gives the meaning, pronunciation, spelling, part of speech and other information about a word.Encyclopedia. It covers a wide range of topics and gives important information on them.Atlas. It is a book of maps. It contains facts about population, industries, natural wonders, climates and a brief history of countries.Almanac. It is full of information on current events. It also contains social, political and commercial statistics, sports records, recent laws and other recent facts.Thesaurus. It is book of synonyms and antonyms.Now that you know the different reference books, do the following activities.Activity 1 Write the reference book in which you will find the answer to each of the following questions. 1. What is the name of the first spaceship that landed on the moon? 2. Where is Kuala Lumpur located? What is its population? 3. What other words can I use instead of beautiful? 4. Where was the latest Olympics held? 5. What is the correct pronunciation of committee? 6. What countries border Iraq? 10

7. What was the intensity of the earthquake that struck Kobe, Japan in 1995?8. How does a communication satellite operate?9. How do I syllabicate semester?10. Who is Mahatma Gandhi?Activity 2Write the reference book in which the following entries can be found. _1. THAILAND 3. reap (rep), v.t. 1. to cut (wheat, MONARCHY rye, etc.) with a sickle. 2. to gather or take ( a crop, harvest,Area : 513,115 sq. km. etc.). 3. to get as a return or result.Population: 60,300,000Capital : BangkokLanguage : Thai, LaoReligion : BuddhistCurrency : Baht2. BILL OF RIGHTS is a document 4. SPORTS that describes the fundamental liberties of the people. Most bills June, 2004 Martina Navratilova, of rights guarantee to everyone the 47, became the oldest woman to win freedoms of speech, of religion, and a singles match in tennis at Wimbledon of the press, and the right of assembly. in 82 years. They protect a person’s right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”Fact-finding After learning one method of acquiring factual knowledge, you will practice making soundjudgments by distinguishing between fact and fiction, fact and propaganda, and fact and opinion.Activity 1 Fact or Fiction? Write Fact if the statement is based on truth or reality, Fiction if it is based on imagination.Write the answers in your notebook._____________ 1. Six billion people already live on our planet according to the latest survey. 11

_____________ 2. The Milky Way almost certainly has millions of planets._____________ 3. Martial, the Martian, is a robot that can walk, talk, think, and play basketball._____________ 4. In October, 2004, the world’s first privately developed spacecraft sent civilian astronauts into space, clinching the $ 10 million prize given by Anzart X Prize._____________ 5. A sea creature with a human head and fish-like fins and scales popped out from the deep water and made its way to the sinking ship.Actity 2 Fact or Propaganda? Write Fact if the statement is based on truth or reality, and Propaganda if it refers toinformation or ideas that are spread for the purpose of promoting or injuring a cause, nation, product,etc._____________ 1. Swash soap is endorsed by leading dermatologists in the United States.______________2. Babies and mothers prefer Comfy diapers.______________3. Basketball is one of the most widely played and watched sports in the world.______________4. Extra strength Benday temporarily relieves pain associated with insect bites and minor skin irritations.______________5. Be a superstar! Join the Star Quest!Activity 3 Fact vs. Opinion Write Fact if the statement is based on truth or reality, and Opinion if it based on personalbelief, understanding, thought or feeling._____ 1. The announcer believes that knowledge is the beginning of wisdom._____ 2. Knowledge can come from different sources._____ 3. The tree of life grows and bears fruits of wisdom._____ 4. As far as I’m concerned, knowledge is power._____ 5. What I’d like to say is that knowledge is our wealth. 12

Self-checkActivity 1 Fact or Fiction? 1. This is a Fact supported by the latest World Atlas and news articles on population. 2. The statement is based on Fact. The expression “almost certainly” makes it more realistic. 3. This is still a figment of the imagination. It’s Fiction. 4. It’s a news story complete with date and figures. It’s a Fact. 5. This is obviously Fiction.Activity 2 Fact or Propaganda? 1. Propaganda. The claim is not supported by a survey of a prestigious group. 2. Propaganda. There is no survey that proves it. 3. Fact. 4. It can be safely called Fact because of the phrase “temporarily relieves.” It does not misguide the reader. 5. Propaganda. There is no guarantee that you will become a superstar if you join the contest.Activity 3 Fact or Opinion? 1. Opinion  The word believes signals that the next part of the sentence is an opinion. 2. Fact  The sentence is based on fact. 3. Fact  The sentence is based on fact. 4. Opinion  As far as I’m concerned signals an opinion. 5. Opinion  What I’d like to say is an expression used when giving an opinion.Here’s a more challenging exercise that will help you become an independent and intelligent reader.Activity 4 Carbon CopyRead the following article carefully. Cloning Cloning is the process that involves destroying the nucleus of an egg cell of the species to becloned. The nucleus is then removed from a body cell of an animal of the same species. This donornucleus is injected into the egg cell. The egg, with its new nucleus, develops into an animal that hasthe same genetic make-up as the donor. If a number of eggs receive transplants from the same donor,the resulting offspring form a clone. 13

In the 1950’s, scientists were able to clone amphibians such as frogs and salamanders. Theuse of the same procedure on mammals proved difficult in the beginning because of the tiny size ofmammal eggs. Later, scientists were able to produce rabbit embryos through cloning. The firstsuccessful cloning of a mammal was reported in 1981. This feat was achieved when the nuclei ofmouse embryo cells were transferred into fertilized mouse eggs whose own nuclei were thenremoved. The eggs developed into mice that were genetically identical to the donor embryo. Butwhat became the toast of the scientific world was Dolly, the cloned sheep, a feat attributed to Scottishscientists less than a decade ago. -AdaptedNow read this second article on cloning. The Cloning Question The cloning of animals is a scientific wonder. People around the world hail it as one of themost significant human accomplishments in this century. Some scientists are saying that they arenow ready to start cloning human beings. Recent magazine articles report that scientists in SouthKorea have already created a cloned human embryo, although they destroyed it. A religious group,the Raelians, say that they intend to clone the cell of a dead ten-month-old boy whose parents hope tobring him back to life. Stories of human cloning were met with varied reactions. Those who favor it say that theysee nothing wrong with developing identical humans. They say:“Cloning is a gift of life.”“I think technology should help people have a child.”“A clone would be a perfect child to have.”“Cloning is not a moral issue; it’s a medical issue.” On the other hand, those who are vehemently against it say that it is immoral and should notbe pursued. Some of the strong objections are:“The soul is created at the moment of conception and so the embryo is worthy of protection.”“Destroying embryos to be able to clone a human is mass murder.”“Killing fetuses and embryos is a crime.”“It’s against God’s laws to kill to be able to give life to another.”Now that you know the two sides of the issue at hand, answer this question truthfully.Which side are you in the cloning question? - Josefina P. GabrielActivity 5 Find eight words associated with cloning in the word maze. Write the words in yournotebook or you may copy the word maze and circle the words if you please. 14

NUCL EU S AGDDKB P XDOL L Y E GENET I C CLONE F I E Q R V GME CELLGC SSelf-check If you circled nucleus, Dolly, genetic, clone, cell, donor, egg and species, you got all thecorrect answers.Activity 6 Compare the two articles. What pieces of information do you get from the first article? Fromthe second? You will notice that the first article “Cloning” deals with the process and the history ofcloning. On the other hand, the second article “The Cloning Question” focuses on people’s attitudetowards the cloning of human embryos. Write your answers in your notebooks. Here is another activity to hone your skill in distinguishing between fact and opinion .Activity 7 Supporting Evidence Read the following statements drawn from the articles. Determine which statements arebased on fact and which are based on opinion, and write them in the proper column in the tablebelow. Write the words in the article that support or serve as evidences opposite the statements. 1. I insist that cloning is a barbaric experimentation. 2. Scientist cloned amphibians in the 1950’s. 3. Dolly, the sheep, was cloned less than a decade ago. 4. I think technology should help people have a perfect child. 5. The first successful cloning of mammals was reported in 1981. 6. Some people believe that cloning is not a moral issue but a medical issue. 15

In your notebook, make a table similar to the one shown below. Be sure to cover the tableunder Self-check before you plot your answers. Number 1 is done for you.Sentence Fact Evidence Sentence Opinion Evidence No. No. 1 Cloning is a I insist….. barbaric experimentation.Self-checkAre your answers similar to this?Sentence Fact Evidence Sentence Opinion Evidence No. No. 1 Cloning is a barbaric I insist… experimentation2 Scientists cloned in the 1950’s amphibians3 Dolly, the sheep, less than a was cloned decade ago 4 Technology should help I think… people have a perfect child5 The first successful in 1981 6 Cloning is not a moral issue Some cloning of mammal was reported but it’s a medical issue. people believe… 16

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