KHARISMAThe Kharisma Magazine | www.kharismamag.comFounder, Editor-in-Chief & Publisher Kharisma AroContributing Editor Art Direction & Graphic Design Photographers X Height Media X Height Media Richard Kelly Charlotte Oh Contributors/Writers Sheri Andrunyk, Sophie Areli, Dolores Fazzino, Bruno Da Gama,Bryan Hardy, Leimomi Keliikuli, Anushka Lalwani, Natalie Ledwell, Sherina Mayani, Vanessa Mentor, Jessica Nazarali, Milan Perry, Danielle Rosa, Natalie Sission, John Soland, Karina Stephens, Nihar Suthar, Maura Sweeney, Peter Taffe PublisherKharisma Luxe Inc. (Dare To Be Iconic Hub) 381 Front Street West Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 3R8 Email: info@kharismamag.com www.kharismamag.com© 2018 Kharisma Luxe Inc. (Dare To Be Iconic Hub) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced online or in print without the expressed and written permission of the Publisher. Kharisma Magazine does not guarantee or endorse the quality of services or products of our strategic partners & advertisers, featured sponsors or suppliers. Kharisma Magazine – “Dare to Be Iconic” and its logotype are registered trademarks of Kharisma Luxe Inc. (Dare To Be Iconic Hub). Printed in Canada.Instagram/kharismaaro Facebook/kharismaaroTwitter/kharismaaro Pinterest/kharismaaro
12KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } DARE TO BE ICONIC, 35 50 54 36 [ Rising Icon ] [ Rule Breaker ] Taking the Leap Making an Impact While [ Changemaker ] How to be the Change Meet Vanessa Mentor, a Travelling the World customer experience strategist & You Want to See spiritual seeker. She teaches soul– Meet Natalie Sisson, a kiwi driven female entrepreneurs how to entrepreneur and adventurer, ... Meet Jessica Nazarali, a business strategist and certified master create powerful connections... teaching you how to run your coach for women who want to... business from anywhere... 88 become the It Girl in the industry. 94 [ Animal Advocate ] 84 How Her New Fur Baby, [ Top Chef ] Gordon, Opened Up Her Realizing Her Dream [ Innovator ] How Crowdfunding Heart Again Through Food Influences Innovation Meet Khierstyn Ross, an Sometimes as humans, when After years of dreaming of online Crowdfunding bad things happen in our lives, opening her own little Advisor who has helped we let them define who we are companies drive over $1M Egyptian restaurant, Head and we stop living, .... Chef, Maha Barsoom in sales.... opened Maha’s.... 130 124 134 [ Conscious Millionaire ] [ Life Coach for Men ] Make a Bigger Impact While [ Modern Day Alchemist ] Empower Your Life & How To Start A Stressless Master Your Instincts Increasing Your Profits Revolution & Design An Meet Anushka Lalwani, a Life Coach for men. She helps them Meet JV Crum III, who helps Effortless Life to master their instinct... entrepreneurs grow six- and seven- Meet Karina Stephens, author figure conscious businesses... of The Stressless Revolution,.. and a modern-day alchemist. 156 164 174 [ Innergetic Entrepreneur] [ Infinite Receiver ] How To Unleash Your Innergy How Your Capacity to [ Innovator ] So That You Can Create the Creating a Healthy Lifestyle Receive Expands Design of Mind, Body & Soul Life & Biz You Crave Infinitely Like the Universe Meet Milan Perry, a healthy living Meet Mary J. Thompson, the Meet Maru Iabichela, who is called “The expert, gourmet chef, and founder Innergetic Entrepreneur, Mind Queen of Expansion” for her incredibly transformative work teaching women of SoNaturelle Wellness, which Body Spirit Coach for how to open up energetically, mentally, features her highly acclaimed Service-Based Entrepreneurs. program Chic Women Don’t Diet. and practically... F E AT Image: LittleLif Photography | Cover Image: Richard Kelly
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 13 64 70 80 [ Expansionist ] [ Ambassador ] [ Connector ] From Bliss to Expansion A Journey to Finding Building Her Tribe, One Leader at a Time Meet Ash Ahern, an Her Voice Positive Fabulous Women™ International Speaker, Money was founded...with the goal Sharron J. Brown lost her voice of connecting, empowering Mindset Coach and Chief around the age of five when she and inspiring women .... Expansionist at was violated; then she was raped 116 #theExpansionProject. as a freshman in college.... [ Success Advocate ] 102 108 How To Turn Strugges [ Master Life Strategist ] [ Top Pilot ] into Success Serving and Impacting Roaming Aviatrix Meet Helen Woo, author of Through Consciousness self-aid: inspiration to turn Meet Shana Jones, an aviatrix Stephen Scoggins is a writer, whose message is empowering not struggles into success.speaker, and entrepreneur based in only for women, but for men, forRaleigh, North Carolina. ...Stephen girls, for boys, and animals, too. 152 knows the power of adversity. [ Resiliency Mentor ] Mastering the Art of 140 146 Resiliency [ Law of Attraction Coach ] [ Super Nova ] Meet Michael H. Ballard. He Applying Universal Laws to Shift How to Step Into Your specializes in helping people Your Energy & Change Your Life build themselves and, in turn, Greatness Meet Amanda Savona, Law of Attraction Meet Lena Ski, host of the Supernova discover their brand...Coach, who helps her clients become awareof how they’re really creating everything in Podcast’s Supernova, Marketing 194 Coach, and author of “Start with a their life... A Simple Act of Kindness Bang, then Glimmer”. As humans, we have various 182 goals. Some of us want to be 198GIVING BACK, 192 successful in business. Some of [ Money Mindset Mentor ] us want to attain fame. Some of How To Embrace Change One Man. One Movement. us want to change the world. and Know When to Pivot How Thousands of in Business and in Life. Rescued Dogs Are Being Given a Meet Denise Duffield-Thomas, Second Chance At Life a money mindset mentor for the new wave of online female entrepreneurs. ....URES
14KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } Get the Look 18 Editor’s Letter 20 Ask Kharisma 22 Real Talk 26 34 204 206 211 Up Close & Personal The Recommender Loving It Building your Brand with Kharisma My Top 10 Picks Meet Benny 10 Travel & Living-the- Do You Have a Book in You? [212] Mobile-Lifestyle Websites 7 Important Traits of the Wealthy & 225 Successful [214] Key To Happiness: Your Personal Wealth [216] 4 Steps to Having More Control Over your Emotions Using SDOC [218] Do You Have an Elevator Pitch?... [220] 235 Your Money, Your Story 265 Soul Essence 3 Steps To Getting Clear On Creating From the Beyond the Box What YOU Want in Your Life [226] 5 Steps to Clearing Financial [236] Study to be Quiet [238] Worry Without Going Crazy [228] Your Powerful Purpose [240] 6 Habits of A 6-Figure Business 5 Simple Steps to Making Meditation Owner [230] Part of Your Routine [242] 5 Ways to Get Back into Soul 249 Alignment [244] From the Inisde Out Body Unburned: A Calorie is not a Calorie [250] 271 Giving Yourself the Gift of Self-Care [252] Relationships 4 Things You Need to Master to Become a Giving Back in Relationships [272} “Go- To” Person in Your Niche [254] Preventing Weight Gain While Travelling: A Practical Guide Home Sweet Home [256] Let’s Start StressLess Revolution and We Create Our World from the Give Back to Life [258] A Royal Elixer, Thoughts and Beliefs We Have [266] Fit for a Queen [260] 277 285 297 Great Escapes The Reading Lounge City Guide: Toronto Travel Tips for Business Travel – Top 10 Books To Design Your Flying [278] Travel Picks: Life & Business By [286] Featured Author: Kharisma Approved [280] Danielle LaPorte [288] DEPARTMENTS
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 15The Desire MapPlanner fromDanielle LaPorte2018 DailyThe Desire Map planner helps youconnect with your desires on a dailybasis, and then plan to bring themto fruition in small ways and on thebig days.Order yours today!daniellelaporte.com/store/shop/
KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } 16 Our contributors are experts in various industries. p194, 240 p212 p214, 242 p216 p218 NIHAR SUTHAR SHERI ANDRUNYK NATALIE LEDWELL MAURA SWEENEY ANUSHKA LALWANI Author & Writer Owner, Publisher, Consultant Author, Co-Founder of International Speaker, Life & Emotions Coach Speaker, Author Mind Movies Author & Podcaster p220, 254 p226, 228, 230 p236 p238 p244 SOPHIE ARELIE SHERINA MAYANI DR.DOLORES L. PETER TAFFE LEIMOMI Life & Business Coach F A Z Z I N O D N P , R N KELIIKULI CEO and Founder at Author, Mentor & Life Coach Your Podcast Show Nurse Practitioner, Master Energy Intuitive Soul Alignment Coach Healer, & Intuitive Counselor p250 p256 p258 p260 p266 BRUNO DA GAMA MILAN PERRY KARINA STEPHENS BRYAN HARDY DANIELLE ROSA Nutritional Therapy Healthy Living Expert, Alchemist, Author Wellness Coach, Empowerment Coach & Practitioner, Personal Trainer Public Speaker Lifestyle Expert Gourmet Chef, and Founder & Holistic Lifestyle Coach of SoNaturelle Wellness CONTRIBUTORS
17The type was brought tolife with colour andintrigue, forever imprintedonto a glass canvas. Andsoitm’estimreefsl,ectthioen surprise of could befound in a shadow againstthe bare wall.THIS IS DN’Awww.dna.theareax.comdna@theareax.com(1) 416.668.4199
18KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } GET THE LOOK 2 13 1 BLACK DRESS 2 NECKLACE 3 JEWELRY Stella McCartney Ivory White Baroque Freshwater Forever 21 Pearl Necklace, Hand Knotted Image: Richard Kelly
KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } 20 I Welcome!t is with great joy - and such a dream come true - that the Kharisma Magazine and online hub is launched into the world. With this magazine, we have an opportunity to make a real impact in the lives of women entrepreneurs. We want to inspire and empower them to be iconic in business and life. The Kharisma Magazine is a catalyst for confident, bold, and purpose-driven women entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in the lives of others and live their best lives. With an emphasis on personal growth, lifestyle, and business development, it engages and speaks to every aspect of a woman’s life – Body, Mind & Spirit. Most magazines feature and highlight well-known influencers and thought leaders who already have impact and influence in the marketplace. The Kharisma Magazine stands to be different, as it is a platform that showcases and highlights rising icons, change- makers and thought leaders in the sphere of entrepreneurship. This premier issue is dedicated to giving back. We are committed to donating a portion of its revenues to the IT Girl Foundation, a not-for-profit organization lead by Jessica Nazarali, to help raise funds for ten emerging women entrepreneurs to get the skills and support they need to launch their own businesses. In Up Close & Personal with Kharisma, you will learn why giving back is so important to me and my company, and the reason why giving back is weaved into everything I do in my business and life. You will also read about some amazing men and women who are creating the change they want to see in the world, such as Jessica Nazarali, our featured Change Maker, Vanessa Mentor, the Rising Icon, and others who are destined to make an impact in the world. Finally, without the support of our team - who has worked several months to bring my vision into a reality - the team of contributors all over the world, our partners and sponsors, and many others, the Kharisma Magazine would not have been possible. I want to say, “Thank You” from the bottom of my heart! EDITOR’S LETTER Image: Richard Kelly
KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } 22 ASK KHARISMA What does ‘Dare to Be Iconic’ mean? Imagine what it’s like to wake up every day and feel “on ~ Has admirers and raving clients, and is instantly purpose” or “purpose-driven.” recognizable. ~ Designs and lives the life she desires, unapologetically. Imagine getting out of bed and knowing exactly what you ~ Loves luxury and the finer things, and experiences in life. want to do as you set out to create another incredible and ~ Loves to travel. productive day. ~ Has an online business doing something meaningful she loves, so that she can make money and live the lifestyle of Imagine living a life where you trust your own power so her dreams. deeply that you no longer waste time worrying or struggling, ~ Loves having the freedom to work wherever she chooses. or feeling stuck. ~ Works daily on her core beliefs and develops a mindset to build a successful business. Now imagine yourself as an Iconic Entrepreneur, such as ~ Intentionally builds an iconic brand around her ideal a Healer, Coach, Consultant, Author, Expert, or Service lifestyle so that she can have the time, money, and freedom Provider who: she desires. ~ Has a purpose or cause beyond that which is motivated ~ Is passionate about supporting causes and organisations by money. that are dear to her heart. ~ Boldly unleashes her purposeful body of work into the world. In other words, ‘Dare to Be Iconic’ is about igniting your ~ Provides a brand experience that stands out. purpose, reclaiming your power, and designing the life you ~ Is a symbol of excellence to which others aspire. desire...it is a way of being.
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 23 LOVE F O R THE KHARISMA MAGAZINE Anushka Lalwani | U.K.“I’ve known Kharishma Aro for a few months now and instantly connected with hermission and energy. My intention is to share with all of you how you can work with youremotions instead of working against them. We often allow our emotions to run our lifewithout even realising we do this. It is a subconscious act. I’ve come to realise throughmy journey specific emotions that trigger all of us and how we react to them. When welearn how to clear these triggers and respond to people we live emotionally free of the heaviness that triggers bring to us. We get less stuck and feel more bliss!” Leimomi Keliikuli | U.S.A..“I truly believe that we are meant to live an abundant and conscious life, and Kharisma’smagazine really is all about that [:] living your life on purpose. When you do so and live in alignment to your gifts, we naturally bring income, impact and more freedom.” Vanessa Mentor | Haiti “1) It’s the creation of a woman of Color. 2) The magazine mission is aligned with my holistic approach of life: integrating Mind-Body and Spirit.3) By contributing to this magazine, I want to help single moms give theirselves permission to design a life and business based on their heart and soul desires.” Sherina Mayani | Panama“Honestly what attracted me to it was the idea to have a platform to share my message,also I am a very intuitive person and I honestly love Kharisma and her energy andwanted to support her as well in this, and something inside of me said to go forward withit! In terms of impact to the Kharisma Magazine’s audience - I feel like it’s a way to sharemy truth my story and my experience and with the intention that it moves something in the audience for good.” Milan Perry | U.S.A.When I was approached about being a contributor of the magazine, I saw an opportunityto educate women from a standpoint that delves into a lifestyle that once was a luxurybut now is a necessity. What attracted me to the magazine was femininity, luxury andlifestyle. All of these components highlight a higher standard for women to aspire [to]which was once a natural part of our being. I feel that this magazine will have a profoundimpact on the readers as well as my clientele, because it emphasizes the how & why theyneed to pay more than the usual attention in how they take care of themselves, also their business relationships on a higher level.
KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } 24 the unexamined life is not worth living
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 25- socrates
KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } 26 8 Rituals of an Iconic Entrepreneur WRITTEN BY KHARISMA ARO H ow can you achieve success as an iconic entrepreneur? Everybody REAL wants it but what are you willing to do for it? I’m talking about success, of course. Ever since our younger years, a glorified meaning of success, formulated by society and the media, has been drilled into us. The dictionary defines success as “the attainment of wealth, position, honours, or an achievement”. I’d like to see this definition revised so that it’s separated from wealth and status and connected with quality of life, fulfillment, happiness, and achievements that are personally satisfying and enhance your life. I can point to many people, including myself, who achieved the fancy title and high-paying job but were ultimately searching for a different meaning in the word success. For some, success is a title, dollars in the bank and a prestigious job, but for others it’s spending quality time with your children, mentoring employees at work, volunteering, starting your first company, learning a new skill, such as taking up piano lessons, or completing your first triathlon. You must decide what success means to you. As you continue your journey to be a Image: Richard Kelly
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 27 successful entrepreneur, businessperson, artist, writer, or their prayers are unanswered. God has no opportunity. parent, take a few minutes and think about how you should Meditation is the practice of shifting our mind’s awareness define success on your terms — not based on what society from normal activity of the mind. During this normal state, thinks you should do. One effective approach is to practice our mind is engaged in analyzing, observing, judging, rituals that will help you raise your game. deciding and accomplishing. With meditation, you can shift the focus and experience a more calm, peaceful and silent But what about the “ritual” part of the equation? If you state. are like some people, the word ritual may have a negative connotation. Benefits of Meditation • Lower blood pressure If you look it up on Dictionary.com, the first definition is • Better sleep this: “An established or prescribed procedure for a religious • Less anxiety or other rite.” • Faster healing • Decreased use of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes The problem is that we typically think of it in a religious • Lower cholesterol sense. I am not using it in this sense, though for me, even • Stronger immune response then it has a positive connotation. Setting the Foundation I define ritual as “a prescribed procedure for achieving a • The best time to meditate is early in the morning specific result.” In other words, it’s kind of like a recipe. An early morning ritual can do the same thing for your upon rising and in the evening before going to bed. productivity and the effectiveness. It won’t guarantee your • Start off your meditation practice with 5 to 15 minute results, but it will set you up for the possibility of success. periods per day. By the way, the truth is that you ALREADY have a ritual. • Use your Luxe Cove or space of your own where an Rituals are inescapable. The only question is whether you are intentional about your early morning ritual and whether environment of quiet and peace is present. your ritual is producing the results you want in your life. • Unplug from any distractions, such as the TV, phone, Anyone can design a more successful day by following these computer or other distractions. eight rituals: • You can incorporate calm, soothing music if it does RITUAL #1: PRAYER & MEDITATION RITUAL #2: PRACTICE OF GRATITUDE not break your ability to concentrate. Refer to Meditating RITUAL #3: JOURNALING with Music for a list of music options. RITUAL #4: EXERCISE & WORKOUT • Meditating outside under a tree, at the beach or a quiet RITUAL #5: EATING HEALTHY place can also bring calm and inner peace. RITUAL #6: DRINKING WATER WITH LEMON RITUAL #7: READING AND LEARNING FROM OTHER Meditating with Music Meditating with music can be a very soothing experience. THOUGHT LEADERS AND EXPERTS Simply listen to it with your undivided attention. This will RITUAL #8: THE IMPORTANCE OF MAKING YOUR BED engage and flood your body, mind and emotions with the vibrational qualities of the music. In meditating with music, Ritual 1. Prayer & Meditation the focus is the music. You can sit or lie down, close your eyes with the music playing softly in the background. To “To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be enhance the experience, you can use headphones as this extraordinarily quiet, still.” intensifies the experience. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti My favourite music options are from Sonicaid. This music is scientifically designed with a special focus on emotional and We should be quiet in order to listen. We always talk and God intellectual response and social psychological connections has no chance to respond. So the prayer is the talking, the by Dr. Lee Bartel. demand; and meditation is the listening. Most people just keep praying constantly or always make noise or always talk, Now that you understand the practice of meditation, you and God has no chance to tell them what to do. No wonder will need to make a conscious effort to establish meditation as part of your lifestyle. Also, note what time in the morningTA L K and evening you will meditate.
28KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } Ritual 2. Practice of Gratitude “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that Morning Gratitude Session comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because Take 2–3 minutes each morning to give thanks, to all things have contributed to your advancement, you should whomever or whatever you’re grateful for. You don’t have include all things in your gratitude.” to do anything, other than close your eyes and silently give ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson thanks. This one act can make a huge difference. Gratitude means a feeling of thankfulness or appreciation, Express Gratitude Verbally or in Prayer where gifts or favours are concerned. Living a lifestyle of Give thanks for “negative” things in your life. There are gratitude unlocks the door to prosperity and abundance. always two ways to look at something. Many times we think When you are truly grateful for what you currently have in of something as negative — it’s stressful, harmful, sad, your life, as oppose to complaining and focusing on what unfortunate and difficult. But that same thing can be looked you lack, you will immediately start to see positive changes at in a more positive way. Giving thanks for those things is in your life in the following ways; a great way to remind you that there is good in just about 1. You start to feel better instantly everything. Problems can be seen as opportunities to grow, 2. You enjoy supportive, synergistic, exciting to be creative. relationships Learn a gratitude prayer. There are many prayers, religious 3. An increase in your prosperity and abundance or not, that can remind you to be grateful. You can find 4. You begin to experience vibrant health many others on the Internet, or write your own. 5. Experience of peace of mind 6. Your creative juices are supercharged Write in a Gratitude Journal 7. The realization your dreams and goals are Another profound way is to write down what you are grateful for in a journal daily. You will be amazed at the positive affect magnetized this will have on you and the people around you. Pick up an 8. The right people connections start to happen inexpensive journal and begin to journal your gratitude by 9. There is a profound difference in the lives of writing down 10 things you are grateful for every day. people around you Here are some key reasons why gratitude should be Ritual 3. Journalling expressed daily 1. God, Divine Source, the universe; The mere In The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron suggests writing three handwritten pages or 750 words every morning. At first fact you are alive, is a lot to be thankful for there is a lot of “dumping” but eventually little jewels of 2. Basic needs; Food, Shelter, Clothing wisdom and direction emerge. If you want to improve your 3. Family & Friends perspective on life and clarify issues, start writing in a 4. Work or Business journal. 5. Material things you have, such as a car or You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where cottage, etc. you are. Be sure your journal will remain private, or write 6. When someone does something nice for you, online so that you are writing for your eyes only. say thank you — no matter how small the Here are 10 tips to get started: favour —and really mean it 1. Start writing about where you are in your life at this 7. Call to say thank you to someone when you moment. Describe your living situation, your work, and remember, even after the fact your relationships. Are you right where you want to be? 2 ways to express Gratitude 2. For five to ten minutes, just start writing in a “stream of 1. Express gratitude verbally or in prayer consciousness.” Don’t edit your thoughts or feelings and 2. Write in a gratitude journal don’t correct your grammar. Don’t censor your thoughts. When to express gratitude The best time to express gratitude is first thing in the morning, or at the end of the day before going to bed.
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 29 3. Start a dialogue with your inner child by writing in your subdominant hand. Answer with your dominant hand. What issues emerge? 4. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by maintaining a daily list of things you appreciate, including uplifting quotes. Keep it in one journal or in a separate section so that you can read through it all at once. When you feel down you can read through it for a boost of gratitude and happiness. 5. Start a journal of self-portraits. You can take pictures, draw colours or shapes or collage images. Learn to love and accept yourself just the way you are today. 6. Keep a nature diary to connect with the natural world. The world we live in is a magical and mysterious place. Record the things you notice about the sky, the weather, and the seasons. 7. Maintain a log of successes. Begin by writing the big ones you remember then regularly jot down small successes that occur during the week. As you pay attention, your list will grow and inspire you. 8. Keep a log or playlist of your favourite songs. Write about the moods they evoke. When you hear a song that triggers a strong memory, write down how you feel and explore that time and space of your life. 9. If there’s something you are struggling with or an event that’s disturbing you, write about it in the third person. This will give you distance and provide a new perspective. Write down what you learned about yourself. 10. Develop your intuition. Write down questions or concerns then take a deep breath and listen for a response from your Higher Self. Let yourself write automatically. If you don’t get an answer right away, look for signs during the day. We all have dark days, black moods, and anxious feelings. Use writing in a journal to explore the darkness. You will find your inner light when you do.
30KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } ........................................................................................................................................................ > Ritual 4. Exercise & Workout Plan your meals Proper nutrition is such a significant part of your wellness Following a regular exercise regimen can provide you with program. Make a commitment to organize this part of your numerous health benefits. Performing at least 30 minutes lifestyle urgently. of moderately intense aerobic exercise, such as walking briskly or swimming, on most days of the week will result in Ritual 5. Eating Healthy the health benefits of regular exercise such as: 1. Improved cardiovascular health Start your day off right 2. The prevention of chronic health conditions The next time you rush out the door in the morning without 3. The promotion of a healthy weight something to eat, consider this: Skipping breakfast can set 4. An increase in strength and endurance you up for overeating later on in the day. A healthy a.m. meal, on the other hand, can give you energy, satisfy your Make the appointment appetite, and set the stage for smart decision–making all Somehowwe manage to schedule a meeting about everything day long. and anything. All sorts of urgent topics require a conference call and regimented follow up. I say your workout routine is You want to aim for a breakfast that combines good carbs no different. Block the time off, as this appointment is now and fiber with some protein. Here’s a look at 5 of our the most important of them all! favourite breakfast foods: 1. Oatmeal Maximize your time 2. Greek yogurt Get in and get out! There is no need to spend hours upon 3. Grapefruit hours in the gym. 4. Bananas 5. Eggs Prioritize The mental game is half of the game! Make sure you are ready and committed. Fitness programs are a lifestyle and commitment. The desire to engage must be present. Lay the groundwork and do some digging.
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 31Ritual 6. Drinking Water With LemonOne of the best things you can do after you wake up: Drink at least 16oz (500mL) of water.Water fires up your metabolism, hydrates you, helps your body flush out toxins, gives yourbrain fuel, and may even make you eat less.As far as routines go, it’s a pretty simple one to get into. Keep a pitcher of room temperaturewater and lemons on hand, and each morning, squeeze the juice from half a lemon (or a wholelemon if you’re over 150 pounds) into a cup of water.According to Sacred Source Nutrition, it’s important to make sure the water is roomtemperature, because cold water can shock your system and prevent all of the many healthbenefits from starting to work.Water has been known to help with some of the following:1. Hydration 7. Pumping up the immune system2. Constipation 8. Recovering from a workout3. Stopping UTIs 9. Aches and pains4. Battling breath 10. Reducing phlegm5. Weight loss 11. Strengthening the brain6. Freshening your skin 12. Cleansing the liver >
32KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } RITUAL 7. Reading Then, we warriors of light must be prepared to have patience in difficult times and to know that the Universe is conspiring I love to read books that empower my mind, body and spirit. in our favour, even though we may not understand how. The last book I read is called, The Alchemist, by bestselling author, Paulo Coelho. I ask myself: Is defeat necessary? An alchemist is a person who changes a common substance Well, necessary or not, it happens. When we first begin into a substance of great value. fighting for our dream, we have no experience and make many mistakes. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven Dreams are central to The Alchemist’s action as well as its times and get up eight times. meaning. Santiago’s dream is the novel’s inciting incident (the event that sets the story in motion), and the author’s So, why is it so important to live our personal calling if we primary message seems to be that we should follow our are only going to suffer more than other people? dreams. This is a must-read book! Because once we have overcome defeat – and we always do– When I first read the introduction (see below), it was so we are filled with a greater sense of euphoria and confidence. powerful, I had to put the book aside to savour its message. In the silence of our hearts, we know that we are proving ourselves worthy of the miracle of life. Each day, each hour, “We all need to be aware of our personal calling. What is a is part of the good fight. We start to live with enthusiasm personal calling? It is God’s blessing; it is the path that God and pleasure. Intense, unexpected suffering passes more chose for you here on Earth.” quickly than suffering that is apparently bearable; the latter goes on for years and, without our noticing, eats away at our Whenever we do something that fills us with enthusiasm, soul, until, one day, we are no longer able to free ourselves we are following our legend. However, we don’t all have the from the bitterness and it stays with us for the rest of our courage to confront our own dream. lives. Why? Having disinterred our dream, having used the power There are four obstacles. First: We are told from childhood of love to nurture it and spent many years living with the that everything we want to do is impossible. We grow up scars, we suddenly notice that what we always wanted was with this idea, and as the years accumulate, so too do the there, waiting to appear, perhaps the very next day. Then layers of prejudice, fear, and guilt. There comes a time when comes the fourth obstacle: The fear of realizing the dream our personal calling is so deeply buried in our soul, it is for which we fought for all our lives. virtually invisible. But it’s still there. Oscar Wilde said: “Each man kills the thing he loves.” If we have the courage to disinter dreams, we are then faced And it’s true. The mere possibility of getting what we want with the second obstacle: Love. We know what we want to fills the soul of the ordinary person with guilt. We look do, but are afraid of hurting those around us by abandoning around at all those who have failed to get what they want everything in order to pursue our dream. We do not realize and feel that we do not deserve to get what we desire that love is just a further impetus, not something that will either. We forget about all the obstacles we overcame, all prevent us going from forward. We do not realize that those the suffering we endured, all the things we had to give up who genuinely wish us well want us to be happy and are in order to get this far. I have known a lot of people who, prepared to accompany us on that journey. when their personal calling was within their grasp, went on to commit a series of bad mistakes and never reached their Once we have accepted that love is a stimulus, we come up goal— when it was only a step away. against the third obstacle: Fear of the defeat we will meet along the path. We who fight for our dreams suffer far more This is the most dangerous of the obstacles because it has a when it doesn’t work out, because we cannot fall back on the kind of saintly aura about it: Renouncing joy and conquest. old excuse: “Oh, well, I didn’t really want it anyway.” We do But if you believe yourself worthy of the thing you fought so want it and know that we have staked everything on it and hard to attain, then you become an instrument of God, you that the path of the personal calling is no easier than any other path, except that our whole heart is in this journey.
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 33help the Soul of the World, and you understand why you arehere.Here are the top 10 books I’ve read that have impacted meand influenced my life in a significant way, for one reasonor another:1. The Bible2. The Brand You 50 by Tom Peters (or one of his other books on personal branding)3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill4. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie5. The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9–5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss6. Good to Great by Jim Collins7. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho8. The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business by Josh Kaufman9. Don’t Think Pink by Lisa Johnson and Andrea Learned10. Lifestyle Entrepreneur by Jesse KriegerIf you’re just getting started, I believe reading the booksconsecutively from 1-10 would be the most intuitive mindsetchange from beginner to advanced, and have the greatestimpact on you.Ritual 8. Make Your BedIt’s true! Making your bed every morning improves your life!Here are five ways in which making your bed every morningimproves your life:1. It gives you a feeling of accomplishment.2. It creates a positive state of mind as you go to bed.3. Make your bed, lower your stress.4. It prevents embarrassment.5. It leads to other good habits.This feeling is so addictive, the habit will spill over into theother rooms of the house. Before you know it, you won’t goto bed before the kitchen is clean!I subscribe to a very cool YouTube channel called Clean MySpace, where I get so many amazing, motivational tips.Do you have any rituals you practice daily?I would love to hear from you!
KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } 34 in the Philippines get the help and skills they need to Meet Benny support themselves and their families. As far back In order to affect, we have to as I can remember, I have be the change. always been a giving and compassionate person. At There is a very powerful least that is what I thought quote by the Dalai Lama XIV until I met Benny. that goes like this: You see, about four years “We can reject everything else: ago, this beautiful, loving, religion, ideology, all received loyal, and adorable living wisdom. But we cannot escape being came into my life, the necessity of love and and my life changed compassion.... forever. This, then, is my true religion, With his love, affection and unwavering ability to my simple faith. In this put a smile on my face no matter what I had been sense, there is no need for experiencing, he touched a part of me deep within temple or church, for mosque my core that I never knew existed. or synagogue, no need for I started to notice this as complicated philosophy, I felt a heightened level of compassion, which doctrine or dogma. Our own became more and more evident in my daily life; so heart, our own mind, is the much that it was the very thing that inspired me to temple. create a brand built on cause marketing. The doctrine is compassion. I am committed to involving compassion in everything I do! Love for others and respect With the creation and launch of the Kharisma Magazine, I for their rights and dignity, no matter who or what they are: knew compassion had to be a part of it. So I reached out ultimately these are all we need. So long as we practice these in to Jessica Nazarali of It Girl Foundation, a not-for-profit our daily lives, then no matter if we are learned or unlearned, organisation, and shared my wish. whether we believe in Buddha or God, or follow some other religion or none at all, as long as we have compassion for others and conduct ourselves with restraint out of a sense of responsibility, there is no doubt we will be happy.” We formed a partnership: everytime an issue of the Kharisma Benny is on Instagram! Follow @Bennyloving . Magazine is sold, we will give It Girl Foundation a percentage of the proceeds to help ten emerging women entrepreneurs UP CLOSE & PERSONAL WITH KHARISMA
KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } 36 CHANGEMAKER HOW TO BE THECyHoAuNGEwant to see inter v ie w w ith l i Jessi c a N az ara DARE TO
BE ICONIC { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 37 MEET JESSICA NAZARALI, A BUSINESS STRATEGIST AND CERTIFIED MASTER COACH FOR WOMEN WHO WANT TO BUILD THRIVING COACHING BUSINESSES AND BECOME THE IT GIRL IN THE INDUSTRY. Jessica: Thank you. Thank you so much for inviting me to take part in this interview. Kharisma: Awesome. I’m so excited today to just have this conversation with you, and I feel like we’re just sitting together having a sip of tea – I don’t know if you’re into tea. I’m a big tea drinker. Jessica: I do have a tea. Kharisma: Okay, good. I do have mine here as well. We’re just going to talk about your journey as an entrepreneur who is having an amazing impact in the world. You are changing lives, and you are really making a difference, and this is what really excites me about you and your organization, your company. And what you do is how you are also impacting the lives of other emerging entrepreneurs, and we’re going to get to that in a little bit. I really want to start at the beginning, who Jessica is and where she started out in this journey of entrepreneurship and what led her to take the leaps and bounds into this journey that we’re both in. We both know it has its rewards. It has its ups and downs. Share a little bit with us about your journey. Where did you start and why you took the leap? Jessica: Well, I always knew I wanted to be in control of my life and be in control of how I spent my time on a day to day basis. I remember when I was in Year 11 (Grade 11), I believe, and I think I was about 17 years old, and it was a career counselling session at school and somebody asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up, and I said I wanted to be a manager because I wanted to be the boss and have control over what I was doing on a day to day basis. I didn’t grow up around entrepreneurs. My parents aren’t entrepreneurs. I’m trying to even think right now — I don’t think any of even my parents’ friends were entrepreneurs or any of my friends growing up had parents who were entrepreneurs, but I definitely really valued freedom, and I knew that for sure. I was always very resourceful when it came to money. Growing up, my family didn’t have a lot of money. There was actually a time when I was in high school for a couple of years when we were on government assistance, or as it’s called in the U.S., welfare. Things weren’t bad enough that we were living on the street or we’re going to lose our house, but definitely, money was tight. Throughout those times, I was always very resourceful. I got a job when I was 13 years old. I actually lied about how old I was so I could get a job, and I grew up in a very small country town. So the fact I could even get a job as a waitress was – that in itself was a bit of a miracle. Then throughout my teens, I started buying second hand clothes in charity stores or thrift stores and then selling them on eBay to make money. Kharisma: Wow. Jessica: Yeah, I started doing this when I was about 16 and really did it throughout university as well. I always had that entrepreneurial spirit. I didn’t necessarily associate myself as an entrepreneur because I didn’t really know what that term meant, and I had nobody who was really modeling that for me, but I definitely always valued freedom and independence and wanted to have my own money so I could have control over if I could go to the movies or not or if I could buy a certain clothing item. It was obvious from a young age that I needed to do that just because of the situation my parents were in.
38KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } That was definitely my first taste of entrepreneurship, and feeling that I wasn’t living out the purpose that I was meant then how I got into what I’m doing today was a little bit of to be living. I think that sometimes is just a really tough spot a, I guess, a backwards way of doing it in a certain sense to be in when there’s nothing, seemingly, should be wrong, that I started coaching by a bit of a fluke, if I’m honest. My right? first step into the online world was through starting a blog on health, wellness, and positivity. I started that blog when Kharisma: Right, exactly, but there’s still the unfulfillment I was 24 years old on the back of going through, the term deep inside. which has been coined sometimes in the media, is a bit of quarter life crisis. Jessica: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was really where I was at when I decided to start this blog. I really started it because As women or men in their 20s, this term, I think comes I wanted a creative outlet. I wanted to feel like I was putting about because we go to school, we go to university. We’re something out into the world that could make a difference told if we study hard and we get good grades, then we’re in some small way. I started this blog, and 18 months into going to get a good job, and that’s going to give us enough starting the blog, that’s how coaching came into my life. The money so we get a mortgage, and then we’re going to get business was really a second step. In the beginning, it was married and have kids, and life is going to be amazing. I really created so I could feel more fulfillment, passion, and remember I studied really hard at school. I got really good purpose in my life. grades. I graduated. I got a job, and then I just felt really disillusioned. I felt, “Okay, well, I’ve done everything “right”, Kharisma: What was the blog about that you started? yet I wasn’t feeling excited or passionate about what I was doing.” To top it all off, I had recently gotten engaged, and Jessica: It was a health living blog. It had healthy recipes, we lived in a nice apartment. I had friends and family. On the fitness type of things, positivity. It was called Live Healthy outside looking in, I really had nothing to be complaining Simply. about, right? I was living in Sidney (Australia). Things on all scales around the world were pretty good, but yet, I still felt Kharisma: What made you get into launching a blog? You like something was desperately missing from my life, and can launch a blog on any topic that you’re passionate about. that really came down to the fact that I wasn’t fulfilling my It could be fashion. It could be whatever. What made you life passion. I knew I had so much more to give, but I wasn’t launch a blog on health living? doing it. Jessica: Sure. The reason I decided to release a blog on that Kharisma: What was your first job at the time when you topic was because, throughout my whole life, I’ve always finished school? been a vegetarian. My parents are very health conscious. Today, I say I’m somewhere between vegan and vegetarian Jessica: My first job was in recruitment. It was short lived. when it comes to the food that I eat, and at the time in my I worked for five months at a recruitment agency. I loved life, I actually didn’t have that many people who were also it for about three months. Then I saw it for what it was. It choosing to eat and live in that way. was a lot of young people working really hard, also really partying really hard. In terms of the job culture, it would I thought, “Okay, well, I can launch a blog on this. I might be expected that every Friday night, you would go out, and meet some other cool people. I also may learn a few you would drink until you were pretty drunk. I realized that recipes.” For about that year when I first started the blog, I really wasn’t how I wanted to be living my life. I quit about was cooking a lot. I was taking photos of food and sharing five months after I started. I got a job, which came with them on social media. It just seemed like a topic that I knew about a $15,000.00 pay raise. It was still walking distance a little bit about and I would be able to dive into it further. from where I lived, which in Sydney, that’s unheard of. The hours were better. I had a cool boss. Kharisma: Awesome. When you were doing your blog, did it light you up? I really liked the team that I worked with, and this was a job that I worked at for about three years until I quit to Jessica: Totally. become a full time entrepreneur. I got this new job where I was selling – it was business development still – but it was Kharisma: Yeah? selling reward and recognition software to big corporations. In terms of learning, it definitely had that as a plus side. My Jessica: Yeah, yeah. boss was really awesome. I loved the team I was working with. It had a really cool culture. However, I still had that Kharisma: Awesome.
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 39Jessica: It’s amazing how just taking onepositive step – and even if you don’t reallyknow what you were doing. I had no ideathat my blog would lead into what I’m doingtoday, but I see this with my clients all thetime. Just when they make the decision todo something and they start taking positivesteps, like they start to launch a website andthey start writing about their chosen topic—it’s these baby steps. That in itself made mefeel so much more alive and passionate andfulfilled, even while I was still in my job.My mood definitely improved dramaticallybecause I had something that I was reallypassionate about outside of my work. Yeah,it definitely changed a lot.Kharisma: At some point, were you able tomonetize your blog?Jessica: Yes, yes, I was. I started to get people to contact me Jessica: Yeah, so I monetized it that way, and I also releasedand send me things to review. I was doing sponsored posts. an online group program about health and wellness. II would charge to have a post on my blog about – gosh, I’m released that, probably, about a year into having the blog.trying to think about what products I did. There were vitamin How else did I monetize it? I released that, and I wassupplements, protein shakes I was sent. Something that was also an affiliate for other people, so I was selling otherreally cool – I don’t know if you know what a Vitamix is? people’s e–books. I would have a badge on my site, so if somebody clicked on it and then purchased, I would receiveKharisma: Yes, yes. a percentage of the commission. I did a very, very small amount of one on one health coaching as well until I hadJessica: Probably, my all-time favourite partnership was a handful of clients, and then I realize very quickly that Ibeing sent a Vitamix. I had always wanted a Vitamix, but as a didn’t want to be a health coach, and that wasn’t a route I23, 24-year-old, I couldn’t really justify spending $1,200.00 wanted to go down.on a blender. I was sent one, and I think they sent me a littlebit of money as well to blog about it. That just made my day. Kharisma: What did you do to make the change, if you realized at that point you were – “Okay, I don’t want to be aKharisma: I can imagine. health coach.” Were you still employed at this time at your full time job?Jessica: I still have it. I still use it when I’m in Australia. Jessica: Yeah, I was still employed at the time. While I wasKharisma: Oh, nice. setting up my – while I was working on Live Health Simply,
40KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } my husband and I also launched another website, which worked out a discount, and I was like, “Oh, but I’ll give you was called Shop Healthy. We still have that today. We’ve a discount, so how about three sessions for $419.00?” She outsourced the management of it, so the day to day running must’ve thought I was completely crazy. Who does that? of it, we’re not involved in. But if you go to shophealthy.com. She basically said, “Sure,” and I sent her a PayPal link, and au, you’ll see that website as well. Through the blog, we were she purchased, and I hadn’t even ever spoken to her before. also getting traffic sent to our online health food store, so She had been following my blog for about a year, so it really that was great. just goes to show when you’re consistent and you’re putting yourself out there, they get to know you. You don’t always I was at this stage when I was getting a decent amount of need to have a really hard sales conversation. I worked with traffic to my blog, and that was leading to orders on my her, and I remember the first session I was so nervous. I was health food store, and I was doing some sponsorships and like, “Oh, my gosh, what am I going to teach this woman?” making a little bit of money here or there. I really thought The session went really great, and I remember I got off the I was going to go into being a health coach, and I thought, phone, and she had homework about what she needed to do “Okay, well, this is going to be my main source of income, in order to setup her website and the tabs she was going to and it’s going to allow me to quit my job and do this full put on it, and she was going to create an opt in, and we had time.” But then when I worked as a health coach – I think spoken about that. I had two or three clients – I realized very quickly I wasn’t interested in talking to people about their stomach issues. I remember thinking, “Wow, this is what I’m meant to do.” To be honest, I found it a little bit boring. Today, I’m really She was probably about my age, maybe even a year younger, interested in health and wellness. We still have the store. and she was just so excited about what she was doing. What I personally love buying health food products and organic I really realize now is I love working with people who are chocolate. positive and passionate and really have a message that they want to put out into the world, and she definitely fit that That stuff totally lights me up, but talking to other people description. It was really, really cool. After I worked with her, about it day in and day out didn’t interest me. If I’m really I received another message from somebody off Facebook honest, I felt like a bit of a failure when I had this realization wanting the same thing, and that really made me realize, because I went, “Wow, here I am. I’ve put about a year and “Okay, maybe I should put out a blog coaching package. I a half into my blog.” I had discovered coaching, and I felt did that, and I literally got about 20 clients within a period for sure, “I’ll become a health coach,” and I had the health of four to six weeks. blog. I had the health food store. I’d become a health coach. It would all mate very nicely together. But I realized – and Kharisma: Wow, that’s amazing. you can’t fake it. If you’re not passionate about something, you can’t pretend that you are. I remember just feeling quite Jessica: That was really the sign of, “Okay, this is what I’m disillusioned, and I didn’t know what I was going to do. meant to be doing,” My blog coaching business was born through that way. I remember talking to Faze, who’s my husband, and I asked him, “Okay, well, maybe I’ll just focus on the store.” I didn’t Kharisma: Awesome. Now, you teach women how to build know really what I wanted to do. But luckily, the universe thriving coaching businesses, not necessarily in terms of really guided me in the right direction because it was the health, but in any industry, I take it? same time period where I was really questioning things that I went on Facebook one day, and I got a message from a girl Jessica: Yeah, definitely. I work with mainly coaches, but who said, “Hi, Jess, I know you do health coaching. However, I also work with people who are in coaching professions, I’m studying to become a nutritionist”, – so she obviously so coaches, teachers, mentors, consultants who have an knew more about health than me –“so I don’t need help in expertise in a certain area, and they’re wanting to put it out that area, but I was wondering if you would coach me on in a certain world and impact people in that way. how to set up a blog. I’m graduating in about year. Kharisma: Awesome. Tell us a little bit about that. Now, “I would really like to have a blog and start building out my you’ve brought 20 people through your program, and it’s presence so I can get clients easily when I graduate.” I didn’t gone well, and that was a blog coaching program. That’s even do a discovery session with her. It was pretty amazing. where you were at. How did that evolve to where you are It all just happened on Facebook Messenger. I just made today and what you’re doing? up a price. It was a completely random price, I remember. I remember working, and I was like, “Okay, well, let’s say Jessica: I worked with the people in my program. My first we’re doing three sessions,” and I went, “Okay, well, how coaching program I’ve ever put out there, it was a three– much should I charge? Okay, maybe $450.00,” but then I session coaching package. After I worked with those
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 41initial people, I realized that we really needed more time, doing marketing or brand consulting within a company,so I increased the package to a four–session package, and how could they do it for themselves? That was really howthen very quickly realized that four sessions really weren’t it evolved into business coaching. And then today, I have aenough either. Then it extended out into a three–month number of programs that work with people depending oncoaching package. After about a period of about six months where they’re at in their journey. I recently just launchedof doing this, I really realized – I hired a coach at that stage a life coaching program, to be honest. I call it Personalas well to give me a bit of guidance and clarity on what I was Mastery, which is like a mindset program to really helpactually doing. She said, “Jess, what you’re doing, it is blog people get in the right head space so that they can actuallycoaching, but it really is more than that.” create a business.At this stage, I washelping people towork out ways to bringin money into theirbusiness. If their blog istalking about sponsoredposts or doing affiliatemarketing, then we’realso talking about,“Okay, can you offera core program or I’ve found that an area that a lot of people struggle with is thatservice in your area of they don’t have the right mindset. They’re not heading intoexpertise?” She said, creating the business in a way that’s going to set themselves“Well, Jess, basically, up for success. This program is really applicable to anyoneit’s online business who isn’t sure in their next step, so really has a passion orcoaching.” My program purpose, so they know that they have a mission that couldthen evolved to be more really change the world, but they’re not quite sure what itthan just blog coaching. It was really helping people to set is and how to get out of their own way so they can actuallyup an online business. When I took the leap and left my job do it.and started doing this full time, I realized I was attractingpeople who were in a corporate role or working in a job andreally wanting to make the leap themselves into full timeentrepreneurship.So we would look at their skills and talents and areas ofexpertise and look at how they could leverage it and do itfor themselves and not somebody else. Say if they were
42KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } That’s my introductory program. Then I have business entrepreneurs, as people in general, we’re always — or school, which is an eight–week program about the nuts should always — be really trying to live our best lives and and bolts of, “Okay, how do you set up a coaching business evolve and do unto things to take us to the next level because or online business online so you can have that level of you never arrive. success?” I’m also in the process of putting together my first coaching certification program because I’ve found that Jessica: No. a lot of people will, say, take a business building course, but then they’re not actually sure how to coach people or teach Kharisma: You never arrive at a place and say, “You know people or consult with people, so then they don’t really have what, I’m good. I don’t need any more support. I don’t the confidence to go out there and do it. need any more knowledge.” We’re always evolving as an individual, as a woman, as a woman entrepreneur. For those Yes, they have the business building skills, but they don’t men out there who are listening to this as well and reading have the ability to really work with the clients and have this in our magazine, you never arrive at a place that you those transformations that, obviously, the clients need if don’t need help, you don’t need support, you don’t need they’re going to come back to them or they’re going to refer guidance. Really working with a mentor and a coach is really people to them. That’s the work that I’m doing today, along important, especially when you want to build a successful with my not for profit, and it’s exciting. I think it’s always and thriving business. exciting to look back and see, “Okay, well, this is where I started off, and –,” Jessica: Totally, totally. Ever since I started my business – I actually have two coaches at the moment coaching me at Kharisma: Yeah, the journey, the evolution. two different things, and I think if you need help in a certain area, then why wouldn’t you get a coach? I’ve also seen first– Jessica: Exactly, and exactly. I think for everyone who’s hand people who have stopped learning and growing. It’s listening who’s like, “Oh, my gosh, I don’t even know where like they took a program or they were working with coach, I’m going to be in three months’ time,” I really didn’t know and then they’re like, “Oh, yeah, I’m just going to take a either when I first started out. I think it’s important that you break for a while.” just really be where you’re at, and you take the first step, and then you take the next step that you know to do after Sure, you shouldn’t just work with a coach for the sake of it, that, and you will really be guided in the right direction. but if you stop learning and growing, what does that do for your personal life? What does it do for your business? You’re Kharisma: Now, going back, you said you – and I know this either learning or growing, or – what’s the saying? – you’re is important, but I want to hear your perspective on why you dying. You need to constantly be learning and growing and decided to get the support of a coach. challenging yourself. Otherwise, I don’t know, life’s a bit boring. Jessica: Well, I think, ultimately, you don’t know what you don’t know, and, like I shared before, I didn’t grow Kharisma: Exactly. Talk a little bit about how right now – up with parents who were entrepreneurs. I didn’t know what I want to do is also the comparison or the contrast anyone growing up who was an entrepreneur. It wasn’t between back then, before you were really doing the blog around me at all. I had no other friends who were trying to coaching and you started to attract these clients online be entrepreneurs who were in that circle. I hired a coach versus what you’re doing today to really promote yourself, because I really needed support and guidance about my market your business, market who you are. Start with what next steps and what I was going to do to get support and to you were doing back then to let people know about you and be able to go to the next level. how you can help them. I hear this a lot, and I’m sure you do as well, that people will Jessica: Back then, I was blogging a lot. I was probably say, “Well, I don’t have that much money,” or, “Shouldn’t I blogging five days – when I had my blog, I was blogging five be putting the money towards actually starting a business?” days a week. When I started coaching, I probably wasn’t For me, having a coach – I know, without a doubt, if I hadn’t blogging as much. It was probably a handful of times a week. had gone down that path, I would have gotten stuck in so How I was getting clients, it was all very organically. It was many ways that I probably wouldn’t have even progressed. I through using my blog, posting on social media. I wasn’t wouldn’t have been able to fulfill this dream of mine. I think doing any paid for of advertising. I brought my list up to it’s so important that we don’t try and do things by ourselves around about 2,000 people, organically using social media, and that we get support if we need to. blogging, joint ventures, partnering with other people. It totally worked. If you’re consistent, then you can definitely Kharisma: Yes, and it is important. The thing is that, as
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 43get clients that way. It was and put it out and make sure that people actually like it. I’veall very organic the way I done this myself, and I’m sure you have as well. You maywas getting clients in the create a lead magnet. You think it’s going to be awesome. Youbeginning. run some Facebook ads. Nobody else thinks it’s awesome. Kharisma: Today, what are Kharisma: Yeah, crickets. you doing that’s different that’s bringing clients into Jessica: Yeah, and so it’s like, “Okay, well, I like it, but the your business and also market is showing that it’s not really that popular.” What marketing who you are I have found has worked really well for me is reports. and letting people know Something that works really well for me was – I’m probably about you and how you can going to butcher the name, but it was something along the help them? lines of the 23 Tools I Use to Create a Half a Million Dollar Coaching Business, and I think the reason it works so wellJessica: I’m still blogging. I still blog about once a week on is because people want to learn tools. They want to learnmy website, and I really look to create long posts that are hacks, and it seems a lot easier getting tools – it seems a lotfull of valuable content. I do a lot more interviews than I easier than saying 23 tips, you know what I mean? It’s like,was doing back then. I also run Facebook ads, which is a “Oh, tools. I can learn this fancy tool Jess is using and, hey,great way to put your marketing on autopilot. Joint ventures, it’s going to help me grow my business.”so looking at who has a complementary market to myself.Okay, I’m going to promote their product offering in May, I learnt this idea from Lee Pages. I hosted a webinar withand then Sally’s going to promote my launch in July — them, and they shared this. My 23 Tools downloadablestrategic partnerships like that are really powerful as well. PDF, that got a really good response. It was super easy toI’m doing a lot more video these days, especially because I’m set up. I think it was about a two-page PDF. Sometimes thetravelling a lot. So doing short two to three minute videos simplest lead magnet gets the best result. Obviously, doingwherever I am in the world and sharing that on Facebook. a gorgeous four-part video series, yes, that’s really great for branding, and it’s really great for people seeing you andI think, probably, the biggest game changer for me, though, hearing you and engaging with your message. However, itwas deciding to invest in Facebook ads, and I know a lot of can also be expensive. It can take time, and to somebodypeople, especially starting out, can be nervous about that. starting off, I would say create something relatively quicklyThey’re like, “Oh, my gosh, what if I spend all this money so you can have something on your website.and I don’t bring any money back?” You can really start offfor as low as $10.00 a day, $15.00 a day and increase as you You can start running Facebook ads. You can start getting optsee the value there. That was probably the biggest switch, I ins. From there, then create the video series. Then maybeguess, that really – it grew my list by a lot quite quickly, and create a webinar. Create a downloadable audio. The ideait allowed me to impact more people, get more people into is the more you can test, the better because I can’t tell youmy group programs. how many times I’ve thought, “Okay, this thing’s amazing,” and hasn’t necessarily gone down that well. I thought the 23Kharisma: Let’s talk a little bit about that, Facebook ads. I Tools – I was like, “Oh, yeah. Let’s throw this into the mix.use Facebook ads as well, and I’ve also seen results of many, Let’s see how it goes.” It was so popular that – we’re notmany entrepreneurs using Facebook ads. For your business running the ad at the moment, but every now and again, weand how you bring clients in and how you promote and turn it back on, and we’re still getting leads for under $2.00.market your programs and so on, what is that lead magnetthat you’re using to bring clients in or prospects in, and the Kharisma: Wow, that’s amazing.entrepreneurs out there, what they can do to do the same orat least something similar to have that same success? Jessica: Yeah, which is awesome.Jessica: Sure, sure, sure. Well, I always test multiple lead Kharisma: Wow. One of the flipsides or why people staymagnets at the same time. Something that I see a lot of new away from Facebook ads is that they don’t know how to runcoaches do is they’ll spend all this time creating this one successful Facebook ads. Is it something that you do on yourlead magnet. They’ll spend a month making sure it’s perfect own or you’ve mastered it, and now you send it off to a teamand getting the perfect image to share with the Facebook ad, that handles it for you? How do you do yours?and, “Oh, is it really good enough to put out here?” A leadmagnet, you want to be able to create it relatively quickly Jessica: Great question. In the beginning, I learnt about
44KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } Facebook ads myself. I took a couple of programs that working with this agency, and they said it’s normal to be included training on how to run Facebook ads. It’s something paying up to $10.00 an e-mail address.” that I cover in my program, business school, because I think whether or not you’re actually running them yourself Kharisma: Wow. or not, you need to know how to – you need to be able to have an intelligent conversation with somebody about your Jessica: And I’m like, “Wow, when you’re starting in testing, Facebook ads, so you need to know the terminology. You yes, of course you’re paying more, but you shouldn’t be need to know what metrics and numbers you’re aiming for. happy with $10.00 an e-mail address unless something has Otherwise, you can just easily be taken for a ride. drastically changed in the last week that I haven’t heard about. In the beginning, I took programs on it. I set up ads myself, and I was running them, and then I quickly realized that Kharisma: That is crazy. running Facebook ads wasn’t something that I was super passionate about. Yes, I could do it, but there were definitely Jessica: Yeah, so you just need to be informed. people out there who could run them better than me and would enjoy it a lot more than I was enjoying it as well. I looked to hire a couple of people, and they ran some Facebook ads for me, and we got good results. The cost to run Facebook ads – the investment to hire a Facebook ads strategist is quite high, and I was talking about this to my husband because, at that time, he was supporting me in my business. He wasn’t in the business full time, but I would definitely troubleshoot things like this with him, and he was looking at the ads that this person was setting up for me, and he said, “Jess, these ads are pretty basic. I could do this.” My husband, he’s very into tech, and he likes numbers and metrics, and he literally just started playing around with it, set up a few ads, and they got great results, so he just took on managing the ads from there. Today, now, we have somebody who really assists us in Kharisma: Mm-hmm. Awesome, awesome. I liked how you the launches of our programs, and part of that also covers have to be informed and you have to have some idea of how Facebook advertising. My husband, Faze, who has recently it works before you should hand it over so that you know – taken on a more, I guess you could say, formal role within the company, his role is to really mange the launch company Jessica: Totally. and work with them on the Facebook ads and to make sure that we’re getting the numbers and results that we really Kharisma: How to manage it. Now, let’s segue and talk a want. Up until recently, yeah, that was something that we little bit about It Girl and, who is she, how did you come up were doing completely in house ourselves. I was coming up with It Girl, and share with us a little bit about – all about with the copy and the imagery, and then Faze and I would this It Girl entrepreneur. be sitting down and, “Okay, well, who are we going to target. Jessica: Sure, sure, sure. An It Girl is a woman who is No, let’s not do this. Let’s do that. Let’s turn off that ad.” confident, sure of herself. She is successful. She goes out I personally think if you can do it in house for yourself for into the world, and she makes her dreams happen. I truly a while or your partner can or you have somebody you believe that all of us women have the ability to be an It Girl. can trust that can really help you to do it, I think it’s great We have the ability to live an incredible life where we not because you do really learn a lot about Facebook ads. You can then, obviously, go on and teach other people about it. I just think the most important thing is you need to be able to know at least the basics because I just hear so many horror stories – I’m sure you have as well – about people who are paying – I had a client the other day who told me, “Oh, I’m
{ P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } KHARISMA MAGAZINE 45only get to live out our dreams, but we can support others are supporting the It Girl Foundation to help ten emergingin the process. For me, really seeing other celebrities do women entrepreneurs in the Philippines launch theirwell and support other people, that’s really what inspired own business, support themselves and their families, andme to create the It Girl brand. I really look up to people we are going to be supporting that initiative and reachinglike Angelina Jolie who is, obviously, an incredible actress, that goal throughout the next year of the magazine and thebut if you look at the humanitarian work that she does, it online platform. We are pretty, pretty excited. This wholereally is incredibly commendable that she doesn’t need to giving back component has really evolved for me as anbe doing that. There’s so many actresses and actors that do entrepreneur and where my company is heading and, also,have such a big platform, yet they don’t choose to give back what’s at the core of my company as well. Share a little bitin half the way that she does. about that. How did that come about for you to launch theSomebody like Taylor Swift, she’s set up her own charities It Girl Foundation?and organizations, but she personally writes cheques to herfans to pay for their college tuition or for fans who are sick Jessica: The idea behind the It Girl Foundation really stemmed from a conversation I had with my virtual assistant, Rea, onand have cancer, and I really believe that entrepreneurs New Year’s Day, 2016. About a year before that conversation,really are the new celebrity. What is awesome about the fact I was in the process of looking for a new virtual assistant,that we can live our best life and make an impact and make and I was currently working with one lady in the U.S. - Terrya difference to ourselves and our clients’ lives, but I think - who’s fantastic. I’m still working with her. We were in thewhat is really exciting is we then have an ability to give back process of launching a group program, and I realized thatin a much larger way. That is how I’m really reworking and I would probably need a little bit more support. Now, it’sreusing the term It Girl, and it’s exciting.Kharisma: Awesome. I love it, love it, love it. The It Girl going to have all theseFoundation, which is what you were just talking about, additional clientsis giving back and giving back to help support women in signing up. I wentdeveloping countries. It’s a non-profit education initiative through the processthat your company has launched. Let’s talk a little bit about to find someone,that. and I was lookingNow, we have come together, and through my company, we predominantly in the U.S. and in Australia because I was based in Australia. I discovered pretty quickly that I wasn’t really finding anyone who had the right attitude and who was really going to be a good fit for the team. I was finding a lot of people in the U.S., for whatever reason, weren’t very flexible on the time that they were able to work because I travelled a lot and I was currently in Australia. It just wasn’t going to work because they were very strict on, “Okay, I finish work at 5:00,” and I said, “Well, that probably isn’t going to work because I’m in Australia, and if I’m travelling, I need some flexibility. I may need to be able to talk to you at, not at midnight, but maybe some nights, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 at night for 10, 15 minutes,” and they really weren’t open to that. I said, “Okay, let’s try and find somebody in Australia.” I spoke to a couple of virtual assistants in Australia, and the issue there was – and this was going back a few years, and I’m sure the market has changed a little bit – but there just weren’t that many virtual assistants because there weren’t
46KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } that many – the coaching industry and the online industry know what, this year I really want to do something to give in Australia isn’t as big as the U.S. I was recommended a back in a bigger way.” handful of really high regarded virtual assistants, but they were already pretty busy, so I was like, “Okay, this isn’t 2015 had been a great year financially in my business. Faze, going to work either because they’re not going to be able to my husband, was able to quit his job to pursue his passions grow with me.” and to pursue his business that he was working on. He was able to support me at the same time. We’ve been able to Then my current virtual assistant, Terry, said, “Look, I found travel. By all accounts, we were living a great life, and I knew someone. She came highly recommended. The only issue is that, yes, there were definitely financial goals that I wanted that she’s in the Philippines,” and I said, “Okay, well, what’s to hit in 2016, but what was really inspiring to me was to be the issue there?” She said, “Well, are you okay with that?” I giving back in a much bigger way. After that conversation said, “Well, let’s have a chat with her and let’s see.” I spoke with Rea, I said, “Wow, how could we help more people like with her, and I was just really overcome with how friendly her in the Philippines and in other parts of the world to be she was, how committed she was, and how motivated she able to get this level of freedom and independence as well?” was, and the time difference, as well, was fantastic because it’s only three hours difference from Australia. That’s when we decided to create It Girl International, which is a program, which is part of my not-for-profit initiative, I said, “Look, let’s have a trial and see if it works.” That was the It Girl Foundation, which it’s an education initiative over 18 months ago, and since then, she’s taken on more that helps women in developing countries learn the skills roles and responsibilities. She now works for us full time, that they need to be graphic designers, freelancers, and and it turned out to be a really great decision. When I was virtual assistants so they can work from home, and they can speaking to her on New Year’s Day, 2016, she was changing support themselves and their families. The first program a payment button on the website because the price of a we’re launching is It Girl International. program had just increased, and I rang her to say thanks and Happy New Year’s Day, and I said, “Hey, thanks so much It’s being rolled out in the Philippines first because, for doing the change. Just wanted to wish you Happy New obviously, we have connections there, so I’m going to be Year.” I said, “Did you have a good night last night?.” She going there in July, hosting about five talks in different co- said, “Actually, I really did because this time a year ago, I working spaces, in different areas. And then long term, wasn’t in a very good place, and so I was celebrating how we’re looking at partnering with the Aga Khan Foundation far I’ve come.” I said, “What do you mean by that?” She said, and rolling out this program into East Africa, into Central “Well, a year ago, I thought I was going to have to go back Asia in places like Afghanistan and Tajikistan. and get a full time job because I was trying to be a virtual assistant. I didn’t have enough clients.” Long term, as well, we’d love to have other programs, so maybe a program on mindset and self-belief and women’s She’s a single mom. She has two children under ten, and she empowerment. I think there’s just so many different ways really needed to be bringing in income for her family, and so we can go with this program once we really see what these she thought she was going to have to go back and work in a women in emerging markets really need and would like call center, which meant she would be working nights. She support with. Yeah, it’s really exciting, and I’m so thrilled wouldn’t get public holidays off, and the terms are that the that we’re partnering together to make this dream a reality. people at the call center, they need to go to work regardless of weather conditions, and there’s things like cyclones in Kharisma: Yes, and we’re excited as well. I just remembered the Philippines. So there can be a cyclone, you still have to something. I saw a post that you did when you talked about somehow work out how to get to work. you officially launching the It Girl Foundation and so on, and you quoted some facts about the number of women in the Kharisma: Oh, my goodness. world and how many women – can you share that with us? Jessica: She was telling me all of this, and I felt a little bit, Jessica: Yeah, so it’s really, really astounding when you hear I guess, naive because, yes, we have been working together, these numbers. Seventy percent of women in the world are at this point, for about a year, and we were speaking pretty living in poverty. It’s crazy, right? much every day, but I had no idea that this was her life before. It dawned on me that, “Wow, actually, from her Kharisma: That is a crazy number – crazy. having this role, it has completely changed her life.” It really took me by surprise. Then I remember I had got back in the Jessica: 70%, that’s only – we’re lucky and so fortunate that car. I had been out with my husband, Faze. We had been to we’re part of the 30% that isn’t. Basic education, in a lot Bondi Beach, and we’re driving back home, and I said, “You
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48KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } of developing countries, it’s given to boys, not women. I feel that organization is never able to really be fulfilled because strongly that by bringing these women into the technology there’s a lack of funding behind it, you know what I mean? age and teaching them how they can use the internet to So get yourself to a place where you’re financially stable. create an income for themselves – if we can just play a small Of course, you can give back in other ways before then. part in improving that statistic, it’s one step in the right But if you’re looking to take on a bigger project, just make direction. sure that you’re at a stage where you can do that because, obviously, it takes resources. It takes time, and it takes Kharisma: Wow, that number is astounding because women energy. I would say, Number One, do that. Second of all, in general make up the larger percentage of the entire really chose a project or organization which is in your heart population of the world, right? who you would either like to support or an area that you would like to create a movement around. Jessica: I know, I know, yeah. I think if you’re passionate about a certain area, that really Kharisma: Yet, 70% of us, we are considered to be poor. It comes across, and it’s so much easier to go out there and really requires us as women entrepreneurs to step up to the make the impact that you want to make when you just feel plate and do our part to really diminish that number because so strongly about it. If you’d like to learn more about the it’s our responsibility to help the next woman entrepreneur It Girl Foundation and how you can give back and support up and not to have the crab mentality that – I don’t know the work that we’re doing, we’re always open to collaborate if you’re aware of this. Crabs, when they’re trying to get with other women entrepreneurs in terms of how we could – say, they’re stuck in a bucket or something – they don’t potentially use your skill sets to support these women in help each other out. They don’t want to help each other up, emerging markets. so no one gets out. We have to have a mindset as women entrepreneurs that we need to help the next person up. Obviously, what we’re doing with the magazine is amazing because that is giving, obviously, the organization so much We need to help each other, and I’m really excited, Jess, exposure. Just go to the itgirlfoundation.com. You’ll be able that you are stepping up to the plate, I’m stepping up to the to find out all the work that we’re doing, and please get in plate, and we want to invite other women entrepreneurs out touch if you would like to learn more or can offer support there to give back. In closing, what would you say for the in any way. women entrepreneurs reading this magazine or listening to this interview, how can they give back to impact and really Kharisma: Finally, Jess, how can others, in addition to your make the difference in the lives of women out there and foundation, reach and connect with you? wherever in the world that really need our support to step into their feminine power, step into the purpose–driven life Jessica: Definitely. You can go to jessicanazarali.com. I’m also that they’re called to live and really have their own impact in on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and Pinterest – the lives for themselves and for their families? basically, all the social media sites out there. Please hit me up, send me a message. I always love to engage with people Jessica: Well, I think the first step is for you to get yourself who are interested in this cause and interested in just really to a place, emotionally and financially, where you can help bettering themselves and the community around us. I would other people. It’s a little bit like when you hop in an airplane love to hear from you. and they say, “If oxygen isn’t available in the cabin, put your mask on first, and then you can assist others.” For Kharisma: Awesome. This has been an amazing, amazing anyone out there who’s thinking, “Wow, I would love to do conversation with you, Jessica. We’ve gained such insight something like this, and I want to give back in a bigger way,” that our audience can learn and can take actionable steps first and foremost, get your business to a stage where you on for their life and their business. I really want to thank are profitable, where you’re not worried about, “Oh, my you from the bottom of my heart to taking the time out to be gosh, how am I going to pay the rent,” or, “How am I going with us today, and I look forward to us really having major to pay this bill,” and work on yourself. impact in the world together as we build our collaboration and empower more women. Get yourself to a stage where you have worked through any past trauma or anything that could really hold you back Jessica: Yes, me, too. Me, too. Thank you so much. from living out your best life. I think it’s really important that we start off there. I’ve seen this with clients or people Kharisma: Awesome, awesome. that I know who they have these dreams of launching this not–for–profit or this charity organization, but the thing is,
50KHARISMA MAGAZINE { P R E M I E R I S S U E 2 0 1 8 } RISING ICON Taking RISING ICON How to Make Your Time in the Corporate Structure More Tolerable Until YouMake ( )the Leap to Your Business Full Time Vanessa Mentor DARE TO Images: Jacky Celan
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