Review Lessons 1/2017
Final Examination (35%)• Part I : Multiple Choice Questions (15 marks)• Part II • 30 MCQs = 0.5 marks each : Read two articles ( 10 marks) » Story I: Read and answer Five questions ( One mark each 1*5 = 5 marks) » Story II: Read and Answer Questions » (( One mark each 1*5 = 5 marks)**********• Part III & IV: Choose and answer questions (10 marks) » There are two sets of the questions. » Choose One from the following topics ch. 10-15( 5 marks) » Choose One from the following topics ch. 16-24 ( 5 marks )
The United Nations Chapter 10
Topics outline:• A. Brief History of The United Nations – Why was the UN formed in 1945? – How many nations were originally involved in the creation of the UN? – Where was the UN formed/established?• B. Objectives- Obligations ( What the UN does) – What is the purpose of the UN? – What is the function of the UN?
Topics outline:C. Main Organs
A Brief History of The United Nations 1945, nations were in ruins. World War II was over, and the world wanted peace.
A Brief History of The United Nations Countries gathered in San Francisco that year to sign a document
A Brief History of The United Nations The document was a Charter, creating a new organization, the United Nations.
A Brief History of The United Nations• (B). 24 October 1945 || The United Nations officially comes into existence• The Charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives of the 50 countries. Poland, which was not represented at the Conference, signed it later and became one of the original 51 Member States.
Members of The United Nations= 193
The United Nations= Summary• Its objectives include• maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights,• fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment,• and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.
Main Organs• The main organs of the UN are – 1.the General Assembly, – 2. the Security Council, – 3. the Economic and Social Council, – 4. the Trusteeship Council, ( Inactive since 1994) – คณะมนตรีภาวะทรัสตี• - 5. the International Court of Justice, – 6. and the UN Secretariat.• All were established in 1945 when the UN was founded.
The UN has Five Principal Organs• The United Nations' system is based on five principal organs:1. The General Assembly. สมัชชาใหญ่ (สหประชาชาต)ิ2. The Security Council. คณะมนตรีความม่ันคงแห่ง สหประชาชาติ3. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). คณะมนตรีเศรษฐกจิ และสงั คม4. The Secretariat. สานักเลขาธิการ5. The International Court of Justice. ศาลยุตธิ รรม ระหว่างประเทศ
1. The General Assembly.• The General Assembly is• the main deliberative, ( consultative, advisory, considerate)• policymaking and representative organ of the UN.
1. The General Assembly.• 1.Decisions on such key issues as :international peace and security,• 2. admitting new members• 3. and the UN budget are decided by two-thirds majority. (budgetary matters)• 4. Other matters are decided by simple majority.
1. The General Assembly.• 5.In recent years, a special effort has been made to reach decisions through consensus, rather than by taking a formal vote.
1. The General Assembly.• 6.The Assembly cannot force action by any State, but its recommendations are an important indication of world opinion and represent the moral authority of the community of nations ;
2. The Security Council.The Security Council has primary responsibility, under the UN Charter, for the maintenance of international peace and security. It has 15 Members(5 permanent and 10 non-permanent members)
2. The Security Council.• There are 15 Council members.• Five of these — China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States — are permanent members.• The other 10 are elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms.
2. The Security Council.The Each Member has one vote.Under the Charter, all Member States are obligated to comply with Council decisions.The Security Council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression..
2. The Security Council.. It calls upon the parties toa disputeto settle it by peaceful means and recommends methods of adjustment or terms of settlement.
2. The Security Council.. In some cases, the Security Council can resort to imposing sanctions or even authorize the use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security.The Security Council has a Presidency, which rotates, and changes, every month.
2. The Security Council.nine• Decisions of the Council require yes votes.• Except in votes on procedural questions, a decision cannot be taken if there is a no vote, or veto, by a permanent member.
2. The Security Council.• The Council can impose economic sanctions or order an arms embargo.• Rarely has the Council authorized Member States to use \"all necessary means,“• including collective military action• , to see that its decisions are carried out.• It also makes recommendations to the General Assembly on the appointment of a new Secretary-General and on the admission of new Members to the UN.
3. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).• The Economic and Social Council is – the principal body for coordination, – policy review, – policy dialogue and recommendations on economic, social and environmental issues, – as well as implementation of internationally agreed development goals.
3. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).• It serves as the central mechanism for activities of the UN system and its specialized agencies in the economic, social and environmental fields, supervising subsidiary and expert bodies.• It has 54 Members, elected by the General Assembly for overlapping three-year terms.• It is the United Nations’ central platform for reflection, debate, and innovative thinking on sustainable development.
3. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).• The Economic and Social Council Coordinates• the economic and social work of the United Nations• and the UN family of organizations.
3. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).It plays a key role in cooperation for fostering international development.Through consultations with non-governmental organizations (NGOs)it maintains a vital link between the United Nations and civil society;
4. The Secretariat.• The Secretariat comprises ( is composed of) the Secretary-General and tens of thousands of international UN staff members• who carry out the day-to-day work of the UN as mandated ( assigned) by the General Assembly and the Organization's other principal organs.
4. The Secretariat.• The Secretary-General is chief administrative officer of the Organization,• appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council for a five-year, renewable term.• UN staff members are recruited internationally and locally, and work in duty stations and on peacekeeping missions all around the world.•
5. The International Court of Justice.• The Court decides :• disputes between countries, based on the voluntary participation of the States concerned.• If a State agrees to participate in a proceeding, it is obligated to comply with the Court's decision.• The Court also gives advisory opinions to the United Nations and its specialized agencies
This included the following goals:• 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
This included the following goals:2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
This included the following goals:3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
This included the following goals:4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
This included the following goals:• 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
This included the following goals:6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
This included the following goals:7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
This included the following goals:• 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
This included the following goals:9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
This included the following goals:10. Reduce inequality within and among countries.
This included the following goals:• 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
This included the following goals:12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
This included the following goals:13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
This included the following goals:• 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
This included the following goals:15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
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