Approved by Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) , Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal Smart Computer Science Book-6 Author Prabhu Ram Khadka M. Sc. IT (SMU), B. Ed. (TU) MeMorica Pvt. Ltd. Publishers & Distributors Maitidevi, Katmandu
Book : Smart Computer Science Book-6 : Prabhu Ram Khadka Author : Sharan Ratna Sthapit Language Shivahari Sapkota Editors Publisher : MeMorica Pvt. Ltd. Edition Maitidevi, Kathmandu Copyright Ph: 01-4438703 ISBN : 1st 2076 B.S. (2019 AD) Price : All rights reserved with the author : 978-9937-9382-4-2 : NRs. 447.00/- For suggestion and advice please contact at [email protected] Cell : 9841816625, 9813303490 (Viber/Messenger) URL:
About this Book Creative Computer Science is a graded series of Eight textbooks prepared for class 1 to 8. This series of book is comprehensively designed on the basis of guide lines and syllabi designed by Government of Nepal, Ministry of educa- tion, Curriculum development centre. Beginning with the very basic concept of computer, the series gradually in- troduces more advanced aspects of computing concept, skill and software to students as they go to higher classes. It attempts to include latest software required for the daily working. I hope, this series shall be helpful in the overall development of the learners. Salient features • Step by step simple technique and tools. • Simple vocabulary and language. • Practical approach based • Worksheet based. • Logical analysis and case study base for enhancing creativeness. • Activity based. • Project work based. Although I’ve tried my best no to do any mistake as far as possible, some errors may have crept in without noticing. If so that I’d like to request the re- spected teachers to correct the mistakes for the students. Comments and constructive suggestions from students, teachers and well wishers are always welcome. Constructive advice will be incorporated in the next edition. I duly thank duo of Mr. Sharan Ratna Sthapit and Mr. Shivahari Sapkota for their contribution on editing of language through out the series of books. My hearty thanks go to Mr. Bidhan Khadka for his effort of bringing my work ac- complished. Prabhu Ram Khadka The Author
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Title Page no. 1. IntroductIon of computer 1-9 2. IntroductIon of computer Hardware 10-31 3. memory devIce 32-44 4. computer Software 45-52 5. Ict & cyber law 53-64 6. Internet and browSIng 65-81 7. multImedIa tecHnology 82-92 8. operatIng SyStem 93-29 9. drawIng wItH mS-paInt 130-159 10. typIng SkIll 160-167 11. word proceSSIng 168-201 12. electronIc SpreadSHeet 202-237 13. preSentatIon wItH powerpoInt 238-264 14. programmIng In QbaSIc 265-291 15. StatementS of QbaSIc 292-308
1Introduction of Computer CHAPTER Niru : I have heard that computer is smart machine, How is it Sir? Teacher : Surely, because computer can This chapter includes: perform different tasks in high sped. It doesn't feel tired. It • Introduction of Computer doesn't make mistakes. • Application of Niru : Wow, interesting ! Can computer Computer feel and remember Sir? • Working principal of computer • Characteristics and Limitation of computer • Types of Computer Teacher : No, No ! Computer is a machine, it has some limitations. It has no feelings or emotions . Niru : But, how does it work in a smart way? Teacher : It works in the basis of our instructions. INTRODUCTION The word computer is an English word which is derived from the Latin word \"COMPUTARE\" which means machine can compute. The modern computer is developed from the ancient calculating device abacus. Computer needs electricity power supply and our instructions to do the task. So, simply we can define \"The computer is a smart electronic device which processes raw data and produces the meaningful information.\" Smart Computer Science Book-6 1
APPLICATION OF COMPUTER Computer has made it very simple to complete the complicated task. Today, a computer, is just not used for only calculation but it is also used in science, engineering, medicine, publishing, forecasting, entertainment, designing, education and research, etc. In this age, the presence of computer is felt in every step of life. TYPES OF COMPUTER Now a days different types of computers are available in the market. Computers can be classified in different categories. But, on the basis of brands, three types computers are more popular in the world. • IBM (International Business Machine) computer • IBM compatible computer • Apple Macintosh Computer WORKING PRINCIPLE OF THE COMPUTER Computer accepts our data through the input device, process and control them through the processing device, gives the output result from output device and store our data and information in the memory device. FEATURES OF COMPUTER The increasing popularity of computer has proved that it is a very power- ful and useful machine. The power and usefulness of this popular ma- chine are mainly due to the following features:- Speed: As you know computer can work very fast. It takes only few seconds for calculations that we take hours to complete. You will be surprised to 2 Introduction of Computer
know that computer can perform millions (1,000,000) of instructions and even more per second. • Millisecond (KHZ) - a thousandth of a second. (Kilo Hertz) 1/1000 • Microsecond (MHZ) - a millionth of a second. (Mega Hertz) 1/1,000,000 • Nanosecond (GHZ) - a billionth of a second. (Giga Hertz) 1/1,000,000,000 • Pico second (THZ) - a trillionth of a second. (Tera Hertz) 1/1,000,000,000,000 Accuracy Computer works with a very high speed, it does not make any mistake unless the user gives a wrong instruction. Computers are 100% ac- curate. But if we give wrong data to the computer, it returns the wrong output or information called GIGO (Garbage in garbage out). Diligence Computers can work for many hours continuously without taking any rest and without decreasing its speed, accuracy and efficiency. It is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, disturbance, etc. Versatile Computer has the capacity to perform different types of work. You may use your computer to prepare payroll slips. Next moment you may use it for inventory management or to prepare electric bills. Storage Computer has mass storage section where we can store large volume of data for future work. Such data are easily recalled from the secondary storage devices like hard disk (HDD), compact disk (CD), pen drive etc. Automatic Once the instruction is given to do any work to the computer, the com- puter does its work automatically by itself. Reliability Since computer can do its work very fast, without making any mistake and without taking rest. It is also able to store data for future use. So, it Smart Computer Science Book-6 3
is a very reliable or trustworthy machine. No Feeling It does not have feelings or emotion, taste, knowledge and experience. Thus it does not get tired even after long hours of work. It does not dis- tinguish between users. No IQ Computer is a dumb machine and it cannot do any work without instruc- tion from the user. It performs the instructions at tremendous speed and with accuracy. It is you to decide what you want to do and in what se- quence. So a computer cannot take its own decision as you can. LIMITATION OF COMPUTER Computer is a manmade machine. It is very useful for us. It is very smart machine, even though, it has lots of limitations. Some of major limitations of computers are as follows: • A computer is a machine that has no intelligence to perform any task. Each instruction has to be given to computer. • A computer cannot take any decision on its own. • Computer functions as per a user’s instruction. So it is fully dependent on human being. • The operating environment of computer should be dust free and suitable. • Computers have no feelings or emotions. • It cannot make judgement based on feeling, taste, experience, and knowledge unlike a human being. 4 Introduction of Computer
Points to Know • A computer is a smart electronic device which processes raw data and produces the meaningful information. • Computer needs electric energy and our instructions to perform task. • It is also used in the science, engineering, medicine, publishing, forecasting, enter- tainment, designing, education and research, etc. • The word of computer is derived from the Latin word \"COMPUTARE\" which means machine can compute. • Computer accepts data, processes them, produces output result and store data and information in memory for future use. • If we give wrong data to the computer, it returns the wrong output or information which is called GIGO (Garbage in garbage out). • Computers can work for many hours continuously without taking any rest and with- out decreasing its speed, accuracy and efficiency. • Computer has no intelligence, no remembering power, no decision power as hu- man being, no felling and emotions. Terms to Know Instruction : Order to work something Input : Supply the data into the computer Process : Make calculation and comparison then generate result Output : Take out data and information from computer Memory : Storage device of the computer Data : Raw facts and figure collected to compute. Processing : Calculation and comparison of data to get final result. Information : Result obtained after processing Disk : Device which is used for storing computer information. Versatile : Ability to do varieties of task. Diligence : Carefully using effort for doing work in same manner. Smart Computer Science Book-6 5
Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. The word of computer is derived from ........................... Latin word. b. A computer is a smart ..............................device. c. There are ............................ types of computer in the basis of brand. d. Computer accepts data through the .....................device e. Processing speed of computer is measured in ................................. 2. State whether the following statements are true or false. a. If we feed wrong data to the computer, it returns the correct output. b. Computer can work for many hours continuously without taking rest. c. Computer can store data for future use. d. Computers have own feelings and emotions. e. Computer is not dependent on human being. 3. Write the full form: GIGO ........................................................ HDD.................................................. CD ............................................................ IBM .................................................... 4. Match the following Data recall for future a. Output Device Make calculation b. Storage Device Produce information and result c. Processing Device 1/1,000,000,000 d. Microsecond e. Nano second 1/1,000,000 6 Introduction of Computer
Descriptive Questions 1. Answer the following questions: a. What is computer? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... b. How does computer work? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... c. Write the features of computers. Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... d. Why is computer also called versatile machine? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Smart Computer Science Book-6 7
e. Why is computer called diligence machine? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... f. What do you mean by GIGO? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... g. How is computer a reliable machine? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... h. Write limitations of computers mentioned rather than in this chapter. Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Introduction of Computer
Activities 1. Make a chart paper presentation in the classroom about that you have seen varieties of computers in dif- ferent places for different purposes. Then display a well selected chart paper for the classroom decoration. 2. Organize an inter class debate competition in the school with the help of your IT club of your School, in the topic: \"Without Computing Technology, we can hardly imagine our life.\" Invite all the students as audience and invite your School Principal and other teachers. You should also make the panel of judges from the teachers, and members from the IT club. Form two groups with the help of your teacher to speak on motion and against the motion. Finally you have to make the provision of prize distribution for rewarding the winners. Smart Computer Science Book-6 9
IntroducHtiaorndwoaf rCeomputer CHAPTER 2 Teacher : Well ! Now, we have to discuss about the physical parts of the This chapter includes: computer. • Introduction of hard- Student : Okay Sir, we are ready . ware Teacher : Hardware are as different or- • Input Hardware gans as in our body. • Processing Hardware • Output hardware Keyboard, mouse, joystick, are • Storage Hardware like our hands, eyes, ear, skin, • Backbone Hardware etc. called INPUT hardware. CPU is as like our brain called processing hardware. Monitor, Printer, Speaker Out- put hardware. Computer memory, hard disk, pen drive, CD, DVD are called storage. Student : Wow, Are Computer hardware like our five sense organs, Sir? Teacher : Yes, absolutely. INTRODUCTION OF COMPUTER HARDWARE The computer is formed by two types of components, which are hard- ware and software. Computer hardware can be compared with organs of human body. The physical components of computers are called hard- ware which we can see, touch, feel and take from one place to another place physically. Computer hardware normally also called computer de- vices. It is classified into different categories such as : 10 Introduction of Computer Hardware
i) Input Hardware iii) Output Device ii) Processing Hardware iv) Storage/Memory Hardware v) Motherboard (Backbone hardware) INPUT HARDWARE The device which is used to supply or enter the data into the computer for further processing is called input device. An input device first con- verts input data and instructions in a suitable electrical signal (binary form i. e. 0 and 1) and then feed into the computer for further process- ing. Generally input device can be compared with our sense organs. The common input devices are: keyboard, Mouse, microphone, touch pad, Joystick, trackball, light pen, etc. Let's discuss one bye one. Keyboard The device which is used to type the information and instruction to the computer is called keyboard. It is a common and popular in- put device. The layout of a key- board comes in various styles but QWERTY is the most common layout. There are different types of keyboard having different number of keys. Maximum number of keys are 108 in the modern recent manufactured keyboard. The common types of keys are: Alphabet keys, number keys, function keys, control keys, punctuation keys and other special purpose keys are available in the common keyboard Mouse The mouse is a small hand-held pointing device, which is used to cre- ate graphic elements on the screen, such as lines, curves and freehand Smart Computer Science Book-6 11
shapes. It is also used to run a program and pull down a menu in GUI (Graphic User In- terface) base computer system. Usually a mouse contains two buttons, which can be used to input commands or instructions and a wheel presents between the buttons use to scroll up and down. The mouse may be classified into two categories on the basis of technology: Mechanical Mouse and Optical Mouse. Optical mouse is available with wired and wireless technology. Touch Pad A touch Pad is one of the latest pointing de- vices. It looks like a small gray window, about two inches wide. It is usually used in porta- ble computer such as laptop and notebook to substitute the mouse. It has two buttons which work like the mouse buttons. We can move the cursor on the screen by moving a finger or other object along the pad. And we can also click by tapping a finger on the touch pad, and drag with a tap in the continuous pointing scale. Track Ball Track ball is an input device that is mostly used in notebook or laptop computer, instead of a mouse. It is just like a turned upside down a mouse. This is a ball which is half inserted and by moving fingers on ball, pointer can be moved. Since the whole device is not moved, a track ball requires less space than a mouse. A track ball comes in various shapes like a ball, a button and a square. 12 Introduction of Computer Hardware
Joystick Joystick is also a pointing device which is used to move cursor position on a monitor screen. It is a stick having a spherical ball at its both lower and up- per ends. The joystick can be moved in all four directions. The function of joy- stick is similar to a mouse. It is main- ly used in Computer Aided Designing (CAD) and playing computer games. Scanner Scanner is an input device which works like a photocopy machine. It is used when some information is available on a paper and it is to be transferred to the computer for further manipulation. Scanner cap- tures images from the source then converted into the digital form that can be stored on the disk. These images also can be edited using the image editing software before they are printed. Microphone A microphone is a hardware pe- ripheral and input device origi- nally invented by Emile Berliner in 1877. A microphone allows computer users to input audio into their computers and store in digital form. The microphone is used for various applications like adding sound to a multimedia presentation, mixing music, etc. Smart Computer Science Book-6 13
Web Camera The Web camera is also an input device which is used to capture the photos or videos and transfer into the computer. Specially, it is used with internet commu- nication such as chatting, video telephony in WhatsApp, messenger, Windows live messenger, etc. Light Pen Light pen is a pointing device which is similar to a pen. It is used to select a displayed menu item, draw pictures and write text on the monitor screen. It consists of a pho- tocell and an optical system placed in a small tube. When the tip of a light pen is moved over the monitor screen and pen button is pressed, its photocell sensing element detects the screen location and sends the corresponding signal to the CPU. PROCESSING HARDWARE The device which performs the processing task such as calculation and comparison is called processing device. Microprocessor is a processing device which is known as the processing unit or CPU (Central Processing Unit). All the calculation and comparison and decision making are done in this unit. And all the activities of the computer such as input, 14 Introduction of Computer Hardware
process, output, storage etc. are controlled by this unit. So, it is called brain of the computer. It is placed in the motherboard in the size of postal stamp. The CPU (Central Processing Unit is divided into three parts: i) Control Unit (CU) ii)Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU) ii) Memory Unit (MU) Control Unit The CU (Control Unit) is most essential section of the Microproces- sor which is placed between ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit) and MU(Memory Unit).The control Unit is a traffic management system of the computer because it checks, coordinates, directs and controls all the operations performs in different devices of the computer. So it is also called central nervous system of the computer. Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU) The ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit) is responsible to perform the arithmetic calculations and logical operations. It can perform the basic operations of arithmetic calculation namely addition, subtraction, mul- tiplication and division ,etc. The logical operations involve comparison of two or more than two data items to check whether they are equal, greater, smaller or not equal to each other and return the true or false. Memory Unit The memory unit of the microprocessor is also one of the most impor- tant parts of the computer. This unit stores data, instructions and result being process in it temporarily. The capacity of memory is measured in terms of bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes etc. OUTPUT HARDWARE The Output device is just reverse in function than an input device. Input device is used to feed the data into the computer and output device Smart Computer Science Book-6 15
takes out the data or information from the computer. Basically, output devices are two types: a. Soft copy output device b. Hard copy output device SOFT COPY OUTPUT DEVICE The device which produces the electronic version of an output in audio and video form is called soft copy output device. It is in the temporary form because such output resides in the temporary memory of the com- puter. This kind of output is not tangible, and it can not be touched. Monitors, speakers, projector are example of soft copy output device. Monitor Monitor is commonly called Visual Display Unit (VDU). It is the main output device of a computer. It is also called soft copy output device because the output produced by monitor in electronic version which we can not fell physically. It forms images from tiny dots, called pixels (Pic- ture Element) that are arranged in a rectangular form. The sharpness of the image depends upon the number of pixels. Commonly, there are three types of monitors: CRT Monitor : CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube. CRT is the technology used in traditional computer monitors and televisions. The CRT display is made up of small picture elements called pixels. The small- er the pixels, the better the image clarity, or reso- lution. So, many graphic designers are still using CRT monitors. CRT monitors are also two types: i) Monochrome and ii) Color monitor. LCD Monitor: LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Dis- play. It consumes less power energy and more lighter and portable than CRT monitor. It uses opti- cal effects to convert light from some other source into graphics patterns. 16 Introduction of Computer Hardware
LED Monitor: LED stands for Light Emitting Di- odes which is the technology uses as a video dis- play in the monitor. It converts electrical energy to light. It gives better viewing angles than LCD moni- tors. So, these monitors are accurate in color dis- play than LCD and CRT monitors. Speaker Speaker is the soft-copy output device, which produce audio output. Speakers are connected to the CPU and sounds are produced with the help of sound card. Sound card is mounted on the slot of motherboard, which translates digital signals that are sent to the speakers into audio sound. Hard Copy Output Device The device which produces the output result in printed form in paper or other printing media is called hardcopy output device. Hard copy output is permanent and relatively stable form of output. This type of output is also highly portable. Paper is one of the most widely used hard copy output media. Printer and plotters are example of hard copy output de- vices. Printer The printer is a hard copy output device, which prints information and data from the computer on to paper. Some printers produce only textual information, whereas others can produce graphics as well. There are two types of printer. Impact Printer: Impact printers are the old- est printing devices and are still in use. They use some sort of physical contact with the paper to produce an image by physically Smart Computer Science Book-6 17
striking the paper, ribbon and print hammer together. It is comparatively slow, noisy and low printing quality and more cheaper printer. Dot Matrix Printer, Daisy Wheel Printer, Drum Printer are examples of impact print- ers. Non Impact Printer: Unlike impact printers, a non-impact printer forms characters and images without making direct physical contact between print- ing mechanism and the paper. In this printer, the print head does not make any physical contact with the paper, and no inked ribbon is required. Ink can be sprayed against the paper and then heat and pressure are used to fuse a fine ink powder or drop into the shape of a character. Ink-jet Printers, Laser Printers are example of non-impact printers. Plotter A plotter is a pen-based hard copy output device that is at- tached to a computer for mak- ing vector graphics, that is, images created by a series of many straight lines. It is used to draw high-resolution charts, graphs, blueprints, maps, circuit diagrams, and other line-based dia- grams. Plotters are similar to printers, but they draw lines using a pen. MOTHERBOARD (BACK BONE HARDWARE) The motherboard serves as a single platform to connect all of the parts of a computer together. It connects the CPU, memory, hard drives, opti- cal drives, video card, sound card, and other ports and expansion cards 18 Introduction of Computer Hardware
directly or via cables. It can be considered as the backbone of the com- puter. Features of Motherboard A motherboard comes with following features: • M o t h e r b o a r d varies greatly in supporting various types of components. • M o t h e r b o a r d supports a sin- gle type of CPU and few types of memories. • Video cards, hard disks, sound cards have to be compatible with the motherboard to function properly. • Motherboards, cases, and power supplies must be compatible to work properly to- gether. STORAGE HARDWARE Storage device is a computer hardware that is used for storing, data files and objects. It can hold and store informa- tion both temporarily and permanently. And it can be internal or external to a computer. There are two different types of storage devices primary storage and secondary storage. Smart Computer Science Book-6 19
Points to Know • The physical components of computers are called hardware which we can see, touch, feel and take from one place to another place physically. • The devices which are used to supply or enter the data into the computer for further processing is called input device. • The mouse is used to create graphic elements on the screen, such as lines, curves and freehand shapes and run a program and pull-down the menu. • Light pen is a pointing device which is similar to a pen. It is used to select a displayed menu item and draw pictures on the monitor screen. • The device which performs processing task such as calculation, comparison and ma- nipulation is called processing device. Microprocessor is a processing device. • All the activities of the computer such as input, process, output, storage etc. are con- trolled by this unit. So, it is called brain of the computer. • The logical operations involve comparison of two or more than two data items to check whether they are equal, greater, smaller or not equal to each other. • CU checks, coordinates, directs and controls all the operations performs in different devices of the computer. So it is also called central nervous system of the computer. • The device which takes out the data and information from the computer in the video, audio and printed form is called output device. • The device which produces the electronic version of an output in audio and video form is called soft copy output device. • The device which produces the output result in printed form in paper or other printing media is called hardcopy output device. • A storage device is a computer hardware that is used for storing, data files and objects. • Impact Printers use some sort of physical contact with the paper to produce an image by physically striking the paper, ribbon and print hammer together. • Ink can be sprayed against the paper and then heat and pressure are used to fuse a fine ink powder or drop into the shape of a character. • The motherboard serves as a single platform to connect all of the parts of a computer together. It can be considered as the backbone of a computer. • Storage device is a computer hardware that is used for storing, data files and objects temporary and permanently. 20 Introduction of Computer Hardware
Terms to Know CAD : System combination of hardware and software that enables engineers and architects to design everything. Pixel : The smallest controllable element of a picture represented on the screen. Digital : Device which works in the basis of digits (0 and 1) Photocell : Sensors that allow you to detect light. They are small, inexpensive, low- power, easy to use and don't wear out. Chatting : Exchange messages using internet with friends Interface : Program enabling a user to communicate with a computer. Video telephony : Real-time audio-visual communication with each other. Messenger : Computer program that helps for messaging to others instantly. Motherboard : Physical arrangement in a computer that contains the computer's basic circuitry and components. Compatible : Able to adjust together without problems or conflict. Optical Disk : An electronic data storage medium that can be written to and read from Blue print using a low-powered laser beam technology. : A technical drawing, an architectural plan, or an engineering design, using a contact print process on light-sensitive sheets. Port : A port is an endpoint of communication. Physical as well as wireless connections are terminated at ports of hardware devices Connectors : An electromechanical device used to join electrical terminations and create an electrical circuit. Peripheral : Devices connected to a computer system in order to make work. Slot : A long, narrow slit in motherboard for expansion card to be connected. IDE Connectors : Standard type of connection place for storage devices in computer. CPU Socket : CPU house that forms the electrical interface and contact with the CPU. Heat Sink : Heat exchanger that transfers the heat generated by an electronic or a mechanical device to a fluid medium or often air. Smart Computer Science Book-6 21
Worksheet Objective Questions 1. Fill in the blanks: a. Computer hardware can be compared with......................... of human body. b. An input device first converts input data and instruction into ............................. c. The common layout of keyboard is.................................... d. Track ball is just like........................................................mouse. e. Scanner works like a ...................................machine. f. a processing device. g. Touch pad is a ...........................device. h. Storage device hold and store information both ................... and ...................... i. The ........................... serves as a single plate form to connect all the parts of a computer together. j. Plotter is a ..................... hard copy output device. k. CU is placed between ........................... and ........................ l. Logical unit always returns ..................... and ......................... 2. State whether the following statements are true or false: a. Microphone is an output device. b. CPU is a brain of computer. c. The control unit is a traffic management system. d. Monitor is also called VDU. e. Printer is a soft copy output device. f. Touch pad is also called pointing device. g. Dot matrix is a impact printer. 22 Introduction of Computer Hardware
h . The sharpness of the image depends upon the number of pixels. i. Motherboard supports a multiple type of CPU and memories. j. The smaller the pixels become better image clarity, or resolution. k. The electronic version of an output is known as soft copy output. l. Touch pad is a substitution of a mouse. m. Peripheral devices attached to the motherboard are must be com patible. 3. Write the full forms: VDU....................................................... ALU ....................................................... GUI....................................................... CPU.......................................................... CAD....................................................... LCD.......................................................... CD..........................................................CU............................................................ MU......................................................... CRT.......................................................... LED ....................................................... Pixels ..................................................... 4. Match the following: a. Input Impact b. Output Store data c. Processing Print in paper d. Memory Non impact e. Hard copy output Plotter f. Soft copy output Scanner g. Ink Jet Printer CPU h. Dot matrix Printer Sound Smart Computer Science Book-6 23
Descriptive Questions 1. Answer the following questions: a. What is meant by processing device? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... b. What is computer hardware? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... c. What do you mean by input device? Give three examples. Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 24 Introduction of Computer Hardware
.................................................................................................................................... d. What is the function of mouse? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... e. What is the light pen? Why do you use it? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... f. Why is CPU called the brain of computer? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Smart Computer Science Book-6 25
g. What is the function of CU? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... h. What does logical operation involves in? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... i. What do you mean by output device? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... j. Differentiate between hardcopy and soft copy output 26 Introduction of Computer Hardware
Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... k. What is scanner? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... l. Why is mother board is called the back bone of the Computer? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... m. What do you mean by storage device ? Ans.............................................................................................................................. Smart Computer Science Book-6 27
..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... n. What do you mean by vector graphics ? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... o. Why is CU called traffic management system? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... p. What is the role of ALU ? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Introduction of Computer Hardware
..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... q. What is plotter ? Why is it called vector graphics printing device? Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... r. What is keyboard ? Write the working principle of Keyboard Ans.............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... s. What is the role of memory unit of CPU ? ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Smart Computer Science Book-6 29
Activities 1. Visit the computer Lab and perform the following activities: a. Watch the video given to you, otherwise download from the website: www. b . Recognize the major internal compo- nents of the computers as mentioned in the chapter. c. Open the CPU cabinet and recognize detail of motherboard as given in the picture of motherboard in this chapter as well as other internal hardware de- vices. 2. Clean and keep your computer system in more hygienic environ- ment: a. Discuss about the technique to handle and separate major devices from the Computer System with your teacher. b. Separate all the devices connected to CPU like, keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer and make it cleaned with the light cloth. Again, connect all the de- vices to the computer system with the help of your teacher. c. Open the CPU Cabinet, separate all the hardware parts like motherboard, storage device, power supply, memo- ry, and different cards like video card, sound card, CPU with the help of your teacher and team leader. Make it clean and assemble again all the devices and components with the help of teacher. 30 Introduction of Computer Hardware
Project Work 1. You may be unable to watch some computer peripheral de- vices such as joystick, track ball, Light pen, printers, plot- ters, etc. Well, You have to visit the places where these devices are used, then per- form the following tasks and prepare a report of your proj- ect with video recording: a. Recognize and observe the device or machine. b. Carefully watch working process of device or machine. c. Take an interview with the person associated with this machine or device about use, benefit, reliability, etc. 2. Organise a chart paper poster presentation in the class room about 'The parts of motherboard and their functions'. So, make an attrac- tive and effective chart paper poster for this task. As a reward, put up the best chart paper poster in the class room. Smart Computer Science Book-6 31
Memory Device CHAPTER 3 Student : Excuse me Sir ! As we remem- ber and recall the matter of past, can computer do so? This chapter includes: Teacher : Of course! Computer has also • Introduction of a devices having the capacity Memory Device • Primary memory to recall the previous activities and types called the memory device. • Secondary Memory Student : We may not recall all old mat- and types ters. Can computer? Teacher : Computer has two types of memory devices Primary and Secondary. Once You store matter in secondary, you can recall until you remove them from there. But, if your matter is recorded only in primary, it is for short time as long as once your computer is on. Let's discuss in detail........... INTRODUCTION OF MEMORY The hardware which holds our data and infor- mation and programs for future use or current use is called memory hardware or device, sim- ply, it is called computer memory. The CPU of the computer easily access the data information and programs from the computer memory. Basi- cally, memory hardware is classified into three categories: 32 Memory Device
(a) Primary Memory (b) Cache Memory (c) Secondary Memory Primary Memory Primary memory is the main memory or in- ternal memory which is directly accessed by the CPU(Central Processing Unit). It allows a processor to access running programs and currently processed data stored in a mem- ory location. Its speed of Data accessing is faster than secondary memory because it is made by IC (integrated Circuit) or semicon- ductor device. But it has limited storage capacity. It is also used to store such programs which are useful for start up the computer. The Primary memory is divided into two subcategories RAM and ROM. RAM (Random Access memory) RAM is the internal memory of the computer for storing data, program and processes result. It is also called the main memory because CPU di- rectly access it for processing task. It is read/write memory which stores data until the machine is working. Data in the RAM can be accessed ran- domly, so, it is high speed memory. As soon as the machine is switched off or if there is a power failure, data is erased from this memory. So, it is also called volatile memory. Hence a backup UPS(Uninterrupted Power System) is often used with computers. ROM (Read Only Memory) ROM stands for Read Only Memory. The memory from which we can only read but cannot write on it. This type of memory is non-volatile because its contents are not lost when the power supply is switched off. The informa- Smart Computer Science Book-6 33
tion is stored permanently in such memories during manufacture. A ROM, stores such instructions that are required to start up a computer. SECONDARY MEMORY The memory which is used to store data, information and programs per- manently for future use is called secondary memory. In this memory, data is permanently stored even if power is switched off. So, it is also called non-volatile memory. This type of memory is also known as ex- ternal memory. It is slower than main memory. CPU directly does not access these memories. They are accessed via input-output routines. Contents of secondary memories are first transferred to main memory, and then CPU can access it. Hard disk, pen drive, CD-ROM, DVD are examples of secondary memory. Hard disk Hard disk is the main secondary storage device of the computer. It is also called mass storage device. It uses 2-4 metallic disk (platter). It is usually made of aluminum. Both sides of the disk is used for storing data except the upper side of the uppermost disk and lower side of the lowermost disk. The data stor- ing surface is coated by magnetic oxide. Each data storing surface con- tains separate read/write head. During data read/write process, platter rotates at the rate of 3600-15000 rpm (revolution per minute). Hard disk is also known as hard drive because both data storing disk and data read/write components are combined together. It has the storage ca- pacity of few Mega Bytes (MB) to Tera Byte (TB). 34 Memory Device
Pen Drive Pen Drive is a flash memory. It is mainly used for trans- ferring data. It has faster reading/writing speed com- pared to magnetic memory. Pen drive has storage ca- pacity of few MB (Mega Byte) to GB (Giga Byte). A pen drive is also called plug and play device because it can be connected with the computer through USB (Univer- sal Serial Port) port. Optical Storage An optical disc is an electronic data storage me- dium that can be written to and read from using a low-powered laser beam technology. It is made by plastic with laser assembly. It is coated with a thin metal or some other highly ref elected materials. The most common types of optical storage are Blu-ray, CDs, and DVDs. Opti- cal storage media is basically writing data to a CD or DVD. When your burn a CD, you are storing songs and music on the CD so that you can listen to it later. If you are burning a DVD, you are storing a video on it so that you can watch it later. CD-RW and DVD-RW media have the capability to be recorded on and erased later if necessary. CACHE MEMORY Cache memory is a very high CPU Cache Memory Primary Secondary speed semiconductor memo- Memory Memory ry which can speed up CPU. It acts as a buffer between the CPU and main memory. It is used to hold those parts of data and program which are most frequently used by CPU. The parts of data and programs are transferred from disk to cache memory by operating system, from where CPU can access them. In modern CPU, Cash memory is in built inside of CPU. Smart Computer Science Book-6 35
Points to Know • The hardware which holds our data and information and programs for future use or current use is called memory hardware or memory device. • Primary memory is the main storage space of the computer which holds data and instructions currently using and needed to start up the computer. • RAM holds only those data and instructions on which computer is currently work- ing. • As soon as the machine is switched off or if there is a power failure, data is erased from RAM. So, it is also called volatile memory. • ROM stores such instructions that are required to start up a computer. • The memory which is used to store data, information and programs permanently for future use is called secondary memory. Example hard disk, pen drive, CD ROM. • Both sides of the Hard disk is used for storing data except the upper side of the uppermost disk and lower side of the lowermost disk. • Hard disk is also known as hard drive because both data storing disk and data read/write components are combined together. • A pen drive is a flash memory which is connected with the computer through USB port. • Optical Disk is coated with a thin metal or some other highly reflected material. Laser beam technology is used to read and write the data in the disk. • Cache memory is a very high speed semiconductor memory which can speed up CPU. • Cache is used to hold those parts of data and program which are most frequently used by CPU. 36 Memory Device
Terms to Know Flash memory : A type of re programmable memory that retains information even with the power turned off. Optical Disk : An electronic data storage medium that can be written to and read using a low-powered laser beam. Alloy : A material composed of two or more metals or a metal and a non- metal. Laser Beam : A beam of radiation produced from a laser. Buffer : A region of memory to hold data that is waiting to be transferred. Instruction : Command given to a computer to carry out a particular operation. Semiconductor : Kinds of electronic circuit element. Register : A mechanical device by which certain data are automatically re- corded. Volatile : Does not remain data when electrical power is turned off or fails Disk : Device used to store data permanently. Magnetic Oxide : A chemical substance applied to disk. Platter : The circular disk on which magnetic data is stored in a hard disk drive. Hard-Drive : A disk drive containing a hard disk. Worksheet Objective Type of Questions : 1. Fill in the blanks: a. ..................................................... is the main storage space of the computer. b. The information is stored during .................................................... in ROM. c. CPU access secondary memory via .............................................. routines. d. The data storing surface of hard disk is coated by ..................................... Smart Computer Science Book-6 37
e. Pen drive is a ...................................... flash memory. f. CD is an .......................................disk g. Cache memory is a high speed ..................................................... memory. 2. State whether the following statements are true or false. a. Hard disk is also known as mass storage device. b. Secondary memory is a non volatile memory. c. ROM is a read and write memory. d. CPU directly access the data, programs and informations from the RAM. e. USB port is used to connect pen drive with computer. f. Cache memory acts as buffer between CPU and main memory. 3. Write the full forms a. CPU.............................................. b. USB ........................................................ c. CD ................................................ d. ROM ....................................................... e. BD ............................................... f. RAM ........................................................ g. DVD ............................................ h. CD-ROM.................................................. i. CD-R............................................. j. CD-RW...................................................... k. MB............................................... l. GB ........................................................... m. TB.............................................. n. rpm......................................................... 38 Memory Device
4. Match the following Group 'A' Group 'B' a. RAM Buffer b. ROM Successor of DVD c. Cache memory Volatile d. Blu-Ray disk None-volatile e. Pen drive Mass storage f. Optical disk Flash Memory g. Hard disk CD-ROM Descriptive Questions 1. Answer the Following questions: a. What is computer memory ? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... b. What is RAM ? Why is RAM called volatile memory? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Smart Computer Science Book-6 39
..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... c. What is the function of ROM ? Ans: ............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... d. What types of memory is called the primary memory? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... e. What types of memory is called the secondary memory ? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... 40 Memory Device
..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... f. Why is hard disk called hard drive ? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... g. What is hard disk? Why is it called mass storage device? Ans:.............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ h. What is optical disk? When is it useful ? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... Smart Computer Science Book-6 41
..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... i. What is pen drive? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... j. What is the function of cache memory? Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... k. Differentiate between RAM and ROM Ans:............................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 42 Memory Device
Analytical Case Study Questions : 1. Rampati Chaudhary has typed her project work in the computer. a. Where is stored information typed? b. If she wants to store permanently in her computer for future use which device should she use? 2. The following informative image shows the computer is going to start up: a. Where is such information stored? b. Can youchange such information ? Mention your logic. 3. Ritesh Chaudhary is owner of a video recording and distribution company. He has to sell music videos on the market which device is more reliable for Rikute to distribute the music videos in the market? 4. Taniya has to print her project work but she doesn't have printer connected to her computer. She thought to print from her friend Rampati. How would she take her project work on her friend's computer. Mention your most ef- fective logic ? 5. Muktar Alam has to buy a computer for heavy graphics design task. He needs high speed computer. Which is the most significant device for this requirement? Give your logic. 6. Shikha Shrivastab has typed her project work on her computer. Suddenly, she faced power fluctuation problem so the computer restarted. After re- starting the computer, she could not get her typed matter in the computer. a. Why didn't she get this typed information? Give your logic. b. To get the typed information, after facing such problem. What should she do? Smart Computer Science Book-6 43
Activities 1. Visit the computer Lab and perform the following activities: a. Watch the respective video associated with this chapter that is given to you. Otherwise download from the website: b. Open the CPU cabinet and recognize all the memory devices and respective drive. c. Take out the Motherboard and sepa- rate all the components as possible and recognized RAM and ROM. d. Reassemble these all the parts you made separated. 2. Make the group of students to organize the Chart paper presentation on the following topics: a. Use of computer memory b. Which one is more important primary memory and secondary memory? c. Differentiate between RAM and ROM and illustrate their importance. Project Work 1. Prepare the complete report on 'Working Principle of different types of Comput- er memory mentioned in this chapter'. This report may prove that you gained knowledge after completing this lesson. Make provision to keep in Library best report for the references for up coming students. 44 Memory Device
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