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Donene Preview

Published by chad.freelance, 2019-05-11 00:44:23

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HEART OF A CHAMPION 333 it’s why, even if I temporarily stopped roping, I always kept coming back. I knew I always had a chance. A chance was enough of a reason to keep coming back, to run down my dream. So, would I do it all again? Absolutely! I’m a competitor. In my heart, I’m certain, I will run down another World Championship. I have not decided what event I will pursue. The only goal I have not accomplished on the goal list I wrote when I was 14 years old is to qualify for the National Finals Rodeo in the WPRA Barrel Race. Will I accomplish it? I don’t know. However, if it is to be, it is up to me! It’s my choice, it’s in my hands, it’s up to me to take action and invest a massive amount of time in pursuing the bold goals I set for myself. One thing I do know for certain as I pursue my passions, the things that spark the desires in my heart, is that I will be intentional about falling in love with the process. Writing this book was challenging, difficult, outside my comfort zone. (I may have cried, a little.) It was an intense labor of hard and smart work for over 2 ½ years. But I loved every minute of it—the good, the bad and when “stuff hit the fan!” My ‘big why’ for writing this book is to inspire, impact, influence, and empower you to become the best version of yourself. I want you to know that while we all make mistakes, our mistakes do not need to define us. Mistakes are meant to refine us. They help us become a better version of ourselves as we move forward on our phenomenal journey. We all have ability. When we get the right strategies and put in a massive amount of time, anything is possible. So, I want to encourage you to run down your dreams. I want to challenge you to be courageous, live empowered, and take massive action. And I want to invite you to honor your own phenomenal journey. If I can do it, you can do it too.

334 DONENE TAYLOR You got this! “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” — CHRISTIAN D. LARSON, NEW THOUGHT LEADER AND TEACHER, AUTHOR

HEART OF A CHAMPION 335 What Are Your Bold Goals? “It’s the start that stops most people.” — DR. ROB GILBERT, PROFESSOR OF SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY, MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY Writing out my bold goals at the age of 14 changed the course of my life. I encourage you to do the same. What are YOUR bold goals? Use this page to write down your own bold goals, why you want to pursue them, and how you will take the next step of action. My bold goals are: 1. 2. 3. My ‘Big Why’ for each bold goal is: Remember, your ‘Big Why’ will be what keeps you committed to your bold goals when you experience challenges, struggles, and adversity. When you have a big reason why you will always find a way how. 1. 2. 3. My ‘one action’ for today is: Write down a single action you can take today to help you take the next step towards attaining your bold goals. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” — HENRY DAVID THOREAU, ESSAYIST, POET AND PHILOSOPHER

About the Author Donene Taylor is a Certified Mental Performance Coach who trans- forms athletes from being a goal setter to a Bold Goal Getter! She coaches transformational mental performance strategies that help her athletes close the gap between where they are to where they want to be. She and her husband, Stan, reside in one of the best small towns ever, Glenrock, Wyoming. She continues to compete with the most elite women rodeo athletes in the World in the Women’s Professional Ro- deo Association. Just like you, she has Bold Goals and is running them down, one step at a time.

You’ve reached the end, Dear Reader. I’m sorry it’s over too. Thanks for reading Heart of a Champion. I hope you loved it. I would love to help you take the next step forward in your journey. Call me at (307) 267-4824 to discuss how you and I can work together one-on-one or in a team setting and run down your own Bold Goals. As an independent author, I count on readers like you to spread the word and support future work. If you enjoy this book, please join the ranks of my readers who make it all possible. You can: WRITE A REVIEW ON AMAZON CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Website: Facebook @DoneneTaylor Instagram @DoneneTaylor Twitter @DoneneTaylor I am looking forward to connecting with you! Striving together we can all get better.

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