Wanna walk, talk, taste. … I want all … in that order. IF I had to choose. 291
My body EVOLVES. From quite bleak to PROMISING. Like seasons, I CHANGE. 292
I like sports I played. Wrestling, Soccer & Football. NO skates, NO Hockey 293
I WILL WALK again. Bet on that GAHR-OWN-TEE, … I said it’ll be. 294
Author’s Note I write so frequently for three main reasons: 1) Through my first … ~23.2439 years, I was almost entirely left- brained (numbers-obsessed) in my thinking. Since my accident, I’ve become more writing prone in expressing my thoughts. 2) I need something to do! I have practically zero social life. In fact, it might even be negative. (... Yep. It’s a -0.04 decibel-level on the social sound meter.) I cannot converse on the phone. I can only watch so much television. 3) I’m a … nerd … & proud of it! So, spread the word! Prior to my accident, I was ridiculously active … from karate, soccer & basketball in my youth … to karate & wrestling in my adolescence … to karate, jujitsu & oddball shenanigans in my adulthood. As a direct result of my excessive athleticism … & my high-powered, left-brained, strategy-seeking thinking, … I viewed numbers as “>>” (= “much, much greater than”) words. Now, post-accident, since I have enormous difficulty speaking cogently, I have the utmost respect for verbal clarity. I have so many ruminations & deductions all jumbled around in my Traumatically Injured Brain, that I’ve gotta share ‘em! Thus, I write/type … a lot! ENJOY!
Limerick A limerick is a very structured 5 line poem. Originally, limericks were a bit suggestive, but that has changed with the times. So, I may get … just a tad bit bawdy. … but, that’s ‘cuz I’m ol’ school … & seriously neurologically-impaired. (Do not laugh at my misfortune! Y’all may laugh with my humorous poetry.) Anyway, the first, second and fifth lines—the longer lines—rhyme. The third and fourth shorter lines rhyme. (A-A-B-B-A) 299
CHERISH YOUR ROOTS There once was a man from St. Paul. Academically, in high school, he never dropped the ball. Well-liked by peers, He drew lotsa cheers, As he completed his massive overhaul. 301
IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH?! I’m sorry my speaking’s tough to understand. My enunciation may seem rather bland. But, shame on you For criticizing something I work hard to do! Conversely, my math is quite grand. 302
I THINK I’M TURNING JAPANESE My skill in foreign Martial Arts Plus my possession of mathematical smarts Plus my poor driving ability Equals potential race-change stereotypically. Where would I fall on the population charts? 303
MIND OVER MATTER I’ve always regarded my brain as my strongest tool. For ~18 years, I kicked ass at school. All by myself, I earned the best grades. Now, I depend on much help from my aides. Still, I work harder than an ornery mule. 304
WILL TIME TELL?! Ya know what’s one of my biggest fears? … That I’ll still be chair-bound after like 50 years. Thankfully, I’ve found ways to cope. Throughout all, I’ve gotta maintain hope. I can’t—even if I wanted to—shed tears. 305
A FORM OF FAITH I’m not religious. Instead, I believe in math. If I mess up, numbers have no wrath. Thankfully, there’s no unruly quantitative nation, … ‘Cuz I despise confrontation. I have chosen my path. 306
SELECTIVE SPORTS In general, I only like sports I used to play … way back in the day. I’d analyze my peers to find the best technique. My athletic analysis proved I was such a geek. Excelling … on the wrestling mat is where I’d stay. 307
PAIN ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have so much from which I must heal. The pain is there, regardless of whether I admit what I feel. No, I’m not “just trying to seem macho.” The thought never crossed my mind … like eating a nacho. … If I could, I’d eat a healthier meal. 308
ACCEPT CHANGES Change is inevitable. There’s no escape. My doc put nine screws in my shoulder. Why couldn’t he use tape? How was I so good to deserve such bad? It seems slightly unbalanced … just a tad. Somehow, I’m still in commendable shape. 309
WHY?! With my ailments, the issues are not about what or who. ‘tis an intricate question of how I’m more driven than you. I struggle to talk. But, my mental math’s even better. If I were an article of clothing, I’d be a sweater. When I walk, my legs will be fresh as the morning dew. 310
MISSING I’VE LOST MY LEGS. THUS, I COMPENSATE. I can no longer taste … in my present state. I’m hoping my writing somehow distracts From my depressing loss of multitudinous facts. Oooh, I long for a romantic date. 311
NOT MUSCLES My problems result from damaged nerves. Unfortunately, I have no reserves. I’ve gotta save energy. So, I rarely hustle. Though, the effort is here, when I bustle. … I’m just sayin’ I’m busy, you pervs! 312
SOCIAL MATH With every email she sends, She leans from associates closer to friends. Hark! Dare I add … A bit of romance? … Just a tad. Otherwise, that’s where it all ends. 313
ROMANTIC URGE Over the last seven years, I’ve developed only a select few fears. My main scare is that I’ll never get over this metaphorical itch To kiss a non-bitch. Then, we’ll go out to down beers. 314
‘A BEAUTIFUL MIND’ Surprisingly, the main reason I’m not dead Is what’s inside my spectacles-bound head. “We just cannot explain it,” claimed the docs. It could easily manhandle the jocks. “I neeeed some o’ that!” … that’s what she said! 315
IT’S ON THE PAPER Jim asks, “Who is this guy?!” … He seems like a ‘tard.” Matt replies, “Just look at his business card. … He used to excel in all subjects in school. … NOW, he’s gotten very cool.” Alas! My VOCAL voice has been marred. 316
FUNEMPLOYMENT ‘Tis true that I may not have a quote-end-quote job. But, it’s not as if I just sit around like a blob. One of my main goals is to casually solo walk. The other is to cogently talk. Until these are accomplished, I might just sob. 317
NO MORE SPORTS I can no longer jump or swim or run. So, I guess i’ll hafta settle for … being the one. I’ve found different ways to occupy my time. I’ve gotten pretty good at finding a rhyme. All in due time, … I will have won! 318
WRONG MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRY I’m Turkish. So, I’m culturally inclined to hate the Greek. I stand up for my people, so as not to appear weak. Throughout history, Turks rarely get credit for all their work. Kudos to them for not going insanely berserk. It seems as though I’m up shit’s creek. 319
CHRISTMAS = OTHERS’ HAPPINESS ‘Tis the ultimate time of year! ‘Tis the season of giving & cheer! For my visitors, I’ll give—as just one of my gifts— A live-feed showing of my improved weight shifts. Instead of “I’m,” I miss saying, “we’re.” 320
DUPLICATION? I used to prefer tv programs I could relate to. But, that’d be zero shows, once I reached State 2. I miss having a significant other. With lotsa hugs I’d smother. I wanna kiss my female counter, … & mate too. 321
BETTER? Which do I prefer: limerick or haiku? I’d like some opinions … by YOU. … Also, of course, there’s the sonnet. Poetry COULD be a chair, … ‘cuz I’m ON it. If I were a dog, you’d marvel at everything Spike do. 322
CINEMATIC PREFERENCE The Big Lebowski or The Boondock Saints? From those films, I have … one, two … zero complaints. Both films lured me with fantastic action. Of the people who’ve seen both movies, there’s a small fraction. Unfortunately, my movie recall, … my T.B.I. Taints. 323
LIVIN’ IN THE PAST Sometimes, while I stand, I think of the balanced stability I’ll have, … which will be grand. Unfortunately, I can legitimately kick no longer. So, I compensate by making my arms stronger. In my high school valedictory, I recall saying, “go band.” 324
FAMILY TIES Since my injuries, it’s become painfully clear That blood is thicker than water … here. The Kaynatma name is stronger than friendly bonds. All the way from turkey, my brother responds. Familial loyalty is my top psychological tier. 325
DOESN’T GET MUCH WORSE Jeez, I must’ve been ridiculously great … In order to balance my current deplorable state. Thankfully, in 32.86+ years, I’ve never been dumb. Thankfully, none of my muscles are numb. By the time they process neural messages, they’re just late. 326
‘HOME ALONE’ Am I referring to the film or my brain? Contrary to popular belief, I am very sane! As an older brother, I was never like buzz. Thankfully, I’ve never had problems with the fuzz. My loneliness causes emotional pain. 327
TELEPHONE?! I keep a portable phone by my bed. But, I don’t ever lift it to my head. It’s location is more a psychological thing. Would I be more understandable if I sing?! … well, that’s what my neuropsychotherapist said. 328
ENERGY ROOTS I gain my oomph from a variety of sources. I proudly possess a number of forces. In spite of my injury name, my brain is amazingly strong. My endurance is … wow … for my lasting this long. Since I love helping, I could teach a number of courses. 329
HOLIDAYS I think there should be more days to celebrate. … E.g. My birthday sure was great! … plus, there is, of course, “Festivus,” Which is for the restuvus. … on that, y’all should contemplate. 330
WHAT DO I REALLY MISS?! It sucks I can no longer play most sports! But, I did not enjoy wearin’ a cup under my shorts. In my pool, I used to constantly whirl. It’s been too long, since I felt the kiss of a girl. I used to have friends of all sorts. 331
SOCIAL INTERACTION Due to my tragic loss of friends, I’ve lost my optimistic view of the ends. Not to seem shady, But I’d really like a lady. I hope my failures with women are not trends! 332
TO EACH HIS OWN For ~32+ years, I’ve preferred numbers to words. Neurologically, quantitative thought was about two thirds. Now, I’ve got a comforting blend, Which occupies my time, as I wait for my struggles to end. … this battle’s … for the birds. 333
TIME MANAGEMENT All work & no play Is not how I like to spend my day. Alas! It’s kind of a must … in order to leave this T.B.I. In my dust. Full commitment is the only way. 334
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Why can’t a task be fun … and work?! … when I accomplish that, I like to display a bit of a smirk. Combining the two shows I’m creative. In terms of the excelling realm, I am a native. … ‘Tis yet another quirk. 335
NEWFOUND-HEMISPHERE At birth I had a right brain. I just didn’t know it. Post-accident, I’m a bit of a poet. I’ve gained a new kind of smarts: I have a better understanding of linguistic arts. Unintentionally, my accident did bestow it. 336
NEWFOUND-PEEPZ I’m just used to having alotta pals. I wanna meet new girls & guys … but mostly gals. It shouldn’t matter to whom I show-off my splendor. But, my amygdala prefers a particular gender. They’ve gotta see the locales. 337
NEWFOUND-MOTIVATION I’ve long had a deep set psychological push. If I could talk now, peers would tell me to shush. Now it’s more visual. As I can see the progress in my limbs. I like it, when docs dismiss my goals as wishful whims. The day will come, in which my legs spring an ambush! 338
CHANGING APPEARANCE Over the years, my looks did change. … they all do not fall in a wide-scoping range. For the first time ever, I’m growin’ a beard. But, know I’m more than what I appeared. Summarizing all, I’m … very strange. 339
COMCAST = DISAPPOINTMENT Said company has extremely faulty power. I wish there were something—anything—I could do to make it cower. Even though I’m the perpetual clown, … it really brings my spirits down. It makes me … seem … dour. 340
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