Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (2008) jynfaxmifpkor®wjrefrmEdkifiHawmf zGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya' (2008 ckESpf)
Printing September, 2008 (10000) Copies Printed by Printing & Publishing Enterprise, Ministry of Information
yHkEdSyfjcif; 2008 ckESpf? pufwifbmv tkyfa& (10000) yHkEdSyf jyefMum;a&;0efBuD;Xme? yHkEdSyfa&;ESifhpmtkyfxkwfa0a&;vkyfief;wGif yHkEdSyfonf/
CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE - Preamble ... 1 1. Basic Principles of the Union ... 3 2. State Structure . . . 13 3. Head of State . . . 19 4. Legislature . . . 27 5. Executive . . . 75 6. Judiciary . . . 125 7. Defence Services . . . 148 8. Citizen, Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens . . . 149 9. Election . . . 157 10. Political Parties . . . 163 11. Provisions on State of Emergency . . . 165 12. Amendment of the Constitution . . . 173 13. State Flag, State Seal, NationalAnthem and the Capital . . . 175 14. Transitory Provisions . . . 177 15. General Provisions . . . 179
rmwdum pOf taMumif;t&m pmrsufESm - e'd ge;f ... 1 1/ tce;f (1) Eikd if aH wmtf ajccrH rl sm; ... 3 2/ tce;f (2) Eikd if aH wmzf UJG pn;f wnaf qmuyf Hk ... 13 3/ tce;f (3) Eikd if aH wmtf Bu;D tuJ ... 19 4/ tce;f (4) Oya'jyKa&; ... 27 5/ tce;f (5) tyk cf sKyaf &; ... 75 6/ tce;f (6) w&m;p&D iaf &; ... 125 7/ tce;f (7) wyrf awmf ... 148 8/ tce;f (8) Eidk if oH m;? Eidk if oH m;rsm;\\ rvl tciG thf a&;EiS whf m0erf sm; ... 149 9/ tce;f (9) a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ujfci;f ... 157 10/ tce;f (10) Eikd if aH &;ygwrD sm; ... 163 11/ tce;f (11) ta&;ay:umvqikd &f mjy|me;f csurf sm; ... 165 12/ tce;f (12) zUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'jyiqf ijfci;f ... 173 13/ tce;f (13) Eikd if aH wmtf v?H txrd ;f trwS wf qH yd f ocD si;f EiS NhfrKdUawmf ... 175 14/ tce;f (14) u;l ajymi;f a&;umvjy|me;f csurf sm; ... 177 15/ tce;f (15) taxaG xjGy|me;f csurf sm; ... 179
Preamble Myanmar is a Nation with magnificent historical traditions.We, the National people, have been living in unity and oneness, setting up an independent sovereign State and standing tall with pride. Due to colonial intrusion, the Nation lost her sovereign power in 1885. The National people launched anti-colonialist struggles and National liberation struggles, with unity in strength, sacrificing lives and hence the Nation became an independent sovereign State again on 4th January 1948. In order to gain independence speedily, the Constitution was hastily drafted, and it was adopted by the Constitutent Assembly on 24th September 1947. After attaining independence, Parliamentary Democracy System was practised in the State in accord with the Constitution of the Union of Myanmar. However, as democratic system could not be effectively materialized, the new Constitution of the Socialist Republic of the Union of Myanmar was drafted based on the single party system, and after holding a National Referendum, a socialist democratic State was set up in 1974. The Constitution came to an end because of the general situation occurred in 1988. Later, due to public aspirations, the State Peace and Development Council made efforts to adopt multi-party democratic system and market economy in accord with the National situation. As an enduring Constitution, that guarantees long-term benefits, has become essential for the future nation, the State Peace and Development Council convened the National Convention in 1993. Persons who are well experienced in various aspects of politics, security, administration, economics, social and law as well as National races representatives of all townships in the Nation took part in the National Convention.
ed'gef; jrefrmEdkifiHawmfonf ordkif;tpOftvmBuD;rm;aom EdkifiHawmfjzpfayonf/ uREkfyfwdkY wdkif;&if;om;jynfoltaygif;wdkYonf pnf;vHk;nDñGwfpGm wpfom;wnf; aexdkifvmcJhMuNyD; tcsKyftjcmtmPmydkif vGwfvyfaomEdkifiHtjzpf xlaxmifum xn0f gpmG &ywf ncf MhJuayon/f udkvdkeDe,fcsJUwdkY\\usL;ausmfrIaMumifh 1885 ckESpfwGif EdkifiHawmftmPm v;kH 0vuvf wG qf ;kH ½;IH c&hJ ayon/f wikd ;f &i;f om;jynof tl aygi;f woYkd nf pn;f v;kH nñD wG rf I prG ;f tm;jzihf e,cf sUJ qeuYf siaf &;EiS hf trsK;d om;vwG af jrmuaf &;wukd yf rJG sm;ukd touaf ygi;f rsm;pGmpaw;í qifETJcJhMuaomaMumifh 1948 ckESpf Zefe0g&Dv 4 &ufaeYwGif tcsKytf jcmtmPmyikd f vwG vf yaf omEikd if aH wmtf jzpf jyevf n&f ywf nEf ikd cf ahJ yon/f vwG vf yaf &;tjre&f &&dS etf wuG f zUJG pn;f tyk cf sKyyf tkH ajccOH ya'ukd tvsitf jref a&;qGJum 1947 ckESpf pufwifbmv 24 &ufaeYwGif wdkif;jynfjyKvTwfawmfu twnfjyKjy|mef;cJhNyD; vGwfvyfa&;&&Sdaomtcg EdkifiHawmfwGif tqdkyg zGJUpnf;yHk tajccOH ya'jzihf ygvrD e'f rD ukd a&ppD epuf kd azmaf qmiuf siohf ;kH cMhJuayon/f o&Ykd mwiG f EdkifiHawmfü 'Drdkua&pDpepfudk yDjyifpGm usifhoHk;EdkifrIr&Sdojzifh 1974 ckESpfwGif wpfygwDyHkpHudktajccHvsuf zGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'wpf&yfudk a&;qGJNyD; jynfvHk;uRwf qE´cH,lyGJusif;yí twnfjyKjy|mef;um qdk&S,fvpf'Drdkua&pD EdkifiHawmftjzpf BudK;yrf;wnfaxmifcJhjyefayonf/ 1988 ckESpfwGif EdkifiHawmfü jzpfay:vmonfh tajctaet&y&f yaf Mumihf tqykd gzUJG pn;f ytkH ajccOH ya'rmS vn;f &yqf ikd ;f omG ;c&hJ on/f xakdY emuf Eikd if aH wmaf t;csr;f om,ma&;EiS hf zUHG NzKd;a&;aumipf uD jynof rl sm;\\ vdktifqE´ESifhtnD ygwDpkH'Drdkua&pDpepfESifh aps;uGufpD;yGm;a&;pepfwdkYudk rdrdEdkifiHESifh vukd af vsmnaD xpG mG xal xmiEf ikd &f etf wuG f BuKd;yr;f wnaf qmuaf y;cahJ yon/f tem*wfEdkifiHawmfwGif a&&SnftusKd;&SdNyD; cdkifrmonfh zGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya' wp&f yf r&rdS jzpvf tkd yof nthf wuG f Eikd if aH wmaf t;csr;f om,ma&;EiS hf zUHG NzKd;a&;aumipf D onf 1993 cEk pS rf pS í trsK;d om;nvD mcuH kd ac:,ul si;f yay;cohJ n/f trsKd;om;nDvmcHwGif EdkifiHa&;? vkHNcHKa&;? tkyfcsKyfa&;? pD;yGm;a&;? vlrIa&;ESifh Oya'a&;&mponfh ½IaxmifhrsKd;pHkrS tawGUtMuHK<u,f0onfh yk*¾dKvfrsm;yg0ifouJhodkY EdkifiHawmftwGif;wnf&Sdonfh NrdKUe,ftm;vHk;rS wdkif;&if;om;udk,fpm;vS,frsm;vnf; yg0icf MhJuayon/f
2 Despite many difficulties and disturbances encountered the National Convention, it was unwaveringly reconvened in 2004 in accord with the seven-step Roadmap adopted in 2003.As the National Convention was able to adopt the Basic Principles and Detailed Basic Principles for formulating a Constitution, it successfully concluded on 3rd September 2007. We, the National people, drafted this Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in accord with the Basic Principles and Detailed Basic Principles laid down by the National Convention. We, the National people, firmly resolve that we shall : - steadfastly adhere to the objectives of non-disintegration of the Union, non- disintegration of National solidarity, and perpetuation of sovereignty; - stalwartly strive for further burgeoning the eternal principles namely justice, liberty, equality and perpetuation of peace and prosperity of the National people; - uphold racial equality, living eternally in unity fostering the firm Union Spirit of true patriotism; - constantly endeavour to uphold the principles of peaceful co-existence among nations with a view to having world peace and friendly relations among nations. DO HEREBYADOPT this Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar through a nation-wide referendum on the Tenth day of Kasone Waning, 1370 M.E. (The Twenty-Ninth day of May, 2008 A.D.)
2 trsKd;om;nDvmcHusif;y&mwGif tcuftcJtaESmifht,Sufrsm; MuHKawGUcJh& aomfvnf; 2003 ckESpfwGif csrSwfcJhaom EdkifiHawmfa&SUqufoGm;rnfh rl0g'vrf;pOf (7) &yfESifhtnD trsKd;om;nDvmcHudk 2004 ckESpfwGif rqkwfrepfaom ZGJvHkYvjzifh qufvufusif;ycJh&m cdkifrmaom EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'wpf&yf ay:ayguf &etf wuG f tajcc&H rnrhf rl sm;EiS hf tao;pwd tf ajcc&H rnrhf rl sm;ukd tEpS of m&jyn0fh pmG csrwS Ef ikd cf MhJuojzihf 2007 cEk pS ?f puwf ibf mv 3 &uaf ewY iG f trsK;d om;nvD mcoH nf atmijfripf mG Ny;D ajrmucf ahJ yon/f uREyfk wf Ykd wikd ;f &i;f om;jynof tl aygi;f woYkd nf trsK;d om;nvD mcuH csrwS af y;chJ onfh tajccHrlrsm;ESifh tao;pdwftajccH&rnfhrlrsm;ESifhtnD þjynfaxmifpk orw® jrerf mEikd if aH wmf zUJG pn;f ytkH ajccOH ya'ukd a&;qcJG MhJuayon/f uREyfk wf wYkd ikd ;f &i;f om;jynof tl aygi;f woYkd nf - - jynfaxmifpkrNydKuGJa&;? wdkif;&if;om;pnf;vHk;nDñGwfrIrNydKuGJa&;ESifh tcsKyftjcmtmPm wnfwHhcdkifNrJa&;[laom OD;wnfcsufrsm;udk tpOwf pukd f rrwdS rf oek f pNJGrpJ mG c,H al pmixhf ed ;f omG ;Murn[f k oE|dé mef csrwS íf vn;f aumi;f ? - EdkifiHawmfü w&m;rQwjcif;? vGwfvyfjcif;ESifh nDrQjcif;wnf;[laom avmuygvw&m;rsm; xGef;um;apvsuf wdkif;&if;om;jynfoltrsm; Nidrf;csrf;om,m0ajyma&;udk wnfwHhcdkifNrJatmif pOfqufrjywf aqmi&f uG xf ed ;f ord ;f omG ;Murn[f k oE|dé mecf srwS íf vn;f aumi;f ? - Eikd if aH wmtf wiG ;f vrl sK;d a&;we;f wrl jIzihf pprf eS af om rsK;d csppf wd \"f mwf jzpof nhf jynaf xmipf pk wd \"f mwuf kd cikd NfrpJ mG ar;G jrLvsuf xm0pOf pn;f v;kH nDñGwfpGm twlwuG vufwGJaexdkifMurnf[k oEéd|mefcsrSwfí vn;f aumi;f ? - urmÇ Nhird ;f csr;f a&;EiS hf Eikd if tH csi;f csi;f rwd 0f wrf ysuf aygi;f oi;f quqf aH &; ukd a&;S ½vI suf Nird ;f csr;f pmG tw,l OS wf aJG exikd af &;rrl sm;ukd apmixhf ed ;f &ef tpOBfuKd;yr;f Murn[f k oE|dé mecf srwS íf vn;f aumi;f ? þjynaf xmipf ok rw® jrerf mEikd if aH wmf zUJGpn;f ykH tajccOH ya'ukd ou&ú mZf 1370 jynfhESpf? uqkefvjynfhausmf 10 &uf (c&pfESpf 2008 ckESpf? arv 29 &uf) aeYwGif jynvf ;kH uRwf qEc´ ,H yl BJGu;D jzihf twnjfyKjy|me;f vukd Mfuon/f
Chapter I Basic Principles of the Union
tcef; (1) EdkifiHawmftajccHrlrsm;
Chapter I Basic Principles of the Union The Republic of the Union of Myanmar 1. Myanmar is an independent sovereign Nation. 2. The State shall be known as the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. 3. The State is where multi-National races collectively reside. 4. The Sovereign power of the Union is derived from the citizens and is in force in the entire country. 5. The territory of the State shall be the land, sea, and airspace which constitutes its territory on the day this Constitution is adopted. Basic Principles 6. The Union’s consistent objectives are : (a) non-disintegration of the Union; (b) non-disintegration of National solidarity; (c) perpetuation of sovereignty; (d) flourishing of a genuine, disciplined multi-party democratic system; (e) enhancing the eternal principles of Justice, Liberty and Equality in the Union and; (f) enabling the Defence Services to be able to participate in the National political leadership role of the State. 7. The Union practises genuine, disciplined multi-party democratic system. 8. The Union is constituted by the Union system.
tcef; (1) EdkifiHawmftajccHrlrsm; EdkifiHawmf 1/ jrerf mEikd if oH nf tcsKytf jcmtmPmyikd f vwG vf yof nEhf ikd if jHzpof n/f 2/ Eikd if aH wmuf kd jynaf xmipf ok rw® jrerf mEikd if aH wm[f k ac:wiG &f rn/f 3/ Eidk if aH wmof nf widk ;f &i;f om;vrl sK;d aygi;f pwHk Ydk pak ygi;f aexikd Mfuaom Eidk if H jzpof n/f 4/ Eikd if aH wm\\f tcsKytf jcmtmPmonf Eikd if oH m;rsm;xrH S qi;f ouNfy;D Eikd if aH wmf wp0f e;f v;Hk ü wnof n/f 5/ EdkifiHawmf\\ajrxk? a&xkESifh avxkwdkYyg0ifaom e,fedrdwfonf þzGJUpnf;ykH tajccOH ya' twnjfzpof nafh ewY iG f wn&f odS nthf wikd ;f jzpof n/f tajccHrlrsm; 6/ Eikd if aH wmof nf - (u) jynaf xmipf rk NyKduaJG &;? ( c ) wikd ;f &i;f om;pn;f v;Hk nñD wG rf rI NyKduaJG &;? ( * ) tcsKytf jcmtmPmwnwf chH ikd NfraJ &;? (C) pprf eS íf pn;f ur;f jyn0hf aom ygwpD 'kH rD ukd a&ppD epf xeG ;f um;a&;? ( i ) EdkifiHawmfü w&m;rQwjcif;? vGwfvyfjcif;ESihf nDrQjcif;wnf;[laom avmuygvw&m;rsm; yrkd xkd eG ;f um;a&;EiS hf ( p ) Eikd if aH wm\\f trsK;d om;Eikd if aH &;O;D aqmirf tI ce;f u@wiG f wyrf awmuf yg0ixf r;f aqmiEf ikd af &;wuYkd kd tpOwf pukd Of ;D wnof n/f 7/ Eikd if aH wmof nf pprf eS íf pn;f ur;f jyn0hf aom ygwpD 'kH rD udk a&ppD epuf kd usiofh ;Hk onf/ 8/ Eikd if aH wmuf kd jynaf xmipf pk epjfzifh zUJG pn;f wnaf qmuof n/f
4 9. (a) The existing seven Divisions are designated as seven Regions and the existing seven States are designated as seven States. Those seven Regions and seven States are of equal status. (b) The names of those seven Regions and seven States are retained as they exist. (c) If it is desired to change the name of a Region or a State, it shall be done so with the enactment of a law after ascertaining the desire of citizens residing in the Region or State concerned. 10. No part of the territory constituted in the Union such as Regions, States, Union Territories and Self-AdministeredAreas shall ever secede from the Union. 11. (a) The three branches of sovereign power namely, legislative power, executive power and judicial power are separated, to the extent possible, and exert reciprocal control, check and balance among themselves. (b) The three branches of sovereign power, so separated are shared among the Union, Regions, States and Self-AdministeredAreas. 12. (a) The legislative power of the Union is shared among the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Region Hluttaws and State Hluttaws. Legislative power stipulated by this Constitution shall be shared to the Self-AdministeredAreas. (b) The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw consisting of two Hluttaws, one Hluttaw elected on the basis of township as well as population, and the other on an equal number of representatives elected from Regions and States.
4 9/ (u) &&dS i;f pwJG ikd ;f (7)wikd ;f ukd widk ;f a'oBu;D (7)ck tjzpvf n;f aumi;f ? &&dS i;f pJG jynef ,(f 7)jynef ,uf kd jynef ,(f 7)jynef ,f tjzpvf n;f aumi;f yidk ;f jcm; owfrSwfonf/ xdkwkdif;a'oBuD;(7)ckESihf jynfe,f(7)jynfe,fwdkYonf tqitfh we;f wnl MDuon?f ( c ) xwdk ikd ;f a'oBu;D (7)cEk iS fh jynef ,(f 7)jynef ,wf \\Ykd trnrf sm;ukd &&dS i;f pJG twikd ;f ac:qokd ;kH EeI ;f on?f ( * ) wikd ;f a'oBu;D wpcf ck \\k trnuf jkdzpaf p? jynef ,wf pef ,ef ,\\f trnuf kd jzpaf p ajymi;f voJ wrf Swfvdvk Qif oufqdki&f mwdik ;f a'oBu;D oYdrk [wk f jynef ,tf wiG ;f aexikd Mfuaom Eikd if oH m;rsm;\\qE&´ ,Nly;D Oya'jy|me;f jci;f jzihf ajymi;f voJ wrf wS &f rn/f 10/ Eikd if aH wmwf iG yf g0iof nfh wikd ;f a'oBu;D rsm;? jynef ,rf sm;? jynaf xmipf k e,af jrrsm;? udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&pD&ifpkrsm;ponhf EdkifiHawmf\\e,fajrtydkif;tjcm; [lorQonf Eikd if aH wmrf S rnof nthf cgrQ crJG xuG &f / 11/ (u) EdkifiHawmftcsKyftjcmtmPm\\ cufrokH;jzmjzpfonfh Oya'jyKa&; tmPm? tyk cf sKyaf &;tmPmEiS fh w&m;p&D iaf &;tmPmwuYkd kd wwEf ikd of rQ yikd ;f jcm;o;Hk pjJGci;f EiS fh tcsi;f csi;f tjyetf veS xf ed ;f ausmi;f jci;f wjYkdyKon?f ( c ) xkdodkYydkif;jcm;xm;onfh EdkifiHawmftmPmokH;&yfudk jynfaxmifpk? wikd ;f a'oBu;D rsm;? jynef ,rf sm;EiS hf u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh p&D ipf rk sm;tm; caJG 0tyEf iS ;f on/f 12/ (u) EdkifiHawmf\\ Oya'jyKa&;tmPmudk jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmf? wdkif; a'oBu;D vwT af wmEf iS fh jynef ,vf wT af wmrf sm;tm; caJG 0tyEf iS ;f on/f udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&pD&ifpkrsm;tm; þzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'u owrf wS af om Oya'jyKa&;tmPmukd caJG 0tyEf iS ;f on?f ( c ) jynaf xmipf vk wT af wmwf iG f NrKdUe,uf tdk ajccíH vn;f aumi;f ? vOl ;D a&udk tajccíH vn;f aumi;f ? a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ uof nhf vwT af wmwf p&f y?f wdkif;a'oBuD;rsm;ESifh jynfe,frsm;rS ukd,fpm;vS,fOD;a& wlnDpGm a&G;aumufwifajr§mufonfh vTwfawmfwpf&yf[lí vTwfawmfESpf&yf yg&odS n/f
5 13. There shall be a Region Hluttaw in each of the seven Regions, and a State Hluttaw in each of the seven States. 14. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Region Hluttaws and the State Hluttaws include the Defence Services personnel as Hluttaw representatives nominated by the Commander-in- Chief of the Defence Services in numbers stipulated by this Constitution. 15. For National races with suitable population, National races representatives are entitled to participate in legislature of Regions or States and Self-Administered Areas concerned. 16. The Head of the Union and the Head of Executive of the Union is the President. 17. (a) The executive power of the Union is shared among the Pyidaungsu, Regions and States; Self-Administrative power shall be shared between Self- AdministeredAreas as prescribed by this Constitution. (b) In the executive of the Union, Regions, States, Union Territory, Self- Administered Areas and districts, Defence Services personnel, nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services to undertake responsibilities of the defence, security, border administration, so forth, shall be included. (c) For National races of which representatives are so permitted to participate in legislature of Regions, States or Self-AdministeredAreas in accord with Section 15, such representatives are to be permitted to participate, mainly, to undertake their National races affairs.
5 13/ wdkif;a'oBuD;(7)ckwGif wdkif;a'oBuD;vTwfawmfwpf&yfpDESifh jynfe,f(7) jynef ,wf iG f jynef ,vf wT af wmwf p&f ypf D &odS n/f 14/ jynaf xmipf vk wT af wm?f wikd ;f a'oBu;D vwT af wmEf iS hf jynef ,vf wT af wmrf sm;wiG f vTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,frsm;tjzpf þzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya't& owfrSwfonhfOD;a& twikd ;f wyrf awmuf mu,G af &;O;D p;D csKyuf trnpf m&i;f wiof iG ;f onfh wyrf awmof m;rsm; yg0iof n/f 15/ avsmuf eof ijhfrwaf om vOl ;D a&&odS nhf wikd ;f &i;f om;vrl sK;d rsm;twuG f ouqf ikd &f m wdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,fESifh udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&pD&ifpk Oya'jyKa&;wGif xwkd ikd ;f &i;f om;vrl sK;d u,kd pf m;v,S rf sm; yg0icf iG &fh odS n/f 16/ Eikd if aH wmtf Mu;D tuEJ iS hf Eikd if aH wmtf yk cf sKyaf &;tBu;D tuoJ nf Eidk if aH wmof rw® jzpof n/f 17/ (u) EdkifiHawmftkyfcsKyfa&;tmPmudk jynfaxmifpk? wdkif;a'oBuD;ESihf jynef ,rf sm;tm; caJG 0tyEf iS ;f on/f u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh p&D ipf rk sm;tm; u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKyaf &;tmPmukd þzUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya't& owrf wS f ay;onthf wikd ;f caJG 0tyEf iS ;f on?f ( c ) jynaf xmipf ?k wikd ;f a'oBu;D EiS hf jynef ,?f jynaf xmipf ek ,af jr? u,dk yf ikd f tyk cf sKycf iG &fh p&D ipf Ek iS hf c½ikd tf yk cf sKyaf &;wwYkd iG f umu,G af &;? vjHkcKHa&;? e,fpyftkyfcsKyfa&;ponfh wm0efrsm;xrf;aqmif&ef wyfrawmf umu,G af &;O;D p;D csKyuf trnpf m&i;f wiof iG ;f onhf wyrf awmof m;rsm; yg0iof n?f ( * ) yk'fr 15 t& oufqdkif&m wdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,fESihf u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh p&D ipf Ok ya'jyKa&;wiG f u,kd pf m;v,S f yg0icf iG hf &&odS nfh wdkif;&if;om;vlrsKd;jzpfvQif xdkwdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,fESihf u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh p&D ipf k tyk cf sKyaf &;wiG f t\"ud tm;jzifh xwdk idk ;f &i;f om; vlrsKd;rsm;a&;&mudk aqmif&GufEdkifa&;twGuf wdkif;&if;om;vlrsKd; u,kd pf m;v,S rf sm; yg0icf iG jfhyK&rn/f
6 18. (a) The judicial power of the Union is shared among the Supreme Court of the Union, High Courts of the Regions, High Courts of the States and Courts of different levels including Courts of Self-AdministeredAreas. (b) There shall be one Supreme Court of the Union. The Supreme Court of the Union is the highest Court of the Republic. (c) The Supreme Court of the Union has powers to issue writs. (d) A High Court of the Region or State is constituted in each Region or State. 19. The following are prescribed as judicial principles : (a) to administer justice independently according to law; (b) to dispense justice in open court unless otherwise prohibited by law; (c) to guarantee in all cases the right of defence and the right of appeal under law. 20. (a) The Defence Services is the sole patriotic defence force which is strong, competent and modern. (b) The Defence Services has the right to independently administer and adjudicate all affairs of the armed forces. (c) The Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services is the Supreme Commander of all armed forces. (d) The Defence Services has the right to administer for participation of the entire people in Union security and defence. (e) The Defence Services is mainly responsible for safeguarding the non- disintegration of the Union, the non-disintegration of National solidarity and the perpetuation of sovereignty. (f) The Defence Services is mainly responsible for safeguarding the Constitution.
6 18/ (u) Eikd if aH wm\\f w&m;p&D iaf &;tmPmukd jynaf xmipf wk &m;vwT af wmcf sKy?f wdkif;a'oBuD;w&m;vTwfawmfrsm;? jynfe,fw&m;vTwfawmfrsm;ESihf udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&pD&ifpkw&m;½kH;rsm; tygt0if tqifhqihfaom w&m;½;Hk rsm;tm; caJG 0tyEf iS ;f on?f ( c ) jynaf xmipf wk iG f jynaf xmipf wk &m;vwT af wmcf sKywf p&f yf xm;&odS n/f jynfaxmifpkw&m;vTwfawmfcsKyfonf EdkifiHawmf\\tjrihfqkH; w&m;½kH; jzpof n?f ( * ) jynaf xmipf wk &m;vwT af wmcf sKywf iG f pmcReaf wmtf red rYf sm; xwk yf ikd cf iG fh tmPmrsm;&odS n?f (C) wdkif;a'oBuD;wdkif;wGif wdkif;a'oBuD;w&m;vTwfawmf wpf&yfpD vnf;aumif;? jynfe,fwdkif;wGif jynfe,fw&m;vTwfawmf wpf&yfpD vnf;aumif; xm;&Sdonf/ 19/ atmuyf gwuYkd kd w&m;p&D iaf &;rrl sm;tjzpf owrf wS of nf – (u) Oya'EiS tfh nD vwG vf ypf mG w&m;p&D iaf &;? ( c ) Oya't&ueoYf wcf surf sm;rtS y jynof aYl &US armS uwf iG f w&m;p&D iaf &;? ( * ) trrI sm;wiG f Oya't& cck aH csyciG Ehf iS hf t,cl yH idk cf iG &hf &adS &;/ 20/ (u) wyrf awmof nf titf m;awmiwhf i;f Ny;D prG ;f &nxf ujfruaf om acwrf D onhf wpcf wk n;f aom rsK;d cspwf yrf awmf jzpof n?f ( c ) wyfrawmfonf wyfydkif;qdkif&mudpötm;vHk;udk vGwfvyfpGmpDrHcefYcGJ p&D iaf qmi&f uG yf ikd cf iG hf &odS n?f ( * ) wyfrawmfumuG,fa&;OD;pD;csKyfonf vufeufudkifwyfzGJUtm;vHk;\\ tBuD;tuJ jzpfonf? (C) wyrf awmof nf Eikd if aH wmvf jkHcKHa&;EiS uhf mu,G af &;wiG f jynof l wp&f yvf ;kH yg0iaf &;twuG f prD aH qmi&f uG cf iG hf &odS n?f ( i ) jynfaxmifpkrNydKuGJa&;? wkdif;&if;om;pnf;vHk;nDñGwfrIrNydKuGJa&;ESifh tcsKyftjcmtmPmwnfwHhcdkifNrJa&;wdkYudk umuG,fapmifha&Smuf&ef wyrf awmwf iG f t\"ud wm0ef &odS n?f (p) wyfrawmfonf EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'udk umuG,f apmiahf &mS u&f ef t\"ud wm0ef &odS n/f
7 21. (a) Every citizen shall enjoy the right of equality, the right of liberty and the right of justice, as prescribed in this Constitution. (b) No citizen shall be placed in custody for more than 24 hours without the permission of a Court. (c) Every citizen is responsible for public peace and tranquility and prevalence of law and order. (d) Necessary law shall be enacted to make citizens’ freedoms, rights, benefits, responsibilities and restrictions effective, steadfast and complete. 22. The Union shall assist : (a) to develop language, literature, fine arts and culture of the National races; (b) to promote solidarity, mutual amity and respect and mutual assistance among the National races; (c) to promote socio-economic development including education, health, economy, transport and communication, so forth, of less-developed National races. 23. The Union shall : (a) enact necessary laws to protect the rights of the peasants; (b) assist peasants to obtain equitable value of their agricultural produce. 24. The Union shall enact necessary laws to protect the rights of workers. 25. The Union shall assist to promote the interests of the intellectuals and intelligentsia.
7 21/ (u) Eikd if oH m;wikd ;f onf þzUJG pn;f ytkH ajccOH ya'wiG f owrf wS jfy|me;f xm; onhf we;f wnl rD QrtI ciG thf a&;? vwG vf yrf tI ciG thf a&;? w&m;rQwrI tciG thf a&;wYkd cpH m;ciG hf &odS n?f ( c ) w&m;½;kH \\ ciG jhfyKcsurf &&udS Eikd if oH m;wpOf ;D ukd 24 em&xD uf ausmvf eG íf csKyaf EmS ixf m;ciG hf r&adS p&? (*) jynfolwkdY\\ at;csrf;om,ma&;ESifh w&m;Oya'pdk;rdk;a&;wkdYonf Eikd if oH m;wikd ;f \\wm0ef jzpof n?f (C) EdkifiHom;rsm;\\ vGwfvyfcGifh? vkyfydkifcGifh? cHpm;cGifh? wm0efESifh wm;jrpcf surf sm; xad &mucf ikd rf mjynphf akH p&ef vtkd yaf omOya' jy|me;f &rn/f 22/ Eikd if aH wmof nf — (u) wkdif;&if;om;rsm;\\ pum;? pmay? tEkynm? ,Ofaus;rIwdkYudk zUHG NzKd;w;dk wuaf p&ef unl aD qmi&f uG rf n?f ( c ) wkdif;&if;om;tcsif;csif; pnf;vHk;nDñGwfa&;? cspfMunfav;pm;a&;ESifh ½ikd ;f yi;f unl aD &;wYkd w;kd wujfzpxf eG ;f ap&ef unl aD qmi&f uG rf n?f ( * ) w;kd wuzf UHGNzKd;reI n;f yg;aeonhf widk ;f &i;f om;rsm;\\ ynma&;? use;f rma&;? pD;yGm;a&;? vrf;yef;qufoG,fa&; ponfwkdYyg0ifaom vlrIpD;yGm;a&; w;kd wuzf UHG NzKd;a&;twuG f unl aD qmi&f uG rf n/f 23/ Eikd if aH wmof nf awmiof vl ,of rm;rsm;\\ - (u) tciG thf a&;rsm; umu,G af pmiahf &mS u&f ef vtkd yof nOhf ya'rsm; jy|me;f aqmi&f uG rf n?f ( c ) pukd yf sK;d xwk vf yk of nhf aumuyf oJ ;D ErHS sm; oiwhf irhf Qwonhf wezf ;kd &&&dS ef unl aD qmi&f uG rf n/f 24/ EdkifiHawmfonf tvkyform;rsm;\\ tcGifhta&;rsm; umuG,fapmifha&Smuf&ef vtkd yof nOhf ya'rsm; jy|me;f aqmi&f uG rf n/f 25/ Eikd if aH wmof nf toyd nm&iS ?f twwyf nm&iS rf sm;\\tusK;d ukd unl aD qmi&f uG f rn/f
8 26. (a) Civil Services personnel shall be free from party politics. (b) The Union shall enact necessary laws for Civil Services personnel to have security and sufficiency of food, clothing and shelter, to get maternity benefits for married women in service, and to ease livelihood for welfare of retired Service personnel. 27. The Union shall assist development, consolidation and preservation of National culture. 28. The Union shall : (a) earnestly strive to improve education and health of the people; (b) enact the necessary law to enable National people to participate in matters of their education and health; (c) implement free, compulsory primary education system; (d) implement a modern education system that will promote all-around correct thinking and a good moral character contributing towards the building of the Nation. 29. The Union shall provide inputs, such as technology, investments, machinery, raw materials, so forth, to the extent possible for changeover from manual to mechanized agriculture. 30. The Union shall provide inputs, such as technology, investments, machinery, raw materials, so forth, to the extent possible, for development of industries. 31. The Union shall, to the extent possible, assist to reduce unemployment among the people.
8 26/ (u) Eikd if 0hH exf r;f rsm;onf ygwED ikd if aH &;EiS hf ui;f &iS ;f &rn?f ( c ) EdkifiHawmfonf EdkifiHh0efxrf;rsm;\\ vkyfief;cGiftmrcHcsuf&&Sda&;? pm;0waf erzI vl akH &;? trd af xmi&f iS tf rsK;d or;D 0exf r;f rsm; r;D zmG ;jci;f qikd &f m tusKd;cHpm;cGifh&&Sda&;ESifh tNidrf;pm;0efxrf;rsm; pm;0wfaerI oufom acsmicf sad &;wtYkd wuG f vtkd yof nOhf ya'rsm; jy|me;f &rn/f 27/ EdkifiHawmfonf trsKd;om;,Ofaus;rI zGHUNzdK;wkd;wufckdifrma&;ESifh apmifha&Smuf xed ;f ord ;f a&;twuG f unl aD qmi&f uG rf n/f 28/ Eikd if aH wmof nf - (u) jynfolrsm;\\ ynma&;ESifhusef;rma&; wdk;wufapa&;wdkYtwGuf tav;xm;aqmi&f uG &f rn?f ( c ) jynof rl sm;\\ ynma&;EiS uhf se;f rma&;wwYkd iG f wikd ;f &i;f om;jynof rl sm;u yg0iaf qmi½f uG Ef ikd &f ef vtkd yrf nOhf ya' jy|me;f aqmi&f uG &f rn?f ( * ) tcrrhJ oirf ae& rvl we;f ynma&;pepf azmaf qmi&f rn?f (C) bufpHktawG;tac: t,ltqrSefuefí tusihfpm&dwåaumif;rGefNyD; EdkifiHawmfwnfaqmufa&;twGuf tusKd;jyKrnfh acwfrDynma&;pepf azmaf qmi&f rn/f 29/ Eidk if aH wmof nf vurf vI ,,f mrpS urf vI ,,f moYkd u;l ajymi;f Eidk &f ef en;f ynm? t&i;f tE;DS ? puyf pnö ;f ? uek Mfur;f tp&odS nwf uYkd kd twwEf ikd qf ;kH jznqhf n;f &rn/f 30/ Eidk if aH wmof nf purf vI urf vI yk if e;f rsm; w;kd wuzf UHG NzKd;a&;twuG f vtkd yof nhf enf;ynm? t&if;tESD;? pufypönf;? ukefMurf; tp&SdonfwdkYudk twwfEdkifqHk; jznqhf n;f &rn/f 31/ EkdifiHawmfonf jynfolrsm; tvkyfvufrJhenf;yg;ap&ef wwfEdkiforQ ulnD aqmi&f uG &f rn/f
9 32. The Union shall : (a) care for mothers and children, orphans, fallen Defence Services personnel’s children, the aged and the disabled; (b) ensure disabled ex-Defence Services personnel a decent living and free vocational training. 33. The Union shall strive for youth to have strong and dynamic patriotic spirit, the correct way of thinking and to develop the five noble strengths. 34. Every citizen is equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right to freely profess and practise religion subject to public order, morality or health and to the other provisions of this Constitution. 35. The economic system of the Union is market economy system. 36. The Union shall : (a) permit all economic forces such as the State, regional organizations, co- operatives, joint-ventures, private individual, so forth, to take part in economic activities for the development of National economy; (b) protect and prevent acts that injure public interests through monopolization or manipulation of prices by an individual or group with intent to endanger fair competition in economic activities; (c) strive to improve the living standards of the people and development of investments;
9 32/ Eikd if aH wmof nf - (u) rcd iEf iS ufh av;oil ,rf sm;? rbd ruhJ av;rsm;? usq;kH aomwyrf awmof m; rsm;\\ uav;rsm;? tdkrif;rpGrf;olrsm;? roefrpGrf;olrsm;tm; Munfh½I apmiafh &mS u&f rn?f ( c ) roerf prG ;f jzpvf maom wyrf awmof m;rsm;tm; oiwfh iahf vsmuyf wpf mG aexdkifpm;aomufEkdifap&efESihf toufarG;ynmudk tcvGwfoif,l Eidk af p&ef prD aH qmi&f uG &f rn/f 33/ Eidk if aH wmof nf vil ,rf sm; rsK;d csppf wd \"f mwf &iS of exf ujfruaf &;? taw;G tac: reS uf eaf &;EiS fh Avig;wef w;kd wuzf UHG NzKd;a&;wtYkd wuG f aqmi&f uG &f rn/f 34/ Nidrf0yfydjym;a&;ESihfaomfvnf;aumif;? jynfolYudk,fusihfw&m;ESifhaomf vnf;aumif;? jynfolYusef;rma&;ESifhaomfvnf;aumif;? þzJGUpnf;yHktajccHOya'yg tjcm;jy|me;f csuwf EYkd iS afh omvf n;f aumi;f rqeuYf sivf Qif Eikd if oH m;wikd ;f onf bmom omoema&;wGif vGwfvyfpGm,lqEkdifaom tcGihfta&;? vGwfvyfpGmudk;uG,f aqmuwf nEf idk af om tciG tfh a&;wuYkd kd tntD rQ&&adS p&rn/f 35/ Eidk if aH wm\\f p;D ymG ;a&;pepof nf aps;uuG pf ;D ymG ;a&;pepf jzpof n/f 36/ Eidk if aH wmof nf - (u) trsKd;om;pD;yGm;a&; wdk;wufzGUHNzdK;a&;twGuf EdkifiHawmf? a'oqdkif&m tzGJUtpnf;rsm;? or0g,rtzGJUtpnf;rsm;? zufpyftzGJUtpnf;rsm;? y*k v¾ ud ponhf p;D ymG ;a&;titf m;ptk m;v;kH ukd p;D ymG ;a&;vyk if e;f rsm;wiG f yg0iaf qmi&f uG cf iG jhfyKon?f ( c ) pD;yGm;a&;vkyfief;rsm;wGif w&m;ojzifh,SOfNydKifjcif;udk ysufjym;ap&ef wpfOD;wpfa,mufujzpfap? tpktzJGUujzpfap vuf0g;BuD;tkyf aqmif&GufrI odkYr[kwf aps;upm;rIjyKjcif;jzifh trsm;jynfolwdkY\\ tusK;d p;D ymG ;ukd xcd ukd ef pef mapjci;f rS wm;q;D umu,G rf n?f ( * ) trsm;jynfolwdkY\\ aexdkifrItqifhtwef;jr§ifhwifa&;ESihf taxGaxG t&i;f tE;DS rsm; w;kd wuzf UHG NzKd;a&;wuYkd kd a&;S ½aI qmi&f uG rf n?f
10 (d) not nationalize economic enterprises; (e) not demonetize the currency legally in circulation. 37. The Union : (a) is the ultimate owner of all lands and all natural resources above and below the ground, above and beneath the water and in the atmosphere in the Union; (b) shall enact necessary law to supervise extraction and utilization of State- owned natural resources by economic forces; (c) shall permit citizens right of private property, right of inheritance, right of private initiative and patent in accord with the law. 38. (a) Every citizen shall have the right to elect and be elected in accord with the law. (b) Electorate concerned shall have the right to recall elected people’s representatives in accord with the provisions of this Constitution. 39. The Union shall enact necessary law to systematically form political parties for flourishing of a genuine, disciplined multi-party democratic system. 40. (a) If there arises a state of emergency characterized by inability to perform executive functions in accord with the provisions of the Constitution in a Region or a State or a Self-AdministeredArea, the President is empowered to exercise executive power in that Region, State or Self-Administered Area and, if necessary in doing so, the President is empowered to exercise
10 (C) p;D ymG ;a&;qikd &f mvyk if e;f rsm;ukd Eikd if yH ikd of rd ;f ,jlci;f rjyK? ( i ) w&m;0ifxkwfa0xm;aom aiGaMu;udk w&m;r0ifaiGaMu;tjzpf owrf wS jfci;f rjyK/ 37/ Eikd if aH wmof nf - (u) Eidk if aH wm&f dS ajrtm;v;kH ? ajray:ajratmu?f a&ay:a&atmuf EiS hf avxk twiG ;f &dS o,ZH mwypnö ;f tm;v;kH \\ yi&f i;f yikd &f iS f jzpof n?f ( c ) EdkifiHydkifo,HZmwypönf;rsm;tm; pD;yGm;a&;tiftm;pkrsm;u xkwf,l o;Hk pjJGci;f ukd uyG uf BJu;D MuyEf ikd &f ef vtkd yof nOhf ya' jy|me;f &rn?f ( * ) Eikd if oH m;rsm;tm; ypnö ;f yikd qf ikd cf iG ?hf tarqG ucf cH iG ?hf u,kd yf ikd vf yk uf ikd cf iG ?hf wxD iG cf iG Ehf iS hf ryl ikd cf iG whf uYdk kd Oya'jy|me;f csuEf iS thf nD ciG jhfyK&rn/f 38/ (u) EdkifiHom;wdkif;onf Oya'ESifhtnD a&G;aumufwifajr§mufcGifhESifh a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ ucf yH ikd cf iG hf &odS n?f ( c ) a&;G aumuwf iaf jrm§ uxf m;aom jynof Ul u,kd pf m;v,S uf kd ouqf ikd &f m rqJ E&´ iS rf sm;u þzUJGpn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'wiG f jy|me;f xm;csurf sm;EiS hf tnD wm0erf jSyevf n½f yk of rd ;f ciG hf &odS n/f 39/ EdkifiHawmfonf ppfrSefí pnf;urf;jynfh0aom ygwDpHk'Drdkua&pDpepf xGef;um;a&;twGuf EdkifiHa&;ygwDrsm;udk pepfwuszGJUpnf;Edkif&ef vdktyfonfhOya' jy|me;f aqmi&f uG &f rn/f 40/ (u) wdkif;a'oBuD;wpfckwGifjzpfap? jynfe,fwpfe,fwGifjzpfap? udk,fydkif tkyfcsKyfcGifh&pD&ifpkwpfpkwGifjzpfap? tkyfcsKyfa&;qdkif&mvkyfief;rsm;udk þzUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'yg jy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD aqmi&f uG Ef ikd jfci;f r&Sdonfh ta&;ay:tajctae ay:aygufvQif EdkifiHawmfor®wonf xdkwdkif;a'oBuD;? jynfe,f odkYr[kwf udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyfcGifh&pD&ifpk\\ tkyfcsKyfa&;qdkif&mtcGifhtmPmudk okH;pGJaqmif&GufcGihf&Sdonf/ xdkodkY aqmif&Guf&mü vdktyfvQif xdkwdkif;a'oBuD;? jynfe,f okdYr[kwf u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf p&D ipf Ek iS hf ouqf ikd of nhf Oya'jyKtciG thf mPmrsm;ukd
11 legislative powers concerning that Region, State or Self-AdministeredArea in accord with the provisions of this Constitution. (b) If there arises or there is sufficient reason to arise a state of emergency endangering life and property of the people in a Region, State or Self- AdministeredArea, the Defence Services has the right, in accord with the provisions of this Constitution, to prevent that danger and provide protection. (c) If there arises a state of emergency that could cause disintegration of the Union, disintegration of national solidarity and loss of sovereign power or attempts therefore by wrongful forcible means such as insurgency or violence, the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services has the right to take over and exercise State sovereign power in accord with the provisions of this Constitution. 41. The Union practises independent, active and non-aligned foreign policy aimed at world peace and friendly relations with nations and upholds the principles of peaceful co- existence among nations. 42. (a) The Union shall not commence aggression against any nation. (b) No foreign troops shall be permitted to be deployed in the territory of the Union. 43. No Penal law shall be enacted to provide retrospective effect. 44. No penalty shall be prescribed that violates human dignity. 45. The Union shall protect and conserve natural environment.
11 þzUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'wiG f owrf wS jfy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD Eikd if aH wmf orw® u o;Hk paJG qmi&f uG cf iG fh &odS n?f ( c ) wdkif;a'oBuD;wpfckwGifjzpfap? jynfe,fwpfe,fwGifjzpfap? udk,fydkif tkyfcsKyfcGifh&pD&ifpkwpfpkwGifjzpfap? jynfolrsm;\\ touftdk;tdrf pn;f prd uf kd xyd g;tE&Å m,jfyKrnhf ta&;ay:tajctae ay:ayguvf Qif orYkd [wk f ay:aygu&f ef vaHk vmuaf omtaMumi;f &vdS Qif xtkd E&Å m,uf kd wyrf awmof nf þzUJG pn;f ytHk ajccOH ya'wiG f owrf wS jfy|me;f xm;csuf rsm;EiS thf nD wm;q;D umu,G af pmiahf &mS ucf iG hf &odS n?f ( * ) EdkifiHawmf\\ tcsKyftjcmtmPmudk qlylaomif;usef;rI? tMurf;zufrI paom t\"r®enf;jzifh &,l&efaqmif&Gufjcif;? odkYr[kwf BudK;yrf; tm;xkwfjcif;aMumifh jynfaxmifpkNydKuGJaprnfh? wdkif;&if;om;pnf;vkH; nDñGwfrINydKuGJaprnfh odkYr[kwf tcsKyftjcmtmPm vufvGwfqkH;½IH; aprnhf ta&;ay:tajctaeay:aygufvQif wyfrawmfumuG,fa&; OD;pD;csKyfonf EdkifiHawmftmPmudk þzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'wGif owrf wS jfy|me;f csurf sm;EiS thf nD &,ol ;Hk pcJG iG hf &odS n/f 41/ EdkifiHawmfonf vGwfvyfíwuf<uNyD; bufrvdkufaom EdkifiHjcm;a&;0g'udk usiohf ;Hk on/f urmÇ Nhird ;f csr;f a&;EiS hf Eikd if tH csi;f csi;f rwd 0f wrf ysuaf ygi;f zuf quqf aH &; uakd &;S ½oI n/f Eikd if tH csi;f csi;f Nird ;f csr;f pmG tw,l OS wf aJG exikd af &;rrl sm;ukd apmixhf ed ;f on/f 42/ (u) Eikd if aH wmof nf rnof nEhf ikd if uH rdk Q pwiuf sL;ausmwf ukd cf ukd jfci;f rjyK? ( c ) Eikd if aH wmtf wiG ;f rnof nEhf ikd if jHcm;wyzf UJG urkd Q wycf sciG rhf jyK/ 43/ rnfonfhjypfrIqdkif&mOya'rQ aemufaMumif;jyeftmPm oufa&mufap&ef jy|me;f ciG hf r&adS p&/ 44/ voYl ud m© nK§d;ErG ;f ao;ord af ponhf jyp'f Pjfy|me;f ciG hf r&adS p&/ 45/ Eikd if aH wmof nf obm0yw0f e;f usiuf kd umu,G xf ed ;f ord ;f apmiahf &mS u&f rn/f
12 46. AConstitutionalTribunalshallbesetuptointerprettheprovisionsoftheConstitution, to scrutinize whether or not laws enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Region Hluttaws and the State Hluttaws and functions of executive authorities of Pyidaungsu, Regions, States and Self-AdministeredAreas are in conformity with the Constitution, to decide on disputes relating to the Constitution between Pyidaungsu and Regions, between Pyidaungsu and States, among Regions, among States, and between Regions or States and Self- AdministeredAreas and among Self-AdministeredAreas themselves, and to perform other duties prescribed in this Constitution. 47. The Basic Principles set forth in this Chapter, and Chapter 8, Citizen, Fundamental Rights, and Duties of the Citizen, the term “Union” means person or body exercising the legislative or executive authority of the Union under this Constitution according as the context may require. 48. TheBasicPrinciplesoftheUnionshallbetheguidanceinenactinglawsbylegislature and in interpreting the provisions of this Constitution and other laws.
12 46/ þzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'yg jy|mef;csufrsm;udk teuft\"dyÜm,fzGifhqdkjcif;? jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmf? wdkif;a'oBuD;vTwfawmfrsm;ESifh jynfe,fvTwfawmfrsm;u jy|me;f onhf Oya'rsm;onvf n;f aumi;f ? jynaf xmipf ?k wikd ;f a'oBu;D rsm;? jynef ,rf sm; EiS hf u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf p&D ipf rk sm;\\ tyk cf sKyrf qI ikd &f mtmPmyikd rf sm;\\ aqmi&f uG cf suf rsm;onfvnf;aumif;? EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;ykHtajccHOya'ESifh nDñGwfrI&Sd?r&Sdpdppfjcif;? jynaf xmipf Ek iS hf wikd ;f a'oBu;D tMum;? jynaf xmipf Ek iS hf jynef ,tf Mum;? wikd ;f a'oBu;D tcsi;f csi;f ? jynef ,tf csi;f csi;f ? wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,Ef iS hf u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf pD&ifpktMum;? udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyfcGifh&pD&ifpktcsif;csif; jzpfay:onfh EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHk tajccOH ya'qikd &f m tjii;f ymG ;rrI sm;ukd Mum;emq;kH jzwjfci;f EiS hf þzUJGpn;f ykH tajccOH ya'u tyfESif;onfh tjcm;wm0efrsm; aqmif&Gufjcif;wdkYudk jyKEdkif&ef EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHk tajccOH ya'qikd &f m c½kH ;kH wp½f ;kH ukd zUJG pn;f &rn/f 47/ þtcef;ygtajccHrlrsm;ESifh tcef;(8)? EdkifiHom;? EdkifiHom;rsm;\\ rlv tciG thf a&;EiS whf m0erf sm; tce;f wiG yf g&adS om ]]Eikd if aH wm}f } qokd nrf mS a&US aemuf pum;&yf wdkY\\ t\"dyÜm,fudkaxmufí þzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya't& Oya'jyKrItcGifhtmPmudk aomfvnf;aumif;? tkyfcsKyfrItcGifhtmPmudkaomfvnf;aumif; usifhoHk;aom tzUJG tpnf; oYkdr[wk f yk*¾Kdvfukdqdkvdkon/f 48/ EdkifiHawmftajccHrlrsm;onf Oya'jyKvTwfawmfrsm;u Oya'jy|mef;&mwGif vnf;aumif;? þzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'ESifh tjcm;Oya'rsm;yg jy|mef;csufrsm;udk oufqdkif&mu teuft\"dyÜm,fzGifhqdk&mwGifvnf;aumif; vdkufem&rnfhvrf;ñTefrsm; jzpof n/f
Chapter II State Structure
tcef; (2) EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;wnfaqmufykH
Chapter II State Structure 49. The Union is delineated and constituted by seven Regions, seven States and the Union territories as follows : (a) Kachin State; (b) Kayah State; (c) Kayin State; (d) Chin State; (e) Sagaing Region; (f) Taninthayi Region; (g) Bago Region; (h) Magway Region; (i) Mandalay Region; (j) Mon State; (k) Rakhine State; (l) Yangon Region; (m) Shan State; (n) Ayeyawady Region; and (o) Union territories. 50. (a) Nay Pyi Taw, the capital of the Union, prescribed as Union territory, shall be under the direct administration of the President.
tcef; (2) EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;wnfaqmufykH 49/ Eikd if aH wmuf kd atmuyf gwikd ;f a'oBu;D (7)c?k jynef ,(f 7)jynef ,Ef iS fh jynaf xmipf k e,af jrrsm;jzifh yikd ;f jcm;owrf wS of nf - (u) ucsijfynef ,?f ( c ) u,m;jynef ,?f ( * ) u&ijfynef ,?f (C) csi;f jynef ,?f ( i ) ppuf ikd ;f wikd ;f a'oBu;D ? ( p ) weomF &wD ikd ;f a'oBu;D ? (q) ycJ ;l wikd ;f a'oBu;D ? ( Z ) rau;G wikd ;f a'oBu;D ? (ps) rEaÅ v;wikd ;f a'oBu;D ? (n) reG jfynef ,?f ( # ) &cikd jfynef ,?f ( X ) &euf ek wf ikd ;f a'oBu;D ? ( ! ) &rS ;f jynef ,?f ( ¡ ) {&m0wwD ikd ;f a'oBu;D EiS fh (P) jynaf xmipf ek ,af jrrsm;/ 50/ (u) EdkifiHawmf\\NrdKUawmfjzpfonhf aejynfawmfudk EdkifiHawmfor®w\\ wdkuf½dkuftkyfcsKyfrIatmufwGifxm;&Sdonhf jynfaxmifpke,fajrtjzpf owrf wS of n?f
14 (b) If there arises a need to specify areas that have special situations concerning national defence, security, administration and economy, so forth, those areas may be prescribed as Union territories under the direct administration of the President after enacting law. 51. The Union is constituted as follows : (a) villages are organized as village-tract; (b) wards are organized as town or township; (c) village-tracts and wards or towns are organized as township; (d) townships are organized as district; (e) districts are organized as Region or State; (f) townships in a Self-Administered Zone are organized as Self-Administered Zone; (g) townships in a Self-Administered Division are organized as District and such Districts are organized as Self-Administered Division; (h) If there are Self-Administrated Zone or Self-Administered Division in a Region or a State, those Self-Administered Divisions, Self-Administered Zones and Districts are organized as Region or State; (i) Regions, States and Union territories are organized as the Republic. 52. (a) If there arises a need to re-delineate the territorial boundary of the Union, the President shall firstly intimate the Head of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw to ask for the opinion of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
14 ( c ) EdkifiHawmf umuG,fa&;? vkHNcKHa&;? tkyfcsKyfa&;? pD;yGm;a&;ponfwdkYESihf pyfvsOf;NyD; xl;jcm;aomtajctae&Sdonhfe,fajrrsm;udk jynfaxmifpk e,af jrtjzpf owrf wS &f evf tkd yvf Qif Oya'jy|me;f Ny;D Eikd if aH wmof rw® \\ wdkuf½dkuftkyfcsKyfrIatmufwGifxm;&Sdonhf jynfaxmifpke,fajrtjzpf owrf wS Ef ikd of n/f 51/ EdkifiHawmfudk atmufygtwkdif; pkpnf;onf - (u) aus;&mG rsm;ukd aus;&mG tyk pf tk jzpf ppk n;f on?f ( c ) &yuf uG rf sm;ukd NrKdU orYkd [wk f NrKdUe,tf jzpf ppk n;f on?f (*) aus;&mG tyk pf Ek iS &fh yuf uG rf sm; orYkd [wk f NrKdUrsm;ukd NrKdUe,tf jzppf pk n;f on?f (C) NrKdUe,rf sm;ukd c½ikd tf jzpf ppk n;f on?f ( i ) c½ikd rf sm;ukd wikd ;f a'oBu;D oUkd r[wk f jynef ,tf jzpf ppk n;f on?f ( p ) u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'owiG f xakd 'otwiG ;f &dS NrKdUe,rf sm;ukd u,kd yf ikd f tyk cf sKycf iG &fh a'otjzpf ppk n;f on?f (q) u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh wikd ;f wiG f xwkd ikd ;f twiG ;f &dS NrKdUe,rf sm;ukd c½ikd tf jzpf ppk n;f Ny;D ,i;f c½ikd rf sm;ukd u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh wikd ;f tjzpf ppk n;f on?f ( Z ) wdkif;a'oBuD;wpfck odkYr[kwf jynfe,fwpfe,fwGif udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyf cGihf&wdkif; odkYr[kwf udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&a'o&Sdygu udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyf cGihf&wdkif;? udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&a'oESihf c½dkifrsm;udk wdkif;a'oBuD; orYkd [wk f jynef ,tf jzpf ppk n;f on?f (ps) wikd ;f a'oBu;D rsm;? jynef ,rf sm;EiS fh jynaf xmipf ek ,af jrrsm;ukd Eikd if aH wmf tjzpf ppk n;f on/f 52/ (u) EdkifiHawmfe,fedrdwfudk jyifqifowfrSwf&ef vdktyfygu EdkifiHawmf orw® onf jynaf xmipf vk wT af wmtf Bu;D trLS ;xH Eikd if aH wmef ,ef rd wd f jyiqf iof wrf wS af &;twuG f jynaf xmipf vk wT af wm\\f oabmxm;ukd &,al y;yg&ef yxrO;D pmG taMumi;f Mum;&rn?f
15 (b) The Head of the Pyidaungsu Htuttaw, after receiving the intimation of the President, shall obtain the opinion of the Hluttaw representatives as follows : (i) assenting votes of more than half of the total number of representatives in the Hluttaw, elected in equal numbers from Regions and States; (ii) assenting votes of more than half of the total number of representatives in the Hluttaw, elected as representatives on the basis of township as well as population; (iii) assenting votes of more than half of the total number of representatives of the two Hluttaws from the Region or State involved in the boundary concerned. (c) The Head of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, after obtaining the assenting votes as mentioned above, shall inform the President for re-delineating the territorial boundary of the Union as necessary. (d) In accord with the above-mentioned procedures, if either of the Hluttaws, or representatives from the Region or State involved in the territorial boundary concerned resolve against re-delineation, the opinion of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall be obtained. If three-fourths and above of the total number of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw representatives cast assenting votes, the Head of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall inform the President to re-delineate the territorial boundary as necessary.
15 ( c ) EdkifiHawmfe,fedrdwf jyifqifowfrSwfa&;twGuf EdkifiHawmfor®w\\ taMumi;f Mum;pm &&odS nthf cg jynaf xmipf vk wT af wmtf Bu;D trLS ;onf atmufygtwdkif; vTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,frsm;\\qE´udk &,l&rnf - (1) wikd ;f a'oBu;D rsm;EiS jfhynef ,rf sm;rS u,kd pf m;v,S Of ;D a&wnl pD mG a&G;aumufwifajr§mufxm;onhf vTwfawmfwGif yg&Sdaom vwT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S rf sm;\\ xu0f uaf usmf axmucf qH Er´ ?J (2) NrdKUe,fudk tajccHívnf;aumif;? vlOD;a&udk tajccHí vnf;aumif; a&G;aumufwifajr§mufxm;onhf vTwfawmfwGif yg&Sdaom udk,fpm;vS,frsm;\\ xuf0ufausmf axmufcHqE´rJ? (3) xvkd wT af wmEf pS &f y&f dS ouqf ikd &f m e,ef rd wd Ef iS tfh usK;H 0iaf om wikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,rf S vwT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S rf sm;\\ xu0f uaf usmf axmucf qH Er´ /J ( * ) txuyf gtwikd ;f axmucf qH Er´ J to;D o;D &&vdS Qif Eikd if aH wmf e,ef rd wd uf kd vtkd yof vkd jyiqf iof wrf wS af y;&ef jynaf xmipf vk wT af wmtf Bu;D trLS ; u Eikd if aH wmof rw® xH taMumi;f Mum;&rn?f (C) txufygowfrSwfxm;aom enf;vrf;rsm;ESihftnD vTwfawmf wpf&yf&yfujzpfap? xdkvTwfawmfESpf&yf&Sd oufqdkif&me,fedrdwfESihf tusKH;0ifaom wdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,frSvTwfawmf ukd,fpm;vS,frsm;ujzpfap e,fedrdwfjyifqifa&;ESihf pyfvsOf;NyD; oabmrwal Mumi;f q;Hk jzwvf Qif jynaf xmipf vk wT af wm\\f oabmxm; udk&,laqmif&Guf&rnf/ jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmf ukd,fpm;vS,f ppk ak ygi;f \\ av;yoHk ;Hk yEHk iS tfh xuuf axmucf vH Qif Eikd if aH wmef ,ef rd wd uf kd vtkd yof vkd jyiqf iof wrf wS af y;&ef jynaf xmipf vk wT af wmtf Bu;D trLS ; u Eikd if aH wmof rw® xH taMumi;f Mum;&rn?f
16 (e) The President shall take necessary measures for re-delineation of the territorial boundary of the Union, as necessary, after obtaining the opinion of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. 53. (a) If there arises a cause to re-delineate the territorial boundary of a Region or a State, the prior consent of the electorate residing within the township concerned shall be obtained. (b) In obtaining consent, re-delineation of the territorial boundary shall not be executed at all in the absence of assenting votes of more than half of the total number of the electorate residing within the township concerned. (c) If more than half of the total number of eligible voters residing within the township concerned cast assenting vote for re-delineation of the territorial boundary, the consent of the Hluttaw representatives of the Region or State involved in the territorial boundary concerned shall be obtained. (d) The President shall re-delineate the territorial boundary of the Region or State concerned with the consent of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, after obtaining the assenting votes of three-fourths and above of the total number of representatives from the Region or the State concerned. (e) The resolution of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall be obtained if a Region Hluttaw or a State Hluttaw concerned decided against re-delineation of the territorial boundary. (f) The President shall, as necessary, re-delineate the territorial boundary of a Region or a State if three-fourths and above of the total number of representatives in the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw assent to the re-delineation of the territorial boundary.
16 ( i ) jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmf\\ oabmxm;udk &&Sdonhftcg EdkifiHawmf e,fedrdwf jyifqifowfrSwfa&;ESifh pyfvsOf;í EdkifiHawmfor®wu vtkd yof vkd aqmi&f uG &f rn/f 53/ (u) wdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,fwpfe,f\\ e,fedrdwfudk jyifqif owrf wS &f ef taMumi;f ay:ayguvf mygu ,i;f e,ef rd wd Ef iS fh tusK;H 0if onhf NrdKUe,ftwGif; aexdkifMuaom qE´rJay;ydkifcGihf&Sdolrsm;\\ qEo´ abmxm;ukd O;D pmG yxr&,&l rn?f ( c ) ,if;odkY&,lonhftcg ,if;NrdKUe,ftwGif; aexdkifMuonhf qE´rJ ay;yikd cf iG &fh odS Ol ;D a& ppk ak ygi;f \\ xu0f uaf usmf axmucf qH Er´ rJ &vQif ,i;f e,ef rd wd f jyiqf iof wrf wS jfci;f ukd aqmi&f uG jfci;f v;Hk 0rjyK&? ( * ) ,i;f NrKdUe,tf wiG ;f aexikd MfuaomqEr´ J ay;yikd cf iG &fh odS Ol ;D a&ppk ak ygi;f \\ xu0f uaf usmuf e,ef rd wd jfyiqf iof iafh Mumi;f axmucf qH Er´ aJ y;vQif ,i;f e,ef rd wd Ef iS fh tusK;H 0iof nfh ouqf ikd &f mwikd ;f a'oBu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,vf wT af wmuf ,kd pf m;v,S rf sm;\\ qE&´ ,&l rn?f (C) oufqdkif&mwdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,f ppk ak ygi;f \\ av;yoHk ;Hk yEHk iS tfh xuf axmucf qH Er´ &J &vdS Qif jynaf xmipf k vwT af wm\\f oabmwnl cD suuf &kd ,Nly;D Eikd if aH wmof rw® u wikd ;f a'o Bu;D orYkd [wk f jynef ,wf pef ,\\f e,ef rd wd uf kd jyiqf iof wrf wS af y;&rn?f ( i ) oufqdkif&mwdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,fvTwfawmf wpf&yf&yfu e,fedrdwfjyifqif&ef oabmrwlaMumif; qkH;jzwfvQif jynfaxmifpk vTwfawmf\\ tqkH;tjzwfudk &,l&rnf? ( p ) jynfaxmifpkvTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,f pkpkaygif;OD;a&\\ av;ykHokH;ykHESihf txufu e,fedrdwfjyifqifoihfaMumif; axmufcHqE´rJay;vQif EdkifiHawmfor®wu wdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,f\\e,fedrdwfudk vtkd yof vkd jyiqf iof wrf wS af y;&rn/f
17 54. Where there arises a situation to alter or form the territorial boundary or change the name of a village, village-tract, ward, town, township or district of a Region, State, Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone concerned, the President shall act, as necessary, upon the recommendation of the Chief Minister of the Region or State concerned. 55. If it is desired to change the name of a Self-Administered Division or Self- Administered Zone, the same procedure shall be applied as in the case of changing the name of a Region or State. 56. The Self-Administered Divisions and Self-Administered Zones are delineated as follows : (a) grouping Leshi, Lahe and Namyun townships in Sagaing Division as Naga Self-Administered Zone; (b) grouping Ywangan and Pindaya townships in Shan State as Danu Self- Administered Zone; (c) grouping HoPong, HsiHseng and Pinlaung townships in Shan State as Pa-O Self-Administered Zone; (d) grouping Namhsan and Manton townships in Shan State as Pa Laung Self- Administered Zone; (e) grouping Konkyan and Laukkai townships in Shan State as Kokang Self- Administered Zone;
17 54/ oufqdkif&mwdkif;a'oBuD;? jynfe,f? udk,fydkiftkyfcsKyfcGihf&wdkif; odkYr[kwf u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'otwiG ;f ü&adS om aus;&mG ? aus;&mG tyk pf ?k &yuf uG ?f NrKdU? NrKdUe,f odkYr[kwf c½dkife,fedrdwfrsm; jyifqif&ef? zGJUpnf;&ef odkYr[kwf trnfajymif;vJ&ef ay:aygufvQif oufqdkif&m wdkif;a'oBuD; odkYr[kwf jynfe,f0efBuD;csKyfu Eikd if aH wmof rw® xH axmucf wH ijfyNy;D Eikd if aH wmof rw® u vtkd yof vkd aqmi&f uG af y; &rn/f 55/ u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh wikd ;f wpcf ck \\k trnuf jkdzpaf p? u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'o wpcf ck \\k trnuf jkdzpaf p ajymi;f voJ wrf wS vf vkd Qif wikd ;f a'oBu;D wpcf ck \\k trnuf kd jzpaf p? jynef ,wf pef ,ef ,\\f trnuf jkdzpaf p ajymi;f voJ wrf wS of nfh en;f vr;f twikd ;f ajymi;f voJ wrf wS &f rn/f 56/ u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf widk ;f EiS hf u,dk yf idk tf yk cf sKycf iG &hf a'orsm;udk atmuyf gtwidk ;f owfrSwfonf - (u) ppfudkif;wdkif;&Sd av&SD;NrdKUe,f? v[,fNrdKUe,fESihf eef;,Gef;NrdKUe,fwdkYudk ppk n;f Ny;D em*u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'o? ( c ) &Srf;jynfe,f&Sd &GmiHNrdKUe,fESihf yif;w,NrdKUe,fwdkYudk pkpnf;NyD; \"Euk ,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'o? ( * ) &Srf;jynfe,f&Sd [kdykef;NrdKUe,f? qDqdkifNrdKUe,fESihf yifavmif;NrdKUe,fwdkYudk ppk n;f Ny;D yt0kd ;f u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'o? (C) &Srf;jynfe,f&Sd erhfqefNrdKUe,fESihf refwkHNrdKUe,fwdkYudk pkpnf;NyD; yavmif u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'o? ( i ) &Srf;jynfe,f&Sd ukef;Murf;NrdKUe,fESihf avmufudkifNrdKUe,fwdkYudk pkpnf;NyD; u;kd ueuYf ,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh a'o?
18 (f) grouping six townships – Hopang, Mongma, Panwai, Nahpan, Metman and Pangsang (Pankham) townships in Shan State as two districts which are forged into ‘Wa’Self-Administered Division.
18 ( p ) &rS ;f jynef ,&f dS [ykd eNfrKdUe,?f rikd ;f armNrKdUe,?f ye0f ikd NfrKdUe,?f em;ze;f NrKdUe,?f rufref;NrdKUe,fESihf yefqef;(yef;crf;)NrdKUe,f ajcmufNrdKUe,f wdkYudk c½dkif EpS cf ½ikd zf UJG Ny;D ]]0}} u,kd yf ikd tf yk cf sKycf iG &fh wikd ;f /
Chapter III Head of State
tcef; (3) EdkifiHawmf tBuD;tuJ
Chapter III The President and Vice-Presidents 57. The President and Vice-Presidents represent the Union. 58. The President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar takes precedence over all other persons throughout the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. 59. Qualifications of the President and Vice-Presidents are as follows : (a) shall be loyal to the Union and its citizens; (b) shall be a citizen of Myanmar who was born of both parents who were born in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Union and being Myanmar Nationals; (c) shall be an elected person who has attained at least the age of 45; (d) shall be well acquainted with the affairs of the Union such as political, administrative, economic and military; (e) shall be a person who has resided continuously in the Union for at least 20 years up to the time of his election as President; Proviso:An official period of stay in a foreign country with the permission of the Union shall be counted as a residing period in the Union; (f) shall he himself, one of the parents, the spouse, one of the legitimate children or their spouses not owe allegiance to a foreign power, not be subject of a
tcef; (3) EdkifiHawmfor®wESifh 'kwd,or®wrsm; 57/ Eikd if aH wmof rw® EiS hf 'wk ,d orw® rsm;onf Eikd if aH wmuf kd u,kd pf m;jyKon/f 58/ EdkifiHawmfor®wonf jynfaxmifpkor®wjrefrmEdkifiHawmf wpf0ef;vkH;wGif Eikd if oH m;tm;v;Hk \\ txwG tf xyd af e&m &&odS n/f 59/ Eikd if aH wmof rw® EiS fh 'wk ,d orw® rsm;\\ t&ntf csi;f rsm;rmS atmuyf gtwikd ;f jzpof nf - (u) Eikd if aH wmEf iS fh Eikd if oH m;rsm;tay: opmö &odS l jzp&f rn?f ( c ) rdrdESihfrdrd\\rdbESpfyg;vkH; EdkifiHawmf\\tmPm ydkifeuftwGif;ü ar;G zmG ;aom wikd ;f &i;f om;rjSzpof nfh jrerf mEikd if oH m; jzp&f rn?f ( * ) a&;G cs,wf iaf jrm§ ujfci;f c&H ool nf ten;f q;Hk touf 45 EpS jfynNhfy;D ol jzp&f rn?f (C) EdkifiHawmfta&;t&mrsm;jzpfaom EdkifiHa&;? tkyfcsKyfa&;? pD;yGm;a&;? ppaf &;ponfh tjrirf sm;&&dS rn?f ( i ) or®wtjzpf a&G;cs,fwifajr§mufcH&onhf tcsdefESihfwpfqufwnf; ten;f q;Hk tEpS f 20 Eikd if aH wmwf iG f tajccsaexikd cf ohJ jlzp&f rn?f >ci;f csu/f Eikd if aH wm\\f ciG jhfyKcsujfzihf Eikd if jHcm;oYkd w&m;0iof mG ;a&muof nhf umvrsm;uvkd n;f Eikd if aH wmwf iG f tajccsaexikd cf ohJ nhf umv tjzpf xnohf iG ;f a&wuG &f rn/f ( p ) rrd ud ,kd wf ikd af omvf n;f aumi;f ? rrd \\d rbd wpyf g;yg; aomvf n;f aumi;f ? rdrd\\ZeD; odkYr[kwf cifyGef;aomfvnf;aumif;? rdrd\\ w&m;0if om;or;D wpOf ;D O;D aomvf n;f aumi;f ? xwkd &m;0iof m;or;D wpOf ;D O;D \\ Ze;D
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